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老乱轶事(之三)誉芏U广州打了一年工的老乱.回到李庄后.很长一段时光都无事可做.每日里.他睡觉睡到自然醒.喝酒喝到人失忆.下棋下到忘了饥胖嫂见老乱如此.也不管他只要老乱别惹出乱子来,她就心满意足了.家务事.她包了,责任田,她料理了,庄上的礼尚往来,红白大事,她承揽了.老乱做不做事,管不管家.干不干活,对她来说,都无关紧要.她知道自己的丈夫是有点其貌不扬.可心里却是个极好强的人.丈夫有一手磨床好技术,在厂里却不被重用;眼见得投资兰花要发大财了.兰花又安然死去了:想当个作家,辛辛苦苦干了半年,写出中篇小说《女人莫随便》来,又让编辑给枪毙了;到广州打工干磨床的技术活,工资是可观了.想不到竟然有不付工钱的老板,逼得老乱和别的工友揍了老板一顿,怕事闹大.只好跑回家来了.想想招赘的丈夫这大半生,活得也的确不易.也很艰难.加上婚后无儿无女的隐痛.倘若心态差一点,恐怕早就受不了啦.好在,丈夫乱归乱,心态还可以,什么团《大理))201012(之三)●谢荣贵打击他都承受下来了.胖嫂对丈夫是宽容的.这就不难理解世上有"心宽体胖"之说了倘若老乱的老婆不是胖嫂而是别的女人,这个家也许早就维持不下去了.破裂了.闲来无事的老乱可不这么想,他认定人活世上.就该做事.特别是男人,就不该让女人养着.可一时半会儿的,老乱又想不出该出手做什么事.越急.老乱就越乱,酒也喝得特别多,常常是自己把自己喝倒了待到酒醒之时.连酒醉后说了些什么话.做了些什么事都不知道.也就是失忆了.为此,老乱也时有自责.可一见到酒,就控制不住自己了一碰上下棋.就要与人杀个天昏地暗.不分出个高低.绝不罢休……一天半夜,老乱酒醉醒来,他伸了个懒腰,揉揉三角眼,青蛙嘴一咧,露出一嘴大黄牙.长长呼一IZl浊气. 顿时.整个堂屋里,酒气冲天,臭不可闻.老乱做完这大醉醒来的惯常动作.才对坐在堂屋里春凳上织毛衣的老婆说:"现在进腊月了,我们选个日子.把猪杀了.热热闹闹办个杀猪客.我要把原厂子里的张师傅,领班, 小王都请来,大吃大喝一天.吃剩的肉,腌起来.过年时节和正月里吃"胖嫂手停了织毛衣.嗔道:"酒喝醉了.让你进卧室睡觉,你硬是不去.倒在堂屋沙发上就睡过去了,像死人一样害得我不敢合眼,只好织毛衣陪着你……" "你莫乱!"老乱嫌老婆哕唆,不高兴打断话."我酒醉不笑不哭不闹.不打老婆,算是不错了.让你遇上个酒醉砸东西打老婆的男人,你恐怕早不在人世了."胖嫂说:"趁着酒醉,你敢动我一根指头,我就拧断你的罗圈腿.撕破你的青蛙嘴,砸掉你的大黄牙".老乱见老婆狂起来.心里着实不是滋味.按他的脾气和德性,是要以狂还狂,以牙还牙的.无奈,老乱只可乱想.却不敢乱动.因他早就领教过了,他就是用尽九牛二虎之力,也是打不过老婆的.老乱胡乱想完.就换了口气说:"我跟你商量杀年猪的事,你避而不谈,尽说些跟我喝酒有关的话.你说恼人不恼人""你从不喂猪.倒想起杀年猪了"胖嫂白了老乱一眼."我今年喂的这头猪特别大.腊肉可以吃到明年腊月间,刚好就接上明年杀年猪.猪随时可杀,关键是考虑好请客的事"老乱说:"我就请请城里的几个工友.另外.本庄的李文华如今是市文联的编辑了,算得上一个文化人了.这样的人是一定要请的.至于庄上必须请的人.你全盘考虑,我不岔嘴.不过.杀猪客最好安排在星期天. 单位上的人好做客""今天是星期三.那就安排在星期天好了."胖嫂没有多想,就下了决断."明天,你通知你的客.我负责我的人."胖嫂说完.打了个哈欠,边起身边说:"我困了,再不睡,天就亮了"老乱见老婆向卧室而去.便跟了进去胖嫂说:"你睡够了,也让我睡一阵子.又来乱?还是回你的房间去""我要和你睡!"老乱死脸厚皮说着.手就在老婆身上乱摸,所摸着之处尽是肥肉.胖嫂甩开老乱的手:"酒醉还没有醒来.乱什么乱."老乱哈哈笑着,青蛙嘴呼出一股酒气."你不知道.酒能助兴.也能乱性,酒还能壮色胆.别人是食饱思淫欲,我是酒足要淫乱!"胖嫂拿老乱无法.加之老乱外出一年.这一年也使胖嫂成了一个久旱的女人.外旱逢甘露.露滴牡丹开嘛,便也只好笑纳了.于是,半推半就的胖嫂喃喃着:"回家这久.一天不落地搞,去广州这一年.在外面和多少女人睡过觉?你老实交代!"圆匝圃——老乱隐瞒真相说:"男人腰包里只要有钱,什么样的女人碰不着.可我就是坐怀不乱,不跟别的女人乱来再说.乱搞女人,万一得了艾滋病,那就死定了.我死了也就算了.还会传染到你身上,那麻烦就惹大!" "刚刚来了兴趣,你尽说吓人的话."胖嫂说.老乱听了.不乱说了.面对老婆的裸身,认认真真做起事来老乱家杀猪这天.李庄的多数人家也在杀年猪,似乎凑到一块儿了.也许是星期天的缘故.杀猪的人家好请杀猪客老乱要请的客人在星期天前就用手机请好了.胖嫂该请的人却只来了一半.缺席的人是可以理解的,人家也在杀年猪.同样也请三朋四友亲戚邻居做客,抽不开身子.上午1l点左右.客人陆陆续续到了老乱一见人多.乐哈哈乱出乱进,给客人递烟.向客人献茶,跟这人打招呼.对那人说好话.客人见老乱殷勤.也都夸老乱是去过广州的人.而且立脚了一年有余.是个见过大世面的人.待人对事都很大气,真是今非昔比了.老乱听了夸奖.就乐颠颠只会发笑张师傅,领班,小王,还有小王的女朋友尹美丽4人见老乱客多人更乱.便都不和老乱多搭腔.而是选个清静座头.拿出扑克牌打双抠12点,该来的客人都来了.胖嫂从厨房出来.对老乱说:"你把客人安排坐好,我和厨师好上菜."老乱甩开罗圈腿,踏上正房的台阶.站定身子,对客人们说:"各位亲戚乡亲朋友们,大家请自便选位子坐好.我们立马就开席"经老乱这么一说,客人们就相熟的邀约拢.找位子坐好.8人一桌,整个院子里也就坐了5桌客.厂子里来的客人是城里人,与庄稼人不相熟.老乱,李文华,包工头李得财就和城里来的客人坐了一桌人刚坐定.胖嫂和请来的厨师就顺桌儿上菜厨师双手托着托盘.胖嫂胖嘟嘟的双手就将托盘里的菜.分别捧起来.放到桌上.她边上菜边说:"各位慢慢吃,慢慢喝,菜不够还可添.酒随意,饭随饱,只请人人都吃好!"张师傅等人是第一次到农村做杀猪客.还不清楚这样的客会待些什么菜.等菜上完.4人就一目了然了《大理))2010/2团圆匝圃桌上的菜有:一碗腌菜炒肉,一盘油炸排骨,一个用猪内脏卤的拼盘,一盆猪血豆腐腌菜豌豆尖汤,外加一碟放有泡辣子腌豆腐腌萝卜于的咸菜看着这些大部分是猪身上的东西做的菜,众人唾液就在El中回荡.转了一会,方才咽到肚里.忽而,唾液又回升至口中,打起旋来.老乱见厨师和老婆上完菜也坐到席上了.便捧着酒杯立起身,对所有的客人说:"谢谢大家光临.来做我家的宰猪客还有一个多月要过年了.我提前给大家拜个早年,祝大家在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意!来, 来,来……干杯!"随着老乱来,来,来的拖音.能喝酒和不会喝酒的都异口同声吼了一声"干!"吼声一落,能喝酒的就干了杯中酒,不会喝酒的就以饮料代酒..喝过头杯酒,众人就坐下.慢慢喝酒品菜酒过巡.菜过四味,张师傅啧啧赞道:"老乱,你家这猪肉,怎么味道这么好,又甜又香,嚼头不错,口感很好.就像我小时候吃的猪肉一样鲜美."小王的女朋友尹美丽说:"我长到这么大,还没有吃过这样可El的肉.今天真有El福""这就怪了.我买的猪肉怎么就没有农村里的猪肉好吃"领班百思不得其解李文华,李得财,老乱3人听了城里人的话,相视笑了.笑得有几分诡秘.笑过后,李文华打趣说:"诸位! 这也许是隔锅香吧?"李得财开玩笑道:"可能是你们肚子太饿了.什么好吃,饥饿好吃嘛!"小王说:"你们俩说的都不可能,这其中必有奥秘.只要主人家开CI.就清楚了"老乱见大家夸他家的菜好吃,又现惯常的得意劲来.他眯笑着,三角眼就成了一条缝.笑够笑饱,他才开启蛙嘴.吐出真言来:"你们有所不知,我家养的猪是土猪而且.老婆喂猪从户HT厂生产的饲料.猪还小时.她用泔水煮猪草喂猪.催猪的架子,也就是让猪长个子架子大.催胖了的猪就更大……""什么叫猪草?"尹美丽打岔老乱的话.李文华文诌诌说:"何为猪草?凡是田边地角里猪爱吃的杂草.乃猪草是也!灰条,兔子草便是猪草.各种蔬菜.则为更佳的猪草."李得财对着小王和尹美丽说:"现在城里20多岁30岁不到的人.真的是不知道猪草这个词了.50年代, 60年代初.中小城市的人家都养猪.猪养到可以杀了, 得给食品公司交一半.自家才得吃另一半.像退休了的囫《大理))2010/2张师傅,小时候可能也养过猪,到田里打过猪草" "让基建老板说对了."张师傅说."记得小时候.我家每年养两头猪,上缴公家一头,自家吃一头.不养猪, 靠每人一月一市斤供应的肉票买肉吃.那就成肉饥渴患者了""哦!"小王和尹美丽不约而同说,"原来是这样!"老乱看大家说上了兴头,也跟着乱起来:"我话没说完,你们就全乱了!你们一乱,还让我说不说?""你说,你说,接着说."领班也没养过猪就想听老乱的下文.老乱呷一El酒,方才道:"说话归说话,喝酒归喝酒,别只顾说话,忘了喝酒吃菜,误了大家的量"顿了顿,老乱才接着说."猪的架子催大了,我老婆就用米汤煮豆糠米糠喂猪,有时还喂稀饭米糠瓜薯粥.越到后来,喂得越好.猪食一好,猪就长胖了.到宰杀的时候, 猪是又大义肥,有肥有瘦.像这样喂猪.要喂足足一年. 甚至更长时间.猪的生长期够了.吃的又是原生态饲料,猪肉就好吃,肥而不腻.瘦而不柴,又香又嫩又有嚼头."李文华说:"如今,鸡猪鱼鸭都不好吃了.有些黄牛肉.吃到嘴里,也是味同嚼柴.问题就出在这些禽畜是吃现代饲料长大的这些饲料里有催长素.有化学药品.养了三个月的鸡和喂了半年的猪就可以上市了.这样的肉食当然就无味可言了"领班说:"难怪,有钱人和当官的,吃鸡要吃土鸡,吃蛋要吃土鸡蛋.吃肉要吃土猪肉,吃鱼要吃海里湖里的鱼.不管价钱有多昂贵,都要享受个好吃.再不然,就去享受野味像我们这些靠工资过日子的小工人,也只能受用现今饲料喂养的猪鸡鱼鸭了,犹如嚼木渣!"老乱这一桌边喝边吃边谈,好生热闹.另外4桌,也不甘寂寞.有谈论施化肥种出的蔬菜煮不肥.味不好:有话说果园里农药打多了,有人吃水果中了毒的; 有指责新品种大米不如本地老品种大米好吃的.总之, 客人们各有所谈,各有所指,各说各有理.接下来.老乱这一桌人就扯到了老乱外出打工的事上.领班问老乱,在广州打工工资高,怎么又跑回来了老乱说出了他给好几家厂子打过工.想不到最后争着要他做活的老板竞不付工钱,气愤之下,打了老板一顿.怕事闹大.只好龟缩回庄里.老乱本是个鸭子死了嘴壳硬的人.此时此刻.他竞难得叹El气说:"悔不该喝醉酒弄坏了磨床.影响了厂里的生产又不愿意向厂长低声下气求情.空有一手好技术.就这样不明不白离开了厂.现在想来,作为一个工人,还是留在工厂好.也不知厂子现在是好是坏?买断厂子的厂长和几个股东,日子过得怎么样?工人们如何?"张师傅见老乱怀旧,心有同感说:"股份制就是好,私人经营工厂就是强.现在,全厂效益一年比一年好, 工人工资也是有增无减.只可惜,我老了,退休了.如果我还是在职职工.每月各项补贴,工资加起来,过日子是没有问题的""张师傅!"老乱问,"你的退休工资是厂里发,还是社保发?""我们厂是买了社保的.当然由社保处发"张师傅反问老乱,"你在厂时.是厂里统一买社保.你出来后, 就得自己去续保.社保,医保你续没续?"老乱人虽乱.却倒有自己的铁算盘他对在座的人说:"我长相难是难看点,可从不生病,每年去交一千几百元的医保,不就交别人用了,划哪门子.社保要交到60岁,我现在才40出头年纪,差不多还要交20年.每年交3,4千元,20年就交7,8万元钱.我要有个三长两短活不到60岁.社保也就打了水漂了.离厂回庄后,几经考虑.我就没续医保社保,自行断了."老乱讲完,李得财说:"老乱这种过一天算一天的日子.也是一种活法.那种晴带雨伞,饱备饥粮的活法, 其实也很累"老乱听了本庄的能人包工头夸他.心里又得意起来.他喜笑颜开对众人说:"我不买医保社保,照样过得有滋有味今天中午我们是随便吃一点.晚餐就丰富多了,有千张,酥肉,粉蒸,红烧肉几道土八碗大菜.今天, 大家可是不醉不散哦!"领班见老乱乱得差不多了,才开口说:"刚才老乱问厂长和几个股东过得如何?我可以告诉你.他们都发了!人人有车子有票子有别墅有情妇.好日子全让他们过尽了.你不想想.他们买厂子时十分便宜.买后就不断增值.厂区的地皮,那可是城里的黄金地段呵!光地皮就翻了近10个番.他们不富,才怪哩!""唉!"李文华哼了一声说:"这就是国有资产的严重流失吧!"小王则替合同工打抱不平,他愤愤地说:"厂长和股东们富了流油也该知足了.谁知他们越富越心黑.国家有关部门规定,私营公司,个体企业招收合同工满一年以上的,必须给合同工买养老保险,医疗保险,失业保险,工伤保险,生育保险和住房公积金我厂每年都需要大量合同工厂长股东们为了逃避给工人买'五险一金'.签用工合同时就3个月或者半年签一次.这批合同满了.间隔上半月一月,又另签一批.如是一来,就形成了铁打的厂子流水的工人,厂长股东们就节约了许多钱"老乱越听越气.一大杯酒就倒进肚里,张开青蛙嘴露出大黄牙骂道:"厂长他们良心让狗吃了,是真正的为富不仁.合同It"il也太软弱老实了,可以上告嘛!" "你要告他.他连3个月半年的活也不让你做,没有工作的人多的是"领班不愧是车间里的小领导.比埋头干活的小王知道得多"在我眼皮下.有一部分做活干熟练了的合同工,合同都签了5,6次了.当然,每次签合同都很短,而且是有间隔的.这就是当今大多数私营老板'官有千条,民有万变'的对策"老乱边听边猛喝酒,半醉中,他听得李得财说:"要是两年前老乱那3苗兰花卖给我.他得了13万.也就不必外出打工了.现在好了,又闲下来了.老乱,今后打算如何发财?""兰,兰花的事……别……别再提.我是一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳."醉眼惺松的老乱酒喝多了.说话舌头有点挛,"今,今后干,干什么……怎样,发,发财……我还没想,想好……请大家给,给拿个主,主意吧……" 李文华想也没想就有了建议:"现在,打麻将的人越来越多.你有这院房子,这大个院子.何不开麻将室. 一张麻将桌一天收40元钱.5张麻将桌一月就能收6000元钱.在家就发财,何乐而不为呢?"小王的女朋友尹美丽却主张:"我要有乱师傅家的条件,就专养土猪土鸡,开个小型的'农家乐'.专门经营原生态餐饮绝对要发财"老乱一大口酒灌进肚里,喷一股酒气说:"都,都是……好主意,让,让我考……考虑考虑……"老乱说着.又倒了满满一杯酒众人见老乱脸红脖子粗,听老乱说话舌头挛.便都劝老乱别喝酒了.老乱哪里听劝.他一口干了刚倒的一杯酒,左手叉腰,右手指点着众人说:"别乱!我没喝多下午,菜更多……酒,酒……大大的有,不,不醉不散……醉也不,不散……"随着一声有气无力"莫乱……"的拖音.老乱瘫软在地,本地话叫挲桌子.幸好,席面全是矮桌矮凳.老乱没什么嗑碰.完好无损.仅是大醉得人事不省而已……后来的事,老乱就一概不知了.客人晌午干什么.下午的客怎么待,城里的客怎么坐城乡交通车走的……等等.只有胖嫂应付和清楚《大理}2010/2团翌日.冬天的阳光都照进堂屋了.老乱才酒醒翻起身来.他仲个懒腰,揉掉粘住三角眼的眼屎.哈几LI酒味冲天的浊气.才站起身走出堂屋,立于台阶上四顾院子里空空荡荡.连鸡犬之声都默默无声与昨日里的热闹相比.老乱有一股人去楼空的悲凉感老乱猜想, 老婆也许去买小猪崽了小猪崽喂到明年的今天.又可请杀猪客了.老婆如果去办这事,一时半天回不来.老婆不在也好.洗漱干净脸嘴,泡杯早茶.静下心来思考昨天客人提的赚钱路子老乱想毕.就去洗脸漱嘴收拾干净.他泡杯浓茶.端把躺椅放在台阶上,边烤太阳边喝茶边胡思乱想起来几天后.老乱最终采纳了编辑李文华的建议.决定开个家庭麻将室老乱是很乱,头脑并不差.按他的分析.养土猪土鸡不仅又脏又累,万一猪得了病,鸡害了鸡瘟.一头头一只只死去,那他的投资又会像死去的兰花一样血本无归搞餐饮专卖土猪肉,生意肯定好,利润也会高要搞餐饮就得请厨师,老乱是不会做菜的. 况且.搞餐饮不仅累人,而且操心大.万一哪一天顾客食物中毒.打上门来.日子可就没法过了.开麻将室,无非是投资几张自动麻将桌.有人来玩了,不就泡几杯茶.添几次水的_[夫.玩完了,收点桌子费而已.这样一些小事.既不累人又不必操心.家门口的街子不会亏本.不赶白不赶拿定主意的老乱将自己的想法给老婆一说,胖嫂就举双手赞成:"我看你闲着也是无聊,整天只知喝酒, 而且见酒就醉.找点事情干干也好,免得你乱来乱去的."老乱说:"我俩搬到楼上睡,楼下堂屋摆一桌,堂屋两边侧房各摆一桌.屋檐下台阶上摆两桌,总共要投资5台自动麻将桌""你从广州带回的两万元,我分文没动,也没存银行,你正好拿去用."胖嫂说过,想了想又建议道,"房里摆自动的.台阶上摆手洗的.这样,喜欢玩手洗麻将的也会找上门来"老乱说:"还是女人心细,想得周到."接着.胖嫂提出了要求:"开了麻将室,你就不要喝酒.免得喝醉了吓人.还让人伺候你.