专业英语 考试
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Lesson 1 rock weathering
★三段:①Water may fill a crack in a rock ;it freezes when it is very cold and,in doing so,makes the crack wider。
②Gradually little pieces of rock break away。
We should expect rocks to be broken in this way near the tops of high mountains,where it is very cold。
③The little pieces of rock which are broken off from hills and mountains roll down into the valleys,and we sometimes find great heaps of rough,sharp stones near the bottom of mountain。
★四段:①The wind causes much wearing of rocks,particularly if sand and dust are blown along by it。
②If the wind blows over sandy country,such as deserts and beaches,it picks up quite a lot of sand and carries it along。
③The particles of sand rub,scratch and cut the rocks against which they are blown。
Soft rocks may be gradually worn away and harder rocks are rubbed so that they become smooth and shiny。
④Sometimes a rock is made into a very strange shape because softer parts are worn away and harder parts are left。
⑤The wind near the ground carries most sand with it and so wears the lower parts of big masses of rock most。
The lower part of a cliff may be worn away and then,in time,the upper part falls down。
★五段:①Must wearing and breaking of rocks takes place on the seashore; for the action of the sea is very powerful。
②As you stand on a beach,you can hear and see the sea at its work。
③stone are dragged up and down beach, and worn so that they become round and cliffs。
④The mere force of the water would slowly wear the cliffs,but this damage is small compared with that caused by the stones and sand which the water throws against them。
Lesson 2 soil development
★二段:①From the broadest point of view, pedology is a study of the development of soil material。
②Soil material may be defined as the material occupying the outermost part of the earth’s crust and possessing distinct mineralogical and chemical properties resulting from certain inheritance factors,from its unique position on the surface of the earth,and from the environmental factors existing at that position。
①thus one can study the development of a given soil property of a soil material from a fixed position with respect to the surface as it varies from locality ,②such as nitrogen content of the surface 6 inches as it is affected by a variation in temperature,or one can study the variation of the soil material as it is affected by its position with respect to the surface at any one site。
③Recognition of the variation of soil material with depth as a result of developmental processes is one of the unique contributions of pedology。
★三段:Many pedologists believe that a soil should be defined by the unique variation in its properties with depth and that all soil materials extending from the surface downward to a point where the properties remain uniform be considered as one body, termed the soil profile; the individual layers of soil material that exhibit distinct variations with depth are termed soil horizons。
Soil is an independent, dynamic body of nature that…….act upon it土壤是一种独立的运动的自然体,根据作用于它的力不同获得各种性质。
Recognition of this fact established……pedology希尔加德和道库恰耶夫认识到这个事实,他们被尊称为土壤学的奠基者
These men were the first to recognize……time of reaction他们最先认识到许多土壤性质是某些物理化学作用的产物,而这些物理化学性质不仅受岩石和岩石物质的影响同时也受气候、地形、植被、作用时间的影响
Through their efforts and efforts of ……earth saiences通过他们以及追随他们的科学家的努力土壤学已成为地学的重要分支
Lesson 3 air pollution
★五段:①Control of air pollution injury to vegetation is a difficult task。
Sources may be far from the areas where injury occurs and commonly cross town, county, state, and sometimes national boundaries。
②Various federal, state, and local government regulatory agencies are involves in monitoring pollution levels in an attempt to reduce emissions。
③Strict enforcement of air pollution control laws, however, is difficult。
Planting of species resistant to phytotoxic air pollutants, therefore, is the most widely used measure to minimize injury where pollutants are known to occur。
④Application of balanced fertilizers to increase vigor has been recently shown to decrease injury on plants after exposure to some common pollutant。
Air pollutants may be classified…….diffuse oxidant根据来源空气污染可以分为两类点源污染排放物、扩散氧
Point source emissions come from ……burning areas点源排放物来自同一个地方大烟囱或燃烧区
Diffuse oxidants are formed…..by sunlight扩散氧化剂在广阔大气中通过阳光作用由各种氧化反应形成
These diffuse pollutants are also…..oxidants这些扩散氧化剂也被称为化学氧化剂
Lesson 4 —Plant Nutrition
★一段: ①A rational system of agriculture cannot be formed without the application of scientific principles ; for such a system must be based on an exact acquaintance with the means of nutrition of vegetables, and with the influence of soils and action of manure upon them 。
”②Such were the thoughts expressed by Justus Von Liebig more than 100 years ago and which led him to examine the then existing theories of plant nutrition ,embark on theories of his own , and stress the significance of plant analysis as a means of measuring the needs of plants。
