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数学试卷(时间:100分钟,满分:150分)考生注意:所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,写在试卷上不给分一、单项选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)[下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上]1.下列各数中无理数共有………………………………………………………………( ).①–0.21211211121111,②3π,③227(A) 1个; (B) 2个; (C) 3个; (D) 4个.2. 如果a >1>b ,那么下列不等式正确的个数是…………………………………………( ).① a –b>0,② a -1>1–b ,③ a -1>b –1,④1ab>. (A) 1; (B) 2; (C) 3; (D) 4. 3.在下列方程中,有实数根的是…………………………………………………………( ).(A) 2310x x ++=; (B) 10=;(C) 2230x x ++=; (D)111x x x =--. 4.下列语句正确的是……………………………………………………………………( ).(A)“上海冬天最低气温低于–5 ºC ”,这是必然事件; (B) “在去掉大小王的52张扑克牌中抽13张牌,其中有4张黑桃”,这是必然事件; (C) “电视打开时正在播放广告”,这是不可能事件;(D) “从由1,2,5组成的没有重复数字的三位数中任意抽取一个数,这个三位数能被4整除”,这是随机事件.5. 上海市2012年5月份某一周的日最高气温(单位:ºC )分别为28,30,25,29,31,32,28,这周的日最高气温的平均值为……………………………………………( ). (A) 28ºC ; (B) 29ºC ; (C) 30ºC ; (D) 31ºC . 6.对于一个正多边形,下列四个命题中,错误的是……………………………………( ). (A )正多边形是轴对称图形,每条边的中垂线是它的对称轴; (B )正多边形是中心对称图形,正多边形的中心是它的对称中心; (C )正多边形每一个外角都等于正多边形的中心角; (D )正多边形每一个内角都与正多边形的中心角互补.二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分)[请将结果直接填入答题纸的相应位置] 7.计算:()33a a --⋅= .8.函数()2f x x=- 的定义域是 . 9.若2(0)3a cb d b d ==+≠其中,则a cb d ++= . 10.某城市现有固定居住人口约为一千九百三十万,用科学计数法表示为 人. 11.不等式组10,24x x ->⎧⎨<⎩的解集是 .12. 分解因式:227183x x ++= .13.如果两个相似三角形的面积之比是16∶9,那么它们对应的角平分线之比是 . 14. 有6张分别写有数字1、2、3、4、5、6的卡片,它们的背面相同,现将它们的背面朝上,从中任意摸出一张是数字5的机会是 . 15.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,点E 、F 分别是AB 、CD 上的中点,记AB a =,AD b =. 用含a 、b 的式子表示向量AF = .16. 为了了解中学生的身体发育情况,对第二中学同年龄的80名学生的身高进行了测量,经统计,身高在150.5—155.5厘米之间的頻数为5,那么这一组的頻率是 . 17.地面控制点测得一飞机的仰角为45°,若此时地面控制点与该飞机的距离为2000米,则此时飞机离地面的高度是 米(结果保留根号).18.已知在△AOB 中,∠B =90°,AB=OB ,点O 的坐标为(0,0),点A 的坐标为(0,8),点B 在第一象限内,将这个三角形绕原点O 旋转75°后,那么旋转后点B 的坐标为 .三、解答题(本大题共7题,其中第19---22题每题10分,第23、24题每题12分,第25题14分,满分78分)19(4)2tan303ππ--︒--.E20.解方程组:222,22212.x y x xy y x y =+⎧⎨-+++=⎩21. 如图:已知,四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,AE ∥BD ,交CD 的延长线于点E ,EF ⊥BC 交BC 延长线于点F , 求证:四边形ABFD 是等腰梯形.第21题CAB FED22.一辆汽车,新车购买价20万元,第一年使用后折旧20%,以后该车的年折旧率有所变化,但它在第二、三年的年折旧率相同. 已知在第三年年末,这辆车折旧后价值11.56 万元,求这辆车第二、三年的年折旧率.23.如图,已知⊙O 的半径为5,弦AB 的长等于8,OD ⊥AB ,垂足为点D ,DO 的延长线与⊙O 相交于点C ,点E 在弦AB 的延长线上,CE 与⊙O 相交于点F ,cos C =35,求:(1)CD 的长(5分);(2)EF 的长(7分).D 第23题 AE B CO F24. 如图,抛物线c bx x y -+=2经过直线3-=x y 与坐标轴的两个交点A 、B ,此抛物线与x 轴的另 一个交点为C ,抛物线的顶点为D . (1)求此抛物线的解析式(4分); (2)点P 为抛物线上的一个动点,求使APC S ∆∶ACD S ∆=5∶4的点P 的坐标(5分);(3)点M 为平面直角坐标系上一点,写出使点M 、A 、 B 、D 为平行四边形的点M 的坐标(3分).第24题第25题2012学年度第二学期普陀区九年级质量调研数学试卷参考答案及评分说明一、单项选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)1.(C) ; 2.(B) ; 3.(A) ; 4.(D) ; 5.(B); 6.(B).二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7. –1; 8. 0x ≥且2x ≠; 9.23; 10. 71.9310⨯; 11. 12x <<; 12.()2331x +; 13.4∶3; 14.16; 15. b +12a ;16.116; 17. ; 18.(2-)或(-,). 三、解答题(本大题共7题,其中第19---22题每题10分,第23、24题每题12分,第25题14分,满分78分)19.解: 原式=12(3)3π-⨯--…………………………………8′(各2分)=23π-+. ……………………………………2′ 20.解:222,(1)22212.(2)x y x xy y x y =+⎧⎨-+++=⎩由(1)得:2x y -=. (3)…………………………………………1′由(2)得:2()2()12x y x y -++=. (4)……………………………(2+1)′ 将(3)代入(4),得:4x y +=.………………………………………………2′可得:4,2.x y x y +=⎧⎨-=⎩…………………………………………………………1′解方程组得:3,1.x y =⎧⎨=⎩…………………………………………………2′∴原方程组的解为:3,1.x y =⎧⎨=⎩ ……………………………………………1′21.证明:∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AD ∥BC ; AB ∥CD ,AB =CD . ……………………………………3′∴AB ∥DE ;又∵AE ∥BD ,∴四边形ABDE 是平行四边形. ………………………1′ ∴AB=DE . ……………………………………………1′∴CD=DE . ……………………………………………………………………………1′ ∵EF ⊥BC ,∴DF=CD=DE . …………………………………………………………………1′ ∴AB=DF . ……………………………………………………………………1′ ∵CD 、DF 交于点D ,∴线段AB 与线段DF 不平行. ……………………………………………………1′ ∴四边形ABFD 是等腰梯形. ………………………………………………1′22.解:设这辆车第二、三年的年折旧率为x .…………………………………………1′ 根据题意,可以列出方程220(120%)(1)11.56x --=.……………………………………………4′整理,得 2(1)0.7225x -=.……………………………………………1′2289(1)400x -=.……………………………………………1′17120x -=±.…………………………………………………1′解得10.15x =,2 1.85x =(不合题意,舍去).…………………………………1′所以 0.15x =,即15%x =.答:这辆车第二、三年的年折旧率为15%.………………………………………………………1′ 23. 解:(1)联接AO . ……………………………………………………1′ ∵OD ⊥AB ,∴142AD BD AB ===, …………………………………2′∵AO =5,∴OD=3. ……………………………………………………1′ ∴CD=8. ……………………………………………………1′(2)过点O 作OH ⊥HC 于点E , ……………………………………………1′ ∴2CF CH =.………………………………………………………………1′在Rt △OCH 中, ∵cos C =35, HD第23题A EB COF第21题 C AB EDOC =5,∴CH=3. ………………………………………………………2′ 在Rt △CDE 中, ∵cos C =35CDCE =,CD =8, ∴CE=4011333=.………………………………………………………2′∴EF=CE –CF=11136733-=.…………………………………………………1′24.解:(1)∵直线3-=x y 与坐标轴的两个交点A 、B ,∴点B (0,–3),点A (3,0). ………………………2′ 又∵抛物线c bx x y -+=2经过点A 、B ,∴c =3. …………………………………………………1′ 将点A 坐标代入抛物线的解析式c bx x y -+=2, 解得 b =–2. ……………………………………………1′ ∴抛物线的解析式是 322--=x x y . (2)∵抛物线的解析式是 322--=x x y ,可得 C (–1,0),顶点D (1,–4).……………………………………………………2′ 因为点P 为抛物线上的一个动点,设点P (a ,322--a a ), ∵APC S ∆∶ACD S ∆=5∶4,∴454421324212=⨯⨯--⨯⨯a a .∴322--a a =5解得 41=a ,22-=a ; 或5322-=--a a ,因为0<∆,所以无实数解.∴满足条件的点P 的坐标为)5,4(1P ,)5,2(2-P .……………………………………3′ (3)∵点M 、A 、B 、D 为平行四边形,∴点M 的坐标为)1,2(1M ,)7,2(2--M ,)1,4(3-M . ………………………………3′第24题精锐教育网站: - 10 - 精锐教育· 教学管理25. 解:(1)过点P 作PD ⊥AB ,垂足为D .∵∠ACB =90°,∴∠ACB=∠PDB=90°. 又∵∠ABC=∠PBD ,∴△ACB ∽△PDB . ……………………………………2′ ∵AC=6cm ,BC =8cm ,∴AB =10cm . ∵点P 为BC 的中点,∴BP =4cm .∵ABPBAC PD =,解得PD=2.4. ………………………2′ ∵t =1.2,V =2cm/s ,PQ=2⨯1.2=2.4,∴PQ=PD ,即⊙P 与直线AB 相切. …………………2′ (2)当AP=AQ 时, ∵∠ACB =90°,∴CQ=CP =4cm ,∴PQ =8cm . ∴1t =4秒. ………………………………………………1′ 当P A=PQ 时, ∵∠ACB =90°,AC=6cm ,CP =4cm ,∴AP =132cm .∴PQ=132cm . ∴2t =13秒. ……………………1′ 当QA=QP 时,点Q 在线段AP 的中垂线QH 上,垂足为H . ∵∠ACB =90°, ∴cos ∠APC =131321324==AP PC . 又∵cos ∠APC =QPQP PH 13=, ∴1313213=QP ,得 PQ=213,∴3t =413.…………………………………………1′ ∴当t=4秒或13秒或413秒时,△AQP 是等腰三角形. ……………………………1′ (3)∵点P 在⊙O 内,∴⊙P 与⊙O 只可能内切,∵O 为AB 中点,P 为BC 中点,∴圆心距OP=21AC=3cm . ………………………1′ ∵⊙O 是△ABC 的外接圆,∴⊙O 的半径为5 cm ,⊙P 的半径为PQ , ∴5-PQ =3 当PQ –5=3时,PQ =8 cm ,t=4秒;当PQ –5=–3时,PQ=2cm ,t=1秒. ……………………………2′BPCAOQ第25题DBPCAO第25题QH中国领先的中小学教育品牌∴当⊙P与⊙O相切时,t分别为4秒和1秒.…………………………………………1′精锐教育网站:- 11 - 精锐教育·教学管理部。
A4A3A2A1AC BDC1C2C3OA BMNPABCDPOA BMNP 深圳市2012-2013下学期九年级十校联盟模拟考试数学试题(本试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟)第一部分选择题一:选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,共36分.每小题给出4个选项,其中只有一个是正确的)1:平方根是()A、4 B、 4 C、2 D、 22::深圳市统计局于1月25日下午正式发布2012年深圳总体经济运行情况,2012年深圳全市生产总值为12950.08亿元,继续企稳内地城市第四位,位居上海、北京、广州之后,请你将深圳全市生产总值(单位:亿元)用科学记数法来表示(保留3个有效数字)()A、1.29B、1.29C、1.3D、1.303:随着人们生活水平的不断提高,汽车越来越普及,在下面的汽车标志图形中,是中心对称图形但不是轴对称图形有()A、1 个B、2个C、3个D、4个4:下列运算正确的是()A、236·a a a=B、532)(xx=C、()12662baab=-D、()222baba+=+5:一个暗箱里装有10个黑球,8个白球,12个红球,每个球除颜色外都相同,从中任意摸出一个球,摸到白球的概率是()A、13B、18C、415D、4116:某校九年级四个班的代表队准备举行篮球友谊赛.甲、乙、丙三位同学预测比赛的结果如下:甲说:“902班得冠军,904班得第三”;乙说:“901班得第四,903班得亚军”;丙说:“903班得第三,904班得冠军”.赛后得知,三人都只猜对了一半,则得冠军的是()A、901班B、902班C、903班D、904班7:某商场的老板销售一种商品,他要以不低于进价15%价格才能出售,但为了获得更多利润,他以高出进价80%的价格标价.若你想买下标价为360元的这种商品,最多降价多少时商店老板才能出售()A、100元B、110元C、120元D、130元8:在同一坐标系中,函数y=ax2+bx与y=xb的图象大致是图中的()9:圆锥底面半径为5cm,侧面积为65πcm2,则圆锥母线长为( )A、11cmB、12cmC、13cmD、14cm10:对于分式13-+xax中,当x=时,下列结论正确地是()A、分式无意义 B.、分式值为0C、当a31-≠时,分式的值为0 D、当a31≠时,分式的值为011:对于任意线段AB,可以构造以AB为对角线的矩形ACBD。
第二部分笔试Ⅴ. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。
(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)16. —I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over keyboard.—You shouldn’t put drinks near computer.A. the; /B. the; aC. a; /D. a; a17. —May I use your computer to search for some information?—Certainly._______A. Don’t mention it.B. Here you are.C. You’re welcome.D. Good luck to you.18. —Excuse me, is the library open all day?—______. Only from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm.A. Yes, of course.B. That’s right.C. Sorry, I’m not sure.D. Sorry, I’m afraid not.19.Stay away from the junk food, please. It’s bad for us ______ for the young children.A. recentlyB. especiallyC. probablyD. nearly20. Zhou Libo is Shanghai’s favorite funny man. He is good at making people laugh. His lively shows were_______ hot that tickets were sold out in minutes.A. veryB. tooC. suchD. so21. —Jack, could you help me ________ when the plane will take off on the Internet?—I’m sorry, my computer doesn’t work.A. get outB. look outC. take outD. find out22. When you have difficulty, do remember to _______. Two heads are better than one.A. make a decisionB. give upC. ask for helpD. give advice23. —Peter, there is enough room here, you can stand at ______ side of the road.—Thank you all the same. I want to stand with my mom.A. bothB. eitherC. eachD. neither24. —Hi, Tony! Whose notebook is this?—It_______ be Amy’s. It has her name on the cover.A. mustB. couldC. can’tD. needn’t25. About _______ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A. four-fifthB. fourth-fifthsC. four-fifthsD. fourths-fifths26. _________the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, it is still very beautiful.A. BecauseB. SinceC. AlthoughD. For27. —Tony, where is Tom? I haven’t seen him for days.—Oh, he _______from Nanjing for a week.A. has been leftB. has been awayC. has goneD. has left28. The newly-designed car is on the show now. I wonder .A. how much does it costB. who designed itC. where was it madeD. that the car will be sold in China29. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything. The teacher will the main pointsat the end of the class.A. recordB. reviewC. requireD. remember30. —Don’t disturb her. She’s feeling blue these days.—______A. Why?B. Never mind.C. Come on.D. I’m sorry to hear that.31. —Jimmy, your books are everywhere on your desk.—Oh, sorry. I’ll ______ right now.A. put them awayB. put them upC. put them onD. put them down32. The students ______ not to talk loudly in the reading-room.A. have toldB. are toldC. will tellD. are telling33. —What would some students like to do after finishing their education?—They would like t o start to work ____ they needn’t depend on their parents completely.A. as soon as B, so that C. before D. while34. —I can’t afford the white dress. Can you show me something cheaper?—What about the orange one? The price is a little _____.A. cheaperB. lowerC. higherD. more expensive35. I overslept this morning. _____ my father ____ my mother woke me up on time.A. Either… orB. Both …andC. Neither… norD. Not only …but alsoⅥ. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案。
北京市西城区2012年高三二模试卷物理试题参考答案 2012.513.B 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.C21.(18分)(1)①匀速直线 远小于②0.343③A(2)①如图所示②增大 增大③0.81(0.80—0.82)0.62(0.60—0.64)评分说明:本题共18分。
22.(16分)(1)小球所受的电场力mg Eq F 43==(2)根据平行四边形定则 mg Eq mg F 45)()22=+=(合 根据牛顿第二定律 ma F =合图2所以,小球的加速度g a 45=(3)根据动能定理 0212-=-mv Eql mgl 解得 22glv =评分说明:本题共16分。
第(1)问4分;第(2)问6分;第(3)问6分23.(18分)(1)总效率%100⨯=总有用E E η71%% 1001410=⨯= (2)能用于发电的水的总质量V m ρ= 所以,能用于发电的水的最大重力势能)2(P d H Vg mgh E -==ρ (3)a .当输电电压为U 时,输电电流U P I =所以,损失功率R UP R I P 22)(==∆ 所以,输电电压的最小值P R PU ∆= b .增大输电导线的横截面积;改用电阻率小的输电导线;提高输电电压。
24.(20分)(1)对物体B 受力分析如图1所示,根据共点力平衡条件 T 1=m 3g ① 对物体A 和木板组成的整体受力分析如图2所示 根据共点力平衡条件得 F 1=T 1 ② 代入数据,由①、②得 F 1=10N(2)运动过程中,三个物体的加速度大小相等,设加速度大小为a 。
对物体B 受力分析如图3所示,根据牛顿第二定律 T 2–m 3g = m 3a ③ 对物体A 受力分析如图4所示, 根据牛顿第二定律 f –T 2 = m 2a ④ 此时,f =μm 2g ⑤ 代入数据,由③、④、⑤式得a =2.0m/s 2 对木板受力分析如图5所示,T 1 m 3g B图1 图2图4 T 2 m 3g B 图3 fF 2 图5a根据牛顿第二定律 F 2–f = m 1a ⑥将加速度代入⑥式得 F 2= 60N(3)由于木板与物体A 之间的最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,物体A 、B 运动的加速度与(2)中的加速度相等。
(《孙子》)(2)_____ __ ▲_________,欲上青天揽明月。
《望岳》中“____ _▲_____________,▲”与“不畏浮云遮望眼,自缘身在最高层”两句诗有异曲同工之妙。
(4分)高亢.▲ liáo亮▲内蕴.▲声情并mào ▲kàng 嘹 yùn 茂(每空1分,计4分)(2)画横线的句子是一个病句,请改正。
(2分)▲3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用错误..的一项是(▲) (2分)A.硅谷的创始者之一肖克利与他八个学生意见不和,八位年轻人毅然与这位诺贝尔奖金获得者分道扬镳....。
