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项目一财务管理总体认知一、单项选择题1.下列各项企业财务管理目标中,能够同时考虑资金的时间价值和投资风险因素的是( D )。
A.产值最大化 B.利润最大化C.每股收益最大化 D.企业价值最大化2.企业筹资活动的最终结果是( D )。
银行借款 B.发行债券C.发行股票D.资金流入7.相对于每股收益最大化目标而言,企业价值最大化目标的不足之处是( D )。
A.没有考虑资金的时间价值 B.没有考虑投资的风险价值C.不能反映企业潜在的获利能力 D.某些情况下确定比较困难9.下列法律法规同时影响企业筹资、投资和收益分配的是( A )。
A.公司法 B.金融法C.税法 D.企业财务通则10.在市场经济条件下,财务管理的核心是( B )。
财务预测 B.财务决策C.财务控制 D。
财务分析二、多项选择题2.企业财务管理的基本内容包括( ACD )。
筹资决策 B.技术决策C.投资决策 D.盈利分配决策3.财务管理的环境包括( ABCD ).A.技术环境 B.经济环境C.金融环境 D.法律环境4.以下项目中属于“利润最大化"目标存在的问题有( ABCD )。
A.没有考虑利润实现时间和资金时间价值B.没有考虑风险问题C.没有反映创造的利润与投入的资本之间的关系D.可能导致企业短期财务决策倾向,影响企业长远发展5.以股东财富最大化作为财务管理目标存在的问题有( ABC ).A.通常只适用于上市公司B.股价不能完全准确反映企业财务管理状况C.对其他相关者的利益重视不够D.没有考虑风险因素6.下列财务管理的目标当中,考虑了风险因素的有( BCD )。
A.利润最大化 B.股东财富最大化C.企业价值最大化 D.相关者利益最大化7.在分配活动中,企业财务管理的核心任务是( BC )。
A. 确定筹资结构 B。
确定分配规模C.确定分配方式 D。
确定投资方向8.利润最大化目标和每股利润最大化目标存在的共同缺陷有( ABD )。
第一章单项选择题参考答案1 .C 2. A 3.B 4. C 5.C 6. D 7. B 8.A 9.C多项选择题参考答案:1 .ABD 2. AC 3. ABCD 4. ABCD 5.ABD 6. ABCD 7. CD 8. BD 9. ABC10.ABC 11.ABC判断题参考答案:1 .X 2. √ 3.X 4. X 5. X 6. √ 7. X 8. √第二章单项选择题参考答案:1.B2. B3. D4. D5. C6. C7. A8. B多项选择题参考答案:1 .AC 2. ABCD 3. AC 4. AC 5. BCD判断题参考答案:1.√ 2. X 3.√ 4. V 5. X第三章单项选择题参考答案:1.D2. D 3.B 4. B多项选择题参考答案:1.ABCD2. BD3. ABCD4. ABCD5. BCD6. AD判断题参考答案:1 .X 2. X 3.X第四章练习题一、单项选择:1.一个公司“当期的营业性现金净流入量等于当期的净利润加折旧之和”,就意味着()。
A.该公司不会发生偿债危机 B.该公司当期没有股利分配C.该公司当期的营业收入都是现金流入D.该公司当期的营业成本与费用除折旧外都是付现费用2.年末,ABC公司正在考虑卖掉现有的一台闲置设备。
该设备于8年前以40 000元入,税法规定的折旧年限为10年,按照直线法计提折旧,预计残值率为10%,己提折旧28800元。
目前可以按10 000元价格卖出,假设所得税税率为30%,卖出现有设备对本期现金流量的影响是()。
A.减少360元 B.减少1200元 C.增加9 640元 D.增加10 360元3.已知某设备原值60 000元,税法规定残值率为10%,最终报废残值5000元,该公司所得税税率为40%,则该设备最终报废由于残值带来的现金流入量为()元。
A. 5 400B. 6 000C. 5 000D.46004.在长期投资决策中,一般来说,属于经营期现金流出项目的有()。
公司理财(MBA全景教程之六)★课程提纲——通过本课程,您能学到什么?第一讲1.财务与会计的内涵2.财务与会计的关系3.评判现行财务制度4.如何认识会计工作(一)第二讲1.如何认识会计工作(二)2.会计等式与会计报表第三讲1.现金流量表2.财务治理的目标3.财务治理的内容4.财务治理的职能第四讲1.财务分析概述2.流淌性分析3.资产治理分析4.长期偿债能力分析5.盈利能力分析6.上市公司财务分析第五讲1.财务推测(一)2.财务推测(二)第六讲1.财务推测(三)2.本量利分析3.财务预算4.作业成本与作业预算5.一般股筹资第七讲1.负债筹资2.营运资金政策3.资本成本4.财务杠杆5.资本结构第八讲1.三种投资分类方式2.投资中考虑的因素3.项目投资决策基础4.长期投资决策方法(一)第九讲1.长期投资决策方法(二)2.证券的评判第十讲1.现金和有价证券治理2.应收账款和存货治理3.利润分配活动的治理4.构建现代企业财务治理体系第1讲财务治理基础知识(一)【本讲重点】财务与会计的关系会计的基础知识(一)财务与会计的关系【重点提示】财务与会计的内涵财务与会计的关系评判现行财务制度财务与会计的内涵1.会计会计工作要紧是解决三个环节的咨询题:会计凭证会计账簿会计报表图1-1 会计工作的三个环节2.财务财务不是解决对外报告的咨询题,而是要解决企业内部资金运作过程中的一系列咨询题,涉及到推测、决策、操纵和规划。
《公司理财》课程教学大纲课程英文名称:Corporate Finance课程代码:课程性质:文化素质选修课适用专业:各专业适用总学时数:24 其中讲课学时:24 实验学时:总学分数:1编写人:刘承智审核人:廖国和一、课程简介(一)课程性质及其在课程体系中的地位《公司理财》是管理类专业的专业基础课,也是经济类专业的专业必修课。
BA有效运用资金 B如何设法筹集到所需资金 C研究投资组合 D国际融资2、以往被西方经济学家和企业家做为公司的经营目标和投资理财目标的就是()。
AA利润最大化 B资本利润率最大化 C每股利润最大化 D股东财富最大化3、现代公司投资理财的目标就是()。
CA获利能力最大化 B偿债能力最大化 C股东财富最大化 D追求利润最大化4、由于生产经营不断地展开而引发资金不断地循环叫做()。
CA资金运动 B财务活动 C资金周转 D资金耗费二、多项选择题1、以利润最大化作为公司理财目标存在的缺陷有()。
ABCDEA无法精确充分反映所荣获利润额同资金投入资本额的关系 B没考量利润出现的时间C会导致公司理财决策者的短期行为 D没有考虑货币的时间价值E没考虑到经营风险问题2、股东财富最大化作为公司理财目标的优点有()。
ABCDEA考量了货币的时间价值 B考量了风险价值C体现了对公司资产保值增值的要求 D克服公司经营上的短期行为E使得公司投资理财当局从长远战略角度展开财务决策3、公司的财务活动包括()。
ABCDEA资金的筹措 B资金的运用 C资金的花费 D资金的归还 E资金的分配4、公司理财的内容主要有()。
ABEA筹资决策 B投资决策 C成本决策 D价格决策 E股利分配决策三、填空题1、直观地谈,公司投资理财就是公司如何(万晓塘、多管齐下、以有)。
