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个人总结的AltiumDesigner14的安装步骤(本人已试,可以用的)个人总结的Altium Designer 14的安装步骤(本人已试,可以用的)Altium Designer适用于windows7 32位机、64位机,windows8 64位机、8.1 64位机(其他机型尽量不要用此软件,以免出现不兼容现象)1、安装你已经下载的文件夹里的Install dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe这个软件,试一下,如果安装失败也不要紧,继续后面的步骤2、安装Install TeighaX_Setup_3.9.0.msi这个软件3、把_Program Files.exe这个程序复制一下,粘贴到C:\Program Files(适合32位机);或者粘贴到C:\Program Files (x86)(适合64位机),然后,右击它,以管理员模式运行4、把_ProgramData1.exe这个程序复制一下,粘贴到C:\Program Data, 然后,以管理员模式运行如果出现Software Extensions and Hardware devices required,那么把_ProgramData2.exe复制到C:\Program Data,然后,以管理员模式运行5、把_Users_Public_Documents.exe这个程序复制一下,粘贴到C:\用户\公用\文档,然后,以管理员模式运行6、添加注册表:运行Altium_x32.reg (适合32位机);Altium_x64.reg(适合64位机)7、创建快捷方式:在C:\Program Files\Altium\AD14\下找到DXP.exe,右击,发送到桌面即可(32位机)在C:\Program Files (x86)\Altium\AD14\下找到DXP.exe,右击,发送到桌面即可(64位机)8、运行桌面上的快捷方式,启动程序9、进入界面后,点击右上角的DXP,下面有My ACCount,会发现My ACCount-not signed in,没关系,中间位置找到Add standalone license file,找到你下载文件里面的License文件夹,然后,选择任意一个文件,点击,保存,会发现屏幕一闪一下,此时系统提示Available License恭喜你,已经可以使用了。
enterprise architect14使用步骤以下是使用Enterprise Architect 14的步骤:1. 下载和安装:从官方网站或其他途径下载Enterprise Architect 14的安装文件。
2. 启动软件:双击桌面上的Enterprise Architect图标或从开始菜单中找到并打开软件。
3. 创建或打开项目:在软件启动后,可以选择创建新项目或打开现有项目。
点击"Create New Project"可以创建新项目,点击"Open Project"可以打开现有项目。
4. 设定项目属性:创建新项目或打开现有项目后,进入项目属性设置界面。
5. 创建模型:在创建或打开项目后,可以开始设计和建模。
6. 添加关联和连接:利用工具箱中的连线工具,添加元素之间的关联,如继承关系、依赖关系或关联关系。
7. 添加细节和描述:为每个元素和关联添加细节和描述。
8. 进行分析和管理:利用软件提供的分析工具和管理功能,对模型进行分析和管理。
9. 输出和分享模型:完成模型设计后,可以将其导出为多种格式,如图像、文档或网页。
10. 存储和备份模型:定期进行模型的存储和备份,以防数据丢失或意外损坏。
这些是使用Enterprise Architect 14的基本步骤。
1.1 Arena3.0的安装和调试Arena3.0的安装同一般的软件类似,打开disk1文件夹,双击应用文件Setup.exe运行安装程序,设置好安装路径后开始安装,安装结束后点击Finish完成安装。
如果是在Windows98操作系统下安装Arena3.0需要在安装前预装Visual Basic 6.0,否则,Arena3.0不能运行。
1.2 Arena3.0的面板、菜单和工具栏1.2.1 Arena3.0的启动在Arena安装完成后,Arena会在桌面上自动生成快捷方式的图标,双击图标即可进入Arena界面;同时,也可以在硬盘上的Arena\目录下双击Arena.exe文件进入。
在进入Arena后点击工具栏上的新建图标,打开Arena3.0的操作桌面(Desktop),如图1-1:图1-11.2.2 Desktop操作桌面简介1.操作桌面的结构Arena提供了十分方便的操作桌面以保证用户能够快速、简洁的建立仿真模型。
Arena的操作桌面主要由工具栏(Toolbars)、菜单栏、状态栏(Status bar)、建模界面组成。
2、工具栏:工具栏集中了我们建立仿真模型所要用到的主要工具,它由Standard(标准工具栏)、(视图工具栏)等组成,下面将注意介绍:●Standard:这个工具栏提供了新建、保存和打印等功能,如图1-2:图1-2●View:提供了视图功能,用户对建模区进行视图操作如图1-3:图1-3其中经常用到的功能有:Zoom in:放大Zoom out:缩小View All:建模区全部视图,即,以建立模型的全部视图。
View Previous:当前视图的前一视图。
View Region:选择视图区域。
ArtiosCAD 14安装破解教程
1、运行ArtiosCAD 14安装包,本站提供的是简体中文版本,大家根据提示完成安装就可以了,建议选择典型
“”文件复制到C:\ProgramDate\FLEXnet文件夹(XP系统C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FLEXnet文件夹)中
4、运行“KEY-Crack”目录里的“Studio Visualizer”文件,选“try”
5、运行桌面“Esko Local License Manager”,我们可以看到这里已经显示永久激活
6、打开“ArtiosCAD 14破解补丁”,将其中的文件“ArtiosCAD.exe”和“ArtiosCA
C4DR14安装教程第一步:准备工作在安装C4DR14之前,确保您的计算机符合以下最低系统要求:- 操作系统:Windows 7/8/10(64位)或Mac OS X 10.9.5或更高版本。
- 处理器:64位Intel或AMD处理器。
- 显卡:支持OpenGL 3.2或更高版本的显卡。
7. 安装完成后,您将看到安装向导的完成屏幕。
勾选“启动Cinema 4D R14”并点击“完成”来启动软件。
Installing a new AACE version安装新的AACE版本软件ver. 6.04, September 2006Step 1. Check your system and connection.步骤1. 检查你的系统和连接Q1. What type of system do you have?你的系统是什么类型?AA3 HR 或 QuAAtro go to Q2 on this page参看这页的Q2步AA3 go to Section 3 and then Section 4参看3部分然后4部分Q2. What type of connection do you have between the system and the PC?你的系统和电脑之间是什么什么类型的连接?USB go to Q3 on this page参看这页的Q3步COM go to Section 2 and then Section 3参看2部分然后3部分Q3. Is your USB driver already installed?你的USB驱动程序是否已经安装?No go to Section 1参看1部分Yes go to Section 3 and then Section 5参看3部分然后5部分1. USB驱动的安装 USB Driver Installation- Put the Original AACE CD in the disk drive of your computer.将AACE CD光盘放入你的电脑的光盘驱动器中。