两万元你拿去,买囝《大理))2010/2麻将桌剩下的钱,你装着,有时碰上三缺一.你也好抵上去陪一陪."听了老婆的话.老乱才想到了做事是不能喝酒.特别是不能醉的.他不无遗憾地说:"我怎么就想漏了这个问题.不过,晚上收了麻将场子.还是可以喝上几杯的还有.碰上没有人来打麻将,也是少不了要喝酒的" "断了你的酒,就像断了你的命!"胖嫂啧喷道."看来,不让你喝酒也是不可能的事.只是.你要把握好自己,尽量别醉酒.到了农闲季节.有我帮你招呼着场子, 你就醉死了.我也管不着!"老乱见老婆话越说越多,心里就烦起来:"买东西,还是两人去好.走,进城去.麻将桌买到手.租辆车拉回来."老乱说完.拿了一万块钱.往瘦得很凹的胸膛里一塞.走出卧室.胖嫂并不迟钝.紧紧跟上.一瘦一胖两人出了院子.锁上大门.走在庄里土路已变成水泥路的大道上.直奔城乡公交车起点站而去.第二天.老乱家的麻将室正式开张了为避免治安,工商,税务来找麻烦,老乱两口子给麻将室起了一个好听的名儿——"李庄老年人娱乐室"按当地农村的土政策.但凡打了老年人招牌的玩艺儿.就不必到工商办营业执照,没有正式的营业执照,也就不必纳税, 更不必交工商管理费.而且.老年人玩的地方,公安治保也就不会来搞扫黄抓赌一类的事这一天.老乱请来的人的确是李庄养尊处优的老人无论是男是女.老人们年纪多在60岁左右.有两人已70岁出头这两人.一个是村委会主任的爹.一个是李文华的奶奶别看两人年过古稀,却鹤发童颜,眼不花,耳不聋,不痴不呆,还打得一手好麻将,赢多输少.老乱的蜂窝煤炉子一直有火.火上烧着水水开了.老乱就将开水冲人保温瓶,摆放好.他不时这桌看看.那桌瞧瞧只要看到谁的茶水少了.他便提上保温瓶.添上水.瞅到谁的茶淡了.他保准又换茶叶又换水. 李庄人打麻将.似乎是约定俗成,上午各干各的事.中午饭吃过,就走拢来赌上一把.到吃下午饭的时候.又各回各家吃饭.吃完,又聚在一起赌到夜里零点才罢休如此一来,李庄的赌者,一天就打两场麻将.老乱送走最后一桌打麻将的老人.一数桌子费.整整160元收费标准是自动麻将桌一场2O元.3桌就6O元:手洗麻将一场1O元,两桌就2O元.白天打一场80元.晚上打一场80元,一整天就能收160元.老乱想.家里的麻将桌如果天天报满.一月就挣4800元,刨掉电费,煤费,茶水费,一月能赚4000元,一年就有近5 万元的收入.老乱越算越高兴,手脚也就特别勤快.胖嫂帮着他,两人洗茶杯,扫地,倒烟灰缸,每份数20张扑克牌放进每个位子的抽屉里,忙得不亦乐乎.胖嫂说:"李文华真格是文化人,脑子就是好用,弄出这条不累人又能挣钱的路子来."老乱听老婆夸别的汉子.心里不是滋味,却又不好发作.只得顺口骂道:"他要不是个鬼!怎能挤进市文联.还当上了编辑"就这样.老乱安心开他的麻将室,胖嫂专心种她的责任田.春节期间,均是农闲时节,打麻将的人也特多, 胖嫂就帮着招呼麻将场子.老乱难得趁机醉了几次酒. 酒喝醉了,他也不与赌者乱,而是爬上楼,静静躺下.直睡到酒醒为止有事可做的人.只嫌时日过得很快.转眼,又到了农忙季节.胖嫂忙着田里的农活,就顾不上招呼麻将室.麻将室只好由老乱一手经营.。
(共5分)xiǎo xī chuī fú xiān xì zī shì wǔ dǎoméi zi jiǎn dāo ǒu ěr huó pō yuān yanɡ二、为带点字选择正确的读音,用“√”标出。
(共4分)河豚.(tún tén)崇.高(chóng cóng)鸳.鸯(yuān yān)萎蒿.(gāo hāo)融.化(rónɡ lónɡ)燕.子(yān yàn)掠.过(nüè lüè)花瓣.(bàn bàng)三、单项选择题。
(2分)A.荡漾.(yànɡ) 羽翼.(yì) 闲散.(sàn) 纤.细(xiān)B.河豚.(tún) 伶俐.(línɡ) 电杆.(ɡǎn) 膜.翅(mó)C.距.离(jù) 瞎.子(xiā) 紧挨.(ái) 缭.绕(liáo)D.联络.(luò) 平凡.(fán) 有益.(yì) 琢.磨(zhuó)2.下面四组词语中有错别字....的一组是()。
”我听着更冒火,直接用带有鄙视眼光指着她吼道:“你听着! 我可以带你去卖鸡毛掸小贩哪里澄清!是不是只有你买了!你简直就是侮辱的人格!你必须道歉!"看她样子哪里听得进去,一股劲的认为我手里的就是她的了。
LABORATORY PRIMATENEWSLETTERVol. 48, No. 3Ju ly 2009JUDITH E. SCHRIER, EDITORJAMES S. HARPER, GORDON J. HANKINSON AND LARRY HULSEBOS, ASSOCIATE EDITORS MORRIS L. POVAR AND JASON MACHAN, CONSULTING EDITORSELVA MATHIESEN, ASSISTANT EDITORALLAN M. SCHRIER, FOUNDING EDITOR, 1962-1987Published Quarterly by the Schrier Research LaboratoryPsychology Department, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode IslandISSN 0023-6861POLICY STATEMENTThe Laboratory Primate Newsletter provides a central source of information about nonhuman primates and related matters to scientists who use these animals in their research and those whose work supports such research. The Newsletter (1) provides information on care and breeding of nonhuman primates for laboratory research, (2) disseminates general information and news about the world of primate research (such as announcements of meetings, research projects, sources of information, nomenclature changes), (3) helps meet the special research needs of individual investigators by publishing requests for research material or for information related to specific research problems, and (4) serves the cause of conservation of nonhuman primates by publishing information on that topic. As a rule, research articles or summaries accepted for the Newsletter have some practical implications or provide general information likely to be of interest to investigators in a variety of areas of primate research. However, special consideration will be given to articles containing data on primates not conveniently publishable elsewhere. General descriptions of current research projects on primates will also be welcome.The Newsletter appears quarterly and is intended primarily for persons doing research with nonhuman primates. Back issues may be purchased for $10.00 each. We are no longer printing paper issues, except those we will send to subscribers who have paid in advance. We will not accept future subscriptions, unless subscribers are willing to pay $100/year. (Please make checks payable to the Brown University Psychology Department.) Readers with access to electronic mail may receive a notice when a new issue is put on the Website by sending the message subscribe LPN-WARN your-own-name to listserv@.(Send the message subscribe LPN-PDF to receive PDF files by e-mail; or the message subscribe LPN-L to receive the nongraphic contents of each issue.) Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at </primate>. Persons who have absolutely no access to the Web, or to the electronic mailing, may ask to have paper copies sent to them.The publication lag is typically no longer than the three months between issues and can be as short as a few weeks. The deadline for inclusion of a note or article in any given issue of the Newsletter has in practice been somewhat flexible, but is technically the tenth of December, March, June, or September, depending on which issue is scheduled to appear next. Reprints will not be supplied under any circumstances, but authors may reproduce their own articles in any quantity.PREPARATION OF ARTICLES FOR THE NEWSLETTER. – Articles, notes, and announcements may be submitted by mail, e-mail, or computer disk, but a printed copy of manuscripts of any length or complexity should also be sent by regular mail.. Articles in the References section should be referred to in the text by author(s) and date of publication, e.g., Smith (1960) or (Smith & Jones, 1962). Names of journals should be spelled out completely in the References section. Latin names of primates should be indicated at least once in each note and article. In general, to avoid inconsistencies within the Newsletter, the Latin names used will be those in Mammal Species of The World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 2nd Ed. D. E. Wilson & D. M. Reeder (Eds.). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. For an introduction to and review of primate nomenclature see The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates, by N. Rowe, Pogonias Press, 1996.All correspondence concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:Judith E. Schrier, Psychology Department, Box 1853, Brown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island 02912 [401-863-2511; FAX: 401-863-1300]e-mail address: primate@Current and back issues of the Newsletter are available on the World Wide Web at/primateACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe Newsletter is supported by Brown University.Cover photograph of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta),taken at the San Diego Zoo by Paul Wilde, 1997Copyright © 2009 by Brown UniversityThe Effects of Exposure to an Expanded Environmental Enrichment Program onSelect Individual Behaviors in BaboonsAmy K. Goodwin, Susan A. James, Kelly E. Lane, Michael C. McDermott, Rebecca L. Rodgerson, and Nancy A. Ator Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Division of BehavioralBiologyIn our laboratory, we had often discussed our desire to create an area in which our singly housed, adult male ba-boons could be released to exercise. The opportunity to do so arose when an environmental enrichment grant from the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at Johns Hopkins University