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1. 学习英语的最好方法:讨论各种学习英语的方法,例如通过看英语电影、听英语歌曲、参加英语角等。
2. 英语语法和词汇:讨论英语语法规则和词汇,包括动词、名词、形容词、副词等的使用。
3. 英语口语和听力:讨论如何提高英语口语和听力技能,包括发音、语调、节奏等。
4. 英语写作技巧:讨论如何写出优秀的英语作文,包括句子结构、段落组织、文章布局等。
5. 英语文化背景:讨论英语国家的文化背景,包括历史、传统、习俗等,以及这些文化背景如何影响英语的表达方式。
6. 英语教育:讨论英语教育在全球范围内的现状和发展趋势,以及如何改进英语教育方法和提高教育质量。
7. 英语翻译技巧:讨论如何将中文翻译成英文,或者将英文翻译成中文,包括翻译技巧、文化差异的处理等。
8. 英语考试:讨论各种英语考试,例如托福、雅思、SAT等,以及如何准备这些考试。
9. 英语学习者的常见错误:讨论英语学习者的常见错误,例如语法错误、发音错误、用词不当等,以及如何避免这些错误。
10. 英语在日常生活和工作中的应用:讨论如何在日常生活和工作中学以致用英语,例如旅游、商务交流、学术研究等。
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.Alcohol should be illegal.Children should provide room and board for their aging parents.Studying grammar is more important than practising conversation skills.Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.Dogs make better companions than cats.Smoking should be permitted in public places.Females are better students than males.A parent shouldn't pierce a baby's ears.Women should be allowed to go topless in public.Lawyers should make a higher salary than nurses.Everyone should plan their own funeral.Reading English is more difficult than writing English.Summer is the best season of the year.Children under 13 should not be allowed to babysit.High school students should wear uniforms.21 should be the legal driving age around the world.Rock and Roll is the best kind of music.The government should pay for post secondary education.。
1. 你最近参加了哪些社交活动?感觉如何?
2. 在你的社交圈里,你认为什么样的行为或言论会引起争议?
3. 你如何看待在社交媒体上过度展示自己的生活?
1. 你最近看了一部什么电影或电视剧?感觉如何?
2. 你认为电影或电视节目应该如何反映社会问题?
3. 你如何看待电影或电视节目中的暴力或色情内容?
1. 你最喜欢哪种类型的音乐?为什么?
2. 你对当代艺术有什么看法?
3. 你认为艺术应该如何影响社会和个人?
1. 你最近去了哪些地方旅游?感觉如何?
2. 你认为旅游的最大好处是什么?
3. 你对一些旅游景点的过度商业化现象有什么看法?
1. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?为什么?
2. 你认为运动对身体健康和精神健康有何影响?
3. 你如何看待职业运动员的过度训练和伤病问题?
1. 你最近使用了哪些新的科技产品?感觉如何?
2. 你认为科技对生活质量有什么影响?
3. 你如何看待人工智能的发展和应用?
1. 你认为什么样的教育方式最有效?
2. 你如何看待职业教育和通识教育之间的平衡?
3. 你认为教育应该如何帮助人们应对未来的挑战?。
1. Current Events - 谈论最新的时事事件,如政治选举、自然灾害、科技泡沫、文化冲突等。
2. Entertainment - 讨论你最喜欢的电影、电视节目、音乐、演员或综艺节目。
3. Sports - 谈论你最喜欢的运动、运动员、球队、比赛、赛制等。
4. Travel - 谈论你最喜欢的旅行目的地、旅行方式、文化冲击、美食等。
5. Psychology - 讨论心理学相关的话题,如情绪管理、人格类型、社交技巧、心理健康等。
6. Business - 谈论商业相关的话题,如市场营销、财务管理、人力资源管理、商业模式等。
7. Education - 讨论教育相关的话题,如学生的学习风格、教学方法、教育资源、教育体系等。
8. Science and Technology - 谈论科学和科技相关的话题,如人工智能、机器学习、生物技术、量子力学等。
英语口语常见话题英语口语常见话题包括以下几个方面:1.自我介绍:谈论个人背景、兴趣爱好、工作经历等,例如“I'm a student majoring in English. I enjoy reading and traveling.”2.天气:谈论天气状况、季节变化、气候特点等,例如“It's a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and the temperature is perfect.”3.工作和学习:谈论工作、学习情况、职业规划等,例如“I'm currently studying accounting and I hope to get a job in the field after graduation.”4.家庭和朋友:谈论家庭成员、家庭背景、朋友关系等,例如“My family is very important to me. We try to spend time together as much as possible.”5.文化差异:谈论中西方文化差异、文化背景等,例如“In my country, it's common to greet people by kissing on both cheeks. In the US, it's more common to shake hands.”6.旅行和兴趣爱好:谈论旅行经历、旅游景点、兴趣爱好等,例如“I love to travel and explore new places. I've been to Europe a few times and always enjoy myself no matter where I go.”7.食物和健康:谈论饮食习惯、健康问题、运动等,例如“I try to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. I think it'simportant to take care of your body.”8.环保和科技:谈论环保问题、科技发展等,例如“I'm concerned about the impact of climate change and try to reduce my carbon footprint. I also like new technology and enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest advancements.”。
