FDA 对三聚氰胺安全风险评估
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2.测定程序2.1.方法依据:GB/T 2388-2008《原料乳与乳制品中三聚氰安检测方法》2.2.样品提取称取3g(精确至0.01g)试样于50mL具塞塑料离心管,加入15mL三氯乙酸溶液和5mL 乙腈,超声提取10min,再振荡提取10min后,以不低于4000r/min离心10min。
2.3.净化将待净化液转移至固相萃取柱(BESEP HR-XC)中。
2.4.液相色谱条件a)C18柱,250m m×4.6mm×5umb)离子对试剂缓冲溶液-乙腈(88+12,体积比)。
具体配制过程见下表:表1 标准工作液配制过程标准工作液浓度(ug/mL )稀释过程吸取液浓度(ug/mL ) 吸取量(mL )定容体积(mL )80 464 1.725 10 40 80 5 10 20 80 2.5 10 2 80 0.25 10 0.8800.1103. 建立数学模型试样中三聚氰胺结果计算公式如下:fm V C X ⨯⨯⨯⨯=10001000式中:X ——试样中三聚氰胺的含量,单位是毫克每千克(mg/kg ); C ——样液在标准曲线所读的浓度值; V ——样液最终定容体积,单位为mL ; m ——试样的质量,单位为克(g ); f ——稀释倍数。
三聚氰胺的毒理学研究进展三聚氰胺(Melamine)又名蜜胺,氰尿三酰胺,三聚氰酰胺,由德国化学家Justus von Liebig 于1834年首次合成,是一种用途广泛的基本有机化工中间产品,目前最主要的用途是作为生产三聚氰胺/甲醛树脂(MF)的原料,普遍应用于建材、灭火剂、纺织、皮革、造纸等行业,也常作为生产塑料食品包装材料的单体和助剂,还可以作为合成药物的中间体或药物载体的原料。
2007年3月16日,因美国发生4000多起猫、狗等宠物食品中毒引发肾脏损害的事件,加拿大Menu食品公司生产的6亿多个包装的宠物食品被美国食品药品管理局(US FDA)紧急召回,调查确认此次事件与部分从中国进口的动物饲料原料——小麦蛋白粉和大米蛋白粉中三聚氰胺的污染有关。
三聚氰胺毒理学安全性评估张晓鹏李宁(中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所,北京,100050)摘要: 对三聚氰胺的毒理学安全性资料包括代谢、急性毒性、遗传毒性、亚慢性毒性、慢性毒性和致癌性、人群可能暴露水平、危险性进行评估进行了综述。
1. 理化性质三聚氰胺[1](CAS No.108-78-1),英文名melamine,别名2,4,6-三氨基均三嗪(2,4,6-triamino symtriazine);分子式C3H6N6,分子量126.12,为白色、单斜晶体;密度为1574 kg/m3,熔点350℃,蒸汽压4.7 x 10-8 Pa (20℃);它在水中的溶解度为3.1 g/L (20℃),微溶于乙二醇、甘油、乙醇,不溶于乙醚、苯;280℃以上发生分解,不易燃易爆;无生物蓄积性,易降解。
2. 代谢三聚氰胺在大鼠体内不参与任何形式的代谢或者说呈惰性状态。
14C标记的三聚氰胺进入Fischer 344大鼠体内后主要分布于血液、肝脏、肾和膀胱等器官,只有肾和膀胱中14C浓度高于血浆,膀胱中最高;血浆中三聚氰胺的半衰期为2.7h,尿液排出三聚氰胺的半衰期为3h,24h内几乎全部从尿液排出,组织内也无残留;呼吸和粪便未检测到14C[2]。
3. 毒性3.1环境生态毒性:3.1.1急性毒性鱼[3]:高体雅罗鱼48小时半数致死浓度(LC50,48h)> 500 mg/L;青鳉鱼LC50,48h = 1000 mg/L;孔雀鱼96小时半数致死浓度(LC50,96h)> 3000 mg/L;孔雀鱼96小时10%致死浓度(LC10,96h)> 4400 mg/L。
1. 三聚氰胺的结构与性质三聚氰胺分子式为C3N3(NH2)3,结构中有三个氮原子和六个氢原子,氮原子和氢原子的比例为1:3,与蛋白质中氮氢比相同。
2. 三聚氰胺的制备方法三聚氰胺的制备方法主要有两种:一是通过尿素或甲酰胺高温分解得到;二是通过丙烯腈或乙撑亚胺反应得到。
3. 三聚氰胺的应用领域三聚氰胺在工业和日常生活中有着广泛的应用。
以下是一些可能引起的健康问题:1. 过敏反应:有些人对三聚氰胺过敏,会出现皮肤瘙痒、皮疹等症状。
2. 眼部刺激:三聚氰胺对眼睛有一定的刺激作用,会引起流泪、疼痛等症状。
3. 毒性作用:三聚氰胺是一种有毒的化合物,对肝脏、肾脏、神经系统等都有一定的毒性作用。
4. 致癌性:三聚氰胺已经被证明具有致癌性,可以导致膀胱癌、肝癌等疾病的发生。
/~dms/melamra4.htmlInfants may be more sensitive than adults to exposures because, for example, infant formula is the sole source of nutrition, exposure continues for up to 12 months, and renal function may be more immature compared to adults. This raises a high degree of uncertainty with regard to the determination of safety/risk. Given these conditions, FDA has applied an additional 10-fold safety factor, yielding a combined safety factor of 1000-fold, to compensate for these uncertainties. This results in a TDI/10 of 0.063 mg melamine/kg-bw/d.The next step is to convert from a dose of 0.063 mg/kg bw/d to total melamine consumed per day.0.063 mg/kg-bw/d x 3 kg/infant = 0.189 mg melamine/infant/day.To estimate the level of melamine that does not raise public health concerns, FDA used a worst case exposure scenario in which all of an infant’s total daily dietary intake (typically 0.15 kg powdered infant formula) is contaminated with melamine. The previously determined (see above) total amount of melamine/infant/day:0.189 mg/infant/day divided by 0.15 kg of food = the food contamination level that would provide this amount of melamine to a 3 kg infant per day. Thus, 0.189 mg melamine divided by 0.15 kg of food = 1.26 mg melamine/kg food.Therefore, if 100% of the diet were contaminated at a level of 1.26 ppm of melamine, an infant’s daily intake would equal 0.063 mg/kg bw/d. This value of 1.26 ppm is rounded down to 1.0 ppm melamine to provide an additional margin of safety.The safety/risk assessment assumes the analogues to have equal effect. Thus, levels of melamine or one of its analogues alone below 1.0 ppm in infant formula do not raise public health concerns.FDA is continuing to sponsor and conduct animal studies to assess the potential toxicity from co-ingestion of melamine and cyanuric acid. As this ongoing research is completed, FDA will updateits interim safety/risk assessment for melamine and its analogues, as appropriate.。
