Prison Break 01 (second season)
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14级专升本英语I半期练习Part I Listening Comprehension (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)Section ADirections: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.01. Which of the following means of transportation is NOT mentioned in the dialogue?A) Bus. B) Taxi.C) Subway.D) Railway.02. Why does the man hate the bus system in London?A) Because the bus drivers are rude.B) Because the buses are never on time.C) Because few people can help yo D) All of the above.03. What is the disadvantage of taking the subway?A) It is crowded. B) It stops more frequently.C) It is inconvenient. D) It takes more time.04. Why don't they take a taxi?A) Because it is hard to find a taxi during rush hour.B) Because they can't afford itC) Because it's inconvenient.D) Because there is a traffic jam.05. How will they go to the theater in the end?A) By taxi.B) By bus.C) By subway.D) By railway.Section BDirections: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing information (Page 34)Holiday BluesHoliday blues can affect both men and women, young and old. Factors leading to holiday blues include increased 06)___________, unrealistic expectations, too much commercialization, and the inability to be with one's family. The increased demands of shopping, parties, 07) ____________and house guests may also contribute to tension and sadness during the holidays. Common stress 08) ____________during the holidays include headaches, excessive drinking, 09)___________ or not eating enough, and difficulty sleeping.To help 10)______________ holiday blues, follow these tips from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:* Establish 11) _____________and expectations for the holiday season, and do not label the holiday season as a time to cure all past problems. The holidays do not prevent sadness or loneliness.* 12) _____________.* Do not feel obliged to feel festive. Accept your inner experience and do not force yourself to express specific feelings. If you have recently 13) ______________ a tragedy, death, or romantic break up, tell people about your needs.To14)____________holiday stress, know your spending limit and stick to it. Enjoy holiday activities that are free, such as driving around to look at holiday decorations. Go 15) ______________without buying anything.Part II Reading Comprehension (本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共计50分)Passage OneBack in 1967, social psychologist Stanley Milgram had an idea. Everybody knows at least a few other people, he reasoned, and those people know another 5 people. Therefore, just going through the people you know, you should be able to contact any person on earth.Milgram conducted experiments by sending letters to random acquaintances, asking them to pass the letter on through their friends to an unknown person. His experiments, confirmed later withe-mail tests, showed that we're all connected by no more than "six degrees of separation".That is, you can reach any person in the world through a chain of six people.It might be comforting to know that your friend's friend's friend's friend's friend knows Bill Gates or Jennifer Lopez music, but it's not really that useful. Tracing the chain is time-consuming and inconvenient.But that's changing now, thanks to the development of online databases. While many people their PCs to keep track of their contacts and address books,new services like Friendster and Spoke combine these address books together. This way you're not only in touch with your own-friends, but with their friends and their friends' friends. Looking for someone who works in marketing at Sony Music in Tokyo?Going to Paris for the weekend and looking for someone to have dinner with? Just check the Friendster files — there's sure to be a friend of a friend of a friend in there.So what's the catch? If you want to use Friendster or similar services, you need to build a profile including your real name, where you work, your job, where you went to school and who your friends are. This lack of anonymity might seem likely to scare users off, but apparently people are hungry for contact with real people: in less than nine months, Friendster has already signed up over four million users.16. The experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram are intended to_______________.A) show the law of“six degrees of separation"B) test his reasoningC) reach any person in the world D) ask his friends to pass the letter on17.The first sentence in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by“_____________”A) So what's the problem?B) So what gets your attention?C) So what's the discovery?D) So what can you take?18. The passage mainly discusses_____________.A) the theory of "six degrees of separation"B) he results caused by Stanley Milgram's experimentsC) the way to trace a chain of six peopleD) online services like Friendster19. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A) E-mail tests by Stanley Milgram revealed that we are able to reach any person.B) Through a chain of six people, you can know Bill Gates.C) Online databases enable people to keep track of their address books.D) The lack of anonymity drives people to contact real people.20. The passage most probably is__________.A) an official document B) a research reportC) a news report D) an advertisementPassage TwoMany new students find it hard to do all the studying that has to be done; they find themselves putting off required reading, jumping from one subject to another and rarely being quite certain what they are trying to do during a particular study session. The best way to overcome these difficulties and to start studying efficiently is to plan your time and organize your work.。
当你找到你在这个世上的羁绊When you find that one person who connects you to the world,你就变了you become someone different,变得更好someone better.而当这个人从你身边被夺走When that person is taken from you...那你又会变得怎样what do you become then?管他想怎么样Whatever he wanna do, you know?怎么What?哪弄来的买麦片送的吗Where'd you get that, in a cereal box?想见识一下真家伙吗You wanna see a real gun?算了吧Forget you.现在是个混混就带家伙了安东Every little punk is carrying now, Anton.所以你父亲才要我们开车回家That's why your father wanted us to take the car home.别紧张Relax.我们下周就弄点新装备来We're picking up new hardware next week.恢复这里的秩序Restore a little order.再说了我们开车就遇不到新朋友了Besides, when we take the car, we don't get to meet new friends.瞧瞧这位Look at this guy.你带的酒不够大家喝啊You didn't bring enough for the whole group. 我得教教你学会分享I have to teach you about sharing.给那个流浪汉录口供I'll need a statement from the bum.他们带他去了哪家医院Which hospital did they take him to?他不肯接受治疗He declined treatment.但我们拿到了监控录像We got video on it, though.你要是多揍那些小子几拳You know, you could have done me a favor也算是帮我忙了and let those guys land a couple more punches.问你个问题Question for you.从录像来看Looking at that tape,我觉得你是当过兵的人I'd say you spent some time in the service.但在常规部队可练不出这身手But you don't learn how to fight like that in the regular army.那你是特种部队的吗So what were you, special forces?三角洲部队Delta?我是卡特你没说你的名字I'm Carter. You didn't give us a name.真有意思You know, it's funny.只有在你有麻烦的时候Seems like the only time you need a name now别人才会问起你的名字is when you're in trouble.这么说我是有麻烦了吗So am I in trouble?我不知道你说呢I don't know, you tell me.露宿街头的可是你You're the one living on the street.这种转变是很不容易Yeah, making that transition back can be tough.我认识一些人他们感到迷茫Some guys I knew got a little lost,需要人来帮他们适应社会needed a little help adjusting.你需要帮助吗You need some help?当然了我还认识一些人Of course, some other guys I knew,他们恶事做了太多they'd done so many evil things,觉得自己应该受到惩罚they felt like they needed the punishment.你是这种情况吗That sound more like your story?我失陪一下Excuse me for a second.我是为我的委托人而来I'm here for my client.确认吻合14指纹这家伙的指纹出现在近几年的多个犯罪现场Your guy's prints were found in half a dozen crime scenes over the years.在四个国家被通缉Open warrants in four different countries.你这是关了什么人物啊卡特Who you got down there, Carter,死亡天使吗the angel of death?多谢帮忙律师先生I appreciate the help, counselor.但由谁来买单呢But who's picking up... the tab?我们的老板想跟你谈谈Our employer wants to have a word with you. 我欠你钱吗Do I owe you money?因为我现在'Cause I'm, uh...手头有点紧running a little short at the moment.你什么都不欠我里瑟先生You don't owe me anything, Mr. Reese.你比较喜欢这个名字是吧That's the name you prefer, isn't it?我知道你有好几个化名I know you've had several.别担心我不会把你的事说出去Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anybody about you.你根本不知道我的事You don't know anything about me.你的事我全都知道里瑟先生I know exactly everything about you, Mr. Reese.我知道你从前为政府做的工作I know about the work you used to do for the government.我知道你对此产生了疑虑I know about the doubts you came to have about that work.我知道政府还有其他人I know that the government, along with everybody else,都以为你死了thinks you're dead.我知道你过去的两个月里I know you've spent the last couple of months 想把自己浸死在酒精里trying to drink yourself to death.我知道你还在琢磨更有效的寻死方式I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it.所以说搜集信息对我不成问题So you see, knowledge is not my problem.利用这些信息做点什么Doing something with that knowledge...是带你来此的原因that's where you'd come in.你可以叫我芬奇先生And you can call me Mr. Finch.我认为我们能互帮互助I think you and I can help one another.我觉得你不需要心理医生I don't think you need a psychiatrist互助小组或是药物or a support group, pills...那我需要什么What do I need?你需要一个目标You need a purpose.具体点说你需要一份工作More specifically, you need a job.这八百万人Eight million people.你知道他们有什么共同点吗You know what they all have in common?他们都不知道接下来会发生什么None of them knows what happens next.每18个小时纽约就会有一个人遇害Someone is murdered in New York city every 18 hours.今天结束时他们中有一个人会死At the end of the day, one of these people will be gone.不幸天天都会发生Bad things happen to people every day.这是没办法的事You can't stop that.如果有办法呢What if you could?不是指那种飞来横祸Not the things that happen in the heat of the moment.有很多罪行要几天甚至几周来策划But so many crimes are planned days, weeks in advance.如果你能阻止这些罪行呢What if you could stop those?我有张名单I've got a list.名单上的人都将被牵连到某种危险情况中A list of people who are about to be involved in very bad situations.比如谋杀绑架Murders, kidnappings.我名单上的这些人The people that are on my list,他们对此浑然不知they have no idea that anything's about to happen to them.他们大多只是普通人Most of them are just ordinary people-比如她-谢谢- like her. - Thank you.她名叫黛安·汉森Her name is Diane Hansen,本周她在我名单的首位and this week she's at the top of my list.我不知道到底会发生什么I don't know exactly what's going to happen 也不知道她会扮演什么角色or what her role in it is.她可能是受害人可能是行凶者She might be the victim. She could be the perpetrator.我只知道她被牵连其中All I know is that she's involved.我要你跟着她查出会发生什么I want you to follow her, figure out what's gonna to happen,并加以阻止and stop it from happening.你觉得如何So what do you think?我觉得你是闲得蛋疼的阔佬I think you're a bored rich guy.我觉得那女人大概是你前妻I think that woman's probably your ex-wife或是你某天在电梯里搞过的女人or someone you rode in an elevator with once.不管怎么样我都要走了And either way, I think I'm done.警方今晚在找一名流浪汉做进一步问话Tonight police are looking for a homeless man for further questioning.警方本以为该身份不明的男子The unidentified man was originally believed 是地铁里遭受暴力袭击的受害人to be the victim of a violent assault on the subway.但现在警方将他作为But now police consider the man国内多起案件的疑犯a person of interest in a number of crimes nationwide.亲亲怎么了Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?洁西怎么了Jess, what's wrong?你要明白里瑟先生You need to understand, Mr. Reese,我所得到的信息并不完整the information I have is incomplete,但从来不会出错but it's never wrong.你要知道You need to know what it would be like眼睁睁地听着有人被杀to be forced to listen to someone get murdered,却对此无能为力是什么感觉and not be able to do anything about it. 138.7 X线One three eight dot seven X-Ray.2008年8月12日凌晨1点37分12 August, 2008. 1:37 a.m.太迟了Too late.这份录音是三年前的This recording is three years old.一个女人在这间房里被她丈夫杀害A woman murdered in this room by her husband.为了保险金For the insurance.你来不及救她了You were too late for her.就像你来不及救你朋友洁西卡Just like you were too late for your friend Jessica.她遇害时你在地球的另一端You were halfway around the world when she was killed.你到底知道什么What the hell do you know about it?这是事实It's the truth.你离开政府是因为他们骗了你You left the government because they lied to you 我永远不会I never will.我认为你一直以来只是想保护他人I think all you ever wanted to do was protect people.这是无线窃听录音It's a wire-tap recording.国安局或国外情报监视政府的NSA or FISA. Government.但你不是政府的人But you're not government.的确不是No, I'm not.我想你可以称我为相关第三方I guess you could call me a concerned third party.你救不了这个女人You couldn't have saved this woman...也救不了你朋友or your friend.但如果你及时知道你就能救她们But you could have if you had have known in time.而这就是我能提供给你的东西And that's the other thing I'm offering you,一个及时赶到的机会a chance to be there in time.对她来说还为时不晚It's not too late for her.你能帮我阻止将要发生的事You could help me stop what's about to happen.问题在于你愿不愿意The question is, will you?这是什么地方What is this place?衰落的西方文明The decline of western civilization.城里一半的图书馆都关闭了The city closed half its libraries.预算紧缩Budget cuts.这栋楼卖给了我的一家银行This building was sold to a bank that I control,之后立即宣布破产which promptly declared bankruptcy.所以这里就被废弃了So the property's in a kind of limbo.不存在了It doesn't exist.你也是我查过你Neither do you. I did a little digging.里瑟先生我知道I recognize, Mr. Reese, that there's a disparity 我们对彼此的了解程度不对等between how much I know about you and how much you know about me.我知道你会想要尽快缩小差距I know you'll be trying to close that gap as quickly as possible.但我想告诉你我很注重隐私But I should tell you I'm a really private person.驾照信用卡Drivers licenses... credit cards.六个掩护身份Six cover identities.资金通过代理公司提供Funds to be replenished through a proxy corporation.就跟你当年为情报局工作一样Just like when you were with the agency.我在情报局工作时When I was with the agency我知道谁给我买单I knew who was picking up the tab.这就是你的名单吗This is your list?那份名单吗The list?没错Yeah.但你拿到的不是名字是吗But you don't get names, do you?这都是社保号码These are social security numbers.每个号码都标连了暴力罪行And each of them map out to a violent crime. 所有这些号码都代表了And all of these numbers represent...错失的机会Lost chances.我可以更好地帮助你I could be a lot more help to you只要你告诉我这些号码从何而来if you just tell me where you're getting these numbers.这些号码从何而来并不重要It doesn't really matter where I get the numbers.你只需要知道下一个号码What you need to know is that the next number that's up指向她is hers.黛安·汉森Diane Hansen.在底特律长大Grew up in Detroit.法学院毕业后来到纽约Moved to the city after law school.单身Single.-她有敌人吗-一两个- She have any enemies? - One or two.她是地方检察官助理She's an assistant district attorney.全部门定罪记录最高Best conviction record in her department.我们完全不知道祸事几时发生吗We have no idea when this bad thing might happen, huh?可能是一周后也可能是五分钟后Could be in a week. Could be five minutes.所有我们要尽可能了解她That's why we need to learn as much as we can about her.你打算怎么做How do you intend to begin?慢点的方式The slow way.培养感情Cultivate a relationship获取知情者的信任to allow you to earn the asset's trust.那快点的方式呢And the fast way?首先闯进目标的家First, you break into their home查看目标的东西and go through all their stuff.电邮财务记录私人物品Email, financial records, personal effects.然后黑进他们的电话Then you hack into their cell phone.只要有电有信号As long as it's charged and has signal,就能用GPS追踪他们you can use the GPS to track them.可以用麦克风窃听他们的谈话You can use the microphone to listen into their conversations无论他们是否在打电话whether they're talking on the phone or not. 妈妈抱歉没回你电话Hi, mom. I'm sorry I haven't called you back... 第三步Third step--需要监控画面you need picture.无线摄像头可以随时随地监控他们A wireless camera, and you can keep an eye on them from anywhere.我知道你担心我我知道我没事I know you're worried. I know. I'm fine.工作很辛苦但我能照顾自己It is a tough job. But I can look after myself.这你知道You know that.她很坚强但有什么事让她害怕She's tough, but she's scared about something.由于汉森的工作性质Given Hansen's job,有几百个可能对她怀恨在心的人we've got hundreds of people who could be holding a grudge.我把范围缩小到两个人I cut the list to two.第一个是威勒她的合作律师The first is Wheeler, her co-counselor.去年他们交往过几个月They dated for a few months last year.她分的手She broke things off.有时间谈谈么我请你吃晚饭You got time to talk? Maybe I can buy you dinner.我很忙下次吧I'm busy. Another time?是不是出什么事了Is something wrong?我注意到最近…I've been noticing lately--没事我很好谢谢你谢了No, I'm fine, thank you. Thanks.而40%的谋杀案And 40% of murders involve都涉及到恋爱关系some kind of romantic relationship.威勒离过婚有个儿子Wheeler's divorced. One kid.一半监护权要出赡养费事业停滞不前Partial custody, alimony. Career stalled.我第二个调查的人是劳伦斯·波普The second person I'm looking into is Lawrence Pope.汉森现在正起诉的人The man Hansen is currently prosecuting.波普被起诉是因为Pope's on trial for毒品交易中翻脸杀了几位朋友killing his friends in a drug deal gone bad,还偷走了50万现金stole $1/2 million in cash.波普的帮派或许会找她报复Pope's gang may be targeting her for reprisal. 我们到达现场时场面五彩纷呈When we got there, the scene was colorful.五人死亡Five dead.当中一个在地上爬了三米好去伸手抓电话One of them had managed to crawl ten feet to a phone打911报警to dial 911.弗斯科警探当你给波普先生录口供时Detective Fusco, when you interviewed Mr. Pope,他当时是怎么给自己辩解的what did he tell you in his defense?他说如果是他开枪杀那可怜虫He said that if he'd have shot the poor bastard,他会冲着他的脑袋开枪he would have shot him in the head.原话是"我一贯的风格"Quote, "Same as I always do," Unquote.他说他不会杀人杀个半死He said he wouldn't have left him there half-dead,任他为女朋友哭鼻子blubbering for his girlfriend.我问完了法官大人No more questions, your Honor.警探Detective...你作证时描述过火了You went a little off script in your testimony. 你从没跟我说起那段对话You never told me about that conversation,这可能会使波普免罪的And it could clear Pope's name.有什么关系呢我们都抓到他了What's it matter? We got the guy.当然有关系我的工作就是为了确保It matters because it's my job to make absolutely sure监狱不会关错人that the wrong people don't go to jail.记不记得Do you remember?不好意思我以为我们是一伙的Excuse me, I thought we were on the same team.她的案子出了问题Something's gone wrong with her case.汉森有动作了Hansen's on the move.她打电话给了县拘留所She's phoning county lockup,约波普单独会面arranging a meeting with Pope...alone.我的律师不是应该在场么Isn't my lawyer supposed to be here for this? 你想的话我可以打电话给他I can call him if you want,但我来是因为but the reason I'm here is我以为你没有杀那些人I don't think you murdered those people.我认为拨打911报警时I think somebody else was in the house是别人在现场when that 911 call was made.那个人告诉你当时的情况Somebody who told you what was said,也就是说你当时不在现场which means you weren't there.你是不是在保护什么人Is it somebody you're trying to protect?你会帮我是不是You gonna help me? Is that it?知道那晚上发生了什么的人The person who knows what happened that night一定是你在乎的人must be somebody you care about.是你的弟弟迈克吗Is it your younger brother Michael?波普有个弟弟他卷宗里有Pope's got a brother. It's in his case file.有了Got it.他有没有看见真凶Did he see the real killers?你该到此为止了女士You should leave this alone, lady.我坐牢就坐牢I can do the time.那些人邪恶杀人无所顾忌These people are evil, killing when they want. 而且还有高层罩着And they're protected from on high.你再多嘴他们会杀了我You keep asking questions, they'll kill me我的弟弟可能还有你and my brother, and probably you too.无论这些人是谁你可以信任我Whoever these people are, you can trust me. 我们会照顾你和你弟弟We'll take care of you and your brother.如果真凶还在逍遥法外我会找出他们If the killers are out there, I'm gonna find them,无论你帮还是不帮whether you help me or not.这是我的工作你何不It's my job. Now, why don't you--贱人你给我闭嘴Bitch, you keep your damn mouth shut,否则我帮你闭嘴or I'll shut it for you!我没事I'm fine.没事好了她没事Okay. She's okay. She's okay.芬奇你对汉森的看法是对的Finch, you were right about Hansen.陷害了波普的人会去找她麻烦Whoever framed Pope will be coming after her,而且只有波普的弟弟迈克知道他们是谁And only Pope's brother Michael knows who they are.妈妈是我洁西卡Hi, mom, it's Jessica.我跟辛蒂一起去了墨西哥I'm just down in Mexico with Cindy,我明天回家好吗and I'll be back tomorrow. Okay?-见面再说了拜-辛蒂- Talk soon. Bye. - Cindy?好Yeah.-我长得像辛蒂么-没错- I look like a Cindy? - yeah.我还没告诉她我们俩的事情I didn't tell her about us yet.都六个月了It's been six months.我真希望这个周末永不结束I wish this weekend could go on forever.早结束了都周二了It already has. It's Tuesday.对就是说你不得不回基地了Yes, which means that you have to go back to the base,然后我就有两周见不到你and I'm not gonna see you again for two weeks,我讨厌这样which I hate.那就开口让我留下我会的Then ask me to stay, and I will.我会辞职我会辞职I'll quit. I'll quit.-好-我会辞职- Okay. - I'll quit.-那就辞职-已经辞了- Then quit. - I already did.-什么-是的- What? - yeah.我不想有一天I didn't want to take the chance回来后发现你已不在that you wouldn't be here when I got back.不过首先我们得再来点龙舌兰But first, we need some more tequila.曼哈顿的世贸中心World Trade Center in Manhattan.亲亲怎么了怎么了Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?洁西怎么了Jess...what's wrong?是纽约我不知道我不知道It's new york. I don't know. I don't know.