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SECTION A MINI-LECTUREDirections: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.
听力原文:How to Conquer Public Speaking Fear Good morning. Today I’d like to give you some useful suggestions on how to conquer public speaking fear. Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but this is hard to do. The truth about public speaking, however, is it does not have to be stressful! (2) If you correctly understand the hidden causes of public speaking stress, and if you keep just a few key principles in mind, speaking in public will soon become an invigorating and satisfying experience for you. (1) First of all, you must remember that speaking in public is not inherently stressful. Most of us believe parts of life are inherently stressful. In fact, most of us have been taught to believe that life as a whole is very stressful! To deal with any type of stress effectively, you first must understand that life itself, including public speaking, (1) is not inherently stressful. Thousands of human beings have learned to speak in front of groups with little or no stress at all. Many of these people were initially terrified to speak in public. Their knees would shake, their voices would tremble, their thoughts would become jumbled...you know the rest. Yet they learned to eliminate their fear of public speaking completely. You are no more or less human than they are. If they can conquer the fear of public speaking, so can you! It just takes the right guiding principles, (3) the right understanding, and the right plan of action to make this goal a reality. Believe me, it’s not difficult. I’m a good example of someone who conquered the fear of public speaking. And while I didn’t do it overnight, it wasn’t difficult. All it took was approaching the problem in the right way. Now let’s move on to the principles of eliminating stress. First of all, you should bear in mind that you don’t have to be brilliant or perfect to succeed in public speaking. Many of us have observed public speakers and thought to ourselves “ Wow, I could never be that smart, calm, witty, entertaining, polished...or whatever.” Well, I’ve got news for you—you don’t have to be brilliant, witty or perfect to succeed. That is not what public speaking is all about. I know it may look that way, but it’s not. You can be average. You can be below average. You can make mistakes, get tongue-tied, or forget
the whole segments of your talk. You can even tell no jokes at all and still be successful. It all depends on (4) how you, and your audience define “success”. Believe me, your audience doesn’t expect perfection. I used to think most audiences did, but I was wrong! Before I discovered this, I used to put incredible pressure on myself to deliver a perfect performance. I worked for days to prepare a talk. I stayed up nights worrying about making mistakes. I spent hours and hours rehearsing what I was going to say. And you know what? All this did was to make me even more anxious! The more perfect I tried to be the worse I did! It was all very disheartening, not to mention unnecessary. (5) The essence of public speaking is this: give your audience something of value. That’s all there is to it. If people in your audience walk away with something of value, they will consider you a success. If they walk away feeling better about themselves, feeling better about some job they have to do, they will consider you a success. If they walk away feeling happy or entertained, they will consider their time with you worthwhile. Even if you pass out, get tongue-tied, or say something stupid during your talk... They won’t care! As long as they get something of value, they will be thankful. Then, (6) remember all you need is two or three main points when preparing a speech. When I first began speaking in public during medical school, I was not aware of this simple principle. I wrongly believed that my audience wanted encyclopedic knowledge from me, which of course I did not have. So I tried to research my topic thoroughly and deliver as much worldly wisdom as possible. Boy was that exhausting! It was also boring for my audience to suffer through. Later, when I began giving public seminars on how to cope with stress, I spent hours each week typing a twenty-page script to read from. So I wouldn’t forget any important tidbit. As time went on, I gradually learned that this degree of complexity wasn’t needed. As a result, the length of my discussion notes gradually declined. (7) My twenty-page typed manuscript gave way to a five-page detailed outline. Then, I replaced my outline with ten or fifteen index cards. Eventually, I could conduct a full two-hour seminar with only one 3×5 index card (containing my two or three key points) to support me! Remember, all your audience wants from you is to walk away with one or two key points that will make a difference to them. If you structure your talks to deliver this result, you can avoid lots of complexity that isn’t really needed. This also should make your job as a speaker much easier, and more fun to do! To sum up, we have given you two key principles to always keep in mind.(8) If you get up in front of a group, and find it stressful, it only means you forgot the truth about what public speaking is all about. Go back and review this lecture. (9) Find out what you did wrong or what you didn’t remember. Then go back and speak again, until you did it right. (10) It may take time, but the long-term rewards will be impressive.