2012各区二模单选东城22. John starts work ______ 10 o’clock every day.A. inB. onC. atD. for23. He ran quickly all the way to school, ______ he was still late.A. butB. andC. orD. so24. — ______ are you looking for?— The key to my bike.A. WhereB. WhoC. WhatD. When25. The new trains are much ______ than the old ones.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. the fastest26. My watch doesn’t work. There’s ______ wrong with it.A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing27. Mike went boating with his friends last weekend. They ______ a good time.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. are having28. Tony, be quiet, please! Your dad ______ on the phone.A. talkedB. was talkingC. is talkingD. talks29. She asked me ______ her a cup of coffee.A. getB. to getC. gettingD. gets30. Our team ______ every match since April, but we still have three more games toplay.A. has wonB. will wonC. winD. won31. When I went to say goodbye to Ann, she ______ the piano.A. playsB. playedC. has playedD. was playing32. If she ______ well in her exams, she will go to Beijing University in September.A. didB. doesC. is doingD. will do33. A lot of trees ______ in our school last year.A. plantB. plantedC. are plantedD. were planted34. Would you please tell me ______ this book?A. where you boughtB. where did you buyC. where you buyD. where do you buy朝阳22. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I will buy ________ a CD as a present.A. himB. meC. herD. you23. Lei Feng, a great soldier, was born _______ December, 1940.A. atB. inC. onD. to24. Mr. Green was ill, _______ he didn’t come to the English party last Saturday.A. soB. orC. forD. but25. —________ do you play computer games?—Once a week.A. How muchB. How farC. How longD. How often26. —Who is _________, Jerry or Mary?—Jerry, I think.A. helpfulB. more helpfulC. most helpfulD. the most helpful27. I’m thirsty. I want _______ to drink.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing28. —May I ask you a question?—Certainly. What’s it?A. ShouldB. WouldC. MayD. Must29. I’ll take a walk with after I finish _______ the floor.A. cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. to clean30. Our manager ________a long way home yesterday and it made him very tired.A. drivesB. will driveC. droveD. is driving31. Mrs. White came to our school in 1996. She _______ here for nearly 16 years.A. has workedB. worksC. will workD. worked32. We ________trees if it is sunny next Sunday.A. plantB. plantedC. have plantedD. will plant33. Lots of books _________to the poor students in the countryside every year.A. sendB. sentC. are sentD. were sent34. The child told us__________ at last and then we took him home.A. where does he liveB. where he livesC. where did he liveD. where he lived昌平22. Quiet down. Let’s listen to _________ teacher.A. weB. ourC. usD. ours23. We’ll have a trip to Britain ________ July.A. inB. atC. onD. of24. It’s my last year in this school _________ I’ll meet some new friends soon.A. butB. orC. becauseD. and25. - ________ did you stay in Hangzhou?- Only one week.A. How muchB. How oftenC. How longD. How far26. ________ dream of mine is to become a scientist.A. BigB. BiggerC. BiggestD. The biggest27. - Must I recite all of these?- No, you _______.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. may notD. needn’t28. Come on, ________! Let’s start!A. everybodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. nobody29. It’s necessary for us _______ with each other.A. get on wellB. getting on wellC. to get on wellD. got on well30. Watch out! The box _________________!A. fallB. fellC. have fallenD. is falling31. We _______ our study here in the last 2 years.A. enjoyB. enjoyedC. enjoysD. will enjoy32. – What were you doing this time last summer?– I _________ hard with all my classmates.A. was studyingB. am studyingC. studyD. studied33. We won’t __________ down because we’re a team.A. beatB. be beatenC. have beatenD. will beat34. Excuse me, will you tell me _____________________?A. how can I improve my EnglishB. how did I improve my EnglishC. how I can improve my EnglishD. how I improved my English 石景山22. Tom and I went boating yesterday. _______ had a good time.A. WeB. TheyC. SheD. It23. We traveled all night to London and got there _______ Sunday morning.A. inB. atC. toD. on24. —______ did you spend your summer vacation last year?—In England.A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Why25. —Is Tom at school today?—No, he is at home ______ he has got a bad cold.A. soB. orC. becauseD. if26. —Could I borrow your dictionary?—Of course you ______.A. mustB. canC. shouldD. need27. —What about this dress?—I don’t like the colour. Please show me ______ one.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others28. Mike invited me ______ tennis this weekend.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played29. —Which do you think is ______ subject, math, music or art?—Art, I guess.A. interestingB. more interestingC. most interestingD. the most interesting30. —Were you at home at that time?—No, I ______ dinner with my friends in a restaurant.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. was having31. They will call us as soon as they ______ there.A. getB. gotC. will getD. have got32. I ______ much progress in my English study since last term.A. makeB. will makeC. madeD. have made33. The 30th Olympic Games ______ in London this summer.A. holdB. heldC. are heldD. will be held34. —Do you know ______ for New York last night?—At 9:00.A. what time he leavesB. what time he leftC. what time does he leaveD. what time did he leave顺义22. She has two sons. One is a teacher, _________ is a doctor.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. othersputers ________widely in our daily life.A . use B. used C. are used D. were used24. John is standing ________ Gina and Jim. He’s the tallest one among them.A. atB. inC. duringD. between25. Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.A. soB. veryC. tooD. much26. I’ve bought a toy for my daughter. And I will give _____ to her tomorrow.A. itB. oneC. thisD. them27. Listen, if you don’t study hard, you _____ nowhere.A. end upB. are ending upC. were ending upD. will end up28. --- I find most girls do _____ in language learning than boys.--- In most cases it is so. Perhaps they are talented in language.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well29. --- Another cup of tea?--- No, thanks. I _____ be off now. Mary is waiting for me.A. canB. mayC. mustD. might30. --- Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Did you hear ______ I said, David?--- Yes, mum.A. ifB. howC. thatD. what31. --- I won’t go to the party tomorrow.--- _____ you told me you would. What’s happening?A. AndB. ButC. OrD. So32. --- What do you think of Prison Break?--- It is the best American TV play that I _____ these days.A. watchB. was watchingC. will watchD. have watched33. Mr. Smith comes from Australia, but he has worked in China for five years. So you can talkwith him ____.A. just in English, not in ChineseB. not in Chinese but in EnglishC. either in English or in ChineseD. Neither in Chinese nor in Chinese34. --- What did the teacher say just now?--- She asked the students _____.A. if they were interested in chatting onlineB. when was Liu Xiang bornC. what will they do with the iphone 4D. how often do they go the the library门头沟( ) 22. The apples are on the desk. __________ are very nice.A. TheyB. ThemC. TheirD. Theirs( ) 23. Teachers’ Day is __________ September.A. inB. onC. atD. of( ) 24.—__________ book is this, Mike?—It’s mine, Miss Wang.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhoseD. Which( ) 25. Be quick, __________ we will be late for the meeting!A. soB. orC. butD. and( ) 26.—Keep the door __________, please. It’s too hot here.—Yes, Mr. Jackson.A. openB. openedC. openingD. to open( ) 27. Bob is a careful boy and he does things __________ than his brother.A. carefulB. more carefulC. carefullyD. more carefully ( ) 28. Lily is a clever girl and she __________ speak three foreign languages.A. canB. can’tC. couldD. couldn’t( ) 29. The little boy usually __________ to school by bike.A. wentB. goesC. is goingD. will go( ) 30. Tony _________ one of his old friends and they talked for a long time yesterday.A. meetsB. metC. has metD. is meeting( ) 31. The children __________ books when their mother came back.A. readB. are readingC. were readingD. will read( ) 32. That old lady __________ in Beijing since ten years ago.A. livesB. livedC. is livingD. has lived( ) 33. The babies are young and they should __________ after well.A. lookB. lookedC. be lookedD. are looking ( ) 34.—Can you tell me ___________?—By bus.A. how they go to the zoo tomorrowB. how do they go to the zoo tomorrowC. how they will go to the zoo tomorrowD. how will they go to the zoo tomorrow通州19. My brother is a teacher. _____ teaches English in a middle school.A. HeB. HimC. SheD. Her20. — When was your father born?— He was born _____ 1974.A. ofB. inC. onD. at21. — Who is _____, Tom, Susan or Tony?— Tony is.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest22. — _____ are you going to do this weekend?— I’m going to buy some books.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. How23. This coat is expensive, _____ it’s cheaper on Taobao shop.A. butB. andC. orD. so24. —Kate, _____ you dance?—Of course, I can.A. mayB. canC. mustD. need25. My brother enjoys _____ in his spare time.A. swimB. swimsC. swimmingD. to swim26. Mr. Liu _____ in our school since 1994.A. worksB. workedC. is workingD. has worked27. —Are you watching TV, John?—No. I _____ my homework.A. doB. didC. am doingD. was doing28. I _____ football with my friends tomorrow.A. playB. playedC. will playD. have played29. He _____ a meeting when his friend called him yesterday.A. have B has C. is having D. was having30. Will you go swimming with me after you finish _____ your homework?A. doesB. didC. doingD. to do31. — Where is my picture book, mum?— It _____ to Jack yesterday.A. lendB. lentC. was lentD. is lent32. Mr. Wang didn’t tell us _____ last year.A. where does he workB. where he worksC. where did he workD. where he worked密云22. Mike lost his key. _____ couldn’t go into his room.A. HeB. SheC. HisD. Her23. – Shall we go to the City Museum this Sunday evening?– We have to make it another day. It is closed _____ Sunday evening.A. atB. onC. inD. from24. The story is quite interesting, _____ it’s a little too long.A. andB. orC. butD. so25. I don’t have any more exercise-books. I need to buy _____.A. allB. anyC. noD. some26. – Which coat is ___ on me, the blue one or the black one?– The blue one.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best27. – _____ I finish my homework today?– No, you needn’t. You can do it tomorrow.A. ShouldB. NeedC. MayD. Must28. – ____ does your father go to work every day ?– By car.A. HowB. WhyC. WhereD. When29. – Where is your father, Amy?– Look. He _____ the garden over there.A. watersB. is wateringC. wateredD. has watered30. There ______ some old people taking a walk in the park every morning.A. isB. hasC. areD. have31. Our teachers always tell us ______ more English in and out of class.A. speakB. spokeC. to speakD. speaking32. I ________many new friends since I came here.A. makeB. madeC. will makeD. have made33.–Chinese is becoming more and more popular today.– That’s right. It _________ in many schools around the world.A. teachesB. has taughtC. is taughtD. is teaching34. I didn’t hear _____ clearly. Could you say it again, please?A. what you saidB. what did you sayC. what you sayD. what do you say延庆22. — Who is the woman in black?—_______ is our physics teacher.A. SheB. HersC. HisD. He23.— Mary, the meeting will start _______ eight o’clock. Don’t be late.— I won’t.A. onB. toC. atD. in24. —Must I send the e-mail at once?—No, you _______ .You can do it after class.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. shouldn’t25. —_______ do you go to the post office?— By bike.A. WhyB. WhatC. WhenD. How26. Lee came to Beijing in 2005. He has been here _______ than you.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest27. It _______ heavily when I left the cinema.A. rainsB. will rainC. is rainingD. was raining28. I need _______ bananas to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some?A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little29. — What will you do tomorrow?— We’ll have a picnic if it _______ fine.A. isB. wasC. will beD. has been30. Hurry up, ________ you can’t finish your homework on time.A. andB. soC. butD. or31.— Linda, when shall we take a walk?—After I finish _______ the dishes.A. washB. washedC. to washD. washing32. — Is Jason going to the party?