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一、机床技术规格1.机床特性HCN系列卧式加工中心是 Mazak 公司开发的高性能卧式加工中心。
1.1 高生产率HCN5000ⅡL加工中心其轴快移速度达到60m/min,轴加速度达0.8G,刀具交换时间为1.5秒,主轴加减速时间为1.48秒(0-12000rpm),托盘交换时间仅7秒,这些指标可以在很大程度上缩短非加工时间,提高加工效率。
机床控制系统采用了世界领先水平的Mazatrol Matrix Nexus数控系统,该数控系统使用了高速的64位RISC CPU,大幅度提高了数控系统的数据处理能力和运动控制性能,并率先采用了个人计算机(PC)与CNC无缝融合的技术,实现了PC和CNC之间的宽带双向通讯,使机床具备了先进的智能化功能。
1.2 高精度利用FEM有限元分析设计确保运动轴在高加减速运动下能够不产生振动,从而确保机床长时间稳定、高精度加工。
其精度标准符合ISO 230-1《机床检验通则》以及ISO 10791系列《加工中心检验条件》的有关规定。
4. HCN5000ⅡL卧式加工中心标准主机技术规格参数表5、HCN5000ⅡL卧式加工中心机床配置ABC、标准技术文件二、设备验收机床验收分预验收和终验收。
3、直线活动产品:周详直线导轨、直线导轨、直线轴承、快速导轨、滚珠丝杠、滚柱丝杠(二)深沟球轴承:(DGBB)1、标准产品系列:单列:618XX、619XX、160XX、60XX 、161XX、630XX、62XX、622XX、63XX、623XX、64XX、(BL)2XX、(BL)3XX双列:42XX、43XXZ 2Z RZ(RSL) 2RZ(2RSL)RS1(RSH) 2RS1(2RSH) N NR2、微型轴承:(公制)60X、62X、63X、67X、68X、69X(英制)3、防尘盖及密封:(1)防尘盖:SKF:Z、2Z FAG:ZR、2ZRNTN、NSK、KOYO:Z、ZZ NACHI:ZE、2ZE(2)密封:标准密封圈的材料为晴橡胶(NBR)其他材料:聚丙烯合成橡胶(ACM)、氟塑料合成橡胶(FKM)、硅树脂接触式密封:SKF:RS1(RSH)、2RS1(2RSH)…….橡胶密封圈带钢板加强,工温度-40℃到+120℃RS2、2RS2………………………..橡胶密封圈带钢板加强,工作温度-60℃到+180℃FAG:RSR、2RSRNTN:LU、LLU NSK:DU、DDUKOYO:RS、2RS (超轻)RD、2RD NACHI:NSE、2NSE非接触式密封:具衬钢板合成橡胶的低摩擦密封,可遭受温度-40℃至+120℃SKF:RZ(RSL)、2RZ(2RSL)FAG:RSD、2RSDNTN:LB、LLB NSK:V、VVKOYO:RU、2RU NACHI:NKE、2NKE4、保持架:冲压型模注型机削型后缀:无后缀TN9 M,MA,MB 材料:1) 钢玻璃纤维加强聚酰胺6,6 黄铜工作温度:取决于轴承其他零件-50℃到+120℃取决于轴承其他零件速度:60000 随保持架体的宽度和是冲压保持架速度(n x dm)max 2) 运转温度而变 1.5-2.0倍 3)注:1)少数轴承采取冲压铜保持架,用后缀”Y”表示3)转速增高才能还取决于工作和情形前提(负荷、2) n x dm=转速X轴承平均直径润滑、相邻部件和冷却等)以及轴承的构造钢保持架聚酰胺保持架黄铜保持架5、后缀:A:内部设计经改进。
・电主轴技术讲座・Seminar on Motorized Spindle第二讲 电主轴的基本参数与结构(二)Lesson ⅡMain Specifications and Struc ture of Motorized Spindle (Ⅱ)周延 李中行5 润滑 滚动轴承在高速回转时,正确的润滑极为重要,稍有不慎,将会造成轴承因过热而烧坏。
(1)油脂润滑 是一次性永久润滑,不需任何附加装置和特别维护。
但其温升较高,允许轴承工作的最高转速较低,一般d m n 值在110×106以下。
在使用混合轴承条件下,其d m n 值可以提高25%~35%。
(2)油2气润滑 是一种新型的、较为理想的方式,图8为其润滑系统原理图。
它利用分配阀对所需润滑的不同部位,按照其实际需要,定时(间歇)、定量(最佳微量)地供给油2气混合物,能保证轴承的各个不同部位既不缺润滑油,又不会因润滑油过量而造成更大的温升,并可将油雾污染降至最低程度,其d m n 值可达119×106。
为了保证装置的正常工作,德国GMN 公司还规定:油2气润滑用油的清洁度要达到ISO4406的13/10级标准。
6 轴承类型与润滑方式的组合 国外多数电主轴公司可以为套筒外径尺寸相同、功率相同的电主轴提供3种或2种轴承类型和润滑方式的组合。
例如,瑞士IBA G 公司提供的3种组合方式为:混合轴承配油2气润滑,最高转速为n 1;钢轴承配油2气润滑,最高转速为n 2;混合轴承配油脂润滑,最高转速为n 3。
GMN Paul Müller Industrie GmbH & Co. KGSPINDELTECHNIK Original operating and assembly manualGMN oil-air-lubrication devicePRELUB GP…GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02PRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 2 Table of contents1Basic notes ..................................................................................................3 2Safety information........................................................................................7 3Mode of operation........................................................................................9 4Transport and storage................................................................................10 5Device description......................................................................................11 6Assembly manual.......................................................................................17 7Start-up......................................................................................................21 8Operation...................................................................................................27 8.1Operational mode.......................................................................................27 8.2Malfunctionen.............................................................................................30 8.3Shut-down..................................................................................................32 9Maintenance ..............................................................................................33 10Disposal.....................................................................................................34 11Technical data............................................................................................35 12 Enclosure (36)12.1 Dimensional drawing (36)12.2 Electric connection (37)12.3 Lubrication scheme (38)12.4 Spare part list and drawing (41)12.5 Control plan (43)PRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 31 Basic notesUse in accordance with the regulationsThe oil-air-lubrication device is