Johnny Depp on Larry King Special拉里金采访实例分析
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11:43摩登家庭Sofia上艾伦脱口秀,看一遍笑一... jarwill8,316808:38【彩虹】超清首发!Taylor Swift艾伦脱... dzmjanson8,469713:46will smith 在艾伦脱口秀的精彩访谈楠竹火炎5,542341:56【大牌云集】艾伦脱口秀第八季 EP01 中...☆★张书龙★☆9,471402:37【偶】震惊!七岁神童坐客美国金牌《艾...偶是首发23,9164400:32黑哥们被吓个屁墩镜净心明140,2278900:47【搞笑】见识下最疯狂的驾驶轻松一笑HD114,4818401:04【时光每日搞笑】工作无聊吗?向他学学吧!真想时光倒流202,4945,95300:26【搞笑】原来全军覆没就是这么来的轻松一笑HD443,44718001:39【藤缠楼】当语言无法勾通的时候,世界...藤缠楼341,58743203:16国外达人恶搞视频,情深似海!【春季幽...酷客春季90,63910800:30【搞笑】空翻时带来的意外收获轻松一笑HD426,71923500:25【搞笑】逗得游客哈哈笑的小象轻松一笑HD152,3055100:50悲催还想因祸得福haha5228164,9956400:54斑马线外横穿-俄罗斯街头引发司机和行人...塞雁西寄158,98649701:14【搞笑】绝对让你跌破眼球的一幕轻松一笑HD91,53713201:22【搞笑】原来高尔夫这麽好玩-爆笑高尔夫...轻松一笑HD88,0795302:40【搞笑】国外“咆哮哥”Angel丶樱井莉亚338,67534902:18【猴姆独家】2011年全球十大观看人次最...猴姆395,35122600:23这样的妈妈也太坏了,宝宝都吓掉魂了!真想时光倒流308,4764441,27460收藏下载一点即发将视频下载到手机用手机看播放:11万藤缠楼订阅全名:Ellen Lee DeGeneres(艾伦·狄金斯)生日:1958年1月26日星座:水瓶座国籍:美国身高:171cm人物生平艾伦•德杰尼勒斯,出生于一个新奥尔兰一个中产阶级家庭。
作者: 农民
出版物刊名: 中国体育科技
页码: 40-42页
主题词: 泰森;电视采访;拉里;监狱;上帝;拳击手;冠军;信仰;刑讯室;金钱会
摘要: 拉里·金(Larry King)是美国CNN电视台的头牌节目主持人。
他以亲切自然的举止、机智敏捷的提问和博学深思的学者形象,倾倒了无数美国观众,他主持的“Larry KingLive” (拉里·金电视直播)是全国收视率最高的节目之一。
Leo’s big night小李子终于抱回了小金人BY Amberille from 21st CenturyPublished 2016-03-04导读:从当年的美颜小鲜肉到如今胡子拉碴的发福大叔,小李子的夺奥之路走得比谁都艰辛。
When Leonardo DiCaprio stepped onto the stage to accept the Academy Award for Best Actor on Feb 28, he received a rare standing ovation. His friend Kate Winslet watched him from the audience, her fingers crossed for luck, too emotional to hold back her tears.美国当地时间2月28日,当莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥走上颁奖台领取奥斯卡最佳男主角奖杯时,场下观众罕见地起立鼓掌。
After five acting nominations and 22 years of disappointed hopes since his first nomination (for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape in 1993), the 41-year-old actor finally won his first Oscar for his all-out effort in the survival epic The Revenant. The film will hit Chinese cinemas on March 18.从他第一次获得奥斯卡提名(《不一样的天空》,1993)至今,22年5次提名全部陪跑。
Februar 2006DEUTSCHE NORMNormenausschuss Eisen und Stahl (FES) im DINICS 77.140.75DDIN EN 10297-2Nahtlose kreisförmige Stahlrohre für den Maschinenbau und allgemeine technische Anwendungen –Technische Lieferbedingungen –Teil 2: Rohre aus nichtrostenden Stählen;Deutsche Fassung EN 10297-2:2005Seamless steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes –Technical delivery conditions –Part 2: Stainless steel;German version EN 10297-2:2005Tubes sans soudure en acier pour utilisation en mécanique générale et en construction mécanique –Conditions techniques de livraison –Partie 2: Tubes en acier inoxydable;Version allemande EN 10297-2:2005Ersatz fürDIN 17456:1999-02Gesamtumfang 32 SeitenD o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fHINWEIS: DINEN10297-2-Berichtigung1 beachten!!DIN EN 10297-2:2006-02Nationales VorwortDie Europäische Norm EN 10297-2 wurde vom Unterausschuss TC 29/SC 11 …Rohre für den Maschinenbau und allgemeine technische Anwendungen“ (Sekretariat: Frankreich) des Europäischen Komitees für die Eisen und Stahlnormung (ECISS) ausgearbeitet.Das zuständige deutsche Normungsgremium ist der Unterausschuss 09/7 …Maschinenbaurohre und Hohl-stangen“ des Normenausschusses Eisen und Stahl (FES).Die vorliegende Norm enthält die technischen Anforderungen an nahtlose Rohre mit kreisförmigem Quer-schnitt aus martensitischen, ferritischen, austenitischen und austenitisch-ferritischen nichtrostenden Stählen, die für die Anwendung im Maschinenbau und für allgemeine technische Anwendungen bestimmt sind.Für die im Abschnitt 2 genannten Europäischen Normen wird im Folgenden auf die entsprechenden Deutschen Normen hingewiesen, soweit die Normnummern voneinander abweichen: CR 10260 siehe DIN V 17006-100 ÄnderungenGegenüber DIN 17456:1999-02 wurden folgende Änderungen vorgenommen: a) Zehn austenitische Stahlsorten wurden zusätzlich aufgenommen.b) Erstmalig sind acht austenitisch-ferritische Stahlsorten sowie eine ferritische und sechs austenitischehitzebeständige Stahlsorte(n) festgelegt. c) Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde überarbeitet, die Werkstoffnummern blieben aber unverändert. d) Die Festlegungen zur Oberflächenbeschaffenheit wurden vereinfacht (Ausführungsarten nicht mehrberücksichtigt). e) Die Festlegungen für mechanische Eigenschaften (Werte der Warmstreckgrenze sind nicht mehr fest-gelegt), Maße, Prüfung (Prüfung auf interkristalline Korrosion ist nicht mehr vorgesehen) und Kenn-zeichnung wurden überarbeitet. f) Gleichungen zur Berechnung der statischen Werte wurden neu aufgenommen. g) Redaktionelle Überarbeitung. Frühere AusgabenDIN 17456: 1985-07, 1999-02Nationaler Anhang NA(informativ)LiteraturhinweiseDIN V 17006-100 (Vornorm), Bezeichnungssysteme für Stähle — Zusatzsymbole (Deutsche Fassung CR 10260:1998).D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEUROPÄISCHE NORM EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNEDezember 2005ICS 77.140.75Deutsche FassungNahtlose kreisförmige Stahlrohre für den Maschinenbau undallgemeine technische Anwendungen — Technische Lieferbedingungen —Seamless steel tubes for mechanical and generalengineering purposes — Technical delivery conditions —Part 2: Stainless steelTubes sans soudure en acier pour utilisation en mécaniquegénérale et en construction mécanique — Conditions techniques de livraison — Partie 2: Tubes en acier inoxydableDiese Europäische Norm wurde vom CEN am 25. März 2005 angenommen.Die CEN-Mitglieder sind gehalten, die CEN/CENELEC-Geschäftsordnung zu erfüllen, in der die Bedingungen festgelegt sind, unter denen dieser Europäischen Norm ohne jede Änderung der Status einer nationalen Norm zu geben ist. Auf dem letzten Stand befindliche Listen dieser nationalen Normen mit ihren bibliographischen Angaben sind beim Management-Zentrum oder bei jedem CEN-Mitglied auf Anfrage erhältlich.Diese Europäische Norm besteht in drei offiziellen Fassungen (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch). Eine Fassung in einer anderen Sprache,die von einem CEN-Mitglied in eigener Verantwortung durch Übersetzung in seine Landessprache gemacht und dem Management-Zentrum mitgeteilt worden ist, hat den gleichen Status wie die offiziellen Fassungen.CEN-Mitglieder sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute von Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland,Irland, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Schweden, der Schweiz, der Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, dem Vereinigten Königreich und Zypern.Management-Zentrum: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 BrüsselEUR OPÄIS C HES KOM ITEE FÜR NOR M UNG EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION C O M I T É E U R O P ÉE N D E N O R M A LI S A T I O NTeil 2: Rohre aus nichtrostenden StählenEN 10297-2D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)InhaltSeiteVorwort ................................................................................................................................................................3 Einleitung.............................................................................................................................................................4 1 Anwendungsbereich .............................................................................................................................5 2 Normative Verweisungen......................................................................................................................5 3 Begriffe ...................................................................................................................................................6 4 