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books and novels books and novels 篇二:英语读书报告

a book report on a thousand splendid suns a thousand splendid suns is a 2007 novel by afghan-american author khaledhosseini.

it is his second, following his bestselling 2003 debut, the kite runner. khaled……..nia (john,dolan ,a thousand splendid,riverhead books, new


the novel centers around the friendship between mariam and laila. it is split

into four parts, with a focus on mariam in the first part, continuing with laila in

the second and fourth, and the relationship between the two women in the third part.

i just finished the book. while i couldnt put it down, if i had to include all

my feelings in two words that is heartbreaking and inspiring.i found that many of

the dramatic moments were so impressive that i haddreamt about them couple of times .

i could practically hear the music swelling in the background. first of all, i really admireahtuthor’s writing techniques. with peaceful but impressive words, he

described a beautiful and poetry afghanistan to us at the beginning of the book.

however, as we went on reading in depth, we saw a country like hell. people died all

over, children were begging on the street, every one were living in horror. that was

afghanistan after the war.through using this contrast, hossinishowed the dreadful

strength of war. and i also love the way kh depicts his characters. it is easy to

be part of them, see what they went through and feel the emotions they go through.i

connected with the characters, cried and laughed with them.i felt sad about the fate

of mariam. it is unfair to her.i feel happy for mariam finally she got love and

acceptance from someone. and her father also felt regretful and i think he loved her

from his heart. mariam wants love in her short life, and she got it finally. it also

reminds me that life is not easy for all of us. if we want to be loved, we should

give love at first.

that hide behind her walls.” though mariam died, it shows hope to us, just like

what the poem express.篇三:英语读书报告



批阅老师(2012级)读书报告 201230097023 姓名英语(2)班完稿日期成

绩黄玉珍 2014年 5月 30日

love or money ? i. bibliographical information 1. type of materials you selected to read: a book written in english b. an

article written in english)

2. topical area: b. linguistics c. translation d. education e. trade f. miscellaneous)

3. if you read a book, provide its bibliographical information below: title: author(s): love or money? edition: oxford univ pr year of publication: place:


ii. information about your reading the reasons why you selected the book or the article: (≥20 words) at first i

thought that this story was love story which was about the love and the money between

men and women, but it wasnt. i like mystery stories, so this book

1. the amount of time you spent reading the book or the article: two weeks

2. if you finish reading the entire book or article, sign your name here: 黄


3. if you did not finish reading the book, how many pages did you read? __64___

( __64__ pages in total) iii. a brief summary of the book or the article (≥150 words) daughter——jackie. and the only reason was that her mother didn’t agree with

her marriage, and she was dissatisfied. in the end, they go the money, albert, roger,

diane. they are all rich now.

( 225 words)

1. what are the strengths and weaknesses of the book or the article? (≥50 words)

the strengths are easy to read and understand. the vocabularies in that book

are simple. also it reveals the attitude between money and family relationship. led

most of us think about the important things that we should treasure. the weaknesses

are too short and lack of more details.

2. what is the part of this book or article that had the greatest impact on you? why? (≥50 words)

molly killed her husband in a car accident, so she got all of the money. and then,

she refused her elder daughter’s marriage because she didn’t want to lose her garden.

last, she never saw her sister who was going to die, and she didn’t want to pay

for medical fee of her sister. those parts of book that had the greatest impact on


because i think in molly’s heart, she also thought money was the most important

thing in her life. she was so closefisted to her relative. i think she deserved this


3. is the writing effective, powerful, difficult, or beautiful? (≥50 words) the

writing is effective and powerful. firstly, it relates to real life. it describes

the story in a birthday party. secondly, it attracts readers. molly was killed by

people. the detective found the murder at last. it was molly’s elder daughter jackie.

to the readers, they can’t believe it. she hooted her mother because she gave her

nothing and marry her lover.

4. what new facts did you learn that you hadn’t known before? (≥50 words)

5. if you could talk to the author, what would you say? (≥50 words) thank you

for you literary work which makes me understand that there was no need to think about

money importantly. no matter how your mother treat you, she must love you.. so don’

t miss our family. so please be happy with our family. because family relation is

more valuable than money.

6. what did you learn about yourself as a result of reading this book or

article? (≥50 words) 7. note down three useful expressions you learned from your reading and make one

sentence for each expression.

1) [useful expression] she wanted her mother to be happy this evening,but it

was very difficult.

[sentence you made] marry wanted to win the scholarship, but it was very


2)[useful expression] on the little table next to the bed was a hot cup of coffee

and an empty cup.

[sentence you made] on the little table next to the bed was biographical notes.

3)[useful expression] he was the family doctor and he knew all the clarkson

family very well.

