深圳微软技术中心 - 微软最新MCSA&MCSE认证体系
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王老师办公软件应用专家微软护航技术专家微软、广州电信特约讲师10年微软认证讲师(MCT)微软全球最有价值专家(MVP)全国首批北大青鸟授权讲师之一华南区微软Windows及Office产品推广讲师曾任:深圳黎明网络教育中心|总经理曾任:北大青鸟广州区庄培训中心|高级讲师、技术经理精通Word 2007/2010/2013/2016文档排版与设计;精通PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013/2016商务文档设计以及演讲呈现;精通微软Windows 7/8/10操作系统的应用技巧来大大提升职场竞争力;精通应用Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016商务数据处理技巧,提升职场人士办公效率。
Microsoft Certified Trainer(MCT)微软认证讲师Microsoft Valuable Professional(MVP)微软最有价值专家Microsoft Certified System Engineer(MCSE)微软认证系统工程师Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator(MCSA)微软认证系统管理员Microsoft Certified DataBase Administrator(MCDBA)微软认证数据库管理员Microsoft Certified IT Professional(MCITP)微软认证IT专家1、《Access数据库应用技术》2、《PPT商务文档设计与呈现》3、《Excel及PPT在管理中的应用》4、《设计高大上Word商务文档的秘籍》5、《四步轻松掌握Excel在商务中的高级应用》6、《做老板喜欢的报表——Excel图表可以这样》7、《Excel在人力资源与行政管理上的高效应用》8、《活用Excel进行数据处理与图表应用高级实战》9、《Office三剑客(Word+Excel+PPT)在企业管理中的高级应用》以学员为中心,重视学员所获强调学以致用,案例实操为主擅长课堂互动,气氛轻松友好语言朴实风趣,讲课充满激情广东电信广州分公司2天Excel高级应用培训(5期)招商银行深圳分行1天Excel商务数据处理技巧培训(2期)招商银行东莞分行1天PPT设计培训(2期)中集集团Office 1天新特性培训(全国10期巡讲)远洋集团深圳分公司1天Word培训电子外贸龙头文晔科技1天Excel培训(2期)深圳水务集团2天Excel培训(4期)深圳水务集团1天PPT培训(2期)广东电信广州分公司3天SQL Server培训广州电信培训学院1天PPT培训(2期)广东电信广州分公司1天Word培训(3期)平安银行深圳分行3天PPT+Excel培训(2期)IBM深圳分公司2天Windows 7+Excel培训(2期)国信证券深圳总部1天Windows 2008+Office培训观澜高尔夫深圳总部2天Excel+PPT培训中国银行南海分行3天Linux+Excel培训广州卷烟二厂2天Windows+PPT培训……【IT/科技行业】微软中国有限公司广州分公司、长城电脑深圳分公司、IBM深圳分公司、华为深圳总部、文晔科技公司、证通电子深圳公司、新纶科技深圳总部、TCL深圳总部、创维深圳集团总部、北大青鸟、深圳黎明网络教育、赢创科技公司、兴鑫电子科技公司、天伟立科技公司……【通信行业】广州电信培训学院、广东电信广州分公司、广东电信深圳分公司、世顶通信科技公司……【金融行业】招商银行深圳支行、招商银行东莞支行、平安银行深圳分行、中国银行广州分行、中国银行南海分行、国信证券深圳总部、第一创业证券、中国银行南海分行、南方基金深圳公司……【国企/政府单位】深圳水务集团、广州卷烟二厂、深圳地税局、深圳国税局、广东石化惠州分公司……【知名行业】中集集团、远洋集团、李锦记广州分公司、深圳天虹商场、康美药业深圳分公司、观澜高尔夫深圳总部……微软认证讲师(MCT)证书微软认证数据库工程师MCITP微软技术专家证书微软授权系统工程师证书微软全球最有价值专家东莞阿尔卑斯电子《PPT商务文档设计与呈现》东莞广发银行《PPT制作与呈现技巧》福建人寿《Excel及PPT在管理中的应用》广州地铁《PPT制作与呈现技巧》贵州烟草模世能总裁班内蒙古大唐电力《PPT商务文档设计与呈现》上海光大银行《Office三剑客在企业管理中的应用技巧》深圳新能源沈阳电网。
微软MCAD认证详解——牛耳教育在旧金山举行的VS Live!会议上,微软宣布了令人期待已久的开发人员认证程序修改。
所做的修改升级了最新.NET开发平台认证程序,同时还引入了"MCSD Junior"认证,统称为Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD)。
如你所愿,MCAD提供多种语言选择:现在你可以选择 或者C#,同时今年也将可以选择C++ .NET。
你需要通过你所选择的考试,一门要涵盖XML Web服务,另一门自选。
MCAD考试要求MCAD 考试: MCADExam 70-305*—借助Microsoft Visual Basic .NET与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现Web应用程序(2002年6月)或者Exam 70-306*—借助Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现基于Windows的应用程序(2002年6月)Exam 70-310—借助Microsoft Visual Basic .NET与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发XML Web服务及服务器组件(2002年8月)2.Visual C# MCADExam 70-315*—借助Microsoft Visual C#与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现Web应用程序(2002年6月)或者Exam 70-316*—借助Microsoft Visual C#与Microsoft VisualStudio .NET来开发并实现基于Windows的应用程序(2002年6月)Exam 70-320—借助Microsoft Visual C#与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发XML Web服务及服务器组件(2002年8月)3.加一项任选课程(以下任选一门)Exam 70-229—借助Microsoft SQL Server 2000企业版设计并实现数据库Exam 70-230—借助Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000企业版设计并实现解决方案Exam 70-234—借助Microsoft Commerce Server 2000设计并实现解决方案Exam 70-305*—借助Microsoft Visual Basic .NET与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现Web应用程序(2002年6月)Exam 70-306*—借助Microsoft Visual Basic .NET与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现基于Windows的应用程序(2002年6月)Exam 70-315*—借助Microsoft Visual C#与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现Web应用程序(2002年6月)Exam 70-316*—借助Microsoft Visual C#与Microsoft Visual Studio .NET来开发并实现基于Windows的应用程序(2002年6月)* 对于MCAD认证来说,如果在核心考试课程中选择了考试课程70-305或70-315,那么,投考者可以指定考试科目70-306或70-316作为其任选科目。
下面是店铺整理的微软认证MCSA 简介,希望大家认真阅读!微软最近宣布了两个新的认证,其中一个叫MCSA(MicrosoftCertified SystemAdministrator),对于这个认证,微软的定位是:基于Windows 2000和Windows .NET平台对网络环境进行实现(包括安装和配置)、管理(包括监控和维护)以及排错工作的网络管理员、网络工程师、网络技术支持人员等。
可选考试科目:70-210或者70-270可以选择70-210,这是关于Windows 2000 Professional的考试;或者70-270,是关于Windows XP Professional的。
总的来说,这门Windows XP的考试无论是考试内容还是侧重点上和210很相像。
Windows XP由于其华丽的界面,对小型办公室网络环境以及使用笔记本的移动用户的增强支持,以及和Windows 2000 Professioanl相同的内核所带来的优秀的兼容性,因此,作为Windows 2000 Professional 的升级版本,更适合网络应用,同时适合各种规模的企业,有可能逐渐代替Windows 2000 Professional,所以,在这个操作系统上投入一定的注意力是绝对应该的。
Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA)provides a simple and fast way to understand whatis happening within your network by identifyingsuspicious user and device activity with built-inintelligence and providing clear and relevant threatinformation on a simple attack timeline.Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics leverages deep packet inspection technology, as well as information from additional data sources (SIEM and AD) to build an Organizational Security Graph and detect advanced attacks in near real time. The ATA system continuously goes through four steps to ensure protection:How it works Step 3: Detect After building an Organizational Security Graph, ATA can then look for any abnormalities in an entity’s behavior and identify suspicious activities — but not before those abnormal activities have been contextually aggregated and verified. ATA leverages years of world-class security research to detect known attacks and security issues taking place regionally and globally.ATA will also automatically guide you, asking you simple questions to adjustthe detection process according to your input.Step 1: Analyze After installation, by using pre-configured, non-intrusive port mirroring, allActive Directory-related traffic is copied to ATA while remaining invisible to attackers. ATA uses deep packet inspection technology to analyze allActive Directory traffic. It can also collect relevant events from SIEM (security information and event management) and other sources.Step 2: Learn ATA automatically starts learning and profiling behaviors of users, devices, and resources, and then leverages its self-learning technology to build an Organizational Security Graph. The Organizational Security Graph is a map of entity interactions that represent the context and activities of users, devices, and resources.Microsoft Advanced Threat AnalyticsStep 4: Alert While the hope is that this stage is rarely reached, ATA is there to alert you of abnormal and suspicious activities. To further increase accuracy and save you time and resources, ATA doesn’t only compare the entity’s behavior to its own, but also to the behavior of other entities in its interaction path before issuing an alert. This means that the number of false positives are dramatically reduced, freeing you up to focus on the real threats. At this point, it is important for reports to be clear, functional, and actionable in the information presented. The simple attack timeline is similar to a social media feed on a web interface and surfaces events in an easy-to-understand way.© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is provided "as-is." Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. You may modify this document for your internal, reference purposes.。
关于计算机网络安全证书介绍今天店铺就要给大家说说关于计算机网络安全证书的知识,下面就是小编为大家整理到的相关资料,希望大家满意计算机网络安全证书介绍一:计算机网络技术专业学生可以考取以下职业资格证书(排名不分先后):1、国家职业资格认证,劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心、工业和信息化部电子行业职业技能鉴定中心发证;(1)计算机网络设备调试员(三级/高级)2、全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试,人事部、工业和信息化部发证;(1)网络管理员(2)程序员(3)网络工程师(4)高级程序员(5)系统分析员3、全国计算机信息高新技术考试,劳动和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心发证;(1)图形图像处理(三级/高级)(2)网页制作(三级/高级)(3)数据库应用(三级/高级)(4)网络管理(三级/高级)4、美国VCampus公司和CIW中国认证培训考试(1)网页制作专家(2)Flash动画制作专家(3)“图像处理专家”或“平面设计专家”(4)CIW网页设计师(5)CIW网络安全操作能手(6)CIW网络安全技术工程师(7)CIW网络安全策略工程师(8)CIW网络安全高级工程师5、Adobe系列认证(1)平面设计(2)网页设计(3)Macromedia Dreamweaver(或Adobe Golive)(4)Macromedia Flash (5)Adobe Photoshop6、美国福禄克网络公司认证(1)光缆认证测试工程师(CFTT) (2)网络维护和故障诊断 (CNMT)7、微软认证系列(1)微软认证IT专家(MCITP)系列(2)微软认证技术工程师(MCTS)系列8、Cisco系列认证(1)CCNA/CCDA(2)CCNP、CCDP、CCNP、CCSP(3)CCIE计算机网络安全证书介绍二:一.网络工程师证书属于软件考试中的中级资格,证书全国通用。
mcsd证明你能够用微软的开发工具、技术和平台,包括microsoft office和microsoft backoffice设计和开发提供定制业务方案。
mcsd拥有者有能力为用微软产品,如microsoft sql server, microsoft visual studio 和microsoft transaction server 建立基于网络的,分布式的和商业化的应用。
现行考试需要通过4门(包括3门核心技术考试和1门任选课程的考试)必考70-016: designing and implementing desktop application with microsoft visual c++ 6.070-156: designing and implementing desktop application with microsoft visual foxpro 6.070-176: designing and implementing desktop application with microsoft visual basic 6. 0任选一门70-015: designing and implementing distributed application with microsoft visual c++ 6.070-019: designing and implementing data warehouses with microsoft sql server7.070-024: developing applications with c++ using the microsoft foundation class lirary 70-025: implementing ole in microsoft foundation class applications本文章是来自。
System Center 2012 R2 Licensing DatasheetProduct OverviewMicrosoft System Center 2012 R2 offers solutions for managing datacenter resources, private clouds, and client devices.Private Cloud/Datacenter Management System Center 2012 R2 helps your organization achieve IT as a Service by enabling:∙Productive infrastructure: Deliver flexible, cost-effective private-cloud infrastructure to your business units in a self-service model, while carrying forwardyour existing data center investments.∙Predictable applications: Deep application insight combined with a “service-centric” approach helps you deliver predictable application-service levels.