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菲迪大学Fairleigh Dickinson University菲迪大学经美国教育机构认证的学校,为帮助自费出国留学人员正确选择国外学校,中国教育部涉外监管部门公布了33个国家学校名单,菲迪大学赫列在第一批之中,是中国学生和家长值得信赖和选择的学校。
菲迪大学的商学院受到AACSB的授权和认可,是全美最好的商学院之一;企业研究学科被企业家杂志评定为美国Top 100,在教职员工区域排名第六,校友区域排名第八;其研究生院曾被评为全美最受欢迎的研究生院之一。
通过对这个双语课程的学习, 学生不仅可以提高英语水平,而且还可以完成大学本科的基础课程。
名词解释ADF:自动信标接收机,指示NDB电台的方位ALT:高度AP:自动驾驶仪ATIS:机场气象广播,包括风,能见度,云,修正海压,使用的跑道等等CHECKLIST:检查单,飞机起飞,爬升,平飞,下降,着陆前所作的的检查COM:甚高频通讯机,118.0-135.95MHZ,用于陆空对话及A TIS接收DME:测距机,用来测量DME台的距离EFIS:特指有阴极射线管的电子仪表系统FLAP:襟翼,机翼后缘可转动部分,通常用于起飞落地GEAR:起落架HDG:HEADING,航向IAS:指示空速ILS:精密仪表进近,俗称盲降,包括航向道和下滑道,引导飞机至60米高度NA V:甚高频导航接收机,108.00-117.95MHZ,用于接收VOR/DME及ILS信号NDB:导航用广播电台,可听见莫尔斯码TRANSPONDER:二次雷达应答机,采用8进制编码,自动报告飞机位置V1:起飞决断速度,高于此速度不可中断起飞,否则将冲出跑道Vr,(Rotate):起飞抬头速度VOR:全向信标机,提供稳定的方位信号AA/B Autobrake 自动刹车ABS Absolute 绝对ABV Above 上方A/C Aircraft;Air Conditioning 飞机;空调AC Alternating Current 交流电ACARS ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System 航空无线电通讯地址和报告系统ACC Aft Core Cowl 发动机后核心整流罩ACCEL Acceleration, Accelerate (d), Accelerometers 加速,加速度计ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter 异步通讯接口转接头ACM Air Cycle Machine 空气循环机ACN Aircraft Classification Number 飞机分类编号ACMP Alternating Current Motor Pump 交流马达泵ACP Audio Control Panel 音响控制面板ACP Automatic Control Panel 自动控制面板ACPC AC Power Center 交流电源中心ACSC Air Conditioning System Controller 空调系统控制器ACSU Adjustable Cam Switch Unit 可调凸轮电门组件ACT Active 工作的,有效的,生效的,正在使用的ACU Air Conditioning Unit 空调组件3D (3-D) Three dimensional 三维的,立体的AD Airworthiness Directive 适航性指令A/D Analog-to-Digital 模拟-数字,模-数ADC Air Data Computer 大气数据计算机ADC Autodeploy Computer 自动放出计算机ADCU Autodeploy Control Unit 自动放出控制组件ADDR Address 地址,广播ADF Automatic Direction Finder 自动定向仪,无线电罗盘ADG Air Driven Generator 空气驱动发电机ADGPC ADG Power Center 空气驱动发电机电源中心ADI Attitude Director Indicator 姿态指引仪ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System 大气数据惯性基准系统ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit 大气数据惯性基准组件ADM Air Data Module 大气数据模件ADP Air Driven Pump 空气驱动泵ADS Air Data System 大气数据系统ADSHC Air Data Sensor Heater Controllers 大气数据传感器加温控制器ADV Advance 提前,预先AECU Audio Electronic Control Unit 音响电子控制组件AEPC APU/External Power Contactor APU/外部电源接头AFCS Automatic Flight Control System 自动飞行控制系统AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System 自动驾驶飞行指引系统AFM Airplane Flight Manual 飞机飞行手册(FAA批准)AFT Afterward 向后AGB Accessory Gearbox 附件齿轮箱AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制A/G Air/Ground 空中/地面,空/地AGL Above Ground Level 高于地面AH Alert Height 警戒高度AHC Attitude and Heading Computer 姿态和航向计算机AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System 姿态和航向基准系统AHS Attitude Heading System 姿态航向系统AHM Attitude Hold Mode 姿态保持方式A/ICE Anti-Ice 防冰AID Aircraft Interface DiscrepancyAircraft Installation Delay 飞机接口误差(故障)飞机安装延误AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System 飞机综合数据系统AIL Aileron 副翼AILC Anti-Ice and Leak Detection Controller 防冰与渗漏检测控制器AIS Audio Integrating System 音响综合系统ALIGN Aligning, Alignment 校准,对准ALPHA Alpha 字母,迎角ALT Altitude 高度ALT Altitude Hold (PFD/FD) 高度保持(主显/飞行指引仪上)ALT ACQ Altitude Acquire 高度获取ALT CAP Altitude Capture (PFD/FD) 高度截获(主显/飞行指引仪上)ALTM Altimeter 高度表ALTN Alternate 备用ALTS Altitude Select 高度选择AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMA Audio Monitor Adapter 音响监控接头AMB Ambient 外部,外界AME Amplitude Modulation Equivalent 等值调幅AMI Airline Modifiable Information 航线可变更信息AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual 飞机维护手册AMP Amperes 安培AMPL Amplifier 放大(器)AMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System 飞机维护任务保障系统AN/CDU Alternate Navigation on CDU 控制显示组件的备用导航ANN ANNUN Annunciator 告示牌,信号牌(灯)ANP Actual Navigation Performance 实际导航性能ANS Alternate Navigation System 备用导航系统ANT Antenna 天线AOA Angle of Attack 迎角AOC Airline Operational Communication Data Link 航空公司运作通讯数据链AOG Aircraft On Ground 停飞飞机,飞机停飞A/P Autopilot 自动驾驶仪AP Autopilot; Auxiliary Power 自动驾驶仪;辅助电源APC Auxiliary Power Control 辅助电源控制APC/EPC Auxiliary Power Contactor/External Power Contactor 辅助电源接触器/外部电源接触器APD Approach Progress Display 进近进程显示APD/CL Access Panels and Doors/Component Location 盖板和舱门/部件位置APL Airplane 飞机APM Airport Planning Manual 机场计划手册APP Approach 进近APPR Approach 进近APPROX Approximately 大约APR Automatic Power Reserve 自动功率储备APR Automatic Performance Reserve 自动性能储备APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力装置AR As Required 按需要ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated 航空无线电公司ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual 飞机修复手册ARP Air Data Reference Panel 大气数据基准面板ARPT Airport 机场ARR Arrival 到达,进港A/S Airspeed;Antiskid 空速;防滞ASA Aircraft Separation Assurance 飞机之间间隔的确保(确保飞机之间的间隔)ASA Autoland Status Annunciator 自动着陆状态信号牌ASCA APU Starter-Contactor Assembly APU起动机接触器组件ASCV Anti-Skid Control Valve 防止控制活门ASYM Asymmetrical 不对称的ASCU Antiskid Control Unit 防滞控制组件ASI Airspeed Indicator 空速表A/SKID Anti-Skid 防滞ASP Audio Selector Panel 音响选择板ASR Airport Surveillance Radar 机场监视雷达ASSY Assembly 组件,组装Asym Asymmetric/Asymmetry 不对称A/T Autothrottle 自动油门ATA Actual Time of Arrival 实际到达时间ATA 100 Air Transport Association of America Specification No.100 美国航空运输协会第100号规范ATC Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System 空中交通管制雷达信标系统ATD Advanced Training Device 先进训练设备ATE Auto Test Equipment 自动测试设备ATO Aborted Takeoff 中断(止)起飞ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试(试飞)程序ATR Automatic Throttle Retarder 自动收油门装置ATS Air Turbine Starter 空气涡轮起动机ATSCV Air Turbine Starter Control Valve 空气涡轮起动机控制活门ATT Attitude;Attendant 姿态ATTD Attitude,姿态;乘务员ATTND Attendant (空中)服务员AUTO Automatic 自动AUTO BAL Automatic Balance 自动平衡AUTOTHROT Autothrottle 自动油门ATTO XFER Automatic Transfer 自动转换AUX Auxiliary 辅助A V Avionics 航空电子设备A V AIL Available 存在,可用,有A VG Average 平均A VM Airborne Vibration Monitor 机载震动监视器AZ Azimuth 方位BB/AIR Bleed Air 引气,放气BAL Balance 平衡BARO Barometric Pressure 气压压力BA TT Battery 电瓶BAT Battery 电瓶BB Broad Band 宽带BBL Body Buttock Line 机身纵剖线B/CRS Back Course 背台航道B/C Back Course (Localizer) 背台航道(航道台)BDI Bearing Distance Indicator 方位距离指示器BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二进制-十进制编码BFN Binary Fractional Notation 二进分式计数法BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator 拍频振荡器BIT Built-In Test 自检,自测,内装测试BITE Built-In Test Equipment 自测设备,内装测试设备BK Break 中断,打断BKGRD Background 背景BKR Breaker 断电器BL Buttock Line 纵剖线BLD Bleed 引气,放气B/LEAK Bleed Leak 引气渗漏BLK Black; Block 黑色;块,堵塞,BLW Below 下方BMS Boeing Material Specification 波音材料规格(书)BMV Brake Metering Valve 剎车计量活门Bnr,bnr Burner 燃烧室BPCU Bus Power Control Unit 汇流条电源控制组件BPI Brake Pressure Indicator 剎车压力指示器BPSU Brake and Position Sensor Unit 刹车和位置传感器组件BRG Bearing 方位; 轴承BRK Brake 剎车(装置),制动(装置)BRT Bright; Brightness (stroke intensity control) 亮度(频闪灯亮度控制)BS, B/S Body Station 机身站位BSI Borescope Inspection 孔探仪检查BTB Bus Tie Breaker 汇流条连接接触器(断路器)BTBR Bus Tie Breaker Relay 汇流连接接触器继电器BTL Bottle 氧气瓶,灭火瓶BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System 刹车温度监视系统BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit 刹车温度监视组件BTS Bleed Temperature Sensor 引气温度传感器BUTE Bent-up Trailing Edge 上弯后缘BVCU Bleed Valve Control Unit 引气活门控制组件CC Center, Caution, Cable, Captain, Celsius, Cool,Cabin,Cycles 中心,注意,电缆,机长,摄氏,冷却,座舱, 循环CAA Civil Aviation Authority (英国)民航局Cab Cabin 客舱CAI Cabin Altitude Indicator 客舱高度指示器CAIV Cowl Anti-Ice Valves 整流罩防冰活门CAL Calibrate 校正,校准CAP Capture 载获CAPT or C Captain 机长CAS Calibrated Airspeed 校准空速CAS Crew Alerting System, Calibrated Airspeed 机组警告系统, 校准空速CAT Category 目录,类CA TII Category II 二类飞行标准CB C/B Circuit Breaker 跳开关,电路断路器CBIT Continuous BIT 连续自检CB Circuit Breaker (电路)跳开关CBP Circuit Breaker Panel 跳开关面板CBT Computer Based Training 计算机辅助飞行训练CBV Cross Bleed Valve 交叉引气活门CBW Cross Bleed Wing Valve 交叉引气机翼(防冰)活门CCA Circuit Card Assembly 电路板组件CCDL Cross Channel Data Link 交输通道数据链路CCP Compass Control Panel 罗盘控制面板CCW Counter-clockwise 逆时针反时针CDH Clearance Delivery Head 放飞主任CDI Course Deviation Indicator 偏航指示器CDL Configuration Deviation List 配置缺差清单,缺件清单CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure 压气机出口压力CDTS Compressor Discharge Temperature Sensor 压缩机出口温度传感器CDU Control Display Unit 控制显示组件CES Canadair Equipment Specification 加空设备规格(范)CESM Commercial Engine Service Memorandum 商用发动机服务备忘录CFM Cubic Feet Per Minute 立方英尺/分钟CFMI Joint company GE/SNECMA CFM国际公司(由美国的GE和法国的SNECMA联合的公司)CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Chapter, Channel 章,通道CHAN Channel 通道CHGR Charger 充电器,加注器CHR Chronometer 精密计时器,秒表CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature 压气机进口温度CK Check 检查CKPT Cockpit 驾驶舱CKT Circuit 电路CL Close 关闭,闭合C/L Centerline 