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四川大学期末考试试题(闭卷)A 卷答案(2009——2010学年第二学期)1 True or False Question (10 points)(1)[]sin(3/4)x n n = is aperiodic(非周期的) .( T )(2) The Fourier transform of an aperiodic discrete-time signal is periodic (T ) and continuous.(T ) (3) An LTI system with frequency function j t H j e 0()ωω= has linear phase(线性相位). (T)(4) e st is the eigenfunction(特征函数) of LTI systems.(F)(5) The continuous-time Fourier transform of a real-even signal is a real-even function. (T ) (6) The discrete-time Fourier transform of a real-even signal is an imaginary-odd function. ( F) (7) If the ROC (收敛域)of the Laplace transform X (s ) includes the unit circle of s -plane (s 平面),then ==()()s j X j X s ωω.(F)(8) If x (t ) is real and if X (s ) has a pole (极点)at s = s 0 , then X (s ) also has a pole at the point0-s s =. ( F)(9) A discrete-time LTI system is stable if and only if the ROC of its system function H (z ) includesthe unit circle of z -plane. (T )2 Blank Filling (20 points)(1) (1)*()t t δδ--=(1)t δ-.(2 points)(2) I f12[]{1,2,3},[]{1,2,3,4}x n x n ==↑↑, and 12[][][]y n x n x n =*, then the maximumlength of y [n ] is 6 . (2 points)(3) If the spectrum-density (谱密度)function of an aperiodic continues-time signal x (t ) is1()1X j j ωω=+, then the magnitude (幅度)of frequency response is (相位)of frequency response is arctg ω-. (3 points)(4) Expansion in the time domain corresponding to compressing (Compressing,Expansion )in the frequency domain. (2 points)(5) If ()()Fx t X j ω←−→, then 0()cos Fx t t ω←−→00[()][()]2X j X j ωωωω-++. (2 points)(6) If ()()F x t X j ω←−→, then the inverse Furious transform (傅里叶反变换) of 0[()]X j ωω- is 0()j tx t eω. (2 points)(7) Consider an LTI system with unit impulse response [][],||1n h n a u n a =<. The frequency response of the system is 11jweα--. The system is a lowpass (highpass, lowpass or bandpass)filter. (4 points)(8) Suppose 1()x t and 2()x t are band limited to 1ω, 2ω respectively, that is11()0,||X j ωωω=≥, 22()0,||X j ωωω=≥. Under the sampling theorem, the minimumsampling frequency (最小采样频率)is or 12122()2()2s s f ωωωωωπ+==+ .(3 points)3. Calculation(70 points)3.1 (15 points) Let x (t ) be the input to an LTI system with unit impulse response h (t ), whereand 2()()()()tx t eu t h t u t -==.Calculating the output of the system y (t ) by use of convolution integral equation (卷积公式), but not Fourier T ransform or Laplace T ransform. 解:2()()()()()t t y t x h t d e u u t d τττττττ--∞-∞=-=-⎰⎰当0t <时 ()0y t =当0t ≥时 2201()(1)2t ty t ed eττ--==-⎰3.2 (15 points) Suppose we are given the following information about a signal x (t ):a. x (t ) is real and odd.b. x (t ) is periodic (周期)with period T = 2 and has Fourier coefficients k a .c. 0k a = for ||1k > .d.22|()|1x t dt =⎰Specify two different signals that satisfy these conditions. 解:因x (t ) 为实、奇函数,因此可得. k k a a -=-且00a =, 又因当||1k >时0k a = ,因此不为零的傅里叶级数为11-a a 与 根据parseval 方程2201|()|||T k k x t dt a T+∞=-∞=∑⎰22221101|()|||||2x t dt a a -=+⎰,222101|()|2||2x t dt a =⎰,211||4a =所以,112a j = 或112a j =-,与此对应的112a j -=-或112a j -=111()sin()22j tj tx t jejet πππ-=-+=-211()sin()22j tj tx t jejet πππ-=-=3.3 (15 points) Consider a continuous-time ideal lowpass filter S whose frequencyresponse is()10c cHj ,,ωωωωω⎧<⎪=⎨>⎪⎩The input to this filter is a signal ()0sin tx t tωπ=, and the output of the filter is ()y t .Please answer the following questions:a. Calculate ()X j ω.