The Line怎么玩 the line新手攻略
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Website Ordering User Guide(New FastTrak customer)Version 1.1 – Regular UserDecember 29, 2011Contact InformationEmail: ************************Customer Service:USA: 1-800-500-8687Canada: 1-800-465-1890China (HKG): 852-2156-9788FastTrak User Guide OutlineI.Ordering a POII.Track Your OrdersIII.Order HistoryIV.Order InquiryV.Manage AccountVI.Customer SupportVII.Glossary of Terms(Home Page)I. Ordering a PO – This section details the steps required to order a PO.1.Begin by selecting the ‘Submit Your Order’ Icon or click on the Start New2.Choose Eddie Bauer from the retailer list.3.To search for your PO’s enter your PO #. You may enter multiple POnumbers and separate them with commas, or you can select the PO’s you needby clicking the check box and then clicking continue.4.Next, you can review the line items on the PO. On your initial order, you must orderthe entire PO. On a reorder, you can revise the quantities and select which line items you want to order.5.Select your shipping method, enter an internal PO number to reference yourorder (if necessary), and specify any special instructions required for yourorder, then click Continue. Rush service is available, call our customerservice for details.6.Then click the continue button to move to the next step. Select paymentmethod.7.Final Step! Review and Confirm Order. Review the details of your order andclick the Continue Button to complete the order.Click Continue button to submit your order. The following message may prompt while processing the order.8.Print the ‘Thank You’ page for your records. You will also receive and orderconfirmation to the email address used to sign in to FastTrak.II. Track Your Orders – The FineLine Ordering site will allow you to track your orders as they are produced and shipped. To track an order, follow these steps:1.Click the ‘Track Your Order’ icon or the ‘Order Tracking/Search’ tab or find yourorder# from the ‘Recent Orders’ located on the FastTrak Home Page.2.Locate your order in the list or search by the order date, or PO number.3.Once your order has shipped, a ship date as well as Tracking number will beprovided. If your order was shipped via FedX or UPS, clicking the trackingnumber will take you to the appropriate website for detailed tracking information regarding your shipment.4. Clicking the Order # will provide you with detailed information regarding yourorder, Shipping and Billing Information, as well as line item detail.III. Payment History – The Payment History Section will display the 50 most recent orders. You may also search by Order #, or Date Range to locate an order and display its details. You may click on the icon to display the invoice in pdf format. To gain access to your order history, simply click the Order History icon. You may also click on theicon to export the results in excel format. Should you have any questions, youmay click on theicon to submit your inquiries. Someone from our customer support team will handle your inquiries promptly.IV. Order Inquiry – Gain direct access to FineLine Technologies’ superior customer support. Should you have a question regarding your order, always feel free to call our toll free customer support hotline 1-800-500-8687. FastTrak, however, offers the ability to streamline your request by locating your Order ID in question, then you can submit your inquiry directly to a CSR trained specifically to handle your questions.1.Begin by clicking the Inquiry Icon.e the familiar query options (Order ID, Date Range) to locate your order inquestion. Then click the Inquiry Icon to submit your question.3. Select the category of the question and description of the question, then clickSubmit Inquiry.V. Manage Account – There are five tabs; Personal Information, Customer Settings, Shipping Information, Billing Information and Vendor ids maintenance. This section provides the ability to update the information.Start by clicking ‘Manage My Account’ located in the upper right corner of