江苏省淮安市楚州区范集中学高中英语 Module 9 Unit 4 Reading Biblical idioms in English教案

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江苏省淮安市楚州区范集中学高中英语教案:Module 9 Unit 4 Reading

Biblical idioms in English



Teaching aims:

1.Students are expected to understand biblical idioms’original meanings and learn about their practical usage in English.

2.Students should master a reading strategy- understanding analogies.

3.We should help students develop an interest in English idioms.

Key and difficult points

To understand biblical idioms’original meanings and learn about their practical usage in English.

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and lead-in 第一次教学高潮,激发学生学习本节课的热情。

Have you had breakfast/lunch? …Where did you have it? …Who cooked for you? …Oh, you are the “apples of your parents’ eyes”. (To be written on the blackboard)Do you know the meaning of this idiom? …Yes, that mea ns your parents love you more than any other people in their eyes. Ok, I’ll ask you another idiom about eye. “An eye for an eye.” (To be written on the blackboard) Have a try to guess the meaning of this idiom. … Right, it means that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else. Woo, you are very clever just “as wise as Solomon”. (To be written on the blackboard) How about this idiom? …Yes, it means you are very clever.


These idioms all come from the Bible, so we call them biblical idioms. Do you think these idioms are interesting? Do you want to know more? … Well, turn to P50. This period we will learn a passage- Biblical idioms in English. (To be written on the blackboard)

Step Ⅱ Reading

Task One Fast reading (Individual work)

Go through the passage as quickly as you can and try to find the answers to the two questions. You must read it silently and finish them by yourselves. Remember you should finish them in 5 minutes. (Ask some Ss to answer the two questions orally.)


Who can answer the first one? Please hand up.

1. What is an idiom?

An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it. /In other words, its meaning can be completely different from the meanings of its components.

Quite right. A whole group read together. (Have students read together.)

How about the second question?

2. How many idioms are mentioned in the passage? What are they?

six. By and by, feet of clay, a little bird told me, kill the fatted calf, apple of their parents’ eye and the salt of the earth . (To be written on the blackboard) (One student reads it.) Thank you. Task Two Careful reading (Individual and cooperative work)


This time I would rather you read the passage more carefully and try to fill in the blanks within 3 words. You should do it by yourselves in 8 minutes and then discuss with your group members. Now you can begin. (Check the Ss’ answers when moving around them and choose some of them to write down o n the blackboard. After discussion, ask the others of them to show their different opinions.) (After 8 minutes) You can discuss your ans wers with your group members now. (Within 3 minutes) If you have answers different from those on the blackboard, write them down with colored chalk.


Biblical idioms in English

1.Definition ◇ The meanings can’t be understood according to the separate words.

◇ 2.They are meant to underline the moral of a story.

◇ Lose original meanings or have a 3.loose connection with them in

Modern English.


idioms 4.Examples 5.Biblical meaning Meaning in modern English By and by 6.Immediately Before long

7.Feet of clay Party of an image in the dream of a king. Hidden weakness in someone we

admire or respect.

The salt of the earth Something precious and important in preserving things.

A person who is very 8.good and


9. Effects of studying

idioms ◇ Improving your comprehension.

◇ Developing your communicating skills. ◇ 10.Understand ing and appreciating countries’ culture and history. We can find out the answers to No.2, 3, 6, 7, 8 through direct information.

We can find out the answers to No.1, 4, 5, 9, 10 through indirect information, and especi ally No.1, 4, 9 should be concluded by ourselves. Ok, let’s check the answers. Pay attent ion to the 5th

one, we can also complete the blank with “in the Bible ”. How about No. 9? Any other opinions? Yes , “Functions ”. (To be written on the blackboard) You should pay attention to the capitalized letters.


Step Ⅲ Further comprehension (Indivi dual work and cooperative work)

A s we have learnt so many biblical idioms, this time I want to check how much you have mastered. Choose the correct idiom from the article to complete each sentence below. You’d better finish them individually and then share the answers with your group members.