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SMS入门到精通(一)DFSMS(Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem)是z/OS系统中,包含一系列相关数据和存储管理产品的组件。
DFSMS的核心是SMS(Storage Management Subsystem)。
DFSMS 是z/OS操作系统中一个独立的组件,它是一种自动化管理数据从创建到终止的软件。
DFSMSdfp是自动的被包含在z/OS 中,它执行系统的核心数据、存储和设备的管理功能。
存储管理子系统(SMS)利用这些规则来为操作系统管理存储,更特别的是,存储管理员利用 SMS来定义数据类(data classes)、存储类(storage classes)、管理类(management classes)、存储组(storage groups)、聚合组(aggregate groups)、拷贝池(copy pools)和自动类型选择路由(automatic class selection routines)。
Linux 设备驱动 Edition 3ByJonathan Corbet,Alessandro Rubini,Greg Kroah-Hartman由 quickwhale 翻译的简体中文版 V0.1.0 2006-6-2学习编程有几年了,感觉走了不少弯路,而不少的学弟学妹又在重蹈我当初的覆辙,不免有些痛心。
Linux进程状态:R (TASK_RUNNING),可执行状态。
很多操作系统教科书将正在CPU上执行的进程定义为RUNNING状态、而将可执行但是尚未被调度执行的进程定义为READY状态,这两种状态在linux下统一为 TASK_RUNNING状态。
所以 CPU的可执行队列总是不为空(至少有这么个进程存在),CPU也就不会“空闲”。
SIMATICPROFINET使用 STEP 7 组态 PROFINET功能手册11/2022A5E03444491-AMSiemens AGDigital Industries Postfach 48 48A5E03444491-AMⓅ 10/2022 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2013 - 2022.保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
按规定使用 Siemens 产品请注意下列说明:警告Siemens 产品只允许用于目录和相关技术文件中规定的使用情况。
如果要使用其他公司的产品和组件,必须得到Siemens 推荐和允许。
商标所有带有标记符号 ® 的都是 Siemens AG 的注册商标。
(4) 系统管理方式(SMM)是为实现特定功能及系统安全提供的一种工作方式,SMM的功能主要包括电源管理以及为操作系统和正在运行的程序提供安全性。
在兼容模式下,允许在64位操作系统下运行原来的16位和32位应用程序,可使用前缘REX访问64位数据,最大支持的32位地址空间,而在64位方式下,采用EM64T技术,支持64位操作,同时支持36位的地址(从Pentium Pro开始处理器的外部地址线就提供36条),支持64位线性地址,默认的地址空间为64位,默认的数据宽度为32位,指令允许32/64地址和32/64数据的混合使用,因此又把Core为核心的处理器称为32/64处理器,与真正64位处理器有区别,可称之为具有64位功能的32位处理器。
REX OS参考手册************************************************************Copyright (c)by Cat KingAll rights reserved.文件名称:REX OS参考手册文件标识:ver1.0摘要:介绍从软件分析到软件开发完成的各个阶段作者:Cat King完成日期:2004年10月4日* *取代版本:Ver1.0原作者:Cat King完成日期:2005年08月11日************************************************************PrefaceDeclaration:In general I will freely answer any questions that I receive by email, or point you in the direction of a resource that may be of assistance.At the moment I am busy with a couple of large ongoing projects and don’t have the time to work on custom examples or small software projects. I would however be willing to entertain job offers ☺Read the whole thing! If you have a question during one section of the tutorial just have a little patience and it might just be answered later on. If you just can’t stand the thought of not knowing, at least skim or search (yes computers can do that) the rest of the document before asking the nice folks on IRC or by email. Another thing to remember is that a question you might have about subject A might end up being answered in a discussion of B or C, or maybe L. So just look around a little.Fell free to contact me ( catking.wang@)Ok I think that’s all the ranting I have to do for the moment, let’s start my working.ContentsREX初始化 (4)REX任务的工作程序 (5)REX优先级的情况 (6)任务API函数 (7)优先级API函数 (8)REX信号的工作程序 (9)REX timers (12)Common questions (16)附 1: (17)Diagnostics (18)Boot (18)附 2: (20)附 3 (28)REX初始化函数main() 的开始就是调用rex_init() 进行初始化工作。
1.用REXX程序自由查找ICCF Member [J], 杨祯
2.Z/OS系统REXX在TSO与非TSO地址空间的运行 [J], 范啸风
3.通过REXX与SDSF实现JES的可编程信息采集 [J], 邓强
4.利用REXX自动统计IBM大机业务量 [J], 潘自立
5.REXX软件在大机安全运行上的应用 [J], 毛雪松
zOSMF在主机自动化运维中的应用作者:赵连强,郝志军来源:《中国金融电脑》 2018年第10期目前国内大型商业银行的核心业务系统主要运行在主机(Mainframe) 之上。
z/OSMF 工具是近几年新兴的主机运维管理工具,它提供了一套基于HTTP 协议的RESTful 应用程序编程接口,通过该接口用户可以编写应用程序来访问主机资源,完成例如读写主机数据集、提交JCL 作业和发送主机命令等常用操作,进而实现主机运维自动化。
z/OSMF 为新产品,之前国内尚无相关应用经验可以借鉴。
本文以商业银行“两地三中心”主机业务切换、主机常见变更管理及应急处置和主机程序投产等重要运维场景为例,讨论基于z/OSMF 在主机自动化运维中的应用。
1. 基于主机传统自动化工具SASA 中可以通过定义定时器来定时执行简单运维任务,例如定时提交JCL 作业或REXX 脚本来生成分析报告、执行主机状态检查等。
SA 中还可以通过预定义监控消息和对应动作来实现简单的应急处置,在此场景下SA 会对主机日志中的消息进行实时监控,一旦预定义消息出现,SA 将会立即执行对应动作。