the home screen.You may find your FineLine Customer ID here.Personal InformationClick Edit to change your personal contact informationCustomer SettingsBy default, the person who placed orders receive a copy of the order confirmation and the shipment confirmation, and the contact person of the vendor will receive the PO notification. In most circumstance, the default setting will work fine for most customers. However, you may customize/add more than one person to receive the notifications. Select one of the three notification options, for example, Order Confirmation.Click on Add Setting, type in the email address. You may enter multiple email addresses and separate them using commas. Lastly, click Update to save.Click on Edit to make changes or Delete to remove the record.Shipping InformationYou may add new or edit existing shipping address records. Click on the Add a new Shipping Address link to add new record or any of the company names on the list to edit the current record.Click on ‘Add a new Shipping Address’ tocreate new address to the address bookClick on company name web link to editcurrent informationBilling InformationYou may edit your billing address information by clicking the Company Name.Maintain Retailer RelationshipsAdd Additional Retailers – Here you can continue to add Vendor ID’s to your account as new retailers become available via the FastTrak system. Simply click ‘Maintain Retailer Relations’ and add your Vendor ID.VI. Customer SupportWe appreciate your business here at FineLine and want your ordering experience to be simple. Should you experience any problem with our website or with your order, always feel free to call us directly to speak with a live customer service representative. Again, thank your for using FastTrak and FineLine Technologies.Our Contact Information:Email: ************************Customer Service:USA: 1-800-500-8687Canada: 1-800-465-1890China (HKG): 852-2156-9788VII. Glossary of TermsInternal PO – FastTrak allows a user to input their own Purchase Order number that will be used to relate an order for internal accounting use. An Internal PO number is usually not associated with a regular PO as assigned by the retailer.Line Item –A term used to describe an individual row of data, typically associated with a PO. An example of a line item is a row of data as seen in an excel spreadsheet.Line Item Filter – If your replenishment PO data has more than 25 line items, the ‘Line Item Filter’ allows you to narrow the selection based upon searching by fields in this drop down menu.Manufacturer – A common term to describe a provider to a retailer. The term ‘Vendor’ is also commonly used.PO – Stands for Purchase Order and is one of the key components used in ordering tickets or labels via FastTrak. A Retailer typically assigns a PO to a Vendor or Manufacturer who then can place an order with FineLine using that PO Number.Replenishment PO – A concept used within FastTrak to allow users to order individual items not related to any particular Purchase Order. If your Vendor ID is associated with any items within replenishment data sent to FineLine, a user will have the option to order replenishment items by selecting the REPL-001 PO upon selecting ‘Submit Order’.Setup Fee – A fee based on custom setup required for some orders.SKU – Technically, SKU means ‘Stock Keeping Unit’. The term SKU is commonly used to describe a unique item within a PO or set of printed tickets.SKU Charge – A fee based upon the number of unique items in an order.UPC – Technically, UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is a very specific type of barcode that contains 12 digits. It is commonly used to describe ‘any’ barcode printed on a ticket, although this can be misleading. It is also used frequently to describe a unique item within a PO or set of printed tickets.Vendor – A common term to describe a provider to a retailer.Status:On Hold – Order is not being processed. Your account may be past due or othercorrections are needed to complete your order.In Progress – Order is complete and in production.Shipped – Order has been printed and shipped.Print Quantity – Each line item printed will have a 10% overage plus 2 tickets that FineLine Technologies will keep as samples. Example: If 100 tickets are required by a particular PO, FineLine Technologies will print 112 tickets.。