中心线CLB Climb, Maximum Climb 爬高,爬升;最大爬升CLK Clock 时钟CLR Clear 清除CM Centimeters 厘米CMM Component Maintenance Manual 部件维护手册CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互补型金属氧化物半导体CMPS Compass 罗盘CMPTR Computer 计算机CNTRL,Cntrl Control 控制,操纵(机构)CO Carbon Dioxide;Company 二氧化碳;公司COAX Coax Coaxial 同轴(的)Col Column 驾驶杆,栏(目)COM Communication 通讯,连络Comb Combustor;Combination 燃烧室; 结合,组合COMM Communication 通讯,联络COMND Command 指令,指挥COMP Compartment; Comparator 舱; 比较器COMP Compressor;Compensate, Compensator 压气机;补偿补偿器COND Condition,conditioning; Continued 条件,状态;调节;继续CONFIG Configuration 配置,布局,形态CONN Connection 连接,接头CONT Control, Continuous, Contactor, Controller 控制,操纵,连续的,接触器,控制器COOL Cooling 冷却,散热CORR Correction 修正CPAM Cabin Pressure Acquisition Module 座舱压力采集组件CPC Cabin Pressure Controller 座舱压力控制器CPCP Cabin Pressure Control Panel 座舱压力控制面板CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System 座舱压力控制系统CPLT Copilot 副驾驶CPOST Computer Power-On Self-Test 计算机电源接通后自检CPT Cockpit Procedures Trainer 驾驶舱程序训练器cps Cycles per second 循环数/秒CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 防(耐)腐钢CRF Compressor Rear Frame 压气机后框架CRS Course 航道,航线CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CSD Constant Speed Drive 恒速传动装置CSDB Collins Serial Data Bus 柯林斯串行数据总线CSEU Control System Electronics Unit 控制(操纵)系通电子组件CSI Cycles Since Installed 安装后(以来)循环数CSM Current Service Messages 当前勤务信息CSN Cycles Since New 总循环数CSU Centralized Strapping Unit, Configuration Strapping Unit 中央搭(连)接组件,配置连接组件CT Control Transformer 控制变压器CT Current Transformer 电流互感器CTA Current Transformer Assembly 电流互感器组件CTD Column Timer Decoder 柱状定时解吗器CTL Control; COMM/NA V Tuning Unit 控制;通讯导航调谐组件CTR; ctr Contour; Center 轮廓;中央,中心CU Copper 铜CU Control Unit 控制组件CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder 驾驶舱话音记录器cw Clockwise 顺时针CW Continuous Wave 连续波CWS Control Wheel Steering 驾驶盘操纵CWS Caution and Warning System 警告和提示系统DDA Drift Angle 偏流角,偏航角DA(H) Decision Altitude(Height)决断高度D/A Digital to Analog 数字-模拟DAC Digital to Analog Converter 数-模转换器DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字式大气数据计算机DADS Digital Air Data System 数字式大气数据系统DAP Digital Audio Playback 数字式音响播放DB, dB Decibel 分贝DBU Data Base Unit 数据库组件DC Direct Current 直流电D&C Delays & Cancellations (飞行)延误和取消DCP Display Control Panel 显示控制面板DCPC DC Power Center 直流电源中心DCPCS Digital Cabin Pressure Control System 数字式座舱压力调节系统DCTCU Direct Current Tie Control Unit 直流连接条控制组件DCU Data Concentrator Unit 数据集中组件DCV Directional Control Valve 方向控制活门D/D Direct Descent 直接下降DDG Dispatch Deviations Guide 放飞缺件指南DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation 调制深度差DECEL,decel Decelerate 减速Deg Degree 度DEFL Defuel 放油,抽油DEL Delete 删除DEMUX Demultiplexer 信号分离器Den Density 密度DEP Departure 离港,离开DEPR Depressurize 释压, 减压DEPT Departure 离港,离场DES Descent 下降DEST Destination 目的地DET Detector 探测器DEV Deviation 偏离,偏差,缺差DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit 数字式飞行数据采集组件DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder 数字式飞行数据记录器DFIS Designated Flight Instrument System 指定的飞行仪表系统DG Directional Gyro 方位陀螺DGAC Direction Generale I’Aviation Civile(法)民航总局DH Decision Height 决断高度dia Diameter 直径diag Diagonal 对角(线)的diag Diagram 图diam Diameter 直径DIFF,diff Difference, Differential 差,压差,差别的Dig, dig Digital 数字的Dim, dim Dimension 尺寸DIR,dir Direct; Direction 直接,直飞; 方向DISC Disconnect 脱开,断开DISCH Discharge 释放,放电,出口(气)DISEG, diseg Disengage 断开,脱开Disp disp Dispatch 派遣,放飞DIST Distance 距离DISTR, distr Distribution, or Distributor 分配,分配器DITS Digital Information Transfer System 数字信息转换系统Div, div Division 部分,一格,分隔DK Deck 舱DME Distance Measuring Equipment 测距机Dmax Maximum Diameter 最大直径Dmin Minimum Diameter 最小直径DN Down 下,向下,放下DNTKFX Down Track Fix 下航道(道)定位点DOT Department of Transport 运输部DP Differential Pressure 压差DPCT Differential Protection Current Transformer 差动保护电流互感器DPDT Double Pole Double Throw 双极双排(电门)DPI Differential Pressure Indicator 压差指示器,压差表DPST Double Pole Single Throw 双极单排(电门)DPL Detailed Parts List 详细零部件清单DPV Directional Pilot Valve 导流活门DR Dead Reckoning 推测领航DSDD Double Sided Double Density 双边双密度DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字式信号处理器DSP Display Select Panel 显示选择面板DSPL Display 显示,显示器DST Desktop Simulation Trainer 台式(计算机)模拟训练器DTG Distance To Go 待飞距离DTY dty Duty 负荷,负载,DU Display Unit 显示组件,显示器EEADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator 电子姿态指引仪EAROM Electrically Alterable Read-only Memory 电可变只读存储器EAS Equivalent Airspeed 相应空速,等效空速EBS Engine Bleed System 发动机引气系统EBU Engine Build-up 发动机组装ECON,econ Economy 经济ECP EICAS Control Panel EICAS控制面板ECS Environmental Control System 环境控制系统ECU Electronic Control Unit 电子控制组件E/D End of Descent 下降结束,下降终点ED EICAS Display EICAS显示器ED1 EICAS Primary Display EICAS主显示器ED2 EICAS Secondary Display EICAS副显示器EDP Engine Driven Pump 发动机驱动泵EDU Electronic Display Unit 电子显示组件E/E Electrical/Electronic 电气/电子(设备)EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制装置EED Engine Exceedance Data 发动机超限数据EFD Electronic Flight Display 电子飞行显示器EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 电气可抹除可编程只读存储器EFH Engine Flight Hours 发动机飞行小时EFI Electronic Flight Instrument 电子飞行仪表EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System 电子飞行仪表系统EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature 排气温度EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 电子水平状态指示仪EHSV Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve 电子液压伺服活门EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 发动机指示和机组警告系统EIS Entry into Service 投入使用EIU Engine Interface Unit 发动机接口组件EL Elevation 标高ELCU Electrical Load Control Unit 电气负荷控制组件Elec elec Electrical 电电气Elev elev Elevator 升降舵Elex elex Electronics 电子设备ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter 应急定位发射机ELEC Electrical 电气的,电的ELVE Elevator 升降舵EMER, EMG Emergency 应急EMF/emf Electromotive Force 电动势EMI Electromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMU Engine Maintenance Unit 发动机维护组件Enbl enbl Enable 接通, 导通,使。
城市轨道交通专业词汇缩写AC:信标 /计轴Axle CounterACS:计轴系统Axle Counter SystemADC:自动关门Auto Door CloseADO:自动开门Auto Door OpenADM:系统管理器ADU:特征显示单元AF:音频AFC:自动售检票系统Auto Fare CollectionAM:列车自动运行驾驶模式Automatic ModelAMU:ATO匹配单元AP:接入点、轨旁无线单元/应用模块Application P……APAM:ATO功率放大板块API:应用程序接口APR:绝对位置参考应答器、信标AR:自动折返驾驶/列车自动折返模式ARS:列车进路设定AS:管理服务器/接入交换机Access SwitchASK:数字调幅、幅移键控ATB:自动折返按钮Automatic Turnback Button ATC:列车自动控制系统ATI:列车到达时刻显示器ATO:列车自动运行ATP:列车自动防护ATR:列车自动调整ATS:列车自动监控Automatic Train SupervisionAXC:计轴器B&A:操作和显示BAS:环境与设备监控系统Bd:波特 bond:棒BS:骨干交换机Backbone SwitchBUMA:总线控制板CA:控制中心自动控制模、中央自动模式CAN:现场总线CAZ:冲突防护区域’CBI:计算机联锁Computer Based InterlockingCBN:通信系统CBTC:基于通信的列车控制Communication Based Train Control CC:车载控制器Carborne ControllerCCTE:车载安全计算机(包括ATP/ATO子系统)CCTV:闭路电视/电视监视器CD:载频检测模块CDM:电码检测模块CDTA:中央数据传输系统CE:控制设备CENELEC:欧洲电工标准委员会CESB:中央紧急停车按钮CER:控制室CG:编码发生器CH:校核信号CI:计算机联锁Computer Based Interlocking CLC:线路控制器CLOW:中央联锁工作站Center Locking Workstation CM:编码人工驾驶模式COAST:惰行COM:通信服务器COTS:可购买的商用产品CPL:耦合器模块Coupler CPISA:通信处理器CPS:条件电源块CPU:中央处理单元CRC:循环冗余校验 CRT:阴极射线显示器CS:中央服务器Center ServerCSEX:电码系统模拟器扩展CTC:调度集中CTS:光数据传输系统DAB:报警按钮(为了及时处理意外或临时事故而设置在车厢里的乘客报警按钮)DB:轨道数据库Data BaseDCC;元件接口模块/车辆段、停车场控制中心Depot Contral Center DCS:数据通信系统Data Communication SubsystemDCU:数据储存单元DCR:车站综合控制室DDS:数字频率合成技术、DDU:诊断和数据上载单元、诊断和数据更新单元DEBLIMO:闪光元件接口模块DEM:调节器DESIMO:信号机元件接口模块DEWEMO:道岔元件接口模块DI:列车发车时刻显示器DID:目的地号Destination IdentificationDIOM:离散输入、输出板块DOC:驱动输出模块DOT:倒换方向 DPU:车辆段程序单元DS:模拟MMI、演示系统、数据服务器DSP:数字信号处理技术DSIT:接口控制模块DSU:数据服务单元Data Service UnitDT:VCC数据传输DTC:数字轨道电路DTI:发车计时器、发车时间表示显示器Departure Time Indicator DTM:现场LDTS分机DTRO:无人驾驶列车折返运行DTS:光纤网、数据传输系统、光纤通信系统读点EBR:紧急制动继电器EB:紧急制动 ECC:元件接口模块EFAST:列车控制元件接口模块EFID:入口馈电设备EPROM:只读储存器ERC:人工取消进路E…… Route CancelESB、ESP:紧急关闭按钮Emergency Stop ButtonESS:紧急车站停车系统ESIT:电子元件接口模块 EU:电子单元FAS:火灾自动报警系统FEC:非向前纠错FEP:前端处理器FFT:快速傅立叶变换FID:馈电设备FOTL:光纤传输线 FRONTAM:数据存储单元FSB:全常用制动Full Service BrakingFSK:数字调频、频移键控FTGS:西门子公司的遥供无绝缘音频轨道电路/音频无绝缘轨道电路GEBR:可保证的紧急制动率Guaranteed Emergency Brake Rate GO:ATP速度命令选择和核准电路HMI:人机接口/人机界面Human-Machine InterfaceIBP:综合后备盘Integrated Backup PanelI/O:输入/输出Input/OutputICM:输入控制模板、输入模块ICU:区域控制中心、控制单元、计算模块ID:识别IEC:国际电工委员会IFS:接口服务器Interface ServerILC:联锁控制器InterLocking ControllerIRU:接口继电器单元JTC;无绝缘轨道电路KOMDA:开关量输出板LAN:局域网Local area NetLC:车站控制LCC:本地控制台LCD:液晶显示器Liquid Crystal DisplayLCP:局域控制板(设于站控室内墙LCP控制盘上,需要扣车或取消时,按压按钮扣车或取消扣车,当站台的紧急停车按钮被按动时,在LCP上报警应按取消报警按钮)LCW:本地控制工作站Local Control Workstation LDTS:现场数据传输系统LED:发光二极管Light Emitting DiodeLEU:轨旁电子单元、信号接口LFU:环路馈送单元LISTE:信号机元件接口板块LIU:环线调谐单元LMM:环路调制解调器板块LOM:逻辑输出板块LPU;车站程序单元LZB:连续式列车自动控制系统MAL:移动授权Movement Authority LimitMAZ:移动授权区域Movement Authority ZoneMD:调频检测板块MDC:手动关门Manual