Instead grammar should be acquired inductively by inducing the rules of how the language behaves from the actual language itself. "Never tell the children anything they can find out for themselves." (Jespesen 1904)
Questions for consideration
1. Compare the GTM and DM. 2. There are some problems with the
DM, can you find out some remedies? 3. Is the 1st language learning process
Howatt (1984) called Gouin and those like him “individual reformers ”They were inspired individual working alone. (Johnson and Johnson, 2001: 169)
Sweet’s 1899 book, The Practical Study of Languages was highly influential in the development or 20th century language teaching methods and was reprinted in 1964.
The principal figures, all phoneticians, were, besides Welhelm Vietor (German), Paul Passy, Otto Jespersen (Danish) and Henry Sweet(British). Reform, of phonetic and other natural methods emerged, often considered the variants of the DIRECT METHOD. (Johnson and Johnson, 2001: 272)