Nursing Care of the Patient with Pressure Ulcers解读
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中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing2021年第7卷第11期Vol.7,No.11,2021耳穴“三部曲”治疗高血压头痛1例的护理体会李玉叶1,张园园1,窦金杰1,沈娟1,唐玲2,李野2,张敬2(北京中医药大学东方医院1.心内科;2.护理部,北京,100078)摘要:本文总结耳穴“三部曲”治疗高血压头痛的护理体会,耳穴“三部曲”包括耳郭按摩、耳尖放血以及耳穴贴压,通过耳郭按摩可以疏通全耳经络,促进微循环,调动全耳气血,从而减轻患者头痛,降低患者血压;耳尖放血能起到舒张血管的作用,对控制血压效果明显;耳穴贴压进一步加强了耳部的持续刺激。
关键词:高血压;头痛;按摩;耳尖放血;耳穴贴压;中医护理中图分类号:R 473.5文献标志码:A文章编号:2709-1961(2021)11-0126-04Nursing care of a patient with hypertensive headachetreated with a trilogy of auricular therapyLI Yuye 1,ZHANG Yuanyuan 1,DOU Jinjie 1,SHEN Juan 1,TANG Ling 2,LI Ye 2,ZHANG Jing 2(1.Department of Cardiology ;2.Department of Nursing ,Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,Beijing ,100078)ABSTRACT :This paper summarized the nursing care of a patient with hypertensive headachetreated with a trilogy of auricular therapy.The trilogy of auricular therapy consisted of three steps of treatment :auricular acupressure ,bloodletting at the ear tip and auricular pressure treatment.Auricular acupressure was carried out to dredge meridians of ear ,improve the microcirculation and reduce the degree of headache.The ear -tip bloodletting therapy showed a sound effect of vaso⁃dilation and blood -pressure regulation.The auricular pressure treatment was effective to enhance the stimulation on auricular acupoints.Under the guidance of TCM theory ,the treatment of hyper⁃tensive headache using the three steps of auricular acupuncture points was effective and improved the comfort and quality of life of the patient.KEY WORDS :hypertension ;headache ;acupressure ;ear -tip bloodletting therapy ;auricular pressing therapy ;Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing 高血压是引起心脑血管病最主要的危险因素。
目次2022年10月第8卷第10期中西医结合康复护理专栏康复护理未来可期——“中西医结合康复护理”专栏导读………………………………………………………………………周玉贞(1)中医特色护理联合六字诀对慢性心力衰竭患者心功能康复的影响…………………黄颖梅,李庆玲,陈瑶,陈颖,洪明,袁园(2)导师团队制在护理本科生培养中的应用研究………………………………………何秀芳,陈谷兰,郑智慧,郑丽维(7)心理护理在老年脑卒中患者康复中的应用……………………………………………………………耿庆文,姚梦(12)高血压脑出血患者康复期的个性化护理…………………………………………………杨菲,王延华,耿庆文(17)个性化护理干预在老年病患者中的应用……………………………………………………………何雪莲,耿庆文(21)118例早期糖尿病肾病患者健康教育知识水平及自我管理行为现状调查……………………………陈芙蓉,周建平,毛丹旦,薄静,庄姬(24)去甲肾上腺素外渗所致皮肤组织损伤1例的换药护理体会……………………………………………………………林艺娟,王小霞(30)中药药枕联合耳穴疗法治疗1例胸痹患者失眠的护理体会………王星予,沈娟,张园园,李玉叶,张悦,唐玲,鄂海燕(34)艾灸联合中药灌肠治疗1例急性肠梗阻患者的护理体会………苏国华,刘云超,王楠楠,王月,董玉霞,唐玲,鄂海燕(38)1例糖尿病右足溃疡患者的中西医结合护理体会………………………………………罗艳彬,高冬青,寇琳,崔欣(42)中药保留灌肠治疗盆腔炎性疾病后遗症的研究进展……………………………………………………………庄琪珍,吴素雅(46)中风后肩手综合征的火龙罐治疗及护理进展………………………………………刘春艳,杨燕妮,罗丽华,乔莉晓(51)周围性面瘫中医康复护理的研究进展…………………………………………………任梅,刘丽,耿庆文(55)中风康复期家庭支持的应用研究…………………………………………………李思璐,杨燕妮,李艳君(60)论著ICU 机械通气患者心脏骤停风险预测模型的构建及应用研究…………………………………………………邵茜茜,郭林林,蒋婷婷(63)妇科恶性肿瘤化疗患者症状群及影响因素调查研究…………………田亚林,王庆天,张金晶,邓楠,杨明倩,王雪(69)产妇产后抑郁与其反刍思维的相关性分析……………………………高丝雨,刘芳,李晓伟,张巧玲,杨磊(76)ZHONGXIYI JIHEHULI主管北京市中医管理局主办中华中西医结合护理学会北京市中医护理能力提升工程办公室编辑《中西医结合护理》编辑部主编唐玲主任黄磊编辑尹佳杰吴银平编辑助理鄂海燕美术编辑王丽地址南京市龙蟠路155号联合立方广场3⁃203邮编210037电话************邮箱bjb@出版中西医结合护理杂志社社长叶振华电话************网刊http ://邮箱tg@学术推广上海乐护文化传播有限公司电话021-********本刊刊出所有文章不代表编委会以及编辑部的观点ZHONGXIYI JIHE HULI2022年10月第8卷第10期高分辨率肛门直肠测压在儿童脊髓栓系综合征术后提肛训练中的应用………………………………………………………………………………………………吴惠芬,程伟伟(82)不同剂量封管液对静脉留置针输注甘露醇所致静脉炎和堵管发生率的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………谭思娜,李莉(86)五行音乐对失眠患者干预效果的Meta分析……………………………………………………………………………………吴洋,盖海云,马明会(90)工作疲溃感与工作-家庭冲突对护士心理韧性的影响因素分析…………………………………………………………………………蔡莉,董翠萍,侯晓营,潜艳(97)新入职护士对肝脏疾病急危重症情景模拟教学认知及需求的调查……………………………………………………………………………………年桂红,陆丽华,朱恒美(102)急诊科护士安宁疗护知识和态度的调查研究…………………………………………………………………………………………………………冯梅(107)中医特色护理循经叩背对脑卒中恢复期合并肺功能障碍患者肺功能的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………彭雅洁(113)耳穴埋豆联合健康宣教对慢性胃炎患者失眠症状的改善效果………………………………………………………………………………………………郑伟兵,郭雪玲(117)1例超高龄急性下肢动脉栓塞患者术后集束化中医护理体会……………………………………………………………………………………王婷,黄砚萍,方晓梅(121)砭石熨摩中药透入法联合引导性音乐想象治疗1例慢性胃炎伴焦虑抑郁患者的护理体会……………………………………………………杜丽涛,黄砚萍,张曼,董硕,石彦会,董春芳(128)维生素B1足三里封闭及咀嚼口香糖对腹腔镜结直肠手术后胃肠功能的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………………………唐利娟(132)探讨中医药在牙周炎中的应用前景……………………………………………………李瑛,冯露,雷志蕊,谭欣,焦杨柳,王琳(135)技术与方法机器人辅助腹腔镜下口腔黏膜修复重建输尿管的手术配合……………………………………………………………………………………赵雅楠,左静,吴荷玉(139)经导管主动脉瓣置换术围术期护理配合…………………………………………………………………………卢建发,贺菁,王晓萍,黄槠萩(144)一种战现场烧伤用创伤面降温装置的设计与使用方法…………………………………………曾子桓,姚喜,陈堃,田慧玲,史雯欣,沈瑞雪,王宗华(149)造口人士智慧管理APP的设计与应用……………………………………………………………………………………甘星亮,孙敏,王灿(153)一种悬吊式紫外线灯管消毒擦拭装置的研制及应用……………………………………………………温庆芝,刘禹赓,高学军,王强,高燕,贾然(157)一次性医用负压式引流液标本收集装置的设计与应用…………………………………………………………………………范文娟,赵洁,尹磊,傅晓辉(160)ZHONGXIYI 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,LUO Lihua ,QIAO Lixiao (51)Contents Responsible InstitutionBeijing Administration of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine SponsorAssociationofIntegrativeNursingBeijing Traditional Chinese Med⁃icine Nursing Competence Im⁃provement Project OfficeEiditingEditorial Board of Chinese Jour⁃nal of Integrative Nursing Editor-in-ChiefTANG Ling DirectorHUANG Lei EditorsYIN Jiajie WU Yinping Editorial Assistant E Haiyan Art Editor WANG Li Address NO.155,LongpanRoad ,Nanjing ,China Post Code 210037Tel +86-25-85552880E⁃mail :bjb@PublisherIntegrative Nursing Press Founder and CEO YE Zhenhua Tel +86-25-85630967Online Publishinghttp ://E⁃mail :tg@Academic PromotionShanghai Lehu Media Co.,Ltd Tel +86-21-31262772Volume8Number10October2022Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing in rehabilitation of peripheral facial paralysis ……………………………………………………………………REN Mei,LIU Li,GENG Qingwen(55)Family support in stroke rehabilitation……………………………………LI Silu,YANG Yanni,LI Yanjun(60)The development and 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Xiaomei(121)Nursing of a patient