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试问:1. 第二躯体运动区的定位?2. 古、旧、新皮质是如何区分的(举例)。
3. 如何理解columnar organization。
4. 海马结构的subiculum指什麽?5. 苍白球、齿状回、Broca氏区的血液供应。
试问:1. 脑干网状结构的概念?2. 前庭神经核的纤维联系。
3. 上丘是如何分层的?4. 何谓locus caeruleus?5. Substantia nigra的纤维联系。
6. 脑干的Weber氏征候群的解剖学基础。
试问:1. 副交感神经的低级中枢是什麽?2. Communicative branches含义?3. 上肢皮肤汗腺是如何支配的?4. Iris的神经支配?5. 肾上腺的神经支配?四.小脑是中枢神经系统中最大的运动结构,在随意运动控制中起重要作用。
试问:1. 小脑皮质的分层及有哪两类传入纤维?2. 何谓rosette?3. 如何理解microzones?4. 小脑皮质内五种神经细胞是什麽?5. 小脑皮质内的纤维和神经细胞是如何联系的?一.名词解释:1. 蓝斑2.海绵窦3.鼓索4.玫瑰结5.纹状体6.终纹6. 灰被 8.下托 9.边缘叶 10.翼腭神经节二.简述下列结构的神经支配及相关的起始核和终止核1. 肱桡肌2.梨状肌3.镫骨肌4.鱼际肌5.小指立毛肌6.竖脊肌7. 舌 8.泪腺 9.颈动脉窦 10.鼓膜张肌三.试述小脑皮质、大脑皮质的分层、结构特征及纤维联系?四.何谓上运动神经元?何谓下运动神经元?哪些部分的损伤可出现右下肢单瘫?五.综合分析中枢神经系是如何调控躯体运动的?同济1998博士试题一 1 west syndrome 2 transient global amnesia 3 argyll-robertosn's pupil4 lambert-eaton syndrome5 oculogyric-crisis二何谓脑分水岭梗塞?其常见病因及临床表现是什么?三试述肝豆状核变性的诊断依据和治疗措施四癫痫的诊断步骤和鉴别诊断五试述运动神经元病的常见类型及临床特点河北医科医大2001年神经病学试题一.周围神经疾病基本病理变化有几种?并加以说明二.简述蛛网膜下腔出血的症状,体征和治疗原则,并举出三种常见病因?三、重症肌无力发病原理?何谓肌无力危象及胆碱能危象?如发生上述两种危象如何处理?四、何谓脑膜刺激症?举出除脑膜炎症以外的三种疾病?五.简述桥脑小脑脚综合症临床表现?六、何谓闭锁综合症?七.上矢状窦血栓形成病因及临床表现?。
(5-7 三题任选一题即可)吉林大学神经科2003考博部分试题名词解释:颈内动脉盗血综合症;完全性失语;颅底压迹;体象障碍问答题:上矢状窦血栓的病因,诊断多发硬化的诊断标准肌无力危象的分类、与格林巴利的鉴别列举三种皮质下痴呆及其诊断依据脑出血急性期治疗进展何谓遗传性疾病?Charcot-Marie-Tooth病的临床表现部分性癫痫的分类及药物治疗复旦大学03年神经病学博士入学考部分试题名词解释:睫脊反射;眼心反射;Dejerine-Klumpke syndrome;Hornersyndrome;变形性肌张力异常;抓握反射;Parinaud syndrome;Foster Kennedysyndrome;hunt syndrome;问答题:1、肝豆状核变性铜代谢障碍的机制;2、脱髓鞘疾病的病理特点及多发性硬化的表现;3、脑囊虫病感染途径及临床症状;4、小脑上动脉梗塞的表现;5、下丘脑的组成及损害表现;6、脊柱C5-T2病变表现;中山医科大学2001年招收攻读博士研究生入学试题神经病学1、SAH 的病理、并发症及其发病机制2、帕金森病的治疗现状3、癫痫的药物治疗4、脊髓压迫症的鉴别诊断5、肌营养不良的产前诊断6、头痛伴眼肌麻痹的诊断7、MS 的病理及发病机制不知是哪个学校的:96年:名词:分离性感觉障碍铅管样强直群集性头痛ALZHEIMER病问答:格林巴利综合征的诊断及鉴别诊断婴儿痉挛症又称什么综合征,试述其主要临床表现和脑电图特征急性单纯疱疹病毒脑炎的临床表现什么是腔隙性梗塞,它有几种主要的临床表现。
97年:名词:Wallenberg syndrome ,Brown-Sequard syndrome ,Gilles de laTourett syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome ,hunt syndrome问答:脑血栓形成急性期治疗,EP的诊断和鉴别诊断,偏头痛的临床类型及临床表现,多发性硬化的诊断标准及治疗。
1. Granulom;
3. Aspergillosis;
4. Residual body;
5. Mutagen;
7. Apoptosis;
8. Pneumonia alba;
9. Wilson's disease;
10. Pannus;
11. Amyloidosis
12. leukopenia;
13. mitosis.
2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。
国家医学考试中心PAPER ONEPart 1 :Listening comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a questionabout what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hearthe question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following exampleYou will hearWoman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let’s begin with question Number 1.1. A. A cough B. Diarrhea C. A fever D. V omiting2. A. Tuberculosis B. Rhinitis C. Laryngitis D. Flu3. A. In his bag. B. By the lamp.C. In his house.D. No idea about where he left it.4. A. He’s nearly finished his work.B. He has to work for some more time.C. He wants to leave now.D. He has trouble finishing his work.5. A. A patient B. A doctor C. A teacher D. A student6. A. 2.6 B. 3.5 C. 3.9 D. 1367. A. He is the head of the hospital. B. He is in charge of Pediatrics.C. He went out looking for Dan.D. He went to Michigan on business.8. A. He has got a fever. B. He is a talented skier.C. He is very rich.D. He is a real ski enthusiast.9. A. To ask local people for help.B. To do as Romans do only when in Rome.C. Try to act like the people from that culture.D. Stay with your country fellows.10.A. She married because of loneliness.B. She married a millionaire.C. She married for money.D. She married for love.11.A. Aspirant B. Courageous C. Cautious D. Amiable12.A. He was unhappy. B. He was feeling a bit unwell.C. He went to see the doctor.D. The weather was nasty.13.A. You may find many of them on the bookseller’ shelves.B. You can buy it from almost every bookstore.C. It’s a very popular magazine.D. It doesn’t sell very well.14.A. A general practitioner. B. A gynecologist.B. An orthopedist D. A surgeon.15.A. Chemotherapy B. Radiation C. Injections D. Surgery Section BDirection:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, readthe four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, Choose the bestanswer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Dialogue16.A. It is a genetic disorder.B. It is a respiratory condition in pigs.C. It is an illness from birds to humans.D. It is a gastric ailment.17.A. Eating pork.B. Raising pigs.C. Eating chicken.D. Breeding birds.18.A. Running nose.B. Inappetence.C. Pains all over.D. Diarrhea.19.A. To stay from crowds. B. To see the doctor immediately.C. To avoid medications.D. To go to the nearby clinic.20.A. It is a debate.B. It is a TV program.C. It is a consultation.D. It is a workshop.Passage One21.A. About 10,000,000.B. About 1,000,000.C. About 100,000.D. About 10,000.22.A. A cocktail of vitamins.B. A cocktail of vitamins plus magnesium.C. The combination of vitamins A, C and E.D. The combination of minerals.23.A. The delicate structures of the inner ear. B. The inner ear cells.C. The eardrums.D. The inner ear ossicles.24.A. General Motors. B. The United Auto Workers.C. NIH.D. All of above.25.A. An industrial trial in Spain.B. Military trials in Spain and Sweden.C. Industrial trials in Spain and Sweden.D. A trial involving students at the University of Florida.Passage Two26.A. The link between obesity and birth defects.B. The link between obesity and diabetes.C. The risk of birth abnormalities.D. The harmful effects of obesity.27.A. Neural tube defects. B. Heart problems.C. Cleft lip and palate.D. Diabetes.28.A. 20 million. B. 200 million.C. 400 million.D. 40 million.29.A. A weight-loss surgery. B. A balanced diet.C. A change of life style.D. More exercise.30.A. Why obesity can cause birth defects.B. How obesity may cause birth defects.C. Why obesity can cause diabetes.D. How obesity may cause diabetes.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection:In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A B C and D .are given beneath each of them. You are tochoose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then markyour answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Having a bird’s eye view from the helicopter, the vast pasture was __________ with beautiful houses.A. overlappedB. segregatedC. intersectedD. interspersed32. As usual, Singapore Airlines will reduce trans-pacific capacity in _________ seasons this year.A. sternB. slackC. sumptuousD. glamorous33. As to the living environment, bacteria’s needs vary, but most of them grow best ina slightly acid ___________.A. mechanismB. miniatureC. mediumD. means34. Under an unstable economic environment, employers in the construction industry place great value on ___________ in hiring and laying off workers as their volumes of work wax and wane.A. flexibilityB. moralityC. capacityD. productivity35. In a stark _________ of fortunes, the Philippines – once Asia’s second richest country – recently had to beg Vietnam to sell its rice for its hungry millions.A. denialB. reversalC. intervalD. withdrawal36. Web portal Sohu has gone a step further and called for netizens to join in an all-out boycott of __________ content.A. wholesomeB. contagiousC. vulgarD. stagnant37. Experts urge a reforesting of cleared areas, promotion of reduced-impact logging, and _____________ agriculture, to maintain the rain forest.A. sustainableB. renewableC. revivableD. merchandisable38. In the U.S., the Republican’s doctrines were slightly liberal, whereas the Democrats’ were hardly _____________.A. rationalB. radicalC. conservativeD. progressive39. Officials from the Department of Agriculture confirmed that the __________ floods and drought this summer did not affect the country’s grain output.A. ripplingB. waningC. fluctuatingD. devastating40. It is believed that the Black Death, rampant in the Medieval Europe __________, killed 1/3 of its population.A. at largeB. at randomC. on endD. on averageSection BDirections:Each of the following sentences has a word or phase underlined. There are four words or phases beneath each sentence, Choose the word orphase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it issubstituted for the underlined part, Mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET.41. Christmas shoppers should be aware of the possible defects of the products sold ata discount.A. deficitsB. deviationsC. drawbacksD. discrepancies42. The goal of this training program is to raise children with a sense of responsibility and necessary courage to be willing to take on challenges in life.A. despiseB. evadeC. demandD. undertake43. After “9.11”, the Olympic Games severely taxed the security services of the host country.A. improvedB. burdenedC. inspectedD. tariffed44. The clown’s performance was so funny that the audience, adults and children alike, were all thrown into convulsions.A. a fit of enthusiasmB. a scream of frightC. a burst of laughterD. a cry of anguish45. We raised a mortgage from Bank of China and were informed to pay it off by the end of this year.A. loanB. paymentC. withdrawalD. retrieval46. The advocates highly value the “sport spirit”, while the opponent devalue it, asserting that it’s a sheer hypocrisy and self-deception.A. fineB. suddenC. finiteD. absolute47. Whenever a rattlesnake is agitated, it begins to move its tail and make a rattling noise.A. irritatedB. tamedC. stampedD. probed48. The detective had an unusual insight into criminal’s tricks and knew clearly how to track them.A. inductionB. perceptionC. interpretationD. penetration49. My little brother practices the speech repeatedly until his delivery and timing were perfect.A. presentationB. gestureC. rhythmD. pronunciation50. In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally amazing highs.A. untimelyB. unexpectedlyC. unreasonablyD. unconventionallyPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Video game players may get an unexpected benefitfrom blowing away bad guys—better vision. Playing “action” video games improves a visual ability __51__ tasks like reading and driving at night, a new study says. The ability, called contrast sensitivity function, allows people to discern even subtle changes __52__ gray against a uniformly colored backdrop. It’s also one of the first visual aptitudes to fade with age. __53__ a regular regimen of action video game training can provide long-lasting visual power, according to work led by Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester.Previous research shows that gaming improves other visual skills, such as the ability to track several objects at the same time and __54__ attention to a series of fast-moving events. Bavelier said, “A lot of different aspects of the visual system are being enhanced, __55__.”The new work suggests that playing video games could someday become part of vision-correction treatments, which currently rely mainly on surgery or corrective lenses. “__56__ you’ve had eye surgery or get corrective lenses, exposing yourself to these games should help the optical system to recover faster and better, you need to retrain the brain to make use of the better, crisper information that’s coming in __57__ your improved eyesight,” Bavelier said.Expert action gamers in the study played first-person shooters Unreal Tournament 2004 and Call of Duty 2. A group of experienced nonaction gamers played The Sims 2, a “life simulation” video game. The players of nonaction video games didn’t see the same vision __58__, the study says. Bavelier and others are now trying to figure out exactly why action games __59__ seem to sharpen visual skill. It may be that locating enemies and aiming accurately is a strenuous, strength-building workout for the eyes, she said. Another possible __60__ is that the unpredictable, fast-changing environment of the typical action game requires players to constantly monitor entire landscapes and analyze optical data quickly.51. A. crucial forB. available inC. resulting fromD. ascribed to52. A. in disguise ofB. in shades ofC. in search ofD. in place of53. A. This is howB. That’s whyC. It is not thatD. There exists54. A. paidB. paysC. payD. paying55. A. thoughB. not to sayC. not just oneD. as well56. A. UntilB. WhileC. UnlessD. Once57. A. as opposed toB. in addition toC. as a result ofD. in spite of58. A. benefitsB. defectsC. approachesD. risks59. A. in caseB. in advanceC. in returnD. in