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China High-Speed RailwayAs the economic grow, intercity travel demand has increased dramatically in the Greater China Area. Traditional railways can hardly satisfy the passenger and freight travel demand, high speed rail is hence proposed and constructed after 1990s. This study aims to integrate current development of both rail-based and Maglev high speed trains in this area. From 1997, Taiwan kicked-off its high speed rail construction by importing the technology of Japanese Shinkansen. The Taiwan High Speed Rail is a 15-billion US dollars project. To save the cost of construction and management, the BOT model was applied. Though not totally satisfied, this project is still successful and ready to operate in the 4th quarter of 2007. China is preparing its high speed rail services by upgrading current networks. The capacity and operating speed are all increased after 5-times system upgrade. The 6th upgrade will be initiated in 2006. By then, trains will run at a speed of 200km/h in a total distance of 1,400km in 7 different routes. From the white paper published by the Ministry of Railway in China, there will be totally 8 rail-based High Speed Train services. Four of them are North-South bound, and four of them are East-West bound. 5 of the 8 High Speed Rails are now under construction, the first line will be finished in 2009, and the 2nd one will be in 2010. By 2020, there will be totally 12,000 kilometers high speed rail services in China. The 250 billion US dollars construction cost still leaves some uncertainties for all these projects. Finally, the future of the Maglev system in China is not so bright as rail-based. Shanghai airport line could be the first, also the last Maglev project in China if the approved Shanghai-Hangzhou line cannot raise enough 4.4 billion dollars to build it.Steel rail compositionSteel rail is composed of iron, carbon, manganese, and silicon, and contains impurities such as phosphorous, sulphur, gases, and slag. The proportions of these substances may be altered to achieve different properties, such as increased resistance to wear on curves.The standard configuration for North American rail resembles an upside down T. The three parts of T-rail are called the base, web, and head. The flat base enabled such rail to be spiked directly to wooden crossties; later, rail was placed on the now-standard steel tie plate. While the proportions and precise shape of rail are subject to constant analysis and refinement, the basic T-section has been standard since the mid-19th century.WeightThe most common way of describing rail is in terms of its weight per linear yard <thehistoric British unit of length>, which is a function of its cross section. In the late 19th century, rail was produced in a range of sections weighing between 40 and 80 lbs. per yard. Weights increased over time, so that rail rolled today weighs between 112 and 145 lbs. <The Pennsylvania Railroad's 155-lb. section, used for a time after World War II, was the heaviest used in the U.S.>Jointed rail segmentsThe length of standard rails has historically been related to the length of the cars used to transport them. From an early range of 15-20 feet, rail length increased with car size until a standard of 39 feet <easily accommodated by the once-common 40-foot car> was reached. Even with the advent of today's longer cars, 39 feet has remained the standard for rail owing to limitations in steel mills and ease of handling.The joints in rail — its weakest points — can make for a rough ride, and are expensive to maintain. Individual rails are joined with steel pieces called joint <or angle> bars, which are held in place by four or six bolts. Today, the six-bolt type, once reserved for heavy-duty