★二段:①As late as the 19th century the natural philosophers believed that the nutrients required for plant growth existed in the soil in a state needing no specific plant metabolism。
②This theory came to be known as the “humus theory”。
③It was supported by the observation of the favorable effect of animal manures and plant residues on plant growth and stipulated that plants feed upon substances which are similar to them in nature。
④The roots were supposed to extract the “humus” from the soil and transform it into plant substance through combination with water。
⑤This process was considered analogous to animal nutrition in that both plants and animals were feeding on complex organic bodies。
⑥ Minerals in plants were considered nonessential but were believed to act as stimulants rather than nutrients 。
⑦They were considered as mere accidental plant constituents or skeleton substances, similar to the bones of animals。
★三段:①Carbon was then considered to be derived solely from humus。
But rapidly accumulating information began to point to the true importance of the role of leaves and roots in plant nutrition。
②D E Saussure in 1804established beyond doubt that green plants assimilate carbon from the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere。
③He likewise believed that the soil furnished a small but essential part of the plant
nutrients, including nitrogen and the mineral constituents。
④Sprengel likewise concluded that plants obtain their minerals directly from the soil and there is no basis for such a concept as the humus heory。
⑤But the humus theory did not find an end until 1840, when Liebig pointed out that , since humus arised from decay of plants ,plants must have preceded the mumus。
★四段:①The real significance of organic matter in plant nutrition was brought out later by the work of soil microbiologists who showed that the decay of organic matter releases nitrogen and mineral nutrients in forms available for plants 。
②Decomposition products of organic matter have also been shown to have a beneficial effect on soil aggregation , and organic matter itself has been shown to increase the water-holding capacity , cation exchange capacity, and availability of nutrients, notably phosphorus and pstassium。
③Decomposition of organic matter liberates carbon dioxide, which, when diffused in the aboveground atmosphere, serves as a source of carbon for the growing plant。
②有机质的分解产物被指出对土壤团聚作用有良好的影响,且有机质本身又被证明可增加持水量,阳离子交换量和养分特别是p和k 的有效性。
★五段:①Before Liebig’s activities and ever since, soil scientists have sought to find the key to a correlation between chemical properties of soil and the growth and nutrient content of plants 。
②For many years these correlations were sought in the total analysis of soils, fractional analysis including both strong and week acid extractions, analysis of the soil solution ,and analysis of the exchangeable cations and anions and anions。
③Great stress was also placed on the analysis of the plant as a means of determining the effect of soil upon nutrition and growth。
④To get at the problem some investigators used the entire plants for analysis , others used parts such as leaves or water-solubleconstituents。
★六段:①Many of the data thus obtained resulted in controversial and contradictory explanations。
②Many of the interrelationships involving nutrients in the soils and nutrients in the plant are still subjects of controversy。
③But because of increased precision of analytical tools, better control of environmental and nutritional
conditions for growing plants and a more comprehensive characterization of the soil-root ionic environment , these in teractions are beginning to be more clearly comprehended 。
④Use of radioactive isotopes, chelating agents, excised root techniques, the energy relationship concept of the ionic soil and plant colloid systems aids greatly in clarifying some of these interactions。
Lesson 5 fertilizers
★四段:①Great emphasis has recently been placed on the critical need for much more use of chemical fertilizers in the newly developing countries。
②Admittedly the need is great,but fertilizers are economically effective only if the correct kinds and amounts are used for each local kind of soil, and if the other practices needed to satisfy the other requirements for good harvests are adopted at the same time 。
③Similarly, full benefits cannot be expected from irrigation, or from terracing or bunding for run-off control,without good engineering designs and without fertilizers, good varieties, and pest control。
④Failure to grasp this vital principle of interactions is the greatest present technical handicap to agriculture development in the newly developing countries。
★八段:①The investigation of soil fertility and fertilizer use falls naturally into two sections :(a) long-term or basic investigation; and (b) short-term or ad hoc investigation;although the two overlap。
②A developing country, with rapidly growing problems of population and food supplies, cannot wait to solve long-term questions before beginning fertilizer use in practice。