—I’m afraid not. He ______ to Hong Kong.A. goesB. wentC. has goneD. was going33. A new park ______ here next year. Then people nearby can come for a walk.A. will buildB. will be builtC. has builtD. was built34. —I want to know______.—She is in the computer lab.A. where Linda wasB. where is LindaC. where was LindaD. where Linda is房山22. It isn’t ______ umbrella. I left mine at home.A. myB. meC. ID. myself23. I heard from Frank yesterday. I have n’t seen him since his family moved to Shanghai ____ 2001.A. atB. inC. ofD. on24. We are going to choose one to join the school basketball team. Who plays basketball ________, John or Frank?A. wellB. betterC. bestD. the best25. There ____ a football match in our school next Tuesday. We have to train hard this week.A. wasB. isC. has beenD. will be26. If I finish the work tomorrow, I _______to the Shopping Centre with you.A. will goB. wentC. goD. goes27. — Jack, would you like to see the movie Lion King with me?—It’s an interesting film, but I _____ it.A. seeB. will seeC. have seenD. saw28. — Can I help you?—Yes. I want a pen, two erasers _____ a ruler, please.A. andB. soC. orD. but29. — Must I return the book to the library today, Miss Liu?—No, you ____. You can return it tomorrow.A. can’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. won’t30. —I didn’t see you when I came here last night. Where were you?—I ______ my mother clean the room at home.A. was helpingB. have helpedC. helpedD. would help31. My mother told me ____ home earlier this morning .A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go32. — What did you do yesterday?—I ____ basketball with my friends.A. playB. a m playingC. will playD. played33. This library ___ten years ago.A. buildB. builtC. is builtD. was built34. — Do you know ____ now? I want to visit her.—Sorry. I don’t know.A. where Mr Li livedB. where Mr Li livesC. w here did Mr Li liveD. where does Mr Li live丰台22. Tom and Mike are good friends._______often help each other.A.They B.Them C.Their D.Theirs23. Both my parents were born ______ 1970.A. atB. inC. onD. to24. Hurry up, Mike, ______ you will miss your train.A. andB. butC. soD. or25. — _____ do you go swimming?— Once a week.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How far26. —Which book do you like _____, this story book or that science book?—This story book.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best27. There is _____ wrong with my cell phone.It doesn’t work well.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing28. — Will you please stay for lunch?—Sorry, I ______. My mother wants me back home now. BA. needn’tB. can’tC. shouldn’tD. mustn’t29. Mary ______ up and walked to the door when she heard her name called.A. stoodB. standsC. was standingD. will stand30. Rose came to Beijing in 2002.She _____ here for ten years.A. was livingB. liveC. will liveD. has lived31. Amy ______ you an e-mail as soon as she finishes her job.A. writeB. writesC. is writingD. will write32. Nine big road accidents ______ by careless drivers in this area last year.A. are causedB. were causedC. have causedD. will cause33. — Lily, could you please tell me how ______ this e-dictionary?— OK, just a moment.A. useB. usesC. usingD. to use34. — Do you know ______ tomorrow? —At 8 o’clock.A. when did she arriveB. when she arrivedC. when will she arriveD. when she will arrive二模单选答案东城22. C 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. A 31.D32. B 33. D 34. A朝阳22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28.C 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. D昌平22-34 BADCD DACDB ABC石景山22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. B27. A 28. B 29. D 30. D 31. A32. D 33. D 34. B顺义22—34 BCDAA DBCDB DCA门头沟22. A 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. A29. B 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. C通州19. A 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. C29. D 30. C 31. C 32. D密云22.A 23. B 24. C 25.D 26.B 27. D 28. A29. B 30. C 31. C 32.D 33. C 34. A延庆22---26 ACCDB 27---31 DBADD 32---34 CBD房山22. A 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28.A 29.B 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. D 34. B。
1. A. It’s cheap.B. Y es,it’s expensive. C. They aren’t cheap.2.A. Sure. B. Here. C. A bag?3.A. It’s near here. B. We call it Price-Low. C. It’s a nice supermarket..4. A. Five, please. B. Five yuan, please. C. Five bottles, please.5. A. Eight twenty. B. Monday. C. May 5th.(二)听下面五个小对话。
6. What do they have for lunch today?A. Rice and fish.B. Fish and tofu.C. Rice, fish and tofu.7. Where are they talking?A. In a hospital.B. In a shop.C. In a park.8. What vegetable does the woman want?A. Some tomatoes.B. Some potatoes.C. Some carrots.9. What do they have for supper now?A. Some meat.B. Only a little bread.C. Some fish,meat and chicken.10. When does Lily go to school?A. From Monday to FridayB. From Monday to SaturdayC. On Monday (三)听下面一段对话。
1. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a shop.B. In a restaurant.C. In a bank.2. What are the man’s roommates like?A. Mark is unfriendly.B. Daniel is good.C. Tim is too picky.3. What is the man doing now?A. Listening to music.B. Waiting for the weather report.C. Waiting for someone.4. Why was the woman late?A. The traffic was bad.B. She got up late.C. Her flight was delayed.5. When will the s peakers go to the museum?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday.C. On Sunday.听第6段材料回答第6、7题6. How did the man feel about the rollercoaster?A. It was exciting.B. It was terrifying.C. It was just so-so.7. What did the woman intend to do?A. Go to the ghost room.B. Ride the rollercoaster again.C. Go and play on the bumper cars.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. When will the woman go abroad ?A. In two weeks.B. In ten days.C. In twenty days.9. What does the woman feel about studying abroad?A. A little worried.B. Very excited.C. Unhappy.听第八段材料回答第10至12题10. Wha t happened to the man?A. He had to be in hospital.B. His daughter fell ill.C. His wife just had a baby.11. Where is the man’s wife now?A. In the hospitalB. At home.C. At her mother’s home.12. What will the woman do?A. See the man’s wife and give her some advice.B. Go for a walk with the man and discuss something.C. Buy some gifts for the man’s daughter.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. What has the woman been busy doing recently?A. Doing exercise.B. Helping her sister with her studies.C. Preparing for an exam.14. When will the man pick the woman up?A. At 7:00.B. At 6:00.C. At 8:00.15. When will the woman’s sister take the exam?A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On Friday.16. How many people will go climb ing together?A. Four.B. Five.C. Three.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. What are the two golden rules in most libraries?A. No smoking and no littering.B. No eating and no talking.C. No phoning and no sleeping.18. What did one of the speaker’s classmates do one day in the library?A. He whispered to others.B. He studied very hard.C. He ate and watched movies.19. How does the speaker feel about talking in the library?A. Surprised.B. Happy.C. Angry.20. What should you do if you get a call in the library?A. Go outside to answer it.B. Reject the call immediately.C. Look around to see if there are people around.第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分35分)第一节:单项选择语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.¬¬¬ I will make ______ speech on ______ behalf of my school about global warming.A. a; /B. the; aC. the; theD. a; the22. I am still suffering from a fever. If I_______ t he doctor’s advice, I _______ from my illness.A. take; would recoverB. took; would recoverC. took; would have recoveredD. had taken; would have recovered23. Don’t play computer games too long; otherwise you will ______them.A. become addictedB. be adapted toC. become addicted toD. become adapted to24. Many new goods are on sale at the supermarket. They really______ housewives.A. appeal toB. apply forC. appeal withD. appeal on25. How I wish I_______ have a long holiday, doing whatever I like.A. canB. couldC. be able toD. am able to26. _______is no doubt that those who work hard will succeed sooner or later.A. ItB. ThereC. AsD. that27. I was about to leave home________ suddenly it began to snow.A. whenB. whileC. asD. as soon as28. The famous artist said that his success was _____ his hard work and perseverance.A. due toB. next toC. close toD. lead to29. You should feel _______ if you make your friend ________ in front of so many people.A. shameful; embarrassedB. ashamed; embarrassedC. a shame; embarrassD. ashamed; embarrassing30. --Many new films are on at the cinema. Let’ go to see a film tonight.--Why not? _________A. Not at allB. Never MindC. I can’t agree moreD. No way31. What shall we use for power when we ______ all the oil in the world?A. run inB. run out ofC. run afterD. run with32. --There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow _____?--I’d rather buy _____ in the book store.A. it; oneB. one; oneC. one; itD. it; it33. _____ cold weather, the workers are still working at the working site.A. In spite ofB. Instead ofC. Because ofD. As a result of34. --Where did you lose your bag?--It was in the hotel ________ I stayed for three days ________ I lost it .A. that; thatB. where; thatC. that; whereD. which; where35. ________ is known to all that global warming will lead to a higher sea level.A. AsB. ItC. WhatD. That第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I didn’t cry when I learned I was the parent of a mentally handicapped (弱智的) child.“Go ahead and cry,” the doctor 36 kindly. But I couldn’t cry then nor during the months that followed.We sent her to a kindergarten in our neighborhood at the age of seven. I worried that she was the “ 37 ” child among the twenty fiveyearolds.38 , positive things began to happen to Kristi in her school, and to her schoolmates,too. When talking big of their own accomplishments,Kristi’s clas smates always took the chance to 39 her as well, “Kristi got all her spelling words right today.” No one would say that her spelling list was easier than anyone else’s.During Kristi’s second year in school, she 40 a very special challenge. The big pu blic event of the term was a 41 based on the final outcome of the year’s music and physical education activities. Kristi was 42 in both. My husband and I felt 43 about the day as well.On the day of the program,Kristi 44 to be sick. Desperately I wanted to keep her home. Why let Kristi fail in a gymnasium 45 with parents,students and teachers? What a simple 46 !But I finally got her onto the school bus.Just as I had forced my daughter to go to school, now I forced myself to go,too. Then I kne w Kristi’s 47 . Her class was divided into relay(接力) teams. With her slow and clumsy(笨拙的) reactions, she would surely 48 her team.But as Kristi’s turn to 49 got near, a change took place in her team. The tallest boy in the line stepped 50 Kristi and placed his hands on her waist. Two other boys stood a little ahead of her. The 51 the player in front of Kristi stepped from the sack(bag), the two boys seized it and held it open while the tall boy quickly and gently 52 Kristi and dropped her neatly into the sack. A girl ahead took her hand and supported her until she gained her 53 . Then off Kristi hopped (跳跃), smiling and proud.At the cheers of the crowd, I slipped out to thank God for the warm and considerate people making it possible for my 54 daughter to be like her fellow human beings. Then I finally 55 .36. A. demanded B.requested C.advised D.joked37. A. common B.different C.excellent D.casual38. A. But B.Therefore C.Eventually D.However39. A. praise B.punish C.blame D.envy40. A. failed B.accepted C.faced D.shared41. A. competition B.conclusion C.conference D.ceremony42. A. content B.slow C.serious D.flexible43. A. relaxed B.careful C.satisfied D.tough44. A. wanted B.loved C.pretended D.supposed45. A. filled B.jammed C.covered D.buried46. A. approach B.answer C.key D.solution47. A. worry B.intention C.choice D.mistake48. A. give up B.make out C.break down D.hold up49. A. participate B.operate C.practice