Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks
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移动自组网一、介绍移动自组网(Mobile Ad Hoc Network,简称MANET)是一种无线网络体系结构,由一组移动节点组成,这些节点通过无线链路相互连接,并在没有中央控制的情况下自组织地进行通信。
常见的路由协议有以下几种:1.AODV路由协议(Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector):AODV是一种基于距离向量的路由协议,它通过建立路由请求和路由反馈消息来动态地维护路由表,实现节点之间的通信。
2.DSR路由协议(Dynamic Source Routing):DSR是一种基于源路由的协议,它使用源节点将整个路由路径编码到数据包中,并通过逐跳传输的方式实现路由。
3.OLSR路由协议(Optimized Link State Routing):OLSR是一种基于链路状态的路由协议,它通过建立邻居节点列表和多点中继集合来组织网络拓扑,并根据网络状态实时更新路由表。
第15期2023年8月无线互联科技Wireless Internet TechnologyNo.15August,2023基金项目:西安职业技术学院2022年度科研项目;项目名称:基于TDMA +CSMA 的无线自组网中MAC 层协议的研究;项目编号:2022YB05㊂作者简介:张富琴(1981 ),陕西延长人,高级工程师,硕士;研究方向:移动自组网㊂移动自组网中MAC 层协议研究张富琴(西安职业技术学院,陕西西安710077)摘要:移动自组网是由一组相互协作的通信节点组成的无中心控制节点㊁不依赖于任何固定网络设备的特殊网络㊂在该网络中,媒体接入控制(MAC )协议是网络实现最关键的技术之一,主要解决的是多个用户如何高效㊁合理地共享有限的信道资源问题㊂文章主要研究常用的几种MAC 接入协议㊂关键词:MAC ;CSMA ;TDMA中图分类号:TN91㊀㊀文献标志码:A0㊀引言㊀㊀目前,移动通信技术发展迅猛,但是大多数移动通信都需要有线的基础设施(如基站)的支持才能实现㊂为了实现在某些特殊应用场所不需要固定的设施支持就可以进行通信,一种有别于传统的网络技术 移动自组织网络技术应运而生㊂移动自组织网络(Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)是指一种不需要基础设施的移动网络,也常被称为多跳无线网(Multi -hop Wireless Networks)㊂该网络是一个临时构建的多跳无中心网络,网络中的成员是一组具有无线通信功能的移动节点㊂这些移动节点可以在任何地方任意时刻快速地构建起一个移动通信网络,并且不需要基础设施(如基站)的支撑㊂网络中的每个节点都可以自由移动,且相互之间地位平等㊂移动自组网的出现加快了人们实现随时随地进行自由通信的进程,同时移动自组网也为临时通信㊁军事通信和灾难救助等应用提供了有效可行的解决方案㊂移动自组织网络是一种网络拓扑动态可能随时发生变化的无线网络㊂该网络体系㊁同步机制和实际应用等问题都比较复杂[1]㊂传统的固定网络和常见的蜂窝移动通信网中使用的协议和技术很难直接应用到移动自组织网络中,因此需要为移动自组织网络设计专门的协议和技术㊂目前,移动自组织网络研究中面临的主要难点和重点问题为MAC 协议㊁同步机制㊁路由协议㊁功率控制㊁Qos㊁网络资源管理㊁网络互联和安全问题等㊂本文将重点讨论几种常见的MAC 协议㊂1㊀MAC 协议基本概念㊀㊀MAC 协议是数据在无线信道上发送和接收的主要控制者,是移动自组织网络协议的重要组成部分㊂MAC 协议对网络的时延㊁吞吐量㊁数据包传输成功率等性能指标都有着重要的影响㊂传统网络中多点共享的广播信道,蜂窝移动通信系统中由基站管理控制的无线信道以及点对点无线信道都是一跳共享信道,而移动自组织网络的信道则是一个由多个节点共享的多跳信道㊂当一个无线通信节点发送数据时,只有在它通信覆盖范围内的节点才能收到,这种共享的多跳信道会导致移动自组织网络存在隐藏终端㊁暴露终端等问题[2-3]㊂如图1所示,当通信节点1向节点3发送数据时,节点2并不在节点1的通信覆盖范围内,它无法检测节点1正在发送分组,如果此时节点2也向节点3发送数据,就会引起数据碰撞,节点2便称作隐藏终端㊂这种因某些节点不能侦听到其他节点发送数据而引起的数据碰撞就是隐藏终端问题㊂另外,还存在一种情况,如图2所示,当节点3向节点1发送数据时,节点2就会检测到节点3正在发送分组,节点2为了避免引起数据碰撞会推迟向节点4发送数据㊂但实际上这种推迟是不必要的,因为节点2向节点4发送数据并不影响节点3向节点1发送数据,这种情况下节点2就是节点3的暴露终端㊂这种因某些节点在其他正在通信节点的传输范围内而进行不必要的发送推迟便是暴露终端问题㊂为了保证数据传输的及时性以及正确性,移动自组织网络的MAC 协议需要解决隐藏终端及暴露终端问题㊂2㊀移动自组网中常见的MAC 协议的分析㊀㊀目前,在移动自组网实际的应用中,MAC 层主要图1㊀隐藏终端问题示例图2㊀暴露终端问题示例采用的协议有CSMA 协议㊁TDMA 协议以及二者的结合㊂2.1㊀CSMA 协议㊀㊀CSMA 是Carrier Sense Multiple Access 的缩写,是一种允许多个节点在同一个信道发送数据的协议㊂当一个节点发送数据时,需要侦听信道上是否有其他节点在发送数据㊂如果信道此时有其他节点在发送数据,则发送节点需要等待一个时间段后再次侦听,只有侦听到信道空闲后才会发送数据㊂信道中的其他节点接收到来自信道的数据,需要判断该数据是不是发送给自己㊂如果是,则进行下一步处理;如果不是,则将数据抛弃㊂如果在某一信道空闲时刻,两个在彼此通信覆盖范围内的节点同时要给对方发送数据时,且它们都侦听到信道处于空闲状态,这时它们会将自己的数据发送出去,从而引起了数据的碰撞㊂这是因为节点可以侦听信道上是否有数据传输,但是节点无法预判下一时刻信道上是否有数据要传输㊂为了避免出现这种问题,在实际应用中,往往会让节点在发送数据前,先侦听信道上是否有数据正在传输㊂如果此时信道上有数据正在传输,则等待一段时间后继续侦听;如果侦听到信道是空闲的,则需要让节点随机退避一段时间P 后再继续侦听;如果信道仍然空闲,则发送数据;如果这时信道上有数据在传输,则退回到最初的侦听信道状态,具体流程如图3所示㊂在上述的过程中,加入随机退避因子是为了避免两个在彼此通信范围内的节点同时发送数据时引起数据碰撞㊂图3㊀CSMA 处理流程CAMA 协议的主要优点:(1)算法简单㊁易于实现㊂(2)信道空闲情况下会快速发送数据,数据时延小㊂CAMA 协议的主要缺点:(1)在通信中易于引入隐藏终端和暴露终端的问题㊂(2)当系统中节点数量较多时,数据碰撞不可控,且数据时延不可控㊂2.2㊀TDMA 协议㊀㊀TDMA 即Time division multiple access,其协议的核心思想是将时间分为若干个时间片段,称之为时隙,每个发送数据的节点占据一个或多个时隙进行数据发送㊂如图4所示,节点A㊁B㊁C㊁D 分别占用时隙1㊁2㊁3㊁4发送数据,这时由于每个节点在不同的时间段发送数据,所以不会引起数据的碰撞㊂时隙的分配目前有静态预制与动态分配两种㊂图4㊀时隙分配时隙示例TDMA 协议的主要优点:(1)发送数据的节点在不同时隙进行数据发送,不会发生数据碰撞㊂(2)数据传送的时延可控㊂TDMA 协议的主要缺点:(1)对同步要求高,需要精准的时间同步㊂(2)固定分配时隙的TDMA 会引起不必要的数据传输时延,动态分配时隙的TDMA 算法较为复杂,且会引入预约时隙等开销,降低系统的吞吐量㊂2.3㊀TDMA +CSMA 协议㊀㊀TDMA +CSMA 协议就是将整个时间片分为若干个时隙,一部分时隙固定分配给节点发送公共广播㊁同步及路由公告等消息,一部分时隙用来进行CSMA 载波侦听使用,剩余部分时隙留作节点作为固定分配时隙㊂基于这一MAC 接入思想的时隙分配示例如图5所示㊂其中,SS 时隙是各个节点轮流发送同步和拓扑消息,用于网内节点同步与路由的更新与迟入节点的引导;BS 时隙是广播时隙,用于各节点发送广播话音;RS 是动态时隙,用于各节点利用CSMA 机制临时占用发送数据,该时隙用于发送用户短报文等小型业务;DS 时隙是TDMA 时隙,可根据开机前用户根据实际用户数进行配置,也可由节点根据业务需求动态预约占用㊂此时隙适合传输文件㊁视频等大业务量数据㊂图5㊀时隙分配示例㊀㊀如果配置用户数为网内最大节点数64个,则设定71个时隙为一个时帧㊁每64个时帧为1个超帧㊂当然,以上时隙配置只是在某一种应用场合的一种配置示例,在实际应用中可根据实际需要进行配置㊂3 结语㊀㊀研究表明,在众多移动自组网的关键技术中,MAC 协议运行在网络层之下㊁物理层之上,对数据的发送和接收起着直接控制和管理的作用,其性能的好坏会直接影响整个网络的性能和效率㊂因此,对于每一种具体的应用场景来说,选取合适的MAC 协议至关重要㊂参考文献[1]邵玮璐.移动自组网中混合接入协议的研究[D ].上海:上海师范大学,2020.[2]王常虎.基于协同通信的移动自组网关键技术研究[D ].成都:电子科技大学,2022.[3]刘庆刚,李大双,朱家成.多跳TDMA 组网同步的分布式控制方法[J ].通信技术,2012(5):26-28,32.(编辑㊀王永超)Research on MAC protocol of Ad Hoc NetworkZhang FuqinXi an Vocational and Technical College Xi an 710077 ChinaAbstract Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a special network and made up of some communication nodes.There is no central control node and fixed infrastructure in the network.The MAC protocol is the one of the most critical technologies.It mainly solves how the communication nodes in the network share the wireless channel efficiently and reasonably.This article mainly studies the MAC protocol which are frequently -used.Key words MAC CSMA TDMA。
这一代系统的代表是美国的AMPS(Advanced Mobile Phone System)系统,它于1983年开始商业运营。
这一代技术的代表是GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)系统,它于1991年开始商业运营。
这一代技术的代表是WCDMA(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)和CDMA2000。
4G 技术在2009年开始商业运营,其数据传输速度更高,最高可达100Mbps。
The Evolution and Impact of Mobile PhonesMobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. Since their inception, these devices have evolved from simple communication tools into multifunctional gadgets that influence nearly every aspect of modern life. This essay explores the history, technological advancements, societal impacts, and future prospects of mobile phones.Historical DevelopmentThe journey of mobile phones began in the 1970s with the invention of the first portable cellular phone by Martin Cooper, a Motorola engineer. The original device, known as the DynaTAC 8000X, was large, cumbersome, and primarily designed for voice communication. It was not until the 1990s that mobile phones began to shrink in size and offer additional features, such as text messaging and email. This period marked the transition from analog to digital technology, paving the way for the smartphones we use today.The introduction of 3G technology in the early 2000s revolutionized mobile communications by providing faster internet access and enabling the use of multimedia applications. However, it was the advent of 4G and 5G technologies that truly transformed the mobile experience, offering high-speed internet and supporting a wide range of applications that rely on rapid data transmission.Technological AdvancementsThe evolution of mobile phones has been marked by several significant technological advancements. The introduction of smartphones in the mid-2000s brought about a paradigm shift in how we interact with technology. With touchscreens, powerful processors, and the ability to run complex applications, smartphones have become mini-computers that fit in our pockets.Key innovations include:Touchscreen Technology: The advent of capacitive touchscreens allowed for intuitive user interfaces and eliminated the need for physical keyboards. This change made smartphones more accessible and user-friendly.High-Resolution Cameras: Modern smartphones are equipped with high-resolutioncameras that rival those of professional cameras. Features like optical image stabilization, advanced autofocus, and multiple lenses have made mobile photography and videography accessible to everyone.App Ecosystems: The development of app stores, such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play, has created vast ecosystems of applications that cater to almost every need, from productivity and entertainment to health and social networking.Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI integration in smartphones enhances user experience through features like voice assistants, facial recognition, and personalized recommendations. AI-powered apps can analyze user behavior to offer tailored suggestions and automate routine tasks.Societal ImpactsThe impact of mobile phones on society is profound and multifaceted. On one hand, they have revolutionized communication, making it easier to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues regardless of geographical barriers. This has fostered global connectivity and facilitated the exchange of ideas and information on an unprecedented scale.Mobile phones have also transformed various sectors, including:Business: The rise of mobile technology has enabled remote work and business communication through email, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Mobile apps have streamlined business operations, from inventory management to customer service.Education: Mobile phones have become valuable educational tools. Educational apps, online courses, and digital textbooks have made learning more accessible and interactive. Students can now access a wealth of information and resources from their devices.Healthcare: Mobile health apps and telemedicine services have improved access to healthcare. Patients can monitor their health, schedule appointments, and consult with doctors remotely, reducing the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities.Social Interaction: Social media platforms accessible via mobile phones have reshaped social interactions. They provide a space for self-expression, communitybuilding, and staying informed about current events. However, they have also raised concerns about privacy, mental health, and the quality of offline relationships. Future ProspectsThe future of mobile phones is likely to be shaped by ongoing advancements in technology. Several trends and innovations are expected to influence the evolution of mobile devices:5G and Beyond: The expansion of 5G networks will further enhance mobile internet speeds and support the growth of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality (AR). This will enable new applications and services that rely on real-time data and connectivity.Foldable and Flexible Displays: The development of foldable and flexible display technology promises to revolutionize smartphone design. These devices will offer larger screens while maintaining portability, leading to new use cases and form factors.Enhanced AI and Machine Learning: Future smartphones will likely feature more advanced AI capabilities, leading to improved user experiences and smarter applications. AI could enable more sophisticated voice assistants, better predictive text, and enhanced personalization.Sustainability: As environmental concerns grow, there will be a push for more sustainable practices in the production and disposal of mobile phones. Innovations in recycling, energy-efficient components, and eco-friendly materials will become increasingly important.ConclusionIn summary, mobile phones have undergone a remarkable transformation from basic communication tools to sophisticated multifunctional devices. Their technological advancements have reshaped how we communicate, work, learn, and interact with the world. As we look to the future, the continued evolution of mobile phones promises to bring even more innovation and integration into our daily lives. While we embrace these advancements, it is crucial to address the associated challenges and ensure that technology serves as a positive force for society.。