Chapter 6: Some Alternative Investment RulesConcept Questions - Chapter 66.2 ∙List the problems of the payback period rule.1.It does not take into account the time value of money.2.It ignores payments after the payback period.3.The cutoff period is arbitrary.∙What are some advantages?1.It is simple to implement.2.It may help in controlling and evaluating managers.6.4 ∙What are the three steps in calculating AAR?1.Determine average net income.2.Determine average investment3.Divide average net income by average investment.∙What are some flaws with the AAR approach?1.It uses accounting figures.2.It takes no account of timing.3.The cutoff period is arbitrary.6.5 ∙How does one calculate the IRR of a project?Using either trial-and-error or a financial calculator, one finds the discount ratethat produces an NPV of zero.6.6 ∙What is the difference between independent projects and mutually exclusiveprojects?An independent project is one whose acceptance does not affect the acceptance of another. A mutually exclusive project, on the other hand is one whose acceptance precludes the acceptance of another.∙What are two problems with the IRR approach that apply to both independent and mutually exclusive projects?1.The decision rule depends on whether one is investing of financing.2.Multiple rates of return are possible.∙What are two additional problems applying only to mutually exclusive projects?1.The IRR approach ignores issues of scale.2.The IRR approach does not accommodate the timing of the cash flowsproperly.6.7 ∙How does one calculate a project's profitability index?Divide the present value of the cash flows subsequent to the initial investment by the initial investment.∙How is the profitability index applied to independent projects, mutually exclusive projects, and situations of capital rationing?1.With independent projects, accept the project if the PI is greater than 1.0 andreject if less than 1.0.2.With mutually exclusive projects, use incremental analysis, subtracting thecash flows of project 2 from project 1. Find the PI. If the PI is greater than1.0, accept project 1. If less than 1.0, accept project2.3.In capital rationing, the firm should simply rank the projects according to theirrespective PIs and accept the projects with the highest PIs, subject to thebudget constrain.Answers to End-of-Chapter ProblemsQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSThe Payback Period Rule6.1 Fuji Software, Inc., has the following projects.Year Project A Project B0 _$7,500 _$5,0001 4,000 2,5002 3,500 1,2003 1,500 3,000a. Suppose Fuji’s cutoff payback period is two years. Which of these two projects should be chosen?b. Suppose Fuji uses the NPV rule to rank these two projects. If the appropriate discount rate is 15 percent, which project should be chosen?6.1 a. Payback period of Project A = 1 + ($7,500 - $4,000) / $3,500 = 2 yearsPayback period of Project B = 2 + ($5,000 - $2,500 -$1,200) / $3,000 = 2.43 yearsProject A should be chosen.b. NPV A = -$7,500 + $4,000 / 1.15 + $3,500 / 1.152 + $1,500 / 1.153 = -$388.96NPV B = -$5,000 + $2,500 / 1.15 + $1,200 / 1.152 + $3,000 / 1.153 = $53.83Project B should be chosen.6.2 Suppose Peach Paving Company invests $1 million today on a new construction project. The project will generate annual cash flows of $150,000 in perpetuity. The appropriate annual discount rate for the project is 10 percent.a. What is the payback period for the project? If the Peach Paving Company desires to have a 10-year payback period, should the project be adopted?b. What is the discounted payback period for the project?c. What is the NPV of the project?6.2 a. Payback period = 6 + {$1,000,000 - ($150,000 ⨯ 6)} / $150,000 = 6.67 yearsYes, the project should be adopted.A= $974,259b. $150,000 11.010The discounted payback period = 11 + ($1,000,000 - $974,259) / ($150,000 / 1.112)= 11.54 yearsc. NPV = -$1,000,000 + $150,000 / 0.10 = $500,000The Average Accounting Return6.3 The annual, end-of-year, book-investment accounts for the machine whose purchase your firm is considering are shown below.Purchase Year Year Year YearDate 1 2 3 4Gross investment $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000Less: accumulateddepreciation ______0_ ___4_,0_0_0_ ___8_,0_0_0_ __1_2_,0_0_0_ _1_6_,_0_0_0Net investment $16,000 $12,000 $ 8,000 $ 4,000 $ 0If your firm purchases this machine, you can expect it to generate, on average, $4,500 peryear in additional net income.a. What is the average accounting return for this machine?b. What three flaws are inherent in this decision rule?6.3 a. Average Investment:($16,000 + $12,000 + $8,000 + $4,000 + 0) / 5 = $8,000Average accounting return:$4,500 / $8,000 = 0.5625 = 56.25%b. 1. AAR does not consider the timing of the cash flows, hence it does notconsider the time value of money.2. AAR uses an arbitrary firm standard as the decision rule.3. AAR uses accounting data rather than net cash flows.6.4 Western Printing Co. has an opportunity to purchase a $2 million new printing machine. It has an economic life of five years and will be worthless after that time. This new investment is expected to generate an annual net income of $100,000 one year from today and the income stream will grow at 7 percent per year subsequently. The company adopts a straight-line depreciation method (i.e., equal amounts of depreciation in each year). What is the average accounting return of the investment? Supposing Western Printing’s AAR cutoff is 20 percent, should the machine be purchased?6.4 Average Investment = ($2,000,000 + 0) / 2 = $1,000,000Average net income = [$100,000 {(1 + g)5 - 1} / g] / 5= {$100,000A (1.075 - 1} / 0.07} / 5= $115,014.78AAR = $115,014.78 / $1,000,000 = 11.50%No, since the machine’s AAR is less than the firm’s cutoff AAR.6.5 Nokia Group has invested $8,000 in a high-tech project. This cost is depreciated on an accelerated basis that yields $4,000, $2,500, $1,500 of depreciation, respectively, during its three-year economic life. The project is expected to produce income before tax of $2,000 each year during its economic life. If the tax rate is 25%, what is the project’s average accounting return (AAR)?a. 44.44%b. 50.23%c. 66.67%d. 70.00%e. 82.21%The Internal Rate of Return6.5 a6.6 Compute the internal rate of return on projects with the following cash flows.Cash Flows ($)Year Project A Project B0 _3,000 _6,0001 2,500 5,0002 1,000 2,000/ $160,000 = 1.046.6PI = $40,000 715.0Since the PI exceeds one accept the project.6.7 CPC, Inc., has a project with the following cash flows.Year Cash Flows ($)0 _8,0001 4,0002 3,0003 2,000a. Compute the internal rate of return on the project.b. Suppose the appropriate discount rate is 8 percent. Should the project be adopted by CPC?6.7 The IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV = 0.-$3,000 + $2,500 / (1 + IRR A) + $1,000 / (1 + IRR A)2 = 0By trial and error, IRR A = 12.87%Since project B’s cash flows are two times of those of project A, the IRR B = IRR A =12.87%6.8 Compute the internal rate of return for the cash flows of the following two projects.Cash Flows ($)Time A B0 _2,000 _1,5001 2,000 5002 8,000 1,0003 _8,000 1,5006.8 a. Solve x by trial and error:-$4,000 + $2,000 / (1 + x) + $1,500 / (1 + x)2 + $1,000 / (1 + x)3 = 0x = 6.93%b. No, since the IRR (6.93%) is less than the discount rate of 8%.6.9 Suppose you are