IELTS Speaking第一章:人1、话题:自己(弃)2、话题:家庭(弃)3、话题:朋友(无)4、话题:同学(无)5、话题:孩子(无)6、话题:同事7、话题:名人8、话题:邻居9、话题:老人10、话题:老师11、话题:领导人第二章:物12、话题:书籍13、话题:衣服14-1、话题:计算机14-2、话题:电子产品(加)15、话题:烹饪与食物16、话题:金钱(无)17、话题:信或卡片18、话题:礼物19、话题:手工艺品20、话题:日记(无)21、话题:机器人第三章:喜好22、话题:收藏23、话题:颜色(弃)24、话题:文化娱乐(总)25、话题:电影26、话题:爱好(总)27、话题:音乐28、话题:照相29、话题:购物30、话题:运动31、话题:旅游(无)32、话题:网站和网上购物33、话题:艺术技能34、话题:最喜欢的歌35、话题:游戏第四章:事36、话题:将来的计划37、话题:长期出国38、话题:一个重要的决定39、话题:快乐的事件40、话题:成功41、话题:艺术活动42、话题:开公司43、话题:生活中的变化44、话题:经济活动第五章:地方45、话题:家乡46、话题:博物馆47、话题:交通48、话题:你的国家(弃)49、话题:城市50、话题:描述房间51、话题:学校52、话题:建筑53、话题:外国(弃)54、话题:河或者湖55、话题:最喜欢的公园56、话题:图书馆第六章:媒体57、话题:媒体(无)58、话题:电视59、话题:广告60、话题:报纸或杂志61、话题:因特网62、电视节目第七章:自然63、话题:动物或宠物64、话题:野生动物65、话题:气候(无)66、话题:工业67、话题:污染68、话题:科学发展(无)第八章:学习工作69、话题:假期(同22-35)70、话题:工作71、话题:保持健康72、话题:理想73、话题:在线教育74、话题:时髦的专业75、话题:压力●话题6:ColleagueA good colleague is supposed to be Efficient.Why? ( I remembered that once when I was working on a project? I met a partner. We…合作情况如何?, team spirit, team work)If …high efficiency, then we can finish more quickly or at least before the due time. When we are together with good coll…, we can come up with some creative ideas, better plans, better solutions.Improve efficiency●话题7:Ce’lebrity(famous person)Jacky ChenA famous movie actor and a charity cause participant.ActorYoung, kongfu movie, broke his leg and arm, injured a lot, but he stood up and continued, little by little, he got better role.That’s why he could start from a minor role in a movie till to a leading role. He has played hundreds of roles in popular movies, for example, Who Am I, 80 days around the world.Besides, he is also an advocator of charity cause.Whenever he appears on the stage, he is wearing zhongshan costume. Donate money to the poor or people in rural areas.Learn a lesson from him: whatever you do, do your best. And help people in need. DellGifted person in computer. DIY computer.he was interested in pc when he was in senior high school.He helped others to install computer.When he was in college, his classmates turn to him.He realized it was an opportunity.He started his business by helping people DIY a computer.In the end, he earned enough money to buy a car and drove it to school.Now his business world is everywhere and he believes in his idea of direct selling all the time.When I buy computer, I set my order online.Cheaper, safe, profound service(call you before and after you buy to ask)I hope his business could be better and betterAnd I still hope one day when I finished my study and started my career, I could be as good as him.●话题8、9:An old neighbor70 years old, grey hair, wearing a smileWhen I was young, play in his house, find books, I have no interest in books. Now I am in college, sometimes I go to his house with parents, books, ask questions why, his story(young, no opportunity to read books, work).I realize the importance of books, live and learn.●话题10:TeacherEnglish teacher, AndyCreative teaching styleSpeakingPractice – garden- role play (drama - snow white and seven dwarfs)Funny, interesting, we like cartoon; we like stories.Teacher will play a role as well.We are just like friends. Close to each other. Life help.That’s why I think he is one of the most unfor gettable teachers in my life.●话题12:BooksThe diamond is in your backyardStory: old man son: ….The Son digged all around the backyard, he found nothing.When spring comes, it is time to grow crops.Autumn comes, it is time to get in.Harvest he realized what is the diamond.I know what the books is talking about.no matter what you want, you have to give it all you’ve got.There can be miracles when you believe.When you try it and try your best, you may get what you want, but if you don’t do it at all, then there is nothing to gain.●话题13、18、19:A piece of clothingWow, this is a very interesting topic. Tell you what, I got a very special piece of clothing when I was in Munich visiting my friend.Last year, when my daughter was graduating from middle school, one of my friend in Munich invited me there together with my family. We attended the great festival “Munich beer festival”.It was a great ceremony or a party. You can see people wearing smile on the face and beautiful clothing.Here it is. I bought the festival costume even my wife and my daughter didn’t agree.I liked it very much, particularly the cowboy hat. It is made of leather and looks cool. Even so, I am keeping it in my closet and never tried it again because in my city, there is no big festival like that.