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1 《管理经济学》练习题 与 答案一、填空题1.边际产量曲线与平均产量曲线相交于 平均产量 曲线的最高点。
2产量增加的百分比率大于生产规模扩大的百分比率称为 规模收益递增 ;产量增加的百分比率等于生产规模扩大的百分比率,称为 规模收益不变 ;产量增加的百分比率小于生产规模扩大的百分比率,称为 规模收益递减 。
3.在完全竞争市场上,企业面临的需求曲线是一条在完全竞争市场上,企业面临的需求曲线是一条水平 线;在各种不完全竞争市场上,企业面临的需求曲线是一条上,企业面临的需求曲线是一条 向右下方倾斜 线。
4.在图形上,供给量的变动表现为在图形上,供给量的变动表现为 同一条供给曲线上点子同一条供给曲线上点子 的移动,供给的变动表现为的移动,供给的变动表现为 整条供给曲线整条供给曲线 的移动。
5.总产量曲线、平均产量曲线、边际产量曲线都是先上升而后再下降,这种变化特征反映了 边际产量递减 规律。
6如果把等产量曲线与等成本线合在一个图上,那么等成本线必定与许多条等产量曲线中的一条相切于一点,在这个切点上就实现了 生产要素最优组合 (生产者均衡) 。
7.边际成本曲线与平均成本曲线相交于 平均成本曲线 曲线的最低点。
8.在图形上,需求的变动表现为在图形上,需求的变动表现为 整条需求曲线整条需求曲线 的移动,需求量的变动表现为的移动,需求量的变动表现为 同一条同一条需求曲线上点子需求曲线上点子 的移动。
9、不同的等成本线与不同的等产量线相切,形成不同的生产要素最适(优、佳)组合点,将这些点连接在一起就可得出这些点连接在一起就可得出 生产扩展线(或生产扩张线)生产扩展线(或生产扩张线)生产扩展线(或生产扩张线) 线。
10、两种互补商品之间价格与需求呈 反 方向变动,两种替代商品之间价格与需求呈 同 方向变动。
11、当某商品的价格上升5%,而需求量减少8%时,该商品属于需求%时,该商品属于需求 富 有 弹性。
5、酪氨酸tRNA反密码子是5'-GUA-3',它能辨认mRNA上的相应密码子是(5'-UAC -3' )。
6、假尿嘧啶核苷的糖苷键是(C-C )连接。
7、mRNA分子5'末端的帽子结构是(m7Gp5'ppN )。
8、终止密码子一共有三个,它们分别是(UAA )、(UGA )、(UAG )。
11、蛋白质生物合成的新生肽链是从(N )端开始,在mRNA上阅读时,密码子是从(5' )端到(3' )端。
14、一段线性双螺旋DNA,在经过连续五次增殖后,最初的DNA占总DNA的比例为(1/32 )。
15、E.coli中某蛋白质是由250个氨基酸残基构成的单链蛋白,该蛋白质的基因长度是(255 )nm,合成该蛋白质总共需要(1000 )分子ATP。
16、DNA聚合酶Ⅰ是多功能酶,若用蛋白酶将其有限水解得到两个片段,其中小片段具有(5'→3' 核酸外切酶)活性。
18、以RNA 为模板合成DNA 的酶叫做(逆转录酶)。
1.六年级上册语⽂练习题及答案:《跟祖⽗学诗》 ⼀、查字典 “闻”⽤⾳序查字法先查___,再查_____(声调可不标);⽤部⾸查字法先查___部,再查____画。
1.你闻闻这是什么⽓味?( ) 2.奶奶家⽣出的⼩⽜居然只有三条腿,成了这⼀带的`奇闻。
( ) 3.处处闻啼鸟。
( ) ⼆、看拼⾳写词语 jǐnɡɡào yáo tái bái lù shuāi lǎo tí jiào ( )( )( )( )( ) 三、辨字组词 唬( ) 瑶( ) 沥( ) 衰( ) 琥( ) 摇( ) 厉( ) 衷( ) 四、课⽂内容我知道。
2.联系上下⽂,说说“房盖被你抬⾛了”是什么意思,表达了祖⽗怎样的情感? 参考答案 ⼀、W wen 门 6 1.D 2.B 3.A ⼆、警告瑶台⽩鹭衰⽼啼叫 三、吓唬瑶台淅沥衰⽼ 琥珀摇摆厉害热衷 四、1.萧红童年跟祖⽗学诗 2.“房盖被你抬⾛了”意思是说作者念诗声⾳很⼤,似乎要掀翻屋顶,是⼀种夸张的写法。
2.六年级上册语⽂练习题及答案:《青⼭不⽼》 ⼀、在括号⾥填上合适的词语。
( )的⼤树 ( )的波光 ( )的狂风 ( )的环境 ( )的设想 ( )的波浪 ⼆、指出破折号的不同⽤法(填序号)。
A.表解释说明B.表语意转换C.表声⾳断续 1.他⽤林业收⼊资助每户买了⼀台电视机——他还有宏伟设想,还要栽树,直到⾃⼰爬不起为⽌。
练习题及参考答案一、选择题1、假设欧元利率为5%,美元利率为3%,根据利率平价理论,欧元对美元的远期汇率应A、升水B、贴水C、上浮D、下浮2、按外汇管制程度不同,可将汇率划分为A、金融汇率和贸易汇率B、官方汇率与市场汇率C、名义汇率和实际汇率D、基本汇率和套算汇率3、以两国货币的铸币平价为汇率确定基础的是A、金币本位制B、金块本位制C、金汇兑本位制D、纸币流通制4、一国货币升值对其进出口贸易的影响是A、出口增加,进口减少B、出口减少,进口增加C、出口增加,进口增加D、出口减少,进口减少5、在直接标价法下,如果需要比原来更少的本币来兑换一定数量的外国货币则表明A、本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率上升B、本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率上升C、本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率下降D、本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率下降6、国际金本位制的特点是黄金可以A、自由买卖、自由铸造、自由兑换B、自由铸造、自由兑换、自由输出入C、自由买卖、自由铸造、自由输出入D、自由流通、自由兑换、自由输出入7、为使国际收支平衡表的借方总额和贷方总额相等而人为设置的项目是A、经常项目B、资本与金融项目C、错误与遗漏D、官方储备8、国际收支平衡表中记录一国的商品出口与进口的项目是A、货物B、服务C、收益D、经常转移9、以下国际收支调节政策中,能使国际收支迅速得到改善的是A、财政政策B、准备金比率政策C、贴现政策D、直接管制10、采用间接标价法的国家或地区有A、美国和英国B、美国和香港C、英国和日本D、中国和日本11、若汇率采用的是直接标价法,即A、外币数额固定B、本币数额固定C、买入价在前,卖出价在后D、买入价在后,卖出价在前E、大多数国家采用12、理论上调节国际收支的手段主要包括A、汇率政策B、货币政策C、信贷政策D、直接管制措施E、财政政策13、根据《我国外汇管理条例》的定义,外汇包括以下内容A、外国货币B、外币支付凭证C、外币有价证券D、普通提款权E、其他外汇资产14、在间接标价下标价数字变大说明A、外国货币汇率上涨B、本国货币汇率上涨C、外国货币下跌D、本国货币下跌E、本币升值15、以下哪些因素会导致本币汇率上升A、国内通货膨胀B、贸易顺差C、资本流入增加D、提高进口关税E、本国利率上升二、计算题1、计算分析题(第四版格式)假设,某国某年发生以下对外经济交易(单位:亿美元)商品出口 101.11商品进口-99.36劳务收入 25.14劳务支出-34.53经常转移-l.10直接投资-2.66证券投资 1.75其他长期投资-5.70其他短期投资 5.84错误与遗漏 x外汇储备变化 7.13根据以上资料进行分析,并回答下列问题:(1)求贸易收支差额、经常账户收支差额、资本与金融账户差额和总差额(2)求错误与遗漏的数额。
高考英语写作技巧练习题50题(答案解析)1. 描述一个人的性格很开朗,以下哪个词最合适?A. quietB. shyC. outgoingD. serious答案解析:C。
A 选项“quiet”表示安静的;B 选项“shy”表示害羞的;C 选项“outgoing”表示外向的、开朗的;D 选项“serious”表示严肃的。
只有C 选项符合描述人的性格开朗。
2. 在写作中表达“重要的”,以下哪个词更高级?A. importantB. significantC. necessaryD. useful答案解析:B。
A 选项“important”是常见的表达重要的词;B 选项“significant”有重大的、显著的意思,比“important”更高级;C 选项“necessary”表示必要的;D 选项“useful”表示有用的。
3. 形容一个地方很美丽,以下哪个词最准确?A. niceB. goodC. beautifulD. pretty答案解析:C。
A 选项“nice”可以形容人或事物好;B 选项“good”也比较宽泛;C 选项“beautiful”专门用来形容美丽,最准确;D 选项“pretty”通常形容人漂亮或事物可爱。
4. 表达“有趣的”,以下哪个词更地道?A. interestingB. funnyC. amusingD. delightful答案解析:A。
B 选项“funny”更多是滑稽的意思;C 选项“amusing”和D 选项“delightful”相对不那么常用。
A 选项“interesting”最地道地表达有趣的。
5. 表示“困难的”,以下哪个词程度最深?A. hardB. difficultC. toughD. arduous答案解析:D。
A 选项“hard”和B 选项“difficult”比较常见,程度中等;C 选项“tough”也表示艰难,但程度不如“arduous”深;D 选项“arduous”表示艰巨的、艰难的,程度最深。
AA.期末余额 = 期初借方余额 + 本期借方发生额–本期贷方发生额B.期末余额 = 期初贷方余额 + 本期贷方发生额–本期借方发生额C.期末余额 = 期初借方余额 + 本期借方发生额D.期末余额 = 期初贷方余额 + 本期贷方发生额5、下列错误能够通过试算平衡查找的是()。
B A.借方4500元 B.贷方4500元C.借方3500元 D.贷方1000元待摊费用属于资产类,按照资产类账户计算期末余额。
DA.同增、同减、有增、有减B.同收、同付、有收、有付C.有增必有减,增减必相等D.有借必有贷,借贷必相等 D10、会计账户的开设依据是()。
CA.会计对象 B.会计要素C.会计科目 D.会计方法11、收到某单位的预付购货款存入银行,所引起的会计要素变动是() BA一项资产增加,一项资产得减少B一项资产增加,一项负债得增加C一项资产增加,一项负债得减少D一项负债增加,一项负债得减少借:银行存款(资产)贷:预收账款(负债)12、对于每一个账户来说,期末余额()。
Be动词专项练习题及答案1. I ___ a teacher. (am / is / are) 答案:am2. He ___ tall. (am / is / are) 答案:is3. They ___ students. (am / is / are) 答案:are4. We ___ in the classroom. (am / is / are) 答案:are5. You ___ my friend. (am / is / are) 答案:are6. It ___ a dog. (am / is / are) 答案:is7. She ___ beautiful. (am / is / are) 答案:is8. This ___ a book. (am / is / are) 答案:is9. Those ___ pens. (am / is / are) 答案:are10. The cat ___ on the chair. (am / is / are) 答案:is11. My mother ___ at home. (am / is / are) 答案:is12. Your father ___ happy. (am / is / are) 答案:is13. I ___ ten years old. (am / is / are) 答案:am14. He ___ a doctor. (am / is / are) 答案:is15. They ___ playing football. (am / is / are) 答案:are16. We ___ good friends. (am / is / are) 答案:are17. You ___ clever. (am / is / are) 答案:are18. It ___ my dog. (am / is / are) 答案:is19. She ___ in the park. (am / is / are) 答案:is20. This ___ my pen. (am / is / are) 答案:is21. Those ___ flowers. (am / is / are) 答案:are22. The bird ___ in the tree. (am / is / are) 答案:is23. My sister ___ nice. (am / is / are) 答案:is24. Your brother ___ tall. (am / is / are) 答案:is25. I ___ happy today. (am / is / are) 答案:am26. He ___ at school. (am / is / are) 答案:is27. They ___ watching TV. (am / is / are) 答案:are28. We ___ in the library. (am / is / are) 答案:are29. You ___ right. (am / is / are) 答案:are30. It ___ a car. (am / is / are) 答案:is31. She ___ singing. (am / is / are) 答案:is32. This ___ my house. (am / is / are) 答案:is33. Those ___ books. (am / is / are) 答案:are34. The ball ___ under the table. (am / is / are) 答案:is35. My uncle ___ kind. (am / is / are) 答案:is36. Your aunt ___ beautiful. (am / is / are) 答案:is37. I ___ a girl. (am / is / are) 答案:am38. He ___ playing the piano. (am / is / are) 答案:is39. They ___ running. (am / is / are) 答案:are40. We ___ in the park. (am / is / are) 答案:are41. You ___ tired. (am / is / are) 答案:are42. It ___ a bird. (am / is / are) 答案:is43. She ___ dancing. (am / is / are) 答案:is44. This ___ my computer. (am / is / are) 答案:is45. Those ___ oranges. (am / is / are) 答案:are46. The dog ___ on the floor. (am / is / are) 答案:is47. My cousin ___ smart. (am / is / are) 答案:is48. Your friend ___ happy. (am / is / are) 答案:is49. I ___ at home. (am / is / are) 答案:am50. He ___ reading a book. (am / is / are) 答案:is。
1第一章1-1. 晶体与非晶体的本质区别是什么?单晶体为何有各向异性而实际金属表现为各向同性?(1)晶体中的质点在空间作有规则的排列,而非晶体内部的质点排列不规则 (2)因为不同的晶面及晶向上,原子的排列情况不同,所以晶体表现为各向异性,而实际金属是由很多方向各异的单晶体杂乱排列而成,所以整体表现为各向同性。
1-4. 铜和铁室温下的晶格常数分别为0.286n m 和0.3607n m ,求1c m 3铁和铜中的原子数。
1n m (n a n o m e t e r )=10--99m =10A (a n g s t r o n g ) 铜的晶格常数=0.286 x 10--77c m 铁的晶格常数=0.3607 x 10--77c m1c m 3铜的原子数=3)710286.0(31cm x cm - x 4 = 1.71x 10231c m 3 铁的原子数=3)7103607.0(31cm x cm -x 2 = 4.26x 102221-5. 常见的金属晶体典型结构有哪几种?α-F e , γ-F e , C u , A l , N i , P b , C r , V , M o , M g , Z n , W 各属于何种晶体结构?面心立方结构、体心立方结构、密排六方结构 γ-F e , C u , A l , N i , P b - 面心立方结构 α-F e , C r , V , M o , W - 体心立方结构 M g , Z n - 密排六方结构1 作图表示立方晶系(211)、(112)、(210)、(321)、(223)、(236)晶面与[111]、[111]、[021]、[112]、[211]、[123]晶向。
(211)、(112)、(210)、(321)、(223)、(236)晶面:(211) (112) (210)1.2★作图表示立方晶系(211)、(112)、(210)、(321)、(223)、(236)晶面与[111]、[111]、[021]、[112]、[211]、[123]晶向。