only allowed for industrial use. The oil-air-lubrication device is for delivering the lubricating oil ac-cording to the specification.The oil-air-lubrication device may only be put into operation if it isinstalled in or at another machine and if it is operated together withthe machine.The oil-air-lubrication device may only be used according to thetechnical data (see chapter …technical data“).High-handed structural changes at the oil-air-lubrication device arenot permitted.For damages at machines and persons resulting from that, we donot assume liability.This also belongs to a use in accordance with the regulations:∙ Pay attention to all notes in the operating manual.∙ Carry out all maintenance work.∙ Follow all appropriate regulations for the work safety and accident prevention during all life cycles of the oil-air-lubrication device.∙ Having the required professional education and authorization of your company to carry out the necessary works at the oil-air-lubricating device.Another use or a use beyond can not be considered to be in accordance with the regulations.PRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 4 Obligation of the operator The operator carries the responsibility for the correct installation, operation and maintenance of the oil-air-lubrication device by qualified and trained staff accord-ing to the manual’s details.In addition to this he is responsible to use the oil-air-lubrication device only in accordance with the regulations.∙ If hot or cold machine parts lead to danger, the customer must se-cure them from being touched. The guards on "moving parts" mustnot be removed.∙ Remove leakages of dangerous material to be conveyed such that people or the environment are not endangered∙ Comply with legal regulations.∙ Eliminate any danger due to electrical energy.∙ A safety data sheet for the current used lubricating oil of oil-air-lubrication device must be provided.Scope of guaranteeGuarantee regarding operational safety, reliability and capacity can only be granted by the manufacturer under the following conditions:∙ Assembly, connection, construction, maintenance and repair are carried out by professional staff.∙ The oil-air-lubrication device is used according to the manual’s details espe-cially to the use in accordance with the regulations.∙ The limiting values, mentioned in the technical data, must not be exceeded in any case.∙ Retrofitting and repair works at the oil-air-lubrication device, may only be done by GMN.All guarantees and warranties expire for damages to central lubri-cation systems that are caused by operation with improper lubri-cating oil (e.g. piston wear, piston jamming, pluggings, embrittledsealings). We do not assume liability on damages caused by lubri-cating oils, even if these lubricants have been tested and releasedby laboratory tests, as damages caused by lubricants (e.g. by ex-pired or improper stored lubricating oils, batch variations etc.) cannot be retraced to their root cause in retrospect.PRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 5Emphasises Please pay attention, not only to the safety instructions under this main point, but also to those special security advices which are inserted on the other pages.This symbol warns of electrical voltage.Safety instructions which, if not complied with, may endanger per-sons, are marked specifically with the general hazard symbol.This heading is used if inaccurate compliance or non-compliance with the operating instructions or specified work proceduresetc.may result in damage of the device or men.Points out special information!PRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 6 Manufacturer of oil-air-lubrication deviceSales and ServicePRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 72 Safety informationBasic notes regarding the construction, operation and maintenance are listed as follows. This operating manual absolutely must be read before assembly and start-up, by the mechanics as well as by the specialist staff/operator.In addition to this, it must be permanently available at the site.Notes attached directly at the machine, must strictly be followed and held into completely readable condition!Qualification and training of the