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新人教版九年级历史上册第一、二单元测试卷(含答案)单元一:远古人类和文明的起源一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 新石器时代的最大进步是()。
A. 农业的发展B. 动物驯化C. 采集经济D. 石器制作技术的进步2. 商代青铜器的用途主要是()。
A. 宗教祭祀B. 生活用具C. 乐器D. 武器3. 人类最早出现的地区是()。
A. 非洲B. 亚洲C. 欧洲D. 大洋洲4. 旧石器时代的主要特征是()。
A. 使用火B. 会社会生活C. 使用石器D. 会采集经济5. 中国古代传说中的人物伏羲主要是()。
A. 发明了文字B. 创造了人类C. 发明了农业D. 创立了礼乐制度...二、解答题(共20分)1. 描述旧石器时代人类生活状态,至少两点。
2. 铜器对商代社会的影响是什么?3. 用简要的文字描述中国封建社会的结构。
4. 农耕社会和牧歌社会在哪些方面存在差异?...单元二:古代文明与帝国的崛起一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 夏商之间发生的一次重要战争是()。
A. 女娲战炎帝B. 姬姓氏族之争C. 挑夏伐商之战D. 文武之争2. 古埃及人的神话中,造物主之神是()。
A. 阿蒙B. 伊西斯C. 荷魯斯D. 穆图3. 古代波斯帝国的最大特点是()。
A. 采用金币作为交易货币B. 实行宗教多元主义C. 采用奴隶制度D. 土地私有制的确立4. 中,造物主神是()。
A. 佛祖B. 婆罗门C. 曼陀罗D. 洛克什密5. 旧约中,以色列人是谁的后裔?()A. B. 福铢均 C. 赫米特 D. 高克辻琦...二、解答题(共20分)1. 描述古埃及的社会制度和宗教。
2. 用简要的文字描绘波斯帝国的特点和统治方式。
3. 解释"三纲五常"在古代中国的意义。
4. 比较希腊和罗马的政治制度和文化成就。
)一、积累运用(28分)1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是( )(2分)A.禅师(chán) 恍若(guāng) 汲取(jí) 彬彬有礼(bīn)B.秘诀(jué) 绸缎(duàn) 涵养(hán) 矫揉造作(jiáo)C.亵渎(xì) 劫掠(jié) 忸怩(liǔ)附庸风雅(yǎ)D.杜绝(dù) 箱箧(qiè) 贸然(mào) 自惭形秽(huì)2.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是( )(2分)A.积攒 宽宥 断章取义 富丽堂皇 B.赞誉 矗立 自吹自雷 丰功伟绩C.窗棂 惊骇 李代桃疆 忸怩作态D.剪影 制裁 广亵无垠 言不及义3.下列句子中加点词语运用有误的一项是( )(2分)A.武汉是一个古老而又年轻的城市,自然景观与人文景观相得益彰。
”4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是( )(2分)A.我国贵州威宁地区每年入冬时节的“烤茶”习俗,已经有上千年的历史,是当地人民抵御山区冬季严寒。
5.下列各项中分析有误的一项是( )(2分)①行进中的中国,给了你最大的底气。
九年级英语上学期单元测试题(Units 1—2)一、单项选择:( )1。
— do you improve your listening? —I improve itlistening to tapes.A. How ; with B: What ; with C: How ; by D 。
What ; by( )2. He must be in the room, because the light in the roomis .A 。
in B. on C 。
off D. open( )3。
I got an A this term , so my teacher was .A 。
to impress B. impress C. impressing D. impressed( )4。
seems that Jane has known the bad news.A. She B 。
It C 。
This D 。
That( )5。
All of us were at the news.A 。
frustrating, frustratingB 。
frustrating, frustratedC 。
frustrated , frustratingD 。
frustrated, frustrated( )6。
Jack likes playing soccer , but he doesn ’t like playingpiano 。
A 。
/, /B 。
the 。
/ C. the , the D 。
/, the( )7. When we practice speaking English, we often end upin Chinese 。
A 。
to speak B. speaking C 。
spoken D 。
speak( )8. It is impolite to those persons in trouble.A. laugh toB. laugh withC. laugh of D 。
化学第一二章单元测试卷(考试时间:45分钟,总分:100分)班级姓名一、选择题(共20题,每题2分,共40分)1.下列四个短语中一定包含化学变化的是( )A.海市蜃楼B.木已成舟C.蜡炬成灰D.叶落归根2. 下列能说明硫和氧气发生了化学反应的是( )A.有刺激性气味气体产生 B.硫受热会融化C.液态硫受热会汽化 D.硫是淡黄色固体3.有一位同学暑假去西藏发生了严重的高原反应,医生让他吸氧后症状缓解。
吸氧可以帮助人缓解高原反应的原因是()A. 氧气是无色无味的气体B. 氧气可以支持燃烧C. 吸氧为人体呼吸提供了适量的氧气D. 氧气可以燃烧4.下列物质的用途是利用其化学性质的是()A.霓虹灯发出彩色的光 B.熄灭酒精灯后要盖好灯帽C.液氮做致冷剂 D.液氢作火箭燃料5. 量取10..mL..的液体,然后加热,需要的仪器有:①试管②烧杯③试管夹④酒精灯⑤铁架台(带铁圈)⑥石棉网⑦滴管⑧量筒()A.①③④⑧ B.①③④⑦⑧ C.②④⑤⑥⑦⑧ D.④⑤⑥⑦⑧6. 下列实验操作中,正确的是()A B C D7.氧气是我们身边常见的物质,以下关于氧气的叙述正确的是()A.工业上利用分离液态空气的方法制氧气属于分解反应B.鱼、虾能在水中生存是由于氧气易溶于水C.在标准状况下,氧气的密度比空气密度略小D.氧气可以供给呼吸,和体内物质反应而释放能量,维持生命活动8.下列说法正确的是()A.二氧化碳是一种大气污染物B.因为氧气能支持燃烧,所以可用作燃料C.氮气用作保护气,反映氮气的化学性质不活泼D.空气中氮气的质量分数为78% ,氧气的质量分数为21%9、用燃烧法测定密闭容器中空气成分里氧气的含量,应选择下列物质中的()A.硫粉B.木炭C.细铁丝D.红磷10.下图是实验室加热高锰酸钾制取氧气的装置图,有关实验操作分析错误的是( )A.气密性检查:用手握紧试管,观察到水中导气管有气泡冒出,说明装置不漏气B.试管口略向下倾斜:防止试管壁上的水流入试管底部,导致试管炸裂C.加热:直接用酒精灯的火焰对准药品所在位置加热D.停止加热:先把导管移出水面,再熄灭酒精灯11.PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,下列情况通常不可能引起大气中PM2.5增多的是()A.焚烧秸杆 B.汽车尾气 C.燃烧煤炭 D.呼吸作用12.下列关于实验现象的描述,正确的是()A.红磷在空气中燃烧产生白色烟雾B.铁丝在氧气中燃烧生成黑色的四氧化三铁C.木炭在氧气中燃烧生成黑色固体D.硫在氧气中燃烧发出蓝紫色的火焰13.下列变化属于缓慢氧化的是()A.动植物呼吸 B.硫在空气中燃烧 C.氢气的燃烧 D.煤燃烧14.下图是实验室氧气的制备、收集、验满、验证性质的操作,正确的是()15.某无毒气体密度约是空气密度的9/5,极难溶于水,能跟空气中的氧气迅速反应,该气体选用收集方法:①向上排空气法②向下排空气法③排水法()A.①或②B.①或③C.②或③D.③16.有下列物质:①冰水混合物②高锰酸钾完全分解后的固体剩余物③稀有气体④液氮⑤洁净的空气⑥铁水⑦五氧化二磷⑧人体呼出气体⑨澄清石灰水属于混合物的有()A.①③⑤B.①④⑥⑦C.③④⑥⑦D.②③⑤⑧⑨17.下列关于催化剂的说法正确的是()A.催化剂不能改变生成物的质量B.催化剂能加快化学反应速率但本身性质不变C.二氧化锰可作任何反应的催化剂D.没有催化剂就不能进行化学反应18.实验室制取氧气可以采用加热氯酸钾(白色固体)和二氧化锰混合物的方法,现加热质量相等的两份氯酸钾,一份中混入少量的二氧化锰(b曲线),分别同时加热,放出氧气的质量(m)与反应时间(t)的关系图象正确的是()19.下列反应属于分解反应的是( )A. 乙炔+氧气 二氧化碳+水 B .氧化汞 汞 + 氧气C .红磷+氧气 五氧化二磷D .分离液态空气得氮气和氧气20.下列反应既是氧化反应,又是化合反应的是( )A .氢气+氧气−−→−点燃水B .氧化汞−−→−加热汞+氧气 C .石蜡+氧气−−→−点燃水+二氧化碳 D .氧化钙+水−→−氢氧化钙二、推断题21.(15分)现有A 、B 、C 、D 四种物质,已知A 为白色固体,B 为暗紫色固体, C 和D 都是黑色粉末,将B 加热或A 与C 混合加热,都有无色的气体F 产生,加热A 和C 的混合物与只加热A 相比,产生F 的速度前者要比后者快很多,且反应前后C 的化学性质和质量都不变。
2023-2024学年部编版初中语文单元测试学校 __________ 班级 __________ 姓名 __________ 考号 __________注意事项1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息;2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上;一、单选题(本大题共计2小题每题3分共计6分)1.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()A. 酝酿粗犷分岐人声鼎沸B. 干躁云霄虐待两全其美C. 丰腴迷惘辨别迫不急待D. 勋章缥缈庇护美不胜收【答案】D【解析】A项“分岐”的“岐”应写作“歧”B项“干躁”的“躁”应写作“燥”C项“迫不急待”的“急”应写作“及”故选D2.下列文学常识表述有误的一项是()A. 《资治通鉴》是由北宋政治家、史学家司马光主持编纂的一部国别体通史《孙权劝学》一文出自该书B. 南北朝时北方的乐府民歌《木兰诗》选自北宋郭茂倩编的《乐府诗集》C. 鲁迅原名周树人字豫才我国伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家其代表作有小说集《呐喊》《彷徨》散文集《朝花夕拾》散文诗集《野草》等D. 铭古代刻在器物上用来警诫自己或者称述功德的文字后来成为一种文体【答案】A【解析】A项《资治通鉴》是由司马光编纂的编年体通史二、填空题(本大题共计3小题每题3分共计9分)3.(1)看红装素裹分外yāo ráo()3.(2)我看一阵向晚的春风悄悄揉过fēng rùn()的青草3.(3)如果你懂得了这一点再加上几分suí jī yìng biàn()的智慧那么风度就会自动来到你的身边3.(4)否则jiū zhàn què cháo()李代桃僵那屋内必是鸡飞狗跳不得安宁【答案】(1)妖娆【解析】(1)“yāo ráo”应写作“妖娆”【答案】(2)丰润【解析】(2)“fēng rùn”应写作“丰润”【答案】(3)随机应变【解析】(3)“suí jī yìng biàn”应写作“随机应变”【答案】(4)鸠占鹊巢【解析】(4)“jiū zhàn què cháo”应写作“鸠占鹊巢”4.(1)今天的天气预报________(bō sòng)完了4.(2)人们载歌载舞 ________(huān dù)新春佳节4.(3)这对双胞胎姊妹模样()相似让人难以辨识4.(4)对学习困难的学生我们应给予()更多的帮助【答案】(1)播送【解析】(1)“播送”不要写作“博送”【答案】(2)欢度【解析】(2)“欢度”不要写作“欢渡”【答案】(3)mú yàng【解析】(3)“模样”不要读作“móyàng”【答案】(4)jǐ yǔ【解析】(4)“给予”不要读作“gěi yǔ”5.根据拼音写汉字或给加点字注音①高miǎo________②吝sè________③jué________别④脑髓________【答案】邈, 啬, 诀, suǐ【解析】邈啬诀suǐ三、文言文阅读(本大题共计1小题每题15分共计15分)6.(1)解释下列画线的词①陶后鲜有闻()②夫如是故君子人多树之为庭实焉()6.(2)用“/”给下面句子划分朗读节奏(每句划一处)①予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染②贞以立志6.(3)翻译文中画横线的句子①可远观而不可亵玩焉②君子见其性则思中立不倚者6.