managing service quality
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英语 managing director 翻译和用法英语 managing director 是一个常见的商业用语,它的翻译和用法可能因不同的语言和文化而有所差异。
本文将从以下几个方面介绍英语 managing director 的翻译的意义和用法:英语 managing director 的定义和职责英语 managing director 的中文翻译英语 managing director 的其他语言翻译英语 managing director 的使用场景和注意事项1. 英语 managing director 的定义和职责英语 managing director 是一个高级管理职位,通常是一家公司或一个部门的最高执行者,负责公司或部门的日常运营和战略规划¹。
英语 managing director 的缩写是 MD,也可以称为 chief executive officer (CEO) 或 chief operating officer (COO)。
英语 managing director 的职责可能因不同的公司和行业而有所不同,但一般包括以下几个方面²:制定公司或部门的愿景、使命、目标和价值观,并确保与利益相关者的沟通和协调领导公司或部门的管理团队,分配资源,监督执行,评估绩效,解决问题代表公司或部门与外部机构,如客户、供应商、合作伙伴、政府、媒体等进行谈判和合作关注市场动态,分析竞争对手,寻找新的商机和创新点培养公司或部门的文化,提升员工的满意度和忠诚度,激励员工的创造力和积极性遵守法律法规,确保公司或部门的合规性和社会责任2. 英语 managing director 的中文翻译英语 managing director 的中文翻译有多种可能,根据不同的语境和习惯,可以选择以下几种常见的翻译³:总裁:这是一个比较通用和正式的翻译,适用于大型或中型公司的最高管理者,强调其权威性和决策性。
一、绩效管理核心原则1. 目标导向:公司绩效管理以实现公司战略目标为核心,确保员工个人目标与公司目标一致。
2. 公平公正:绩效评估过程遵循公平、公正、公开的原则,确保每位员工都有机会展示自己的能力。
3. 持续改进:通过绩效管理,不断提升员工的工作能力和公司整体竞争力。
4. 个性化发展:关注员工个人成长,提供针对性的培训和发展机会。
二、绩效评估方法1. 定量评估:根据员工的工作成果、工作效率、质量等指标进行评估。
2. 定性评估:通过上级、同事、下属等多维度反馈,了解员工的工作表现。
3. 360度评估:邀请上级、同事、下属、客户等多方参与评估,全面了解员工绩效。
4. 关键绩效指标(KPI):设定关键绩效指标,量化员工工作成果。
三、绩效反馈机制1. 定期反馈:定期与员工进行绩效面谈,了解员工工作情况,提供针对性建议。
2. 非定期反馈:在日常工作中,及时对员工表现给予肯定或指出不足。
3. 反馈渠道:建立畅通的反馈渠道,鼓励员工提出意见和建议。
四、奖励与激励措施1. 薪酬调整:根据员工绩效表现,给予相应的薪酬调整。
2. 晋升机会:为表现优秀的员工提供晋升机会。
3. 培训与发展:为员工提供各类培训,提升其工作能力。
4. 荣誉与表彰:对表现突出的员工进行表彰,提升其荣誉感。
5. 非物质激励:如优秀员工旅行、奖品等,丰富员工福利。
以下是一些与人力资源管理相关的英语词汇,附带对应的中文翻译:1. Human Resources (HR) - 人力资源2. Talent Acquisition - 人才招聘3. Recruitment - 招聘4. Onboarding - 入职培训5. Offboarding - 离职管理6. Job Analysis - 岗位分析7. Job Description - 岗位描述8. Job Specification - 岗位规格9. Compensation and Benefits - 薪酬与福利10. Employee Engagement - 员工参与11. Performance Appraisal - 绩效评估12. Performance Management - 绩效管理13. Employee Training and Development - 员工培训与发展14. Succession Planning - 继任计划15. Career Development - 职业发展16. Workforce Planning - 劳动力规划17. Employee Relations - 员工关系18. Employee Satisfaction - 员工满意度19. Diversity and Inclusion - 多元化与包容性20. Employee Retention - 员工保留21. HR Policies - 人力资源政策22. Labor Law - 劳动法23. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) - 平等就业机会24. Workplace Safety - 工作场所安全25. Employee Handbook - 员工手册26. Staffing - 人员配置27. Job Evaluation - 岗位评估28. Work-life Balance - 工作与生活平衡29. Flexible Work Arrangements - 弹性工作安排30. Employee Recognition - 员工认可31. Grievance Handling - 申诉处理32. HR Metrics - 人力资源指标33. HRIS (Human Resources Information System) - 人力资源信息系统34. Wellness Programs - 健康管理项目35. Employee Benefits Package - 员工福利计划36. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - 员工援助计划37. Conflict Resolution - 冲突解决38. HR Compliance - 人力资源合规39. Job Rotation - 岗位轮换40. Organizational Culture - 组织文化41. HR Audit - 人力资源审计42. Employer Branding - 雇主品牌塑造43. HR Strategy - 人力资源战略44. Collective Bargaining - 集体谈判45. Inclusive Hiring - 包容性招聘46. Recruitment Metrics - 招聘指标47. HR Analytics - 人力资源分析48. Remote Work Policies - 远程工作政策49. Diversity Training - 多元化培训50. Exit Interviews - 离职面谈51. Workforce Diversity - 劳动力多样性52. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) - 弹性支出账户53. Health Savings Account (HSA) - 健康储蓄账户54. COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) - 库布里克法案(美国医疗保险法)55. Furlough - 临时休假56. Talent Management - 人才管理57. Labor Relations - 劳资关系58. Absence Management - 缺勤管理59. Employee Benefits Specialist - 员工福利专员60. HR Consulting - 人力资源咨询61. HR Specialist - 人力资源专员62. HR Generalist - 人力资源综合专员63. HR Manager - 人力资源经理64. HR Director - 人力资源总监65. HR Coordinator - 人力资源协调员66. Recruiter - 招聘专员67. Headhunter - 猎头68. Compensation Analyst - 薪酬分析师69. Workplace Harassment Training - 工作场所骚扰培训70. Employee Privacy Policy - 员工隐私政策71. HR Outsourcing - 人力资源外包72. HR Technology - 人力资源科技73. HR Software - 人力资源软件74. HR Best Practices - 人力资源最佳实践这些词汇涵盖了人力资源管理领域的关键概念,有助于理解和应用相关术语。
