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1.The Canterbury Tales is written by_______.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. William Shakespeare
C. John Milton
D. Alfred the Great
2.Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare’s early ________.
A. comedy
B. tragedy
C. poem
D. tragic-comedy
3.Francis Bacon is a well-known _______.
B. poet
C. essayist
D. playwright
4.Samson Agonistes is the last great work of ________.
A. John Milton
B. Edmund Spenser
C. William Shakespeare
D. Francis Bacon
5. Paradise Lost is written by _______.
A. Edmund Spenser
B. John Bunyan
C. John Milton
D. Ben Johnson
6. Which of the following play is not comedy?
A. The Merchant of Venice
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
D. As You Like It
7. ______ is not only the founder of English materialism but also a great essayist in England.
A. Edmund Spenser
B. Francis Bacon
C. Thomas More
D. Ben Johnson
8. Who is the founder of “Metaphysical School” and has laid a great influence on the 20th century English and American poets?
A. William Shakespeare
B. Philip Sidney
C. Edmund Spenser
D. John Donne
9. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s _______.
A. long poems
B. comedies
C. tragedies
D. sonnets
10. A distinctive achievement of Elizabethan literature is poetry. Which of the following writer did not contribute to English poetry during this period?
A. William Shakespeare
B. Philip Sidney
C. Edmund Spenser
D. Francis Bacon
11. Which literary form flourished more than anyone in Elizabethan age?
A. Poetry
B. Drama
C. Essay
D. Novel
12. Alexander Pope is a leading ______ of the Neo-classicism in English literature.
A. novelist
B. essayist
C. poet
D. playwright
13. Gulliver’s Travels is the masterpiece of ________.
A. Jonathan Swift
B. Henry Fielding
C. Richard Sheridan
D. Richard Steele
14. Samuel Richardson is a pioneer novelist in the 18th century English literature, which of the following is usually considered as his masterpiece?
A. Gulliver’s Travels
B. Tom Jones
C. Robinson Crusoe
D. Clarissa
15. Tom Jones is the masterpiece of __________, who is chiefly known as a novelist and next as a playwright
A. Daniel Defoe
B. Jonathan Swift
C. Alexander Pope
D. Henry Fielding
16. Laurence Sterne speaks for sentimentalism, whose masterpiece is ______.
A. The School for Sandal
B. Gulliver’s Travels
C.Tristram Shandy
D. Tom Jones
17. The Deserted Village is a long poem written by ______.
A. William Blake
B. Oliver Goldsmith
C. Alexander Pope
D.Thomas Gray
18. The poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, which generally belongs to the so-called graveyard poetry, helps to establish the poetic fame of its writer ________.
A. Edward Y oung
B. Thomas Gray
C. William Collins
D. James Thomson
19 Robert Burns is a well-known Scottish ______, whose works such as “A Red, Red Rose” and “Auld Lang Syne” are still remembered today.
A. novelist B short story writer C. poet D. essayist
20. _________criticized industrial capitalism by advocating the return to the patriarchal society of the past, while ________ attacked the tyranny and exploitation of both feudalism and capitalism and called on the oppressed people to rise against their earthly tyrants?
A. Byron and Shelly; the Lake Poets
B. the Lake Poets; Walter Scott
C the Lake Poets; Byron and Shelly
D. Walter Scott; Byron and Shelly
21. In which poem, the poet eulogizes the west wind as a powerful phenomenon of nature that is both destroyer and preserver, that enjoys boundless freedom, and that has the power to spread messages far and wide?
A. To a Skylark
B To the West Wind
C. The Cloud
D. To Night
22. All of the following poets belong to the “Lake Poets”, except ______.
A. Wordsworth
B. Coleridge
C. Southey
D. Byron
23.”I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is written by which of the following poet?
A. Shelly
B. Keats
C. Byron
D. Wordsworth
24. Though Don Juan left not finished, yet it was still considered to be the best works of ________.
A. Shelly
B. Keats
C. Byron
D. Shakespeare
25. ______is good at writing poetic dramas, among which Prometheus Unbound and The Cenci are considered the greatest.
A. Shakespeare
B. Byron
C. Shelly D, John Milton
26. Shelly is well-known for his lyrics, among which ______ is one of the best known lyrics on nature.
A. Odes to Autumn
B. Ode to a Nightingale
C. T o a Butterfly
D. Ode to the West Wind
27.John Keats is a ______ poet , whose poetic fame generally rest on his odes.