-If the automatic installation tool comes up and wants to start the installation,interrupt it. First you have to install the USB drivers.如果自动安装工具出现并要开始安装进程,中断它。
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Trados 2014 SP2安装方法一、解压源文件至桌面,打开文件夹。
二、双击三、根据提示选择默认自然安装(NET Framework的安装时间较长,需要耐心等待)。
①复制文件②至安装目录:C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio3 【vista/win7/win8/】C:\Program Files \SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio3 【XP】选择:复制和替换:五、打开软件,关闭自动更新。
欲了解更多翻译产品,请登陆我的淘宝店:/category-1041620156.htm?spm=2013.1.w5002-5108242223.3.SFgdNK&sear ch=y&catName=%B7%AD%D2%EB%C8%ED%BC%FE或/ruanjian/_hybgyy/497.htmlSDL Trados Studio 2014 SP2专业版软件及Trados 2007 Suite SP3最新版Mymemory翻译插件2.4微软机器翻译扫插件(含范例)2007 TM插件(含范例)SDLX TM 插件(含范例)中到英AutoSuggest词典(解压后136M)微软多语种术语库36种中英专业术语库微软官方英中和中英记忆库(2*132万个翻译单元,解压后3.26G)欧洲委员会翻译司官方记忆库22种欧洲语言(解压后1.12G)国内187部法律中英英中记忆库共18905对1.SDL Trados Studio 2011 核心功能学习视频及素材2.Trados 2014-2011 20分钟入门3.SDL Trados 2014视频402M4.Trados 2014 高级VIP视频13集5.WinAlign 教学视频6.术语相关视频7.学习课件8.CAT网络课程-37G9.计算机辅助翻译MOOC课程视频-17G10.英文培训视频 1.4G说明:1.SDL Trados Studio 2011 核心功能学习视频及素材第一集软硬件要求第二集安装软件第三集界面介绍第四集创建翻译项目第五集翻译编辑器第六集记忆库和术语库第七集翻译快速输入第八集翻译Unclean和ttx文件第九集校对功能第十集PerfectMatch功能第十一集项目文件包的详细教学内容。
安装步骤:1.右击“AD14.3.15Build35511.iso”文件,点击“解压到AD14.3.15Bild 35511”。
4.选择“Chinese”,再选择“l accept the agreement”,点击“Next”。
9.把“Launch Altium Designer”前面的勾去掉,点击“Finish”。
右击里面的“Altium 14SN-1410001(5Q24-XFTQ)Standalone RB.alf”文件,选择“复制”。
15.在开始菜单栏中找到“Altium Designer”软件,然后打开。
16.选择“Don’t show thin message anymore”,点击“OK”,关闭后一个窗口。
17.点击“Add standalone license file”。
18.在软件的安装目录下找到“Altium14SN-1410001(5Q24-XFTQ) Standalone RB.alf”文件,选择文件,点击“打开”。
a r e n a仿真详细教程-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Arena仿真中文教程目录第一章:基础知识本节介绍安装到硬盘上以后如何创建Arena的工作环境。
如果是在Windows98操作系统下安装需要在安装前预装Visual Basic ,否则,不能运行。
的面板、菜单和工具栏1.2.1 A的启动在Arena安装完成后,Arena会在桌面上自动生成快捷方式的图标,双击图标即可进入Arena界面;同时,也可以在硬盘上的Arena\目录下双击文件进入。
在进入Arena后点击工具栏上的新建图标,打开的操作桌面(Desktop),如图1-1:图1-11.2.2 Desktop操作桌面简介1.操作桌面的结构Arena提供了十分方便的操作桌面以保证用户能够快速、简洁的建立仿真模型。
Arena的操作桌面主要由工具栏(Toolbars)、菜单栏、状态栏(Status bar)、建模界面组成。
2、工具栏:工具栏集中了我们建立仿真模型所要用到的主要工具,它由Standard(标准工具栏)、(视图工具栏)等组成,下面将注意介绍:Standard:这个工具栏提供了新建、保存和打印等功能,如图1-2:图 1-2View:提供了视图功能,用户对建模区进行视图操作如图1-3:图 1-3其中经常用到的功能有:Zoom in:放大Zoom out:缩小View All:建模区全部视图,即,以建立模型的全部视图。
View Previous:当前视图的前一视图。
View Region:选择视图区域。
如下所示:2、使用DAEMON Tools加载ISO映像ANSYS14.WIN32-DISK1.iso和ANSYS14.WIN32-DISK2.iso,打开ANSYS14.0文件夹。
(或者分别解压成两个文件夹,这边我们是解压成两个文件夹a,b)3、打开Z盘,点击setup4、语言选择English,点击Install ANSYS,Inc.Products开始安装。
选择I AGREE,点击Next。
分别设置Pro/E的安装语言、启动Pro/E的命令、Pro/E的完整安装目录,没有安装Pro/E的这一步也可以Skip跳过,出现提示“The pro_comm_msg has been found!”之后,自动进入Next。
首先界面提示是“You don't need to install any prerequisites。
10、提示换第二张盘,把盘符的Z改为Y;点击OK;时间,耐心等待:12、进行ANSYS14.0的释放许可证客户安装配置,自动检测完毕后出现“Specify the License Server Machine确定许可证服务机”界面,注意:2325、1055、1-server不要改动,只需要输入你的Hostname1。