personnelThe operating, maintenance, inspection and assembly personnel must have appropriate qualifications for this work. The operator must pre-cisely regulate the personnel's areas of responsibility and monitor them. If the personnel do not have the necessary knowledge, they must be trained and instructed. The operator must ensure that the personnel have completely understood the contents of the user information.Danger due to non-observance of the safety informationNot observing the safety information can lead to people, the environ-ment and the machines being endangered.Not observing the safety information can lead to the loss of any and all claims for damages. In individual cases, non-observance can, forexample, lead to the following dangers :∙ Failure of important plant functions∙ Failure of prescribed methods of maintenance and preventive main-tenance∙ Endangering people due to electrical, mechanical and chemical ef-fects∙ Endangering the environment due to leakages of dangerous materi-alsPRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 8 Safety information for maintenance, inspection and assembly workAll maintenance, inspection and assembly work may only be carried out by trained specialists who have been informed appropriately by studying the user information closely.All work must only be carried out when the plant is at a standstill and pressure less and free from tension. Always wear appropriate protec-tive clothing (e.g. safety goggles). Always comply with the procedures for bringing the plant to a standstill that are described in the operating manual.All the safety and protective equipment must be replaced immediately after com-pleting work. Media that are a threat to the environment must be disposed of in accordance with pertinent official specifications.Secure the system during maintenance and repair works, against intentional or unintentional reoperation.Dispose of process materials in accordance with the safety data sheets of the lu-bricant manufacturer.Alterations and manufacture of spare parts without authorityRebuilding and alterations to the plant are only allowed after consulta-tion with the manufacturer. Original manufacturer spares and manu-facturer/authorized accessories are for safety purposes. Using other parts may lead to liability for the consequences being invalidated. The manufacturer does not assume liability or claims for damages for as-sembly, retrofitted by the operator.Inadmissible methods of operationOperational security of the system is only guaranteed if it is operated in accor-dance with the operating instructions . The limit values stated in the technical data must not be exceeded under any circumstances.General risk referenceAll components of the oil-air-lubrication device are lent according to the prevailing regulations of the construction of technical machines in re-gards to the operational safety and accident prevention. Independently of this, the use can lead to dangers fort the user respectively third per-sons or other technical facilities. The oil-air-lubrication device therefore may fulfil only in technically fault-free condition its intended use. This may only be carried out under compliance of the safety regulations and the attention of the operating manual.Therefore please observe regularly the unit and its assembly and check it for possible damages or leakages .PRELUB GP / 2013-103 Mode of operationDescriptionThe oil-air-lubrication device is based on the fact that an exact metered oil drop is transported by air into the lubrication line and a lubricating film coats the complete lubricating line. With this procedure the lube point is supplied with oil continu-ously.The oil supply is done in time intervals by the single line unit. The exact oil measurement into the air stream of the individual outlet is done by the measuring valve. The air stream can be adjusted via the adjusting throttles for every outlet.FunctionThe oil air lubrication device supplies lubricating oils according to the specification.As soon as the device control of the gear pump starts to operate it for a pump pulse, oil is supplied to the oil metering valves in the connected oil mixing distribu-tor. The integrated pressure limiting