非谓语动词专项练习100题(含答案)1.The great hall was crowded with many people, __many children __on their parents’ laps.A.including; seated B.including; seating C.included; sat D.included; sitting 2.It’s said that the Olympic Games __ in Beijing in 2008 will cover more events than any other Olympics did. A.holding B.to be held C.held D.to be holding 3.____for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water. A.Being no rain B.There was no rain C.To be no rain D.There being no rain 4.A street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly,__him a millionaire overnight. A.making B.makes C.to make D.made 5.In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in the fire-stricken areas moved out _____. A.to escape burning B.to escape being burned C.escaping burned D.escaping from burning 6.Taking this medicine, if _____, will of course do good to his health. A.continued B.to continue C.continues D.continuing 7.The little boy still needs the _____20 dollars to do with some things _____. A.remaining; remained to be settled B.remaining; remaining to be settled C.remained; remained to settle D.remained; remaining to settle 8._____ his age, the little boy read quite well. A.Considering B.Considered C.Consider D.Having considered 9.___from the appearance,it is very peaceful;but in fact,a war will break out soon. A.Judged B.Judging C.Having judged D .To judge D.To judge 10. —Tom enjoys ___ basketball on Sunday afternoons, doesn’t he?— Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys _____. A.to play; dancing B.playing; to dance C.to play; to dance D.playing; is to dance 11.His letter, _____ to the wrong number, reached me late. A.having been addressed B.to have addressed C.to have been addressed D.being addressed 12. The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February 1, 2003, _____ all sev astronauts aboard. A.having killed B.killing C.being killed D.killed 13. There are lots of places of interest _____ in our city. A.needs repairing B.needing repaired C.needed repairing D.needing to be repaired 14. — What caused the party to be put off? What caused the party to be put off? —— _____ the invitations. A.Tom delayed sending B.Tom’s delaying sendingC.Tom delaying to send D.Tom delayed to send 15. I was afraid _____ to my customers because I was afraid _____ them. A.of talking back; to lose B.of talking back; of losing C.to talk back; to lose D.to talk back; of losing 16.Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but _____ the flowing of the smog around me. A.enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoyed D.to enjoy 17.17.—— Is Tom a good talker? — No, he never speaks to me other than _____ something? A.ask for B.to ask for C.asked for D.asking for 18.I can’t get my car __ on cold mornings, so I have to try __ the radiator with some hot water.A.run; to fill B.running; filling C.running; to fill D.ran; filling 19.The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls _____ in all directions before he was sent _____ by h wife. A. flying; to sleep B. flying; sleeping C. to fly; to sleeping D. to fly; to sleep 20. When we got back from the cinema,we found the lamp ___but the door ___. A. being on; shut A. being on; shut B. burning; shutting B. burning; shutting B. burning; shutting C. burning; shut C. burning; shut D. on; shutting 21.We found the students seated at tables and had their eyes ____on the scene of the launch of Shenzhou V spaceship. A. fixed B. fix C. fixing D. to fix 22.A doctor can expect _____ at any hour of the day or night. A. calling B. to call C. being called D. to be called 23.The boy often gives a satisfactory answer to the teacher’s question, ____ just a minute. So he’s usually the teacher’s pet. A. thought B. having thought C. and to think D. thinking 24.The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door ____, ___there for a while and then entered it. A. open; to stand B. opening; stood C. open; stood D. opened; standing 25._____ along the quiet road at forty miles an hour, and then an old man suddenly started to cross the road in front of me. A. Driving B. I was driving C. Having driven D. When I was driving 26.Mr. Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had ___was nowhere to be seen. A. repairing B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired 27.What did the librarian _____ out of the library? A. permit to take B. forbid to be taken C. allow to take D. insist being taken 28. — Mum, why do you give me so much popcorn? — _____ the boring time. A. Kill B. Killing C. To kill D. Having killed 29.What Yang wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was __the joy with all the Chinese. A. share B. shared C. having shared D. about to share 30.When she was alone at home, Mary needed a friend _____. A.playing with B.having played with C.with whom to play with D.with whom to play 31._____ the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _____ out of life. A.Seeing; frightened B.Seeing; frightening C.Seen; frightened D.To see; frightening D.To see; frightening 32.The competitor never dreamed of __ for him to win the first prize in the 100-meter race. A.there was a chance B.there being a chance C.it being a chance D.it was a chance 33._____ everything to go wrong in advance, and you won’t feel quite so bad when it doe s. A. Having expected B. Expect C. To expect D. Expecting 34.34.—— You _____ part in the party on time. — Sorry, I was delayed by the accident. A.are to take B.have supposed to take C.were to have taken D.supposed to take 35._____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.A. When compared B.To compare C. While comparing D. It compared 36._____ in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _____ at the party. A.Dressed; noticed B.Dressing; noticing C.Dressed; noticing D .Dressing; noticed D.Dressing; noticed 37.The matter _____ your study surely requires _____ carefully. A. relating to; dealing with B. related to; dealt with C. related to; being dealt with D. relating to; having dealt with 38._____ made her parents worried a lot. A. Her not to come back B. Not her to come back C. Her not coming back D. Not her coming back 39.Everything ___into consideration, they believed themselves more and returned to their positions. A.to take B.taken C.to be taken D.taking 40.He moved away from his parents and missed them ____enjoy the exciting life in New York. A. much so as to B. very much to C. too much to D. enough to 41.41.—— What do you think of the plan? — It’s easier said than _____. than _____. A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out 42.Many businessmen attended the Boao Forum because they knew what __ from the forum. A. to get B. to be got C. got D. getting 43.There was a famous person at the party whom everyone would like _____to themselves. A. to introduce B. to be introduced C. introducing D. being introduced 44.44.—— Were you at home last Sunday? — Yeah! I devoted the whole day to _____ the English grammar. A. review B. reviewing C. be reviewed D. being reviewed 45.Once _____ at the shop, you will be dismissed immediately. A. caught stealing B. caught to steal C. catching stealing D. to catch to steal 46. Prices of daily goods____through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 47._____, John returned to school from his hometown. A. The summer vacation being over B. The summer vacation is over C. Because the summer vacation over D. After the summer vacation being over 48._____ she can’t come, who will do the work?A. Supposed B. Supposing C. Having supposed D. Being supposed 49.49.—— Is there anything you want from town? — No, thank you. But I would like to get ___. A.those letters mailed B.mailed letters B.mailed letters C.to mail those letters D.those letters mail 50.After the guests left, she spent as much time as she could _____ the rooms. A. tidy up B. to clear away C. clear away D. tidying up 51._____ it or not, his discovery has shocked everyone in scientific circles. A. Believe B. To believe C. Believing D. Believed 52.To tell you the truth, I’d rather read than watch television; the programs seem __all the time.A.to get worse B.to be getting worse C.to have got worse D.getting worse 53.After the Arab states won independence, great em phasis was laid on education, with girls as well as boys _____ to go to school. A. to be encouraged B. encouraging C. encouraged D. be encouraged 54.Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office _____. A. to send it to B. to send it C. to be sent to D. to have it sent 55.