D.show50. A. around B.off C.behind D.beside51. A. level B.moment C.chance D.while52. A. caught B.lifted C.protected D.hid53. A. access B.position C.speed D.balance54. A. sick B.slim C.disabled D.delicate55. A. recovered B.cried C.shook D.screamed第三部分阅读理解(满分30分)第一节:(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AEverybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong. This is what happened to Harry. He got up one morning very late because he had forgotten to wind up his alarm clock. He tried to shave quickly and cut himself when he got blood all over his clean shirt, so he had to find another one. The only other shirt that was clean needed ironing(熨烫), so he ironed it . While he was ironing it, there was a knock at the door. It was the man to read the electricity meter. Heshowed him where the meter was, said goodbye and found that the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt. So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all. By this time it was very late, so he decided he couldn’t go to work by bus. He telephoned for a taxi to take him to work. The taxi arrived and Harry got in and began to read the newspaper.In another part of the town, a man had killed a woman with a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi. When Harry’s taxi stopped outside his office, a policeman happened to be standing there. He saw the blood on Harry’s shirt and took him to the polic e station. He was kept there till 3 o’clock in the afternoon before the policeman was sure that he was not the man they wanted. When he finally arrived at the office at about four, his boss took a look at him and told him to go away and find another job.56. Why did Harry wear the shirt with blood on it?A. Because he had only one shirtB. Because the only other needed ironingC. Because the iron had burnt a hole in his clean shirt.D. Because he cut himself and got blood on his shirt.57. Harry was taken to police station because ______A. his taxi stopped outside the police station.B. there was blood on his shirt and he was in the taxi.C. a man killed a woman with a knife.D. the killer looked like Harry.58. His boss told him to go away and find another job because_____.30.he had been kept by the police.31.there was blood on his shirt.32.he was late for work.33.he had kille d a woman .BIn today’s world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution are harmful to people’s health. However, not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and this is harmful to people’s health, too.People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf today. However, scientists believe that 10 percent of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where they work. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered thatmany teenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old persons, for these young people like to listen to pop music and pop music is a kind of noise. Besides, noise produced by jet planes or machines will make people ill or even drive them mad.It is said a continuous noise of over 85 decibels(分贝) can cause deafness. Now the government in many countries have made laws to control noise and make it less than 85 decibels.In China, the government is trying to solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise problems.59. The text is mainly about ______.A. air pollutionB. water pollutionC. noise pollutionD. world pollution60. According to the text, a continuous noise of ______ decibels can make people deaf.A. less than 85B. less than 65C. about 65D. more than 8561. Ten percent of the workers in Britain are being deafened because ______.A. they are working in noisy placesB. they often listen to pop musicC. they are bu sy in listening to other’s talkD. they live near airports62. The government of China is trying to solve ______.A. only air pollutionB. only air and water pollutionC. only water pollutionD. air, water and noise pollutionCMany facts suggest that children are overweight and the situation is getting worse, according to the doctors. I feel there are a number of reasons for this.Some people blame the fact that we are surrounded (包围) by shops selling unhealthy, fatty foods, such as fried chicken and ice-cream, at low prices. This has turned out a whole generation of grown-ups who seldom cook a meal for themselves. If there were fewer of these restaurants, then probably children will buy less takeaway food.There is another argument that blames parents for a llowing their children to become overweight.I agree with this because good eating habits begin early in life, long before children start to visit fast food shops. If children are given fried chicken and chocolate rather than healthy food or are always allowed to choose what they eat, they will go for sweet and salty foods every time, and this will carry on throughout their lives.There is a third reason for this situation. Children these days take very little exercise. They do not walk to school. When they get home, they sit in front of the television or their computers and play computer games. Not only is this a pastime(消遣), it also give them time to eat more unhealthy food. What they need is to go outside and play active games or sports.The above are the main reasons for this problem, and therefore we have to encourage young people to be more active, and steer them away from fast food shops and bad eating habits.63. According to the passage, what kind of children may eat more unhealthy food?A. Those who often took exercise.B. Those who often watch TV.C. Those who often have meals at home.D. Those who often walk to school.64. The author thinks that children are becoming overweight because _____.A. their parents often cook meals for them.B. they are too busy to go out and play.C. they can’t choose what to eat.D. there are so many fast food shops around.65. The main purpose of the passage is to _____.A. tell a story about an overweight boyB. provide facts to show different reasonsC. express the writer’s strong emotion.D. show different opinions第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
)二、填空题(共5个小题,共30分)26.(7分)(1)糖类a (2)正确(3)甲烷关闭阀门、开窗通风(4)①ad ②ab 27.(6分)(1)水(H 2O )(2)C(3)①30g②t 2 ③20% (4)351028.(6分)(1)3 (2)H 2O 分子或水分子(3)B (4)B 、C(5)C 2H 4 + 3O 22CO 2+ 2H 2O 29.(5分)(1)①前面②R Fe Cu(2)Fe 2O 3 + 6HCl2FeCl 3 + 3H 2O (3)FeSO 4、ZnSO 4 (4)BD 30.(6分)(1)过滤(2)CaCO 3;NaCl(3)Na 2CO 3,Na 2CO 3、CaCO 3;Na 2CO 3、CaO ;Na 2CO 3、CaCO 3、CaO(4)最后一步没气泡,CaO 取多了三、实验题(共3个小题,共19分)31.(5分)(1)集气瓶(2)2KMnO 4△K 2MnO 4+MnO 2+O 2↑;③②①④⑥⑤(3)CaCO 3+2HCl=CaCl 2+H 2O+CO 2↑;(4)水中白磷不燃烧和铜片上白磷燃烧32.(7分)(1)CaO + H 2OCa(OH)2Ca(OH)2 + Na 2CO 3 CaCO 3↓+ 2NaOH (2)NaCl 和NaOH(3)①CaCO 3 + 2HCl CaCl 2 + H 2O + CO 2↑②NaCl NaOH Ca(OH)2③验证丁中滤液里是否含有碳酸钠丁中液面上升且有气泡产生④丁中无气泡产生,乙中不浑浊,结论滤液中只含NaCl 和NaOH 。
33.(7分题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 答案 B A C B C B B B C CD B B A A C C C C A C A C D A 点燃(3)初步探究:①③浓硫酸、氢氧化钠固体都具有腐蚀性。
相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 I 127 Cl 35.5 Al 27 Ca 40 Cu 63.5 Fe 56 K 39 Mg 24 Na 23 Zn 65 Li 7一、单项选择题(本大题16小题,每小题4分,共64分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题目要求,选对的得4分,多选、选错或不答的得O 分.)1.图示正常情况下溶酶体所含物质及其内、外环境的pH 值等, 下列哪项叙述与溶酶体有关的事实不相符合A .保持pH 值的稳定需要消耗三磷酸腺苷B .被溶酶体分解的产物都要排出细胞外C .能吞噬并杀死某些入侵的病菌或病毒D .其膜上具有特异性转运H +的载体蛋白2. 下列有关哺乳动物受精作用和胚胎发育的说法,不正确的是 A.卵细胞内有机物分解的速率小于受精卵 B. 受精过程要依赖细胞膜上受体的识别作用 C. 胚胎的总体积随着受精卵的分裂而不断增大 D. 受精卵的分裂意味着新生命的发育过程开始3.广东省与外界交往密切,气候温暖,适合生长的生物种类相对较多,使其成为全国外来入侵生物种类最多的省份之一。
一般地说,外来物种大量繁殖 A .可改变群落演替的方向 B .不会降低基因的多样性 C .能丰富物种的多样性 D .有利于生态系统稳定4.图示人体生长激素基因进行的某项生理活动,该基因中碱基T 为m 个,占全部碱基的比值为n 。
下列分析合理的是A .该生理活动可发生在人体的所有细胞中B .②与③结构的区别是所含的五碳糖不同H +①C.①中碱基的排列顺序改变均导致基因突变D.所产生的①中C至少有(0.5n-1)m个5. 脱落酸能促进种子的休眠和果实的成熟,但在高温条件下会分解。
因为脱落酸A.能抑制小麦种子的发育和脱落B.高温降解后对发芽的抑制被解除C.对果实的成熟与乙烯有拮抗作用D.对种子的发芽和成熟起协同作用6.下列有关动物丰富度的研究方法,正确的是A.调查土壤动物丰富度——样方法和标志重捕法B. 观察肉眼难识别的小动物——高倍显微镜观察C. 统计土壤动物丰富度——记名计算法和目测估计法D.调查水中小动物类群丰富度——生态缸进行培养7.下列关于有机物说法正确的是A.工业上可通过石油分馏直接得到甲烷、乙烯和苯B.一定条件下,HCOOH、HCHO和葡萄糖都能发生银镜反应C.实验室可用酸性高锰酸钾溶液鉴别苯、甲苯和己烯D.棉、麻、丝、毛及合成纤维完全燃烧的产物中只有CO2和H2O8.下列叙述中,正确的是A.14C中含有14个中子B.1H、2H、3H是同一种核素C.根据酸溶液中c(H+)大小,可将酸分为强酸和弱酸D.根据分散质颗粒大小,可将分散系分为浊液、胶体和溶液9.下列有关化学实验的说法中,不正确...的是A.用碱石灰可以干燥NH3、H2和C2H4三种气体B.用萃取法分离溴水(过量)和KI溶液反应生成的碘单质C.用煤油来保存少量金属钠D.实验室在点燃乙烯前要检验乙烯的纯度10.用n A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值。
大连市2012年初中毕业升学考试试测(二)数学 参考答案及评分标准一、选择题1.D ; 2.A ; 3.C ; 4.A ; 5.B ; 6.B ; 7.C ; 8. D . 二、填空题9.2; 10.6a ; 11. 2=x ; 12.十; 13.120 ; 14.81; 15.8; 16. 87. 三、解答题17.解:原式=24)1222(3++-- ……………………………………………………8分=26..………………………………………………………………………9分 18.解:yx y x y x y x y +-+÷-=))(()(原式 ……………………………………………………4分yx y x y -⋅-=1)( …………………………………………………………………7分 =y . ……………………………………………………………………………… 9分19.证明:∵四边形ABCD 是等腰梯形,∴AB =DC ,∠BAD =∠CDA ,∠B =∠C . …………3分 ∵∠EAD =∠EDA ,∴∠BAD -∠EAD =∠CDA -∠EDA ,即∠BAE =∠CDE . ………………………………5分 ∴△ABE ≌△DCE . ……………………………7分 ∴BE =CE . ……………………………………9分 20.解:(1)100;14;0.61 . ……………………………………………………………6分 (2)0.25×360°=90°, ………………………………………………………………8分答:“非常了解”对应的扇形圆心角为90°. …………………………………………9分(3)1200×10061×100% = 732,………………………………………………………11分答:估计该校学生中“比较了解”海啸知识的人数是732人. …………………12分四、解答题21. 解:(1)x x x x y 252502+-=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⋅=. ………………………………………………3分 (2)假设能围成面积为160 cm 2的矩形,则-x 2+25x =160,x 2-25x +160=0.………………………………… …………………………………5分∵△=b 2-4ac =(-25)2-4×1×160 = -15<0, ……………………………………7分∴方程没有实数根, …………………………………………………………………8分∴不能围成面积为160cm 2的矩形. …………………………………………………9分22.解:(1)180 ;60.……………………………………………………………………2分 (2)设乙车的速度是乙v 千米/时,则E CD B A乙)(v ⨯=-⨯6080311180, …………………………………………………………………5分∴v 乙= 90. ……………………………………………………………………………6分∴329018031=÷⨯.………………………………………………………………………8分答:乙车到达A 地还需行驶32小时. ………………………………………………9分 23.(1)CD 是⊙O 的切线. ……………………………………………………………1分 证明:连接OD .则∠BOD =2∠DEB =2⨯45︒=90︒.…………………………………2分∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AB //DC ,………………………………………………………………………………3分∴∠CDO =180︒-∠BOD =180︒-90︒=90︒, ∴OD ⊥CD ,∴CD 是⊙O 的切线.…………………………………………………………………4分(2)连接AE 、BD ,则∠ABE =∠ADE . ∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AB =DC=6. ∵AB 是⊙O 的直径,∴∠AEB =90︒. …………………………………………6分在Rt △ABE 中,cos ∠ABE =AB BE = cos ∠ADE =32.∴6BE =32,∴BE =22.……………………………………………………………………………7分∵BF ⊥DE , ∴∠BFE =90︒.∴BF= BE·sin 45︒=22222=⨯. ……………………………………………………8分∵∠BOD =90︒,OB=DO=3,∴23332222=+=+=OD OB BD , …………………………………………………9分 ∴142)23(2222=-=-=BF BD DF .……………………………………………10分 五、解答题24. 解:(1)由题意得 BD=2t ,CE =t .①当点D 在点E 的右侧时(如图1),∵△DEF 是等边三角形, ∴DE=DF ,∠EDF =60°. ∴∠DFB =∠EDF -∠B =60°-30°=30°=∠B ,∴DF =DB=2t . ……………………………………………………………………………2分 ∵BC =CE +ED +DB 即 t +2t +2t =15 ,∴ t =3. ……………………………………………………………………………………3分 ②当点D 在点E 的左侧时(如图2),由①得,DE =EF =EB = CB -CE = 15-t ,BD = 2t , ∴DB =2BE , 即2t = 2(15-t ), ∴ t =215. 综上,当t =3s 或215s 时,点F 恰好在AB 上. ……… 5分 图1 DC BE 图(D )C BEHCB(2) ①当0≤t ≤3时(如图3),由(1)得,DE =EF =FD =15-3t =3(5-t ),DH =DB=2t ,∴FH =15-3t -2t=15-5t =5(3-t ). …………………………………………………… 6分∵∠DEF =∠EFD = 60°,∠B =30°, ∴∠EGB =180°-∠GEB -∠B =180°-60°-30°=90°.在Rt △FGH 中,GH =FH·sin60°=)3(235t -, FG =FH·cos60°=)3(25t -. ∴2)3(832521t GH FG S FGH -=⋅=∆.………………………………………………… 7分 作FM ⊥DE ,垂足为M . 则FM =EF·sin60°=)5(233t -.2)5(43921t FM ED S FED -=⋅=∆, ……………………………………………………… 8分∴FG H FED S S S ∆∆-==3822543158372+--t t . …………………………………… 9分②由题意知,点D 从点B 运动到点C 所用时间为s 215.当t +2t =15,即t =5时,点D 与点E 重合.由(1)知,当3<t ≤215,且t ≠5时,无论点D 在点E 的左侧还是右侧,△DEF都在△ABC 内(如图4).FM DE S S FED ⋅==∆21=342252345439)5(43922+-=-t t t .综上,⎝⎛≠≤<+-≤≤+--=).52153(342252345439)30(38225431583722t t t t t t t S ,且…………11分25.猜想:线段DF 垂直平分线段AC ,且AC DF 21=.……………………………… 2分证明:过点M 作MG ∥AD ,与DF 的延长线相交于点G .则∠EMG =∠N ,∠BMG =∠BAD .…………………………………………………… 3分∵∠MEG =∠NED ,ME =NE , ∴△MEG ≌△NED ,∴MG =DN .…………………………………………………………………………… 4分∵BM = DN ,∴MG = BM . ………………………………………………………………………… 5分作GH ⊥BC ,垂足为H ,连接AG 、C G . ……………6分 ∵四边形ABCD 是正方形,∴AB=BC=CD=DA , ∠BAD =∠B =∠ADC =90︒,…… 7分 ∵∠GMB =∠B =∠GHB =90︒,∴四边形MBHG 是矩形. ……………………………8分∵MG =MB ,图图M D C BE∴四边形MBHG 是正方形, …………………………9分 ∴MG = GH= BH= MB , ∠AMG =∠CHG =90︒ ,∴AM=CH ,……………………………………………………………………………10分∴△AMG ≌△CHG .∴GA=GC .……………………………………………………………………………11分又∵DA=DC ,∴DG 是线段AC 的垂直平分线. ∵∠ADC =90︒,DA=DC , ∴AC DF 21=.即线段DF 垂直平分线段AC ,且AC DF 21=. ……………………………………12分26.解:(1)由题意得B (1,0),C (-3,-1),D (0,-1).……………………1分设直线AC 的解析式为y = kx +b ,则 ⎩⎨⎧+--=+3,3k bk b 解得⎪⎪⎧-=,21k ∴2521--=x y . ……………………2分∴点E 、F 的坐标分别是(-5,0),(0,25-)设所求抛物线的解析式为y =a (x -1)(x +5),∴,5)1(25⨯-⋅=-a 即a =21.∴252212-+=x x y .(2)连接BD 并延长,与抛物线的交点即为所求点M . 设直线BD 的解析式为y =k 1x +b 1,则 ⎩⎨⎧-==+.1,0k 111b b 解得⎩⎨⎧-==.1,1k 11b ∴y=x -1. ………………………………………………………………………………5分设点M 的坐标为(m ,m -1),∴ 2522112-+=-m m m , …………………………………………………………6分解得m 1=-3,m 2=1 (舍去).即点M 的坐标为(-3,-4). ……………………………………………………7分(3)作点D 关于直线AC 的对称点P ,DP 与AC 相交于点G ,连接BP . 则BP 长即为所求的最小值.由(1)知,OE =5,OF =25,OD =1, ∴ DF =23,EF =525)25(522=+.…………8分∵∠DGF =∠EOF =90︒ , ∠DFG =∠EFO ,xx∴△DGF ∽△EOF . ∴OF GF EF DF EO DG == ,………………………9分 ∴DG =553=⋅EF DF EO ,GF =5103=⋅EF DF OF . ∴DP =2DG =556. …………………………………………………………………10分 作PQ ⊥y 轴,PH ⊥x 轴,垂足分别为Q 、H .同理可证 △DPQ ∽△EFO , ∴FOPQ EO DQ EF DP ==, ∴PQ =56=⋅EF FO DP ,DQ =512=⋅EF EO DP . ∴HO =PQ =56,PH =OQ =517. ………………………………………………………11分 ∴5410)517()561(22=++=BP . ……………………………………………………12分 A FG P Q。
