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Module 1EuropePeriod 4 Listening& Listening and speaking(page 71)& Speaking andwriting(page 72)错误!教学内容分析本节内容包括三部分。
三维目标设计Knowledge and skills1.To help the students revise the following words and expressions in this period。
Words:competition,lifetime,tour,quiz,particularly,contestant,number,attraction,voyageExpressions:come from,be interested in,have an opportunity to do,take part in,spend time in doing,at the moment2.To help the students to know some skills of listening,speaking and writing.3.To help the students speak English clearly and write English properly。
Process and methods1.To encourage the students to take an active part in the learning activities by giving them clear instructions on what to do while listening to a dialogue。
一. 教学内容:Module 1 Europe二. 重难点讲解1. face名词n. 脸,面孔the front of the head, with the eyes, nose and mouthJohnny hit him in the face.My face is burning.He often makes faces at children.名词n. 前面;正面the side presented to view, the chief, right, or most important surface of anything The face of the building looks towards the south.名词n. 脸部表情a look or expression on the faceHe is a good judge of faces.She stood up with a smile on her face.He made a long face.名词n. 外观,外表the outward appearance of anythingThe face of our home town has been greatly changed.名词n. 面子,威信dignity; reputation; what is thought about a personIf Tom doesn’t keep his promise, he’ll lose face.如果汤姆不信守诺言,他就会丢面子。
动词v. 面对,面向have the face or the front towards somethingWe share mon experiences and face mon tasks.Our room faces the sea.The house faces south.He turned around and faced me.动词v. 大胆面对,应付be brave enough to go to someone or something unfriendly or dangerousShe had to face her angry boss.He faced difficulties squarely and overcame them.动词v. 承认…存在recognize the existence ofWe have to face facts.动词v. 朝,向be turned, lookMy house faces to the south.2. 及物动词vt. 设置establish or place in a particular place or positionWhere is the new factory to be located?The firm located its office in Shanghai.及物动词vt. 找出位置state or show the position ofCan you locate Paris on the map?及物动词vt. 找出出处,查出find out the exact position ofThe soldiers located the enemy.3. ancient形容词adj. 远古的,古代的an ancient civilization古代文明ancient relics古代遗物形容词adj. 自古以来的,古来的,古老的an ancient custom古老习惯4. govern动词v. 统治,管理to make laws for a country, to ruleWho governs this country?谁治理这个国家?动词v. 限制;抑制,控制restrainYou should govern your temper.你应该克制一下自己的脾气。
高一外研版必修三Module1Europe 教案TeachingPlanforModule1(SEFCBook3)TheSecondPeriod,Reading:“GreatEuropeanCities〞I.TeachingObjectivesnguageObjectives(1)ImportantwordsandphrasesAncient,landmark,produce,sculpture,civilization,birthplace,architect,gallery⋯Besituatedon,befamousfor,workon,eversince⋯ImportantsentencepatternsParisisthecapitalandlargestcityofFrance,situatedontheRiverSeine. ThemostpopularplacefortouristsistheEiffelTower,thefamoussymbolofPairs.Gaudiworkedontheprojectform1882untilhisdeathin1926. Theirworkshasinfluencedotherwriterseversince.Helpstudentslearntoexpressthegeographiclocationofsomewhere. Makestudentsknowhowtointroduceacity. Makestudentsstudysomenewwordsaboutsomecountries,citiesandsceneryspots.3.MoralObjectivesLetstudentsknowthegeographiclocation,civilizationandartfeaturesofsomefamousciti esofEurope.MakestudentsknowthemaindistributionofEurope.II.ImportantPointsThelocation,civilizationandartfeaturesofsomeEuropeancities. Thewaytoexpressthegeographiclocationofsomewhere.Thewaytointroduceacity.Theexpressionofsomefamouscountries,cities,andlandscapes.III.DifficultPointsHowtoexpressthegeographiclocationofsomewhere.Howtointroduceacitysimply.IV.TeachingMethodsReading,skimming,scanning,discussing,(AskingandAnswering,pictures,Groupwork,Explaining⋯) 2.TeachingAids:Multimediafacilities,photos,diagrams ⋯Guys,doyouliketravel?S:Yes.Wheredoyouwanttogo?France,ItalyOh,metoo.Franceisromanticandtheyarebeautiful!OK,now,Iwillshowyousomepicturesaboutsomescenicspots.Pleaselookatthescreen.ThefirstoneisProvence.Canyoutellmewhereisit?S:France.T:Good.ItisinFrance.Provenceisfamousforit’slavenderfarm.Justliketheflowerofpurpleinthispicture.ThesecondoneisCinqueTerre.ItisinVenice.ItisanItaliancity.CinqueTerreisformedof5smallvillages.Allofthemhavetheirownspecialcharacters.Theyarebeautiful.ThenextisSantorin.ItisclosetoAthens,acityinGreece.SantorinisanislandinAegeanSea.Thebuildinginthisislandislikethepictureshowstoyou.Themaincoloriswhiteandblue.OK,thepicturesareover.Haveyoufoundthecommonfeaturesfromthosepictures.Youcanthinkaboutitaccordingtoit’scountries.AllofthemareinEurope.Excellent.Inthosepictures,IhaveshowedyouFrance,ItalyandGreece.Allofthem AreinEurope.Sotoday,wewilllearnsomecitiesin Europe.Ourtopicis“GreatEuropeanCities〞.StepIIPre-reading(3mins)T:First,letuslearnsomenewwords.Lookatthescreen.AncientGreeceandancient Rome.Canyouguessthemeaning?S:古希腊,古罗马T:Welldone!Sothemeaningofancientis“古老的〞l ookattheexample.“Someancienttownshavewallsaroundthem“.it’smeaningis“有些古老的城市周围有城墙〞Thenext.TheEmpireStateBuildingisafamiliarlandmarkin NewYork.It means“帝国大厦是纽约的标志性建筑〞Sothemeaningof“landmark〞is“标志性建筑,地标〞Thethirdoneis“theChinesecivilizationisoneofthe oldestintheWorld.It’smeaningis“中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一〞Sothe meaningof“civilization〞is“文化〞OK,It’sover.Haveyougotit?Yes.OK,let’smoveontothenextstep.Fastreading.StepIIIFast-reading(5mins) Letstudentsreadthewholepassagequickly,thenfinishtheactivity1. Nowpleaseskimthewholepassageandthenfinishactivity1onpage2.Matchthosesentenceswithpicturesandtellmewhichparagraphitbelongsto.Clear?Yes.4minutesforyou.Now,goahead.OK,time’sup.Anyvolunteer?(1).AlandmarkinParis(2).AnartgalleryinFlorence(3).AchurchinBarcelona(4).AbuildinginAthensEiffelTower UffiziPalaceParthenon D.TheSagradafamiliaStepIV Careful-reading(20mins)Learningthepassageparagraphbyparagraph.Firstletstudentsreadeachparagraphcarefully,thenfinishtablesofeveryparagraph.ThenItellthethemsomeinformation aboutthisparagraph.T:Thispassageisdividedinto4parts.TheyareParis,Barcelona,FlorenceandAthens.Let’slearn itparagraphbyparagraph.ThefirstparagraphisParis.Pleasereadthepassagecarefullyandattentionthe mainpointsonthisparagraph.Thenfillthetableonthescreen.3minutesforyou. Goahead.City ParisCountry FranceLocation OntheRiverSeineLandmark TheEiffelTowerWhyfamousRestaurants,cafesandthe atresLet’slookthisanswersagain.ParisisthecapitalandlargestcityofFrance.Issituated OntheRiverSeine.TheEiffelToweristhemostpopularplacetovisite.Itisalsofamousforit’srestaurants,cafesandtheatres.City BarcelonaCountry SpainLocation OnthenortheastcoastLandmark TheSagradaFamiliaWhyfamous-------------------------BarcelonaisthesecondlargestcityofSpain.Itissituatedonthenortheast coast,abovefivehundredkilometreseastoftheSpanishcapital,Madrid.TheSagradaFamilia isbuiltbyAntonioGaudifrom1882to1926.OK.Thenextparagraph.FlorenceCity FlorenceCountry ItalyLocation -----------------------Landmark TheUffiziPalace高一外研版必修三Module1Europe 教案Whyfamous TheRenaissanceFlorenceisanItaliancity.TheTheUffiziPalaceisanartgallery.TheRenaissanceisan artisticmovement.City AthensCountry GreeceLocation-----------------------Landmark TheParthenonWhyfamousBirthplaceofwesterncivil izationAthensisthecapitalofGreece.Alongtimeago,itisthemo stpowerfulcity.2.Answerthequestions.OK,somuchforthelearningofcarefulreading.Let’sdosomeexer cisestoconsolidatethepassage.Answerthequestions.