A. realistic
B. romantic
C. sentimental
D. modernist
28. Pride and Prejudice is written by _____.
A. Emily Bronte
B. Charlotte Bronte
C. Jane Austin
D. Thomas Hardy
29 Emma is considered a mature work of _______.
A. Emily Bronte
B. Charlotte Bronte
C. Jane Austin
D. Thomas Hardy
30 Jane Austin is considered the first female _______ of importance.
A. poet
B. novelist
C. essayist
D. playwright
31. Ivanhoe is a well-known historical novel written by _______.
A. Henry Fielding
B. Daniel Defoe
C. Walter Scott
D. Jane Austin
32. Oliver Twist is written by ______, which shows the writer’s concern and sympathy towards the miseries of the poor and oppressed.
A. Charles Dickens
B. Emily Bronte C William Makepeace Thackeray D. Thomas Hardy
33. Vanity Fair is the masterpiece of ________.
A. Charlotte Bronte
B. Emily Bronte C William Makepeace Thackeray D. Thomas Hardy
34. Which of the following novel does not belong to the Bronte Sisters?
A, Jane Eyre B. Wuthering Heights C. Agnes Grey D. Emma
35. Charles Dickens is a productive writer, with the publication of 15 novels, volumes of stories, travel books as well as countless sketches and essays. Which of the following is not written by him?
A. Hard Times
B. Vanity Fair
C.A Tale of Tw o Cities
D. Great Expectations
36. Jane Eyre is written by _______.
A. Charlotte Bronte
B. Emily Bronte C William Makepeace Thackeray D. Anne Bronte
37. Which of the following is considered the greatest work of George Eliot?
A. Wuthering Heights
B. Pride and Prejudice
C. Tale of Tw o Cities
D. MiddleMarch
38. Alfred T ennyson is one of the greatest______ of the Victorian age.
A. poet
B. novelist
C. short story writer
D. playwright
39. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is well-known novel of _______.
A. George Eliot
B. Oscar Wilde C William Makepeace Thackeray D. Thomas Hardy
40. All of the following novels belong to Hardy, except_______.
A. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
B. Jude the Obscure
C. The return of the Native
D. MiddleMarch
41. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a well-known novel written by _____, who
speaks for Aestheticism.
A. Oscar Wild
B. Walter Pater
C. Thomas Hardy
D. James Joyce
42. Which of the following play is written by a Victorian playwright?
B.The School for Scandal B.An Ideal Husband D.Widow ers’Houses
43. Mrs. Warren’s Professions is a ______, written by George Bernard Shaw.
A. poet
B. novel
C. play
D. short story
44. A Room With a View is written by ______.
A. Virginia Woolf
B. E.M Foster
C. Joseph Conrad
D. James Joyce
45. Which of the following is not a work of D.H Lawrence?
A. Sons and Lovers
B. The Rainbow
C. Women in Love
D. Mrs. Dallow ay
46. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is somewhat an autobiography of its author ______, just like Sons and Lovers, an autobiography of D.H. Laurence.
A. James Joyce
B. Oscar Wild
C. Thomas Hardy
D. Charles Dickens
47. To the Lighthouse is a typical novel of stream of consciousness, written by _____.
A. James Joyce
B. D.H Lawrence
C. Virginia Woolf
D. George Orwell
48. Bernard Shaw is a _______ of the 20th century English literature, who took
a critical attitude towards the hypocritical moral, political and economic truth of the capitalist society.
A. poet
B. playwright
C. short story writer
D. novelist
49. James Joyce is a _______ of the 20th century English literature, whose Ulysses is considered as the greatest work of stream of consciousness.
