Existing process list
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Documentation of quality system, procedures, charts, defining authority and responsibility. Internal Auditing.Chek List for Suppliers and Materials Qualification (Q-LV-QUAL)Supplier IdentificationCorporate name:Address:City:Contact:E-mail:UF:CNPJ:Web site:ZIP CODE:Position / Function:Phone Number:ManufacturerSales RepresentativeResaleReason of the visitQualificationQualification of new productAuditingList of Materials TestedCode SGL:Basic Name:Relevant Standards:LegendA – meetAP – parcially meetNA – don’t meet NAP – not applicableSistema de QualidadeThe company is certified of 3rd part.Norma:Yes NoPS.: In case affirmative, fill in the field “A”, Otherwise, fill in the field “B”.Observation / Scope of the certification:AÓrgão Emissor:Data Emissão:Validade:The Quality System is well structured, documented and deployed, following international standards of management quality.A A A AAP AP AP APNA NA NA NANAP NAP NAP NAPBKeep records of product quality traceable.Observations:1/4Chek List for Suppliers and Materials Qualification (Q-LV-QUAL)PlantIndustrial area / inventoryGeneral facilitiesCleaning and organizationSafety standards and physical assets LaboratoriesTechnology usedObservations:AAAAAAAPAPAPAPAPAPNANANANANANANAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAP Production ProcessProduction Capacity (equipment and manpower) Documentation involving the production process Selection criteria for suppliersPreparation and orientation of the manpower Specific procedure in obtaining inputsStorage planningStorage and identification of raw material used in production.Maintenance planning.Storage and packaging of finished product. Transportation and distribution logistics Observations:AAAAAAAAAAAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPNANANANANANANANANANANAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPQuality ControlReceipt of raw material Production Quality Control Disapproved product segregation Calibration of measuring instruments Specific test benchAdditional TestsProduct traceabilityObservations AAAAAAAAPAPAPAPAPAPAPNANANANANANANANAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAPChek List for Suppliers and Materials Qualification (Q-LV-QUAL)Additional RecordsSuperintendence of Procurement and Strategic Contracts - CSDepartment of Material Inspection and Qualification - CSQ Identification of the form quality:Chek List for Suppliers and Materials Qualification (Q-LV-QUAL)EvaluationFormula Calculation ResultR = Nº A + (Nº AP) / 2 x 100Nº AplicáveisNormative Tests of the Product – NTP Observations:R=MeetR ≥ 70 = MeetR < 70 = Don’t MeetDon’t meet ConclusionR ≥ 70 e ENP meetR ≥ 70 e ENP don’t meet R < 70 e ENP meetR < 70 e ENP don’t meetQualifiedUnqualifiedUnqualifiedUnqualified Validity Qualification3 Months Responsible SABESP:6 Months12 MonthsPlace and Date:18 Months。
Execution Object StructureExecution ObjectContains information TestStand needs to run a sequence, its steps, and any subsequences it calls. You can suspend,interactively debug, resume, terminate, or abort executions.Thread ObjectRepresents an independent path of control flow.Report ObjectContains the report text. The process model updates the Report object, and the sequence editor or user interface displays it.Call StackLists the chain of active sequences waiting for nestedsubsequences to complete. The first item in the call stack is the most-nested sequence invocation.Root SequenceContext ObjectRepresents the execution of the least-nested sequence invocation that contains a list of steps and calls to other sequences.SequenceContext ObjectRepresents the execution of a sequence that another sequence called.Current StepRepresents the executing step of the currently executingsequence in the call stack.Architecture OverviewTestStand Sequence EditorTestStand development environment for creating, modifying,executing, and debugging sequences.Custom User InterfacesCustomizable applications that, depending on mode,edit, execute, and debug test sequences on a test station. User interfaces are available in several different programming languages and include fullsource code, which allows you to modify them to meet specific needs.Process ModelsDefine the operations that occur for all test sequences,such as identifying the UUT, notifying the operator of pass/fail status, generating a test report, and logging results. TestStand includes three fully customizable process models: Sequential, Parallel, and er Interface ControlsA powerful set of ActiveX controls and support APIs for creating custom user interfaces.TestStand EngineA set of DLLs that provides an extensive ActiveX Automation API for controlling and interacting with TestStand. The TestStand Sequence Editor, User Interface Controls, and user interfaces use this API.Sequence File ExecutionsCreated by the TestStand Engine when you execute a test sequence using the sequence editor or a user interface.AdaptersAllow TestStand to call code modules in a variety of different formats and languages. Adapters also allow TestStand to integrate with various ADEs to streamline test code generation and debugging.Code ModulesProgram modules, such as LabVIEW VIs (.vi ) or Windows Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll ), that contain one or more functions that perform a specific test or action. TestStand adapters call code modules. Built-In Step TypesDefine the standard behaviors for common testing operations. Some step types use adapters to call code modules that return data to TestStand for furtheranalysis. Other step types perform standard operations,such as calling an executable or displaying dialog boxes.User-Defined Step TypesDefine a set of custom step properties and default behaviors for each step of that custom type. You can also define data types.TemplatesCreate custom sequences, steps, and variables to use as templates to build sequence files.OVERVIEW CARDNI TestStandTMSystem and ArchitectureNI TestStand is flexible test management software that offers the following major features:•Out-of-the-box configuration and components provide a ready-to-run, full-featured test management environment.•Numerous methods for modifying, configuring,and adding new components, which provide extensibility so you can create a test executive that meets specific requirements without altering the core TestStand Engine. You can upgrade to newer versions of TestStand without losing your customizations.•Sophisticated sequencing, execution, anddebugging capabilities, and a powerful sequence editor that is separate from the user interfaces.•User interface controls for creating custom user interfaces and sequence editors.•You can also create your own user interface in any programming language that can host ActiveX controls or control ActiveX automation servers.