tame it攻略钓鱼这是一个不太好的游戏攻略。
Twitch上有很多 twitch钓鱼(也就是在直播的时候,玩家用 tombs钓鱼),但很多都是收费模式,而免费的钓鱼游戏又非常少。
我只玩了一款不收费 Twitch钓鱼。
1.你需要购买鱼饵你可以从 Twitch上的商店购买鱼饵,也可以在 Twitch游戏中心使用虚拟道具。
下面这张图显示了我们在 Twitch游戏中心可以购买到的所有鱼饵:请注意,这不包括某些特殊材料(比如用某种化学方法提取出来的化学物质)或特殊配方。
当你从一家商店购买了一只鲤鱼时?是的,这个标签上会显示出各种不同颜色和形状的鱼(这些都是通过在 tombs上制作出来并添加到游戏中)。
注意,如果是通过一个商店购买到鱼时,要将这些标签应用到游戏中以表示它可以购买鱼来做鱼饵(这只是为了展示这个游戏能快速钓到鱼)(比如:在 tombs上提供)。
5. 从警局出来后,直接回家睡觉,睡到第二天白天,直接到警局右侧,切换地图后,在上方看见把你丢进下水道的两个恶霸抢了一眼镜女的手机,和眼镜女对话后,直接去学校(家左侧路口是公园,公园上面出口是学校),干掉公园的小混混后,在学校地图上方干掉两个恶霸,夺回手机,然后回去找眼镜女收cg。
6. 收完眼镜女cg后直接回家,发现妈妈和姨妈在家,和妈对话后,按妈要求,去后院打扫卫生。
7. 迷奸完妈妈后,直接下楼,碰见女警大神,(不要反抗,容易出bug)被捕。
前线任务1st攻略技能介绍.本作的技能分为三大系.注:所有技能都能将LV升到三级格斗系的.技能名效果DOUBLE 当两手都装备格斗武器时一手攻击后另一手可再次攻击STUN 格斗攻击后一定机率敌人出现制御不能FIRST 格斗武器攻击时先于敌人出手射击系的技能名效果SWITCH 当两手都装备射击武器时一手攻击后另一手可再次攻击SPEED MG系的武器攻击时多加子弹数DUEL 装备射击武器攻击时可以选择攻击部位导弹系的技能名效果GUIDE 装备射程是2以上武器攻击时可以选择攻击部位以上是本作的全部技能别看少可够强的.特别注意哦:(1)SWITCH这个技能在本作超强是以后的几代不能比的.本作在战斗中当出现这个技能攻击后还可以再次出现此技能.行成左手攻击后变成右手攻击再变成左手后还可变成右手攻击的超强连续技.本人最高出过4次技能也就是左右手攻击5次攻击.结果第二十三关的BOSS就是这样死在我的サカタ手里的860HP全部打掉.(我是用的是4X19枪)BOSS手脚全被烂.强就一个子.但此技能的等级太难练了要想用的爽的话最好一定要专门在一关找个残废配合DUEL锻炼一下等级让它到3级(2)SPEED的话随着技能等级上升每升一级多打一发子弹(3)其余技能等级上升后效果为技能出现率上升前线任务1ST 全隐藏,人物培养,剧情背景OCU方面任务5:在NPC Paul 前面的火箭发射兵有PIZ-8型发射器,但是如果你让Paul 打败他,你就得不到了。
完成后可以得到机体Prototype Clinton任务8完成后:在Freedom city的角斗场你可以发现Gregolio,打败他后他会加入特别任务2:任务8完成后,在Freedom city的酒吧和Bird对话两次,就可以进入。
寂静岭暴雨攻略PS3 / Xbox360 《寂静岭:暴雨》自发售已来了受到国内玩家的好评,我们的主角越狱者墨菲·彭德尔顿如何在片恐怕的小镇上生存下来呢,这一切都掌握在玩家的手中,下面的剧情流程攻略也许能帮你找出逃出这恐怖之地的方法。
往左边走到加油站,这里有地图,还有手电筒(刚才没拿的话这里一定要拿了),周围还有些扳手石头啥的,捡起来砸开门锁,上楼顶,可以找到一部对讲机,然后跳下来,来到杂货店,上二楼进入写着“Devil's Pit”的屋子,拿到游戏币。
一、注册Line账号1. 打开Line app,点击页面下方右侧“注册”按钮,选择“手机号码注册”或“电子邮件注册”两种方式之一进行注册。
2. 输入手机号或电子邮件,按照提示进行密码设置。
3. 点击下一步并选择“同意条款和条件”,完成注册。
二、设置个人资料1. 点击右下角的“个人资料”按钮,进入设置页面。
2. 点击“编辑个人资料”可修改自己的头像、昵称、性别、生日等基本信息。
3. 在设置页面中可设置自己的隐私设置、账户安全、消息通知等相关选项。
三、添加好友在Line上添加好友方式多种多样,可以通过以下方式进行添加:1. 网络搜索:在Line应用中的搜索栏中输入关键字搜索个人、公众账号或群聊等。
2. 扫一扫:进入“扫一扫”页面,扫描好友的二维码即可添加好友。
寂静岭4攻略1. 简介《寂静岭4:生命之线》(Silent Hill 4: The Room)是由日本游戏公司Konami 于2004年发行的生存恐怖游戏,是寂静岭系列的第四部作品。
2. 游戏玩法2.1 视角和操作《寂静岭4:生命之线》采用第三人称视角进行游戏,玩家可以控制主角亨利(Henry)进行移动、与人物对话、观察环境等。
2.2 探索与解谜在游戏中,玩家需要探索寂静岭四处的场景,与NPC对话,找到线索并解开各种谜题。
2.3 战斗和生存在《寂静岭4:生命之线》中,玩家将会遭遇各种奇怪的怪物和敌人。
3. 攻略提示3.1 资源管理在游戏中,玩家需要合理管理物品和资源。
3.2 观察环境和细节《寂静岭4:生命之线》的环境充满了谜题和隐藏的线索,玩家需要仔细观察场景中的细节。
3.3 注意线索和剧情发展在游戏中,玩家将会遇到各种线索和暗示,这些线索将引导你前进并解开谜团。
更新日志表:(大约每次更新间隔为两天到一个星期因为临近考试没什么时间的……)小毬库特来谷叶留佳西园铃BAD 铃END追加Refrain完成踌躇最后三线……经过四天奋战沙耶双线测验翻译测验完毕并追加沙耶学园革命线!修正佐佐美来谷沙耶通常理树笨蛋理树错误追加真人END。
库特来古第二个END追加将漏掉的攻略顺序填补感谢报错同学文章整理增加建议一点鸣谢以下报错同学:davislove、linxinchencc、leafzz、藤林的牡丹推荐游戏方式:每完成一条线True End后选择New game 这样将会有部分剧情变化而且人物属性也会有所成长注意不是继承日文攻略在这里本人的翻译文本就是他:[url]/game/key/littlebustersEX.html[/url]目前进度为小毬线:完成库特线:完成叶留佳:完成来谷线:完成西园线:完成铃BAD :完成铃END :完成refrain:完成佐佐美:完成沙耶线:通常理树完成:笨蛋理树完成:学园革命完成佳奈多:完成真人线:完成推荐攻略顺序:1.世界的秘密不知道的情况下:[小毬or库特or叶留佳or来谷or西园or铃BAD]→铃→Refrain→[库特2&来谷CG回收orRefrain]→沙耶or佳奈多or佐佐美2.世界的秘密知道的情况下:(沙耶、佐佐美、佳奈多可以在Refrain前攻略)铃线仍需5线和铃BAD做前置前置5线任意顺序3 本人建议:小球→库特→来谷→西园→铃BAD→叶留佳→Refrain→Refrain→来古CG回收→库特2→佳奈多→沙耶通常V→沙耶笨蛋V→学员革命→佐佐美(叶留佳线后貌似会出现叶留佳接球失误或受伤推出训练的情况所以把她放在没有棒球赛的Refrain前面了)P.S 棒球练习中来谷周围如果有小猫(多路基不算)来谷将无视掉所有飞来的球P.S 棒球练习中铃在与佐佐美棒球对决后打小猫(多路基不算)会增加铃的怒气怒气积累到一定程度就会觉醒新球技注意雷神喵喵球和真雷神喵喵球会消耗怒气但每次练习结束并不会将怒气清零但是连续使用雷神球可能会将怒气消耗至零怒气为零后短期内不会使用雷神球或者不消耗怒气P.S 开启与佐佐美对战小技巧可以一开始闲逛的时候使用save load方法来遇见铃并输给她然后让铃的排位超过理树然后下一次闲逛再次不断使用此法来遇见铃然后不申请对战选择交换东西注意不是接受赠品然后将自己的好属性的物品给铃注意哑铃等右下角还有UP字样的只对理树有效这样铃就可能能赢佐佐美这个所有周目都适用只不过后面即使没什么物品打佐佐美也很容易了P.S 众猫名字希特勒法布尔爱因斯坦成龙勇作亚里士多德奥熏丽科班北斋盖茨菲德尔手?多路基P.S 关于棒球赛因为能力成长只有理树和铃所以要从一开始就做好准备请开启对战排位赛然后每次闲逛前保存注意不要让真人参加到战斗真人不参加到战斗的话有一定几率装备中出现哑铃握力器铁哑铃之类的道具这些道具只针对理树有效可以在每天过后增加理树的力量体力等所以闲逛之后如果真人戴上了这个道具就等下次与他交换到吧没带上就多Save Load几次总之一直换到三个铁哑铃就差不多了(看Rp了吧我到现在还没弄到这么多过)小毬线5.14 Mon出声招呼不怎么好不怎么好不怎么好不怎么好5.15 Tue借去找她(找找看)就这么看着用别笔记的代替5.16 Wed追铃暂时看着(CG回收)赶紧找人接受去凑热闹(CG回收)结束吧(不结束并不影响剧情,可以增加队员能力增长)帮忙找5.17 Thu找找看沉默追铃暂时看着去屋顶(棒球练习中多路基出现一只肥肥不明生物体。