starccm+14怎么激活?starccm+14安装激活详细图⽂教程star ccm+14是⼀款为功能强⼤的多学科仿真平台,按年份⼜叫做star ccm+2019,可以帮助⽤户处理流体和固体连续体⼒学中的多学科问题,拥有全⾯的⼯程物理模拟,其所有操作均在单⼀的集成⽤户界⾯中即可完成。
⽽且在star ccm+14中还提供了内置功能,可以直接修改并创建CAD⼏何,能很好的帮助⽤户处理创建基于参数特征实体和⽚体的绘制草图、拉伸、旋转、放样、扫掠、压印等所有相关操作,⾮常的⽅便。
star ccm+14 v2019.14.02.010-R8 中⽂特别激活版(附替换⽂件+激活教程) 64位类型:辅助设计⼤⼩:2.4GB语⾔:简体中⽂时间:2019-06-20查看详情ps:本站为⽤户带来的是star ccm+14破解版,版本⼩号v2019.,附带了相应的破解补丁,以及详细的star ccm+安装教程,可以轻松帮助⽤户成功安装软件,欢迎有需要的免费下载收藏。
star ccm+14破解版安装教程:1、下载解压,得到star ccm+2019 64位中⽂版和破解⽂件;2、直接解压"STAR-CCM+14.02.012.Win64.iso"⽂件,双击运⾏⾥⾯的"STAR-CCM+_CadClients14.02.012_01_win64_intel18.3.bat"安装;3、选择简体中⽂,开始安装;4、选择我接受许可协议;5、选择⾃定义安装,点下⼀步继续;6、先不安装许可证管理器以免后续破解失败,取消勾选,点下⼀步;7、继续下⼀步,我们先不安装许可证管理器;8、安装路径可以⾃⾏更改,这⾥⽤默认安装⽬录;9、⽤户可根据⾃⼰的需求来进⾏选择安装;10、star ccm+ 14软件安装时间⽐较长,请⽤户耐⼼等待;11、安装完成后,先不要运⾏软件。
Installation and Configuration Guide ArcSight Express 4.0 Virtual ApplianceMarch 31, 2014Copyright © 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Follow this link to see a complete statement of copyrights and acknowledgements:/copyrightThe network information used in the examples in this document (including IP addresses and hostnames) is for illustration purposes only.HP ArcSight products are highly flexible and function as you configure them. The accessibility, integrity, and confidentiality of your data is your responsibility. Implement a comprehensive security strategy and follow good security practices.This document is confidential.Contact InformationPhone A list of phone numbers is available on the HP ArcSight TechnicalSupport page: /us/en/software-solutions/software.html?compURI=1345981#.URitMaVwpWI. Support Web Site Protect 724 Community https://Revision HistoryDate Product Version Description03/31/2014 1.0First release of guide and virtual applianceContentsChapter 1: Overview (5)Chapter 2: Installing the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance (7)Supported ESXi Version and Required Hardware (7)Operating System (7)FIPS Support (8)Browser Support (9)Downloading the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA Files (9)Upgrade Support (9)Deploying the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA File (9)Installing a License File (13)Confidential AE Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide 3Contents4 AE Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide ConfidentialChapter 1OverviewThe ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance is a Security Information and Event Management(SIEM) solution that collects and analyzes security data from heterogeneous devices onyour network and provides you a central, real-time view of the security status of all devicesthat are of interest to you.ArcSight Express components gather and store events generated by the devices youidentify. These events are filtered and correlated with events from other devices orcollection points to discover risks and assess vulnerabilities.ArcSight Express uses the Correlation Optimized Retention and Retrieval Engine Storage(CORR-Engine Storage), a proprietary data storage and retrieval framework that receivesand processes events at high rates, and performs high-speed searches. This provides anumber of benefits, including increased performance and more compact data storage.The ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance allows deployment