___that it was going to snow, the climbers decided to put off their attempt on the highest mountain. A. Having told B. Having been told C. Tell D. Telling 56.As is known to us all, traveling is __, but we often feel __ when we are back from travels. A.interesting; tired B.interested; tiring C.interesting; tiring D.interested; tired 57.The foreign tourists have visited many scenic spots in Shanghai,____as interpreter. A. the guide acts B. the guide acting C. acting D. acted 58.Linda is thought to___ in Africa, but I really don’t know what country she’s working in.A. have worked B. work C. be working D. be worked 59._____ 59._____ time time time and and and labor, labor, labor, cartoonists cartoonists cartoonists generally generally generally draw draw draw the the the hands hands hands of of of their characters their characters with with only only only 3 3 3 fingers fingers fingers and and and a a a thumb. thumb. A.To save B.Saved C.Saving D.Having saved 60.I am busy ____ for the entrance examination, so I can’t help ____housework at home.A.preparing; doing B.preparing; to do C.to prepare; doing D.to prepare; to do 61.In order to protect our planet, _____. A.all kinds of pollution should be reduced B.we should reduce all kinds of pollution C.the environment should be protected first D.it’s important to protect our environment62.Hoping he would not be seen, Bob stole in, ___his schoolbag and rushed out. A. picking up B. picked up C. to pick up D. having picked up 63.____money 63.____money if if if you you you can can can and and and many many many poor poor poor children children children in in in the the the poor poor poor mountainous mountainous mountainous areas areas areas will will will be be be able able able to to to go go go back back back to to to school. school. A.Having given B.Given C.To give D.Give 64.Whatever trouble Mr. White had ___with the case, he would stick to his own opinion. A.deal B.to deal C.dealt D.dealing 65.While listening to pop music, _____. A.she felt asleep B.the light went out C.someone knocked at the door D.and she couldn’t help laughing66.___ the distance was too long and the time was short, we decided not to drive to Florida. A. Discovering B. To discover C. To have discovered D. Discovered 67._____, J.K. Rowling is considered to be the best fiction writer A.Having sold millions of copies of her books B.Because millions of copies of her books are sold C.Sold millions of copies of her books D.Selling millions of copies of her books 68.What surprised me most was that there appeared a ____ look on her face on hearing the unexpected news. A.worrying B.worried C.worry D.worries 69._____ one of the most important inventions of the time, the computer helps people living in different countries to do a lot 69._____ one of the most important inventions of the time, the computer helps people living in different countries to do a lot things. A.Knowing to be B.It was known C.Known as D.Which was known to be 70.70.—— Did you enjoy yourself last night? — It’s very nice of you. I appreciated _____ to the party.A. to be invited B.to have invited C.being invited D.having been invited 71.If you go to the West Lake in Hangzhou, you will find it more attractive than commonly__. A. supposing B. to suppose C. supposed D. being supposed 72.72.—— Haven’t you seen the sign,_____ “NO PHOTOS”? — I’m really sorry I didn’tA. reads B. to read C. read D. reading 73.73.—— Do you feel like _____ out? — No. I’d rather we _____ a taxi.A. to drive; take B. to drive; took C. driving; take D. driving; took 74.74.—— Kate shouldn’t have done that sort of thing.— Whatever she did was reasonable, ____to what you had done. Besides, it’s none of your business. Get down to _____ you work. A. comparing; doing B. comparing; do C. compared; doing D. compared; do 75._____ nice and delicious, the fried chicken was soon sold out. A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. To taste 76.76.—The plan is heard ____ so well that we don’t have to make any changes. —The plan is heard ____ so well that we don’t have to make any changes. — It is indeed. A. to design B. designing C. designed D. design 77.W 77.While we’re developing agriculture and industry, we must prevent the earth___.hile we’re developing agriculture and industry, we must prevent the earth___. A. from polluting B. polluted C. polluting D. being polluted 78.The woman found it no good _____ her daughter too much money. A. giving B. being given C. given D. gave 79.He felt it a great honor _____ to visit me when I was in his city. A. to have been taken B. to have taken C. having taken D. being taken 80.Will you please tell me why you had no pen _____ in class, Kate? A.to have written B.to be written with C.to have been written D.to write with 81.Her dress has become loose. She appears _____ weight. A. to lose B. being lost C. losing D. to have lost 82.The building ____ will be completed in a month. It will be our lab building. A. to paint B. being painted C. to have painted D. painting 83.I find these problems are easy _____. A.to be worked out B.to work them out C.to work out D. to be worked them out 84.84.——What do you think of last night’s lecture? — _____ speaking, I thought it was rather boring. A. Real B. General C. Fair D. Honestly 85.Nancy let me repeat her instruction _____ sure that I understood what was _____ after she was away on business. A.to make; to be done B.making; doing C.to make; to do D.making; to do 86.The purpose of new drugs used on patients is to make them less painful, __ them more terrible. A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make 87.As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it _____on the ground. A. laying B. lay C. lying D. lain 88.88.—— I would like to buy an expensive camera. — Well. We have several models __. A. to choose from B. of choice C. to be chosen D. for choosing st night I saw Yang Weiwei lying in bed, _____in deep thought. A. lost B. losing C. to lose D. being lost 90.Tigers _____ meat-eating animals _____ meat. A. belonged to; fed on B. belonging to; feed on C. were belonged to; feed on D. belonging to; feeding on 91.91.—— Is it _____ the bad smell that is difficult ? — Of course. A. how getting rid of B. got rid of C. to get rid of D. being got rid of 92.92.—— Have you made up your mind _____ the chance to go to France? — No. I’m practicing _____ the French language.A.to give up; to learn B.to give up; learning C.giving up; to learn D.giving up; learning 93.Never _____ off your coat; it’s rather cold outside.A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken 94.A big factory has been set up in this area ___ such goods for people all over the country. A. to produce B. producing C. produced D. being produced 95.The _____ look in her face suggested that she _____ it before. A. surprising; wouldn’t know B. surprised; hadn’t knownC. surprising; hadn’t known D. surprised; shouldn’t know96.You have no business _____ to me the way you did yesterday. A. about talking B. talking C. talked D. on talking 97.___ what he can do. He might get a job tomorrow. He might stay out of work for weeks. A.We didn’t know B .He doesn’t knowB.He doesn’t know C.There is no knowing D.It was known that 98.John’s bad habit is _____ without thorough understandingA.read B.being read C.to be read D.reading 99.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _____on a big rock by the side of the path A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.rest 100.We must treasure every minute because _____ time is _____ forever. A.lost; losing B.lost; lost C.losing; losing D.losing; lost 非谓语动词专项练习答案及部分解析:非谓语动词专项练习答案及部分解析:1.A 。
(选填:有、没有)3、多充气20下的皮球和多充气10下的皮球质量是,因为多充气20下,皮球里的空气就要比多充气10下皮球里的空气,因此要大一些,由此我们可以得出结论:充气越多,皮球和空气的总质量 ,说明空气是。
( )3、和相同体积的水、石头相比,空气的质量最小。
( )5、在实验过程中,可以大声喧哗,来回跑动。
()三、选择题1、有一种物质,它能占据空间、能流动,没有固定的形状,易压缩,重量较轻,它会是( )A.水B.空气C.石头2、在两个同样大小的塑料袋里分别装满水和空气,称量比较准确的结果是( )。
4、空气总是在( )运动的。
A.向上B.向下C.循环四、解答题1、请你结合课堂所学知识,说说哪些物质具有质量?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2、请你结合课堂所学知识,说说物质的质量在生活中,有哪些应用?_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________五、实验分析题1、设计一个探究“空气是否有质量”的实验:【1】实验名称:探究“空气是否有质量”【2】我的假设:空气_________质量。
