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他会盯着你,因为他需要观察,看你 是否相信他的谎言。
if one‘s facial expression lasts for more than a second,he is faking it,the truth lasts for less than 1s 如果一个人的面部表情持续超过一秒,他是伪装的,真的反应持续不到1秒 when you try to hide your emotions, they leak out at a fifth of a second 当你试着隐藏自己的情绪,在五分之一秒时就会显露出真情绪来 executives who loudly and repeatedly proclaim that they're making a major concession, when in fact they're not giving up much. 高管大声反复宣称他们会作出重大让步,而事实上他们不会放弃太多。 a lot of people think that lie takes a lot of time to respond, but if a lie has prepared ahead of time, it can't wait to say out. 在谎言突然说出时 ,很多人以为撒谎要花很多时间来反应 ,但如果谎言已提 前准备好,就会迫不及待说出来.
How to judge truth or lie ?
How to judge truth or lie
Deception is shown by such mo vements as covering of the mou th with the hands, rubbing the si de of the nose, jerking( 摇晃 the head quickly to the side, an d leaning away from you. If thes e things occur when they're sayi ng something critical to the neg otiation, that's even more signifi cant.
The truth is written on our faces
The expression for happiness involves raising the lip corners, raising and wrinkling cheeks, and narrowing eyelids,produing“crow’s feet” .
3.Don’t believe the hearsay Owning to the wide horizon and frequent connection to the society and have many way to get all kinds of information ,some negotiators take advantage of unconfirmed information to bargain with others .If you provide some information without confirmation, it will help others to catch your talk holes. In terms of personal appearance, it also can make each other feel you are not serious, rigorous, serious, trust . Therefore, especially in business negotiations, we should avoid to use the word “allegedly".
Surprise appears with a dropped jaw, relaxed lips and mouth, widened eyes and slightly raised eyelids ass Negotiations Taboo
• When Negotiating, Look For Nonverbal Cues • 寻找非语言暗示
二忌盛气凌人 有的谈判者由于自身地位、资历“高人一筹”,或者谈判 实力“强人一等”,在谈判中往往盛气凌人。居高临下、盛气凌人的行为易伤 对方感情,使对方产生对抗或报复心理。所以,参加商务谈判的人员,不管自 身的行政级别多高、资历多老、所代表的企业实力多强,只要和对方坐在谈判 桌前,就应坚持平等原则,平等相待,平等协商,等价交换。
What should you look for? Experts who study body language suggest a twostep process. First, identify a subject's mannerisms du ring the initial, friendly stages of a discussion. As the negotiation unfolds, see whether your opponent sudde nly adopts different behavior. You have to watch peopl e a long time to establish what their baseline mode is. Once you know how they normally behave, you may be able to tell when they start to put on an act. Experts suggest paying special attention to a person's hands and face. 你应该寻找什么? 研究身体语言的专家提出两个步骤:首先,在初始的友好的 讨论阶段,确定一个研究举止的主题内容。随着谈判的开展 ,看看你的对手是否突然采用与之前不一样的行为。你需要 对人们进行很长一段时间的观察来建立他们的基准模式,” 。一旦你知道他们通常的行为是怎样的,当他们开始装模作 样时,你就能识别出来.专家建议要特别关注一个人的手和 脸。
一忌欺诈隐骗 有些人把商务谈判视为对立性的你死 我活的竞争,在具体洽谈时,不顾客观事实,欺、诈、隐、 骗,依靠谎言或“大话”求得自身的谈判优势。欺骗性的 语言一旦被对方识破,不仅会破坏谈判双方的友好关系, 使谈判蒙上阴影或导致谈判破裂,而且也会给企业的信誉 带来极大损失。所以说,谈判语言应坚持从实际出发,应 给对方诚实、可以信赖的感觉。
This expression feature narrowed eyes, eyebrows brought together. down-turned month, and a pulling up or bunching of the chin.
Contempt is notable(显著的) for its raising of one side of the mouth into a sneer or smirk.
when you negotiate a business deal, close observatio n of your opponent makes sense. By inspecting your opponent's every physical move, you can often determine whether he or she is holdin g something back or not telling the truth. The key is not to stare so much that you make your opponent uncomfortable, but to be aware of his or h er movements through casual glances and friendly e ye contact. It will almost certainly give you an edge. 当你在进行交易谈判的时候,密切观察你的对手是很有 意义的。 通过观察你的对手的每个动静,你常常可以确定他或者 她有没有隐瞒着什么或者有没有说实话。 关键不是要紧盯着你的对手,这会让他们感到不舒服。 而是通过看似不经意的一瞥和友善的眼神交流来掌握他 们的动静。它肯定会是你的一个优势。
Do you think that most people avoid eye contact when they are lying?
你认为大多数人在讲谎话的时候会避 免眼神交流? No, it is a myth. 不,这只是传言。
He will stare at you, because he needs to watch and see if you believe his lies.
A look of disgust includes nose scrunching ,raisi ng of the upper lip, downcast eyebrows and narrowed eyes.
Anger involves lowered eyebrows, a wrinkled forehead, tensed eyelids, and tensed lips.
2.Avoid being arrogant Some negotiators feel superior than other part because of their own higher status, better qualification and experience or strong point in negotiation. Arrogant behavior is easy to hurt other’s feeling lead to their counteract and revenge. Therefore ,no matter hoe superior you are ,you should insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
1.Avoid being fraud Some people have business negotiations as antagonistic rat race . In specific negotiations, some people ignore the fact and frauding,by telling the lie to get the advantage in the negotitation.Once the lie was exposed , it will not noly break the good relationship between two parties, but also ruin the reputation of the company. So we should insist on the princile of being practical and realistic to give the other side the sense of honesty and reliability when we negotiate.
Facial expression and body language are often used to emphasize a point and add meaning to the spoken word. When used properly they can be powerful force in capturing (捕捉)the attention of your counter parts. But the reverse is also true. You can undermine your message by subconsciously(下意识地)using this slient language that send negative signals. 面部表情和肢体语言常常用来强调要点和为口头语言添加意义。 如果使用得当,在吸引对手的注意力方面可发挥强大的力量。 反过来也一样。你可以通过下意识地使用这种无声语言发送负 面信号。