of ArcSight Express on serversthat have VMware ESXi installed.Confidential AE Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide 51 Overview6AE Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide ConfidentialConfidential ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide 7Chapter 2Installing the ArcSight Express Virtual ApplianceThe following topics are covered in this chapter:Supported ESXi Version and Required HardwareThe ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance is supported on VMware ESXi 5.5. The hardware requirements for installing the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA file are:⏹12 CPU cores ⏹36 GB of RAM ⏹ 1.8 TB disk availableOperating SystemThe ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance operating system is Centos 6.2 and the following security patches:⏹bind-libs-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.4.x86_64.rpm ⏹bind-utils-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.4.x86_64.rpm ⏹cups-1.4.2-50.el6_4.4.x86_64.rpm ⏹cups-libs-1.4.2-50.el6_4.4.x86_64.rpm ⏹cvs-1.11.23-15.el6.x86_64.rpm ⏹dbus-glib-0.86-6.el6.x86_64.rpm ⏹dhclient-4.1.1-34.P1.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm ⏹dhcp-common-4.1.1-34.P1.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm ⏹freetype-2.3.11-14.el6_3.1.x86_64.rpm ⏹ghostscript-8.70-15.el6_4.1.x86_64.rpm“Supported ESXi Version and Required Hardware” on page 7“Operating System” on page 7“Browser Support” on page 9“Downloading the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA Files” on page 9“Deploying the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA File” on page 9“Installing a License File” on page 132 Installing the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance⏹krb5-appl-clients-1.0.1-7.el6_2.1.x86_64.rpm⏹krb5-libs-1.10.3-10.el6_4.2.x86_64.rpm⏹krb5-workstation-1.10.3-10.el6_4.2.x86_64.rpm⏹liberation-fonts-common-⏹liberation-sans-fonts-⏹libexif-0.6.21-5.el6_3.x86_64.rpm⏹libjpeg-turbo-1.2.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹libpng-1.2.49-1.el6_2.x86_64.rpm⏹libproxy-0.3.0-4.el6_3.x86_64.rpm⏹libproxy-bin-0.3.0-4.el6_3.x86_64.rpm⏹libproxy-python-0.3.0-4.el6_3.x86_64.rpm⏹libsmbclient-3.6.9-151.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹libtalloc-2.0.7-2.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹libtdb-1.2.10-1.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹libtiff-3.9.4-9.el6_3.x86_64.rpm⏹libvorbis-1.2.3-4.el6_2.1.x86_64.rpm⏹libxml2-2.7.6-12.el6_4.1.x86_64.rpm⏹libxml2-python-2.7.6-12.el6_4.1.x86_64.rpm⏹nspr-4.9.2-1.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹nss-⏹nss-sysinit-⏹nss-util-⏹openjpeg-libs-1.3-9.el6_3.x86_64.rpm⏹openssl-1.0.0-27.el6_4.2.x86_64.rpm⏹perl-5.10.1-131.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹perl-libs-5.10.1-131.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹perl-Module-Pluggable-3.90-131.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹perl-Pod-Escapes-1.04-131.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹perl-Pod-Simple-3.13-131.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹perl-version-0.77-131.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹pixman-0.26.2-5.el6_4.x86_64.rpm⏹samba-client-3.6.9-151.