【关键字】教学《英语教学法》复习题一、填空题1.The theory of learning is referred to as be haviorism, which has three major stages, “sti mulus, response, and reinforcement”2.The behaviorist theory of language learning is that language is learned by constant repeti tion and the reinforcement of the teacher3.The term cognitivism is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are aske d to think rather than simply repeat.4.There are a variety of elements that contri bute to the qualities of a good language teach er. These elements can be categorized into 3 g roups: ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles.5. Three different views on language are the s tructural view, the functional view and the in teractional view.6. Language theories can be divided into two g roups:1)process-oriented theory 2)the conditio n-oriented theory7.The ultimate aim of foreign language teaching is to enable the learners to use the languag e in real life.8.The goal of CLT is to develop students’ com municative competence.municative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.10.The goal of CLT is to use language for comm unicative purpose11.The adoption of CLT is to develop learners’ language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing.12.CLT has not replaced the previous approache s or methodologies. It has only expanded the a reas: language content, learning process and l anguage product.13.Littlewood’s classification of communicati ve activities: Functional communicative activi ties and Social interaction activities.14. Language learning and teaching should be as close as possible to language USE IN REAL LIFE.15.Lesson planning should be done at two level s: Macro planning and Micro planning16.The first thing to do in lesson planning is to decide the aims of a lesson.17.The most popular teaching stages are three P’s model, which include: presentation, pract ice and production.18.Lesson planning means making decision in ad vance about what techniques, activities and ma terials used in class.19.There are four major principles behind good lesson planning: variety, flexibility, learna bility, and linkage.20.The aim of a lesson includes language point s to present, communicative skills to practic e, activities to conduct, and materials and te aching aids to be used.21.In the skill-oriented lessons, that is, ina reading or listening lesson, a 3-stage model is frequently adopted: pre-reading/listening, while-- reading/listening and post- reading/l istening.22.5-step model is more familiar to the middle school teachers: revision, presentation, dril l, practice and consolidation.23.Classroom management is the way teachers or ganize what goes on in the classroom.24.An instructor passes on knowledge by variet y of means.An organizer organizes the class so that learning activities can be carried out.25.A linguist named Harmer defined the teacher s’ roles as: controller, assessor, prompter,participant and resource provider.26.Ur reminds us not to hurt the students’ fe elings by: 1) Deal with it quietly; 2)Don’t t ake things personally; 3)Don’t use threats27.There are many different ways to teach a so und. It’s better to teach from Perception Pra ctice(认知) to Production Practice.28.One way to teach grammar is by 3P Model: Pr esentation,Practice and Production.29.The deductive method relies or reasoning, a nalyzing and comparing.30.In the inductive method, the teacher induce s the learners to realize grammar rules withou t any form of explicit explanation.31.Grammar practice is usually divided into tw o categories, Mechanical practice and Meaningf ul practice.32.By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation dril ls are most frequently used in mechanical prac tice.33.Generally speaking, there are three stages in listening activities for language learners: 1.pre-listening 2.while-listening 3.post-list ening34.We will listen in two different ways: 1.Int ensive listening (for details) 2.Extensive lis tening (for general ideas)35.Listening in real life has the following ch aracteristics: Spontaneity, Listener’s respon se, Speaker’s adjustment, Context and Visual clues.36.Characteristics of successful speaking task s can be: 1.Maximum foreign talk 2.Even partic ipation 3.High motivation 4.Right language lev el37.The process approach focus on what studentsdo before /while /after their writing.38.Not everything can be purely communicative. Some writing activities can be between “writ ing for learning” and “writing for communica tion.39.The process of writing should be from contr olled to guided writing and to free writing40. Teaching reading in the classroom divides reading activities into basically three stages in which bottom-up and top-down techniques ar e integrate to help students in their reading comprehension and in increasing their language efficiency in general另附.Generally, lesson presenting mainly inclu des four aspects: Presenting teaching material s; Presenting teaching methods; Presenting lea rning strategies; Presenting teaching process二、简答题1.Why are people learning English?• They have to pass the examin ations.• They can help foreign visito rs.•It’s necessary if they want to enter university.• Learning a foreign language is an intellectual challenge.• They can use computers more easily.• They need to keep in touch w ith what is going on in their profession world wide.• English will be very importa nt to get a job in trade.• English will be useful for t hem to travel abroad.