valve limits the line pressure to 30 bar.During this pressure build-up and the following pressure hold time lubricant is ap-plied onto the connected lube points via the installed oil metering valves.The metering oil reaches the non-return valve and flows into the mixing chamber.Then lubricant is supplied to the lube points by the connected lubrication line and via a regulated air stream.When switching off the pump, the pressure relief valve opens so that oil pressure is reduced to a residual pressure in the connected main line network.After the break time is processed a new lubrication cycle begins.If the air throttle is completely closed a new oil lubrication is carried out.Device versionThe oil air lubrication device can be designed with or without installed oil-air mixing distributor:∙ PRELUB GP 0:Without installed oil-air mixing distributor. In this case theoil air lubrication unit has one outlet for oil and one for air.You can connected external oil-air mixing distributors tothis outlets.∙ PRELUB GP 2: With installed oil-air mixing distributor, 2 lube point connec-tions.∙ PRELUB GP 4: With installed oil-air mixing distributor, 4 lube point connec-tionsGMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 9PRELUB GP / 2013-10GMN Operating and assembly manual 106 02 02 10 Operation with reduced air inlet pressure The mentioned standard device versions are designed for an operation pressure of 6 bar. In special cases these devices can also be operated with a compressed air with lower pressure. The compressed air source must, in any case, offer a min. pressure of 4 bar .Prerequesite for the operation with reduced air inlet pres-sure is that the necessary lubricant pressure is definitelyreached according to the operating manual for the machinespindle!Further notes see chapter 7 …start-up“.General notes∙ The oil-air lubrication device sends an error signal in case of a malfunction (oil supply, compressed air supply). This must result in switching off the machine spindle in order to avoid damages.∙ The quantity of lubricating oil for the lube point must be calculated and applied according to the details of the spindle manufacturer.∙ When correcting the adjustment of the oil/air mixing distributor, the transporting air leaves the bearing point almost oil free.∙ Check all lubricating points within short intervals for a correct lubrication during the first operating hours.∙ If necessary correct the air consumption or pulsing of the oil-air lubrication device.4 Transport and storageUse suitable lifting devices for the transport. Do not throw or shock the device. The storage place shall be cool and dry to avoid corrosion of the individual parts. Transport the oil-air lubrication device only when it is empty.Observe the valid safety- and accident prevention regulations. Wear appropriate protection clothes. Keep distance to suspending loads.5 Device descriptionVersion GP 0Connecting blockFilter entityLevel switchMotor gear pumpPressure switch for oil 20 barPressure switch for air 4,5 barLubricant connection or air-and oil connection (number and type depend on device typeFilling socket for lubricating oilPressureconnection G1/4 ManometerOil reservoirOil drain screw Control unitHARTING plugFixing linkVersion GP 2 and GP 4Gear pumpThe gear pump is supplied with voltage in selectable time intervals and lubricating oil flows towards the oil-air mixing distributor. Oil-air-mixing distributorIn the oil air mixing distributor the supplied lubricating oil is metered and conducted to the continuous air flow to get transported to the lubrication outlets of the oil-air mixing distributor.The oil-air mixing distributor can be equipped with two (PRELUB GP 2) or four (PRELUB GP 4) lubrication outlets. Those are independently and individual adjust-able.The oil metering volume per lubrication outlet and the pump pulse depend on the installed oil-air mixing distributor a pprox. 