今天上午出事了Something's happened this morning.一架飞机坠毁了吗Is it a plane crash?好像是两架好像是两架飞机I think it's two. I think it's two planes.好的谢了All right, thanks.你昨晚去见波普了吗You went to see Pope last night?对我又给了他次机会Yeah. I gave him one more chance供出他的同伙达成交易to turn in his accomplice, cut a deal.他供出来了He give you anything?没有老样子No. As usual.我要迟到了I'm, uh--I'm late.她想要找到波普的弟弟迈克She's trying to track down Pope's brother Michael.他能指认真凶He can ID the real killers.而且她在敷衍威勒And she's stonewalling Wheeler.怎么她怀疑他牵连其中吗What, does she think he's involved?记住波普说他们有高层罩着Remember, Pope said they were protected from on high.慢着Wait a second.看来她不信任威勒是有理由的Turns out there's a good reason she doesn't trust Wheeler.他可能正和凶手们合作He might be working with the killers.而他们正在追杀迈克·波普And they're after Michael Pope.我们最好在他们之前找到那孩子We better get to this kid before someone else does.迈克能跟你聊几句吗Michael...can I talk to you for a second?你哥让我给你传话I've got a message from your brother.-你又不认识我哥-不太认识- You don't know my brother. - Not exactly.但是我知道你看到了什么But I know what you saw.我不是唯一找你的人I'm not the only one looking for you.你得跟我走You need to come with me.救命Help me.这人想把我塞进出租车里带走This man is trying to put me in a taxi cab with him!他想拍我照片He's trying to take pictures of me.怎么回事What's going on?你们好啊How you doing?迈克·波普还在地铁里Michael Pope's still on the subway.等他出来透气的时候When he comes up for air,你就能用你手机上的GPS找到他you can use the GPS on your phone to find him.如果波普对那些人的描述是真的If Pope's right about these guys,那我需要的可远远不止一部手机I'm gonna need a hell of a lot more than a cell phone.关于这点我不太喜欢武器About that, I don't like firearms very much.我也不喜欢Well, neither do I,但既然总有人要拿那就不如我拿But if someone has to have them, I'd rather it was me.而且我地铁上的朋友刚好有点货出手Besides, my friend from the subway has a line on some.基本全新Lightly used.折扣优惠Steep discount.老爹这个怎么样Pop, what about this one?你想买那个吗Are you planning on buying that one?我就想显摆给I was just showing it to--放回去Put it back on the table免得被扁before somebody else kicks your ass.你们知道男厕所在哪么Have you guys seen the men's room?你好啊安东Hey, Anton.再见到你真高兴Good to see you again.这人你认识You know this guy?这些东西相当不错啊That's some pretty serious equipment.你们上过安全教育课吗Have you guys taken a safety course?比如说你Take you, for instance.你这么横着拿You're holding that thing sideways.就没法瞄准You can't aim it,其次抛壳会打上你的脸And two, it'll eject a shell casing right into your face.看See?这些我保管了I'm gonna hold on to these你们就再多练练吧while you guys get some more practice.过得愉快Have a nice day.那哥们什么人啊Who the hell was that?里瑟Reese?我发现了你的手机信号I got a signal from your phone.告诉我你找到迈克·波普了Tell me you found Michael Pope.只有他知道谁会去找汉森的麻烦He's the only one who knows who's coming after Hansen.我找到了但是有人先我一步I found him, but somebody else found him first.听好Listen.小迈Oh, Mikey.你会把我们的事都告诉他You were gonna tell him all about us.是不是Weren't you? Hmm?去上城区Head uptown.你听见了么Are you hearing this?97街跟河滨路交汇口97th and Riverside.赶快Step on it.我们给他脑后开几个洞We're gonna put a couple in the back of his head.弄成帮派所为的样子Make it look like a gang thing.你快想办法You gotta do something.放心Relax.我搞定I'm on it.不用找了Keep the change.你疯了You're crazy.我们都死定了We're both dead now.你知道他们是什么人吗Do you know who they are?现在知道了I do now.条子走吧Cops. Come on.你到底把我卷进什么事里了What exactly have you gotten me into?我不知道I don't know.这才是关键问题That's the whole point.我雇你来帮我搞清楚I hired you to help me figure that out.给Here.我认为我们要对付的是一帮腐败警察I think we're up against a group of corrupt cops.斯蒂尔斯是缉毒组的Stills is narcotics.他和他手下听说了这笔交易Him and his men get word of deals.他们偷走毒品现金They steal the drugs, the cash,把目击者全杀了And they kill all the witnesses.他们还让弗斯科陷害劳伦斯·波普之类的人And they get Fusco to frame up guys like Lawrence Pope承担谋杀罪名for the murders.没错Exactly.我认为他们的下一个目标就是汉森I think their next target is Hansen.但是我不确定But I don't know for certain.见鬼我什么都不确定Hell, I don't know anything for certain, 因为你不肯告诉我because you won't tell me你的信息从何而来where you're getting your information.双子塔倒下的时候When the towers came down,你在墨西哥的一家酒店里you were in a hotel in Mexico.我在这里I was here.在工作I was working.直到晚上才知道袭击的事Didn't even know about the attacks until that evening.里瑟先生那天之前You see, Mr. Reese, until that day,我的人生致力于聚集财富I had spent the better part of my life making myself very rich.突然之间那些钱不再重要了Suddenly all that money didn't seem to amount to much.袭击发生之后After the attacks,政府给了自己检阅每封电子邮件The government gave itself the power to read every email,监听每通电话的权力listen to every cell phone,但他们需要东西来整理分类but they needed something that could sort through it all,在恐怖分子动手之前something that could pick the terrorists就将其从普通民众中辨认出来out of the general population before they could act.公众想被保护The public wanted to be protected,他们只是不想知道自己是怎么被保护they just didn't want to know how they were being protected.所以当他们最终找到一个有效的系统So when they finally got a system that worked,他们没有公开they kept it secret.那你又怎么知道So how do you know about it?是我造的I built it.但是机器有问题But there was a problem with this machine. 我造它是为了避免另一次911I had built it to prevent the next 9/11.但是它却看到了各种犯罪But it was seeing all sorts of crimes.所以我不得不教会机器So I had to teach the machine将所见的事情分成两类to divide the things it saw into two lists:相关信息和无关信息Relevant and irrelevant.会造成重大人员伤亡的是相关信息Events that would cause massive loss of life were relevant,这些信息会转给国安局或联调局so those would be passed along to the NSA or the FBI.那无关信息呢And the irrelevant information?每天午夜机器会删掉Every night at midnight, the machine erases it.之后我才意识到了自己的错误It was only later that I realized my mistake.无关信息名单令我备受煎熬That irrelevant list was eating away at me.那台机器现在在哪So where's the machine now?什么主机吗谁知道What, the drives? Who knows?某个政府设施里Government facility somewhere.但是机器But the machine?机器无处不在The machine is everywhere.上万双眼睛在监视着我们Watching us with 10,000 eyes.上亿只耳朵在监听着我们Listening with a million ears.发邮件的事我怎么说的来着What did I tell you about sending email?三周了你可以直接搬进来Three weeks, you could practically move in.没把握就别在邮件里乱说Never put anything in an email you cannot own.你给自己留了通道访问机器You gave yourself a way to communicate with it?我为政府造出一台无比强大的机器I was building the government a tool of unimaginable power.我觉得有个开关会比较方便I thought maybe an off switch would come in handy.所以我设计了一道后门So I built myself a back door into it.登陆查看无关信息名单To access the irrelevant list.只能看到社保号码Just a social security number.要是被人发现If anyone ever found out,我会失去登陆权限所以I'd lose access so...九位数我们只有这个Nine digits, that's all we get.而我们完全不知道为何选中黛安·汉森And we have no idea why it picked Diane Hansen.机器指向她It wouldn't be steering us toward her就一定是有所察觉if it wasn't seeing something.但我不确定能保护好汉森But I don't know if I can protect Hansen.我无法理清整件事I can't see the whole picture.我给了你一份工作里瑟先生I offered you a job, Mr. Reese.我可没说这会很容易I never said it would be easy.-卡特-什么事- Hey, Carter. - yeah?听说那个安东的事了吗You hear about your pal Anton?没有No.他和他老子想要买些枪Him and his father tried to buy some guns.结果被自己的枪给射了Wound up getting shot with their own merchandise.他们死了吗Are they dead?没有但够丢人了Nope. Embarrassed enough.被人单枪匹马就搞定了一名西装男They got taken out by one guy in a suit.里瑟坏消息Reese? I have bad news.劳伦斯·波普昨晚在牢房里被人捅了Lawrence Pope was stabbed to death last night in his cell.什么What?他们想要清理善后They're trying to cover their tracks.汉森肯定是下一个目标Hansen must be next.你要见面吗You wanted to meet?卡纳西区莱森和D大道交口20分钟后见Remsen and avenue D in Canarsie. 20 minutes.芬奇Finch.现在动手了It's happening now.喂Hello?有人在吗Are you here?喂Hello?喂Hello?你要让我等多久斯蒂尔斯Are you gonna keep me waiting, Stills?我们没时间了We don't have time for this.你在担心什么What's your problem?波普已经死了Pope is dead.我担心的是威勒The problem is Wheeler.你个蠢货他发现了You idiot, he knows.他知道了波普的事也许还不止He knows about Pope and--and maybe even some of the others.我可以搞定办公室的档案I can take care of the files at the office,但你们得去搞定威勒but you have to take care of Wheeler.就今晚Tonight.看看我发现了什么Hey, look what I found.我们有名粉丝啊We got ourselves a groupie.身上还带着大杀器Heavily armed, too.你认识他吗You know this guy?不认识No.你不是执法部门的啊You're not law enforcement.毒帮的人终于蒙了吗Cartel finally grow some stones?派人来结果我们了Send somebody to take care of us?你到底是谁Who the hell are you?。
越狱(Prison Break)分集剧名第一季:E01.越獄第一季-Prison Break Season 1E02.阿伦-AllenE03.牢房试验-Cell TestE04.可爱的毒药-Cute PoisonE05.别无选择-English, Fitz or PercyE06.暴乱1-Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 1E07.暴乱2-Riots, Drills and the Devil Part 2E08.老当益壮-The Old HeadE09.夹缝生存-TweenerE10.花招-Sleight of HandE11.七个人-And Then There Were 7E12.一人出局-Odd Man OutE13.隧道尽头-End of the TunnelE14.老鼠-The RatE15.行刑-By the Skin and the TeethE16.狱外往事-Brother's KeeperE17.绝望与转机-J-CatE18.作茧自缚-BluffE19.钥匙-The KeyE20.就在今晚-TonightE21.越狱-GoE22.插翅难飞-Flight第二季:E01.追缉-ManhuntE02.奥蒂斯-OtisE03.撒网-ScanE04.第一人出局- First DownE05.第1213号地图-Map 1213 E06.节外生枝-SubdivisionE07.埋葬-BuriedE08.威胁-Dead FallE09.败露-UnearthedE10.集合点-RendezvousE11.欲盖拟彰-Bolshoi BoozeE12.断绝-DisconnectE13.赶尽杀绝-The Killing Box E14.无名氏-John DoeE15.讯息-The MessageE16.芝加哥-ChicagoE17.仇恨-Bad BloodE18.脱罪-WashE19.香甜凯若琳-Sweet Caroline E20.巴拿马-PanamaE21.路的末端-Fin Del Camino E22.SONA-sona第三季:E01.方向-OrientaciónE02.水火之中-Fire/WaterE03.来电等待-Call WaitingE04.牢不可破-Good FencesE05.干扰-InterferenceE06.指证-Photo FinishE07.我们走吧-VamonosE08.爆炸和燃烧-Bang and BurnE09.阻挡-Boxed InE10.淤泥-Dirt NapE11.在逃中-Under and OutE12.赴汤蹈火-Hell or High WaterE13.交易的艺术-The Art of the Deal第四季:E01.SCYLLA-ScyllaE02.破门而入-Breaking & EnteringE03.关闭-Shut DownE04.天使还是恶魔-Eagles & AngelsE05.安然无恙-Safe & SoundE06.熄灭-Blow OutE07.五条险路-Five the Hard WayE08.代价-The PriceE09.任务完成-Greatness AchievedE10.传奇-The LegendE11.悄声暴动-Quiet RiotE12.无私-SelflessE13.成交与否-Deal or No DealE14.公事-Just BusinessE15.重装上阵-Going UnderE16.阳光之州-The Sunshine StateE17.妈妈的秘密-The Mother LodeE18.对决-VS.E19.疯狂-S.O.BE20.牛仔和印第安人-Cowboys & Indians E21.变化率- Rate of ExchangeE22.大结局- Killing Your Number第五季:E01.奥杰吉厄-OgygiaE02.卡尼尔奥蒂斯-Kaniel Outis E03.说谎者-The LiarE04.窘境-The Prisoner's Dilemma E05.偶发事件-ContingencyE06.亡命天涯-PhaeciaE07.暗之海-Wine Dark SeaE08.后代-ProgenyE09.偷天换日-Behind the Eyes。
Watching US TV series has become a fashion.2.你经常看美剧吗?Do you usually watch US TV series?3.美剧为何如此流行?Why is US TV series so popular?4.看美剧可以提高口语。
Watching US TV series improves oral English.5.我每天坚持看美剧。
I persist in watching US TV series every day.6.美剧让我受益匪浅。
I learn a lot from watching US TV series.7.你最喜欢哪部美剧?Which US TV series do you like best?8.我每天晚上都看美剧。
I watch US TV series every night.9.他是位美剧演员。
He is an US TV series actor.10.他拍了多部美剧。
He has played a lot of roles in US TV series. 11.他是著名的美剧演员。
He is afamous US TV series actor.12.你在看哪部美剧?What US TV series are you watching?13.那部美剧怎么样?How about that US TV series?14.我很久不看美剧了。
I haven't watched US TV series for a long time.15.你认为肥皂剧怎么样?What do you think about soaps?16.肥皂剧在美国很流行。
Soaps are very popular in USA.17.凯瑟琳爱看肥皂剧。
Catherine likes watching soaps.18.她不太喜欢这部美剧。
00 Previously on Prison Break.00 I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield.00 Why do you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow?00 Because he's my brother.00 So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him?00 To what... save him?00 ...and whoever it was that set me up,00 wants me in the ground as quickly was possible.00 Look, the closer it gets,00 the more I'm worried that the bottom is gonna fall out of this whole thing.00 That's the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi.00 Someone found Fibanacci.00 Who was this someone?00 Why'd you hire him?00 Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.00 Hey, come at me, John.00 I'm coming after you.00 I doubt it.00 I'm getting you out of here.00 It's impossible.00 Not if you designed the place, it isn't.00 You've seen the blueprints.00 Better than that.00 I've got them on me.01 You're anticipating every one of my moves, three moves in advance.01 You're a hell of a strategist, Fish.01 You ever think about Boston?01 Sure.01 Think you'll ever see it again?01 I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket.01 What do you think?01 I'm thinking about going.01 Well, there's goin' and there's goin'.01 Which one you mean?01 The one you think I mean.01 Three days inside, and he's already thinking about turning rabbit.01 It'll pass.01 It always does. 01 There's bigger things to worry about at the moment.01 I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it.01 The calm before the storm.01 Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.01 Everybody chooses sides, and a lot of guys bleed.01 There a reason?01 Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage.02 They don't get along.02 Hmm.02 What?02 Toilet won't flush.02 So?02 Means only one thing--02 The DIRT shuts off the water, so you can't flush your contraband.02 We got nothing to worry about.02 Says you!02 Under the table...03 What the hell is this?03 Insurance, white boy. Now dump it!03 Open it.03 So...6003 tooling up for the race riot, are we?03 Hand it over.03 Rugheads and the billies.03 Now, which side are you on anyhow, Fish?03 That would be neither, boss.03 Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it then.03 Stick a C.O., maybe.03 Is there a problem here, Deputy?03 Got a shank in here.03 Is this yours?03 You're not a good liar.03 Come on, Sucre, you're going to the SHU.04 Move along, Deputy.04 I'm not done shaking this cell down yet.04 I said move along.04 In the old man's back pocket, are you?04 Well, I got news for you, Fish.04 He may run this place during the day,04 but I run it during the night.05 The hell were you thinking, Michael?05 How are we doing it?05 The infirmary.05 Infirmary?05 It's the weakest link in the security chain.05 As long as I get that PUGNAc,05 I'll get all the access I need.05 What the hell's a PUGNAc?05 It lowers my insulin levels to the point that I'm hyperglycemic.05 As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic, 05 I'll have plenty of time in there to do what I need to do.05 Which is?05 A little work.05 A little prep for your arrival.05 That's the idea, anyway.05 The idea?05 There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAc, that's all.05 They don't exactly stock it at the commissary. 05 You're telling me this whole thing's riding on a bunch of pills.05 Someone's working on it as we speak.05 Now's not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael.05 Our relationship transcends race.05 Nothing transcends race in here.05 I can't let you do it.05 Good behavior, you're out of here in three years.05 Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that.06 Can't be done...06 Can't be done, Michael.06 No one's ever broken out of Fox River.06 Every single step's already been mapped out. 06 Every contingency.06 Every contingency?06 You may have the blueprints of this place,06 but there's one thing those plans can't show you-- people,06 guys like Abruzzi--06 you so much as look at these cats the wrong way, they'll cut you up.06 As far as the rest of these guys are concerned 06 I'm just another con doing his time.06 Staying out of trouble.06 Your don't go looking for trouble in here, it just finds you.06 And when it does, we'll be long gone.06 This is madness.06 You can't even get out of your cell.06 Not true.06 What, you got a key?06 Something like that.08 Wrong piece of real estate, Fish.08 Belongs to T-Bag.08 Who?08 You best speak with respect, Fish.08 Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama,08 raped 'em and killed 'em.08 Wasn't always in that order, either.08 Does T-Bag have a real name?08 That is my real name.08 No, no, no. Please... sit.08 So you're the new one I been hearin' all the rave reviews about.08 Scofield.08 One thing's for sure, you're just as pretty as advertised.08 Prettier, even.08 Rugheads got you scared, do they?08 Sorry?08 Assume that's why you're over here.08 Few days on the inside,08 any God-fearing white man realizes the correctional system's08 got a serious lean toward the African-American persuasion.09 I hadn't noticed.09 They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please.09 We got one thing they don't--09 surprise.09 We gonna take the ball game to them real soon.09 It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you,09 but we'll protect you. I'll protect you.09 All you got to do is...09 take this pocket right here,09 and your life'll be all peaches and cream.09 I walk, you walk with me.09 Keep you real close, so no one up in here can hurt you.09 Looks to me you already got a girlfriend.09 I got a whole 'nother pocket over here.09 I'll pass.09 I don't protect you,09 them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas.09 I said no.09 Then you best move, then.09 Now.09 You come around these bleachers again,09 it's gonna be more than just words we're exchanging.10 Know what I'm saying?10 Excuse me.10 Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows?10 Okay, if you're a reporter...10 I'm not a reporter. I know the defendant personally.10 Huh. You family?10 Not exactly.10 We were in a relationship a few years back.10 Well, look, ma'am, I, uh...10 I-I don't know what to tell you. I mean, the man was guilty.10 The prosecution's case was a slam dunk.10 Because the victim was the Vice President's brother.10 If you're suggesting that the federal government rammed this thing through,okay, I take offense to that, 'cause I fought for that guy.10 That's not what I meant.10 The evidence was there.10 Lincoln worked for Steadman's company.10 He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired.10 Two weeks later, Steadman's shot dead.10 The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house, 10 and the victim's blood found on his clothes.10 Trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over, but10 this isn't one of 'em.10 What about Crab Simmons?10 Lincoln said he could exonerate him.10 Why didn't you put him on the stand?11 The man's a five-time felon, all right? 11 He-He... He had no credibility.11 So, you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit.11 Be my guest, but I don't think it'd do you any good.11 Strange feeling. I don't know how to explain it.11 Now, ually, my whole life, it's always been crazy,noisy,maddening, you know, in my head, but...11 right now, it's quiet.11 It's perfect.11 Glad you came back.11 I thought about you the whole time.12 You know, I, uh, made a lot of mistakes in my life.12 I know that.12 I'm gonna make it right.12 I know you will.12 What are you doing?12 I want to remember this.12 No.12 Oh, come on. Oh, come on, V, please, just one.12 Okay.12 Easy, man.12 How we doin' on the PUGNAc?12 Hey, I'm workin' on it.12 Well, work faster. I need that stuff tonight.12 What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad?12 You get me that PUGNAc, and maybe I'll tell you.13 Uh-uh... uh!Thought we had an understanding.This here's for the family.You made it pretty clear you ain't blood.How 'bout you hand that over?Nice-looking piece of steel; bit of work.You could do some serious damage with it.Question is, who was it you was plannin' on damaging?I seen you with the Negroes, you know.Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens.All confused-like.White on the outside, black as tar on the inside.Maybe we ought to take a look at them insides and find out, hmm?13 Girl Scouts!Is there a problem over there?13 Think we'll just hang onto this, if that's okay with you.14 Hey, I'm not gonna ask you again. Let's break up the party, ladies.14 You heard the man, little dogie.Get along.15 What's it take to shake down another inmate,15 get something he's taken from you?15 It would take Fibonacci.15 I'll give you Fibonacci--15 I promise you that--15 when the time is right.15 Time is right now.15 No, the time is right when you and I are both standing outside those walls.16 You're sitting on life without parole.16 You're never gonna stand outside those walls again.16 Not unless you knew someone.16 Someone who knew a way out.16 What do you say, John?16 I say I've heard nothing but blabber.16 Philly Falzone.16 It's an honor.16 What are you doing here?16 Well, I, um...16 I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize.16 He looks like it, doesn't he?16 Looks what?16 Like everybody's been saying.16 You got no sack.16 You've been neutered.16 You shouldn't talk to me like that.16 You used to pick up my laundry.16 Not anymore, John.17 John, word is that someone in here knows where Fibonacci is,and you're not doing anything about it.17 I'm working on it.17 Well, you're not working on it fast enough.17 Apparently, Fibonacci's coming up for air again. Next month, a Congressional hearing.17 Now, if he testifies at that hearing, a lot of people are going down, including me. Now, I've known you a long time. Our wives are friends, our kids go to the same Catholic school. Now, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to your kids. I know my kids would miss them.17 You don't need to do this.17 I do.17 I'll get this guy.We'll get Fibonacci.17 Well, for everyone's sake, I hope you're right.17 I am.17 Be well, John. 17 Thank you.18 Yo, Badge, I gotta use the phone!18 Sure, no problem. You want a pizza and a pedicure, too?18 No. It's-It's Monday, man.18 I got to call my girl. She's expecting my call...18 Put a sock in it. You got nothin' comin'.18 No, no, no...18 Hey, pull up the manifest.18 There an Allen Schweitzer in GenPop?18 Nope.18 You about the SHU?18 Nope.18 Why are you asking?18 Curious, that's all.19 You hear the trumpets, Fish?19 I know you hear 'em.19 That's Judgment Day.19 It's comin'... real soon.19 What are you doing in my cell?20 I want in.20 I'm not quite sure I heard that, Fish.Did you just say you're in?20 That's right.20 You know the old saying, don't you?In for an inch, in for a mile.20 Whatever it takes.You want me to fight, I'll fight.The bolt from the bleachers-- that's what it was for.20 Well, you want to fight, you gonna get your chance.20 Next count.20 - Tonight?- Problem with that?20 'Cause we goin' straight at 'em.20 Better catch a square, Fish.20 We undermanned in a big way.20 All I need's a weapon.20 You want a weapon, bitch?20 There you go.20 All prisoners return to cells.20 You gonna have to prove yourself 'fore we trust you with the heavy artillery.20 Know what I'm sayin'?20 Gates closing!21 I wanted to apologize for being so short with you before.21 No problem.21 Closer it gets to an execution,the harder it becomes, so that's why I wanted to give you this.21 It's the, uh, surveillance tape of the garage that night.It was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it.I thought it could help you out.21 - With what?- Closure.22 Allen Schweitzer.That name mean anything to you?22 Should it?22 I don't know. You tell me.22 Never heard of the guy.22 Are you sure?22 Positive.22 Uh, what's up, Snowflake?Do you think I'm a fool?23 What are you talking about?23 I see you up there with the Hitler Youth.You know, I got a good mind to slash you open right now.23 It's not what you think.They've got something I need.23 Now, see, that's funny.Because I got something you need, too.You want your PUGNAc, Fish, huh?Right here, baby. It's all you.Listen, white boy, your luck just ran out.You chose the wrong side.24 Man... it's great to see your face.24 I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you?24 What?24 It's starting to ruin people's lives.24 Michael's in here because he thinks you're innocent.24 He told you.24 He hasn't told me anything, but I know, Lincoln.24 I know what he's planning.24 Call him off.24 If you love him, call him off.24 I saw the tape.24 What's on the tape's not how it went down.24 I know what I saw.25 I know what I saw.25 I was there, remember? 25 I got high that night.I had to.It was the only way I could go through with it.I never pulled the trigger.The guy was already dead.25 Yeah, I know. You've told me a thousand...25 Then listen! I was set up!I went there that night to cleara debt.Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him.He told me the mark was some scumbag drug dealerand if I took it, we'd be clean.I never pulled the trigger.All I know is that somebody wanted me in the same garage as Terrence Steadman that night.25 Why would somebody want to set you up?25 It wasn't about me. It was about him.25 Steadman?25 Yes!25 The guy was like a saint.All the charity work,the environmental progress his company was making...About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you.26 You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am?26 I don't know why I came here.26 You have your life now--I know that--but if what we had before meant anything to you,you'd find out the truth.26 Maybe all this is the truth.Maybe they got it right.27 Badge!27 Open up, Badge!27 You talking again?27 It's my girl's birthday.27 Happy birthday to her, then.27 You gotta let me call her! Please!I'll give you a million dollars, if you let me use the phone.27 I seen your kicks, Sucre.You got something like 40 cents to your name.27 Please!God, no!27 All right. Maricruz. What are you doing? Come on.27 Yeah, it's okay, Hector. You go ahead.27 What are you talking about?27 I think I'm just going to take a cab.27 What do you mean, like, go home? I mean, you just got here.28 He didn't call you, did he?Look... I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat.You got to move on with your life.28 Mr. Giles,28 we'd like to have a word with you, if we could.28 I really don't have time.28 I'm afraid we're going to have to insist.28 It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request28 a couple of days ago, on the Burrows case.28 Yeah. So?28 Records show that you made a dupe of the surveillance tape.28 That's right.28 Mind us asking why?28 It's for one of Burrows' old girlfriends, man.28 She was under the impression that the guy was innocent.28 I figured it'd, you know, help her with closure.28 She's in possession of the tape now, then?28 Don't pull that card on me.28 It's the Freedom of Information Act.29 She's entitled to that tape as much as you or I are.29 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, by all means, by all means.29 - May I go now?- Just one more thing.29 This old girlfriend of his...29 what's her name?29 Excuse me.29 Is this the Simmons residence?29 I'm Ms. Simmons.29 I'm sorry, um...29 I'm Veronica Donovan.29 I'm looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related?29 He's my son.29 Is he around?29 No.29 Could you tell me where I could find him?29 Lady, go away. I can't help you. Can't you understand that?29 I'm sorry. It's just...29 a man's life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him.29 Crab can't help nobody, lady.29 He's dead.29 I'm sorry. 30 Heads up! 7-up, cons, stand your gate!30 'Bout to jump off, Fish.30 Ballard, get back on your number.30 I need backup.30 I said back on your number!31 Help me...31 Scofield!You're a dead man, Scofield!You hear me?!You're a dead man!33 I really don't know what to say to you gentlemen.I try to give you the benefit of the doubt,I try to treat you with respect.You can't even respect yourselves.So, there's going to be a 48-hour lockdown.No mess. No showers.No visitation. And I strongly suggest that you all learn to get along.Otherwise, the next time, it's going to be a week,and the time after that, it's going to be a month.Think about it.34 Got a Leticia Barres on the line.34 I don't know who that is. Take a message.34 She says she used to date Crab Simmons.34 Leticia, thank you for calling.34 You want to hear what I have to say,34 we meet in a public place, where they can't get to us.34 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where who can't get to us?34 You want to hear what I have to say or not?34 'Cause if you don't, I'm going to hang up right now.34 No, no, no-- you just name the time and the place.34 Over here.34 Leticia, thanks for coming..35 Go easy, lady.35 We don't know each other, you got that?35 We'll stay out here in the open where they can't get to us.Where they can't do what they do.Only reason why I'm talking to you35 'cause they gonna kill your boy like they killed mine.Coroner's report says smack killed your boyfriend, Leticia.35 - It was an overdose.- Wasn't no overdose.35 What do you mean?35 Crab didn't use. He had a bad heart.If he touched the stuff, it'd kill him.I mean, don't you think it's just the slightest bit of a coincidencehe OD'd a week after your boyfriend's crime?They killed him 'cause he knew things.35 Things they didn't want to get out.35 Like what?35 Like who was really behind that hit that night.Wasn'tCrab, that's for damn sure.And it sure as hell wasn't Lincoln.Neither of them boys knew what they were getting into.They were just pawns in a big game.35 What?35 - They're here.- Who's here, Leticia?35 Don't try to follow me.35 Don't find me. I won't testify.35 Just slow down and talk to me.35 I'd get as far away from here as you can, girl. 35 'Cause there ain't nobody they can't get to.35 Leticia!36 Hello?36 We have a small complication.There's a lawyer poking around.36 V eronica Donovan.36 Yes.36 You can handle a girl who graduated in the middle of her Baylor law school class.At least I'd like to think so,given the stakes of what we're dealing with here.Anyone that's a threat to what we're doing is expendable.Anyone.37 Understood.37 Then do what you need to do to make this go away.37 You there, Pretty?I know you're there.Just want you to know I'm coming for you.You got nowhere to run.You're trapped in that little hole of yours.Trapped like a pig I'm going to slaughter.39 Who's my 1:00?39 Uh, Michael Scofield.39 I was wrong about you, Scofield. Here's your PUGNAc.39 Little bit late.39 Better late than never, right?39 Scofield! Infirmary!39 - We'll see about that.- Mm-hmm.39 I'm gonna find out, you know...39 what it is you're doing up there.39 How long does this take?39 It used to take hours.They've come a long way with the new glucose kits.This'll take us about ten seconds. 39 Slide the strip into the meter, we're ready to go.I'm sure you know this,but average glucose for the non-diabetic is about 100 milligrams per deciliter,so we see a number like that here, and we know you've been misdiagnosed.40 You seem nervous.40 I do?40 You're sweating.40 Must be the needles.Never really got used to them.40 Somehow, with diabetes and that tattoo, I find that hard to believe.40 Ah...Bad news, I'm afraid.40 180 milligrams per deciliter. You're definitely diabetic.40 Do you need anything else from me?40 Arm to stick a needle in.40 Okay.40 I'll see you Wednesday.40 - Cute.- Prisoner.41 I don't know. There's something strange about him.41 What do you mean?41 I gave him the results of his blood test,and there was this look on his face.It was, um...relief.41 It's all right.I got it.I'm headed over to A-Wing anyhow.41 You're positively beaming, boss.41 Got up on the right side of the bed this morning, I guess.Hold up.Sugar.Don't you move, Fishy.41 Hey, what are you doing?41 You're coming with us, Fish.41 This little polka you and I have been doing for a while--as of this's over.Fibonacci.I want to know how you got to him...and where he is, right now.42 Not going to happen, John.42 Now, I'm going to count to three.One...42 I give you that information, I'm a dead man.You know it and I know it.42 Two...42 I'll tell you the moment we're outside those walls,not a second before.42 You tell me now.42 Not gonna happen, John.42 Hey...42 I'm going to give you one last chance.43 Three.。
CriminalMinds(犯罪心理)名言 Season1◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。
】●Try again.Fail again.Fail better.——Samuel Beckett【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。
】(Gideon片中台词)●Try not.Do or do not.——Yoda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。
】(Morgan片中台词)●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle…is another riddle.——Emerson【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。
】●The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。
】●When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。
】◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which,by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese 【詹姆斯·瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。
我想让你和我一起离开I want you to come away with me.我觉得离开一段时间挺好I think it would be good just to get away from all this. 我昨晚梦见咱俩了I had a dream about us last night.梦到我们结婚了That we were married.律政巨人第二季第八集汤姆·怀亚特请留言Tom Wyatt. Leave me a message.我说老兄Hey, hola, muchacho.听着Listen, uh...我都是第四次留言了this is the fourth message I've left here.我有点担心了I'm getting a little nervous.我找不到我们在边境以南的I'm having a little difficulty getting ahold of our, uh, 朋友了our friend south of the border.就像是没有钱一无所有As in, "No pesos, no más."天啊Capiche, alright?我没什么可担心的吧Now, uh, I shouldn't be worried, should I?我是说我不我不担心Uh... I mean, I-- I mean, I'm not, I'm not worried.不担心I'm not worried.你应该是在度假吧No, you're probably on vacation, right?我记得你提过In fact, I think, I think you said something要去度假的事about going on vacation.嗯真是个挺不错的主意Yeah. That's actually a good idea.我觉得应该和你一起去I think I may, uh... I may join you on that.晚点再说吧再见So I will talk to you, uh, later. Bye.操Fuck.操操Fuck. Fuck.操操操Fuck, fuck. Fuck.操操操操Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck.好吧好了Okay. All right.有事吗Can I help you?你好皮特Hi, Pete.如果你肯合作就会容易很多This is gonna go a lot easier if you cooperate.好吧Okay.你们知道我是谁Well, you know who I am,但我不认识你们but I don't know who you are.我是比利她是帕蒂Yeah, well, I'm Billy, and this is Patty.我们是胡里奥·苏亚雷斯的律师We were Julio Suarez's lawyers.我建议你把知道的一切都告诉我们I'd suggest you start from the beginning and tell us 从头开始讲起好吗every fucking thing you know. Okay?卢米斯死了罗曼死了Loomis is dead, Roman's dead.你想成为下一个还是坦白一切You want to be next, or you want to fucking talk? 老兄我不知道Look, man, I-I don't know what---你们说的是谁 -好吧- who you're talking about. Who? - Yeah, okay.别糊弄我狗♥娘♥养♥的Don't bullshit me, motherfucker. Okay?要么我把你宰了要么别人把你宰了Either I fucking kill you, or somebody else is.你知道我指的是谁对吧畜生I think you know who I'm talking about, right, motherfucker? 行行我认真的好吗All right, look, I'll... For real, okay?说真的好吧是我...Totally honest. Real talk. Okay, yes, I...我所做的就是All I did was I...把钱放在一个柜子里给凯斯·罗曼put money in a locker for Keith Roman.就这样That-- so, that...就这样这么简单啊That's all you did? Real simple, huh?是的天啊我That's it. Jesus! I was--我就是个跑腿的I was just a bag boy.-说实话 -好好- Start fucking talking. - Okay. Okay.好了好了Okay. All right, all right.-听着别这样 -真的- Listen, let's-- stop it! - Really?-好了 -我对你的车没意见- Okay, okay, okay. - I ain't pissed at your car.-我对你有意见老兄 -好吧- I'm pissed at you, dude. - Okay.好了好了Okay, okay, okay, okay.我告诉你们想要的一切I'll give you what you want,不过我要全面的司法豁免权but I'm-I'm gonna need full immunity.行吗以及其他几个条件And a, and a couple of other things.两个Two...两个条件two things.这家伙真麻烦Guy's a real piece of work.可不Oh, we know.他的证词给我们确凿证据证明His testimony gives us Wyatt dead to rights怀亚特通过加布里尔·奥尔特加的on money laundering, drug trafficking拉马洛集团洗钱以及贩毒through Gabriel Ortega's La Mano Cartel.你听过克劳迪娅·金特罗这个名字吗Name Claudia Quintero mean anything to you?-我应该听过吗 -所有的空壳公♥司♥的- Should it? - Well, she's a signatory签署人都是她on all the shell corporations.我们会查她We'll look into her.那胡里奥呢What about Julio?将怀亚特和胡里奥的死联♥系♥起来比较困难Connecting Wyatt to Julio's death is gonna be a lot harder. 好我跟怀亚特谈我来找联♥系♥Okay, well, I'll talk to Wyatt and make the connection.我会很快逮捕怀亚特I'll be picking Wyatt up soon.在此期间发生的一切Anything that happens between now and then,-我一概不知 -明白- I don't know anything about. - Understood.怀亚特可能是危险人物You know, Wyatt could be dangerous.糟了Oh, shit.One more.完美Perfect.真是完美的残缺It's completely... incomplete.帕蒂也不谁Patty what's-her-who现在真的想和你讲话really wants to talk to you right now.天Fuck.嗯我得接这个电♥话♥Yeah, I should get that.好Okay.怎么了What's up?你跟汤姆·怀亚特在一起Are you with Tom Wyatt?嗯怎么了Yeah, why?好吧他的飞机什么时候到Yeah, um... Okay, what time does his plane get in? 好吧嗯好的Okay. Yeah, all right.我到机场给你电♥话♥I'll, um, I'll call you back once I get to LAX.好好的再见Oh, okay. All right, yeah. Bye.怎么回事What's that all about?汤姆真抱歉Uh, Tom, I'm so sorry.好吧I know.我们本来要好好爽一下We were gonna have so much fun.-真是会挑时候 -是的- It's very inconvenient timing. - I know.飞机通常都晚点Planes are always late.我们也许能搞完We could probably just finish up.-不我 -没事的- No, I, um... - It's okay. It's okay.可是他就快到了But he's... he's about to get in.嗯他跟别人一样能喊出租Yeah, and he can take a fucking taxi, like everybody else. 我答应了去接他I-I promised that I'd get him.我忘了I forgot.没事吧Everything okay?不有事No, not really.好吧Okay.你伤害了我布列塔尼You hurt my feelings, Brittany.我不明白I-I don't understand.我觉得你非常明白I think you understand perfectly well.汤姆说实话我Tom, honestly, I...别跟我说你什么都没做Don't fucking tell me what you fucking didn't do!你毁了一切You fucking ruined it!好吧Okay.你对我撒谎You fucking lied to me.你想摆脱我You tried to get away from me.趁我发飙之前滚Get the fuck out before I get upset.总会有人对我们眼中如此There are those who will disagree清晰的未来表示不认同with the future we see so clearly.但每一次挫折都会令我们携手向前But with every setback, we will move forward together. 我要对我的社区和支持者说今晚To my community, to my supporters, tonight...同一座洛城"One L.A."真够搞笑的玛莉索尔·席尔瓦That's really fucking funny, Marisol Silva!玛莉索尔Marisol! Marisol!出来见我Come out here and face me!她想杀我爸知道吗She tried to kill my dad, you know that?我知道你的所作所为婊♥子♥I know what you fucking did, you bitch!你敢再靠近我家人You come near my fucking family again,我就宰了你I'm gonna fucking kill you!听到了吗Do you hear me?!她是个大骗子She's a fucking liar!你们不知道她是什么货色You don't even fucking know who she is!出来吧小犯人Come on out, little jailbird.你恨我吗Do you hate me?当然不了傻瓜来吧Of course not, silly. Come on.-再次感谢哈珀 -不客气- Thanks again, Harper. - You got it.别跟我妈说Please don't tell Mom.你把我看成什么了Who do you think I am?我为什么会告你妈Why would I do that?你没事吧Are you okay?我觉得自己太傻了I feel like a fucking idiot.嗯咱俩都很傻Yeah, well, that makes two of us.我应该早知道的I should've known.我知道你说过了Yeah, I know. You said that before.我也再说一次咱俩都很傻Once again, that makes two of us.-爸 -怎么了- Hey, Dad. - Yeah?我感觉很糟I don't feel good.我们走吧走Let's go. Come on.我没救了对吧I'm fucked, aren't I?我们都没救了We are both fucked.我猜你想问我这一切是否曾真实I suppose you are gonna ask me if it was ever real... 我是否爱过你...if I ever loved you.你还好吗You okay?嗯我很好Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.我很遗憾Sorry.我也是Me, too.你能开车吗You gonna be okay to drive?嗯我可以Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.谢谢Thanks.很高兴你没事Glad you're okay.谢谢帕蒂Thanks, Patty.好Okay.我有东西在你那You have something of mine.你说什么What are you talking about?再想想Try again.我有需要I needed it.难以置信Unbelievable.我最不愿意相信的就是You know, the last thing I wanted to believe你会偷走这个彻底毁了我is that you would completely screw me by stealing this.怎么有人注意到东西不见了吗What, did anyone notice it was gone?-这不是重点 -那什么是重点- That's not the point. - So, what's the point?你为什么觉得这样做没问题帕蒂What makes you think that this is all right, Patty?我们对于胡里奥的案子没进展We hit a dead end with Julio而你对我们的帮助不够及时and you weren't helping us fast enough.-我能怎么办 -你破坏了监管链- What was I supposed to do? - You broke the chain of custody 你是个聪明的律师你知道这一点and you're a smart lawyer, so you fucking knew that.抱歉伤害了你但我依然会这么做I'm sorry that you're hurt, but, I mean, I would do it again.你知道我能逮捕你吧You know I could have you arrested?-当然但你不会 -不会- Sure, but you won't. - No.我不会No, I won't.我想你已经得到自己想要的I guess you got what you really wanted.什么What?再见帕蒂Bye, Patty.该死Shit.真的很感谢你留下陪她I really do appreciate you staying over here with her.不客气Of course.这些都是汤姆给我的You know, Tom sent me these.是吗Yeah?嗯最要命的是我真的喜欢他Yeah, you know, the fucked up thing is I really liked him. 我为他难过Like, I felt bad for him.我永远没法走正途I can never get it right.没几个人能Yeah, hardly anyone can.你好Hi there.你好吗Hey, how's it going?抱歉我找不到烟灰缸Sorry I couldn't find an ashtray.希望这不是传家之宝什么的Hope it's not a family heirloom or something.你来这真是有点惊喜It's a fun little surprise having you here.是不是惊喜我还真不知道Oh, I don't know if I'd call it fun or not.嗯我也不确定Yeah, I'm not sure, either.我想是和布列塔尼有关I'm assuming this is about Brittany.并非如此No, it's not.好吧你想个交朋友Okay. You want to be friends?我和你的生意伙伴皮特·奥克兰谈过了I had a talk with your business associate, Pete Oakland.他举报你洗黑钱贩毒He gave you up on money laundering, drug trafficking...我们查到你和拉马洛集团勾结we got you connected to the La Mano Cartel.小罪行You know, little shit.