AMPLIFi 30 / AMPLIFi 75 / AMPLIFi 150新手指南40-00-0483Rev B /support/manuals©2020 Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. All rights reserved.©2020 雅马哈吉他集团有限公司。
Line 6和AMPLIFi是Line 6, Inc.的商标,在美国和其他国家注册。
FBV是Line 6, Inc.的商标。
苹果、Mac、iPod touch、iPhone和iPad是苹果公司在美国和其他国家注册的商标。
App Store是苹果公司的一个服务商标。
蓝牙字样和标识是蓝牙SIG公司的注册商标,Line 6对这些标识的任何使用都是经过许可的。
Android和Google Play是Google, Inc.的商标。
您可以用任意支持 Bluetooth®的设备直接在箱头上无缝播放流媒体音乐,是即兴演奏、排练曲目和聆听您音乐库音乐的完美工具。
而 AMPLIFi世界的中心是一款突破性的 iOS 和Android™ 应用程序,它让您以无线方式控制您的吉他设备,自动提供符合您的音乐库,并让您与吉他手的在线社区建立起连接。
请参阅 38页上的"AMPLIFi Remote应用程序" 。
AMPLIFi 30/75/150特点:•高性能吉他箱头 。
•Bluetooth流音频设备(兼容 iOS, Android 和 Mac 或 PC) 。
AMPLIFi 75&150 提供增强的 5 扬声器音响系统。
途中琐事--买门票---旅客1、我去买票I buy tickets.2、我要在那里买入场券?Where can I buy admission ticket?3、入口在那里?Where is entrance?4、请问这个公园门口在那里?Can you tell me where the park entrance is?5、这张票多少钱?How much is the ticket?6、进入这个公园有任何特殊的规定吗?Are there any special regulation entrances in the park?7、坐云霄飞车要几张票?How many tickets do take to the Roller Coaster?8、是免费入场吗?Is it admission free?9、到美术馆要买票吗?Do I have to buy the ticket for the art gallery?10、请给我一张游览证好吗?Could I have pass?11、坐电车包括在入场费里吗?Is riding tram included entrance fee?12、这是排太空漫步的队末尾吗?Is this the end of line for skywalk?13、工作人员这是你们的票Here are you tickets.14、成人十美元It’s ten dollars for adults.15、12岁以下的小孩6美元It’s six dollars for the children under 12 years old.16、票亭在门过去那The ticket booth is through Gate over.17、祝您玩的愉快Have fine.请人拍照---工作人员1、我能帮您吗?May I help you? Can I help you?2、我可以帮您照相吗?Shall I take pictures?3、我能为您做什么?What can I do for you?4、我可以帮您拿包吗?May I take bag for you?游客1、你能帮我拍照吗?Could you take a picture for me?2、您替我照张相好吗?I wonder if you could help me with pictures.3、我要照这里的风景I will take a picture of this landscape.4、您能和我们一起照相吗?Would you please take a picture with us?5、请给我们在这里照张相吧?Please take a picture for us from here.6、和我一起照可以吗?Would you pour photo with me?7、请把照片寄给我好吗?Could you send pictures to me?8、我要买一卷彩色胶卷Can I have a roll of color film?9、那里有电池卖?Where can I buy battery?10、有胶卷卖吗?Do you have any film?11、请把照片冲洗下好吗?Could you develop this film?12、请把这张照片放大两倍Please enlarge this picture to twice size.13、请加洗这张照片Could you make copies of this picture? 14、什么时候能洗出来?When can I have down by?15、麻烦您了Thanks for your trouble.16、非常感谢Thank you very much.17、您真是太好了It’s kind of you!迷失方向---游客1、我现在什么地方呢?Where my now?2、我迷路了?I’m lost.3、请问哪里是北?Excuse me, which direction is the north. 4、哪有厕所?Where is toilet?5、请问洗手间在那?Where is rest room please?6、请问最近的男厕在那里?Excuse me,where is the nearest man room please? 7、请问最近的女厕在那里?Excuse me,where is the nearest woman room please?8、到车站是这条路吗?Is this right way to the station?9、我们离市中心还有多远?How far away from the centre of town?10、请问去车站怎么走?Would you kindly tell me how to get to the station?11、请问在哪能乘公共汽车?Would you mind tell me where get bus?12、离这里最近的公共汽车站在哪?Where is the nearest bus stop from here?13、到假日酒店是在这坐车吗?Is this where I catch the bus for the Holiday Inn?14、这附近有公交车站吗?Where is the nearest bus stop?15、汽车站在那?Where is the bus stop?16、地铁站在那?Where is the subway station?17、出租车站在那?Where is taxi stand?18、请问到车站怎么走?Could you direct me station please?19、怎么样去市场?How to go to the market?20、邮局在那?Where is the post office?21、火车站在那?Where is the railway station?22、告诉公路在那?Where is highway?23、最近的巴士车站在那?Where is the nearest bus stop?24、这附近有书店吗?Is there a bookstore near here?25、去市区是不是这个方向?Is down town in this direction?26、谢谢您的指点Thank you for the information.过路人1、远着呢It’s quite far away.2、你需要走很长的路You have a long way to go.3、从这里驾车需要一个小时It’s an hour drive from here.4、离这里很近It’s very near here.5、沿着大路就到了It’s up the road.6、就在隔壁Its next store.7、下个街区就是It’s on next block.8、就在您的左边It’s on your left.9、不行只要五分钟就到了It’s only about five minutes walk.10、一直往右走Stay to your right.11、请在红绿灯处右转Please turn right at traffic lights.12、我也是初来这里This is my first time here too.13、我建议你去问那边的警察I suggest you ask the cop over there.求医问药-----医生1、您怎么啦?What’s the matter with you?2、伤口还在疼吗Is the cut still painful.3、吃两片药好好休息下Take two pills and have good rest.4、尽量多睡吃的多一点Try to get plenty of sleep and eat good meals.5.你必须卧床几天You must stay in bed for some days.6、这段时间少吃油腻的Keep from eating greasy food for a while.7、不要抽烟喝酒,至少停一周。