provided funding for such a project. Thus, the goals of the present study were to cre-ate an area large enough for baboons to safely engage in species-specific behavior (i.e., free movement, explora-tory behavior, foraging) and to learn whether exposure to this environment would be correlated with changes in target behaviors considered indicators of psychological well-being.MethodsSubjects: Six adult male baboons (Papio anubis; Primate Imports, New York, NY, or Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX) served as sub-jects in the present study. The six baboons (BB, DC, SY, CY, DE and SC) had been in the laboratory for at least three years and had been subjects in behavioral pharma-cology studies. During the present study, the behavioral pharmacology studies in which they participated included acute exposure to psychoactive compounds. Subjects were individually housed in stainless steel primate cages equipped with a bench running along one cage wall. The home cages, which provided 10 square feet of floor space (46.5 cubic feet total space), also served as the experi-mental chambers, so the behavioral pharmacology ex-periments took place in the home cage. Such experiments typically involve the use of one or more levers, stimulus lights, tones, and food pellet delivery. The baboons had visual and auditory access to other baboons.The baboons had continuous access to tap water from a spout at the front of their cages and received a daily ration of Lab Diet (®PMI Nutrition International) or Pri-mate diet (®Harlan Teklad) biscuits, one or two pieces of Amy K. Goodwin, Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., Behav-ioral Biology Research Center, 5510 Nathan Shock Dr., Suite 3000, Baltimore, MD 21224 [410-550-2781; fax: 410-550-2780; e-mail: Goodwin@].The establishment of the enrichment room was made possi-ble through an Animal Welfare Enhancement Award made by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. The authors would also like to thank Dan Rodgerson for the technical expertise he lent to the project, and Robert J. Adams, DVM, for helpful comments during the protocol review process and manuscript preparation.fresh fruits or vegetables daily, and children’s chewable multivitamins. Daily feeding occurred in late morning (never prior to time spent in the enrichment room). The enrichment program already established in the colony, which included human interaction, access to three or more toys (forage boxes, puzzle feeders, mirrors, Kong® toys, wood logs), and music continued without change during the present study.The overhead lights in the housing room were on for 13 h/day (6:00-19:00 h) and off for the remaining 11 h/day. Natural light also illuminated the room.Routine physical examinations (under ketamine hy-drochloride anesthesia) occurred every two weeks or ap-proximately once per month, depending on the study in which each subject was serving.All protocols were approved by the Johns Hopkins University Animal Care and Use Committee. Animal care and use and facility maintenance followed the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996) and the U. S. Animal Welfare Regulations. Johns Hopkins University is accredited by the Association for Assess-ment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care Inter-national.Room Construction: It was vital that the time and effort required to create the enrichment room space be manage-able and that the expense stay below the $6000 received for the project from the Animal Welfare Enhancement Award. Ultimately, by using resources already available to us, we were able to manage the time and effort required without affecting the normal daily functioning in the labo-ratory.The space designated for the enrichment room had been constructed as an animal housing room (i.e., wall and floor surfaces met Guide standards; air was vented externally), and all environmental aspects (e.g., tempera-ture and humidity) were controllable by laboratory per-sonnel. The space was not needed for housing animals when the project began. The room has 145.8 square feet of floor space (663.5 cubic feet of total space), a fully functional sink, and a steel railing on three walls.A door had to be constructed such that baboons would be able to be safely transferred in and out of the room using the shuttle system described below. In order to accomplish this without permanently altering the room, a door measuring 83.25” by 47.25” was made of aluminumsheets in a frame of 3” x 1.25” 6061 architectural alumi-num, and installed in the existing door frame in front of the existing door (see Figure 1). A sub-frame containing a portion of the front wall of an old baboon cage was mounted in the center of the new aluminum door and welded to the larger door frame such that the shuttle cage could be connected to the embedded guillotine-style door. Once the shuttle is attached, the guillotine-style doors on the shuttle cage and the new “cage front” door are opened and the baboon is able to pass from the shuttle into the room. The cage front door is shut behind the baboon. When a baboon is not in the room, the aluminum door functions as any door would, allowing personnel into theroom so that it may be cleaned between baboons.Figure 1: The door constructed to safely transfer baboons in and out of the enrichment room.A painted wooden structure was also manufactured to block baboon access to the sink and its pipes (see Figure 2).The structure is hinged at the front, allowing easy ac-cess to the sink by personnel; fasteners prevent the baboon from opening the lid to the sink. Electrical outlets were covered with metal plates that were screwed in over them. Experimental Design and Procedures: The psychologi-cal well-being of nonhuman primates must be based on individual needs, thus a single-subject design was used in which each subject served as his own experimental control (Sidman, 1960). A subject’s target behavior was meas-ured before the intervention (i.e., exposure to enrichment room) and then measurements in the home cage continued as baboons were periodically exposed to the enrichment room. Prior to any enrichment room exposure, the fre-quency of the target behavior in the home cage was re-corded using a time-sampling procedure (Martin & Pear, 1992) in which 2-minute observations were conducted every hour for 8 hours (i.e., every hour from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.) at least three days a week, over at least three weeks (i.e., a minimum of 72 two-minute observations). After subjects began spending time in the enrichment room, the home cage observations occurred once per week on a day when the baboon was not scheduled to be in the enrich-ment room (e.g., eight 2-minute observations on Fridays). Figure 2: A baboon in the enrichment room. The wooden structure on the left is the painted and hinged structure used to block baboon access to a sink located in the enrichment room. Shown in the picture are various types of plastic zoo balls, plas-tic tires, tree branches, mirrors, plastic chains, and cardboard for shredding. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds, etc.) are placed throughoutthe room to encourage foraging behavior.The frequency of behaviors was recorded by the ob-server marking a behavioral checklist that included the following behaviors: pacing, rocking, bouncing, circling, self-biting, self-grooming, sleeping, huddled posture, masturbating, aggressive behaviors, playing with toy, lip-smacking, grunting, eating, and drinking. Similar behav-iors have been defined previously in our lab as a part of assessments to examine acute and chronic drug effects (Ator et al., 2000; Goodwin et al., 2005; Goodwin et al., 2006).Three baboons (BB, DC, and SY) were identified as exhibiting behaviors in their home cages for which a de-crease in the frequency may indicate improvement in psy-chological well-being. For baboon BB, the behaviors were pacing and circling in his home cage. For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture, operationally defined assitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli (e.g., our saying his name or offering food treats), was identified as such a behavior. In addition, baboon SY was identified as engaging in excessive grooming. For all three baboons, manipulating items/toys provided in the home cage was identified as a behavior for which increases in frequency may signal improve-ments in psychological well-being and was also recorded.Periodic cage washes (e.g., every two weeks) require baboons to be transferred out of their home cages and into a temporary cage via a “shuttle”. After the shuttle is at-tached to the front of a baboon’s home cage, the guillo-tine style doors on the cage front and shuttle front are lifted and the baboon is able to enter the shuttle. The doors are then shut, and the baboon is transferred to a temporary cage while his home cage is washed. The same procedures are used to transfer the baboons back to their home cages. Although most baboons readily par-ticipate in this procedure, some baboons consistently re-quire coaxing to enter the shuttle. Typically, veterinary technicians attempt to coax baboons into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, and when this fails, the back wall of the home cage is cranked forward so baboons have no choice but to enter the shuttle. In these extreme situations, ba-boons may experience some level of stress associated with the cage wall being cranked forward.Three baboons (CY, DE, and SC) from the colony were identified as consistently required coaxing and/or cranking of the back wall in their home cage in order to transfer them in the shuttle for routine cage washes. De-creasing the time taken for these baboons to enter the shuttle was presumed to lower the stress levels experi-enced by these baboons when they require such transfer.Exposure to the enrichment room began after pre-intervention data had been collected. Between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. (i.e., prior to daily feedings), individual baboons were transported from their home cages to the enrichment room in the shuttle 2-3 times per week. Two dependent variables were used to measure the effectiveness of expo-sure to the enrichment room:1.Target Behaviors: For baboons BB, DC, and SY, the frequency of the behavior(s) identified for each baboon as described above (i.e., circling/pacing, huddled posture, excessive grooming, and handling toys) were systemati-cally recorded by a trained observer before any subject entered the room (i.e., in the weeks prior to entering the enrichment room the first time) using checklists described above.2.Shuttle Behavior: For baboons CY, DE and SC, the latency to enter the shuttle for transportation was re-corded in multiple instances before any exposure to the enrichment room; recording continued after exposure to the enrichment began. The maximum latency to enter the shuttle voluntarily was defined as five minutes, after which time the back wall was cranked forward to leave the baboon with no choice but to enter the shuttle.Each baboon spent 30 minutes in the enrichment room where he had access to numerous objects and toys manu-factured or otherwise suggested for nonhuman primates, including tires, various types of plastic balls, trees, mir-rors, wood pieces, knotted ropes, plastic chains, etc. (see Figure 2; Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ; Desert Plastics, Al-buquerque, NM; Otto Environmental, Milwaukee, WI; Primate Products Inc., Woodside, CA; and Steiner Enter-prises, Lafayette, IN). The same objects were kept in the room, but were cleaned and arranged differently between baboon visits. In addition, small food items (e.g., raisins, peanuts, cashews, popcorn, sunflower seeds) were placed throughout the room for each baboon to encourage forag-ing behavior. The objects manipulated and duration spent in the enrichment room were recorded for each baboon.After 30 minutes, the shuttle was pushed up against the guillotine door to the room and the doors on the shut-tle and the cage door were raised for transportation to the home cage. Baboons typically returned readily to the shuttle. If a baboon did not do so, a technician placed a piece of fruit in the shuttle to coax the baboon into it. As noted above, daily feeding (i.e., primate biscuits and fresh produce) was restricted to post-enrichment room partici-pation, to increase the likelihood that baboons resisting entering the shuttle might be coaxed with the fruit.Data Analysis: Data are presented for individual ba-boons. As subjects were also participants in on-going behavioral pharmacology studies, only data collected on days when no drugs were administered were included in this data analysis. As described above, a time-sampling procedure was used to assess the frequency of a specific behavior in the home cage for any given day Martin & Pear,1992).Thus, the total number of episodes across the eight 2-min.observations (one each hour for eight con-secutive hours)that occurred in one 24-hr period was av-eraged across days for the periods before and after en-richment room exposure. In addition, the 2-min. observa-tions were combined within each day by adding the fre-quency of occurrences of any given behavior and then dividing the total frequency by the number of total min-utes spent observing in order to express a rate. In this way, the rate for each day served as an independent ob-servation for comparing frequencies before and during exposure to the enrichment room using Student’s t-test (one-tailed).For the individual latencies to enter the transport shuttle, logarithmic transformation of individual latencies were analyzed using Student’s t-test (one-tailed). Changes in the mean frequency of a specific behavior, or the mean latency to enter the shuttle, were deemed statis-tically significant at the 0.05 level or better for individual baboons after exposure to the enrichment room.The data are also presented in graph form as (1) the mean (±SD) frequency of each measure for each baboon prior to any exposure in