•Example user interfaces with source code for National Instruments LabVIEW, National Instruments LabWindows ™/CVI ™, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, C#, and C++ (MFC).•An open language interface that provides support for many application development environments (ADEs). You can create code modules in a variety of ADEs and call pre-existing modules or executables.• A comprehensive application programminginterface for building multithreaded test systems and other sophisticated test applications.•Integration with third-party source code control packages.•Deployment tools to aid in transferring a test system from development to production.TestStand Sequence EditorCode ModulesResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsResultsCustom User InterfacesUser Interface (UI)ControlsApplication Programming Interface (API) TestStand EngineSequence File ExecutionsUser-Defined Step TypesSequence File ExecutionsNo ModelTest Socket 0Execution UUTUUTUUTTest Socket 1Execution UUTUUT TestSocket nExecution UUTUUTUUT UUT UUTUUTUUTUUTProcess Model Result ProcessingSchema DefinitionsDatabase LoggerReport GeneratorADO/ODBCThread Object 0Thread Object n Sequence File GlobalsStepsMain Step GroupStepsCleanup Step GroupParametersSequencesLocal VariablesAdapters.VI.DLL, .OBJ, .LIB, .C.DLL .DLL, .EXE .DLL, .EXE.PRG .SEQLabVIEW Adapter LabWindows/CVI Adapter C/C++ DLL Adapter .NET Adapter ActiveX/COM Adapter HTBasic Adapter Sequence AdapterTypesSequence FileParallel Process ModelBatch Process ModelSequential Process ModelProcess Model Sequence File ExecutionTestSocket nExecution Test Socket 1Execution TestSocket 0Execution Oracle . . .SQL ServerReport ObjectExecution ObjectCall StackRootSequenceContextObject 0SequenceContextObject 1SequenceContextObject nStep Object 0Step Object n. . .Current StepMicrosoft Access Process Models. ... ..XMLHTMLASCII-Text. . .Sequence File Execution FlowSequence File ExecutionsYou can execute a sequence directly, or you can execute a sequence file through a process model Execution entry point,such as Test UUTs and Single Pass.Process Model Sequence File ExecutionWhen you start an execution through a process modelExecution entry point, the process model defines how to test the UUTs. The Sequential model tests one UUT at a time. The Parallel model tests multiple independent test sockets at the same time. The Batch model tests a batch of UUTs using dependent test sockets.Process Model Result ProcessingThe TestStand Engine collects the results of each step that executes into a result list. Process models use the result list to generate reports and log data to databases. Unit Under Test (UUT)Device or component that you are testing.Test Socket ExecutionFor each test socket, or fixture, in the system, the Parallel and Batch models launch a separate test socket execution that controls the testing of UUTs in that test socket.Report GeneratorThe report generator traverses test results to create reports in XML, HTML, and ASCII-text formats. You can fully customize the reports.Schema DefinitionsSchema definitions define SQL statements, table definitions,and TestStand expressions that define how to log results to a database. You can fully customize the schemas.Database LoggerThe database logger traverses test results and exports data into database tables using schema definitions.Sequence File StructureSequence FileContains any number of sequences, a set of data types and step types the sequence file uses, and any global variables that sequences in the sequence file share.SequencesContain groups of steps, local variables, and parameters used for passing data between steps and subsequences.TypesSequence files contain definitions of all data types and step types that its sequences use. Variables and properties in a sequence are instances of data types. Steps in a sequence are instances of step types.Sequence File GlobalsStore data you want to access from any sequence or step within the sequence file in which you define the sequence file global variable.Setup, Main, Cleanup Step GroupsTestStand executes the steps in the Setup step group first,the Main step group next, and the Cleanup step group last.By default, a sequence moves to the Cleanup step group when a step generates an error in the Setup or Main step group.Local VariablesStore data relevant to the execution of the sequence. You can access local variables from within steps and code modules defined in a sequence.ParametersUse parameters to exchange data between calling and called sequences.StepsPerform built-in operations or call code modules. A step is an instance of a step type, which defines a set of step properties and default behaviors for each step.373457B-01 Apr07. . .. . .. . .National Instruments, NI, , NI TestStand, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information aboutNational Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products,refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or /patents .© 2003–2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in Ireland.StepsSetup Step GroupTemplatesFlow Control Sequence Call Statement LabelMessage Popup Call Executable Property Loader FTP FilesSynchronization Steps Database Steps IVI-C Steps LabVIEW UtilityPass/Fail Test Numeric Limit Test Multiple Numeric Limit Test String Value Test Action Built-In Step TypesYou can use the fully customizable TestStand developmentenvironment to create, modify, execute, and debug sequences. You can also use the sequence editor to modify step types and process models. You can customize the environment by docking, auto-hiding, and floating panes to optimize your development tasks. TheDevelopment EnvironmentOVERVIEW CARD NI TestStand TMSystem and ArchitectureTestStand includes separate user interface applications developed in LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET,C#, and C++ (MFC). Because TestStand includes the source code for each user interface, you can fully customize the userinterfaces. You can also create your own user interface using any programming language that can host ActiveX controls orcontrol ActiveX automation servers. With the user interfaces in operator mode, you can start multiple concurrent executions, set breakpoints, and single-step. In editor mode, you can modify sequences, display sequence variables, sequence parameters,step properties, and so on.TestStand Sequence Editor Overview User Interface OverviewPrinted DocumentationNI TestStand Quick Start GuideUse this document for system requirements andinstallation instructions. This document also contains information about the different TestStand licensing options.NI TestStand Release NotesUse this document to learn about new features and upgrade information.Using TestStandUse this manual to familiarize yourself with the TestStand environment and the basic features you use to build