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City born and city bred,…… 我生在城市,长在城市
I was born and bred in the city.
I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window,…… 总认为乡村是透过火车车窗看到的那个样子 or something you occasionally visit during the weekend. 或偶尔周末去游玩一下的景象
to hide sth. and make it difficult to be found 藏,掖,塞 e.g. I tucked the letter into pocket in fear that mummy might see it. The jewelry chest was tucked away.
stumble, walk unsteadily e.g. As we went into the bar, a drunken man staggered out of the door.
seeming unusual and exciting because of being connected with a foreign county 外来 的,异乎寻常的,有异国情调的 ~ words 外来词 ~ styles 国外的款式 ~ articles 外国货 ~ items 外国物品 ~ birds 奇怪的鸟 an ~ tropical island 有异国风情的热带岛屿
a person or animal lives in a particular place city ~ 城市居民 town ~ 城镇居民 county ~ 乡村居民 cave ~ 洞穴人 forest ~ 森林住户
to send out brightness or warmth without flame e.g. a man glowing with health活力四射 a man glowing with enthusiasm热情洋溢 a man glowing with pride 得意洋洋 a man glowing with pleasure 喜气洋洋 a man glowing with triumph 意气风发
eቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱtol
to praise highly 高度赞扬,赞美 ~ the virtues 称赞优点,美德 ~ the merits of 称赞功绩 e.g. People extolled the merits of the general who led them into peace. 这 位带领人民走向和平的将军备受赞颂。
他坚持认为,没有什么可以与之相比。 凌晨雄鸡第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟吱喳欢叫, 冉冉升起的朝阳染红树木、牧场,此番美景无与伦比。
maintain: insist Nothing can be compared with: nothing is better than e.g. Nothing can be compared with a cold drink on a summer night. glint: to shine e.g. Her diamond ring glinted on her finger.
Illusions of pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想
illusion pastoral breed rapture extol superior cockcrow twitter glint pasture idyllic virtually dubious privilege misery acquaintance treat dweller stagger exotic glow descend tuck obstinately
almost, actually e.g. The twins are virtually identical. 双胞胎几乎一模一样。 It was virtually impossible to find a Chinese restaurant in this area, but now it’s much easier… 几乎不可能…
only one of them has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months.但其中只有
extol the virtues: praise the advantages virtue(美德): vice e.g. Courage is a virtue. e.g. The virtue of a small car is that you can park it easily. in town----out of town e.g. I’ll be out of town for about a week. 我会出门一个星期
regard A as B: refer to A as B; think of A as B; consider A (to be) B
Most of my friends live in the city, yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country. 但他们只要一提起乡村,马上就会变得欣喜若 狂。
lead a ~ life 过着田园生活 ~ peace 田园般的宁静 ~ poetry 田园诗
simple, happy period of life often in the country 田园诗般的 an ~ scene 诗情画意般的情景
(bred, bred)
to train, educate or bring up 训练,培养,养育 e.g. He was bred to be a gentleman. 他被培养成为一位绅士。 an English man born and bred 土生土长的英国人 city born and city bred 城市里生,城市里长(的人)
yet: however go into raptures: enter a state of extreme happiness and excitement
Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life,尽管
a kind of great excitement and happiness 狂喜,非常高兴 go into ~ 变得欣喜若狂 e.g. Girls will go into raptures at the mere mention of cosmetics/makeup. Boys will certainly go into raptures at the mere mention of footballs. She went into raptures at the news of her success.听说自己成功了她狂喜。
He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living.他滔滔不绝地大谈友好的农民,洁净的空气,贴近大 自然的环境和悠闲的生活节奏。 Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun (glinting on the trees and pastures).
Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town 1ife. 即使他也仍存有幻觉,好像乡村生活就是比城市生活 优越。
under the illusion that……有……的错觉 e.g. The boss is still under the illusion that the project will be completed on time.老板还错误的以为这个项目会按时完成 superior to: better than --- inferior to e.g. He simply believes that men are intellectually superior to women.他相信男人在智力上优于女人。 she was a superior candidate for this task.出色的 He always has such a superior attitude.高高在上的
doubtful, to be not sure whether something is good or true 不确定的,拿不准的 e.g. I’m dubious about his promises to change his ways. a dubious opportunity 拿不准的机会 a dubious result 不确定的结果
stubborn as stubborn as a mule pigheaded e.g. Don’t be pigheaded. Just follow my advice.
The quiet life of the country has never appealed to me.
to move from a higher level to a lower one e.g. The plane started to descend. descend on sb.(一种情感)笼罩着某人 e.g. Sadness descended on the country after the war. 战争之后,举国笼罩在悲伤之中。 Five guests descended on me unexpectedly. 五位客人突然造访,令我措手不及。
the quiet life of the county: the quiet country life appeal to sb.: to fascinate or attract 吸引 介词与“……的”关系: ● 美国的冬天 → the winter in America ● 停车场的入口 → the entrance to the parking lot ● 穿过森林的小路 → the path through the forest ● 鲁迅的著作 → the works by Lu Xun ● 水中的月亮 → the moon reflected in water ● 历史的见证 → the witness to history ● 对爱的渴望 → a longing for love ● 对我们不利的证据 → the evidence against us ● 阳光下的漫步 → a walk in the sunlight ● 追求名誉的女人 → a lady after fame ● 两人之间的争论 → an argument between the two persons