particular60. A. effectB. reasonC. outcomeD. conclusionPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions:In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B,C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET.Passage oneThere is plenty we don’t know about criminal behavior. Most crime goes unreported so it is hard to pick out trends from the data, and even reliable sets of statistics can be difficult to compare. But here is one thing we do know: those with a biological predisposition to violent behavior who are brought up in abusive homes are very likely to become lifelong criminals.Antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, but no one was sure whether this was due mostly to social-environmental factors or biological ones. It turns out both are important, but the effect is most dramatic when they act together. This has been illustrated in several studies over the past six years which found that male victims of child abuse are several times as likely to become criminals and abusers themselves if they were born with a less-active version of a gene for the enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), which breaks down neurotransmitters crucial to the regulation of aggression.Researchers recently made another key observation: kids with this “double whammy” of predisposition and an unfortunate upbringing are likely to show signs of what’s to come at a very early age. The risk factors for long-term criminality – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, low IQ, language difficulties – can be spotted in kindergarten. So given what we now know, shouldn’t we be doing everything to protect the children most at risk?No one is suggesting testing all boys to see which variant of the MAO-A gene they have, but what the science is telling us is that we should redouble efforts to tackle abusive upbringings, and even simple neglect. This will help any child, but especially those whose biology makes them vulnerable. Thankfully there is already considerable enthusiasm in both the US and the UK for converting the latest in behavioral science into parenting and social skills: both governments have schemes in place to improve parenting in families where children are at risk of receiving poor care.Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of early intervention because it implies our behavior becomes “set” as we grow up, compromising the idea of free will. That view is understandable, but it would be negligent to ignore what the studies are telling us. Indeed, the cost to society of failing to intervene -in terms of criminal damage, dealing with offenders and helping victims of crime -is bound to be greater than the cost of improving parenting. The value to the children is immeasurable.61. Researchers have come to a consensus: to explain violent behavior ________.A. in terms of physical environmentB. form a biological perspectiveC. based on the empirical dataD. in a statistical way62. When we say that antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, asindicated by the recent findings, we can probably mean that ___________.A. a particular gene is passed on in familiesB. child abuse will lead to domestic violenceC. the male victims of child abuse will pass on the tendencyD. the violent predisposition is exclusively born of child abuse63. The recent observation implicated that to check the development of antisocialand criminal behavior ___________.A. boys are to be screened for the biological predispositionB. high-risk kids should be brought up in kindergartenC. it is important to spot the genes for the risk factorsD. active measures ought to be taken at an early age64. To defend the argument against the unfavorable idea, the author makes it apoint to consider ___________.A. the immeasurable value of the genetic research on behaviorB. the consequences of compromising democracyC. the huge cost of improving parenting skillsD. the greater cost of failing to intervene65. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Parenting Strategies for KidsB. The Making of a CriminalC. Parental EducationD. Abusive ParentingPassage twoAfter 25 years battling the mother of all viruses, have we finally got the measure of HIV? Three developments featured in this issue collectively give grounds for optimism that would have been scarcely believable a year ago in the wake of another failed vaccine and continuing problems supplying drugs to all who need them.Perhaps the most compelling hope lies in the apparent “cure” of a man with HIV who had also developed leukemia. Doctors treated his leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that also vanquished the virus. Now US Company Sangamo Biosciences is hoping to emulate the effect patients being cured with a single shot of gene therapy, instead of taking antiretroviral drugs for life.Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is itself another reason for optimism. Researchers at the World Health Organization have calculated that HIV could be effectively eradicated in Africa and other hard-hit places using existing drugs. The trick is to test everyone often, and give those who test positive ART as soon as possible. Because the drugs rapidly reduce circulating levels of the virus to almost zero, it would stop people passing it on through sex. By blocking the cycle of infection in this way, the virus could be virtually eradicated by 2050.Bankrolling such a long-term program would cost serious money – initially around $3.5 billion a year in South Africa alone, ring to $85 billion in total. Huge as it sounds, however, it is peanuts compared with the estimated $1.9 trillion cost of the Iraq war, or the $700 billion spent in one go propping up the US banking sector. It also look small beer compared with the costs of carrying on as usual, which the WHO says can only lead to spiraling cases and costs.The final bit of good news is that the cost of ART could keep on falling. Last Friday, GlaxoSmithKline chairman Andrew Witty said that his company would offer all its medicines to the poorest countries for at least 25 per cent less than the typical price in rich countries. GSK has already been doing this for ART, but the hope is that the company may now offer it cheaper still and that other firms will follow their lead.No one doubt the devastation caused by AIDS. In 2007, 2 million people died and 2.7 million more contracted the virus. Those dismal numbers are not going to turn around soon – and they won’t turn around at all without huge effort and investment. But at least there is renewed belief that, given the time and money, we can finally start riddling the world of this most fearsome of viruses.66. Which is the following can be most probably perceived beyond the first paragraph?A. The end of the world.B. A candle of hope.C. A Nobel prize.D. A Quick Fix.67. According to the passage, the apparent “cure” of the HIV patient who had alsodeveloped leukemia would ___________.A. make a promising transition from antiretroviral medication to gene therapyB. facilitate the development of effective vaccines for the infectionC. compel people to draw an analogy between AIDS and leukemiaD. would change the way we look at those with AIDS68. As another bit of good news, ___________.A. HIV will be virtually wiped out first in AfricaB. the cycle of HIV infection can be broken with ARTC. the circulating levels of HIV have been limited to almost zeroD. the existing HIV drugs will be enhanced to be more effective in 25 years69. The last reason for optimism is that ___________.A. governments will invest more in improving ARTB. the cost of antiretroviral therapy is on the declineC. everybody can afford antiretroviral therapy in the worldD. the financial support of ART is coming to be no problem70. The whole passage carries a tone of ___________.A. idealismB. activismC. criticismD. optimismPassage ThreeArchaeology can tell us plenty about how humans looked and the way they lived tens of thousands of years ago. But what about the deeper questions? Could early humans speak, were they capable of self-conscious reflection, did they believe in anything?Such questions might seem to be beyond the scope of science. Not so. Answering them is the focus of a burgeoning field that brings together archaeology and neuroscience. It aims to chart the development of human cognitive powers. This is not easy to do. A skull gives no indication of whether its owner was capable of speech, for example. The task then is to find proxies (替代物)for key traits and behaviors that have stayed intact over millennia.Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this endeavor is teasing out the role of culture as a force in the evolution of our mental skills. For decades, development of the brain has been seen as exclusively biological. But increasingly, that is being challenged.Take what the Cambridge archaeologist Colin Renfrew calls “the sapient (智人的) paradox (矛盾)”. Evidence suggests that the human genome, and hence the brain, has changed little in the past 60,000 years. Yet it wasn’t until about 10,000 years ago that profound changes took place in human behavior: people settled in villages and built shrines. Renfrew’s paradox is why, if the hardware was in place, did it take so long for humans to start changing the world?His answer is that the software – the culture – took a long time to develop. In particular, the intervening time saw humans vest (赋予) meaning in objects and symbols. Those meanings were developed by social interaction over successive generations,passed on through teaching, and stored in the neuronal connections of children.Culture also changes biology by modifying natural selection, sometimes in surprising ways. How is it, for example, that a human gene for making essential vitamin C became blocked by junk DNA? One answer is that our ancestors started eating fruit, so the pressure to make vitamin C “relaxed” and the gene became unnecessary. By this reasoning, early humans then became addicted to fruit, and any gene that helped them to find it was selected for.Evidence suggests that the brain is so plastic that, like genes, it can be changed by relaxing selection pressure. Our understanding of human cognitive development is still fragmented and confused, however. We have lots of proposed causes and effects, and hypotheses to explain them. Yet the potential pay-off makes answers worth searching for. If we know where the human mind came from and what changed it, perhaps we can gauge where it is going. Finding those answers will take all the ingenuity the modern human mind can muster.71. The questions presented in the first paragraph ___________.A. seem to have no answers whateverB. are intended to dig for ancient human mindsC. are not scientific enough to be answered hereD. are raised to explore the evolution of human appearance72. The scientists find the proxy to be ___________.A. the role of cultureB. the passage of timeC. the structure of a skullD. the biological makeup of the brain73. According to Renfrew’s paradox, the transition from 60,000 to 10,000 years agosuggests that ___________.A. human civilization came too lateB. the hardware retained biologically staticC. it took so long for the software to evolveD. there existed an interaction between gene and environment74. From the example illustrating the relation between culture and biology, wemight conclude that ___________.A. the mental development has not been exclusively biologicalB. the brain and culture have not developed at the same paceC. the theory of natural selection applies to human evolutionD. vitamin C contributes to the development of the brain75. Speaking of the human mind, the author would say that ___________.A. its cognitive development is extremely slowB. to know its past is to understand its futureC. its biological evolution is hard to predictD. as the brain develops, so as the mindPassage FourDespite the numerous warnings about extreme weather, rising sea levels and mass extinctions, one message seems to have got lost in the debate about the impact of climate change. A warmer world won’t just be inconvenient. Huge swathes (片) of it, including most of Europe, the US and Australia as well as all of Africa and China will actually be uninhabitable--- too