主要完成的工作如下:1) 完成基于无线自组网与专网LTE双模通信系统平台的设计和实现。
实现无线自组网与专用LTE 网络的自主切换。
2) 完成双模系统硬件架构的设计,包括:电源子系统、基带处理子系统、自组网系统、CPE系统和射频子系统等多个子系统。
4) 完成无线自组网与专网LTE双模通信系统设备的功能验证和系统集成测试,并进行部分性能测试。
关键词:无线自组网;专网LTE;路由技术AbstractWith the continuous development of the social and economy, mobile communication fleets and other communication systems need to achieve more and more functions, reliable and stable communication systems and intelligent equipment is the key to its development. Broadband mobile communication as the foundation of modern scheduling command all the more important.At present, broadband mobile communication systems mainly use Wi-Fi,LTE,WiMAX,wireless ad hoc networks and other communication methods. Various methods have their own advantages, but there are also problems that cannot be ignored. The Wi-Fi co-channel interference is serious, and the impact between the devices using the same technical system is more obvious. In actual use, wireless environment also differs in thousands ways, interference of the adjacent frequency will decrease the efficiency of data transmission;The LTE wireless public network has the characteristics of large transmission delay, easy data loss, and information security risks. At the same time, the WiMAX standardization work is progressing slowly, the air interface standard has not been completed, the network specification is lacking, the standard system is imperfect, and so on. In brief, a single communication system cannot meet the requirements of diverse functions。
在这些应用场景中,移动无线传感器网络(Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks,MWSNs)由于其具有高度灵活性和可部署性的特点,获得了广泛的关注和研究。
它涉及到许多领域,如机器学习(Machine Learning)、自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)、计算机视觉(Computer Vision)等等。
机器学习(Machine Learning)是人工智能领域中的一个重要分支。
这种能力可以应用于各种领域,如推荐系统(Recommendation System)、图像识别(Image Recognition)、自然语言处理等。
自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)指的是计算机与人类语言的交互。
它包括语音识别(Speech Recognition)、自动翻译(Machine Translation)、情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)等。
计算机视觉(Computer Vision)是指让计算机能够自动理解和分析图像和视频,从而实现各种应用。
这些应用包括人脸识别(Facial Recognition)、自动驾驶(Autonomous Driving)、医学成像(Medical Imaging)等。
深度学习(Deep Learning)是一种机器学习的方法,它使用多层神经网络(Neural Networks)来解决复杂的问题。
神经网络(Neural Networks)是一种基于生物神经元的计算模型。
介绍华为的英文作文Huawei is a Chinese multinational technology company that specializes in various aspects of the information and communications technology (ICT) industry. Founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former engineer in the People's Liberation Army, Huawei has grown to become one of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world.At its core, Huawei is a provider of telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics. The company's product portfolio includes smartphones, tablets, laptops, wearables, and a wide range of network infrastructure equipment such as routers, switches, and base stations. Huawei's telecommunications equipment is used by many of the world's major mobile network operators, enabling them to build and maintain reliable and high-performing communication networks.One of Huawei's key strengths is its focus on research and development (R&D). The company invests heavily in R&D, with an annual budget that exceeds $20 billion. This commitment toinnovation has allowed Huawei to develop cutting-edge technologies and stay at the forefront of the industry. The company holds a vast portfolio of patents, with over 100,000 active patents worldwide, demonstrating its technological prowess.Huawei's global reach is another significant aspect of the company. It operates in more than 170 countries and regions, serving over three billion people worldwide. The company has a strong presence in both developed and developing markets, with a particular focus on emerging economies where the demand for affordable and reliable telecommunications solutions is high.In addition to its core business, Huawei has also diversified into other areas, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and enterprise solutions. The company's cloud computing platform, Huawei Cloud, has gained traction in the global market, offering a range of services including infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS).Huawei's foray into artificial intelligence (AI) is another area of strategic importance. The company has developed a range of AI-powered products and solutions, including its Kirin line of mobile processors, which incorporate advanced AI capabilities for improved performance and energy efficiency. Huawei's AI technologies are also being applied in areas such as smart cities, autonomous driving, andintelligent manufacturing.In the enterprise segment, Huawei provides a comprehensive suite of solutions for businesses, including network infrastructure, cloud computing, and enterprise-grade devices. The company's enterprise offerings are designed to help organizations improve their operational efficiency, enhance their digital transformation, and stay competitive in an increasingly technology-driven world.Despite its global success, Huawei has faced significant challenges in recent years, particularly in the United States and some other Western countries. The company has been the target of allegations related to national security concerns, with some governments accusing Huawei of posing a risk to their telecommunications infrastructure. These allegations have led to restrictions and bans on the use of Huawei equipment in certain markets.Huawei has strongly denied these allegations and has maintained that it is a private company that is not controlled by the Chinese government. The company has also emphasized its commitment to cybersecurity and has worked to address the concerns raised by various governments.Despite these challenges, Huawei continues to be a dominant force in the global technology landscape. The company's ability toinnovate, its commitment to R&D, and its extensive global reach have all contributed to its success. Huawei's products and solutions are widely used by consumers, businesses, and governments around the world, underscoring the company's importance in the global ICT ecosystem.As Huawei looks to the future, the company is likely to continue its focus on technological innovation and global expansion. The company's investments in areas such as 5G, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence are expected to drive its growth and solidify its position as a leading player in the global technology industry.Overall, Huawei's story is one of remarkable growth and success, as the company has transformed from a small telecommunications equipment manufacturer to a global technology powerhouse. Despite the challenges it has faced, Huawei remains a formidable and influential player in the global technology landscape, with a strong commitment to innovation and a global reach that continues to expand.。
AACK (ACKnowledgement) 确认ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)非对称数字用户线AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)先进的加密标准AF PHB (Assured Forwarding PerHop Behavior)确保转发每跳行为AH (Authntication Header)鉴别首部AIMD (Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease)加法增大乘法减小AN (Access Network)接入网ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准协会AP(Access Point)接入点AP(Application)应用程序API (Applicatin Programming Interface)应用编程接口APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center)亚太网络信息中心ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) 美国因特网好码注册机构ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) 地址解析协议ARPA(Advanced Research Project Agency)美国国防部远景研究规划局(高级研究计划署)ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)自动重传请求AS (Authentication System)自治系统AS (Authentication Server)鉴别服务器ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)美国信息交换标准码ASN (Autonomous System Number)自治系统号ASN.I (Abstract Syntax Notation One)抽象语法记法ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Node)异步传递发式ATU (Access Termination Unit) 接入端接单元ATUC (Access Termination Unit Central Office)端局接入端接单元ATUR (Access Termination Unit Remote)远端接入端接单元AVTWG(Audio/Video Transport Working Group)音频/视频运输工作组AWT(Abstract WindowToolkit)抽象窗口工具箱BBER (Bit Error Rate)误码率BER (Basic Encoding Rule)基本编码规则BGP(Border Gateway Protocol) 边界网关协议BOOTP(BOOTstrap Protocol) 引导程序协议BSA(Basic ServiceArea )基本服务区BSS (Basic Service Set) 基本服务集BSSID (Basic Service Set ID)基本服务集标识符BT(BitTorrent) 一种P2P程序CCA(CertificationAuthority)认证中心CA(CollisionAvoidance)碰撞避免CATV(Community AntennaTV,Cable TV)有线电视CBT(Core Based Tree)基于核心的转发树CCIR(Consultative Committee ,International Radio)国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT(Consutative Committee, International