企业服务能力等级评定标准Evaluating the service capabilities of a business can be a complex and multifaceted process. 企业服务能力的评定是一个复杂而多方面的过程。
It involves assessing various aspects of the organization, including customer satisfaction, employee training, technological capabilities, and overall efficiency. 这涉及评估组织的各个方面,包括客户满意度、员工培训、技术能力和整体效率。
Being able to accurately gauge a company's service level is crucial for both internal improvement and external competitiveness. 准确评估公司的服务水平对于内部改进和外部竞争力都至关重要。
One key aspect of evaluating a company's service capabilities is to consider customer feedback and satisfaction. 评估公司服务能力的一个关键方面是考虑客户的反馈和满意度。
By listening to customers' needs and concerns, businesses can identify areas for improvement and tailor their services to better meet customer expectations. 通过倾听客户的需求和关注,企业可以确定改进的方向,并调整他们的服务以更好地满足客户的期望。
在使用SERVQUAL模型进行服务质量评价时,可以从以下几个方面入手:1. 问卷调查。
2. 数据分析。
3. 发现问题并提出解决方案。
4. 实施改进措施。
企业管理五大体系具体内容英文回答:1. Quality Management System (QMS)。
A QMS is a framework that helps organizations ensure the quality of their products and services. It includes policies, procedures, and processes that are designed to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and meet customer requirements.2. Environmental Management System (EMS)。
An EMS is a framework that helps organizations manage their environmental impact. It includes policies, procedures, and processes that are designed to reduce pollution, protect natural resources, and comply with environmental regulations.3. Health and Safety Management System (HSMS)。
An HSMS is a framework that helps organizations protect the health and safety of their employees, customers, and visitors. It includes policies, procedures, and processes that are designed to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses.4. Information Security Management System (ISMS)。
implementing service levelobjectives 书Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are a key part of any service-oriented organization's operations. They define the level of service that a business agrees to provide to its customers, and they are used to measure and manage performance. Implementing service level objectives can be a complex process, but it is essential for ensuring that a business delivers the quality of service that its customers expect.One of the first steps in implementing service level objectives is to define the metrics that will be used to measure performance. These metrics should be relevant to the business and its customers, and they should be measurable and actionable. Examples of metrics that might be used include response time, availability, and error rate.Once the metrics have been defined, the next step is to set targets for each metric. These targets should be challenging but achievable, and they should be based on the business's goals and the needs of its customers. It is important to involve all relevant stakeholders in the target-setting process to ensure that everyone is on the same page.After the targets have been set, the next step is to monitor performance against the targets on an ongoing basis. This can be done using a variety of tools and techniques, including dashboards, alerts, and reports. Monitoring performance is essential for identifying areas where performance is not meeting expectations and for taking corrective action.Finally, it is important to review and adjust service level objectives on a regular basis. Business needs and customer expectations can change over time, and service level objectives should be updated to reflect these changes. Regular reviews also help to ensure that service level objectives remain challenging and achievable.In conclusion, implementing service level objectives is an essential part of any service-oriented organization's operations. By defining relevant metrics, setting challenging but achievable targets, monitoring performance, and regularly reviewing and adjusting service level objectives, businesses can ensure that they deliver the quality of service that their customers expect.。