他提供的证据够关你一阵子了兄弟He gave us enough to put you away for quite some time, bud. 这听着可不像小罪行像是...That doesn't sound like little shit, that sounds like...像是弥天大罪了sounds like big boy stuff right there.嗯Yeah.你这么想我我挺荣幸的Well, I'm honored that you think of me that way.我向你保证我只是个地♥产♥商I can assure you, I'm just a real estate guy.我不是核心人物I'm not a kingpin.你朋友皮特是个蠢货Uh, your friend, Pete, is a dipshit.他的证词在庭上站不住脚His testimony will never hold up in court.我的律师团会收拾他的My lawyers will fucking squash him.如果你没有什么正事要谈So, unless you have something legitimate to discuss...就从我的厨房♥里滚出去...would you mind getting the fuck out of my kitchen?预谋谋杀对你而言算正事吗Is conspiracy to commit murder legitimate enough for you? 我预谋谋杀的对象是谁And who did I conspire to murder exactly?你杀了胡里奥You had to get rid of Julio以掩盖你所有罪行对吧to cover up all your shit, didn't you?你觉得我杀了...You think I got rid of...拜托Come on.我还以为你是I thought you're supposed to be一流的牛逼律师this top-tier, hot-shit attorney.你真不知道You really don't know?我目睹她骗了你Well, I watched her work you over.我知道她会做恶心人的勾当I knew she could do some gnarly shit.我真不知道能有多恶心I didn't realize how gnarly until...直到她下了那个命令until she gave that order.你该去和玛莉索尔聊聊胡里奥Yeah, you should talk to Marisol about Julio.你不愿意信我You don't want to believe me,但是你信了因为合情合理but you do 'cause it makes sense.政客得给她善后Politician, have to clean up her shit.真不好意思老兄I'm really sorry, bud.我真觉得你应该挺聪明的I honestly thought you were smarter than that, 不过我想but I guess, um...爱情就是盲目的I guess love really is blind.有些事是你不知道的Well, here's something you don't know.什么事Yeah what is that?你另一位生意伙伴加布里尔·奥尔特加Your other business partner, Gabriel Ortega,是她哥哥that's her brother.去你的谁说的Fuck you. Who told you that?他自己He did.看来咱俩都被耍了Looks like we both got played.唯一的区别是The only difference is我不用坐牢I'm not going to prison.在牢里你有大把时间打飞机That will give you plenty of time to jerk off.可能还有人帮你Might even have some help.我要从你厨房♥里滚出去了So I'll get the fuck out of your kitchen.天呐是你把汤姆介绍给拉马洛的Jesus, you're the one that introduced Tom to La Mano.通过朋友的朋友Through a friend of a friend.我根本不认识那个人I-I... I don't know the guy at all.我也没想过会被And I never would've been involved卷入这种事里with anything like this.我只是安排你们见了个面All I did was arrange for you to meet.我不认识她我从没见过她I don't know her. I've never met her before.你认识她我们得让她开心You have a relationship with her, and we need her happy. 我是玛莉索尔·席尔瓦You've reached Marisol Silva.-快接电♥话♥ -请留言- Fucking pick up. Come on. - Please leave a message.我是玛莉索尔·席尔瓦You've reached Marisol Silva.接电♥话♥ 别躲我Pick up. Don't you fucking dodge me.你在躲我这么做很差劲You're avoiding me. That's a bad fucking move!我知道你和你哥加布里尔的事了Yeah, I know about you and your brother Gabriel, huh?你以为我不知道是吧Yeah, you didn't think I'd know about that, did you?你猜怎么着Well, guess what?我为你做了那么多事你竟然要搞我After everything I did for you, you're gonna fuck me over? 这可不行I don't think so.你可不是自以为的那么安全好吗You're not as safe as you think you are, okay?享受市政厅吧好日子快到头了Enjoy City Hall. It's not gonna last fucking long.我♥操♥Fuck!我♥操♥Fuck.我♥操♥Fuck!我♥操♥Fuck.那是她吗Hey, is that her?艾琳娜Elena.我是比利·麦克布莱德I'm Billy McBride.我女儿丹妮斯在竞选活动中和你一起做事My daughter Denise worked the campaign with you.是的是的Yeah. Yeah.-她是帕蒂抱歉 -帕蒂·索丽思·帕佩基恩- Um, this is Patty. Sorry. - I'm Patty Solis-Papagian, hi.不好意思我正在...Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm right in the middle of a...别走稍等片刻No, no. Hang on just a second.丹妮斯真的很喜欢你Denise was real fond of you.她总是提起你She talked about you all the time.-说你人很好 -她很可爱- She said you're a great person. - She's lovely.嗯她是个好女孩Yeah, she's a great girl, right.总之她说你被炒了是吗Anyway, she told me you were fired. Is that right?不我有其他工作机会No, I got another job opportunity.我们要了解We need information玛莉索尔·席尔瓦的情况所以才来这on Marisol Silva, that's why we're here.我帮不到你I can't help you.你都不知道我要问你什么You don't even know what I'm gonna ask you yet, so... 你的脸是怎么回事What happened to your face?我绊倒了I tripped.他们找上你了So they got to you.只要你能提供信息Look, we can offer you protection我们就能保护你if you give us some information.拜托我一点都不想介入此事Please. I don't want any part of this.艾琳娜艾琳娜Elena. Elena.拜托了能不能听我说完Please. Will you, will you just hear me out?我知道你想帮我们I know you want to help us,我们也真的需要拜托你掌握的任何事and we can really use it, so, please, anything you have.这么说吧I'll tell you this,玛莉索尔并非她自己说的那样Marisol isn't who she says she is.她的真名叫克劳迪娅·金特罗Her real name is Claudia Quintero.等下你怎么知道的Wait, wait, wait. How do you know that?去玛莉索尔家乡的教堂Talk to Sister Maria Isabella找玛丽亚·伊莎贝拉修女聊聊吧at the church in Marisol's hometown.如果有人问起我不会承认这次谈话And if anyone asks, I will deny ever having this conversation. 不要再跟我说话了Do not talk to me again.打扰你会讲英语吗Excuse me, do you speak English?-会一点 -好- Yes, a-a-a little. - Okay.-你是玛丽亚·伊莎贝拉修女吗 -不是- Are you Sister Maria Isabella? - No.你知道她在哪吗Do you know where she is?玛丽亚·伊莎贝拉修女失踪了S-Sister Maria Isabella is, um, desaparecido.走了Gone.你听过克劳迪娅·金特罗这个名字吗Do you know the name Claudia Quintero?-没有 -那我们能不能- No. - Well, can we at least look看下教区居民档案和受洗档案at your parishioner records, or baptism records,-类似的东西 -不行- anything like that? - No, no.为什么不行No. Why都毁掉了It's destroyed.你好吗我要见加布里尔How you doing? I need to talk to Gabriel.这没有叫加布里尔的Nobody by that name lives here.有加布里尔我当时就在这Yeah, Gabriel. That's it-- I was just here.抱歉先生I'm sorry, senor.我不认识你I don't know you.你认识我Yeah, you do.抱歉先生I'm sorry, senor.你是谁Who are you?你又是谁Who are you?这是谁Who is this?我要见加布里尔仅此而已拜托了Look, I need to talk to Gabriel. That's all. Please. 谁Who?加布里尔·奥尔特加他就住这Gabriel Ortega, the guy who lives here.他穿白西装有胡须White suit, beard, that guy.我不知道你有什么问题I don't know what your problem is,不过我在这住了十年了but I've lived here for ten years.好我的问题就是要见加布里尔Yeah, well, my problem is, I need to talk to Gabriel 而你不知为何就拦着不让and for some reason, you're not letting me.不我要见加布里尔No, no. I-I need to talk to Gabriel.等一下Hang on a second.老兄爱德华多对吧Hey, buddy. Eduardo, right?不是No.就是爱德华多你记得我吧Yeah, Eduardo. You remember me, right?和加布里尔一起With Gabriel?加布里尔Gabriel.-谁 -加布里尔你老大- Quien? - Gabriel, your boss.就是把你手砍掉的那个人El jefe. The guy who whacked your rig off there.他还看了是不是有问题And he was seeing if it was okay.记得吗他检查你胳膊Remember? He was looking at your arm.没有No. No.加布里尔在哪Where's Gabriel, dude?别骗我了你会说英语的Cut the bullshit. You speak English, right?-你会英语的 -不会- You speak English? - No.-我们走吧走 -你在撒谎- Let's go. Come on. - You're lying to me.在这工作的有多少人是只有一只手啊How many fucking guys have one hand out here doing this shit? 我跟你说这...I'm telling you, this--这一切这个地方爱德华多everything about this, this place. Eduardo.-他看了我跟你说 -他没有看- He looked. I'm telling you. - He didn't look. He didn't look.-那个杂种看我了 -他没看你- The son of a bitch looked at me. - He didn't look at you.我是艾琳娜This is Elena.艾琳娜我是比利·麦克布莱德Elena, hi. It's Billy McBride.我真的需要你帮助Listen, I really need your help.我不认识什么比利·麦克布莱德I don't know a Billy McBride.不要打给我了Don't call back.我想听你对我说你爱我I want you to tell me that you love me.我猜你想问我这一切是否曾真实I suppose you are gonna ask me if it was ever real... 我是否爱过你...if I ever loved you.你好Hey, there.-安妮塔来了吗 -五分钟后到- Is Anita here yet? - Uh, five minutes late.好吧那让卢推迟15分钟然后All right, um, push Lou 15 minutes and then...-汤姆·怀亚特 -是- Tom Wyatt? - Uh, yeah.我们有逮捕令你被捕了We have a warrant for your arrest.-好吧 -趴到车上- Oh, cool. - On the car.-趴到车上 -我打给你律师- Whoa. On the car, okay. - I'll call your lawyer.打给罗杰他会很快把我弄出来Yeah, call Roger. He'll get me out of this real quick. 你还没开始想我我就回来了I'll be back before you miss me.-我要去喝一杯再见 -好- I'm gonna go have one. I'll-I'll see you. - Okay.-帕蒂 -怎么了- Hey, Patty. - Yeah?听着Listen.那什么You know, uh...这是个好迹象That's a good sign.也许是暂时的不过Could be temporary, but...以帕蒂来说能这样就不错了With Patty, you got to take what you can get.我们来找汤姆·怀亚特We're here for Tom Wyatt.他被捕了他在哪He's under arrest. Which way?你们已经逮捕他了You already arrested him.什么What?后来阿罗流行起来When Alo became popular...家里一切都变了well, everything changed for our family.我们摆脱了贫穷We were no longer poor.我爸是第一个将阿罗出口国外的人And it was my father who started shipping Alo internationally. 不久之后有个朋友联♥系♥他It wasn't long after that he was approached by a friend who, 这个朋友和贩毒集团有关系well, he had some ties to the cartel. And...我们正式合作之前Before we make this business official,我想让你看点东西I would like to show you something.跟我来Please come with me.来Please.怎么回事我以为我被捕了What happened? I thought I was getting arrested.你表现很好汤姆You're doing very well, Tom.多亏了你Thanks to you.-你救了我兄弟 -嗯- You saved my ass, pal. - Yeah.他怎么了What's wrong with him?给点时间Given time,人能适应一切a man can get used to almost anything.天啊Oh, shit.你干了什么你偷了...What'd you do? You stole...快看我Look at me.我老二还在吗Do-do I still have my dick?拜托汤姆我又不是禽兽Oh, please, Tom. I'm not a monster.-嗯 -不是禽兽汤姆- Yeah! - Not a monster, Tom. Yes.-不过我知道你爱废话 -我太好看了- But, Tom, I know how much you love to talk. - I look so good. 所以很不幸So, unfortunately,你要适应没有舌头的生活了you're not gonna get used to losing your tongue.你不必割掉我舌头You don't have to take my tongue.我不废话了你是我朋友I won't. I... you're my friend.我不废话了你看我闭嘴I'm not gonna talk. Look, I'll zip it.我闭嘴我现在就闭嘴I'll zip it, I'll zip right up.我画十字架发誓I pro... hey, hey. I cross my heart.你都没手能画十字架了Oh, don't you lack the means to do so?有意思That's funny.-你真逗 -张嘴- You're funny. - Open up.你是我的好朋友You-You-You're a good friend.-好了 -好了汤姆- Okay. - All right, Tom.不要No.不要不要No, no. No.好了好了There you go. There you go.你好陌生人Hey, stranger.为什么来这Why here?因为我要给你看点东西'Cause I want to show you something.不必了Uh, you don't...谢谢Thank you.恭喜了Congratulations.你赢了亲爱的You won, honey.看到没You see that?都是你的了It's all yours.你所跟我说的All those things you told me要为这里所做的一切我希望你言而有信you wanted to do for this place, I hope you do them. 我真心希望I really do.我希望你立下丰功伟绩I hope you're a huge success.我猜你想问我I suppose you are...这一切是否曾真实gonna ask me if it was ever real,我是否爱过你if I ever loved you.我从未爱过I never did.你对我所做的What you did to me...或是你试图对我所做的or what you tried to do to me...以及你对胡里奥所做的一切and what you did to Julio...我真心希望...I really hope夜深人静时that at the end of the night当你躺在枕头上when you lay your head on the pillow,你眼前最后一幕that the last image you see是那个孩子吊死在那根绳子上is that kid hanging from that fucking cord. 谢谢你的祝福Thank you for the wishes.。
《绝望的主妇》让你的英语不绝望课堂笔记ContentsDesperate Housewives S01E01-56 (1)Desperate Housewives S01E02-80 (16)Desperate Housewives S01E03-37 (27)Desperate Housewives S01E04-38 (34)Desperate Housewives S01E05-53 (42)Desperate Housewives S01E05-53 (53)Desperate Housewives S01E01-56基础知识:season季episode集desper ate a.绝望的housewife n.家庭主妇你喜欢的美剧The big bang theory生活大爆炸Prison Break越狱Friends老友记Modern Family摩登家庭2Broke Girls破产姐妹go back to work回归职场real estate agent房产中介lawyer律师Why Desperate Housewives?台词生活化;情节不紧张;不搞笑不下限不毒舌;中英字幕。
本级中读中小学的女儿会问她离婚的妈妈,When was the last time you had sex?丈夫要和在他人眼里完美的妻子离婚,原因是觉得她是a cold,perfect thing,而一点不真实生动。
人物一个单身妈妈a single mother(单亲家庭a single parent family)一年前离婚divorced one year ago一个青少年女儿a teenage daughter一个新来的水管工a new plum b er台词你们双方都有好感You are obviously into each other既然知道他单身,你就能约他啦Now you know he’s single,you can as k him out.我只是不知道自己是否准备好约会了I just…I don’t know if I’m ready to start dating yet.你需要回到社交圈去You need to get back out there.你上次做爱是什么时候Come on.How long has it been since you’ve had sex?你生气了Are you mad that I aske d you that?不是,我在想答案No,I’m trying to remember.单词+短语+句子+文化对某人有好感have a crush on sb./be into sb./like sb./feel good about sb./fall in love with sb.I am into sb.(I am into sth.)I have feelings for you.I had a crush on you.(心动)I want to be with you.他只是没那么喜欢你。
期末复习(四)一、单选题(共12题;共12分)1.I requested that you ________ the task on time.A. finishedB. finishC. could finishD. would finish2.—Whenever you want a good meal, come to my restaurant and eat for free.—Believe me. That is an ________ I will not refuse.A. approachB. offerC. ideaD. instruction3.Judging by her ________, Jane must be a southerner.A. pronunciationB. accentC. voiceD. sound4.As soon as he heard the news, a(n)________ of surprise appeared on his face.A. conditionB. situationC. factD. expression5.— Why did your brother look so down?His ________ to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight.A. promotionB. destinationC. instructionD. ambition6.Tu Youyou was given the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine of 2019 due to her ________ to discovering a new drug to treat parasitic diseases.A. conservationB. expectationC. commitmentD. appreciation7.Of these two basketball teams,the former comes from the US; the ______ comes from England.A. lateB. laterC. latterD. lately8.The sports meeting is _____. We are doing what we can to prepare for it.A. in the wayB. drawingC. this wayD. approaching9.—I'm afraid I'll fail in the exam.— ________. It won't be so bad.A. Don't be afraidB. It doesn't matterC. Take it easyD. You'll not fail10.—I'm feeling terrible. I feel pain here and there.—Oh. . Nothing seriously.A. Go slowlyB. Take it easyC. Stay longerD. See you11.The reason ______ I didn't go to Shanghai was ______ I got a new job.A. why; becauseB. why; thatC. that; becauseD. that; that12.People have the belief ____ factories should produce fewer things from raw materials, ____ the supply is growing smaller and smaller.A. which; thatB. that; of whichC. that; whoseD. which; whose二、阅读理解(共4题;共32分)AHe wishes the holiday season would end already. His back aches, his red suit feels like a spacesuit, his cheeks have gone tight from smiling for 12 hours—and still the kids keep coming and coming, like ants at a picnic. As Christmas becomes more commercialized (商业化) across the U. S. and Canada, so must Santa Claus. As the holiday begins earlier each year, so must its spokesmen.The questions from children these days are harder than ever. Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mothers erving in Iraq or Afghanistan, the questions are as heartbreaking as they are unanswerable. For example, “Can you please bri ng Daddy home from the war in time for Christmas morning?”Santa Claus; also have a pretty good chance of getting sued (指控). A professional Santa Claus in Canada told a story: A Santa had a girl on his knee, and he commented, “You have nice eyes and nice hair.” The girl later said it was sexual harassment (骚扰). When a Santa feels anxious, he often shows it in the same ways ordinary people do. The Santa Claus were always seen to hang around at the dinner table when the show ended. Many of them just sleep in bed for several days and don't see other children again.13.In the first paragraph,“spokesmen” refers to ______.A. businessmenB. political leadersC. organizers of the activitiesD. Santa Clauses14.The passage implies that the job of Santa Claus is ________.A. well-paidB. very hardC. worth doingD. dangerous15.According to the third paragraph, Santa Claus may sometimes be blamed for ________.A. doing something against the lawB. hanging around the dinner tableC. being lazy and sleeping in bed for daysD. not playing their roles as expected16.What would be the best title for the passage?A. Christmas: Not a Good Festival for Santa ClausB. What Does Santa Claus Do for Children?C. Is Santa Claus Really Alive?D. A Christmas StoryBBERLIN---A German woman, fearful that a burglar was trying to break into her second -storey apartment, called police after she heard someone climbing up to her balcony shortly after midnight, police said Thursday. Police discovered the “burglar” was a man carrying flowers and a bottle of wine who turned out to be the woman's boyfriend. But then arrested him on an outstanding reason.“He was trying to surprise her with the flowers and a bottle of wine but it all went wrong,” said Korbach police spokesman Volker Koenig. He said the man jumped down from the balcony and tried to escape but was quickly caught by police.“He gave the police w ho were taking him to jail the bottle of wine as a gesture of thanks for the friendly treatment after the arrest. ” Koenig said.LONDON---A smoker who died after battling emphysema (肺气肿) has had his dying wish granted with the placement of a “SMOKING KILLED ME” sign on his hearse (灵车) and his grave.Albert Whittamore blamed his youthful smoking habit for the lung disease. He said before he died in February that he wanted the sign to serve as a warning to young people about the dangers of tobacco smoking.The sign was designed to look like the health warning on a packet of cigarettes. The printed notice at his grave will be left in place for a week. The hearse carrying his body through the town of Dover 100 miles (160 kilometers) southeast of London and several of the printed signs shown in the windows.17.The man climbing up to the girl's balcony _______A. was actually a wanted thiefB. was put into prison in the endC. thanked the police for setting him freeD. was treated badly by the police18.The best title for the first news item might be “_______.”A. A burglar's loveB. A burglar boyfriendC. Flowers and wineD. Price for being romantic19.The public paid more attention to the smoker because _______.A. he died after smoking for many yearsB. he had the sign put on his hearse and his graveC. he died of a lung disease without any treatmentD. he wanted the sign left on his grave for one day20.Which of the following is NOT true?A. The sign will be printed on the packet of cigarettes.B. The signs were also shown in the windows of the hearse.C. The smoker wanted to tell people how bad it was to smoke.D. The smoker regretted forming the habit of smoking.CResearchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes. “Shoes convey useful information about their wearers”, the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality.Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style, cost, color and condition of someone's shoes. In the study, 63 University of Kansas researchers looked at pictures showing 208 different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants. Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes, and then filled out a personality questionnaire.Some of the results were expected: People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes, and flashier shoes were typically worn by outgoing people. However,some of the more specific resu lts are strange enough. For example, “practical and functional ''shoes were generally worn by more “pleasant" people, while ankle boots were more linked with “aggressive”personalities. The strangest of all may be that those who wore “uncomfortable looking” shoes tend to have “calm” personalities. And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take extreme care of them, you may suffer from “attachment anxiety", spending lots of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance. There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal (主见变革的) types wearing “shabbier and less expensive” shoes.The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personalities, but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were showing the deep side of their personalities.21.What does this text mainly tell us?A. Shoes Call hide people's real personalities.B. Shoes convey false information about the wearer.C. People's personalities call be judged by their shoes.D. People know little about their personalities.22.Which of the results is beyond people's expectation?A. Wealthy people often wear expensive shoes.B. Pleasant people like wearing uncomfortable shoes.C. Aggressive people are likely to weal" ankle boots.D. Flashier shoes are typically worn by outgoing people.23.People suffering from “attachment anxiety” tend toA. wear strange shoesB. worry about their appearanceC. have a calm characterD. become a political leader24.The author wrote the text in order toA. inform us of a new studyB. introduce a research methodC. teach how to choose shoesD. describe different personalitiesDWhat's more exciting than having a fresh hot pizza delivered to your door? How about having it brought to you by a robot? Thanks to Domino's Robotic Unit or DRU, that just became a reality! On March 8, the three-foot tall robot delivered its first pizza to some lucky residents in Brisbane, Australia.The fully autonomous DRU is the result of a cooperation between Domino's Pizza Australia and Marathon Robotics.The450-pound machine that travels at a maximum speed of 12.4 miles an hour can traverse a distance of up to 12 miles and back, before requiring a battery recharge. LIDAR, a laser-based sensor technology similar to the one used in self-driving cars, enables DRU to detect and avoid obstacles, while traditional sensors, much like those used in vacuum robots ensure its path is safe as it heads to its destination.The robot can fit up to ten pizzas and even has a separate cold area to accommodate drink orders.To access their fond, customers have to enter the unique code provided by the company.This is not only ensures that they pick up the right pizza, but also prevents the pies from getting stolen.Scientists expert additional DRU's to be ready for service in their various Queensland locations within the next six months. But don't expect these super cute robots to replace humans anytime soon. According to Domino's the DRU still needs extensivetesting, which the company believes could take up to two years.And then there is also the issue of regulations.The public use of autonomous vehicles is still banned in most countries.But Don Meij, the CEO and Managing Director of Domi no's Pizza Australia New Zealand Ltd, is not worried.He is “confident that one day DRU will become an integral part of the Domino's family.”25.What's the function of LIDAR?A. keeping DRU free of obstaclesB. Recharging DRU's batteryC. Helping DRU find its destinationD. Protecting DRU from bad weather26.What does the underlined word “accommodate” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. HeatB. HoldC. SellD. Show.27.Why does the company provide codes for its customers?A. To fit up more pizzasB. To prevent the pizza being taken by mistakeC. To keep the pizza warmD. To get the pizza paid in time28.What can we infer about the future of DRU?A. It may need some improvementsB. It will replace humans soon.C. It may be banned in AustraliaD. It will soon be applied worldwide三、完形填空(共1题;共20分)The first week is always a bit hard in my writing classes. I'm unfamiliar 29 the students, most of them trying to30 themselves to their new environment. When Jennifer 31 me with a question on the second day, I was 32for the chance to connect at least one name with a face.Her writing wasn't perfect, 33 her effort was. She worked hard and pushed herself to achieve. She was excited to34 , which made me enjoy teaching her. I didn't 35 then how much she would also teach me. One Friday afternoon, Jennifer stopped by after class. She wasn't asking a question 36 a paper I'd returned. 37 , she said quietly: “I didn't attend classes yesterday. I was at the health center the whole day.” I gave her a sideways look, 38 . “It was just a virus (病毒).I'm fine now,” she39 me. Then she was gone.Two nights later, her father called to tell me that Jennifer would be 40 a few classes. She had been in hospital with meningitis (脑膜炎). I heard from him again a few days later, and again after that. Her condition grew 41 . We made trips to the hospital room. I was 42 frightened when I saw the pale, thin and weak girl who, only ten days earlier, had displayed life and warmth in my classroom.A week later, Jennifer herself called me to tell me she was on the road to 43 . “I'll be back to school one day,” she said. “I have no44 that you'll be w ith us.” I told her, 45 tears. I remembered what her father had said in his first phone call: “school 46 everything to Jenny.”Then five weeks later, I walked into my classroom to find Jenny in her seat, 47 . She 48 all of her missed homework, completed with thought and excellence. The strength of her will to overcome shone out of her pale, weak,eighteen-year-old face.29. A. for B. with C. to D. among30. A. concentrate B. adopt C. devote D. adapt31.A. offered B. bothered C. challenged D. approached32.A. thankful B. prepared C. disappointed D. embarrassed33. A. so B. or C. and D. but34.A. receive B. learn C. contact D. give35.A. realize B. argue C. care D. admit36.A. beyond B. about C. to D. with37.A. However B. Instead C. Therefore D. Besides38. A. shy B. excited C. delighted D. astonished39.A. impressed B. supported C. attracted D. comforted40.A. expecting B. producing C. missing D. taking41.A. better B. sicker C. worse D. heavier42.A. hardly B. mainly C. frequently D. truly43.A. recovery B. success C. school D. attitude44. A. idea B. influence C. opinion D. doubt45. A. going back B. fighting back C. leaving back D. running back46.A. shares B. creates C. means D. exchanges47.A. smiling B. crying C. sobbing D. shaking48. A. gave up B. handed in C. left out D. put up四、单词拼法(词汇运用)(共21题;共21分)49.Don't be ________ (欺瞒) by his words; he is always telling a lie.50.It was a very frightening experience and they were very ________ (英勇的).51.It may be said that the teacher has done his very best to ________ (教化) and help him.52.The ________ (宴席) was served by his mother and sisters.53.timely snow promises a good ________ (收成).54.In the evenings, we g________ around the fireplace and talked.55.Our newspaper is a n ________ newspaper, which is popular among all the people.56.Did you g________ weight after you stopped exercising?57.It is my c________ to go for a walk every day before breakfast.58.If you watch carefully, you'll see how the t________ is done.59.Sports could give me a strong and e________ body and a healthy life.60.There are a very l________ number of available seats, so be sure to book your seat as soon as possible.61.Wang Peng stopped worrying and started advertising the ________ (好处) of his food.62.To succeed, we must ________ (结合) talent with working hard.63.You should do some ________ (探讨) before making the final decision.64.I know that too much f________ leads to heart attack and high blood pressure, so I seldom eat meat.65.Do not give the baby meat to eat, because it is not easily d________.66.Good health depends on a b________ diet, proper exercise and enough sleep.67.Ride three to four times a week, you can let the body stay s________.68.I don't feel that school has the right to put cameras inside the children's home and s________ on them.69.Will the clothing give protection against________(extreme) cold?五、任务型阅读(共1题;共5分)Our mood may change suddenly like a storm with lightning and thunderbolts that comes without notice.The good news is that bad moods can leave as suddenly as they have come. Exceptions to this rule of course are cases where there are other problems such as depression or any other mental destruction.How to improve your mood?____70____When you understand that you are not feeling happy but you are in depression or disappointment, then you can use these simple techniques that will be able to change the negative situation and improve your mood ___71_____. Exercises, gymnastics and sports help a lot to achieve a better emotional balance. If you feel that you are in a bad mood, take a hot bath or sauna.____72____ .Watch a movie, read a book or talk to a friend.____73____ . When you leave work or home, go to places that make you happy and calm. This helps to improve your mood. Make relations with happy, optimistic and pleasant people. ____74____ . Positive and optimistic feelings that create positive thinking for the future will help you overcome your bad feelings and defeat your bad mood.When the problem of bad moods, frustration and negative emotions beyond normal situations becomes chronic (长期的), it is important to turn to a specialist for help.A.The relaxation of the muscles will help.B.Change your environment.C.Use physical activity to fight against feelings of depression.D.This can help you improve your mood significantly.E. First you have to learn to recognize when you are in a bad mood.F. There are ways to improve your mood.G. Changes in feelings and mood can happen for various reasons.六、语法填空(共1题;共10分)The pickle (泡菜) jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor beside the dresser (梳妆台) in my parents' bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and toss (投掷) his coins into the jar. It seemed that he wasaccustomed_____75___doing such a thing When the jar was filled, I used to ____76____(go) with him and he would take the coins to the bank. “These are for my son's college fund. He'll never work at the mill (磨坊) all his life like me. If he___77_____ (work) like me in the future, he might not have a b right future. Good education can make a difference to people.” He had the coins ______78__ (count) and then he deposited the money in the bank.The years passed, and I finished college and took a job. Sometimes the job makes me tired ____79____(mental) but it is my particular preference. If possible, I will do it permanently in my life. Once, while ___80_____ (visit) my parents, I noticed that the pickle jar in my parents' bedroom was gone. My father thought ____81____ very important for me to receive a good high education. He demanded that I ___82_____ (try) my best to enter a good university.The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born, we made an ___83_____(appoint) to visit my parents so we spent the holiday with them. Now our big fam ily consists of five people. When Susan came back into the living room, she said softly, “Look”. To my amazement, there stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already____84____ (cover) with coins. I walked over to the pickle jar, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out a fistful of coins.With the strong emotion choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I looked up and saw Dad who was carrying Jessica. Our eyes locked, and I knew he was feeling the same emotions as I felt.期末复习(四)答案解析部分一、单选题1. B【考点】虚拟语气在名词性从句中的运用【解析】【分析】句意:我要求你们按时完成任务。
前情回顾previously on prison break00:04.50,0:00:08.20本庭在此判你服刑斯科菲尔德先生I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.00:08.21,0:00:10.58你为什么这么急着要见布伦斯?Why do you want to see Burrows00:10.59,0:00:11.83因为他是我哥哥Because he's my brother.00:11.84,0:00:14.79所以你就来这里陪他?So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? 00:14.80,0:00:17.09为了什么... 救他么?To what? Save him?00:17.10,0:00:18.50不管陷害我的是谁And whoever it was that set me up wants me00:18.51,0:00:20.30都是想尽快将我除掉in the ground as quickly as possible.00:20.31,0:00:21.67听着日子越接近Look,the closer it gets,00:21.68,0:00:24.76我就越担心事情会被抖出来the more I'm worried that the bottom will fall out of this whole thing.00:24.77,0:00:26.85这就是那个指控阿布鲁奇的混蛋That son of a bitch fingered Abruzzi.00:26.86,0:00:28.39有人发现了菲波纳奇Someone found Fibonacci.00:28.40,0:00:30.02是谁Who was this someone?00:30.03,0:00:31.47为什么要雇他Why'd you hire him?00:31.48,0:00:34.98靠近你的朋友更加靠近你的敌人Keep your friends close,and your enemies closer.00:34.99,0:00:36.65约翰你动我试试看Hey, come at me, John00:36.66,0:00:37.77我你孙子跪地求饶I'm coming after you.00:37.78,0:00:39.78我不信I doubt it.00:41.33,0:00:42.74我要把你弄出去I'm getting you out of here.00:42.75,0:00:43.53不可能It's impossible.00:43.54,0:00:45.32除非这地方是你自己设计的Not if you designed the place it isn't.00:45.33,0:00:46.49你看过蓝图了You've seen the blueprints.00:46.50,0:00:48.83远不止如此Better than that.00:49.13,0:00:51.21我已经纹在身上了I've got 'em on me.01:05.35,0:01:09.35你的眼光总是放的很远You're anticipating every one of my moves three moves in advance.01:09.36,0:01:11.85简直是个战略家You're a hell of a strategist, fish.01:11.86,0:01:13.27想过回波士顿么You ever think about Boston?01:13.28,0:01:14.18当然Sure.01:14.19,0:01:15.98想再去看看么Think you'll ever see it again?01:15.99,0:01:19.56我已经60岁的老头了还有60年的刑期I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket.01:19.57,0:01:21.15你是怎么想的?What do you think?01:21.16,0:01:23.15我就打算走出去I'm thinking about going.01:23.16,0:01:25.82偷偷摸摸的还是大摇大摆的Well, there's going and there's going.01:25.83,0:01:27.78你指哪个呢Which one do you mean?01:27.79,0:01:30.58你心里面认为的哪个The one you think I mean.01:33.17,0:01:38.25怎么有你这样的刚进来三天就想开溜了Three days inside and he's already thinking about turning rabbit.01:38.26,0:01:39.75你会习惯的It'll pass.01:39.76,0:01:42.18刚来的都这样It always does.01:42.47,0:01:45.13现在有更重要的事值得关注Got bigger things to worry about at the moment. 01:45.14,0:01:48.09经验告诉我将有大事发生I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it. 01:48.10,0:01:50.64暴风雨前的宁静The calm before the storm.01:50.65,0:01:54.39黑人和白人即将开战了Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.01:54.40,0:01:58.02人人选择自己的归属然后便是血流成河Everybody chooses sides and a lot of guys bleed.01:58.03,0:01:59.56为什么呢There a reason?01:59.57,0:02:02.77就像不能把猫和狗关在一起Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage.02:02.78,0:02:05.20他们是天生的死对头They don't get along.02:33.77,0:02:34.77嗯Hm.02:34.78,0:02:35.56怎么了What?02:35.57,0:02:37.14马桶冲不了水了Toilet won't flush.02:37.15,0:02:38.48那么So?02:38.49,0:02:41.53只有一种可能Means only one thing, fish.02:45.62,0:02:48.11这样你就无法冲走违禁品You can't flush your contraband.02:48.12,0:02:49.95我们没什么可担心的We got nothing to worry about.02:49.96,0:02:52.29那只是你Says who?02:55.92,0:02:58.09桌子下面Under the table03:01.76,0:03:03.38这是什么玩意儿What the hell is this?03:03.39,0:03:06.97防身用的赶快把它藏起来It's insurance, white boy. Now dump it.03:10.52,0:03:12.60把门打开Open it.03:15.36,0:03:16.60这样看来So,03:16.61,0:03:20.02用来充当种族骚动的武器么tooling up for the race riot, are we?03:20.03,0:03:22.32把它交给我Hand it over.03:24.28,0:03:27.78黑白之战Huh. Rughead and the Billy.03:27.79,0:03:30.40那么你站在哪一边呢小嫩鸡Which side are you on, anyhow, fish?03:30.41,0:03:31.95都不是长官That would be neither, boss.03:31.96,0:03:34.28或许你会在户外活动时带上它Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it, then.03:34.29,0:03:36.84用它来伤害狱警也说不定Stick a CO, maybe.03:37.30,0:03:38.54有什么问题么副警长Is there a problem here, deputy?03:38.55,0:03:40.80找到一把匕首Got a shank in here.03:42.84,0:03:45.22是你的么Is this yours?03:53.06,0:03:55.31看你也不像是说谎的You're not a good liar.03:55.69,0:03:58.27苏克雷去禁闭室Come on, Sucre. You're going to the SHU.04:05.24,0:04:06.36去别的地方看看副警长Move along.Deputy04:06.37,0:04:08.07这间牢房的事情还没处理完呢I'm not done shaking this cell down yet.04:08.08,0:04:10.29我说让你去别的地方看看I said move along.04:14.08,0:04:16.20有老头子为你撑腰啊In the old man's back pocket, are you?04:16.21,0:04:17.91我告诉你小嫩鸡Well, I got news for you, fish.04:17.92,0:04:20.08白天这里也许他说了算He may run this place during the day,04:20.09,0:04:23.26但是晚上却由我管but I run it during the night.05:04.70,0:05:06.99迈克尔和我说说你的计划What the hell were you thinking, Michael?05:08.74,0:05:10.65我们怎么出去?How are we doing it?05:10.66,0:05:12.45医务室The infirmary.05:12.46,0:05:14.37医务室Infirmary.05:14.83,0:05:17.49那里是保安系统的最薄弱环节It's the weakest link in the security chain.05:17.50,0:05:19.20一旦我拿到方纳克If I get that PUGNAC,05:19.21,0:05:20.87我就能得到所有的一切I'll get all the access I need.05:20.88,0:05:22.21方纳克是什么东西What the hell's a PUGNAC?05:22.22,0:05:25.13降低我的胰岛素指标看上去就像得了糖尿病It lowers my insulin levels to the point that I'm hyperglycemic.05:25.14,0:05:27.63只要医生认为我患有糖尿病As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic, 05:27.64,0:05:30.55我就有时间在那里做一切我想做的I'll have time there to do what I need to do. 05:30.56,0:05:31.13那是什么Which is?05:31.14,0:05:32.05一些琐碎的工作A little work.05:32.06,0:05:34.51一些准备工作A little prep for your arrival.05:34.52,0:05:36.05无论如何这就是我的办法That's the idea, anyway.05:36.06,0:05:37.14办法The idea?05:37.15,0:05:40.27拿到方纳克需要费点力气仅此而已There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAC.05:40.28,0:05:42.60他们是不会在药房里卖这个药的They don't exactly stock it at the commissary. 05:42.61,0:05:44.94费了半天劲就为了拿那几片药This thing's riding on a bunch of pills?05:44.95,0:05:47.82咱俩谈话的时候已经有人在想办法了Someone's working on it as we speak. 05:51.95,0:05:54.61这时候相信一个黑人狱友可不是什么明智之举迈克尔Now's not the time to trust a black inmate.05:54.62,0:05:56.62我们的关系和种族无关Our relationship transcends race.05:56.63,0:05:59.29在这里没有什么能够超越种族歧视Nothing transcends race in here.05:59.30,0:06:00.62我不能让你这么做I can't let you do it.06:00.63,0:06:02.71好好表现三年后你就会离开这里了Good behaviour,you're outta here in three years.06:02.72,0:06:04.17应该比那个早的多Gonna be a whole lot sooner then that.06:04.18,0:06:06.01根本行不通It can't be done.06:06.39,0:06:07.38根本行不通迈克尔Can't be done, Michael.06:07.39,0:06:08.88没有人能从狐狸河监狱逃出去No one's ever broken out of Fox River.06:08.89,0:06:10.80一切都在掌握之中Every step's already been mapped out.06:10.81,0:06:11.80包括所有的可能性Every contingency.06:11.81,0:06:14.01所有的可能Every contingency?06:14.02,0:06:15.51虽然你有这地方的蓝图You may have the blueprints of this place,06:15.52,0:06:18.30但有一样东西你是无法控制的那就是人but there's one thing those plans can't show you...people,06:18.31,0:06:19.51阿布鲁奇那样的人Guys like Abruzzi.06:19.52,0:06:23.28你显然是看错他们了他们迟早会对付你的You so much as look at these guys the wrong way, they'll cut you up.06:23.36,0:06:25.06对这些人而言As far as these guys are concerned,06:25.07,0:06:27.48我只不过是另一名虚度光阴囚犯I'm just a con doing his time,06:27.49,0:06:28.69不会有什么问题的staying out of trouble.06:28.70,0:06:31.23在这里不是你找麻烦而是麻烦主动找你You don't gotta look for trouble. It finds you.06:31.24,0:06:33.24他们找上门来时我们早已远走高飞了And when it does, we'll be long gone. 06:33.25,0:06:34.53你简直疯了This is madness.06:34.54,0:06:36.16你连牢房都出不去You can't get outta your cell.06:36.17,0:06:37.32并非如此Not true.06:37.33,0:06:38.74什么你有钥匙What, you got a key?06:38.75,0:06:41.04差不多吧Something like that.08:11.26,0:08:12.92坐错地方了小嫩鸡For the brothers at my side,Fish08:12.93,0:08:14.42这里是帝博格的地盘Belongs to T-Bag.08:14.43,0:08:16.39谁Who?08:16.43,0:08:18.30你说话最好放尊重点小嫩鸡You best speak with respect, Fish.08:18.31,0:08:21.05这家伙在巴马时绑架了不少孩子Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama,08:21.06,0:08:22.34先奸后杀raped 'em and killed 'em.08:22.35,0:08:24.85先杀后奸也说不定Wasn't always in that order, either.08:24.86,0:08:26.60帝博格有真实的姓名么Does T-Bag have a real name?08:26.61,0:08:30.07那就是我真正的名字That is my real name.08:31.66,0:08:35.87没事没事没事请上坐No, no, no. Please... sit.08:37.62,0:08:42.07你就是传说中的那个新人So you're the new one I been hearin' all the rave reviews about.08:42.08,0:08:43.95斯科菲尔德Scofield.08:43.96,0:08:47.30你就和传说中的一样漂亮啊One thing's for sure, you're just as pretty as advertised.08:47.55,0:08:49.76甚至更可爱Prettier, even.08:52.26,0:08:54.00黑鬼吓着你了不是么Rugheads got you scared, do they?08:54.01,0:08:54.79你说啥?Sorry?08:54.80,0:08:56.50所以你才坐到这里Assume that's why you're over here.08:56.51,0:08:57.71进来的人都知道Few days on the inside,08:57.72,0:09:00.84虔诚的白人终于认清了现实any God-fearing white man realizes the correctional system's09:00.85,0:09:04.72在处理黑人和白人问题上产生了严重的偏移got a serious lean toward the African-American persuasion.09:04.73,0:09:05.55我倒没发现I hadn't noticed09:05.56,0:09:08.72他们以为人多势众就胜券在握了They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please.09:08.73,0:09:10.81有一个东西是他们所没有的We got one thing they don't..09:10.82,0:09:12.48那就是突袭surprise.09:12.49,0:09:15.61我们很快就要大干一场了We gonna take the ball game to them real soon. 09:15.62,0:09:17.65你第一次经历可能会比较难受It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you 09:17.66,0:09:20.36不过我们会保护你的我会保护你的We'll protect you. I'll protect you.09:20.37,0:09:22.96你要做的只是All you gotta do is...09:23.58,0:09:25.66抓住这只口袋take this pocket right here09:25.67,0:09:27.74这样生活将变得很美好and your life'll be all peaches and cream.09:27.75,0:09:29.83我走的时候你就跟着我I walk, you walk with me.09:29.84,0:09:33.46就没人敢伤害你I'll keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you. 09:33.47,0:09:36.89可你已经有女朋友了Looks to me you already got a girlfriend.09:39.06,0:09:41.97这里还有一个呢I got a whole 'nother pocket over here.09:41.98,0:09:44.14我会没事的I'll pass.09:45.86,0:09:47.26如果我不保护你I don't protect you,09:47.27,0:09:50.56黑人们会像对待一盘豆子一样把你吃掉them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas.09:50.57,0:09:51.60我说不I said no.09:51.61,0:09:53.81那你现在就最好滚开Then you'd best move, then.09:53.82,0:09:55.91马上滚Now.09:59.62,0:10:02.07你有种再来我的地盘You come around these bleachers again,10:02.08,0:10:05.70就再也不是只动嘴说说了it's gonna be more than just words we're exchanging. 