applications, is standard. The bolts in a joint bar are faced alternately outward and inward to guard against the remote possibility that a derailed car's wheel would shear them all off, causing the rails to part. Transition between rails of two different weights is achieved with special angle bars. In territory where the rails serve as conductors for signal systems, bond wires must be used at the joints to maintain the circuit.Welded railThe troublesome nature of rail joints prompted the most easily recognized advance in rail technology: the adoption of continuous welded rail <CWR>.From its early use on a handful of roads in the 1940's, welded rail has come to be preferred for almost all applications. It is produced by welding standard 39-foot <or newer 78-foot> segments together into quarter-mile lengths at dedicated plants.The rails are transported to where they're needed in special trains, which are pulled slowly out from under the rail when it is to be unloaded. When in place, CWR is often field-welded into even greater lengths. Much jointed track survives because of the long lifespan of even moderately used rail, and because the specialized equipment needed for CWR installation is not economical for short distances.Managing the expansion and contraction that comes with temperature change is important with CWR. To avoid expanding and potential buckling when in service, welded railis laid when temperatures are high <or is artificially heated>. Rail anchors clipped on at the ties keep the rail from getting shorter as it contracts with falling temperatures. Thus constrained, it shrinks in cross section <height and width>, but not in length. Because it's in tension, welded rail is treated with care during trackwork in cold weather.Maintaining and reusing railUnder heavy traffic, rails get worn down, although their life can be extended by grinding the head back to the proper contour.Rail no longer suited for main-line use may still have some light-duty life in it and is often relaid on branches, spurs, or in yards. Main-track reduction projects are also sources of such "relay" rail.When rail wear is uneven at a given location <such as a curve>, rail may be transposed from one side to another to get maximum use out of it.中国高速铁路随着经济的增长,城市间的旅行需要在中国地区飞速增长.传统铁路已经很难满足旅客的货运的需求,因此自1990年起高速铁路被提上议程并着重建设.这个研究的目得是在于这个区域内的基本线路和高速磁悬浮列车得到发展自1997年起,##通过引进日本新干线技术开始进行它的高速铁路建设,##的高速铁路是一项耗资150亿美元的工程,为了节省建设和管理的开支,他们采用了BOT的经营模式,尽管并不是完全的满意,但是这项工程还是很成功的,并且预计在2006年底实行运转,中国正在通过提升现在的网络系统为自己的高速铁路服务而做准备,在第五次系统提升之后,铁路的接纳能力和运转速度都得到了增长.第六次大提速将于2007年进行,到那时火车将在7条不同的铁路线路上,全程1400公里,以每小时200公里的速度运行.中国铁道部发布的官方报告上声称将共有八条基本铁路为你服务.其中有四条是南北纵向的,另外四条是东西横向,八条高速铁路中五条现在正在建设中,第一条将于2009年竣工,第二条将于2010年.到2020年,中国高速铁路线将长12000公里,不过2500亿美元的建设经费将会使所有这些项目都成为不确定工程,最终,将来的磁悬浮的系统在中国带来的前景不差于一般的基本线路.##的航线将成为第一项也是中国磁悬浮工程的最后一项,如果在中国批准建设##到广州的航线不超过44亿美元.也许再没有哪一部分像轨道一样重要.轨道与车辆轮缘一起作用,使铁路运输体系与普通道路完全不同.虽然,现在钢轨是很普及的,但是在19世纪时,铁轨甚至木枕都是广泛使用的.很多早期的铁路是用薄铁条或铁皮条约束在木轨上给车轮提供一个光滑的跑道面.钢轨的组成钢轨是由铁、碳锰、硅,包括杂质如磷、硫、气体和炉渣组成的.这些物质含量的变化,可起到不同的作用,如增加曲线轨道的耐磨性.北美国钢轨的标志结构类似一倒T 型.T型轨的三要素是轨底、腹板和轨头.平底的钢轨能被直接地固定到木枕上;然后钢轨被放置到已设好的钢垫板上.19世纪中期以来,当钢轨的大小和标准的成型后接受长期的分析和精致时,基本的T型截面以成标准.重量最常见的描述钢轨的方法是用每码长的重量表示,它是钢轨横断面大小的函数.19世纪后期,钢轨被做成重量从40IBS每码到80IBS每码变化的一系列截面,重量的增加超过时间的变化,因此,目前钢轨以扎制成155-IB的截面,在第二次世界大战后的某个时间开始使用,是在美国用过的最重的钢轨.一般地,给定线路的运输吨位越大或速度越快,采用的钢轨就越重.由于轨道维修费用较高,越重的轨道寿命越长,从而越受欢迎,即使在载重轻运输慢的城市交通系统.重型钢轨常被用于道路交叉处,铁路转辄器及与其他线路的平交道口处.钢轨的连接在历史上,标准轨的长度是与运送它们的车辆长度有关系的.早期是从15英尺到20英尺变化的,钢轨的长度随车辆大小的增加直到39英尺的规格〔可被过去常用的40英尺长的车辆容易的容纳〕尽管现在有更长的车辆,但由于钢轨扎制机的限制和搬运的方便,钢轨的标准长度仍保持未39英尺.接头是钢轨的最薄弱点,会使行车不平稳,且维修费用高.个体的钢轨用叫做夹板的钢板连接,用4-6个螺栓夹在原位.现在,以过去只用于重型轨的六螺栓式接头为标准形式.接头螺栓是交替向内和向外布置的,以防止车辆车轮对钢轨的长期磨损后可能产生出轨,从而使钢轨接头分离.两种不同型号的钢轨的连接是用特殊接头来实现的.用于信号服务的轨道,必须在接头处设有电线来形成闭和的电路.钢轨的焊接令人头痛的钢轨的连接问题激起显而易见的轨道模式的发展:无缝线路的采用.从20世纪40年代,最早在少数线路使用以来,在所有的应用X围内,无缝线路受到了欢迎.它是在工厂将39英尺〔或新的78英尺〕长的标准轨焊接成四分之一英里的长钢轨.钢轨用特定的火车运送到需要地,当要卸下时,火车慢慢地从钢轨下开走.当就位以后,无缝线路通常是就地焊接成更长的轨道.许多接头轨道仍然保留是因为使用适度长的钢轨其寿命长,由于铺设无缝线路对设备特殊要求,使其短距离铺设是不经济的.对无缝线路由于湿度变化引起的膨胀和收缩的处理是很重要的.为了避免在使用中的钢轨的膨胀和自身的变形.无缝轨应在高温时〔或人为加热后〕铺设,钢轨用锚栓夹在轨枕上防止钢轨在温度降低时收缩而变短.这样约束后,钢轨仅在横向收缩.由于受拉,无缝轨在寒冷天气使用时应小心对接.钢轨的养护和再使用在重交通作用下,钢轨会变坏,尽管它们的寿命可以通过磨其头部回到合适的轮廓而持续.钢轨不仅使用于主线,仍有一些轻型的部位,常被用在道岔,尖端或车站.主要轨道的缩短工程是这些重新铺设的轨道的来源.当钢轨磨损不再在先前的位置〔如一条曲线〕,钢轨将被从一边换到另一侧来实现最大限度的使用.。