SPIDER V 20PILOT’S GUIDE40-00-0395 Rev A Pilot’s Guide also available at /manuals © 2017 Line 6, Inc.MANUEL DE PILOTAGEPILOTENHANDBUCH MANUAL DEL PILOTO パイロット・ガイド新手指南For details on other Spider V amplifier models, please see the Spider V Family Pilot's Guide, available at /manuals.Welcome to the descriptions of the Line 6®functionality.The SPIDER V 20 SPIDER Familya compact combo form factor features of the SPIDER V 20 Features:•use of the Spider V Remote• Extended-range speakerelectric guitar•• Built-in T uner•••free Spider V Remote•and PC computers• Stereo headphone output••and parameters••••backup at any time1. INPUT Jack – Plug in your guitar here.2. PRESET Encoder – T urn to select one of the 16 available presets. Apreset stores the value of each knob, as well as the FX 1, 2 & 3 model types and their bypass states.3. DRIVE Knob – Drive is like the volume or gain knob on other amps;it controls how much “dirt” or “distortion” you get in your sound. 4. TONE Knob –This knob is a macro control for the overall tonalsettings for each amp, utilizing bass, mid and treble controls under-the-hood. T urn this down for a warmer tone, or up for a brighter sound, with a flatter or "scooped" sound at 12 o'clock.5. VOLUME Knob – Controls the volume of the preset independentlyof the MASTER Volume Knob. Use this knob to match volumes between presets.6. REVERB Knob – Controls the mix and depth of the Reverb effect.T urn it up or down for more or less ambience.7. FX Knob – Controls how much of each of the three enabled on-board effects are applied. T o adjust a particular effect amount, select and enable the desired effect using the three FX Buttons.8. FX 1, 2 & 3 Buttons – These buttons select and control the bypassstate of the three on-board effects. The FX Knob controls how much of the currently selected effect is applied to the sound.There are five different types of effects available, with each type displaying a corresponding color: yellow for Dynamics/Compression, orange for Distortion, blue for Modulation, green for Delay/Echo, and purple for Filter/Pitch/Synth.9. SAVE Button – Press to store the values of the knobs and state ofthe FX buttons within the currently selected preset.10. T AP/TUNER Button – T apping this button a few times sets thetempo of your delay and modulation effects in use.Pressing and holding this button for 2 seconds engages the T uner.The T uner mutes the guitar signal and utilizes the three FX Buttons' lights to indicate your pitch by displaying red on the left (flat), red on the right (sharp) or green in the middle (in-tune). Press the T AP/ TUNER button once to exit the T uner.11. MASTER Volume Knob – Y ou can choose the overall volume of theamplifier (or headphones, if connected), without affecting the overall tone or saturation. Always start with the MASTER knob set to minimum!12. PHONES Output – Connect a pair of headphones here. When youdo so, the speaker is muted. This jack also doubles as a direct output.Use a stereo TRS cable to connect to a mixer or recording device.13. USB (Micro B connector) – Connect a Mac, PC, iOS device (withApple USB Camera Connection Kit) or Android device (with OTG adapter), to edit tones using the Spider V Remote application, or to playback and record audio.Controls and ConnectionsAC PowerThe amplifier's Power Switch and AC Connector, for use with the included power cable, are located on the rear panel of the amplifier.Changing PresetsT urn the PRESET Encoder to choose the desired preset. Each preset is designed for a particular style or application and includes one type of amp model, the 3 Smart FX and their settings.Editing Your ToneSelect the preset from which you wish to base your tone and use the knobs and buttons to modify the sound to your liking (see "Controls and Connections" for details). The Drive, T one, Volume, Reverb amount, Effects amounts and their bypass states can all be modified