[sentence you made] apparently, people in america, canada, and singapore are

very happy; people living in india and russia, not surprisingly, are not happy.

7. general remarks: (≥200 words) can’t buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be supported by book. many

people still cling to the belief that gaining riches will be the answer to all their

problems, yet they are probably mistaken. if material wealth does not bring

happiness, then what does?

perhaps happiness has something to do with where you live. family relationships

in particular seem to be the key to long-term contentment. actually, falling in love

and having children are two of the situations that bring the greatest happiness. people increasingly spend more time alone watching tv or surfing the internet

rather than spending time with family. i think time spent with your family is a better

investment than time spent making. above all, family always is our harbor. word篇四:2015读书心得体会100字











本书有三个优点。一是搞笑, 二是知识丰富,三是内容多。




















读《平凡的世界》有感 化工111班何小同 《平凡的世界》这本书是一本以中国人为研究对象的关于研究人城乡变化的书,它是继全球畅销书《首先,打破一切常规》的又一本对于发现自身平凡的一本书,它旨在识别最普遍的人类的平凡,并告诉世人将这种平凡应用在个人和事业上,以致达到成功的表现。 现如今的人们是越来越自由了,虽不能说想干啥就干啥,但至少从就业到择业,以至于出国,存在主义的计划经济的“上帝”都不干预了。对于不少人,机会终于来了。从过去梦想不到的机会到过去梦想不到的成功。我们国家的社会整个都变了。 然而焦虑任然存在,听人摆布的痛苦在消失,取而代之的是选择的迷茫和自由的焦虑。还记得“牧马人”吗?“牧马人”是痛苦的:那场浩劫断送了他的事业。然而。“牧马人”又能找到“安慰”,因为浩劫解释了他的结局。现在不同的是浩劫结束了,“上帝”也退休了,别人成功了,而如果你作为一个“牧马人”一度渴望而没能实现辉煌人生,那你连怨天尤人的机会都没有了,有的只是自责。这种痛苦恐怕不亚于当年得“牧马人”。难怪有人说人又陷入了自由的厄运。 何为成功?见仁见智。有学者曾这样定义:成功就是充分实现你的潜能。在外部条件给定的前提下,能否成功关键在于能否准确的识别并全力发挥你的天生平凡。何为平凡?就是你天生能做的一件事,不费劲,却比其他一万个人做得好。如果说得概念一点,就是做一件事的持续的、近乎完美的表现。 尽管平凡如此总要,但人们历来并不太注意它,更妄谈珍惜和发挥。我们从小到大都深受这种思想的影响。夸耀自身有点事不谦虚的陋习,做人应该谦虚,只有发现和改正缺点才是进步。这是否恰好与物尽其才有所矛盾呢?当我们只知道一味的去努力改正我们缺点的时候,那些注重平凡的人早已走在我们前面品尝到了胜利的果实,当然,缺点一点不在意也不好,应该适当加以控制就好,这才是最好、最有利于我们成功的做法。 那么我们如何来发现自身的平凡呢?首先,如果你想揭示你的自身才干,就请关注你对你所遇到的各种情形的自发的、悠然而发的反应。这些反应提供了


英语读书报告范文 there is no standard form for a book report. however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1. identification. give the title and author’s name. if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages. later to relocate quotations or other information. 4. evaluation. your opinion is the most important part of the report. it may be either your immediate reaction to the book or a judgment based on further study. in either case, your opinion impression of the material after you have finished the book. writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own. *** 题目统一为: a book report of thirty-nine steps 内容的四个部分可以成四个段落写,不能出现1,2,3,4字样;英文中没有书名号, 每 个词用大写就可以或再加上下划线表示, 不用引号; 省略号为三点; 常见的表达法:简写本 simplified version/abbreviated version 故事大意如下 the gist of the story is as follows 主人公 leading role/leading character/hero/heroine 以……为背景 it is set on the eve of…/it is set on the background that… sample 1 a book report of the black tulip by li minli, class 5, 2005 the black tulip is a novel written by alexandre dumas pere, simplified by micle wester, and was published by shanghai translation press in 1983. the story is set in the 17th century in holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society rioted. in this story, cornelius van baerle being so crazy about tulips tries to grow a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner. however, boxtel, a man living in the next door, also has a crush on the money. he then supervises every movement of cornelius secretly for fear that cornelius may grow better tulips than his own. besides this, he also carries out many surreptitious activities to destroy cornelius’ tulips by all means. once a while, he accuses cornelius of harbouring letters that might be harmful to the government so that cornelius is sent to the prison without giving provocation. this nearly causes him to death. even here, cornelius manages to grow tulips with the help of rosa, the daughter of the prison-keeper. but unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by boxtel. it’s rosa who proves the truth and saves coenelius by