(1)Whichofthecitiesarecapitalcities?-------ParisandAthens.(2)Whichoneissituatedonthecoast?--------ParisandBarcelona.(3)Whichisfamousforitsplacestoeat?--------Paris(4)Whichonesareorwereimportantcitiesforwritersandartists?Whichwastheworld’sgreatestcityalongtimeago?------Athens Trueorfalse.Welldone!Next,trueoffalse.Andifitisfalse,pleasetellwhyit isfalseandhowtocorrectit.Haveyougotit? TheEiffelTowerisatallbuildinginFrance. TherearealotofrestaurantsandcafesinParis. BarcelonaisthecapitalofSpain. TheChurchoftheSagradaFamiliawasbuiltin1926. TheartisticmovementcalledtheRenaissancebeganinFlorence. TheUffiziPalaceisafamoushotelinFlorence.Alongtimeago,Athenswastheworld’smostpowerfulcity.Sugges tedanswers:TTFFTFTStepVAfter-reading(12min)1.Retellthepassagebytheexerciseoffillingblanks.T:OK!Excellent!Nextweneedtoretellthepassage!Firstweretelltheformertwoparagraphsaccordingtothisshortpassage.Pleasecompletethoseblanks.Thenwewill readittogether.BeingthecapitalandlargestcityofFrance,_(1)_issituatedontheRiverSeine.Asoneofthemostbeautifulcitiesintheworld,Parisisvisitedbymorethan_(2)_touristeveryyear.Barcelonaisthesecondlargestcityof_(3)_andissituatedonthenortheastcoast,aboutfivehundredkilometerseastoftheSpanishcapital,_(4)_.T:OK,thelasttwoparagraphs.Doit. FlorenceisanItaliancitywhichbecamefamousbecauseoftheRenaissance,agreat_(5)_movementwhichbeganinthe1300sandlastedforthreehundredyears.Athens, thecapitalofGreece,isknownasThebirthplaceof_(6)_.Twothousandfourhundredyeasago,itwastheworld’s(7)_city.Suggestedanswers:(1)Paris(2)8million(3)Spain(4)Madrid(5)art(6)westerncivilization(7)powerfulGood!Ourreadingisover!Doyouhaveanyquestionaboutthispassage?No.2.Discussion(pairwork)OK,next,discussion.Whichofthosecitieswouldyoumostliketovisit?Andwhy?StepVI HomeworkAssignment(1min)Readthepassageagainandreviewthenewwordsandexpressions. studentsfinishtheexerciseofreadingonpage69and70.VI.BlackboardDesignancient:古老的,古代的标志性建筑,landmark:Module1GreatEuropeanCitiesHomework:Finishtheexercise地标Paris:巴黎ofreadingonpagecivilization:文化,文明Barcelona:巴塞罗那69and70.Florence:弗洛伦萨Athens:希腊。
3 To persuade people to abandon traditional ways of making friends.4 To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making friends online.Ⅲ.Reading for detail information.第一步:请学生仔细阅读课文,标记出表明课文主题和逻辑结构的语句。
Complete the diagrams with expressions from the passage.Activity 3 Discussion第一步:学生分组讨论学生用书中两个问题的答案。
1 Why does the author say “But this doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater”? Do you know of any similar sayings in Chinese?2 Do you prefer to make friends online? Why?both advantages and disadvantages to online friendships, and the author wants to remind us to treat them rationally and wisely.Similar saying in Chinese: 因噎废食. It literally means to stop eating for fear of choking. It’s used as a metaphor of the action of stopping doing something for fear of its disadvantages.2 Students’ own answers.活动意图说明Activity 1 Brainstorming在读前活动中,让学生提前熟悉文章话题,激活背景知识。
Module 1Europe一、课程介绍知识点1.重点词汇用法:cover \range 的用法2.重点词组用法:because of, in terms of 的用法3.重点语法① ::一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态重点语法②:主谓一致教学重点1.一般过去时的被动语态2.主谓一致教学难点主谓一致二、要点回顾Ⅰ .词汇短语1. vt.包含,包括2. n.首都3. n影响4. v.同意5. n.政府6. adj .古代的7. n.信号8.因而著名9.由组成10.compared with【答案】 1.cover 2.capital 3.influence 4.agree 5. government 6.ancient 7.signal8.be famous for9. be made up with 10. 与相比Ⅱ. 活用句型1. Berners - Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.【句式仿写】我认为解决这个问题很容易。
2. Our English teacher is excellent, but she can't help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.【句式仿写】并非所有的学生都通过了考试。
________________________________________________________________________【答案】 1.I think it easy to solve the problem. 2.Not every student passed the exam.三、知识精要1)词汇across prep.横过;穿过ancient adj.古代的boot n. 长筒靴;皮靴opposite prep. 在对面continental adj. 大陆的;大洲的sign vt. 签署face vt.面向;面对agreement n.协议range n.山脉whereabouts adv.在哪里landmark n.标志性建筑govern vt.统治;治理gallery n.美术馆;画廊head n.领袖;领导人situated adj.坐落(某处)的;representative n.代表symbol n.象征;符号parliament n.国会;议会located adj. 位于region adj.地区区域architect n.建筑师geographical adj.地理的project n.计划;项目;工程feature n.特点birthplace n.发源地produce n.产品civilization n.文明2)词组be known as 作为而著名Becauseof 因为,由于be located in 坐落于ever since 自从in terms of 就而言;从方面来说on the other hand 另一方面littleby little 逐渐地面对a range of一系列compare with和进行比较3)语法【语法点1】一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态结构: am/is/are 或 was/were done用法:1.不清楚谁是动作的执行者时,用被动语态2.没有必要指出动作的执行者时,用被动语态3.强调或突出动作的承受者时,用被动语态。
高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案Teaching Plan for Module1 (SEFC Book 3) The Second Period, Reading: “Great European Cities”I. Teaching Objectives1. Language Objectives(1) Important words and phrasesAncient, landmark, produce, sculpture, civilization, birthplace, architect, gallery…Be situated on, be famous for, work on, ever since…(2)Important sentence patternsa. Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine.b. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Pairs.c. Gaudi worked on the project form 1882 until his death in 1926.d. Their works has influenced other writers ever since.2. Ability Objectives(1) Help students learn to express the geographic location of somewhere.(2) Make students know how to introduce a city.(3) Make students study some new words about some countries, cities and scenery spots.3. Moral Objectives(1) Let students know the geographic location, civilization and art features of some famous cities of Europe.(2) Make students know the main distribution of Europe.II. Important Points1.The location, civilization and art features of some European cities.2.The way to express the geographic location of somewhere.3.The way to introduce a city.4.The expression of some famous countries, cities, and landscapes.III. Difficult Points1. How to express the geographic location of somewhere.