●话题13、18、19:DIY T-shirtA t-shirt I designed.I am going to graduate, take pictures, monitor want us to wear a class T-shirt. Shegave the task to me because they all think I am the craziest boy with the most creative ideas.It is a great Headache to me, do n’t know what to do and how to do.Think about, think it over, come up with a good idea.Suddenly, an idea, change it many times,many pictures, many styles,take it to my classmates, compare, decide which one is our favoriteprint on the Tshirttake pictureI m proud of it.I could enjoy a great sense of achievement.It is worthy even if it has taken much of my time.话题14-1:ComputerWell, as for computer, let me talk about it in detail about its advantages. First, I can use it to help me write my paper. I am a doctor, sometimes I will write papers and publish them. I need to read a lot from the internet and take them as a reference.Secondly, it can make us relax. Sometimes I will feel tired after my work. I may turn it on and listen to some popular music or watch new movies. Tell you what, I am a great fan of Banderi, who is famous for their light music. I heard that their music all come from nature. Every one is natural and peaceful.Finally, I find the computer is also useful and convenient for me to get information.I may get latest information about medine, which is my major; I may get information about news, international news, or information about some products I want to buy. If I have some question, I may raise it online, someone may answer it and I find that is of great help.Anyhow, there are still some weak points. For example, the computer may be infected by t he viruses; there may be some false information, and we don’t know whether it is true or not; and if we play too much of the computer, it is no goodto our health.●话题14-2:Electronic productFlash disk●Transfer information from one pc to another●Safety (3.5 inch soft disk)●you don’t need to carry a pc with you. Portable●fashionable - USB socket, widely used.Save the document, plug it into the USB socketDocumentPrinting storeDuplicator●话题15:FoodWell, the food I like most is seafood noodles. I know some people may not like noodles, but I began to eat it since my childhood. I lived near the seaside in Shandong province. And sometimes I would go out with my elder brother to fish. And when we come back, my mum would cook the seafood noodles for me. My mum is good at preparing the seafood jam, which includes oyster, shrimp, or any other seafood that you can think of. It is not only delicious, but also healthy to us. And there is something interesting I have to mention. Now I am not living in shandong. I have settled down in a booming industry city, tangshan. When I first came here, I didn’t try noodles at all because it gave out a very different odor.I don’t like it, bu t I am used to it now. Even so, if I could find a restaurant that serves seafood noodles. I would go there and try it without hesitation.●话题17:A letter from my high school monitorAfter graduation from high school, less contact, no way or no time to find out where they are, or what they are doingGot an opportunity – email from monitorCheck up my mailbox, found an email, title was just a website addressI had thought it was a spam. I had almost thrown it to the trash box. I hesitated.I opened it.Click, class website, leave messages, update our personal contact information ConvenientReply, Thanks to our monitorSince then, a new platform to contact with each other, it is like my online home. It brought back to me the good memories in high school.●话题18:GiftA book of my ownMother’s day is coming? What gift? An idea-print it out my journals, make it into a book.Write Journals online every day, about my life and study, share with my cyber friends.My mum concerns about me a lot and wants to know everything that is happening around me.But she would not call me every day because she knows that I will feel boring or annoyed sometimes.This is a good way for me to tell my mum what my life was like.Mum told me that she read it carefully many times.I was planning to give the same gift to her next year.