2012中考二模单选难度题——海淀、朝阳、西城、东城、丰台、石景山、门头沟、通州、平谷、燕山、顺义、大兴、密云、昌平、延庆、房山、海淀24. Of all the subjects, art is _____ for me.A. interestingB. more interestingC. most interestingD. the most interesting25. I have two vacation plans. One is going to the summer camp, ________is being a volunteer.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others27. ____ tourists got lost in the mountains so they called the police for help.A. FewB. A fewC. LittleD. A little29. Don’t make little children _____ the things that they dislike.A. doB. to doC. doingD. done30. --Where is Nancy?--She is in the hall. She _____ a speech on Chinese culture.A.is makingB. makesC. has madeD. Made31. -- Is your brother in Beijing?-- No. He ______ to London for the Olympics.A. wentB. has goneC. has beenD. will go32. The plane _____ after the heavy rain stoppedA. takes offB. took offC. will take offD. has taken off33. A new shopping mall ______ near my home in five years.A. has been built B is built C. was built D. will bebuilt34. Can you tell me _____ next weekend? I’m going to book tickets.A. if do you watch the 3D film TitanicB. if you watch the 3D film TitanicC. if will you watch the 3D film TitanicD. if you will watch the 3D film Titanic朝阳28. — I ask you a question?—Certainly. What’s it?A. ShouldB. WouldC. MayD. Must29. I’ll take a walk with after I finish _______ the floor.A. cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. to clean34. The child told us__________ at last and then we took him home.A. where does he liveB. where he livesC. where did he liveD. where he lived西城22. — What are you reading?—The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. ______ writer is Mark Twain.A. ItB. ItsC. HeD. His23.— Where did you have dinner?— ______ Lily’s house.A. AtB. ToC. OnD. For24.The shoes are very smart, ______ they don’t fit me.A. soB. andC. butD. or25.New York is one of the ______ in the world.A. modern cityB. more modern citiesC. most modern citiesD. most modern city26.— Wait a minute. I have ______ to tell you.— What is it?A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything importantD. important anything27.— Where is Mike?— I don’t know. But I saw him ______ football on the playground just now.A. to playB. playingC. playedD. plays29. — Have you seen my dictionary?— Yes. I ______ it on your desk five minutes ago.A.have seenB. sawC. seeD. will see31. The Greens ______ breakfast when the door bell rang.A. hadB. would haveC. was havingD. were having32. — The concert is very popular.— Yes. So far, all the tickets ______.A.bookedB. have bookedC. were bookedD. have been booked 东城23. He ran quickly all the way to school, ______ he was still late.A. butB. andC. orD. So28. Tony, be quiet, please! Your dad ______ on the phone.A. talkedB. was talkingC. is talkingD. talks29. She asked me ______ her a cup of coffee.A. getB. to getC. gettingD. gets30. Our team ______ every match since April, but we still have three more games toplay.A. has wonB. will wonC. winD. won31. When I went to say goodbye to Ann, she ______ the piano.A. playsB. playedC. has playedD. was playing34. Would you please tell me ______ this book?A. where you boughtB. where did you buyC. where you buyD. where do you buy丰台29. Mary ______ up and walked to the door when she heard her name called.A. stoodB. standsC. was standingD. will stand33. — Lily, could you please tell me how ______ this e-dictionary?— OK, just a moment.A. useB. usesC. usingD. to use石景山28. Mike invited me ______ tennis this weekend.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played30. — Were you at home at that time?— No, I ______ dinner with my friends in a restaurant.A.haveB. hadC. will haveD. was having门头沟( ) 26.—Keep the door __________, please. It’s too hot here.—Yes, Mr. Jackson.A.openB. openedC. openingD. to open( ) 27. Bob is a careful boy and he does things __________ than his brother.A. carefulB. more carefulC. carefullyD. more carefully( ) 30. Tony _________ one of his old friends and they talked for a long time yesterday.A. meetsB. metC. has metD. is meeting( ) 33. The babies are young and they should __________ after well.A. lookB. lookedC. be lookedD. are looking通州区31. — Where is my picture book, mum?— It _____ to Jack yesterday.A. lendB. lentC. was lentD. is lent平谷25. — ____ I be home before 7 o’clock ,mum?— No, you needn’t. Before nine is OK .A.MayB. CanC. NeedD. Must27. — Peter said he would be here on time.— __________ he hasn’t come yet.A.AndB. OrC. ButD. So燕山30. I’m sorry to keep you __________ for an hour. Now let’s begin our work.A. to waitB. waitingC. waitD. waited32. They have two cars. One is made in China, is made in Japan.A. otherB. the otherC. the othersD. another顺义24. John is standing ________ Gina and Jim. He’s the tallest one amongthem.A. atB. inC. duringD. between25. Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rushhours.A. soB. veryC. tooD. much26. I’ve bought a toy for my daughter. And I will give _____ to hertomorrow.A. itB. oneC. thisD. them27. Listen, if you don’t study hard, you _____ nowhere.A. end upB. are ending upC. were ending upD. will end up28. --- I find most girls do _____ in language learning than boys.--- In most cases it is so. Perhaps they are talented in language.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well29. --- Another cup of tea?--- No, thanks. I _____ be off now. Mary is waiting for me.A. canB. mayC. mustD. might30. --- Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Did you hear ______ I said,David?--- Yes, mum.A. ifB. howC. thatD. what31. --- I won’t go to the party tomorrow.--- _____ you told me you would. What’s happening?A. AndB. ButC. OrD. So32. --- What do you think of Prison Break?--- It is the best American TV play that I _____ these days.A. watchB. was watchingC. will watchD. have watched33. Mr. Smith comes from Australia, but he has worked in China for fiveyears. So you can talk with him ____.A. just in English, not in ChineseB. not in Chinese but in EnglishC. either in English or in ChineseD. Neither in Chinese nor in Chinese大兴22. This is your book, George. Maybe I left _____at home.A. myB. mineC. ID. me23. They arrived in Beijing ________the night of last Sunday.A. ofB. atC. toD. on27. --_____I come in?--Yes, please go to your seat and sit down.A. MustB. MayC. NeedD. Should28. The street was very quiet at midnight. I met ______on myway home.A. nobodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. Somebody29. --What was Peter doing this time yesterday?--He _______in the library.A. readsB. readC. is readingD. was reading32. The airplane ________off in half an hour. It’s time to checkout tickets.A. tookB. takesC. has takenD. will take33. The big fire_____ out quickly two weeks ago.A. was putB. is putC. putD. puts34. -- Do you know ________now?-- Yes, she is helping Lisa with her lessons.A. what does Mrs. King doB. what Mrs. King doesC. what is Mrs. King doingD. what Mrs. King is doing密云30. There ______ some old people taking a walk in the park every morning.A. isB. hasC. areD. have33.–Chinese is becoming more and more popular today.– That’s right. It _________ in many schools around the world. A. teaches B. has taught C. is taught D. is teaching昌平22. --- What do you usually do _____ the evening?--- I watch the CCTV9 news, and do some revision work.A. forB. onC. atD. in23. He is as _____ as his father this year.A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongest27. --- _____ did you always get the first place? Could you let me know?--- Only because I like it and practise every day.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Why28. What do you plan ____ during the summer vacation?A. to doB. doC. doingD. done30. Are there _____ questions? Please hands up.A. someB. anyC. noD. little32. The students didn’t stop talking _____ the teacher came in.A. beforeB. untilC. whenD. because33. --- Where is Sally?--- I don’t know. I _____ her here a moment ago.A. seeB. sawC. will seeD. have seen34. Will you please tell us _____?A. how can we use itB. how could we use itC. how we can use itD. how we could use it35. A lot of time _____ if you prepare your lessons beforehand.A. can saveB. will saveC. be saveD. can be saved 延庆28. I need _______ bananas to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some?A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little31.— Linda, when shall we take a walk?—After I finish _______ the dishes.A. washB. washedC. to washD. washing房山30. — I didn’t see you when I came here last night. Where were you?— I ______ my mother clean the room at home.A. was helpingB. have helpedC. helpedD. would help。
上海2012学年度初三第二学期二模模拟试题(二)一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1、下列运算正确的是( ) A 、3931= B 、3931±= C 、3921= D 、3921±=2、下列图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是( )A .等边三角形;B .等腰梯形;C .平行四边形;D .正十边形. A 、41 B 、21 C 、31 D 、323、在研究反比例函数图像与性质时,由于计算粗心,小明误认为(2-,3)、(2,3-)、(2-,3-)、(3,2-)、(23-,4)五个点在同一个反比例函数的图像上,后来经检查发现其中有一个点不在,这个点是( )A 、(2,3-)B 、(2-,3)C 、(2-,3-)D 、(23-,4) 4、以下说法正确的是( )A 、若e 是单位向量,则e a a ⋅= ;B 、如果c b b a ∥∥,那么a 一定与c 平行;C 、平行向量方向一定相同;D 、单位向量的模一定为1.5、如图1,正方形ABCD 中,E 为AB 的中点,AF ⊥DE 于点O ,则等于( )A 、B 、C 、D 、6、在两个圆中有两条相等的弦,则下列四个命题中真命题的个数是( ) 图1 (1) 这两条弦所对的弦心距相等; (2)这两条弦所对的圆心角相等;(3)这两条弦所对的弦相等; (4)这两条弦都被垂直于弦的半径平分。
A 、0个 B 、1个 C 、2个 D 、3个二、填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7、计算:2)23(-= ▲ .8、如果方程x 2﹣(2m ﹣1)x+m 2=0有两个实数根,那么m 的取值范围是 _________ . 9、方程0532=-⋅-x x 的解是____________10、过n 边形的一个顶点的对角线可以把n 边形分成____________个三角形(用n 的代数式表示)11、已知向量、、满足,试用向量、表示向量,那么=_________ .12、已知数据54321a ,a ,a ,a ,a 的平均数是a ,则数据543217a ,a ,a a,,a ,a 的平均数是 ▼ (结果用a 表示)13、为了了解某校九年级学生的身体素质情况,在该校九年级随机抽取50位学生进行一分钟跳绳次数测试,以测试数据为样本,绘制出频数分布直方图(如图2,每组数据可含最小值,不含最大值),如果在一分钟内跳绳次数少于120次的为不合格,那么可以估计该校九年级300名学生中跳绳不合格的人数为 _________ .(图2) (图3) (图4) 14、如图3,将正方形ABCD 折叠,使点C 与点D 重合于形内点P 处,折痕分别为AF 、BE ,∠EPF=_______15、如图4,已知在⊙O 中直径MN=10,正方形ABCD 的四个顶点分别在半径OM 、OP 以及⊙O 上,并且∠POM=45°,则AB 的长为__________16、在一个袋中,装有五个除数字外其它完全相同的小球,球面上分别标有1、2、3、4、5这5个数字,从中任摸一个球,球面数字是奇数的概率是 _________ .17、如图5,在直角坐标平面内,△ABO 中,∠ABO=90°,∠A=30°,OB=1,如果△ABO 绕原点O 按顺时针方向旋转到OA′B′的位置,那么点B′的坐标是 _________ . 图518、已知点O 到直线l 的距离是3,若⊙O 上只有两点到直线l 的距离等于1,则⊙O 半径长r 的取值范围是____________三、解答题:(本大题共7题,满分78分)19、先化简,再求值:11)1112(22+÷+-+-a a a a a ,其中2=a .20、解不等式组:()461,315,x x x x +>-⎧⎪⎨-≤+⎪⎩并把解集在数轴上表示出来.21、20个集装箱装满了甲、乙、丙三种商品共120吨,每个集装箱都只装载一种商品,根据下表提供的信息,解答以下问题:(1)如果甲种商品装x 个集装箱,乙种商品装y 个集装箱,求y 与x 之间的关系式; (2)如果其中5个集装箱装了甲种商品,求每个集装箱装载商品总价值的中位数.商品类型甲 乙 丙 每个集装箱装载量(吨) 8 6 5 每吨价值(万元)12152012345-1-222、如图6,已知△ABC 中,AB=AC ,D 是边BC 上一点,且BD :DC=1:2,CE ⊥AD ,垂足为点E ,连结BE ,求证:∠DBE=∠DAB图623、要在半径为1米,圆心角为60°的扇形铁皮OAB 上剪出一块面积尽可能大的正方形铁皮,现有三个剪取的方案如图1、2、3所示,其中图1中正方形的顶点C 、D 在半径OB 上,点F 在半径OA 上,点E 在弧上;图2中正方形的顶点C 在半径OB 上,点F 在半径OA 上,点D 、E 在弧上;图3中正方形的顶点C 在半径OB 上,点E 在半径OA 上,且OE=OC ,点D 是弧的中点。