How to Conquer Public Speaking Fear?I. IntroductionA. Public speaking—a common source of stress for everyoneB. The truth about it—it is not (1)______stressful (1) ______—it is very likely to become an invigorating and satisfying experience if the speaker—correctly understands the (2)______ (2) ______—bears in mind its meaning, key points and reminders relatedII. Causes of stress in a speechA. lack of right guiding principlesB. lack of right (3) ______ (3) ______C. lack
of right plan of actionIII. Meaning of a (4) ______speech (4)______A. It doesn’t mean perfection.B. Give your audience something (5)______so that (5)______—they feel better about themselves;—they feel better about some job they have to do; —they feel happy or entertained.IV. Main points for (6)______a speech (6) ______A. Do not deliver too much information to the audienceB. Have (7)______or an index card (7)______V. General remindersA. If you forget the (8) ______about public speaking and feel stressful, (8)______—go back and review this lecture—find out what you did (9)______ (9)______—go back out and speak again.B. Remember that the (10)______will be impressive. (10)______
正确答案:inherently/by nature
解析:讲座的主题是如何克服演讲恐惧,在提到the truth about public speaking 的时候,演讲者提到了两点,并分别论述了这两点。
第一点是人们对于演讲的误解,公众演讲“is not inherently stressful”。
由此可知答案为inherently,或近义短语by nature。
正确答案:hidden causes
解析:在提到the truth about public speaking的时候,演讲者提到了两点,并分别具体论述了这两点。
第二点提到“如果你正确理解产生公众演讲压力的深层原因”,由此可知答案为hidden causes。
解析:录音在提到如何减少stress的时候,演讲者提到了集中方法,并提到it alldepends on how to define“success”,由此可知答案为successful。
正确答案:of value/valuable
解析:由题型可知B中内容应与A平行,都是讲什么是a successful speaking。
又由下文中“The essence of public speaking is…give your audience something
ofvalue”可知,此处应为of value,根据语法也可填人valuable。
正确答案:preparing/the preparation of
解析:紧接着提到了讲座的另一要点,即如何准备演讲,“all you need is two orthree main points when preparing a speech”,由此可知答案为preparing或thepreparation of.
正确答案:an outline
解析:在第7题中A和B是并列的两点,说的都是准备演讲时要注意的两点,第一点的内容题目中已经给出,第二点原文中说a five—page detailed outline,由此可知答案为an outline。
正确答案:8 truth/essence
第一点是总体上说应当如何,“it only means you forgot the truth about what public speaking isall about”,由此可知答案为truth或essence。
正确答案:wrong/mistakenly/improperly/inappropriately/not remember
由录音中“find out what you did wrong or what you didn’t remember”可知答案为wrong或not remember,也可填入wrong的同义词mistakenly/improperly/inappropriately。
正确答案:long-term rewards
由录音中“but the long—term rewards will be impressive”可知答案为long-termrewards。
SECTION B INTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.