Symbole..................................................................................................................................................6 5 Einteilung und Bezeichnung................................................................................................................6 6 Bestellangaben......................................................................................................................................6 7 Herstellverfahren...................................................................................................................................7 8 Anforderungen.......................................................................................................................................8 9 Prüfung................................................................................................................................................20 10 Probenahme........................................................................................................................................22 11 Prüfverfahren......................................................................................................................................23 12 Kennzeichnung...................................................................................................................................24 13 Transport und Verpackung................................................................................................................25 Anhang A (normativ) Verfahrensablauf und Oberflächenbeschaffenheit..................................................26 Anhang B (informativ) Anhaltswerte zur Wärmebehandlung während der Fertigung und zurWarmumformung als Teil der Weiterverarbeitung..........................................................................27 Anhang C (normativ) Gleichungen zur Berechnung der statischen Nennwerte.......................................30 Literaturhinweise (30)D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)VorwortDieses Dokument EN 10297-2:2005 wurde vom Technischen Komitee ECISS/TC 29 …Stahlrohre und Fittings für Stahlrohre“ erarbeitet, dessen Sekretariat von UNI gehalten wird.Diese Europäische Norm muss den Status einer nationalen Norm erhalten, entweder durch Veröffentlichung eines identischen Textes oder durch Anerkennung bis Januar 2006, und etwaige entgegenstehende nationale Normen müssen bis Januar 2006 zurückgezogen werden. ⎯ Teil 1: Rohre aus unlegierten und legierten StählenEine weitere Reihe Europäischer Normen für Rohre für den Maschinenbau und allgemeine technische Anwendungen ist:⎯ EN 10296: Geschweißte kreisförmige Stahlrohre für den Maschinenbau und allgemeine technischeAnwendungen — Technische Lieferbedingungen Andere Reihen Europäischer Normen in diesem Erzeugnisbereich sind EN 10294 für Stahlrohre für die spanende Bearbeitung und EN 10305 für Präzisionsstahlrohre.Entsprechend der CEN/CENELEC-Geschäftsordnung sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute der folgenden Länder gehalten, diese Europäische Norm zu übernehmen: Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Vereinigtes Königreich und Zypern.D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)EinleitungDas Europäische Komitee für Normung (CEN) weist darauf hin, dass bei Anwendung dieses Dokuments bezüglich der Stahlsorten mit den Werkstoffnummern 1.4362, 1.4410, 1.4477 und 1.4854 mit der chemischen Zusammensetzung nach den Tabellen 3 und 4 Patente betroffen sein können.Das CEN bezieht hinsichtlich des Nachweises, der Bestätigung und des Anwendungsbereiches dieser Patentrechte keine Stellung.Der Halter dieser Patentrechte hat dem CEN zugesichert, dass er gewillt ist über Lizenzen in zweckmäßiger und nichtdiskriminierender Weise und zu entsprechenden Bedingungen mit Anwendern weltweit zu verhandeln. Eine entsprechende Erklärung des Patenthalters ist beim CEN registriert. Informationen sind zu erhalten von:Stahlsorten 1.4362, 1.4410 und 1.4477 AB Sandvik SteelSE — 811 81 SANDVIKEN Schweden Stahlsorte 1.4854Outokumpu OYJIntelectual Property Management P.O. Box 27FI-02201 ESPOO FinnlandEs wird darauf hingewiesen, dass für Elemente dieses Dokuments zusätzlich zu den oben angegebenen weitere Patentrechte bestehen können. CEN trägt für die Identifizierung derartiger Patentrechte keine Verantwortung.D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)1 AnwendungsbereichDiese Europäische Norm enthält die technischen Lieferbedingungen für nahtlose Rohre mit kreisförmigem Querschnitt aus nichtrostendem Stahl, die für die Anwendung im Maschinenbau und für allgemeine technische Anwendungen bestimmt sind.2 Normative VerweisungenDie folgenden zitierten Dokumente sind für die Anwendung dieses Dokuments erforderlich. Bei datierten Verweisungen gilt nur die in Bezug genommene Ausgabe. Bei undatierten Verweisungen gilt die letzte Ausgabe des in Bezug genommenen Dokuments (einschließlich aller Änderungen).EN 10002-1, Metallische Werkstoffe — Zugversuch — Teil 1: Prüfverfahren bei Raumtemperatur EN 10020:2000, Begriffsbestimmungen für die Einteilung der StähleEN 10021:1993, Allgemeine technische Lieferbedingungen für Stahl und Stahlerzeugnisse EN 10027-1, Bezeichnungssysteme für Stähle — Teil 1: Kurznamen, Hauptsymbole EN 10027-2, Bezeichnungssysteme für Stähle — Teil 2: Nummernsystem EN 10052:1993, Begriffe der Wärmebehandlung von EisenwerkstoffenEN 10088-1, Nichtrostende Stähle — Teil 1: Verzeichnis der nichtrostenden StähleEN 10168, Stahlerzeugnisse — Prüfbescheinigungen — Liste und Beschreibung der Angaben EN 10204, Metallische Erzeugnisse — Arten von PrüfbescheinigungenEN 10246-2, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Stahlrohren — Teil 2: Automatische elektromagnetische Prüfung nahtloser und geschweißter (ausgenommen unterpulvergeschweißter) austenitischer und austenitisch-ferritischer Stahlrohre zum Nachweis der DichtheitEN 10246-3, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Stahlrohren — Teil 3: Automatische Wirbelstromprüfung nahtloser und geschweißter (ausgenommen unterpulvergeschweißter) Stahlrohre zum Nachweis von FehlernEN 10246-5, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Stahlrohren — Teil 5: Automatische Magnetfeldsonden-Streuflussprüfung nahtloser und geschweißter (ausgenommen unterpulvergeschweißter) ferromagnetischer Stahlrohre über den gesamten Rohrumfang zum Nachweis von LängsfehlernEN 10246-7, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Stahlrohren — Teil 7: Automatische Ultraschallprüfung nahtloser und geschweißter (ausgenommen unterpulvergeschweißter) Stahlrohre über den gesamten Rohrumfang zum Nachweis von Längsfehlern.EN 10256, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung — Qualifizierung und Kompetenz von Personal der Stufen 1 und 2 für die zerstörungsfreie PrüfungEN 10266:2003, Stahlrohre, Fittings und Hohlprofile für den Stahlbau — Symbole und Definition von Begriffen für die Verwendung in ErzeugnisnormenEN ISO 377, Stahl und Stahlerzeugnisse — Lage und Vorbereitung von Probenabschnitten und Proben für mechanische Prüfungen (ISO 377:1997)EN ISO 1127, Nichtrostende Stahlrohre — Maße, Grenzabmaße und längenbezogene Masse (ISO 1127:1992)D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)EN ISO 2566-2, Stahl — Umwandlung von Dehnungswerten — Teil 2: Austenitische Stähle (ISO 2566-2:1984)EN ISO 3651-2, Ermittlung der Beständigkeit nichtrostender Stähle gegen interkristalline Korrosion ― Teil 2: Nichtrostende ferritische, austenitische und ferritisch-austenitische (Duplex)-Stähle; Korrosionsversuch in schwefelsäurehaltigen Medien (ISO 3651-2:1998)CR 10260:1998, Bezeichnungssysteme für Stähle — Zusatzsymbole3 BegriffeFür die Anwendung