the enrichment room (PRE) and (2) the frequency of that measure following each expo-sure to the room. In this way, patterns of change over time as a result of repeated exposure to the enrichment room may be detected.ResultsFor baboon BB, repetitive pacing/circling in the home cage was identified as the target behavior prior to the start of this study. Using the time-sampling procedure de-scribed above, the mean (±SD) frequency of pac-ing/circling episodes in the home cage prior to any visits to the enrichment room was 2.19 (±1.39) (see Figure 3). After exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) number of pacing/circling episodes significantly de-creased to 0.643 (±0.63) (t=3.948; p=0.0002).Figure 3: The mean frequency of pacing/circling episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB. Data here, and in Figures 4, 5, and 6, are the mean (±SD) frequency ob-tained using a time-sampling procedure before exposure to the enrichment room (PRE), and the frequency observed following exposure to the enrichment room.For baboons DC and SY, a “huddled” posture was identified as a target behavior for which a decrease fol-lowing exposure to the enrichment room may indicate an improvement in psychological well-being (see Figure 4). As noted previously, the “huddled” posture is defined as sitting with chin on chest and being unresponsive to nor-mal stimuli. For baboon DC, the mean (±SD) frequency of the “huddled” posture prior to exposure to the enrich-ment room was 5.25 (±1.29). The mean frequency after exposure decreased to 4.21 (±1.31), a statistically signifi-cant decrease (t=2.02; p=0.03; see Figure 4). For baboon SY, the frequency of “huddled” posture observed in the home cage also decreased after exposure to the enrich-ment room. Prior to the first exposure to the enrichment room, the mean (±SD) frequency of a “huddled” posture for SY was 1.88 (±1.37). This was significantly de-creased to 0.71 (±0.83) (t=2.92; p=0.003).Figure 4: The mean frequency of “huddled” posture per two-minute interval in the home cages of baboons DC and SY.Excessive grooming was also identified as a target behavior for baboon SY for which a decrease in the fre-quency may signal an improvement in his psychological well-being (see Figure 5). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes prior to exposure to the enrichment room was 3.77 (±1.45). The mean (±SD) frequency of grooming episodes after exposure decreased to 2.36 (±0.74), a statistically significant decrease (t=3.34;p=0.0008).Figure 5: The mean frequency of grooming episodes per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon SY.Figure 6: The mean frequency of episodes of “playing with toys” per two-minute interval in the home cage of baboon BB.Behaviors for which an increase in frequency might signal improved psychological well-being were also char-acterized. For baboon BB, there was a significant in-crease in the frequency of “playing with toys” in his home cage after exposure to the enrichment room (t=4.48; p<0.0001). As shown in Figure 6, the frequency since exposure to the enrichment room generally increased. Prior to enrichment room exposure, the mean (±SD) fre-quency of baboon BB “playing with toys” in the home cage was 2.27 (±1.91). After the first exposure, the mean (±SD) frequency was 4.9 (±1.54).Figure 7: The mean (±SD) latency (min.) to enter the shuttle from the home cages of baboons DE and CY before (PRE) ex-posure to the enrichment room and after exposure. The maxi-mum latency was five min., after which the back wall of the home cage was cranked forward.Some of SY’s and DC’s behaviors in the home cage that may signal improvement in psychological well-being when increased (i.e., playing with toys, lip smacking, and grunting) were not significantly changed (data not shown) after exposure to the enrichment room.The latency to enter the shuttle for transportation from the home cage to the enrichment room was studied in three baboons (DE, CY, SC) known to require coaxing, and often cranking the back wall of the home cage, to get them into the shuttle. As shown in Figure 7, baboon DE required a mean (±SD) latency of 3.45 (±1.82) minutes to enter the shuttle prior to any exposure in the enrichment room. After the first exposure, the mean latency to enter the shuttle significantly decreased (t=7.4; p<0.0001). For baboon CY, the mean (±SD) latency to enter the shuttle prior to exposure was 0.53 ± 0.57 minutes, a significant decrease after exposure (t=2.1; p=0.023).Despite coaxing with fruit, one baboon (SC) failed to return to the shuttle after entering the enrichment room. Fortunately, the baboon was one who readily pressed his thigh up against the bars for ketamine injections in the home cage and also did so in the enrichment room. While ketamine is routinely used in lab settings for its sedative effects, it is a drug with potential for abuse, and studies have illustrated that nonhuman primates will self-administer ketamine (Lukas et al., 1984; Moreton et al., 1977). Thus, since intramuscular ketamine clearly served as a reinforcer for this baboon, the veterinary technician was able to sedate the animal with ketamine in order to remove him from the room. When this also needed to be done at the end of his second visit to the room, this ba-boon was dropped from the study.DiscussionThe objective of the present study was to improve the quality of life for baboons in our lab through exposure to an expanded environmental enrichment program. We could not simply assume, however, that exposure to the enrichment room would result in an improvement in the psychological well-being of our subjects. Thus, we iden-tified three baboons with maladaptive behaviors in their home cages and compared the frequency of these behav-iors prior to enrichment room exposure to the frequency of the same behaviors after exposure, and found signifi-cant decreases in their frequency.In addition, we found that two baboons would more readily enter the transport shuttle after exposure to the enrichment room. That is, the stress resulting from crank-ing the back wall forward and “forcing” baboons out of the cage and into the shuttle for transport no longer oc-curs for these baboons, since they now readily enter the shuttle. This is important because baboons must be trans-ported out of their home cages for regular cage washes.Thus, our data support the idea that exposure to the enrichment room improved the psychological well-being of the baboons. In addition, while only one of the ba-boons showed an increase in the use of toys in his home cage, it is possible the baboons experienced significant increases in their psychological well-being that were un-detected by our outcome measures. Moreover, by docu-menting the smaller objects manipulated (e.g., Kong® toys, balls made of different materials, plastic chains, mirrors) while the baboons were in the enrichment room, we also were able to identify individual toy preferences for individual baboons. This has resulted in more effec-tive enrichment being provided in the