and run test sequences.Using LabVIEW with TestStandUse this manual in conjunction with the Using TestStand manual to learn how to use LabVIEW with ing LabWindows/CVI with TestStandUse this manual in conjunction with the Using TestStand manual to learn how to use LabWindows/CVI with TestStand.NI TestStand Reference ManualUse this manual to learn about TestStand concepts,architecture, and features.Online HelpNI TestStand HelpUse this help file to learn more about the TestStand environment and the TestStand User Interface Controls and Engine APIs. The NI TestStand Help also includes basic information about using an ActiveX automation server.NI TestStand VIs and Functions HelpUse this help file to learn more about TestStand-specific VIs and functions. This help file is accessible only from LabVIEW.Cards and PostersNI TestStand User Interface Controls Reference Poster Use this poster to learn about the controls available for writing custom user interfaces for TestStand.NI TestStand API Reference PosterUse this poster as an overview of the TestStand API. This poster lists the properties, objects, methods, and APIinheritance of the TestStand API.L i s t B a r Lists the currentlyopen sequence files and executions.S e q u e n c e F i l e W i n d o wE x e c u t i o n V i e wR e p o r t V i e wS e q u e n c e V i e wLists steps in the sequence and step group for the sequence file you select in the list bar.Displays the threads,call stack, and steps for the execution you select.Displays the report for the execution you select.Displays sequences and other items in a sequence Displays the threads,call stack, and stepsthat an execution runs.When executioncompletes, displays thereport for theexecution.User Manager WindowAdministers groups, users,login names, pass-words, and privi-leges.UsersDisplays users for the test station. Output Pane Displays output messages that expressions and code modules post to theTestStand Engine.Call Stack Pane Displays the nested sequence invocations for the thread you select.sequence editor provides familiar LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET debugging tools, including breakpoints, single-stepping, stepping into or over function calls, tracing, a Variables pane, and a Watch View pane. In the TestStand Sequence Editor, you can start multiple concurrent executions, execute multiple instances of the same sequence, and execute different sequences at the same time. Separate Execution windows display each execution. In trace mode, the Execution window displays the steps in the currently executing sequence. When you suspend an execution, the Execution window displays the next step to execute and provides single-stepping options.Templates List Organizes custom sequences, steps,and variables you can use as templates for building sequence files.Step Settings PaneSpecifies the settings for the step, such as code module parameters, switching, flow control, and post actions.Variables Pane Displays the variables andproperties, including the values, that steps can access at run time.StepPerforms built-in operations or calls code modules.ProjectOrganizes sequence files and code module files in folders.Workspace PaneManages projects for source code control (SCC) integration and deployment. TestStand inte-grates with third-party SCC pack-ages to add files, obtain the lat-est versions of files, and check files in and out.Watch View Pane Monitors the values of specifiedvariables, properties,and expressions during an execution.Threads Pane Contains a list of threads in the current execution.Insertion Palette Displays step types and templates you can insert into sequence files.GroupsDisplays groups that users belong to.。
1. 什么是进程线程属性列表?进程线程属性列表是一种数据结构,用于在启动进程或线程时指定一组特定的属性。
2. 使用`InitializeProcThreadAttributeList`函数进行初始化要使用`InitializeProcThreadAttributeList`函数进行初始化,我们首先需要创建一个属性列表。
例如:LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST attribList; InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(&attribList, 1, 0, &listSize);在这个例子中,我们创建了一个属性列表`attribList`并初始化了它。
3. 添加属性到列表接下来,我们可以使用`UpdateProcThreadAttribute`函数将属性添加到列表中。
pythonmap⽐for循环快在哪实验结论如果需要在循环结束后获得结果,推荐列表解析;如果不需要结果,直接使⽤for循环, 列表解析可以备选;除了追求代码优雅和特定规定情境,不建议使⽤map如果不需要返回结果这⾥有三个process, 每个任务将通过增加循环提⾼时间复杂度def process1(val, type=None):chr(val % 123)def process2(val, type):if type == "list":[process1(_) for _ in range(val)]elif type == "for":for _ in range(val):process1(_)elif type == "map":list(map(lambda _: process1(_), range(val)))def process3(val, type):if type == "list":[process2(_, type) for _ in range(val)]elif type == "for":for _ in range(val):process2(_, type)elif type == "map":list(map(lambda _: process2(_, type), range(val)))然后通过三种循环⽅式,去依次执⾏三种任务def list_comp():[process1(i, "list") for i in range(length)]# [process2(i, "list") for i in range(length)]# [process3(i, "list") for i in range(length)]def for_loop():for i in range(length):process1(i, "for")# process2(i, "for")# process3(i, "for")def map_exp():list(map(lambda v: process1(v, "map"), range(length)))# list(map(lambda v: process2(v, "map"), range(length)))# list(map(lambda v: process3(v, "map"), range(length)))从上述的图像中,可以直观的看到,随着任务复杂度的提⾼以及数据量的增⼤,每个循环完成需要的时间也在增加,但是map⽅式花费的时间明显⽐其他两种要更多。
进程调度模拟程序实验实验报告一、实验目的进程调度是操作系统的核心功能之一,它负责合理地分配 CPU 资源给各个进程,以提高系统的性能和效率。
二、实验环境本次实验使用的编程语言为 Python,开发环境为 PyCharm。
操作系统为 Windows 10。
三、实验原理1、先来先服务(FCFS)调度算法先来先服务调度算法按照进程到达的先后顺序进行调度,先到达的进程先获得 CPU 资源。
3、时间片轮转(RR)调度算法时间片轮转调度算法将 CPU 时间划分为固定大小的时间片,每个进程轮流获得一个时间片的 CPU 资源。
四、实验设计1、进程类的设计创建一个进程类,包含进程 ID、到达时间、服务时间、剩余服务时间等属性,以及用于更新剩余服务时间和判断进程是否完成的方法。
五、实验步骤1、定义进程类```pythonclass Process:def __init__(self, pid, arrival_time, service_time):selfpid = pidselfarrival_time = arrival_timeselfservice_time = service_timeselfremaining_service_time = service_time```2、先来先服务调度算法实现```pythondef fcfs_scheduling(process_list):current_time = 0total_waiting_time = 0total_turnaround_time = 0for process in process_list:if current_time < processarrival_time:current_time = processarrival_timewaiting_time = current_time processarrival_timetotal_waiting_time += waiting_timecurrent_time += processservice_timeturnaround_time = current_time processarrival_timetotal_turnaround_time += turnaround_timeaverage_waiting_time = total_waiting_time / len(process_list)average_turnaround_time = total_turnaround_time / len(process_list) print("先来先服务调度算法的平均等待时间:",average_waiting_time)print("先来先服务调度算法的平均周转时间:",average_turnaround_time)```3、短作业优先调度算法实现```pythondef sjf_scheduling(process_list):current_time = 0total_waiting_time = 0total_turnaround_time = 0sorted_process_list = sorted(process_list, key=lambda x: xservice_time) for process in sorted_process_list:if current_time < processarrival_time:current_time = processarrival_timewaiting_time = current_time processarrival_timetotal_waiting_time += waiting_timecurrent_time += processservice_timeturnaround_time = current_time processarrival_timetotal_turnaround_time += turnaround_timeaverage_waiting_time = total_waiting_time / len(process_list)average_turnaround_time = total_turnaround_time / len(process_list) print("短作业优先调度算法的平均等待时间:",average_waiting_time)print("短作业优先调度算法的平均周转时间:",average_turnaround_time)```4、时间片轮转调度算法实现```pythondef rr_scheduling(process_list, time_slice):current_time = 0total_waiting_time = 0total_turnaround_time = 0ready_queue =while len(process_list) > 0 or len(ready_queue) > 0:for process in process_list:if processarrival_time <= current_time:ready_queueappend(process)process_listremove(process)if len(ready_queue) == 0:current_time += 1continueprocess = ready_queuepop(0)if processremaining_service_time <= time_slice: waiting_time = current_time processarrival_time total_waiting_time += waiting_timecurrent_time += processremaining_service_time turnaround_time = current_time processarrival_time total_turnaround_time += turnaround_time processremaining_service_time = 0else:waiting_time = current_time processarrival_time total_waiting_time += waiting_timecurrent_time += time_sliceprocessremaining_service_time = time_sliceready_queueappend(process)average_waiting_time = total_waiting_time / len(process_list)average_turnaround_time = total_turnaround_time / len(process_list) print("时间片轮转调度算法(时间片大小为", time_slice, ")的平均等待时间:", average_waiting_time)print("时间片轮转调度算法(时间片大小为", time_slice, ")的平均周转时间:", average_turnaround_time)```5、主函数```pythonif __name__ =="__main__":process_list =Process(1, 0, 5),Process(2, 1, 3),Process(3, 2, 8),Process(4, 3, 6)print("先来先服务调度算法:")fcfs_scheduling(process_list)print("短作业优先调度算法:")sjf_scheduling(process_list)time_slice = 2print("时间片轮转调度算法(时间片大小为",time_slice, "):")rr_scheduling(process_list, time_slice)```六、实验结果与分析1、先来先服务调度算法平均等待时间为 575,平均周转时间为 1275。
一、实验目的1. 理解死锁的概念和产生条件;2. 掌握死锁的避免、检测和解除方法;3. 通过实验加深对死锁处理策略的理解。
二、实验环境1. 操作系统:Windows 102. 编程语言:Python3.73. 实验工具:Python内置模块三、实验原理死锁是指多个进程在执行过程中,因争夺资源而造成的一种互相等待的现象,若无外力作用,这些进程都将无法向前推进。
四、实验内容1. 死锁的产生与避免2. 死锁的检测与解除五、实验步骤1. 死锁的产生与避免(1)定义进程与资源首先,定义一个进程类,包含进程名、资源需求列表和资源分配列表。
```pythonclass Process:def __init__(self, name, resource_list, allocation_list): = nameself.resource_list = resource_listself.allocation_list = allocation_listclass Resource:def __init__(self, name, count): = nameself.count = count```(2)创建进程与资源实例创建若干进程和资源实例,并初始化资源数量。
```pythonprocess_list = [Process('P1', ['R1', 'R2'], ['R1', 'R2']),Process('P2', ['R1', 'R2'], ['R1', 'R2']),Process('P3', ['R3', 'R4'], ['R3', 'R4'])]resource_list = [Resource('R1', 2), Resource('R2', 2), Resource('R3', 2), Resource('R4', 2)]```(3)实现死锁避免算法采用银行家算法,判断当前分配情况是否满足安全序列。
我选择.NET Framework 3.5作为该程序的实现平台。
判断MainWindowHandle 是否为空可以确定进程是否包含主窗体。
我当前的宿主OS是XP,在32位的 Windwos NT/2000/XP 中,进程地址空间有4GB,但却只能访问其地址空间底部的2GB,另外2GB留给内核模式相关的一些东西用。
在这部分可访问的2GB空间中,最低和最高的64KB不能访问,于是可访问的地址范围是:0x00010000 到 0x7ffeffff。
我们还需要读和写进程的内存,System.Diagnostics.Process 提供的方法不能做到。
还好,Windows 的kernel32库中的进程相关API可以帮到:ReadProcessMemory和 WriteProcessMem ory,可以将他们表达为如下C#语句:以下为引用的内容:[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess,IntPtr lpBaseAddress,[Out] byte[] lpBuffer,int dwSize,out int lpNumberOfBytesRead);[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess,IntPtr lpBaseAddress,byte[] lpBuffer,uint nSize,out int lpNumberOfBytesWritten);名字很直观:读/写进程内存。
实验一使用EVC编程实现“进程列举并管理”1.实验目的:1.熟悉WINCE嵌入式系统应用程序集成开发工具EVC4.0(Embedded VisualC++4.0);2.熟悉ToolHelp中在实现”进程列举并管理”用到的API使用方法;3.掌握EVC4.0开发嵌入式应用程序的基本方法;4.掌握进程创建和终止的基本方法。
2.实验任务:1. 使用CreateProcess函数创建一个进程;2.编程实现“进程列举并管理”●使用EVC代码编辑器,编程实现得到CE系统运行的任务列表的方法;●使用EVC代码编辑器,编程实现得到任务的主窗体标题和句柄的方法;●使用EVC代码编辑器,编程实现激活进程和终止进程的方法;●在对话框窗口,添加控件并设置属性,编程实现进程列表控件的初始化和按钮单击事件的代码。
3.实验步骤:1)使用CreateProcess函数创建一个进程1. 使用EVC向导(File->New)新建一个项目,在Projects选项卡选择“WCEPocket PC 2003 MFC AppWizard(exe)”项,在右侧的Projcec name和Location 输入栏中分别输入项目的名称和项目的存储路径,如图1所示,这里项目名称设为CreateProcess。
图1 新建项目对话框输入项目名和路径后,单击OK按钮,进入如图2所示的向导界面的第一步。
在该界面中的应用程序类型中选择Dialog based(对话框类型),单击Next按钮,进入向导的第2步。
图2 向导界面12.设置工具栏如下图3所示图3工具栏(用于设置工程名\SDK\编译类型\目标机器)3. 编写“调用可执行文件”函数。
我们可以自主为CreateProcessDialog类添加私有函数,用来调用可执行文件,具体操作如下:a.) 函数的创建。
首先在工作区(WorkSpace)点击“ClassView”标签,选中CCreateProcessDlg类,右击,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择Add MemberFunction…项,打开Add Member Function对话框。
数据库原理英文选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a relational database?A. Data is stored in tablesB. Data is accessed through SQLC. Data redundancy is encouragedD. Data integrity is maintained2. What is the primary function of a primary key in a database table?A. To ensure data uniquenessB. To establish relationships between tablesC. To provide a means of data encryptionD. To improve query performance3. In a relational database, which of the following represents a relationship between two tables?A. Primary keyB. Foreign keyC. IndexD. Trigger4. Which of the following SQL statements is used to retrieve data from a database?A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. DELETE5. What is the purpose of normalization in database design?A. To improve data redundancyB. To eliminate data anomaliesC. To increase data storage spaceD. To decrease query performanceA. A primary key consisting of a single columnB. A foreign key referencing a primary keyC. A primary key consisting of multiple columnsD. A unique key that allows null values7. In SQL, what is the difference between a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause?A. WHERE clause filters rows before grouping, while HAVING clause filters groups after groupingB. WHERE clause is used with SELECT statements, while HAVING clause is used with UPDATE statementsC. WHERE clause is used to sort data, while HAVING clause is used to filter dataD. WHERE clause is used with JOIN operations, while HAVING clause is used with subqueriesA. CREATE TABLEB. ALTER TABLEC. DROP TABLED. SELECT TABLE9. What is the purpose of an index in a database?A. To improve data redundancyB. To enhance data securityC. To speed up query executionD. To reduce data integrity10. Which of the following is NOT a type of database constraint?A. PRIMARY KEYB. FOREIGN KEYC. UNIQUED. VIEW数据库原理英文选择题(续)11. When designing a database, which of the following isa key principle to ensure data consistency?A. Data duplicationB. Data isolationC. Data abstractionD. Data normalization12. In a database, what is the term used to describe the process of converting a query into an execution plan?A. ParsingB. OptimizationC. CompilationD. Execution13. Which of the following SQL statements is used to modify existing data in a database table?A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. DELETE14. What is the purpose of a transaction in a database system?A. To store data permanentlyB. To ensure data consistencyC. To improve query performanceD. To create new tables15. Which of the following is a type of join that returns rows when there is at least one match in both tables?A. INNER JOINB. LEFT JOINC. RIGHT JOIND. FULL