Comparex ®8.8 Patch 2 ReadmeFebruary 2022This Readme file contains information about the new features and fixes in Comparex ® 8.8 Patch 2 for z/OS ®, z/VM ®, and z/VSE ®.General InformationComparex, available on z/OS, z/VM and z/VSE platforms, is the most powerful tool on the market for comparing data, text, and directory files. The product performs fast, accurate, single-step comparisons of the contents of virtually any two-file types - libraries, directories, sequential files, or databases. Additionally, file records of any size are supported.Accessing the DocumentationAll Comparex documentation is provided in Adobe ® Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download the Comparex documentation from the Documentation page of the Micro Focus Support website at https:///documentation/comparex/. A user ID and password is not required to access the Documentation page.⏹Adobe ® Reader ® is available for free download at /reader/. Version 9 or higher is recommended. ⏹Additions and corrections to documentation are frequently issued after the product release date. Updated Comparex Readme files and user manuals are published on the Micro Focus SupportLine website with the rest of the documentation for the product release. Updated Readme files and user manuals are flagged with an Updated date in the file name or description.Searching the DocumentationThere is no cross-book index for the Comparex documentation suite. You can use the Advanced Search facility in Adobe Reader to search all Comparex manuals in the same or subordinate folders for information that you want.Online HelpOnline help is available from the ISPF interface on z/OS and z/VM for customers who choose to install it.Request panel-level help by pressing F1.NOTE Change bars in the left margin of Comparex documentation identify substantive changes from the last published version, unless otherwise noted.z/VM customers can also request tutorial-assisted command entry by entering Comparex as a standalone line command.Customer Support⏹Online Support — The Micro Focus Comparex Support website at https:///en-us/support/Comparex provides an easy way for customers to manage their support cases, download software patches, or search the Knowledgebase for the latest technical information about this product at any time.⏹ A user ID and password are required to access some of the resources on the Micro Focus Supportwebsite. To obtain a user ID and password, sign up online or contact Customer Care by email ortelephone.⏹Telephone Support — Telephone contact numbers for Customer Care are posted by region at thefollowing URL:https:///serena/support/No password is needed to access Customer Care contact information.⏹Email Support — Customers can send support requests by email to***************************.⏹Authorized Support Representative — Some support contracts specify that support calls will becentrally managed within the customer organization. This practice enables related issues to beaggregated across multiple customer sites or functional groups, and it ensures accountability for the satisfactory resolution of open issues. You should determine whether you have such a support contract before contacting Customer Care. If you do have such a contract, submit your support request to the designated support manager within your organization and arrange for that person to contact Customer Care.New Features and Fixes in Comparex 8.8 Patch 2The following sections identify the new features in Comparex releases from Comparex 8.8 Patch 2 back through Comparex 8.7.x.New Features in Comparex 8.8 Patch 2Comparex 8.8 Patch 2 supports the following z/OS 2.5 features:⏹8-character TSO user IDs⏹Multiversioning of members in PDSE version 2 librariesDefects Fixed in Comparex 8.8 Patch 2Access the following link for a list and description of the defects that have been fixed in Comparex 8.8 Patch 2:https:///s/article/KM000003783Features and Defects Fixed in Previous Comparex ReleasesNew Features and Fixes in Comparex 8.8.1Featureshttps:///s/article/KM000003784Fixes/InfoCenter/index?page=content&cat=CPX_8.8.1_RESOLVED&cha nnel=DEFECTSNew Features and Fixes in Comparex 8.8Featureshttps:///s/article/KM000003785Fixes/InfoCenter/index?page=content&cat=CPX_8.8_RESOLVED&chann el=DEFECTSNew Features and Fixes in Comparex channel=DEFECTSNew Features and Fixes in Comparex does not contain any new enhancements, only fixes.Fixes/InfoCenter/index?page=content&cat=CPX_8.7.1.01_RESOLVED& channel=DEFECTSNew Features and Fixes in Comparex 8.7.1Featureshttps:///s/article/KM000003790Fixeshttps:///s/article/KM000003795New Features in Comparex had no new features.Fixeshttps:///s/article/KM000003793New Features and Fixes in Comparex 8.7Featureshttps:///s/article/KM000003791Fixeshttps:///s/article/KM000003792Installation ConsiderationsYou can download the Comparex 8.8 Patch 2 for z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE products from the Micro Focus Support website at:https:///en-us/support/ComparexThe installer unloads the complete Comparex 8.8 Patch 2 product. Follow the instructions in one of the following installation manuals, as appropriate, to install Comparex 8.8 Patch 2 :⏹Comparex for z/OS Installation and Setup Guide.