• They will be able to read and listen to in English. This can improve their knowledge of the world.2.What is language?Language is a means of communication with othe r people.3.What is the aim or purpose of language teac hing?Communication4.How many language teaching methods or appro aches do you know?l the grammar-translation methodl the direct methodl the audio-lingual methodl the situational language teachingl the cognitive approachl the silent wayl the total physical response methodl the communicative approachl the natural approachl the functional-notional method, etc. 5.How can you become a good language teacher?• Language training: a sound c ommand of English•Learn from others’ experien ce• Learn received knowledge, su ch as language theories, methodology, educatio n, psychology, etc.•Learn from one’s own experi ence• Practice makes perfect• Keep on reflecting on work, etc6.What is the challenge the language teacher is confronted with?People learn a foreign language1. For different reasons2. In different ways3. Having different understanding abou t language learning4. Having different capabilities in la nguage learning5. Different language levelsThus the challenge that the language teacher i s confronted with is how teaching methodology can cater for learners who have more differenc es than commonalities.7.What is the question that all approaches of language teaching should answer?The question is “What is language?”Language is a means of communication with othe r people.8.What are the three different views of langu age that language teaching and learning practi ce have been influenced by?They are the structural view, the functional v iew and the interactional view.9. How does the structural vi ew see language?• The structural view sees lan guage as a linguistic system made up of variou s subsystems. To learn a language means to lea rn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.10.How does the functional view see language?• The functional view sees lan guage as a linguistic system but also as a mea ns for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with functional activities.11.How does the interactional view see langua ge• The interactional view consi ders language as a communicative tool, whose m ain use is to build up and maintain social rel ations between people. The learner has to stud y the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech context.12. What are Process-oriented theories concerned with?How the mind processes new information13. What do Condition-oriented theories emphasize?The nature of the human and physical context i n which language learning takes place14.What is “pseudo practice”?It is a short period of time assigned for stud ent teachers to do teaching practice as part o f their education, usually under the supervisi on of their instructors.15. What does linguistic competence mea n?Competence simply means knowledge of the langu age system: grammatical knowledge in other wor ds.16. What does Communicative Competence mean?Not only the form of language, but also what t o say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. To be short, communica tive competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.17. What is lesson planning?Lesson planning means making decisions in adva nce about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.18. In how many ways do language teache rs benefit from proper lesson planning?l Make the teacher aware of the aims a nd language contents of the lessonl Help the teacher to distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the rela tionship between theml Think about how the students can be fully engaged in the lessonl Become aware of the teaching aids th at are neededl Think about the relative value of di fferent activitiesl Think about how much time should be spent on the activitiesl Judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracyl Help to continue improvementl Add an evaluation to the planl Provide a useful, time-saving refere nce when the teacher next plans the same lesso n19. What factors influence a lesson?l 1.Physical conditions:l Class size: affects types of activit iesl Length of a lesson: determine how mu ch can be taughtl Size of classroom: restricts some ty pes of activitiesl Teaching aids: sufficient or notl Time of day: influences the types of activities used (p.m. or a.m.)l 2.Human factors:l different personalities of teachers decide different styles of teachingl varied needs and attitudes of studen tsl the students’ language levell the students’ learning backgroundl 3.Change (of )l The syllabusl Textbooksl The teaching system: meets the needs of the institutions and examinations20. What are the principles for good le sson planning?1)variety2)flexibility3)learnability4)linkage21. What does macro planning involve?Macro planning involves the following:a) Knowing about the courseb) Knowing about the institutionsc) Knowing about learnersd) Knowing about syllabus22. What does a lesson plan include?At least, it may have the following component s:l Teaching aimsl Language contents and skillsl Teaching stages and procedures23. What does the teaching aim of a les son include?l what language components to presentl what communicative skills to practic el what activities to conductl what materials to be usedl what teaching aids to be used24. What do language contents mean and what do language skills mean?l The former means: structures, gramma r, functions, topics and so onl The latter means: 4 communicative sk ills25. What is the difference between teac hing stages and teaching procedures?l Teaching stages are the major steps that language teachers go through in the class room. Procedures are the detailed steps in eac h teaching stage.26. What does a teacher need to consider