10 mm³ or 30 mm³, compare the details with the type plate.Closing the air-core choke completely, a pure oil lubrication is done. Pay also attention to chapter 7 …adjustment of air supply“.If the pressure sensor for air of the oil-air-mixing distributor sends a malfunction, there is not enough air pressure.Oil-air mixing distri-butor(version 2 or 4 outlets)Filter entity Ventilation block with feedbackLevel switchMotor gear pumpPressure Switch for oil 20 barPressure Switch for air 4,5 barExternal oil-air mixing distributorThe external oil-air mixing distributor is used together with the device version PRELUB GP 0.The external oil-air mixing distributor is available with two or four outlets. They can be adjusted separate.The oil-metering volume per lubrication outlet and pulse is approx.. 10 mm³ or 30 mm³.Closing the air-core choke completely, a pure oil lubrication is done.Pay also attention to chapter 7 article …adjustment of airsupply“. Filling level switchThe filling level switch is for monitoring the oil level in the reservoir and it protects the oil-air-lubrication device and the lubricated machine from damages resulting from lack of lubrication oil. As soon as the switch contact sends a signal (pre-warning) lubrication oil should be refilled to ensure the lubrication procedure. After the switch contact sends a signal, up to 950 lubrication cycles can be carried out (adjustment via the control menu), until the oil-air-lubrication device signals a malfunction.Ventilation block (only for PRELUB GP 2 and PRELUB GP 4)The ventilation block serves for ventilation as described under chapter 8.1 “ventilation operation“.The ventilation block is not installed in the oil-air lubrication device PRELUB GP 0.Lubrication outletOil connectionAir connectionAir throttleOil reservoirThe oil reservoir has a total capacity of approx. 2,7 liter. In order to change the oil, use the oil drain screw. When the level switch sends a signal (prewarning) approx. 1,2 liter of lubrication oil must be refilled.Compressed air maintenance unitThe compressed air maintenance unit consists of the following components.∙Air filter, filter fineness 5 µm∙compressed air control valve∙ solenoid valve∙ manometerThe air filter cleans compressed air from dirt, pipe sinter, rust and condensed water. We recommend to filter the compressed air of the oil-air lubrication device with 25 to 50 µm to ensure a suitable stand time of the filter cartridge. Condensed water of the air filter is collected in the water separator. Drain it via the drain screw. For this purpose switch off voltage and compressed air.The operating air pressure is controlled at the compressed air control valve. The pressure is necessary for the operation of the oil-air lubrication device.The solenoid valve closes when the device is switched off (voltage interrupted) and if an error message is send. Hence it can be avoid that the lubrication lines are blown dry due to the available air flow.The operating air pressure can be set at the compressed air control valve of the manometer (device front). It has to have at least 4,5 bar as otherwise the air pressure switch of the oil-air mixing distributor sends a fault message.In certain cases the operating pressure may have a lower value (see chapter 6).Air filterFilter fineness 5µmAir supplyOperatingair lineSolenoidvalveCompressedair controlvalveWater trapLubricating oil filterThe lubricating oil filter filters the oil. If the filter is dirty, the oil pressure after the filter falls. The installed oil pressure switch sends a fault message. Exchange filter insert, see chapter 9 …maintenance“.Control unitWith the control, unit the system operation canbe monitored and controlled.It has a keyboard and a display. Regarding de-tails for remedy, please see item 8.2 “malfunc-tions”.Adjustment of the several parameters can bedone via the keyboards. With the control planyou can see how to get to the parameter whichshould be adjusted.The buttons “up” and “down” are for selecting themenu items as well as for enter the values in themenu.The buttons “left” and “right” are for the cursor’s movement. The button “se-lect/enter” confirms an entry. With the button “ESC” the menu is left.Parameter of the control unitThe following parameter can be adjusted at the control unit:Parameter Option State of delivery Language ChinesetraditionalChinese simplifiedGermanEnglishFrenchItalianJapaneseSpanishGermanLevel impuls counter 1 - 999 950Lubrication time in sec. 5 - 9 5Break time (hh.mm.ss) 00.00.03 – 09.59.59 