OUTER JOIN16. In a database, what is the term used to describe the process of retrieving only distinct (unique) values from a column?A. GROUP BYB. ORDER BYC. DISTINCTD. COUNTA. DROP TABLEB. DELETE TABLEC. TRUNCATE TABLED. ALTER TABLE18. What is the purpose of a stored procedure in a database?A. To store temporary dataB. To perform a series of SQL operationsC. To create a new databaseD. To delete a database19. Which of the following is a characteristic of a NoSQL database?A. It uses a fixed schemaB. It is optimized for structured dataC. It is horizontally scalableD. It only supports SQL as a query language20. In a database, what is the term used to describe a collection of related data organized in rows and columns?A. TableB. ViewC. SchemaD. Database数据库原理英文选择题(续二)21. What is the difference between a database and a data warehouse?A. A database stores current data, while a data warehouse stores historical dataB. A database is used for transactional purposes, while a data warehouse is used for analytical purposesC. A database is small in size, while a data warehouse is large in sizeD. A database is structured, while a data warehouse is unstructuredB. To enforce referential integrityC. To format data before it is displayedA. UnionB. JoinC. IntersectionD. Concatenation24. Which of the following SQL keywords is used to limit the number of rows returned a query?A. LIMITB. FETCHC. OFFSETD. ROWS25. What is the purpose of a database schema?A. To define the physical storage of dataB. To define the logical structure of a databaseC. To define the security permissions for usersD. To define the backup and recovery procedures26. Which of the following is NOT a type of database management system (DBMS)?A. Relational DBMSB. Document DBMSC. Hierarchical DBMSD. Sequential DBMS27. In a database, what is the term used to describe a collection of data that is treated as a single unit?A. TupleB. AttributeC. RelationD. Entity28. Which of the following SQL statements is used to create a view in a database?A. CREATE VIEWB. ALTER VIEWC. DROP VIEWD. SELECT VIEW29. What is the purpose of a database index?A. To sort data in ascending or descending orderB. To improve the speed of data retrievalC. To enforce uniqueness of dataD. To hide sensitive data from users30. Which of the following is a characteristic of a distributed database?A. Data is stored in a single locationB. Data is replicated across multiple locationsC. Data access is limited to a single user at a timeD. Data consistency is not maintained across locations。
我的生词本工序录入维护模块(Garment Order Route List Entry /Job Order Route List)Job CD,即工序序号;Oper CD,即工序代码;Piece Rate,即工价;SAM,即工序的标准工作时间,单位为分钟/件,用于计算效率;Operation Type,即工序类型;Operation Grade,即工序等级,用于定义工序的难易级别;CHK Point,即工序检查点,用于定义代表某一PROCESS产量的工序,可根据检查点的工序来计算PROCESS的产量以及效率,在OPERA TION MASTER中定义,选择Oper CD后自动列出;Part CD,即工序部位代码;OPA Type,即OPA类型,一般为OPA1/OPA2/OPA3,对应不同的工厂;Process,部门代码,用于定义工序所属的PROCESS(部门);Adjust Rate: 工价调整;裁数录入维护(Cutting Detail Entry)Bundle:工票;JO No:制单号;MO No:唛架单号;Lay No:床次;Batch No:缸号;Plys:层数,表示此颜色的布有几层;Shade Lot:色级;Marker No:唛架单序号;Cut Lot No:裁批号;裁片下数(Bundle Reduce)Transaction Date:流转日期;Bundle No:扎号;Reduce Qty:下数数量;DOC No:单号;Existing Qty:原裁数;裁片流转(Transfer Bundle Information)Over/Short cut:超短裁;Over/Short Shipment:超短出货;Left garment in fty:Actual Qty:实裁数;GO:成衣单号;WIP录入维护模块(WIP Transaction Entry)WIP:结存货数,即还没有发出的货量;Send ID:外发流水号;Contract NO:合同号;GMT INV:成衣系统;Store:仓库代码;下数(差异)以及抽单处理(Discrepancy & Pullout Entry)Process:部门代码;Production Line:生产组别;Corp CT:工厂标准时间;Garment Stock Movement Daily Report:用于查询各部门每日WIP数据;Garment Stock Movement Summary Report: 用于查询工厂各部门月汇总WIP数(需月结才有数据);Job Order Transaction Detail: 查询制单在各部门的生产状况;Employee Compensation Entry:录入员工补贴数据;Tran Type:补贴类型;Eton/RFID Employee Output Error:自动生产线(Eton/RFID)员工产量异常处理;外发合同录入维护模块(Outsource Contract)Invoice No:发票号码;Adjust Amt:金额调整;Subcontracting Transaction Detail Report:外发加工对数单;Outsource Accrued Expense Report:外发加工预提报表;Outsource Contract Report:外发加工单次合同;。
Analysis of the BusinessThe current state of the businessWith the development of national economy and the improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to seek a household environment which is in comfortable, peace and environmentally-friendly. The curtain is a part of the home decoration. It has many functions, such as protecting the furniture from the sunlight, protecting the rooms from the noise, adjusting the light and the indoor temperature. At the same time, it can be an adornment which can decorate people’s rooms. In addition, it can be used for decoration of the high-grade villas, apartments, hotels, office buildings and so on. With the development of real estate, I think it is a promising way to earn money for me that opens a decoration store in the center of the city.In my opinion, opening a decoration store is a potential business. I choose the Huating Street, which is in the ideal location of the new decoration store.Current business analysisNow the main business of the “creation space”decoration store is to sell various curtains. Compared with other stores, the products are not only full of creativity, but also superior in quality. The “creation space “decoration store must have a new look. We will try the best to perfect the service, just like design the curtains depend on the indoor style of the customers. Apart from the service, the after-sale services will be also improved to meet customers’ requirement. Many people will be interested in our products and choose our products to decorate their lives. Thus the “creation space”decoration store can enjoy a high turnover rate.Financial performanceBefore the opening, we need a loan of RMB 70,000 for the preparation. I will make investment by family and get loan from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China partly. It is used for rental cost, decoration, equipment, and wages.Customer ProfileCustomer complaints and requestsIn order to win the trust of customers, we must know the real need of them. To know the market demands the clients’taste, we carried out a questionnaire survey on the present curtains market. The main complaints and suggestion are as follows:---- The quality of service is not good in customer’s impression.---- The inferior quality of curtains.---- Few types of curtains can be chosen, there is no comparability.----Lack of facility inside of some curtain decoration store. People can not find any place to have a rest or choose what they like.----The after-sale services are not very good.Customer profilesThe majority of the potential customers of the “creation space” decoration store will be young people in the city. They include:----White-collar, who hope to decorate their rooms comfortably.----The young people who buy the new house, they need some creative decorations to show their character.