hot, dry or stormy to sustain a human population.This is no mirage. It could materialize if the world warms by an average of just 4°C, which some models predict could happen as soon as 2050. This is the world our children and grandchildren are going to have to live in. So what are we going to do about it?One option is to start planning to move the at-risk human population to parts of the world where it will still be cool and wet. It might seem like a drastic move, but this thought experiment is not about scaremongering (危言耸听). Every scenario is extrapolated from predictions of the latest climate models, and some say that 4°C may actually turn out to be a conservative estimate.Clearly this glacier-free, desertified world---with its human population packed into high-rise cities closer to the poles---would be a last resort. Aside from anything else, it is far from being the most practical option: any attempt at mass migration is likely to fuel wars, political power struggles and infighting.So what are the alternatives? The most obvious answer is to radically reduce carbon dioxide levels now, by fast-tracking green technologies and urgently implementing energy-efficient measures. But the changes aren’t coming nearly quickly enough and global emissions are still rising. As a result, many scientists are now turning to “Earth’s plan B”.Plan B involves making sure we have large scale geoengineering technologies ready and waiting to either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere or deflect the sun’s heat. Most climate scientists were once firmly against fiddling with the Earth’s thermostat, fearing that it may make a bad situation even worse, or provide politicians with an excuse to sit on their hands and do nothing.Now they reluctantly acknowledge the sad truth that we haven’t managed to reorder the world fast enough to reduce CO2 emissions and that perhaps, given enough funding research and political muscle, we can indeed design, test and regulate geoengineering projects in time to avert the more horrifying consequences of climate change.Whatever we do, now is the time to act. The alternative is to plan for a hothouse world that none of us would recognize as home.76. To begin with, the author is trying to remind us of ____________.A. the likelihood of climate change making life inconvenientB. the warning against worsening climate changeC. the inevitable consequence of global warmingD. the misconception of a warmer world77. As the thought experiment shows, those at risk from global warming will ____________.A. live with the temperature raised by an average of 4°CB. have nowhere to go but live in the desertC. become victims as soon as 2050D. move closer to the poles78. It is clear from the passage that a practical approach to global warming is _________.A. to reduce massively CO2 emissionsB. to take protective measures by 2025C. to prepare a blueprint for mass migrationsD. to launch habitual constructions closer to the poles。
全国医学博士外语统一考试英语真题2013年(总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) (总题数:15,分数:15.00)A.A coughB.Diarrhea √C.A feverD.Vomiting解析:A.TuberculosisB.RhinitisryngitisD.Flu √解析:A.In his bag.B.By the lamp.C.In his house. √D.No idea about where he left it.解析:A.He’s nearly finished his work.B.He has to work for some more time. √C.He wants to leave now.D.He has trouble finishing his work.解析:A.A patientB.A doctorC.A teacherD.A student √解析:A.2.6B.3.5C.3.9D.136 √解析:A.He is the head of the hospital.B.He is in charge of Pediatrics.C.He went out looking for Dan.D.He went to Michigan on business. √解析:A.He has got a fever.B.He is a talented skier.C.He is very rich.D.He is a real ski enthusiast. √解析:A.To ask local people for help.B.To do as Romans do only when in Rome.C.Try to act like the people from that culture. √D.Stay with your country fellows.解析:A.She married because of loneliness.B.She married a millionaire.C.She married for money. √D.She married for love.解析:A.AspirantB.Courageous √C.CautiousD.Amiable解析:A.He was unhappy.B.He was feeling a bit unwell. √C.He went to see the doctor.D.The weather was nasty.解析:A.You may find many of them on the bookseller’ shelves.B.You can buy it from almost every bookstore.C.It’s a very popular magazine.√D.It doesn’t sell very well.解析:A.A general practitioner.B.A gynecologist. √C.An orthopedistD.A surgeon.解析:A.ChemotherapyB.RadiationC.Injections √D.Surgery解析:二、Section B (总题数:3,分数:15.00)A.It is a genetic disorder.B.It is a respiratory condition in pigs. √C.It is an illness from birds to humans.D.It is a gastric ailment.解析:A.Eating pork.B.Raising pigs. √C.Eating chicken.D.Breeding birds.解析:A.Running noseB.Inappetence √C.Pains all overD.Diarrhea解析:A.To stay from crowds. √B.To see the doctor immediately.C.To avoid medications.D.To go to the nearby clinic.解析:A.It is a debate.B.It is a TV program. √C.It is a consultation.D.It is a workshop.解析:A.About 10,000,000. √B.About 1,000,000.C.About 100,000.D.About 10,000.解析:A.A cocktail of vitamins.B.A cocktail of vitamins plus magnesium. √C.The combination of vitamins A, C and E.D.The combination of minerals.解析:A.The delicate structures of the inner ear. √B.The inner ear cells.C.The eardrums.D.The inner ear ossicles.解析:A.General Motors.B.The United Auto Workers.C.NIH √D.All of above.解析:A.An industrial trial in Spain.itary trials in Spain and Sweden.C.Industrial trials in Spain and Sweden. √D.A trial involving students at the University of Florida. 解析:A.The link between obesity and birth defects. √B.The link between obesity and diabetes.C.The risk of birth abnormalities.D.The harmful effects of obesity.解析:A.Neural tube defects.B.Heart problems.C.Cleft lip and palateD.Diabetes √解析:A.20 million.B.200 million.C.400 million. √D.40 million.解析:A.A weight-loss surgery. √B.A balanced diet.C.A change of life style.D.More exercise.解析:A.Why obesity can cause birth defects.B.How obesity may cause birth defects. √C.Why obesity can cause diabetes.D.How obesity may cause diabetes.解析:三、Part II Vocabulary (10%) (总题数:10,分数:5.00)16.Having a bird’s eye view from the helicopter, the vast pasture was __________ with beautiful houses.(分数:0.50)A.overlappedB.segregatedC.intersectedD.interspersed √解析:17.As usual, Singapore Airlines will reduce trans-pacific capacity in _________ seasons this year. (分数:0.50)A.sternB.slack √C.sumptuousD.glamorous解析:18.As to the living environment, bacteria’s needs vary, but most of them grow best in a slightly acid ___________.(分数:0.50)A.mechanismB.miniatureC.medium √D.means解析:19.Under an unstable economic environment, employers in the construction industry place great value on ___________ in hiring and laying off workers as their volumes of work wax and wane. (分数:0.50)A.flexibility √B.moralityC.capacityD.productivity解析:20.In a stark _________ of fortunes, the Philippines –once Asia’s second richest country –recently had to beg Vietnam to sell its rice for its hungry millions.(分数:0.50)A.denialB.reversal √C.intervalD.withdrawal解析:21.Web portal Sohu has gone a step further and called for netizens to join in an all-out boycott of __________ content.(分数:0.50)A.wholesomeB.contagiousC.vulgar √D.stagnant解析:22.Experts urge a reforesting of cleared areas, promotion of reduced-impact logging, and_____________ agriculture, to maintain the rain forest.(分数:0.50)A.sustainable √B.renewableC.revivableD.merchandisable解析:23.In the U.S., the Republican’s doctrines were slightly liberal, whereas the Democrats’ were hardly _____________.(分数:0.50)A.rationalB.radicalC.conservative √D.progressive解析:24.Officials from the Department of Agriculture confirmed that the __________ floods and drought this summer did not affect the country’s grain output.(分数:0.50)A.ripplingB.waningC.fluctuatingD.devastating √解析:25.It is believed that the Black Death, rampant in the Medieval Europe __________, killed 1/3 of its population.(分数:0.50)A.at large √B.at randomC.on endD.on average解析:四、Section B (总题数:10,分数:5.00)26.Christmas shoppers should be aware of the possible defects of the products sold at a discount. (分数:0.50)A.deficitsB.deviationsC.drawbacks √D.discrepancies解析:27.The goal of this training program is to raise children with a sense of responsibility and necessary courage to be willing to take on challenges in life.(分数:0.50)A.despiseB.evadeC.demandD.undertake √解析:28.After “9.11”, the Olympic Games severely taxed the security services of the host country. (分数:0.50)A.improvedB.burdened √C.inspectedD.tariffed解析:29.The clown’s performance was so funny that the audience, adults and children alike, were all thrown into convulsions.(分数:0.50)A.a fit of enthusiasmB.a scream of frightC.a burst of laughter √D.a cry of anguish解析:30.We raised a mortgage from Bank of China and were informed to pay it off by the end of this year.(分数:0.50)A.loan √B.paymentC.withdrawalD.retrieval解析:31.The advocates highly value the “sport spirit”, while the opponent devalue it, asserting that it’s a sheer hypocrisy and self-deception.(分数:0.50)A.fineB.suddenC.finiteD.absolute √解析:32.Whenever a rattlesnake is agitated, it begins to move its tail and make a rattling noise. (分数:0.50)A.irritated √B.tamedC.stampedD.probed解析:33.The detective had an unusual insight into criminal’s tricks and knew clearly how to track them.(分数:0.50)A.inductionB.perception √C.interpretationD.penetration解析:34.My little brother practices the speech repeatedly until his delivery and timing were perfect. (分数:0.50)A.presentation √B.gestureC.rhythmD.pronunciation解析:35.In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally amazing highs.(分数:0.50)A.untimelyB.unexpectedlyC.unreasonably √D.unconventionally解析:五、Part III Cloze (10%) (总题数:1,分数:10.00)Video game players may get an unexpected benefit from blowing away bad guys—better vision. Playing “action” video games improves a visual ability __51__ tasks like reading and driving at night, a new study says. The ability, called contrast sensitivity function, allows people to discern even subtle changes __52__ gray against a uniformly colored backdrop. It’s also one of the first visual aptitudes to fade with age. __53__ a regular regimen of action video game training can provide long-lasting visual power, according to work led by Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester. Previous research shows that gaming improves other visual skills, such as the ability to track several objects at the same time and __54__ attention to a series of fast-moving events. Bavelier said, “A lot of different aspects of the visual system are being enhanced, __55__.” The new work suggests that playing video games could someday become part of vision-correction treatments, which currently rely mainly on surgery or corrective lenses. “__56__ you’ve had eye surgery or get corrective lenses, exposing yourself to these games should help the optical system to recover faster and better, you need to retrain the brain to make use of the better, crisper information that’s coming in __57__ your improved eyesight,” Bavelier said. Expert action gamers in the study played first-person shooters Unreal Tournament 2004 and Call of Duty 2. A group of experienced nonaction gamers played The Sims 2, a “life simulation” video game. The players of nonaction video games didn’t see the same vision __58__, the study says. Bavelier and others are now trying to figure out exactly why action games __59__ seem to sharpen visual skill. It may be that locating enemies and aiming accurately is a strenuous, strength-building workout for the eyes, she said. Another possible __60__ is that the unpredictable, fast-changing environment of the typical action game requires players to constantly monitor entire landscapes and analyze optical data quickly. (分数:10.00)A.crucial for √B.available inC.resulting fromD.ascribed to解析:A.in disguise ofB.in shades of √C.in search ofD.in place of解析:A.This is howB.That’s why√C.It is not thatD.There exists解析:A.paidB.paysC.payD.paying √解析:A.thoughB.not to sayC.not just one √D.as well解析:A.UntilB.WhileC.UnlessD.Once √解析:A.as opposed toB.in addition toC.as a result of √D.in spite of解析:A.benefits √B.defectsC.approachesD.risks解析:A.in caseB.in advanceC.in returnD.in particular √解析:A.effectB.reason √C.outcomeD.conclusion解析:六、Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%) (总题数:6,分数:30.00)Passage one There is plenty we don’t know about