⏹Comparex for z/VM Installation and Setup Guide.⏹Comparex for z/VSE Installation and Setup Guide.Software CompatibilityFor a complete list of software requirements and product compatibility, see the product compatibility matrix spreadsheet on the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) website:https:///nidp/idff/sso?id=5&sid=2&option=credential&sid=2 Programming LanguagesComparex performs intelligent source and load member comparisons for High Level Assembler (HLASM), ISPF Dialog Tag Language (DTL), JCL, REXX, COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, RPG, C, C++, Perl, XML, HTML, Pascal, Script, Java, and JavaScript.Known IssuesSolutions are available for known issues in the Micro Focus Support Knowledge Base at: https:///en-us/support/knowledge-baseThese solutions provide details about the issue and list associated workarounds and fixes as they become available. You can download generally available fixes directly from the solution page.The following issues are known to exist in Comparex 8.8 Patch 2:⏹DB2 Precompiler Setup for CPXIFACECustomers who use the older CPXIFACE interface to Db2 should be aware that CPXIFACE requires the NEWFUN(NO) option in the Db2 precompiler step. If this is an issue for your installation, we recommend retiring your CPXIFACE-based Db2 integration and moving to the native Db2 support that is available since Comparex 8.7.⏹BLOCKTOKENSIZE(REQUIRE) Disables Large File SupportComparex for z/OS includes support for comparison of sequential data sets larger than 65,535 tracks. No special steps are needed to use this support. However, an installation's z/OS parameter settings may make this option unavailable. This is specifically the BLOCKSIZETOKEN option of the IGDSMSxx parameter list in the SYS1.PARMLIB library. If your installation options specify BLOCKTOKENSIZE(REQUIRE), it will disable large file support in Comparex. If this is the case for your installation, contact Customer Support for a workaround.⏹RLS Access to VSAM FilesComparex does not support VSAM files that require RLS access.Documentation UpdatesComparex 8.8.2 is distributed with Comparex 8.7 user manuals. You can obtain a list of enhancements to Comparex since version 8.7 from the section titled New Features and Fixes in Comparex 8.8 Patch 2 in this Readme file.IMPORTANT! Online versions of the documentation are often updated between product releases.Updated documents have an “updated” date in parentheses next to the document name. Please check the Documentation page of the Micro Focus SupportLine website for the latest version of this Readme file and any of the Comparex user manuals.。
TSO是Time Sharing Options的缩写,是OS/390操作系统的一个组成部分,是操作系统基本功能的发展。
用户使用TSO有一个登录(LOGON)和注销(LOGOFF)的过程,该过程被称为终端会话期间(Terminal Session),即一次登录到注销之间的时间。
本附录介绍如何通过PC机在Windows95/98/NT环境下使用终端仿真程序“IBM 个人通信”软件和S/390主机进行连接,并登录到主机的TSO环境的过程,以及TSO环境下的主机使用方法。
Real-Time Executive (REX)使用手册第一章序言1.1 目的本文描述了基于ARM平台的Real-Time Executive(REX)操作系统特性及使用方法。
1.2 适用范围本手册适用于需要在REX系统上编写应用程序的读者。
1.3 内容组织本文按以下结构编写:⏹第2章REX概述⏹第3-6章REX的详细叙述及内部工作机制⏹第7章编程指南1.4 字形习惯函数声明,函数名,类型声明,示例代码使用特殊的字体,例如:#include程序变量用尖括号包围,例如<number>1.5 版本历史1.6 参考资料1.7 技术支持如需要求了解本文未详细说明的信息可通过高通的CDMA技术支持邮箱联系:asicapps@。
1.8 术语及习惯用语本文使用以下术语及习惯用语APCS ARM调用规范。
API 应用程序接口。
ARM Advanced RISC Machines Limited,ARM系列处理器制造商,通常也指ARM系列微处理器。
ARM7TDMI ARM7系列处理器中的一款。
CPSR 当前程序状态寄存器,该寄存器保存了旗语,中断控制位和处理器当前操作模式。
critical section 临界区,代码中访问共享资源的部分。
FIQ 快速中断,由ARM支持的中断之一,FIQ中断服务程序正在进行时也可用来标志处理器工作模式。
IRQ 普通中断,由ARM支持的中断之一,IRQ中断服务程序正在进行时也可用来标志处理器工作模式。
ISR 中断服务程序,也称为interrupt trampoline function。