dieses Dokuments gelten die Begriffe in EN 10020:2000, EN 10021:1993, EN 10052:1993 und EN 10266:2003 und folgender Begriff. ArbeitgeberUnternehmen, in dem eine Person tätig istANMERKUNG Arbeitgeber kann entweder der Rohrhersteller sein oder eine dritte Partei, die zerstörungsfreie Prüfungen (ZfP) durchführt.4 SymboleFür die Anwendung dieser Europäischen Norm gelten die Symbole in EN 10266:2003 und CR 10260:1998.5 Einteilung und Bezeichnung5.1 EinteilungNach dem Einteilungssystem in EN 10020 sind alle Stähle in den Tabellen 1, 2, 3 und 4 nichtrostende Stähle.5.2 BezeichnungFür Rohre nach diesem Dokument umfasst die Stahlbezeichnung: ⎯ die Nummer dieses Dokuments (EN 10297-2)sowie entweder⎯ den Kurznamen nach EN 10027-1 und CR 10260oder⎯ die Werkstoffnummer, die nach EN 10027-2 vergeben wurde.6 Bestellangaben6.1 Verbindliche AngabenDer Besteller muss bei der Anfrage und Bestellung folgende Angaben machen: a) Bestellmenge (Stückzahl oder Masse oder Gesamtlänge); b) Begriff …Rohr“;D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)c) Maße [Außendurchmesser D , Wanddicke T ] (siehe 8.7.1); d) Stahlbezeichnung (siehe 5.2);e) Lieferzustand, soweit erforderlich (siehe 7.2.2).6.2 OptionenEine Reihe von Optionen ist in diesem Teil der EN 10297 festgelegt und nachstehend mit Hinweis auf die entsprechenden Abschnitte aufgeführt. Sollte der Besteller bei der Anfrage und Bestellung von den entsprechenden Optionen keinen Gebrauch machen, sind die Rohre in Übereinstimmung mit den Grundfestlegungen zu liefern (siehe 6.1).1) Verfahrensablauf und/oder Oberflächenbeschaffenheit (siehe 7.2.1); 2) geregelter Schwefelanteil (siehe Tabellen 1, 2 und 3); 3) zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (siehe 8.4.2); 4) Dichtheitsprüfung (siehe 8.4.2); 5) Geradheit (siehe 8.5); 6) Genaulängen (siehe 8.7.2);7) Grenzabmaße für Außendurchmesser und Wanddicke (siehe; 8) spezifische Prüfung (siehe 9.1); 9) Werkszeugnis 2.2 (siehe 9.2.1); 10) Abnahmeprüfzeugnis 3.2 (siehe 9.2.1); 11) Verfahren der Dichtheitsprüfung (siehe 11.2.1).6.3 Bestellbeispiel25 t nahtlose Rohre mit einem Nennaußendurchmesser von 60,3 mm und einer Nennwanddicke von 3,6 mm nach EN 10297-2, gefertigt aus der Stahlsorte 1.4016, geliefert mit einem Werkszeugnis 2.2 (Option 9) nach EN 10204.25 t Rohre — 60,3 x 3,6 — EN 10297-2 — 1.4016 — Option 97 Herstellverfahren7.1 StahlherstellungDas Stahlherstellungsverfahren bleibt der Wahl des Herstellers überlassen.7.2 Rohrherstellung und Lieferzustand7.2.1 Die Rohre müssen nach einem Verfahren der nahtlosen Fertigung warm gefertigt oder kalt gefertigt hergestellt werden. Die Begriffe …warm gefertigt“ und …kalt gefertigt“ gelten für die Beschaffenheit der Rohre vor ihrer Wärmebehandlung nach 7.2.2. Zugelassene Verfahrensabläufe und Oberflächenbeschaffenheiten sind in Tabelle A.1 aufgeführt. Die Wahl des Verfahrensablaufs und der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit sind dem D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)Option 1: Der Besteller legt den Verfahrensablauf und/oder die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit nach Tabelle A.1 fest.7.2.2 Die Rohre sind in dem jeweils zutreffenden Lieferzustand in den Tabellen 6, 7, 8 oder 9 zu liefern. Mögliche Lieferzustände sind …geglüht“ (+ A) für ferritische Stähle, …vergütet“ (+ QT) für martensitische Stähle und …lösungsgeglüht“ (+ AT) für austenitische und austenitisch-ferritische Stähle (siehe Anhang B mit Hinweisen zur Wärmebehandlung während der Fertigung und zur Weiterverarbeitung).Der Besteller muss bei der Stahlsorte 1.4006 den Lieferzustand …QT550“ oder …QT650“ festlegen. Die Wahl des Verfahrensablaufs und der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit für diese Stahlsorte sind dem Hersteller überlassen, wenn nicht Option 1 (siehe 7.2.1) festgelegt wurde.Das Lösungsglühen besteht aus einem gleichmäßigem Erwärmen der Rohre auf die erforderliche Temperatur mit nachfolgender schneller Abkühlung. Auf das Lösungsglühen darf verzichtet werden, wenn die Warmumformung und die nachfolgende Abkühlung in einer Weise durchgeführt werden, dass die Erzeugnisse den Anforderungen hinsichtlich der mechanischen Eigenschaften und der Beständigkeit gegen interkristalline Korrosion nach EN ISO 3651-2 entsprechen. Wegen Anhaltswerten zur Wärmebehandlung während der Fertigung und zur Warmumformung als Teil der Weiterverarbeitung siehe Anhang B.7.2.3 Alle ZfP-Tätigkeiten sind durch qualifiziertes und kompetentes Personal der Stufen 1, 2 und/oder 3, das vom Arbeitgeber dafür bestätigt wurde, auszuführen.Die Qualifizierung muss nach EN 10256 oder nach zumindest gleichwertiger Spezifikation erfolgt sein.Für das Personal der Stufe 3 wird Zertifizierung nach EN 473 oder nach zumindest gleichwertiger Spezifikation empfohlen.Die Autorisierung für die Durchführung der Prüfungen durch den Arbeitgeber muss auf der Grundlage einer schriftlichen Anweisung erteilt werden. Die ZfP-Operationen müssen von einer vom Arbeitgeber bestätigten Person der Stufe 3 autorisiert sein.ANMERKUNG Die Definition der Stufen 1, 2 und 3 kann geeigneten Spezifikationen, z. B. EN 473 und EN 10256, entnommen werden.8 Anforderungen8.1 AllgemeinesDie Rohre müssen die Anforderungen dieses Dokuments erfüllen, wenn sie in einem Lieferzustand nach 7.2.2 unter Anwendung eines Verfahrensablaufs und mit einer Oberflächenbeschaffenheit nach Tabelle A.1 geliefert und in Übereinstimmung mit Abschnitt 9 geprüft werden.Zusätzlich gelten die in EN 10021 festgelegten allgemeinen technischen Lieferbedingungen.Zusätzlich zu den in den Tabellen 1, 2, 3 und 4 angegebenen können weitere Stahlsorten nach Vereinbarung geliefert werden. Ihre chemische Zusammensetzung und mechanischen Eigenschaften sind dann bei der Anfrage und Bestellung zu vereinbaren.8.2 Chemische ZusammensetzungFür die Schmelzenanalyse gelten die vom Stahlhersteller gelieferten Werte, die den Anforderungen nach den Tabellen 1, 2, 3 oder 4 entsprechen müssen.D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)Elemente, die in den Tabellen 1, 2, 3 und 4 für die entsprechende Stahlsorte nicht angegeben sind, dürfen dem Stahl, mit Ausnahme von Elementen zum Fertigbehandeln der Schmelze, ohne Zustimmung des Bestellers nicht absichtlich zugegeben werden. Es sind alle angemessenen Vorkehrungen zu treffen, um die Zufuhr unerwünschter Elemente aus dem Schrott und anderen Einsatzstoffen, die bei der Stahlherstellung verwendet werden, zu vermeiden.Für die Grenzabweichungen der Stückanalyse von den festgelegten Grenzwerten der Schmelzenanalyse gelten die Angaben in Tabelle 5.ANMERKUNG Beim Schweißen von Rohren, die nach diesem Dokument hergestellt wurden, sollte die Tatsache berücksichtigt werden, dass das Verhalten des Stahls während und nach dem Schweißen nicht nur von der Stahlsorte, sondern auch davon abhängt, wie das Schweißen vorbereitet und durchgeführt wird. Einige in diesem Dokument festgelegte Stähle sind nur bei Anwendung spezialisierter Techniken durch entsprechendes Schweiß-Fachpersonal schweißbar.D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)10Tabelle 1 — Chemische Zusammensetzung (Schmelzenanalyse) der Rohre aus ferritischen und martensitischen nichtrostenden Stählen,Massenanteile in %Stahlsorte C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Ti Sonstige KurznameWerkstoff-nummermin. max. max. max. max. max. min. max.max.min.max. min. max.Ferritische StähleX2CrTi12 1.4512 0,030 1,00 1,00 0,040 0,015 10,5 12,56 x (C + N)0,65X6CrAl13 1.4002 0,08 1,00 1,00 0,040 0,015a 12,0 14,0 Al: 0,10Al: 0,30 X6Cr17 1.4016 0,08 1,00 1,00 0,040 0,015a 16,0 18,0X3CrTi171.45100,051,001,000,0400,015a 16,0 18,0[4 x (C+ N)+ 0,15]b0,80 bMartensitische StähleX12Cr13 1.40060,080,15 1,00 1,50 0,040 0,015a11,5 13,50,75a Option 2: Ein geregelter Schwefelanteil von 0,015 % bis 0,030 % ist festgelegt.bDie Stabilisierung kann durch Einsatz von Titan oder Niob oder Zirkon erfolgen. Entsprechend der Ordnungszahl dieser Elemente und unter Berücksichtigung derAnteile an Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff gilt folgendes Gleichgewicht:Zr Nb Ti 4747≈≈O N -D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r fEN 10297-2:2005 (D)11Tabelle 2 — Chemische Zusammensetzung (Schmelzenanalyse) der Rohre aus austenitischen korrosionsbeständigen Stählen,Massenanteile in %Stahlsorte C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Cu N Sonstige Kurzname Werkstoff-nummer min. max. max. max. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,0450,015a17,5 19,5 8,0 10,5 0,11 X2CrNi19-11 1.4306 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a 18,0 20,0 10,0 12,0 0,11 X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a 17,0 19,5 8,5 11,5 0,12 0,22 X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 0,07 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a17,0 19,5 8,0 10,50,11 X8CrNiS18-9 1.4305 0,10 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,15 0,3517,0 19,0 8,0 10,0 1,00 0,11 X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541 0,08 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a17,0 19,0 9,0 12,0b Ti: 5 x CTi: 0,70 X6CrNiNb18-10 1.4550 0,08 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015 17,0 19,09,0 12,0bNb: 10 x CNb: 1,00X1CrNi25-21 1.4335 0,020 0,25 2,00 0,025 0,010 24,0 26,00,20 20,0 22,0 0,11 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a 16,5 18,5 2,00 2,50 10,0 14,5 0,11 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 0,07 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a16,5 18,5 2,00 2,50 10,0 13,00,11 X1CrNiMoN25-22-2 1.4466 0,020 0,70 2,00 0,025 0,01024,0 26,0 2,00 2,50 21,0 23,0 0,10 0,16X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 0,08 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a16,5 18,5 2,00 2,50 10,5 14,0 Ti: 5 x C Ti: 0,70 X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 1.4580 0,08 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015 16,5 18,5 2,00 2,50 10,5 13,5Nb: 10 x CNb: 1,00X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 1.4429 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015 16,5 18,5 2,50 3,00 11,0 15,0 0,12 0,22X3CrNiMo17-13-3 1.4436 0,05 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a 16,5 18,5 2,50 3,00 10,5 14,0 0,11 X2CrNiMo18-14-3 1.4435 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015a17,019,02,503,0012,515,00,11X2CrNiMoN17-13-5 1.4439 0,030 1,00 2,00 0,045 0,015 16,5 18,5 4,0 5,0 12,5 14,5 0,12 0,22 X1NiCrMoCu31-27-4 1.4563 0,020 0,70 2,00 0,030 0,010 26,0 28,0 3,0 4,0 30,0 32,0 0,70 1,50 0,11 X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 1.4539 0,020 0,70 2,00 0,030 0,010 19,021,04,05,024,026,01,202,000,15X1CrNiMoCuN20-18-7 1.4547 0,020 0,70 1,00 0,030 0,010 19,5 20,5 6,0 7,0 17,5 18,5 0,50 1,00 0,18 0,25 X1NiCrMoCuN25-20-7 1.4529 0,020 0,50 1,00 0,030 0,010 19,0 21,0 6,0 7,0 24,0 26,0 0,50 1,50 0,15 0,25X2NiCrAlTi32-201.45580,0300,701,000,0200,01520,023,032,0 35,0Al: 0,15Ti: 8 x (C +N)Al: 0,45Ti: 0,60a Option 2: Ein geregelter Schwefelanteil von 0,015 % bis 0,030 % ist festgelegt.bIst es aus besonderen Gründen, z. B. wegen der Warmumformbarkeit, erforderlich, den Deltaferritanteil zu minimieren oder eine niedrige Permeabilität sicherzustellen, darf derNickelanteil um 1 % erhöht werden.O N -D o w n l o a d - S e r v i c e , 17.03.2006, 191201-2, M a g n a S t e y r F a h r z e u g t e c h n i k A G & C o K G L i e b e n a u e r H a u p t s t r a s s e 317, A -8041 G r a z -T h o n d o r f。
一个演了 2000 多场《剧院魅影》的音乐剧演员,和我们聊了聊他的百老汇人生布拉德•里特尔(Brad Little)最知名的身份是音乐剧《剧院魅影》的主演,30 个从业年头里,有 21 年他都给了这部剧,因此也是世界上仅有的演出《剧院魅影》超过2000 场的四个演员之一,而用他半开玩笑的话说,“第一迟早都会是我的”。
他在百老汇演了近 30 年的音乐剧,目睹了百老汇这个文化地标在过去 30 年的种种变化──关于这个地方,美国作家杜鲁门·卡波特说过一句话特别有力:百老汇不仅仅是一个地点,它还是一种氛围。
我们和他聊了聊这 30 年他和百老汇都发生了什么。
第一次有记忆的演出是演《屋顶上的小提琴手》,那个时候我 6 岁,有意思的是,多年之后这也成了我第一部在百老汇演出的音乐剧。
比如从我父亲来说,如果我成为一名运动员,他会更 high 的。
整个演员工会中,大概只有不到 1% 的人能在百老汇演出,而其它 99% 的人都没有这样的机会,我觉得是我的运气好,遇上了《剧院魅影》,抓住这个可能是唯一进入百老汇演出的机会。
The Clash的艺人档案小简介通向Buddy Holly安息地的公路位于美国德州卢伯克市阴郁的一角:那里有弃用铁道的残迹,货物仓库和外表陈旧的军用火药库。
他们以其特有的方式纪念这位卢伯克的摇滚王子,而这4个年轻人就是著名的The Clash(冲撞)乐队。
随后返回当晚邀请他们的德州乡村歌手Joe Ely家中。
The Clash那次应邀访问德州就是为了见识一下Ely的乐器,并去Holly的墓上走一走。
在Ely家中,他们继续狂欢,而其中颇具天赋的鼓手Topper Headon由于过量吸毒而神智不清。
富有传奇色彩的The Clash与Sex Pistols一起在1976年开创了朋克摇滚的高潮。
The Clash是历史上第一支在歌中加入Rap的英国乐队,也是第一支进入牙买加音乐名人堂的白人乐队。
他们的第三张专辑《London Calling》(伦敦呼声)被评为80年代美国最佳专辑;而他们的第四张专辑是三唱片,但由于乐队坚持以单唱片的价格出售,致使The Clash陷入了破产危机。
有一种说法认为,“不看The Clash,不算知道摇滚乐”。
演说题目:勇敢,是度过难关的唯一方法演说者:艾许.贝克汉I'm going to talk to you tonight about coming out of the closet, and not in the traditional sense, not just the gay closet. I think we all have closets. Your closet may be telling someone you love her for the first time, or telling someone that you're pregnant, or telling someone you have cancer, or any of the other hard conversations we have throughout our lives. All a closet is is a hard conversation, and although our topics may vary tremendously, the experience of being in and coming out of the closet is universal. It is scary, and we hate it, and it needs to be done.Several years ago, I was working at the South Side Walnut Cafe, a local diner in town, and during my time there I would go through phases of militant lesbian intensity: not shaving my armpits, quoting Ani DiFranco lyrics as gospel. And depending on the bagginess of my cargo shorts and how recently I had shaved my head, the question would often be sprung on me, usually by a little kid:"Um, are you a boy or are you a girl?"And there would be an awkward silence at the table. I'd clench my jaw a little tighter, hold my coffee pot with a little more vengeance. The dad would awkwardly shuffle his newspaper andthe mom would shoot a chilling stare at her kid. But I would say nothing, and I would seethe inside. And it got to the point where every time I walked up to a table that had a kid anywhere between three and 10 years old, I was ready to fight. (Laughter) And that is a terrible feeling. So I promised myself, the next time, I would say something. I would have that hard conversation.So within a matter of weeks, it happens again."Are you a boy or are you a girl?"Familiar silence, but this time I'm ready, and I am about to go all Women's Studies 101 on this table. (Laughter) I've got my Betty Friedan quotes. I've got my Gloria Steinem quotes. I've even got this little bit from "Vagina Monologues" I'm going to do. So I take a deep breath and I look down and staring back at me is a four-year-old girl in a pink dress, not a challenge to a feminist duel, just a kid with a question: "Are you a boy or are you a girl?"So I take another deep breath, squat down to next to her, and say, "Hey, I know it's kind of confusing. My hair is short like a boy's, and I wear boy's clothes, but I'm a girl, and you know how sometimes you like to wear a pink dress, and sometimes you like to wear your comfy jammies? Well, I'm more of a comfy jammies kind of girl."And this kid looks me dead in the eye, without missing a beat, and says, "My favorite pajamas are purple with fish. Can I get a pancake, please?" (Laughter) And that was it. Just, "Oh, okay. You're a girl. How about that pancake?"It was the easiest hard conversation I have ever had. And why? Because Pancake Girl and I, we were both real with each other.So like many of us, I've lived in a few closets in my life, and yeah, most often, my walls happened to be rainbow. But inside, in the dark, you can't tell what color the walls