criminal behavior. Most crime goes unrepor ted so it is hard to pick out trends from the data, and even reliable sets of statistics can be difficult to compare. But here is one thing we do know: those with a biological predisposition to violent behavior who are brought up in abusive homes are very likely to become lifelong criminals.Antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, but no one was sure whether this was due mostly to social-environmental factors or biological ones. It turns out both are important, but the effect is most dramatic when they act together. This has been illustrated in several studies over the past six years which found that male victims of child abuse are several times as likely to become criminals and abusers themselves if they were born with a less-active version of a gene for the enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), which breaks down neurotransmitters crucial to the regulation of aggression. Researchers recently made another key observation: kids with this “double whammy” of predisposition and an unfortunate upb ringing are likely to show signs of what’s to come at a very early age. The risk factors for long-term criminality –attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, low IQ, language difficulties –can be spotted in kindergarten. So given what we now know, should n’t we be doing everything to protect the children most at risk? No one is suggesting testing all boys to see which variant of the MAO-A gene they have, but what the science is telling us is that we should redouble efforts to tackle abusive upbringings, and even simple neglect. This will help any child, but especially those whose biology makes them vulnerable. Thankfully there is already considerable enthusiasm in both the US and the UK for converting the latest in behavioral science into parenting and social skills: both governments have schemes in place to improve parenting in families where children are at risk of receiving poor care. Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of early intervention because it implies our behavior becomes “set” as we grow up, compromising the idea of free will. That view is understandable, but it would be negligent to ignore what the studies are telling us. Indeed, the cost to society of failing to intervene -in terms of criminal damage, dealing with offenders and helping victims of crime -is bound to be greater than the cost of improving parenting. The value to the children is immeasurable. (分数:5.00)(1).Researchers have come to a consensus: to explain violent behavior ________. (分数:1.00)A.in terms of physical environmentB.form a biological perspective √C.based on the empirical dataD.in a statistical way解析:(2).When we say that antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, as indicated by the recent findings, we can probably mean that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.a particular gene is passed on in familiesB.child abuse will lead to domestic violenceC.the male victims of child abuse will pass on the tendency √D.the violent predisposition is exclusively born of child abuse解析:(3).The recent observation implicated that to check the development of antisocial and criminal behavior ___________. (分数:1.00)A.boys are to be screened for the biological predispositionB.high-risk kids should be brought up in kindergartenC.it is important to spot the genes for the risk factorsD.active measures ought to be taken at an early age √解析:(4).To defend the argument against the unfavorable idea, the author makes it a point to consider ___________. (分数:1.00)A.the immeasurable value of the genetic research on behaviorB.the consequences of compromising democracyC.the huge cost of improving parenting skillsD.the greater cost of failing to intervene √解析:(5).Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? (分数:1.00)A.Parenting Strategies for KidsB.The Making of a Criminal √C.Parental EducationD.Abusive Parenting解析:Passage two After 25 years battling the mother of all viruses, have we finally got the measure of HIV? Three developments featured in this issue collectively give grounds for optimism that would have been scarcely believable a year ago in the wake of another failed vaccine and continuing problems supplying drugs to all who need them. Perhaps the most compelling hope lies in the apparent “cure” of a man wit h HIV who had also developed leukemia. Doctors treated his leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that also vanquished the virus. Now US Company Sangamo Biosciences is hoping to emulate the effect patients being cured with a single shot of gene therapy, instead of taking antiretroviral drugs for life. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is itself another reason for optimism. Researchers at the World Health Organization have calculated that HIV could be effectively eradicated in Africa and other hard-hit places using existing drugs. The trick is to test everyone often, and give those who test positive ART as soon as possible. Because the drugs rapidly reduce circulating levels of the virus to almost zero, it would stop people passing it on through sex. By blocking the cycle of infection in this way, the virus could be virtually eradicated by 2050. Bankrolling such a long-term program would cost serious money – initially around $3.5 billion a year in South Africa alone, ring to $85 billion in total. Huge as it sounds, however, it is peanuts compared with the estimated $1.9 trillion cost of the Iraq war, or the $700 billion spent in one go propping up the US banking sector. It also look small beer compared with the costs of carrying on as usual, which the WHO says can only lead to spiraling cases and costs. The final bit of good news is that the cost of ART could keep on falling. Last Friday, GlaxoSmithKline chairman Andrew Witty said that his company would offer all its medicines to the poorest countries for at least 25 per cent less than the typical price in rich countries. GSK has already been doing this for ART, but the hope is that the company may now offer it cheaper still and that other firms will follow their lead. No one doubt the devastation caused by AIDS. In 2007, 2 million people died and 2.7 million more contracted the virus. Those dismal numbers are not going to turn around soon –and they won’t turn around at all without huge effort and investment. But at least there is renewed belief that, given the time and money, we can finally start riddling the world of this most fearsome of viruses. (分数:5.00)(1).Which is the following can be most probably perceived beyond the first paragraph? (分数:1.00)A.The end of the world.B.A candle of hope. √C.A Nobel prize.D.A Quick Fix.解析:(2).According to the passage, the apparent “cure” of the HIV patient who had also developed leukemia would ___________. (分数:1.00)A.make a promising transition from antiretroviral medication to gene therapy √B.facilitate the development of effective vaccines for the infectionpel people to draw an analogy between AIDS and leukemiaD.would change the way we look at those with AIDS解析:(3).As another bit of good news, ___________. (分数:1.00)A.HIV will be virtually wiped out first in AfricaB.the cycle of HIV infection can be broken with ART √C.the circulating levels of HIV have been limited to almost zeroD.the existing HIV drugs will be enhanced to be more effective in 25 years解析:(4).The last reason for optimism is that ___________. (分数:1.00)ernments will invest more in improving ARTB.the cost of antiretroviral therapy is on the decline √C.everybody can afford antiretroviral therapy in the worldD.the financial support of ART is coming to be no problem解析:(5).The whole passage carries a tone of ___________. (分数:1.00)A.idealismB.activismC.criticismD.optimism √解析:Passage Three Archaeology can tell us plenty about how humans looked and the way they lived tens of thousands of years ago. But what about the deeper questions? Could early humans speak, were they capable of self-conscious reflection, did they believe in anything? Such questions might seem to be beyond the scope of science. Not so. Answering them is the focus of a burgeoning field that brings together archaeology and neuroscience. It aims to chart the development of human cognitive powers. This is not easy to do. A skull gives no indication of whether its owner was capable of speech, for example. The task then is to find proxies (替代物) for key traits and behaviors that have stayed intact over millennia. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this endeavor is teasing out the role of culture as a force in the evolution of our mental skills. For decades, development of the brain has been seen as exclusively biological. But increasingly, that is being challenged. Take what the Cambridge archaeologist Colin Renfrew calls “the sapient (智人的) paradox (矛盾)”. Evidence suggests that the human genome, and hence the brain, has changed little in the past 60,000 years. Yet it wasn’t until about 10,000 years ago that profound changes took place in human behavior: people settled in villages and built shrines. Renfrew’s paradox is why, if the hardware was in place, did it take so long for humans to start changing the world? His answer is that the software – the culture – took a long time to develop. In particular, the intervening time saw humans vest (赋予) meaning in objects and symbols. Those meanings were developed by social interaction over successive generations, passed on through teaching, and stored in the neuronal connections of children. Culture also changes biology by modifying natural selection, sometimes in surprising ways. How is it, for example, that a human gene for making essential vitamin C became blocked by junk DNA? One answer is that our ancestors started eating fruit, so the pressure to make vitamin C “relaxed” and the gene became unnecessary. By this reasoning, early humans then became addicted to fruit, and any gene that helped them to find it was selected for. Evidence suggests that the brain is so plastic that, like genes, it can be changed by relaxing selection pressure. Our understanding of human cognitive development is still fragmented and confused, however. We have lots of proposed causes and effects, and hypotheses to explain them. Yet the potential pay-off makes answers worth searching for. If we know where the human mind came from and what changed it, perhaps we can gauge where it is going. Finding those answers will take all the ingenuity the modern human mind can muster. (分数:5.00)(1).The questions presented in the first paragraph ___________. (分数:1.00)A.seem to have no answers whateverB.are intended to dig for ancient human minds √C.are not scientific enough to be answered hereD.are raised to explore the evolution of human appearance解析:(2).The scientists find the proxy to be ___________. (分数:1.00)A.the role of culture √B.the passage of timeC.the structure of a skullD.the biological makeup of the brain解析:(3).According to Renfrew’s paradox, the transition from 60,000 to 10,000 years ago suggests that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.human civilization came too lateB.the hardware retained biologically staticC.it took so long for the software to evolve √D.there existed an interaction between gene and environment解析:(4).From the example illustrating the relation between culture and biology, we might conclude that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.the mental development has not been exclusively biologicalB.the brain and culture have not developed at the same paceC.the theory of natural selection applies to human evolution √D.vitamin C contributes to the development of the brain解析:(5).Speaking of the human mind, the author would say that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.its cognitive development is extremely slowB.to know its past is to understand its future √C.its biological evolution is hard to predictD.as the brain develops, so as the mind解析:Passage Four Despite the numerous warnings about extreme weather, rising sea levels and mass extinctions, one message seems to have got lost in the debate about the impact of climate change.A warmer world won’t just be inconvenient. Huge swathes (片) of it, including most of Europe, the US and Australia as