using the controls on the front panel of the amplifier. Y ou can utilize the Spider V Remote editor application to further modify the type of amp or effects you want to use within the preset.Saving PresetsSave your settings to the current PRESET Encoder location by pressing the SAVE button once. The SAVE button will blink twice to indicate the preset is now saved. Y ou can utilize the Spider V Remote app to copy or rearrange your presets.Using Smart FXThe SPIDER V 20 amplifier includes a built-in Reverb effect as well at 3 assignable Smart FX per preset.The assignable Smart FX types are Dynamics (yellow), Drives (orange), Modulation (blue), Delay (green), and Filter/Pitch/Synth (purple). There are multiple models to choose from for each effect type. Y ou can utilize the Spider V Remote app to change the effect type or model.1. Press the FX Buttons 1-3to turn each effect on or off. Whenilluminated brightly, the effect is on (enabled). When an effect is off (bypassed), it is lit dimly.2. The FX Knob controls how much of the effects are being applied.This only applies to whichever effects that are currently enabled, all at once. T o modify only a single effect's amount, turn off the other two effects. This control functions in a relative manner, so you may have to move it back and forth to find the right amount.3.Once you are pleased with the amount of the effects, press theSAVE Button to retain these settings as part of the preset. Using the Spider V Remote Application for Mac & PC Spider V Remote is a FREE editor and librarian application for Mac and PC, available at /software. T o connect a Spider V 20 amp to your computer, use a standard USB-A to USB-Micro B cable or adapter (not included). Simply install and launch the application and it will automatically sync up with your Spider V 20 amplifier.*NOTE: For USB operation with Windows®computers, it is necessary to install the latest Line 6 Spider V ASIO driver from /software. There is no driver installation necessary for Mac computers.Application OverviewThe application displays a preset's contents within its three panels: the Signal Flow, Model Browser and Editor panels. The Signal Flow panel shows the various types of "blocks" that make up the current preset. All available amp & effects models are selectable within the Model Browser, arranged by type. All available parameters for the currently-selected block appear within the Editor, located in the lower right pane. T o edit a parameter value, click and drag on the slider handles within the Editor panel.Changing Amps and EffectsT o change the model for any amp or effects block, select the block within the Signal Flow, then choose the desired model from the Model Browser. Loading and Saving PresetsT o save your tone from within the application, click the LOAD/SAVE button and select Save T one to SPIDER V 20. The current preset slot will be highlighted. Alternatively, you may select a different save destination slot if desired. Click Save to complete the operation. T o follow are additional options available from this menu for managing your Preset Library.• Save T one to Spider V 20 – Saves the tone with all its current settings to a preset slot of your choosing.• Save T one to Disk – Saves the current tone to a folder on disk as an .l6p tone file.• Load T one – Loads a tone from disk, but does not save the tone to the current preset slot.• Import T one to Spider V 20 – Loads a .l6p tone file from disk and saves it to a preset slot of the of your choosing.• Export T one from Spider V 20 – Saves a different tone than the one currently loaded to a folder on disk.• Back Up Spider V 20 to File – Creates a "bundle" backup file which includes all the tones currently loaded on your Spider V 20 amp and saves the file to disk.