100道练习题,带答案大全1. 将下面左图进行折叠后,得到的图形是17.字形练习纠纠武夫A 1.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是A.涣散机 B.涉密瘴 C.陨命石 D.遴选端倪斑驳陆离肄业得鱼忘筌僭越振聋发聩纽扣摄像白内绊脚金刚钻B白内瘴--白内障;C陨命--殒命;D 纠纠武夫-- 赳赳武夫筌:捕鱼用的竹器。
3.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A.煤炭姆指笑咪咪大快朵颐B.埋单搭档泊来品有错别字的一组是锄强扶弱A.演绎恻隐编纂C.赋予委屈 ?摊血见微知著D.付梓经典雷震雨惩前毙后CA项,拇指,笑眯眯;B项,舶来品;D项,雷阵雨,惩前毖后。
4.下列词语中,没再接再厉 B.敲榨暗淡集思广益 C.曼妙蛊惑闲情逸志 D.险衅狼藉斑驳陆离A试题分析:B项,敲诈 C缭绕衍生篇副项,闲情逸致D项,篇幅。
5.下列词语中,没有万事具备,只欠东风 B.磐竹难书两全其美一言既出,驷马难追 C.掷地有声曲意逢迎桃李不言,下自成蹊 D.至高无上原型必露失之东隅,收之桑榆 C试题分析:“万事俱备” “俱”是“全”“都”的意思,而“具锐不可当B.蜇居副作用指备”是“有”的意思,A项排除;手画脚屈指可数 C.凑合哈密瓜眼花缭乱“竹难书” “罄”,是“罄尽,完”意思,而“磬“是古代石制的一种打击乐器,B项排除;“原形毕露”.下列词语中,没有错别字的是A.妥帖亲和力披沙拣金膏梁子弟D.犄角嘉奖令两全齐美仗义执言A试题分析:可根据常见的容易混淆的词语知识的积累,结合着词语意思判断。
2.在家庭电路中,测量用户消耗电能多少的仪器是,如果增加工作的家用电器个数,通过该仪器的电流就会 (选填“增大”、“不变”或“减小”)。
3.在图1中,把一块厚玻璃放在钢笔的前面,笔杆看起来好像“错位”了,这是由光的现象形成的,“错位”部分是钢笔通过厚玻璃成的一个 (选填“虚”或“实”)像。
4.如图2所示,铁丝反复弯折后铁丝内能将 (选填“增大”或“减小”),这是通过的方法改变铁丝内能的。
材料、横截面积相同的甲、乙两电阻丝,甲的长度是1.20米,乙的长度是2米,则 (选填“甲”或“乙”)的电阻大。
在匀速上升过程中,铁桶的机械能 (选填“增加”、“不变”或“减少”)。
Ⅰ. 单选题1. Eyes play an important role in body balance and it is important to ____ as much information from the environment as possible.A. absorbB. involveC. inventD. conquer2. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered in the process.A. prohibitedB. eagerC. embarrassedD. bound3. If your children are spending too much time on computer games, think carefully about how you are going to ____ the situation. A. accomplish B. arrange C. handle D. decrease4. She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back ____ her again, sharp and insistent.A. conqueredB. wakenedC. absorbedD. retired5. Early in the morning, I was ____ out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car.A. distractedB. draggedC. wakenedD. assigned6. You should make sure you know where the parents can be ________,and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child.A. connectedB. communicatedC. committedD. contacted7. On one _______, they locked her in a car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing (偷听).A. occasionB. campusC. voyageD. basis8. If you wish, we can ______ for your luggage (行李) to be sent on ahead to each of the overnight stops.A. memorizeB. contractC. arrangeD. commit9. The boy ______ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to bed.A. reluctantlyB. disappointedlyC. fortunatelyD. undoubtedly10. I started to read newspapers and magazines more, and, for just about the firsttime in my life, I began to take an interest in _______ affairs.A. personalB. currentC. ancientD. social11. I’d like to ________ that students should be allowed more time for independent study.A. proposeB. commandC. arrangeD. steer12. On a ________ day, our professor works in the lab from 9 A.M. to 11 P.M..A. followingB. typicalC. previousD. diligent13. He might as well have picked a family ________ out of the telephone book and stayed with them.A. at randomB. at a timeC. after allD. in detail.14. The books are beautifully ____ with drawings and photographs.A. illustratedB. designedC. writtenD. covered15. A sign at our local church is in wood, with gold lettering, but the ____ is already fading after three years.A. productB. latterC. laterD. medal16. The ____ table (写字台)takes up too much space in my small office.A. to writeB. writingC. writtenD. write17. They failed to convince her of his ____.A. honestyB. honestC. dishonestlyD. honestly18. He suggested that the novel ____ into a film.A. makeB. madeC. makingD. be made19. His report on the Olympic Games was really ____.A. exciteB. excitingC. excitementD. excited20. Mary picked ____ a book from the floor and began to read.A. onB. inC. outD. up21. She is young and ____, but she is good at learning.A. experienceB. inexperienceC. experiencedD. inexperienced22. His classmates tried to persuade him ____ swimming across the river, but he did not listen.A. fromB. inC. onD. to23. Nowadays we rely more and more ____ computers to help us in doing everything.A. inB. fromC. onD. to24. Ann has a wheelchair that was ____ designed for her.A. especiallyB. especialC. specialD. specially25. You are ____ to fail the exam if you don’t do any revision.A. boundB. bunchC. relyD.pick答案:1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A1. Large-scale studies are needed to____ the encouraging results we have obtained so farA. conductB. confirmC. contractD. commit2. W hoever disobeys the company’s safety regulations shall be__on the spotA. dismissedB. switchedC. interruptedD. revealed3. All the questions the police asked____ what she had been doing on the night of the robberyA. brought upB. revolved aroundC. built onD. singled out4. If schoolchildren are allowed to work at their own____, their performance will generally improveA. versionB. paceC. evolutionD. system5. To attract foreign investors, you have to____ them that their investment will have profitable returnsA. confirmB. stimulateC. grabD. convince6. The conference was an attempt to____ discussion of the problem of widening gaps between the rich and the poorA. stimulateB. conductC. intendD. uncover7. The clerk held my passport four inches from his face and____ to read itA. affectedB. flippedC. strainedD. giggled8. If these problems are not____ early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves and to their instructorsA. skippedB. contractedC. spottedD. responded9. Tourism authorities ____ quickly to reports of the attack, claming that it was accidental and that crime against tourists was quite rare in the scenic areasA. addedB. fastenedC. skippedD. responded10. To ____ for the position, applicants would need to have a PhDdegree and 3 year’s working experienceA. strainB. qualifyC. registerD. campaign11. ____his age, he can not finish this task all by himself.A. GivenB. GiveC. GaveD. Giving12. The travelers were about to cross the river____ a storm broke.A. thenB. atC. thereD. when13. You are meant____ before you come in.A. payB. payingC. to payD. paid14. I don’t teach____ I think I know the answer.A. thatB. whyC. whenD. because15. He entered the office____ by the way she had spoken to him.A. annoyedB. annoyingC. annoyD. annoys16. The road gradually widened until we found____ in a large valley.A. meB. usC. ourD. ourselves17. He will help you to prepare____ you need to say in the meeting next week.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. when18. Little____ guess that in a few year s’ time the young man who used to live next door to them would become a superstar.A. does theyB. they doesC. did theyD. they did19. He ran as____ as he could in the hope of breaking his record for the five miles.A. harderB. hardlyC. hardestD. hard20. ____ the whole country rose up to drive the aggressors from their homeland.A. It is long before thatB. It wasn’t long before thatC. It isn’t long before thatD. It wasn’t long before that21. ---“Ben looks pale, what’s happened to him “---“Nothing serious, just____ he was a bit upset about losing the game.”A. thatB. whenC. whyD. as22. I would rather____ early, and get home before it gets dark.A. to goB. goingC. goneD. go23. Needless to say, we place our hope on____ young.A. aB. manyC. theD. an24. All research is built____ work completed by previous researchers.A. onB. atC. inD. out25. This show will no doubt add____ his reputation.A. onB. atC. inD. to答案:Part II. ClozeMany of you are studying English and you may be wondering why it is so difficult to learn. It is actually not that difficult to learn _1_ you know some basic facts _2_ the language and the culture that it reflects (反映).Perhaps the first thing you need _3_ English is that it is _4_ up of several other languages such _5_ French, German ,Latin ,Greek Anglo-Saxon. _6_ addition ,there are words from Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names; _7_ some Chinese and Japanese words have found their way _8_ the English language. This borrowing of words from _9_ languages is one of the key reasons for some of the difficulties that people meet with _10_ they are learning English.1.A. so B. and C. but D. if2.A. with B. about C. at D. in 3.A. know B. knowing C. to know D. known 4.A. make B. making C. maked D. made5.A. as B. for C. that D. was 6.A. also B. in C. but D. yet 7.A. even B. in