Door CloseMDO:手动开门Manual Door OpenME:存储互换模块Memory ExchangeMELDE:开关量输入板MI:联锁单元MicroLok:微机联锁/联锁设备MMI:人机界面MMS;维护管理系统MODEM:调制解调器MPM:主处理器板块MR:车载无线设备MSK:最小移频键控MSS:最大安全速度MWS:维护工作站Maintenance Work Station MT:轨道联锁、城市轨道交通、MTIB:移动列车初始化信标MTO:无人驾驶MUX:接口电机NDO:非安全数字输出板 NFS:网络文件系统NIC:网络接口卡NISAL:数字集成安全保障逻辑NMS:网管系统/网络管理工作站NRM:非限制人工驾驶模式NRZI:不归零倒置NSS:网络支撑系统NVI:非安全型输入NVLE:非安全逻辑模拟器工作站NVO:非安全型输出OBE:车载设备OCC:运营控制中心Operational Contral Center OCM:输出控制模块ODI:操作/显示接口OLM;通信模块、光连接模块OLP:光连接插头OPG:速度脉冲发生器OTN:开放的传输网OVW:全线表示盘子系统PAC:环路调制解调器PAL:逻辑处理模块PAS:车站广播系统PB:停车制动PC:道岔控制PCB:控制器、印路电路板PCU:协议传输单元PD:多项式除法器PEB:站台紧急按钮、PF:工频PI:站台显示器PID:乘客导向系统PIIS:乘客信息显示器PIS:乘客导向系统PL:运行等级/站到站的运行时间PM:道岔转辙机SCADA:电力监控系统SCC:车站控制计算机/车站引导控制计算机SCEG:车站控制器紧急通路SCI:计算机联锁 SCR:车站控制室S&D:诊断服务、检修和诊断SD:安全装置SDM:联锁系统维护工作站SDT:站停时间Station Dwell TimeSER:信号设备室SICAS:西门子计算机辅助信号/微机联锁设备SIL:安全完整度等级SIOM:串行输入、输出模块SIR:安全联锁继电器SISIG:烙断器板SLC:同步环线盒SLM:速度和位置模块SM:列车自动防护驾驶、系统维护台、系统维护模块SMC:系统管理中心SMSS:维护监测子系统SNMP:简单网络管理协议SNOOPER:列车和事件监控器SO:维护操作台S—PC:模拟PCSPDI:瞬间接触开关SQL:结构化查询语言SRS:运行图STA;天线STC:车站控制器STEKOP:现场接口计算机STIB:静态列车初始化信标STS:厂家测试成套设备SYN:同步天线TAC;测速电机出来模块TC:轨道区段、轨道电路TCM:轨道编码模块TCP/IP;远程控制协议/国际协议TD:列车位置检测TDB:线路数据库TDT;列车发车计时器TID:列车输入数据模块/列车追踪号Tracking IdentificationTM:室内控制柜TMT:列车监督和追踪TOD:司机显示盘、列车输出数据模块/司机操作显示单元TR:分线柜/接口设备TRC:列车进路计算机TS:目标速度Target Speed/终端服务器Terminal Server TSR:临时限速Temporary Speed RestrictionTTE:时刻表编辑器TTF:时刻表TTT:列车跟踪Train Tracking T……TU:调谐单元、轨道电路控制单元TVP:轨道空闲处理TWC:车-地通信Traffic Wayside CommunicationTX:发送器UPS:不间断电源URM:非限制人工驾驶模式VAS:车辆报告系统VCC;车辆控制中心VCS:车辆通信系统VDI:安全数字输入板VDO:安全数字输出板VENUS:处理器板中断板VESUV:同步比较板VHM:车况监视器VICOS:车辆和基础集中控制操作系统VO:表决器模块VoterVOBC:车载计算机、车载控制设备VPI:安全型计算机联锁VR:列车调整Vehicle RegulationVRD:安全继电器驱动器VSC:安全型串行控制器WEEZ Bond:小型调谐阻抗连接变压器WCC:轨旁通信控制器WE;轨旁设备 WESTE:道岔接口模块ZC:区域控制器Zone ControlerFAS 1.1 Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统BAS Building Automation System 建筑设备自动化系统AFC Auto Fare Collection 自动售检票系统ATP Automatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATS Automatic Train Supervision 列车自动监控ATC Automatic Train Control 列车自动控制ATO Automatic Train Operation 列车自动运行SCADA Scan Control Alarm Database 供电系统管理自动化OCC Operated Control Center 控制中心MMI Man Machine Interface 人机接口UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断电源供给MOC Ministry Of construction 建设部IDC Intermodality Data Center 清结算数据中心LAN Local Area Network 局域网WAN Wide Area Network 广域网OTN Open Transport Network 开放传输网络Tc (A) Trailer Car 拖车Mp (B) Motor Car With Pantograph 带受电弓的动车M (C) Motor Car 动车AW0 空载AW1 每位乘客都有座位AW2 每平方米 6人AW3 每平方米 9人CSC Contactless Smart Card 非接触智能卡CST Contactless Smart Token 非接触智能筹码EOD Equipment Operating Data 设备运行参数LRU Line Replaceable Unit 线路可替换单元TBD To be Defined 待定义,待规定TBEx Trailer Bogie -External 拖车外转向架TBIn Train Bogie -Intermediate 拖车中间转向架TBU Tread Brake Unit 踏面制动单元WSP Wheel Speed Sensor 轮速传感器 PB Powered Bogie 动车转向架FDU Frontal Display Unit 前部显示单元IDU Internal Display Unit 内部显示单元TIMS Train Integrated Management System 列车综合管理系统DVA Digital and Audio Announcements 数字语音广播器MPU Main Processor Unit 主控单元APU Audio Power Unit 放大器单元VPI Visual Passenger Information 可视乘客信息VVVF Variable voltage Variable Frequency 变压变频PTI Positive Train Identification 列车自动识别SICAS Siemens Computer Aided Signaling 西门子计算机辅助信号DTI Departure Time Indicator 发车计时器PIIS Passenger Information and Indication System 旅客向导系统ADM Administrator Workstation 系统工作管理站RM Restricted Manual ModeATP限制允许速度的人工驾驶AR Automatic Reversal 自动折返2 2.1 File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol 传输控制/网络协议CPS Central Processing System 中央计算机系统SPS Station Processing System 车站计算机系统PIN Personal Identification Number 个人身份号码MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failure 运行设备两次损坏之间的次数MTTR Mean Time To Repair 维修耗时平均值TVM Ticket Vending Machine 自动售票机SEMI-TVM Manually Operated Ticket Vending Machine 半自动售票机PVU Portable Verifying Unit 便携式验票机GATE 闸机GCC Graphic Control Computer 图形监视计算机MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均无故障运行时间EMC Electro Magnetic Compliance 电磁兼容性FACEMCS Electrical and Mechanical Control System 车站设备监控系统ECS Environment Control System 环境控制系统DDC Dircct Digital Controller 数字直接控制器PLC Programmable Logic Controller 可编程逻辑控制器API Application Programming interfac 应用程序接口。
1 FDU-428站体简介1.1 功能及构成功能:①接收电源站指令;②转发数据信息;③把检波器拾取的模拟信号数字化;④将数字化后的信号发送给电源站或交叉站;⑤为仪器和野外测试提供模拟信号;⑥在EEPROM内存贮采集站地址;⑦通过LED灯的不同状态,显示采集站的基本状态。
构成:站体由一块8层电路板和外壳组成,集成了电源电路(Power Supply)、模数转换电路(SIG DEL)、接口电路(FDU INT)、数据通讯电路(FDU COM)、EEPROM五个功能模块。
1.2 电源电路(Power Supply)组成:按实现的功能分整流桥、电源转换电路、主控电路和电源滤波电路四大部分。
德语军事单词-AAal 蟮鱼Abkuerzung 缩写Abteilung 缩写:Abt,分队Abwehr 防御,抗击,击退Abwehrdienst 反间谍秘密工作achtern 船艉Admiralstabsoffizier 缩写:Asto,海军司令部参谋军官Aeusserste Kraft 缩写:AK,全速Akustik 声学,水声学Alarmtauchen 紧急下潜Alberich 阿尔贝利希消声瓦Altmaerkische Kettenfabrik GmbH 缩写:Alkett,阿尔特马克履带制造股份有限公司Amt 局Anhaenger 缩写:Ah,拖车ansprechen 描述Armee 军队,集团军Armee-Oberkommando 集团军司令部Atmosphärisch getriebenen Torpedo 缩写:A-Torpedo,压缩空气动力鱼雷Aufklaerung 侦察Ausbildungsgruppe fuer Front-U-Boote 缩写:Agru-Front,前线潜艇训练分队Ausfuehrung 缩写:Ausf,型号德语军事单词-BBackbord 左舷Ballast 压载Bataillon 营Bataillonfuehrerwagen 缩写:BW,营指挥车Batterie 炮台,炮组,炮兵连Bedrullje 困境中Befehlshaber der U-Boote 缩写:BdU,潜艇部队司令Befehlswagen 缩写:Bef.Wg,指挥车Beobachtungsdienst 缩写:B-Dienst,电子侦听部Beobachtungswagen 缩写:Beob.Wg,观察车Bergepanzer 坦克拯救车,修理坦克Beute-Panzer 被缴获坦克Bilge 底舱Boehmish-Maehrische Maschinenfabrik 缩写:BMM,波西米亚-摩拉维亚发动机制造厂 Bold 声纳诱饵Bruttoregistertonnen 缩写:BRT,总登记吨Bug 船首德语军事单词-DEFDeutschen Afrikakorps 缩写:DAK,非洲军Dez 十度dreimal Wahnsinnige 三次疯狂,全速Druckkoerper 耐压艇壳Durchbruchwagen 缩写:DW,突破车辆Durchpendeln 悬浮状态Dwarssee 侧涌Dwarswind 侧风Einbaum 独木舟Einheit 单位Elektrisch angetriebener Torpedo 缩写:ETO,电动鱼雷Enigma 谜题Entwicklung 发展,计划Erkennungsignal 缩写:ES,识别信号Ersatz 替代品,补充Eskorte 护航舰艇Faecher 扇面Fahrgestell 缩写:Fgst,底盘Fahrzeug-und-Motorenbau GmbH 缩写:Famo,机动车和发动机制造股份有限公司 Fallschirmjaeger 空降兵Feldgrau 田野灰Feldhaubitze 缩写:FH,野战(榴弹)炮Feldkanone 缩写:FK,野战加农炮Feldwebel 连长Fender 缓冲垫Flaechenabsuchender Torpedo 缩写:FA T,面积搜索鱼雷,回转搜索鱼雷Flakpanzer 防空坦克Flammenwerfer 火焰喷射器Fliegerbombe 缩写:Flibo,航空炸弹Flugabwehrkanone 缩写:Flak,高射炮Flugabwehrkanone 缩写:FLAK,高射炮Flugzeugtraeger 航空母舰Freiwillige 志愿者Fuehrer der U-Boote 缩写:FdU ,潜艇艇长Funk 缩写:Fu,无线电Funklenk 无线电静默Funkmess-Beobachtung 缩写:FuMB,雷达警告装置Funktelegramm 缩写:FT,无线电报Deutschen Afrikakorps 缩写:DAK,非洲军Dez 十度dreimal Wahnsinnige 三次疯狂,全速Druckkoerper 耐压艇壳Durchbruchwagen 缩写:DW,突破车辆Durchpendeln 悬浮状态Dwarssee 侧涌Dwarswind 侧风Einbaum 独木舟Einheit 单位Elektrisch angetriebener Torpedo 缩写:ETO,电动鱼雷Enigma 谜题Entwicklung 发展,计划Erkennungsignal 缩写:ES,识别信号Ersatz 替代品,补充Eskorte 护航舰艇Faecher 扇面Fahrgestell 缩写:Fgst,底盘Fahrzeug-und-Motorenbau GmbH 缩写:Famo,机动车和发动机制造股份有限公司 Fallschirmjaeger 空降兵Feldgrau 田野灰Feldhaubitze 缩写:FH,野战(榴弹)炮Feldkanone 缩写:FK,野战加农炮Feldwebel 连长Fender 缓冲垫Flaechenabsuchender Torpedo 缩写:FA T,面积搜索鱼雷,回转搜索鱼雷Flakpanzer 防空坦克Flammenwerfer 火焰喷射器Fliegerbombe 缩写:Flibo,航空炸弹Flugabwehrkanone 缩写:Flak,高射炮Flugabwehrkanone 缩写:FLAK,高射炮Flugzeugtraeger 航空母舰Freiwillige 志愿者Fuehrer der U-Boote 缩写:FdU ,潜艇艇长Funk 缩写:Fu,无线电Funklenk 无线电静默Funkmess-Beobachtung 缩写:FuMB,雷达警告装置Funktelegramm 缩写:FT,无线电报德语军事单词-GHIJKG7a 直航鱼雷7aG7e 直航鱼雷7eGebirgsjaeger 山地步兵Geleitzug 护航船队gepanzert 缩写:Gep.,装甲的Geraet 设备,装置Geschuetze 火炮Geschutzwagen 缩写:Gw.,炮车Graeting 朽木Granatwerfer 缩写:Gr.W,迫击炮,火箭炮Graue Woelfe 灰狼Grosstraktor 大型坦克,大型拖拉机Gruppe (空军)大队Gruppe 分队,组,分排Gruppenhorchgeraet 缩写:GHG,无线电监听设备Hartlage 满舵Haubitze 榴弹炮Hauptfeldwebel 军士长Heck 艉部Hedgehog 刺猬式深弹发射器Heer 陆军Hochleistungsmotor 缩写:HL,高性能发动机,高速发动机Huffduff 缩写:HF/DF,胡夫杜夫无线电定位仪Hydrophon 水听器Infanteriegeschuetz 缩写:I.G.,步兵炮Infantrie 步兵Jadgkorps 战斗机军Jagdbomber 缩写:Jabo,战斗轰炸机Jagdgeschwader 战斗机联队Jagdpanzer 缩写:Jgd.Pz.,驱逐坦克,坦克歼击车Jockel 骑师,柴油发动机的昵称Kampfgruppe 缩写:KG,战斗群Kampfwagenkanone 缩写:KwK,战车炮,坦克主炮Kampfzugfuehrer 战斗排排长Kanone 缩写:K,火炮,手枪,加农炮Kapitaenleutnant 缩写:Kptlt.,海军少校Kapitaenleutnant 缩写:Kaleunt,Kaleu,Kaleun,海军少校 Kavallerie 骑兵Kiel (船)龙骨klein 小Kleintraktor 小型坦克Knoten 节Kompanie 连Kompanie 连Korps 军Kradfahrzug Offizier 摩托车排军官Kreuz 十字Kriegsmarine (第三帝国)海军Kriegstagebuch 缩写:KTB,战争日志Kristallbasisdrehgeraet 缩写:KDB,晶体基旋转仪Kugelschotten 水密门Kujambel 冲调的果汁,(俚)电力Kujambelwasser 汽水,果汁饮料Kurs 航线,航向Kurz 缩写:Kz.,短德语军事单词-LMNLadung 装药量Lage Null 零位置Lagenunabhangiger Torpedo 缩写:LUT,全射向鱼雷Lang 缩写:Lg.,长lange/kaliber 缩写:L/,(火炮)长度口径比Lastkraftwagen 缩写:Lkw,载重机动车,卡车leicht 缩写:le,轻Leitender Ingenieur 缩写:LI,总工程师Leutnant zur See 缩写:Lt. z. S.,L, Ltn.,Lt,海军少尉Lochkriecher 钻洞者Luftwaffe 空军Mahalla 马哈拉Mallung (风)转向mannen (人链)传送货物Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nuernberg AG 缩写:MAN,奥格斯堡-纽伦堡机器制造公司 Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsen Hannover 缩写:MNH,下萨克森汉诺威机械制造厂Maschinengewehr 缩写:MG,机关枪Maschinenkanone 缩写:MK,机关炮/枪Maschinenpistole 缩写:MP,冲锋枪Maschinentelegraf 车钟(?)Maschinentelegraf 伡钟Metox Metox雷达警告器Milchkuh 奶牛mittel 缩写:m,中型,中间Mittelwaechter 中班了望Mixer 调酒师Monsunboote 季风艇Morser 缩写:Mrs,臼炮Muehlenbau-und-Industrie AG 缩写:MIAG,磨房建造和工业公司Muelltonne 垃圾桶,(俚)深水炸弹Munition 弹药Munitions-Panzerwagen 缩写:Mun.Pz,装甲弹药运输车Nachrichten 通信,通信兵Nachrichtenoffizier 缩写:N.