offered $5,000 today and obligated to make scheduled payments as follows:Year Cash Flows ($)0 5,0001 _2,5002 _2,0003 _1,0004 _1,000a. What is the IRRs of this offer?b. If the appropriate discount rate is 10 percent, should you accept this offer?c. If the appropriate discount rate is 20 percent, should you accept this offer?Chapter 6 Some Alternative Investment Rules 165d. What is the corresponding NPV of the project if the appropriate discount rates are 10 percent and 20 percent, respectively? Are the choices under the NPV rule consistent with those of the IRR rule?6.9 Find the IRRs of project A analytically. Since the IRR is the discount rate that makes the NPVequal to zero, the following equation must hold.-$200 + $200 / (1 + r) + $800 / (1 + r)2 - $800 / (1 + r)3 = 0$200 [-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] - {$800 / (1 + r)2}[-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] = 0[-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] [$200 - $800 / (1 + r)2] = 0For this equation to hold, either [-1 + 1 / (1 + r)] = 0 or [$200 - $800 / (1 + r)2] = 0.Solve each of these factors for the r that would cause the factor to equal zero. Theresulting rates are the two IRRs for project A. They are either r = 0% or r = 100%.Note: By inspection you should have known that one of the IRRs of project A iszero. Notice that the sum of the un-discounted cash flows for project A is zero.Thus, not discounting the cash flows would yield a zero NPV. The discount ratewhich is tantamount to not discounting is zero.Here are some of the interactions used to find the IRR by trial and error.Sophisticated calculators can compute this rate without all of the tedium involved inthe trial-and-error method.NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.3 + $100 / 1.32 + $150 / 1.33 = $15.91NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.4 + $100 / 1.42 + $150 / 1.43 = -$8.60NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.37 + $100 / 1.372 + $150 / 1.373 = -$1.89NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.36 + $100 / 1.36 2 + $150 / 1.363 = $0.46NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.36194 + $100 / 1.361942 + $150 / 1.361943= $0.0010NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.36195 + $100 / 1.361952 + $150 / 1.361953= -$0.0013NPV = -$150 + $50 / 1.361944 + $100 / 1.3619442 + $150 / 1.3619443= $0.0000906Thus, the IRR is approximately 36.1944%.6.10 As the Chief Financial Officer of the Orient Express, you are offered the following twomutually exclusive projects.Year Project A Project B0 _$5,000 _$100,0001 3,500 65,0002 3,500 65,000a. What are the IRRs of these two projects?b. If you are told only the IRRs of the projects, which would you choose?c. What did you ignore when you made your choice in part (b)?d. How can the problem be remedied?e. Compute the incremental IRR for the projects.f. Based on your answer to part (e), which project should you choose?g. Suppose you have determined that the appropriate discount rate for these projectsis 15 percent. According to the NPV rule, which of these two projects should beadopted?6.10 a. Solve r in the equation:$5,000 - $2,500 / (1 + r) - $2,000 / (1 + r)2 - $1,000 / (1 + r)3- $1,000 / (1 + r)4 = 0By trial and error,IRR = r = 13.99%b. Since this problem is the case of financing, accept the project if the IRR is less thanthe required rate of return.IRR = 13.99% > 10%Reject the offer.c. IRR = 13.99% < 20%Accept the