C. from D. to8.A. even B. into C. from D. to9.A. a B. an C. any D. other10.A. while B. that C. which D. since 答案:1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A阅读理解Passage oneI was born in the city of York, in England, in the year 1632. My father was a man of some wealth, able to give me a good home and send me to school. It was his wish that I should be a lawyer buy my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of rambling, and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My father gave me strong and earnest counsel against it, but with little effect. One day, being at Hull, I met a school-fellow who was about to sail for London in his father's ship, and he prompted me to go with him, and in an evil hour, without asking God's blessing or my father's,I went on board.On the way to London, a storm arose, the ship was wrecked, and we barely escaped with our lives. I went on foot to London, where I met with the master of a vessel which traded to the coast of Africa. He took a fancy to me, and offered me a chance to go with him on his voyages, which I gladly accepted.A great storm came up, and the ship was tossed about for many days, until we did not know where we were. Suddenly we struck a bank of sand, and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces. In this distress we launched a boat. After we had been driven four or five miles, a raging wave struck us so furiously that it overset the boat at once. Though I swam well the waves were so strong that I was dashed against a rock with such force that it left me senseless. But I recovered a little before the waves returned, and, running forward, got to the mainland safely.1. What did the author want to do when he was youngA. To visit AfricaB. To sail the seasC. To practice lawD. To make a tour of London2. Why did the author go on foot to LondonA. The ship he took was destroyed in a storm.B. His father did not supply the fare for the journey.C. He went against his father’s strong device not to do so.D. His school-fellow invited him to go together.3. Why did they launch a boatA. They know they were near a shore.B. The big waves were about to overturn the ship.C. Their ship had been knocked about for may days on the sea.D. Their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces.4. When the author got to the mainland, he ____.A. searched everywhere for his lost companions.B. fell down on the ground senseless.C. was safe and sound.D. ran forward to escape being washed back into the sea.5. When the author finally arrived on land, he most probably ____.A. knew he was in Africa.B. did not know where he was.C. was not aware he was back in England.D. got in touch with his family and asked for help.Passage twoSome people have it easy. When their kids ask them what they do at work, th ey can give a simp1e direct answer: “I put out fires” or” “I fix sick peop1e” or” “I teach primary schoo1”. As a theoretica1 physicist, I never had this 1uck . Society has come toexpect many things from the physicist. 1t used to be that me on1y bad to discover the basic 1aws of the wor1d and supp1y the techniques that wou1d power the next of things we think we know how to do. What makes us uncomfortab1e-and what makes it hard for us to te11 our kids what we’ re up to-is that in this century we have become, though unwi11ing1y, gurus on questions such as “what is the nature of Rea1ity (现实) ”We now deal with a whole new c1ass of prod1ems .We ask how the wor1d began and what is the nature4 of matter. The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for the average person.So, when physicists get out of their cars in the morning, have a cup of coffee and sit down in front of their computers, they 1eave a fami1iar wor1d and enter a p1ace where things act in of strange ways that are impossid1e for ordinary peop1e to understand.6.According to the passage, in a way physicists areA. intel1igentB. comfortad1eC. strangeD.un1ucky7. Judging from the context, the word: “gurus” in the first paragraph most probab1y means a person.A.who acts as a teacher and answers big questionsB.who gives wrong answers to big questionsC.who does not 1ike to answer big questionsD.who is eager to supp1y answers to big questions8. Which of the fo11owing is true according to what the author says about physicistsA.physicists do not 1ike their job.B.Physicists 1ive in two different wor1ds.C.Physicists are coming up with new answers to o1d questions.D.Physicists don’t have to te11 peop1e what they are doing.9. Which of the fo11owing statement is trueA.Theoretica1 physicists on1y have to answer the basic questionsabout the wor1d.B.Theoretica1 physicists contributed do the new industry onSi1icon Va11ey.C. Theoretoca1 physicists have disappointed the expectations ofmany peop1e.D.Theoretica1 physicists have found it hard to friends withordinary peop1e.10. Which of the fo11owing is true shout the job of physicistsA.It is getting more and more difficu1t.B.It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary peop1e.C. A person with average inte11igence can not do it.D. Both A and B.答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.BPassage oneA couple of years ago I spent the day at an elementary school in New Jersey. It was a nice average school, a square and solid building, full of reasonably well-behaved kids from middle-class families. I handled three classes, and by the time I staggered out the door I wanted to lie down for the rest of the day. Teaching’s the toughest job there is. In his new memoir, “Teacher Man,” Frank McCourt recalls telling his students, “Teaching is harder than working on docks and warehouses. ” Not to mention writing a column. I can stare off into the middle distance with my chin (下巴) in my hand any time. But you go mentally south for five minutes in front of a class of fifth graders, and you are sunk.The average new teacher today makes just under $30,000 a year, which may not look too bad for a twenty-something with no mortgage (抵押贷款) and no kids. But soon enough the new teachers realize that they can make more money and not work anywhere near as hard elsewhere. After a lifetime of hearing the old legends about cushy (舒适安逸(de)) hours and summer vacations, they figure out that early mornings are for students who need extra help, evenings are for test corrections and lesson plans, and weekends and summers are for second and even third jobs to try to pay the bills.According to the Department of Education, one in every five teachers leaves after the first year, and almost twice as many leave within three. If any business had that rate of turnover, someone would do something smart an d strategic to fix it. This isn’t any business. It’s the most important business around, the gardeners of the landscape of the human race.Unfortunately, the current way of dealing with problems in education is taken directly from business practice, and it’s a terrible fit. Instead of simply acknowledging that starting salaries are woefully low and committing to increasing them and finding the money for reasonable recurring raises, politicians have wasted decades talking about something called merit pay (奖励工资). It’s a concept that works fine if yo u're making toys, but kids aren’t toys, and good teaching isn’t an assembly line.1. What can we infer from the first paragraph about teachersA. They have to teach three classes at a time.B. They have a very rewarding job.C. They prefer to teach children from middle-class families.D. They have a very hard job to do.2. Why does the author say teaching is tougher than writing a columnA. Teaching is like working on docks and warehouses.B. Teaching demands full attention.C. Teachers have to work with children.D. Teachers have no chance to go traveling.3. What do new teachers find out after some practiceA. Their starting salary is lower than offered by other occupations.B. They have to work during vacations to make ends meet.C. They have to plan their time well to get everything done.D. They can take a second or even a third job besides teaching.4. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that the author thinks __________.A. measures should be taken to keep teachers in their jobsB. the rate of turnover in teaching is low compared to other occupationsC. it’s natural for a number of teachers to quit in three to five yearsD. it’s fair to call teachers the gardeners of the landscape of the human race5. What does the author think of merit payA. It will make up for teachers’ low starting salaries.B. It will bring down the turnover rate of teachers.C. It is a good fix for current educational problems.D. It is not suitable for the teaching profession.Passage twoI’m coming off this plane, and landing at London airport. I’m looking around for a middle-aged woman, my Aunt Penn, who I’ve seen in pictures. The photographs are out of date, but she looked like the type who would wear a big necklace (项链) and flat shoes, and maybe some kind of narrow dress in black or gray. But I'm just guessing since the pictures only showed her face.Anyway, I’m l ooking and looking and everyone’s leaving and there’s no signal on my phone and I'm thinking, “Oh great, I'm going to be abandoned at the airport so that's two countries they don't want me in,” when I notice everyone’s gone except this kid who comes up to me and says, “You must be Daisy.” And when I look relieved he does too and says. “I’m Edmond.”“Hello Edmond,”I say, “nice to meet you.” I look at him hard to try to get a feel for what my new life with my cousins might be like.Now let me tell you what he looks like before I forget because it's not exactly what you'd expect from your average fourteen-year-old what with the cigarette and hair that looked like he cut it himself with a knife in the dead of night, but aside from that he's exactly like some kind of mutt, you know the ones you seeat the dog shelter who are kind of hopeful and sweet and put their nose straight into your hand when they meet you with a certain kind of dignity and you know from that second that you're going to take him home Well that’s him.Only he took me home.I’ll take your b ag, he said, and even though he’s about half a mile shorter than me and has arms about as thick as a dog leg, he grabs my b ag, and I grab it back and say “Where's your mom, is she in the car ”And he smiles and takes a drag on his cigarette, which, even though I know smoking kills and all that, I think is a little bit cool, but maybe all the kids in England smoke cigarettes I don’t say anything in case it’s a well-known fact that the smoking age in England is something like twelve and by making a big thing about it I’ll end up looking like an idiot when I’ve barely been here five minutes. Anyway, he says. “Mum couldn't come to the airport because she's working, and everyone else seemed to be somewhere else, so I drove here myself.”6. Daisy flew to London to ________.A. see EnglandB. live with her auntC. meet EdmondD. visit a friend7. Before Edmond greeted her, Daisy felt ________.A. anxiousB. curiousC. relievedD. excited8. Edmond waited till everyone was gone before greeting Daisy because _______.A. he did not want to talk to a girl before othersB. he did not get Daisy’s phone callC. he had never seen Daisy beforeD. he was looking for a middle-aged woman9. What did Edmond look like in Daisy’s eyesA. An average 14-year-old.B. A lost dog.C. An old friend.D. A man with dignity.10. Daisy did not make any comment about Edmond smoking because _______.A. she knew all children in England smoke cigarettesB. she thought smoking did harm to one's healthC. the smoking age in England is about twelveD. she did not want to make a fool of herselfPassage threeToday people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you don’t see the person you are talking with. That may change in the near future.Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With it, two people who are talking can see each other.Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person you’re calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book.Then you’ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you’ll go to your phone a nd call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you’re interested in right over the phone. You’ll be able to shop all over town and never even leave your room11. Today people can use the phone to talk with others _______.A. in all the townsB. in some places in the worldC. only in big citiesD. almostanywhere on the earth12. The word “it” in the text means ________.A. the picture phoneB. any phoneC. the useD. the change13. We can _________ through the picture phone accordingto (根据)the text .A. write a bookB. do shoppingC. play gamesD. have classesPassage Four“It’s over Thank goodness ”School was over and I was tired . I sat at the front of theschool bus.Janie , the driver , tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere(气氛)by striking the match of talks . I try to listen politely,but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day , however ,her talk was worth (值得)listening to .“My father’s ill , ”she said to no one in particular (特别地). I could see worry in her eyes . I had never seen her likethis before. She always meets students with a smile.With a sudden change of interest, I asked, “What’s wrongwith him ”With her eyes wet and her voice unusual, she answered,“Heart trouble.”Her eyes lowered as she continued. “I’ve already lost my mum, so I don’t think I can stand losing him.”I couldn’t answer. My heart ached for her.I sat on the seat thinking of the great pain (痛苦)my own mother was thrown into when her father died . I saw how hard it was, and still is, for her. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through that.Suddenly I realized (意识到)Janie wasn’t only a bus driver , that was just her job . She had a whole world of family and cares too.I suddenly felt very selfish. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.I shouldn’t have been so selfish and self-centered.Understanding people is an art.14. When the students get on the school bus , Janie usually ________.A. listens to musicB. talks about her own worryC. sits on her seat without wordsD. meets them with a smile15. In this passage the writer tries to tell us that ______.A. losing parents makes people sad and helplessB. understanding the people around us takes timeC. we should try to look deeper into the people around usD. it’s not right to judge the people a round us by their clothes答案12345678910D B B A D B A C B D 1112131415D A B D C根据下列句子及所给汉语注释.在答题卡相应(de)位置上写出空缺处各单词(de)正确形式.(每空只写一词)(10分)1. The job calls for_________ (耐心) and carefulness,please bear it in mind.2. John told Lucy not to go with us. _________ (很明显) she was disappointed.3. It is vital that we should have a good _________ (知识) of English.4. A new_________ (语言) lab is being built near our teaching building.5. I didn't break the vase on_________ (目(de)),so please forgive me.6. He ate too much, and later he had a_________ (肚子疼).7. There are _________ (千) of factories in this city, among whichare some car factories.8. The next morning, he found his car_________ (被偷).9. _________ (公民) have the rights to vote , nobody can take awaythe rights without good reasons.10. John didn't know the correct______________ (发音) of this word,so he asked me for help.答案: 1.patience 2.Obviously 3. knowledge 4. language5. purpose6. stomachache7. thousands8. stolen9. Citizens 10. pronunciation1. The disease __________(传播)by mosquitoes.2.Are you sitting _______________(舒适)3.They found 46 victims ,including women and children ,all of whomhad _________(冻死) to death.4.He tapped me on my_______________ (肩膀).5.The garden city _____________ (吸引) many tourists.6.Our neighborhood police are very____________ (友善).7.The two buildings are ___________ (相似)on the whole.8.Your face seems ______________ (熟悉(de)).9.He ___________ (提供) me a glass of wine.10.You will be____________(比赛) against the best athletes in theworld .答案:1.spreaded 2. comfortably 3.frozen 4. shoulder 5. attracts6. friendly7. similar8. familiar9. offered 10. competing翻译题1. The teacher says he _____________________(擅长)listening and speaking.(be)2. Li Ming is a funny boy because he loves____________________(讲笑话).