Telegraphand Telephone)国际电报电话咨询委员会CDM(Code Division Multiplexing)码分复用CDMA(Code Division Multiplex Access)码分多址CE(Consumer Electronics)消费电子设备CFI(Canonical Format Indicator)规范格式指示符CGI(Common Gateway Interface)通用网关接口CHAP(Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)口令握手鉴别协议CIDR(Classless InterDomain Routing)无分类域间路由选择CNAME(Canonical NAME)规范名CNNIC(Network Information Center of China)中国互联网络信息中心CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check)循环冗余检查CSACELP(Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction)共轭结构代数码激励线性预测(声码器)CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection),载波监听多点接入/冲突检测CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance),载波监听多点接入/冲突避免CSRC(Contributing SouRCe identifier)参与源标知符CTS(ClearTo Send)允许发送DDACS(Digital Access and Crossconnect System)数字交接系统DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Project Agency)美国国防部远景规划局(高级研究署)DCF(Distributed Coordination Function)分布协调功能DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service)分布式拒绝服务DES(Date Encryption Standard)数据加密标准DF(Don’t Fragment)不能分片DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)动态主机配置协议DiffServ(Distributed Coordination Identifier)数据链路连接标知符DIFS(Distributed Coordination Function IFS)分布协调功能祯间间隔DLCI(Data Link Connection Identifier)数据链路连接标知符DMT(Discrete Multi Tone)离散多音(调制)DNS(Domain Name System)域名系统DOCSIS(Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications)电缆数据服务接口规约DoS(Denial of Service)拒绝服务DS(Distribution System)分配系统DS(Differentiated Services)区分服务(也写作DiffServ)DSCP(DifferentiatedServices Code Point)区分服务码点DSL(Digital Subscriber Line)数字用户线DSLAM(DSL Access Multiplexer)数字用户线接入复用器DSSS(Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)直接序列扩展DVMRP(Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol)距离向量多播路由选择协议DWDM(Dense WDM)密集波分复用EEBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchangfe Code)扩充的二、十进制交换码EDFA(Erbirm Dooped Fiber Amplifier)掺铒光纤放大器EFM(Ethernet in the First Mile)第一英里的以太网EFPHB(Expedited Forwarding PerHop Behavior)迅速转发每跳行为EGP(External Gateway Protocol)外部网关协议EIA(Electronic Industries Association)美国工业协会EOT(End Of Transmission)传输结束ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload)封装完全有效载荷ESS(Extended Service Set)扩展的服务集ETSI(European Telecommunications Standrards Institute)欧洲电信标准协会EUI(Extended Unique Identifier)扩展的唯一标识符FFC(Fibre Channel)光纤通道FCS(Frame Check Sequence)帧检验列FDDI(Fiber Distributed Data Interface)光纤分布式数据FDM(Frequency Division Multiplexing)频分复用FEC(Forwarding Equivalence Class) 转发等价类FFD(Full Function Device)全功能设备FHSS(Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)跳频扩频FIFO(First In First Out)先进先出FQ(Fair Queuing)公平排队FTP(File Transfer Protocol) 文件传送协议FTTB(Fiber To The Building)光纤到大楼FTTC(Fiber To The Curb)光纤到路边FTTD(Fiber To The Door)光纤到门户FTTF(Fiber To The Floor)光纤到楼层FTTH(Fiber To The Home)光纤到家FTTN(Fiber To The Neighbor)光纤到邻居FTTO(Fiber To The Office)光纤到办公室FTTZ(Fiber To The Zone)光纤到小区GGIF(Graphics Interchange Format)图形交换格式GSM(Graphics System for Mobile)全球移动通信系统,GSM体制HHDLC(High-level Data Link Control) 高级数据链路控制HDSL(High speed DSL)高速数字用户线HFC(Hybrid Fiber Coax)光纤同轴混合(网)HIPPI(High Performance Parallel Interface)高性能并行接口HRDSSS(High Rate Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)高速直接序列扩频HSSG(High Speed Study Group)高速研究组HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)超文本标记语言HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)超文本传送协议IIAB(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)因特网体系结构委员会IANA(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)因特网赋号管理局ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ) 因特网名字与号码指派公司ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)国际控制报文协议IDEA(Internet Data Encryption Algorithm)国际数据加密算法IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)(美国)电气和电子工程师学会IESG(Internet Engineering Steering Group)因特网工程指导小组IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)因特网工程部IFS(Internet Frame Space)桢间间隔IGMP(Internet Group Management Protocol)网际组管理协议IGP(Interior Gateway Protocol)内部网关协议IM(Instant Messaging)即时传信IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol)因特网报文存取协议IntServ(Integrated Services)综合服务IP(Internet Protocol)网际协议IPCP(IP Control Protocol)IP 控制协议IPng(IP Next Generation)下一代的IPIPRA(Intenet Policy Registration Authorrity)因特网政策登记管理机构IPsec(IP security)IP安全协议IPX(Internet Packet Exchange)Novel 公司的一种联网协议IR(InfraRed)红外技术IRSG(Internet Reseach Seering Group)因特网研究指导小组IRTF(Internet Reaserch Task Force)因特网研究部ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)综合业务数字网ISO(International Organization for Standardization)国际标准化组织ISOC(Internet Society)因特网协会ISM(Industrial,Scientific,and Medical)工业、科学与医药(频段)ISP(Internet Service Provider)因特网服务提供者ITU(Internation Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟ITU-T(ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector)国际电信联盟电信标准化部门JJPEG(Joint Photographic Expert Group)联合图像专家JVM(javaVirtual Machine)java虚拟机KKDC(Key Distributio Center)密钥分配中心LACNIC(Latin American & Caribbean NetworkInternetCenter)拉美与加勒比海网络信息中心LAN(Local Area Network)局域网LCP(Link Control Protocol)链路控制协议LDP(Label Distribution Protocol)标记分配协议LED(Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LMDS(Local Multipoint Distribution System)本地多点分配系统LLC(Logical Link Control)逻辑链路控制LOS(Line of Sight)视距LPC(linear Prediction Coding)线性预测编码LSP(Label Switched Path)标记交换路径LSR(Label Switching Router)标记交换路由器MMAC(Medium Access Control)媒体接入控制MACA(Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)具有碰撞避免的多点接入MAGIC(Mobile multimedia,Anytime/anywhere, Global mobility support,Integrated wireless and Customized personal service)移动多媒体、任何时间/地点、支持全球移动性、综合无线和定制的个人服务MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)城域网MANET(Mobile Adhoc NETworks)移动自组网络的工作组MBONE(Multicast Backbone On the Internet)多播主干网MCU(Multipoint Control Unit)多点控制单元MD(Message Digest)报文摘要MF(More Fragment)还有分片MFTP(Multisource File Transfer Protocol)多源文件传输协议MIB(Management Information Base)管理信息库MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)通用因特网邮件扩充MIPS(Million Instructions Per Second)百万指令每秒MMUSIC(Multiparty MUltimedia SessIon Control)多参与者多媒体会话控制MOSPF(Multicast extensions to OSPF)开放最短通路优先的多播扩展MP3(Mpeg1 Audio layer3)一种音频压缩标准MPEG(Motion Picture Experts Group)活动图像专家组MPLS(Multi Protocol Label Switching)多协议标记交换MPPS(Million Packets Per Second)百万分组每秒MRU(Maximum Receive Unit)最大接收单元MSL(Maximum Segment Lifetime)最长报文段寿命MSS(Maximum Segment Size)最长报文段MTU(Maximum Transfer Unit)最大传送单元NNAP(Network Access Point)网络接入点NAT(Network Address Translation)网络地址转换NAV(Network Allocation Vector)网络分配向量NCP(Network Control Protocol)网络控制协议NFS(Network File System)网络文件系统NGI(Next Generation Internet)下一代因特网NGN(Next Generation Network)下一代电信网NIC(Network Interface Card)网络接口卡、网卡NLA(Next Level Aggregation)下一级聚合NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information)网络层可达性信息NOC (Network Operations Center)网络运行中心NSAP (Network Service Access Point) 网络层服务访问点NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) 网络虚拟终端OOC (Optical Carrier)光载波ODN (Optical Distribution Node)光分配结点OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)正交频分复用OSI/RM (Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model) 开放系统互连基本参考模型OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) 开放最短通路优先OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier)机构唯一标识符PP2P (PeertoPeer)对等方式PAN (Personal Area Network)个人区域网PAP (PasswordAuthentication Protocol) 口令鉴别协议PARC (PoloAlto Research Center)(美国施乐公司(XEROX)的)PARC研究中心PAWS (Protect Against Wrapped Sequence numbers) 防止序号绕回PCA (Policy Certification Authority)政策认证中心PCF (Point Coordination Function)点协调功能PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)脉码调制PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Adapter)个人计算机存储器卡接口适配器PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) 个人数字助理PDU (Protocol Data Unit)协议数据单元PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail)因特网的正式邮件加密技术PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)一种电子邮件加密技术PHB (PerHop Behavior)每跳行为PIFS (Point Coordination Function IFS)点协调功能桢间间隔PIMDM (Protocol Independent Multicast Dense Mode)协议无关多播密集方式PIMSM (Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode)协议无关多播稀疏方式PING (Packet Internet Groper)分组网间探测,乒程序,ICMP的一种应用PK (public key)公钥,公开密钥PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)公钥基础结构PoP (Post Office Protocol) 汇接点POP (Post Office Protocol) 邮局协议POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)传统电话PPP (Pointto Point Protocol over Ethernet) 点对点协议PPPoE(Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)以太网上的点对点协议PS (POTS Splitter)电话分离器PTE (Path Terminating Element) 路径端接设备QQAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)正交幅度调制QoS (Quality of Service)服务质量QPSK(Quarternary Phase Shift Keying)正交相移键控RRA(Registration Authority)注册管理机构RARP(Reverse Address ResolutionProtocol)逆地址解析协议RAS(Registration/Adminssion/Status)登记/接纳/状态RED(Random Early Detection)随机早期检测RED(Random Early Discard,Randomm Early Drop)随机早期丢弃RFC(Request For Comments)请求评论RG(Research Group)研究组RIP(Routing Information Protocol)路由信息协议RIPE(法文表示的EuropeanIP Network)欧洲的IP网络RPB(ReversePath Broadcasting )反向路由广播RSA(Rivest,Shamir andAdleman)用三个人名表示的一种公开密钥算法的名称RSVP(Resourcereservation Protocol)实时传送控制协议RTCP(Realtime Transfer Protocol) 实时传送控制协议RTO(Retransmission Time Out)超时重传时间RTP(Realtime Transfer Protocol)实时传送协议RTS(Request To Send)请求发送RTSP(Realtime Streaming Protocol)实时流式协议RTT(Round Trip Time)往返时间SSA(Security Association)安全关联SACK(Selective ACK)选择确认SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol)流控制传输协议SDH(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)同步数字系列SDSL(Singleline DSL)1 对线的数字用户线SDU(Service Data Unit)服务数据单元SET(Secure Electronic Transaction)安全电子交易SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm)安全散列算法SIFS(Short IFS)短帧间间隔SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)会话发起协议SK(Secret Key)密钥SLA(Service Level Agreement)服务等级协议SMI(Structure of Management