英语读书报告怎么写格式范文 英语读书报告在提高大学生英语学习效果、提升教师大学英语科 研水平方面有着其他形式的写作所不具有的优势,英语读书报告有哪 些呢?下面是的英语读书报告资料,欢迎阅读. 英语读书报告篇1 thelousydriftageofstrandofrecord》 iliketoreadtheadventurenovelspecially,amongthemleavingformeimpre ssivewouldbe《thelousydriftageofstrandofrecord》. abodyofstrandofisatamiddleclafamilyinengland.theagesoftheyouth,hel eavesthehousethenandpersonally,goingtooverseastogotorisky.anonthewat erdieinanaccident,hedriftsanisletofsmokewithunmanned荒 alone.starttobeverypessimism,afterwardsforthesakeofexistence,hemovedt ocometheclothes,freshwater,foodbreakontheboat,tooletc.,startedthenewlif e.heplantsthecorn,raisingandtrainthegoat,obtainingtheenoughthing.afterso meyears,itisaflockoftoarrivethisundertakingpedestrianmeat 宴,hesavedasavagecountrypeople,goingtoa"friday"forhim.henceforth,50% ofweekthefriendandtheservantthatheisfaithful.afterislanduplivefor28years, theytakeoneroadtowasreturntobythebritishshipofthewasteislandengland. atthebeginningwhenireadthisbookthrough,wereislousybythestrandofh epresumestheadventure,thediligententerprisingspiritshocked.hedriftsthew asteisland,notonlyhavenopessimismdisappointment,butalsoma-ki-nguseoftheconditionontheisland,plant,raiseandtrain,theparadisethatma-ki-ngwasteislandbecomecanexistfreely.wecanalsoseeheisamindandbodyhealt h,diligententerprisinghe- man.onthedesolateisolatedisland,hewanttobeapersonalonewiththerainsand windsthunderandlightningphysicalfightwiththemosquitowildbeastphysical


平凡的世界读后感3000字 篇一:平凡的世界>读后感3000字 “时代造人”一语相信大家都有听过,不同的时代会造就不同的人才,形成不同的观念,可就算是同一个时代,也会造就人的不同性格,导致对事物的看法不同,如同《平凡的世界》这一书中,虽然小说定格在一个特定的时代里,但是却造就了书中各个人物截然不同的性格,也让他们对人生、爱情、婚姻的看法与态度有所不同。 《平凡的世界》是一部现实主义小说,作者路遥用朴实无华的笔调把生活的苦难、残酷和卑微描写出来,全景式地反映了1975年到1985年中国城乡社会生活的巨大历史性变迁。小说以孙少安和孙少平两兄弟的生活、学习、奋斗、爱情为中心,以黄土高原双水村里的孙、田、金三家人的日常生活为主线,以整个社会的变迁、思想的转型为背景,通过各种复杂的矛盾纠葛,描写了各阶层人民如何在困难的环境里挣扎求生,为生活努力打拼,承受着各种天灾人祸仍坚持着自己的信仰。在这里,人性的自尊、自信、自强,不向困难低头的坚韧以及人生的>挫折与拼搏,痛苦与欢乐都被展现得淋漓尽致。在作者的笔下,从高中生成为一名煤矿工人,渴望改变现状、有着远大抱负并努力为之奋斗,拼搏勇敢真诚地面对生活的精神斗士孙少平;13岁辍学帮助父亲支撑起风雨飘摇的家,不屈服于命运,最后凭借生活的历练和聪慧的天资成就自己的一番事业的农民代表孙少安;家境殷实却不骄不躁,思想境界和内在品质都远胜于同龄人,自信、热情、主动,可怜可爱拥有超脱现实的梦想与爱情,并为之拼搏奋斗了一生的精神导师田晓霞……这样一个个有血有肉、平凡但不平庸的人物跃然于纸上,小说描写的正是这样一群平凡的人,正是这样一个平凡的世界。 虽然在《平凡的世界》里,对于小人物在大时代历史进程中如何走过的艰难曲折的道路,自强不息、不甘被命运所束缚的精神刻画得入木三分,但我认为其中几段爱情的描写更是感人至深,引发人们的无限思考,也是这本精彩的小说不可或缺的一条主心骨。在小说塑造的20世纪70、80年代的中国这样一个特定的时代背景下,孙家的四个孩子——大姐孙兰花、大哥孙少安、二哥孙少平和小妹孙兰香都各自拥有自己的爱情,但是他们爱情的经历各不相同,对于爱情的态度各不相同,对于爱情与婚姻两者之间的看法也不同。而这些种种的不同不正是不同阶层人物形象、性格特点的最好体现吗? 在孙家四姐弟中,孙家长女孙兰花的爱情不得不说是一个悲剧,兰花是一个典型的中国封建妇女形象,她以丈夫为天,对丈夫的话惟命是从,她会因为丈夫的一句话而笑,也会因为丈夫的一句话而伤心流泪,即使在婚姻里受尽委屈,她也从没想过要离开丈夫,对于她来说,丈夫在的地方才是她的家,才是她的根。兰花从小就生长在封建的农村家庭中,为了一家人的生活整天在山里家里操劳,也根本没想过男女感情之事,而王满银这个热情又对她好的男人的出现把兰花心中沉睡的少女情怀给唤醒了,她不顾父亲的反对坚持要嫁给王满银,这就是这个爱情悲剧的开始。在任何一个女人眼中,王满银都不会是一个理想的丈夫人选,他游手好闲,对家庭没有责任心,是个有名的逛鬼,不仅使兰花在物质生活上一贫如洗,而且在精神生活上也得不到满足。可是兰花没有经历过爱情,所以在王满银对她显示出好感时,她便盲目地投进了这场爱情悲剧里。在结婚以后,王满银更是整天不务正业,就等着兰花来服侍他,根本没有尽过作为丈夫、作为一家之