IBM Licensed ProgramSpecificationsIBM Db2 11 for z/OSLicensed Program SpecificationsProduct Number5615-DB2IBM®Db2®11 for z/OS®is a relational database management system licensed program for the z/OS environment.IBM has embarked on an effort to rebrand DB2 to Db2. (See /Rebrand4Db2.) As such, there will be changes to all the Db2 offerings. For example, “DB2 for z/OS” is now referred to as “Db2 for z/OS,” beginning with Db2 11 for z/OS. While IBM implements the product name change across the Db2 family of products, be aware that you might see references to the original name “DB2 for z/OS” or “DB2” in different IBM web pages and documents. Clients can be sure that “DB2 for z/OS” and “Db2 for z/OS” refer to the same product, when the PID, Entitlement Entity, version, modification, and release information match.In this document, Db2 11 for z/OS is sometimes referred to as “Db2 for z/OS,” “Db2 11,” or “Db2.”HighlightsDb2 for z/OS is a licensed program that supports the relational data model with a high-level language to access Db2 data. Db2 offers many functions in support of traditional database application areas, web and mobile devices, and business intelligence. The highlights of this licensed program and its functions are described below.v Relational data model: Db2 provides a tabular data structure. Users view data as a series of rows and columns. Db2 for z/OS provides hybrid data-server support for both relational and pureXML®storage, with services to support both data structures.v Structured query language: Structured query language (SQL) is a high-level language that is used for data manipulation, data definition, and control. SQL does not depend on data paths, placement, or order when it accesses relational databases. In Db2 11 for z/OS, enhancements to SQL facilitate easier portability of applications from other members of the Db2 family or from other database products.v pureXML: Db2 for z/OS supports XML data. With pureXML, your client applications can manage XML data in Db2 tables. In Db2 11 for z/OS, enhancements to pureXML improve productivity, help optimize performance, and improve consistency across the Db2 family of products. Key enhancements include support for the XML data type for the cross-loader function, improved evaluation of some XPath predicate expressions, and improved performance when loading binary XML data.v Access to data: Db2 provides robust availability and can be accessed by many applications, including:–IBM Information Management System (IMS) Transaction Manager–IBM Customer Information Control System (CICS®) Transaction Server–IBM Time Sharing Option (TSO) users–IBM Data Server Driver Package–Web and mobile devices–WebSphere®Application Server–Batch jobsApplication programs that run under the control of IMS Transaction Manager or the CICS Transaction Server can also access Db2 data, IMS data, or both. The data sharing function allows a group of Db2 subsystems to have concurrent access to the same data without replication.In addition, Db2 can access, or be accessed by, different instances of Db2 or by other database management systems that support Distributed Relational Database Architecture™(DRDA). Thesesystems must be connected to the local Db2 subsystem by TCP/IP or Advanced Communication Facility/Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (ACF/VTAM®). Each data sharing member or non-data sharing subsystem can have up to 150,000 concurrent connections; up to 20,000 of those connections can be active at one time. Data can be changed and read by more than one subsystem in a single unit of work, and the commit processing of all data is coordinated. Other programs can access the data at the same time.v Application programming: Programmers can use integrated development environments (Java™, WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer, or Microsoft .NET), many languages, and many access styles to access Db2. Users can access and manipulate Db2 data by using SQL through application programs that are written in Java, JavaScript, C#, APL2®, Perl, PHP, Ruby on Rails, SQL procedural language, REXX, C, C++, COBOL, Fortran, PL/I, or assembler language. C and C++ applications can use embedded SQL or ODBC. Programmers can write applications that are written in the Java programming language and that access Db2 for z/OS data or data on any DRDA server. These applications can access data either dynamically through JDBC or through static embedded SQL by using pureQuery®or SQLJ.You can use the following other methods to develop or run applications:–Use one of the several types of IBM data server clients and drivers if the application is running on a distributed environment, such as UNIX, Windows, or Linux.