A. essayist
B. playwright
C. novelist
D. critic
50. Virginia Woolf is a _______ of the 20th century English literature, whose fame mainly rests on those outstanding works of stream of consciousness. A. poet B. playwright C. novelist D. essayist
1. A. The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》是乔叟的代表作。
2. B. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》属于莎士比亚早期悲剧。
3. C. 弗朗西斯·培根是散文家。
4. A. Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》是弥尔顿晚年最后一部重要作品。
5. C. Paradise Lost《失乐园》是弥尔顿的代表作。
6. B Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》属于莎士比亚早期悲剧。
7. B.马克思称为“英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学的真正始祖”,同时培根也是伟大的散文家。
8. D多恩是玄学派(Metaphysical School)诗歌的创始人和主要代表人物.。
9. D “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”出自莎士比亚的第18首十四行诗,这是莎士比亚154首十四行诗中最脍炙人口的一首之一。
10. D弗朗西斯·培根是著名的散文家而不是诗人。
11. B 伊丽莎白时期的英国文学发展最突出的文学形式是戏剧。
12.C. 亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)是英国十八世纪新古典主义文学时期
13. A. 《格列佛游记》Gulliver’s Travels是斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)的代表作。
14. D《克拉丽莎》Clarissa常常被认为是是塞缪尔·理查森(Samuel Richardson)最出色的作品。
15. D.《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)是亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding)的代表作。
16. C. 劳伦斯·斯特恩(Laurence Stern)是感伤主义文学的代表人物,其代表作品是《项狄传》Tristram Shandy
17.B《荒村》The Deserted Village是奥利弗·戈德史密斯(Oliver Goldsmith)代表长诗。
18. B 托马斯格雷是十八世纪中期著名的墓园派诗人,《墓园挽歌》为其奠定了诗坛地位。
19. C.Robert Burns 罗伯特·彭斯是十八世纪苏格兰著名农民诗人。
20. C.华兹华斯、柯勒律治、骚塞组成的“湖畔诗人”政治观点非常保守,而拜伦、雪莱则被称为激进的革命诗人。
22. D华兹华斯、柯勒律治、骚塞被称为“湖畔诗人”
23. D.《我似流云天自游》”I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”是华兹华斯的一首著名抒情诗。
24. C. 《唐璜》Dan Juan是拜伦的代表作,引起突然去世所以并未完成。
25.C.雪莱擅长写诗体戏剧,《解放了的普罗米修斯》Prometheus Unbound 等是他著名的诗体剧。
26. D. 《西风颂》”Ode To The West Wind”是雪莱最优秀的关于自然的颂歌。
27. B. 约翰·济慈( John Keats)是伟大的浪漫主义诗人,著有多首著名颂歌。
28. C. 《傲慢与偏见》The Pride and Prejudice 是奥斯汀最受欢迎的小说之一
29. C. 《爱玛》Emma 是奥斯汀的成熟之作。
30. B. 奥斯汀是英国文学史上第一位著名的女性作家,小说家。
31. C. 《艾凡赫》Ivanhoe 是司各特爵士的一部优秀历史小说。
32. A.《雾都孤儿》Oliver Tw ist是狄更斯的作品,小说主人公奥利弗是一名孤儿。
33. C.《名利场》Vanity Fair是萨克雷的代表作。
34. D. 《爱玛》Emma 是奥斯汀的作品。
35. B. 《名利场》Vanity Fair是萨克雷的代表作。
36. A. 《简·爱》Jane Eyre 是夏洛特·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)的代表作。
37. D. 《米德尔马契》MiddleMarch 是乔治.艾略特(George Eliot)的代表之作。
38. A. 阿尔弗莱德·丁尼生(Alfred T ennyson) 是维多利亚时期最伟大的诗人之一。
39.D. 《德伯家的苔丝》Tess of the D’Urbervilles是托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)被广泛阅读的一部小说。
40. D. 《米德尔马契》MiddleMarch 是乔治.艾略特的代表之作。
41. A. 《道林·格雷的画像》The Picture of Dorian Gray是奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的小说。
42. C. 《理想丈夫》An Ideal Husband是维多利亚时代的王尔德的作品。
43. C. 《华伦夫人的职业》Mrs. Warren’s Professions是乔治·萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)的著名戏剧。
44. B.《看得见风景的房间》A Room With a View是E. M. 福斯特( E.M Foster ) 的小说。
45. D. 《黛洛维夫人》Mrs. Dallow ay 是弗吉尼·亚伍尔夫( Virginia Woolf)的著名意识流小说。
46. A. 《青年艺术家画像》A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man是詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)早期作品,带有自传性质。
47. 《到灯塔去》To the Lighthouse 是伍尔夫的意识流小说。
48. B. 乔治·萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw) 是二十世纪初英国最杰出的戏剧家。
49. C. 爱尔兰作家詹姆斯•乔伊斯是二十世纪英国最伟大的作家之一。
50. C. 弗吉尼·亚伍尔夫( Virginia Woolf) 二十世纪英国最伟大的现代主义作家之一,意识流小说的代表人物。