offer.d. When r = 10%:NPV = $5,000 - $2,500 / 1.1 - $2,000 / 1.12 - $1,000 / 1.13 - $1,000 / 1.14= -$359.95When r = 20%:NPV = $5,000 - $2,500 / 1.2 - $2,000 / 1.22 - $1,000 / 1.23 - $1,000 / 1.24= $466.82Yes, they are consistent with the choices of the IRR rule since the signs of the cashflows change only once.6.11 Consider two streams of cash flows, A and B. Cash flow A consists of $5,000 starting three years from today and growing at 4 percent in perpetuity. Cash flow B consists of _$6,000 starting two years from today and continuing in perpetuity. Assume the appropriate discount rate is 12 percent.a. What is the present value of each stream?b. What is the IRR of a project C, which is a combination of projects A and B; that is, C _ A _ B?c. If it is assumed that the discount rate is always positive, what is the rule related to IRR for assessing project C that would correspond to the NPV rule?6.11 a. Project A:NPV = -$5,000 + $3,500 / (1 + r) + $3,500 / (1 + r)2 = 0IRR = r = 25.69%Project B:NPV = -$100,000 + $65,000 / (1 + r) + $65,000 / (1 + r)2 = 0IRR = r = 19.43%b. Choose project A because it has a higher IRR.c. The difference in scale is ignored.d. Apply the incremental IRR method.e.C0C1C2B - A -$95,000 $61,500 $61,500NPV = -$95,000 + $61,500 / (1 + r) + $61,500 / (1 + r)2 = 0Incremental IRR = r = 19.09%f. If the discount rate is less than 19.09%, choose project B.Otherwise, choose project A.g. NPV A = -$5,000 + $3,500 / 1.15 + $3,500 / 1.152 = $689.98NPV B = -$100,000 + $65,000 / 1.15 + $65,000 / 1.152 = $5,671.08Choose project B.6.12 Project A involves an investment of $1 million, and project B involves an investment of $2 million. Both projects have a unique internal rate of return of 20 percent. Is the following statement true or false? Explain your answer.For any discount rate between 0 percent and 20 percent, inclusive, project B has an NPV twice as great as that of project A.6.12 a. PV A = {$5,000 / (0.12 - 0.04)} / 1.122 = $49,824.61 PV B = (-$6,000 / 0.12) / 1.12 = -$44,642.86 b. The IRR for project C must solve{$5,000 / (x - 0.04)} / (1 + x)2 + (-$6,000 / x) / (1 + x) = 0 $5,000 / (x - 0.04) - $6,000 (1 + x) / x = 0 25 x 2 + 3.17 x - 1 =0x = {-3.17 - (110.0489)0.5} / 50 or {-3.17 + (110.0489)0.5} / 50 The relevant positive root is IRR = x = 0.1464 = 14.64%c.To arrive at the appropriate decision rule, we must graph the NPV as a function of the discount rate. At a discount rate of 14.64% the NPV is zero. To determine if the graph is upward or downward sloping, check the NPV at another discount rate. At a discount rate of 10% the NPV is $14,325.07 [= $68,870.52 - $54,545.54]. Thus, the graph of the NPV is downward sloping. From the discussion in the text, if an NPV graph is downward sloping, the project is an investing project. The correct decision rule for an investing project is to accept the project if the discount rate is below 14.64%.The Profitability Index6.13 Suppose the following two mutually exclusive investment opportunities are available to the DeAngelo Firm. The appropriate discount rate is 10 percent. Year Project Alpha Project Beta 0 _$500 _$2,000 1 _300 _300 2 700 1,800 3 600 1,700a. What is the NPV of project alpha and project beta?b. Which project would you recommend for the DeAngelo Firm?6.13 Generally, the statement is false. If the cash flows of project B occur early and the cashflows of project A occur late, then for a low discount rate the NPV of A can exceed the NPV of B. Examples