–Use one of the IBM Db2 Query Management Facility™(QMF™) licensed programs.–Use the IBM Rational®Developer for System z®application development workbench, which provides an integrated set of tools that support end-to-end, model-based development, runtime testing, and rapid deployment of simple and complex applications.–Use the integrated set of Db2 Development Add-Ins for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET that are provided through IBM Data Studio to support iterative development of server-side storedprocedures and user-defined functions.–Use Optim™Development Studio to develop and test SQL, PL/SQL, and Java database routines, generate and deploy database web services, create and run SQL and XQuery scripts, and develop Java database applications.–Use Optim pureQuery Runtime for z/OS to build high-quality, better performing database applications, and then deploy pureQuery or pureQuery-enabled Java applications to production environments.–Use the tools that are provided with Optim Query Workload Tuner to analyze queries and to analyze and monitor query workloads that run on data servers.v Migration: Db2 11 for z/OS for z/OS supports migration from DB2®10 for z/OS. Migration with fallback protection is available for customers who are running on DB2 10 for z/OS in new-function mode. In addition, DB2 10 for z/OS can coexist with Db2 11 for z/OS in a data sharing environment and in a distributed environment.Optional featuresDb2 11 for z/OS delivers a variety of optional features. Each optional feature includes a Program Directory.Specified operating environmentDb2 11 for z/OS has hardware and software requirements for the operating environment, which are identified in detail in the Db2 11 for z/OS Program Directory.2CompatibilityDb2 11 for z/OS is upwardly compatible with earlier releases of Db2 for z/OS. Migration with full fallback protection is available for customers who are running on DB2 10 for z/OS. Existing customers should ensure that they are successfully running on DB2 10 for z/OS (new-function mode) before migrating to Db2 11.Licensed program materials availabilityRestricted materials - No. This licensed program is available without source licensed program materials. It is available in object code.Supplemental termsDesignated machine identificationDesignated machine identification is required.The machine identification requirement prohibits copying platform-independent components that are delivered with this product, such as JDBC drivers, to other machines or operating systems unless specifically permitted by this document.Limited-use license for z/OS Application Connectivity to Db2 for z/OSThe z/OS Application Connectivity to Db2 for z/OS feature, a type 4 JDBC driver, is licensed for installation and use solely on z/OS. The sole authorized use of z/OS Application Connectivity to Db2 for z/OS is limited to connecting an application that runs on z/OS to Version 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 of Db2 forz/OS that is running in a separate partition on the same server as the application is running or on a different z/OS server. You can also connect applications to a subsequent supported version of Db2 forz/OS. Authorized use does not extend to applications that run on Linux or on any other platform or operating system.QMF Enterprise Edition and accompanying program licensesQMF Enterprise Edition Version 11 consists of the following licensed programs:v QMF for TSO/CICSv QMF High Performance Optionv QMF Analytics for TSOv QMF for Workstationv QMF for WebSphereQMF for Workstation and QMF for WebSphere contain third party code that IBM, not the third party, licenses to Licensee under the terms of the IBM Customer Agreement. Notices for the third party code are included for information only. These notices can be found in the Program's NOTICES file(s). Information on how to obtain source code for certain