well as all of Africa and China will actually be uninhabitable--- too hot, dry or stormy to sustain a human population. This is no mirage. It could materialize if the world warms by an average of just 4°C, which some models predict could happen as soon as 2050. This is the world our children and grandchildren are going to have to live in. So what are we going to do about it? One option is to start planning to move the at-risk human population to parts of the world where it will still be cool and wet. It might seem like a drastic move, but this thought experiment is not about scaremongering (危言耸听). Every scenario is extrapolated from predictions of the latest climate models, and some say that 4°C may actually turn out to be a conservative estimate. Clearly this glacier-free, desertified world---with its human population packed into high-rise cities closer to the poles---would be a last resort. Aside from anything else, it is far from being the most practical option: any attempt at mass migration is likely to fuel wars, political power struggles and infighting. So what are the alternatives? The most obvious answer is to radically reduce carbon dioxide levels now, by fast-tracking green technologies and urgently implementing energy-efficient measures. But the changes aren’t coming nearly quickly enough and global emissions are still rising. As a result, many scientists are now turning to “Earth’s plan B”. PlanB involves making sure we have large scale geoengineeringtechnolo gies ready and waiting to either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere or deflect the sun’s heat. Most climate scientists were once firmly against fiddling with the Earth’s thermostat, fearing that it may make a bad situation even worse, or provide politicians with an excuse to sit on their hands and do nothing. Now they reluctantly acknowledge the sad truth that we haven’t managed to reorder the world fast enough to reduce CO2 emissions and that perhaps, given enough funding research and political muscle, we can indeed design, test and regulate geoengineering projects in time to avert the more horrifying consequences of climate change. Whatever we do, now is the time to act. The alternative is to plan for a hothouse world that none of us would recognize as home.(分数:5.00)(1).To begin with, the author is trying to remind us of ____________. (分数:1.00)A.the likelihood of climate change making life inconvenient √B.the warning against worsening climate changeC.the inevitable consequence of global warmingD.the misconception of a warmer world解析:(2).As the thought experiment shows, those at risk from global warming will ____________. (分数:1.00)A.live with the temperature raised by an average of 4°CB.have nowhere to go but live in the desertC.become victims as soon as 2050D.move closer to the poles √解析:(3).It is clear from the passage that a practical approach to global warming is _________. (分数:1.00)A.to reduce massively CO2 emissions √B.to take protective measures by 2025C.to prepare a blueprint for mass migrationsD.to launch habitual constructions closer to the poles解析:(4).Earth’s plan B is ambitious enough ___________. (分数:1.00)A.to stop climate scientists making a bad situation even worseB.to remove the sources of CO2 emissions altogetherC.to regulate geoengineering projects for efficiencyD.to manage the Earth’s thermostat√解析:(5).Which of the following statements are the supporters of “Earth’s plan B” for? (分数:1.00)A.It’s Time to Go GreenB.Energy-efficient measures must be taken √C.Mass migration to the poles is inevitableD.For the Planet’s Geoengineer or Catatrophe解析:Passage Five Brittany Donovan was born 13 years ago in Pennsylvania. Her biological father was sperm donor G738. Unbeknownst to Brittany’s m other, G738 carried a genetic defect known as fragile X-a mutation that all female children born from his sperm will inherit, and which causes mental impairment, behavioral problems and atypical social development. Last week, Brittany was given the green l ight to sue the sperm bank, Idant Laboratories of New York, under the state’s product liability laws. These laws were designed to allow consumers to seek compensation from companies whose products are defective and cause harm. Nobody expected them to be applied to donor sperm.Thousands of people in the US have purchased sperm from sperm banks on the promise that the donor’s history has been carefully scrutinized and his sample rigorously tested, only for some of them to discover that they have been sold a batch of bad seed. Some parents learn about genetic anomalies after their disabled child is born and they press the sperm bank for more information. Others realize it when they contact biological half-siblings who have the same disorder. So will Donovan vs Idant laboratories open the floodgates? It seems unlikely. New York’s product liability laws are highly unusual in that they consider donor sperm to be a product just like any other. Most other US states grant special status to blood products and body parts, including sperm. In these states, donor sperm is not considered a “product” in the usual sense, despite the fact that it is tested, processed, packaged, catalogued, marketed and sold. Similarly, European Union product liability law could not be used in this way. Even if this lawsuit is an isolated case, it still raises some difficult questions. First, to what lengths should sperm banks go to ensure they are supplying defect-free sperm? As we learn more and more about human genetics, there is growing list of tests that could be performed. Nobody would deny that donor sperm carrying the fragile X mutation should be screened out--- and there is a test that can do so ---but what about more subtle defects, such as language impairment or susceptibility to earl y Alzheimer’s? Donovan vs Idant Laboratories also serves as a reminder of the nature of the trade in human gametes. Sperm bank catalogues can give the impression that babies are as guaranteed as dishwashers. The Donovans are entitled to their day in court, but in allowing the product liability laws to be used in this way, the legal system is not doing much to dispel that notion. (分数:5.00)(1).Donovan sued Idant Laboratories for ______________. (分数:1.00)A.a cheat in boasting its biological productsB.donor sperm as a productC.problematic donor sperm √D.a breach of confidentiality解析:(2).It can be inferred from the passage that thousands of people in the US purchase sperm_____________. (分数:1.00)A.without knowing its potential dangers √B.regardless of repeated warningsC.for the reason of quality supplyD.for their desperate needs解析:(3).The question from the case is whether ___________. (分数:1.00)A.people are entitled to donor spermB.donated sperm should be just a product √C.Donovan is allowed to sue the sperm bankD.Donovan’s health problems have been clinically certified解析:(4).It seems that sperm banks are in no position to _______________. (分数:1.00)A.treat donor sperm as a productB.screen out the fragile X mutationC.manage their business as others do in NYD.guarantee sperm absolutely free of any defect √解析:(5).The statement Sperm bank catalogues can give the impression that babies are as guaranteed as dishwashers implies that _____________. (分数:1.00)A.Donovan will surely win the case in courtB.any product could have a defect in one way or another。
1. 什么是帕金森病?请简要描述其临床表现和病因。
2. 什么是脑卒中?请简要描述其类型和常见症状。
3. 什么是阿尔茨海默病?请简要描述其临床表现和治疗方法。
4. 什么是癫痫?请简要描述其发作类型和治疗方法。
5. 什么是多发性硬化症?请简要描述其临床表现和诊断方法。
年份学校名称院系名称专业代码专业名称总分政治/科目一外语/科目二科目三附属一院105117(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部71003生理学290393959 2013第四军医大学附属二院105127(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100202儿科学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院100208临床检验诊断2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部71011生物物理学290393959 2013第四军医大学附属一院100210外科学2903838——2013第四军医大学预防医学系100405卫生毒理学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院100217麻醉学2903838——药学系100705微生物与生化2903838——2013第四军医大学口腔医院100301口腔基础医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100218急诊医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院105105(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105107(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学训练部40110教育技术学3104040——附属一院105112(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105114(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学政治部20210国防经济340494974附属二院100201内科学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院105128(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学基础部71007遗传学290393959附属一院100205精神病与精神2903838——2013第四军医大学预防医学系100106放射医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院100212眼科学2903838——2013第四军医大学药学系100701药物化学2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部100102免疫学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院100213耳鼻咽喉科学2903838——附属一院105101(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学预防医学系105300(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院100702药剂学2903838——药学系105500(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学口腔医院105200(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院105108(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105110(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学护理系105400(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学训练部120402社会医学与卫345515177附属一院105116(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部50211外国语言学及350545481 2013第四军医大学附属二院105126(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100201内科学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院100207影像医学与核2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学基础部71010生物化学与分290393959附属一院100208临床检验诊断2903838——2013第四军医大学预防医学系100403营养与食品卫2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院100215康复医学与理2903838——药学系100704药物分析学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学基础部1001Z1☆系统医学生2903838——口腔医院1002J1☆再生医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100217麻醉学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院105104(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105104(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学航空航天医学100900特种医学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院105111(专业硕士)2903838——附属二院105113(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学训练部120502情报学345515177 2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院1001J1☆疼痛医学2903838——附属一院105127(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部71006神经生物学290393959 2013第四军医大学附属一院100204神经病学2903838——2013第四军医大学政治部10105伦理学280383857 2013第四军医大学预防医学系40302运动人体科学2653434——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院100211妇产科学2903838——药学系71010生物化学与分290393959 2013第四军医大学基础部100101人体解剖与组2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院100212眼科学2903838——预防医学系100900特种医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院100602中西医结合临2753636——2013第四军医大学药学系100800中药学2903838——2013第四军医大学口腔医院105116(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100702药剂学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院105107(专业硕士)2903838——附属二院105109(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学护理系101100护理学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学训练部107401社会医学与社2903838——附属一院105114(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105117(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院100204神经病学2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部71009细胞生物学290393959 2013第四军医大学附属一院100207影像医学与核2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学预防医学系100402劳动卫生与环2903838——附属二院100214肿瘤学2903838——2013第四军医大学药学系100703生药学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学基础部100104病理学与病理2903838——口腔医院100217麻醉学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100215康复医学与理2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院105103(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105102(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学航空航天医学100107航空、航天与2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院105110(专业硕士)2903838——附属二院105112(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学生物医学工程83100生物医学工程295404060 2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学训练部120501图书馆学345515177附属二院100104病理学与病理2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院105126(专业硕士)2903838——基础部71005微生物学290393959 