Information)管理信息结构SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)简单邮件传送协议SNA(System Network Archiecture)系统网络体系结构SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)简单网络管理协议SOH(Start Of Header)首部开始SONET(Synchronous Optical Network)同步光纤网SPI(Security Parameter Index)安全指数索引SRA(Seamless Rate Adaptation)无缝速率自适应技术SSID(Service Set IDentifier)服务集标识符SSL(Secure Socket Layer)安全插口层,或安全套接层SSRC(Synchronous SouRce identifier)同步源标实符STDM(StatisticTDM )统计时分复用STM(Synchronous Transfer Module)同步传输模块STP(ShielderTeisted Pair)屏蔽双绞线STS(Synchronous Transport Signal) 同步传送信号TTAG(TAG Swithcing)标记交换TCB(Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制程序块TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制协议TDM(Time Division Multiplexing)时分复用TELNET(TELetype NET work)电传机网络,一种因特网的应用程序TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol) 简单文件传送协议TIA(Telecommunications Industries Association)电信行业协会TLA(Top Level Aggergation)顶级聚合TLD(Top Level Domain)顶级域名TLI(Transport Layer Interface)运输层接口TLS(Transport Layer Security)运输层安全协议TLV(Type Length Value)类型长度值TPDU(Transport Protocol Data Unit) 运输协议数据单元TSS(TelecommunicationStandardization Sector)电信标准化部门TTL(Time to Live)生存时间,或寿命UUA(User Agent) 用户代理UAC(User Agent Client) 用户代理客户UAS(User Agent Server)用户代理服务器UDP(User Datagram Protocol) 用户数据报协议UIB(User Interface Box)用户接口盒URL(Uniform Resource Locator)统一资源定位符UTP(Unshielder Twisted Pair)无屏蔽双绞线UWB( UltraWide Band)超宽带VVC(Virtual Circuit)虚电路VCI(Virtual Channel Identifier)虚拟路标识VDSL(Very high speed DSL)甚高速数字用户线VID(VLAN ID)标识符VLAN(Virtual LAN)虚拟局域网VLSM(Variable Length Subner Mask)变长子网掩码VoIP(Voice over IP)在IP上的话音VON(Voice On the Net) 在因特网上的话音VIP(Virtual Path Identifier)虚拟道标识符VPN (Virtual Private Network)虚拟专用网VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) 甚小孔径地球站WWAN (WideArea Network)广域网WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)波分复用WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)有线等效保密字段WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing)加权公平排队WG (Working Group)工作组WiFi(Wireless Fidelity)无线保真度(无线局域网的同义词)WIMAX(Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access) 全球微波接入的互操作性,即WMAN。
abound v. 大量存在accelerate v. 加速active network 有源网络ad hoc 尤其,特定地admissible adj. 允许的advent n. 出现aforementioned adj. 上述的airgap = air gap 气隙algebraic equation 代数方程alignment n. 组合alleviate v. 减轻,缓和altitude n. 海拔amortisseur n. 阻尼器amplifier n. 放大器amplify v. 放大amplitude n. 振幅apparatus n. 装置approach n. 途径方法研究aptness n. 恰当arbitrary adj. 任意的argument n. 辐角,相位armature n. 电枢,衔铁,加固arrival angle 入射角arrival point 汇合点assembly n. 装置,构件assumption n. 假设asymmetric adj. 不对称的asymptote n. 渐进线asymptotically stable渐近稳定at rest 处于平衡状态attain v. 达到,实现autonomous adj.自激的bandwidth n. 带宽become adept in 熟练binary adj. 二进制的bipolar adj. 双向的Boolean algebra 布尔代数bound v. 限制break frequency 转折频率breakdown n. 击穿,雪崩breakover n. 导通brush n. 电刷building blocks 积木cage n. 笼子,笼形capacitor n. 电容器carrier n. 载波,载体cascade n., v. 串联characteristic adj. 特性(的)n. 特性曲线characteristicequation特方程circuitry n. 电路closed-loop n. 闭环coefficient n. 系数coil n. 绕组,线圈;v. 盘绕coincide v. 一致common logarithm 常对数complex adj. 复数的n.复数comprise v. 包含conduction n. 导电,传导configuration n. 构造,结构confine v. 限制…范围内conjugate adj. 共轭的constant matrix 常数矩阵constitute v. 构造,组织constraint n. 强迫,约束constraint n. 约束条件continuum n. 连续controllabillity n. 能控性converge v. 集中,汇聚,收敛core n. 铁心corresponding adj. 相应的criteria n. 判据critically damped 临界阻尼crystal n. 晶体cumulative adj. 累积的damp v. 阻尼,减幅,衰减damping n. 阻尼;adj. 阻尼的decay v. 衰减decibel n. 分贝decouple v. 解耦,退耦deduce v. 演绎demagnetization 去磁,退磁denominator n. 分母dependent variable 应变量depict v. 描述derivation n. 导数deteriorate v. 恶化,变坏deterministic adj. 确定的develop v. 导出,引入difference equation 差分方程differential 差别的,微分的differentiate v. 微分diode n. 二极管discrete adj. 离散的distributed 分散的分布的disturbance n. 扰动,干扰domain n. 域,领域dominate v. 支配,使服从dominating pole 主极点dual adj. 双的,对偶的dutyratio 占空比,功率比dynamic response 动态响应eigenvalue n. 特征根elastic adj. 有弹性的electric charge 电荷eliminate v. 消除,对消elongate v. 延长,拉长emf(electromotive force )电动势emitter n. 发射极encircle v. 环绕enclose v. 围绕encompass v. 包含entail v., n. 负担,需要equation 方程even adj. 偶数的excitation n. 激励exponential adj. 指数的extreme adj. 极端的facilitatev. 使容易,促进factor n. 因子;v. 分解因式factored adj. 可分解的feedback n. 反馈fictitious adj. 假想的field winding n. 励磁绕组field-weakening n. 弱磁filter n. 滤波器,滤波final value 终值firing angle 触发角flip-flop n. 触发器force commutated 强制换向forcing frequency 强制频率formulation n. 公式化forward biased 正向偏置fractional adj. 分数的fractional adj. 小数的fundamental n. 基本原理gate n. 门,门电路general form 一般形式generalize v. 一般化,普及generator n. 发生器,发电机geometry 几何学几何形状globally stable 全局稳定gouge v. 挖gross national product 国民生产总值GTO 门极可关断晶闸管guarantee v., n. 保证,担保hardware n. 硬件harmonics n. 谐波holding current 保持电流homogeneous solution 通解horizontally adv. 水平地horsepower n. 功率horsepower n. 马力,功率Hurwitz criterion 赫尔维茨据hybrid n. 混合identify v. 确认,识别,辨识identity n. 一致性,等式igit n. 位数imaginary axis 虚轴implement v. 实现implementation 实现履行impulse v. 冲激in series 串联incidentally adv. 偶然地increment n. 增量indentation n. 缺口independent variable 自变量inductor n. 电感器infinitesimal adj. 无限小的inhibit v. 抑制initial condition 初始条件initial value 初值insofar as 到这样的程度在……范围内integer n. 整数integral / integrate 积分integrated circuit 集成电路intersect v. 相交interval n. 间隔intrinsic adj. 固有的,本征intrinsic adj. 内在的intuition n. 直觉intuitively adv. 直观地inverse transform 反(逆)变换Kirchhoff’s first law 基尔霍夫第一定律lag v., n. 延迟lagging n. 滞后Laplace transformation拉变换lead n. 导线leading adj. 超前的leakage current 漏电流linearazation n. 线性化locally stable 局域稳定loop current 回路电流lumped adj. 集中的magnitude n. 幅值manipulate v. 处理matrix n. 模型,矩阵matrix algebra 矩阵代数mechanize v. 使机械化merit n. 优点;指标,准则mesh n. 网孔minimize v. (使)最小化minimum phase 最小相位misinterpretation 曲解误译model n. 模型v. 建模modification n. 修正,修改multiplication n. 复合性multiply v. 加倍,倍增multivariable adj. 多变量的multivariable n. 多变量n-dimensional n维的net n. 净值;adj. 净值的network n. 网络,电路neutral adj. 中性的;n. 中性线nonlinear adj. 非线性的notch n. 换相点,换级点numerator n. 分子numerical adj. 数字的observability n. 能观性observable adj. 可观测的odd multiple 奇数倍omit v. 省略on the order of 约为open-loop n. 开环optimal control 最优控制order n. 阶origin n. 原点oscillation n. 振荡outline n. 轮廓;v. 提出……的要点overdamped adj. 过阻尼的overshoot n. 超调量,超调package n. 包parallel n. 类似parameter n. 参数partial fraction expansion 部分分式展开式particular solution 特解passive adj. 被动的,无源的passive network 无源网络peak time 峰值时间performance criteria 性能指标performance index 性能指标periodic adj. 周期性的phase n. 状态,相位phase sequence 相序phase-lag n. 相位滞后phase-plane equation相平面方程pilot n. 飞行员plant n. 机器,设备被控对象plot v. 绘图n. 曲线图polar plot 极坐标图polarity n. 极性polynomial n. 多项式portrait n. 描述positive definite 正定potential n. (电)势power factor 功率因数predictable adj. 可断定的predominance n. 优势prevalent adj. 流行的prevent…from doing 使……不……principal adj. 主要的probability theory 概率论procedure n. 程序,过程product n. 乘积property n. 性质proportional to 与…成正比Pulsate v. 脉动,跳动,振动quadrant n. 象限quadratic adj. 二次的;n. 二次方程qualitatively adv. 定性地quasi adj. 近似的radically adv. 完全地radius n. 半径radix n. 权random adj. 随机的rated adj. 额定的,设计的,适用的rationale n. 理论real axis 实轴recovery n. 恢复rectification n. 整流rectifier n. 整流器regulate v. 调整relay n. 继电器relevance n. 关联remainder n. 余数represent v. 代表,表示resistance n. 阻抗resistor n. 电阻器reveal v. 显现,揭示reverse 反转变换极性的reverse biased 反向偏置rheostat n. 变阻器ripple n. 波纹,波动rise time 上升时间rms = root-mean-square 有效值,方均根rotor n. 转子Routh criterion 劳斯判据rugged adj. 结实的,耐用的sampled-data n. 采样数据saturation n. 饱和scalar adj. 数量的,标量的;n.数量,标量scheme n. 方法,形式,示意图schottky diode 肖基特二极管semicircle n. 半圆形semiconductor n. 半导体sensor n. 传感器settling time 调节时间shaft n. 转轴shifting theorem 平移定理shutdown v. 关闭sign n. 符号significance n. 意义simplicity n. 简单simultaneously adv. 同时地sketch v., n. (绘)草图,素描slip n. 转差(率)slop n. 斜率slot n. 槽SMPS 开关电源snubber n. 缓冲器,减震器spatial adj. 空间的spring n. 弹簧square-wave n. 方波stability n. 稳定性startup n. 启动state variable 状态变量state-controllable 状态可控的stationary adj. 静态的stator n. 定子steady-state n. 稳态step n. 阶跃(信号)stepper motor 步进电动机stimulus n. 刺激,鼓励stochastic adj. 随机的straight-forward 直截了当的,简单的strategy n. 方法superposition n. 叠加supersede v. 取代suppress v. 抑制symbolic 符号的,记号的symmetrical adj. 对称的terminology n. 术语threshold n. 门限,阈限,极限thyratron n. 闸流管thyristor n. 晶闸管time-invariant adj. 时不变的tip n. 顶端tolerant adj. 容许的,容忍的trade deficit 贸易赤字trade off 换取trail-and-error n. 试凑法trajectories n. 轨迹,弹道transient adj. 暂态的,瞬态的,过渡的transient response 暂态响应transistor n. 晶体管triangular adj. 三角的turn n. 匝数tutorial adj. 指导性的underdampted 欠阻尼的undergo v. 经历uniform adj. 一致的variable n. 变量vector n. 矢量vertically adv. 垂直地violently adv. 激烈地voltage drop 电压降winding 缠绕的,线圈,绕组with respect to 相对于workhorse n. 重载,重负荷wound-rotor n. 绕线转子yield v. 推导出,得出。
专利名称:AUTONOMOUS WIRELESS NETWORKS发明人:Antonio E. Gonzalez-Velazquez申请号:US12294128申请日:20070330公开号:US20090232038A1公开日:20090917专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A wireless device is operable to use received signals to divide time into asuccession of frames, each frame having plural consecutive timeslots, and into a succession of four or more superframes. A transmitter is operated only in a singletimeslot in one frame. A receiver is operated in the other timeslots in the frame and forall timeslots of immediately preceding and following frames, and in no other frames. This allows devices to predict periods in which to hibernate or carry out intensive tasks. The device determines which timeslots of the first frame are occupied to provide local awareness information, and transmits it as a code on its transmit timeslot along with payload data. This allows other devices in a network to obtain information about their local environment and about the environment of their neighbours. Routing decisions are made on this basis.申请人:Antonio E. Gonzalez-Velazquez地址:Ipswich GB国籍:GB更多信息请下载全文后查看。