解:0||1()||0X j ωωωωω<⎧=⎨≥⎩b. When 0c ωω<,determine ()y t .0sin ()ty t t ωπ= c. When 0c ωω>,determine ()y t .sin ()c ty t tωπ=d. In the case b or c, which will result in distortion(失真) in output ?C3.4 (15 points) The input x (t ) and output y (t ) of a causal (因果)LTI system are related through the block-diagram representation (方框图表示) shown in Fig. 1a. Determine the system function H (s ) and its ROC.b. Determine a differential equation (微分方程) relating y (t) and x (t ).c. Is the system stable (稳定)? 解:a.221()()()()Z s X s Z s Z s s s=-+,246()2()()()Y s Z s Z s Z s ss=+-消去中间变量Z(s) 可得22246()()21s s Y s X s s s +-=+-,故22246()21s s H s s s +-=+-因极点为1-±R e ()2s >- b. 微分方程为:2222()()()()2()246()d y t dy t d x t dx t y t x t dtdtdtdt+-=+-C. 因收敛域不包含ωj 故系统不稳定。
川大期末试题及答案考试题目一:计算机网络1. 什么是计算机网络?简要介绍计算机网络的定义和作用。
2. 请简述OSI(开放式系统互联)参考模型的七个层次及其功能。
3. TCP/IP协议族是当前互联网所采用的主要协议,它有哪些主要的协议组成?简述TCP和UDP协议的特点和应用场景。
4. 请简述HTTP协议和HTTPS协议的区别,并解释HTTPS协议的工作原理。
考试题目二:计算机操作系统1. 请简述进程和线程的概念及其区别。
四川大学期末考试试题(A卷)(2013——2014 学年第二学期)课程号:303123040课序号:课程名称:信号与系统任课教师:任小梅邓丽华余勤王忠罗伟钟俊蒲明刘亚梅成绩:注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。
本题5 页,本页为第 1 页2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:学号: 姓名6、 一个周期为N 的离散时间信号,其傅里叶级数表示式是一个N +1项的有限级数。
( F )7、 一个非因果稳定的离散信号,其z 变换收敛域包含z =∞。
( F )8、 一个因果的连续时间系统的系统函数X (s ),若其极点都在虚轴以左,那么该系统一定稳定。
( T )9、 一个稳定的连续系统,其系统函数为2()(1)(2)s e H s s s =++,收敛域为Re{}1s >-,那么该系统是因果的。
( F )10、 单位冲激响应为6()th t e-=的系统是非因果稳定的。
( T )二、单项选择题:(共10小题,每题1.5分,共15分)1、 三个连续时间系统S 1、S 2和S 3,它们对于输入jt e 的响应分别是:312(1), , sin()S S S jt jt jt j t jt e te e e e t -−−→−−→−−→以下说法正确的是:( C )A .都是非线性系统B .S 1是非线性系统C .S 1、S 2是线性系统D .S 2和S 3是非线性系统 2、 已知x (t ) ,为求x (3-2t ) 则下列运算正确的是( D )A .x (-2t ) 左移3B .x (-2t ) 右移3C .x (-2t ) 左移3/2D .x (-2t ) 右移3/2 3、 已知信号1()x t 和2()x t 分别如右图所示,且12()()()y t x t x t =*,则(1)y =( C )。
A .1B .2C .4D .0 4、 下列各式正确的是( B )。
A.1(2)()2δδt t -=-B.1(2)()2δδt t -=C .(2)()δδt t -=-D. (2)()δδt t -=5、 系统的幅频特性|H (j ω)|和相频特性如右图所示,则下列信号通过该系统时,不产生失真的是( B ) 。
(2008 ——2009 学年第 2 学期)
课程号:课序号:0 7 课程名称:计算机网络与通信任课教师:等成绩:
适用专业年级:06 学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:
本题 4 页,本页为第 1 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
本题 4 页,本页为第 2 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
本题 4 页,本页为第 3 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
本题 4 页,本页为第 4 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
(2008 ——2009 学年第 2 学期)
课程号:30306230课序号:0 7 课程名称:计算机网络与通信任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:05 学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:
本题 4 页,本页为第 1 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
本题 4 页,本页为第 2 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印
本题 4 页,本页为第 4 页
2 题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:
四川大学期考试试题〔B 〕闭卷〔2021 ——2021 学年第 2 学期〕课程号:课序号:0 ?7课程名称:计算机网络与通信任课教师:等成绩:适用专业年级:06 学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:AS自治系统10. packet sw让chin处组交换:、单项选择题〔每题1. 5分,共30分〕1. We refer to the link-layer packets aDA. messagesB. segmentsC. datagramsD. frames2. The IP protocol lies inCA. application layerB. transport layerC. network layerD. link layer3. A is a Circuit-switched network.A. TDMB. Datagram networkC. InternetD. virtual circuit network4. The packet experiences a B delay as it waits to be transmitted onto the link.A. processing delayB. queuing delayC. propagation delayD. transmission delay5. DWhich the following protocols does not use TCP/IP as its underlying protocols?A. SMTP;B.FTP;C.TELNET;D.TFTP6. What is used to specify placement of text, files and objects that are to be transferred fromthe web server to the client? BA. HTTPB.HTMLC.HDLCD. All of the above7. bandwidth is described in _B__A) Bytes per second B) Bits per secondC) megabits per millisecond D) centimeters8. ) _B Is a protocol for transferring a file from one host to another host.A. SMTP;B.FTP;C.TCP;D. UDP9. In TCP/IP stack, the transport layer ' s flow control m echanism usesA) slow start B) congestion avoidanceC) three hand-shaking D) sliding window10. Compared with rdt2.0, the new service in rdt3.0 is to implement the reliable data transfer over the channel with BB) data loss C) data transfer delay D) congestionA)bit error11. ICMP control messages are transferred inD data unit.A) TCP B).UDP C).ARP D).IP12. The reliable data delivery between end systems is provided in the C layer of TCP/IP architecture.A) network layer B) data link layer C) transport layer D) session layer17. There are two broad classesof packet-switched networks: datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks. datagram networks forward packets in their switches use __B.A) MAC addresses 13. What is the main function of the network layer?AA. node-to-node delivery;B. process-to-process message deliveryC synchronization; D.updating and maintenance of routingtablesD ―.B) Which IP address is ineffective A) C) If IP address is, then subnet prefix is _CA) C) 16. The output port of a router donA) the physical layer functionsC) network managementB)'t pC_orm functions.B) the data link layer functionsD) buffer managementB) IP addressesD) virtual-circuit numbers18. .as showbelow, which technology isn ' t typical access networksCtechnongy.A) digital subscriber line B) hybrid fiber-coaxial cableC) circuit switching D)wireless access19. Which layer-function is mostly implemented in an adapterNIC) ? AA) physical layer and link layer B) network layer and transport layerC) physical layer and network layer D) transport layer and application layer20. A Which devicecan ' tsolate the departmental collision domains.A) Hub; B) switch; C) router; D) A and B注:1试题字迹务必清楚,书写工整.此题 4页,本页为第 1页3务必用A4纸打印三、填空题〔每空1分,共20分?