10:05.71,0:10:08.00懂我的意思么Know what I'm saying?10:09.67,0:10:10.91不好意思Excuse me.10:10.92,0:10:13.71请问您是林肯·布伦斯的辩护律师提姆·伊莱斯吗Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows?10:13.72,0:10:14.58好吧如果你是记者的话Okay, if you're a reporter...10:14.59,0:10:17.89我不是记者我和被告认识I'm not a reporter. I know the defendant.10:18.05,0:10:19.96你们是亲戚Oh. You family?10:19.97,0:10:21.88也算不上Not exactly.10:21.89,0:10:24.30几年前我们曾交往过We were in a relationship a few years back.10:24.31,0:10:25.72你看女士我Well, look, ma'am, I, uh...10:25.73,0:10:28.01我不知道怎么告诉你那个人的确有罪I..I don't know what to tell you. I mean, the man was guilty.10:28.02,0:10:30.72已经盖棺定论了The prosecution's case was a slam dunk.10:30.73,0:10:33.02就因为受害人是副总统的兄弟Because the victim was the Vice President's brother.10:33.03,0:10:36.27如果你指的是联邦政府介入的话If you're suggesting that the federal government rammed this thing through,10:36.28,0:10:38.23我也不想这样毕竟我是他的辩护律师okay,I take offense to that, 'cause I fought for that guy.10:38.24,0:10:40.65我不是这个意思That's not what I meant.10:40.66,0:10:42.99证据就在那儿The evidence was there.10:43.00,0:10:44.74林肯为斯蒂德曼的公司工作Lincoln worked for Steadman's company.10:44.75,0:10:47.62他当众和这个人发生争执于是就被解雇了He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired.10:47.63,0:10:49.12两周后斯蒂德曼被枪杀了Two weeks later, Steadman's shot dead.10:49.13,0:10:50.87凶器在林肯家被找到The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house,10:50.88,0:10:53.16而且他衣服上还有受害人的血迹and the victim's blood found on his clothes 10:53.17,0:10:55.75相信我的确有很多案件使你夜不能眠Trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over, but10:55.76,0:10:58.18但决不是这件this isn't one of 'em10:59.05,0:11:00.42那么克拉勃·西蒙思呢What about Crab Simmons?11:00.43,0:11:02.09林肯说他能为他作证Lincoln said he could exonerate him.11:02.10,0:11:03.84为什么你不让他出庭呢Why didn't you put him on the stand?11:03.85,0:11:06.09那哥们已经五进宫了The man's a five-time felon, all right?11:06.10,0:11:07.80他他毫无信誉可言He-He... He had no credibility.11:07.81,0:11:10.01你不介意我去拜访一下他吧So you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit?11:10.02,0:11:13.48你随便但我觉得这对你一点好处都没有Be my guest.But I don't think it'll do you any good.11:33.05,0:11:37.80感觉很奇怪我也说不清是怎么回事Strange feeling. Don't know how to explain it.11:39.64,0:11:41.64现在Now, um...11:41.68,0:11:45.38我的生活一直充斥着疯狂usually, my whole life, it's always been crazy,11:45.39,0:11:47.18喧嚣noisy,11:47.52,0:11:51.19甚至发狂但是maddening, you know, in my head, but...11:51.27,0:11:53.44现在却很平静right now, it's quiet.11:54.40,0:11:56.19很完美It's perfect.11:56.61,0:11:59.03你回来我很高兴I'm glad you came back.12:00.49,0:12:03.74我时时刻刻都惦记着你I thought about you the whole time.12:03.95,0:12:07.07你也知道我这一生犯了不少错误You know, I made a lot of mistakes in my life.12:07.08,0:12:09.00我也知道错了I know that.12:09.37,0:12:11.32我想改正I'm gonna make it right.12:11.33,0:12:13.59我知道你会的I know you will.12:21.97,0:12:23.38你要干什么What are you doing?12:23.39,0:12:24.59我想要留住这一刻I want to remember this.12:24.60,0:12:25.25不要No.12:25.26,0:12:27.59别这样来吧拜托就一张Oh, come on. Come on, Vi, please. Just one. 12:27.60,0:12:29.64好吧OK.12:39.07,0:12:40.02别紧张伙计Easy, man.12:40.03,0:12:41.27方纳克搞定了吗How are we doing on the PUGNAC?12:41.28,0:12:42.69嘿我正在想办法呢Hey, I'm working on it.12:42.70,0:12:45.11你得抓紧我今晚就需要那个东西Well, work faster. I need that stuff tonight. 12:45.12,0:12:49.99医务室有什么东西这么吸引你What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad?12:50.00,0:12:53.50帮我搞到方纳克或许我会告诉你You get me that PUGNAC and maybe I'll tell you.13:10.68,0:13:12.30我认为咱们说的已经够明白的了Thought we had an understanding.13:12.31,0:13:14.26这里只提供给家庭成员This here's for the family.13:14.27,0:13:17.22你已经表明不是家庭成员了You made it pretty clear you ain't blood.13:17.23,0:13:19.57把那东西拿过来怎样How about you hand that over?13:31.87,0:13:33.74不错的钢条只需稍做加工Nice looking piece of steel,bit of work.13:33.75,0:13:36.54就能成为很好的武器You could do some serious damage with it.13:37.42,0:13:40.84可问题是你究竟想伤害谁呢Question is, who was it you was plannin' on damaging?13:40.97,0:13:43.21我曾看到你和黑鬼在一起I seen you with the Negroes, you know.13:43.22,0:13:45.38或许你已经成为他们中的一员了Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens,13:45.39,0:13:47.09还一脸茫然all confused, like.13:47.10,0:13:50.51外表是白人骨子里却像石油一样黑White on the outside,black as tar on the inside.13:50.52,0:13:53.68真想到你体内看一下你说是吧Maybe we oughta take a look at them insides and find out.13:53.69,0:13:55.26女童子军们Girl Scouts,13:55.27,0:13:58.11你们那里有什么问题么is there a problem over there?14:00.07,0:14:03.45咱们今天就算了如果你觉得没问题的话I think we'll just hang onto this if that's OK with you.14:03.74,0:14:08.66我的话只说一遍赶快解散娘娘腔们Hey! I'm not gonna ask you again.Let's break up the party, ladies.14:08.70,0:14:12.04你也听到他的话了吧小可怜You heard the man, little doggie.14:13.12,0:14:15.75走吧Get along.15:51.20,0:15:53.40怎么才能制服一个狱友What's it take to shake down another inmate?15:53.41,0:15:55.61让他归还本来属于你的东西Get something he's taken from you?15:55.62,0:15:57.49我要菲波纳奇作为交换It would take Fibonacci.15:57.50,0:15:59.41我会给你菲波纳奇的Well, I'll give you Fibonacci.15:59.42,0:16:01.24我答应过你I promise you that.16:01.25,0:16:02.70等时机成熟了When the time is right.16:02.71,0:16:04.45时机已经很成熟了The time is right now.16:04.46,0:16:07.96当咱俩都站在高墙之外时才可以No, when you and I are both standing outside those walls.16:07.97,0:16:09.96不用过着假释的生活You're on life without parole.16:09.97,0:16:11.92跨越高墙是多么遥不可及的阿You'll never stand outside those walls.16:11.93,0:16:14.05除非你认识什么人Not unless you knew someone,16:14.06,0:16:16.26而这个人知道如何离开这里someone who knew a way out.16:16.27,0:16:17.76你认为如何约翰What do you say, John?16:17.77,0:16:21.15你简直是年度最佳鬼扯编剧I say I've heard nothing but blabber.16:41.29,0:16:43.66菲利·法佐尼Philly Falzone.16:43.67,0:16:45.50真是荣幸It's an honour.16:45.92,0:16:47.87你来这里干什么What are you doing here?16:47.88,0:16:49.25我嗯...Well, I, um...16:49.26,0:16:51.92我一直认为我们亲如兄弟I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize16:51.93,0:16:53.92他还真像不是么He looks like it, doesn't he?16:53.93,0:16:55.21像什么Looks what?16:55.22,0:16:57.09就像大家说的一样Like everybody's been saying.16:57.10,0:16:58.47你没有睾丸You got no sack.16:58.48,0:17:01.01你被阉了You've been neutered.17:01.02,0:17:03.39你不应该这么和我说话You shouldn't talk to me like that.17:03.40,0:17:04.93你过去是给我洗衣服的You used to pick up my laundry.17:04.94,0:17:06.27时过境迁了约翰Not any more.17:06.28,0:17:10.35约翰传闻这里有人知道菲波纳奇的下落John,word is that someone in here knows where Fibonacci is,17:10.36,0:17:11.86可是你却无动于衷and you're not doing anything about it.17:11.87,0:17:12.86我正在办呢I'm working on it.17:12.87,0:17:15.07我想你的速度还不够快Well, you're not working on it fast enough.17:15.08,0:17:18.15很显然菲波纳奇很快就要露面了Apparently, Fibonacci's coming up for air again.17:18.16,0:17:20.66下月有个听证会Next month, a Congressional hearing.17:20.67,0:17:24.03如果他去作证的话Now, if he testifies at that hearing,17:24.04,0:17:26.33会有很多人要倒台的a lot of people are going down,17:26.34,0:17:28.33包括我including me.17:28.34,0:17:30.67咱们也认识好久了Now, I've known you a long time.17:30.68,0:17:32.13咱们的妻子又都是好朋友Our wives are friends,17:32.14,0:17:34.89咱们的孩子又在同一所天主教学校读书our kids go to the same Catholic school 17:35.43,0:17:40.34你孩子要是出了意外我会感到很惭愧的Now, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to your kids.17:40.35,0:17:41.80我的孩子会想他们的I know my kids would miss them.17:41.81,0:17:43.26你没必要这么做You don't need to do this.17:43.27,0:17:45.01我有I do.17:45.02,0:17:46.47我会找到这个人的I'll get this guy.17:46.48,0:17:48.94然后搞定菲波纳奇We'll get Fibonacci.17:49.69,0:17:51.90好为了大家希望你是对的Well, for everyone's sake, I hope you're right. 17:51.91,0:17:53.36没错I am.17:53.37,0:17:55.57保重约翰Be well, John.17:56.41,0:17:58.74多谢Thank you.18:07.59,0:18:10.76长官我要打电话Yo, badge, I gotta use the phone.18:12.80,0:18:15.46是的没问题还是比萨和足疗么Sure. You want a pizza and a pedicure too?18:15.47,0:18:16.59不今天是周一天啊No. It's-It's Monday, man.18:16.60,0:18:18.46我要给女朋友打电话她在等我的电话呢I gotta call my girl. She's expecting my call.18:18.47,0:18:20.30闭上你的臭嘴吧你什么都别想了Put a sock in it. You got nothin' comin'. 18:20.31,0:18:22.56不不不No, no, no, man! No, man!18:29.65,0:18:32.70查一下名单Hey, pull up the manifest.18:33.78,0:18:37.87在数据库里有个叫艾伦·施瓦茨的人么Is there an Allen Schweitzer in gen pop?18:39.66,0:18:40.65没有No.18:40.66,0:18:42.78隔离室里呢How about the SHU?18:42.79,0:18:43.70没有No.18:43.71,0:18:44.95为什么问这个Why you asking?18:44.96,0:18:47.08好奇而已Curious, that's all.19:25.87,0:19:27.91听到号角声了么小嫩鸡You hear the trumpets, Fish?19:27.92,0:19:29.78我知道你听到了I know you hear'em.19:29.79,0:19:31.79末日审判That's Judgment Day19:31.80,0:19:35.17就快来了很快It's comin'... real soon20:01.53,0:20:04.66你在我这里干什么What are you doing in my cell?20:08.88,0:20:10.79我要加入I want in.20:20.18,0:20:21.67我没听清楚小嫩鸡I'm not quite sure I heard that, Fish.20:21.68,0:20:23.17你说你要加入Did you just say you're in?20:23.18,0:20:24.13没错That's right.20:24.14,0:20:25.30有句老话说的好You know the old saying, don't you?20:25.31,0:20:27.47得寸进尺In for an inch, in for a mile.20:27.48,0:20:28.64无论有什么后果Whatever it takes.20:28.65,0:20:30.01你让我打我就打You want me to fight, I'll fight.20:30.02,0:20:32.14看台的那个螺钉就是用来做这个的The bolt from the bleachers-- that's what it was for20:32.15,0:20:36.69你想要打架会有机会的Well, you wanna fight,you're gonna get your chance. 20:36.74,0:20:37.73下一次点名Next count.20:37.74,0:20:39.56-今晚-有什么问题么-Tonight? -Problem with that?20:39.57,0:20:41.52因为我们要从正面打垮他们'Cause we goin' straight at 'em.20:41.53,0:20:43.94你最好先有个准备小嫩鸡Better catch a square, Fish.20:43.95,0:20:45.78我们人手极缺We undermanned in a big way.20:45.79,0:20:47.03我需要武器All I need's a weapon.20:47.04,0:20:49.67你想要武器么狗娘养的You want a weapon, bitch?20:50.21,0:20:52.58给你There you go.20:52.84,0:20:54.58犯人都回到自己牢房All prisoners return to cells.20:54.59,0:20:58.62在干大事之前你必须向我们证实你的忠诚You have to prove yourself before we trust you with the heavy artillery.20:58.63,0:20:59.83懂我的话么Know what I'm sayin'?20:59.84,0:21:01.76关上门Gates closing21:10.06,0:21:13.10我为上次的匆忙对话向您道歉I wanted to apologize for being so short with you before.21:13.11,0:21:14.01没事No problem.21:14.02,0:21:15.93越是接近死刑执行日Closer it gets to an execution,21:15.94,0:21:19.61形势就越发的紧张我想把这个交给你the harder it becomes, so that's why I wanted to give you this.21:20.16,0:21:23.15这是事发当晚车库的监控录像It's the, uh, surveillance tape of the garage that night.21:23.16,0:21:25.90封闭的庭审所以法庭以外的人都看不到It was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it.21:25.91,0:21:27.90希望能对你有所帮助I thought it could help you out.21:27.91,0:21:30.46-帮助我什么-放弃-With what? -Closure.22:18.96,0:22:21.13艾伦·施瓦茨Allen Schweitzer.22:21.26,0:22:23.76这个名字和你有关么That name mean anything to you?22:25.01,0:22:25.96应该有吗Should it?22:25.97,0:22:28.18我不知道所以才来问你I don't know. You tell me.22:30.14,0:22:32.13从没听说过Never heard of the guy.22:32.14,0:22:33.97你确定Are you sure?22:33.98,0:22:35.52我确定Positive.22:59.21,0:23:02.09你还好么小白脸Ah, what's up, snowflake?23:08.35,0:23:11.18你以为我傻Do you think I'm a fool?23:11.85,0:23:13.26你在说什么What are you talking about?23:13.27,0:23:16.73我看到你和希特勒·犹思在一起I see you up there with the Hitler Youth. 23:18.11,0:23:20.77我现在就想把你大卸八块I got a good mind to slash you open right now.23:20.78,0:23:22.77并不像你想象中的那样It's not what you think.23:22.78,0:23:24.77他们有我想要的东西They've got something I need.23:24.78,0:23:27.31真好笑Now, see, that's funny,23:27.32,0:23:30.41因为我也有你想要的because I got something you need too.23:31.75,0:23:35.04你不是想要方纳克么You want your PUGNAC, fish? Huh?23:37.46,0:23:40.67都在这里亲爱的都是你的了I hate 'em, baby. So will you.23:43.47,0:23:46.88你的好运到此为止了Listen, white boy. Your luckjust ran out.23:47.51,0:23:50.01你选错阵营了You chose the wrong side.24:33.00,0:24:37.05看到你真高兴Man, it's great to see your face.24:40.00,0:24:42.70别再玩了好不I think it's time you quit the charade,don't you?24:42.71,0:24:43.37什么What?24:43.38,0:24:46.13别人的生活都被你破坏了It's starting to ruin people's lives.24:47.59,0:24:50.38迈克尔也进来了只因为他认为你是无辜的Michael's in here 'cos he thinks you're innocent.24:50.39,0:24:51.84他告诉你的What's he told you?24:51.85,0:24:54.59他什么都没告诉我但是我知道林肯He hasn't told me anything, but I know. 24:54.60,0:24:56.84我知道他是怎么想的I know what he's planning.24:56.85,0:24:58.55叫他停手吧Call him off.24:58.56,0:25:01.56你要是爱他的话就叫他停手吧If you love him, call him off.25:02.90,0:25:04.81我看过录像带了I saw the tape.25:04.82,0:25:06.35那是伪造的That's not how it went down.25:06.36,0:25:07.98我知道我看见的是什么I know what I saw.25:07.99,0:25:09.65我只知道我看到的I know what I saw.25:09.66,0:25:11.62我当时在场还记得么I was there, remember?25:15.62,0:25:17.07那晚我喝多了I got high that night.25:17.08,0:25:18.24我是被逼的I had to.25:18.25,0:25:21.00我别无选择It was the only way I could go through with it.25:34.43,0:25:36.09我根本没开枪I never pulled the trigger.25:36.10,0:25:38.23那人早已经死了The guy was already dead.25:39.73,0:25:40.89是的当然你和我说过不下千遍了Yeah, I know. You've told me a thousand... 25:40.90,0:25:43.01听着我是被陷害的Then listen! I was set up!25:43.02,0:25:44.56我那晚去那只是想让他还钱I went there that night to clear a debt.25:44.57,0:25:47.48克拉勃·西蒙思要我还他的9万美元Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him.25:47.49,0:25:49.35他告诉我目标是个毒犯He told me the mark was some scumbag drug dealer 25:49.36,0:25:51.23事成之后我们就两清了and if I took it we'd be clean.25:51.24,0:25:52.52我根本就没扣扳机I never pulled the trigger25:52.53,0:25:55.90我所知道的就是有人想让我去特伦斯.斯蒂德曼所在的车库All I know is that somebody wanted me in the same garage as Terrence Steadman that night.25:55.91,0:25:58.54他们为什么要陷害你Why would somebody want to set you up?26:00.92,0:26:03.37不是我是他It wasn't about me. It was about him.26:03.38,0:26:04.16斯蒂德曼Steadman?26:04.17,0:26:05.03是的Yes.26:05.04,0:26:06.33他就像个圣人The guy was like a saint26:06.34,0:26:07.54从事慈善事业All the charity work,26:07.55,0:26:10.16还有他公司在做的环保改革the environmental progress his company was making...26:10.17,0:26:14.59这里只有你一人有杀害他的动机About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you.26:14.60,0:26:17.76你来这就是想说我有罪么You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am?26:19.93,0:26:22.35我也不知道自己来的目的I don't know why I came here.26:27.15,0:26:28.56你现在有了自己的生活You have your life now. I know that.26:28.57,0:26:30.31我知道I know that...26:30.32,0:26:33.40如果你念旧情的话but if what we had before meant anything to you,26:33.41,0:26:36.24希望你能找到真相you'd find out the truth.26:38.24,0:26:40.66或许这就是事实呢Maybe all this is the truth.26:41.37,0:26:43.79又或许他们是对的呢Maybe they got it right.27:19.49,0:27:20.40长官Badge!27:20.41,0:27:22.74开门啊长官Open up, Badge!27:22.75,0:27:23.70又怎么了You talking again?27:23.71,0:27:24.70今天是我女朋友的生日It's my girl's birthday.27:24.71,0:27:25.95那祝她生日快乐好了Happy birthday to her, then.27:25.96,0:27:27.07让我给她打个电话吧求你了You gotta let me call her! Please!27:27.08,0:27:28.83如果你让我给她打电话的话我给你一百万I'll give you a million dollars, if you let me use the phone.27:28.84,0:27:30.20我看过你的帐户苏克雷I seen your kicks, Sucre.27:30.21,0:27:32.41你名下好像只有40美分You got something like 40 cents to your name.27:32.42,0:27:33.33求你了Please!27:33.34,0:27:35.93天啊不要God, no!27:57.82,0:28:01.32你好啊玛丽克鲁兹还在等什么快来吧All right. Maricruz. What are you doing? Come on.28:01.33,0:28:03.90没关系赫克特你去吧Yeah, it's okay, Hector. You go ahead.28:03.91,0:28:05.49你在说什么What are you talking about?28:05.50,0:28:07.37我想我还是找辆出租吧I think I'm just going to take a cab.28:07.38,0:28:11.09你说什么回家不是刚到么What do you mean, like, go home? I mean, you just got here.28:14.55,0:28:17.18他没给你打电话是不He didn't call you, did he?28:18.97,0:28:24.34我也非常喜欢费尔南多但这家伙游手好闲Look... I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat.28:24.35,0:28:26.73你的生活还要继续You got to move on with your life.28:34.57,0:28:35.77伊莱斯先生Mr. Giles,28:35.78,0:28:36.98如果可以还能否找您谈谈we'd like to have a word with you, if we could. 28:36.99,0:28:38.27我真的很忙I really don't have time.28:38.28,0:28:40.95不好意思情况紧急I'm afraid we're going to have to insist.28:42.03,0:28:44.11我们注意到是您提出了信息公开申请It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request28:44.12,0:28:46.87就在几天前关于布伦斯的案子a couple of days ago, on the Burrows case. 28:47.71,0:28:49.78是的那么Yeah. So?28:49.79,0:28:52.33记录显示你您把监控录像做了拷贝Records show that you made a dupe of the surveillance tape.28:52.34,0:28:54.04没错That's right.28:54.05,0:28:56.26能知道为什么吗Mind us asking why?28:56.42,0:28:59.25是为了他的一个前任女友It's for one of Burrows' old girlfriends, man.28:59.26,0:29:01.75她一直坚信那个人是无辜的She was under the impression that the guy was innocent.29:01.76,0:29:03.63于是我就想让她早点放弃算了I figured it'd, you know, help her with closure 29:03.64,0:29:05.76那么现在录像带在她那里She's in possession of the tape now, then?29:05.77,0:29:07.26别跟我这样Don't pull that card on me.29:07.27,0:29:09.09信息公开自由It's the Freedom of Information Act.29:09.10,0:29:11.80她有权拥有那盘录像带She's entitled to that tape as much as you or I are.29:11.81,0:29:14.31是的是的没错Oh,no, no, by all means, by all means.29:14.32,0:29:16.64-我可以走了么-还有一件事-May I go now? -Just one more thing.29:16.65,0:29:19.06他这个前女友This old girlfriend of his...29:19.07,0:29:21.24叫什么名字what's her name?29:33.04,0:29:34.12不好意思Excuse me.29:34.13,0:29:35.83西蒙思是住这儿么Is this the Simmons residence?29:35.84,0:29:37.62我是西蒙思太太I'm Ms. Simmons.29:37.63,0:29:39.54对不起我I'm sorry. Um,29:39.55,0:29:41.46我是维罗妮卡·多诺万I'm Veronica Donovan.29:41.47,0:29:44.25我想找一下克拉勃·西蒙思你们是亲戚么I'm looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related?29:44.26,0:29:45.59他是我儿子He's my son.29:45.60,0:29:47.22他在家么Is he around?29:47.23,0:29:48.51不在No.29:48.52,0:29:49.72能告诉我在哪能找到他么Could you tell me where I could find him?29:49.73,0:29:52.68女士你走吧我帮不了你难道你还不明白么Lady, go away. I can't help you. Can't you understand that?29:52.69,0:29:55.19实在抱歉我只是Look, I'm sorry.It's just...29:55.65,0:29:59.69有人危在旦夕或许您的儿子能帮上忙a man's life is at stake,and maybe your son can help him.29:59.74,0:30:01.94克拉勃已经帮不上谁的忙了女士Crab can't help nobody, lady.30:01.95,0:30:04.28他已经死了He's dead30:06.24,0:30:08.16对不起I'm sorry.30:20.84,0:30:24.80注意都站到门口Heads up! 7-up, cons, stand your gate!。
《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)改编自斯蒂芬〃金《不同的季节》(Different Seasons)中收录的《丽塔海华丝及萧山克监狱的救赎》。
中文名: 《肖申克的救赎》外文名: The Shawshank Redemption其它译名: 刺激1995,月黑高飞,地狱诺言出品时间:1994年9月10日 制片地区: 美国导演: 弗兰克〃达拉邦特编剧: 弗兰克〃达拉邦特、斯蒂芬〃金 主演: 摩根〃弗里曼 、蒂姆〃罗宾斯 类型: 剧情 纪录片 片长: 142分钟 目录故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪被指控因为妻子有婚外情,酒醉后本想用枪杀了妻子和她的情人,但是他没有下手,巧合的是那晚刚好有人枪杀了他妻子和她情人,他被指控谋杀罪,被判无期徒刑,这意味着他将在肖申克监狱中渡过余生。
疑犯追踪第2季/嫌疑人第2季/Person of Interest Season 2分集剧情介绍第1-23全集大结局电视剧:《疑犯追踪第2季》又 名:嫌疑人第2季;意中人第二季;Person of Interest Season 2集 数:40集导 演:大卫.塞梅尔;理查德.刘易斯编 剧:乔纳森.诺兰主 演:迈克尔.爱默生;詹姆斯.卡维泽;塔拉吉.P.汉森美剧《疑犯追踪第2季》主要演员: Reese (詹姆斯.卡维泽 饰) Carter (塔拉吉.p.汉森 饰) Finch (迈克尔.爱默生 饰) Jessica Nichols (苏珊.米斯纳 饰) Mark Snow (迈克尔.凯利 饰) Nathan Ingram (布莱特.卡伦 饰) Det。
Fusco (凯文.查普曼 饰)美剧《疑犯追踪第2季/嫌疑人第2季》剧情:大结局 疑犯追踪第二季的故事紧接着疑犯追踪第一季,在Finch(迈克尔.爱默生 Michael Emerson 饰)被神秘的Root小姐绑架以后,“西装男”John Reese(詹姆斯.卡维泽 James Caviezel 饰)只得求助于他在纽约警局凶杀科的侦探朋友们Carter(塔拉吉.P.汉森 Taraji P。
Henson 饰)以及Fusco(凯文.查普曼 Kevin Chapman 饰)的帮助,经过缜密调查,终于将Finch救出,却被Root逃脱。
美剧《疑犯追踪第2季/嫌疑人第2季/Person of Interest Season 2》分集剧情介绍:疑犯追踪第2季/嫌疑人第2季/Person of Interest Season 2剧情介绍:第1集剧情 Finch遭死敌Root绑架,去向不明,Reese决定请求Carter侦探和Fusco侦探帮助他找回自己的朋友。