00.03.00ImpulsVentilation operation1 - 99 1Lubrication timeVentilation operation insec.not adjustable 20Break timeVentilation operation insec.not adjustable 2Pre-lubrication impulse 0 - 99 10Lubrication timePre-lubrication operationin sec.5 - 9 5Break timePre-lubrication operationin sec.2 - 9 8Stand-by operation ON insec.0 - 59 30Stand –by operation OFFin sec.0 - 59 5Monitoring time stand-byoperation in hours0 - 99 4The individual parameters have to be coordinated with the lubricated ma-chine/machine spindle. In chapter 11.5 “control unit plan”, the pictures show how to get to the different parameter.Some parameter can only be changed when entering a password. The authorized access of GMN differs from the user authorization.In certain cases the parameter can be set for a specific machine /machine spindle. In this case the details regarding the deliverycondition of above mentioned table are not valid.6 Assembly manualThe following conditions have to be satisfied during the assembly of theoil-air-lubrication device, thus it can be assembled with other parts to acomplete machine without affect the safety and health of human:∙Set up the oil-air-lubrication device on both sides at the place where it has to be installed. Pay also attention to the mentioned data regarding the fastening bore in the dimensional drawing. (chapter 12.1).∙Use the already installed securing straps at the housing for the assembly.∙The installation location has to be free from vibrations and shocks.∙The oil-air-lubrication device must not be installed on movable machine parts. Pneumatic (Compressed air supply)∙The pressure in the compressed air system has to have min. 6 bar!The device can be operated also with reduced air inlet pressure. The switch point of the air pressure switch must be changed for this purpose. Notes for the operation with reduced air pressure and the setting of the switch point can be found in chapter 7 “start-up”. Remove the sealing cap and assemble a suitable hose fitting.∙The compressed air connection of the oil-air-lubrication device has an internal thread G ¼. Remove the sealing cap and assemble a proper hose fitting.∙Internal diameter of the connection hose: min. 8 mm∙Commercial compressed air lines can be used for the compressed air supply!∙The filter fineness of the installed compressed air maintenance unit in the oil-air lubrication device has 5 µ. The compressed air that is lead into the oil-air lubri-cation unit shall be dry and prefiltered with 25 to 50 µm to ensure a proper stand time of the filter cartridge.∙Other requirements regarding the compressed air quality (oil concentration etc.) can be found in the assembly and operating manual of the machine spindle or the lube point. The compressed air for the oil-air lubrication device must already there fulfil the requirements.∙Take care that the pipe lines are clean!∙Assemble the pipe lines professional and free from distortion!Lubrication line assembly (PRELUB GP 2 and PRELUB GP 4)The installed oil-air mixing distributor hast two and four outlets (depends on cus-tomer request) for polyamide pipe Ø6x1 mm or Ø4x0,85 mm, depends on meter-ing volume of oil-air mixing distributor.∙Remove the sealing cap from the lubrication line connection and assemble the polyamide pipe.∙Use only transparent polyamide pipe acc. to DIN 73378 (plastic pipes with tol-erated outside diameter, transparent plastic pipes enable a visual control of the oil transport)!∙The line length between oil-air mixing distributor and the lube point shall be between 0,5 m to 5 m. The minimum length is necessary that the lubrication oil that is fed into the air flow can build a constant oil flow. Lubrication lines with a length of over 5 m need a longer waiting time until a complete application with lubricating oil.∙In case the distance between the oil-air mixing distributor and the lubrication point is smaller than 0,5 m or larger than 3 m, GMN recommends to use coils (4 to 5 coils) near the lubrication point. The lubrication oil that is collected in the coil after the system is switched off, will immediately be available at the lube point (e.g. spindle bearing) at the reactivation.∙Observe that all pipe lines are clean.