are. You just knowwhat it feels like to live in a closet. So really, my closet is no different than yours or yours or yours. Sure, I'll give you 100 reasons why coming out of my closet was harder than coming out of yours, but here's the thing: Hard is not relative. Hard is hard. Who can tell me that explaining to someone you've just declared bankruptcy is harder than telling someone you just cheated on them? Who can tell me that his coming out story is harder than telling your five-year-old you're getting a divorce? There is no harder, there is just hard. We need to stop ranking our hard against everyone else's hard to make us feel better or worse about our closets and just commiserate on the fact that we all have hard. At some point in our lives, we all live in closets, and they may feel safe, or at least safer than what lies on the other side of that door. But I am here to tell you, no matter what your walls are made of, a closet is no place for a person to live.Thanks. (Applause)So imagine yourself 20 years ago. Me, I had a ponytail, a strapless dress, and high-heeled shoes. I was not the militant lesbian ready to fight any four-year-old that walked into the cafe.I was frozen by fear, curled up in the corner of my pitch-black closet clutching my gay grenade, and moving one muscle is the scariest thing I have ever done. My family, my friends, complete strangers -- I had spent my entire life trying to not disappoint these people, and now I was turning the world upside down on purpose. I was burning the pages of the script we had all followed for so long, but if you do not throw that grenade, it will kill you.One of my most memorable grenade tosses was at my sister's wedding. (Laughter) It was the first time that many in attendance knew I was gay, so in doing my maid of honor duties, in my black dress and heels, I walked around to tables and finallylanded on a table of my parents' friends, folks that had known me for years. And after a little small talk, one of the women shouted out, "I love Nathan Lane!" And the battle of gay relatability had begun."Ash, have you ever been to the Castro?""Well, yeah, actually, we have friends in San Francisco.""Well, we've never been there but we've heard it's fabulous.""Ash, do you know my hairdresser Antonio? He's really good and he has never talked about a girlfriend.""Ash, what's your favorite TV show? Our favorite TV show? Favorite: Will & Grace. And you know who we love? Jack. Jack is our favorite."And then one woman, stumped but wanting so desperately to show her support, to let me know she was on my side, she finally blurted out, "Well, sometimes my husband wears pink shirts." (Laughter)And I had a choice in that moment, as all grenade throwers do. I could go back to my girlfriend and my gay-loving table and mock their responses, chastise their unworldliness and their inability to jump through the politically correct gay hoops I had brought with me, or I could empathize with them and realize that that was maybe one of the hardest things they had ever done, that starting and having that conversation was them coming out of their closets. Sure, it would have been easy to point out where they felt short. It's a lot harder to meet them where they are and acknowledge the fact that they were trying. And what else can you ask someone to do but try? If you're going to be real with someone, you gotta be ready for real in return.So hard conversations are still not my strong suit. Ask anybody I have ever dated. But I'm getting better, and I followwhat I like to call the three Pancake Girl principles. Now, please view this through gay-colored lenses, but know what it takes to come out of any closet is essentially the same.Number one: Be authentic. Take the armor off. Be yourself. That kid in the cafe had no armor, but I was ready for battle. If you want someone to be real with you, they need to know that you bleed too.Number two: Be direct. Just say it. Rip the Band-Aid off. If you know you are gay, just say it. If you tell your parents you might be gay, they will hold out hope that this will change. Do not give them that sense of false hope. (Laughter)And number three, and most important -- (Laughter) Be unapologetic. You are speaking your truth. Never apologize for that. And some folks may have gotten hurt along the way, so sure, apologize for what you've done, but never apologize for who you are. And yeah, some folks may be disappointed, but that is on them, not on you. Those are their expectations of who you are, not yours. That is their story, not yours. The only story that matters is the one that you want to write. So the next time you find yourself in a pitch-black closet clutching your grenade, know we have all been there before. And you may feel so very alone, but you are not. And we know it's hard but we need you out here, no matter what your walls are made of, because I guarantee you there are others peering through the keyholes of their closets looking for the next brave soul to bust a door open, so be that person and show the world that we are bigger than our closets and that a closet is no place for a person to truly live.Thank you, Boulder. Enjoy your night. (Applause)今晚我会和大家讲述如何走出柜但不是传统意义上的层面不只是成为同性恋那样的出柜我想大家都有个柜你所谓的出柜有的或许是你跟她第一次说我爱你或许告诉别人你怀孕了或许告诉别人你患有癌症甚至是其他我们都经历过的难以启齿的谈话所谓的柜就是一次说不出口的谈话虽然我们的话题涉及广泛在柜中和出柜的经历都是相通的这种感觉很可怕尽管我们都不喜欢但是还得这样做几年以前我在South Side Walnut咖啡店工作一个当地的餐厅那段时间我经历了激进女同性恋的紧张没有刮我的腋毛引用福音Ani DiFranco的歌词由于我宽松的工装短裤还有我最近的发型经常会有人问我通常是小孩儿问我“嗯,你是男孩还是女孩?”随之而来的是一阵尴尬的寂静我紧咬牙关怀着报复的心紧握着咖啡罐爸爸尴尬地乱翻着报纸妈妈冷漠地盯着孩子但是我说不出口内心却在沸腾重点是每次我走到旁边有3到10岁小孩儿的桌子时我都准备好要干一架了(笑声) 这种感觉非常不好所以我跟自己讲下一次我一定会说什么我会把话说出口所以过了几个星期又出现这种状况了“你是男孩还是女孩?”熟悉的沉寂但是这次我准备好了这次我要把所有女性的话说出来(笑声) 我准备好引用Betty Friedan的话准备好引用Gloria Steinem 的话我甚至从《阴道独白》中选了几句话我深吸了口气我低下头看迎来的是一个穿着粉色裙子的4岁小女孩儿的目光这个小菜一碟只是个小孩儿问问题“你是男孩还是女孩?”我又深吸了口气在她身旁蹲下来说“我知道有点不好理解我的头发像男生的那样短我还穿着男生的衣服但是我是个女孩有时候你喜欢穿粉色的裙子有时候喜欢穿舒服的睡衣对吧那我就是那种喜欢穿舒服睡衣的那种女孩这个小孩儿死死的盯着我都不带眨的说”我最喜欢的睡衣是紫色的上面还有鱼能给我块煎饼吗?“ (笑声) 就是这样”哦好吧你是个女孩来块煎饼怎么样?“这是有史以来最简单的一次艰难对话为什么呢因为这个煎饼女孩和我我们对彼此都很真诚所以跟很多人一样我住在自己的几个柜里是的而且我的四面墙常常会变成彩色但是墙的里面黑暗中你却不知道内墙是什么颜色你就是知道在柜里是什么感觉所以真的我的柜和你的你的所有人的柜都是一样的当然我会告诉你100个理由来解释为什么我出柜会比你出柜要难但是重点是难并不是相对的各有各的难处谁能告诉我是跟一个人讲你刚刚破产难还是跟一个人讲你背叛他难呢谁能告诉我是一个人说自己出柜难还是告诉你5岁的孩子你要离婚了难呢没有谁更难一些就只是很难而已我们不能把各自的难处排个1234 以此来让我们对自己的柜更好过或更难过些然后又互相怜悯大家都很难在生活中的某些时刻我们都闷在柜里这样我们感到很安全至少比在柜外面更安全些但是我要告诉大家不管你的柜是什么材质那都不是一个人应该住的地方谢谢 (掌声)想想20年前的你那时的我扎着马尾穿着没有肩带的裙子蹬着高跟鞋我不是那个紧张的女同性恋随时准备迎战走进咖啡厅的4岁孩童恐惧使我不得动弹缩在我那个黑漆漆的柜里绷紧身为同性恋的神经我从未放松过紧绷的那根弦我的家人朋友陌生人我一直都努力不让这些人失望然而现在我却故意把事情弄的一团糟我把我们一直沿用的脚本都烧掉但是如果你不丢掉手中的手榴弹它会至你于死地让我印象最深刻的一次爆发是在我姐姐的婚礼上 (笑声) 很多在场的人知道我是同性恋这还是头一回所以我作为伴娘穿着一袭黑裙和高跟鞋我游走在桌边最后决定坐在我父母的朋友的那一桌上他们认识我很久了说了一会儿话后有个女人大叫着说“我超爱Nathan Lane!” 就这样一场关于同性恋的话题拉开帷幕”Ash 你去过Castro吗?“”恩内什么实际上我们在旧金山有朋友“”内什么我们没去过那儿但是听说那儿挺棒的“”Ash 你知道我的理发师Antonio吗? 他人很好但是从没听他谈过女性朋友”"Ash 你最喜欢哪个电视节目我们最喜欢的? 最喜欢的电视节目非Will & Grace莫属你知道我们最爱谁吗最爱Jack了我们最喜欢Jack 了“然后另一个女人张口结舌但是极力变现出她的支持让我明白她是站在我这一边的她最终脱口而出”有时候我丈夫穿粉色的T恤“ (笑声)在那一刻和所有爆发者一样我作出了选择我可以回到我女性朋友和支持同性恋的那一桌去对他们这些人的反应嘲笑一番说他们什么都不懂他们不能理解我身上所带的同性恋的标签或者我可以选择感同身受理解那可能是他们从未做过的最难的事情开始并进行那样的对话是他们出柜的表现当然指出他们不对的地方很容易但是和他们在同一层面上理解并知道他们在努力却很难除了让人家努力尝试你还能要求人家什么呢如果你想对某人坦诚那你就要准备好别人同样对你完全坦白所以进行难的对话仍不是我的强项去问问我从未约过会的人就知道了但是我做好的更好了因为我遵循我称之为煎饼女孩三原则请各位带上同性恋有色眼镜来看待这个但是要明白出任何的柜所需的努力都是一样的原则一要真实卸下你的防御做真实的自己那个在咖啡厅的女孩就没有防御然而我却是准备开战如果你想让别人对你坦诚你得让他们知道你也有所付出原则二要直接有什么说什么不要绷着你知道你是同性恋那就说出来如果你告诉你的父母你可能是同性恋他们会心有一丝希望你会改变的不要让他们有这样的错觉 (笑声)原则三最重要的一点 (笑声) 不要有负罪感你是在坦言有关自己的事情不要对此感到抱歉可能会有人受伤这是一定的对你所做的事情道歉但是不要为你的本质而道歉是的有些人会很失望但是他们对自己失望而不是对你那是他们所期望的你的样子而不是你自己的期望那是他们的故事而不是属于你的故事唯一重要的故事是你想要书写的那一个那么下回你发现自己窝在柜里手里紧攥着手榴弹时要知道我们都经历过这个阶段你可能会感到孤独但实际上不是的虽然很难但是你需要走出柜不管你的墙是什么我向你保证还有些人从他们柜的锁眼里寻找下一个勇敢的人推开们所以做那个勇敢的人吧让人们知道柜已容不下我们一个柜不是一个人能活出真实自己的地方谢谢 Boulder 祝各位晚上愉快 (掌声)。