Servqual 模型涉及五个主要维度,即可靠性(Reliability)、响应性(Responsiveness)、保证性(Assurance)、同理心(Empathy)和可感知性(Tangibles)。
二、Servqual模型的五个维度1. 可靠性(Reliability):指服务提供者能够按照承诺的时间和方式提供准确、一致的服务。
2. 响应性(Responsiveness):指服务提供者能够及时回应顾客的需求和问题,并提供满意的解决方案。
3. 保证性(Assurance):指服务提供者具备专业知识和技能,能够以可靠的方式传递信心和安全感给顾客。
4. 同理心(Empathy):指服务提供者能够理解并满足顾客的个性化需求和期望。
5. 可感知性(Tangibles):指服务提供者能够提供具体、可见的物质环境和设施,以及整体形象的吸引力。
ISQM(International Service Quality Management)国际服务质量制度是一套全球性的服务质量管理标准体系。
1. 客户导向:将客户需求和期望置于首位,注重满足客户需求,提供卓越的服务体验。
2. 领导力和承诺:高层管理层要树立服务质量的领导力,并承诺为服务质量管理提供必要资源和支持。
3. 过程方法:采用过程方法来管理服务质量,通过识别、理解和优化关键业务流程,实现持续改进。
4. 参与员工:培养员工参与服务质量管理的意识和能力,激发员工的积极性和创造力。
5. 持续改进:不断追求卓越,通过监测和评估服务质量,并采取相应的改进措施,不断提高组织的整体绩效和客户满意度。
《服务营销》课程教学大纲(研究生2015秋)一、课程名称:服务营销Service Marketing二、课程编码:三、学时与学分:32/2四、先修课程:营销管理一、课程教学目标1. 正确理解服务的概念、服务营销管理的任务,掌握服务营销的基本原理和方法,初步具备解决服务管理问题的能力;2. 了解服务营销领域的理论新成果和实践新方法;3. 运用理论分析和解决服务管理中的实际问题。
二、适用学科专业:企业管理类硕士研究生三、基本教学内容与学时安排(4*8=32)Part1 Introduction to services: Myths about services§1.1 What are services, Why service marketing,§1.2 Difference in goods and service in marketing,§1.3 Service marketing mixReadings: 1) Are service marketing models really used in modern practice?2) Customer Reactions to Service SeparationPart2 Developing Service Concepts§2.1 Planning and Creating Service§2.2 Service Flower Model§2.3 Developing New Service§2.4 Service BlueprintPart 3 Service InnovationCase Study: StarbucksReadings:1)Modes of service innovation2) Critical service logic-making sense of value creation and co-creation3) Shaping, organizing and rethinking service innovation-Amulti-dimentionalframework Part4 People in service delivery§4.1 Customer’s role in Service§4.2 Strategies for enhancing customer participation§4.3 Employee’s role in Service§4.4 Strategies for delivering service quality through peopleCase Study: 1) Disneyland in Europe2) Disneyland HKPart5 Physical Evidence§5.1 Elements of Physical Evidence§5.2 Typology and Roles of the Servicescape§5.3 Consumer Responses to Service Environments§5.4 Physical Evidence StrategyPart6 Managing demand and capacity§6.1 Understanding demand patterns§6.2 Strategies for matching capacity and demand§6.3 Waiting line strategiesPart7 Managing service quality§7.1 what is service quality§7.2 Service Gaps§7.3 Service Failure RecoveryCase Study: Ctrip’ crisis in customer complain (携程投诉风波)Readings: 1)Service Management-An Evaluation and the futurePart 8 Visiting a Service Company (to be announced)Tasks: 1) Depict the company’s service blueprint2) How the company managing customer’s role and employee’s role3) What is your suggestions on service innovation四、教材及参考书教材:1.Dwayne Gremler, Mary Jo Bitner and Valarie A. Zeithaml. Services Marketing (6th Edition) McGraw-Hill/Irwin,20122.Christopher H Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz. Service Marketing,7th Edition,Prentice-Hall,2010参考书:1. Christopher H Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, Services Marketing (7th Edition)Prentice Hall; 7 edition (January 29, 2010)2. K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. Bateson, Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, & Cases, South-Western College Pub; 4 edition (August 16, 2010)3. Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, Hean Tat Keh, Xiongwen Lu,Services Marketing in Asia, Second Edition,Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (December 15, 2004)五、考核方式案例分析+课堂参与+期末报告。