(4)下面对甲乙两文的理解不正确的一项是()【答案】(1)①少, ②这样【解析】(1)①句意为在陶渊明以后很少听到了鲜少②句意为正因为这样君子都喜欢种竹把它作为庭院中存在价值的东西是这样【答案】(2)①予/独爱莲之出淤泥而不染②贞/以立志【解析】(2)划分句子节奏时除了要考虑句子的意思还要考虑句子的结构注意限断一处①句意为我唯独喜爱莲花从积存的淤泥中长出却不被污染主谓之间断开予/独爱莲之出淤泥而不染②句意为凭着坚贞的节可以立志状语和中心语断开贞/以立志【答案】(3)①只可以远远地观赏却不可以靠近赏玩呀②君子看见它这种秉性就想到做正直、不偏不倚的人【解析】(3)①亵玩靠近赏玩亵亲近而不庄重焉语气词②性秉性中立不倚保持中立不偏不倚【答案】B【解析】(4)B项乙文的主旨是借赞美竹来赞美君子之德四、现代文阅读(本大题共计2小题每题15分共计30分)7.(1)下列理解和分析不符合原文意思的一项是()7.(2)根据原文内容下列理解和分析正确的一项是()7.(3)2020年国庆电影档争议最大的当属《姜子牙》该片主要讲封神大战之后昆仑弟子姜子牙率领众神战胜狐妖推翻了残暴的商王朝赢得封神大战的胜利即将受封为众神之长在巅峰时刻他却因一时之过被贬下凡间失去神力被世人唾弃为重回昆仑姜子牙踏上旅途在战后的废墟之上他重新找到了自我也发现了当年一切的真相从10月1日到3日它的预售票房是第一名但从第四天开始《姜子牙》口碑崩盘成为今年的烂剧之一请根据文章内容分析《姜子牙》上映之后口碑崩盘的原因A. 灰太狼被敲扁唐老鸭被压成一张纸片形象鲜明体现出他们的个性B. 上世纪阿凡提、哪吒、三毛等动画电影形象他们身上都具有民族文化品格C. 动画电影离不开人物形象的创造因此制作动画电影就应该重视塑造人物形象D. 动画人物具有所有人的品格无所不能如孙悟空往往能够得到观众的喜爱【答案】D【解析】(1)D项根据原文第④段“分析中国一些不成功的动画电影除了题材贪大……人物身上往往集合了所有人的品格附加的东西过多缺乏个性塑造缺乏想象力”可知“具有所有人的品格无所不能”是“中国一些不成功的动画电影”的特点【答案】A【解析】(2)B项“机械地学习别人对动画电影发展不会有任何影响”说法错误应该是“有影响”C项“着重从故事情节的设计上深入分析了其成功与不足”说法不当文章应是“着重从人物形象的塑造上”深入分析了我国动画电影的制作D项“三是神话传说”无中生有故选A【答案】(3)①《姜子牙》的电影故事不贴近现实、不贴近常人情感②动画人物姜子牙太过沉重人物身上附加的东西过多缺乏个性塑造缺乏想象力【解析】(3)根据第④段“分析中国一些不成功的动画电影除了题材贪大主要是缺少幽默、诙谐、轻松的故事缺少贴近现实、贴近常人情感的故事”“动画人物太过沉重”“人物身上往往集合了所有人的品格附加的东西过多缺乏个性塑造缺乏想象力成人观众看得都喘不过气”等内容结合题干来分析即可8.(1)文章的主人公是一个怎样的人?请简要概括8.(2)本文写了“笨男孩”成长路上的几个阶段?8.(3)从表达方式的角度看本文主要采用了_______________8.(4)本文语言的主要特点是什么?恰当的一项是()8.(5)“笨男孩”人生的转折点是什么?【答案】(1)“笨男孩”不笨他踏实善良肯动脑筋【解析】(1)解答此题关键是了解文章内容找出描写人物的语句然后来分析人物形象即可从“他钉的纽扣最结实”“他确实是个不错的裁缝他不仅纽扣钉得牢靠而且还是一个地地道道的实用主义者……学徒期间他把老板的滞销服装给改造卖光了”“那个笨男孩跟师傅一样既剪又卖”“笨男孩自告奋勇义务服务后来老人的队伍扩大发展成秧歌队他成了秧歌队的义务工——免费钉纽扣免费做秧歌服”“笨男孩开始雇人开始成立公司”等可以看出“笨男孩”并不笨他踏实善良爱动脑筋【答案】(2)学生时代学徒时代开店日子开公司当老板【解析】(2)解答此题关键要整体感知文本快速了解文中描写人物的相关事件然后在文中找出成长阶段的标志性词语“上了中学”表明是学生时代“父母决定让他跟一个师傅学裁剪他学得很认真”表明是学徒时代“‘天才服装店’诞生了……后来又发展到亲戚的邻居和邻居的亲戚”“笨男孩自告奋勇义务服务……免费钉纽扣免费做秧歌服”可概括为开店的日子最后成立了公司可概括为开公司当老板【答案】(3)记叙【解析】(3)阅读文本可知文章主要叙说、交代了主人公“笨小孩”的成长变化过程没有掺杂抒情、议论等主要采用的是记叙的表达方式记叙即用文字叙述记叙是写作中最基本、最常见的一种表达方式它是作者对人物的经历和事件的发展变化过程以及场景、空间的转换所作的叙说和交代在写事文章中应用较为广泛主要是把人物的经历和事物的发展变化过程表达出来的一种表达方式【答案】A【解析】(4)阅读文本可知本文语言贴近生活没什么修饰的词并不华丽也不幽默但能很准确地表达用语平实故选A【答案】(5)裁缝师傅的鼓励自己的认真做事【解析】(5)解答此题关键要整体感知文章内容联系上下文内容及文章主旨去判断阅读文本从“笨男孩”钉的纽扣最结实学徒期间善于动脑将老板的滞销服装改造卖光以及后来他认真经营服装店可知“笨男孩”的成功有他自身的原因同时师傅说他将来会成为一个好裁缝的鼓励也是他成功的关键所在由此可知“笨男孩”人生的转折点是裁缝师傅的鼓励以及自己的认真做事五、综合读写(本大题共计1小题每题15分共计15分)9.(1)为本次活动设计一段开场白9.(2)前段时间瑞典HM服饰发表声明抵制新疆棉花之后多个国际一线品牌相继参与美国更是借此机会大事炒作攻击中国近日美国国会要求国内NBA球星停止与中国公司商业合作一时间激起了千层浪对于这种公然不顾中国人民感情的行为中国人民也选择了最直接的办法坚决抵制!请写出一句爱国名言展示你的爱国情怀9.(3)香港著名歌手张明敏曾说“现在唱爱情的歌曲太多唱爱国的歌曲太少我看有必要提倡爱我民族爱我中华爱我社会的歌曲” 你如何看待这一问题?【答案】(1)示例敬爱的老师亲爱的同学们大家好!为了弘扬爱国主义精神心系民族命运心系国家发展心系人民幸福今天我们七年级(2)班在这里举办“天下国家”综合性学习活动敬请大家畅所欲言大声诉说对祖国的爱【解析】(1)拟写开场白时一般先是称呼和问候语然后介绍活动的意义和内容最后宣布活动开始即可语言要富于文采要有鼓动性和号召力据此进行拟写即可【答案】(2)示例苟利国家生死以岂因祸福趋避之天下兴亡匹夫有责【解析】(2)注意平时对名人名言的积累与掌握可以思考文天祥、鲁迅、周恩来等爱国人士的名句注意不要出现错别字【答案】(3)示例我赞同张明敏先生的话因为唱爱国歌曲能够让我们时刻不忘自己是一个中国人、时刻以我们是中国人而感到骄傲【解析】(3)张明敏的《我的中国心》这首歌表达了深切的爱国情怀深深地影响了海内外中华民族儿女激荡起内心深处不可磨灭的爱国情怀虽说此类题目一般不设统一答案但本题的观点应是支持理由是爱国歌曲可以唤起国人的爱国热情感到身为中国人的自豪和骄傲六、名著阅读(本大题共计1小题每题15分共计15分)10.“太阳”是艾青诗歌中的主要意象之一请你从《艾青诗选》中列举出两首以“太阳”为意象的诗歌并分析一首诗歌中“太阳”意象的作用【答案】《向太阳》《太阳》《阳光在远处》《太阳的话》《给太阳》中的任意两个例《向太阳》借歌颂太阳表达了驱逐黑暗、坚持斗争、争取胜利的美好愿望【解析】本题考查名著积累艾青诗歌的中心意象是土地和太阳“土地”这个意象凝聚着诗人对祖国、人民以及对大地母亲深沉的爱对祖国命运深沉的忧患意识“太阳”的意象表现了诗人对于光明、理想、美好生活热烈的不息的追求以“太阳”为意象的诗歌有《向太阳》《黎明的通知》《太阳》等如《向太阳》一诗中太阳象征了光明和希望”从远古的墓茔/从黑暗的年代/从人类死亡之流的那边/震惊沉睡的山脉/若火轮飞旋于沙丘之上/太阳向我滚来……”诗句用“滚”字突出了太阳的磅礴气势它以不可阻挡的气势光亮地滚来了诗人以讴歌太阳来讴歌这一伟大的时代诗人在这里指明历史是不可阻挡的光明的到来是必然的。
人教版九年级英语上册 Unit1-Unit2单元测试题(含答案)一、选择题() 1.You can be healthier ________ eating less and exercising more.A. inB. byC. of() 2. —Lisa can always come up with creative ideas.—Yes. It's clear that she has a good________.A. speedB. brainC. note() 3. I found ________ impossible to learn a language without memorizing words.A. thisB. itC. that() 4. — Can you give me some advice on how to ________ my reading speed?—You can try to read word groups instead of reading word by word.A. pronounceB. connectC. increase() 5. It's important for children to develop the ________to learn and think on their own.A. abilityB. patternC. secret() 6.—I wonder if I can improve my English quickly.—________. There are no overnight success stories.A. It serves you rightB. It's a piece of cakeC. It takes time () 7.—The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive.—Don't worry.You can enjoy yourself. It's my________.A. choiceB. treatC. taste() 8. —I wonder ________ Jane gets on so well with her classmates.—Because she always cares much about others.A. whetherB. howC. why() 9. —All of my classmates have passed the P. E.test.—________exciting news it is!A. WhatB. What anC. How() 10. — Our English teacher is very nice. Do you think so?— Yes.He tries to teach ________ wants to learn English well.A. whoeverB. wheneverC. whatever二、完型填空The students could all tell something was wrong as they entered the classroom. Their1 teacher was crying. Jack was the first to ask if there was anything they could do.Mrs. Smith tried to smile as s he spoke. “I've just lost something important, and I don't think I can find it.” “What did you 2 ? ”Tom asked, “Maybe we can help you look for it.”Mrs.Smith looked at their faces for some time. 3 she answered, “Well, I left an old newspaper on my desk. This newspaper belonged to(属于) my grandmother. I had hoped to share something in the paper with you in today's history class. The paper is old, but it is also 4 because she gave it to me before she died. It is something my grandmother left to 5 . The newspaper was gone when I came back from lunch.”The other students looked at each other. They 6 who had taken the paper and hoped nobody would do something like that. Everyone liked Mrs.Smith. No one wanted to make the teacher sad.Eric went over and spoke up 7 the whole class, “Dear Mrs.Smith, we will all help you.We're sure to find it 8 we work together.”Mrs.Smith smiled again at her students. She knew they might not find the missing paper, but even if they didn't, she would 9 feel very lucky.The group of students 10 her and each other, and that was probably the best thing she could ever hope to find in her life!