金融英语词语解释全部版第一章1、Tangible Assets有形资产Value is based on physical propertiesIntangible Assets无形资产Claim to future incomeIssuer发行者The one who makes future cash paymentsInvestor 投资者The owner of the financial assetDebt Instrument债务工具Fixed dollar payments6、Equity Instrument 权益工具Dollar payment is based on earningsFixed-income instruments 固定收益证券an equity instrument that entitles the investor to receive a fixed dollar amount. . Both debt and preferred stock that pay fixed dollar amounts are called fixed-income instruments.Price discovery process价格发现过程The interactions of buyers and sellers in a financial market determine the price of the traded asset.Liquidity 流动性whether the circumstances either force or motivate an investor to sell in financial market.Spot market or cash market即期市场和现货市场The market in which a financial asset trades for immediate delivery is called the spot market or cash market.Search costs搜索成本e.g. the mone y spent to advertise one’s intention to sell orpurchase a financial asset;the value of time spent in locating a counterparty11、 derivative instrument衍生品工具A derivative instrument is a financial asset whose value derives from the value of some other asset . The contract holder has either the obligation or the choice to buy or sell a financial asset at some future time.futures/forward contracts 期货/远期合约Futures/forward contracts are obligations that must be fulfilled at maturity, it is a contract that exchanges an asset or commodity at a fixed price in the future.13、 Options contracts期权合约Options contracts are rights, not obligations, to either buy or sell a financial asset at a specified price. The buyer of the contract must pay the seller a fee, which is called the option price.14、Call option看涨期权The option grants the owner of the option the right to buy a financial asset from the other party.15、Put option看跌期权The option grants the owner of the option the right to sell a financial asset from the other party.16、Disclosure regulation信息披露监管It requires issuers of securities to make public a large amount of financial information to actual and potential investors.17、Financial activity regulation金融行为(活动监管)It consists of rules about traders of securities and trading on financial markets.18、Regulation of financial institutions金融机构监管It is the form of governmental monitoring that restricts these institutions’ activities in the vital areas of lending, borrowing,and funding.19、Regulation of foreign participants外国参与者监管It is the form of governmental activity that limits the roles foreign firms can have in domestic markets and their ownership or control of financial institutions.20、Banking and monetary regulation银行与货币监管Authorities use it to try to control cha nges in a country’s money supply, which is thought to control the level of economic activity.21、Asymmetric information信息不对称Investors and managers have uneven access to or uneven possession of information.23、Agency problem代理问题The firm’s managers who act as agents for investors, may act in their own interests to the disadvantage of the investors.第二章1、Financial intermediaries 金融中介A special and important type of financial institutionTransforming financial assets acquired through the market and constituting 组合them into a different, and more widely preferable, type of asset, which becomes their liability.1 Depository institutions存款机构Acquire the bulk of their funds by offering their liabilities to the public mostly in the form of deposits.2 Direct investments直接投资Intermediaries obtain funds from market participants and invest these funds3 Indirect investments间接投资Market participants who give their funds to the intermediaries and who thereby hold claims on these institutions4、commercial bank商业银行accepts deposits and uses the proceeds to lend funds to consumers and businesses.5、Investment company投资公司It pools the funds of market participants and uses those funds to buy a portfolio of securities such as stocks and bonds.6、Maturity intermediation期限中介The investor (depositor) often wants only a short-term claim, which the intermediary can turn into a claim on long-term assets. This function of a financial intermediary is called maturity intermediation7、Diversification分散化投资Transforming more risky assets into less risky ones.8、Information processing costs信息处理成本e.g. the opportunity cost of the time to process the information about the financial assets and its issuer, and the cost of acquiring that information.9、Contracting costs签约成本The costs of writing loan contracts or the costs of enforcing the terms of the loan agreement.9、Payment mechanisms支付机制The methods for making payments are provided by certain financial intermediaries10、Liabilities负债It means the amount and time of the cash outlays that must be made to satisfy the contractual terms of the obligations issued11、Asset/Liability management资产/负债管理The nature of the liabilities dictates the investment strategya financial institution will pursue12、Guaranteed investment contract (GIC)保障收益合同Both amounts of cash outflows and timing