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“Please use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases”
请使用《 IMO标准航海通信用语》
“ I will use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases”
我将使用《 IMO标准航海通信用语》
2、拼读( spelling)
2.1 字母拼读spelling of letters
Letter Code Letter Code Letter Code
A Alfa J Juliet S Sierra
B Bravo K Kilo T Tango
C Charlie L Lima U Uniform
D Delta M Mike V Victor
E Echo N November W Whiskey
F Foxtrot O Oscar X X-ray
G Golf P Papa Y Yankee
H Hotel Q Quebec Z Zulu
I India R Romeo
2.2 数字拼读spelling of numbers
数字拼读发音数字拼读发音Number Spelling Pronunciation Number Spelling Pronunciation 0Zero ZEERO6Six SIX
1One WUN7Seven SEVEV 2Two TOO8Eight AIT
3Three TREE9Nine NINER
4Four FOWER1000thousand TOUSAND 5five FIFE
3、遇险 / 紧急 / 安全信文
150应读作:“一五零”;“ One-five-zero”
2.5应读作:“二点五”“ Two decimal five” or“ Two point five”
弃船Abandon vessel
水面高度Air draft
风向逆转Backing( of wind)
盲区Blind sector
登轮船速Boarding speed
倾覆Capsize (to)
方位浮标Cardinal buoy
基点( 罗经点 )Cardinal points
限于吃水的船舶Vessel constrained by her draft 航向Course
推算航迹向Course made good
原油洗舱COWCrude Oil Washing
最近会遇点 / 最近会遇时间CPA/TCPA
破损控制队Damage control team
吃水Draught or draft
走锚Dragging (of anchor)
拖锚Dredging (of anchor )
进水Flooding海水不受控制地大量涌入船舶缠锚Foul (of anchor)
缠螺旋桨Foul (of propeller)
让路Give away
操纵能力受到限制的船Hampered vessel
初始航向Initial course
抛弃货物Jettison (to) (of cargo)
进水Make water to
应变部署表Muster list
失控Not under command
受限区域Restricted area
点名Roll call
安全航速Safe speed
货物隔票Segregation (of goods)
货物横移Shifting cargo
风向顺转Veering (of winds)
锚松出Veer out (to) (of anchor)
I am/MV on fire( after explosion).我船 /轮(在爆炸后)失火。
Where is the fire? Fire is on deck
in engine-room
in holds 哪里失火?甲板
in superstructure/accommodation/上层建筑/ 起居处所/ Are dangerous goods on fire?危险货物是否失火。
Yes, dangerous goods are on fire.是的,危险货物失火。
No, dangerous goods are not on fire.不,危险货物没有失火Is there danger of explosion?是否有爆炸危险?
Yes, danger of explosion.是,有爆炸危险。
No danger of explosion.没有爆炸危险
I am/MV not under control.我船 / 轮失控
Is the fire under control?火势是否得到控制?Yes, fire is under control.是的,火势已得到控制。
No, fire is not under control.不,火势未能得到控制。
What kind of assistant is required?你需要什么帮助?
I do not/MVdoes not require assistance.我船 / 轮不需要帮助。
I require/MVrequires fire fighting assistance.我船 / 轮需要消防援助。
Breathing apparatus-smoke is toxic.呼吸器-烟有毒。
Foam extinguishers/CO2 extinguishers泡沫灭火器 / CO2灭火器。
Fire pumps消防泵。
Medical assistance/.医疗援助 / 。
进水 flooding
I am/MV is flooding below water line我船 / 轮水线下进水。
In the engine room~机舱~
In the holds~货舱~
I /MV cannot control flooding.我船 / 轮不能控制进水。
What kind of assistant is required?你需要什么帮助?
I require/MVrequires pumps/divers/.我船 / 轮需要水泵 / 潜水员/ 。
I will send pumps/divers/.我将送出水泵 / 潜水员 / 。
I cannot send pumps/divers/.我不能送出水泵/ 潜水员
I have/MV has dangerous list to port side/starboard.我船/轮有危险的左 / 右倾。
I am/MV in critical condition.我船/轮处于危急状况中。
Flooding is under control.进水得到控制。
I /MV can proceed without assistance,没有援助我船 / 轮能继续航行。
I require/MVrequires escort/tug assistance/. 我船 / 轮需要护航/ 拖轮协助/ 。
碰撞 collision
I have/MV has collided with MV我 / 轮与轮发生碰撞。
Unknown vessel/object/.~与不明船舶 / 物体 / 发生碰撞。
( name ) light vessel.~与(名称)灯船发生碰撞。
Seamark (charted name)~与(海图所标名称)海上标志发生碰撞。
Iceberg/.~与冰山 / 发生碰撞。
Report damage.报告损坏情况。
I have/MV has damage above/below water line.我船 / 轮水线以上/ 以下有损坏。
I am/MV not under command.我船 / 轮失控。
I /MV cannot establish damage.我船 / 轮不能确定损坏。
I /MV cannot repair damage.我船 / 轮不能修理损坏。
I /MV can only proceed at slow speed.我船 / 轮只能慢速航进。
What kind of assistant is required?你需要什么帮助?