-Offizier,通信官Nachrichtenzugfuehrer 缩写:N.-Zugfuehrer,通信排排长Nahverteidigungswaffe 缩写:NbK,近距离自卫武器Naxos 纳克索斯雷达警告装置Nebelwerfer 缩写:Nb.W,烟幕弹发射器neu 新德语军事单词-OPQLSOberbefehlshaber der Marine 缩写:ObdM,海军总司令Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres 陆军总司令Oberdeckstube 上甲板鱼雷导轨Oberkommando der Marine 缩写:OKM,海军总司令部Oberkommando der Wehrmacht 缩写:OKW,国防军总司令部Oberkommando des Heeres 缩写:OKH,陆军总司令部Oberleutnant zur See 缩写:Oblt. z. S.,OL,Oblnt.z. S.,海军中尉 Operationsoffizier 缩写:O.-Offizier,作战官Ostketten 东线履带Panzer 坦克Panzerabwehrkanone 缩写:Pak,反坦克炮Panzer-Befehlswagen 缩写:Pz.Bef.Wg,指挥坦克Panzerbeobachtungswagen 装甲观察车,观察坦克Panzergranate 缩写:Pzgr,穿甲弹Panzerjaeger 缩写:Pz.Jag,坦克歼击车Panzerjaegerkanone 缩写:Pjk,坦克歼击车主炮Panzerkampfwagen 缩写:PzKpfw,装甲战车,坦克Panzerkampfwagen 缩写:PzKpfw,装甲战车,坦克Panzerspaehwagen 缩写:PSW,装甲侦察车Panzertruppen 装甲部队Panzertruppenschule 装甲部队学校Paukenschlag “击鼓”行动Peilung 相对方位Personenkraftwagen 缩写:Pkw,载人机动车,小汽车Pionier 战斗工兵Plaetteisen 铁片标志中国虚拟舰队在线军事词Queen-Ship 缩写:Q-Schiff,Q舰,伪装猎潜舰Raketenwerfer 火箭炮Reichswehr 帝国国防军Ritterkreuz 骑士十字勋章Ritterkreuztraeger 骑士十字勋章获得者Rudel 兽群Schleichfahrt 静音航行Schlicktown 淤泥城Schnorchel 通气管Schule 学校Schurzen 坦克裙板Schutzenkompanie 步兵连Schutzenpanzerwagen 装甲运兵车Schutzenzug 步兵排Schutzstaffel 缩写:SS,(纳粹)党卫队schwer 重Schwimmpanzer 水陆两栖坦克Seekriegsleitung 缩写:SKL,海军总司令部Seekuh 海牛Seemeile 海里Selbstfahrlafette 缩写:Sf,自行火炮Smutje 炊事员Sonderkraftfahrzeug 缩写:SdKfz,特种机动车Spargel 芦笋Sprenggranate 缩写:Spgr,高爆霰弹Stab Hauptmann 团助理副官Stab Major 团副官Stabskompanie (团)本部连Stabskompanie Hauptfeldwebel 缩写:Stabskompanie Hfw,(团)本部连连长 Staffel (空军)中队Steuerbord 右舷Sturmgeschuetz 缩写:StuG,突击炮Sturm-Infanteriegeschuetz 缩写:SIG,突击步兵炮Sturmpanzerhaubitze 缩写:StuH,突击榴弹炮Sturmpanzerkanone 缩写:StuK,突击加农炮Sturzkampfflugzeug 缩写:Stuka,俯冲轰炸机德语军事单词-TUVWXYZTauchpanzer 潜水坦克Tiefenruder 水平舵Tiefer Keller (俚)极限深度Torpedodatencomputer 缩写:TDC,鱼雷数据计算机,鱼雷射击指挥仪Torpedo-V ersuchsanstalt 缩写:TV A,鱼雷研究所Trimm 平衡Triton Null 海神零号命令Tropen 热带Turm 塔,炮塔U-Boot-Abnahmekommando 缩写:UAK,接艇部队U-Bootsjaeger 缩写:UJ,猎潜舰U-Boots-Lehrdivision 缩写:ULD,潜艇训练分舰队U-Boot-Zieloptik 缩写:UZO,潜艇攻击望远镜Unter Deck druecken /schieben 压入水底,(俚)击沉Unterseeboot 缩写:U-Boot,潜水艇Unterseeboots-Ausbildungsabteilung 缩写:UAA,潜艇训练部Unterwasser-Telefonie 缩写:UT,水下电话V erband 部队,编队,集群V erdraengung 排水量V ersuchskonstruktion 缩写:VK,试验性建造,原型V ery Long Range 缩写:VLR,超远程V ogtlandische Maschinenfabrik AG 缩写:V omag,福格特兰机械制造公司V olkssturm 人民突击(民兵)V ollkettenfahrzueg 缩写:VK,全履带车Wachoffizier 缩写:WO,值更官Waffen SS 武装党卫队Waffenamt 武器局Waffentrager 武器载具Wagen 缩写:Wg.,车辆Wehrmacht 国防军Wehrmachtbefehlshaber 占领军司令Winterketten 冬季履带Zimmerit 防磁性雷涂料Zug 排Zugfuehrerwagen 缩写:ZW,排长座车Zugkraftwagen 缩写:Zgkw,排机动车Tauchpanzer 潜水坦克Tiefenruder 水平舵Tiefer Keller (俚)极限深度Torpedodatencomputer 缩写:TDC,鱼雷数据计算机,鱼雷射击指挥仪 Torpedo-V ersuchsanstalt 缩写:TV A,鱼雷研究所Trimm 平衡Triton Null 海神零号命令Tropen 热带Turm 塔,炮塔U-Boot-Abnahmekommando 缩写:UAK,接艇部队U-Bootsjaeger 缩写:UJ,猎潜舰U-Boots-Lehrdivision 缩写:ULD,潜艇训练分舰队U-Boot-Zieloptik 缩写:UZO,潜艇攻击望远镜Unter Deck druecken /schieben 压入水底,(俚)击沉Unterseeboot 缩写:U-Boot,潜水艇Unterseeboots-Ausbildungsabteilung 缩写:UAA,潜艇训练部Unterwasser-Telefonie 缩写:UT,水下电话V erband 部队,编队,集群V erdraengung 排水量V ersuchskonstruktion 缩写:VK,试验性建造,原型V ery Long Range 缩写:VLR,超远程V ogtlandische Maschinenfabrik AG 缩写:V omag,福格特兰机械制造公司 V olkssturm 人民突击(民兵)V ollkettenfahrzueg 缩写:VK,全履带车Wachoffizier 缩写:WO,值更官Waffen SS 武装党卫队Waffenamt 武器局Waffentrager 武器载具Wagen 缩写:Wg.,车辆Wehrmacht 国防军Wehrmachtbefehlshaber 占领军司令Winterketten 冬季履带Zimmerit 防磁性雷涂料Zug 排Zugfuehrerwagen 缩写:ZW,排长座车Zugkraftwagen 缩写:Zgkw,排机动车。
用户只需要将一个三维磁通门传感器,如Bartington 品牌的Mag-03、Mag-13或者Mag690等,连接到FDU101,即可得到数字化输出,简单快捷。
磁通门传感器数据采集单元FDU101,不但为相连的这个三维磁通门传感器提供±15V 电源,而且将磁通门传感器输出的磁场模拟信号(±10V)转换为对应磁场磁感应强度的数字信号,通过RS485接口输出,采样速率高达200ksps ,输出传输速率高达1ms/次,分辨率高达0.1nT(1μG)。
磁通门传感器数据采集单元FDU101的电源非常有特色,为单路4.5VDC-36VDC 宽幅电源。
特性●作为磁通门传感器的供电单元●作为磁通门传感器的数据采集单元●电源:4.5VDC-36VDC ●可连接一个三维磁通门传感器●兼容Bartington 品牌的磁通门传感器●电路精度高达0.05%●采样速率高达200ksps ●分辨率高达0.1nT(1μG)●输出数字信号(RS485)●输出传输速率1ms/次●数字化一个三维磁通门传感器●精度:0.05%●分辨率:0.1nT(1μG)数据采集单元—卓越的磁场测量解决方案软件界面SMART 电脑软件具有高达7位的数据显示位数,而且具有丰富的功能:1、可以自动记录和显示趋势图曲线;2、可以实时显示磁场强度XYZ 分量值及矢量值、最大值、最小值;3、选择切换DC 测量模式和AC 测量模式;4、可以实时记录保存磁场强度数据等。
零、写在前面1.上学期写的在Android上使用fduwireless.1x的教程貌似有很多同学无法配置成功,研究了下应该是证书的原因,所以决定更新一下教程~~2.上学期的那些所谓的“超详细”教程实际上是过于累赘了,而且这个学期貌似fduwireless.1x的证书更新了一下(感谢@拉哥提供的情报),作为一个严谨的信院孩纸,楼主更是觉得有必要更新下教程~~3.几个上学期写的帖子,大部分内容还能用,一些因为证书更新导致的问题之后有时间再更新~~a)教你如何在Windows 7上使用fduwireless.1x『9.19更新』/blog/264689055/761511204b)关于配置fduwireless.1x时没有Cisco:PEAP认证方式的解决方案以及相关证书的安装『9.20更新』/blog/264689055/761790367c)教你如何在Android和iPhone上使用fduwireless.1x『9.29更新』/blog/264689055/7646377364.因为Android系统版本众多,楼主用来截图的机器是HTC Legend,用的是基于Android2.3.7的CM7.2的ROM,所以下面列出的一些方法有可能并不适用于你的机器,或者并不完全一样,请自行研究。
4.点击“从SD 卡安装”。
Fairleigh Dickinson University费雷狄克森大学基本信息排名:北部一级57位建校时间:1942年类型:私立位置:新泽西州Teaneck在校学生:13000人,8585本科生,3527研究生入学时间:春季/秋季国际学生比例:10%师生比例:1:14网址:/学校概况及特色费雷狄克森大学是新泽西州最大的私立大学,拥有两个校区分别坐落在麦迪逊市与纽约市附近.大学提供100个本科和研究生的学位课程,包括有全美商学院最好的临床心理学和学校心理学的博士学位。
全美最好的商学院之一和全美最好的临床心理学.企业研究学科被企业家杂志评定为美国Top 100.地理位置新泽西州(或译纽泽西州),New Jersey,是美国东部的一个州,邮政符号为NJ。
新泽西州是美国第四小以及人口密度最高的州,此州的命名来自位于英法海峡(English Channel)中的泽西岛(Island of Jersey),其州昵称为“花园州”。
应用·对液体、糊状物、浆料、粉料及表面粗糙的固体块状物进行连续、非接触式物位测量·对明渠及测量堰进行流量测量·最大测量范围如下:-:液体:块料:-:液体:块料:-:液体:块料:-:块料:-:块料:·可在防爆区中使用FDU91/91F 10m 5m FDU9220m 10m FDU9325m 15m FDU9545m FDU9670m 优点·非接触式测量方法;降低了维护需要·集成温度探头用于校正超声波运行时间。
即便处于温度变化的环境之中,也可得到准确的测量结果·密封焊接的探头用于对液体进行测量,具有极高的抗化学腐蚀能力·变送器能自动识别探头类型,因此调试十分简单·探头和变送器能分离安装,最长间距达·探头可与变送器分离进行安装,能适应恶劣的外部工作环境·探头的自清洁功能有效地降低了粘附现象发生的可能性·探头配备的一体化加热器用于防止探头表面结冰(可选,以确保可靠测量·抗侵蚀、防水型(·通过粉尘防爆(认证和气体防爆(认证(,,·该产品生产符合质量体系认证PVDF FDU91/92FMU90300m IP68Dust-Ex Gas-Ex ATEX FM CSA ISO9001Services Pressure Flow TemperatureLiquid AnalysisRegistrationSystemComponentsLevelSolutions技术资料超声波测量探头Prosonic S FDU91/91F/92/93/95/96/95非接触式、连续测量物位和流量的超声波探头与变送器配套使用FMU90深圳市百合顺电子科技有限公司电话: 0755-******** Prosonic S FDU91/91F/92/93/95/96BD:D:E:0%F:100%L:V:Q:盲区探头工作面至物料表面的距离测量零点(,空罐最高物位(,满罐物位高度物料体积(或质量流量探头向物料表面方向发射超声波脉冲信号。
CG Drives & Automation, 01-4854-01r21SupplementValid for Emotron FDU 2.0 and Emotron VFX 2.0Marine supplementThis is a supplement to the instruction manuals with document number: 01-5324-01 Instruction manual for Emotron FDU 2.001-5325-01 Instruction manual for Emotron VFX 2.001-5329-01 Datasheet/Instruction for Vibration dampers.1.4Type code numberFig. 1 gives an example of the type code numbering used on all Emotron FDU/VFX AC drives . With this code number the exact type of the drive can be determined. Thisidentification will be required for type specific information when mounting and installing. The code number is located on the product label, on the front of the unitFig. 1Type code numbers positionD =Marine version and individual DNV productcertificate, only applicable for units above 100 kW.If marine options “D” or “M” are included, the AC drive will be equipped with Standby supply option board which includes isolated DC voltagemeasurement circuits. This will provide the AC drive with infinite impedance to ground.FDU/VFX48-175-54 C E – – – A – N N N N A N – – Position number:12345678910111213141516171819Position for 003-074Position for 090-3K0Configuration1917Approval/certification–=CE approvedD=Marine DNV Productcertificate + CE approvedM=Marine version + CEapprovedU=UL/cUL approvedNote: Optional vibration dampers are not included in the marine versions, must be ordered separately.2CG Drives & Automation, 01-4854-01r2SupplementInstallationThe below mentioned products in its standard configuration are covered by this supplement.