第2集- Previously on Prison Break.越狱前情提要- I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield. 我觉得我有责任让你了解监狱里的真实情Scofield先生- Why do you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow? 为什么你那么想见 Burrows- Because he's my brother. 因为他是我的哥哥- So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? 所以为了和他一起,你就把自己送进福克斯河州立监狱?- To what... save him? 为了什么…救他?- ...and whoever it was that set me up, 不管是谁陷害我- wants me in the ground as quickly was possible. 都想让我尽早下地狱- Look, the closer it gets, 听着,他们走得越近- the more I'm worried that the bottom is gonna fall out of this whole thing. 我就越担心整件事会被人揭个底朝天- That's the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi. 就是这个狗娘养的告发Abruzzi - Someone found Fibanacci. 有人找到Fibanacci了- Who was this someone? 你说的“有人”是指谁?- Why'd you hire him? 你为什么要雇他?- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 亲近你的朋友,更要亲近你的敌人- Hey, come at me, John. 嗨,过来,John- I'm coming after you. 我要跟你- I doubt it. 我不信- I'm getting you out of here. 我会带你从这儿出去- It's impossible. -毫无可能- Not if you designed the place, it isn't. -如果是你设计了这地方,那就有可能- You've seen the blueprints. 你看过设计图- Better than that. 不只如此- I've got them on me. 我已经纹在身上了- You're anticipating every one of my moves, three moves in advance. 你预见到我走的每一步棋,预先三步- You're a hell of a strategist, Fish. 你真他妈是个战略家,Fish- You ever think about Boston? 你还在想波士顿?- Sure. -Sure.当然- Think you'll ever see it again? -想你永远也看不到了?- I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket. 我已经六十岁了,还有年刑期- What do you think? 你在想什么?- I'm thinking about going. 我在想离开,Ed- Well, there's goin' and there's goin'. 有这种离开(释放),也有那种“离开”(越狱)- Which one you mean? 你说的是哪一种?- The one you think I mean. 你想的那种- Three days inside, and he's already thinking about turning rabbit. 在里面待了三天,他已经在考虑怎么变成兔子了- It'll pass. 这种想法会过去的- It always does. 总是如此- There's bigger things to worry about at the moment. 目前更应该担心的是其他事- I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it. 我待在这里已经久到一看就知道会发生什么- The calm before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静- Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here. 这里的白人和黑人很快就有一场火拼- Everybody chooses sides, and a lot of guys bleed. 每个人都会选一派加入,很多人会受伤- There a reason? 有原因吗?- Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage. 原因就是你不能把猫和狗关在同一个笼子里- They don't get along. 他们无法相处- Hmm. 嗯- What? -怎么了?- Toilet won't flush. -抽水马桶不能冲水了- So? 那又怎么样?- Means only one thing-- 只意味着一件事- The DIRT shuts off the water, so you can't flush your contraband. 所有的违禁品都将会被充公,有污物塞住了下水道,因此你就不能冲掉违禁品- We got nothing to worry about. -我们没什么可担心的- Says you! 去你的!- Under the table... 在桌子下面- What the hell is this? 这究竟是什么?- Insurance, white boy. Now dump it! 安全的保障,小白脸,马上扔了!- Open it. 开门- So... 这么说- tooling up for the race riot, are we? 你们都装备好准备种族暴乱了?- Hand it over. 交出来- Rugheads and the billies. Rugheads帮和Billies帮- Now, which side are you on anyhow, Fish? 你帮哪一派, Fish?- That would be neither, boss. 一派都不帮,头儿- Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it then. 那或许你是想在课外活动时带着它- Stick a C.O., maybe. 用来刺狱警- Is there a problem here, Deputy? 有问题吗,副警长?- Got a shank in here. 在这儿找到一把带柄小刀- Is this yours? 是你的?- You're not a good liar. 你不是个擅于说谎的人- Come on, Sucre, you're going to the SHU. 出来,Sucre,到隔离室去- Move along, Deputy. 走吧,副警长- I'm not done shaking this cell down yet. 我还没搜完这间- I said move along. 我说走吧- In the old man's back pocket, are you? 你是这个老男人罩着的?- Well, I got news for you, Fish. 有件事我要提醒你,Fish- He may run this place during the day, 白天或许是他掌管这里- but I run it during the night. 但晚上就是我掌管了越狱第二集- The hell were you thinking, Michael? 告诉我你是怎么想的, Michael- How are we doing it? 我们该怎么做?- The infirmary. 医务室- Infirmary? 医务室?- It's the weakest link in the security chain. 那是安全监管链中最薄弱的一环- As long as I get that PUGNAc, 只要我能弄到PUGNAc- I'll get all the access I need. 我就能进任何我想进的地方- What the hell's a PUGNAc? 到底什么是PUGNAc?- It lowers my insulin levels to the point that I'm hyperglycemic. 它可以将我体内的胰岛素含量降低到一定程度让我患上高血糖- As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic, 只要医生认为我是糖尿病人- I'll have plenty of time in there to do what I need to do. 我就有足够的时间待在那儿做我想做的事- Which is? 哪些事?- A little work. 一点工作- A little prep for your arrival. 为你的到来做一点准备工作- That's the idea, anyway. 总之,这就是整个计划- The idea? 计划?- There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAc, that's all. 要弄到PUGNAc会有些困难,但仅此而已- They don't exactly stock it at the commissary. 他们并不总是把它存放在仓库里- You're telling me this whole thing's riding on a bunch of pills. 你是在告诉我整个计划就依赖于几片药- Someone's working on it as we speak. 有人已经按我们所说付诸于行动了- Now's not the time to be trusting a black inmate, Michael. 现在不是相信一个黑人的时候,Michael- Our relationship transcends race. 我们的关系超越种族- Nothing transcends race in here. 在这里没有任何事能超越种族- I can't let you do it. 我不能让你这么干- Good behavior, you're out of here in three years. 表现好点,你三年内就能离开这里- Gonna be a whole lot sooner than that. 越狱的话比那可快多了- Can't be done... 不能这么干- Can't be done, Michael. 不能这么干,Michael- No one's ever broken out of Fox River. 从没有人能在Fox River监狱越狱成功- Every single step's already been mapped out. 每一个步骤都已经详细的制订出来- Every contingency. 包括每件可能发生的事- Every contingency? 每件可能发生的事?- You may have the blueprints of this place, 你或许已有这地方的设计图- but there's one thing those plans can't show you-- people, 但有一件事是难以计划的——人- guys like Abruzzi-- 像Abruzzi这样的人- you so much as look at these cats the wrong way, they'll cut you up. 你要是太小看他们,他们就会毫不留情的剁碎你- As far as the rest of these guys are concerned 要把这些人的因素都考虑进去- I'm just another con doing his time. 我就只是个乖乖服刑的囚犯- Staying out of trouble. -置身事外就行了- Your don't go looking for trouble in here, it just finds you. -在这里不是你找麻烦,而是麻烦找你- And when it does, we'll be long gone. 而只要麻烦找上你了,我们就都完了- This is madness. [叹气]太疯狂了- You can't even get out of your cell. 你甚至连你自己待的牢房都出不去- Not true. 此言差矣- What, you got a key? 什么,你弄到钥匙了?- Something like that. 类似的东西- Wrong piece of real estate, Fish. 这块地方的任何一样东西,Fish- Belongs to T-Bag. 都属于T-Bag- Who? 谁?- You best speak with respect, Fish. 你说话最好放尊重点,Fish- Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama, 这个人在阿尔巴马州绑架了六个少男少女- raped 'em and killed 'em. 强奸并杀害了他们- Wasn't always in that order, either. 当然也不并都按这个顺序(先杀后奸)- Does T-Bag have a real name? T-Bag真名是什么?- That is my real name. 这就是我的真名- No, no, no. Please... sit. 不,不,不,请……坐- So you're the new one I been hearin' all the rave reviews about. 你就是那个新来的,我已经听到很多关于你的好话- Scofield. Scofield- One thing's for sure, you're just as pretty as advertised. 有一点是肯定的,你就如传闻所言那么漂亮- Prettier, even. 甚至更漂亮- Rugheads got you scared, do they? Rugheads那帮人让你很害怕吧?- Sorry? -什么?- Assume that's why you're over here. -我想这也是为什么你一个人在这儿的原因- Few days on the inside, 在里面待过一些日子- any God-fearing white man realizes the correctional system's 任何虔诚的白人都知道- got a serious lean toward the African-American persuasion. 劳改制度对黑人一方有严重的偏袒- I hadn't noticed. 我没注意到- They got the numbers all right, so they think they do as they please. 他们在数量上占据优势,他们以为这样就能为所欲为- We got one thing they don't-- 但我们有一样他们没有的- surprise. 那就是出奇制胜- We gonna take the ball game to them real soon. 很快我们之间就会有一场竞赛- It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, 像你这样的新手- but we'll protect you. I'll protect you. 这或许会有些令人厌恶,但我们会保护你 ,我很保护你- All you got to do is... 你所要做的就是- take this pocket right here, 抓住这个口袋- and your life'll be all peaches and cream. 你的生活从此将完美无缺- I walk, you walk with me. 我走到哪里,你就跟我到哪里- Keep you real close, so no one up in here can hurt you. 和你保持亲密,这里就没人会伤害你- Looks to me you already got a girlfriend. 照我看来你已经有个女朋友了- I got a whole 'nother pocket over here. 我这里还有另一个口袋- I'll pass. 我放弃- I don't protect you, 我不保护你- them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas. 他们 Rugheads 帮就会像吃一盘黑眼豌豆一样把你生吞活剥了- I said no. 我说不- Then you best move, then. 那你最好赶快滚- Now. 现在- You come around these bleachers again, 你再到露天看台来- it's gonna be more than just words we're exchanging. 我们交流的就不仅仅是语言了- Know what I'm saying? 明白我的意思吗?- Excuse me. 打扰一下- Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows? 你就是Lincoln Burrows 的代理律师Tim Giles吗?- Okay, if you're a reporter... 好吧,如果你是个记者…- I'm not a reporter. I know the defendant personally. 我不是记者,就我个人而言,我认识被告- Huh. You family? 哦,你的家人?- Not exactly. 并不完全是- We were in a relationship a few years back. 我们交往过几年- Well, look, ma'am, I, uh... 听着,夫人,我,呃……- I-I don't know what to tell you. I mean, the man was guilty. 我不知道该怎么跟你说,我是说,这个人确实有罪- The prosecution's case was a slam dunk. 控方起诉的这个案子证据确凿- Because the victim was the Vice President's brother. 因为受害人是副总统的弟弟- If you're suggesting that the federal government rammed this thing through, 如果你是在暗示,是联邦政府强行促成整件事的- okay, I take offense to that, 'cause I fought for that guy. 好吧,我对你的这种说法很生气,因为是我在努力为这个人辩护- That's not what I meant. 我不是这个意思- The evidence was there. 证据明摆着- Lincoln worked for Steadman's company. Lincoln在Steadman的公司工作- He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so, he gets fired. 他和此人发生过公开的争吵,因此他被解雇了- Two weeks later, Steadman's shot dead. 两周后,Steadman头部遭枪击死亡- The murder weapon is found in Lincoln's house, 在 Lincoln的住所找到了凶器- and the victim's blood found on his clothes. 他的衣服上又留有受害人的血迹- Trust me, there are cases you lose sleep over, but 相信我,是有些案子会让你担心到睡不着觉- this isn't one of 'em. 但不会是这个案子- What about Crab Simmons? 那 Crab Simmons呢?- Lincoln said he could exonerate him. Lincoln说他能够证明他是无罪的- Why didn't you put him on the stand? 为什么你不让他出庭作证?- The man's a five-time felon, all right? 这个人是曾五次坐牢的重犯- He-He... He had no credibility. 他…他,[轻笑] 他的证词不具有可信性- So, you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit. 那你应该不会介意我去拜访一下他吧- Be my guest, but I don't think it'd do you any good. 请便,但我不认为这么做会给你带来什么好处- Strange feeling. I don't know how to explain it. 不寻常的感觉,我不知道该怎么解释这种感觉- Now, um... 现在,嗯……- usually, my whole life, it's always been crazy, 通常,我整个生活我的脑子里一直都充满着- noisy, 疯狂、- maddening, you know, in my head, but... 喧闹、狂躁,你知道,但是- right now, it's quiet. 现在,它却很平静- It's perfect. 感觉太美好了- Glad you came back. 非常高兴你又回到我身边- I thought about you the whole time. 我一直在想你- You know, I, uh, made a lot of mistakes in my life. 你知道,我,我这一生犯过很多错- I know that. 我知道这点- I'm gonna make it right. 我要纠正这些错误- I know you will. 我知道你会的- What are you doing? 哦……,你要干嘛?- I want to remember this. 我想记住这一刻- No. -不要,哦,来吧- Oh, come on. Oh, come on, V, please, just one. 哦,来吧,V,求你了,就一张- Okay. -好吧- Easy, man. 放松- How we doin' on the PUGNAc? 弄PUGNAc的事进展的怎么样了?- Hey, I'm workin' on it. 嗨,我正在努力- Well, work faster. I need that stuff tonight. 再加把力,今晚我就要那东西- What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad? 医务室里有什么你那么想要的?- You get me that PUGNAc, and maybe I'll tell you. 你给我弄到PUGNAc,或许我会告诉你- Uh-uh... uh! 啊,啊,啊!- Thought we had an understanding. 还以为我们已达成共识- This here's for the family. 这里是我们这一帮聚集的地方- You made it pretty clear you ain't blood. 你很清楚的表示你不想流血- How 'bout you hand that over? 交给我怎么样?- Nice-looking piece of steel; bit of work. 很好看的钢制品,有点艺术品的味道- You could do some serious damage with it. 用这个你可以搞大破坏啊- Question is, who was it you was plannin' on damaging? 问题是,你打算用这个伤害哪一派的人?- I seen you with the Negroes, you know. 我看到你和那帮黑鬼在一起,你知道- Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens. 或许你是他们这群胆小鬼中的一员- All confused-like. 都像跟白痴一样- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. 皮肤是白的,里面却像柏油一样黑- Maybe we ought to take a look at them insides and find out, hmm? 或许我们该看看里面好好研究研究,嗯?- Girl Scouts! 女童军们!- Is there a problem over there? 那儿发生了什么事?- Think we'll just hang onto this, if that's okay with you. 如果这样东西对你很重要,我们就决不会还给你- Hey, I'm not gonna ask you again. Let's break up the party, ladies. 嗨,我不会再问你们第二遍,立刻给我解散,女士们- You heard the man, little dogie. 你听到那人说的话了,小牛犊- Get along. 还不照做- What's it take to shake down another inmate, 有什么事需要搜其他犯人的身- get something he's taken from you? 为了夺回他从你这里拿走的东西?- It would take Fibonacci. 为了找到Fibonacci- I'll give you Fibonacci-- 我会告诉你 Fibonacci的去向- I promise you that-- 我向你保证- when the time is right. 只要时候一到- Time is right now. 现在就是时候- No, the time is right when you and I are both standing outside those walls. 不是现在,当你和我都站在高墙之外得那一刻才是时候- You're sitting on life without parole. 你关在这里没有假释- You're never gonna stand outside those walls again. 你决不可能再站在高墙之外- Not unless you knew someone. 除非你认识什么人- Someone who knew a way out. 而这人知道出去的路- What do you say, John? 你怎么说,John?- I say I've heard nothing but blabber. 我说我只听到一堆废话- Philly Falzone. Philly Falzone- It's an honor. 三生有幸啊- What are you doing here? 你到这里来干什么?- Well, I, um... 我,嗯……- I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize. 我只是在想我们,你知道,亲如兄弟- He looks like it, doesn't he? 他看起来确实像,不是吗?- Looks what? 像什么?- Like everybody's been saying. 就像大家说的一样- You got no sack. 你连阴囊都没了- You've been neutered. 你已经被阉了- You shouldn't talk to me like that. 你不该这么跟我说话- You used to pick up my laundry. 你过去只配给我去洗衣房拿衣服- Not anymore, John. 不再是了,John- John, word is that someone in here knows where Fibonacci is, John,有消息说这里有人知道Fibonacci在哪儿- and you're not doing anything about it. 你不能袖手旁观- I'm working on it. 我正在努力查- Well, you're not working on it fast enough. 你动作还不够快- Apparently, Fibonacci's coming up for air again. 显然,Fibonacci很快又要卷土重来了- Next month, a Congressional hearing. 下个月,国会的听证会上- Now, if he testifies at that hearing, 如果他在此次听证会上作证- a lot of people are going down, 很多人都会垮台,- including me. 包括我- Now, I've known you a long time. 我认识你很久了- Our wives are friends, 我们的妻子也是朋友- our kids go to the same Catholic school. 我们的孩子在相同的天主教学校上学- Now, it would be a shame 如果你的孩子出了什么事- if anything were to happen to your kids. 那就太遗憾了- I know my kids would miss them. 我知道我的孩子会想念他们的- You don't need to do this. 你大可不必这么做- I do. 我要这么做- I'll get this guy. 我会找到这个人- We'll get Fibonacci. 我们会找到Fibonacci- Well, for everyone's sake, I hope you're right. 为了大家好,我希望你是对的- I am. 我是对的- Be well, John. 保重,John- Thank you. 谢谢- Yo, Badge, I gotta use the phone! 嗨,长官,我要用电话!- Sure, no problem. You want a pizza and a pedicure, too? 当然,没问题你又要匹萨和修脚师?- No. It's-It's Monday, man. 不是,今天…今天是周一- I got to call my girl. She's expecting my call... 我要打电话给我女儿,她一直在等我电话- Put a sock in it. You got nothin' comin'. 闭上你的鸟嘴,不会允许你的- No, no, no... 不,不,不…- Hey, pull up the manifest. 嘿,帮我查下名单- There an Allen Schweitzer in GenPop? GenPop里有个叫Allen Schweitzer的吗?- Nope. 没有- You about the SHU? 那禁闭室呢?- Nope. 没有- Why are you asking? 你干嘛这么问?- Curious, that's all. 好奇而已- You hear the trumpets, Fish? 你听到号角声没, Fish?- I know you hear 'em. 我知道你听到了- That's Judgment Day. 今天是清算日- It's comin'... real soon. 这天来得…还真快- What are you doing in my cell? 你在我房里干什么?- I want in. 我想加入- I'm not quite sure I heard that, Fish. 我不太确定我听到的, Fish- Did you just say you're in? 你刚才是说你想加入?- That's right. 没错- You know the old saying, don't you? 你知道那句老话吧?- In for an inch, in for a mile. 得之一尺,失其一丈- Whatever it takes. 无论要付出什么代价- You want me to fight, I'll fight. 你想让我战斗,我就会战斗- The bolt from the bleachers-- that's what it was for. 露天看台那里弄来的螺钉,就是为了这个目的- Well, you want to fight, you gonna get your chance. 你想战斗,就给你这个机会- Next count. 下一次报数的时候- - Tonight? 今晚?- Problem with that? 有问题?- 'Cause we goin' straight at 'em. 因为我们这次要跟他们正面交锋- Better catch a square, Fish. 最好能打个平手,Fish- We undermanned in a big way. 我们人手不够,极其不够- All I need's a weapon. 我只要一件武器- You want a weapon, bitch? 你要武器,婊子?- There you go. [信号响起]你该走了- All prisoners return to cells. 所有的犯人都回到牢房- You gonna have to prove yourself 'fore we trust you with the heavy artillery. 你要让我们信任你,你就得先证明自己- Know what I'm sayin'? 明白我说的吗?- Gates closing! 关门!- I wanted to apologize for being so short with you before. 我要为之前只和你说了那么几句话而道歉- No problem. 没关系- Closer it gets to an execution, 日子越接近行刑,- the harder it becomes, so that's why I wanted to give you this. 事情(越狱)越难办这也是为何我想把这个给你的原因- It's the, uh, surveillance tape of the garage that night. 这是,嗯,那天晚上车库里的监控录像- It was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it. 这个案子已经审结,因此只有参加庭审的人才看过- I thought it could help you out. 但我想这对你或许会有所帮助- - Closure. 帮助什么?让你死心- Allen Schweitzer. Allen Schweitzer- That name mean anything to you? 这个名字对你有没有什么特别含义?- Should it? 应该有吗?- I don't know. You tell me. 我不知道,你来告诉我- Never heard of the guy. 从未听说过这个人- Are you sure? 你确定?- Positive. 千真万确- Uh, what's up, Snowflake? [远处说话声,水的流动声]怎么了,小雪花?- Do you think I'm a fool? 你以为我是傻瓜?- What are you talking about? 你在说些什么?- I see you up there with the Hitler Youth. 我看到你和那帮希特勒青年团在一起- You know, I got a good mind to slash you open right now. 我有个马上让你开口的好主意- It's not what you think. 不是你想的那样- They've got something I need. 他们有我要的东西- Now, see, that's funny. 瞧,太可笑了- Because I got something you need, too. 因为我也有你要的东西- You want your PUGNAc, Fish, huh? 你想要PUGNAc,Fish,对吧?- Right here, baby. It's all you. 就在这儿,宝贝儿,都是你的了- Listen, white boy, your luck just ran out. 听着,小白脸,你的运气到头了- You chose the wrong side. 你选错了一方- Man... it's great to see your face. 能看到你真是太好了- I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you? 我想你该停止跟我玩猜谜游戏了吧?- What? 什么?- It's starting to ruin people's lives. 你毁了别人的生活- Michael's in here because he thinks you're innocent. Michael进监狱,就是因为他以为你是无辜的- He told you. 他跟你说的?- He hasn't told me anything, but I know, Lincoln. 他什么都没跟我说但我就是知道,Lincoln- I know what he's planning. 我知道他在计划什么- Call him off. 让他放弃- If you love him, call him off. 如果你还爱他,就让他放弃- I saw the tape. 我看过录像带了- What's on the tape's not how it went down. 录像带里的并不是事实- I know what I saw. 我清楚我看到了什么- I know what I saw. 我也清楚我看到了什么- I was there, remember? 我当时在那儿,记得吗?- I got high that night. 那个晚上我吸了毒- I had to. 我不得不这么做- It was the only way I could go through with it. 这是我唯一可以完成任务的办法- I never pulled the trigger. 我绝对没有扣动扳机- The guy was already dead. 那个人早已经死了- Yeah, I know. You've told me a thousand... 是的,我知道,你跟我说过无数次了- Then listen! I was set up! 那么听着!我是被陷害的!- I went there that night to clear a debt. 那天晚上我到那里是去还债- Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him. 我欠了Crab Simmons万美金- He told me the mark was some scumbag drug dealer 他跟我说目标是什么卑鄙的毒贩子- and if I took it, we'd be clean. 如果我干掉他,我们就两清了- I never pulled the trigger. 我绝对没有扣动扳机- All I know is that somebody wanted me in the same garage as Terrence Steadman that night. 我所知道的是那天晚上有人想让我跟Terrence Steadman待在同一个车库里- Why would somebody want to set you up? 为什么有人要陷害你?- It wasn't about me. It was about him. 不是针对我,是针对他- Steadman? Steadman?- Yes! 是的!- The guy was like a saint. 这个人就如圣人一般- All the charity work, 他的公司所做的慈善工作- the environmental progress his company was making... 以及所取得的环保成就- About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you. 整个国家里唯一有动机杀他的就只有你- You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am? 你费劲周折找到我就是为了告诉我我有罪?- I don't know why I came here. 我也不知道我为什么要到这里来- You have your life now-- 如今你有你的生活- I know that-- 我可以理解- but if what we had before meant anything to you, 但如果我们之前的感情对你还有点意义- you'd find out the truth. 你会查明真相的- Maybe all this is the truth. 或许现在这些就是真相- Maybe they got it right. 或许他们是对的- Badge! 哦!- Open up, Badge! 你们在干什么,小子?- You talking again? 你再说一遍?- It's my girl's birthday. 今天是我女儿的生日- Happy birthday to her, then. 那祝她生日快乐- You gotta let me call her! Please! 你一定得让我给她打个电话!求你了!- I'll give you a million dollars, if you let me use the phone. 如果你让我用电话的话,我可以给你一百万- I seen your kicks, Sucre. 我见识过你的花招,Sucre- You got something like 40 cents to your name. 你的保证不值钱- Please! 求你了!- God, no! 上帝啊,不要!- All right. Maricruz. What are you doing? Come on. 好啦,Maricruz,你在干什么?,来吧- Yeah, it's okay, Hector. You go ahead. 我很好,Hector,你管你自己吧- What are you talking about? 你在说些什么啊?- I think I'm just going to take a cab. 我只是想叫辆车- What do you mean, like, go home? I mean, you just got here. 什么意思,你要回家?我是说,你才刚到这儿- He didn't call you, did he? 他没有打电话给你,是吗?- Look... I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat. 听着,我爱Fernando 至深,但这家伙游手好闲- You got to move on with your life. 你应该过你自己的生活- Mr. Giles, Giles先生,可以的话- we'd like to have a word with you, if we could. -我们有些话要问你- I really don't have time. -我真的没时间- I'm afraid we're going to have to insist. 恐怕我们得坚持- It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request 几天前,你提交的一份关于 Burrows案- a couple of days ago, on the Burrows case. 信息法自由权的申请,引起了我们的注意- Yeah. So? 是的,那又怎么了?- Records show that you made a dupe of the surveillance tape. 你拷贝了一份监控录像- That's right. 没错- Mind us asking why? 介意我们问原因吗?- It's for one of Burrows' old girlfriends, man. 是给Burrows的一个老情人- She was under the impression that the guy was innocent. 她原本以为他是无辜的- I figured it'd, you know, help her with closure. 我想这盘录像带,你知道,或许能让她死心- She's in possession of the tape now, then? 那盘录像带现在在她手上?- Don't pull that card on me. 别跟我来这一套- It's the Freedom of Information Act. 这是根据信息法案所享有的权利- She's entitled to that tape as much as you or I are. 她有资格获取那盘录像,就像你和我一样- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, by all means, by all means. 哦,不,不,不,不,不 ,那是肯定的- - May I go now? 我可以走了吗?- Just one more thing. 最后一个问题- This old girlfriend of his... 他的这个老情人- what's her name? 叫什么名字?- Excuse me. 打扰一下- Is this the Simmons residence? 请问Simmons一家住在这里吗?- I'm Ms. Simmons. 我就是Simmons太太- I'm sorry, um... 抱歉,嗯……- I'm Veronica Donovan. 我是Veronica Donovan.- I'm looking for Crab Simmons. Are you related? 我想找Crab Simmons,他是你什么人?- He's my son. 他是我儿子- Is he around? 他在吗?- No. 不在- Could you tell me where I could find him? -请问我到哪里可以找到他?- Lady, go away. I can't help you. Can't you understand that? -小姐,快走,我帮不了你,你难道还不明白?- I'm sorry. It's just... -抱歉- a man's life is at stake, and maybe your son can help him. 只是……有个男人危在旦夕- Crab can't help nobody, lady. Crab不可能帮任何人了,小姐- He's dead. 他死了- I'm sorry. 我很遗憾- Heads up! 7-up, cons, stand your gate! 注意了!犯人们,都站到自己的门口!- 'Bout to jump off, Fish. 比赛开始了, Fish- Ballard, get back on your number. Ballard,回到你的位置上- I need backup. 我要掩护- I said back on your number! 我说了回到你的位置上- Help me... 救救我- Scofield! Scofield!- You're a dead man, Scofield! 你死定了,Scofield!- You hear me?! 你听到我说的吗?!- You're a dead man! 你死定了!- I really don't know what to say to you gentlemen. 真的不知道该说什么,先生们- I try to give you the benefit of the doubt, 我试图把你们往好处想- I try to treat you with respect. 我试图尊重你们- You can't even respect yourselves. 你们甚至连你们自己都不尊重- So, there's going to be a 48-hour lockdown. 现在将是小时的一级禁闭- No mess. No showers. 没有食物,不能洗澡,- No visitation. 不允许探望- And I strongly suggest that you all learn to get along. 我强烈建议你们都好好学学- Otherwise, the next time, it's going to be a week, 如何相处,不然下次,就是一个星期- and the time after that, it's going to be a month. 再下一次,就是一个月- Think about it. 好好想想吧- Got a Leticia Barres on the line. 有个Leticia Barres打电话找你- I don't know who that is. Take a message. 不认识,让她留言- She says she used to date Crab Simmons. 她说她曾和Crab Simmons交往过- Leticia, thank you for calling. Leticia,谢谢你打电话来- You want to hear what I have to say, 你想听我说的话- we meet in a public place, where they can't get to us. 我们在公共场所见面,在那儿他们不敢对我们怎么样。