• Restore Spider V 20 from File – Overwrites all presets on your Spider V 20 amp with the tones in the backup file from disk. Using Spider V Remote App on iOS and Android Devices Spider V Remote is also offered as a FREE editor, librarian and updater app for iOS and Android mobile devices. The functionality of the mobile application is very similar to that of the Spider V Remote Mac & PC application (please see preceding section).For iOS Devices -An Apple USB Camera Connection Kit adapter is required for connecting to your Spider V 20 amp's USB port. The Spider V Remote mobile app is available free from the Apple App Store.For Android Devices -An Android "On-The-Go" (OTG) Adapter is required for connecting to your Spider V 20 amp's USB port. The Spider V Remote mobile app is available free from the Google Play™ store.Steinberg Cubase® LE Recording SoftwareT o get your FREE copy of Steinberg Cubase LE software for Mac or PC, please register your Spider V 20 amplifier at https:///account/ registergear/. Once registered, you'll receive a software activation code and download link on the online registration page.Spider V 20 Amplifier Firmware UpdatesFor optimal performance, always run the latest firmware in your Spider V 20 amplifier. The Spider V Remote mobile application will inform you whenever a firmware update is available, so you'll always know you have the latest version! If a firmware update is available, you can perform the update from within the Spider V Remote mobile application - just follow the prompts to complete the update on your connected Spider V 20 amplifier.If your Spider V 20 amp is connected to a Mac or Windows computer, you'll need use the Line 6 Updater application to check for and perform firmware updates - available free from /software. The Line 6 Updater app contains all instructions for successful firmware updates, and best of all, completes the update in just a few minutes.。
Line的使用小技巧1. 基本功能Line是一款流行的即时通讯应用,除了基本的聊天功能外,还有许多其他实用的功能。
下面是一些使用Line时可能会遇到的小技巧:1.1 快速回复在Line中,你可以使用快速回复功能来快速回复对方的消息。
1.2 聊天记录搜索如果你想要查找某条特定的聊天记录,可以使用Line的搜索功能。
1.3 多人语音通话除了单独进行语音通话外,Line还支持多人语音通话。
1.4 表情包和贴纸Line提供了丰富多样的表情包和贴纸供用户使用。
2. 高级功能除了基本功能外,Line还提供了一些高级功能,让用户能够更好地使用该应用。
2.1 隐藏聊天记录如果你想要隐藏某个聊天记录,可以使用Line的隐藏功能。
2.2 定时发送消息有时候你可能希望在特定的时间发送一条消息,而不是立即发送。
2.3 群组管理如果你是一个群组管理员,可以使用Line的群组管理功能来更好地管理群组成员和聊天内容。
2.4 多设备登录Line支持多设备登录,这意味着你可以在多个设备上同时使用同一个账号登录Line。
line使用指南1. 安装和注册
- 下载并安装line应用程序
- 使用手机号码或电子邮件地址注册账户
- 点击"朋友"选项卡
- 点击"添加朋友"
- 通过ID搜索好友或扫描二维码
- 点击"朋友"选项卡
- 点击"创建群组"
- 选择要添加的朋友
- 设置群组名称和图像
- 点击要发送消息的对话框
- 输入消息内容
- 可以发送文字、照片、视频、贴纸等
- 在对话框中点击语音或视频通话图标
- 等待对方接受通话请求
- 点击"时间线"选项卡
- 可以查看朋友的动态和分享内容
- 也可以发布自己的状态和照片
- 点击"更多"选项卡
- 进入"设置"
- 可以管理个人资料、隐私设置、通知等
8. line Pay
- 在line中可以使用line Pay进行支付
- 可以购买应用内商品或转账给朋友
9. line主题
- 可以在"主题商店"购买和更换主题
- 自定义line的界面和外观
10. line助手
- 通过输入指令可以使用各种功能
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穿越电网的游戏规则及流程英文回答:Rules of the Grid.Objective:To be the first player to connect a path of their colored lines from one side of the grid to the opposite side.Setup:Each player chooses a color and takes all of the line pieces of that color.Players take turns placing their line pieces on the grid.The grid is a 10x10 square with 100 spaces.Each space on the grid can be occupied by one and only one line piece.Gameplay:On their turn, a player places one of their line pieces on the grid.Line pieces can be placed horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally.Line pieces must be placed adjacent to another line piece of the same color or to an empty space.Players can only place line pieces on spaces that are not already occupied by another line piece.If a player cannot place a line piece on the grid, they lose their turn.Winning:The first player to connect a path of their colored lines from one side of the grid to the opposite side wins the game.A path is a series of connected line pieces of the same color that leads from one side of the grid to the opposite side.If no player can connect a path from one side of the grid to the opposite side, the game ends in a draw.Variations:There are many variations of the game of Grid, including:Speed Grid: Players race to connect a path from one side of the grid to the opposite side in the shortest amount of time.Puzzle Grid: Players are given a puzzle board witha pre-arranged set of line pieces and must solve the puzzle by connecting a path from one side of the grid to the opposite side.3D Grid: The game is played on a three-dimensional grid instead of a two-dimensional grid.中文回答:穿越电网游戏规则及流程。