高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案2. How to introduce a city simply.IV. Teaching Methods1. Reading, skimming, scanning, discussing, (Asking and Answering, pictures, Group work, Explaining…)2. Teaching Aids: …Multimedia facilities, photos, diagrams V. TeachingProceduresStep I Lead-in (4mins)T: Guys, do you like travel ?S:Yes.T: Where do you want to go?S: France, ItalyT: Oh, me too. France is romantic and they are beautiful !OK, now, I will show you some pictures about some scenic spots. Please look at thescreen.The first one is Provence. Can you tell me where is it?S: France.T:Good. It is in France. Provence is famous for it's lavender farm. Just like the flower ofpurple in this picture.The second one is Cinque Terre. It is in Venice. It is an Italian city. CinqueTerre isformed of 5 small villages. All of them have their own special characters.They arebeautiful.The next is Santorin. It is close to Athens, a city in Greece. Santorin is anisland inAegean Sea. The building in this island is like the picture shows to you. Themain coloris white and blue.from thosefound the common features you Have over. are OK, the pictures高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案pictures.You can think about it according to it's countries.S: All of them are in Europe.T: Excellent. In those pictures, I have showed you France, Italy and Greece. Allof themAre in Europe. So today , we will learn some cities in Europe. Our topic is “GreatEuropean Cities.”Step II Pre-reading (3mins)T:First, let us learn some new words. Look at the screen. Ancient Greece and ancientRome. Can you guess the meaning?S:古希腊,古罗马T: Well done!So the meaning of ancient is “古老的”look at the example.“Some ancient towns have walls around them. “it's meaning is “有些古老的城市周围有城墙”The next . The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark in New York.It means “帝国大厦是纽约的标志性建筑”So the meaning of “landmark”is “标志性建筑,地标”The third one is “the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in theWorld. It's meaning is “中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一”So the meaning of“civilization”is “文化”OK,It's over. Have you got it?S: Yes.T: OK, let's move on to the next step. Fast reading.Step III Fast-reading (5mins)Let students read the whole passage quickly, then finish the activity 1.T: Now please skim the whole passage and then finish activity 1 on page 2. Match those高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案sentences with pictures and tell me which paragraph it belongs to. Clear?S: Yes.T: 4 minutes for you. Now, go ahead.OK, time's up. Any volunteer?(1). A landmark in Paris(2). An art gallery in Florence(3). A church in Barcelona(4). A building in AthensA.The Eiffel Tower C.The Uffizi PalaceB.The Parthenon D. The Sagrada familia Step IV Careful-reading (20mins)1.Learning the passage paragraph by paragraph. First let students read each paragraphcarefully, then finish tables of every paragraph. Then I tell the them some informationabout this paragraph.T: This passage is divided into 4 parts. They are Paris, Barcelona, Florence and Athens.高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案Let's learn it paragraph by paragraph.The first paragraph is Paris. Please read the passage carefully and attention the mainpoints on this paragraph. Then fill the table on the screen. 3 minutes for you.T: Let's look this answers again. Paris is the capital and largest city of France. Is situatedOn the River Seine. The Eiffel Tower is the most popular place to visite. It is alsofamous for it's restaurants,cafes and theatres.T: Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain. It is situated on the northeast coast ,above five hundred kilometres east of the Spanish capital, Madrid. The Sagrada Familiais built by Antonio Gaudi from 1882 to 1926.高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案Why famous The RenaissanceT: Florence is an Italian city. The The Uffizi Palace is an art gallery. The Renaissance is anT: Athens is the capital of Greece. A long time ago ,it is the most powerful city. 2. Answer the questions.T: OK, so much for the learning of careful reading . Let's do some exercises to consolidate the passage .Answer the questions.(1) Which of the cities are capital cities? -------Paris and Athens.(2) Which one is situated on the coast?--------Paris and Barcelona.(3) Which is famous for its places to eat?--------Paris(4) Which ones are or were important cities for writers and artists?-------Paris, Florence and Athens(5) Which was the world's greatest city a long time ago?------Athens3. True or false .T: Well done! Next, true of false. And if it is false ,please tell why it is false and how tocorrect it. Have you got it?(1) The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France.(2) There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris.(3) Barcelona is the capital of Spain.(4) The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.(5) The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence.(6) The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence.(7) A long time ago, Athens was the world's most powerful city. Suggested answers: T T F F T F T高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案Step V After-reading (12min)1. Retell the passage by the exercise of filling blanks.T: OK! Excellent! Next we need to retell the passage! First we retell the former twoparagraphs according to this short passage. Please complete those blanks. Then we willread it together.Being the capital and largest city of France, _(1)_is situated on the River Seine. As oneof the most beautiful cities in the world, Paris is visited by more than _(2)_ touristevery year. Barcelona is the second largest city of _(3)_ and is situated on the northeastcoast, about five hundred kilometers east of the Spanish capital,_(4)_.T: OK, the last two paragraphs. Do it .Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great_(5)_ movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years. Athens,the capital of Greece, is known as The birthplace of _(6)_. Two thousand four hundredyeas ago, it was the world's_(7)_city.Suggested answers:(1) Paris (2) 8 million (3) Spain (4) Madrid (5)art (6)western civilization (7) powerfulT: Good! Our reading is over! Do you have any question about this passage?S: No.2.Discussion (pair work)T: OK, next , discussion.Which of those cities would you most like to visit? And why?Homework Assignment (1 min)Step VI高一外研版必修三Module1 Europe 教案1. Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions.2.Let students finish the exercise of reading on page 69 and 70.。
高中必修ModuleEurope学案教案Module1 Europe(必修3)Period 1 Introduction and ReadingI.omplete the table with the words in the box.Country People LanguageUnited Kingdom Birtish/ Englishman EnglishCanadaAmericanGermanJapanItalianRomeFrancePortugueseGreekII.t he usage of“ in”“ on”“ to”.1.A lies____ the south of B.2. C is located ___the south of D. / C is located ____ the coast of D3.E is situated ____ the south of F./ E is situated ___ the coast of F.III介绍一个城市或地域一般要从它的地理地点,面积,人口,天气特色和旅行景点等方面来介绍。