●话题21:RobotScience and technology Museum in Beijing, gift shop, I saw a sportsman robot. Body gestures/behaviors, stretch or extend his arms, walk, shake the legs, boxing gesturesA Remote control, it can direct him to do different actions.I was deeply attracted by him, persuade my mum to buy it for meEven if it is broken, I am still keeping it in my cabinet.Now, we have robots with human Intelligence.I’ve seen many robot guides in this 2010 Shanghai Expo. They are helping people to find ways, or some other info about the museums.They can help us by working under dangerous, or poisonous environment. In future, there will be more robots that will do good to our life.Robots cannot replace human being1)People make it, people give instructions to the robots. Human beings are thedirector.Human intelligence is the higher level of instructions given by people.Robots can give different feedback according to different choices.2)Human beings are always smarter than the robots. We are learning andimproving all the time, so surely, we are the master of the world.话题22:CollectingPostcards of major universitiesWhy? Before college entrance examination, My university is …, it is not a major one. It was a pity.I really wanted to know how other schools are like.Wrote lettersExpressed my ideas +直接引语Post and wait for replyIt surprised me a lot. I received a many postcards from those schools. I never expected that they would bother to care about my letter.I was overjoyed.Till now, I am still keeping them. These postcards are encouraging me to study hard and getter better education. This collecting hobby has given me not only greathappiness or fun, but also a sense of achievement.。
例如,在谈论环保时,可以介绍我国的生态文明建设、节能减排等政策;在谈论科技时,可以介绍我国在人工智能、5G 通信等领域的发展成果。
英语角话题1. 引言英语角是一个提供给学习英语的人交流和练习口语的机会的地方。
2. 旅行2.1 你最喜欢的旅行地点请分享你最喜欢的旅行地点,并解释一下为什么。
2.2 你梦想中的旅行目的地在你的梦想中,你最希望去哪个地方旅行?可以是一个国家、一个城市或一个特定的景点。
3. 饮食文化3.1 你最喜欢的餐厅请分享你最喜欢的餐厅,并解释一下为什么。
3.2 你喜欢的地方美食每个地方都有自己独特的美食。
4. 文化活动4.1 你最喜欢的音乐/电影/书籍请分享你最喜欢的音乐、电影或书籍,并解释一下为什么。
4.2 你喜欢参加的文化活动请分享你喜欢参加的文化活动,并解释一下为什么。
5. 学习经验5.1 你最喜欢的英语学习方法请分享你最喜欢的英语学习方法,并解释一下为什么。
5.2 你遇到的英语学习困难请谈谈你在学习英语过程中遇到的困难,并分享你克服这些困难的方法和经验。
1. Environmental Pollution(环境污染):Pollution has become a pressing issue worldwide. From air pollution to water contamination, the environment is suffering. Discussing the causes, effects, and potential solutions to this problem is crucial for our planet's future.污染已经成为全球性的紧迫问题。
2. Education System(教育体系):The education system shapes the future of societies. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of current educational models, propose reforms, and explore the role of technologyin modern education.教育体系塑造了社会的未来。
3. Social Media Influence(社交媒体影响):Social media platforms have transformed how we communicate and perceive the world. Evaluate the impact of social media on individuals, relationships, and society asa whole. Discuss the positives and negatives of thisdigital revolution.社交媒体平台已经改变了我们的交流方式和对世界的看法。
下面是一些常见的话题和相关的问题:1. 家庭成员的作用和责任:- Describe the roles and responsibilities of family members in your culture.- How do family members support and help each other in your country?- What are some traditional values that your family has passed down through generations?- How has the role of family members changed in recent times?2. 家庭活动和传统:- What are some common family activities in your culture?- Describe a traditional celebration or holiday that your family celebrates.- How do families in your country usually spend their weekends or holidays?- Are there any special family traditions or customs that you follow?3. 家庭对个人成长的影响:- How has your family influenced your personal growth and development?- Describe a significant event or experience that shaped your values and beliefs.- What are some important life lessons you learned from your family?- In what ways has your family supported your education or career goals?二、教育与学习在这个话题分类下,我们可以讨论和描述教育体系、学习经历以及个人的学习方法和目标。