---- Young office workers, who are also a big part of the customers.The customer in other areas:----The hotels, they want choose appropriate curtains to decorate their doors and windows to attract customers.----The apartments, people more and more value their interior decoration.Focus GroupsFocus groupsTo get a clearer idea of the views and opinion of customers, four different focus groups were organized; the focus groups were as follows:----10 young office workers----5 white-collars----5 local residents----3 graduatesIt was felt that each of these categories of customer might have different expectations, views and needs. Thus separate focus groups would be desirable.Basic lists of questions were prepared, but the discussions with each focus group were allowed to be free and open.Questions---- How often do you visit decoration stores?---- What do you think of the decoration stores?---- What do you think of the prices of the decoration stores offer?---- Could you always easily find the curtains and decorations you need?---- What most often disappoints you, when you come to existing decoration stores? ---- In your opinion, what will be the ideal decoration store?---- What additional services would you hope that the “creation space”decoration store could offer?The responses to the questions were positive and constructive for the opening a “creation space” decoration store.SWOT AnalysisStrengths----The “creation space”decoration store provides more design and installation especially for the young office workers.---- We have excellent work team to provide patient service in order to meet the different kinds of customers.---- The price of the “creation space” decoration store is competitive so that most local residents can afford it.----The “creation space”decoration store provides special service to satisfy the customers’ request.---- The employees most have professional training so that we can know the requirements of the young in time.Weaknesses----Because of lack of some management experience, we will meet with many difficulties in the beginning of business.---- Because of limited money, the decoration store can not pay much for the advertisement to let the customers and local residents to know the “creation space”decoration store in further.---- The store should be unique and comfortable, so that the decoration will cost more time and money.Opportunities---- There are several decoration stores, but they are not satisfactory. They can not provide the products which people want.---- With the development of economy, more and more young people bought houses with the development of real estate.---- According to relevant statistic, the young people place great emphasis on interior decoration. They want something is creative, distinctive and considerate decorations are in needs.Threats----We have to consider the effects of the economic crisis.---- We have to compete with the traditional decoration stores. ----The profit perhaps not perfect during the first operation.Process Report5Action PlanAction PlanIt will take two months to implement the project when it has been approved.By the end of Week One---- Began to raise funds.---- Identify and negotiate the rental of the new premises.---- Sign the contract to use it.By the end of Week Two---- Design the layout.----Look for a suitable decoration corporation.By the end of Week Three---- Sign the contract with the remodeling company to decorate the store.---- Order new equipment and furniture.By the end of Week Four---- Start decorating the shop.---- Hire the new employees.By the end of Week Five---- Train the new employees.---- Publicize the opening of the “creation space” decoration store.By the end of Week Six---- Check and accept the remodeling project.In Week Seven---- Clean the new shop.---- Get the new equipment delivered and installed.---- Install the new furniture.By the end of Week Eight---- Hold the opening ceremony.---- Publicize the opening of the “creation space” decoration store.Activity Flow Chartraise fundsProcess Report6CostingCost BreakdownRental cost: The new premises would not cost RMB35, 000 more to rent each year.Decoration:The purchase of building materials and the labor costs for the new decoration store would be RMB10, 300.Labor costs 2,500Flooring 2,000Door and windows 2,000Ceiling 1,500Paint 800Lighting 1,000Glue & Tools 500Equipment: The cost of equipment in the “creation space” decoration store would be RMB7, 500.Air Conditioners 5,000Furniture 1,500Armchairs 1,000Budget: The annual increase in the operating budget would be RMB14, 000.Wages 10,000Equipment Maintenance 1,000Consultants fees 1,500Utilities 1,500TOTAL COST OF PROJECTInitial costs:Decoration 10.300 Equipment 7,500 SUB-TOTAL 17,800Recurrent costs:Rental 35,000 Operating budget 14,000 SUB-TOTAL 49,000TOTAL COST 66,800。
wmicprocess命令进程管理【转】netstat -an -b -o //获取进程名称端⼝ pidwmic process list brief >> d:\process.txt //获取进程摘要信息结束⼀个进程(可根据进程对应的PID)wmic process where name="notepad.exe" deletewmic process where name="notepad.exe" terminatewmic process where pid="123" deletewmic path win32_process where "name='notepad.exe'" delete创建⼀个进程wmic process call create "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"查询进程的启动路径(将得到的信息输出)wmic process get name,executablepath,processidwmic /output:c:\process.html process get processid,name,executablepath /format:htable.xsl查询指定进程的信息wmic process where name="notepad.exe" get name,executablepath,processid在远程计算上创建进程wmic /node: /user:administrator /password:xiongyefeng process call create "c:\windows\notepad.exe"查询远程计算机上的进程列表wmic /node: /user:administrator /password:xiongyefeng process get name,executablepath,processid将获得到的远程计算机进程列表保存到本地wmic /output:c:\process.html /node: /user:administrator /password:xiongyefeng process getprocessid,name,executablepath /format:htable.xsl结束远程计算上的指定进程wmic /node: /user:administrator /password:xiongyefeng process where name="notepad.exe" delete重启远程计算机wmic /node: /user:administrator /password:xiongyefeng process call create "shutdown -r -f"关闭远程计算机wmic /node: /user:administrator /password:xiongyefeng process call create "shutdown -s -f"⾼级应⽤:结束可疑的进程wmic process where "name='explorer.exe' and executablepath <> '%systemdrive%\\windows\\explorer.exe'" delete wmic process where "name='svchost.exe' and executablepath <> '%systemdrive%\\windows\\system32\\svchost.exe'" call terminate======对磁盘的管理========查看磁盘的属性wmic logicaldisk list brief根据磁盘的类型查看相关属性wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 list brief使⽤get参数来获得⾃⼰想要参看的属性wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get deviceid,size,freespace,description,filesystem只显⽰c盘的相关信息wmic logicaldisk where name="c:" get deviceid,size,freespace,description,filesystem更改卷标的名称wmic logicaldisk where name="c:" set volumename=lsxq获得U盘的盘符号wmic logicaldisk where drivetype='2' get deviceid,description--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIOS - 基本输⼊/输出服务 (BIOS) 管理::查看bios版本型号wmic bios get