21. ––Has ______ problem been solved?––Not yet. We’re trying to think of ______ way out, but it’s quite difficult to find one.A. a; theB. the; aC. a; aD. the; the22. With the development of education, there is an urgent need ______ qualified teachers.A. toB. inC. withD. for23. You can get to your destination earlier ______ you don’t mind taking the night train.A. ifB. unlessC. thoughD. until24. ––Why do you want to apply for the position as a history teacher?––This is the job that I ______.A. looked forB. had looked forC. will look forD. have been looking for25. The warning of the storm, ______ over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the province.A. broadcastingB. having broadcastC. broadcastD. to be broadcast26. ––I ______ have turned on the air conditioner at such a low temperature.––No wonder you’ve got a cold.A. shouldn’tB. couldn’tC. must n’tD. needn’t27. You’d better begin the preparations now and the most important thing is to check ______ the laboratory can beused for the tests.A. whereB. whenC. whatD. that28. Was it ______ the international conference that made the city the focus of this area?A. heldB. holdC. holdingD. being held29. If you have doubts about the attack, Mr. Brown can tell you the truth as he witnessed ______.A. itB. oneC. themD. those30. Experts believe that language learning is a process ______ skills are more important than grammar rules.A. whoseB. whenC. of whichD. in which31. ––Were you on time for the meeting?––If they ______ me earlier, I would have.A. toldB. would tellC. had toldD. would have told32. No conclusion _______ about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been held.A. will be reachedB. is reachedC. is being reachedD. has been reached33. _____our eating ties in with our stress level is being studied and soon it will be clear.A. ThatB. HowC. WhereD. What34. During job interviews, many graduates use the reputation of their schools to the full _____ themselves to theemployers.A. presentedB. being presentedC. to presentD. having presented35. His novels sell best and have made him famous, but before that no one could have imagined how great a rolehe ______ in the literary world.A. had playedB. has playedC. is playingD. was to play2012北京市东城区二模第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21. ---- Is this your book , Jack?---- Yes, it’s ______________. Thank you for helping me find it.A. IB. meC. myD. mine22. —_________ have you been in the singing group?—More than five years by now.A. WhenB. How longC. How oftenD. Where23. Tom’s birthday is ___ September 8th .A. inB. atC. onD. of24. Who is _____, Tom, Peter or John?A. the tallestB. tallestC. tallerD. tall25. Let’s _____ to the supermarket on foot.A. wentB. goC. goesD. to go26. My grandma _______ to the radio when I got home just now.A. listensB. listenedC. is listeningD. was listening27. The policeman asked us ______ him send the old man to the hospital.A. helpB. helpsC.helpingD. to help28. Summer is coming. The weather gets_________.A. cold and coldB. colder and colderC.hotter and hotterD. hot and hot29. ---Where is Mother, Jim?--- She _____ in the kitchen.A.is cookingB. cookedC. cookingD. to cook30. ---Must I go to Tom’s home to help his Chinese today?--- No, you _____. You can go there at weekend.A. can’tB. mustn’tC.may notD. needn’t31. Mrs. Wang can speak English well. ___ she can’t speak Japanese.A. butB. andC. soD. For32. Bob has two sisters. They ____ work in the same factory..A. allB. bothC. noneD. either33. Our classroom ______ after school every day.A. cleanB. is cleanedC. cleanedD. to clean34. You are too late. The train _____ for ten minutes.A. has leftB. leftC. has been awayD. leaves35. ---Do you know __________? ---Next Sunday.A. what they will doB. where they will goC. when they will come hereD. who they will meet2010年大兴区中考二模英语试题第二部分知识运用(共27分)四、单项填空。
时态语态22. ---What makes you a history major? (海淀)---Interest. I _____ it because my high school history teacher influenced me a lot.A. lovedB. had lovedC. loveD. have loved25. ---Have you received your new shoes? (海淀)---Y es. And at the same time I got the jacket I _____.A. had orderedB. orderedC. have orderedD. order29. ---Is dinner ready? (海淀)---Not yet. The main course ______. It needs another ten minutes.A. was not doneB. had not doneC. is not doneD. has no t done32. More than ten people _____ in their own homes during the first 3 months of this year. (海淀)A. were gassedB. had been gassedC. are gassedD. have been gassed27.---How long did you own your first car? (西城)---We ____ it for six months before it was stolen.A. had ownedB. ownedC. has ownedD. would own22. --Do you think he will send you a card? (西城)-- Yes, if he _____ on holiday.A. goB. goesC. will goD. went33. The meeting began two hours ago and because no decision ______, we will continue ourdiscussion tomorrow. (西城)A. has madeB. had madeC. has been madeD. had been made22. Before moving to Australia, the Browns______ their cars and house in the USA. (东城)A. have soldB. soldC. were sellingD. sell29. If your call is not answered within two minutes, you______ to hang up and dial again. (东城)A. would be advisedB. are advisedC. have been advisedD. were advised25. Peter will have to change his travel plan because his flight _____.(东城)A. delaysB. would delayC. has been delayedD. was delayed24. ––Why do you want to apply for the position as a history teacher? (朝阳)––This is the job that I ______.A. looked forB. had looked forC. will look forD. have been looking for32. No conclusion _______ about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been held. (朝阳)A. will be reachedB. is reachedC. is being reachedD. has been reached35. His novels sell best and have made him famous, but before that no one could have imaginedhow great a role he ______ in the literary world. (朝阳)A. had playedB. has playedC. is playingD. was to play27. I _________ in a tennis match this Sunday. Would you be interested in coming? (丰台)A. have playedB. playedC. playD. am playing23. --- I’ll give you a ring about eight. (丰台)--- Could you phone a bit later? I ________ dinner then.A. will be havingB. have hadC. hadD. was having21. They were ahead during the first half of the final, but they ______ in the last five minutes.(丰台)A. would defeatB. were defeatedC. defeatedD. would be defeated 22.In the last few months, many practice exams _____ to sharpen the students’ examination skills.A. were holdingB. were being heldC. have heldD. have been held29. The plane had already been away for quite some time when we ____ at the airport.A. have arrivedB. arrivedC. had arrivedD. arrive31.---Did you watch the movie Mei Lanfang in the National Grand` Theater last night?---I had planned to, but it _______ hard all the time.A. is rainingB. had rainedC. has rainedD. was raining三大从句21. Reading books, _______ takes the reader to other worlds, is a wonderful way to enjoy life.(海淀)A. thatB. whatC. asD. which30. House prices vary from place to place and are usually high _____ there are famous schools.(海淀)A. whereB. sinceC. whenD. whether31. Y ou don’t need to make fancy foods to impress guests—it is something simple but good _____will do. (海淀)A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who35. One of the glorious moments in my school life was I was awarded the Mayor’s A ward.(海淀)A. whyB. howC. thatD. when23. What we can learn from the story is _____ you mustn’t blame children for the mistakes oftheir parents. (西城)A. whereB. whatC. whetherD. that26. The baby bird is at the stage ______ it is ready to leave the nest. (西城)A. thatB. whichC. whenD. what28. Tom called customer service to question ______ his credit card bill was so high. (西城)A. whetherB. whyC. howD. when25. Builders use soft wood in the construction of small boats ____ it is flexible. (西城)A. afterB. unlessC. becauseD. while26. Y ou have a gift for art. ______ you do your best, you are sure to create fine art works. (东城)A. As soon asB. Even ifC. In caseD. As long as31. I have sent several e-mails to the company for the advertised job, none of _____ has been answered. (东城)A. whomB. thatC. whichD. whose32. Johnson is a new graduate. He has difficulty in dealing with ______ problems arise. (东城)A. whereverB. whicheverC. whateverD. whenever34. ______ the young man is in great need of a computer in his work is known to his boss.A. WhatB. ThatC. HowD. When23. Y ou can get to your destination earlier ______ you don’t mind taking the night train. (朝阳)A. ifB. unlessC. thoughD. until27. Y ou’d better begin the preparations now and the most important thing is to check ______ thelaboratory can be used for the tests. (朝阳)A. whereB. whenC. whatD. that30. Experts believe that language learning is a process ______ skills are more important thangrammar rules. (朝阳)A. whoseB. whenC. of whichD. in which33. _____ our eating ties in with our stress level is being studied and soon it will be clear. (朝阳)A. ThatB. HowC. WhereD. What22. __________ the children dream about is the freedoms to develop their special gift. (丰台)A. WhichB. ThatC. WhatD. How26. Solar energy, _________ time has come, is very suitable to heat water or make electricity. (丰台)A. whatB. whoseC. whichD. that34. Before carrying out the plan, we must consider ______ the new use of the drug needs furthertests. (丰台)A. whenB. whyC. whetherD. that31. Y ou’d better have a snack of bread ________ there is no time to eat later. (丰台)A. even ifB. in caseC. as long asD. ever since23. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what24.________ the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.A. WhileB. AsC. BecauseD. If27. How beautiful your dress is! Could you please tell me ______you bought it?A.what B.which C.who D.where32. Tom arranged to spend his winter vacation in Hawaii with his parents ______ he would stay for a week.A. whoB. whereC. whichD. what非谓语动词23. The average Facebook user in the United States has 245 friends, according to a study ______ in February. (海淀)A. publishingB. publishedC. publishD. to publish28. She came to Beijing on April 28, _____ Mayday's concert in the Bird’s Nest. (海淀)A. to expectB. expectingC. expectedD. expect24._____ power, turn off the hot water after you are done showering. (西城)A. SaveB. SavingC. SavedD. To save31. _____ this advertisement several times, I decided to apply for the marketing manager position.(西城)A. ReadB. ReadingC. To readD. Having read29. A person, when ______, can often do what is normally beyond his ability. (西城)A. challengedB. challengesC. challengingD. to challenge24. After a long absence, I went back to college, ______ to pick up where I’d left off. (东城)A. hopingB. hopeC. to hopeD. hoped30. Don’t have the water _____ while you brush your teeth.(东城)A. runningB. runC. to runD. ran25. The warning of the storm, ______ over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through theprovince. (朝阳)A. broadcastingB. having broadcastC. broadcastD. to be broadcast28. Was it ______ the international conference that made the city the focus of this area? (朝阳)A. heldB. holdC. holdingD. being held34. During job interviews, many graduates use the reputation of their schools to the full _____themselves to the employers. (朝阳)A. presentedB. being presentedC. to presentD. having presented25. I’m sorry I was late. ________ up for it, let me treat you to a meal. (丰台)A. To be makingB. MakeC. To makeD. Making32. ________ for years, life on other planets is still a mystery for human beings. (丰台)A. Having been looked forB. Having been looking forC. Having looked forD. Looked for33. A railway station is no place for a child __________ alone at night. (丰台)A. to have leftB. to have been leftC. to leaveD. to be left26. Some college students think V alentine’s Day is an opportunity _____ some pocket money by selling flowers.A. earnB. to earnC. earning D to have earned33.______ a better position at IBM, he became more and more confident of his ability.A. To offerB. Having offeredC. OfferedD. Offering35. Can you take the path ______ to the deep forest?A.leading B.leads C.to be led D.led虚拟语气33. I actually believe that we _____ in Xi’an now if you hadn’t been caught drunk driving lastmonth. (海淀)A. would beB. would have beenC. wereD. had been30. --Did you hear about the hero who rescued the child from the burning building? (西城)--Y es. What do you think most people ______ if they were in a similar situation?A. will do B will have done. C. would do D. would have done28. I wish that I _____ to go to Jim’s party, for I have to do some extra work tonight. (东城)A. hadn’t agreedB. haven’t agreedC. wouldn’t agreeD. won’t agree31. ––Were you on time for the meeting? (朝阳)––If they ______ me earlier, I would have.A. toldB. would tellC. had toldD. would have told30. -- If someone _________ me the money, I’d buy an Ipad tomorrow. (丰台)-- I’m afraid that’s impossible.A. had givenB. would giveC. giveD. gave28. Betty went to the shopping mall alone. If she had invited me then, I _____with her.A. would goB. wentC. would have goneD. had gone情态动词26. A mistake _____ have been made on our bill. We didn’t order any fish today.