英语作文口语课喜欢讨论的话题Popular Discussion Topics in English Speaking Classes.English speaking classes provide a dynamic andinteractive platform for students to practice theirlanguage skills. These classes are not just about grammar and vocabulary; they are also about engaging in meaningful conversations and discussions. Here are some popular discussion topics that often find their way into English speaking classes:1. Culture and Tradition: Comparing and contrasting cultural practices and traditions from different parts ofthe world is a fascinating topic. Students can talk about their own cultural backgrounds, celebrate different festivals, and share stories related to their traditions. This topic fosters cross-cultural understanding and respect.2. Technology and its Impact: The rapid pace of technological advancement and its far-reaching effects onour lives is a热门话题 in today's world. Discussing the pros and cons of technology, its impact on society, and predictions for the future are engaging points for debate.3. Education System and Reform: Students often have strong opinions about the education system they are a part of. Discussing potential reforms, alternative education methods, and the role of teachers and students in the education process can spark lively discussions.4. Environmental Issues: With the world facing numerous environmental challenges, discussions about climate change, sustainability, and conservation are becoming increasingly relevant. Students can share their thoughts on how to address these issues and what role they can play in promoting environmental awareness.5. Social Media and its Impact: Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and stay connected. Discussing the pros and cons of social media, its impact on mental health, and the ethics of sharing personal information are relevant and thought-provoking topics.6. Global Issues and Current Affairs: Current events and global issues such as political conflicts, economic crises, and social movements often find their way into speaking class discussions. Students can express their opinions, analyze events, and discuss potential solutions.7. Personal Growth and Development: Talking about personal goals, challenges, and achievements is a great way to connect with classmates and learn from each other's experiences. Discussions about self-improvement, overcoming obstacles, and setting future goals can be motivational and inspiring.8. Lifestyle and Health: Discussing healthy living, fitness, and balanced diets are always popular topics. Students can share their routines, tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and discuss the challenges they face in balancing work, study, and personal life.9. Travel and Exploration: Travel stories and experiences are always fascinating to listen to. Studentscan talk about their travels, different cultures they have encountered, and their dreams and plans for future explorations.10. Entertainment and Media: Discussing favorite movies, books, TV shows, and music is a great way to relax and have fun in class. Students can share their recommendations, discuss their opinions on different works of art, anddebate about the impact of media on society.These are just a few examples of popular discussion topics in English speaking classes. The key is to choose topics that are relevant, engaging, and foster meaningful interactions among students. By discussing a variety of topics, students can improve their language skills, expand their knowledge, and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.。
1. current events - 当今的事件,包括政治、社会和文化事件。
2. movies and TV shows - 电影和电视节目,包括最喜欢的电影和电视节目、电影和电视节目的评价和趋势。
3. sports - 运动,包括最喜欢的运动、运动员和球队的评论和观点。
4. travel - 旅行,包括最喜欢的旅行目的地、旅行经验,以及未来计划。
5. food and drink - 食品和饮料,包括最喜欢的食物和饮料、烹饪技巧和饮食文化。
6. books and writing - 书籍和写作,包括最喜欢的书籍和作者、对写作的看法和建议。
7. education - 教育,包括正在学习的科目、对未来的计划,以及教育的看法和观点。
8. technology and science - 技术和科学,包括最喜欢的科技应用、对未来的展望,以及科学的发展和应用。
9. culture and society - 文化和社会,包括对文化的看法和态度、社会问题和文化趋势的看法和观点。
10. hobbies and interests - 爱好和兴趣,包括最喜欢的爱好和兴趣、如何培养和发展这些爱好和兴趣。
1. 什么是英语?