环境风险评价概论学院:环境与化学工程学院班级: 11级环境科学02班学号: 41104060231姓名:刘倩三聚氰胺的危害1.三聚氰胺对人体的毒性由于三聚氰胺为常见的化工产品,故以前多作为职业暴露进行分析。
2.三聚氰胺对动物的毒性三聚氰胺对哺乳动物低毒:大鼠连续 2 h 吸入三聚氰胺粉尘200 mg/m3,未见中毒症状。
大鼠吸入三聚氰胺粉尘100~380 mg/m3,2次/天,6 次/周,连续4个月以上,出现体重增加迟滞、中枢神经系统及肾功能紊乱、肺内炎性改变等,长时间反复接触可对肾脏造成损伤,对眼及皮肤无刺激作用。
三聚氰胺的急性毒性:三聚氰胺对老鼠的半数致死量为3 248 mg/kg,对兔子的半数致死量为每千克 1 000 mg/kg。
供稿单位: 江苏局/泰州局/动植检科/ | 时间:2009-07-23 10:55:44 | 被点击:
智利近日发出G/SPS/N/CHL/300号通报,智利农畜局(SAG)针对进口中国甜橙(Citrus sinensis)及蜜橘(Cit?鄄rus reticulata)繁殖材料制定植物卫生要求。
性包装以降低感染风险 [J],
2.美国FDA要求对用于睡眠障碍治疗的所有药品说明书进行更改 [J], 马坤;王庆
3.01004 敦促FDA制订已有药品/器械组合产品更好的指南 [J], 郑晶心
4.美国FDA加强对养殖水产品药品残留量的检验 [J],
5.FDA着手进行非专利生物技术药品等同_陛判断 [J], 谷本佐理名
1.国家质检总局、国家标准委发布《原料乳与乳制品中三聚氰胺检测方法》国家标准 [J],
2.国家质检总局、国家标准委发布《原料乳与乳制品中三聚氰胺检测方法》国家标准 [J], 无
国家标准 [J],
4.卫生部:乳品安全标准中不设置三聚氰胺相关规定 [J],
5.国家质检总局、国家标准委批准发布《原料乳中三聚氰胺快速检测液相色谱法》国家标准 [J],
See November 28, 2008 UpdateInterim Safety and Risk AssessmentofMelamine and its Analogues in Foodfor Humans aBACKGROUNDOn September 11, 2008, FDA learned that melamine may be contained in an infant formula manufactured by a firm in China. As of September 21, 2008, FDA learned that a total of 52,857 cases of nephrolithiasis (and, in some instances, renal failure) had been reported in China linked to consumption of this contaminated powdered formula. There have been approximately 13,000 hospitalizations, and at least 3 deaths have been confirmed to date. The vast majority of illnesses involved children under the age of 3 years (82% < 2 years; 17% 2-3 years; 0.8% > 3 years; and no cases involved adults). The results of an investigation conducted in China indicated that Chinese-produced powdered infant formula was linked to these illnesses; no cases were associated with liquid infant formula. An investigation of powdered formulas was conducted nationally by China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and revealed contamination of powdered formulas produced by 22 companies. Test results conducted in China on samples of the powdered infant formula showed that they contained a wide range of concentrations (0.1 ppm to greater than 2,500 ppm melamine). In addition, other countries have reported detection of melamine in other product categories, such as confections and beverages. We note that there are generally available analytical methods that can reliably detect a level of 1 ppm melamine in some food matrices.Illnesses were reported in different regions of China, including Ganzu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Jiangsu, Henan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Shandong, Anhui and Hunan. A press release from the Ganzu Health Bureau on September 11, 2008 stated that during the first half of 2008, one hospital in Ganzu treated 16 infants who had kidney stones. The 16 infants varied in age from 5 months to 11 months; some of the cases reportedly developed renal insufficiency. In a record review conducted for the period 2006 to the present, hospitals in Ganzu identified a total of 59 cases of kidney stonesin infants, including 1 infant who died. The cases were located in 24 Ganzu counties and most of the cases