听力原文:Interviewer (M) Jean Chatzky (W)M: You’ve spent your life building your nest egg, and protecting your assets and then it happens. You fall in love. But is marriage a good financial move for you? (1) On today’s money, marriage and your finances, Money in Today’s Financial editor Jean Chatzky will give us some advice. Jean, hey! W: Hey! M: So marriage is a beautiful thing. But look at it from sort of like a cold hard financial perspective; is it a smart thing to get married? W: It rolls a lot of people’s assets into a risky position. Because think about it this way, we are getting married later, which means we are coming at marriage by the time that we have houses, retirement accounts, we may have kids from a previous marriage, we wanna take care of all of those things, and just tying the knot can actually put those assets in a precarious position. M: And having that money talk when you are in love is so hard, isn’t it? W: It’s hard when you are not in love. I mean, I only say I do what I do for a very specific reason, talking about money used to and still does at some point make me completely nuts and (2) if you don’t have these conversations, then you are going to really do yourself serious financial damage. M: Although it is a tough job to talk about money, you gotta have the talk, right? W: Yeah, that’s true! M: Okay! First, let’s talk about income. Now here is a question for you. Can getting married lower your income? W: It absolutely can. Because if, let’s say, you are toward retirement age, and you are earning more money in retirement as a single than getting married. And it can actually lower the amount of money that you have to draw on from alimony. M: Now, I always thought according to taxes, like everyone say, oh, getting married is so good for your taxes, you always end up saving money on taxes, is it true or not? W: Not necessarily. If you file jointly, that’s probably the best way to go, but there is the thing called marriage penalty and it doesn’t go away when you get older. You can actually lose money to taxes. If you get married, your spouse is going to inherit all of your assets without paying any taxes on them. But it may mean that your kids do not. M: That’s scream’s prenup right, I mean, you should just get a prenup, which means you have to fix out an agreement before marriage. W: Well, a lot of people really do need to look at the prenup question. The older you are, the more you come to the party with, particularly if you come to the party with either kids from a previous marriage or a business, you gotta protect that, and that means getting a lawyer in your court and a lawyer in his and sitting down at the table. M: Well, let’s talk about kids. If you have grown kids, how does getting married later in life affect them? W: You have to look at the question of inheritances. If your new spouse is gonna all of a sudden inherit everything that you have, your kids are all of a sudden not going to unless you take care of that in your wills and with the prenup. M: OK. Let’s talk about the pros of getting married, financially what are, what’s the good side of that? W: There are some good things in terms of real estate. If you own a house and your spouse owns a house, when you get married you are allowed to take a 500, 000-dollar capital gain rather than a 250, 000-dollar capital gain as you could as a single person. You may have to live in that house for a couple of years before you sell it and rent the other one, but that can be a huge amount of money to stock in the bank. M: It sounds reasonable to have a certain marriage. W: Yeah, that’s right! (5) Also you are gonna save money on auto insurance premiums, homeowner insurance premiums. So there are some good
things and two can definitely live more cheaply than two apart. M: And again, you know it’s just important to have the money discussion no matter how painful it is, right? W: Absolutely. And if you can’t do it yourself, sit down with an advisor and do it together, but do it.M: OK, Jean, thank you so much for the great advice. It should be very helpful for the audience. W: My pleasure to share my ideas with you!
11.What is the main topic of the interview?
A.Personal income and taxes.
B.Real estate and inheritances.
C.Retirement accounts and pensions.
D.Money marriage and finances.
12.According to Jean Chatzky, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A.It is easy to talk about money problem before a marriage.
B.It is wise to show your entire property status before a marriage.
C.Money conversations are necessary before a marriage.
D.Marriage may end up with a big damage in your life.
13.According to the interview, Jean Chatzky indicates that
A.marriage can increase your household income.
B.an agreement before marriage is required by many people.
C.your taxes can be lowered by marriage.
D.marriage will destroy your financial situation.
14.In what aspect should a person consider before a marriage related to kids?
A.Tuition fees.
B.Food and lodging.
15.According to the interview, a marriage
A.is beneficial to all of your insurances.
B.is sustained by the money you owned.
C.is more economical than you are single.
D.is based on mutual understanding.
SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
听力原文:George W. Bush on Friday presented to Congress a letter formally requesting an extension to the Normal Trade Relations(NTR) status to China for another year. In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Bush said that trade with China has benefited both American businesses, which boosted exports to China by 24 pen: em last year, and American farmers, who exported to China more than US $ 3 billion worth of farm produts in the same period. “Trade is in the interest of American consumers, especially those who live from paycheck to paycheck and depend on inexpensive goods, from China to enhance their quality of life, “Bush said. He said that the normal trade status requested for China is what “virtually every other country in the world”now en-joys. “Fair trade is essential not only to improve living standards for Americans, but also for a strong and productive relationship with China,” he said. Bush said that the United States has a huge stake in the emergence of” an economically open, politically stable and secure China”, and “not only do we need to speak frankly and directly about our differences, but we also need to maintain dialogue and co-operation with one another in those areas where we have common interests.”Last year, Congress passed Legislation granting China permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) as soon as the country enters the World Trade Organization, abandoning what China had seen as the unfair practice of annual review by the US Legislature over its trade status. The PNTR legislation, however, has not yet come into effect since China is still negociating its access to the globel trading block. Therefore, the annual review will continue on the Capital Hill this year.