with chronic gastritis complicated with anxiety and depression treated by Bian-stone hot iron⁃ing-massage and Chinese herbal medicine penetration combined with music-guided imagination therapy …………DU Litao,HUANG Yanping,ZHANG Man,DONG Shuo,SHI Yanhui,DONG Chunfang(128)Effect of Zusanli acupoint injection with vitamin B1and practice of gum chewing on postoperative recovery of gastrointestinal function after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal diseases……………TANG Lijuan(132)Application prospect of Traditional Chinese Medicine in periodontitis…………………………………LIYing,FEN Lu,LEI Zhirui,TAN Xin,JIAO Yangliu,WANG Lin(135)Surgical cooperation of laparoscopic oral mucosa repair and ureteral reconstruction with robotic assistance …………………………………………………………………ZHAO Yanan,ZUO Jing,WU Heyu(139)Perioperative nursing of transcatheter aortic valve replacement……………………………………………LU Jianfa,HE Jing,WANG Xiaoping,HUANG Zhuqiu(144)Design and application of a rapid cooling device for burn 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中考英语医疗服务质量的提升策略单选题40题1.The doctor is examining the patient's _____.A.situationB.conditionC.positionD.state答案:B。
2.The nurse is taking care of the sick people's _____.A.diseasesB.illnessesC.sicknessesD.ailments答案:B。
3.The hospital has advanced medical _____.A.equipmentsB.instrumentsC.devicesD.appliances答案:B。
4.The patient is suffering from a serious _____.A.illB.sickC.illnessD.sickness答案:C。
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护士怎样照顾病人英文作文英文回答:As a nurse, I play a vital role in providing comprehensive care to patients throughout their hospital stay. My primary responsibility is to ensure their well-being, comfort, and recovery. Here's a detailed account of how I typically approach patient care:Assessment and Monitoring:Upon admission, I conduct a thorough assessment of the patient's medical history, vital signs, and overall condition.I continuously monitor their progress, checking vital signs, assessing pain levels, and observing for any changes in their condition.I promptly report any abnormalities or concerns to thephysician and document my observations accurately.Medication Administration:I administer medications as prescribed by the physician, ensuring correct dosage, route, and timing.I monitor the patient's response to medications, including any adverse effects or interactions.I educate patients about their medications, including their purpose, potential side effects, and proper usage.Wound Care and Dressings:I provide meticulous wound care, ensuring proper cleansing, dressing changes, and infection prevention.I assess wounds for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or drainage.I collaborate with healthcare professionals, such aswound care specialists, to provide specialized treatments and interventions.Personal Care:I assist patients with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and toileting.I maintain a clean and comfortable environment, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being.I provide emotional support and companionship, listening to their concerns and offering reassurance.Patient Education and Support:I educate patients about their condition, treatment plan, and discharge instructions.I provide resources and support to help them navigate the healthcare system and manage their own health.I collaborate with social workers and discharge planners to ensure a smooth transition back home or to other care settings.Interdisciplinary Collaboration:I work closely with other healthcare professionals, including physicians, pharmacists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care.I participate in team meetings and discussions, sharing patient information and collaborating on treatment plans.I consult with specialists when necessary to ensure that the patient receives the most appropriate care.Ethical and Legal Considerations:I adhere to all ethical and legal guidelines, including patient confidentiality and informed consent.I protect the patient's rights and dignity throughout their care.I report any suspected cases of abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.Professional Development:I am committed to continuous professional development, staying up-to-date on evidence-based practices and best care practices.I attend conferences and workshops to enhance my knowledge and skills.I actively seek opportunities to mentor and support other nurses.中文回答:作为一名护士,我在患者整个住院期间为他们提供全面的护理方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
WHO Model Formulary for ChildrenBased on the Second Model List of Essential Medicines for Children 2009世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准目录WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:WHO model formulary for children 2010.Based on the second model list of essential medicines for children 2009.1.Essential drugs.2.Formularies.3.Pharmaceutical preparations.4.Child.5.Drug utilization. I.World Health Organization.ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (NLM classification: QV 55)世界卫生组织实验室出版数据目录:世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准处方集1.基本药物 2.处方一览表 3.药品制备 4儿童 5.药物ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (美国国立医学图书馆分类:QV55)World Health Organization 2010All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained fromWHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: ******************). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the aboveaddress(fax:+41227914806;e-mail:*******************).世界卫生组织2010版权所有。
有耐心的对待病人英语作文Being Patient with Patients。