were from rural areas. All of the cases occurred in 2008; none were identified in 2006 and 2007. Medical authorities in China indicated that there were 14 cases in which information was available regarding the composition of kidney stones. Twelve of these cases had stones reportedly composed of dihydrate uric acid and urine ammonium. Stones of this composition were reportedly visualized by ultrasound and CT scan, but not by routine x-ray, indicating that some cases may have not been diagnosed.Melamine, in its chainlike "polymerized" form, has been used for decades in manufacturing of dishes, plastic resins, flame-retardant fibers, components of paper and paperboard and industrial coatings. It has only very limited exposure in foods from these food contact substance uses. The estimated level of melamine in food resulting from all of these uses is less than 15 µg/kg (0.015 ppm). Additionally, trichloromelamine is approved for use as a sanitizing agent on food processing equipment and utensils, except for milk containers and equipment. Trichloromelamine readily decomposes to melamine during its use as a sanitizer. Only very low levels of melamine in food would be expected to result from this use. There is no approved melamine use in direct addition to human or animal food in the U.S., nor is it permitted to be used as a fertilizer in the U.S., as it is in some parts of the world.TOXICOLOGICAL STUDY RESULTSThe observed toxic effects of melamine alone in animals in controlled studies occur only following high-dose exposures. All information thus far indicates that melamine appears to be metabolically inactive or inert (i.e., it does not readily undergo any type of metabolic change). This information supports a reasonable probability that all species eliminate the originally ingested substance, melamine or its analogues, and not a metabolite. Some species excrete melamine more slowly than other species. For example, fish excrete melamine more slowly than rodents. In addition, whether adverse effects are observed in some species and not others may vary depending on the level of exposure and which melamine analogues are present. Additionally, one of the bases for differential toxicity to these substances is species-specific rates of elimination.Melamine and its analogues - cyanuric acid, ammelide and ammeline - are assumed to be of equal potency and are referred to collectively below as melamine-analogues. Since there is limited information about the toxicity or pathology of the analogues compared to melamine, it is deemed prudent to make an assumption that these analogues have equaleffects. There is evidence available now that when these melamine analogues, especially cyanuric acid, are available in the kidney simultaneously they can combine to cause renal pathology (see discussion below). The actual extent of renal injury associated with different melamine analogues and the relative concentrations leading to toxicity is under experimental study now.Preliminary work suggests that lattice crystals composed of melamine and cyanuric acid, and possibly other substances, form in the kidney. This has been shown to take place at various dose levels and is a threshold- and concentration-dependent phenomenon that would not be relevant to low levels of exposure to single melamine-type compounds. The combination of melamine and cyanuric acid has been linked to acute renal failure in cats and dogs. Crystals from cats that died from pet food containing melamine and cyanuric acid were comprised