2013第四军医大学附属二院105500(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100203老年医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院100210外科学2903838——2013第四军医大学药学系70303有机化学290393959 2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学基础部0710J1☆生物技术与290393959附属一院100211妇产科学2903838——2013第四军医大学预防医学系100406军事预防医学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院100218急诊医学2903838——药学系100706药理学2903838——2013第四军医大学口腔医院100302口腔临床医学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院100602中西医结合临2753636——2013第四军医大学附属一院105106(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105108(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学训练部71002动物学290393959附属一院105113(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105116(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学政治部30501马克思主义基315424263附属二院100202儿科学2903838——2013第四军医大学附属一院105500(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部71008发育生物学290393959 2013第四军医大学附属一院100206皮肤病与性病2903838——2013第四军医大学预防医学系100401流行病与卫生2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院100213耳鼻咽喉科学2903838——药学系100702药剂学2903838——2013第四军医大学基础部100103病原生物学2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属一院100214肿瘤学2903838——附属一院105102(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学附属二院105101(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学药学系105600(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学航空航天医学40203应用心理学3104040——2013第四军医大学附属一院105109(专业硕士)2903838——2013第四军医大学2013第四军医大学附属二院105111(专业硕士)2903838——生物医学工程81203计算机应用技295404060 2013第四军医大学训练部120403教育经济与管345515177 2013第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院105500(专业硕士)2953838114附属一院100204神经病学2953838114 2012第四军医大学药学系100702药剂学2953838114 2012第四军医大学政治部20210国防经济340505075 2012第四军医大学预防医学系100405卫生毒理学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100212眼科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学药学系105600(专业硕士)2953838114口腔医院100217麻醉学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100204神经病学2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105101(专业硕士)2953838114训练部40110教育技术学3004040120 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院100214肿瘤学2953838114基础部71006神经生物学290383857 2012第四军医大学附属一院105108(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学护理系101100护理学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院105104(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院105113(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学基础部100102免疫学2953838114附属一院105117(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100207影像医学与核2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学药学系100705微生物与生化2953838114预防医学系100106放射医学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100217麻醉学2953838114 2012第四军医大学口腔医院105116(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100210外科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院105104(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学航空航天医学100107航空、航天与2953838114训练部120402社会医学与卫340505075 2012第四军医大学附属二院100602中西医结合临2653434102 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院105109(专业硕士)2953838114基础部71009细胞生物学290383857 2012第四军医大学附属一院105111(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学生物医学工程83100生物医学工程290383857 2012第四军医大学附属二院105126(专业硕士)2653434102 2012第四军医大学附属一院100203老年医学2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学药学系100701药物化学2953838114政治部10105伦理学290383857 2012第四军医大学附属一院100211妇产科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学药学系105500(专业硕士)2953838114附属二院100202儿科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学预防医学系100403营养与食品卫2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100702药剂学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100213耳鼻咽喉科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部71005微生物学290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105107(专业硕士)2953838114训练部120502情报学340505075 2012第四军医大学附属二院105102(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院105112(专业硕士)2953838114基础部100101人体解剖与组2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院105116(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100206皮肤病与性病2953838114 2012第四军医大学药学系100704药物分析学2953838114 2012第四军医大学预防医学系40302运动人体科学2653434102 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院100214肿瘤学2953838114口腔医院100302口腔临床医学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100208临床检验诊断2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105103(专业硕士)2953838114航空航天医学40203应用心理学3004040120 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学训练部107401社会医学与社2953838114附属二院100218急诊医学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院105108(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部71008发育生物学290383857 2012第四军医大学附属一院105110(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学生物医学工程81203计算机应用技290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院105117(专业硕士)2953838114附属一院100202儿科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学药学系71010生物化学与分290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学基础部100104病理学与病理2953838114附属一院105500(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100210外科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学药学系100800中药学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100201内科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学预防医学系100402劳动卫生与环2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院100602中西医结合临2653434102附属二院100212眼科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部71003生理学290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105106(专业硕士)2953838114训练部120501图书馆学340505075 2012第四军医大学附属二院105101(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院105111(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部71011生物物理学290383857 2012第四军医大学附属一院105113(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院100205精神病与精神2953838114药学系100703生药学2953838114 2012第四军医大学政治部30501马克思主义基315424263 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学预防医学系100406军事预防医学2953838114附属一院100213耳鼻咽喉科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学口腔医院100301口腔基础医学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100207影像医学与核2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院105102(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学训练部71002动物学290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院100217麻醉学2953838114附属二院105107(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部71007遗传学290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105109(专业硕士)2953838114护理系105400(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院105116(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属一院100201内科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学药学系70303有机化学290383857 2012第四军医大学基础部100103病原生物学2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105126(专业硕士)2653434102附属一院100208临床检验诊断2953838114 2012第四军医大学药学系100706药理学2953838114 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属二院100104病理学与病理2953838114预防医学系100401流行病与卫生2953838114 2012第四军医大学口腔医院105200(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院100211妇产科学2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部50211外国语言学及345525278 2012第四军医大学附属一院105105(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学训练部120403教育经济与管340505075 2012第四军医大学附属二院100702药剂学2953838114 2012第四军医大学附属二院105110(专业硕士)2953838114 2012第四军医大学基础部71010生物化学与分290383857 2012第四军医大学2012第四军医大学附属一院105112(专业硕士)2953838114附属二院105116(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100208临床检验诊断2903838114 2011第四军医大学预防医学系100405卫生毒理学2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部71005微生物学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100202儿科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100217麻醉学2903838114附属一院105104(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部100101人体解剖与组2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属二院100213耳鼻咽喉科学2903838114航空航天医学40203应用心理学2953838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105111(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学药学系100702药剂学2903838114附属二院105101(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学生物医学工程81203计算机应用技290383857 2011第四军医大学附属一院105500(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学药学系105600(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105111(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100204神经病学2903838114预防医学系100106放射医学2903838114 2011第四军医大学政治部10105伦理学285383857 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学口腔医院100301口腔基础医学2903838114附属二院105500(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100212眼科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部71008发育生物学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100208临床检验诊断2903838114 2011第四军医大学训练部71002动物学285383857 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100702药剂学2903838114附属一院105107(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部100104病理学与病理2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院100217麻醉学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105114(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学药学系100705微生物与生化2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属二院105107(专业硕士)2903838114附属二院105114(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100207影像医学与核2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学预防医学系100403营养与食品卫2903838114基础部71003生理学285383857 2011第四军医大学口腔医院105200(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100215康复医学与理2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105103(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部71011生物物理学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100212眼科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学训练部120502情报学340535380 2011第四军医大学附属一院105110(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学药学系100701药物化学2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属二院100702药剂学2903838114护理系105400(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105126(专业硕士)260333399 2011第四军医大学药学系105500(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105110(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100203老年医学2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学预防医学系40302运动人体科学260333399口腔医院100217麻醉学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105126(专业硕士)260333399 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100211妇产科学2903838114基础部71007遗传学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100207影像医学与核2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学训练部40110教育技术学2953838114附属一院100602中西医结合临2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105106(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部100103病原生物学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院100215康复医学与理2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105113(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学药学系100704药物分析学2903838114附属二院105104(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105113(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100206皮肤病与性病2903838114预防医学系100402劳动卫生与环2903838114 2011第四军医大学政治部30501马克思主义基315434365 2011第四军医大学基础部50211外国语言学及345535380 2011第四军医大学附属二院100104病理学与病理2903838114 2011第四军医大学口腔医院105116(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100214肿瘤学2903838114附属一院105102(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部71010生物化学与分285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100211妇产科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学训练部120501图书馆学340535380 2011第四军医大学附属一院105109(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学药学系71010生物化学与分285383857附属二院100602中西医结合临2903838114 2011第四军医大学护理系101100护理学2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院105117(专业硕士)2903838114药学系100800中药学2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属二院105109(专业硕士)2903838114附属一院100202儿科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105117(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100210外科学2903838114预防医学系100406军事预防医学2903838114 2011第四军医大学基础部71006神经生物学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100204神经病学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100218急诊医学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105105(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学基础部100102免疫学2903838114附属二院100214肿瘤学2903838114 2011第四军医大学航空航天医学100107航空、航天与2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105112(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学药学系100703生药学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105102(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学生物医学工程83100生物医学工程290383857附属二院105112(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100205精神病与精神2903838114 2011第四军医大学预防医学系100401流行病与卫生2903838114 2011第四军医大学政治部20210国防经济340535380 2011第四军医大学口腔医院100302口腔临床医学2903838114 2011第四军医大学2011第四军医大学附属一院100213耳鼻咽喉科学2903838114基础部71009细胞生物学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100210外科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学训练部120402社会医学与卫340535380 2011第四军医大学附属一院105101(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105108(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学药学系70303有机化学285383857 2011第四军医大学附属二院100218急诊医学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院105116(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学药学系100706药理学2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属二院105108(专业硕士)2903838114 2011第四军医大学附属一院100201内科学2903838114 2011第四军医大学科目四11459114114114591141141141141141141141141201141147411411459114114114114114114114114114114114114114114771148111411411459114114114114114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 77 114 114 59 114 57 102 114 59 114 114 114 108 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 59 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 60 77 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4、下运动神经元瘫痪表现是________,________,________,________和________ 。