∙Cloud computing on your terms: Deliver and consume private and public cloud computing on your terms with common management experiences across your hybrid environments.Client ManagementSystem Center 2012 R2 helps IT empower people to use the devices and applications they need to be productive, while maintaining corporate compliance and control. Licensing OverviewSystem Center 2012 R2 is licensed by:∙License required only for endpoints being managed. No additional licenses are needed formanagement servers or SQL Server technology.∙Consistent licensing model across editions.Processor-based license, covering up to twoprocessors for server management. User- or OSE-based license for client management. Licensing Managed Servers System Center 2012 R2 server management licensing maximizes your private cloud value while simplifying purchasing. All server management licenses (SMLs) include the same components and the ability to manage any workload.System Center 2012 R2 SMLs will be released in two editions differentiated by virtualization rights only:∙Datacenter: Maximizes cloud capacity with unlimited virtualization for high density private clouds∙Standard: For lightly or non-virtualized private cloud workloads.Server ML Edition Comparison:separately.Determining the Number of Licenses NeededServer MLs are required for managed devices that run server Operating System Environments (OSEs). Licenses are processor-based, with each license covering up to two physical processors. The number of Server MLs required for each managed server is determined by the number of physical processor in the server for Datacenter Edition and either number of physical processors in the server or number of OSEs being managed for Standard Edition (whichever is greater). If you choose the Standard Server ML, you can add more licenses to a server to manage a greater number of virtual OSEs.Multiple System Center 2012 R2 Standard licenses may be assigned to the same server to license the number of managed OSEs. Components included in the Server MLs are not available separately.Flexibility to License Managed OSEs Running on Public Cloud PlatformsAll System Center 2012 R2 Server Management Licenses with active Software Assurance qualify for License Mobility through Software Assurance benefits. With the License Mobility through Software Assurance benefit, you can assign Server MLs to manage applications running on a public cloud infrastructure.For more information, see the Microsoft License Mobility through Software Assurance Customer Guide .Transitioning to the New Server Licensing ModelIf you have Software Assurance coverage on your current System Center licenses at the time of System Center 2012 R2 General Availability, you will receive the following System Center 2012 R2 Server ML grants listed below:You may migrate from System Center 2012 R2 Standard to System Center 2012 R2 Datacenter by purchasing a Step-Up License.Licensing Managed ClientsClient Management Licenses (MLs) are required for managed devices that run non-server OSEs. There are three System Center 2012 R2 Client ML offerings:Client MLs are available on a per-OSE or per-user basis. Components included in the Client MLs are not available separately.Transitioning to the New Client Licensing ModelIf you have Software Assurance coverage on your current System Center licenses at the time of System Center 2012 R2 General Availability, you will receive the following System Center 2012 R2 Client ML grants listed in the following table:Planning for System Center 2012 R2If you are planning to deploy System Center 2012 R2, either through upgrades or new licenses, please remember: ∙Renewing Software Assurance (SA) is the best way to protect investments and provide access to newversions as well as Deployment Planning Services and technical assistance.∙Select your edition of System Center 2012 R2 based on virtualization rights:o Datacenter Edition for highly virtualizedprivate clouds o Standard Edition for lightly or non-virtualizedprivate clouds∙Core CAL and Enterprise CAL Suites will continue to be the most cost effective way to purchase client management products.∙Find out how flexible payments can help you get the IT you need and stay on budget.Visit /financing for program details or to learn more. Or contact your Microsoft Solution Partner directly or by calling 1-800-936-3500 in the United States and Canada.