ai的作用英文作文The Role of Artificial Intelligence.Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to revolutionize various industries and aspects of human life. Its impact is felt across diverse fields, from healthcare to transportation, education to entertainment, and beyond. AI's role in society is evolving rapidly, and its significance cannot be overstated.In healthcare, AI is revolutionizing patient care and outcomes. Diagnostic algorithms can analyze medical images with remarkable accuracy,协助 doctors in making timely and informed decisions. AI-powered robots are being trained to perform surgical procedures, reducing the risk of human error and enabling more precise operations. Furthermore, AI can monitor patients remotely, enabling early intervention and better management of chronic conditions.In transportation, AI is making our roads safer and travel more efficient. Autonomous vehicles, powered by AI, are capable of making split-second decisions and navigating complex road networks safely. This technology has the potential to significantly reduce accidents caused by human error and ease congestion in cities. Additionally, AI-enabled smart traffic management systems can optimizetraffic flow and reduce the environmental impact of transportation.Education is another area where AI is makingsignificant contributions. Personalized learning experiences are becoming a reality with AI-driven tutorials and adaptive learning platforms. These systems analyze student performance and progress, providing tailored feedback and resources to help students learn more effectively. AI can also assist teachers in identifying areas where students need additional support, enabling them to focus their efforts more strategically.In entertainment, AI is enhancing the user experiencein numerous ways. From recommendation systems that curatepersonalized playlists and movie suggestions to virtual assistants that help us plan our vacations, AI is making our leisure time more enjoyable. AI-generated content, such as music and art, is also becoming increasingly popular, as are virtual reality experiences that immerse us in new worlds.Businesses are leveraging AI to improve operations, increase efficiency, and gain competitive advantages. AI-driven analytics can provide insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and supply chain management. Automation powered by AI is streamlining manufacturing processes, reducing costs, and increasing productivity. Chatbots and virtual assistants are handling customer service inquiries, enhancing the customer experience and freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.However, the rise of AI also presents challenges and ethical considerations. One significant concern is the displacement of workers by machines. As AI and automation become more widespread, many jobs may become obsolete, leading to economic displacement and social unrest. It iscrucial to consider how we can mitigate these impacts through policies that support worker retraining and the creation of new job opportunities.Another concern is the potential for AI systems to make decisions that are biased or unethical. As AI systems learn from human data, they can inherit biases that reflect societal injustices. It is essential to ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly, with mechanisms to identify and mitigate biases in algorithms.Despite these challenges, the role of AI in society remains predominantly positive. AI has the potential to address many of the world's most pressing problems, from climate change to global poverty. By harnessing the power of AI, we can make our world safer, healthier, and more equitable. The key is to ensure that AI is developed and used ethically, with a focus on promoting human well-being and societal progress.In conclusion, AI's role in society is complex and multifaceted. It has the potential to bring remarkablebenefits to human life, from improving healthcare and transportation to enhancing education and entertainment. However, we must also be mindful of the challenges and ethical considerations that arise with this technology. By approaching AI with a balanced perspective and a commitment to responsible development and deployment, we can harness its power to create a better future for all.。
我对高科技的看法英语作文When it comes to high technology, I believe that it has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. The advancements in technology have brought about significant improvements in various aspects of our lives, including healthcare, transportation, communication, and entertainment. With the rapid development of high-tech products and services, our world has become more interconnected and efficient.In the field of healthcare, high-tech medical devicesand equipment have greatly enhanced the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. For example, the use of advanced imaging techniques such as MRI and CT scans has allowed doctors to accurately detect and diagnose medical conditions. Furthermore, telemedicine and wearable health monitoring devices have made it easier for patients to receive medical care and track their health status remotely.In the transportation sector, high-tech innovations such as electric vehicles, autonomous driving systems, and smart traffic management have contributed to the development of more sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.These technologies not only reduce carbon emissions but also improve road safety and traffic flow.In terms of communication, high technology has greatly expanded our ability to connect with others across the globe. The internet, social media, and mobile communication devices have made it possible for people to stay connected and informed at all times. Additionally, the development of high-speed internet and 5G networks has enabled faster and more reliable communication and data transfer.Moreover, high-tech entertainment products and services such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and streaming platforms have transformed the way we consume and interact with media and entertainment content. These innovations have created new and immersive experiences for users, enriching the entertainment industry.Overall, I believe that high technology hassignificantly improved our quality of life and has the potential to address many of the world's challenges. However, it is important to ensure that the benefits of high technology are accessible to all and that its development is guided by ethical considerations.谈到高科技,我认为它已经彻底改变了我们的生活、工作和交流方式。
目前的科技发展趋势英语作文In recent years, the development of technology has been rapidly advancing, leading to several emerging trends that are shaping the future. One of the most prominent trends is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. AI is being integrated into various fields such as healthcare, finance, and transportation, revolutionizing the way we work and live.Another significant trend is the Internet of Things (IoT), where everyday objects are connected to the internet and can communicate with each other. This technology has the potential to create a more efficient and convenient world, with smart homes, wearable devices, and autonomous vehicles becoming increasingly common.Furthermore, the development of 5G technology is also a major trend in the tech industry. 5G networks offer faster speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity, allowing for the widespread adoption of technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and autonomous systems.Overall, the current trend in technology is towards greater connectivity, intelligence, and efficiency. As these technologies continue to advance, they will have a profound impact on our society, economy, and daily lives.近年来,科技的发展正在迅速进步,出现了几个新兴趋势正在塑造未来。
Autonomous Mobile Mesh NetworksWei-Liang Shen,Chung-Shiuan Chen,Kate Ching-Ju Lin,Member,IEEE,and Kien A.Hua,Fellow,IEEE Abstract—Mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs)are ideal for situations where a fixed infrastructure is unavailable or infeasible.Today’s MANETs,however,may suffer from network partitioning.This limitation makes MANETs unsuitable for applications such as crisis management and battlefield communications,in which team members might need to work in groups scattered in the application terrain.In such applications,intergroup communication is crucial to the team collaboration.To address this weakness,we introduce in this paper a new class of ad-hoc network called Autonomous Mobile Mesh Network(AMMNET).Unlike conventional mesh networks,the mobile mesh nodes of an AMMNET are capable of following the mesh clients in the application terrain,and organizing themselves intoa suitable network topology to ensure good connectivity for both intra-and intergroup communications.We propose a distributed clienttracking solution to deal with the dynamic nature of client mobility,and present techniques for dynamic topology adaptation in accordance with the mobility pattern of the clients.Our simulation results indicate that AMMNET is robust against network partitioning and capable of providing high relay throughput for the mobile clients.Index Terms—Mobile mesh networks,dynamic topology deployment,client trackingÇ1I NTRODUCTIONW IRELESS technology has been one of the most transforming and empowering technologies in recent years.In particular,mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs)are among the most popularly studied network communica-tion technologies.In such an environment,no communica-tion infrastructure is required.The mobile nodes also play the role of the routers,helping to forward data packets to their destinations via multiple-hop relay.This type of network is suitable for situations where a fixed infrastructure is unavailable or infeasible.They are also a cost effective solution because the same ad hoc network can be relocated,and reused in different places at different