*)The actual installation shall be designed according to CG Instruction manual and according to the applicable DNV rules for the actual application. Drawings for the actual application are to be sub-mitted for approval in each case. A DNV product certificate (optional) is required in accordance with DNV Rule paragraph Pt.4, Ch.8, Sec.1, B303 (sizes > 100kW).If ambient temperature exceeds 40°C, the AC drives nominal current has to be derated. This gives a 12,5% decreased current rating at 45°C for IP54 units and 5% derating for IP20 units. For further informationregarding derating, see Instruction manual for the AC drive.Note: Valid for AC drives with air or liquid cooling.T able 1DNV approved models of Emotron VFX and Emotron FDUModelFrame sizeIP classModelFrame sizeIP classModelFrame size IP classVFX/FDU48-003BIP54VFX/FDU48-860J IP20*VFX/FDU69-090F69IP54VFX/FDU48-004VFX/FDU48-1K0VFX/FDU69-109VFX/FDU48-006VFX/FDU48-1K15KA VFX/FDU69-146VFX/FDU48-008VFX/FDU48-1K25VFX/FDU69-175VFX/FDU48-010VFX/FDU48-1K35K VFX/FDU69-200VFX/FDU48-013VFX/FDU48-1K5VFX/FDU69-250H69IP20*VFX/FDU48-018VFX/FDU48-1K75L VFX/FDU69-300VFX/FDU48-026CVFX/FDU48-2K0M VFX/FDU69-375VFX/FDU48-031VFX/FDU48-2K25N VFX/FDU69-400VFX/FDU48-037VFX/FDU48-2K5OVFX/FDU69-430I69VFX/FDU48-046VFX/FDU52-003BIP54VFX/FDU69-500VFX/FDU48-061DVFX/FDU52-004VFX/FDU69-595VFX/FDU48-074VFX/FDU52-006VFX/FDU69-650J69VFX/FDU48-090EVFX/FDU52-008VFX/FDU69-720VFX/FDU48-109VFX/FDU52-010VFX/FDU69-800VFX/FDU48-146VFX/FDU52-013VFX/FDU69-905KA69VFX/FDU48-175VFX/FDU52-018VFX/FDU69-995VFX/FDU48-210FVFX/FDU52-026CVFX/FDU69-1K2K69VFX/FDU48-228VFX/FDU52-031VFX/FDU69-1K4L69VFX/FDU48-250VFX/FDU52-037VFX/FDU69-1K6M69VFX/FDU48-300G IP20*VFX/FDU52-046VFX/FDU69-1K8N69VFX/FDU48-375VFX/FDU52-061D VFX/FDU69-2K0O69VFX/FDU48-430H VFX/FDU52-074VFX/FDU69-2K2P69VFX/FDU48-500VFX/FDU69-2K4Q69VFX/FDU48-600IVFX/FDU69-2K6R69VFX/FDU48-650VFX/FDU69-2K8S69VFX/FDU48-750VFX/FDU69-3K0T69Note: Frame sizes G - O and H69 - T69 shall be installed in an enclosure with an IP degree in accordance with DNV rules with regards to the locationSupplement MountingStand alone wall mountingThe installation shall be designed according to CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB instruction manual and according to the applicable DNV Rules for the actual application.For Emotron FDU/VFX 48-090 to -250 and Emotron FDU/VFX 69-090 to -200, optional damper kit (4 spring dampers) is required if no other vibration measures are taken. See separate mounting instruction 01-5329-01.Fig. 2AC drive size E - F with vibration damper. Optional vibration dampers forEmotron FDU and VFX 2.0Cabinet mountingEmotron FDU/VFX 48-300 to 48-2K5 and 69-250 to 69-3K0, IP20 modules The installation shall be designed according to CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB instruction manuals for Emotron FDU/VFX 2.0 and according to the applicable DNV Rules for the actual application.IT netWhen connecting to IT net, the AC drive must be ordered for IT net (means that EMC filter is disconnected from ground) and user must make sure that the complete system comply with EMC requirements.CertificatesDNV certificates can be found in the “File archive” on or follow the below links. Emotron FDU/Documents/Documents/ Products_Solutions/Products/AC_drives/Emotron_FDU/Emotron_FDU_E-13480_Certificate.pdfEmotron VFX/Documents/Documents/ Products_Solutions/Products/AC_drives/Emotron_VFX/Emotron_VFX_DNV_E-13481_Certificate.pdfPart number Designation01-5329-01Damper mounting kit for size E (48-090 to 48-175)01-5329-10Damper mounting kit for size F - F69 (48-210 to 48-250 & 69-090 to 69-200)CG Drives & Automation, 01-4854-01r23SupplementCG Drives & Automation Sweden AB, Box 222 25, SE-250 24 Helsingborg, Tel: +46 42 16 99 00, Fax: +46 42 16 99 49 / C G D r i v e s & A u t o m a t i o n , 0 1 -4 8 5 4 -0 1 r 2 , 2 0 1 7 -1 0 -0 9。
超声波物位变送器,与1个或2个超声波物位传感器(FDU90、FDU91、FDU91F、FDU92、FDU93、FDU95)配套使用应用•液体的液位测量和限位检测,或固体散料的料位测量和限位检测•明渠或测量堰中的流量测量•最大测量范围:45 m (148 ft)•泵控制和格栅控制•可选:高级泵控制(例如泵功能测试)•平均值、差值或总和计算•回水检测或污染物检测•最多提供3个累加器和3个每日计数器•计数脉冲和时间脉冲输出,用于控制外部单元优势•操作便捷的引导式菜单,6行纯文本显示,15种显示语言可选•显示屏上显示包络线,直接实现现场诊断•使用免费的FieldCare 调试软件轻松完成仪表操作、诊断和测量点归档记录•通过自带或外部温度传感器实现基于温度的行程时间校正•线性化功能(最多32个线性化点,允许用户自定义);仪表内置常用水槽和测量堰的线性化表•通过HART 或PROFIBUS DP 通信实现系统集成•可选铝制现场型外壳,适用ATEX II 3D 防爆区应用Products Solutions Services技术资料Prosonic S FMU90超声波物位变送器TI00397F/28/ZH/19.21715292142021-05-31Prosonic S FMU902Endress+Hauser目录重要文档信息..............................3信息图标 (3)功能与系统设计 (4)液体限位检测................................4明渠或测量堰中的流量测量......................5盲区距离...................................5基于温度的行程时间校正........................5干扰回波抑制................................5泵控制....................................6物位线性化.................................6流量线性化.................................6特殊功能...................................6数据记录功能................................7物位测量的应用实例...........................8流量测量的应用实例.. (10)输入 (11)传感器输入................................11外部限位开关输入...........................11外部温度传感器输入.. (12)输出....................................13模拟量输出................................13继电器...................................14PROFIBUS DP 接口...........................15电源....................................16电气参数(交流电)..........................16电气参数(直流电)..........................16电气隔离..................................16保险丝...................................16电气连接 (17)电缆入口..................................17电缆规格. (17)性能参数 (18)参考操作条件...............................18最大测量误差...............................18测量误差..................................18测量值分辨率...............................18工作频率..................................18蒸汽压力影响...............................18环境条件 (19)环境温度..................................19储存温度..................................19气候等级..................................19抗振性...................................19防护等级..................................19电磁兼容性................................19机械结构 (20)外形尺寸..................................20重量. (23)材质 (23)可操作性 (25)通过HART 通信操作..........................25通过PROFIBUS DP 通信操作....................25显示与操作单元概览..........................26显示与操作单元.............................26操作方式..................................26证书和认证 (27)CE 认证...................................27RoHS 认证.................................27RCM-Tick 认证..............................27EAC 符合性声明.............................27防爆认证..................................27其他标准和准则.............................27订购信息 (27)订购信息..................................27供货清单. (28)附件 (28)通信专用附件...............................28设备专用附件. (28)补充文档资料.............................33技术资料..................................33操作手册..................................33设备参数描述...............................33槽/索引列表(PROFIBUS DP)...................33《安全指南》文档资料代号.....................33Prosonic S FMU90Endress+Hauser 3重要文档信息信息图标安全图标操作和其他影响提示信息图标。
(东方地球物理公司西南物探分公司装备制造与服务中心,四川南充637000)叶苇•杨森,覃建,胡克,况伟.采集站(FDU)壳体螺丝孔滑扣的修复.物探装备,2019,29(2):107-109摘要 随着国家对天然气勘探力度的加大,布设的任务越来越多,项目生产的节奏也越来越快。
高的生产时效,对 设备投入的数量、质量都有很高的要求。
要保证设备投入的数量、质量就必须缩短设备维修周期,减少设备故障 率。
本文就设备故障中的采集站进水原因进行了详细的分析,提出了解决问题的具体方法,得出了使用效果比较 良好的结论,为物探生产节省了成本。
关键词FDU 螺丝滑扣采集站壳体维修方法Ye Wei,Yang Sen,Qin Jian,Hu Ke and Kuang Wei. Repair of the screw hole of the field digital unit (FDU) housing. EGP,2019,29(2) :107-109Abstract With the intensification of national natural gas exploration, more and more tasks are laid out, and the rhythm of project production is also faster and faster. High production efficiency requires high quantity and quality of equipment input. To ensure the quantity and quality of equipment input , it is necessary to shorten the equipment ma intenance cycle and reduce the equipment failure rate. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the causes of the water inflow from the acquisition station in the equipment failure, puts forward specific methods to solve the problem, and draws a conclusion that the application effect is better, which saves the cost for geophysical prospecting production.Key words FDU , screw slip, acquisition station, case» maintenance method 0引言作为地震勘探中的主流地震数据采集系统, 408XL 和428XL 仪器连同其配套的FDU 采集站等 地面采集设备已经使用多年了。