are easy to construct.14.64%10%rNPV$14,325.07C0C1C2IRR NPV @ 0% A: -$1,000,000 $0 $1,440,000 0.20 $440,000B: -2,000,000 2,400,000 0 0.20 400,000 In one particular case, the statement is true for equally risky projects. If the lives of thetwo projects are equal and in every time period the cash flows of the project B are twicethe cash flows of project A, then the NPV of project B will be twice as great as the NPV of project A for any discount rate between 0% and 20%.6.14 The firm for which you work must choose between the following two mutually exclusive projects. The appropriate discount rate for the projects is 10 percent.ProfitabilityC0 C1 C2 Index NPVA _$1,000 $1,000 $500 1.32 $322B _500 500 400 1.57 285The firm chose to undertake A. At a luncheon for shareholders, the manager of a pension fund that owns a substantial amount of the firm’s stock asks you why the firm chose project A instead of project B when B is more profitable.How would you justify your firm’s action? Are there any circumstances under which the pension fund manager’s argument could be correct?6.14 a. NPVα = $756.57 - $500 = $256.57NPVβ = $2,492.11 - $2,000 = $492.11b. Choose project beta.6.15 The treasurer of Davids, Inc., has projected the cash flows of projects A, B, and C as follows. Suppose the relevant discount rate is 12 percent a year.Year Project A Project B Project C0 _$100,000 _$200,000 _$100,0001 70,000 130,000 75,0002 70,000 130,000 60,000a. Compute the profitability indices for each of the three projects.b. Compute the NPVs for each of the three projects.c. Suppose these three projects are independent. Which projects should Davids accept based on the profitability index rule?d. Suppose these three projects are mutually exclusive. Which project should Davids accept based on the profitability index rule?e. Suppose Davids’ budget for these projects is $300,000. The projects are not divisible. Which projects should Davids accept?6.15 Although the profitability index is higher for project B than for project A, the NPV is theincrease in the value of the company that will occur if a particular project is undertaken.Thus, the project with the higher NPV should be chosen because it increases the value of the firm the most. Only in the case of capital rationing could the pension fund manager be correct.6.16 Bill plans to open a self-serve grooming center in a storefront. The grooming equipment will cost $160,000. Bill expects the after-tax cash inflows to be $40,000 annually for seven years, after which he plans to scrap the equipment and retire to the beaches of Jamaica.Assume the required return is 15%. What is the project’s PI? Should it be accepted?Comparison of Investment Rules6.16 a. PI A = ($70,000 / 1.12 + $70,000 / 1.122) / $100,000 = 1.183PI B = ($130,000 / 1.12 + $130,000 / 1.122) / $200,000 = 1.099PI C = ($75,000 / 1.12 + $60,000 / 1.122) / $100,000 = 1.148b. NPV A = -$100,000 + $118,303.57 = $18,303.57NPV B = -$200,000 + $219,706.63 = $19,706.63NPV C = -$100,000 + $114,795.92 = $14,795.92c. Accept all three projects because PIs of all the three projects are greater than one.d. Based on the PI rule, project C can be eliminated because its PI is less than the oneof project A, while both have the same amount of the investment. We can computethe PI of the incremental cash flows between the two projects,Project C0C1C2PIB - A -$100,000 $60,000 $60,000 1.014We should take project B since the PI of the incremental cash flows