People人物People人物他被誉为“世界最负盛名的王牌主持”,以他名字命名的脱口秀节目独具个人风格,家喻户晓,收视率长年高居榜首……拉里·金:从“小喇叭”到“脱口秀大王”他是如何战胜麦克风恐惧症的文|刘晗 图|Emily有些人天生爱说,比如拉里·金。
Johnny Depp,这个名字对于许多人来说,是一个充满魅力和才华的符号。
619: The One With Joey’s Fridge[Scene: Joey and now Rachel's apartment, Joey has the fridge pulled out away from the wall and is in the process of pulling off the cooling grate behind it.]grate: (门窗等的)铁格栅炉栅 cooling grate: 散热器-Joey: Well that thing is clearly in the way!in the way: 妨碍的碍手碍脚的好啦,现在总算干净了All right. Ah-ha! (He grabs a screwdriver and starts to attack the compressor, only he causes a small short circuit and shocks himself.)compressor: 压缩机 short circuit: 短路 shock: 使…受电击搞定。
啊~啊!Ah-ah!! Damn fridge!该死的电冰箱!(Rachel enters from her new room.)-Rachel:Hi Joey, how ya doing?嗨乔伊,过的怎么样?-Joey:Great! Roomie!非常好!室友!-Rachel: Huh, yeah I guess we are roommates now.呃,现在我们的确算室友了。
-Joey: Yeah! Well, now that you bring it up.对,所以该你做点事了。
Our fridge is broken, We have to get a new one.我们的电冰箱坏了,得买台新的。
Now, I checked around and your half is $400. Thanks a lot.checked around: 检查我算了算,你付一半400块。
拉里·金:像个好奇的孩子作者:夏灼灼来源:《莫愁(时代人物)》 2021年第4期文 \ 夏灼灼他在职业生涯中采访过五万人,包括从尼克松以来的所有美国总统、各国政要,以及娱乐圈顶流人物。
他就是美国传奇主持人拉里·金(Larry King)。
是呀,欧普拉还在镜头前鲜灵活现,会有什么事难得住美国人呢?As I ponder whom it might be that I would consider a role model, I realized thatthere are a lot of people I know personally that I could look to for inspiration.1 But I am sharing these thoughts with others who most likely do not know my friend or my sister-in-law or the gal2 I work with. Therefore I think I should write about someone famous. But, it seems that these days there are not a lot of good role models to choose from. At least not from the "typical" choices that we usual ly think of as role models. I realize celebrities' private lives should be just that; but when a person is in the limelight perhaps they should use that notoriety for some sort of good.3There are some criteria that my role model must possess. First, she must be close to my age. She has to have overcome some obstacle, or maybe better said, did not have her "celebrity" status handed to her4. Finally, she must be helping others. Sharing the blessings5 she has received with others.I believe that someone who fits those criteria quite well is Oprah Winfrey6.Oprah Winfrey's life has had a very difficult and tumultuous7 beginning. She was born in 1954 to a poor, unmarried black girl livingin the very racially segregated state of Mississippi. For a while, Oprah was raised by her Grandmother, after her mother moved north. She eventually went to live with her father in Nashville, after having survived body abuse and the birth and death of baby of her own.Oprah's rise to fame began in Baltimore8, then Chicago, with her hosting morning talk shows, such as A.M. Chicago. She became so popular that in 1986, she launched The Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah began her own production company, Harpo, and obtained control of The Oprah Winfrey Show, which was now in yndication.9In 1994, Oprah did something that caught my attention and with which she gained my respect. She decided to break away from the mold of other daytime talk shows and pledged that her show would be free from "tabloid topics."10 Her viewers responded slowly, but very positively, and her popularity surged. The Oprah Winfrey Show was now centered on uplifting11, meaningful subjects, many of which are aimed towards women.Oprah has used her gaining popularity, in my opinion, to launch many meaningful projects. She launched Oprah's Book Club12 in 1996. The Book Club is an on-air reading club intended to get the country excited about literature again. To date, all the book club selections have become instant bestsellers. Oprah's Angel Network13 was started in 1997, encouraging people to open their hearts to those in need. This includes a project to collect small change to send students to college and to sponsor Habitat for Humanity programs.Oprah has been able to share her blessings with others whilekeeping her pledge to focus The Oprah Winfrey Show on subjects that will encourage her viewers. Each week her shows cover such topics as spirituality, wellness, fitness, relationships, steps towards financial freedom and more.Winfrey's talent for public performance and spontaneity inanswering questions helped her win fame.14 Winfrey talk show has an estimated audience of 14 million daily in the US and millions more in132 other countries —predominantly women. She is also an accomplished actress and won an Academy Award nomination for her role in The Color Purple.15Another reason that I admire Oprah is because she genuinely seemsto be "just a regular gal." Her book, "Make the Connection" shows how Oprah is like any other woman. The painful revelations she shares about her struggle with weight loss really touched me. Even as she was givenan Emmy Award16, her thoughts were on how heavy she must look in the dress she was wearing. Once, I went to a lecture given by one of Oprah's favorite authors. As we were sitting before the lecture began, acoupleof black women walked in. My friend said, "Oh look, there's Oprah," I said, "no it's not", she said, "yes it is" and back and forth we went. Well, as it turns out, it was Oprah. She looked just like the rest of us; she did not come in amongst media frenzy as might be expected. When the speaker introduced her, she was almost embarrassed to stand.17I feel Oprah is a genuinely nice person, someone who would be agreat girl friend. She has a head on her shoulders18 and knows where she is going. She has made aname for herself19 and is not embarrassed by herwealth and knows the importance of sharing the blessings that have been bestowed upon her.1. 当我考虑谁可以做我的行为榜样的时候,我意识到自己认识的很多人都能让我得到激励。
1.What are an interview and its importance?The interview is a conversation designed to elicit (or exchange) information on behalf of an unseen audience by asking questions. The interview is associated with special techniques, special relations between the person asking questions and the person answering them, and it also becomes a symbol of journalism.The interview is of great importance because it is one of the most vital means to investigate things, collect raw material, and produce news. Therefore, interviewing is the one of the most basic tasks in journalism.2.How to conduct a successful interview?(1)Be preparedA professional interviewer must have superior preparation before he actually sets out to ask the questions. This means doing some research before the interview. Know your subject, know the issues and know what the public would want to know if they could sit down with the subject matter. The more you prepare, the more you can extend your knowns. With proper preparation, the interviewer will avoid embarrassing moments due to misinformation.Prepare questions:When you are clear about the basic outline of your interview, jot down all possible questions you can think of that related to the topic. Also ensure that your questions are well researched, intelligent, and worth answering.(2)Establish a rapportOnce the interview starts, the interviewer must try to establish a rapport with your interviewee as quickly as possible. That is the key to getting your questions answered. Rapport based on mutual trust forms the essence of the interview. In order to earn trust, you should identify yourself at the outset of the interview and state the purpose of the interview.