home cages.Another goal was simply to increase the amount of activity in which the baboons were able to engage. Tech-nicians consistently noted in the records that baboons spend a majority of time in the enrichment room moving around and “exploring.”A discussion of promoting the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates in laboratories would not be complete without mentioning possible causes of abnormal cage behaviors. While it is not possible to know why one baboon engages in maladaptive behaviors when others do not, one theory with an abundance of evidence asserts that removing an infant from his mother’s care too soon can result in the formation of abnormal cage behaviors later in life (Altmann, 2001; Bellanca & Crockett, 2002). Neither information about the age at which a baboon was removed from his mother’s care, nor descriptions of early life experiences, are routinely provided with nonhuman primates upon arrival at research facilities. For example, while the actual age of baboon BB is not known, he was a wild-caught baboon who weighed a mere 8.2 kg and was lacking his canine teeth upon arrival, leaving no doubt he arrived as a juvenile. Moreover, when he arrived at quar-antine (and for a period of time after arriving in our facil-ity), BB was housed with a second male baboon that was bigger and dominated BB. Thus, the cage behaviors ex-hibited by BB later in life may have been shaped as a consequence of being taken from his mother too soon and/or being caged with a dominant older male early in life. While many factors certainly influence the formation of maladaptive behaviors, housing and rearing conditions, early life experience, and colony procedures clearly play a role. Indeed, a retrospective analysis in a colony of rhesus macaques concluded that factors influencing the development of stereotypic and self-injurious behaviors in rhesus macaques included intrinsic factors (i.e., males exhibit more maladaptive behaviors than did females), rearing conditions, housing conditions, colony manage-ment practices, and research protocols (Lutz et al., 2003). Regardless of the cause of abnormal cage behaviors, it is important to examine how environmental enrichment may be useful for decreasing these behaviors.Since we ended our data collection, the enrichment room has been available for all baboons in our colony, and we have encountered baboons that do not readily return to the shuttle for transportation back to their home cages. Specifically, we have had three instances, other than the one reported above, when baboons would not readily exit the enrichment room. In these instances, the technicians tried to coax the baboon into the shuttle by placing fruit in it, but found it required considerable time before the baboons would exit. That is, after a period of 1-4 hours baboons eventually returned to the shuttle, and those baboons are not currently visiting the enrichment room. Other methods for encouraging return to the shut-tle, however, are being tried. For example, we have found that turning off the room light was successful with one baboon. Based on our experience during and after the present study, 30-45 minutes seems to be the ideal amount of time in the room after which the majority of baboons will readily exit the room without incident.It is our hope that other laboratories will use an en-richment room for caged nonhuman primates and will find it a valuable tool for increasing their psychological well-being. Facilities that house very large numbers of nonhuman primates may find it difficult to expend the time, space, and money to offer such enrichment to all animals. While it would be wonderful to give all the animals in a lab access to an enrichment room, it would not be as expensive to at least provide it to those animals who need it most. Indeed, our data support the notion that the psychological well-being of nonhuman primates exhibiting maladaptive behaviors can improve by expo-sure to an enrichment room.It should be noted, however, that some unique vari-ables may have contributed to our success. The veteri-nary technicians in the Division of Behavioral Biology are responsible for the daily care of the same animals, and the baboons serve as subjects in behavioral experiments for a number of years (i.e., studies are not terminal). Thus, the baboons are extremely familiar with their vet-erinary technicians. In addition, the baboons have a his-tory of shuttling for cage washes and so the act of moving from their home cages to the enrichment room was famil-iar to them. Nonetheless, exposing baboons with target behaviors indicative of poor psychological well-being to the enrichment room resulted in an apparent improvement in psychological well-being. The ease of replication of the enrichment room in other nonhuman primate colonies is contingent on the availability of space, time, and some financial support.In conclusion, participation in the expanded enrich-ment program enhanced the standard enrichment provided in the home cages, and also appeared to improve the psy-chological well-being of individual baboons with identi-fied maladaptive behaviors in our research program. We。
16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics ConferenceCrown Plaza,Gold Coast,Australia2-7December2007A computational study of the influence of the injection characteristicson micro-turbine combustionC.A.Gonzalez1,K.C.Wong1and S.Armfield11School of Aerospace,Mechanical&Mechatronic EngineeringThe University of Sydney,AUSTRALIAAbstractMicro-turbines have been lately recognized as promising alter-natives for powering unmanned aerial vehicles(UA Vs),hybrid transport and small scale electricity generation.Due to their traditional use in military and recreational applications,a good deal of empirical and general data is available but little technical and scientific information about their behaviour,and in particu-lar about their combustion characteristics can be obtained. Injection is widely recognized as a major controller of the com-bustion process in thermal machines such as diesel engines and gas turbines.In this paper a computational study is undertaken to identify the influence of the injection characteristics on the thermodynamic variables inside a commercial micro-turbine. Large eddy simulation is used for describing the turbulence. Statistical design of experiments is used to evaluate the influ-ence of each factor and their interactions as well as for reduc-ing the amount of simulations.Results indicate that changes in droplet size and injection velocity can improve the conditions at the outlet of the combustor.IntroductionThe micro-turbine industry has grown dramatically in the last decade.This is because new applications for these engines,such as small scale electricity generation,unmanned aerial vehicle propulsion and hybrid transport,have been developed.Micro-turbines,when compared with the state of the art recip-rocating engines,promise better power to weight ratio,more flexibility,lower emissions and the possibility offlying