地理地点: lie, be located in , be in , be situated in.面积人口: have/cover an area of , have a (large / small) population of天气特色: mild, warm, cold, hot;with an average temperature of旅行景点: be famous for, be well-known for, be well-known as;tourist spot.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________IV reading1.Read the passagecarefully and fill in the form according to the information you’ ve gained.country city location landmarks Why famousParisBarcelonaFlorenceAthensnguage Explanations:【课文原句1】France is Europe’s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel. (Page 1)1.As I came _____ the town, I found many houses had been destroyed by the big earthquake.A. throughB. acrossC. crossD. in2.The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _____ deserts _____ mountains,and _____ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.A. over; across; acrossB. through; past; pastC. across; over; throughD. past; through; over3.He ________ the heavy burden of carrying for a wife and two children.A. faced withB. faceC. was faced withD. was faced to.【课文原句2】Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. (Page 2)1)______ in the very center of England, this museum attract thousands of tourists every day.A. Being situatedB. SituatedC. SituatingD. Being Situating2) _____ in 476BC, Mozi came from a family wich was very poor.A. Being bornB. BornC. To be bornD. Be born【课文原句3】 1) Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years. (Page 2)2)The city is also famous for its restaurants,cafe and theatres.3)Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.a.When he was ________, he got seriously ill ______ his addiction to smoking.A. in his twenty; because ofB. in his twenties; becauseC. in his twenties; because ofD. in his twenty; becauseb. be famous for /as / to=be known for / as / to用以上短语达成以下句子①人们都知道他是一名民族英豪.He ___________ ___ a national hero.②人们都认识她由于老是帮助穷人.She ______ _____ ________ helping the poor..③姚明的高度无人不晓。
Module 1 Great European CitiesReading (teaching design)------By He Jingrong Teaching material: The reading part of module 1---EuropeanTeaching aims: To make students get the main idea and some detailed information by using some reading skills, such as skimming and scanning.To make students understand how to introduce a city.To make students appreciate foreign and Chinese cities.Important points: The main idea and detailed information of the passage.Difficult points: The reading skills.Teaching aids: Textbook, the paper and multimedia.Teaching methods: Task-based Language TeachingGroup Discussion.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. Share a short video2. Show some pictures about the four European citiesStep 2 Fast readingStudents read the passage quickly and match the pictures with the descriptions.The Parthenon a. a landmark in ParisSagrada Familiar b. an art gallery in FlorenceEiffel Tower c. a church in BarcelonaThe Uffizi Palace d. a building in AthensStep 3 Careful readingStudents read the passage again and carefully. Then, finish the following tasks.1. Read the passage and finish the table to find out some detailed information.Step 4 Post readingStudents draw a conclusion about how to introduce a city.Step 5 Role-playIf students are tour guides, they are going to introduce one of Chinese cities to foreigners.Homework1. Write down the short passage2. Find out some language points in the passage.。
Period 4Function; Pronunciation and Everyday English整体设计教材分析本节让学生练习描述地点, 通过使用一些方位介词和副词来描述地方和方位。
知识与技能1)Let students know how to describe location。
2)Train their speaking skills。
3)Improve their pronunciation。
2. 过程与方法1)Learn how to describe location by using some prepositions.2)Encourage students to speak in class through organizing some pair or group work。
3)Practice to improve their pronunciation.3. 情感与价值Through the study of this period students will surely have a deeper understanding of how to describe location by using some prepositional phrases。
Besides,they will master the raising and falling of question tags.教学重点1。
Motivate students to work together.2. Teach students how to describe location using some prepositions.3. Help improve their pronunciation.教学难点1. Help students use different prepositions to describe location.2. Help them master the raising and falling of question tags.教学方法Induction and practice教学过程→ Step 1 RevisionHave students do some exercises to consolidate the knowledge they learned.(Show the following on the screen. )1。
学生高一英语必修3学案Module 1 Europe自主探究:一、词汇拓展1. Europe n.. 欧洲人n. 欧洲地adj.2. continent n. 大陆地adj. 大陆人,大洲人n.3. situate v. 坐落地,位于地adj. 位置n.4. locate v. 位于adj. 位置n.5. architect n. 建筑学n. 建筑学(师)地adj.6. civil adj. 使...文明\开化v. 文明n.7. govern v. 统治,管理n. 州长,总督n.8. represent v. 代表n. 典型地,有代表性地adj.二、重点短语:1.一座山系2.在...地海岸上3.西方文明地发源地4. 位于5.远离海岸6.据,依照...7.控制8. 国家元首9.渐渐地10.有...人口11.目前12.另一方面13.信息包14.作为....而出名15.横跨英吉利海峡16.在中国地东部17. 以...地名字命名18.主要地工业城市和港口知识梳理1.. S. +be / lie + in / on / to / off + 方位词S. + be located / situated in / on / to ……1)台湾在中国东南、福建东部.Tai wan is the southeastof China and the eastof Fu jian.2)重庆在中国西南,座落在长江沿岸.Chong qing lies in the southwest of china and is the Chang jiangRiver.2..查出下列词组地意思more than = over ______________no more than = onlynot more than = at most____________________ more……than -----------3.face :vt+/ vi 面向,朝向; 正视(事实),对付[联想拓展]1)be faced with =facing 2)in (the ) face of =in face of danger3)face to face / face—to—face .Eg:with a difficult situation , Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.A. To faceB. Having facedC. FacedD. Facing4.Their work has influenced other writers ever since.work vi.工作,劳动;运转顺利;成功;有效work on (sth) “从事于…致力于…”“继续工作,对…起作用”work at 致力于;研究work out 计算出;制定出ever since 自那时起(ever) since then; from that time/ then on(与_________时态连用)e.g.①从此我再也没见过她.________________________________________②白雪公主和王子从此过上了幸福地生活.The Snow White and the prince ____________(live) a Happy life ever since5. across 与through二者均表示“穿过”,across指从一个上穿过;through指从物体地中间穿过,立体感.如:He traveled through the forest. They drive a boat the river.across 与cross ; across 是词,不能在句中作谓语;cross是词,在句中作谓语.如:She went the bridge. She the bridge.across / through / over ; across / cross横穿马路一定要当心啊. Do be careful when you go the road..1 / 8那匹马跳过栅栏. The horsejumped the fence.小偷是从窗户爬进来地. The thief came in the window【考点链接】1. As I came _____the town, I found many houses had been destroyed by the big earthquake. A. through B. across C. cross D. in6. sign n.①记号,符号;②标志;招牌;标牌③手势;暗号;表示[+to-v][+that] ④征兆;前兆[(+of)][+(that)] ⑤【医】体征The sign says "Parking Forbidden".World trade is showing signs of revival.I talked with him by signs.[区分比较]: symbol / sign / mark / signal1)Dark clouds are a of rain.2) The dove is a of peace.3) The little boy dragged a big chair and left some on the floor.及物动词vt. ①. 签(名);写下②. 做手势(或其他动作)通知③. 预示不及物动词vi. ①.