毕设附件外文文献翻译原文及译文(3500 字)原文Study of Service Quality Management in Hotel IndustryBorkar;SameerAbstractIt is an attempt to understand the role of quality improvement process in hospitality industry and effectiveness in making it sustainable business enterprise. It is a survey of the presently adopted quality management tools which are making the hotels operations better focused and reliable and meet the customer expectations。
Descriptive research design is used to know the parameters of service quality management in hospitality industry。
Exploratory research design is undertaken to dig out the service quality management practices and its effectiveness. Data analysis is done and presented;hypothesis is tested against the collected data. Since the industry continuously tries to improve upon their services to meet the levels of customer satisfaction; Study presents tools for continuous improvement process and how it benefits all the stake holders。
Quality Manager岗位职责Quality Manager是一个负责监督和管理产品或服务质量的职位。
以下是Quality Manager的具体岗位职责:1. 制定和实施组织的质量方针和标准。
Quality Manager负责确保公司符合国际和国内质量标准。
2. 管理生产流程和产品质量。
Quality Manager负责检查产品的质量,确保生产过程中产品质量符合标准。
3. 确保职员了解和遵守质量方针和标准。
Quality Manager负责培训员工,教导他们如何掌握质量知识以及规范的操作程序。
4. 分析数据,确定潜在问题和改进机会。
Quality Manager需要检查数据和指标,定期进行分析,确保产品质量达到公司的标准。
5. 推动质量改进活动。
Quality Manager负责制定和推行计划,以提供质量改进方案,保证不断提高公司产品和服务的质量。
6. 协助制定和执行公司质量控制计划。
Quality Manager对公司质量控制计划进行监管,确保计划的成功实施。
7. 协调内部部门和客户之间的沟通。
Quality Manager负责确保公司内部人员和客户之间的沟通畅通无阻,以满足客户的需求和要求,维护客户关系。
8. 监督内部质量审核程序进行。
Quality Manager负责内部质量审核程序的监管,以确保公司符合质量标准。
SERVQUAL模型(SERVQUAL Model)SERVQUAL模型简介SERVQUAL为英文“Service Quality”(服务质量)的缩写,该词最早出现在1988年由美国市场营销学家帕拉休拉曼(A.Parasuraman)、来特汉毛尔(Zeithaml)和白瑞(Berry)三个合写的一篇题目为《SERVQUAL:一种多变量的顾客感知的服务质量度量方法》的文章中。
SERVQUAL理论是依据全面质量管理(Total Quality Management,TQM)理论在服务行业中提出的一种新的服务质量评价体系,其理论核心是“服务质量差距模型”,即:服务质量取决于用户所感知的服务水平与用户所期望的服务水平之间的差别程度(因此又称为“期望-感知”模型),用户的期望是开展优质服务的先决条件,提供优质服务的关键就是要超过用户的期望值。
其模型为:Servqual 分数= 实际感受分数- 期望分数。
SERVQUAL将服务质量分为五个层面:有形设施(Tangibles)、可靠性(Reliability)、响应性 (Responsiveness)、保障性(Assurance)、情感投入(Empathy),每一层面又被细分为若干个问题,通过调查问卷的方式,让用户对每个问题的期望值、实际感受值及最低可接受值进行评分。
并由其确立相关的22 个具体因素来说明它。
SERVQUAL计算公式SERVQUAL计算公式:SQ = 622i = 1( Pi - Ei )式中:SQ 为感知服务质量;Pi为第i个因素在顾客感受方面的分数;Ei 为第i个因素在顾客期望方面的分数( i = 1 ,2 ,3 ,.....n , n = 22) 。
servqual 服务质量评价模型Servqual, short for "Service Quality," is a model that has been widely adopted to assess the gap between customer expectations and their perceptions of service quality. It provides a framework for organizations to identify areas where they excel and where they need improvement in delivering services to their customers.Servqual服务质量评价模型是一个广泛应用于评估顾客期望与服务感知质量之间差距的模型。
The model is based on five dimensions of service quality: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Tangibility refers to the physical aspects of the service, such as the appearance of facilities and the presentation of materials. Reliability concerns the ability of the service provider to deliver on its promises consistently. Responsiveness focuses on the willingness and promptness of the service provider to meet customer needs. Assurance relates to the trust and confidence customers have in the service provider and its employees. Finally, empathy concerns the extent to which the service provider cares about and understands the customer's needs and situation.该模型基于服务质量的五个维度:有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性和移情性。