As a healthcare professional, it is essential to have patience when dealing with patients. Patience is a virtue that not only benefits the patients, but also contributes to a more positive and effective healthcare experience. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of being patient with patients and provide some strategies for healthcare professionals to cultivate patience in their practice.First and foremost, being patient with patients is crucial for building trust and rapport. Patients often come to healthcare facilities feeling vulnerable, anxious, andin need of support. By demonstrating patience, healthcare professionals can create a safe and comforting environment where patients feel valued and understood. This, in turn, fosters a stronger sense of trust and cooperation between the patient and the healthcare provider, which is essential for effective treatment and care.Furthermore, patience allows healthcare professionals to better understand and address the needs of their patients. Patients may have difficulty expressing their symptoms, concerns, or fears, and it is important for healthcare providers to listen attentively and give them the time and space to communicate. By being patient and attentive, healthcare professionals can gain a deeper understanding of their patients' conditions and provide more personalized and effective care.In addition, patience is essential for managing challenging situations and difficult behaviors. Patients may exhibit frustration, anger, or resistance, particularly when they are in pain or distress. In these moments, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to remain calm, empathetic, and patient, as this can help de-escalate the situation and prevent further tension or conflict. By demonstrating patience, healthcare providers caneffectively address the underlying issues and work towards a more positive outcome for the patient.To cultivate patience in their practice, healthcare professionals can employ a number of strategies. First and foremost, it is important to practice active listening and empathy. This involves giving the patient your full attention, acknowledging their feelings, and responding with compassion and understanding. By actively listening to patients, healthcare professionals can demonstrate patience and create a more supportive and respectful environment.Additionally, healthcare professionals can benefit from developing mindfulness and self-awareness. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and maintaining a non-judgmental attitude, which can help healthcare providers remain calm and patient in challenging situations. Self-awareness, on the other hand, involves recognizing one's own emotions, triggers, and biases, and learning how to manage them effectively. By cultivating mindfulness andself-awareness, healthcare professionals can better regulate their emotions and responses, and approach patient interactions with greater patience and understanding.Finally, healthcare professionals can benefit fromseeking support and self-care. Dealing with patients, particularly those who are in pain or distress, can be emotionally taxing and challenging. It is important for healthcare providers to have a strong support network and engage in self-care practices, such as regular exercise, mindfulness meditation, and seeking professional counseling when needed. By taking care of their own well-being, healthcare professionals can better manage their stress and emotions, and approach patient interactions with greater patience and compassion.In conclusion, being patient with patients is essential for building trust, understanding their needs, and managing challenging situations. By practicing active listening, cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, and seeking support and self-care, healthcare professionals can develop the patience and empathy needed to provide high-quality care and support to their patients. Ultimately, patience is not just a virtue, but a fundamental aspect of delivering effective and compassionate healthcare.。
2022年第8卷第10期Vol.8,No.10,2022中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing1例血液透析患者甲状旁腺切除术后的护理体会张云凤,魏宇,宋雅丽,贾恒霞,马宁,赵淑娅,张子君,李杰,周颖萍(北京中医药大学东直门医院透析室,北京,100700)摘要:本文总结1例血液透析合并继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症患者甲状旁腺切除术后的综合护理经验,护理要点包括及时纠正低钙血症、饮食护理、心理护理和相关知识宣讲以及合理用药,通过综合护理能有效改善患者不适症状,提高治疗依从性和生存质量。
关键词:维持性血液透析;继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症;综合护理;焦虑;饮食;并发症中图分类号:R 473文献标志码:A文章编号:2709-1961(2022)10-0213-04Nursing care of a hemodialysis patient afterparathyroidectomyZHANG Yunfeng ,WEI Yu ,SONG Yali ,JIA Hengxia ,MA Ning ,ZHAO Shuya ,ZHANG Zijun ,LI Jie ,ZHOU Yingping(Dialysis Room ,Dongzhimen Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,Beijing ,100700)ABSTRACT :This paper summarized the nursing management for a hemodialysis patient after parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism.The nursing measures included timely cor⁃rection of hypocalcemia ,dietary nursing ,psychology nursing and health education about medica⁃prehensive nursing intervention is potentially effective to improve the comfort level ,treatment compliance and quality of life in the hemodialysis patient after parathyroidectomy.KEY WORDS :maintenance hemodialysis ;secondary hyperparathyroidism ;comprehensive nursing ;anxiety ;dietary ;complication 维持性血液透析(以下简称血透)是终末期肾脏病患者主要治疗手段之一。
http ://中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing2021年第7卷第11期Vol.7,No.11,2021OPEN ACCESS推拿联合耳穴贴压治疗失眠1例护理体会王欣悦1,马旭1,张聘1,许冰1,唐玲2(北京中医药大学东方医院1.脾胃肝胆科;2.护理部,北京100078)摘要:本文总结1例失眠患者应用推拿联合失眠耳穴贴压的护理体会。