(tell)3. The sports shows_______________________(将推迟)because of the rain.(put)4. Now you _______________________(已长大),you should act like a man.(grow)5. We have ______________________(更多(de)空余时间)for our hobbies now.6.You’d better______________________(不戴太阳镜)in the room.7. Mr. Wu is patient enough to spend lots of time ___________________________(为我们讲解)8. Look Some kids are __________ __________(放风筝)on the beach.9. Mrs. Brown is always __________ ___________(对……严格要求)her child in the study.10.Nowadays ,more and more people like going to work _____________________(步行)答案:1. is good at 2. to tell / telling / jokes 3. will be put off 4. have grown up5.more spare time6.not wear sunglass7.explaining things to us8.flying kites9.strict with 10.on foot1.Let’s remember our friendship and keep our dreams alive__________ __________ (永远)2.On National Day,___________ ____________(成千上万)people go to Tian’anmen Square and watch the national flag go up.3. 他家(de)日常开支占总收入(de)30%.The everyday expense ___________ ___________ 30% of the total income of his family .4. 当我到达时,我发现很多人正躺在沙滩上.I found that many people ___________ ___________ on the beach when I arrived there .5. 优质产品总是畅销(de).Products of good quality always ___________ ___________.6. 学生应该独立完成作业.Students should finish their homework ___________ ___________.7. 我不知道我们国家过去是否举办过世博会.I don’t know whether EXPO ___________ ___________ in our country in the past .8. ---What are you going to be _________________(你长大了)---I’m going to be a basketball player . (when)9. Ann is only five years old . She is ______________________(太小而不能上学).(too)10. I _________________(数学学得好) this term than I did last term . (do)答案:1.for ever2.thousands of3.makes up4.were lying5.sell well6.by themselves7.was held8.when you grow up9.too young to go to school. 10.do better in math作文Is failure a bad thing1. 失败是常有(de)事2. 人们对失败有各种不同(de)态度3. 我对失败(de)态度Private Cars1. 私家车在中国受到了越来越(de)人(de)推崇,越来越多(de)人开始拥有了私家车.2.对于这一现象,有些人持肯定(de)态度,也有些人却反对.3. 你(de)看法.。
非谓语动词练习1. When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch _____.A. to repair bicyclesB. bicycles to be repairedC. bicycles being repairedD. repairing bicycles2. --- Have you considered _____ your job as a teacher? --- Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered _____ a gardener.A. to change; to beB. to change; beingC. changing; beingD. changing; to be3. The dog, _____, will be made a good watchdog.A. to train properlyB. being trained properlyC. properly to trainD. trained properly4. _____ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.A. Having stolenB. Having been stolenC. StolenD. Stealing5. _____ the front door _____, he had to enter the room through the back door.A. Seen; paintedB. Seeing; paintedC. Being seen; being paintedD. Seeing; being painted6. And there, almost _____ in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.A. having lostB. losingC. to be lostD. lost7. He looked around and caught a man _____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. putB. to be puttingC. to putD. putting8. To answer correctly is more important than _____.A. that you finish quicklyB. finishing quicklyC. to finish quicklyD. finish quickly9. The old farmer, _____ the badly injured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farmhouse, calling continuously for help.A. supportingB. having supportedC. being supported byD. being supported10. In January , 2004, the United States successfully launched “Spirit”, a Mars Exploration Rover, _____ a new milestone in the history of mankind.A. it markedB. markingC. markedD. to mark11. It was getting dark; I found a car _____ in a pool by the side of the road.A. to be stuckB. stuckC. stickingD. stick12. You can’t imagine what great trouble they have _____ the problem _____.A. to solve; being talked aboutB. solving; discussingC. to solve; to talk aboutD. solving; being discussed13. The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed _____ the river.A. to have discoveredB. to have been discoveredC. to discoverD. having been discovered14. The thief fell to the ground, his left foot _____ and blood _____ down from his mouth.A. breaking; runningB. broken; runningC. breaking; runD. broken; run15. The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes _____ on the screen.A. to fixB. to be fixedC. fixedD. fixing16. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate _____ from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.A. having heardB. to hearC. hearingD. being heard17. _____, the subject was always in my mind.A. Walking or sleepingB. Walking or sleptC. Having walked or sleptD. To walk and sleep18. --- Did you get a dictionary?--- No, I _____, but there were not any _____.A. tried; to be leftB. had tried to; leavingC. tried to; leftD. had tried; have left19. When he came to, he found himself _____ on a chair, with his hands _____ back.A. to sit; tyingB. sitting; tyingC. seating; tiedD. seated; tied20.Nearly every great building in Beijing was built______ south.A.to faceB.facingC.to have facedD.being facing21.With his son _______ , the old man felt unhappy.A.to be disappointedB.disappointingC.being disappointedD.to disappoint22. Henry can’t attend the party _____ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _____ at Marie’s house tomorrow.A. held; being heldB. to be held; to be heldC. to be held; heldD. being held; to be held23. Seeing the soldiers well _____ for the flood-fight, the general nodded with satisfaction.A. prepareB. preparingC. preparedD. having prepared24. Don’t worry. I’ll have it _____ and get someone _____ it to you tomorrow.A. typed; sendB. to type; to sendC. type; sendD. typed; to send25. The sun was shining brightly, _____ everything there _____ more beautiful.A. making; lookB. to make; lookedC. and made; lookingD. and making; be looked26. How could he get the plan _____ without any one to support him?A. to carry outB. carry outC. carrying outD. carried out27. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _____.A. being fully acceptingB. fully acceptingC. having fully acceptedD. fully accepted28. Having passed all the tests, she felt a great weight _____ off her mind.A. takingB. takenC. takeD. to be taken29. I’m examining the article he has just finished _____ the possible mistakes in it.A. being correctedB. to correctC. correctedD. having corrected30. _____ full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.A. We did not makeB. Having not madeC. We had not madeD. Not having made31. We should prevent such a silly mistake _____ again.A. occurringB. to occurC. to be occurredD. from being occurred32. I regret _____ hard at school, or I would have succeeded in passing the exam.A. not to workB. having not workedC. to have not workedD. not having worked33. They looked forward with hope _____ a chance to receive further education.A. for gettingB. of gettingC. to getD. to getting34. “Well, I’ll tell you a secret ...” said the boy, with his mouth almost _____ my ear.A. touchedB. touchingC. touchD. to touch35. Towards evening, the patient opened his mouth as if _____ something to his son.A. saidB. sayC. to sayD. to have said36.________ , your composition is full of mistakes.A.Writing carelesslyB.Written carelesslyC.Having written carelesslyD.Being written carelessly37. The beach is so beautiful that it is worthwhile, I think, _____ for a short holiday.A. of goingB. to be goingC. your goingD. you to go38. The teacher asked more _____ to prevent the students’ eyes from being injured.A. to doB. doneC. to be doneD. being done39. Some of the schools in Shanghai have moved one step closer to _____ with the global education community.A. being connectedB. connectC. having connectedD. be connected40. The performance of the host, ___ to please the audience and draw their attention, was greeted with a cold silence, however.A. had intendedB. intendedC. being intendedD. to intend41. _____ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _____ the beautiful scenery.A. Tiring; to admireB. Being tired; admiringC. Tired; to admireD. Tired; admiring42. The 18-storeyed building, when _____, will shut out the sun _____ up the rooms in my house.A. completed; lightedB. completing; lightingC. completing; lightedD. completed; lighting43. --- I hear Warren _____ in a middle school.