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)System Center 2012 R2 Server ManagementQ: What's new in System Center 2012 R2 server management licensing?A: System Center 2012 R2 server management licensing does not change from System Center 2012. Q: Can you describe the product editions offered with System Center 2012 R2?A: Same as System Center 2012, System Center 2012 R2 server management licenses will be released in 2 editions differentiated by virtualization rights only:∙Datacenter: Maximizes cloud capacity with unlimited Operating System Environments (OSEs) for high density private clouds∙Standard: For lightly or non-virtualized private cloud workloads.There is no differentiation between the types of workloads you can manage with either edition. The only difference between the editions is the number of Operating System Environments (OSEs) that you can manage per license. Datacenter Edition allows the management of an unlimited number of OSEs per license. Standard Edition allows the management of up to two OSEs per license.Q: How do I determine the number of Server Management Licenses (MLs) I need?A: Server MLs are required for managed devices that run server OSEs. Licenses are processor-based, with each license covering up to two physical processors. The number of Server MLs required for each managed server is determined by the number of physical processors in the server for Datacenter Edition and either number of physical processors in the server or number of OSEs being managed for Standard Edition (whichever is greater).∙System Center 2012 R2 DatacenterEach license covers up to two physical processors, so you must count the number of physicalprocessors on the server, divide that number by two, round up to the nearest whole number,and acquire and assign that number of licenses to your server.Provided you acquire and assign to your server the required number of Datacenter editionserver management licenses, as described above, you may manage any number of OSEs onthat server.∙System Center 2012 R2 StandardFor each managed server count the number of physical processors and the number ofmanaged OSE's. You need the number of licenses to cover the greater number (processors orOSE's).device. In that case, you only count the number of virtual OSEs you will manage on the server, divide that number by two, and round up to the nearest whole number.Examples:*Multiple System Center 2012 R2 Standard licenses may be assigned to the same server to license the number of managed OSEs.Q: Can I purchase each of the System Center 2012 R2 Server Management License components separately?A: No. The System Center 2012 R2 Server Management components are part of an integrated offering to create and manage private cloud environments and are available only as part of System Center 2012 R2 Standard and System Center Datacenter MLs.Q: Can I split 2012 R2 Server MLs across multiple servers?A: No, a single Server ML may not be used to license two one-processor servers.Q: Can I assign more than one System Center 2012 R2 Standard license to the same server to increase the number of OSEs I may manage?A: Yes. The breakeven point for moving to SC 2012 R2 Datacenter is 7 VMs per host.Q: How much do the Server MLs cost?A: The Microsoft Volume Licensing Open License No Level (NL) U.S. Estimated Retail Price (ERP) is $1,323 for System Center 2012 R2 Standard and $3,607 for System Center 2012 R2 Datacenter. For your specific pricing, contact your Microsoft reseller. Actual prices may vary. Microsoft does not determine pricing or payment terms for licenses acquired through resellers.Q: Can I extend a Server ML to manage applications running on the public cloud?A: Yes, with the License Mobility through Software Assurance benefit, you can assign Server ML to manage applications running on a public cloud infrastructure. System Center 2012 R2 Standard licenses allow you to manage two virtual OSE in a public cloud, while System Center 2012 R2 Datacenter licenses allow you to manage up to eight virtual OSEs in a public cloud. When managing applications running on Azure, each Azure instance is considered to be one virtual OSE. For more information, see the Microsoft License Mobility through Software Assurance Customer Guide.。
MCSA是为系统管理员和桌面支持人员设计的,他们的任务可以定义为实现,管理和对已有的Microsoft 网络进行查错排错。
如果没有打算成为MCSE, 那么你完全不需要MCSE的7门课程,只需要4门课程就可以成为MCSA,好处是,如果你决定成为MCSE的话,MCSA的课程仍旧有效,通过其他3门附加的课程你就可以成为MCSE。
本文的作者最近刚刚的`取得了Windows 2000的MCSA认证,他将向你讲述取得MCSA的基本需求。
Microsoft应用软件开发者认证MCADMCAD认证(微软认证应用软件开发者Microsoft Certified Application Developer)MCSD 认证(微软认证解决方案专业开发人员)2003年底催出的认证:MCAD 和资格认证的重要性认证证书对于证明证书拥有者使用相关复杂技术的能力以及熟练程度是非常重要的。
参加资格认证核心考试的必要条件是必须在两种语言中最少要掌握其中的一种: 或者C#。
虽然在Visual Studio中仍然把FoxPro也最为一种可以选择的语言,但是,最新的资格认证中却没有针对这种语言所开设的考试。
只要你能够熟练的掌握VB 或者C#编程语言,你就可以使用所支持的编程语言进行编程操作。
一些建议为了获得微软公司的这些资格认证,我们强烈推荐大家一定要学会熟练的使用微软公司的Visual Studio .NET,这对于获取认证是最为重要的。
毫无例外,所有资格认证考试中所出现的技能都是在Visual Studio中所出现的。
这是用来编制和调试那些使用C#, , 以及语言编写出来的应用软件,并且,这也让大家能够在远程服务器上边配置这些应用软件。