2013年全国医学博士英语统一考试真题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Big Grown-Up TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I'm going to tell you all about this really big test that happened a few years ago. It was called the 2013 National Unified English Exam for Medical Doctoral Students. That's a really long name, isn't it? I'll just call it the Big Grown-Up Test.I didn't actually take the test myself because I'm just a kid. But my mom is a doctor and she had to take a test kind of like it when she was in medical school a long time ago. She said it was super hard and made her really nervous! The Big Grown-Up Test was only for the really smart adults who wanted to get their "doctoral" degree, which is like the highest level of education you can get.From what I understand, the test happened all across China on the same day. Thousands of grown-ups had to go to test centers and take it. Can you imagine having to sit still and take ahuge test for hours and hours? I don't think I could do that. I'd get way too antsy!The test had four main sections - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. For the listening part, the grown-ups had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what they heard. In the reading section, they had to read really long, complicated passages and answer questions proving they understood everything.But here's the crazy part - the whole test was in English! And not just simple English either. We're talking medical English with all those big fancy words that I can't even pronounce. My mom showed me a practice test once and I couldn't understand a word of it. Just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo if you ask me!For the writing section, the grown-ups had to write an essay or paper about some scientific topic. They couldn't just write "The cat ran after the bird" type stuff. They had to use their best English and fanciest words to discuss complex ideas. No "See Spot run" for these over-achievers!Then for the speaking portion, they had to actually talk out loud and have conversations in English about different medical scenarios. They were graded on their vocabulary, pronunciation, and how well they could explain things. If they slipped up andaccidentally spoke Chinese, it was an automatic fail! That's so much pressure.From what my mom told me, everyone taking the Big Grown-Up Test had studied English for years and years. They took special classes and worked really hard to prepare. But even then, the test was still incredibly difficult. I guess that's why they call it the "doctoral" level. Only the best of the best could pass!My mom said the listening section was the hardest part for her because you only get to hear things once. If you zone out for even a second, you're totally lost. And with all those crazy medical terms being fired at you rapid-fire, it was really easy to miss important details. She had to practice listening exercises every single day to get ready.The reading section was also a killer because the passages were just sooooooo long and dry. My mom showed me one that was 20 pages about the molecular biology of cancer. BO-RING! She said you had to be able to skim for key information really quickly but also understand every little detail. It took crazy focus.For the writing section, my mom's biggest challenge was making sure she used proper academic style. You couldn't just write normally like a letter to your friend. It had to be formal"scholarly" English with a clear and logical structure. No slang or contractions allowed!And then speaking English out loud without stumbling over vocabulary? My mom said that part made her want to cry. You had to be able to think and speak at the same time without any awkward pauses. One little "umm" and you could blow the whole thing. She practiced having fake doctor-patient conversations with her English tutor every week. Talk about nerve-wracking!Even though my mom studied so hard, she was still a nervous wreck before the Big Grown-Up Test. She stayed up late every night for weeks going over practice questions. The day of the test, she barely slept at all. I remember her pacing around the apartment that morning, muttering English words under her breath like "hematology...nephrology...gastroenterology." I thought she was going crazy!When she finally came home after the marathon test session, she looked like a zombie. She plopped down on the couch, completely drained from using her brain so much. All she could do was stare at the wall. But you know what? A few months later, she found out she passed! We had a huge family celebration. All that hard work had paid off.After hearing how brutal the Big Grown-Up Test was, I have even more respect for doctors like my mom. Can you imagine having to prove your medical knowledge IN ENGLISH at that level? With listening, reading, writing, speaking...the whole shebang? It's amazing that anyone can do it! I guess that's why kids can't just become doctors. You have to be one smart and determined grown-up.Well, that's the story of the 2013 National Unified English Exam for Medical Doctoral Students in China. It was basically a mental marathon testing the English skills of the cream of the crop. I don't know about you, but I'm staying far away from any exams that extreme! Give me some simple addition and subtraction any day. I'll leave those crazy Big Grown-Up Tests to the adults. Let me know if you ever want to hear about the "iguanas of the Galapagos" or something equally riveting like that killer medical exam. I'll keep my stories kid-friendly!篇2The 2013 Doctor TestHey guys! Today I'm going to tell you all about this really hard test that medical students have to take. It's called the 2013National Unified English Test for Medical Doctoral Students. That's a huge name for a test!My older sister Sarah is studying to be a doctor. She had to take this big important test last year. I watched her study for it and it looked super duper hard. There was a ton of big medical words I couldn't even pronounce!Sarah said the test had four different sections. The first part was listening. They played audio recordings and asked questions to see if you understood what you heard. My sister practices this by watching English TV shows and movies without subtitles. She said practicing listening is really important for talking to patients someday.The next section was reading. You had to read a bunch of different passages and articles and answer comprehension questions. Sarah read giant medical textbooks to get ready. The readings were probably really boring unless you're realllly into that doctor stuff.After that was the writing section. You had to write essays and reports based on pictures or prompts they gave you. Sarah practiced writing samples all the time. I helped her check for mistakes sometimes but a lot of it was way over my head!The final part was speaking. You had to record yourself answering questions and explaining things out loud. It tests if you can communicate well in English. Sarah set up a video camera and recorded herself talking for hours to get ready. I'm glad I didn't have to listen to all that practice!Overall it sounded like the toughest test ever. Sarah studied non-stop for months beforehand. She said it was crucial to do well since getting a high score can help you get into better medical programs and jobs after graduating.The test was administered on paper at testing centers across the country. Maybe thousands of students took it at the same time? I can't even imagine having to take a test that massive and important. No thank you!When Sarah finally took the real test, she was sooo nervous. But she felt prepared after all her hard work studying. She had to travel to the closest testing site which was a few hours away from our house. Can you believe she had to take the whole 4-hour test in just one sitting? No breaks! I don't know how she stayed focused that long.I'm telling you, this 2013 Unified English Test was no joke. Just listening to Sarah talk about it gave me anxiety! The test covered every little detail of medical communication in English. Itreally separated the students who were proficient in English from those who weren't quite there yet.After what felt like an eternity, Sarah got her score report in the mail. She passed with flying colors! We were all so proud and relieved for her. First she celebrated by going out for a huge ice cream sundae. She deserved It after that monster of a test!Apparently Sarah's high score will allow her to apply to lots of competitive medical residency programs after she finishes regular doctor school. That's really good news since those programs are super exclusive and tough to get into. All thanks to nailing the 2013 National English Test!Phew, I'm exhausted just from talking about this test! I'm definitely not cut out to be a doctor. I'll stick to cartoons and video games for now. But I'm really proud of my amazing big sis Sarah for powering through that incredibly difficult English exam. After hearing how intense it was, I have a whole new respect for doctors and medical students.Well, that's my extremely detailed and passionate summary of the 2013 National Unified English Test for you all! I hope I did a good job explaining it from a kid's point of view. Let me know if you have any other questions! Time for a snack break...篇3The Big Scary Test DayWow, today was a really big day! I had to wake up super early because my mom and dad said I had to take a really important test. They called it the "2013 National English Test for Medical Doctoral Students." That's a really long name for a test! I don't even know what a "doctoral student" is.When we got to the testing place, there were so many grown-ups there. I felt like a tiny little kid in a sea of giants! The room was huge, and there were desks set up everywhere. My mom pointed to a desk near the front and told me that was going to be my spot for the test. I was really nervous!The test proctor lady came in and started explaining all the rules. She said we couldn't talk, couldn't look at each other's papers, and had to keep our eyes on our own test booklets. It sounded really strict! I got even more nervous thinking about how I wasn't allowed to ask any questions during the test.Finally, the proctor said it was time to begin. She passed out the test booklets, and they were super thick! My booklet had to be at least 100 pages long. I gulped and thought to myself, "How am I ever going to finish this whole thing?"The first section was listening comprehension. The audio started playing, and a friendly-sounding lady's voice came through the speakers. She was talking about something called "medical ethics." I had no idea what that meant, but I tried my best to listen carefully and answer the questions.Next up was the reading section. The passages were all about science and medical stuff. There were so many big words that I didn't understand! I just tried to read slowly and carefully, and answer the questions to the best of my ability.After what felt like forever, we finally got to take a short break. I stretched my legs and used the bathroom. My brain felt like mush from trying so hard to concentrate.The writing section was probably the hardest part for me. We had to write a whole essay about some complicated medical topic. I did my best to string some sentences together, but I'm not sure if it made any sense. Writing is hard!The very last section was speaking. We had to goone-by-one into a different room and answer some questions out loud while a lady recorded us on a computer. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking! But the lady gave me an encouraging smile, and I tried my best to speak slowly and clearly.At long last, the whole test was finally over! My brain felt like a big jumbled mess, but I was so relieved that it was done. All the grown-ups were packing up their things and getting ready to leave. I found my mom and dad, and they gave me a big hug and told me they were proud of me for working so hard.On the way home in the car, I fell into a deep sleep. Taking that medical doctoral test was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my whole life! I sure hope I did okay on it. But either way, I'm just glad it's over. Phew, what a day!篇4Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Mrs. Thompson asked me to write about my experience taking the 2013 National Medical Doctoral English Unified Exam. I know it sounds really hard for a kid like me, but I'll do my best to explain it!It all started a few weeks ago when my big sister Susie came home from medical school. She looked really stressed out. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she had to take this huge exam called the "National Medical Doctoral English Unified Exam." It's a test that all medical students have to pass before they can become real doctors.Susie said the exam was going to be super duper hard because it's all in English. English is like a foreign language to her since we only speak Chinese at home. She had to learn all sorts of big fancy medical words in English. Just thinking about it made my head hurt!Anyway, Susie had to study day and night to get ready. Our house was covered in medical textbooks, flashcards, and empty coffee mugs. I tried to help her study, but I could barely even read the words, let alone understand what they meant!Finally, the day of the big exam arrived. Susie was so nervous, she barely ate any breakfast. I gave her a high-five for good luck as she headed out the door. "You've got this, sis!" I shouted. She just grimaced and kept walking.The exam was held at a huge testing center downtown. There were hundreds of students there, all looking just as stressed as Susie. The rules were super strict - no talking, no cheating, and definitely no bathroom breaks! I'm glad I wasn't the one taking it.Susie said the first part was listening comprehension. She had to listen to doctors giving instructions and answer questions about what they said. Next up was reading comprehension about different medical cases and procedures. Susie told mesome of the words were so long and confusing, she wanted to cry!After that was the writing section where she had to explain medical concepts in clear English. Susie's hand cramped up from writing so much. Then there were all sorts of other sections testing grammar, vocabulary, speaking ability, you name it!The exam lasted over 6 hours. SIX HOURS! I can't even sit still for that long when I'm watching cartoons. Susie looked exhausted when she finally emerged from the test center. Her face was pale and she could barely speak from using so much brainpower.I gave her a big celebratory hug when she got home. She plopped down on the couch and didn't move for like three hours. Mom made her favorite dumplings for dinner to congratulate her on surviving the epic exam day.A few weeks later, the results came in the mail. Susie passed!! She got high enough scores to start her medical residency. I was super proud of her for proving she was smart enough to be a doctor, even in English.In the end, Susie said the exam was one of the hardest things she'd ever done in her entire life. But she was also really glad shepushed herself and worked so hard to achieve her dream career. Seeing my big sis overcome that huge challenge inspired me to never give up, no matter how difficult things get.Who knows, maybe one day I'll be the one taking the crazy Medical Doctoral English Exam? Although I'll probably need to learn English first before I can think about becoming a doctor. Baby steps!Well, that's my tale of the legendary 2013 medical exam. I hope I explained it okay! Let me know if you need me to dumb it down even more. Writing at an 8-year-old level is harder than it looks. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an important kindergarten final coming up on finger painting...篇5My Trip to the DoctorHi! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. Today I'm going to tell you all about my trip to the doctor last week. It was a really exciting adventure!It all started on Monday morning. I woke up and my throat was super sore and scratchy. I could barely swallow without it hurting. "Uh oh," I thought, "I must be getting sick."I went to the kitchen where my mom was making breakfast. "Good morning sweetie," she said in a cheery voice. "Are you ready for another fun day at school?"I shook my head sadly. "No mom, my throat really hurts," I croaked out in a raspy voice. I stuck out my bright red, swollen tonsils for her to see.My mom's eyes got really wide. "Oh no, you poor thing!" she exclaimed. "That looks like a nasty case of tonsillitis. I better call the pediatrician right away to get you an appointment."The pediatrician is just a fancy word for a kids' doctor. My mom dialed their number and talked on the phone for a few minutes. When she hung up, she looked at me with a sympathetic smile."Okay sweetie, I was able to get you in to see Dr. Stevens this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the meantime, I want you to go rest on the couch and I'll bring you some warm tea with honey to soothe your throat."I nodded listlessly and shuffled over to the living room couch, wrapping myself up in a fuzzy blanket. My mom brought me the tea a little later and I sipped it slowly, relieved by the smoothing sensation on my poor, abused throat.A few hours later, it was time to head to the doctor's office. We loaded into our blue minivan and off we went! I had visited Dr. Stevens many times before, so I knew the way to her office like the back of my hand.When we arrived, my mom checked me in at the front desk. "Lily Anderson to see Dr. Stevens for a 3 o'clock sick visit," she told the friendly receptionist. We only had to wait about 10 minutes before a nurse opened the door to the hallway."Lily Anderson?" she called out in a singsong voice. I perked up, time for the real fun to begin! We followed the nurse down the hallway lined with colorful drawings by kids. She brought us into the examination room and checked my temperature, blood pressure, and other vitals."The doctor will be right in," she told us before leaving the room. My mom and I had to wait just a couple of minutes before there was a knock at the door."Hello there!" the cheery voice of Dr. Stevens called out as she entered. "What seems to be the trouble today?""Lily has a really bad sore throat, I'm afraid she may have tonsillitis," my mom explained while I just nodded weakly.Dr. Stevens had me open my mouth wide and say "Ahhhh" while she inspected my crimson tonsils with a tongue depressor. She also felt around my neck checking for swollen lymph nodes."You're absolutely right, those tonsils are very inflamed and swollen," Dr. Stevens declared with a frown. "And I can feel her lymph nodes up as well. This is definitely a case of acute tonsillitis, most likely caused by a bacterial infection."My heart sank - bacterial infection sounded really serious and scary! I started to whimper but my mom gave my hand a reassuring squeeze."Not to worry Lily," Dr. Stevens said with a kind smile, "we'll have you feeling good as new in no time. I'm going to prescribe a course of antibiotics to get rid of that nasty tonsillitis."The antibiotics would be special medicine that I'd have to take for about 10 days to kill the bacterial infection making me sick. Dr. Stevens called the prescription into my regular pharmacy and told my mom I should start feeling better in a day or two once the antibiotics kicked in.As we left the office, I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. Taking some occasional gross-tasting medicine was no big deal if it meant I would stop feeling so miserable! Sure enough, after acouple days of the antibiotics, the swelling in my throat had gone down dramatically and I was on the road to recovery.I was so thankful my mom took me to see Dr. Stevens right away. Tonsillitis sounds like no fun at all if you let it go untreated! From now on, if my throat ever starts feeling funny again, you can be sure I'll let my parents know immediately. Staying on top of your health is very important, even for kids. Getting check-ups and taking care of any issues right away is the key to staying healthy and happy!Well, that's the full scoop on my exciting trip to the doctor. Wasn't it a wild ride? I can't wait for my next doctor's visit adventure - I hear the lollipops they give out are the best! Thanks for reading, friends!篇6The 2013 Doctor English Test Was Really Hard!Hi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. I really struggled with the 2013 national medical doctoral English unified exam this year. It was super duper difficult! I had to wake up at 6am to get to the test center by 8am. The test was scheduled from 8:30am to 5pm with just a short lunch break.That's a really long time for a kid to have to sit still and concentrate!The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening section was first. We had to wear headphones and listen to conversations, lectures, and talks. Then we had to answer multiple choice questions about the main ideas, details, speaker's purposes, and making inferences. It was hard to pay attention the whole time without getting distracted!After listening, we moved right into the reading section. This part had really long and boring passages to read through. The passages were about all kinds of topics like science, history, culture, and academics. Some of the words were so advanced that I had never even heard them before! The questions asked about the main ideas, details, vocabulary, making inferences, and the author's views and purposes. My eyes started getting tired from all that reading.We then got a short lunch break, which was a nice break to rest my brain. But after lunch came the terrible writing section! We had to write two essays of different types, like an argument essay or a proposal essay. The prompt topics were really complex subjects that I didn't know much about. It was so hard to organize my thoughts and come up with enough supportingideas and examples to write a whole essay! My hand cramped up from all that writing.Finally after writing came the absolute worst part - the speaking section! We had to give spoken responses into a microphone about random topics and scenarios. I get so nervous speaking English out loud! We had to speak for 1-2 minutes on each question, using great vocabulary and organization. My mind just went blank under all that pressure. By the end, my mouth was dry from talking so much.This test was crazy difficult, way harder than anything we do in my regular English classes at school. I really hope I passed and don't have to take it again next year! I could barely stay awake driving home after the 9 hour exam. My brain felt like mush!Tests like this medical doctoral English exam seem way too hard for a little kid like me. How are adults even supposed to get through something so grueling and intense? Just thinking about it again makes me tired! I'll be happy if I never have to take another big standardized English exam for the rest of my life. No more essays, listening exercises, or speaking into microphones for me - I'm sticking to kids stuff from now on!。