() 1. A. English B. history C. chemistry() 2. A. forget B. say C. lose() 3. A. Finally B. Nervously C. Quickly() 4. A. expensive B. dirty C. special() 5. A. her B. me C. us() 6. A. discovered B. explained C. wondered() 7. A. for B. at C. to() 8. A. because B. If C. although() 9. A. still B. again C. almost() 10. A. cared about B. depended on C. looked up 三、阅读理解All through grade school, I got extra help with schoolwork. If I got a D, I was very happy. If I got a C-minus (C-), I had achieved greatness. A’s and B’s were a kingdom I could never enter.Once my teacher, Miss Mills, had given me a list of ten spelling words. My mother and I went over the list until I knew those words. I felt great. I thought, “Wow! This time, I’m going to pass”. The next day, I went into the classroom and began to write down the words. The first word was carpet. I wrote that one down: c-a-r-p-e-t. I was feeling pretty confident. Then came neighbor--I wrote down the letter n. Then rhythm--I knew there was an r. Suburban--I wrote s-u-b. My confidence failed me. I had gone from 100 percent to maybe a D-minus. Where did the words go?Some people talk about information sliding off your brain. That was my life. I was an underachiever (未能充分发挥学习潜力者).Now I know I have dyslexia (诵读困难症). A person with dyslexia might see the as teh, andbird as brid. My brain learns differently. A learning disability can really change the way you feel about yourself. Now I know that even if I learn differently, I can still be filled with greatness.Today when I visit schools as an actor, director, and co-author of children’s books, I tell children that everyo ne has something special inside. It’s our job to find out what that is and get it out, and give it to the world as a gift.( ) 1. What’s the writer’s problem in grade school?A. He had trouble spelling.B. He often got C-minuses.C. He was absent-minded.D. He had a physical disability.( ) 2. From Paragraph 2, we can infer that the writer __________.A. wrote down 20% words correctlyB. knew he had dyslexia thenC. felt upset about himself at lastD. studied hard and passed the test( ) 3. The underlined phrase “sliding off” in Paragraph 3 probably means __________.A. coming intoB. going throughC. moving aroundD. disappearing from( ) 4. After the writer knew he had dyslexia, he __________.A. felt very excitedB. had more difficulties in studyC. was filled with sadnessD. changed his view of himself( ) 5. What would be the best title for the passage?A. A Change for SureB. A Great UnderachieverC. A Gift from the WorldD. A Special Spelling Bee四、短文填词On 28 1 [mɑːtʃ], millions of people around the world switched off their lights to mark Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an annual(一年一度) event that brings 2 [əˈtenʃn] to the climate change. It’s run by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 3 organization that protects wildlife and the environment. People are encouraged to turn off the non-essential(不必要的) lights for an hour, 4 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. It’s about giving people a voice on the planet’s future and 5 (work) together to create a better environment.Sydney Opera House was not the only landmark to turn off its lights this year. Others 6 [ɪnˈkluːdɪd] Tower Bridge in London, and the Brandenburg Gate(勃兰登堡门) in Berlin,Germany.Earth Hour 2020 7 (beautiful) showed the human spirit during the hard time. At a time 8 people across the globe are fighting against the health disease, supporters rose to the challenge of marking Earth Hour with online events. People and social groups across 37 9 (country) posted their pictures and videos on Twitter and Google search. This activity has made it one of the most 10 (success) online events in its history.参考答案一、选择题1-5 BBBCA 6-10 CBCAA二、完型填空1-5 BCACB 6-10 CABAA三、阅读理解1-5 ACDDB四、短文填词1. March2. attention3. an4. from5. working6. included7. beautifully8. when9. countries 10. successful。
九年级全一册Unit1+Unit2 双单元综合测试题一.单项选择1.---Your______ is quite good. You must be from an English-speaking country.---Thanks, but I’m from China.A. pollutionB. protectionC. pronunciationD. population2. Your spoken English is very good. What's your___________?A. spiritB. secretC. situationD. service3.---Mr. Green,I can’t remember some of the words. What should I do?---Don't worry! Why not try to make________ with them?A. decisionsB. sentencesC. suggestionsD. choices4. If you often watch English movies,you’ll improve your_____ of spoken English.A. successB. abilityC. progressD. experience5. To be a good listener,you should be ______ while listening to othersA. strictB. nervousC. afraidD. patient6. If everyone protects the environment _______, the world will be more beautiful.A. more easilyB. more clearlyC. more differentlyD. more actively7. Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the________.A. hand B brain C mouth D nose8. Could you please____ what you said just now? I didn’t catch itA. eatB. repeatC. carryD. close9. Everyone should have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be_____.A. metB. createdC. expectedD. practiced10. My English teacher asks us to read the passage_______ after we understand its main ideaA. aloudB. finallyC. simplyD. hardly11. We can_____ useless information in the article to make it easier to understandA. cut up B cut out C. cut into D. cut off12.-- - What is the___ of your excellent spoken English? ---Practice makes perfect!A. resultB. influenceC. dutyD. secret13. I’m going to choose some online courses with a friend of_____ to improve our EnglishA. meB. myC. mineD. myself14.The total number of online literature website users had_____ to 352 million by the end of June 2017. And the number is still growingA. increasedB. influencedC. includedD. introduced15. --- Would you like to play tennis with me?