faster and at higher altitudes.However,their fuel efficiency is still low.This is the main reason why they have not found yet a more widespread use in those areas.A further understanding of the behaviour of the engine can yield improvements in their performance.This is the aim of this work,focusing on the com-bustion chamber.The combustion process is a key factor in the operation of the turbine.A better understanding of this process can not only benefit the efficiency of the engine at given conditions but also make it possible to expand the area of operation of the engine. Several studies have been undertaken analysing pressure loss [1],implementing lean combustion for low NOx emissions[2], comparing different configurations[3]and analysing the com-bustion process through computationalfluid dynamic simula-tions[4,5].The injection process plays an important role in the combustion, yet the extent of the influence of the main injection variables, such as droplet diameter,spray diameter and injection veloc-ity on the combustion process of micro turbine engines,using vaporisers at this scale,is still unclear.This paper focuses on the influence of three variables of the injection process on the combustion inside micro turbines using CFD.The initial droplet diameter,the outlet velocity and the straight forward manner,for example by changing the injection pressure or changing the injector type using air blast,simplex or plain orifice atomizers.This paper can serve as a guide to determine if the implementation of more advanced atomizers is useful for micro-turbine combustion.In micro-turbine engines,the optimal condition for a combustor is to have the highest and most homogenious temperature at the outlet with the minimum pressure drop.Given a constant mass flow rate and outlet area,the pressure can be easily related with the velocity at the outlet.In this study,only the velocity and average temperature at the outlet are considered in a high load condition.In the following section,the methodology of the study is thus described.The details of the turbine and combustor,together with the model and mesh details are presentedfirst.The turbu-lence and combustion models are then described,followed by the boundary and operating conditions and a description of the design of experiments and test plan.Results are presented in terms of the temperature and velocityfields.Finally the conclu-sions are detailed.MethodologyTurbine and combustorMesh detailsAs explained by Gonzalez et al[5]Large Eddy Simulation (LES)outperforms Reynolds Average Navier Stokes(RANS) turbulence models for this problem.In particular their results show that LES with wall adapted local eddy viscosity(WALE) sub grid model yields the best results.This is the model that is employed in the present study.Afinite rate model for the simulation of combustion is used. Due to the high chemical complexity of the kerosene,a sur-rogate fuel consisting of80%n-decane and20%toluene is em-ployed for simulating this fuel.The steadyflamelet model[8,9] is utilised together with a reduced mechanism of63species and 167reactions[10].Fuel injection modelSecond order discretisations are used for all equations.The sec-ond order implicit in time approach is employed for the un-steady formulation.Pressure and velocity coupling is carried out via the PISO algorithm.The time step for unsteady cases was2×10−5s.Residual convergence for continuity,velocities, mixture fraction was considered acceptable below10−3,while that of the energy equation was10−5.A high load condition is evaluated in this study.The total air flow is0.22kg/s,the inlet pressure is2.2bar and global air fuel ratio is65[7].The inlet temperature of the air is400K while that of the fuel is300K.A validation study for this case with all the models previously described was performed by Gonzalez et Design of experimentsInj.vel.(m/s)315515100There are several types of response surfaces,they vary mainly on the position and amount of points to be used.In this study the Box-Behnken design,which considers only the points at the edjes of the enclosed cube,was selected as a good compro-mise between accuracy and test reduction [19].The best pre-dictions with this model are in the sphere/ellipse enclosed by these points.This has made it possible to reduce the number of computations from 27possible combinations (considering a parametric study of 3factors at 3levels)to a total number of 14,including the validation point.ResultsTo analyse the combustion process,the mean values of the tem-perature and velocity at the outlet obtained with the steady state solution are used.Surface responses were thus created for these two variables in terms of the drop size,injection velocity and spray angle and their interactions.As explained earlier,the re-sponse surface methodology makes it possible to obtain a poly-nomial equation.In this case the obtained equation represented the data with a R 2of 88%and 84%for the temperature and ve-locity,respectively.The standard error of estimation for each case was 25K and 4m/s.This values in the order of varia-tion of the steady state solution due to turbulence so it can be considered adequate.In Figure 3the pareto plot of the main effects and the second or-der interaction of the droplet size are displayed.The pareto plot for the temperature yields very similar output and is therefore omitted.This plot indicates which factors are not statistically significant.This is done by looking at those factors whose bar is below the statistically significance line.Only these four factors are displayed since all the rest of them (second order interac-tions)have been taken out of the model (through the procedure explained in section )due to their lack of significance.01234Standarized effectDrop size x Drop Inj.Drop +_Figure 3:Standarized effect of the different parameters over the temperature.The first point to notice in this plot is that the spray angle is not significant for the model while the effect of the injection veloc-ity and drop size is bigger than the predicted error.Also,the interactions between the factors are not significant.Thirdly,the effect of both the injection velocity and drop size are negative,showing that an increase of both factors decreases the velocity (or temperature)at the combustor outlet.In figures 4and 5,contour plots of the effect of the drop size and the injection velocity on the outlet temperature and the out-let velocity are displayed.As noted,smaller drop sizes make it possible to get higher temperatures and velocities.This fac-tor shows a quadratic effect on both variables illustrating that a further reductionof the drop size can lead to higher tempera-tures/velocities and that a further increase in the drop size is notgoing to create a very dramatic effect on the performance of the Figure 4:Effect of the drop size and injection velocity on the mean temperature at the outlet of the combustor.Figure 5:Effect of the drop size and injection velocity on the mean velocity at the outlet of the combustor.In Figure 6,the mean temperature