I require/MV requires escort/tug assistance/.我船 / 轮需要护航 / 拖轮协助 / 。
搁浅 Grounding
I am/MV aground我船 / 轮搁浅。
What part of your vessel is aground?你船哪部分搁浅?
Aground forward/amidships/aft/full length.船首/船中/船尾/全船
I cannot establish which part is aground.我不能确定哪部分搁浅。
I /MV will jettison cargo to refloat.我船 / 轮将抛弃货物以脱浅。
Warning! Do not jettison IMO-Class cargo.警告!不能抛弃 IMO危险货物!
When do you/does MV expect to refloat?你船 / 轮预计何时可以脱浅?
I expect/MV expects to refloat at UTC.我船 / 轮预计在 UTC 脱浅。
~ when tide rises.~在涨潮时脱浅。
~when weather improves.~在天气好转时脱浅。
~when draft decreases.~在吃水减少时脱浅。
~when tug assistance.~在拖轮协助下脱浅。
Can you/MV beach?你船 /轮能抢滩吗?
I /MV can/will beach in position.我船 / 轮将在处抢滩。
I /MV cannot beach.我船 / 轮不能抢滩。
横倾-倾覆的危险List-danger of capsizing
I have/MV has dangerous list to port/starboard.我船/轮有危险的左/右倾。
I/MV transfer cargo/bunkers to stop listing.我船/轮将转移货物/ 燃料以制止横倾。
~ jettison cargo to stop listing~抛弃货物以制止横倾。
I am/MV in danger of capsizing(listing increasing).我船 /轮有倾覆的危险。
I am/MV sinking after collision/grounding/flooding/explosion/.
我船 /轮在碰撞/ 搁浅/进水/爆炸 /之后正在下沉。
丧失航行能力和漂移Disabled and adrift.
I am/MV adrift.我船 / 轮在漂移。
~ drifting at knots to(cardinal points).~正在以节的速度向
~ drifting into danger.~正在漂向危险中。
武装袭击 / 海盗Armed attack /piracy
I am/MV under attack by pirates.我船/轮被海盗袭击。
弃船Abandoning vessel
I/crew of MV must abandon vessel after explosion/collision/grounding/flooding/ piracy/armed attack/.
在爆炸 / 碰撞 / 搁浅 / 进水 / 被海盗抢劫 / 被武装袭击 / 之后我船 / 轮的船员必须弃船。
人员落水Person overboard
I have/MV has lost persons overboard in position.我船/轮有人落水,位置在
All vessels in vicinity of position keep sharp lookout and report to.在附近的所有船舶保持严密了望并向报告。
Search in vicinity of position.在位置附近搜寻。
What is the result of search?搜寻结果如何?
The result of search is negative.搜寻没有结果。
I/MV located/picked up persons in position我船 / 轮在位置找到/ 救捞起落水人员。
Person picked up is crew/member/passenger of MV被救捞的人员是轮的船
员/ 人员 / 旅客。
What is condition of persons?落水人员的情况怎样?
Condition of person bad/good.落水人员的情况不好/ 良好。
Person dead.落水人员已死亡。
搜救通信SAR communications
What is your MMSI number?你的船舶识别码是什么?
My MMSI number is我的船舶识别码是。
What is your present course and speed?你现在的航向和速度是多少?
My present course degrees, my speed knots.我现在的航向度,速
Is your EPIRB/SART transmitting?你的 EPIRB/SART正在发射吗?
Yes, my EPIRB/SART transmitting.是的,我的 EPIRB/SART正在发射
Yes, my EPIRB/SART transmitting by mistake.是的,我的 EPIRB/SART正在误发射。
Did you transmit a DSC distress alert?你发过 DSC遇险警报吗?
Yes, I transmitted a DSC alert.是的,我发过 DSC遇险警报。
Yes, I transmitted a DSC alert by mistake.是的,我误发过 DSC遇险警报。
What is the weather situation in your position?你处的天气情况怎样?Wind (Cardinal points)force Beaufort风向 ( 罗经点 ) ,浦氏风力级。
Visibility good/moderate/poor.能见度好 / 中/ 差。
Smooth/moderate/rough/highsea/slight/moderate/heavy swell (Cardinal points).