读书笔记大全3000字 【篇一:读书笔记3000字】 读《平凡的世界》有感化工111班何小同 《平凡的世界》这本书是一本以中国人为研究对象的关于研究人城 乡变化的书,它是继全球畅销书《首先,打破一切常规》的又一本 对于发现自身平凡的一本书,它旨在识别最普遍的人类的平凡,并 告诉世人将这种平凡应用在个人和事业上,以致达到成功的表现。 现如今的人们是越来越自由了,虽不能说想干啥就干啥,但至少从 就业到择业,以至于出国,存在主义的计划经济的“上帝”都不干预了。对于不少人,机会终于来了。从过去梦想不到的机会到过去梦 想不到的成功。我们国家的社会整个都变了。 何为成功?见仁见智。有学者曾这样定义:成功就是充分实现你的 潜能。在外部条件给定的前提下,能否成功关键在于能否准确的识 别并全力发挥你的天生平凡。何为平凡?就是你天生能做的一件事,不费劲,却比其他一万个人做得好。如果说得概念一点,就是做一 件事的持续的、近乎完美的表现。 尽管平凡如此总要,但人们历来并不太注意它,更妄谈珍惜和发挥。我们从小到大都深受这种思想的影响。夸耀自身有点事不谦虚的陋习,做人应该谦虚,只有发现和改正缺点才是进步。这是否恰好与 物尽其才有所矛盾呢?当我们只知道一味的去努力改正我们缺点的 时候,那些注重平凡的人早已走在我们前面品尝到了胜利的果实, 当然,缺点一点不在意也不好,应该适当加以控制就好,这才是最好、最有利于我们成功的做法。 那么我们如何来发现自身的平凡呢?首先,如果你想揭示你的自身 才干,就请关注你对你所遇到的各种情形的自发的、悠然而发的反应。这些反应提供了 有关你自身才干得最好线索,他们揭示了牢固精神联接的位置。孙 少安、孙少平这些默默为人生承受苦难的人们诚然,这是些富有戏 剧性的例子,表明人们如何在危急时刻原形毕露。但生活中充满了 较为平和的时刻,同样能引发具有歧视性的反应。 你油然而生的反应固然揭示了你最清晰的才干线索,但你还要记住 另外的三条线索:一是学得快,顾名思义就是你在学习的时候那方 面的学习得最快,那么方面就很可能是你的平凡所在。二是满足, 意思个就是说什么东西或者什么样的感觉让你满足,因为这样的满


篇一:英文读书报告撰写格式 英文读书报告撰写格式 1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中 学生姓名、专业班级、学号、正文及参考文献均为小4号 双倍行距 3.报告第一页第一行应为:报告题目 第二行靠右应为:学生姓名、专业班级、学号 附: 英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1. three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life. it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book. to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book. 2. writing of the book report 1) the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand. above all, it should be objective. 3) the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work. 篇二:英语读书报告要求及范文(1) 英语读书报告格式要求范文 there is no standard form for a book report. however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1. identification. give the title and author’s name. if the book is one with which your readers may not be familiar, identify it further. give the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication, the price, and the number of pages. writing book reports can be a valuable exercise in clear thinking and precise writing. it also gives you the opportunity to improve your writing and to develop a style of your own. 注意: 题目统一为: a book report on 英文书名(斜体),标题居中,正文两端对齐; 内容的几个部分可以成若干个段落写,但不能出现1,2,3,4序号字样; 英文中没有书名号, 书名斜体;注意其他英文标点符号使用及字母大小写的规范;字体