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹samba-common-3.6.9-151.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹samba-winbind-3.6.9-151.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹samba-winbind-clients-3.6.9-151.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹sudo-1.8.6p3-7.el6.x86_64.rpm⏹xulrunner-17.0.6-2.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm⏹yelp-2.28.1-17.el6_3.x86_64.rpmFIPS SupportFIPS is not supported for this release of the virtual appliance.8ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide Confidential2 Installing the ArcSight Express Virtual ApplianceConfidential ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide 9Browser SupportSupported browsers for connecting to the ESM Manager are:⏹Internet Explorer 9 and 10⏹Firefox 24Downloading the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA FilesThe ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA files are available for download from the HPSoftware Depot at: .If you use Internet Explorer to download the files, ensure that the files names remain asshown below.Download the 3 files and the MD5 checksum to a disk accessible by your vSphere client:⏹B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ova.part1 ⏹B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ova.part2 ⏹B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ova.part3Join the 3 files into one file by running one of the following commands:Windows - copy /bB7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ova.part1+B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ova.part2+B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ova.part3 B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ovaLinux - cat B7500*.part* > B7500_B1312_1800GB_V8.ovaAfter joining the 3 files together , use the MD5 checksum to verify the file’s integrity.Upgrade SupportThe ArcSight Express 4.0 Virtual Appliance cannot be upgraded from any prior versions ofArcSight Express.Deploying the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance OVA FileTo deploy the virtual appliance OVA file, use a vSphere client to perform the followingprocedure:2 Installing the ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance10 ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance Installation and Configuration Guide Confidential 1Select File > Deploy OVF Template . The Source screen displays: 2Click Browse and navigate to where you downloaded the OVA file.3Select the file and then click Next . The OVF Template Details screen displays:4Click Next. The Name and Location screen displays:5Enter a name for the virtual appliance or accept the default. You can change the name later. Click Next. The Storage screen displays:6Select a drive with 1.8 TB of disk space. The virtual appliance requires 1.8 TB of disk space. Click Next. The Disk Format screen displays:7Select the Thick Provisioned Lazy Zeroed Format. Click Next. The Ready to Complete screen displays.8If the deployment settings are correct, click Finish. A progress timer will appear showing the progress of the deployment. When the deployment completes, the virtualmachine created from the OVA file is added to the inventory (Virtual Machines tab) onyour vSphere client.9Right-click