1.0 IntroductionIn the increasingly competitive market, companies pay more and more attention to managing service quality, rather than internal performance. (Bateson, et. al.,1999) Because, nowadays consumers` demand become higher and higher. They not only require products with high quality, but also expect high quality customer service. Therefore, managing service quality properly to gain consumers satisfaction is the key to win in the competition.The purpose of this essay is discuss how to manage service quality and the use of service gap model. It contains three parts which process as follows: firstly, a brief review of service gap model. Next, using as an example evaluate how they use service gap model to manage their service quality. Finally, the explanation about SERVQUAL theory is the supplement theory of service gap model will be given.2.0 Service quality gaps modelService quality is regarded as the level of discrepancy between customers’ service perception and expectations. (Lamb, et. al.,2009) In order to better manage service quality, in 1985, Parasuraman, Zeithalm and Berry developed the service quality gaps model which identifies five different gaps between customers’ service perception and expectations. (Baron and Harris, 2003)Figure 1 Service quality gaps model(Souse:Bateson & Hoffman, 1999)As Figure 1 shows the five gaps are: (1) the distance between consumers expected service and managers think customers` expect; (2) this gap is about have or not delivery a correct translation of service quality specification to employees; (3) degrees of firm`s service quality standard be complied; (4) gap4 is between what is communicated to consumers and what actually be offered;(5) the gap between what service quality customers expect and what quality they thought they have gain. (Bateson & Hoffman, 1999)According to Fogli (2006) service quality gap model is a method which can be used to manage and keep company service quality. The narrower distance of gaps, the more customer satisfaction can be get. (Lovelock & Chew, 2009) Asame point of view in (Palmer, 2008) in ideal world, the distances of service quality would be zero. In another words, service quality gap model considers about all elements or situations would influence good service delivery. Thus, the key of improve the customer service is closing the gaps by through strategies implement.3.0 managing service quality use gaps model Jeffrey P. Bezos, president of : seeks to be one of the most customer-centric firm in the world. senior vice president Jeffrey M. Blackburn: no just sells books, sports, tools, toys, apparel, groceries or computers, but also provide high quality service as far as possible to meet customers` expectation. ( offical homepage, 2012) Amazon company is a good example, in e-business, which do their best to narrow each of the service quality gaps, in order to satisfy customers` expectation.3.1 Gap 1: Gap between Consumer Expectation and Management PerceptionManagers error surmise customers need and expectation to lead this gap. This situation shows that manager have not understand or they misunderstand customers expectation about services or products.(Zeithaml, et. al., 1990) In another words, the firm is trying to satisfy wrong or non-existing consumer demands. Mudie & Cottam (1993) opinion, the key of reduce this gap is trying to know about customers' needs. Obviously, market research may be the best way to solve the problem. For example, each quarter, Amazon would design different market survey questionnaire, which includes satisfaction survey from last quarter and management recommendations for the next quarter. It would be posted on the company`s website, as well as e-mail it toloyal customers. ( offical homepage, 2012)3.2 Gap 2: Gap between Management Perception and Service Quality SpecificationAccording to Fogli (2006), this gap reflects management may not set or may not translate correctly the service policy into employees. A firm does need a rules or guidelines to build the trust with