呐喊读后感3000字 《呐喊》共收作品十四篇,起于1918年的《狂人日记》,迄于1922年的《社戏》。作品的选材,“多采自病态的社会的不幸的人们中,意思是揭出病苦,引起疗救的注意。”当时的鲁迅认为最须急切地疗救的,是人的“病态”的灵魂。 序文,勾勒出了作者前期思想的发展脉络,同时对游荡在当时背景中的自弦灵魂进行了深入的剖析。在序文里,“医病”的问题,成为作者用于表述过去的一个基本线索。首先是为父亲买药医病,结果,“我的父亲终于日复一日的亡故了”。接着是上日本的医学专门学校学医,决心“求治象我父亲似的被误的病人的疾苦。”但作者看到的“一样是强壮的体格,而显示麻木的神情”的一群中国看客。作者从这群看客的身上,看到不再是身体的疾病,而是精神上的病症。作者由关注身体的病痛到关注精神的病痛,展示了作者思想发展的进程。这一思想转化的进程,对作者来说是至关重要的。同时,从艺术表现上,作者思想的这种转化,又仅仅是通过并不曾为他人所注重的几则小事的表述来实现的,这显示出作者准确、精到的把握能力和艺术表现力。 在这篇序文里,作者并没有回避自己曾有的犹疑和孤寂,体现出了坦荡率直的艺术品格。而作为一篇序文,作品又恰当地提示了他所以要作小说的缘由:“铁屋子”作为作者对传统中国社会的象征,它既显现了鲁迅深居其中的寂寞孤苦,

同时也昭示了作者要领着国人从精神上走出它的决心。于是,“呐喊”就成为作者从深寂孤苦中所喷射出的一腔激情孤愤。从集子中所收作品看,也明显地保留着作者于“五四”高潮时期,在结束一段的沉默之后奋起呼唤的特色。 这篇序文的写作特点,突出地体现出作者的用笔素朴、简括,不事铺排。这种笔触,与他深沉冷峻的思想桴鼓相应;同时作者的素朴、简括,并不意味着作者思路的单调、狭促。作者在描述生活锁事的同时,总是把他的得寸进尺触,抵向我们的心灵和精神。至今,这篇序文仍以它简括深思的艺术个性和忧愤深广的思想,给读者带来深层次的思索。 《呐喊》是鲁迅1918年至1922年所作的短篇小说的结集,作品真实地描绘了从辛亥革命到五四时期的社会生活,揭示了种种深层次的社会矛盾,对中国旧有制度及陈腐的传统观念进行了深刻的剖析和彻底的否定,表现出对民族生存浓重的忧患意识和对社会变革的强烈渴望。 在《呐喊》序中,鲁迅谈到他弃医从文的经过和目的。他于1898年到南京江南水师学堂肄业,第二年改入江南陆师学堂附设的矿务铁路学堂,1902年毕业后即由清政府派赴日本留学,1904年进仙台的医学专门学校,1906年中止学医,回东京准备从事文艺运动。是一次课堂上看画片的经历使他弃医从文的。他回忆道:‘有一回,我竟在画片上忽然会见我久违的许多中国人了,一个绑在中间,许多站在左右,

1. 简爱英语读书报告格式范本(完整版)

报告编号:YT-FS-4952-45 1. 简爱英语读书报告格 式范本(完整版) After Completing The T ask According To The Original Plan, A Report Will Be Formed T o Reflect The Basic Situation Encountered, Reveal The Existing Problems And Put Forward Future Ideas. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

1. 简爱英语读书报告格式范本(完 整版) 备注:该报告书文本主要按照原定计划完成任务后形成报告,并反映遇到的基本情况、实际取得的成功和过程中取得的经验教训、揭露存在的问题以及提出今后设想。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London. The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of


我们仨读后感3000字 《我们仨》,是一个单纯温馨的学者家庭。杨绛说:“我们仨,却不止三人。每个人摇身一变,可变成好几个人。”的确是这样,在钱瑗的眼中,爸爸钱钟书只配当她的弟弟,有时却又摇身一变,变成老师,她和妈妈都是好学生。但在穿衣吃饭方面却又需要被人照顾,跟孩子一般弱小。我们仨读后感3000字怎么写?XX已经为你整理好范文了,一起来看看吧! 当我们抱怨这个世界太不公平的时候,静下心来,寻找生活中最真实、最平凡的感动。岁月是把无情的刻刀,它带走了所有的一切,站在时光的风口浪尖,只剩下无限的回忆。无法改变的结局,却依然要坚强走下去。三个人的时光,一个人的回忆。我不禁感动得一塌糊涂。 《我们仨》是着名作家杨绛的代表作。看到书名就会很自然地想到一家三口,事实也是如此,《我们仨》正是回忆杨绛一家三口数十年风雨生活的一部作品。简单的快乐却不能一生平坦,小小的温暖是如此的令人幸福。 书的开篇第一部,以杨绛的一个患得患失的梦开始,这也许就是对生命将息的暗示。虽然钱钟书一味的安慰杨绛说,这只是老人梦,自己也会经常梦到,但并没有缓解做这种梦的次数。梦中,杨绛苦苦寻找钱钟书,要么走入死胡同,要么独自在昏暗的车站等待,凄凄惶惶的等不到人。那一句,