Secure the flow andsave energyEmotron FDU 2.0 AC driveA complete range, IP20 - IP54, to suit all needsFull control and reliable operationEmotron FDU 2.0 AC drives offer reliable, cost-efficient and user-friendly operation of your pumps, fans, compressors and blowers. Full control of flow and pressure ensures an optimized operation, with reduced energy consumption and less downtime. The Emotron FDU also protects your equipment from damage and unnecessary wear. With all its func-tions included in a compact IP54 enclosure, the Emotron FDU is cost efficiently installed close to the application. The complete range covers motor powers from 0.55 to 3,000 kW.Protective starts and stopsEmotron FDU AC drives offer soft starts and stops that pro-tect your equipment. Reduced start currents result in smaller fuses, cables and energy bills. Controlled stops of pumps eliminate the risk of water hammer and other costly damage. In addition, you no longer need expensive motor-controlled valves to reduce pressure spikes. Spin start handles a turned-off fan that is rotating in the wrong direction, preven-ting high current peaks that could result in blown fuses and mechanical stress. The result is reduced installation, energy and maintenance costs.Controlled charging for safe start-upEmotron FDU from 30 kW offers a unique function that protects your equipment by ensuring a controlled ramping up of the DC link voltage. This so called HCB ramping (Half Controlled Bridge) offers a safe start-up, and detects phase failure and asymmetries. As there are no built-in resistors or bulky contactors, both size and maintenance are reduced. You can safely turn the AC drive on and off with an external contactor, as often as needed. In other drives this could cause breakdowns or serious damage.Fast and smooth process controlThe built-in PID regulator is used for fast and smooth control of, for example, flow, pressure or temperature. The reference value can be set via an analogue input, via fieldbus commu-nication, or via the control panel. The measured actual value is derived from a process sensor connected to an analogue input or a PT100 input. Protection against damage and downtime A built-in load monitor protects your process against damage and downtime. The load curve of the controlled equipment is monitored across the entire speed range. This is achieved by activating an automatic curve identification during commissioning. Any over or underload situation that could cause inefficiency or damage is detected immediately. You can easily set the warning and safety stop levels that allow you to take preventive action before damage occurs. There is no need to worry about dry-running, cavitation, overheating or blocked pipes. And you will be warned if, for example, your compressor is idling, a fan belt is broken or a valve has not fully opened. Emotron FDU protects the pro-cess and makes sure it works as efficiently as possible.The unique load monitor detects any deviation from normal loadacross the entire speed range, and sends a warning or stops theprocess before any damage is done (patent EP 1772960).LoadSpeedSave energy with speed controlEmotron FDU has been specially developed to regulate flowand pressure. Being able to continuously adapt the opera-tion of your pumps and fans to match demand by controllingmotor speed results in considerable energy and mainte-nance savings, compared to the use of throttling valves ordampers. The latter is like running a car at full throttle whilecontrolling the speed using the brakes. Further energy sa-vings, as well as reduced motor noise, are offered thanks toflux optimization. This function increases motor efficiency byadjusting the output voltage to the actual load, improving themotor’s actual power factor.Sleep function optimizes operation A built-in sleep function optimizes the process by lowering the motor speed to zero when it does not need to be run in order to keep up the required pressure. The motor is restarted when the need occurs again. This reduces energy consumption and equipment wear. You can also set the sleep mode to be activated in low flow or no flow situations that are not detected by the PID control, for example due to valves which are closing too slowly. This avoids the pump and motor overheating and energy being wasted.Save energy and optimize operationSpeed control offers considerable energy savings. In this pump application, energy consumption is reduced by up to 50% compared to throttling valves. Calculation assumes a 2.2 kW motor.Emotron FDU saves energy by pausing the motor whenever it does not need tobe run in order to keep up the required pressure. The sleep mode can also beactivated in low flow situations not detected by the PID control, thus avoidingoverheating and energy waste.Min.speedProcess reference Flow %Multiple control for efficiency and reliability Using multiple pumps or compressors to keep a constant flow or pressure despite varying demands is a flexible, reliable and cost-efficient method. At all times you only use the number of pumps or compressors needed and thus the amount of energy required. An Emotron FDU controls up to seven drives without PLCs or other external equipment. When, for example, one pump reaches its limit, or when the demand decreases, the Emotron FDU starts or stops more pumps. The pressure control is done using the built-in PID process regulator. Which pumps to start or stop is decided by the AC drive, giving them all equal running time. Should one pump or motor break down, the system automatically switches over to the next in line, avoiding unnecessary downtime.Automatic pump rinsing increases efficiencyEmotron FDU can be set for automatic pump rinsing usinga timer. When a pump is running at low speed or standingstill, sludge often sticks to the impeller, reducing the pump’sefficiency. With an Emotron FDU AC drive, you can set thepump to run at full speed for certain intervals or for a certaintime at start-up, before returning to normal operation. Thiscleans the pump and pipes and increases efficiency.EfficiencyTimeAverage Emotron FDU offers automatic pump rinsing. In this example a centrifugalpump at a sewage treatment plant is set to run at full speed for certainintervals to rinse out sludge, thereby increasing efficiency.Multiple pump or compressor control is a reliable and cost-efficient method of keeping a constant flow/pressure despite varying demands. One Emotron FDU can control up to seven units in a master/slave solution, with, forexample, Emotron MSF softstarters working as slaves.User-friendly and reliable operationYour own process languageSeveral process values and system parameters are available via the communication interface, including current, voltage, shaft power, energy consumption and operating time. In addition to selecting the language to be displayed, you caneasily set operation parameters in the units of your specificprocess, for example m³/s, bar or Pascal. No confusion, notime spent on translation and no risk of mistakes. The resultis easier and more reliable monitoring of your process.Emotron FDU 2.0 offers several user-friendly features that make both the operator’s and the installation engineer’s work easier and more reliable.Operation parameters can be set in yourown process units – m³/s, bar, Pascal, etc.This makes monitoring easier and morereliable.Built-in programming blocks such as timers and comparators allow you to customize functionality.Customized functionalityEmotron FDU offers built-in programming blocks, such as lo-gical functions, comparators and timers. This opens the wayfor customizing functionality according to your requirements.You can, for example, set the AC drive to automatically cleana pump using a timer. The pump is run at full speed for acertain time to rinse out sludge.Flexible and easy setupEmotron AC drives offer easy programming and commis-sioning. Up to four parameter sets can be used to createsettings for different modes, for example when switchingbetween different motors or from automatic to manual pro-cess control. Very short response times increase availabilityand reliability. When updating a parameter, you can opt tohave the change applied to all sets automatically.Full process control – local or remoteAll the data available in the AC drive can be used for yourprocess control via fieldbus communication. You can easilyswitch between local and remote control of the AC drivesimply by pushing a button on the control panel. The exis-ting settings remain in place while switching over and theprocess is not affected. By connecting the AC drive to anIndustrial Ethernet network you can perform your control viaany communication interface or using a PLC. This facilitatescommissioning and reduces set-up time. Remote monitoringand configuration via, for example, a PC in a control roomprovide a comprehensive and informative operator interfaceand give easy access to the connected units for setting pro-cess parameters, viewing process status, etc.Easy copying of settings When settings have been made for one Emotron FDU via the control panel they can easily be copied to other Emotron FDU units. Just remove the panel, attach it to the next drive and transfer the settings. This saves a lot of time and ensures that the drives have exactly the same settings. A PC serial communication connection is available behind the control panel.The removable control panel has a copy function that allows you to transfersettings to other Emotron FDU units.Cost-efficient and flexible installationCompact IP54 for cost-efficient installation Emotron FDUs in the 0.55-132 kW range are compact wall-mounted units, all IP54 classified