经过10d 的干预后,患者睡眠时间延长,睡眠质量提升,失眠症状得到明显缓解。
关键词:失眠;睡眠质量;推拿;耳穴贴压中图分类号:R 473.5文献标志码:A文章编号:2709-1961(2021)11-0134-03Massage combined with auricular point sticking and pressing therapy for one cases of insomnia andrelated nursing managementWANG Xinyue 1,MA Xu 1,ZHANG Pin 1,XU Bing 1,TANG Ling 2(1.Department of Liver Gallbladder Spleen and Stomach Diseases ;2.Department of Nursing ,Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,100078)ABSTRACT :This paper summarized the nursing experience of a patient with insomnia who re⁃ceived a massage combined with auricular point sticking and pressing therapy.Based on the rou⁃tine nursing interventions ,massage technique was applied once a day for 10days.The patient was taught with the correct method of conducting auricular point sticking and pressing therapy.The patient ’s sleep quality was evaluated by Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI )and Athens In⁃somnia Scale (AIS )daily.After 10days of intervention ,a relief of insomnia was observed in the patient with prolonged sleep time and increased sleep quality.KEY WORDS :insomnia ;sleep quality ;massage ;auricular point sticking and pressing therapy 失眠通常指尽管有合适的睡眠机会和睡眠环境,依然对睡眠时间和(或)质量感到不满足,并且影响日间社会功能的一种主观体验[1]。
中考英语医疗服务质量的提升策略单选题40题1.The hospital has a very clean and comfortable _____.A.environmentB.serviceC.doctorD.patient答案:A。
医院有干净舒适的应该是环境,B 选项“服务”,C 选项“医生”,D 选项“病人”都不符合语境。
2.The doctors are very kind and _____.A.patientB.patientsC.patienceD.patiently答案:A。
B 选项是名词复数“病人”,C 选项是名词“耐心”,D 选项是副词“耐心地”。
3.The nurses work very _____ in the hospital.A.hardB.hardlyC.harderD.hardest答案:A。
护士在医院工作很努力,“hard”本身可做副词表示努力地,B 选项“hardly”表示几乎不,C 和 D 分别是比较级和最高级,这里没有比较的意思。
4.The medical equipment in this hospital is very _____.A.advancedB.advanceC.advancingD.advances答案:A。
这家医院的医疗设备很先进,“advanced”表示先进的,B 选项是动词或名词,C 和D 分别是现在分词和第三人称单数形式。
5.The hospital provides high-quality _____.A.careB.caresC.caringD.cared答案:A。
医院提供高质量的护理,“care”在这里是名词表示护理,B 选项一般不这么用,C 选项是现在分词,D 选项是过去式或过去分词。
中考英语医疗服务质量的提升策略单选题40题1.The doctor is examining the patient in the _____.A.wardB.clinicboratoryD.operating room答案:B。
“ward”是病房;“clinic”是诊所,题干中说医生在检查病人,通常是在诊所;“laboratory”是实验室;“operating room”是手术室。
2.The nurse is taking care of the patients in the _____.A.wardB.dispensaryC.pharmacyD.emergency room答案:A。
“ward”是病房,护士照顾病人通常在病房;“dispensary”是药房;“pharmacy”也是药房;“emergency room”是急诊室。
3.The patient is waiting for the test result in the _____.A.lobbyB.waiting room答案:B。
“lobby”是大厅;“waiting room”是等候室,病人等检查结果通常在等候室;“corridor”是走廊;“consulting room”是诊疗室。
4.The doctor writes prescriptions in the room答案:D。
“office”是办公室;“dispensary”是药房;“pharmacy”是药店;“consulting room”是诊疗室,医生通常在诊疗室开处方。
5.The patient gets medicine from the _____.A.dispensaryB.pharmacyboratoryD.operating room答案:B。
护士负责照顾患者英语作文Title: The Noble Duty of Nurses in Patient Care。
Nurses play a pivotal role in the healthcare system, being the frontline caregivers who provide compassionate support and medical assistance to patients in need. Their responsibilities encompass a wide array of tasks, all aimed at ensuring the well-being and comfort of those under their care. In this essay, we delve into the multifaceted role of nurses in patient care and highlight the significance of their contributions.First and foremost, nurses serve as advocates for their patients, advocating for their rights, preferences, and needs within the healthcare setting. They act as liaisons between patients and other healthcare professionals, ensuring that communication flows smoothly and thatpatients receive the information they require to make informed decisions about their health. This advocacy role extends to ensuring that patients receive appropriate andtimely medical interventions, medications, and treatments.Furthermore, nurses are responsible for monitoring the vital signs and health status of patients, keeping a close watch on any changes or deterioration in their condition. Through regular assessments and observations, nurses can detect early signs of complications or adverse reactions to treatments, allowing for prompt intervention and prevention of further harm. This vigilance is crucial in maintaining patient safety and minimizing the risk of adverse outcomes.In addition to their clinical duties, nurses provide invaluable emotional support to patients and their families, offering reassurance, empathy, and encouragement during times of illness or distress. They create a nurturing and compassionate environment that promotes healing and facilitates the psychological well-being of patients. Whether through a comforting touch, a listening ear, or words of encouragement, nurses play a vital role in alleviating the anxiety and fear that often accompanyillness and hospitalization.Moreover, nurses are educators, empowering patients with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their health effectively. They provide comprehensive instructions on medication administration, wound care, dietary guidelines, and lifestyle modifications, equipping patients with the tools to promote their own recovery and prevent future health problems. By promoting health literacy and self-care practices, nurses empower patients to take an active role in managing their health and making informed decisions about their care.Beyond their direct interactions with patients, nurses also collaborate with other members of the healthcare team to coordinate and optimize patient care. They participate in multidisciplinary rounds, contribute valuable insights and observations, and ensure that the care plan aligns with the patient's goals and preferences. This collaborative approach enhances the continuity and quality of care, promoting better outcomes for patients across the continuum of care.In conclusion, nurses play an indispensable role inpatient care, serving as advocates, caregivers, educators, and coordinators within the healthcare system. Their dedication, compassion, and expertise make a profound difference in the lives of patients and their families, embodying the noble spirit of nursing. As we celebrate the contributions of nurses, let us recognize and appreciate the tireless efforts they make to promote healing, alleviate suffering, and uphold the dignity of every individual in their care.。