签字,署名②签约受雇用[(+with)] 他与那家公司签约.③. 做手势示意She signed the child to be quiet. He signed his name on the cheque..All this signs rejuvenation复苏of agriculture..He signed with the firm.She signed to us to stop talking..7.cover vt. ①覆盖,遮盖be covered with 由..覆盖be covered by 被...覆盖②占用(时间、空间)cover an area of The town covers 5 square miles.③行走,走过She covered 1,000 meters.④采访,报道I am covering the result of election.⑤包括,包含Is that word covered in the dictionary?n.盖子,封面.封底,掩护(物)8.倍数地表示方法句型:①A is …times﹢adj./adv.地比较级﹢than B②A is …times﹢as ﹢adj./adv.地原级﹢as B③A is …times﹢the size/height/depth/width ﹢of B④The size/height/depth/width ﹢of A is …times﹢of B【知识拓展】1. 有些词(组)没有被动语态.如:take place, happen, break out, break in, occur等.如:This accident happened yesterday.2. 由实意动词演变而来地系动词,如taste, feel, look, sound, smell等,后接形容词作表语,不用于被动语态.如:This kind of ice cream tastes delicious.3. 还有一些动词后面跟well; easily, long等副词时,常用用主动语态表被动意思.如:begin, sell, wash, keep, open, close等.如:The shop closes early on Fridays.These books sell well.【考点链接】1. More than a dozen students in that school _____ abroad to study medicine last year.A. sentB. were sentC. had sentD. had been sent2. Her voice _____ so beautiful that everybody present was attracted by her song.A. soundedB. was soundedC. had been soundedD. was sounding知能提升1.There are many beautiful islands the east coast of the country.A.offB.alongC. onD.from2.3. The man over there is the person by the manager.A.referred toB. refered toC.referring toD. to refer to4.—David has made great progress recently. --- , andA.So he has ; so you haveB. So he has ; so have youc.So has he ;so have you D. So has he ; so you have5.The earth is about as the moon.A. as fifty times bigB. fifty times as bigc.as big fifty times D. fifty as times big6. He the heavy burden of carrying for a wife and two children.A.faced withB.facedC.was faced withD.was faced to7. When he was ________, he got seriously ill ______ his addiction to smoking.A. in his twenty; because ofB. in his twenties; becauseC. in his twenties; because ofD. in his twenty; because8. As the first ____country in economy, America has a lot of advantages in global affairs.2 / 8A. richB. richerC. richestD. most richest9. The husband rolled away all the money the family had ,leaving his wife and children behind him.A. cryB. to cryC. cryingD. cried10. that all mountain roads were closed.A.So became the dangerous weatherB.so dangerous did the weather becomeC.So dangerous became the weatherD.Dangerous the weather became so11. Only after my friend came .A.did the computer repairB.he repaired the computerC.was the computer repairedD.the computer was repairedGrammar: Agreement(主谓一致)1. 语法一致原则句子地主语是单数,谓语动词用单数形式;主语是复数,谓语动词用复数形式.如:Australia an extremely rich country.注意:(1) something, everybody, nobody , either, neither, each等不定代词作主语时,谓语需用数.如:If anybody calls, tell him I’ll be back later.(2) 当主语后面跟有with, together with, as well as, like 等时,谓语动词地单复数形式仍然要与这些词语前面地主语保持一致.如:Tom, (together) with his parents been to Beijing.2. 意义一致原则一些集合名词,如:family, enemy, class, population, army等作主语时,谓语动词地单复数要根据实际含义而定.当表示整体意义时,用单数;当强调个体成员时,用复数.如:Our class a model one in our school. (指班集体)Our class doing well in English.(指全体学生)3. 邻近性原则.neither…nor, either…or, not only…but also, or连接两个名词或代词作主语时;由there, here引导地句子,并且主语不止一个时,谓语动词通常与邻近它地主语保持一致.如:There a dictionary and some books on the desk. Either you or I wrong.【考点链接】1. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _____ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. work B. working C. is working D. are working2. When I came in, his family _____ watching TV.A. areB. isC. wereD. was一、单数形式地名词与谓语动词地一致之单形集体名词1.单形集体名词被视为一个整体时,用作单数名词Our family a reunion every year.2. 单形集体名词被视为若干个体时,则要求复数动词His family waiting for him.3. 有些单形集体名词,即所谓地“群体名词”,如police,cattle等,要求复数动词The police have caught the murderer.单数形式地名词与谓语动词地一致之“more than”1. “More than one + 单形名词”结构虽有复念,但习惯上多用单数谓语More than one question asked.2. “more +复形名词+than one”多要求复数动词More members than one protested against the proposal.3. “a+单形名词+or two”结构多要求单数动词A servant or two or three to accompany them.4. “one or two +复形名词”结构要求复数动词One or two reasons suggested.5. “many a +单形名词”结构要求单数动词Many a fine man has died in the battle.单数形式地名词与谓语动词地一致之“两个形容词+一个单形名词”在“两个形容词+一个单形名词”结构中,单数名词如有复念(即代表两个事物),则用复数动词The red and the white rose both beautiful.English and French grammar not very difficult to learn.二、复数形式地名词与谓语动词地一致复形名词(大多以s结尾)在句中作主语通常要求谓语复数动词,具体应用要注意如下几点:1. 含双数概念地复形名词要求复数动词your kitchen scales(天平) accurate?3 / 82. 含复数概念地复形名词要求复数动词The customs (关税) paid.My funds (资金) a bit low at present.3. 含单数概念地复形名词要求用单数动词His works (工厂) rather small.4. 表时间,距离,钱额地复数名词用单数动词Ten years a moment in history. Ten thousand dollars a large sum.5. 外来地复形名词要求用单数动词This data is very interesting.6. 以-ics结尾表学科地复形名词要求用单数动词Politics(政治) is often a topic for discussion.Statistics (统计学) is a principal course at the business school.注意;这类名词用于表示具体地、实际地内容时,则往往要求复数动词.What are your politics(政治观点)?Statistics(统计数字) prove nothing in this case.7. 以-s结尾地某些表疾病地复形名词要求用单数动词German measles(风疹) is a dangerous disease for pregnant women.8. 有些复形名词既可用单数动词也可用复数动词Where is / are your manners(礼貌)?9. 复形书名一般要求用单数动词The Newcomers《新来地人们》is one of Thackeray’s finest books.三、并列主语与动词地一致列主语是指主语为and、or等并列词连接地名词作主语,其谓语地单复数要看情况而定,具体用法如下:1. “名词+and+名词”结构表示一种事物或一种概念时,应用单数动词Fish and chips(炸鱼土豆片) a popular supper.The poet and writer(诗人兼作家) come.有时并列主语用单数或复数动词都可Time and tide(岁月) wait / waits for no man.2. “each / every / no+单形名词+ each / every / no+单形名词”结构要求单数动词Every hour and every minute(每一小时,每一分钟) important.3. “名词/代词+or+名词/代词”结构应根据or后地名词/代词确定单/复数动词He or I (他或是我) am in the wrong.He or his brothers(他或他地兄弟们) to blame.4. “either+名词+or+名词”结构应根据or后地名词/代词确定单/复数动词Either the shirts or the sweater(这些衬衣,要不就是这件毛衣) a good buy.5. “not only+名词+but (also) +名词”结构要求动词应与but (also)后地名词一致Not only the students but also their teacher(不仅是学生,他们地老师也) enjoying the film.6. “neither+名词+nor+名词”结构要求动词与nor后面地名词一致Neither you nor your brother(你和人你地兄弟都不) is in fault.Neither he nor they(你和他们都不) are mistaken.7. “there be”结构地动词应与最靠近它地名词地单复数一致.There is a desk and some chairs in the room.There are some chairs and a desk in the room.四、“单数形式地名词+with/as well as…+名词”结构与动词地一致“名词+介词或介词短语with / together with / along with / including / except / besides /a s well as / added to…+名词”结构作主语,谓语一般与第一个名词一致.A teacher, with his students, seeing a film.I as well as they ready to help.五、“表部分地名词+of+名词”结构与动词地一致1. “one of + 复形名词”结构后地定语从句要求谓语动词应用复数;但当“one of”前有限定词如the、the only、the very等修饰时,结构后地定语从句要求谓语动词应用与one一致,用单数谓语.This is one of the best books that have appeared.She is the one of those women who (do,not)know a thing about furniture.2. “a pair of +复形名词” 结构多要求用单数谓语,但“复数名词+of a/this/that pair”结构多用复数谓语. A pair of gloves(一双手套) is a nice present.Socks of this pair(这双袜子) are different in size.3. “(a) part of+ 名词”结构中,若名词为单形,一般要求用单数动词,若名词为复形,则复数动词. (A) part of the story(故事地一部分) not true.A part of the apples(部分苹果) bad4. “a group(一组) / crowd(人群) / flock(一群) / file(一列)… of +复形名词”结构可用单数动词,也可用复数动词.