2. 英语有多重要
3. 如何学习英语
4. 什么是英语水平考试
5. 有哪些流行的英语口音
TOPIC 1 EnvironmentSection One Each of the students will be asked one question on the topic “Environment”.1.Why are plastic bags harmful to the environment?2.Why are paper bags harmful to the environment?3.Why are reusable bags the best for the environment and energy usage?4.What environmental problem do you think is the most serious and urgent in China?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:What can be done in our daily life to help relieve environmental problems? Please give as many examples as possible.During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.TOPIC 2 Environment1.Which types of energy should we use: wood, coal, petroleum, water power, nuclear energy orsolar energy and why?2.Whenever we watch TV, we are helping send greenhouse gases into the air. Do you know anyother things we do help send greenhouse gases into air and why?3.Do you know any machine or appliance that is powered by solar or wind energy? Can you listany other clean energy technologies?4.The sandstorm, known as a “sand devil,” has become a great concern. Please briefly explainthe reasons behind this phenomenon.5.Do you know some other climate disasters caused by the pollution of environment?Topic discussionGlobal warming may be the most harmful environmental problem human beings have created. Please discuss its causes, consequences and what we can do to reduce it.TOPIC 3 Travelling1.What attracts you most when you visit a new place?2.People travel for various reasons. Please talk about some of them.3.What is your favorite way of travelling, alone or in a group? Why?4. Introduce a tourist attraction that you have beenTopic discussionA lot of people after travelling often say: Travelling means sort of suffering. That implies they don’t eat well, sleep well, and they are very tired on the trip. Do you agree with it ? Give your reasons and explain.TOPIC 4 Transportation1.What means of transportation is most popular in China? Why?2.How good is the public transport system in your city/region?3.If you go on a long journey, how do you prefer to travel?4.Which kind of car do you want to buy if you have enough money?Topic discussionWhat is the most serious problem of China’s present transportation and what are the solutions?TOPIC 5 Drug Abuse1. What do you know about drugs and drug abuse?2. What kind of people are easier to turn to drugs? Why dopeople use drugs like Ecstasy?3. How do drugs affect the drug takers? What do drugs like Ecstasy do to the people who takethem?4. How should you avoid doing things that appear to be pleasant at first but will turn out to bereally harmful? (e.g. drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism, addiction to computer games, etc.) Topic discussionWho should be responsible for drug abuse?TOPIC 6 Advertising1.Is advertising worthwhile for companies and consumers? Explain why.2.What is opinion on competing companies spending large amount of money advertising theirproducts?3.Are you easily influenced by ads? Should people buy products according to what ads say?4.Should young people follow fashion advertised by famous stars?Topic discussionWhat are the pros and cons of advertising?TOPIC 7 Education1.Do you think education is important in your life? Can you cite some examples to illustrate your viewpoint?2.Where do you get your college tuition, from parents, part-time job, or loan ?3.Is college education the only way to success? Is it worth the price?4.If you had chance to continue learning after graduation, what subject do you like to choose?Why?Topic discussionThe importance of lifelong EducationTOPIC 8 Values1. What do you know about “American Dream”?2. Can you give an example of one English saying or proverb and further explain it?3. Have you ever encountered an occasion when a cultural clash happened? Describe it.4. Do you know any taboos in American/ Britain? What are they?Topic discussionDo you feel Chinese traditional values are endangered with the globalization?TOPIC 9 Growing Pains1.What qualities do you value most in a young person?2.Do you think that the process of growing up is something painful? Why or why not?3.Generally speaking, in what way(s) do you think young people born in the 1990s are differentfrom the older generations?4.What do you think are the problems that young people usually have to face?Topic discussionAdvantages and disadvantages of living with parentsTOPIC 10 Famous Brand Names1.Can you name some famous brands? Why do people like them?2.Do you think college students should pursue famous brands? Why or why not?3.Some famous brands have a very long history. Why are they so popular among generations ofpeople? (Take Ivory Soap for example.)4.How can a national famous brand build its name in a foreign country? (Take Haier forexample.)Topic discussionWhat are the secrets of business success?Topic 11 Cloning and Ethics1.Do you want a clone of yourself? Explain.2.What kind of people are in favor of cloning science?3.Do you think a cloned Einstein would be a great person? Why or why not?4.Do you think cloning is against ethics? Why or why not?Topic discussionWhat are the pros and cons of cloning?TOPIC 12 Stars and Fans1. Who is your favorite star and idol ? why?2. What do you think of idol worshipping?3. Which do you prefer, Chinese movies or foreign movies? Why?4. What’s the best /worst movie you’ve ever seen? Describe it.Topic discussionWhat type of film do you like most and why?TOPIC 13 Education1.Do you think it is important for a person to have a college education?2.Is college education satisfactory from your own experience?3.Do you think college education means more than study?4.There are some graduates going to the technical school to study again. What do you think ofthat?5.What suggestions would you like to give to the college education?Topic discussionDoes a college degree really worth it?During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.TOPIC 14 Success1.What would you say to the people in the hall and the whole world if you won the Nobel Prizeand was standing in front of the microphone?2.What do you think makes a successful scientist?3.How to achieve success in your academic study?4.What would you do if you were awarded the Nobel Prize?Topic discussionWhat preparations should a university student make for future success?。