(3) Ask the right questionsBe clear about the point of the interview: what information, story or evidence it will attempt to obtain, and then develop a set of pertinent questions. Be the ambassador for your audience. Don't forget that your role as the interviewer is to ask the questions that your mass public would want the answer to if they could be in that room. The interviewer can break the ice with general questions, use follow-up questions to better understand a complicated answer and choose to use both open-ended and close-ended questions in order to utilize the benefits of each type. (4) Listen and watch attentivelyLet the person being interviewed feel that he or she is conversing with a friend rather than responding to a list of questions from an interviewer. The more you listen and respond enthusiastically to what the source says, the more you will learn.(5) Be persistentBeing persistent is a crucial part of conducting a successful interview and getting to the truth, especially in the case of a hostile subject. The interviewer may need to phrase the same question several different ways to get the information you need and it means asking questions until the issue is clarified, the situation made understandable for the viewer.3.A Specific Analysis of an InterviewI select Larry King‟s program as material for interview analysis. Larry King who was born in 1933, is one of the most famous anchormen in American and in the world at large. He started his Larry King Live show on CNN in June 1985, hosting a broad range of guests from controversial figures to prominent politicians and leading figures in the entertainment industry, often doing their first or only interview on breaking news stories on his show.On June 29, 2010, King announced that after 25 years, he stepped down from his nightly job hosting Larry King Live. However, he stated that he would remain with CNN to host occasional specials. Larry King Special: Johnny Depp was one of them, which was aired on October 16, 2011. On February 17, 2012, CNN announced that he would no longer host specials.Larry King Special: Johnny Depp opened up something about Depp‟s fame, his family, and his famous friends. Plus, there was a tour of his private office, full of personal memorabilia and his paintings. I am going to do the case study in accordance with the following aspects: preparations, the opening, ways of asking, types of questions and impressive parts. In addition, I will point out the features of LarryKing‟s interviews.(1)PreparationsUnlike the best interviewers, Larry sometimes appears to skimp on research. He is known for his general lack of pre-interview preparation, and he also proclaimed that he prepared as little as possible for each program. Larry has ever said that “If I‟m too knowledgeable, I‟m not a good interviewer. For example, I‟m a baseball freak, so I know a lot about baseball. But I‟m not a great interviewer of baseball people because the knowledge impairs me. ”It is true of this interview. Throughout the whole interview, you will find that most of his questions are follow-up questions rather than questions he planed before the interview. More than that, Larry is fond of the sentence structure “somebody told me…” I pick up some sentences that used such structure.Eg1: Marlon Brando told me that one of the problems is when you getvery well known is they're observing you.Eg2: Allen Alda told me on ce that he doesn‟t like giving autographsbecause he feels it demeans the person asking for the autograph.Eg3: Paul Newman told me that any successful person in any fieldwho in discussing thei r career, doesn‟t use the word “luck is a liar.”Eg4: Burt Reynolds used to say every day he goes up and says to the camera, “ Love me today.”Owing to Larry‟s rich experiences and knowledge, lacing some pre-interview preparation does not affect the quality of his interview. Whereas, I have to say good preparations make for successful interviews. Interviewers should know background of the interviewee before going into an interview. Interviewees are more likely to relax and open up when they feel that they are talking to interviewers who speak with knowledge and authority.In fact, I hold that Larry actually did some research before the interview, though not so much research. Otherwise, how did he know things mentioned in the following extracts.Eg5: Larry: You and your sister are very close, right?Depp: My sister, yeah, Christie‟s my best friend in t he world.She‟s a lways…she‟s what…she‟s k ept me alive since I wasa little kid.Larry: So you were family oriented early.Depp: Hmm. Very much so.Eg6: Larry: You have Indian blood, right?Depp: Yeah, yeah.Larry: What tribe?Depp: Well, I was told…but you know I was always told itwas Cherokee, you know, grow ing up and the stuff…maybeChero kee, maybe Creek, I don‟t know exactly, you know.In these two extracts, we can see that Larry did some research on Depp‟s family, like his sister and his Indian blood. By doing so, Larry gives Depp an impression that he knows Depp very well, which can help him to establish rapport with Depp. As a result, Depp would be more likely to talk with Larry.(2)The OpeningBefore the interview starts to face the audience, a comprehensive description of the invited distinguished guest-Johnny Depp, is given on the screen. After that Larry and Depp turn up. Larry King gives the introduction of Depp and completely deletes all the greetings and then directly to the conversation.Eg7: Larry: He‟s one of the biggest stars in the world. One of the most acclaimed actors of our time. Tonight, Johnny Depp, the man whorarely grants interviews, sits down with me, and opens up abouthis fame, his family, and his famous friends. Plus, we‟ll goon atour of his private office, full of personal memorabilia and hispaintings. It‟s all ahead on this Larry King Special- Johnny Depp.Eg8: Larry: We‟re sitting here in Johnny Depp‟s office. An office like none I have ever seen. And later w e‟ve got a chance to …We‟ll talk about that a little later.Larry: You don‟t do many things like this. So do you not like to be interviewed or?The extrat7 is a short introductive video which gives the outline of the entire interview. It is general and looks much like a summary of the interview. From the extrat8, we find that Larry omits too many detailed greetings and directly entered into the topic. From the opening, we get a general idea that the interview would cover the following context: Depp‟s fame, his family, his famous friends and his opinion on the release of the West Memphis Three.(3)Ways of askingThere are two main ways of asking questions ---- directly and indirectly. Both have the same meaning but interviewers use indirect questions when they want tobe more polite, more formal or less confrontational. As far as I am concerned, unlike many American interviewers, Larry King has a non-confrontational approach. That is to say, friendly and harmonious atmosphere is the salient characteristic of Larry King‟program.After watching Larry King Special: Johnny Depp, it is easy to find that most of questions asked by Larry are indirect. As I mentioned in “preparation part”, Larry is fond of the sentence structure “somebody told me…” This pattern of asking is an indirect way of asking. The following extract well shows how Larry uses this way of asking.Eg9: Depp: As Marlon said, he had…Marlon had the best definitionof acting that exists, you know. He said, “It‟s a strange jobfor a grown man.” And that‟s it.