Incident Support Services Overview and Ordering GuideIncident Support Services OverviewMicrosoft®Global Technical Support Center – HK/Macau top priority is to help every business, organization, and individual to be more successful with Microsoft products. Fast, accurate issue resolution and comprehensive support services mean you can focus on core business and personal goals rather than on technology. The result: Increased productivity and a higher return on your investments.This guide is designed to help you determine the incident support offering best suited to your business needs and provide you with the information, forms, or phone numbers necessary to obtain the support you need.There are two types of incident support services available, a brief summary of which is listed below with more detailed information online at /default.aspx?ln=en-hk. Support offering follows the product support lifecycle, please refer to /lifecycle/Professional Incident Support - Targeted at technical communities of individuals, including resellers and consultants, OEMs/SBs, Developers, IT Pros, and Microsoft Certified Partners. Support hours Monday – Friday 9:00am -6:00pm, except public holidaysPersonal Incident Support – Targeted for home users and SOHO (small office, home office) users using Microsoft desktop or consumer products in stand-alone or small network environments. Support hours Monday – Friday 9:00am -9:00pm, except public holidaysSeverity A English Product 24X7 business critical support in English - The delivery of Professional incidents on a 24x7 basis will consist of local support during business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 6:00pm, except public holidays) for all severities, and delivery of out of business hours support for Severity A incidents in English for English product only at a special rate.“Severity A” incidents means the following situations that you may be in: Critical business impact; Customer’sbusiness has significant loss or degradation of services; Need response within 2 hourOrdering Instructions:Credit card purchases can be made by calling our services hotline (852) 2388-9600; by faxing or mailing the Incident Support Services Order Form to the fax number or address below.Microsoft Hong Kong13/F, Cyberport 2100 Cyberport RoadHong KongAttention: Global Technical Support Center – HK/MacauFax: (852) 2967-1679©2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.Incident Support Services Order FormBoth Personal and Professional Incident Support package allow you to submit an incident over the phone or online. All annual Incident Support Services accounts are valid for one year from the date of purchase.Credit Card Number: Expiration Date ___ / ____Microsoft Global Technical Support Center - HK will send you an official invoice that contains your account information when accepted your purchase.TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL INCIDENT SUPPORTIMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: This Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microsoft Hong Kong Limited (for customers in Hong Kong SAR) or Microsoft Macau Limited (for customers in Macau SAR), as the case may be (“Microsoft”) for the number of support services (“Services”) incidents indicated on the Personal/Professional incident support order form for software products licensed by Microsoft Corporation (“Software”). This P ersonal and Professional incident support service may also include updates and supplements to Software released by Microsoft Corporation. Any software provided along with the Personal and Professional incident support is licensed to you under the terms of a separate end-user license agreement by Microsoft Corporation. By using the Personal/Professional incident support, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not use the Services; you may, however, contact Microsoft support hotline for a full refund within 14 days from the date of purchase with the full receipt. If you do not seek a refund within 14 days after your purchase of this service, you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of this Agreement.NOTE : THE SERVICES UNDER THE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL INCIDENT SUPPORT ARE ONLY VALID FOR USE IN HONG KONG SAR AND MACAU SAR AND MUST BE USED ON OR BEFORE THE EXPIRY DATE. IF YOU DO NOT USE THE SERVICES BEFORE THE EXPIRY DATE, IT WILL EXPIRE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO USE THE SERVICES AFTER SUCH DATE. IN SUCH AN EVENT, YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT MICROSOFT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY REFUND OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER.1.Definitions :“Incident” means a single use or functionality prob lem and the commercial reasonable effort needed to resolve it regardless of the number of contacts with you concerning the problem. A “Single” use or functionality problem is a problem that cannot be broken down int o subordinate problems. If a problem consists of subordinate problems, each shall be considered a separate incident. Microsoft shall