Manufacturer,NameCOMPUTERSYSTEM - 计算机系统管理::查看系统启动选项,boot的内容wmic COMPUTERSYSTEM get SystemStartupOptions::查看⼯作组/域wmic computersystem get domain::更改计算机名abc为123wmic computersystem where "name='abc'" call rename 123::更改⼯作组google为MyGroupwmic computersystem where "name='google'" call joindomainorworkgroup "","","MyGroup",1CPU - CPU 管理::查看cpu型号wmic cpu get nameDATAFILE - DataFile 管理::查找e盘下test⽬录(不包括⼦⽬录)下的cc.cmd⽂件wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and path='\\test\\' and FileName='cc' and Extension='cmd'" list::查找e盘下所有⽬录和⼦⽬录下的cc.cmd⽂件,且⽂件⼤⼩⼤于1Kwmic datafile where "drive='e:' and FileName='cc' and Extension='cmd' and FileSize>'1000'" list::删除e盘下⽂件⼤⼩⼤于10M的.cmd⽂件wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and Extension='cmd' and FileSize>'10000000'" call delete::删除e盘下test⽬录(不包括⼦⽬录)下的⾮.cmd⽂件wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and Extension<>'cmd' and path='test'" call delete::复制e盘下test⽬录(不包括⼦⽬录)下的cc.cmd⽂件到e:\,并改名为aa.batwmic datafile where "drive='e:' and path='\\test\\' and FileName='cc' and Extension='cmd'" call copy "e:\aa.bat"::改名c:\hello.txt为c:\test.txtwmic datafile "c:\\hello.txt" call rename c:\test.txt::查找h盘下⽬录含有test,⽂件名含有perl,后缀为txt的⽂件wmic datafile where "drive='h:' and extension='txt' and path like '%\\test\\%' and filename like '%perl%'" get name DESKTOPMONITOR - 监视器管理::获取屏幕分辨率wmic DESKTOPMONITOR where Status='ok' get ScreenHeight,ScreenWidthDISKDRIVE - 物理磁盘驱动器管理::获取物理磁盘型号⼤⼩等wmic DISKDRIVE get Caption,size,InterfaceTypeENVIRONMENT - 系统环境设置管理::获取temp环境变量wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='temp'" get UserName,VariableValue::更改path环境变量值,新增e:\toolswmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='path' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%path%;e:\tools"::新增系统环境变量home,值为%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%wmic ENVIRONMENT create name="home",username="<system>",VariableValue="%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%" ::删除home环境变量wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='home'" deleteFSDIR - ⽂件⽬录系统项⽬管理::查找e盘下名为test的⽬录wmic FSDIR where "drive='e:' and filename='test'" list::删除e:\test⽬录下除过⽬录abc的所有⽬录wmic FSDIR where "drive='e:' and path='\\test\\' and filename<>'abc'" call delete::删除c:\good⽂件夹wmic fsdir "c:\\good" call delete::重命名c:\good⽂件夹为abbwmic fsdir "c:\\good" rename "c:\abb"LOGICALDISK - 本地储存设备管理::获取硬盘系统格式、总⼤⼩、可⽤空间等wmic LOGICALDISK get name,Description,filesystem,size,freespaceNIC - ⽹络界⾯控制器 (NIC) 管理OS - 已安装的操作系统管理::设置系统时间wmic os where(primary=1) call setdatetime 20070731144642.555555+480PAGEFILESET - 页⾯⽂件设置管理::更改当前页⾯⽂件初始⼤⼩和最⼤值wmic PAGEFILESET set InitialSize="512",MaximumSize="512"::页⾯⽂件设置到d:\下,执⾏下⾯两条命令wmic pagefileset create name='d:\pagefile.sys',initialsize=512,maximumsize=1024wmic pagefileset where"name='c:\\pagefile.sys'" deletePROCESS - 进程管理::列出进程的核⼼信息,类似任务管理器wmic process list brief::结束svchost.exe进程,路径为⾮C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe的wmic process where "name='svchost.exe' and ExecutablePath<>'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\svchost.exe'" call Terminate ::新建notepad进程wmic process call create notepadPRODUCT - 安装包任务管理::安装包在C:\WINDOWS\Installer⽬录下::卸载.msi安装包wmic PRODUCT where "name='Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1' and Version='1.1.4322'" call Uninstall::修复.msi安装包wmic PRODUCT where "name='Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1' and Version='1.1.4322'" call ReinstallSERVICE - 服务程序管理::运⾏spooler服务wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" call startservice::停⽌spooler服务wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" call stopservice::暂停spooler服务wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" call PauseService::更改spooler服务启动类型[auto|Disabled|Manual] 释[⾃动|禁⽤|⼿动]wmic SERVICE where name="Spooler" set StartMode="auto"::删除服务wmic SERVICE where name="test123" call deleteSHARE - 共享资源管理::删除共享wmic SHARE where name="e$" call delete::添加共享WMIC SHARE CALL Create "","test","3","TestShareName","","c:\test",0SOUNDDEV - 声⾳设备管理wmic SOUNDDEV listSTARTUP - ⽤户登录到计算机系统时⾃动运⾏命令的管理::查看msconfig中的启动选项wmic STARTUP listSYSDRIVER - 基本服务的系统驱动程序管理wmic SYSDRIVER listUSERACCOUNT - ⽤户帐户管理::更改⽤户administrator全名为adminwmic USERACCOUNT where name="Administrator" set FullName="admin" ::更改⽤户名admin为admin00wmic useraccount where "name='admin" call Rename admin00。
英文:Title: Enrollment System Template for Junior High SchoolIntroduction:The enrollment system is a crucial component of any educational institution, ensuring a fair and efficient process for admitting students. This template outlines the key components of a junior high school enrollment system, providing a comprehensive guide for implementing an effective and transparent enrollment process.1. Eligibility Criteria:Define the eligibility criteria for admission to the junior high school. This may include age requirements, academic performance, and residency status. Clearly outline the specific qualifications that students must meet to be considered for admission.2. Application Process:Describe the step-by-step application process for prospective students. This may include obtaining application forms, submitting necessary documentation (such as transcripts and proof of residency), and scheduling any required assessments or interviews. Provide clear instructions and deadlines for each stage of the application process.3. Application Requirements:Outline the specific documents and information that applicants must submit. This may include completed application forms, academic records, recommendation letters, and personal statements. Specify the format and deadline for submitting these requirements.4. Admission Criteria:Determine the criteria for evaluating applicants. This may include academic performance, extracurricular activities, special talents, and personal attributes. Clearly define the weightage given to eachcriterion and the overall admission criteria.5. Selection Process:Explain the selection process for admitting students. This may involve reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and assessing applicants' overall suitability for the school. Outline the timeline and procedures for making admission decisions.6. Waitlist:In the event that the number of qualified applicants exceeds the available spots in the school, establish a waitlist. Clearly define the criteria for placement on the waitlist and the procedures for contacting students on the waitlist in case of vacancies.7. Notification:Provide guidance on how and when applicants will be notified of their admission status. Specify the timeline for sending out acceptance letters, waitlist notifications, and rejection letters.8. Registration and Enrollment:Once students have been admitted, outline the process for registering and enrolling in the school. This may include completing registration forms, paying tuition fees, and scheduling orientation