小/中/ 大/ 狂浪/ 轻/ 中/ 狂涌 (罗经点 )
Current knots, to(Cardinal points)流节,流向 ( 罗经点 ) 。
搜救信文的确认和/ 或转发Acknowledgement and/or relay of SAR messages Received MAYDAY from MV at UTC on VHF Channel/frequency
于 UTC在 VHF频道 / 频率收到轮的MAYDAY。
技术故障Technical failure
What problems do you have/does MV have?你船/轮有什么问题?
I have/MV has problems with engine/steering gear/propeller/.
我船 / 轮的主机 / 舵机 / 推进器 / 有问题。
I am/MV is manoeuvring with difficulty.我船/轮操纵有困难。
I have/MV has lost dangerous goods of IMO Class in position
我船 / 轮在位置丢失IMO类危险品。
I am/MV is spilling dangerous goods of IMO Class in position
我船 / 轮在位置散落IMO类危险品。
I am/MV is spilling Crude oil/in position我船/轮在位置溢
I am/MV is dangerous source of radiation.我船/轮有危险辐射源。
A1/3 安全通信Safety communications
A1/3.1 气象和水文状况Meteorological and hydrological conditions
Winds 风, Storms暴风雨, tropical storms热带风暴,sea state海况。
What is wind direction and force in your position/in position?
你处 / 处的风力、风向怎样?
Wind direction(cardinal points),force Beaufort in my position/in position.
我处 / 处的风向为(罗经点), 风力为(浦氏)级。
What is the atmosphere pressure in your position/in position
你处 / 处的气压是多少?
The atmosphere pressure in your position/in position is millibars/hecto pascals
你处 /处的气压为毫巴/ 百帕。
What is the barometric change in your position /in position?
你处 / 处的气压变化怎样?
The barometer is steady/dropping (rapidly)/rising (rapidly).
气压计稳定/ (急速)下降/ (急速)上升。
What is sea state in your position/in position?
你处 /处的海况怎样?
The smooth/moderate/rough/high sea/slight/moderate/heavy swell in my position /in position is metres from(cardinal points).
我处 / 处的小 / 中/ 大/ 狂浪 / 轻 / 中 / 狂涌,高米,来自(罗经点)。
3.1.2能见度受限制Restricted visibility
What is visibility in your position/in position?你处/ 处的能见度怎样?
Visibility in my position /in position is metres/nautical miles.
我处 /处的能见度为米/ 海里。
Visibility is restricted by mist/fog/snow/dust/rain.
霾/ 雾/ 雪/ 尘埃 / 雨限制了能见度。
A1/6.1获取和提供常规交通信息Acquiring and providing routine traffic data
What is the name of your vessel and call sign/identification? /?
The name of my vessel is call sign/identification /
Spell the name of your vessel.
What is your flag state?
My flag state is
What is your position?
My position is
What is your present course and speed?
My present course is my speed is knots.
From what direction are you approaching?
I am approaching from
What is your port of destination/ destination?/
My port of destination/destination is/ What is your last port of call?
My last port of call is
What is your ETA in position?
What is your ETD from?你预计离开处的时间是几点?
My ETD from is UTC.我预计离开处的时间是 UTC点。
What is you draft forward/aft?你的前 / 后吃水是多少?
My draft forward/aft is metres.我的前 / 后吃水是米。
What is your present maximum draft?你现在的最大吃水是多少?
My present maximum draft is meters.我现在的最大吃水是米。
What is your freeboard?你的干舷是多少?
My freeboard is meters.我的干舷是米。
What is your air draft?你的水面高度是多少?
My air draft is meters.我的水面高度是米。
Are you under way?你船在航吗?
Yes, I am underway.是的,我船在航。
No, I am not underway.不,我船不在航。
I am ready to get underway.我已经做好在航准备。
What is your full speed/full manoeuvring speed?你的全速 / 最大操纵速度是多少?
My full speed/full manoeuvring speed is.我的全速/ 最大操纵速度
What is your cargo?你船装的什么货物?
My cargo is我船装的是。
Do you carry any dangerous goods?你是否装有危险货物?
Yes, I carry the following dangerous goods:kilograms/tones IMO Class
是的,我装有公斤 / 吨 IMO类危险货物。
No, I do not carry any dangerous goods.我船没有危险货物。
Do you have any deficiencies/restrictions?你船有什么缺陷 / 限制吗?No, I have no deficiencies/restrictions.不,我船没有缺陷 / 限制。
Yes, I have the following deficiencies/restrictions:是的,我船有下述缺陷 / 限制:
I am /MVis constrained by draft.我船 / 轮受吃水限制。
The maximum permitted draft is meters.最大允许吃水是米。
Do you have any list?你有横倾吗?
Yes, I have a list to port/starboard of degrees. 是的,我船左/ 右倾度。
No, I have no list.不,我没有横倾。
Are you on even keel?你是平吃水吗?
Yes, I am on even keel.是的,我是平吃水。
No , I am trimmed by the head/stern.不,我有首倾 / 尾倾。