are known (Type I )The obligation of the life insurance company under this contract is that, for a sum of money (called a premium), it will guarantee an interest rate up to some specified maturity date13、certificates of deposit定期存单Cash outflows are not known, but timing is known (Type III)It has a stated maturity, the interest rate paid need not be fixed over the life of the deposit but may fluctuate14、Credit risk信用风险It is the risk that the obligor of a financial instrument held by a financial institution will fail to fulfill its obligation on the due date or at any time thereafter15、Settlement risk交割风险It is the risk that when there is a settlement of a trade or obligation, the transfer fails to take place as expected.It consists of counterparty risk and a form of liquidity risk.16、Counterparty risk交易对手违约风险It is the risk that a counterparty in a trade fails to satisfy its obligation17、Liquidity risk流动性风险In the context of settlement risk, it means that the counterparty can eventually meet its obligations, but not at the due date.In addition to being a part of settlement risk, it has two forms: market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk.18、Market liquidity risk 市场流动性风险It is the risk that a financial institution is unable to transact in a financial instrument at a price near its market value19、Funding liquidity risk融资流动性风险 (资金流动性风险)It is the risk that the financial institution will be unable to obtain funding to obtain cash flow necessary to satisfy its obligations20、Market risk市场风险It is the risk to a financial institution’s economic well being that results from an adverse movement in the market price of the asset it owns or the level or the volatility of market prices. There are measures that can be used to gauge this risk.21、value-at-risk风险价值It is one of measures that can be used to gauge market riskA measure of the potential loss in a financial institution’s financial position associated with an adverse price movement ofa given probability over a specified time horizon22、Operational risk操作风险It is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events Classified by the cause of the loss event: employees, business process, relationships, technology, and external factors23、legal risk法律风险This is the risk of loss resulting from failure to comply with laws as well as prudent ethical standards and contractual obligations24、Incentive fee激励费It is a share of the positive return which performance-based compensation in the management fee structure for hedge funds25、Absolute return绝对收益It is simply the return realized26、Relative return相对收益It is the difference between the absolute return and thereturn on some benchmark or index27、Market directional hedge fund市场导向型对冲基金It is one in which the asset manager retains some exposure to systemic risk28、Corporate restructuring hedge fund公司重组型对冲基金It is one in which the asset manager positions the portfolio to capitalize on the anticipated impact of a significant corporate event. These events include a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy29、Convergence trading hedge fund收敛交易型对冲基金It uses a strategy to take advantage of misalignment of prices or yields, an arbitrage strategy.technically, arbitrage means riskless profit. Some strategies used by hedge funds do not really involve no risk, but instead low risk strategies of price misalignments误差30、Opportunistic hedge fund机会主义型对冲基金It has the broadest mandate of all of the four hedge fund categories. Asset managers of hedge funds can make specific bets on stocks or currencies or they could have well-diversified portfolios. These include fund of funds, and global macro hedge funds that invest opportunistically based on macroeconomic considerations in any world market.第三章1、Spread income利差收入MarginIt should allow the depository institution to meet operating expenses and earn a fair profit on its capital2、Regulatory risk监管风险It is the risk that regulators will change the rules so as to adversely impact the earnings of the institution3、Secondary reserves次级储备Securities held for the purpose of satisfying net withdrawals and customer loan demands4、Individual Banking个人银行业务It encompasses residential mortgage lending, consumer installment loans, credit card financing, brokerage services, student loans,5、Institutional banking企业银行业务It includes commercial real estate financing, leasing activities, and factoring, etc.5、Global banking国际业务It includes corporate financing, capital market and foreign exchange products and services.Most global banking activities generate fee income rather than interest income.5、Demand deposits活期存款Checking accountspay no interest and can be withdrawn upon demand6、Savings deposits储蓄存款pay interest, typically below market interest rates, do not have a specific maturity, and usually can be withdrawn upon demand7、Time deposits定期存款also called certificates of deposit, have a fixed maturity date and pay either a fixed or floating interest rate8、Reserve ratio准备金率It is the specified percentage of