--- What? I can’t imagine him _____ as a teacher.A. teaches; workingB. teaches; workC. teach; to workD. teach; working44. _____ he’s only been learning English for a year, he speaks it very well.A. ConsideredB. ConsideringC. Having consideredD. To consider45. It was _____ computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.A. to have playedB. playingC. playedD. having played46. At no time does the salesgirl get up late in the morning, for she is always too busy _____ a good rest.A. to takeB. takingC. tookD. taken47. _____ as the most excellent student in her university, as most classmates had expected, made her parents very happy.A. Mary was chosenB. Mary chosenC. Mary being chosenD. Mary’s being chosen48. _____ the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _____ to death.A. Seeing; frightenedB. Seeing; frighteningC. Seen; frightenD. To see; frightening49. You will see this product made in this factory _____ wherever you go.A. to be advertisedB. advertisedC. advertiseD. advertising50. Mr. Green is said _____ an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young.A. to doB. to have doneC. to be doingD. to have been doing答案及部分解析:1-5 CDDAD 6-10 DDCAB 11-15 BDABC 16-20 CACDB 21-25 BDCDA26-30 DDBBD 31-35 ADDBC 36-40 BCCAB 41-45 CDABB 46-50 ADABB1. 用-ing形式一般式的被动语态作宾语补足语,强调自行车被修理的过程。
【篇⼀】部编版五年级下册语⽂第九课《古诗三⾸》练习题及答案 1.看拼⾳写词语。
mán yuàn lí bā wǔ yuè yí hàn mó tiān dà shà ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.解释下列加粗词语的意思。
(1)⼀⽚孤城万仞⼭( ) (2)渭城朝⾬浥轻尘( ) (3)秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感( ) (4)五千仞岳上摩天( ) (5)南望王师⼜⼀年( ) 3.借助注释,说说下⾯诗句的意思,体会它们在表达上的特点。
______________________________________________________________________ (2)三万⾥河东⼊海,五千仞岳上摩天。
______________________________________________________________________ 4.填空。
勾股定理练习题一、基础达标:1. 下列说法正确的是( )A.若 a、b、c是△ABC的三边,则a2+b2=c2;B.若 a、b、c是Rt△ABC22=c2;C.若 a、b、c是Rt△ABC a2+b2=c2;D.若 a、b、c是Rt△ABC a2+b2=c2.2. Rt△ABC3. 如果Rt△的两直角边长分别为k2-1,2k(k >1),那么它的斜边长是()A、2kB、k+1C、k2-1D、k2+14. 已知a,b,c为△ABC三边,且满足(a2-b2)(a2+b2-c2)=0,则它的形状为( )A.直角三角形B.等腰三角形C.等腰直角三角形D.等腰三角形或直角三角形5. 直角三角形中一直角边的长为9,另两边为连续自然数,则直角三角形的周长为( )A.121 B.120 C.90D.不能确定6. △ABC中,AB=15,AC=13,高AD=12,则△ABC的周长为( )A.42 B.32 C.42 或 32 D.37 或 3378、在平面直角坐标系中,已知点P的坐标是(3,4),则OP的长为( )A:39.若△ABC中,AB=25cm,AC=26cm高AD=24,则BC的长为( )10.已知a、b、c三角形的形状是( )A:底与边不相等的等腰三角形 B:等边三角形C:钝角三角形 D:直角三角形11的直角三角形的面积是 .12. 等腰三角形的腰长为13,底边长为10,则顶角的平分线为__. 13. 一个直角三角形的三边长的平方和为200,则斜边长为14,则按角分类它是 三角形.15. 一个三角形的三边之比为5∶12∶13,它的周长为60,则它的面积是___. 16. 在Rt△ABC 中,斜边AB=4,则AB 2+BC 2+AC 2=_____.17.则这个三角形三个角度数分别是 ,另外一边的平方是 .18半圆的面积是 .19那么它的一条对角线长是 .二、综合发展:1木条的长.2、有一个直角三角形纸片,两直角边AC=6cm,BC=8cm,现将直角边AC 沿∠CAB 的角平分线AD 折叠,使它落在斜边AB 上,且与AE 重合,你能求出CD的长吗?AC B3高是多少?4.如图,要修建一个育苗棚,棚高h=3m,棚宽a=4m,棚的长为12m,现要在棚顶上覆盖塑料薄膜,试求需要多少平方米塑料薄膜?5.如图,有一只小鸟在一棵高13m的大树树梢上捉虫子,它的伙伴在离该树12m,高8m的一棵小树树梢上发出友好的叫声,它立刻以2m/s的速度飞向小树树梢,它最短要飞多远?这只小鸟至少几秒才可能到达小树和伙伴在一起?15.“中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例”规定:小汽车在城街路上行驶速度处,过了2s后,测得小汽车与车答案:一、基础达标1. 解析:利用勾股定理正确书写三角形三边关系的关键是看清谁是直角.答案: D.2. 解析:本题考察三角形的三边关系和勾股定理.答案:B.3. 解析:设另一条直角边为x,则斜边为(x+1)利用勾股定理可得方程,可以求出x.然后再求它的周长.答案:C.4.解析:解决本题关键是要画出图形来,作图时应注意高AD是在三角形的内部还是在三角形的外部,有两种情况,分别求解.答案:C.5. 解析: 勾股15,所答案6. 解析:本题目主要是强调直角三角形中直角对的边是最长边,反过来也是成立.答案7. 解析:本题由可知满足勾股定理,即是直角三角形.答案:直角.断定是直角三角形.答案:9. 所以以直角.答案:π.10. 解析×宽,即12长×所以一条对角线长为5.答案11. 解析:木条长的平方=门高长的平方+门宽长的平方.答案12解析:所由直角三角形面积关∴答案:12cm13.解析:透阳光最大面积是塑料薄膜的面积,需要求出它的另一边的长是多少,可以借助勾股定理求出.答案:在直角三角形中,由勾股定理可得:直角三角形的斜边长为5m,所以矩形塑料薄膜的面积是:5×20=100(m2) .14.解析:本题的关键是构造直角三角形,利用勾股定理求斜边的值是13m,也就是两树树梢之间的距离是13m,两再利用时间关系式求解.答案:6.5s.15.解析:本题和14题相似,可以求出BC的值,再利用速度等于路程除以时间后比较.BC=40米,时间是2s,可得速度是20m/s=72km/h答案:这辆小汽车超速了.勾股定理练习题一、填空题(每空3分,共24分)1、若直角三角形两直角边分别为6和8,则斜边为___________;2、已知两条线的长为5cm和4cm,当第三条线段的长为_________时,这三条线段能组成一个直角三角形;3、能够成为直角三角形三条边长的正整数,称为勾股数。
复习思考题一一、 填空题1.5.0g ·L -1的硼酸(H 3BO 3)溶液,其物质的量浓度为0.081 mol ·L -1。
2.不同基本单元的高锰酸钾溶液,其浓度关系为c (KMnO 4)= 0.2 c (51KMnO 4)。
4.产生渗透现象的两个必要条件是 有半透膜 和 存在浓度差 。
5.25℃时,已知难溶电解质MX 2的溶度积为K sp ,溶解度为S ,其K sp 与S 的关系为 (Ksp / 4)^(1/3) 。
6.在水溶液中有Ac -、HCO 3-、H 2O 、NO 2-、HS -、CO 32-、H 2S 、H 2PO 4-、PO 43-、HCN ,根据质子理论,能作酸不能作碱的有 H2S 、 HCN;能作碱不能作酸的有 Ac- 、NO2-、CO32-、 PO43 ;既能作酸又可作碱的有 HCO3- 、H 2O 、 HS-、H2PO4- 。
7.在HAc 溶液中加入NaAc ,HAc 的解离度将会 减小 ,这种现象称为 盐 效应。
8. 已知HAc 、H 2PO 4-和NH 4+的p K a 分别为4.76、7.21和9.25。
若欲配制与正常人血浆pH 相同的缓冲溶液,应选用的缓冲系为 H2PO4- 、HPO42- ,其中抗酸成分是 HPO42- 。
9.用一级标准物质Na 2B 4O 7·10H 2O 标定HCl 溶液的浓度时,滴定反应式 为_ Na2B4O7(aq)+_HCl (aq )+5 H2O (l )===4H3BO3+2NaCl (aq )_______,化学计量点时计算[H +]的公式为 -0.5log(Ka* C) ,可以选择 甲基红 为指示剂。
10.下列数据:0.00841、1.24×10-5、0.0020、1000和pH=10.50的有效数字位数分别是 3 、 3 、 2 、 4 和 2 。
11.用Na 2C 2O 4作一级标准物质标定KMnO 4溶液,标定是时要添加__硫酸___ 以维持溶液的酸性,不能用盐酸,因 高锰酸根会氧化氯离子 ;也不能用硝酸,因硝酸会氧化草酸根。
A、主营业务收入B、其他业务收入C、营业外收入D、投资收益2、企业下列活动形成的经济利益的总流入中,不属于收入的是( )。
A、其他业务支出B、管理费用C、财务费用D、营业外支出4、( )的特征将收入与利得区别开来。
A、0B、200C、400D、60013、企业生产经营期间因银行存款而产生的利息收入应贷记( )科目。
A、财务费用B、营业外收入C、在建工程D、长期待摊费用14、某企业取得的下列各项收入中,不属于让渡资产使用权所取得的收入的是( )。
A、债券利息收入B、出租土地使用权而取得的租金收入C、出租厂房而取得的租金收入D、出售无形资产而取得的价款二、多项选择题1、企业下列各项活动不会形成企业收入的有( )。
答案:第一章:1.1 简述下列概念:数据、数据元素、数据类型、数据结构、逻辑结构、存储结构、线性结构、非线性结构。
● 数据:指能够被计算机识别、存储和加工处理的信息载体。
● 数据元素:就是数据的基本单位,在某些情况下,数据元素也称为元素、结点、顶点、记录。
● 数据类型:是一个值的集合以及在这些值上定义的一组操作的总称。
● 数据结构:指的是数据之间的相互关系,即数据的组织形式。
● 逻辑结构:指数据元素之间的逻辑关系。
● 存储结构:数据元素及其关系在计算机存储器内的表示,称为数据的存储结构.● 线性结构:数据逻辑结构中的一类。
● 非线性结构:数据逻辑结构中的另一大类,它的逻辑特征是一个结点可能有多个直接前趋和直接后继。
1.2 试举一个数据结构的例子、叙述其逻辑结构、存储结构、运算三个方面的内容。
这个表中的数据如何存储到计算机里,并且如何表示数据元素之间的关系呢? 即用一片连续的内存单元来存放这些记录(如用数组表示)还是随机存放各结点数据再用指针进行链接呢? 这就是存储结构的问题。
.3 常用的存储表示方法有哪几种?答:常用的存储表示方法有四种:● 顺序存储方法:它是把逻辑上相邻的结点存储在物理位置相邻的存储单元里,结点间的逻辑关系由存储单元的邻接关系来体现。
● 链接存储方法:它不要求逻辑上相邻的结点在物理位置上亦相邻,结点间的逻辑关系是由附加的指针字段表示。
● 索引存储方法:除建立存储结点信息外,还建立附加的索引表来标识结点的地址。
若每个结点在索引表中都有一个索引项,则该索引表称之为稠密索引(Dense Index)。
● 散列存储方法:就是根据结点的关键字直接计算出该结点的存储地址。
1.4 设三个函数f,g,h分别为 f(n)=100n3+n2+1000 , g(n)=25n3+5000n2 , h(n)=n1.5+5000nlgn 请判断下列关系是否成立:(1) f(n)=O(g(n))(2) g(n)=O(f(n))(3) h(n)=O(n1.5)(4) h(n)=O(nlgn)数学符号"O"的严格的数学定义:若T(n)和f(n)是定义在正整数集合上的两个函数,则T(n)=O(f(n))表示存在正的常数C和n0,使得当n≥n0时都满足0≤T(n)≤C·f(n)。
1.5 设有两个算法在同一机器上运行,其执行时间分别为100n2和2n,要使前者快于后者,n至少要多大? 分析:要使前者快于后者,即前者的时间消耗低于后者,即:100n2<2n求解上式,可得答:n=151.6 设n为正整数,利用大"O"记号,将下列程序段的执行时间表示为n的函数。
(1) i=1; k=0;while(i<n){ k=k+10*i;i++;}i=1; //1k=0; //1while(i<n) //n{ k=k+10*i; //n-1i++; //n-1}由以上列出的各语句的频度,可得该程序段的时间消耗:T(n)=1+1+n+(n-1)+(n-1)=3n可表示为T(n)=O(n)(2) i=0; k=0;do{k=k+10*i; i++;}while(i<n);分析:i=0; //1k=0; //1do{ //nk=k+10*i; //ni++; //n}while(i<n);//n由以上列出的各语句的频度,可得该程序段的时间消耗:T(n)=1+1+n+n+n+n=4n+2可表示为T(n)=O(n)(3) i=1; j=0;while(i+j<=n)if (i>j) j++;else i++;}分析:通过分析以上程序段,可将i+j看成一个控制循环次数的变量,且每执行一次循环,i+j的值加1。
该程序段的主要时间消耗是while循环,而while循环共做了n次,所以该程序段的执行时间为:T(n)=O(n)(4)x=n; // n>1while (x>=(y+1)*(y+1))y++;分析:由x=n且x的值在程序中不变,又while的循环条件(x>=(y+1)*(y+1))可知:当(y+1)*(y+1)刚超过n 的值时退出循环。
由(y+1)*(y+1)<n得:y<n^0.5-1所以,该程序段的执行时间为:向下取整(n^0.5-1)(5) x=91; y=100;while(y>0)if(x>100){x=x-10;y--;}else x++;分析:x=91; //1y=100; //1while(y>0) //1101if(x>100) //1100{ x=x-10; //100y--; //100}elsex++; //1000以上程序段右侧列出了执行次数。
该程序段的执行时间为:T(n)=O(1)1.7 算法的时间复杂度仅与问题的规模相关吗?答:算法的时间复杂度不仅与问题的规模相关,还与输入实例中的初始状态有关。
1.8 按增长率由小至大的顺序排列下列各函数:2100, (3/2)n,(2/3)n, n n ,n0.5 , n! ,2n,lgn ,n lgn, n(3/2)答:常见的时间复杂度按数量级递增排列,依次为:常数阶0(1)、对数阶0(log2n)、线性阶0(n)、线性对数阶0(nlog2n)、平方阶0(n2)、立方阶0(n3)、k次方阶0(n k)、指数阶0(2n)。
先将题中的函数分成如下几类:常数阶:2100对数阶:lgnK次方阶:n0.5、n(3/2)指数阶 (按指数由小到大排):n lgn、(3/2)n、2n、 n!、 n n注意:(2/3)^n由于底数小于1,所以是一个递减函数,其数量级应小于常数阶。
根据以上分析按增长率由小至大的顺序可排列如下:(2/3)n < 2100 < lgn < n0.5 < n(3/2) < n lgn < (3/2)n < 2n < n! < n n1.9 有时为了比较两个同数量级算法的优劣,须突出主项的常数因子,而将低次项用大"O"记号表示。
例如,设T1(n)=1.39nlgn+100n+256=1.39nlgn+O(n), T2(n)=2.0nlgn-2n=2.0lgn+O(n), 这两个式子表示,当n足够大时T1(n)优于T2(n),因为前者的常数因子小于后者。
请用此方法表示下列函数,并指出当n足够大时,哪一个较优,哪一个较劣?函数大"O"表示优劣(1) T1(n)=5n2-3n+60lgn 5n2+O(n) 较差(2) T2(n)=3n2+1000n+3lgn 3n2+O(n) 其次(3) T3(n)=8n2+3lgn 8n2+O(lgn) 最差(4) T4(n)=1.5n2+6000nlgn 1.5n2+O(nlgn) 最优2.1 试描述头指针、头结点、开始结点的区别、并说明头指针和头结点的作用。
2.2 何时选用顺序表、何时选用链表作为线性表的存储结构为宜?答:在实际应用中,应根据具体问题的要求和性质来选择顺序表或链表作为线性表的存储结构,通常有以下几方面的考虑:1.基于空间的考虑。
2.3 在顺序表中插入和删除一个结点需平均移动多少个结点?具体的移动次数取决于哪两个因素?答:在等概率情况下,顺序表中插入一个结点需平均移动n/2个结点。
2.4 为什么在单循环链表中设置尾指针比设置头指针更好?答:尾指针是指向终端结点的指针,用它来表示单循环链表可以使得查找链表的开始结点和终端结点都很方便,设一带头结点的单循环链表,其尾指针为rear,则开始结点和终端结点的位置分别是rear->next->next 和 rear, 查找时间都是O(1)。