times for different applications.One great challenge in designing robust MANETs is to minimize network partitions.As autonomous mobile users move about in a MANET,the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time;and portions of the network may intermittently become partitioned.This condition is undesirable,particularly for mission-critical applications such as crisis management and battlefield communications.We address this challen-ging problem in this paper by proposing a new class of robust mobile ad hoc network called Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks(AMMNET).In a standard wireless mesh network,stationary mesh nodes provide routing and relay capabilities.They form a mesh-like wireless network that allows mobile mesh clients to communicate with each other through multihop commu-nications.Such a network is scalable,flexible,and low in maintenance cost.When a mesh node fails,it can simply be replaced by a new one;and the mesh network will recognize the new mesh node and automatically reconfigure itself.The proposed AMMNET has the following additional advan-tage.The mobility of the mesh clients is confined to the fixed area serviced by a standard wireless mesh network due to the stationary mesh nodes.In contrast,an AMMNET is a wireless mesh network with autonomous mobile mesh nodes.In addition to the standard routing and relay functionality,these mobile mesh nodes move with their mesh clients,and have the intelligence to dynamically adapt the network topology to provide optimal service.In particular,an AMMNET tries to prevent network partition-ing to ensure connectivity for all its users.This property makes AMMNET a highly robust MANET.The topology adaptation of an AMMNET is illustrated in Fig.1:.Fig.1a:The mesh clients initially concentrate in one group.All the mesh nodes position themselveswithin the same proximity to support communica-tions inside the group..Fig.1b:The mesh clients move northwards and split into two groups.The mobile mesh nodes,in thiscase,reorganize themselves into a new topology notonly to facilitate intragroup communications,butalso to support intergroup communications effec-tively preventing a network partition..Fig.1c:The same mesh clients now move southeast and form three groups.The mobile mesh nodesadapt their topology accordingly to archive fullconnectivity for all the mesh clients.We note that it is not always feasible to replace a mobile mesh network with a standard stationary mesh network that is large enough to provide coverage for the entire application terrain as shown in Fig.2.In this paper,we deal with application terrains that are too large and too expensive for such a deployment.Besides,predeployment of such a fixed mesh network might not even be possible for.W.-L.Shen,C.-S.Chen,and K.C.-J.Lin are with the Research Center for ITInnovation,Academia Sinica,No.128,Academia Road,Sec.2,Nankang,Taipei115, is with the Division of Computer Science,University of CentralFlorida,2775Marsh Wren Circle,Longwood,FL32779.Manuscript received9Feb.2012;revised30July2012;accepted30Nov.2012;published online20Dec.2012.For information on obtaining reprints of this article,please send e-mail to:tmc@,and reference IEEECS Log Number TMC-2012-02-0067.Digital Object Identifier no.10.1109/TMC.2012.259.1536-1233/14/$31.00ß2014IEEE Published by the IEEE CS,CASS,ComSoc,IES,&SPSmany applications such as disaster recovery and battlefield communications.Specifically,LTE[1]and WiMAX[2] might be able to support broadband access for a given application terrain.They,however,are not flexible enough to adapt to topology changes for the dynamic applications considered in this work,and hence might require a much higher deployment cost,including the costs of equipments, manpower,and rewiring.In other words,they are a cost-effective technology only when there is a high density of users in a fixed and known application terrain,like in urban or suburban residential networks,to justify the expensive deployment cost.However,when this condition is not satisfied,such as a large temporary and uncertain applica-tion terrain in battlefield communication or disaster management applications,AMMNET is a good candidate because it can adapt to a very dynamic environment.Delay tolerant network(DTN)[3]is another option to support opportunistic communications for mobile networks.How-ever,there is no guarantee of finding a routing path to forward data.In contrast,the goal of our design is to provide such mobile networks a robust infrastructure with persistent connectivity.We note that if the number of mesh nodes in AMMNET is not enough to support full con-nectivity for the entire terrain,DTN can be used to improve the probability of data delivery.We leave the integration of AMMNET and DTN as our future study.We assume that each mobile mesh node is equipped with a localization device such as GPS.In addition,a mobile mesh node can detect mesh clients within its sensing range, but does not know their exact locations.For instance,this can be achieved by detecting beacon messages transmitted from the clients.Alternatively,RFID has been proposed for location-based applications[4].Similarly,mesh clients can be tagged with an inexpensive RFID and mobile mesh nodes are equipped with an RFID reader to detect the presence of mobile nodes within their sensing range.Our challenges in designing the proposed AMMNET are twofold.First,the mesh clients do not have knowledge of their locations making it difficult for the mobile mesh nodes to synthesize a global map of the user locations. Second,the topology adaptation needs to be based on a highly efficient distributed computing technique to keep up with the dynamic movement of the mobile users.These challenges are addressed in this paper.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: We introduce the framework of an AMMNET,and present how to realize mobile client tracking in a distributed manner in Section2.In Section3,a number of network topology optimization methods are discussed.Our perfor-mance evaluation results are given in Section 4.We summarize some related work in Section5,and conclude this paper in Section6.2D ISTRIBUTED C LIENT T RACKING IN AMMNET We first give an overview of the AMMNET framework,and then present how the mobile mesh nodes automatically adapt their locations to tracking mobile clients.2.1AMMNET OverviewSimilar to stationary wireless mesh networks,an AMMNET is a mesh-based infrastructure that forwards data for mobile clients as shown in Fig.1.A client can connect to any nearby mesh node,which helps relay data to the destination mesh node via multihop forwarding.For ease of description,in this paper we use the terms“mesh node”and“router”interchangeably.Like stationary wireless mesh networks, where routers are deployed in fixed locations,routers in an AMMNET can forward data for mobile clients along the routing paths built by any existing ad hoc routing protocols, for example,AODV.Unlike stationary wireless mesh networks,where routers are deployed at fixed locations, routers in an AMMNET are mobile platforms with auton-omous movement capability[5].They are equipped with positioning devices such as GPS,to provide navigational aid while tracking mobile clients.Clients are not required to know their locations,and only need to periodically probe beacon messages.Once mesh nodes receive the beacon messages,they can detect the clients within its transmission range.With this capability,mesh nodes can continuously monitor the mobility pattern of the clients,and move with them to provide them seamless connectivity.A few assumptions are made in our design.We consider a two-dimensional airborne terrain,where there is no obstacle in the target field.Mesh nodes can exchange information,such as their locations and the list of detected clients,with their neighboring mesh nodes.The radio range of each node is not a perfect circle in an application domain with obstacles.This factor may affect the accuracy of the sensing mechanism and,to a minor degree,the coverage. However,this does not affect the general applicability of the proposed techniques for AMMNETs.For simplicity,we assume that the radio range of both mesh nodes and clients is a perfect sphere.Fig.1.Topology adaptation of the autonomous mobile mesh network under three scenarios.Fig. 2.Fixed grid-based square topology under three scenarios illustrated in Fig.1.Our design considers applications where clients follow group mobility patterns[6]to move toward different directions in smaller groups.That is,the clients belonging to the same group have similar movement characteristics. However,different groups of clients might move in different directions,as illustrated in Fig. 1.The group mobility model has been verified as a realistic mobility model[7]and applied to many practical scenarios,such as campus networks[8]and ad hoc networks[9],[10].Our goal is to dynamically allocate a finite number of mesh nodes to cover as many mobile clients as possible,while maintaining the connectivity between the groups of clients. Even though we describe the operation of AMMNET using the group mobility model,AMMNET can actually support a more general mobility model,where clients might move independently.In an extreme case,each client can be thought of as a group that contains only one user,and the design of AMMNET can still be applied to support connectivity for those independent clients.To support such a dynamically changing mesh topology,mobile mesh nodes can be classified into the following types according to their current roles in this network:.Intragroup routers.A mesh node is an intragroup router if it detects at least one client within its radiorange and is in charge of monitoring the movementof clients in its range.Intragroup