third party code can be found in the Program's NOTICES file(s). Although QMF Version 11 can be used with earlier versions of Db2 for z/OS, you must have a license for Db2 11 to use QMF Version 11 with any supported version of Db2.Redistribution of code for Db2 for z/OSThis document includes information about certain language interface modules that are intended to be bound or otherwise included with code and run on Db2 for z/OS subsystems. In connection with your authorized use of Db2 for z/OS, you may include these language interface modules in your modules and distribute your modules with the included language interface modules for the purposes of developing, using, marketing and distributing programs conforming to the documented programming interfaces for Db2 for z/OS, provided that each language interface module is included in its entirety, including any IBM copyright statements. These language interface modules have not been thoroughly tested under all3conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply the reliability, serviceability, or function of these language interface modules. The language interface modules referred to here are:v DSNALIv DSNELIv DSNHADD2v DSNHADDRv DSNHLIRv DSNHMVHWv DSNRLIv DSNTIA1v DSNTIARv DSNULIUsage restrictionNot applicable.Type and duration of program servicesIBM Support will be provided until discontinued by IBM with a minimum of six months written notice. Softcopy publicationsExcept as provided in this section, the terms and conditions of the license agreement with IBM apply to the Db2 11 for z/OS Diagnosis Guide and Reference and to any copies that are made from it. This licensed publication can be used on all machines designated for Db2, and can also be copied and used on other machines in support of authorized use of Db2.To support authorized use of Db2, printed copies of the displayable material can be made if the copyright notice and any other legend of ownership is reproduced on each copy or partial copy.WarrantyThis Program is warranted as specified in the IBM license.Licensed Program Specifications may be updated from time to time and such updates may constitute a change in specifications.For Distributed Systems License Option (DSLO) Licenses, warranty service, if any, will be provided only through the Basic License location.Following the discontinuance of all program services, this Program will be provided “As Is” as specified in the IBM license.TrademarksIBM, the IBM logo, and ®are trademarks or registered marks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at/legal/copytrade.shtml.Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.4Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.5IBM®February 2019References in this publication to IBM products, programs, orservices do not imply that IBM intends to make theseavailable in all countries in which IBM operates. Anyreference to an IBM product, program, or service is notintended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program,or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM'sintellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBMproduct, program, or service.Any other documentation with respect to this licensedprogram, including any documentation referenced herein, isprovided for reference purposes only and does not extend ormodify these specifications.GC19-4059-04©Copyright IBM Corporation1983,2019US Government Users Restricted Rights—Use,duplicationor disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contractwith IBM Corp.Printed in USA。
I love mainframe典型 MAINFRAME 工作流程Original URL: /2007/06/11/typical-workloads/绝大部分的 MAINFRAME 的工作流都可以被划分为以下两类:批处理(Batch processing)和联机处理(Online transactional processing,包括基于网络的应用)。
批处理 - Batch processingMAINFRAME 的最大的一个优势就是能够从高速存储设备中处理千兆海量数据,然后产生出有价值的结果。
比方说,MAINFRAME 系统为银行和其他金融机构实现了季度报表功能,能够为客户产生必要的报表(季度资产报表和养老金报表),或者向政府提交财务成果报表。
他们在 MAINFRAME 中处理,并且不需要用户的干预。
UNIX 的脚本文件和WINDOWS 中的后缀名为.cmd 文件也大都是这个概念,只不过一些 z/OS 的批处理作业能够持续非常长的一段时间。
虽然批处理能够在分布式计算机系统中运行,但是它却远没有在 MAINFRAME 中那么简单易行。
因为分布式计算机系统相对于 MAINFRAME 而言缺乏一下这些东西:•充足的资料存储空间•处理器的有效功率和回路•系统资源的系统联合管理和作业时序安排MAINFRAME 的操作系统一般都配备有非常尖端的作业时序安排软件。
•虽然交互式反应时间并不是必备条件,但是批处理作业通常必须在一个由基于服务品质协议(Service Level Agreement)的批处理窗口中完成。