16.When did George W. Bush present a letter to Congress?
解析:消息中有:George W.Bush on Friday presented to Congress a letter formally requesting an extension to the Normal Trade Relations status to China for another year.这个细节很容易被忽视,听力中应该对时间、数字比较敏感。
17.Last year exports to China was boosted by ______.
A.25 percent
B.24 percent
C.23 percent
D.22 percent
解析:“boost”为“to increase;raises”增长;消息中有:Bush said that trade with China has benefted both American businesses,which boosted exports to China by 24 percent last year.”,其中“export”为“to send or transport abroad,esp.for trade or sale。
18.The annual review will continue ______.
A.in White House
B.in the Pentagon Building
C.in the United Nations
D.on the Capitol Hill
解析:White House is the executive mansion of the United Slated States president.Pentagon is the U.S military establishment in a building with the polygon having five sides.The Capital Hill is where Congress works.故答案应选D。
PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)Directions: In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
1If Johnny can’t write, one of the reasons may be conditioning based on speed rather than respect for the creative process. Speed is neither a valid test of nor a proper preparation for competence in writing. It makes for murkiness, glibness, disorganization. It takes the beauty out of the language. It rules out respect for the reflective thought that should precede expression. It runs counter to the word-by-word
and line-by-line reworking that enables a piece to be finely knit.2This is not to minimize the value of genuine facility. With years of practice, a man may be able to put down words swiftly and expertly. But it is the same kind of swiftness that enables a cellist, after having invested years of efforts, to negotiate an intricate passage from Haydn. Speed writing is for stenographers and court reporters, not for anyone who wants to use language with precision and distinction.3Thomas Mann was not ashamed to admit that he would often take a full day to write 500 words, and another day to edit them, out of respect for the most difficult art in the world. Flaubert would ponder a paragraph for hours. Did it say what he wanted it to say—not approximately but exactly? Did the words turn into one another with proper rhythm and grace? Were they artistically and securely fitted together? These questions are relevant not only for the established novelist but for anyone who attaches value to words as a medium of expression and communication.4 E.B. White, whose respect for the environment of good writing is exceeded by no word-artist of our time, would rather have his fingers cut off than to be guilty of handling words lightly. No sculptor chipping away at a granite block in order to produce a delicate curve or feature has labored more painstakingly than White in fashioning a short paragraph. Obviously, we can’t expect our schools to make every Johnny into a White or Flaubert or a Mann, but it is not unreasonable to expect more of them to provide the conditions that promote clear, careful, competent expression. Certainly the cumulative effort of the school experience should not have to be undone in later years.
19.According to the passage, competence in writing is _______________.
A.an art that takes practice
B.a skill that requires dexterity
C.a technique that is easy to learn
D.a result of the spontaneous flow of words
20.The main purpose of the passage is to _________________.
A.present an original idea
B.describe a new process
C.argue against an established practice
D.comment on a skill and its techniques
21.Our schools, according to the passage, _______________.
A.are providing proper conditions for good writing
B.should not stress writing speed on a test
C.should give essay tests rather than multiple-choice tests
D.teach good writing primarily through reading
22.In describing White as a “word-artist”, the author means that White ____________.
A.was also a cartoonist
B.was colorful in his descriptions
C.had artistic background
D.was a great writer
23.It can be inferred from the passage that the author values good literature primarily for its ability to_________________.
A.relieve the boredom of everyday life
B.accurately describe events as they occur
C.prevent disorder in society
D.communicate ideas and experience
PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.
24.______is the masterpiece written by George Eliot.
C.North and South
其他三部,Cranford(《克兰佛德》),North and South(《北方与南方》)和Ruth(《露丝》)都是另外一位女作家伊丽莎白.盖斯凯尔的作品。
25.Morphology is concerned with
A.the meaning of words.
B.the pronunciation of words.
C.the internal organization of words.
D.the combination of words into sentences.
26.______is Australia’s second largest city, the cultural and sports center of the country.
27.Paradise Lost is the masterpiece of______.