“好像只要能找到他,就能一同回家”说的是那样的真切又让人心疼不已。都知道命不久矣,却能如此惺惺相惜。家,此刻对于他们来说却变得如此的遥不可及。 杨绛是真真切切坚强的人。面对女儿和丈夫的相继离去,她没有伤心到垮掉。从走上古驿道,到古驿道上相聚,紧张而又严密的行程,只要有咱三,就有咱们的家。古驿道上,他们三个失散了。 杨绛说,“这是一个‘万里长梦’。梦境历历如真,醒来还不如在梦中,但毕竟是梦,彻头彻尾完全是梦。”如此文艺的写作与优美的辞藻都掩不了杨绛心中的悲伤。女儿没了,丈夫没了,家没了,只剩下了自己,只剩下曾经的回忆。 于是,杨绛开始了她的回忆。她和钱钟书相遇,相知,相恋,到和谐生小孩,以及穿插在之间的平凡的生活,真实得感动。杨绛说,“我们这个家,很朴素;我们三个人,很单纯。我们与世无争,只求相聚在一起,相守在一起,各自做力所能及的事。碰到困难,钟书和我共同承担,困难就不复困难;还有阿媛相伴相助,不论什么苦涩艰辛的事,都能变得甜润。我们稍有一点快乐,也会变得非常快乐。所以我们仨是不寻常的愈合”。杨绛再也找不到他们了,只能把他们三个人一同生活的岁月,重温一遍,和他们再聚聚。 看着书中的描述,仿佛自己也成了他们之中的一员,静静地感受着他们一家三口幸福快乐的生活。最后附录中真真


读书笔记3000字左右 【篇一:《雷雨》读书笔记3000字以上】 《雷雨》描写了一个大家庭的崩溃。周朴园是这个封建大家庭的统 治者,也是一个资本家。其妻蘩漪感到被压抑的苦闷,与继子周萍 发生了暧昧关系。受过一定资产阶级民主思想的影响然而缺乏反抗 勇气的周萍怯懦、自私,想摆脱与继母的这种不伦关系,又爱上了 充满青春活力的婢女四凤,而蘩漪的儿子周冲也爱上了四凤。出于 嫉妒,蘩漪通知四凤的母亲侍萍来领走四凤。侍萍正是30年前被周 朴园引诱为他生了两个儿子,而后又被遗弃的侍女。她是周萍的生 身母亲,而被她带走的第二个儿子鲁大海又正在周朴园的矿上做工,作为罢工工人的代表,他和周朴园面对面地展开斗争……这些矛盾 酝酿、激化,终于在一个“天气更阴沉、更郁热,低沉潮湿的空气, 使人异常烦躁”的下午趋向高潮,周萍和四凤终于知道他们原是同母 兄妹,一场悲剧发生了:四凤触电而死,蘩漪的儿子周冲为救四凤 不幸送命,周萍开枪自杀,善良的鲁妈痴呆了,绝望的蘩漪疯狂了,倔强的鲁大海出走了。罪 恶的家庭崩溃了。 我一直都惊叹于曹禺大师对戏剧的掌握。他巧妙地将一个大家庭几 十年的恩怨情愁浓缩到一天来表现,浓缩到四幕,两个场景来表现。集中的地点和时间所表现的东西却并不单薄,有畸形的爱,突破束 缚的勇气, 人情的淡漠,世事的坚信和宿命的痛苦。围绕着八个人物,我看到 的是整个社会。同时,我也生动地看到戏剧这种文学题材的特点。 这部剧作为一个经典,的确是值得每一个文学爱好者阅读的。读 《雷雨》时,吸引我的不只是它那跌宕起伏扣人心弦的情节,还有 曹禺用细腻的手法塑造出来的一个又一个丰满生动的人物形象。周 朴园是一位既有资产阶级自由平等思想,又有封建专制思想的新兴 资本家形象。周朴园专横、自是、倔强,和一切起家立业的人物一样,在家里和下属面前都格外威严,不惜一切地剥削工人。他的性 格特征,主要是通过他与侍萍、蘩漪两位女性形象以及他与鲁大海 等人物的关系表现出来的。周朴园在年轻的时候也是受新思想影响 的年轻人,也曾有过想挣脱封建家庭的束缚,要追求自由恋爱和婚 姻的理想,因此,他对侍萍的爱是有过真情实感的,从一直随身带 着的旧家具一直保留着夏天关窗的习惯,到几十年都一直穿着的旧