(海淀)A. shouldB. wouldC. mustD. could32. ----Y ou may hear some complaining, but you must deal with it. (西城)----Y es, I am fully prepared for whatever anyone ______ say.A. canB. mightC. mustD. should23. ─ Has your brother found a job? (东城)─ Not yet. There are many jobs that he _____ do but he seems unwilling to do anything. (东城)A. shallB. couldC. mustD. should26. ––I ______ have turned on the air conditioner at such a low temperature.––No wonder you’ve got a cold. (朝阳)A. shouldn’tB. couldn’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t24. – Has Robert got home? (丰台)-- Not yet. He ________ be home by now.A. canB. needC. mustD. should30. ---Where will you start your work after graduation?---Mmm, it’s not been decided yet. I ______ continue my study for a higher degree.A.needB. mustC. mightD. would介词27. One doesn’t have to look far to realize the direct connection smoking and cancer. (海淀)A. ofB. withC. toD. between35. – Can I have your business number? (西城)-- Y ou can call me, free of charge, ______66887790.A. atB. byC. withD. for27. She looked ______ her handbag, but her keys were not there. (东城)A. forB. toC. atD. in22. With the development of education, there is an urgent need ______ qualified teachers. (朝阳)A. toB. inC. withD. for35. Nancy, a successful manager, had great personal influence and power __________ her followers. (丰台)A. withB. overC. forD. in冠词34. Engineering is ________ challenging course of study that requires ________ thoroughunderstanding of mathematics and science. (西城)A. the; aB. a; theC. 不填; 不填D. a; a33. We saw ______ audience clapping their hands when ______ popular singer appeared on the stage. (东城)A. the; theB. the; 不填C. an; aD. 不填; the21. ––Has ______ problem been solved? (朝阳)––Not yet. We’re trying to think of ______ way out, but it’s quite difficult to find one.A. a; theB. the; aC. a; aD. the; the21. That ___ Seventh International Strawberry Festival was held in Changping is ______greatsuccess.A. the ; aB. the ; theC. a; 不填D. a; a代词24. As the intelligence of robots increases to match ________ of humans,we may use them to expand our frontiers. (海淀)A. itB. thatC. whichD. them21. I have watched you two for the past ten minutes and ___ of you has done any work in that time.(西城)A. neitherB. eitherC. noneD. both29. If you have doubts about the attack, Mr. Brown can tell you the truth as he witnessed ______.(朝阳)A. itB. oneC. themD. those29. Many people expressed concern, but _________ were willing to help. (丰台)A. anyB. someC. fewD. many25. — Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?— ____. They are all expensive and of little use.A. NoneB. BothC. NeitherD. All形容词、副词21. The boy is excited about the coming music festival and he enjoys pop music ______.(东城)A. lessB. littleC. mostD. more特殊句式34. At no time I would blame you for your being slow in your English study. (海淀)A. I saidB. said IC. I did sayD. did I say35. Not until I completed the form______ that half the questions were not relevant to me. (东城)A. had I realizedB. I had realizedC. I realizedD. did I realize28. -- It’s wonderful. Seldom ________ a book with such a powerful message. (丰台)-- I’m glad you like it.A. have I readB. I have readC. I readD. did I read34. Only if you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A. you willB. you doC. will youD. do you。
1. C2. B3. A4. A二听对话或独白,选择答案。
5.C6. B7. A8. B9. A 10.B11.B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15.B 16.C三、听独白记录关键信息。
17.Friday 18. films 19. Shopping Center 20 . 9:00/9am 21.lunch知识运用四、单项选择22.A 23. B 24. C 25.D 26.B 27. D 28. A29. B 30. C 31. C 32.D 33. C 34. A五、完形填空35. D 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. B41. A 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. A阅读理解六、阅读选择47. D 48. B 49. C 50. B 51. D 52.C 53. D54. C 55.B 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. B七、阅读还原60. D 61. A 62. C 63. E八、阅读表达64.She has no time to go to school.65.April 2266.It covers only 1% of the earth’s surface.67.It’s very harmful./It’s very bad for people,animals,plants and buildings.68.It's time to take care of the water we use./We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children.书面表达九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)69. is good for70. Why not buy/don’t you buy71.be afraid of72.not only studies well,but also likes helping73. I don’t think it’s time to fully /completely depend on computers,so it’s necessary十、文段表达(15分)74.One possible version:Dear Mike,I have received your e-mail recently. I can understand you.I think you are right.I hope you can get ready to help others as possible as you can.I can give you some advice. First when you meet such things,you'd better call110 to ask the policeman for help.Besides you should try to explain to his daughter,I think maybe she didn't know the reason and just was too worried. What's more, don't think more about that, I think you did right,sooner or later she will understand you and thank you.I hope you can go on helping people in trouble.I'm sure if everyone can give a hand to others,the world will become more and more beautiful.I wish you are happy all the time!Yours,Li Bing书面表达评分标准说明:先根据文章整体内容和语言表达确定档次,然后在该档次内评出分数。
朝阳二模四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)22. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow. I will buy ________ a CD as a present.A. himB. meC. herD. you23. Lei Feng, a great soldier, was born _______ December, 1940.A. atB. inC. onD. to24. Mr. Green was ill, _______ he didn’t come to the English party last Saturday.A. soB. orC. forD. but25. —________ do you play computer games?—Once a week.A. How muchB. How farC. How longD. How often26. —Who is _________, Jerry or Mary?—Jerry, I think.A. helpfulB. more helpfulC. most helpfulD. the most helpful27. I’m thirsty. I want _______ to drink.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing28. —May I ask you a question?—Certainly. What’s it?A. ShouldB. WouldC. MayD. Must29. I’ll take a walk with after I finish _______ the floor.A. cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. to clean30. Our manager ________a long way home yesterday and it made him very tired.A. drivesB. will driveC. droveD. is driving31. Mrs. White came to our school in 1996. She _______ here for nearly 16 years.A. has workedB. worksC. will workD. worked32. We ________trees if it is sunny next Sunday.A. plantB. plantedC. have plantedD. will plant33. Lots of books _________to the poor students in the countryside every year.A. sendB. sentC. are sentD. were sent34. The child told us__________ at last and then we took him home.A. where does he liveB. where he livesC. where did he liveD. where he lived22. C 23. B24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28.C 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. D四、选择填空(共13分,每小题1分)22. This is your book, George. Maybe I left _____at home.A. myB. mineC. ID. me23. They arrived in Beijing ________the night of last Sunday.A. ofB. atC. toD. on24. Put on your coat, ______you will catch a cold.A. andB. butC. orD. so25. --______have you stayed in that city?--For about two years.A. How longB. How muchC. How oldD. How far26. -- Which do you like_____, a pear or an orange?-- An orange.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best27. --_____I come in?--Yes, please go to your seat and sit down.A. MustB. MayC. NeedD. Should28. The street was very quiet at midnight. I met ______on my way home.A. nobodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. somebody29. --What was Peter doing this time yesterday?--He _______in the library.A. readsB. readC. is readingD. was reading30. Rose enjoyed ________to the music when she was very young.A. listenB. to listenC. listeningD. listened31. My uncle _________for the company since 2000.A. will workB. is workingC. has workedD. worked32. The airplane ________off in half an hour. It’s time to check out tickets.A. tookB. takesC. has takenD. will take33. The big fire_____ out quickly two weeks ago.A. was putB. is putC. putD. puts34. -- Do you know ________now?-- Yes, she is helping Lisa with her lessons.A. what does Mrs. King doB. what Mrs. King doesC. what is Mrs. King doingD. what Mrs. King is doing22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. D四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)22. John starts work ______ 10 o’clock every day.A. inB. onC. atD. for23. He ran quickly all the way to school, ______ he was still late.A. butB. andC. orD. so24. — ______ are you looking for?— The key to my bike.A. WhereB. WhoC. WhatD. When25. The new trains are much ______ than the old ones.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. the fastest26. My watch doesn’t work. There’s ______ wrong with it.A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing27. Mike went boating with his friends last weekend. They ______ a good time.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. are having28. Tony, be quiet, please! Your dad ______ on the phone.A. talkedB. was talkingC. is talkingD. talks29. She asked me ______ her a cup of coffee.A. getB. to getC. gettingD. gets30. Our team ______ every match since April, but we still have three more games to play.A. has wonB. will wonC. winD. won31. When I went to say goodbye to Ann, she ______ the piano.A. playsB. playedC. has playedD. was playing32. If she ______ well in her exams, she will go to Beijing University in September.A. didB. doesC. is doingD. will do33. A lot of trees ______ in our school last year.A. plantB. plantedC. are plantedD. were planted34. Would you please tell me ______ this book?A. where you boughtB. where did you buyC. where you buyD. where do you buy22. C 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. A 31. D 32.B 33. D 34. A22. Tom and Mike are good friends._______often help each other.A.They B.Them C.Their D.Theirs23. Both my parents were born ______ 1970.A. atB. inC. onD. to24. Hurry up, Mike, ______ you will miss your train.A. andB. butC. soD. or25. — _____ do you go swimming?— Once a week.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How far26. — Which book do you like _____, this story book or that science book?— This story book.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best27. There is _____ wrong with my cell phone.It doesn’t work well.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing28. — Will you please stay for lunch?— Sorry, I ______. My mother wants me back home now. BA. needn’tB. can’tC. shouldn’tD. mustn’t29. Mary ______ up and walked to the door when she heard her name called.A. stoodB. standsC. was standingD. will stand30. Rose came to Beijing in 2002.She _____ here for ten years.A. was livingB. liveC. will liveD. has lived31. Amy ______ you an e-mail as soon as she finishes her job.A. writeB. writesC. is writingD. will write32. Nine big road accidents ______ by careless drivers in this area last year.A. are causedB. were causedC. have causedD. will cause33. — Lily, could you please tell me how ______ this e-dictionary?— OK, just a moment.A. useB. usesC. usingD. to use34. — Do you know ______ tomorrow?—At 8 o’clock.A. when did she arriveB. when she arrived22. Dogs are my sister’s favorite pets. These cute dogs are _____.A. mineB. theirsC. hisD. hers23. I’d like to go to the music club with you, ______ I have to look after my grandfather inhospital.A. butB. andC. orD. so24. Of all the subjects, art is _____ for me.A. interestingB. more interestingC. most interestingD.the most interesting25. I have two vacation plans. One is going to the summer camp, ________ is being avolunteer.