有关新冠疫情下护理作用的英文词汇The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to the global healthcare system, testing the resilience and adaptability of healthcare workers, particularly nurses. Nurses have been at the forefront of the pandemic, playing a crucial role in patient care, disease prevention, and containment efforts. Their dedication and sacrifice have been nothing short of heroic, and their role in the pandemic response cannot be overstated.In the early stages of the pandemic, nurses were often the first responders, encountering patients with symptoms of COVID-19 before the full scope of the disease was understood. They were instrumental in the identification and isolation of infected patients, ensuring that the spread of the virus was minimized. Their quick thinking and decisive actions were critical in containing the outbreak and protecting the vulnerable populations.As the pandemic progressed, nurses' roles expanded to include providing direct patient care, managing symptoms, and offering emotional support to patients and theirfamilies. They were often the ones who spent the most time with patients, monitoring their condition, administering medication, and providing comfort and reassurance. In many cases, nurses were the only constant presence in patients' lives, offering a sense of stability and hope during their most vulnerable moments.Beyond direct patient care, nurses also played a vital role in disease prevention and education. They were instrumental in educating the public about the virus, its symptoms, and how to prevent its spread. They provided guidance on proper handwashing techniques, social distancing, and the use of personal protective equipment. Their efforts in this regard were crucial in mitigating the spread of the virus and protecting the health of the community.The pandemic also highlighted the need for nurses to have a strong understanding of infection control measures. Nurses were responsible for ensuring that hospital wards and isolation facilities were properly sanitized and disinfected, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. They were also at the forefront of implementing new protocolsand procedures to ensure the safety of both patients and healthcare workers.Moreover, the pandemic exposed the existing gaps and challenges in the healthcare system, particularly in terms of nursing staffing and resources. The shortage of nurses and the inadequate supply of personal protective equipment put additional strain on the nursing workforce, who often worked long hours under stressful conditions. Despite these challenges, nurses continued to show remarkable resilience and dedication, going above and beyond to provide care to patients.In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the indispensable role of nurses in healthcare. Their dedication, compassion, and professionalism have been a source of inspiration and hope during this difficult time. As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, it is crucial to recognize and appreciate the vital contributions of nurses and to ensure that they are adequately supported and resourced. It is only through collective effort and collaboration that we can overcome this global health crisis.**新冠疫情下护理的关键作用**新冠疫情给全球医疗体系带来了前所未有的挑战,考验着医护人员的韧性和适应能力,尤其是护士们。
看有关医护的书英语作文题目,The Importance of Nursing: An English Essay。
In today's society, the field of nursing plays apivotal role in healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. As the demand for healthcare services continues to rise, nurses serve as the backbone of the healthcare system, providing compassionate care, advocating for patients' needs, and contributing to the overall well-being of individuals and communities. In this essay, we will explore the significance of nursing, drawing insights from prominent literature and research in the field.Nursing is both an art and a science, requiring a unique blend of technical skills and interpersonal qualities. According to Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, nursing is the "finest of the fine arts." Nightingale's pioneering work during the Crimean War laid the foundation for contemporary nursing practice, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness, sanitation, andcompassionate care. Her insights revolutionized the perception of nursing and established it as a respected profession.Furthermore, contemporary nursing literature underscores the multifaceted nature of nursing practice. In "Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not," Nightingale emphasizes the holistic nature of nursing care, advocating for the consideration of patients' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. This holistic approach recognizes the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit in promoting healing and well-being. Moreover, nursing literature highlights the importance of evidence-based practice, emphasizing the integration of