sessions. Provide clear instructions and deadlines for completing these tasks.9. Appeals and Complaints:Establish a procedure for handling appeals and complaints related to the enrollment process. Outline the steps for appealing admission decisions and the mechanisms for addressing any grievances raised by applicants or their parents.10. Compliance and Fairness:Ensure that the enrollment system complies with relevant laws and regulations, promoting fairness and non-discrimination. Outline the school's commitment to equal opportunity and diversity in the admissions process.Conclusion:This template provides a comprehensive framework for implementing an effective and transparent junior high school enrollment system. By clearly defining eligibility criteria, application processes, and admission criteria, schools can ensure a fair and efficient enrollment process that promotes equal opportunity and diversity. With a well-defined selection process, waitlist, and notification procedures, schools can effectively manage the enrollment process while maintaining good communication with applicants and their parents. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations is also crucial, ensuring that the enrollment system is fair and non-discriminatory.。
VB函数GetProcessList(获得进程列表)Option Explicit'////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////'查看进程所有的API和声明Private Declare Function CreateToolhelpSnapshot Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" (ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lProcessID As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function ProcessFirst Lib "kernel32" Alias "Process32First" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function ProcessNext Lib "kernel32" Alias "Process32Next" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As LongPrivate Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 260Private Type PROCESSENTRY32dwSize As LongcntUsage As Longth32ProcessID As Longth32DefaultHeapID As Longth32ModuleID As LongcntThreads As Longth32ParentProcessID As LongpcPriClassBase As LongdwFlags As LongszExeFile As String * MAX_PATHEnd TypePrivate Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32"(ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As LongPrivate Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = &H2Private Const TH32CS_SNAPheaplist = &H1Private Const TH32CS_SNAPthread = &H4Private Const TH32CS_SNAPmodule = &H8Private Const TH32CS_SNAPall = TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS + TH32CS_SNAPheaplist + TH32CS_SNAPthread + TH32CS_SNAPmodulePrivate CjId() As Long '进程IDPrivate Function GetJingCheng() As String ' 取得进程GetJingCheng = ""Dim i As LongDim theloop As LongDim proc As PROCESSENTRY32Dim snap As LongDim Exename As StringGetJingCheng = "" '清空所有内容snap = CreateToolhelpSnapshot(TH32CS_SNAPall, 0) '获得进程“快照”的句柄proc.dwSize = Len(proc)theloop = ProcessFirst(snap, proc) '获取第一个进程,并得到其返回值i = 0While theloop <> 0 '当返回值非零时继续获取下一个进程'GetJingCheng = GetJingCheng & proc.szExeFile & Chr(2) & proc.th32ProcessID & Chr(2)List1.AddItem proc.szExeFileReDim Preserve CjId(i)CjId(i) = proc.th32ProcessIDi = i + 1theloop = ProcessNext(snap, proc)WendCloseHandle snap '关闭进程“快照”句柄End FunctionPrivate Function EndJingCheng(MyId As Long) As Long ' 结束进程Dim i As LongDim Mystr As StringDim hand As Longhand = OpenProcess(1, True, MyId) '获取进程句柄EndJingCheng = TerminateProcess(hand, 1) '关闭进程'刷新管理端的进程列表Mystr = GetJingCheng()End FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()GetJingChengEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Dim l As LongIf List1.ListIndex > 0 Thenl = CjId(List1.ListIndex) EndJingCheng lEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Command1.Caption = "列出进程" Command2.Caption = "结束进程"End Sub。
在窗体的Load事件中写出如下代码:1:private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)2: {3:4: listView1.FullRowSelect = true;5:6: GetProcess();7: }其中GetProcess⽅法如下:1:private void GetProcess()2: {3: listView1.Items.Clear();4:5: Process[] proList = Process.GetProcesses(".");//获得本机的进程6:7: lblNum.Text = proList.Length.ToString(); //当前进程数量8:foreach (Process p in proList)9: {10: ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem();11:12: lvi.Text = p.ProcessName;13:14:15: lvi.SubItems.AddRange(new string[] { p.Id.ToString(),p.PrivateMemorySize64.ToString() }); //进程ID 使⽤内存16:17: listView1.Items.Add(lvi);18: }19: }如果想终⽌⼀个进程,先选中⼀个进程,点击上⾯的进程按钮:click事件代码如下:1:private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)2: {3:if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)4: {5:try6: {7:string proName = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text;8: Process[] p = Process.GetProcessesByName(proName); //根据进程命获得指定的进程9: p[0].Kill(); //杀死该进程10: MessageBox.Show("进程关闭成功!");11: GetProcess();12: }13:catch14: {15: MessageBox.Show("⽆法关闭此进程!");16: }17:18: }19:else20: {21: MessageBox.Show("请选择要终⽌的进程!");22: }23: }当然我们可以调⽤Process的start⽅法来开启⼀个进程:启动按钮的事件如下:1:private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)2: {3:if (textBox1.Text != string.Empty)4: {5: Process.Start(textBox1.Text); //启动⼀个进程6: }7:else8: {9: MessageBox.Show("请输⼊启动项");10: textBox1.Focus();11: }12:13: }运⾏程序,开始使⽤⾃⼰的进程管理器吧~~~~~。
Citespace软件操作问答(摘自陈超美博士的科学网博客)(8)如何在CiteSpace中控制节点的取舍CiteSpace提供了几种方式来控制最终生成的网络将由哪些节点构成:1.Top N2.Top N%3.Threshold Interpolation4.Select Citers第一种办法最简单,最适于初学阶段,所以目前版本将其放在首位。
Top N:系统设定N=30,意为在每个time slice中提取N个被引次数最高的文献。
Top N%: 将每个time slice中的被引文献按被引次数排序后,保留最高的N%作为节点。
Threshold Interpolation:设定三个time slices的值,其余time slices的值由线性插值赋值。
Select Citers:与以上方法不同的是这个方法先选施引文献,然后需再用方法1-3之一。
先Check TC Distribution然后填写Use TC Filter 后面的两个数字:最低和最高TC值(Time Cited),选定User TC Filter前的选项。
节点总数在Progress Reports中给出。
保存的时候,很成功的出现了Column 'tenant_id' specified twice问题来源在mybatis-plus 3.4版本之前,mybatis-plus进⾏多租户插⼊时是不会对已经存在的tenant_id进⾏过滤的,这就导致出现Column 'tenant_id' specified twice问题。
其3.4版本之前多租户sql解析器处理insert语句源码如下@Overridepublic void processInsert(Insert insert) {if (tenantHandler.doTableFilter(insert.getTable().getName())) {// 过滤退出执⾏return;}insert.getColumns().add(new Column(tenantHandler.getTenantIdColumn()));if (insert.getSelect() != null) {processPlainSelect((PlainSelect) insert.getSelect().getSelectBody(), true);} else if (insert.getItemsList() != null) {// fixed github pull/295ItemsList itemsList = insert.getItemsList();if (itemsList instanceof MultiExpressionList) {((MultiExpressionList) itemsList).getExprList().forEach(el -> el.getExpressions().add(tenantHandler.getTenantId(false)));} else {((ExpressionList) insert.getItemsList()).getExpressions().add(tenantHandler.getTenantId(false));}} else {throw ExceptionUtils.mpe("Failed to process multiple-table update, please exclude the tableName or statementId");}}问题解决⽅案1、⽅案⼀:在业务代码插⼊时,实体不要设置租户id值,统⼀由多租户插件进⾏设值2、⽅案⼆:升级mybatis-plus版本为3.4.1或者之后的版本不过此时的多租户插件的写法就不要按之前那种⽅式写,虽然之前写法3.4.1也兼容,不过官⽅已经打了@Deprecated标注,说明官⽅已经不推荐之前那种写法了,因此采⽤官⽅最新提供租户插件拦截器。