of melamine combined with cyanuric acid.1, 2Melamine-cyanurate crystals have been shown to develop in mice, pigs, cats and fish kidneys when dosed with the combination of both melamine and cyanuric acid.2-4The crystals that form in the pigs and fish are identical to those seen in cats. The crystals are a lattice of six molecules -- three of melamine and three of cyanuric acid -- held together by hydrogen bonds.In mammals, the toxicity of melamine alone is low, with a half-life of approximately three to four hours. Available publications report theis the amount that kills most sensitive value for oral 50% lethal dose (LD50one-half of the tested animals) is 3,161 mg/kg bw/d in rats.5, 6 The most recently reported no-observed-adverse-effect-levels (NOAELs) are 63 mg/kg bw/d (13 weeks, oral with feed, in rats); 240 mg/kg bw/d (28 days, oral with feed, in rats); 417 mg/kg bw/d (14 days, oral with feed, in rats); and 1,600 mg/kg bw/d (13 weeks, oral with feed, in mice).6 In addition, the most sensitive calculated NOAELs for oral reproductive and developmental toxicity in rats are 400 mg/kg bw/d (maternal) and 1,060 mg/kg bw/d (fetal), respectively.5, 6 The most commonly observed toxic effects in animal experiments where melamine was administered orally include: reduced food consumption, body weight loss, bladder stones, crystalluria, epithelial hyperplasia of urinary bladder, and lowered survival rate. However, no kidney failure or clinical symptoms of kidney failure were observed from these studies, or in a dog study.7, 8 Additional findings include:Only one oral long-term dog study has been reported. Apart from crystalluria (excretion of crystals in the urine) in thatstudy, no other toxic effects were observed in dogs fed 1,200mg/kg bw/d for one year.5, 7 A short term oral study in catsdosed with melamine alone, cyanuric acid alone or both melamineand cyanuric acid in combination found no clinical pathologyin cats treated with the compounds singly. Crystals formed inthe kidneys of cats exposed to both compounds (64 mg/kg bw/d,total) composed of 32 mg/kg bw/d of each compound.4 No studieswith human subjects have been reported for melamine, but thereare limited data on oral cyanuric acid exposure.9∙Histopathological reports on pets that consumedmelamine-contaminated pet food in 2007 indicate thatintratubular crystal obstruction is the mechanism of renalfailure. There is accumulating experimental evidence thatingestion of food contaminated with melamine and cyanuric acidleads to crystal formation in the kidney and subsequent kidneyfailure. Crystals were found in the kidneys, urinary bladderand urine (crystals are microscopic and thus much smaller thanstones). The mechanism of toxicity has been proposed to besimilar to uric acid nephropathy in humans, where crystalsobstruct renal tubules causing acute renal failure.10, 11∙High (4,500 ppm in the diet which is equivalent to 263 mg/kg bw/d) and continuous (2 years) dietary exposure to melamine incontrolled studies is associated with an increase in theproduction of bladder stones and an increased incidence ofurinary bladder tumors in male rats.6,8 Only rats that hadbladder stones developed tumors in these studies.12∙The NOAEL for stone formation of melamine toxicity is 63 mg/kg bw/d in a 13-week rat study.6 This value is the lowest NOAEL(nontoxic dose) for melamine exposure noted in the publishedliterature and is used with human exposure assessments belowto provide an estimate of human safety/risk.