③Such a country will have to do what many others have done before it :begin by taking what is known from investigations in other, comparable countries, and by pressing on with short-term research and demonstration。
④At the same time, such basic research can be instituted as is needed to keep fertilizer use on the right lines, and to be ready to deal with difficult problems as and when they arise。
★九段:①Few people realize how widely crops differ in their fertilizer needs , how greatly soils can vary in available nutrient deficeencies and fertilizer requirements, and how large an influence climate and moisture-supply have on the effectiveness of
②Consequently, although a great deal can be learned from the experience of other, similar countries , every country must have its own comprehensive fertilizer investigational programme。
③This relates particularly to the ad hoc problemsof the fertilizer needs of local crops and soils—which may even vary from one field to another, and which will certainly change with different soil areas。
unfortunately, only a small fraction…..planting the need令人遗憾的是世上只有一小部分土壤能对清理土地翻耕土壤播种作出良好反应
The more highly developed and productive…..their crops农业制度发展越高生产力越强,对土壤的处理就越精细复杂;为增加生产农民必须改良土壤环境是其适应所种作物
The basic data on which ….soil chemists农民们工作所依据的基本资料将由土壤调查土壤化学家的工作提供
But their work, and that of the agricultural….and ensure their stability但是他们的工作及农业实验站的工作只是表明几乎所有的土壤都需径机械的化学的生物的处理来改良它们的产量和稳定性
There are at least four basic…..in the world世界上每公顷丰产田至少与以下四方面传统与规划条件有关
These are (a)a balanced…. 高产田植物营养元素的平衡供应(b)adequate moisture….植物土壤根系所需的足够的湿度和空气(c)kinds and varieties….能够对有利的土壤作出反应,并且有遗传潜力的作物种类和品种(d)adequate protection of soil….. and high winds 对土壤植物和那些以种植作物为饲料的牲畜保护,使其免受虫害及其他灾害,此外,还时常需采取特殊措施来保护有潜力的土壤,以免山洪暴雨海水和大风的侵蚀
Cultivators usually employ a combination …and climate etc耕作者通常采用多项措施相结合的方法,而任何一项措施的收效取决于其他的各项措施,而且取决于当地的气候和土壤等
No practice in soil management is …..harmful for anther在土壤管理中没有一项措施是普遍有利的,对一种土壤有利的措施可能对另外一种土壤是无效的或是绝对有害的
Lesson 6 Irrigation And water Use
★二段: ①Irrigation has been extensively practiced by the earliest known civilizations , but until recent years it had been regarded more as an art than a science。
②It was probably for lake of understanding of mang of the basic scientific principles of water use that many early civilizations dependent on irrigation eventually passed away。
③But although it is now possible to transform irrigation from an are into a science, so long as the control of his own water supply rests with the individual farmer , managing this resource will remain an art to some extent 。
④Moreover, in planning an designing irrigation schemes , attention to detail at every stage is perhaps more necessary than in any other modern agricultural practice。
⑤The development of water supplies may involve construction o imprsive an ultra-modern gineering strtres, but the developed water is often conveyed through
inefficient distribution systems to farmers who continue to irrigate in accordance with age-old practices and traditions little influenced by modern science and technology。
⑥Actually, new or improved irrigation projects should not be considered as complete until scientifically sound and well-engineered provisions have been made to apply water efficiently to the last crop row on the last farm and adequate arrangements made to remove any surplus water wherever necessary。
⑦ Intelligent application of today’s knowledge of irrigation science and technology would accelerate the effective utilization of water and soil resources insure an abundant and permanently successful irrigation agriculture, and reclaim many previously productive lands now waterlogged and often salinized。
★三段:①In general , irrigation is thought of as an end result of large and costly development works, often based on a multi-purpose scheme for optimizing the resources of a whole river basin, as in the Nile valley, or for bringing water to vast semi-arid regions such as the Golodnaya Steppe and other parts of Central Asia。
②But it need not always mean very large-scale constructional work, as was shown by an Italian paper on the effects of building a large number of quite small dams to make use of the run-offfrom eroded , impoverished mountain areas。
③The creation of some , 3000 small artificial lakes to provide water for local irrigation has not only very greatly increased production of a wide rang of crops, in some cases by as much as 400 percent, but also ,in bringing water to over 100000 hectares of land , opened the way to a more certain and productive future and higher standard of living for the population in these dry mountain regions。
Where irrigation and drainage have been successful……even more spectacular than expected
It is therefore not surprising that……of the development of world agriculture over the last century
The areas at present irrigated or drained…..a few million hectares. This development….in most countries.