routers thatmonitor the same group of clients can communicatewith each other via multihop routing.For example,routers r1and r2in Fig.4are intragroup routers thatmonitor group G1..Intergroup routers.A mesh node is an intergroup router,i.e.,square nodes in Fig.4,if it plays the role ofa relay node helping to interconnect different groups.For each group,we designate at least one intergrouprouter that can communicate with any intragrouprouters of that group via multihop forwarding as thebridge router,for example,router b1for group G1..Free routers.A mesh node is a free router if it is neither an intragroup router nor an intergroup router.We consider a scenario where clients originate in one given location,and can be covered by the radio range of a single mesh node.Thus,the initial configuration of the AMMNET consists of only one intragroup router;and all remaining routers are free.In tracking the mobile clients, the mobile mesh nodes change their operation modes based on Algorithm1as follows:.Adapting to intragroup movement.As a group of clients moves from place to place,the area theyoccupy may change over time.The intragrouprouters must track these changes to move with theclients and dynamically adjust their topology ac-cordingly to sustain the communication coverage forthe clients..Reclaiming redundant routers.When the topology changes due to client mobility,some intra-andintergroup routers might become redundant andshould be reclaimed as free routers for future use..Interconnecting groups.Clients of a group may split into smaller groups that move in different directions.In this case,some free routers should change theiroperation mode to become intergroup routers tointerconnect these partitioned groups.We assume that each mesh node is fully charged in the initial location and has enough power to update its location and forward data for mobile clients.However,once an inter-or intragroup router detects that its energy level is low,it can request to be replaced by a free router.The replaced low-power node is then reclaimed as a free router and can go back to the initial location,for example,control center,to replace the battery.The above strategy prevents the network from partition due to energy-depleted mesh nodes.A sophisticate scheme that optimizes energy efficiency of AMMNET is still worth studying and is left as our future work. Algorithm1.Distributed Client Tracking for Router r.1:for each Beacon message interval do2:switch mode of router r do3:case Intra-group4:if detect missing clients then5:Request the client list from neighboringintra-group routers;6:if all its clients are covered by neighbors then 7:Switch to the Intergroup mode;8:else9:Assign free routers to navigate itscoverage boundary;10:end if11:end if12:case Intergroup bridge13:Piggyback its location in the forwardedpackets;14:Retrieve the locations of other bridge routers and the identity of the intergroup routers alongthe bridge networks from the forwardedpackets;15:Initiate topology adaptation if necessary(see Algorithm3);16:case Free17:if receive the tracking request from intra-grouprouters then18:Navigate the assigned segment to detect themissing clients;19:if locate the missing clients then20:Switch to the intra-group mode;21:Request some of the free routers to followthis new intra-group router;22:end if23:end if24:end switch25:end for26:returnIn terms of security,techniques developed for standard mesh networks are also applicable to the proposed AMMNET;and we refer the interested reader to[11],[12], [13],for examples,of these techniques.Another reasonable concern is the protection of the mobile mesh nodes against destruction.This issue depends on the physical design of the mobile mesh node and the application domain.As an example,autonomous quadrocopters[5]powered by solar energy can be used as the mobile mesh nodes.Such mobile mesh nodes are generally safe for applications such as crisis management(Fig.3).A battlefield environment,however,would be more hostile;where the enemy could attempt to disable the flying mesh nodes.Such a topic is beyond the scope of this paper although replacement mobile mesh nodes could be launched as needed to maintain the desired communication coverage;in which case,the air-borne network would reorganize itself to integrate the new mesh nodes.2.2Adapting to Intragroup MovementWe recall that each client continuously broadcasts beacon message to notify its present within the ratio range of an intragroup router.When this router no longer hears the expected beacon messages,one of two possible scenarios might have happened.The first scenario is illustrated in Fig.5a.It shows that client c moves out of the communica-tion range of router r into the communication range of an adjacent router r0in the same group.The second scenario is illustrated in Fig.5b.It shows that the missing client c moves from the communication range of router r to a space not currently covered by any of the routers in the group. The router r can distinguish the above two scenarios by querying its neighboring routers for their lists of monitored clients.If c is in any of these lists,r determines that the first scenario has occurred.In this case,since some of the neighboring routers provide the coverage for c,no further action is required.On the other hand,if none of the client lists includes c,which indicates the second scenario, topology adaptation is required to extend the coverage to include c at its new location.To achieve this goal,once router r detects the missing client,it broadcasts a message to trigger the neighboring free routers to track the missing client c.Specifically,since client c moves out from the radio range of router r,a free router must be able to locate the client c by navigating the boundary of r’s coverage,which is the circle centered at r, i.e.,the red segment shown in Fig.5b.Once a free router detects the missing client,it then stops navigating and switches its mode to become an intragroup router.We note that this new intragroup router will have connectivity to the rest of the intragroup routers because it is within the radio range of the original monitoring router r.The following optimization can be performed to further reduce the disconnection time for a missing client.We divide the boundary of each active router into k segments, where k is the minimum of12and N f=N a.N f and N a are the numbers of currently free and active routers,respec-tively.The benefit of this strategy is twofold.First,k free routers are available to search a given missing client in parallel by traversing different segments of the boundary simultaneously;second,the free routers are evenly dis-tributed among the active routers to ensure good perfor-mance at all client groups in the terrain.2.3Reclaiming Redundant RoutersWhen the intra-and intergroup routers are no longer required due to client mobility,the AMMNET should reclaim them for future use.We discuss the case of intragroup routers.Reclamation of intergroup routers will be treated in Section3.Consider the example shown in the right-hand side of Fig.5b.All the clients in the radio range of router r are also covered by the neighboring intragroup routers.In this case,router r is no longer needed and can be reclaimed as follows:Router r requests the clients list of the neighboring intragroup routers.If r detects that all its clients are covered by the neighboring routers,it sends a message to inform these neighbors of its intent to switch the operation mode.After receiving the acknowledgment from all these neighbors,r can switch to become an intergroup router.There are three points worth noting.First, this switching protocol is to avoid the situation where multiple neighboring intragroup routers simultaneously switch their mode,rendering some clients without any covering intragroup routers.Second,the redundant in-tragroup router can only declare itself as an intergroup router,instead of a free router,because it might be a bridge interconnecting two partitioned groups.Third, this switching protocol might generate more redundant intergroup routers,which can later be reclaimed to theFig.3.Autonomous airborne mesh networks for crisismanagement. Fig.4.AMMNET Framework.Routers are partitioned into two groups. Intragroup routers support intragroup communication;and intergroup routers prevent a networkpartition.Fig.5.Tracking the clients.If the client moves from one router area to another router area as in(a),no action is required.If a client moves out of the current network coverage area as in(b),free routers are triggered to track the missing pool during the topology adaptation phase discussed in Section3.2.4Interconnecting GroupsGiven a set of intragroup routers that provide communica-tion coverage for a group of mobile users,these mobile users might move out of this coverage area in smaller groups.To avoid network partitioning,each of the new groups must be supported by their local intragroup routers;and intergroup routers must organize themselves into a subnetwork of bridges to support the intergroup communications.Let us consider the example in Fig.6a.We initially have a single group of mobile users with a local network consisting of intragroup routers r1and r2.Sometime later, some of these clients are moving away from this coverage area in three different directions as shown in Fig.6b.Let us focus on group G2.As the two clients of this group move out of the initial coverage area,a free router joins the network as a new intragroup router to provide coverage for these two departing clients.This is done as discussed in Section2.2.At this time,r2can switch itself to become an intergroup router,as discussed in Section2.3,because it no longer has any client within its radio range.r2now serves as a network bridge to interconnect