关键词:高速铁路车辆动力学轮轨接触几何关系车轮踏面中图分类号:U211.5 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)09(b)-0025-03Study on Several Kinds of Wheel Rail Contact Geometric RelationsZHANG Quan FU Kaibing LI Wanqing(Changchun Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, 130000 China)Abstract: The development of high-speed railway has brought us new challenges. The increase of wheel rail wear not only increases the maintenance cost, but also affects the safety of the train. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the wheel rail geometric relationship. There are many factors affecting the wheel rail geometric relationship of high-speed train. Taking LMA tread of China railway, JR-ARC tread of Shinkansen in Japan, S1002 tread of European standard and rail section as examples, this paper studies the tread curve function, compares the geometric parameter differences of three wheel rail relationships, and analyzes the tread curve.Key Words: High speed railway; Vehicle dynamics; Wheel rail contact geometry; Wheel tread高速铁路的发展给人们的生活带来了便利,缩短了城市之间的距离,但也带来了很多复杂问题。
1990年,法国TGV(Train a Grande vitesse)创造了常规轮式火车的世界速度记录,达到了513.5公里/小时的速度,而一辆日本磁悬浮列车的试验车已经达到了581公里/小时的速度。
XXX capacity to handle peak travel times。
leading to XXX。
high-XXX its fixed corridors and high capacity。
it has the potential to XXX.Before World War II。
nal passenger rail was the primary mode of XXX。
over time。
it has lost XXX。
high-XXX for passengers。
it is clear that there are significant constraints on the growth of n systems。
high-XXX challenges。
As such。
it is likely to play an XXX.High-XXX faster speeds than cars。
for journeys that do not connect city centers。
the total cost and door-to-door travel time of high-speed rail can be XXX driving。
铁路通用信号的分析和研究王岩波(开滦集团铁路运输分公司钱家营运输部河北唐山 063000)摘要:我国高速铁路相较于国际主流国家起步较晚,起点较低,同时也给与了我们通过研究他国已使用的信号技术为我国新型信号技术的应用提供范例和保障的机会,帮助我国更好更快的解决所可能面对的问题。
【关键词】信号系统、高速铁路、UM71、UM2000Analysis and research of generalrailway signalWangyanbo(kailuan group railway transport branch Qianjiaying department of transportationHebei TangShan 063000)Abstract:The high-speed railway in our country compared with international mainstream countries started late,starting from a low base,bue also to give the us through his country has been the se of signal technology research for the application of the novel signal technology in our country provide examples and security,help China better and faster solution may face the problem.In this paper,we study the current technology of Germany,France and Japan and compare with the current technology,and provide theoretical support for the further improvement of the signal system.前言为了实现安全、高效的目标,高速列控系统要求地面设备能够向列车传送大量的列控信息。
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高速铁路研究工作英语作文1. The research on high-speed railways is crucial for the development of transportation systems in modern society. It helps us understand how to build faster, safer, and more efficient train networks.2. Through studying high-speed railways, we candiscover new technologies and materials that can improvethe performance and sustainability of trains.3. Researchers in this field often collaborate with engineers and designers to create innovative solutions for the challenges faced by high-speed railways.4. The data and findings from high-speed railway research can be used to improve existing train systems and plan for future developments in transportation