reasonably determine what a single incident is and when it has ended. “Online Support”, “Professional Support” and “Personal Support” shall have t he meaning as desc ribed in the relevant Services Description. “Services Description” means detail description of Services provided for Professi onal Support or Personal Support issued by Microsoft from time to time.2.Microsoft will provide the Services specified in this Agreement and the relevant Service Description (which may be amended by Microsoft fromtime to time). An appropriate number of Incidents will be deducted from the total number of Incidents covered by the Personal/Professional incident support for the services provided. The Services involve telephone and limited web support. You (on behalf of yourself and all employees and representatives (if any)) agree to use the Services on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.3.This Agreement applies only to those Services Microsoft has expressly agreed to provide. Provision of any product or services not so specifiedwill be the subject of separate agreement. References to this Agreement include a reference to the relevant Service Description and any annexes or appendices all of which constitute the entire agreement in relation to the Services.4.The Services are for the sole benefit of you as the named user (if you acquired this Personal/Professional incident support in your personalcapacity) or the named contact (if you acquired this Personal/Professional incident support as a corporate customer) provided that for Professional incident support of 5 incidents, corporate customers may register up to two (2) named contacts for receiving the Services.Microsoft reserves the right to immediately terminate any Services and this Agreement on reasonable suspicion that you have allowed someone else to use the Services in your name.5.You will take adequate precaution to ensure that no one will abuse the Services by wrongfully using your contract number to receive theServices. You are responsible for all use (including misuse) of any number provided to you as a prerequisite for the provision of the Services until such time as you advise Microsoft in writing that the relevant contract number or password has been lost or stolen, at which time a replacement number will be issued by Microsoft.6.Only Software which is validly licensed by Microsoft Corporation, purchased within Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR from a MicrosoftAuthorised reseller or Retailer, properly registered and unaltered is eligible for the Services. Only those Software described in the relevant Services Description from time to time will be supported. Where language versions other than English and Traditional Chinese are validly licensed, Microsoft will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide support for such language versions.7.Services will be provided to assist you in resolving problems you encounter with the use or functionality of the Software and may include advice,recommendations and information concerning your use of the Software with various hardware and software configurations. Microsoft warrants that it will use all commercially reasonable care and skill in trying to resolve problems but is unable to, and does not warrant that every problem will be resolved. To the extent permitted by law, this limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and conditions, express, or implied, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and of all other obligations, conditions, or liabilities on the part of Microsoft.8.Services will not be provided where the Software is be used with less than the minimum system configuration recommended by Microsoft. Onlycurrent versions of the Software at the time the request for Services is made, and the next to current version of the Software, will be supported.“Current” means that the relevant version of the Software is available for purchase by the public at the time of the d ate of the request for service. Microsoft may, at its sole discretion agree to provide services to support non-current software, in which case the appropriate number of Incidents to deal with such request for services will be deducted. The following are excluded from the Services: (a) failure, difficulty or inability in operation (“failure”) caused by equipment, product or services not supplied by Microsoft; (b) failure resulting from modifica tion of a Software; (c) misuse of a Software or operator error; and (d) unlicensed software.9.You must provide Microsoft with up to date, accurate and complete configuration and topology information concerning your computer system(s)and network(s) if asked to do so. Microsoft reserves the right to refuse to provide Services