基礎知識 - Mod安裝篇:2. Mod安裝教學:(1) 遊戲包 (.txx 文件):Archives/2.114.00(2) 遊戲材質 (皮膚, 衣服, 房間等 png/txf 文件):Mod/ActiveMod(4) 自定玩具(tes文件及其icon圖):Community/ToyEdit(3) 自製電影 (Sequence-####文件夾sq文件及其icon圖):Community/Sequencer(4) 自定姿勢 (pes文件及其icon圖):Community/PoseEdit(5) 動作文件 (bvh 文件):Mod/PoseEdit(6) 遊戲角色 (Model#### 文件夾):Save/Models(7) 社群遊戲角色 (Customization#### 文件夾):Community/Customizer3. 遊戲包的優先序:∙許多遊戲包(txx)有相同的文件名的內容物. 遊戲包載入順序不同, 將會有截然不同的結果∙3DV是透過 txx文件命名, 依據的是文件名稱字母排序, 來決定遊戲包的優先序.∙也就是 a.txx 優先於 b.txx 優先於 c.txx, 當文件發生衝突時. 以 a.txx的內容為主.4. Mod衝突處理:(1) 遊戲包衝突:∙衝突描述: txx遊戲包的部分內容物相同∙解決方法: 更改衝突 txx的文件名稱, 調整載入優先權(2) 材質解析度衝突∙衝突描述: 通常是安裝 4xHD 高清材質, 才會發生∙解決方法:i. 安裝 4xHD 高清材質, 須搭配 R9 或 Sam5的高清材質集(也可安裝JZenma的整合版). 防止疊圖錯位 ii. 安裝 4xHD 高清材質, 須刪除 Mod/ActiveMod 的低清皮膚(3) ID衝突∙衝突描述: 遊戲腳本中, 同一個 Dress ID/Item ID 被重複定義, 導致部分腳本失效∙解決方法: 須使用 Mod 工具解開遊戲包修改腳本進階知識 - Mod工具篇:1. Mod 類型:(1) 3D替換模組 (3D replacer mods)∙直接替換掉遊戲原有的3D模型. 被替換的對象將無法使用.∙(更換模型, 可能會使部分遊戲貼圖發生錯誤)(2) 3D擴充模組 (3D addon mods)∙透過修改遊戲腳本. 額外新增3D模型. 不會替換遊戲原有的3D模型.(3) 腳本模組 (Script mods)∙透過修改遊戲腳本. 新增新的滑動條, 操作選項, 人物表情.(4) 材質模組 (Image mods)∙替換遊戲中的貼圖(5) 音效模組 (Sound Mods)∙新增語音與音效2. 遊戲包結構:∙Archives/2.114.001 目錄下, 有許多 txx 文件.∙txx文件其實是一種加密過的壓縮文件, 存放遊戲內的設定, 腳本, 模型, 腳本, 貼圖, 聲音, 及語言包.3. txx解壓縮後的常見文件:∙bs/bh: 遊戲的設定與腳本文件, 也可以是3D模型文件∙[bsb]/[bhb]: 加密後的 bs/bh∙po: 語言包, 存放遊戲中的字串. 需設定對應的字庫 (utf-8)∙jp2: 遊戲中的貼圖與圖示∙png: 遊戲中的貼圖與圖示. 同路徑下, 若是存在同檔名的jp2圖, 則以png為準.∙tri: 遊戲中3D模型, 骨架∙gzip: 部分[bsb]/[bhb]文件, 會加一層gzip壓縮, 可用winrar/7z 等壓縮工具解壓縮∙ogg: 遊戲內的語音與音效4. Mod環境設定:作業系統: Windows, LinuxWindows環境設定:∙如果想用 cmd 編譯, 需設定path環境變量 Binaries/tk17sh∙(使用 TK17 Command Shell.exe 就不用設定環境變量)Linux環境設定:∙需設定path環境變量 Binaries/tk17sh∙需安裝 wine 才能使用解包與打包工具5. Mod工具介紹:(1) 遊戲內建基本Mod工具TK17 Command Shell.exe (Binaries/TK17_Shell.exe)∙功能: 命令介面, 可直接使用 Binaries/tk17sh 的工具∙使用方法: 與 windows 中的 cmd 大致相同txx_tools.exe:∙功能: txx解包與打包工具∙使用方法:1. 開啟 TK17 Command Shell.exe (或windows cmd, Linux terminal)2. txx解包:txx_tools -x <txx文件>3. txx打包:txx_tools -k 1 -b <要打包成txx文件的目錄>blex.exe:∙功能: bs/bh <--> [bsb]/[bhb]解包與打包工具∙使用方法:1. 開啟 TK17 Command Shell.exe (或windows cmd, Linux terminal)解密:blex.exe -d DcDress.[bsb] -o DcDress.bs加密:blex.exe -e -o DcDress.[bsb]2. 要載入bs 文件到 blender, 要裝 tkm 工具裝好後左邊的工具列會有導入選項]logdec.exe∙功能: 遊戲除錯紀錄. 查看mod載入是否正常∙使用方法:1. 開啟 TK17 Command Shell.exe (或windows cmd, Linux terminal)2. 輸入logdec.exe(2) Tri_utils 工具集(包在 MDK 中)安裝方法:1.解壓縮 Tri_utils.7z, 及裡面的zip文件.2.將AddAnimateMorph.exe, FileConvert.exe, tri2egm.exe 全丟到 Binaries/tk17sh/目錄下fileconvert∙功能: 轉換 tri, vrml, obj, 3ds 的文件轉換工具, 我們主要使用它來將tri文件轉換成obj文件.使一般的3D編輯軟件得以編輯遊戲內的模型∙使用方法: 轉換 3ds1. 開啟 TK17 Command Shell.exe (或windows cmd, Linux terminal)2. 轉換 fg_head.tri --> fg_head.3dsfileconvert tri-3ds fg_head3. 轉換 fg_head.3ds --> fg_head.trifileconvert 3ds-tri fg_head∙使用方法: 轉換 obj1. 開啟 TK17 Command Shell.exe (或windows cmd, Linux terminal)2. 轉換 fg_head.tri --> fg_head.objfileconvert tri-obj fg_head3. 轉換 fg_head.obj --> fg_head.trifileconvert obj-tri fg_head(3) Blender v2.64a(包在 MDK 中)∙功能: 一套免費的3D編輯軟體, 可搭配 Klub17 3D object io tools使用∙使用方法: 參考我自製的 40頁slide (包在 MDK 中)(4) Klub17 3D object io tools (tkm) (包在 MDK 中)∙安裝方法:1. 解壓縮 io_tkm17_v0.8.3.7z2. 將 io_tkm17 目錄複製到 Blender 安裝目錄的addons 目錄中X:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.64\scripts\addons\3. 開啟 Blender4. 使用者偏好設定 --> 附加元件5. 找尋 klub17 3D object io tools 打勾6. 存為預設值∙功能說明: 主要功能是將bs 3D模型文件, 匯入/匯出Blender ∙使用方法:1. 在Blender左方工具列中, 會看到 TKM17 Importer2. 可以點選[匯入] 將 bs 3D模型文件匯入 Blender3. 可以點選[匯出] 3D模型匯出成bs文件1. 打勾後, 儲存設定, 左方會出現tkm2. 載入模型前, 先存檔3. 設定 blex, txx_tools等工具4. 使用匯入, 將模型載入好好摸索吧, tkm 還有不少功能一些要遵守的規則:(整理中)參考資料:以下是國外的一些資料1. WIKI∙/doku.php∙/wiki/TheKlub17_Wiki2. JU 的移植教學1,3DV的自带拍照程序,所生成的照片,是不带游戏画面的渲染效果的。
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The Line怎么玩 the line新手攻略
《The Line》是热门手机游戏《2048》开发者的最新作品,该作的玩法比较类似管道游戏。
以上是百度攻略&口袋巴士小编带来的the line游戏玩法攻略,现在各位小伙伴应该知道the line 怎么玩了吧,赶快去试试吧!想了解更多请关注百度攻略&口袋巴士the line专区。