---I’d love to. But I have to_____ the lessons in the library.A. wonderB. listenC. createD. review16. If you paid more____ to your class, you might actually learn something!A. futureB. directionC. troubleD. attention17. She was very angry at the person who had_______ her new bikeA. carriedB. stolenC. caredD. cost18. The government has_____ people not to swim in the deep riverA. trainedB. ledC. warnedD. chosen19.---How nice the fish tastes! Who taught you to cook it?---To be honest, I learnt it_____ watching TV A. for B. by C. in D. on20. Look, _______ excited the boy is when he sees these cute pandas!A. howB. how anC. what anD. what21. The writer and his novel_____ you have just talked about are really well-knownA whoB whichC thatD where22. ---What's wrong with you, Jack?---I hurt my finger when cutting an orange_________ a knifeA. withB. byC. afterD. in23. Jack took off his heavy coat and_______ it on the bed as soon as he came into the house.A. liesB. layC. laidD. lied24. To keep children away from danger, we warn parents_____ children at home aloneA. leaveB. to leaveC. not leaveD. not to leave25. Someone warned him______ the danger on the bridge so that he could go home safely.A. withB. ofC. toD.at二.完形填空Everyone has dreams. Lily dreamed of being a dancer. She took __1___ lessons and all her teachers thought she was an excellent studentOne day she saw a notice. It said that a famous dancing group would be performing in her town. __2___ thought,“I must show the leader my dancing skills. "She waited for the group leader in the dressing room. ___3___ the leader appeared, she came up and handed him the flowers she prepared. The thorns (刺) hurt her fingers and blood came out. But she was too ___4__ to care about the pain. She expressed her strong wish to be a dancer and begged(乞求)to show her dance.“All right. You dance, " the leader agreed. But half way through the dance, he stopped her, "I’m sorry, in my mind you're not good enough! ” On hearing this, Lily ___5___ out as fast as her legs could carry her. It was so hard for her to accept this. She lost heart and ___6___ her dream.Several years later, the dancing group came to her town again. She decided to find out ___7__ the leader had told her she was not good enough.This was his reply, "I tell this ___8___ every student. "“You’ve ruined(毁掉)my life! ” she shouted angrily.The leader went on. “I remember your present of ___9___ and how the thorns had hurt your fingers but you carried on bravely. It was a pity that you didn't take dancing like that and stopped trying so ___10___. So you are still not good enough for dancing!”1.A.singing B. reading C. dancing D. dressing2. A. He B. She C. They D. We3. A. When B. Since C. Before D. Unless4. A. weak B. bored C. excited D. tired5. A. worked B. ran C. found D. looked6. A. got on B. went on C. picked up D. gave up7. A. why B. how C. who D. what8. A. on B. at C. in D. to9. A. books B. dances C. flowers D. dresses10. A. happily B. easily C. luckily D. safely三.阅读理解A.People often ask me for suggestions about how to learn English. As for it, everyone is different. I'll share some of my experience. I once took a school year English course in Wuhan University, but I mostly learned English on my ownOne thing I can tell you is that, once you've started learning, you should try to think in English as much as you can. If you see something you're riding your bike or walking down the street, just think about "How would I say them in English? "At first, it might be with simple words or phrases, but later you should think about longer phrases and sentences. Now I’m in America, and for most of the time, I would think in English and speak it directly. It’s amazing how much this helpsFor several years after I started learning, I was often afraid of talking with others in English because I didn’t want to make mistakes. Finally I got it over. And while traveling in America, I’d try to hang out with friends who couldn’t speak Chinese, so that I'd have no choice but to speak English. And I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laughed at me, then so be it. After that, my English started improving much more quicklyBesides, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and give you some suggestions for improvement1. The writer learned English in Wuhan University for about_______A. a weekB. a monthC. a termD. a year2. According to the writer, ______ is a good way to improve your EnglishA. thinking in EnglishB. learning English grammarC. watching English filmsD. reading English books3. The underlined phrase “get it over” in Paragraph 3 means “_______” in EnglishA. stick to itB. depend on itC. overcome itD. understand it4. To the writers surprise, his English improved quickly______.A. in the universityB. in the middle schoolC. in ChinaD. in America5. The best title for this passage should be________A. The Importance of EnglishB. My English Learning ExperienceC. My University LifeD. My American FriendsB.If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and so on. If you always think of such meaningless things,your creativity(创造力) will get a full stop.In fact, hunger of the mind can be satisfied through reading. Now why reading but not watching TV? Because reading is the most useful tool from the childhood. We can ask for help from reading. There are a large number of books in this world. They will answer most of your "How to?” questions. When you read a book, your mind will work on it and explain it to you.The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed(种子). Now this seed is used in your future to develop new ideas. If the same seed is used many times, it can help you connect a lot of things