research findings into clinical decision-making to ensure optimal patient outcomes.In addition to providing direct patient care, nurses play a critical role in patient advocacy and empowerment. In "The American Nurse," Carolyn Jones documents the diverse roles of nurses across different healthcare settings, showcasing their dedication to promoting patientautonomy and dignity. From advocating for patients' rights to facilitating informed decision-making, nurses serve as champions for patient-centered care. Moreover, nursing literature underscores the importance of cultural competence in nursing practice, emphasizing the need for nurses to understand and respect the cultural beliefs and values of diverse patient populations.Moreover, nursing research contributes to advancements in healthcare delivery and patient care. In "Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice," Denise F. Polit and Cheryl Tatano Beck highlight the significance of nursing research in expanding the knowledge base of nursing practice. Through rigorous scientific inquiry, nurse researchers investigate pressing healthcare issues, develop innovative interventions, and evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, nursing research informs evidence-based practice and enhances the quality of patient care.Furthermore, nursing literature sheds light on thechallenges and opportunities facing the nursing profession. In "The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health," the Institute of Medicine (IOM) calls for transformative changes in nursing education, practice, and leadership to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the21st century. The report emphasizes the importance of expanding nursing roles, promoting interprofessional collaboration, and increasing workforce diversity to address health disparities and improve population health outcomes.In conclusion, nursing plays a vital role in healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Drawing insights from prominent nursing literature, we recognize the holistic nature of nursing practice, the importance of evidence-based care, and the significance of patient advocacy and empowerment. Moreover, nursing research contributes to advancements in healthcare delivery and informs evidence-based practice. As we look to the future, it is imperative to continue investing in nursing education, research, and practice to ensure the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care for individuals and communities worldwide.。
2022年第8卷第7期Vol.8,No.7,2022中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing皮内针配合手指点穴治疗1例脑瘫患者术后尿潴留的护理体会陈莹1,崔春涛1,李玉华2,柳竹2,董晓霞2(1.清华大学玉泉医院清华大学中西医结合医院,神经外科二病区,北京,100049;2.清华大学玉泉医院清华大学中西医结合医院,神经外科四病区,北京,100049)摘要:本文总结皮内针配合手指点穴治疗1例脑瘫患者术后尿潴留的护理经验,包括生活护理、饮食指导、心理干预以及皮内针、手指点穴的操作方法和注意事项。
关键词:脑瘫;尿潴留;中医护理;皮内针;穴位中图分类号:R 473.6文献标志码:A文章编号:2709-1961(2022)07-0071-04Intradermal acupuncture combined with digital acupoint pressure therapy in the treatment of postoperative urinary retention in a patient with cerebral palsy and relatednursing managementCHEN Ying 1,CUI Chuntao 1,LI Yuhua 2,LIU Zhu 2,DONG Xiaoxia 2(1.Second Clinic of Neurosurgery Department ,Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital ,Beijing ,100049;2.Fourth Clinic of Neurosurgery Department ,Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital ,Beijing ,100049)ABSTRACT :This paper summarized the nursing experience of a cerebral palsy patient with post⁃operative urinary retention treated with intradermal acupuncture combined with digital acupoint pressure therapy.Key issues of nursing included daily nursing care ,dietary guidance ,psychological therapy ,health education n operation method and precautions.Based on the scientific evaluation and acupoint selection by syndrome differentiation ,individualized nursing interventions were carried out to relieve the postoperative dysuresia and pain ,and improve the recovery of the patient.KEY WORDS :cerebral palsy ;urinary retention ;Tradtitional Chinese Medicine nurisng ;intradermal needle ;acupoint 脑瘫又称脑性瘫痪,是指婴儿出生前到出生后1个月内脑发育早期,由于各种原因导致的非进行性脑损伤综合征,主要表现为中枢性运动障碍以及姿势异常,可伴有智力低下,癫痫,感知觉障碍,语言障碍以及精神行为异常。
目 次2023 年 1 月 第 9 卷 第 1 期主编寄语踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,谱写中西医结合护理学术传播体系新篇章——2023年新春寄语……………………………………………………………唐玲,叶振华(1)中西医结合肾病护理专栏中西合璧,为肾病患者保驾护航——“中西医结合肾病护理”专栏导读………………………………………………………………………李倩(3)Orem 支持-教育系统理论在血液透析患者自体动静脉内瘘护理中的应用…………………………………………………杨婷,孙明磊,陆红霞(4)中药外敷治疗急性痛风性关节炎临床效果及护理…………………李娟,郑小雅,张海英,杜丹颖,韩淑花,李 雁(9)1例腹膜透析患者重度水肿合并心力衰竭的护理体会………周革霞,李倩,赵静,李艳爽,赵妍,赵丁燕,刘丽姮(13)1例腹膜透析置管术后切口脂肪液化患者的护理体会……………………………李艳爽,李倩,周革霞,赵静,姜珊(18)1例慢性肾功能衰竭合并罕见性冷凝集素病患者的中西医结合护理体会…………………姜珊,李倩,周革霞,刘潇禹,邵京华,车新琪(21)温灸刮痧技术治疗1例项痹病颈肩疼痛伴颈肩活动受限患者的护理体会………………………………………田晨晨,李玉欣,唐玲,邓建华(25)中药灌肠联合健身八段锦治疗1例慢性肾功能不全患者的护理体会……………………………………………………………王莹,王潇潇(29)1例慢性肾脏病急性加重合并带状疱疹患者的护理体会………骆李冉,李倩,周革霞,张彩娟,刘梦鑫,王啸,姜珊(32)五行音乐改善1例动静脉瘘手术患者焦虑及疼痛的护理体会……………………………………………………………张少娟,赵春华(36)糖尿病肾病患者危险因素及护理进展……………………………………………………………李珊珊,杨剑英(40)论著基于奥马哈系统的工作坊宣教模式对腰椎内镜技术治疗腰椎间盘突出症患者遵医行为的影响………………………………………何水文,于玉秀,欧金石,唐琴(44)风湿免疫科住院患者健康教育路径表单的设计与应用………………………………………仲莹莹,徐任菊,朱昱璇,张琼(50)运用医护患一体化专科质量指标提高阑尾炎患儿术后早期下床活动的依从性………………………………………程丽丽,朱丹,谢丽,王金金(56)基于视觉思维理论的影视、听资料对护理学生专业认知和情感影响的质性研究………………………………………白金璐,李春香,许航,李妍(62)ZHONGXIYI JIHE HULI主管北京市中医管理局主办中华中西医结合护理学会北京市中医护理能力提升工程办公室编辑《中西医结合护理》编辑部主编 唐 玲主任 黄 磊编辑 尹佳杰 吴银平编辑助理 鄂海燕美术编辑 王 丽地址 南京市龙蟠路155号 联合立方广场3⁃203邮编 210037电话 ************邮箱 bjb@出版中西医结合护理杂志社社长 叶振华电话 ************网刊http ://邮箱 tg@学术传播结合护理(南京)有限公司本刊刊出所有文章不代表编委会以及编辑部的观点ZHONGXIYI JIHE HULI2023 年 1 月第 9 卷第 1 