∙In mammals, the toxicity of cyanuric acid (CYA) administered by itself is low. The acute lethal dose (LD) has been reported50as 3,400 mg/kg bw. Kidney toxicity is observed in mice at veryhigh dose (80,000 mg/kg bw/d); rats show kidney toxicity at5,400 mg/kg bw/d). The time taken to clear 50% of anadministered dose: dogs - 2 hours; rats - ½ -1 hour13. SAFETY/RISK ASSESSMENT FOR INFANT FORMULAFDA in collaboration with the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the Department of Agriculture, and in consultation with the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) developed a TDI (Tolerable Daily Intake) for melamine and its analogues during the pet food contamination event of 2007.[b] It was based on results from animal studies with melamine and cyanuric acid administered alone. We designated 0.63 mg/kg bw/d as the tolerable daily intake, or TDI. The TDI is defined as the estimated maximum amount of an agent to which individuals in the population may be exposed daily over their lifetimes without appreciable health risk.[c]This TDI was used to provide the basis for the safety/risk assessment in FDA's May 2007 Interim Melamine and Analogues Safety/Risk Assessment for food products from animals fed feed containing melamine compounds. In the present exposure event, the potential risk for toxicity from consumption of infant formula contaminated with melamine and its analogues is far higher than last year's risk of toxicity to humans from consumption of animals that had been inadvertently fed contaminated feed.The previous assumptions that US FDA made in the 2007 risk/safety assessment regarding the pet food contamination episode cannot be applied to the current situation because the contaminated product represents the totality of caloric exposure for most of these infants; the exposure is chronic over months; the persons ingesting the products are infants and toddlers whose renal systems are not yet fully developed; and the exposure is not mitigated by previous passage through the digestive system of an animal. Moreover, several significant gaps in our scientific knowledge about melamine and its analogues toxicity regarding infants exist, including:1.The impact of the presence of more than one melamine analoguewhich has the potential to increase the toxicity of theadulterated infant formula.2.The consequences of continuous use of these infant formulas assole source of nutrition.3.The possibility that these formulations can be fed as the solesource of nutrition to premature infants with immature kidneyfunction and even greater intake of infant formula per unit bodyweight for a longer time period than term infants.Thus, the US FDA cannot establish a level of melamine and its analogues in these products that does not raise public health concerns.[d]SAFETY/RISK ASSESSMENT FOR FOOD AND FOOD INGREDIENTS OTHER THAN INFANT FORMULAThe 2007 estimate of the TDI for melamine and its analogues serves as the starting point for the present risk assessment.[e]That TDI is 0.63 mg/kg bw/d and is based on the results of a 13-week rat study. We describe below the procedure used to calculate a level of melamine and its analogues in food that does not raise public health concerns. A 100-fold safety factor is often accepted as an adequate margin between the lowestno-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) from animal data and the TDI (tolerable daily intake) for humans, such that:63 mg melamine and its analogues/kg-bw/d (NOAEL) divided by 100-fold safety factor=0.63 mg melamine and its analogues/kg-bw/d (TDI).More recent studies2,4 indicate that increased toxicity results from combined exposure to melamine and cyanuric acid. This raises a high degree of uncertainty with regard to the determination of safety/risk.