∙Assemble the pipe line professional and free from distortion!∙If not all lubrication line connections are necessary at the oil-air mixing distribu-tor the according lubricant outlets can be closed:- Close the air throttles of the outlets that need to be closed.- If necessary pull out lubrication lines from the outlet fittings.- Close lubricant outlets with a suitable sealing plug.Assembly of external oil-air mixing distributor (PRELUB GP 0)The device version PRELUB GP 2 and PRELUB GP 4 have the air ducts and the oil lines between lubrication pump and oil-air mixing distributor already assembled in the device cabinet.The oil-air mixing distributor for the version PRELUB GP 0 (also various) are in-stalled outside the device cabinet. The connections for the air and the oil lines to-wards the oil-air mixing distributor are on the left side of the device cabinet:G1/4∙ Compressed air: Thread∙Oil: Hydraulic fitting for pipe outside ø 6 mmLines between oil-air lubrication unit and external oil-air mixing distributor.∙Compressed air ductInternal diameter: min. 8 mm∙Oil pressure lineLine quality: High pressure line (pump pressure 30 bar).Line length: max. 30 m.∙We recommend to assemble the oil air mixing distributor in a way that they are higher than the compressed air- or oil pressure connection of the oil-air lubrica-tion unit. The last oil-air mixing distributor in the main line must be equipped with a ventilation unit and shall be installed at the highest point. This is for a bet-ter ventilation of the lubrication oil line. If the recommended assembly of the oil-air mixing distributor is not possible, the correct ventilation of the lubrication oil line must be ensured by more and/or longer pump cycls.Ventilation unit∙The order of more oil-air mixing distributors is done in a row. Never connect more than 8 lubrication outlets to one oil-air lubrication device. The oil-air mix-ing distributor with two and four lubrication outlets can be combined as re-quested.∙When connecting the lubrication line to the hydraulic fitting of the external oil-air mixing distributor, use the delivered sleeves to support the polyamide pipe.∙The installation position of the individual oil-air mixing distributor shall be ob-served as shown on the pictures.Correct Correct Correct Wrong∙Furthermore please observe the assembly notes regarding the lubrication lines or for closing non-used lubricant outlets regarding the versions PRELUB GP 2 and PRELUB GP 4 in above mentioned section “lubricant line assembly (PRE-LUB GP 2 und PRELUB GP 4)”.Current supplyThe electric connection should only be done by a professional electrician!The oil-air lubrication unit is connected at the 10 pole Harting plug at the device box.∙Connect the oil-air lubrication device professional according to theenclosed connection plan.∙Attention! The existing mains voltage has to match with the neces-sary supply voltage (see type plate)!7 Start-upFilling with lubricating oilFill up the lubricating oil reservoir with clean lubricating oil via the filling connection until the max. level is received! Receiving a signal by the level switch (Prewarn-ing), refill approx. 1.2 liter lubricating oil according to the specification.Do not overfill!∙ When selecting the lubricating oil also observe the operating manual of the lu-bricated machine / machine spindle.∙ The oil-air lubrication device is equipped with an oil fine filter. In order to enlarge the stand time of the installed filte cartridge we recommend to fill in cleaned lu-brication oil∙ Pay attention to the lubricating oil manufacturers safety data sheet!∙ The lubricating oil viscosity range changes with the operating temperature!∙ Check the oil level regularly during the first operating hours, and refill clean lu-bricant if necessary!If the parameter …prelubrication“ is set with 1 or higher, the oil-air lubrication unit always, starts after it is connected to voltage , witha prelubrication . Please also read therefore the paragraph inchapter 8.1 “pre-lubrication”.Starting the oil-air-lubrication device∙ Make sure that all supply lines are correctly connected.∙ Set the operating pressure at the compressed air maintenance unit.Standard device: 5 barAt reduced operating pressure: 3,5 bar min.∙ The oil-air lubrication device has no ON/OFF switch.∙ The oil-air-lubrication device operates in the pre-lubrication mode.。