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others26. The student from Japan _____ outgoing and popular in our class.A. amB. isC. areD. be27. ____ tourists got lost in the mountains so they called the police for help.A. FewB. A fewC. LittleD. A little28. -- Must I feed the fish every day?--No, you ______. You can feed them every two days.A. ca n’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not29. Don’t make little children _____ the things that they dislike.A. doB. to doC. doingD. done30. --Where is Nancy?--She is in the hall. She _____ a speech on Chinese culture.A. is makingB. makesC. has madeD. made31. -- Is your brother in Beijing?-- No. He ______ to London for the Olympics. .A. wentB. has goneC. has beenD. will go32. The plane _____ after the heavy rain stopped.A. takes offB. took offC. will take offD. has taken off33. A new shopping mall ______ near my home in five years.A. has been built B is built C. was built D. will be built34. C an you tell me _____ next weekend? I’m going to book tickets.A. if do you watch the 3D film TitanicB. if you watch the 3D film TitanicC. if will you watch the 3D film TitanicD. if you will watch the 3D film Titanic22. D 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. B32. B 33. D 34. D22. —Do you know Bob?—Sure. I know everything about ________.A. heB. himC. hisD. himself23. — What time will your train leave Beijing on Sunday morning?— ______half past seven.A. OnB. InC. ToD. At24. ---- There is ________wrong with my computer. What shall I do?---- Don’t worry. Let me help you.A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything25. — Hi, Helen. Did you go to the dancing party last night?— Yes. We ___________ a great time there.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. are having26. There was no food in the house, ______ we called for a pizza.A. becauseB. orC. butD. so27. ---- ______________ do you usually go shopping?---- On Sundays.A. WhenB. HowC. WhyD. Where28. Cars are much than before. I’m going to buy a new one.A. cheapB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest29. My uncle _____ in this town for sixty years since he left school.A. will liveB. has livedC. livedD. lives30. If you ____to the Shanghai next week , I will go with you.A. goB. has goneC. will goD. are going31. —Must I return this book tomorrow?—No, you ________. You can keep it until next week.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. shouldn’t32. Don’t forget ______my dictionary tomorrow morning.A. to returnB.returningC. returnD. returned33. Some new computers ________ to that village school last month.A. giveB. are givenC. gaveD. were given34.----Dad, do you know ________________ now?---- In Fort Middle School.A. where Betty is studyingB. where did Betty studyC. where is Betty studyingD. where Betty studied22-26BDBBD 27-31ABBAC 32-34 ADA门头沟二模四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)( ) 22. The apples are on the desk. __________ are very nice.A. TheyB. ThemC. TheirD. Theirs( ) 23. Teachers’ Day is __________ September.A. inB. onC. atD. of( ) 24.—__________ book is this, Mike?—It’s mine, Miss Wang.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhoseD. Which( ) 25. Be quick, __________ we will be late for the meeting!A. soB. orC. butD. and( ) 26.—Keep the door __________, please. It’s too hot here.—Yes, Mr. Jackson.A. openB. openedC. openingD. to open( ) 27. Bob is a careful boy and he does things __________ than his brother.A. carefulB. more carefulC. carefullyD. more carefully ( ) 28. Lily is a clever girl and she __________ speak three foreign languages.A. canB. can’tC. couldD. couldn’t( ) 29. The little boy usually __________ to school by bike.A. wentB. goesC. is goingD. will go( ) 30. Tony ________ one of his old friends and they talked for a long time yesterday.A. meetsB. metC. has metD. is meeting( ) 31. The children __________ books when their mother came back.A. readB. are readingC. were readingD. will read( ) 32. That old lady __________ in Beijing since ten years ago.A. livesB. livedC. is livingD. has lived( ) 33. The babies are young and they should __________ after well.A. lookB. lookedC. be lookedD. are looking( ) 34.—Can you tell me ___________?—By bus.A. how they go to the zoo tomorrowB. how do they go to the zoo tomorrowC. how they will go to the zoo tomorrowD. how will they go to the zoo tomorrow22. A 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. A29. B 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. C 34. C22.— Hi, Carl ,could you tell ____ your new address?— OK, here you are.A. IB. meC. myD. mine23. —What time do you usually get up on Sundays ?—____ about 8 o’clock.A.InB. OnC. AtD.From24. —_____ helped you solve the problem?— My best friend , Peter.A. WhyB. WhenC. WhereD. Who25. —____ I be home before 7 o’clock ,mum?—No, you needn’t. Before nine is OK .A. MayB. CanC. NeedD. Must26. Wait a moment! I’ve ____________ important to tell you.A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything27. — Peter said he would be here on time.—__________ he hasn’t come y et.A. AndB. OrC. ButD. So28. I _____ to the beach with my classmates . It was very beautiful.A. goB. wentC. goesD. will go29. — What a hot day!—Yes, the weather report says it will be much___ tomorrow.A. hotB. hottestC. hotterD. the hottest30. Jack ___ great changes in Beijing since he came here.A. seesB. will seeC. has seenD. saw31. Our teacher always asks us ___________ careful when we have PE classes.A. beB. to beC. wasD. being32. My parents and I____ a walk when you called me yesterday.A. were takingB. tookC. takeD. have taken33. Our classroom_______ every day.A. cleansB. is cleanedC. was cleanedD. cleaned34. — Could you tell me ________ the social class ?— Next Tuesday.A. when will we haveB. when we will haveC. when would we haveD. when we would have22. B 23. C 24.D 25. D 26. A 27. C 28.B 29. C 30. C 31.B32. A 33. B 34.B22. She has two sons. One is a teacher, _________ is a doctor.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. othersputers ________widely in our daily life.A . use B. used C. are used D. were used24. John is standing ________ Gina and Jim. He’s the tallest one among them.A. atB. inC. duringD. between25. Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.A. soB. veryC. tooD. much26. I’ve bought a toy for my daughter. And I will give _____ to her tomorrow.A. itB. oneC. thisD. them27. Listen, if you don’t study hard, you _____ nowhere.A. end upB. are ending upC. were ending upD. will end up28. --- I find most girls do _____ in language learning than boys.--- In most cases it is so. Perhaps they are talented in language.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well29. --- Another cup of tea?--- No, thanks. I _____ be off now. Mary is waiting for me.A. canB. mayC. mustD. might30. --- Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Did you hear ______ I said, David?--- Yes, mum.A. ifB. howC. thatD. what31. --- I won’t go to the party tomorrow.--- _____ you told me you would. What’s ha ppening?A. AndB. ButC. OrD. So32. --- What do you think of Prison Break?--- It is the best American TV play that I _____ these days.A. watchB. was watchingC. will watchD. have watched33. Mr. Smith comes from Australia, but he has worked in China for five years. So you cantalk with him ____.A. just in English, not in ChineseB. not in Chinese but in EnglishC. either in English or in ChineseD. Neither in Chinese nor in Chinese34. --- What did the teacher say just now?--- She asked the students _____.A. if they were interested in chatting onlineB. when was Liu Xiang bornC. what will they do with the iphone 4D. how often do they go the the library 22—34 BCDAA DBCDB DCA19. My brother is a teacher. _____ teaches English in a middle school.A. HeB. HimC. SheD. Her20. — When was your father born?— He was born _____ 1974.A. ofB. inC. onD. at21. — Who is _____, Tom, Susan or Tony?— Tony is.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest22. — _____ are you going to do this weekend?—I’m going to buy some books.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. How23. This coat is expensive, _____ it’s cheaper on Taobao shop.A. butB. andC. orD. so24. — Kate, _____ you dance?— Of course, I can.A. mayB. canC. mustD. need25. My brother enjoys _____ in his spare time.A. swimB. swimsC. swimmingD. to swim26. Mr. Liu _____ in our school since 1994.A. worksB. workedC. is workingD. has worked27. —Are you watching TV, John?—No. I _____ my homework.A. doB. didC. am doingD. was doing28. I _____ football with my friends tomorrow.A. playB. playedC. will playD. have played29. He _____ a meeting when his friend called him yesterday.A. have B has C. is having D. was having30. Will you go swimming with me after you finish _____ your homework?A. doesB. didC. doingD. to do31. — Where is my picture book, mum?— It _____ to Jack yesterday.A. lendB. lentC. was lentD. is lent32. Mr. Wang didn’t tell us _____ last year.A. where does he workB. where he worksC. where did he workD. where he worked19. A 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. C 32. D22. — What are you reading?—The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. ______ writer is Mark Twain.A. ItB. ItsC. HeD. His23.— Where did you have dinner?—______ Lily’s house.A. AtB. ToC. OnD. For24.The shoes are very smart, ______ they don’t fit me.A. soB. andC. butD. or25.New York is one of the ______ in the world.A. modern cityB. more modern citiesC. most modern citiesD. most modern city26.— Wait a minute. I have ______ to tell you.— What is it?A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything importantD. important anything27.— Where is Mike?—I don’t know. But I saw him ______ football on the playground just now.A. to playB. playingC. playedD. plays28.— Who ______ us a speech next week?— Dr. Smith, a famous scientist.A. giveB. gaveC. givesD. will give29. — Have you seen my dictionary?— Yes. I ______ it on your desk five minutes ago.A. seeB. sawC. seesD. will see30. Don’t forget ______ the windows before you leave the classroom.A. closeB. closingC. to closeD. closed31. The Greens ______ breakfast when the door bell rang.A. hadB. would haveC. are havingD. were having32. — The concert is very popular.— Yes. So far, all the tickets ______.A. bookedB. have bookedC. were bookedD. have been booked33. We’ll go to have a picnic next Sunday ______ the weather is fine.A. ifB. beforeC. unlessD. until34. Frank asked me ______ for the violin.A. how much do I payB. how much I paidC. how much did I payD. how much I pay22. B23. A 24. C25. C26. A 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. D32. D33. A 34. B22. — Who is the woman in black?—_______ is our physics teacher.A. SheB. HersC. HisD. He23.—Mary, the meeting will start _______ eight o’clock. Don’t be late.—I won’t.A. onB. toC. atD. in24. —Must I send the e-mail at once?—No, you _______ .You can do it after class.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. shouldn’t25. —_______ do you go to the post office?— By bike.A. WhyB. WhatC. WhenD. How26. Lee came to Beijing in 2005. He has been here _______ than you.A. longB. longerC. longestD. the longest27. It _______ heavily when I left the cinema.A. rainsB. will rainC. is rainingD. was raining28. I need _______ bananas to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some?A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little29. — What will you do tomorrow?—We’ll have a picnic if it _______ fine.A. isB. wasC. will beD. has been30. Hurry up, ________ you can’t finish your homework on time.A. andB. soC. butD. or31.— Linda, when shall we take a walk?—After I finish _______ the dishes.A. washB. washedC. to washD. washing32. — Is Jason going to the party?—I’m afraid not. He ______ to Hong Kong.A. goesB. wentC. has goneD. was going33. A new park ______ here next year. Then people nearby can come for a walk.A. will buildB. will be builtC. has builtD. was built34. —I want to know______.—She is in the computer lab.A. where Linda wasB. where is LindaC. where was LindaD. where Linda is22---26 ACCDB 27---31 DBADD 32---34 CBD。