〕define format, order of messages sent and received among network entities, and actions taken on message transmission, receipt.2. The time required to examine the packets header and determine where to direct theC) e-mail addresses 2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:1. _protocols packet ispart of the __processing delay.3. . Any network that forwards packets according to host destination addresses a _datagramnetwork.4. Within the Internet the most important delays that packet suffered are _processing delay,queuing delay, __propagation delay, and _transmission delay.5. Two important network-layer function can be identified: forwarding , routing6.A link-layer address is variously called a lan address,or physical address, or _MAC address.7. Two generic forms of pipelined reliable date transfer protocolsare go-Back-N and selective repeat8. 10. A Web cache also called a _proxy__server11. Suppose a user sitting in a home network behind host requests a Web page on some Web server Pleaseaccording the NAT translation table at the NAT router. Fill in datagram that include port numbers as well as IP addresse 有 IP 缺端口号——个扣 0.5分 )NAT transtation tableWAN sideLAN side138.76.29.7, 500110.0.0.1, 33451. The top-down order of the Internet protocol stack is the application, network, transport, link, physical layers (F)2. The internet" s connectionlessservice makes provision for flow control and congestion control(F)3. An ARP response sent within a frame with a specific destination IP address (F)4. link layer address is LAN address (T)5. Socket is the programming interface between the application layer and the network layer (F)6. Routing involves all of a network (T) ' s routers7. Forwarding table is configured by both Intra and Inter-AS routing algorithm (N)8. Any network that forwards packets according to host destination addresses is/C network (F)9. HTTP is mainly a push protocol and SMTP is mainly a pull protocol (N)10. The basic service of link layer is to move a network-layer datagram from one nodteuter orhost) to an adjacent node. (N)注:1试题字迹务必清楚,书写工整. 此题4页,本页为第2页2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印y五、计算题(30 points) 1. consider the following network. With the indicated link costs, use Dijkstra -pathalgorithm to compute the shortest path from W to all network nodes.10 分 t 4 13vs351x3u 4StepN ,D(x),p(x) D(V),p(v) D(U),p(u) D(y),p(y) D(t),p(t) D(s),p(s)1 W 3,w1,w 4,woo oo oo2 wv 3,w2,v 4,v 8,voow注:1试题字迹务必清楚,书写工整此题4页,本页为第3页2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印3. Supposethe generator polynomial is x3+ 1, data bits to be sent D is , what is the CRC bits? Please write the whole compute course. 10答案:The generator bits G=1001, r=3R = remainder[D*2 r/G]CRC bits is 011注:1试题字迹务必清楚,书写工整. 此题4页,本页为第4页2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印。
A.数据字典B.E-R模型C.IPO图D.U/C 矩阵参考答案:D13.数据字典是系统中各种数据类型的属性清单以及对这些属性的说明。
《 信号与系统 》考试试卷(时间120分钟)院/系 专业 姓名 学号1. 系统的激励是)t (e ,响应为)t (r ,若满足dt)t (de )t (r =,则该系统为线性、时不变、因果。
(是否线性、时不变、因果?)2. 求积分dt )t ()t (212-+⎰∞∞-δ的值为 5 。
3. 当信号是脉冲信号f(t)时,其 低频分量 主要影响脉冲的顶部,其 高频分量 主要影响脉冲的跳变沿。
4. 若信号f(t)的最高频率是2kHz ,则t)f(2的乃奎斯特抽样频率为 8kHz 。
5. 信号在通过线性系统不产生失真,必须在信号的全部频带内,要求系统幅频特性为 一常数相频特性为_一过原点的直线(群时延)。
6. 系统阶跃响应的上升时间和系统的 截止频率 成反比。
7. 若信号的3s F(s)=(s+4)(s+2),求该信号的=)j (F ωj 3(j +4)(j +2)ωωω。
8. 为使LTI 连续系统是稳定的,其系统函数)s (H 的极点必须在S 平面的 左半平面 。
9. 已知信号的频谱函数是))00(()j (F ωωδωωδω--+=,则其时间信号f(t)为01sin()t j ωπ。
10. 若信号f(t)的211)s (s )s (F +-=,则其初始值=+)(f 0 1 。