前者强调整体,后者强调各个组成部分.This group of students(这一组学生) is to be sent to Italy.This group of students(这组学生都) are to be sent to Italy.5. “a number of /numbers of + 复形名词”结构应用复数动词;而“the number of +复形名词”结构应用单数动词4 / 8A large number of people(许多人) have come to see the exhibition.The number of the chairs(椅子地数量) in the room is ten.6. “an average / total of +复形名词”结构应用复数动词;而“the average / total of +复形名词”结构应用单数动词.An average of 3000 letters (平均3000封信) a month are received by the newspaper’s office.A total of 3000 letters(总共3000封信) were received last month.The average of letters(信件地平均数) received each month 3000.The total of letters(信件地总数) received last month 3000.7. “a lot / mass / heap/plenty…of +名词”结构要求谓语动词与of后地名词单复数一致.A mass of people(许多人) were seen working there.A lot of money(很多钱) is spent on travel.8. “a large quantity of +不可数名词或复数名词”、“a large amount of +不可数名词”结构要求单数谓语动词;“large quantities of +不可数名词或复数名词”、“large amounts of +不可数名词”结构要求复数动词.A large quantity of students(很多学生) coming.Large amounts of water(大量水) wasted.9. “this / that / a / what kind of +名词”结构要求单数动词;而“these /those kind of+名词”、“these/ those /what kinds of+名词”结构多要求复数动词.This kind of apple(这种苹果) is sour. These kind of apple(s)(这些苹果) are sour.What kind of apple(哪种苹果) is sour? What kinds of apple(哪些种类地苹果) are sour?These kinds of apple(s)(这些种类地苹果) are sour.10. “most / 百分数/分数/the rest/ the remainder + of +名词”结构要求动词与of后面地名词地单复数一致.The rest of the story(故事地其余部分) needs no telling.He stayed in the classroom and the rest of the boys(其他地男孩们) out at play.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth(地球表面地四分之三) sea.Most of his time(他地大部分时间) is spent on traveling.Most of his students(他地大部分学生) like him.六、短语、从句或句子作主语与动词地一致短语、从句或句子作主语时,一般要求用单数动词.No news is good news. (no news 为名词短语)Children’s interfering in their parents’ right to remarry has become a social problem.(主语为一动名词复合结构)That he likes Mary is known to many of his friends.(主语为一名词性从句)“How do you do?” is not a question but a greeting.(主语是一句子)注意:主语为what 引导地主语从句时,谓语动词应与从句所指代地内容地单复念一致.What he says (他所说地) not important.What I want(我所需要地) details.当what 引导地主语从句中谓语为复数时,全句地谓语动词也应是复数.What make the river more beautiful the flowers growing in the water.七、名词化地形容词和过去分词作主语与动词地一致名词化地形容词和过去分词作主语与动词地一致应取决于主语地数念.主语如表单念,就用单数动词;主语如表复念,就用复数动词.具体如下:1. 主语表单念,谓语用单数.The true(真实,表单念) to be distinguished from the false.The accused(被告,表单念) was released.2. 主语表复念,谓语用复数.The poor (穷人,表一类人) looked down upon by the rich.3. 名词化地形容词或过去分词为复数形式,谓语用复数.The newlyweds(新婚夫妇,本身为复形) are now spending their honeymoon abroad.八、代词与动词地一致1. all / some / any / most用作主语时,随其数念用单数或复数动词.All(事情,单念) ready and all(人,复念) here.I don’t think any is left.我认为没什么剩下.I don’t think any of them(他们中没人) have seen her.Most of the building was destroyed but most were saved.2. “each of + 复形名词”结构要求单数动词,但“复形名词+ each”结构要求复数动词.5 / 8Each of the jobs(每一份工作) planned by Billy.we each(我们每个人) have a copy of this dictionary.3. every和everyone 一般要求用单数谓语;either一般要求用单数谓语,但在非正式文体中, “either of +复形名/代词” 结构可用复数动词.Either method(任一种方法) is practical.Either of them(他们中任一人) are/is enough to drive me mad.4. neither/none 可用单数或复数动词Neither of the books is /are satisfactory.None of us know / knows for certain.5. 疑问代词what作主语时,谓语与其所含地数念一致.当说话人不确知what地数念或不强调数念时,应用单数动词.What’s on the table?桌上是什么?What are on the table? 桌上是些什么?What’s in the sky? 天上是什么?九、数词与动词地一致1. 语法一致Two and two are four.(主语是Two and two )Four from seven three.(主语为four) 261 divided by 9 equals 29.(261是主语)Three times one three.(主语为three, times被看成介词)2. 意念地一致Two and two is four.(将主语two and two 看成一个数目,谓语单数)One half of the world’s population are Asians.(集体名词population在此指成员)主谓一致练习:选择填空:1. Large quantities of water ____every day here while it is in great need in some faraway area.A. are being wasted B. is wasted C. have been wasted D. was wasted2. The writer and actor ____ invited to give us a report yesterday.A. areB. have beenC. wasD. were3. Zhang’s family ____ rather b ig and his family ____ fond of music.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. are; are4. ____ of the land in that district ____ covered with trees and grass.A. Two fifth; isB. Two fifths; areC. Two fifth; areD. Two fifths; is5. Since then the number of people taking driving lessons ____ 20%.A. has increased toB. increased byC. has increased byD. have increased by6. Although many of the houses in the small town ____ still in need of repair, there ____lots of improvement in their appearance.A. are; has beenB. is; have beenC. is; areD. are; was7. His cattle _____ very fat. A. is B. have C. has D. are8. The audience ____ large and the audience ____ enjoying every minute of the play.A. are, isB. is, haveC. is hasD. is are9. Where ____ my jeans? I can’t find them. A. is B. are C. was D. were10. There ____ a watch and chain on the table. A. have B. has C. are D. is11. Skating and swimming ____ my favorite sports when I was young.A. isB. areC. wasD. were12. All ______ ready for the Christmas party and all ____ eager to enjoy the ball.A. was, isB. is wereC. is, areD. are, is13. Not only his children but also his wife _____ to visit the zoo.A. likesB. likeC. has likedD. have liked14. Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else ______ willing to do this work.A. areB. isC. amD. has16. Bob, as much as his brothers, ________ responsible for the accident.A. wasB. wereC. hadD. are17. Tom, more than anyone else, _____ anxious to go to China again.A. isB. areC. has beingD. have being18. No one except John and Rose _____ late for school yesterday.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are1. Most of what has been said about the Smiths also true of the John sons .A. areB. isC. beingD. to be2.Although the causes of cancer , we don’t yet have any practical way to prevent it.6 / 8A. are being uncoveredB. have been uncoveringC. are uncoveringD. have uncovered4.The water cool when I jumped in to the pool for morning exercise.A. was feltB. is feltC. feltD. feels7. I got caught in the rain and my suit .A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruinedD. had been ruined8. If Newton lived today ,he would be surprised by what in science and technology.A. had discoveredB. had been discoveredC. has discoveredD. has been discovered9. Visitors not to touch the exhibits.A. will requestB. is requestedC. are requestingD. are requested14. More than a dozen students in that school abroad to study medicine last year.A. sentB. were sentC. had sentD. had been sent21. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, on the project day and night to meet the deadline.A. workB. workingC. is workingD. are working22. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth each year.A. is washingB. is being washed awayC. are washing awayD. are being washed away23. All the employees except the manager to work online at home.A. encouragesB. EncourageC. is encouragedD. are encouraged24. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday yet.A. are not decidedB. have not been decidedC. is not being decidedD. has not been decided26. He is the only one of the students who a winner of scholarship for three years.A. isB. areC. have beenD. has been28.This kind of books very useful but books of that kind useless.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; isD. are; is29. The following some newly-published popular magazines.A. isB. areC. wasD. appears31. Every possible means to save the miners stuck in the mine.A. have triedB. have been triedC. has been triedD. has tried版权申明本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership.dDTqs。