and just as protected against dust and water as an electric motor. They have a robust metal construction and can withstand harsh envi-ronments. You can install the units close to the application, saving time and space as well as the cost of cabinets andlong motor cables.High power units are also compactThe 160-3,000 kW units can be mounted in compact Emotron-designed IP54 or IP23 cabinets. This makes the Emotron FDUeasier to handle and more cost-efficient to install compared toother AC drives in the same range. The cabinet has a program-mable control panel on the front for easy access.Installing Emotron FDU 2.0 is cost-efficientand flexible. The compact format and IP54classification means the units can be instal-led close to the application. Flexible cableconnection reduces the need for tools andterminals.Modular designThe 160 to 3,000 kW Emotron AC drives are built-up with parallel connected 3-phase power modules. The modular design offers the possibility of redundancy operation. Opera-tion can continue by temporarily running with reduced power capacity while one of the modules is out of operation. For very critical processes, you can even equip the system with an extra power module, to ensure full capacity at all times.Flexible cable connectionsEmotron FDU offers flexible connection of a large number of cables and a wide range of cable types. You can easily mount different cable sizes or double cables. The connec-tors are easily accessible by removing the bottom plate of the housing.The compactwall-mountedunits of 0.55-132kW are IP54classified, whicheliminates theneed for costlycabinets and longmotor cables.The 160-3,000 kW Emotron FDU models can be mounted in compact EmotronIP54 or IP23 cabinets with the control panel easily accessible on the front. The modular design offers reduncancy and easy servicing.Options to customize your AC driveVersatile communication optionsLike all Emotron products, the Emotron FDU provides for versatile communication options with the other control devices in your process or, for example, a control room. The communication possibilities include:• Industrial Ethernet communication via Modbus/TCP, Profinet, EtherCA T and Ethernet/IP.• Fieldbus communication via Profibus DP and DeviceNet• Serial communication via RS232 or RS485 with Modbus RTU• Analogue and digital outputsSeveral process values and system parameters are available via the communication interfaces, including speed, current, voltage, power factor, shaft power, shaft torque, energy con-sumption and operating time.Standby supplyThis option makes it possible to supply the control circuits of the Emotron FDU unit via an external 24 V AC/DC supply in order to maintain communication and set up the system without the 3-phase mains being connected. Communica-tion backup is also provided should the 3-phase main power supply fail.Motor temperature protectionAn internal intelligent temperature control offers improved motor protection and ensures a stable temperature that extends equipment life. Up to six PTC sensors, via a single isolated input, and up to three PT100 sensors can be con-Emotron FDU offers versatile communication options with the other control devices in the process or, for example, a control room.A number of options are available to let you customize Emotron FDU 2.0 functionality and fully utilize the product according to your needs. The compact option boards increase flexi-bility and cost-efficiency. They are easy to mount and up to four options can be combined. Up to three I/O boards can be mounted, each providing three relays and three digital inputs.nected to monitor motor temperature and give temperature feedback. You can also connect two PT100 sensors for motor protection and one PT100 for process feedback, measuring temperature without using a transducer. For units up to 46 A, an isolated motor thermistor input offers a low-cost solution approved in accordance with the DIN 44081/44082 standard.Motor filtersA selection of motor filters is available for improved protec-tion of motor windings, for example, when long motor cables are used. Options include output chokes, overshoot clamps and sine wave filters. Filters are also available for protecting motor bearings from common mode currents.Safe stop without a contactorA safe stop option board provides protection from unexpected starts during mechanical maintenance, in accordance with the EN 13849-1 and EN 62061 standards. This cost-efficient solution saves both money and space since you no longer need a contactor to disconnect the motor. The EMC perfor-mance is also improved since the motor cable shield is not interrupted.Liquid coolingEmotron FDU models from 90 A can be provided with liquid cooling, offering a robust solution for harsh environments. The cabinet can have a protection class higher than IP54 since no ventilation openings are required. Operating and maintenance costs are lower since air conditioning is nolonger needed to cool the cabinet and the surrounding room. Energy consumption can be reduced by recycling the heat produced by the AC drive. You will also reduce noise and heat in the electrical room.Extended EMC protectionThe Emotron FDU is delivered with a built-in 2nd environment category C3 EMC filter as standard. A 1st environment cate-gory C2 EMC filter is available as an option. The Emotron FDU is then delivered with the filter built into the housing, (< 45 kW) which means the protection class of the unit is not affected.Reduced harmonic distortionsA 12-pulse rectifier offers a cost-efficient reduction of harmo-nic current distortions. It reduces power losses in equipment such as transformers and conductors, and eliminates theneed to over dimension these components. The 55–1,000 kW Emotron AC drives are available with active front end techno-logy (AFE) for applications demanding extremely low harmo-nic distortions. They produce typically less than THDI 5% compared to 30-50% in conventional drives.Synchronized bypassSynchronized bypass is used for switching motors over to mains supply after starting to full speed with an AC drive. The function can be used with fully loaded high powermotors, even in low-inertia systems.STANDARD 6-PULSE AC DRIVE EMOTRON AFE DRIVEHigh current distortion: TDHI 30-50 %Low current distortion: TDHI 5%Full status reports make troubleshooting easierEfficient alarm detection and detailed codes help you achieve reliable operation and simplify troubleshooting.Should a problem occur in the process, a full status report will be generated and stored in the AC drive, detailing all activities and values at the time of the alarm. You can quickly iden-tify the cause of the problem and take corrective measures without experiencing unnecessary downtime. Connecting the Emotron FDU to an Industrial Ethernet network further simpli-fies fault-finding and offers the option of remote supervision.Detailed alarm codes simplify troubleshooting. Should a problem occur in the process, a full status report will help you to quickly identify the cause and take corrective measures.Simplified troubleshooting and maintenanceMaintenance is simplified and downtime reduced thanks to a number of features. Fewer critical parts, which are easy to access, increase reliability. Detailed alarms help you identify the process problem quickly in order to take preventive action.Fan control extends equipment lifetime Emotron FDU has speed controlled fans as standard. This ensures a stable temperature that extends equipment life-time and also reduces noise. The fans are the only moving mechanical parts and easy to replace. In addition, Emotron FDU has fewer and more accessible boards than most other AC drives. This increases reliability, facilitates maintenance and reduces downtime.Fold out for easy accessThe modular design of the 160 to 3,000 kW Emotron AC drives gives easy access for servicing. The power modules can be folded out, which means repairs can be done without taking the whole drive apart. A complete power module can be kept as a spare part for maximum security.APPLICA TIONS PumpsFans Compressors BlowersA wide and complete range to suit your needsTECHNICAL DA TAEmotron FDU 2.0 AC drives are availablein the following range:Rated power 0.55-3,000 kWSupply voltage 230-690 V, 3-phaseRated current 2.5-3,000 AProtection class IP20, IP21, IP54Approvals CE, UL/cUL (some IP20 sizes pending)DNV-GL (IP20 pending), GOST RFor further technical information, please seethe Emotron FDU 2.0 technical catalogue.CG Drives & Automation Mörsaregatan 12 Box 222 25SE-250 24 Helsingborg T + 46 42 16 99 00 F +46 42 16 99 49******************** / C GD r i v e s & A u t o m a t i o n 01-3829-01r 2 2015-05。