customers. (Lovelock, et. al.,2009). A poor service quality specification may involve: lack of service standardization, failure to retain and update the provision of service quality. (Zeithaml and Berry, 1990) The gap manifested in customers disappoint at service quality which the company provide and finally leads customer loyalty lost. Hence, a set of special customer service standards are developed in the Amazon, which even detail in the delivery service. Customer can defined standards when they shop in the . The company would tell them the expected number of delivery days and they can select such as standard shipping (three to five days) or express shipping (one to two days). In addition, rules like 30 days customers can return items, 3 weeks can get the out of print book or immediately customer can know a product has out of stock and so on, which are be set. Amazon`s customers are able to obtain the so clearly and personalized service. Thereby, a good service quality specification is important which can increase customers confident, and benefit for building and maintaining customers relationship. ( offical homepage, 2012)3.3 Gap 3: Gap between Service Quality Specification and Service DeliveryThis gap usually because employees error or poor human resource management, which can bring a company failing to achieve service quality specifications. (Mudie & Cottam,1993) Some experience shows the gap are: employees lack of ability to solve customer questions and complains; employees have a poor knowledge of products; a loose team spirit inorganization. (Fogli, 2006) As a result, employees training is necessary, in order to guide the service staffs back to the service quality specifications` processes. One hand, Amazon company organizes staff training regularly, including team work, complains management or products knowledge. On the other hand, they goes one step further, the company guarantee a accurate service delivery. For instance, second-hand suppliers have been made sure meet Amazon’s high standards.The firm also use the customer experience record to make sure service delivery going the right way. ( offical homepage, 2012) Overall, these strategies just want to make sure service can be accurately offered to customers, rather than fail due to human error.3.4 Gap 4: Gap between Service Delivery and External Communications The external communications different from real service provide. (Bateson & Hoffman, 1999) The emergence of this gap often due to companies excessively increased expectations through diverse medias. And finally disappoint their customers, because customers think the company lying to them. The trust and loyalty of customer will be lost at the same time. (Lovelock & Chew, 2009) Therefore, exaggerate service quality is a wrong strategy, the result will lead to harm firm/ brand image. However, service quality promise clearly and honestly communicate to consumers in the . It reflected in the design of web pages which are easy to understand and navigate. For instance, pages guide customer refund or items repack; customer account page records every ordered item and its delivery process. Thus, by through these clear communication ways, customers misunderstanding can probably be prevented. ( offical homepage, 2012)3.5 Gap 5: Gap between Expected Service and Perceived ServiceThis gap means that customer's perception of the service experience does notmatch up with their initial imagine. Different customers have different service expectation or requirement, due to they are affected by diverse personality, cultural background, lifestyle and identity. (Fogli, 2006) As the result, their perception are almost totally subjective. According to Zeithaml, et. al., (1990) customers` perception