the two groups G1and G2as shown in Fig.6b.If the group G2continues to move farther away from G1,the above process repeats and more intragroup routers in G2become intergroup routers.They extend the network bridge,one intergroup router at a time along the trajectory of the group G2,to maintain the connectivity between G2and G1.Fig.6c illustrated three bridging networks connected to interconnect groups G2,G3, and G4to their original group G1.These bridging networks maintain the connectivity for all clients and prevent network partition.After interconnecting all the groups, free routers can be redistributed such that all the parti-tioned groups have a similar number of free routers to improve tracking efficiency.After redeployment,each free router sends its identification to the bridge routers in its group,and hence,any bridge router can track the number of free routers in its group.3T OPOLOGY A DAPTATIONThe protocol discussed so far ensures that the mesh nodes maintain the connectivity for all clients.The resulting networks,however,might incur long end-to-end delay with potentially many unnecessary intergroup routers because the bridging networks are constructed independently.As the example shown in Fig.6c,if a client in group G2wants to communicate with another client in group G3,this must be done through a long path over the router b1at group G1 although groups G2and G3are near each other.Another potential drawback is the excessive use of the intergroup routers.To improve this condition,we propose two topology adaptation schemes,namely local adaptation and global adaptation,each with a different resolution of location information to shorten the relay paths between groups.3.1Local AdaptationConsider again the example in Fig.6c.To save intergroup routers,we can replace three independent bridging net-works with a star network as shown in Fig.6d.A star topology generally provides shorter relay paths,and,as a result,requires fewer intergroup routers.To construct a star topology,we let the bridge routers exchange their location information opportunistically,and perform local adaptation as shown in Algorithm2when some bridge routers detect that they are close to each other.Algorithm2.Topology Adaptation(initiated by router r). input:(Collected in Algorithm1)R b:set of bridge routers known by r opportunistically;L b:location of routerb2R b;R i:set of intergroup routers connecting allknown bridge routers b2R b1:if number of free routers in r’s group< then2:Call Algorithm3to perform global adaptation;3:else4:Compute the single star topology S for R b;5:Build a bridge network B connecting to any bridge router b02R b;6:N0i number of intergroup routers needed for S and B;7:if N0i jR i j then8:Trigger the assigned intergroup routers to adapt their topology to S[B after a three-wayhandshaking;9:Reclaim the rest of intergroup routers to the free-router poor;10:end if11:end if12:returnSpecifically,when clients in different groups are com-municating with each other,the corresponding bridge routers can exchange their location information by piggy-backing such information in the data packets.For instance, when client c1transmits a data packet to client c2throughFig.6.Group partition.When clients are partitioned into several groups and move toward different directions,as in(a)and(b),the intragroup routers, which originally operate as intragroup routers to cover clients,are then switched to act as the intergroup routers that relay data among groups,as in (c).By applying local adaptation,as in(d),we can eliminate detour paths between groups.the bridge routers b2,b1,and b4as shown in Fig.6c,b2and b1 attach their location information to the data before for-warding the packet.When this data packet arrives at the bridge router b4,it can extract the location information of b2 and b1before forwarding the data packet.Similarly,the bridge router b1can extract the location information of b2 from the data packet.This opportunistic strategy allows the exchange of location information with minimum overhead. Note that as the data packet traverses the route from client c1to c2in the above example,the intergroup routers append their ID to the data before forwarding the packet. Thus,the bridge router b4also knows about the intergroup routers on the bridge networks between b2and b1and between b1and b4.After a bridge router(say b4)has gathered the local location information,it notices that bridge routers b2,b3,and itself are located near each other.This indicates that the corresponding groups G2,G3,and G4are within proximity. To more effectively interconnect them using a star topology, the bridge router b4can act as the coordinating bridge router or coordinator to trigger local topology adaptation.Specifi-cally,the bridge router b4determines the minimum-bounding rectangle for the locations of b2,b3,and itself; and uses the center of this rectangle as the center of the star topology as seen in Fig.6d.The coordinator also needs to ensure that the new constructed star topology will be connected to the rest of the AMMNET.Hence,to guarantee seamless network connectivity,the coordinator broadcasts a message to find a bridge router not a part of the new star network,for example,b1in this example,and builds a bridge network to this bridge router before the star network can be constructed.Construction of the star network in the above example is done as follows:The bridging networks between b2and b1 and between b3and b1can be dismantled,and their intergroup routers used for the new star network.Since the coordinating bridge router b4knows about these intergroup routers,it can create an assignment list to assign them to distinct data forwarding positions in the star network.This assignment list is multicast to all the intergroup routers on the bridge networks about to be dismantled.If these routers found them in the list,they move to the designated location to take their position in the new star network;otherwise,they change to the free mode and return to the free pool.Thus,such local adaptation not only improves the network performance,i.e.,smaller end-to-end delay,but also saves mobile routers.In the less frequent situations in which the number of intergroup routers is not enough for the construction of the new star network,the coordinator cancels the construction process.We note that multiple bridge networks in proximity might attempt to initiate their own local topology adapta-tion at about the same time.This is addressed by time stamping each adaptation request.When a bridge router receives a request with a smaller time stamp than that of the adaptation the router is currently involved with,it cancels its current adaptation process and follows the new one with a smaller time stamp.In terms of coordinating the intergroup routers,a three-way handshake protocol is employed.After a coordinating bridge router sends out its assignment list,it waits for the intergroup routers to confirm.If all agree to participate,the coordinator sends them a notification to proceed with the topology adaptation; otherwise,the coordinator cancels the adaptation.3.2Global AdaptationLocal topology adaptation provides local optimization.It is desirable to also perform global topology adaptation to achieve global optimality.The motivation is to achieve better overall end-to-end delay and free up intergroup routers for subsequent local adaptation.A simple option for global optimization is to apply Algorithm2to construct a star network for all the bridge routers in the AMMNET. Such a star network,however,would be inefficient and require more intergroup routers than necessary,particu-larly when there are a significant number of groups in the network as in Fig.7a.Ideally,an AMMNET should use as few intergroup routers as possible to minimize the number of mobile routers required and deliver good end-to-end delay for the application.This optimization problem can be formulated as the connected set cover problem,which has been proved to be NP-hard[14],[15].In this paper,we propose a hierarchical star topology,which is a near-optimal techni-que based on R-tree[16]as shown in Algorithm3.The R-tree is a multidimensional tree structure that aggregates at most M objects into a minimum-bounding rectangle.M of such rectangles are further aggregated into a larger bounding rectangle at the next higher level in the tree.This clustering process is repeated recursively at the higher levels until there is a single minimum-bounding rectangle left at the root of the R-tree.To determine a suitable value of M,we can apply k-means clustering[17]or affinity propagation[18]to cluster the bridge routers in the network.The latter does not require a specified number of clusters k.After clustering,each bridge router is associated with a distinct cluster based on its Euclidian distance with the centroid of the cluster.M is determined as the average size of all the clusters,i.e.,M¼P ki¼1jC i j=k,where k is the number of clusters and jC i j is the number of bridge routers in the i th cluster C i.Algorithm3.Hierarchical Star Topology Construction. Input:M:size of a bounding box1:Broadcast a message to all the bridge routers to collect information and coordinate global adaptation;2:R b set of bridge routers;3:L b location of router b2R b;4:R i set of nonbridge intergroup routers;5:Classify all r2R b into cluster C i;i¼1;2;...;k;6:M jC i jk;7:T R-Tree(R b;L b;M);8:for all vertex v in T do9:while v is a leave node and any r i;r j2v belong to the same group do10:Remove r j from v;11:end while12:if not all elements r2v are interconnected then13:Deploy a subset of intergroup routers in R i as a star topology to connect all r2v and removethose routers from R i;14:end if15:end for16:Reclaim the remaining routers in R i as free routers; 17:return。