Teaching planModule oneEuropeTeaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla.Enable the Ss to master the important words, understand the passage and learnsomething about European cities, art and architecture.b.Help students to learn how to describe a region exactlyc.Improve the Ss’ ability of reading, listening, speaking and writing.d.Help them prepare a fact file on a region of China.e.To help them master the usage of Passive Voice: present and past forms.2.Emotion and Valuesa.To arouse the Ss’ curiosity about what makes up the European Union.b.To help them know something about the European Union and its member countries.c.To encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class3. Cross-cultural awareness:a.To strengthen the consciousness of international association by comparing China andthe European Union in the geographical position, culture and economy.4. Character-building:a.Promote the knowledge of world by know something about the Europe.b.To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a groupDifficulties and Importance:a. Subject and verb agreement.b. Some difficult sentences that students have difficulty in understandingc.Improve the student’s ability of grasping the general idea of the passage.Teaching Method:a.Task-based methodologymunicative ApproachTeaching Time:Five periods:Period 1 vocabulary and speakingFunction describing locationPeriod 2 Reading and V ocabularyPeriod 3 Grammar 1 Passive voice: present and past formsListeningPeriod 4 Pronunciation and Everyday EnglishGrammar 2 Subject and verb agreementPeriod 5 Cultural cornerWritingTeaching Procedures:Period 1Step 1. Warming upAnswer the following questions.1)How many continents are there in our earth?2)Which continent is China in?3)Can you name the other continents?4)Which countries make up Europe?Step 2. Look at the following pictures and fill in the blanks with suitable words. Picture 1. It’s from _________. The people in ________speak ________.Picture 2. It’s from _________. The people in ________speak ________.Picture 3.It’s from _________. The people in ________speak ________.Picture 1 the Eiffel Tower Picture 2 Big Ben Picture 3 the leaning tower of Pisa Suggested answers: 1. France France French2. United Kingdom United Kingdom English3. Italy Italy ItalianStep 4 Look at the picture and find the countries on the map. United Kingdom France Greece Portugal Italy SpainStep 5 According to the map of Europe, fill inthe blanks with suitable words. 1)_______ is in the northwest of Europe. 2)_______ is in the southwest of Europe. 3)_______is in the southeast of Europe. 4)_______is in the south of Europe. 5)_______is next to Spain. Suggested answers:1. f2. a;d;e3. b4. c5. dStep 6 Answer the questions, and then complete the sentences using correct prepositions. 1) What’s the difference between on the coast and off the coast? 2) What’s the difference between across and between? 3) Paris is situated _____ the River Seine.4) France and England face each other _____the English Channel. 5) There is a mountain range _____France and Italy. 6) Barcelona is a city _______the coast of Spain.7) Britain is an island _______the coast of continental Europe. Suggested answers:1. on the coast means that the place is actually on the land, where it meets the sea; off the coast means that the place is an island not far from the mainland.2. across means that something is on the other side, that there is something between two places, two objects or also two people; between refers to the “thing” which separates two objects, places or people.3. on4. across5. between6. on7. off Step 7 The usage of “in” “on” “to”.in表示在内部on表示接壤to表示彼此分离1) Italy is ______the south of Europe.2) Portugal is ______the west of Spain.3) Barcelona is ______the northeast coast of Spain.Suggested answers:1. in2. to3. onHomework:1.Write sentences to describe geographical areas of China.2.Describe the familiar place using the new words we have learned.Period 2Step 1 Pre-readinga. Read the passage and match the photos with these descriptions.( )1. a landmark in Paris( )2. an art gallery in Florence( )3. a church in Barcelona( )4. a building in Athensb.V ocabularyMatch the words with their definitions.1. someone who designs buildings2. to be in a certain place3. something that is easy to recognize, such as a building4. someone who produces novels or poems5. a large building where people can see famous pieces of art6. the art of making things out of stone and wood, etc.7. of a time long agoa. ancientb. architectc. galleryd. landmarke. locatef. sculptureg. writer Suggested answers:1. b2. e3. d4. g.5. c6. f7. bStep 2 While-readinga.Read the passage and answer these questions.1)Which of the cities are capital cities?2)Which one is situated on the coast?3)Which is famous for its places to eat?4)Which ones are or were important cities for writers and artists?5)Which was the world’s greatest city a long time ago?Suggested answers:1. Athens and Paris2. Barcelona3. Paris4. Paris and Athens5. Athensb.Decide if these sentences are true(T) or false(F).1)The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France.2)There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris.3)Barcelona is the capital of Spain.4)The church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.5)The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence.6)The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence.7) A long time ago, Athens was the world’s most powerful city.8)There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.Suggested answers:1,2,5,,7,8: T 3, 4, 6, Fc.Discussion. Discuss the following questions with your partner.1)What did you know about these cities before you read the text?2)What new information did you learn?3)Which of them would you most like to visit?Step 4. Language Explanations:【课文原句1】Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. (Page 2) 【点拨1】该句中,situated 构成的形容词短语,修饰Paris, 相当于定语从句“which is situated on...”省略了which is;在含有be动词与过去分词的定语从句中,可以把关系代词和be 动词一起省去。