A.William Shakespeare
B.Robert Burns
C.John Milton
D.William Blake
威廉·布莱克(William Blake,1757—1827)是十九世纪诗人,英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人。
28.______was invented by Dr. Zamenhof.
A.TG grammar
C.Grimm’s Law
29.The letter A in The Scarlet Letter represents______.
D.All of Above
30.The longest reign in British history was ______.
A.Queen Victoria
B.Queen Elizabeth
C.King Henry Ⅷ
D.Queen Charlotte
31.J.D.Salinger’s novel ______ is regarded as a students’ classic.
A.The Catcher in the Rye
B.The Young Folks
D.Seymour: An Introduction
美国作家J. D. Salinger(杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格)生于1919年,最著名的作品是1951年发表的长篇小说The Catcher in the Rye(《麦田里的守望者》),有关烦恼而敏感的青年问题,该小说被认为是学生的经典作品。
他的其他作品还有短篇小说The Young Folks(《年轻人》),中篇小说Franny(《弗兰尼》)和Seymour:An Introduction(《西摩其人》)。
32.The largest city in Australia is ______.
33.The northernmost part of Great Britain is______.
A.Northern Ireland
PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN)Directions: Proofread the given passage. The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:(1)For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.(2)For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write t
34.Circulation depends on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment offering in a newspaper’s pages.
解析:此处指“报纸提供的娱乐”,应当是“被提供”应用,表示被动的-ed 分词,而不是表示主动的-ing分词。
SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHDirections: Translate the following text into English.
正确答案:Time changed. Being an actress who had experienced two kinds
of societies and a career filled with fresh twists and turns, she had a taste of all flavors of human strivings. As her perspective broadened and she began to move beyond the stage, the small circle she used to be confined to, she found herself a keen observer of what was going on about her. New things ran into her, one after another, so fast and fascinating that she decided something more efficient than motion picture was needed to convey her reflections on life. So, from 1958 onward her role of an actress gradually shifted to that of a writer. “A Strange Girl” and “Little Girl Shoulders a Big Flag” were her first fruits in the field of reportage.
大起大落:ups and downs; twists and turns。
酸甜苦辣: joys and sorrows; a taste of all flavors of human strivings。
生活的深水里、激流中:As her perspective broadened。
她的演员生活“淡出”,作家生活“淡人”:her role of an actress gradually shifted to that of a writer.2.时代变了,悼她这样一个经历了两种社会,大起火落,酸甜苦辣,极度变化的演员,一旦当她走出本来生活的小圈子,走出舞台,走进社会生活的深水里、激流中,以她异常敏感的眼睛、富有情感的心灵去观察生活、体验生活时,她发现那些纷至沓来的新鲜事物,根本来不及用电影去表现。
主谓协调一致(S-V concord),提纲挈领,聚集各种关系网络(Connective-nexus)。
以上原文句式呈典型“流散型”,译文需转化为“聚集型”,分几个句子译:Time changed.Being an actress who had experienced two kinds of societies and a career filled with fresh twists and turns,She had a taste of all flavors of human strivings.As her perspective broadened and she began to move beyond the stage,the small circle she used to be confined to,she found herself a keen observer of what was going on about her.New things ran into her,one after another,so fast and fascinating that she decided something more efficient than motion picture was needed to convey her reflections on life.3.以她异常敏感的眼睛、富有情感的心灵去观察生活、体验生活时,……如按字面译的话会显得冗余,拖沓,且保持了汉语的“动态”习惯。
使用keen observer译“异常敏感的眼睛、富有情感的心灵去观察生活、体验生活”,很好解决了以上两个问题。
《特别的姑娘》,《小丫扛大旗》(英语平行结构用and连接)A Strange Girl and Little Girl Shoulders a Big Flag。
她在报告文学领域最初的收获:her first fruits in the field of reportage。
SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESEDirections: Translate the following text into Chinese.
36.The disturbance of the soul cannot be ended nor true joy created either by the possession of the greatest wealth or by honor and respect in the eyes of the mob or by anything else that is associated with causes of unlimited desires...We must not violate nature, but obey her; and we shall obey her if we fulfill the necessary desires and also the natural, if they bring no harm to us, but sternly reject the harmful... The。