the same as 的意思
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the same as 的意思
"the same as" 是一个常用的短语,意思是与某物或某人相同或相似。
1. 这件衬衫的颜色和样式与我之前买的那件完全一样。
The color and style of this shirt are exactly the same as the one I bought before.
2. 他的观点和我的观点完全相同。
His opinion is exactly the same as mine.
3. 请确保你的签名与你护照上的签名一样。
Please make sure your signature is the same as the one on your passport.
4. 她的声音听起来与她的姐姐非常相似。
Her voice sounds very much the same as her sister's.
5. 这个表达方式与你之前用过的那个类似。
This way of expressing it is the same as the one you used before.
"the same as" 这个短语可以用来比较不同事物之间的相似性,无论是在外观、特征、意见或其他方面。