(每小题2分,共10分)1.单位冲激函数总是满足)()(t t -=δδ ( √ )2.满足绝对可积条件∞<⎰∞∞-dt t f )(的信号一定存在傅立叶变换,不满足这一条件的信号一定不存在傅立叶变换。
( × )3.非周期信号的脉冲宽度越小,其频带宽度越宽。
( √ )4.连续LTI 系统的冲激响应的形式取决于系统的特征根,于系统的零点无关。
( √ )5.所有周期信号的频谱都是离散谱,并且随频率的增高,幅度谱总是渐小的。
( × )三、计算分析题(1、3、4、5题每题10分,2题5分, 6题15分,共60分)1.信号)t (u e )t (f t -=21,信号⎩⎨⎧<<=其他,01012t )t (f ,试求)t (f *)t (f 21。
大学期考试试题(B )闭卷(2008 ――2009学年第2学期)课程号:课序号:0 7课程名称:计算机网络与通信任课教师:等成绩:适用专业年级:06 学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行《四川大学考试工作管理办法》和《四川大学考场规则》。
第一题~ 第二题~ 第三题~ 第四题第五题|~总分一、英译汉(10分)1. ISP INTERT服务供应商2. NIC网络接口卡3. DNS域名服务系统 4. MAC介质接入控制 5 BGP边界网关协议6. MSS最大数据段尺寸7. FTP文件传输协议8 MPLS多协议标签交换 9 AS自治系统1O.packet switching分组交换二、单项选择题(每小题I. 5分,共30分)1.We refer to the link-layer packets as DA. messagesB. segme ntsC. datagramsD. frames2.The IP protocol lies in CA. applicati on layerB. tran sport layerC. n etwork layerD. link layer3. A is a Circuit-switched n etwork.A. TDMB. Datagram networkC. I nternetD. virtualcircuit n etwork4.The packet experiences a B delay as it waits to be transmitted onto the link.A. process ing delayB. queu ing delayC. propagatio n delayD.tran smissi on delay5.DWhich the following protocols does not use TCP/IP as its underlying protocols?A. SMTP;B.FTP;C.TELNET;D.TFTP6.What is used to specify placement of text, files and objects that are tobe tran sferred from the web server to the clie nt? BA. HTTPB.HTMLC.HDLCD. All of the above7.bandwidth is described in _B__A) Bytes per sec ond B) Bits per sec ondC) megabits per millisec ond D) cen timeters8.) _B ____ Is a protocol for transferring a file from one host to anotherhost.A. SMTP;B.FTP;C.TCP;D. UDP9.In TCP/IP stack, the transport layer ' s flow control mechanis BA) slow start B) con gesti on avoida neeC) three han d-shak ing D) slidi ng win dowpared with rdt2.0, the new service in rdt3.0 is to implement thereliable data tran sfer over the cha nnel with BA)bit error B) data loss C) data tran sfer delay D)con gesti on11.ICMP control messages are transferred in D data unit.A) TCP B).UDP C).ARP D).IP12.The reliable data delivery between end systems is provided in the C layer of TCP/IP architecture.A) n etwork layer B) data link layer C) tran sport layer D) sessi onlayer13.What is the main function of the network layer? A ________________________A. node-to-node delivery;B. process-to-processmessage deliveryD.updati ng andC syn chro ni zati on;maintenance of routi ng tablesB)B) 16. The output port of a router don't perform functions.A) the physical layer fun cti ons B) the data link layerfun cti onsC) network managementD) bufferman ageme nt17. There are two broad classesof packet-switched networks: datagram n etworks and virtual-circuit n etworks. datagram n etworks forward packets their switches use BA) MAC addresses B) IP addresses C) e-mail addressesD) virtual-circuit nu mbers18. .as show below, which tech no logy isn ' ttypical access n etworks tech non gy. CA) digital subscriber lineB) hybridfiber-coaxial cableC)circuit switch ing14. Which IP address is in effective D A) C) If IP address is, then sub net prefix is _CA) access注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。