目前,灌溉或排水的地区总数约为16亿公顷,在20 世纪开始的时,总共只有几百万公顷,在大多数国家中灌溉和排水面积的不断扩大正在加速的持续发展中。
For instance, irrigation areas developed during……during the next 10 or 15 years 例如,在过去的纪念期间,中亚苏维埃共和国所发展的灌溉总面积达50万公顷,而且利用计划表明在未来的10-15年中,其面积可以上升至200万公顷
None the less, all too often ,…… and the prolonged efforts involved.
尽管有巨额的投资和长期的努力包含其中,然而结果仍是平平常常的,大大低于所预期的,The following are example of the type…….an irrigation or drainage scheme
Lesson 7 soil organic matter
①From very early times husbandmen , and later, scientists have associated this organic matter with soil fertility, and its conservation by addition of organic waste has been widely practiced。
②In more primitive culture, the exhausted soil has been left uncropped to the natural processes that may reestablish its organic content 。
③To this dark material , as to all dark products of organic decay , was applied the name humus, meaning the soil proper as distinct from mere earth。
④The English word “mold”(=muld scand ) had the same significance of refined matter, the essence of soil。
⑤In recent times both words have been degraded to mean organic residues in general , whether decomposed or not, or simply to mean organic matter mixed weth soil。
⑥It is proposed here to use the term humus in the restricted sense of the dark colored finely comminuted organic material which has undergone this change in the soil an , in the crude form, includes other materials not readily separated from it 。
⑦The term humus has of course no strictly chemical definition , but the phenomenon itself and the process by which it is formed , humification , are realities which justify the use of the terms, so long as their sense is not given any exact chemical or physical connotation 。
⑧It will be readily realized that the chemistry of the complex organic mixture present in soil could be effedctively investigated only at a relatively recent stage in the progress of organic chemistry, especially when it is recognized that a large portion of the mixture consists of polymerized substances similar to those carbohydrates , lignins, and proteins that have been the object of intensive research for well over o century and are still only partl understood 。
As a result of this …….from mere mineral deposits由于有机质分析结果,土壤中发展出现一种棕色到黑色物质,这种物质给予土壤以颜色上的特征并使它有别于单纯的矿物质或体积,从而形成一种非常普遍的土壤特征。
The amount of any one of the………it undergoes decomposition 这种混合物任何一种成分的数量取决于这种成分在活的生物体内的丰富程度和它们的分解速度的大小
Since the major constituents of all green plants are ……should tend to conform to a type因为从整个来看所有绿色植物的主要成分从整体上是相似的,而且,这种成分的分解速度主要受气候和土壤影响,因此我们一般都可以从土壤中发现一般腐烂物的相似成分,而且腐殖质的一般成分应归属为一类。
The central study of soil……..result from these changes土壤有机质的中心研究是探索土壤中植物残体的主要组成和转变作用,以及由于这种变化结果所形成的有机物质
Lesson 8 soil and agriculture
★三段:①A comparison of virgin with cultivated soils is instructive。
Under virgin conditions, soils and vegetation form a system that is in a state of dynamic equilibrium。
②The mineral plant nutrients abstracted from the soil in each season’s growth are returned in leaf fall or by the decay of herbaceous and annual plants 。
③It is true that in forests there is an annual storage of plant food due to tree growth , but in the absence of human interference this material is ultimately returned to the soil as trees die and decay。
④The only losses are in the form of drainage。
Against this may be offset the gains from the weathering of minerals in the soil 。
⑤Under such conditions it is not surprising that luxuriant vegetative growth is possible with a comparatively small supply of available plant food ,of which a considerable proportion is in circulation between vegetation and soil 。
★四段:①This equilibrium is completely destroyed when the virgin soil is brought。