to you at any time if in its sole discretion Microsoft determines that your computer and network configuration(s) and topology(ies) are not supportable by Microsoft, you fail to provide the requested information or you have provided insufficient information for Microsoft to progress the issue. If Microsoft makes such a determination it may terminate this Agreement forthwith and you will be refunded an amount representing any unused Incidents on a pro-rata basis, except where you fail to provide or provide insufficient information on request from Microsoft and Microsoft has already spent more than 30 minutes working on the relevant problem.10.If Microsoft determines that the problem experienced by you is caused by hardware or software not provided by Microsoft the support will beregarded as a single Incident request, but support provided for that Incident will end upon such determination.11.Microsoft may amend the terms of this Agreement and/or the relevant Service Description on giving 30 days* written notice. If Microsoftprovides such notice and you do not accept the changes, then you may terminate this Agreement by notice in writing to Microsoft pursuant to Clause 13 below.12.Each fully paid Personal/Professional incident support shall be valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date you register and use theServices unless terminated earlier in accordance with the conditions of this Agreement. ANY INCIDENTS OF PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL INCIDENT SUPPORT WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN USED WITHIN THE SAID TWELVE (12) MONTHS WILL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE AT THE END OF THE SAID PERIOD. THE SERVICES UNDER PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL INCIDENT SUPPORT ARE ONLY VALID FOR USE IN HONG KONG SAR AND MACAU SAR AND MUST BE USED ON OR BEFORE THE EXPIRY DATE. IF YOU DO NOT USE THE SERVICES BEFORE THE EXPIRY DATE, THE PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL INCIDENT SUPPORT WILL EXPIRE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO USE THE SERVICES AFTER SUCH DATE. IN SUCH AN EVENT, YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT MICROSOFT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY REFUND OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER.13.Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice in writing if the other party has breached any term of this Agreement and hasfailed to remedy that breach within 14 days of being requested to do so or, alternatively, if the other party is no longer able to meet its debts as and when they fall due. Microsoft may terminate this Agreement by giving you 30 days* written notice. You may terminate this Agreement by giving Microsoft 90 days* written notice. Where this Agreement is terminated without fault on your side, you will be refunded an amount representing the number of unused Incidents on a pro-rata basis. At its discretion Microsoft may suspend provision of the Services if at any time your conduct is such that, in its reasonab le view, Microsoft’s ability to provide the Services is detrimentally affected by that conduct.14.You acknowledge that you have relied on your own skill and judgment in deciding to acquire the Services. You assume ALL RISKS for the useyou may make of the information, software and other materials and media made available to you under the Personal/Professional Incident Support or through access to the Services.15.You are not entitled to rely on, and Microsoft makes no warranties in respect of, the Services being uninterrupted or error-free. Microsoft doesnot warrant, and you must not rely on Microsoft providing, error-free or continuous availability communications links as the provision of Services via telephone or data links is dependent on the continued availability of communications facilities provided by third parties. You agree to take adequate precautions against damage to your operation that could be caused by such interruption or errors, including making appropriate data backups, and that Microsoft will not be held responsible for any loss of your data. You must ensure that means to access the Services are available and you must also ensure proper and lawful use of the same.16.If the relevant Services Description specifies response times then all reasonable efforts will be made by Microsoft to resolve service requests inaccordance with those response times, provided always that such requests can ultimately be resolved by Microsoft. If no specific response times are indicated, the Services will be provided within a reasonable time.17.Microsoft’s sole obligation and your exclusive remedy in the event of breach of any terms of this Agreement or any the