期中医特色护理商调音乐联合心理疏导对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者负性情绪及生活质量的影响………………………………………………………………谢小敏,吴静静,顾洁,殷文煜,王天天(67)拔罐联合艾灸治疗慢性胃炎1例……………………………………………………………………………………王婷,黄砚萍,田小冬(73)腹部推拿治疗糖尿病便秘效果观察及护理………………………………………………………………………………………………闫秋艳,柳菲(77)乳腺中药膏摩联合全息刮痧治疗肝郁气滞证乳癖1例的护理………………………………………………………………………………………………何静,陈宏(81)穴位贴敷联合中药热奄包治疗1例慢性胃炎腹胀患者的护理体会………………………………………………………………………………………………徐春艳,黄砚萍(88)子午流注择时中药灌肠治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕症1例的护理…………………………………………………………………………张昔红,卢英,王雪静,杨曼(91)刺络放血拔罐治疗1例肝郁痰凝型乳腺增生患者疼痛的护理体会…………………………………………………………………………孙鹏程,刘翠,唐玲,陈宏(95)中医外治法在阿片类药物相关性便秘中的研究…………………………………………李国敏,龚杨,付艳丽,钟印芹,邓金凤,刘莹,陈洁(98)调查研究疫情常态化防控期间肺癌放化疗患者生活质量影响因素分析……………………………………………………吴苏娅,万晶,张柳柳,王敏,刘丹,邾萍(104)常态化疫情防控期间护理人员心理状况调查及原因分析…………………………………………………………………………赵佳璐,相文胜,王华新,董玉霞(111)技术与方法介绍一种新型防堵塞吸引管及吸引器……………………………………………………………………………………李明兰,杨晖,唐文琴(116)一种便于定位耳穴的方法研究…………………………………………向毅明,谢薇,任秀亚,袁丹,赵玲玲,周艺涵,罗丽媛(118)专科护理出血风险管理在下肢深静脉血栓形成导管接触性溶栓治疗中的应用………………………………………………………………………………………………刘佳莺,张婷(121)小儿消化专病门诊家长教育思维导图的制作与应用……………………………………………………………………………………李少晗,朱振云,史文娟(126)腹膜透析相关性难治性腹膜炎原因分析及护理体会…………………………………………………………………………冉蕾,李会彦,李韩爽,范娇娇(130)护理管理基于SBAR模式改良护理交班表在早期胃癌患者围手术期管理中的应用……………………………………………………………………………………党李梅,管成果,宰小娟(134)印象笔记在提升综合医院手术配合质量中的应用………………………………………………………………………………………………王艳,郭方香(139)ZHONGXIYI JIHE HULI2023 年 1 月第 9 卷第 1 期新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下县级医院护理部在“9.16”泸县地震灾害院前救援中的组织管理…………………………………………………………………………杨竹,崔远敏,任玉平,张玉春(144)新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情常态化防控期间综合医院发热门诊护理管理实践…………………………………………………………………………闫俊杰,綦文婧,李佳,王美玉(147)护理教育中医护理发展历程与传承…………………………………………周洁,陈宏,邓建华,李苏茜,李野,鄂海燕,唐玲(151)案例分享动静脉内瘘首次穿刺后致骨筋膜室综合征1例的原因分析及护理对策……………………………………………………………………………………邹雪君,郝巧蓉,王慧(156)1例百岁老人粗隆间骨折行微创新型仿生髓内钉内固定的围手术期护理………………………………………………………………………………………………樊玲玲,王慧征(160)内镜下食管静脉曲张套扎术治疗1例食管静脉曲张患者的护理………………………………………………………………王爽,郑红梅,高冬华,赵薇巍,彭丹(164)综述小儿高热惊厥研究进展…………………………………………………………………………朱雪姝,刘玉平,陈萍萍,胡莫愁(167)肠造口患者造口周围粪水刺激性皮炎的护理研究进展………………………………………………………………………………………………张宝丽,王艳(171)消化道肿瘤患者家庭照护者照护体验及需求研究现状………………………………………………………………………………………………苏红霞,颜琬华(176)多发性骨髓瘤骨痛患者护理模式研究进展…………………………………………………………………………………………………………王秋梅(182)耳鸣伴听力下降患者个性化健康管理教育研究现状……………………………………………………………………………………赵堂英,赵瑞倩,于维秀(187)移动健康APP在癌症患者健康管理干预中的研究进展……………………………………………………………………………………王田,李娟,梅亚凡(191)Volume 9 Number 1 January 2023Forging ahead with enterprise and fortitude , endeavoring to write a new chapter of scholarly communication in integrative nursing …………………………………………TANG Ling , YE Zhenhua (1)Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine to ensure patient safety in the treatment of nephropathy ……………LI Qian (3)Application of nursing interventions based on Orem support -education sys⁃tem theory for patients with autogenous arteriovenous fistula for hemo⁃dialysis …………………YANG Ting , SUN Minglei , LU Hongxia (4)External application of Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of acute gouty arthritis …………………………LI Juan , ZHENG Xiaoya , ZHANG Haiying , DU Danying , HAN Shuhua , LI Yan (9)Nursing of a peritoneal dialysis patient with severe edema complicated with heart failure ……ZHOU Gexia , LI Qian , ZHAO Jing , LI Yanshuang , ZHAO Yan , ZHAO Dingyan , LIU Liheng (13)Nursing of a patient with fat liquefaction of incisions after peritoneal dialy⁃sis catheter placement ………LI Yanshuang , LI Qian , ZHOU Gexia , ZHOU Jing , JIANG Shan (18)Nursing of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for a patient with rare cold agglutinin disease combined with chronic renal failure …………………JIANG Shan , LI Qian , ZHOU Gexia , LIU Xiaoyu , SHAO Jinghua , CHE Xinqi (21)Warm moxibustion scraping therapy and nursing management for a cervical spondylosis patient who suffered from neck and shoulder pain and mo⁃tion limitation ………TIAN Chenchen , LI Yuxin , TANG Ling , DENG Jianhua (25)Nursing of a patient with chronic renal insufficiency treated with the Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine enema combined with Baduanjin exercise ……………………………………WANG Ying , WANG Xiaoxiao (29)Nursing of a patient with acute exacerbation of chronic kidney disease com⁃plicated with herpes zoster ………………LUO Liran , LI Qian , ZHOU Gexia , ZHANG Caijuan , LIU Mengxin , JIANG Shan (32)Five -element music therapy nursing interventions for relieving anxiety and pain in a patient undergoing arteriovenous fistula surgery ……………………………ZHANG Shaojuan , ZHAO Chunhua (36)Research progress of risk factors and nursing of diabetic nephropathy……………………………………LI Shanshan , YANG Jianying (40)Effect of workshop education model based on Omaha system on compliancebehavior of patients undergoing endoscopic lumbar discectomy for lum⁃bar disc herniation…………………HE Shuiwen , YU Yuxiu , OU Jinshi , TANG Qin (44)Contents Responsible InstitutionBeijing Administration of Tradi⁃tional Chinese Medicine SponsorAssociation o f I ntegrative N ursingBeijing Traditional Chinese Med⁃icine Nursing Competence Im⁃provement Project OfficeEiditingEditorial Board of Chinese Jour⁃nal of Integrative Nursing Editor-in-ChiefTANG Ling DirectorHUANG Lei EditorsYIN Jiajie WU Yinping Editorial Assistant E Haiyan Art Editor WANG Li Address NO.155, Longpan Road ,Nanjing , China Post Code 210037Tel + 86 - 25 - 85552880E⁃mail : bjb@PublisherIntegrative Nursing Press Founder and CEO YE Zhenhua Tel + 86 - 25 - 85630967Online Publishinghttp : / / E⁃mail : tg@Academic DisseminationIntegrative Nursing (Nanjing )Co.,LtdVolume 9Number 1January 2023Design and application of path-based health education form for inpatients in rheumatology and immunology de⁃partment…………………………………ZHONG Yingying, XU Renju, ZHU Yuxuan, ZHANG Qiong (50)Application of specialist care quality indicators based on