由于轴承零件加工精度误差一般都在4-5µ M用选择装配法装配出来的轴承,还不能达到装配主轴的要求,这些轴承必须经过测振,测量内外径和检查接触角,轴承振动值不能超过规定值。
电主轴和皮带轴的主轴轴承多半是成对使用,两套轴承的内外径和接触角的尺寸,我们一般要求双联轴承内、外径相互差值不大于1µ M(0.001MM),并为同一出厂批次。
1. 电气控制的定义和分类
2. 电气元器件的基本原理及特点
3. 基本电路分析及信号处理
4. 电气控制系统的组成及特点
1. 伺服控制系统的原理及应用
2. PLC控制系统的原理及应用
3. 数控系统的原理及应用
4. 机床电控系统集成技术
1. 机床主轴驱动控制系统
2. 液压系统的电气控制
3. 门式加工中心电气控制系统
4. 五轴加工中心的电气控制系统
1. 电气元器件的维护及更换
2. 电气控制系统的故障排除方法
3. 机床电控系统日常维护要点
4. 常见故障案例分析及解决方法
1. 智能控制技术的应用
2. 云制造与机器人技术的发展
3. 新材料、新工艺、新技术在机床电气控制中的应用
4. 未来机床电气控制系统的发展方向
·64··电主轴技术讲座·Seminar on Motorized Spindle第二讲!电主轴的基本参数与结构(一)LessonⅡMain Specifications and Structure of the Motorized SpindIe(l)周延祐李中行1 电主轴的基本参数电主轴的基本参数和主要规格包括:套筒直径、最高转速、输出功率、计算转速、计算转速转矩和刀具接口等。
表1 德国GMN公司用于加工中心和铣床的电主轴的型号和主要规格主要型号套筒直径/mm最高转速/(r/min)输出功率/kW计算转速/(r/min)计算转速转矩/N·m润滑刀具接口HC120-42000/11120420001130000 3.5OL SK30HC120-50000/11120500001130000 3.5OL HSK-E25HC120-60000/5.512060000 5.5600000.9OL HSK-E25 HCS150g-18000/9150180009750011G HSK-A50 HCS170-24000/2717024000271800014OL HSK-A63HC170-40000/6017040000604000014OL HSK-A50/E50 HCS170g-15000/151701500015600024G HSK-A63 HCS170g-20000/1817020000181200014G HSK-F63 HCS180-30000/1618030000161500010OL HSK-A50/E50 HCS185g-8000/11185800011213053G HSK-A63 HCS200-18000/152001800015180080OL HSK-A63 HCS200-30000/1520030000151200012OL HSK-A50”E50 HCS200-36000/162003600016600029OL HSK-A50”E50 HCS200-36000/7620036000762500029OL HSK-A50”E50 HCS200-182000/152001200015180080G SK40HCS230-18000/152301800015180080OL HSK-A63 HCS230-18000/252301800025300080OL HSK-A63 HCS230-24000/182302400018315057OL HSK-A63 HCS230-24000/452302400045750058OL HSK-A63 HCS230-182000/222301200022240087G HSK-A63 HCS230-182000/252301200025300080G HSK-A63 HCS232-185000/9230150009122070G HSK-A63 HCS275-20000/6027520000601000057OL HSK-A63 HCS285-12000/3228512000321000306OL HSK-A100 HCS300-12000/3030012000301000286OL HSK-A100 HCS300-14000/2530014000251100217OL HSK-A63 HCS300-8000/303008000301000286G HSK-A100注:HCS—矢量驱动;OL—油气润滑;G—永久油脂润滑;SK—ISO锥度。
高速加工中心电主轴结构设计及关键技术应用The construction design and key technology applicationOf motor spindle which used in high-speed machining centres作者姓名学位类型工科硕士学科、专业机械工程研究方向机械工程导师及职称2008年9月1合肥工业大学本论文经答辩委员会全体委员审查,确认符合合肥工业大学硕士学位论文质量要求。
(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文者签名导师签名签字日期:年月日签字日期:年月日学位论文作者毕业后去向:工作单位电话通讯地址: 邮编3高速加工中心电主轴结构设计、关键技术及应用摘要现代汽车制造技术引入柔性化时代,高速加工中心成为了发动机柔性化生产线的重要组成部分,高速加工大大提高了生产率、加工精度、加工质量,并降低成本。
关键词:高速加工电主轴附件设计轴承维护与维修4The construction design and key technology application Of motor spindle which used in high-speed machining centresAbstractKey words:5致谢本论文是在导师韩江教授关心和指导下完成的,从论文课题的选定到方案的确立,以及对文章的详细审定无不倾注了他的心血和辛劳。
再一次对曾经给我帮助的所有人和将要在论文答辩中给予我帮助老师表示深深地感谢!王二镇2008年10月6目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究背景及主要内容 (1)1.1.1课题来源 (1)1.1.2课题意义 (1)1.2 高速加工与电主轴 (1)1.2.1高速加工概述 (1)1.2.2电主轴概述 (1)1.2.3电主轴技术的发展及现状 (1)本章小结 (4)第二章高速加工中心电主轴的结构设计及性能分析 (5)2.1 电主轴的性能分析 (1)2.1.1精度和静刚度 (1)2.1.2临界速度 (1)2.1.3残余动不平衡值及验收振动速度值 (1)2.1.4噪音与套筒的温升值 (1)2.1.5使用寿命值 (1)2.1.6电主轴与刀具接口 (1)2.2 电主轴结构设计与分析 (1)2.2.1电主轴结构 (1)2.2.2轴壳和转轴 (1)2.2.3主轴与电机转子的配合 (1)2.3 电主轴附件设计 (1)2.3.1电主轴刀具松夹刀系统 (1)2.3.2内置编码器 (1)2.3.3刀具内冷装置 (1)2.3.4主轴的气吹和气密封 (1)2.3.5松夹刀信号检测 (1)本章小结 (4)第三章电主轴设计制造的几个关键技术问题3.1电主轴的热稳定分析 (1)3.2轴承的润滑技术 (1)3.2.1油脂润滑 (1)3.2.2油雾润滑 (1)3.2.3油-气润滑 (1)3.3动平衡设计 (1)73.4驱动技术 (1)本章小结 (4)第四章高速电主轴的角接触陶瓷球轴承的性能分析 (1)4.1磁悬浮轴承与动静压轴承 (1)4.1.1磁悬浮轴承 (1)4.1.2动静压轴承 (1)4.2混合陶瓷球轴承 (1)4.2.1混合陶瓷球轴承的概述 (1)4.2.1选择混合陶瓷球轴承的理由公式 (1)4.2混合陶瓷球轴承 (1)4.2.2角接触陶瓷球轴承的支承方式 (1)4.2.2混合陶瓷球轴承的装配预加载荷 (1)本章小结 (4)第五章高速电主轴电主轴的维护与维5.1电主轴的维护 (1)5.1.1周保养 (1)5.1.2月保养 (1)5.1.4蝶形弹簧的涨紧力检查 (1)5.2电主轴的易损件的更换步骤与常见故障分析 (1)5.2.1更换刀具夹紧组件步骤 (1)5.2.2更换旋转接头步骤 (1)5.2.3轴承装配的步骤 (1)本章小结 (4)8图2-1 轴向刚度和径向刚度的测量位置 (1)图2-2 临界速度 (1)图2-3 电主轴装配图 (1)图2-4 主轴附件结构图 (1)图2-5 松夹刀油缸 (1)图2-6 刀具内冷冷却液 (1)图2-7 电主轴气吹和气密封 (1)图2-8 模拟量检测传感器 (1)图3-1 冷却系统 (1)表3-1轴承润滑方式性能对比表 (1)表3-2 FAG电主轴轴承润滑脂性能 (1)表3-3 轴承供油量与轴承内径的关系 (1)图3-2 油-气润滑 (1)图3-3 磁悬浮轴承原理 (1)9第一章绪论1.1课题研究背景及主要内容1.1.1课题来源本课题来自于奇瑞汽车股份有限公司发动机公司设备部关于成立电主轴维修间的一个项目。
其主要方式,是由组合/专用机床(special purpose machine/Transfer machine)组成的自动生产线TL(Transfer Line),也称为传统自动线。
由其组成了高速柔性生产线FTL(Flexible Transfer Line)是发动机制造的第二次革命。
定位精度/重复定位精度——工作台1 m以下,8μm/4μm,工作台1m以上,10μm/5μm(VDI标准)。