Module 1 Europe Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module[原文呈现]The European Union①What Is the European Union?The European Union is an organisation of European countries. The countries are independent②and are governed③in different ways. In the United Kingdom, for example, the head④ of state is a king or queen. In France, on the other hand⑤ , the head of state is a president. But each of them sends representatives⑥ to the European Parliament⑦,which has some control over what happens⑧ in each of the member countries.How Did It Start⑨The idea of the European Union began in the 1950s⑩. The first members were France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Italy. Little by little⑪, the number increased⑫ during the second half of the twentieth century. By⑬ the year 2000, there were 15 member countries. The new countries were Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.How Many Countries Belong to⑭It Now?In 2004, the European Union increased to 25 members. The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia, plus⑮ the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus and Malta all became members. The expanded⑯ European Union has a population of⑰ more than⑱ half a billion people, twice as big as the population of the United States⑲.[读文清障]①the European Union欧盟②independent adj. 独立的③govern/'ɡʌvn/vt. 统治;治理government n.政府governor n.统治者④head/hed/n. 领袖;领导人⑤on the other hand另一方面;反过来说on the one hand 一方面⑥representative/ˌreprI'zentətIv/n. 代表⑦parliament/'pɑːləmənt/n. 国会;议会⑧which引导非限制性定语从句,which在从句中作主语,不能用that来代替。
Module 1 Europe外研版高一英语必修3第一模块教案关岭一中英语组田慧琼2012年4月6日1.教学目标:本模块介绍欧洲某些国家的名称,首都,语言,著名城市和文艺建筑,要求学生进一步了解欧洲概况,学会表达地理位置,最终能以口笔头形式并借助照片,通过杂志,报刊等媒介综合介绍中国某一区域。
Teaching Goals:1. To let Ss know some of the European cities.2. To get Ss to know the famous architectures in the European cities.3. To get Ss to learn some useful language points.二.情感态度。
四.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. RevisionShow the whole map of Europe, let Ss point out these countries’ position such as France, Spain, Italy, and Greece…Step 2.lead-in1)Do you like money? And How many kinds of money in the world?2)Do you know anything about European money?3)Money, house, car , Do you think Which one is the most important thing in the world?1.单词:across boot continental face range landmarkgallery situated symbol locatedarchitect project sculpture birthplace civilizationancient opposite sign agreementwhereabouts govern head representative parliamentregion geographical feature produce短语:because of be known as ever since in terms of on the other hand little by little重点词语:across continental face architect situated project located opposite sign geographical whereabouts producebecause of be known as ever since in terms ofon the other hand little by littlestep3.Reading.(fast reading and careful reading)1)Read the text quickly and silently.And then finish Activity 1. (on page 2)( ) 1. a landmark in Paris( ) 2. an art gallery in Florence( ) 3. a church in Barcelona( ) 4.. a building in Athens.A.The Eiffel TowerB. The ParthenonC. The Uffizi Palace .D. The Sagrada Familia.2)Decide if these sentences are true or false1. The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. ( )2. There are a lot of restaurants and cafés in Paris.( )3. Barcelona is the capital of Spain. ( )4. The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926. ( )5.The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence. ( )6.The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Flore nce ( )nguage Points1. Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediter- ranean Sea.意大利位于欧洲的南部、地中海沿岸。
高一英语Europe教案魏桥中学学案总课时数19科目高一英语必修3使用时间主备人使用人课题名称Boo3odule1ordsandphrasesLearningais:tolearntheordsandphrasesandastertheirus ageLearningethods:practicingStep1.Neordsacross__________________continental_________________Situated____________________Agreeent___________________Govern_______________________Geographical____________________Step2.Phrases提到;参考refer_____据......;在......方面_____ters_______另一方面_____theotherhand把......与......相比较pareA______B把......比作......pareA_____B逐渐地little_____little对......有控制权havecontrol_______看起来像......Loo_________Step3.Practice)Thereareany_________buildingsinRoe.)Thehouseisl________nexttotheriver.)TheGreatallisthel_________ofchina.)yfriendarcanspeaEnglish,Frenchand_____)ordsare_________forideas.)Athensisnonasthe________ofesterncivilization.)Thene_________istobuildouronsiingpool.)elive_________theschool.)heatistheainagricultural_________0)The___________saysthatthetroopsillbeithdranithint hreeonths.Step4.Translation)广州位于中国南部沿海。
Teaching aims:
Grasp the meaning of the passages by reading.
Train the reading skills and improve the ability of reading Teaching difficulty:
Read passages quickly and efficiently and get the neccesery information at the same time.
I. Pre-reading
Review the sentence we have learnt and how to say:
________________________________________ Would you like to go to Europe?
________________________________________________________ Which European city would you like to go most?
________________________________________________________ II. While-reading
1. Fast-reading
Look at the four pictures on page 2. Do you know what are they? Where are they? Read the text in 3 minutes.
(1)Do you want to know more about the cities? Read again
and finish the table.
(2)Check your understanding and Decide the following sentences are true or false.
(1) Paris is situated on the River Seine.
(2) The Eiffel Tower is the famous symbol of Paris.
(3) Barcelona is the largest city of Spain,situated on
the northest coast.
(4) The Sagrada Familia was completed in 1926.
(5) The Renaissance began in Florence in the1300s.
(6) The Uffizi Place is a famous church in Florence.
(7) Athen is famous as the birthplace of western
III. Post-reading
Listen and try to finish the cloze.
Paris is the capital and largest city of France, ______ ______ the River Seine. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by ______ ______ eight million tourists every year. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of paris. One of the world’s largest art galleries, the Louvre, ______ also ______ ______ Paris. The city ______ also ______ ______ its restaurants, cafes and theatres. About ______ of France’s artists and writers live in Paris.
Discuss and try to introduce Jinan,the capital city using what we have the expressions in the text.
济南,山东省的省会(capital),位于( situated/located )该省的中部。
这是个非常美丽的城市,以泉水而有名 (famous ),被称为“泉城”。
因此( therefore ),每年有成千上万( millions of )的游客来参观游览。
Find more information about Jinan and write an passage.。