doctor-nurse-patient integration model in improving compliance with early ambulation in children with appendicitis…………………………………………………………CHENG Lili, ZHU Dan, XIE Li, WANG Jinjin (56)A qualitative study on professional cognition and emotion of nursing students based on visual thinking theory……………………………………………………………BAI Jinlu, LI Chunxiang, XU Hang, LI Yan (62)Effects of music therapy combined with psychological counseling on negative emotion and quality of life in pa⁃tients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease……………………………………XIE Xiaomin, WU Jingjing, GU Jie, YIN Wenyu, WANG Tiantian (67)Cupping therapy combined with moxibustion in the treatment of chronic gastritis: A case report ………………………………………………………WANG Ting, HUANG Yanping, TIAN Xiaodong (73)Effect of abdominal massage and comprehensive nursing on relieving constipation in elderly patients with diabetes ……………………………………………………………………………………YAN Qiuyan, LIU Fei (77)Nursing of a patient with mammary nodules of Liver-Qi stagnation syndrome treated with Chinese medicine oint⁃ment rubbing therapy combined with holographic scraping treatment……LIU Shanshan, Chen Hong (81)Nursing of a patient with chronic gastritis and abdominal distension treated with acupoint application combined with Chinese herbal medicine warm compress therapy………………XU Chunyan, HUANG Yanping (88)Nursing of a patient with infertility induced by fallopian tube obstruction treated with midnight-midday ebb flow Traditional Chinese Medicine enema…………ZHANG Xihong, LU Ying, WANG Xujing, YANG Man (91)Blood-letting puncturing combined with cupping therapy and nursing for the treatment of pain in a patient with stagnation of Liver-Qi and phlegm of hyperplasia of mammary glands…………………………………………………SUN Pengcheng, LIU Cui, TANG Ling, CHEN Hong (95)Study on external treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of opioid-induced constipation ………LI Guomin, GONG Yang, FU Yanli, ZHONG Yinqin, DENG Jinfeng, LIU Ying, CHEN Jie (98)Analysis of quality of life and influence factors in patients with lung cancer undergoing radiotherapy or chemo⁃therapy under the normalization of epidemic prevention…………………………WU Suya, WAN Jing, ZHANG Liuliu, WANG Min, LIU Dan, ZHU Ping (104)Investigation and cause analysis of the psychological status of nursing staff under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control……………ZHAO Jialu, XIANG Wensheng, WANG Huaxin, DONG Yuxia (111)Introduction of a new type of anti-clog suction tube and aspirator………………………………………………………………LI Minglan, YANG Hui, TANG Wenqin (116)A method for accurate positioning of auricular acupoints…XIANG Yiming, XIE Wei, REN Xiuya, YUAN Dan, ZHAO Lingling, ZHOU Yihan, LUO Liyuan (118)Application of hierarchical management based on bleeding risk assessment in patients with catheter-directed thrombolysis for treatment of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis…LIU Jiaying, ZHANG Ting (121)The production and application of mind mapping for parents' education in the pediatric digestive disease clinic ……………………………………………………………LI Shaohan, ZHU Zhenyun, SHI Wenjuan (126)Cause analysis and nursing management of peritoneal dialysis -associated refractory peritonitis …………………………………………………RAN Lei, LI Huiyan, LI Hanshuang, FAN Jiaojiao (130)Application of modified nursing shift schedule based on SBAR communication model in perioperative manage⁃ment of patients with early gastric cancer……………DANG Limei, GUAN Chengguo, ZAI Xiaojuan (134)Volume 9Number 1January 2023The application of Evernote in improving the quality of surgical cooperation in the general hospital …………………………………………………………………………WANG Yan, GUO Fangxiang (139)The organization and management of prehospital rescue after earthquake in the Nursing Department of a county hospital under the COVID-19 pandemic…YANG Zhu, CUI Yuanmin, REN Yuping, ZHANG Yuchun (144)Nursing management in the fever clinic in a general hospital under the normalization of prevention and control of COVID-19…………………………………………YAN Junjie, QI Wenjing, LI Jia, WANG Meiyu (147)Development and inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing………………ZHOU Jie, CHEN Hong, DENG Jianhua, LI Suqian, LI Ye, E Haiyan, TANG Ling (151)Cause analysis and nursing management of 1 case of osteofascial compartment syndrome after first-time cannula⁃tion of arteriovenous fistulas……………………………ZOU Xuejun, HAO Qiaorong, WANG Hui (156)Perioperative nursing of a centenarian with intertrochanteric fracture undergoing PFBN internal fixation ………………………………………………………………………FAN Lingling, WANG Huizheng (160)Nursing experience of a patient with endoscopic variceal ligation in the treatment of esophageal varices ……………………WANG Shuang, ZHENG Hongmei, GAO Donghua, ZHAO Weiwei, PENG Dan (164)Research progress of febrile convulsions in children……………………………………………ZHU Xueshu, LIU Yuping, CHEN Pinging, HU Mochou (167)Nursing research progress of peristomal irritant dermatitis in patients with enterostomy……………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Baoli, WANG Yan (171)Research status of care experience and needs of family caregivers on gastrointestinal cancer patients ……………………………………………………………………………SU Hongxia, YAN Wanhua (176)Research progress in nursing of multiple myeloma with ostalgia……………………………WANG Qiumei (182)Progress of research on personalized health management and education for patients with tinnitus and hearing loss …………………………………………………………ZHAO Tangying, ZHAO Ruiqian, YU Weixiu (187)Research progress on the intervention of mobile health Apps in the health management of cancer patients ………………………………………………………………………WANG Tian, LI Juan,MEI Yafan (191)。