together. The more books you read, the more widely your mind will open up. This will also improve your speaking skills and increase your vocabulary(词汇)I had a problem in speaking English before. But as I read, I could improve it a lot. So friends, do follow me and give food for thought by reading, reading and more reading. Now what are youwaiting for? Go, find a book, and let me know.1. According to the writer, you can_____ if your mind is hungryA. watch TVB. play gamesC. read booksD. do sports2. The underlined word "stored" in the passage means ______A keptB toldC boughtD sold3. If you read more books, ________A. you will be hungrierB. your mind will be widerC. you will be richerD. your body will be stronger4. Which of the following is Right?A. The writer had a problem in writing English.B. Few books can answer "How to? " questionsC. Reading is the most useful tool only when people get oldD. Your creativity will stop if you always think of meaningless things.5. The best title of the passage is______A. Feed your mineB. Choose right booksC. Improve speaking skillsD. Develop new ideasC.(还原短文,选项中有一个多余选项)On the fourth Thursday of every November, most Americans get together around the dinner table to celebrate Thanksgiving. Special traditions in the US have been around for many years.1 ._________ There are four popular Thanksgiving traditions. How did they start?2._________ The first Thanksgiving meal was in the autumn of 1621 when the first travelers from England celebrated their first harvest(收获). But it wasn’t made into an official(官方的)holiday until 1863. The first large meal had turkey, fruits and vegetables, which are still common today.3.__________ Historians say the first travelers invited Native Americans(美洲印第安人) to the meal to thank them for teaching them how to grow food. Today at the large meal,friends and family will also say what they are most thankful for.4 .__________ The parade(游行) includes very large balloons that look like cartoon characters and beautiful floats(花车) that carry famous people. There are also many musical performances to watch. This parade started in 1924, and today over 44 million people watch it on TV or in New York City.5.___________ People started to watch football on Thanksgiving a few years after the day became an official holiday. Today, the National Football League takes advantage of this popularity四.补全对话(选项中有一个多余选项)A: How nice to see you back,Li Lei!1.______________B: Wonderful! I've been to many places of interest and I enjoyed myself in Disneyland.A:2.__________B: Not really. Sometimes I got into trouble. They spoke too quickly and I couldn't have long conversations with the people there. 3.__________A: Yes, I agree. I know English is very important, but I often feel sleepy in English classes.4._________B: I'm afraid, too. And it's very difficult for me to remember new words.A. Me. too. I don't know what to do. 5.___________B: Don’t let these difficulties discourage you. Remember: where there is a will, there is a way.Flowers are wonderful gifts in the world. Everyone likes them. Flowers stand for love, 1.______ and so on. We all know that it is 2._________ to give flowers as gifts for Mother's Day. We can see 3._________ people holding flowers in arms on Mother’s Day than on Father’s Day. Traditional gifts such as ties and 4._________ are often for fathers, grandfathers and uncles. But why not send 5.___________ some spring flowers, a green plant or another flower gift for Father’s Day? It is true that men 6.__________ have a soft side. Give your father some flowers on Father’s Day 7._______________ he is sure to be happy, or even excitedWhite and red roses are known to be the official flowers of Father’s Day. People wear a white rose to 8.____________ a father who passed away and a red rose for a father who is health Men love bright, hot colors 9.______________ yellow, orange and purple. Red roses and yellow ones are 10.____________ by most men and they become nice gifts for Father’s Day.Do you know your dad’s favorite flower or color? Next year try to buy your father flowers on Father's Day to make him happy.五.任务型阅读A.The Chongyang Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar( 阴历)month. It's also called the Double Ninth Festival.The festival started as early as the Warring States Period(475-221 BC). It has a history of more than 1, 700 years. Among the numbers from zero to nine, nine is the highest odd number(奇数). People believe that two “nin ths”meeting together stand for a long life. So it is a special holiday for Chinese people to show love and respect for their elders. They hold many kinds of activities in honor of old people to wish them good health and a long life.The festival comes during the golden time of fall. On the day, people traditionally drink chrysanthemum(菊花) wine, eat Double-ninth Cakes and climb mountains. They also carry a kind of plant, its name is dogwood. People in ancient times believed that the plant could drive away evil (邪恶的) spirits and prevent them from catching an illness in winter.1.When is the Double Ninth Festival?_____________________________________________________2. Does the Double Ninth Festival have a history of 1, 700 years?______________________________________________________3. What do two "ninths" meeting together stand for?______________________________________________________4. Who do people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival for?______________________________________________________5. What do people traditionally drink and eat on the festival?______________________________________________________B.Reading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning, others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they learn what is happening in the world. (1)有时侯,我们忙得没有时间读全部新闻。