infrastructure.5. By investing in high-speed railway research, we canenhance connectivity between cities, reduce travel times, and promote economic growth in regions served by these advanced transportation networks.6. The study of high-speed railways also involves examining the environmental impact of train travel and finding ways to make trains more eco-friendly.7. In conclusion, high-speed railway research plays a vital role in shaping the future of transportation and creating sustainable, efficient, and accessible train networks for people around the world.。
延续进路对高速铁路通过能力的影响谢敏(铁道第三勘察设计院集团有限公司,天津300251)摘要:研究目的:《计算机联锁技术条件》( TB /T3027—2002)规定:进站信号机外方制动距离内换算坡超过6‰下坡道的车站,须在接车进路末端设置延续进路。
研究结论:(1)延续进路对高速铁路车站通过能力影响较大,车站到达间隔将增加2. 3 m i n以上,车站到通间隔也增加2. 3 m i n以上;(2)设置安全线并不能很好地解决问题,高速铁路设置安全线不必要;(3) 该研究成果对于高速铁路车站设计、能力计算具有参考价值。
关键词:延续进路;安全线;通过能力中图分类号:U212. 3 文献标识码:AI mpacts of Successive Route upon Passing Capacity of High -speed Rai l w ayXIE Mi n(The Third Rai l way S urvey and Des i gn I ns t i t ute Group C or porat i on,Ti anj i n 300251,China)A bst ract:Res earc h purpos es: As s t i pulated i n‘C omputer I nter l ocki ng System Technical Condi t i ons’(TB /T 3027—2002),a succ ess i v e route should be provided at the end of vehicle access route for the s t at i on w i t h a dow n grade of 6‰converted w i t hin the braking distanc e out s i de the home s i gnal.When there is catc h s i di ng or s eparat i on facility at t he end of an access route,the s uccess i ve route should be set towards and li nked t o t he s i di ng or the facility; If there is not,to the main track i ns t ead.I n China,there are s om e s t at i ons w i t h a dow n grade of6‰c onv ert ed w i t hin the braki ng distance out s i de the home s i gnal.According to the regulat i ons,t he s ucc ess i v e route should be provided. As successive routes would have great i mpacts on t he pass i ng capacity of high -speed railway s t at i ons,t he study about the pass i ng c apacity is nec essary. This articl e makes a system analysis on t he i mpacts,whic h may be caused by providing successive access routes on high -speed rai l way s,upon the arriv al -arrival interv al,arriv al -running through i nterv al,arriv al -departure i nterv al and arriv al -departure interv al of s t at i ons.Researc h c oncl usions:(1) Bas ed on the s tudi es,s ucc essiv e routes would have great i mpacts on t he pass i ng capacity of high -speed rail way s t at i ons and the arrival interv als at s t at i ons i ncrease by more than 2.3 m i n and s o do t he arriv al -running through i nterv al s.(2) Set t i ng catch s i dings concurrent l y is not an effect i v e solut i on either,s o set t i ng catch si dings is not necess ary.(3) The res earch res ults have a reference for the s t at i ons des i gn and the pass i ng c apaci t y analysis of high -speed rai l way.Key words: success i v e route; c atc h si ding; pass i ng c apaci t y收稿日期:2014 -03 -06作者简介:谢敏,1971 年出生,女,高级工程师。
铁路速度目标值的选择#线路/路基#铁路速度目标值的选择支东延( 铁道第三勘探设计院线路处,天津300142)摘要 : 联合我国铁路路网的规划,经过对多个项目速度目标值选择的研究过程及结果 ,论述铁路速度目标值的选择应依据路网规划、正在研制和开发的机车种类、线路肩负的主要运量、沿线地形条件等要素综合考虑确立,提出了客运专线、客货混运铁路速度目标值应研究的范围及铁路速度目标值研究的步骤和应试虑的要素。
b5E2RGbCAP重点词 : 铁路 ;速度目标值;研究中图分类号:U 21213文件表记码:B文章编号 :10042954(2005) 03000603D eter m i nation of Speed Target Value of R ail ways Zh iD ongyan p1EanqFDPwAb stract A ccording to genera l plann i ng of ra il w ay net in Ch i na ,and researches on deter m i nation o f targe t va l ues o f m any ra il w aypro jects , it is stated t hat consi derati on should be g iven t o s uch fac-to rs as ra il way net plann i ng , types ,DXDiTa9E3dt ype of loco m oti v es , pr i m ary trafficT he scope andand landfor m cond iti ons a l ong t he line .虑确立。
2速度目标值研究的范围依据当前国际上铁路运营线试验的最高运营速度,轮轨线300~350km /h,磁悬浮线 400~450km /h, 迅速线 160~200km /h 。