东京理化 FDu_1110操作手册FDu_1110空冷冻干燥技术,简称为冻干,又被称为升华空气干燥。
FDU FOUNDRY DEGASSING UNITE N V I R O N M E N TA L LYF R I E N D LY M E TA L T R E AT M E NTEQUIPMENT & CONSUMABLESHydrogen removalOxide and inclusion removalControlled gassingHighly efficient rotor designs Reliable and consistent equipmentFDU foundry degassing units are a metal treatment system for the degassing and cleaning of aluminium alloys in foundries.All FDU units use the impeller principle with patented rotor designs which mixes fine inert gas (usually Nitrogen or Argon) with the melt. The gas bubbles are distributed widely through the melt whilst maintaining a smooth melt surface. This results in short treatment times, effective degassing and melt cleaning.FDU Foundry Degassing UnitFor the improvement of quality of non ferrous castingsThe advantagesn Reproducible results n Short treatment time n R educed gas porosity and hard inclusions incastingsn Reduced machining costsn Consistent mechanical and physical properties n Environmentally friendly2The FDU product range covers a number of machines for transport by crane or fork-lift truck, mobile and static units. The degassing equipment is used for transport ladles and free standing crucible furnances.All machines are custom-made and adapted to foundry’s requirements and needs. An advanced control system enables the operator to program various parameters; the degassing treatment runs automatically without any operator involvement once the process has been started.A team of Foseco specialists commissions theequipment and trains the operators.FDU MARK 10For treatment in transport ladles or furnaces, easily pushed manually into position.FDU ROTOSTATIV Compact assembly on the ground; a manual arm swivel (optional) provides easyacces to furnace or transport ladle.FDUMINIDEGASSER Compact design for placing on top of a crucible or ladle by means of crane or fork-lift truck.FDU ROTODRIVE Battery operated trolley for moving into treatment position and for long-distance movement.FDUROTOSCHWENK For assembly on the ground and electrically arm movement forprocess automation and multi-position use.3Graphite shaftsGraphite rotors are used in connection with the corresponding graphite shafts. Various rotor designs and diameters can be combined with shafts in different lengths and types. This procedure provides maximu flexibility to suit almost all crucible and transport ladle designs. Vacuum impregnation of the graphite consumables ensures a long life. n G raphite shafts- Ø 45 mm, 700 mm long- Ø 75 mm, up to 1200 mm long - Ø 95 mm, up to 2300 mm longDegassing consumablesFor the improvement of quality of non ferrous castings4Ø 45 Ø 75 Ø 95INSURAL* baffle platesA baffle plate is placed near to the graphite shaft and guarantees a smooth melt surface during treatment. It is available in different shapes and lengths.FDU graphite shaft and INSURAL baffle plateFDU BKF types of shaftXSR high-performance rotorIntensive investigations of the existing rotors, combined with theoretical studies, simulations, extensive modelling and practical tests have culminated in the development of the new XSR high-performance rotor.The FDU XSR high-performance rotor is an advanced design with an enhanced pumping action.Turbo cuts in the upper section of the rotor further reduce the size of the inert gas bubbles thus maximising the surface area of the bubbles for a given volume of treatment gas.Two different foundry requirements can be fulfilled by the new XSR high-performance rotor:n Q uicker degassing of molten metal and hence an increase in the effectiveness of the FDU degassing system and a reduction in temperature loss,n D egassing at a reduced rotor speed in order to extend the service life of the graphite shaft and rotor because of the reduced abrasion and/or reduction in vortices on the shaft when operating without a baffle plate.The degassing effect has been plotted onlinewith Foseco‘s ALSPEK* H hydrogen sensor. Thediagram illustrates a typical curve for hydrogenconcentrations in aluminium. The rate of degassingunder consistent test conditions in achieving atarget level of 0.08 ppm of hydrogen in the moltenmaterial was 0.03 ppm H2/min with the XSR rotor.The degassing rate for the SPR rotor was 0.02 ppmH2/min, 50% less.For detailed information refer to Foundry Practice241 (2004).SPRXSRtemp. (°C)hydrogencontent(ppm)temperaturetreatment time (min)Developmenttests usingwatermodellingXSR rotor5Rotary degassing of liquid aluminium alloys is a widely used commercial process to control levels of hydrogen, alkali metals and inclusions in the melt, prior to casting. A comprehensive theoretical understanding of the kinetics of aluminium degassing has been established in the past twenty years.Degassing simulationSoftware to analyse batch degassing processesA selection of different Foseco degassing rotors has been characterised in a comprehensive experimental program. Tests have been carried out in both water model and foundry trials. The study results in an Internet based simulation software for degassing processes in foundries.6Screen shotThe software enables the operator to characterise the degassing process with an extended parameter list for data input:n P re-set crucible and ladle sizesn P re-set alloy compositionsn D ifferent ambient conditionsn S tarting level of hydrogenn O perating conditions like melt temperature, gas flow rate, rotor speed and diametern T reatment timeBased on input data the software calculates a degassing curve – hydrogen content vs. time. It is possible to draw degassing curves of different rotor design and rotor diameters in one diagram. The software compares the hydrogen removal efficiency and total consumption of inert gas for each rotor.A full report about the batch degassing software is available in Foundry Practice Issue 256.For more information and a demonstration please contact the local Foseco representative.Diagram 1The curves in diagram 1 compare the degassingefficiency of different rotor designs.Diagram 2The curves in diagram 2 compare the degassingefficiency of different FDU XSR rotor diameters.Diagram 3Diagram 3 shows an upgassing process using an inertgas-hydrogen-mix.Diagram 1Diagram 2Diagram 3705/2011 · r e 750 eC O M M I T T ED T O F O U N DR I E SMTS 1500 automated metal treatment process is an option for nearly all types of FDU.Temperature measurement systems and ALSPEK* H hydrogen sensors enable foundries to monitor and control the degassing process. In many cases it is therefore possible to save both time and energy.With the assistance of a N 2-H 2 mixed gas panel, all FDU machines can be equipped to add a controlled level of hydrogen to aluminium melts.Foseco is continually developing new and improved products and services to boost melt treatment efficiency and effectiveness. Our service team would be pleased to answer any further questions you may have.FDUService and further optionsMTS 1500 automatedMetal Treatment StationMelt quality measurementutilising ALSPEK H hydrogen sensorTraining andservice*Foseco, the Logo, INSURAL and ALSPEK are trade marks of the Vesuvius Group, registered in certain countries, used under licence. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder or as expressly permitted by law. Applications for permission shall be made to the publisher at the address mentioned.Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. All statement, information and data contained herein are published as a guide and although believed to be accurate and reliable (having regard to the manufacturer’s practical experience) neither the manufacturer, licensor, seller nor publisher represents nor warrants, expressly or impliedly: (1) their accuracy/reliability, (2) that the use of the product(s) will not infringe third party rights, (3) that no further safety measures are required to meet local legislation. The seller is not authorised to make representations nor contract on behalf of the manufacturer/licensor. All sales by the manufacturer/seller are based on their respective conditions of sale available on request.© Foseco International Limited 05/11.Foseco International Limited Drayton Manor Business Park,Tamworth, Staffordshire,England B78 3TLPhone: +44 (0)1827 262021 Fax: +44 (0)1827 283725 Please contact your local Foseco team。