九上语文第一二单元测试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,注音全部正确的一项是()A. 谰言(lán yán)恣意(zì yì)蹂躏(róu lìn)B. 缄默(jiān mò)诘难(jié nàn)恣睢(zì suī)C. 饕餮(tāo tiè)峥嵘(zhēng róng)恣意(zì yì)D. 缄默(qiān mò)诘难(jié nàn)蹂躏(róu lìn)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 他不仅学习好,而且品德也高尚。
B. 通过这次活动,使我们的团队精神得到了提升。
C. 这篇文章的中心思想是关于环境保护的重要性。
D. 我们不能因为一次失败就放弃追求梦想。
3. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的一项是()A. 春天来了,万物复苏。
B. 他的眼神充满了期待。
C. 风儿轻轻地吹过树梢。
D. 太阳从东方升起。
4. 下列句子中,使用了排比修辞手法的一项是()A. 他勤奋学习,成绩优异,品德高尚。
B. 春天的花开了,夏天的果实熟了,秋天的落叶黄了,冬天的雪花飘了。
C. 他不仅聪明,而且勤奋。
D. 这本书内容丰富,语言优美,结构严谨。
5. 下列成语使用恰当的一项是()A. 他做事总是不拘一格,不按常理出牌。
B. 他的成绩一落千丈,让老师大跌眼镜。
C. 他的文章写得龙飞凤舞,让人赞叹不已。
D. 她的歌声如同天籁之音,让人心旷神怡。
二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. “________”是唐代诗人杜甫的代表作之一,被誉为“诗史”。
7. 《岳阳楼记》中“________”一句,表达了作者对国家和人民的深切关怀。
8. “________”是宋代文学家苏轼的词作,表达了作者对友人的怀念之情。
9. “________”是《论语》中的一句,强调了学习的重要性。
九年级英语上册第一二单元测试题姓名_________ 分数________一. 单项选择 20分1. — Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate Easter Day—No. This is the first time I’ve celebrated festival.A. the; theB. the; aC. /; theD. /; a2. —What did you do on April Fool’s Day— I played a trick my brother.A. onB. toC. withD. at3. We will have two family parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and is at Thanksgiving.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. the others4. — Do you have in Beijing— Yes. My aunt and uncle live there.A. classmatesB. cousinsC. partnersD. relatives5. — Have you found the poor dog yet— Yes. But he was when we found him. The bad weather killed him.A. dyingB. diedC. deadD. die6. —It’s dangerous to swim in this river.— Yes, you are right. The government has people not to swim in it.A. trainedB. warnedC. ledD. encouraged7. After working her way around the world, Annie ended up English as a foreign language.A. teachB. taughtC. teaching D . to teach8. You should learn to think while reading. Usually, behind the lines the writer’s true meaning.A. lieB. liesC. haveD. has9. —Look at the photo I took in Yuan Yang, Yunnan Province. the Dai people were having— Wow They were celebrating the Water Festival.A. What funB. How funC. What a funD. How a fun10. After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually some weight when they return to school.A. put awayB. put upC. put inD. put on11. — The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind.—Don’t worry. I am sure our team will winA. ifB. thatC. whetherD. why12. — Could you tell me something about Valentine’s Day in Japan— Well, not only adults children celebrate it.A. butB. andC. althoughD. because13. — Will we have dinner at the Hope Restaurant—Maybe. We’ll go there if the show before 6. But I don’t know if there any free tables then.A. will end; wereB. will end; will beC. ends; wereD. ends; will be14. — Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party—Well, I don’t knowA. that I can finish my work by thenB. if can I finish the work by thenC. whether I can finish the work by thenD. that can I finish the work by then15. — I am going back to America for Thanksgiving Day.—. And we will miss you.A. Enjoy yourselfB. You’re welcomeC. That’s interestingD. The same to y ou16.It’s always on a Sunday ____ March 22nd _____ April 25th.A. between; andB. so; thatC. both; andD. either; or17. ---I wonder if they _____ to the birthday party.---I think they will come if they _______ free.A. will come; areB. come; areC. will come; will beD. come; will18. The photo can______ me _____ my Chinese teacher, Mr. Green.A. remind; ofB. let; downC. wake; upD. talk; about19.He refused _______ part in the sport meeting yesterday.A. comesB. comingC. to comeD. come20. Chinese people have been ______ the Spring Festival.A. celebratingB. celebrateC. to celebrateD. celebrate二.用所给词的适当形式填空;15分1.The boy is________excite about going to summer palace.2.The teacher’s ______________pronounce is very good .Everyone likes her class.3.Doing more writing practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good Chinese _____________ learn.5.Sarah added that making vocabulary lists wasn’t ________help at all.6.If you practice _______swim more often, you will do better.7.Doing morning exercises every day ______ be good for our health.8. They ______ havea test in two days.9. Let’s forget the _______________ important things and try to be happy.10. Watching movie is a good way ___________ improve your English.11. I guess that Jim will be back________watch the races.12. Ben liked eating out ________good.13. Mary has ______ put on ten pounds since two years ago.15. We are planning_______go to Shanghai next weekend.三、句型转换每空1分,15分1. She usually studies by making vocabulary lists. 对划线部分提问_______ does she usually _________2. She finds that learning English isn’t easy.改为简单句She finds _____ hard ______ ________ English.3. Let’s not worry about our problems. Let’s face the challenges instead.改为同义句Let’s face the challenges __________ _________ _________ about our problem4. Are the mooncakes deliciousI wonder. 改为宾语从句;I wonder ____ the mooncakes ________ _________5.. It’s an interesting story. 改为感叹句______ _______ ________ story it is 或者______ _______ the story _______6. I think the movie is exciting. 对划线部分提问______ do you _______ ________ the movie四. 