is greater thanone.e. Project B has the highest NPV, while A has the next highest NPV.Take both projects A and B.6.17 Define each of the following investment rules. In your definition state the criteria for accepting or rejecting an investment under each rule.a. Payback periodb. Average accounting returnc. Internal rate of returnd. Profitability indexe. Net present value6.17 a. The payback period is the time it takes to recoup the initial investment of a project.Accept any project that has a payback period that is equal to or shorter than thecompany’s standard payback period. Reject all other projects.b. The average accounting return (AAR) is defined asAverage project earnings ÷ Average book value of the investment.Accep t projects for which the AAR is equal to or greater than the firm’s standard.Reject all other projects.c. The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate which makes the net presentvalue (NPV) of the project zero. The accept / reject criteria is:If C0 < 0 and all future cash flows are positive, accept the project if IRR ≥discount rate.If C0 < 0 and all future cash flows are positive, reject the project if IRR <discount rate.If C0 > 0 and all future cash flows are negative, accept the project if IRR ≤discount rate.If C0 > 0 and all future cash flows are negative, reject the project if IRR >discount rate.If the project has cash flows that alternate in sign, there is likely to be more thanone positive IRR. In that situation, there is no valid IRR accept / reject rule.d. The profitability index (PI) is defined as:(The present value of the cash flows subsequent to the initial investment ÷The initial investment)Accept any project for which the profitability index is equal to or greater thanone. Reject project for which that is not true.e. The net present value (NPV) is the sum of the present values of all project cashflows. Accept those projects with NPVs which are equal to or greater than zero.Rejects p roposals with negative NPVs.6.18 Consider the following cash flows of two mutually exclusive projects for Chinese Daily News.New Sunday New SaturdayYear Early Edition Late Edition0 _$1,200 _$2,1001 600 1,0002 550 9003 450 800a. Based on the payback period rule, which project should be chosen?b. Suppose there is no corporate tax and the cash flows above are income before the depreciation. The firm uses a straight-line depreciation method (i.e., equal amounts of depreciation in each year). What is the average accounting return for each of these two projects?c. Which project has a greater IRR?d. Based on the incremental IRR rule, which project should be chosen?6.18 Let project A represent New Sunday Early Edition; and let project B represent NewSaturday Late Edition.a. Payback period of project A = 2 + ($1,200 - $1,150) / $450 = 2.11 yearsPayback period of project B = 2 + ($2,100 - $1,900) / $800 = 2.25 yearsBased on the payback period rule, you should choose project A.b. Project A:Average investment = ($1,200 + $0) / 2 = $600Depreciation = $400 / yearAverage income = [($600 - $400) + ($550 - $400) + ($450 - $400)] / 3= $133.33AAR = $133.33 / $600 = 22.22%Project B:Average investment = ($2,100 + $0) / 2 = $1,050Depreciation = $700 / yearAverage income = [($1,000 - $700) + ($900 - $700) + ($800 - $700)] / 3= $200AAR = $200 / $1,050 = 19.05%c. IRR of project A:-$1,200 + $600 / (1 + r) + $550 / (1 + r)2 + $450 / (1 + r)3 = 0IRR = r = 16.76%IRR of project B:-$2,100 + $1,000 / (1 + r) + $900 / (1 + r)2 + $800 / (1 + r)3 = 0IRR = r = 14.29%Project A has a greater IRR.d. IRR of project B-A:Incremental cash flowsYear 0 1 2 3B - A -$900 $400 $350 $350-$900 + $400 / (1 + r) + $350 / (1 + r)2 + $350 / (1 + r)3 = 0Incremental IRR = r = 11.02%If the required rate of return is greater than 11.02%, then choose project A.If the required rate of return is less than 11.02%, then choose project B.6.19 Consider the following cash flows on two mutually exclusive projects that require an annual return of 15 percent. Working in the financial planning department for the Bahamas Recreation Corp., you are trying to compare different investment criteria to arrive at a sensible choice of these two projects.Deepwater New SubmarineYear Fishing Ride0 _$600,000 _$1,800,0001 270,000 1,000,0002 350,000 700,0003 300,000 900,000a. Based on the discounted payback period rule, which project should be chosen?b. If your decision rule is to accept the project with a greater IRR, which project should you choose?c. Since you are fully aware of the IRR rule’s scale problem, you calculate the incremental IRR for the cash flows. Based on your computation, which project should you choose?d. To be prudent, you compute the NPV for both projects. Which project should you choose? Is it consistent with the incremental IRR rule?6.19 Let project A be Deepwater Fishing; let project B be New Submarine Ride.a. Project A:Year Discounted CF Cumulative CF0 -$600,000 -$600,0001 234,783 -365,2172 264,650 -100,5673 197,255Discounted payback period of project A = 2 + $100,567 / $197,255= 2.51 yearsProject B:Year Discounted CF Cumulative CF0 -$1,800,000 -$1,800,0001 869,565 -930,4352 529,301 -401,1343 591,765Discounted payback period of project B = 2 + $401,134 / $591,765= 2.68 yearsProject A should be chosen.b. IRR of project A:-$600,000 + $270,000 / (1 + r) + $350,000 / (1 + r)2 + $300,000 / (1 + r)3 = 0IRR = r = 24.30%IRR of project B:-$1,800,000 + $1,000,000 /(1 + r) + $700,000 / (1 + r)2 + $900,000 / (1 + r)3= 0IRR = r = 21.46%Based on the IRR rule, project A should be chosen since it has a greater IRR.c. Incremental IRR:Year 0 1 2 3B - A -$1,200,000 $730,000 $350,000 $600,000-$1,200,000 + $730,000 / (1 + r) + $350,000 / (1 + r)2 + $600,000 / (1 + r)3 = 0Incremental IRR = r = 19.92%Since the incremental IRR is greater than the required rate of return, 15%, chooseproject B.d. NPV A = -$600,000 + $270,000 / 1.15 + $350,000 / 1.152 + $300,000 / 1.153= $96,687.76NPV B = -$1,800,000 + $1,000,000 / 1.15 + $700,000 / 1.152 + $900,000 / 1.153 = $190,630.39Since NPV B > NPV A, choose project B.Yes, the NPV rule is consistent with the incremental IRR rule.6.20 The Utah Mining Corporation is set to open a gold mine near Provo, Utah. According to the treasurer, Steven Sample, “This is a golden opportunity.” The mine will cost $600,000 to open. It will generate a cash inflow of $100,000 during the first year and the cash flows are projected to grow at 8 percent per year for 10 years. After 10 years the mine will be abandoned. Abandonment costs will be $50,000.a. What is the IRR for the gold mine?b. The Utah Mining Corporation requires a 10 percent return on such undertakings.Should the mine be opened?6.20 a. The IRR is the discount rate at which the NPV = 0-$600,000 + ()0r 1000,50$r 1%811%)8r (000,100$1111=+-⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++--IRR ≈18.56% b. Yes, the mine should be opened since its IRR exceeds its required return of 10%.。