when he/she has planned to present a new str ucture?l When to focus on the structure and w hen to study it in context;l Whether to present the structure ora lly or in written form;l When to give out information and whe n to elicit from students;l When and how to use visual aids to h elp with the presentation;l What to do if students fail to under stand.27. How can we manage a classroom effic iently?Only when three conditions are metl The teacher plays appropriate roles.l The students are grouped in a way suitable for the learning activities.l There is discipline and harmony in t he class.28. What factors may influence classroo m management?At least, the following factors are very impor tant for a classroom management:l People: the relationship between the teacher and the studentsl Language: what you expect them to do (understanding and encouraging students)l Environment: classroom, the position ing of the desks and the position of the teach erl Organization: good lesson plan, clea r learning objectives, variety in activities…l Tools: textbook, Ex-book, video-reco rder, a slide projector…29. What are the most common student gr ouping?l Lockstep/class/plenary, team work, g roup work, pair work, individual study30. How can we group the students?Some possible ways to group the students:l Group the students according to seat ing arrangement;l Students select their own group memb ers (risky);l Strong students and weak students ar e mixed together;l Strong students and weak students ar e grouped separately to do different tasks;l Group the students by drawing lots.31. What should be our realistic goals for teaching pronunciation?l Consistency: the pronunciation shoul d be smooth and natural.l Intelligibility: the pronunciation s hould be understandable to the listeners.l Communicative efficiency: the pronun ciation should help to convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.32. What are the purposes of listening?1.Extract information from news, lectures, and instructions…2.Maintain social relations: Greetings, prais e, talk, gossip, chat…3.Be entertained: film, a joke, poem, and TV/r adio programs…33. How to speak oral English well?1.Listen to native speakers, talk about variou s topics .2.Learn useful idioms.3.Learn common words and phrases.4.Test your vocabulary skills in everyday Engl ish.5.Practice responding, in English, to real-life conversations.6.Listen to native speakers and give responses34. What are the factors that affect th e success of role-play ?1. the teacher’ enthusiasm2. careful instruction3. clear situation and roles4.making sure the students have the language they will need to carry out the role-play.35. Why do we read?1.survival, e.g. the label on a medicine bottl e.2.learning and information, e.g. newspapers, m agazines, books.3.entertainment or pleasure, e.g. novels, stor ies, poems as a leisure.36. What strategic skills do students n eed in order to make reading more efficien t?1.Skimming for main idea2.Scanning for specific information3.Inferring the meaning of unknown elements:lexical itemsattitude and opinionthe purpose of an articlerelevant information4.Recognizing rhetorical structure:chronological ordercomparison and contrastcause and effectreference指代5. Predicting: guessing what is coming next6. Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details37. Why do we write in English?l ExaminationWriting in English enables us to pass examinat ionsl CommunicationWriting in English is necessary in communicating with others.l EntertainmentWriting in English can be entertaining for us.38. What are the features of process wr iting(1) Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product.(2) Help students write to understand their ow n composing process.(3) Help them to build repertoires of strategi es for prewriting, drafting and rewriting.(4) Give students time to write and rewrite.(5) Please central importance on the process of revision.(6) Let students discover what they want to sa y as they write.(7) Give students feedback through out the com posing process (not just on the final product)to consider as they attempt to bring their ex pression closer and closer to intention.(8)Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers.(9) Include individual conferences between tea cher and students during the process of compos ition.39. What can we benefit from communicat ive activities?• improve motivation (reason)•provide “whole-task practic e”• allow natural learning• create a context which suppo rts learning•三、判断正误1.A PERSON WHO HAS A GOOD COMMAND OF ENGLISH is not necessarily a good teacher because he/s he might have only one of the elements of prof essional competence.2.CLT has not replaced the previous approache s or methodologies.3.Communicative activities will help learners to develop their communicative competence.4. Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and experienced teac hers.5. Unprepared teachers receiv e much less trust and cooperation from the stu dents.6. There are principles but n o standard way to plan lessons.7. Macro planning provides ge neral guidance for language teachers.8. Teaching stages are the major steps that language teachers go through in the classroom. Procedures are the detailed st eps in each teaching stage.9. Individual study is the st age during the class where the students are le ft to work on their own speed.10. Individualized learning is that the learners are given a measure of freedom to cho ose how and what they learn at any particular time.11. Punishment can never be our first c hoice to deal with bad-behaved students.12. Students need to be able to read an d write phonetic transcripts of words, in orde r to learn English.13. Poor pronunciation may cause proble ms for the learning of other skills.14. Stress and intonation are not impor tant for beginning learners15. Stress in pronunciation is sometime s as important as grammar16. Teachers should not encourage stude nts to improve their pronunciation as much as possible.17. The goal of English learning is pro bably to acquire near-native pronunciation.18. If the intonation is not appropriat e, it may convey the opposite meaning.19. Children do not learn grammar rules when they acquire their 1st language, so they don’t need them either when learning a foreig n language.20. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they want to learn a foreign language successfully.21. Teaching and learning grammar shoul d focus on practice rather than the study of g rammar itself.22.Knowing grammar isn’t enough for r eal communication.23. Grammar should be taught and prac ticed in context.24. The more language the learners ar e exposed to or produce, the more they are lik ely to learn.25. Practice should be able to elicit different sentences and generate different lev els of answers from different learners.26. Avoid different grammatical termi nology as much as possible.27. Do not be frustrated by the stude nts’ mistakes and errors, wh ich are inevitabl e in language learning.28.It is students’ own business to recite the words and phrases.29. Language consist of word with equivalents from one language to another30. Vocabulary cannot be taught, it mus t be learned by the individuals.31. The best way to explain vocabulary is to translate.32. Words can be taught and learned mos t effectively in groups of words which are rel ated to each other in meaning.33. Words must be learned in language contexts34. Not all words are equally importa nt35. If writing tasks focus on the produ ct rather than on the process, they do not hel p students to develop real writing skills.36. It is helpful use a dictionary to find the meaning of all new word37. Reading has only one purpose. i.e.to get information.38. When reading in a foreign language, we mentally translate everything in order to u nderstand.39. The lack of cultural knowledge may affect the rate of reading comprehension40. Teachers should help the students t o read on their own四、案例分析(例)1.Two teachers presented the word “grumble”. Below are the descriptions of how they did i t. Which way is more effective. Try to give re asons for your decision.Teacher A: a) wrote “grumble” on the blackbo ardb) Said “complain about some one or something in an annoyed way”.c) Translated the word into the students’ native language.d) Gave more example sentence s for the students to translate into their nat ive language.Teacher B: said “so me people grumble about ev erything. For example, they grumble about the weather. If it is sunny, they say it is too ho t. If it is cool, they say it is too cold. The y are never happy with the weather”. They alw ays grumble about the weather. Then the teache r set out to check the student’s understandin g by asking what does ‘grumble’ mean?”2.Read through the following writing activiti es and decide which activities are writing for consolidating language, and which are writing for communication. Try to give reasons for yo ur decision.Activity 1Join the pairs of sentences, using when/where. Example:Kentucky is the state. Lincoln was born there. Kentucky is the state where Lincoln was born.• This book is about the time. Lincoln was President then.• The school is still standin g. Lincoln learnt to read and write there.• There were many poor people in the town. Lincoln grew up there.• Lincoln had very little free time. He could study then.Activity 1 is obviously “writing for c onsolid ating language”.Activity 2Letter WritingDo you think any of the courses (math, physic s, English, history, etc.) you are talking now can be improved in some way. If yes, write a short letter to the teacher and present your s uggestions.Activity 2 can involve true communication五、教学活动设计(例)1.How do we evaluate whether language teachin g activities are communicative or not?Ellis has listed six criteria for evaluating:• communicative classroom acti vities:• communicative purpose: infor mation gap• communicative desire: a real need• content, not form: on what,not how• variety of language: not jus t one specific language form• no teacher intervention: for the purpose of communication, not for the acc uracy of language•no material control: Ss’ ch oiceDesign an activity that may meet some of the c riteria. The activity may only include the dir ections, contents and procedures2. Suppose you are going to teach the structure “used to do” in a deductive method. How wo uld you do it? Design a mini lesson plan in wh ich only the teaching steps must be made clea r.3. What techniques or combination of technique s you would use to present the following vocab ulary items. Design a mini lesson plan in which only the teaching steps must be made clear.two million a reward love fight4. Use transition devices to design a while-re ading activity for the following text.Rosa Morello is from Columbia in South Americ a. She is a student. She has come to London to study English. Rosa is eighteen years old and single. She has dark hair; dark brown eyes an d is 1.65 m tall. She likes pop music, dancin g, reading and good food. She is also interest ed in travel and languages. In London, Rosa li ves in a small flat with her friend Linda Morr is. The flat is in north London.六、教案撰写(略)此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。