warran ties by Microsoftshall be to use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the breach if the same results in the material impairment of the operation of the Services as warranted. If Microsoft cannot correct the breach within fourteen (14) days, Microsoft or you may terminate this Agreement immediately whereupon Microsoft shall have no obligation or liability to you except to refund an amount representing the unused Incidents, if any, on a pro-rata basis.18.Subject to, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, neither Microsoft, its Contractor (as defined below) nor anyone else who has beeninvolved in the creation, production, or delivery of the Services shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use Microsoft products or provision of, or failure to provide, the Services even if Microsoft, its Contractor orsuch third party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In any event, the liability of Microsoft, its Contractor or such third party, whether for negligence, breach of contract, breach of warranty, or otherwise shall, in the aggregate, not exceed the total amount you paid for the Personal/Professional incident support. No action, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, arising out of the performance of the Services or these Terms and Conditions may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action arises.19.If Microsoft’s performance of any obligat ion under this Agreement is prevented or delayed by causes beyond its reasonable control including,but not limited to, Acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, storm, strikes, labour disputes, wars, national emergencies, lockout, work stoppages or other labour difficulties, supplier failures, breaches or delays, failures and down times of utilities and/or telecommunications equipment or computer down times then Microsoft shall be excused from such performance for the duration of the period during which such cause continues to bring about such prevention or delay.20.You may not assign this Agreement, or the right to receive the Services to any person or company without Microsoft’s prior wr itten permission.21.Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Microsoft may engage, hire, license or sub-contract such persons as it considersnecessary to provide the Services (“Contractor”). Where a Contractor is engaged by Microsoft to perform the Services or any p art thereof then the references to Microsoft in this Agreement shall be deemed to include Microsoft’s Contractors.22.Microsoft treats the personal information provided by you during registration as confidential. The information may be disclosed or transferred ona confidential basis to our parent company, Microsoft Corporation, in the United States and/or other associated companies, partners andagents. Your personal data will only be used for the purpose for which it was originally collected and for general marketing purposes of products or services of Microsoft, Microsoft Corporation and affiliated companies and/or our selected partners. For details, please visit our web site at /hk/privacy.23.You may cancel any annual support incident within 90 days from time of purchase and receive a pro-rata refund provided that all requests forrefund are made in writing within the said 90 days period. All such requests should be directed to Customer Service hotline at (852) 2388-9600.24.This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of in Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China.。
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微软的人工智能助手,被称为Microsoft Assistant(微软助手),是微软公司在人工智能领域的一项重要产品。
MCA认证(Microsoft Certified Architect微软认证构架师)是微软的证书,其要求⾮常严格,据的报道到⽬前为⽌只能在美国本⼟参加该证书的考核。
2023年MCSE考试大纲一、概述2023年MCSE(Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert)考试大纲旨在评估考生在微软技术领域的专业能力和知识水平。
二、考试内容1. 网络基础在网络基础部分的考试中,考生需要掌握各种网络技术和协议,包括但不限于TCP/IP、DNS、DHCP等。
2. 服务器基础设施考试将涵盖服务器操作系统的部署、配置和管理,包括Windows Server和Linux Server等。
3. 云基础设施云计算已成为现代IT基础架构的核心组成部分,因此考生需要了解云计算的基本概念、架构和服务模型。
4. 数据管理和分析在数据管理和分析方面,考生需要了解数据库管理系统(如SQL Server、MySQL等)的配置和优化,以及数据库备份和恢复的策略。
此外,还需要了解数据分析和可视化工具的使用,如Power BI等。
三、考试流程1. 报名和准备考生可以提前在微软官方网站上进行考试报名,并获得相关的考试准备材料。
2. 上机考试MCSE考试采用上机考试形式,考生需要在规定的时间内完成一系列实际操作和问题解答。
3. 成绩和证书考试结束后,考试结果将在一定时间内公布。
MCSE是指被证明能够在用Microsoft Windows NT Server 和Microsoft Backoffice服务器产品家庭构建的广泛的计算环境中进行有效地规划、实现、维护和支持信息系统的合格人员。
MCSD是指被证明能够用微软的开发工具、技术和平台,包括Microsoft Office和Microsoft BackOffice,设计和开发提供定制业务方案的合格人员。
此人可能需要通过附加的微软认证考试,以证明他在Microsoft Backoffice产品、开发工具或桌面应用程序方面有更多的技能。
微软认证Site Building专家(MCP+Site Building)在建立Web站点方面有专业能力。
微软认证数据库管理员(MCDBA)在实现和管理Microsoft Server数据库服务器方面有专业的能力。
篇二:微软认证简介微软认证简介微软专家认证(Microsoft Certified Professional,简称MCP)。
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