your VM and select Power > Power Off.10Before running the First Boot Wizard, configure your network settings and increase the memory from 12 GB to 36 GB. To configure the network settings and increase thememory for your virtual appliance, right-click your virtual machine in the VirtualMachines tab. Select Edit Settings.After configuring the network settings and increasing the memory for your virtual machine,select Power > Power On. The virtual machine performs an initial boot process thatdisplays in the console. After installing the license, refer to the Configuring the ArcSightExpress chapter of the ArcSight Express with CORR-Engine 4.0 Configuration Guide. Theguide is available at:https://Installing a License FileThe ArcSight Express Virtual Appliance requires that a license be installed.Perform the following procedure to install the license:1Download the license file from the Customer Support web site at to a computer from which you can connect to thevirtual appliance.2Follow the First Boot Wizard directions for license installation.3Click Browse and navigate to where you stored the license and select the license file.4Click Upload & Install.5Perform the rest of the First Boot Wizard steps.The base license includes:⏹ 4 onboard connectors⏹25 remote connectors⏹ 3 console users⏹25 web users⏹2500 IDView users⏹1500 devices⏹25000 assets⏹Threat detector enabledThe base license includes 250 sustained events-per-second (EPS). Additional EPS can beadded only in increments of 250 up to a maximum of 1250.Pattern Discovery jobs can be resource intensive. Under high EPS, Pattern Discovery jobscan cause a degradation in performance, and may fail to return a matching result set.ArcSight recommends that you reduce the number of events over which the PatternDiscovery search runs and/or frequency of Pattern Discovery jobs when running a systemwith high EPS.。
1、下载软件去百度网盘下载14版本的安装包/s/1bnDAyNP以上所有部分全部下载,并用zip,rar等软件解压为iso文件:2、用虚拟光驱打开ISO文件,开始安装:用户名和公司输入随便,key处输入以下字符:VW3AQ ZG4LE BZ0JU S1ZU5 JK3Z4 不用关联license文件根据需要修改安装路径,Next安装:3、破解将(LMS_B.AMESIM 14破解文件.zip)文件完全解压出来:找到Windows文件夹这一层,比如:D:\AMESim\LMS_B.AMESIM_R14_SSQ\_SolidSQUAD_\Windows将licensing文件夹复制到软件安装目录下的v1400文件夹全部替换运行licensing文件下的server_install.bat文件重启电脑,运行桌面LMS b Amesim 14图标:Enjoy !更多问题请咨询:1、 爱液压论坛Amesim 板块 /forum-51-1.html2、 Amesim 相关QQ 群:55311539或者2956760523、 作者邮箱:553069180@PS:破解文件英语安装解释:1. Install LMS b Amesim R14 Windows with Activation Code: VW3AQ ZG4LE BZ0JU S1ZU5 JK3Z4 . Do not select license file. Do not install RLM License server.2. Copy folder "licensing" from crack to <Amesim v1400 progdir> (by default C:\Program Files\LMS\LMS b Amesim\v1400\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\LMS\LMS b Amesim\v1400\) and overwrite orifinal one3. Install and Start "LMS RLM Server" by running (as Administrator) <Amesim v1400 progdir>\licensing\server_install.bat4. Reboot computer5.Enjoy。
Arena 14 安装说明
5.启动之后弹出如下界面:点击中间部分的Get New Activations,从而获得新的授权。
点击右下角的choose Destination
8.出现如下界面:点击Enter activation
其中Serial # 和Product Key 为红色信封中所显示的号码,Host ID 为绑定硬件的信息,点击后面的小方块,弹出如下图
都输入完成之后点击上图右下角的Validate Activation进行验证,然后选择下载的数量完成授权下载。
选择Find Available按键,弹出如下界面:
在此界面中点击右上角蓝色的字母,Update Path。
点击Add Server添加服务器地址。
的界面之中:点击Borrow Activation
点击Set borrow term,