完形填空 30分AJack was a hard-working student when young but he had some big problems.He used to be shy before his classmates. So he had 1 friends atschool. Bob was a new student in his class. All the students were soonfamiliar熟悉的 with him and got on well with him 2 Jack.One day, some boys put some money into Jack’s bag and Bob pretended假装 to have 3 his money. Of course, they found the money in 4bag at last.Jack felt shameful 可耻的 5 he could not say anything about it.Soon his classmates called him a thief and 6 him in the school. Histeachers also 7 that and called his parents to the school, too. Justthen, Bob stood out and helped Jack make everything 8 .From that day, Jack and Bob 9 good friends. Bob often tookJack to take part in many activities and Jack became outgoing. Bob wasweak in English and Jack often helped him 10 it. Now Jack became themonitor in his class, and he had more friends. He enjoyed the nicefriendship and the school life.1.A. many B. few C. several D. much2.A. against B. like C. except D. for3.A. lost B. wasted C. found D.made4. A. your B. their C. Bob’s D. Jack’s5. A. but B. if C. since D.unless6. A. agreed with B. laughed at C. dealt with D. gotexcited about7. A. allowed B. faced C. developed D. believed8. A. clear B. easy C. hard D. wonderful9. A. greeted B. met C. became D. loved10. A. to B. in C. by D. withBThe Dragon Boat Festival is also ____11___the Duan Wu Festival. Itis celebrated on the ____12___ day of the fifth ___13____ according tothe Chinese calendar. For thousands ___14__ years, the festival has beenmarked ____15___ eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats. ____16____ the dragon—boat races is memory of Qu Yuan, one of _____17___ poets in China.Now we read his poem Li Sao ___18___ was filled with deep love for ___19__ country. We can see the dragon—boat races and have a kind of Chinese food named Zongzi ___20____ during the Dragon Boat Festival.11.A. is call B. called C. calling D. calls12.A. fiveB. fifteenC. fifthD. fiveth13.A. month B. months C. monthes D. mouth14.A. withB. inC. fromD. of15.A. byB. withC. toD. in16.A. holdB. holdingC. to holdD. holds17.A. greatB. greaterC. greatestD. the greatest18.A. whatB. whichC. howD. that19.A. heB. himC. hisD. himself20.A. eatingB. eatsC. eatD. to eat五. 阅读理解 20分AOne little miracle奇迹 has been happening to me recently, and it gives me a special joy.A few months ago, I was telling my daughter, Sally, some stories about my mother. My daughter was so young when my mother died that she doesn’t remember her well. I told her all I could remember, like how wonderful my mother was and how much she meant to me.One day, Sally was sad because her grandmother was in heaven天堂 and she couldn’t see her. I explained that though her grandmother was dead, now she was still watching over us and could send us something to let us know she was there. She could be anywhere, even riding invisibly看不见地 on the back of a butterfly蝴蝶. Just after I said this, a butterfly flew down right by us, and we laughed happily.Now many people would say it was just luck that the butterfly flew down at that time. A funny thing, however, has happened since then. Every time I go out in any type of weather I see butterflies. Very often they fly right by my face to get my attention. I always say hi to Mom, send her my love, and thank God for little miracles.Everyone is always looking for some big miracles to come out and save them when they are in trouble, but they don’t notice the little miracles that happen every day right in front of their eyes. I know what they really are, however. For me little miracles are the best kind. So many little miracles happen around me all the time that I know they are not just luck.26. When her grandmother died, Sally was .A. at schoolB. quite youngC. in troubleD. not at home27. One day Sally was sad because .A. her mother told her a sad storyB. she argued with her grandmotherC. she couldn’t see her grandmotherD. her grandmother sent her nothing special28. What does the underlined word “they” refer to 指代A. Everyone.B. Butterflies.C. Grandparents.D. Little miracles.29. What is the little miracle that has been happening to Sally’s momA. She has a wonderful time with her daughter.B. She sees butterflies every time she goes out.C. She can make her daughter laugh happily every day.D. She often sees her mother ride on the back of a butterfly.30. Which can be the BEST title for this passageA. Butterflies and miraclesB. Sally’s grandmotherC. Miracles are nowhereD. A funny thing happened to SallyBBilly Dengler, a 14-year-old boy, is in the eighth grade. A month after he was born, Billy’s mother, Terri, noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as a normal baby’s.She took Billy to the hospital, and the doctor said Billy would never be able to see.Although Billy can’t see, he has never let that hold him back or make him different. Billy began teaching himself computer programming by using a screen reader when he was just seven years old. He is a certified Google developer谷歌认证开发者 now. Google even tried to offer him a job last year when he discovered a problem in one of its systems, but Billy wasn’t old enough.Billy’s dream school would be Stanford University or MIT, where he could get a very good education in computer science. After he leaves school, whether he will go to work at a company like Google or design a software company of his own is still to be decided. However, he says he will definitely绝对地 do something great.“It’s a sighted world,” Billy said. “You can’t let anything get in the way of your dreams, and if you do that, you can’t move forward and make your dreams come true.”31. Billy’s mother found there was something wrong with Billy’s eyes when .A. he was 14 years oldB. he left schoolC. he was in the eighth gradeD. he was a month old32. Billy started to learn computer programming by himself with the help of .A. a screen readerB. his motherC. a computerD. his teacher33. The underlined word “systems” means “” in Chinese.A. 电脑B. 系统C. 机器D. 计划34. What will Billy do after schoolA. He will work for Google.B. He will open a company.C. He has not decided on that.D. He will do nothing.35. We can learn that from the passage.A. blindness is not a big problemB. it’s easy to be a certified Google developerC. nothing should get in the way of our dreamsD. Billy is a student of Stanford University。