is based on satisfied customers` needs of service or product. Thereby, understanding customers requirements and expectation may be the best way to bridge this gap. For example, Amazon`s customer orientated strategy. The firm collects customer information as well as creates personal information database for each customer. One hand, having a clear understanding of the target markets can more accurate judging and offering a satisfied service for a specific product to different customers. On the other hand, Amazon try to delight consumers by through identifying their preferences and needs then making a products` suggestion. ( offical homepage, 2012) Overall, Amazon collects customers information and attempts to understand customers expectations, in order to close the gap between customers expectation and their perceived service.From 1995 to 2012 the vision of Amazon still is: “Earth’s biggest selection and to be Earth’s most customer-centric company." ( offical homepage, 2012) It shows how much attention the firm pays into service quality management. Amazon as an example here, which successfully uses service quality gaps model to manage their service quality. And obtain lots of successful results: 2004 gained the highest score ever recorded in American Customer Satisfaction Index (score of 88 ) (Amazon Press Releases, 2005); from ( 2008) Amazon annual report, the company was the top 100 global brand with more than 76 million active customers accounts. These results show that service quality gaps model is effective for Amazon company. Of course, the final aim of managing service quality is achieving customer loyalty and repeat buying, which in order to getting more competitive advantage and further develop the company. The following data has record Amazon has a good development trend and its obviously competitive advantage, which further prove the usefulness of service quality gaps model. See Figure 2, directed by the customer-centric strategic vision, Amazon generates nearly 5x more revenue Per user than eBay globally in 2011. (Chaffey, 2012)Figure 2(Source: Chaffey, 2012)4.0 SERVQUAL theory supplements Service Quality Gaps modelFrom the discussion above, Service Quality Gaps model is a good method to help firms managing the service quality. The model build in 1985 by Parasuraman, Zeithalm and Berry. (Bateson & Hoffman,1999) Until 1988, the same authors created a survey research instrument for Gaps model, which called SERVQUAL. (Fogli, 2006) SERVQUAL methodology is a measurement tool use to research the expectations and perceptions of customers. It helps to: first, check the implementation of Gaps model; second, identify the causes of service quality shortfall; third, compare service quality score with competitors. (Lovelock, et. al., 2009) Hence, SERVQUAL`s development not only based on Service Quality Gaps model, but also supplements Service Quality Gaps model. The questionnaire design of SERVQUAL need to involve 22 items ofquestions and cover five dimensions of service quality. (Mudie & Cottam, 1993) These are all help to better managing service quality use Service Quality Gaps model.5.0 ConclusionService quality is an important concepts for companies. It can increase customers satisfaction, build and maintain customer relationship and gain loyal customers, which are helping company win in the competition. Management service quality is a complex job, however Service Quality Gaps model provides a way to firms can be more easier to handle it. Service Quality Gaps model thinks identifying and closing service gaps in different stage of service delivery can help customers achieve their expectation, through maximize customer satisfaction to better managing service quality.。