[f] Given these conditions, the FDA has applied an additional 10-fold safety factor, yielding a combined safety factor of 1000-fold, to compensate for these uncertainties.0.63 mg melamine and its analogues/kg-bw/d divided by added 10-fold safety factor = 0.063 mg melamine and its analogues /kg-bw/d.The next step is to convert from a dose of 0.063 mg/kg bw/d to total melamine and its analogues consumed per day.0.063 mg/kg-bw/d x 60 kg/person = 3.78 mg melamine and itsanalogues/person/day.To estimate the level of melamine that does not raise public health concerns,FDA used a worst case exposure scenario in which one-half of a person's total daily dietary intake (typically estimated at 3 kg (composed of liquid [1.5 kg] and solid food [1.5 kg]) is contaminated with melamine and its analogues. The previously determined (see above) total amount of melamine and its analogues/person/day:3.78 mg melamine and its analogues/person/day divided by 1.5 kg of food = the food contamination level that would provide this amount of melamine and its analogues to a 60 kg person per day. Thus, 3.78 mg melamine andits analogues divided by 1.5 kg of food = 2.5 mg melamine and its analogues/kg food.Therefore, if 50% of the diet were contaminated at a level of 2.5 ppm of melamine and its analogues, a person's daily intake would equal 0.063 mg/kg bw/d.dThe current incident has focused on melamine contamination of milk and milk-derived ingredients from China. As illustrated in Table 1, U.S. consumers would be exposed to only 1.1 % of the melamine TDI/10 (0.063 mg/kg bw/d) if all of the major milk-derived ingredients listed below were contaminated at a melamine level of 2.5 mg/kg (2.5 ppm) assuming an average per capita ingredient intake.Table 1U.S. Per Capita Melamine Intakes from Milk-derived Food Ingredients as a % of the TDI/10 if Melamine is Present at 2.5 mg/kgConcentration13Divide % TDI/10 by 100 to determine multiple of TDI/10. TDI is 0.63 mg/kg bw/d.4 Summation of per capita melamine intakes of all eight ingredients.In summary, excluding infant formula and assuming that 50% of the diet is contaminated at a level of 2.5 ppm melamine and its analogs, there is a 1000-fold difference between the estimated dietary exposure (intake) and the level of melamine that does not cause toxicity in animals (NOAEL). Thus, levels of melamine and its analogues below 2.5 ppm in foods other than infant formula do not raise public health concerns.REFERENCES1.Brown CA, Jeong KS, Poppenga RH, Puschner B, Miller DM, EllisAE, Kang KI, Sum S, Cistola AM, Brown SA. Outbreaks of renalfailure associated with melamine and cyanuric acid in dogs andcats in 2004 and 2007. J Vet Diagn Invest 2007; 19:525-531.2.Reimschuessel, R., Gieseker, C., Miller, R.A., Rummel, N., Ward,J., Boehmer, J., Heller, D., Nochetto, C., De Alwis , H.,Bataller, N., Andersen, W., Turnipseed. S. B., Karbiwnyk, C.M. Satzger, R D., Crowe, J., Reinhard, M.K., Roberts,J.F., and Witkowski, M. Evaluation of the renal effects ofexperimental feeding of melamine and cyanuric acid to fish andpigs. Am. J. Vet. Res 69(9):1217-28.. 2008.3.Dobson RL, Motlagh S, Quijano M, Cambron RT, Baker TR, PullenAM, Regg BT, Bigalow-Kern AS, Vennard T, Fix A, ReimschuesselR, Overmann G, Shan Y, Daston GP. 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