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现在考试中,听力选项中以复句、长句为主,而听力如果不提前浏览题目的话是略不靠谱的。所以,要学会在最短的时间里抓出重点。一眼扫过去,要看出哪些是相同的,哪些是不同的,而重点就在那些不同上面。重点要注意的就是动词和形容词,其次重点的才是名词和状语(具体的因题而异)。看听力题目的时候注意力一定要集中,这样才能保证速度。 Eg:A )prepare for the test after the wedding C)review his notes once he arrives in Chicago

B) listen to the recorded notes while driving D)cancel the trip to prepare for the test 相同点:note 、 test

不同点:prepare after 、 review once 、listen to while 、 cancel

你要做的就是 边看这四个选项 就能边把这些重点划出来


M:I don ’t know what to do.I have to drive to Chicago next Friday for mu cousin ’s wedding,but I ’ve got a Psychology test to prepare for. W:Why don ’t you record your notes so you can study on the way?

Q:What doer the woman suggest the man do?

Eg :A)the man lacks confidence in playing the part.

B)the man hopes to change his role in the play.

C)the woman will prompt the man during the show.

D)the woman will help the man remember the lines.

这种题最好做 因为两两相同 两两不同 句式相同 所以很容易找相同和不同。A 、B 相比,

C 、

D 相比,重点看动词的不同就好了。


M:Professor Wright ,you may have to find another student to play this role.The lines are so long and I simply can ’t remember them all.

W:Look,Tony.It ’s still a long time before the first show.I don ’t expect you to know all the lines yet.Just keep practicing.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

所以,其实很多时候,听力最后的那个问题其实不用 听的,因为你从听力对话结合选项就能推断出问题大 概是什么。

二.至于后面的题目,都是建立在较长的对话或者独白上的。其实跟第一点讲过的一样,首先还是要抓重点。做这种题的时候,如果因为时间不够,没有仔细浏览题目,不要急,因为这种题一般都是按顺序来的,并且题与题之间有一定的联系,听完一题再看下一题也来得及。如果时间够,浏览完题目就大致能知道这段材料是关于什么的,这样在听的时候你就能知道哪一句可能就是答案。拿上面的举例,从pet animals,researchers,experiments 等就能看出来,大概是讲动物和实验的问题。如果能先形成这种印象的话,听起来再做题会相对容易一点。对我来说,一段听力听完了我就做完了,所以当录音在报问题的时候,我就去看后面的题了。这里正好对应B 中的while (driving ) 这里对应 B 中的listen to 从这里看出来他是觉得自己记不住于是没信心。




A) They look spotlessly clean throughout their lives.

B) They are looked after by animal-care organizations.

C) They sacrifice their lives for the benefit of humans.

D) They are labeled pet animals by the researchers.


A) They may affect the results of experiments.

B)They may behave abnormally.

C) They may breed out of control.

D) They may cause damage to the environment.


A) When they become escapees.

B)When they get too old.

C)When they are no longer useful.

D)When they become ill.


A) While launching animal protection campaigns, they were trapping kitchen mice.

B) While holding a burial ceremony for a pet mouse, they were killing pest mice.

C)While advocating freedom for animals, they kept their pet mouse in a cage.

D)While calling for animal rights, they allowed their kids to keep pet animals.


The University of Tennessee’s Walters Life Sciences building, is a model animal facility, spotlessl y clean, careful in obtaining prior approval for experiments from an animal care committee. Of the 15,000 mice house there in a typical year, most give their lives for humanity. These are good mice and as such won the protection of the animal care committee. At any given time however some mi ce escape and run free. These mice are pests. They can disrupt experiments with the bacteria organ isms they carry. They are bad mice and must be captured and destroyed. Usually, this is accomplis hed by means of sticky traps, a kind of fly paper on which they become increasingly stuck. But the real point of the cautionary tale, says animal behaviorist Herzag, is that the labels we put on thing s can affect our moral responses to them. Using stick traps or the more deadly snap traps would be deemed unacceptable for good mice. Yet the killing of bad mice requires no prior approval. Once the research animal hits the floor and becomes an escapee, says Herzag, its moral standard is insta ntly diminished. In Herzag’s own home, there was more ironic example when his young son’s pet mouse Willy died recently, it was accorded a tearful ceremonial burial in garden. Yet even as they mourned Willy, says Herzag, he and his wife were setting snap traps to kill the pest mice in their k itchen .with the bare change in labels from pet to pest, the kitchen mice obtained totally different moral standards .(画了下划线的是对应的答案范围)


1. What does the passage say about most of the mice used for experiments?

2. Why did the so-called bad mice have to be captured and destroyed?