Prison Break 01 (second season)Previously on Prison Break:I didn't kill that man, Michael.If you didn't kill Terrence did someone make it look like you did? I'm getting you out of here.That's impossibleNot if you designed the place, it isn'tIt better be open, bro.Y ou're asking me to break the law.I ask you to make a mistake. Forget to lock up.We're in.Who killed Terrence Steadman?Nobody. Terrence Steadman’s still alive.Hello, Terrence.Sound the alarm.Hey! Hey!No! No!What do we do now?We run.The escapees, who were they?Got a list right here.Read it to me, if you could.Michael scofield, structural engineer. Five years for armed robbery, Benjamin Miles Franklin. Former U, S, Army, Eight years for possession of stolen goods, John Abruzzi. Don of the crime family of the same name, Life without parole for conspiracy to commit murder. Charles "Haywire" Patoshik, sixty years for second-degree murder. Fernando Sucre. Five years for aggravated robbery, David "Tweener" Apolskis. Five years for grand larceny. Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell. Life for six counts of kidnapping, rape and first-degree murder. And Lincoln Burrows. Scheduled to die next week for the murder of President Reynolds' brotherHow long has it been since they got over the wall?Eight o'clock last night,scofield. He and Burrows are brothers.That's right.And he's the mastermind of this whole thing, That's what they're saying.I want everything they've got on him.Where are they? What the hell is that? Let's go.We gotta make it to the other side!What?Make it to the other side!Crazy!Come on! Come on, run! We gotta go! Run! Let's go! Move it, move it! Go! The thing is gaining speed, man!It's going too fast!Go through!What?Go through!Michael!Hold your fire!Freeze! I will gun you down, scofield!Michael, come on.Where's the aerial unit?They're back on the ground refueling.Son of a bitch.Sir, the media is ready. I'd like to talk about John Wilkes Booth for a moment, if I could. Abraham Lincoln's killer.Twelve days.That's how long it took to find him.In his journal during this period, he wrote that the shadow was his friend... the night his domain. He acknowledged that neur oses driving the criminal,,, to commit the original crime is compounded…magnified by flight, By the sounds of dogs at his heels, Fear becomes paranoia. Paranoia, ultimately psychosis, I bring this up because in 140 years... the fundamental mind of the escaped man has not changed. The escaped man is still human, he is still afraid...and he will stop at nothing in his attempted flight. Fortunately for us…while our quarry has shadow and night as his ally ...we have something far greater. Television. I would encourage everyone who is watching... everyone in this country, to take a good look at these faces. These men right here are now the eight most wanted men in America.I thought I thought this out. Y ou saw all those guys back there? The key is they're back there and we're up here.Y eah. And how long is that gonna last?Especially since we don't have a pot to piss in... thanks to Abruzzi's magically disappearing jet.Y ou were never gonna be on that plane.Don't think I don't know where you were going.Where am I going?Oh, I don't know. Utah? Y ou planning on telling us about the money?What money?Five million dollars that Westmoreland planted in the desert in Utah.Y ou don't know what you're talking about.Y ou wish I didn't know.Wait, wait. What money?Warden. It's a little early for the FBI to be showing up, don't you think?Look, I get it. It's still your investigation.Once those criminals cross state lines, it'll become a federal matter.Y eah, well, that is not gonna happen.I hope you're right.That's why I suggest that we cut through any interagency politics from the outset. Full transparency.Absolutely.Good. Then maybe you can tell me about Dr. Tancredi.There's nothing to tell.From what I'm hearing, she may have abetted the escapees. Opened the door that allowed them to get out.Like I said, there's nothing to tell.Y ou're not being very transparent, warden.Look, I don't discuss my staff.Maybe you should...because she may be the key to this thing. We need to speak with her.Well, right now, Mr. Mahone, she's not gonna be speaking with anyone.How we doing?Well, the IVs are hydrating her. We've got her on naloxone infusion. Half-milligram per hour.What do you think the chances are?Well, we've done everything on our end. It's really up to her. Either she fights and lives, or she quits and dies.Hey, what do you think...?Do whatever thing you've gotta do, man.Oh, and boy...If you call the cops, I will put this thing right your eye. Thank you.Structural engineer, huh? Not the kind you'd expect to get that much ink. Not the kind at all.How long do you think it'd take to get something like that done?A hundred hours. Two hundred.Tattoo artist who gave it to him must've spent a lot of time with him, then.I'll find out who it was.Mr. Bellick.Don't talk to me.Fine. But it's gonna make collaboration kind of hard.Collaboration? I got men out here in harm's way...and you're giving press conferences.The press is a tool. It'll bring those men back quicker than bloodhounds will.We don't need you. We're hot on the trail, it's a matter of time till we nail them.The problem I find with being on a that, by definition, you'll always be behind your prey.We'll see about that.I'm not armed.Y ou'll have to excuse me if I'm a little short on trust at the moment.I assure you, young woman, I'm the furthest thing from a threat.I think the Percocet pretty much ensures that.Good. Then you won't mind if I capture this moment for posterity.Won't do you any good.Y ou don't care that somebody's gonna be executed for your murder?I'm not the one who chose Lincoln Burrows as the fall guy.Who did?Y our sister, the president?Y ou don't understand. I'm a prisoner to all of this.Oh, come on. Y ou could've come forward. Y ou could've stopped this thing before it even got started.No, I really am a prisoner. And now you are too. The moment you let the door shut behind you. Didn't it strike you as curious...that there wasn't any security out there? The doors only open from the outside. The glass is 2 inches thick, bulletproof. There's no getting out of here, young woman.We gotta dump them now.Can't. They know about Utah.All the more reason to dump them.If they get caught, the feds will know where we're going. They'll tell them.We just gotta make sure they stay afloat till we're off in Utah. Doing what we gotta do.Y ou really think the money's gonna be there?Charles might've had a flexible relationship with the truth...but at the end... At the end, there'd be no reason for him to lie about it. I figure once we bag it, we cross over into Mexico. Take a whole bunch of bumpy second-class bus rides till we hit Panama.Y ou really got a fix on this dive shop thing?Y eah. Right now, I wouldn't mind swinging in a hammock for the next 10, 20 years.We got half the country after us. We ain't making it to Panama or Utah. Not without help.V eronica can't help us.How can you say that?We don't have money, clothes...We got all that.I thought the plan was Abruzzi's jet.Abruzzi's jet was plan A.Then we got...Everything we need.Where?Storage.Scofield designed the tattoo, not you?He brought the entire thing in. Every element. I mean, look at it. It's the frigging sistine Chapel. I know the guy was an engineer, but, man...his skill as an artist was unbelievable.What else? What can you tell me about him as a person?He was cool, you know. But talk about a detail Nazi. Everything had to be perfect. Exactly as he drew it. I always sort of had the feeling...that the whole thing was some sort of inside joke that only he was in on.We have your number, right?Y eah.I may be calling you. Thank you.Foley. What was the name of that road to get to the prison?I think it was English street.In front of the prison, the two streets that intersect with it?Fitz and Percy. Why?Thank you. Saddle up.Where we going?Somewhere we can stop being cons and start being civilians.Y ou, why don't you cut out all the riddles, snowflake, and just give it to us straight?What?Hi. Well, hey, little one. What are you doing?Well...We're just fishing.With no poles?Well, we like to fish with our hands.Y eah, that's it. Hand-fishing.I think the question is...what are you doing out here?Hunting.Gracie?Get away, Gracie. Get away. Get back. Y ou're those guys from Fox River.Don't any of you move a freaking muscle.Get away from her. Get away from her!Okay, okay. Just relax. Relax.Sir...Y ou stay where you are.No, no! John! Put the gun down! Put the gun down.Let her go! Right now! Let her go! - John, let go of the girl.Shut up!Let her go.Put it down. Drop the gun. Y ou drop the gun. Drop it now. Y ou put the gun down.One... I'm gonna pull the trigger. Two!Good boy. Good boy.Get the gun.Pick it up!Don't you hurt her. Don't you lay a...Hey!Gonna be all right. Right? Run to Daddy.I ain't gonna say anything to anybody, man. Y ou're not gonna get hurt, so just calm down. Where's your car? Up on the road.I need your keys. Y ou're being considered an accessory to this. Y ou know that, don't you?I know very little right now.Y ou opened the door to the infirmary that allowed scofield to escape. Didn't you?No.Y ou have a sexual relationship with him?No.But you had feelings for him.Seven other men got out, you know.Who?I'm sorry, sir, it's saturday. We're not open.Well, that's sort of the point.Sorry, sir?See, I'm gonna need some work done and I'm gonna need it done privately.I'm sorry, you said you needed the work done?This is a medical clinic, isn't it?Well, of course it is, sir, but for animals. God, man, what happened to you? Y ou need medical attention.No.I'm gonna get an ambulance.Nobody's gonna be doing any calling here, doctor.Fine. That's right.What do you want? Y ou know what? That's it. I want Eyetie out of the car right now, man. That was a little girl. Don't you have a heart? God, I have a daughter. I have a little girl. I got one too.But if I hadn't done what I had to do...we wouldn't be on our way to see them right now.Turn right up there.Whoa, hold on. Where we going?Oswego.That's west, man. We need to go east.My family's back in Chicago.And you think the cops don't know about it? Y ou think they're not just sitting there...waiting for you to come running back home? What's the matter with you?What about New Y ork?What about it?My girl's pregnant, bro.Understand, your love is your weakness right now. And they know about it. - Doesn't mean it has to stop you. Y ou just gotta be smart about it. And get to oswego.Oswego is not on the way, snowflake.It's not where oswego is. It's what's in oswego.Captain, scofield's credit-card transaction history. Spent money in Will County before he was incarcerated.Exactly. He's from Chicago.Why does a guy from Chicago come here...and spend 8 grand in all these places in a month?Car wash, voice mail, storage, car rental.We got guys looking into it.Good.What about the feds? Should we tell?What do you think?Captain Bellick, we got something. Hunter up by Tamarack just ran into five of the cons.So this is where scofield lived. Y eah, up until about two months ago when he was incarcerated. Mother's dead, father's a deadbeat. Got nothing in the whole world but your brother. So you plan. And you scheme for months...until you get it right. Every single element. And then you destroy all the evidence.I want divers down in the river.Y ou won't get cell coverage. We're in the middle of nowhere.Those digital carriers don't have cell towers way out here in Western Montana.How about shutting up, Terrence?Just trying to save you some effort.They're like a web, these people. Harder you struggle, worse it gets.Sounds to me like a coward trying to justify himself.If I stay out of the way and stay quiet, I stay alive. That's what they said. That's what they told me.And you want to live like this? In a hermetically sealed box...while everything out there goes to hell? - Self-preservation is a strong motivator.So's the truth.Don't. Y oung woman. Do not. Don't.How you doing, buddy?I'm pretty freaked out, that's how I'm doing.They took your car, didn't they?1978 Grand Cherokee?)Y eah.Which way did they go?Up that way. North, toward oswego.Oswego. Pardon me. Scofield's paperwork, get it to me.That credit card stuff.Right here, captain.Of course.Where else you gonna put all the crap you need to disappear? We're going to oswego, boys.Y ou have a visitor.Thank you.Thanks.Y ou look disappointed.No, I thought you were gonna be my father.Y ou heard from him?His office.Well, brought you a change of clothes.Figured, you know.Thanks.And your purse. Y ou left it in the infirmary.I'm in a lot of trouble, I think.I...I need to apologize to you.They threatened my job if I didn't talk, and...No, no. No.One thing you learn when you're walking the that you never outsource the blame that belongs in your own back yard.'re not the first correctional worker that fell for a con.Trust me. He never cared. Not one bit.What are you thinking about?Mistakes.Y ou had to do it.Not like I did. I ruined her life.There's nothing you can do about it now.That's not true.Y ou fell for her, huh?Where's oswego?Half a mile, maybe.Good.What are you gonna do, Terrence, shoot me? Blow my guts all over the house? Then what?Y ou can't leave, remember? Y ou kill me, you're stuck with me.I'm safe here.Y ou're a prisoner here. But I'm still breathing.If I go step, I won't be. Y ou look at me like I'm the devil. I gave up my family. My teeth. I eat Percocet all day...just to dull the pain of my miserable existence. Y ou have no idea what I've been through.What you've been through? This isn't about you, Terrence.Don't.Blackfoot Sheriff's Department, Hello? Blackfoot Sheriff's Department, Hello, my name's V eronica Donovan. I need you to send a unit to the house at the end of Light Road as soon as possible.I'm sorry, ma'am, are you calling to report a crime?Y eah.By the president of the United states. Send the car.I'm sorry, sir, I don't think I can do this. There are nerves. Look...Y ou need a specialist.I don't...Y ou need somebody who knows what they're doing.I don't have the luxury of choice here. My hand has been in that box for hours now.It is dying. Sir, I am not capable of doing this.I only have one hand, but I can stick this in your neck before you get to that door.Now, if that's not incentive enough for you, I see that you have a Mrs. Gudat out there. With a name like that in a county like this... old Mrs. Gudat would not be too hard to find, now, would she?Fine. I can promise you nothing. Story of my life. I'll have to put you under.Do I really look that stupid?Sir, I cannot do a procedure like this without an anesthetic. I have to cut away dead flesh. Nobody can undergo a procedure like this without an anesthetic.I ain't nobody.Schweitzer was the company that made the toilet scofield took off to get out of his cell.The Allen bolt was the fitting. - It's all here, isn't it?Y eah.It's amazing.Ripe Chance Woods. Is there a place in the vicinity with that name?Got someone looking into it.DoC's moving on a storage facility in oswego.Captain, manager says that scofield's got a lease on Unit 164. still active.We have guys on 8th street, 3rd street and in the alley.Lf they're in there, we got them boxed. - We push right up the gut, then. Any one of them makes a threatening move, put a hole in them.Y ou got it.Officer. This is my collar, smart guy. Back the hell off. Close the door.Still nothing on this place?Nope. They're coming back with nothing. No place by that name anywhere in this country...or any other country for that matter.Let's go. Son of a bitch set us up.Not one word.Officer.Nothing.Oh, that kid's clever. It's not a place, it's a name.Y our PDA, you got it?Y eah.Bring up the census of this county. Far back as it goes.Well, somebody's gonna see us. Keep digging.We're gonna go to hell, guys. Swear to God, we're gonna go to hell.Help me out.Y ou are one sick cat, you know that?What are you looking for?We gotta go to the cemetery. Now.Originally, this was supposed to be a week's worth of clothes for me and Linc. But I figured you all need just as much help as we do, so...Y ou're doing this out of the goodness of your heart?Right, John, the heart. Y ou remember what that is, don't you?Damn, snowflake, this is tight, man.It's like I said, we gotta stop being cons...start being civilians.Nice. The trousers are a little bit too short, don't you think?Chop your feet off. Y ou're good at that.This jacket isn't exactly the best thing.Y ou know what I'm saying? - Y ou want variety, hit Target.Linc.What have we got?Money, passports...prepaid phone cards.Archie Ryan?Y ou see mine?Phineas McClintock.Whoa, and these?Keys to a car that's waiting for us a couple of hundred yards from here.That a two-of-us or five-of-us?That's a two-of-us.They know?Not yet.Guys, guys. We got company.We gotta roll.How did he know?We're civilians. Remember that. We're civilians.I'm sorry. Do you know what time it is?No, I'm sorry.I can't go outside. They'll kill me as soon as I show my face.Y ou're wrong about that. As soon as you show your face, this whole thing is gonna be over. Y ou can have your life back, Terrence. Promise?I promise.Hello?V, it's me.Linc?We're out,Oh, thank God you're okay. I saw the news. Y ou gotta stop. I need you to turn yourself in,What?I found Steadman. I'm with him now, Linc. He's alive. Y ou're gonna be exonerated.Come in.Steadman?What are you talking, you found Steadman?Terrence, come on, let's go.Afternoon.V eronica, The police are here. Look, I need you to stay where you are. Ma'am, I don't wanna lose you. Ma'am, put the phone down. What?Mr. Steadman, take a few steps back.V er... V eronica? V eronica? Oh, my God. V eronica!I thought you knew that all calls to the local station are routed through us. This is federal land, remember? And as for your little toy here. It's contraband.Y ou gonna tell us how you got it in there?I brought it when I got here.Whatever for?To protect myself.That's what we're here for, remember?In less than a day, the trail has gone cold…in pursuit of what are being called the Fox River Eight...That's fine. Stay on top of it, all right?DoC's still doing a sweep of oswego but they have basically vanished.I wouldn't be sure about that, Ives.Don't know how you can be so confident.It's not like they left a map where they're going.Actually, that's exactly what they did. Scofield had the entire thing on his body. How to get out of that prison, how to disappear afterward, It's all there, I promise you that it's only a matter of time before we know everything...that is in scofield's head. Where he plans to run to, how he plans to get there, So when the time comes that he does get there…we'll be waiting for him.。