…Larry: But he (Marlon) called something else that people in thebusiness got mad at. He said it on our show. He called it“lying for a living”.Depp: Right.Larry: And most actors say that they‟re not lying.Depp: Mmm.Latty: Did you think that was an unfair expression?Depp: I think it‟s totally…I think it‟s totally right. Yeah, it‟slying. It is lying. Why wouldn‟t it be…You can make itlying, you can make it not lying. You know it‟s…You canfind your own truth but it‟s still a lie.The opinion in Marlon‟s quotation is more or less offensive to the guest: because Depp is also an actor. The subject of the quotation is Marlon, which indicates that it is not the host, Larry, but Marlon is responsible for the view of “lying for a living”.On the basis of this offensive opinion, Larry further raises a question through an interrogative with second personal pronoun “you”. Larry asked “Did you think that was an unfair expression?”By doing so,Larry leaves room for Depp to argue against the opinion in the quotation.Another example is given below.Eg10: Larry: Do you like being other people?Depp: Yeah, I do. I do because I‟m fascinated with people, Imean, I‟m fascinated…I like to watch people…as an actor, in terms of job, the necessity is the ability tobe able to watch people, to observe, to be an observer as ajournalist, you know, to observe…Larry: Marlon Brando told me that one of the problems is when you get very well-known, is they are observing you.Depp: That became a problem.Larry: So you can‟t…you are not observing them really.Depp: Yeah, exactly. Now that becomes a problem. You become the focus of others. So therefore you…your ability to observeis tainted…you know, it‟s a little bit…it‟s…changes quiteradically.In the extract10, Depp explains that he likes to be an actor because actors need to observe just like journalists. Once again, Larry uses a quotation from Marlon to refute Depp‟s viewpoint. In such an indirect way, Larry signals tha the is re-using the words of Marlon and ingeniously avoids a direct confrontati --on with Depp. For Depp, he is unlikely to be enraged and decline to answer the questions.From both extract8 and extract9, we can see that indirect way of asking is an effective way used to raise an offensive question and Larry is fond of using it.(4)Types of questionsThere are totally 93 questions in this interview. In terms of type of questions, 18 of them are open-ended questions, 30 are close-ended, and the rest are follow-up questions. In addition, among the 45 follow-up questions, 15 of them are open-ended, as a result, 30 of them belong to close-ended questions. To reframe those numbers, Larry employs more follow-up and close-ended questions than open-ended questions. While one thing need to be noticed is that Larry applies all types of questions in order to utilize the benefits of each type. I intend to analyze two extracts in terms of types of questions.Eg11: Larry: Ever turned down something you regretted?Depp: No.Larry: No?Depp: Don‟t regret anything, no. Everything that I turned downwas…it was…weirdly it was more important what I turneddown than what I accepted, in terms of films.Larry: For your own happiness?Depp: Mm-hmm…Larry: So even if it became a hit.Depp: Yeah. Pirates was a complete accident, you know. I mean, Pirates…prior to Pirates of the Caribbean, you know, the firstone in 2003, that was a…I mean I had been essentiallyknown within the confines of Hollywood as the, you know,as box office‟s poison, you know. So you know, basically Ibuilt a career on 20 years of failures.In this extract, Larry uses a close-ended question as an opening question to shift the topic“Ever turned down something you regretted?”Depp answers the question very quickly with a simple no. And Larry follows up with “No?”, in this way Larry challenges Depp‟s answer as well as a confirmation. After Depp‟s answer, Larry guesses why Depp doesn‟t regret. And then Larry goes on asking “if it became a hit?”Throughout the extract, Larry employs guessing and interrogative strategies to further explore the real answer. One answer leading to another question until Larry determines that he has the information he needs.Eg12: Larry: What do you make of finally the release of theMemphis Three? You got involved in that battle?Depp: Mmm…Larry: We did a whole show on it.Depp: Yeah.…Larry: Why did you get involved?Depp: Because I knew immediately, you know, when I first…And the more research I did, the more people I spoke to,it was absolutely apparent.Larry: Did you have anybody say, “you know, Johnny, go outon a limb” on a thing like this?Depp: Oh yeah. Yeah, a lot of people.Larry: What if they did it? Gonna look bad.Depp: There was that kind of thing, yeah. But I just knew. Ijust knew, you know. I…It was just…It was…ugly andraw deal from the get-go. …Damien Echols on deathrow for 18 years, 10 years in isolation,you know, for a crime that he did not commit.Larry: You think Obama should pardon them?Depp: I mean it wou ld be wonderful…I think he‟s probablygot a few other things on his mind at the moment…In extract12, Johnny opens up on the release of the West Memphis Three.Firstly, Larry uses an open-ended question plus a close-ended question. The open-endedquestion is designed to prompt Depp to give a narrative responds. According to the answer, Larry can explore Depp‟s attitude towards the West Memphis Three. And then Larry asks why he got involved. Following up with "Why?" can help Larry get specific information and a lengthier answer on this question. It is said that "Why?" is the greatest question ever asked. The next two are still follow-up questions, besides, the last question “You think Obama should pardon them?” is interesting. On the one hand, it attracts viewers‟ attention, on the other hand, it intends to confirm Depp‟s attitude.All in all, Larry is habituated to asking close-ended questions and follow-up questions, and he tends to ask many questions to dig out deeper information.That is to say, he asks the right questions at the right moment and makes Depp volunteer information.(5)Impressive partsThere are three parts which give me deep impressions. First one is that Depp still reacts to getting famous. While h e‟s one of the biggest stars in the world and one of the most acclaimed actors of our time, he is a man who rarely grants interviews. He is not used to being famous. Second one comes to his attitude towards success and money. He holds that money and success don‟t change anybody. They reveal p eople. The most impressive part is Depp blew Thompson…s ashes from a cannon.Eg13:……Larry: How did you come to do that?……Larry: From a cannon?……Larry: Did it make a big sound?……This part gives me the most profound impression not only because of its fascinating content but also Larry‟s interviewing skill. To be more specific, in extract13, we can regard Larry as the ambassador for audience. He asks the questions that mass public would ask. He follows up questions naturally and logically, at the same time he lets the conversation go under a harmonious atmosphere.(6)Features of Larry King’s interviewsa) Relaxing atmosphereLarry tends to have a relaxing atmosphere during an interview. We can say that successfully avoiding the conflict between the incisiveness of the topics and the friendly environment are salient characteristics of his program. He always makes a comforting comment and put the interviewee at ease.b) Short and follow-up questionsLarry is in a habit of asking short questions, and then following up. As a result, he is more likely to leave more time to the interviewee. There are two quotations made by Larry can well explain this feature.1. My questions are short, usually one sentence, sometimes two. If it’s threesentences, it’s too long.2. All I've tried to do is ask the best questions. I could think of, listen to theanswers, and then follow up. I've never not followed up. I don't attack anybody — that's not my style — but I follow up.c) Straightforward transitionHe always uses concise and short words to direct into the topic.Eg14:Let‟s discuss some others…some incredible roles you‟ve played.Back to some roles.All right, let‟s talk about hunter Thompson.。