英文读书报告撰写格式 1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中 学生姓名、专业班级、学号、正文及参考文献均为小4号 双倍行距 2.打印纸张规格:用a4纸单面打印。 3.报告第一页第一行应为:报告题目 第二行靠右应为:学生姓名、专业班级、学号 接下来是正文;参考文献在正文之后。 4. 报告字数为1000---1500字。 附: 英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1. three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life. it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book. to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book. 2. writing of the book report 1) the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand. above all, it should be objective. 3) the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work. reading report for extensive reading course (times new roman一号加粗居中) (分两行,reading report单独一行,中间空一行) (上端空三行,中间空四行) number: term: name: date: times new roman, 四号,居中,两端对齐,段前0.5) title (times new roman, 四号,居中,加粗) (title 与body之间空一行) body(1000字以上) (正文每段缩进四个字符,小四,行距1.5,times new roman) 2011—2012—2英语阅读(4)期中作业 班级英语1103班姓名田小星学号 1101901307 成绩篇三:英语读书报告要


《谈美》读后感3000字 导读:读书笔记《谈美》读后感3000字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《谈美》读后感3000字: “人生莫要大汗淋漓埋头向前,也当时不时停下来,慢慢走,欣赏路两边的风景”,因桥梁而入美学,朱光潜老先生的《谈美》,当 为小玄子的美学第一课。 01、缘起 最先知道朱光潜作为美学家是在高中教室的图书角,教语文的班主任是美学硕士,在教室的窗台上开辟了图书角,放置了中外文学(美学)书籍,其中就有朱的著作(具体是哪一本记不清了)。最先注意到《谈美》这本书,也是因了朱光潜先生的名号,这本书是先生于1932年(时年35岁,算是人生早期阶段)著作的一部谈论美学的书籍,书不算厚,197页,其中讲述了中国的古典美,又引用西方美学家的观点谈鉴赏美,读来不像一般哲学书那般苦涩难懂,也不像一般美学书张口闭口引经据典,非要有厚实的文学基础才能读得顺心遂意,《谈美》这本书就像作者在序言中所说,以一种跟小辈人谈话的方式进行,作者说在著书前不需动辄读十几本参考书,就以最平常的语言和聊天的方式来听谈论生活中的美,文学中的美,让从未接触过理论美学的工科生深深沉浸其中,惊喜于先生的文笔和当中所蕴含的 思想。 02、转合 拿到这本书,打开目录便被序列一到十五的标题惊艳到了,其中有谈论对审美三种不同态度篇朴实如“我们对于一颗古松的三种态度”,也有谈论美感和联想且自带意境的诗句“记得绿罗裙,处处怜芳草”,也有谈论写实主义和理想主义关系篇目的“依样画葫芦”。不同于理科课本中纯属解释概念的标题,用朴实命题、古诗、经典名句、俗语做标题,参差不齐的表述形式,视觉上本身就形成了一种美感,借他语以言己意,又是一美!首先要想用他人之语表己之思想,你得理解到他人之语的深刻含义,他人通过这段语言想表达出自己什么样的思想,之后你要用自己的情感去理解他人的思想,再将其融为


3000字读书笔记 第一篇:《爱的教育》 《爱的教育》是一本日记体小说,小说的主人公是小学四年级的安利柯,作者以安利柯记日记的形式记录了主人公小学四年级一学年的学习生活。 虽然《爱的教育》是一本儿童读物,作者的意图主要是以此来教育儿童,帮助青少年健康成长,但是这部作品也表现了亚米契斯的教育主张,他在教育者和受教育者,教育内容以及教育目的三个方面都有较深刻的思考,为我们今天的教育做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 首先是教育者和受教育者。在人们的常识中,理所当然的,教育这就是教师,而受教育者就是学生。但是在亚米契斯看来,教育者并不仅仅是学校教师,还包括家长,同学,甚至还有陌生人。 安利柯的父亲就是通过给他写信,同他交谈,邀请他的朋友等方法来教育安利柯,教他学会与人相处,要求他热爱祖国,积极上进,孝顺父母等;他的母亲通过写信,交谈等告诉他人要有爱心,有同情心,与人为善。而安利柯的同班同学卡隆让他学会了勇敢、善良;可莱蒂教会他勤劳,孝顺,乐观;代洛西也成为了他学习的榜样,还有小石匠,泼来可西等同学也常常通过一些小事感动着安利柯,教育着安利