1. 锂是属于以下哪一组的元素?
- A. 碱金属
- B. 颜色金属
- C. 超重金属
- D. 碱土金属
答案:A. 碱金属
2. 以下哪种宣传手段不属于化学反应的证据?
- A. 颜色的变化
- B. 产生光
- C. 放出气体
- D. 增加重量
答案:D. 增加重量
3. 溴水中的溴是以哪种形态存在的?
- A. 固态
- B. 液态
- C. 气态
- D. 高温等离子体
答案:B. 液态
1. 沸点是物质在一定压力下,从液态转变为气态的温度。
- 正确
2. 生物体内的酶是从相关的食物中获得的。
- 错误
1. 简述溶解的条件和过程。
2. 简述酸和碱的性质及其区别。
九年级数学上册一二单元测试题一、 选择题(每小题3分,共30分)将正确答案填入下表相应空格内1..x 的取值范围为( )A 、x ≥2B 、x ≠3C 、x ≥2或x ≠3D 、x ≥2且x ≠3 2的值等于( )A .-2B .±2C .2D .43.一元二次方程的2650x x +-=左边配成完全平方式后所得的方程为 ( )A .2(3)14x -=B .2(3)14x +=C .21(6)2x += D .以上答案都不对4.下列计算错误..的是 ( )A.B.=C.D.3=5.若0)1(2=++-c bx x a 是关于x 的一元二次方程,则( )A .a=1B .a ≠1C .a ≠-1D .a ≠0且b ≠0 6n 的最小值是( )A .4;B .5;C .6;D .7 7.下列根式中属最简二次根式的是( )8.下列方程,是一元二次方程的是( ) ①3x 2+x=20, ②2x 2-3xy+4=0, ③412=-xx , ④ x 2=4-, ⑤ 0432=--x xA .①②B .①②④⑤C .①③④D .①④⑤ 9.下列方程中,有两个不等实数根的是( )A .238x x =-B .2510x x +=-C .271470x x -+=D .2753x x x -=-+10.若b b -=-3)3(2,则( ) A .b>3 B .b<3 C .b ≥3 D .b ≤3 二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)11.方程x x 3122=-的二次项系数是 ,一次项系数是 ,常数项是______.12.已知16的算术平方根是13.如果最简二次根式a +1与24-a 是同类根式,那么a = . 14.若x<2,化简x x -+-3)2(2的正确结果是 ___. 15.观察下列各式:①、312311=+,②、413412=+ ③、514513=+,…请写出第⑦个式子: ,用含n (n ≥1)的式子写出你猜想的规律: 。
九年级上册语文第一二单元测试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,加点字的读音全部正确的一项是:A. 倔强(jué)迸溅(bèng)应接不暇(yīng)B. 锲而不舍(qiè)踌躇(chóu)襁褓(qiǎng)C. 镌刻(juān)缄默(jiān)剽悍(piāo)D. 踯躅(zhú)缄默(jiān)锲而不舍(qiè)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 通过这次活动,使我们对环保有了更深刻的认识。
B. 他不仅学习好,而且品德高尚,深受同学们的喜爱。
C. 这篇文章的中心思想不突出,需要进一步修改。
D. 他因为生病,所以没有参加昨天的考试。
3. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的一项是:A. 春天来了,万物复苏。
B. 窗外的雨淅淅沥沥地下个不停。
C. 他的眼睛里闪烁着智慧的光芒。
D. 那座山高耸入云,令人敬畏。
4-10. (略)二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. “会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”是唐代诗人______的名句。
2. “春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟”出自唐代诗人______的《春晓》。
3. “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”是宋代诗人______的诗句。
4. “海内存知己,天涯若比邻”出自唐代诗人______的《送杜少府之任蜀州》。
5. “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”是唐代诗人______的诗句。
(文段略)1. 请概括上文的主要内容。
(5分)2. 文中提到的“他”在面对困难时表现出了哪些品质?(5分)3. 作者通过这段文字想要传达什么主题或思想?(5分)4. 请分析文中运用了哪些修辞手法,并举例说明其效果。
(10分)5. 根据上文,你认为“他”最终能否实现自己的目标?为什么?(5分)四、作文(共40分)请以“我的梦想”为题,写一篇不少于600字的作文。
九年级第一二单元测试题一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 下列变化属于化学变化的是()A. 冰雪融化B. 酒精挥发C. 蜡烛燃烧D. 矿石粉碎答案:C解析:化学变化是有新物质生成的变化。
2. 下列仪器不能用于加热的是()A. 试管B. 量筒C. 烧杯D. 蒸发皿答案:B解析:试管可直接加热;烧杯加热时需要垫石棉网;蒸发皿可直接加热;而量筒是用来量取液体体积的仪器,不能用于加热,否则会使刻度不准确,还可能会损坏量筒。
3. 下列实验操作正确的是()A. 用嘴吹灭酒精灯B. 用药匙取用粉末状药品时,先将试管横放,把药匙伸入试管底部,再慢慢竖起试管C. 给试管中的液体加热时,液体体积超过试管容积的1/3D. 用托盘天平称量时,将称量物放在右盘,砝码放在左盘答案:B解析:不能用嘴吹灭酒精灯,应该用灯帽盖灭,A错误;给试管中的液体加热时,液体体积不能超过试管容积的1/3,C错误;用托盘天平称量时,应该是“左物右码”,D错误;用药匙取用粉末状药品时,先将试管横放,把药匙伸入试管底部,再慢慢竖起试管,B正确。
4. 空气中含量最多且化学性质不活泼的气体是()A. 氧气B. 二氧化碳C. 氮气D. 稀有气体答案:C解析:空气中氮气的体积分数约为78%,含量最多,且氮气的化学性质不活泼。
5. 下列关于氧气性质的描述,错误的是()A. 在通常状况下,氧气是一种无色、无味的气体B. 氧气在低温、高压时能变为液体或固体C. 氧气极易溶于水D. 氧气是一种化学性质比较活泼的气体答案:C解析:在通常状况下,氧气是无色、无味的气体,A正确;氧气在低温、高压时能变为液体或固体,B正确;氧气不易溶于水,而不是极易溶于水,C错误;氧气是一种化学性质比较活泼的气体,能与许多物质发生反应,D正确。
oba九年级数学一、二单元测试一、 选择题3*10=301. 函数y =自变量x 的取值范围是( )A .12x -≥B .12x ≥C .12x -≤D .12x ≤二、若是表示a ,b 两个实数的点在数轴上的位置如下图,那么化简2)((||b a b a ++- 的结果等于A .-2bB .2bC .-2aD .2a 3、化简:2)3(|1|-+-a a 的结果为( )A 、4—2aB 、0C 、2a —4D 、4 4、若a<1,化简1=( )A .a ﹣2B .2﹣aC .aD .﹣a五、假设关于x 的一元二次方程2210kx x --=有两个不相等的实数根,那么k 的取值范围是A.1k >-B.1k >-且0k ≠C.1k <D. 1k <且0k ≠ 六、若a 、b 为方程式x 2-4(x +1)=1的两根,且a >b ,那么ba=______? A .-5 B .-4 C .1 D. 37、关于x 的一元二次方程2210x mx m -+-=的两个实数根别离是12x x 、,且22127x x +=,那么212()x x -的值是( ) A .1B .12C .13D .25八、以下方程中,有两个不相等实数根的是( ).A .0122=--x xB .0322=+-x xC .3322-=x xD .0442=+-x x 九、假设方程2310x x --=的两根为1x 、2x ,那么1211x x +的值为( ) A .3B .-3C .13D .13-10、若n (0n ≠)是关于x 的方程220x mx n ++=的根,那么m +n 的值为 A.1 B.2 C.-1 D.-2二、填空题6*3=181一、计算:=-⨯263__________1二、假设整数m 知足条件2)1(+m =1+m 且m <52,那么m 的值是13、若,x y 为实数,且20x +=,那么2010()x y +的值为___________14、关于x 的一元二次方程02)12(22=-+++-k x k x 有实数根,那么k 的取值范围是 1五、一元二次方程230x mx ++=的一个根为1-,那么另一个根为1六、已知关于x 的一元二次方程02=--m x x 有两个不相等的实数根,那么实数m 的取值范围是 三、计算题4*5=201:)2(222+=+x x x )( 2: 3(x-1)=2x-23:2232)2(y y y =-+ 4: 122432+--四、应用题 共82分 1八、先化简,再求值:)2(24422x x x x x +÷+++,其中2=x (10分)1九、先化简,再求值:11()()-==++,其中,x yx y y x y x x y (10分)20、已知:关于x 的方程2210x kx +-= (10分) (1)求证:方程有两个不相等的实数根;(2)假设方程的一个根是1-,求另一个根及k 值.2一、某企业2006年盈利1500万元,2020年克服全世界金融危机的不利阻碍,仍实现盈利2160万元.从2006年到2020年,若是该企业每一年盈利的年增加率相同,求: (12分)(1)该企业2007年盈利多少万元?(2)假设该企业盈利的年增加率继续维持不变,估量2020年盈利多少万元?2二、已知a、b、c别离是△ABC 的三边,其中a=1,c=4,且关于x 的方程042=+-b x x 有两个相等的实数根,试判定△ABC 的形状.(12分)23已知12x x ,是方程220x x a -+=的两个实数根,且1223x x +=(14分)(1)求12x x ,及a 的值;(2)求32111232x x x x -++的值24、某商场销售一批名牌衬衫,平均天天可售出20件,每件获利40元,•为了扩大销售,增加盈利,尽快减少库存,商场决定采取适当降价方法,经调查发觉,•若是每件衬衫每降价一元,商场平均天天可多售出2件. (14分) ①假设商场平均天天获利1200元,每件衬衫应降价多少元?②每件衬衫降价多少元时,商场平均天天获利最多?请你设计销售方案.答案:一BACDAACABD二11:2√2 12:0或113:1 14:大于等于-9/4 15:-3 16:大于-1/4 三1:-2或4 2: 1 3: 2或-1 4:√3 四18: 1/√2 19: 2 20:(2)K=1 另一根为1/2 21:(1)0.2 (2)2592 22:等腰三角形23(1)X1=1- √2 X2=1+√2 a=-1 (2)1 24(1)20 (2)15。
)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案一、基础知识与运用(每小题2分,共22分)1、下面加点字的注音有误的一项是()A、楠.木(nán)陆蠡.(lí)淅.沥(xī)馨.香(xīn)B、韶.华(shào)猗.郁(yǐ)阔绰.(chuî)蘸.水(zhàn)C、按捺.(nà)皲.裂(jūn)秉.公(bǐng)狡黠.(xiá)D、谩.骂(màn)干瘪.(biě)喷嚏.(tì)羼.水(chàn)2、下列加点词词义有误的一项是()A、旁逸.斜出(逃跑)秀颀.(高)涸.辙之鱼(凝结)B、绽出..(用卑贱的态度向人讨好)..(突露)君子固.穷(安守)谄媚C、熠熠..(机警、聪敏)名.伶(著名)..(闪光发亮)乖觉D、潜滋.暗长(生长)污人清白..(名誉)锲.而不舍(雕刻)3、下列各组词语书写全都正确的一项是()A、揠苗助长坦荡如砥战战兢兢无边无垠B、纵横决荡浮想连翩繁茂苍绿惴惴不安C、不屑置辨温文尔雅不屈不挠冥思苦想D、生意盎然晶莹璀璨彬彬有礼声色俱历4、下列各组句子中标点符号有误的一项是()A、你到哪里去了啊?我认为你一定随着春天温暖的风,又踏着严寒冬天的雪,深入到祖国的高山、平原,飘进了黄河、长江,进入了无边无际的海洋。
⑦哪怕只有碗那样粗细,却努力向上发展,高到丈许,两丈,参天耸立,不折不挠,对抗着西北风……乙:让那些看不起民众、贱视民众、顽固的倒退的人去赞美那贵族化的楠木(那也是直挺秀颀的),去鄙视这极常见、极易生长的白杨树吧,我要高声赞美白杨树!12、选择甲段层次分析正确的一项()A. ①②| ③④⑤| ⑥⑦B. ①| ②③④⑤| ⑥⑦C. ①②③| ④⑤| ⑥⑦D. ①| ②③④⑤⑥| ⑦13、甲段文字是从哪些方面来描写白杨树外形美的?14、甲段文字中有些地方写白杨树的内在美,请在选文中选出能体现白杨树内在美的词语,写在下面的横线上。