deposits in a non-interest-bearing account at one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks that a bank must maintainIt is established by the Federal Reserve Board9、Required reserve法定准备金The dollar amount based on the reserve ratio that are required to be kept on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank10、deposit computation period存款计算周期To compute the required reserve, the Federal Reserve has established a two-week period11、excess reserves超额准备金The difference is that actual reserves exceed required reserves12、Federal funds market联邦基金市场Banks temporarily short of their required reserves can borrow reserves from banks that have excess reserves The market where banks can borrow or lend reserves is called thefederal funds market13、Federal funds rate联邦基金利率The interest rate charged to borrow funds in the federal funds market14、Discount window贴现窗口The Federal Reserve Bank is the bank of last resort. Banks temporarily short of funds can borrow from the Fed at its discount window.Collateral is necessary to borrow, but not just any collateral will do, and the Fed sets the criteria for collateral quality15、Discount rate贴现率The interest rate that the Fed charges to borrow funds at the discount window16、Money center banks货币中央银行The banks that raise most of their funds from the domestic and international money markets, relying less on depositors forfunds17、Regional bank区域性银行It is one that relies primarily on deposits for funding, and makes less use of the money markets to obtain funds18、Superregional banks超级区域性银行Larger regional banks have been merging with other regional banks to form Superregional banks19、Core Capital核心资本金Tier 1 CapitalIt consists of common stockholders’ equity, certain types of preferred stock, and minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries20、Supplementary Capital补充资本金Tier 2 capitalIt includes loan-loss reserve, certain types of preferred stock, perpetual debt, hybrid capital instruments, equity contract notes, and subordinated debt21、Natural person credit unions自然人信用合作社Federal and state chartered credit unions are called natural person credit unionsProvide financial services to qualifying members of the general public22、Corporate credit unions 公司信用合作社Provide a variety of investment services, as well as payment systems, only to natural person credit unions第六章1、Premiums保费Insurance companies sell insurance policies, which are legallybinding contracts for which the policyholder pays insurance premiums2、Risk bearers 风险承担者According to the insurance contract, insurance companies promise to pay specified sums contingent on the occurrence of future events, such as death or an automobile accident. For insurance companies, they accept or underwrite给...保险;承诺支付the risk in return for an insurance premium2、Underwriting process销售过程It is deciding which applications for insurance they should accept and which ones they should reject, and if they accept, determining how much they should charge for the insurance3、Life Insurance人寿保险For life insurance, the risk insured against is the death of the “insured”.4、Health insurance健康保险In the case of health insurance, the risk insured is medical treatment of the insured.5、Property and casualty insurance财产与意外伤害保险The risk insured by Property and casualty (P&C) insurance companies is damage to various types of property. Specifically, it is insurance against financial loss caused by damage, destruction, or loss toproperty as the result of an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual.6、Liability Insurance责任保险The risk insured against is litigation, or the risk of lawsuits against the insured due to actions by the insured or others.7、Disability Insurance伤残险It insures against the inability of employed persons to earnan income8、Long-Term Care Insurance长期护理保险It provides custodial care for the aged who are no longer able to care for themselves9、Annuity年金It is often described as a mutual fund in an insurance wrapper. It is treated as an insurance product and as a result receives a preferential tax treatment. Specifically, the income and realized gains are not taxable if not withdrawn from the annuity product. It can be either fixed, or variable.10、Bankassurance 银行保险Insurance companies are attracted by commercial bank customer contacts. As a result, commercial bank distribution of insurance company products has grown considerably.11、Stock Insurance Company股份保险公司It is similar in structure to any corporation or public company. Shares (of ownership) are owned by independent shareholders and are traded publicly. The shareholders care only about the performance of their shares, that is, the stock appreciation and the dividends. The insurance policies are simply the products or business of the company.11、Reinsure 再保险Some insurance companies may reinsure some or all of the liabilities they incur in providing insurance. According to the reinsurance transaction, the initial insurer 保险公司,承保人transfers the risk of the insurance to another company,。