柯,让他不断的学习,完善自己。此外,路上帮助苦命小男孩凑钱的小女孩们,以德报怨的被打伤眼睛的老人,这些陌生人们也触动着小安利柯的心灵,影响着他。甚至是可恨的弗兰谛,他的行为,他的下场也给孩子们起了警示作用,使安利柯能明辨是非。这么看来,可以说人人都是教育者。《论语·述而》中有句家喻户晓的名句:“三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”其对教育者的理解应该与亚米契斯是一致的。 至于受教育者,亚米契斯对其的界定也不仅限于学生,还包括其他在知识方面或在道德等方面等需要受教育的人。小说里的那些上夜校的工人,小石匠的父亲,泼来可西的铁匠父亲其实也是接受教育的人,上夜校的工人和一些同学的家长为了充实自己,白天上班,晚上学习,学习认字写字,学写文章,他们也是受教育者;包括那位铁匠,通过儿子的努力,儿子的获奖,也通过老师,颁奖者的感化,认识到自己的错误,改掉酗酒的坏习惯,全心投入工作,所以,在小说中,他也是受教育者。因此,在亚米契斯看来,人人都可以成为受教育者。 其次是教育内容,在这部小说中,教育内容并不局限于书本知识,更多的是教育同学谦逊,友爱,具有同情心,进取心,并且教育同学们要爱国,有自我牺牲精神。以前我们常常问,教育是什么?《辞海》对“教育”一词的解释是:


英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的格式 1. Introductory Paragraph The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written. The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name. The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher. The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book. Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged. (see copyright page and the back of the title page.) The next sentence should state the reason(s) you decided to read this book. Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be: o You like the author. o You like this type of book (i.e. mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.). o Someone recommended the book to you. o It was on a required reading list. o You liked the cover. These reasons do not have to be complex. Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them. If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author. An optional sentence can be used if the cover (back cover) of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information. o Was the book a best seller? o Are there X million copies in print? o Did it win any major awards? 2. Main Character(s) Paragraph


但知行好事,莫要问前程 ——《这世上的美好,唯你而已》读后感我相信,无论你境遇如何,身份地位怎样,都会有这样“走投无路”,“别无选择”的时刻。每个人都是有选择恐惧症的,很多路摆在你面前,你只能选择一条时,我们都会犹豫,都会不知所措。这个时候,我们唯一能够依靠的只有自己。 ---《这世上的美好,唯你而已》我一直相信每本书都是作者的凝心之作,书被印刷出版之后就像夏日里一朵朵含苞待放的花儿,等人们一一采撷。在这之前,它们就一直静静躺在书架上,默声等待,美好的令人心安。今年烈夏,在家无事,突然看到书架上不知何时买的蓑衣的一本书还没看,便取下翻阅。初初还觉得大约是本治愈系的小说而已,细细看过才知道,竟然是一本教女生如何生长的更好的书,知世故而不世故,才能在世上活的更剔透安然。本书分了六个章节,讲了女生成长几个方面不一样的经历,以及之后要怎么做。是一本用一个个真实小故事,来讲述一些看似平常的道理。蓑衣文笔比较朴实,实际并不如安意如之流那么矫情诗意,文字向来都是成句的诗词让人叹服文字华丽高洁。但是实际却接地气的让人莫名信服,让你不得不相信她的文字有看穿人心的力量。 除了你,其他人都挺努力的 这是这本书的第一大章,用八个小故事来告诉你,在这个真实的世界里,只有自己才是自己的救赎。 就别人帮忙而言,小鹿的故事告诉我,你自己就是最好的解决方案,没有人会一直是你的依靠,无论是从小管你管到大的父母,还是你推心置腹的朋友,还是也许肩负你未来男朋友或者未婚夫。而这些人也总会有自己的事,你去让别人帮忙也可能会给别人造成不必要的困扰,因此少给朋友添麻烦才是对朋友最好的关怀。况且,朋友并不是来解决困难的,不求他人帮助,也会重新发现自己,一些你觉得很难得事儿,在一个人慢慢摸索的过程中,可能就没那么难了,在这个过程中及能锻炼自己的能力,也可能会给别人带来帮助,何乐而不为呢? 就正能量的工作状态而言,不论是文中效率超高,每天浑身正能量的交通台的主播麻宁,还是一直坚持把每件事做好的业内闻名最年轻得报社社长周智深,都让我有理由相信,每件事情之间都是可以循环的,在你把这一件事做好的时候就有理由相信你会一直把这类事做的越来越好。举个例子,就像你今天因为在学校表现的非常好,的了一朵小红花,你就有理由相信,如果你一直坚持下去的话期末可能能拿一个大奖状。相反,如果一件事做的非常失败,内心气馁而自暴自弃,那也会给人理由相信,你会一直恶性循环下去。而22岁到28岁这几

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