at the mid section of the com-bustor is displayed for the two different levels of the drop size at 3m/s and 5deg.As noted,the high temperature region is more properly defined in the 10µm case.In this case,as seen in Figure 7,higher evaporation rates inside or very close to the vaporiser make it possible to achieve a rich and homogenious mixture in the pri-mary and secondary zones.As seen in Figure 8,this makes it possible for this mixture to have a well established flame front when it mixes with the secondary and part of the diffusion air.Bigger droplets evaporate in more distributed locations.There-fore,local stoichiometric mixture fractions (and high temper-ature zones)can be found in a broader area.However,some of the bigger droplets are not able to evaporate and mix com-pletely before or inside the combustor which explains most of the decrease of temperatures.Higher injection velocities lead to lower outlet temperatures and velocities as seen in figures 4and 5.In Figure 9,comparative images of the mean temperature at the mid section of the com-bustor for the two extreme levels of the velocity at 151µm and 5deg.are displayed.It can be noted that substantially lower temperatures are ob-tained inside the combustor when the injection velocity is in-creased.As observed in Figure 10,this is because leaner mix-ture fractions are obtained.The fuel mass source contours of Figure 11indicate that this is due to a more distributed evapo-ration.As noted in this same figure,there is still evaporation at the outlet of the combustor.This means that incomplete com-bustion is taking place,which can explain the overall decrease in temperatures.Figure6:Temperature at the mid-section cut of the combustor for the10µm(a)and100µm(b)cases.The injection velocity and spray angle are3m/s and5deg,respectively.Figure7:Evaporated fuel mass at the mid-section cut of the combustor for the10µm(a)and100µm(b)cases.The injection velocity and spray angle are3m/s and5deg,respectively.Figure8:Mixture fraction at the mid-section cut of the com-bustor for the10µm(a)and100µm(b)cases.The injection velocity and spray angle are3m/s and5deg,respectively. DiscussionIt is noted from this study that most of the evaporation takes place at the outlet of the vaporiser when the droplet diameter is increased to more than100µm.As explained in the fuel injec-tion model section,the validation studies for the fuel injection model have shown that this is a typical initial droplet diameter for plain orifice atomisers such as the one usually installed in this engine.The design of the vaporiser is thus,not optimal.A longer design can make it possible for the evaporation to take place inside the primary zone.Also,the use of air blast atomis-ers can be helpful in this sense.Also,slower velocities make it possible to obtain complete combustion.Most of the injectors rely on an increase in in-jection pressure for decreasing the drop size.As observed in this study,the benefits of decreasing drop size are much higher than the drawback of increasing injection velocities.However,a very rich combustion is obtained when the drop size diameter is decreased.This may lead to very high NOx production.Based on this data,the combustor could be improved by an increase of the primary air and a reduction of the drop size.This could lead to lower mixture fractions,leaner combustions and lower NOx. ConclusionsA CFD analysis of a micro turbine combustor under reactive conditions has been performed.The influence of injection con-ditions was assessed.The results indicate that decreasing the drop size and increasing the injection velocity leads to an over-all increase of outlet temperatures.This is because a more com-plete combustion is achieved.Most of the evaporation takes place at the outlet of the vaporiserFigure9:Temperature at the mid-section cut of the combustor for the3m/s(a)and100m/s(b)cases.The drop size and spray angle are151µm and5deg,respectively.even small sauter mean diameter for plain orifice atomisers,the design of the vaporiser of this combustor has been found to be somewhat short if complete evaporation is desired.A higly premixed rich combustion can be obtained when the drop size diameter is decreased.This may lead to very high NOx production.An increase of the primary air,increasing the vaporiser diameter,together with an increase of length and a reduction of the drop size by means of a more efficient atom-iser can lead to lower mixture fractions,leaner combustions and lower NOx.AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank the Conselleria de Empresa,Uni-versidad y Ciencia of the Generalitat Valenciana,Spain,for its support through a post doctoral fellowship.References[1]M.D.Agrawal and S.Bharani.Performance Evaluationof a Reverse-flow Gas Turbine Combustor using Modi-fied Hydraulic Analogy.The institute of Engineers IndiaJournal MC,April2004:34–44,2004.[2]HeonSeok Lee and JeongJung Yoon.The Study onDevelopment of Low NOx Combustor with Lean BurnCharacteristics for20kW class Microturbine.Proceed-ings of ASME Turbo Expo,14–17June,Viena,Austria,2004.[3]R.Tuccillo and paring differentsolutions for the micro-gas turbine combustor.Proceed-Figure10:Mixture fraction at the mid-section cut of the com-bustor for the3m/s(a)and100m/s(b)cases.The drop size and spray angle are151µm and5deg,respectively.[4]Levy,Y.et al Experimental-theoretical study of spraycombustion in the small jet engines.Annual Israeli JetEngine Symposium(AIJES).16November,2006. 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单位姓名考号考场语文数学英语科学品社中小鲍守芮0150100177988243324中小杨铠源01501002733.55811124中小司光阳01501003753.53014611中小杨凯01501004773.581313531中小高少珍0150100575950232819中小刘智文0150100674666311416中小谢佳欣0150100777158302824中小郑悦0150100877686713747中小毛柯权01501009767.566483544中小徐晴0150101076941423341中小刘馨慧01501011733.588192116中小杨加旺0150101275382202715中小李起丞0150101377793483745中小孙一01501014758.58073530中小杨宗宇01501015777.575264631中小马冰玉01501016770.565323316中小曹庭硕01501017757.54814916中小孙昭旭01501018753.55822379中小唐亚晴01501019785.557173343中小尹其航01501020755.57852932中小董文跃01501021748165126中小陈怡彤0150102277817402331中小曹玲0150102376883643142中小李健超0150102476530171817中小杜培石0150102576986162523中小陈青青0150102677349232530中小王娜01501027764.563142619中小孙萍0150102875869312115中小孙仕洋015010297646823188中小刘红振01501030729.581372423中小刘嘉璐0150103186169122118中小李娅0150103287375311939中小鲍守磊01501033855.581222811中小谢以诺015010348323828414中小高甜甜01501035864.592572124中小徐开明01501036867.568544523中小葛成意0150103787469363831中小周毅01501038827.54225171中小吴亚群01501039874.571454128中小刘超01501040840.52832924中小刘凯0150104186869332320中小高振01501042810.5212382中小吴庆枝015010438517191527中小赫凤娇0150104487941283141中小赵仁慧01501045855.531212118中小许可艳0150104686565542538中小夏俊豪0150104788391633947中小郑尚海0150104886989343231中小葛文迪01502049860.58171715中小尹启凡0150205086215142514中小吴衍昭01502051863.583403525中小司光照0150205685725153218中小尹成豪0150205786750313627中小谢家慧0150205887781563838中小谢芬0150205988892684946中小高中强0150206086354243733中小谢荣月0150206157438443738中小谢颖01502062567.531284134中小董旭01502063570.572735042中小谢友彤01502064564.539452931中小王皎0150206556933304038中小齐昕阳01502066573.572504146中小齐永乐01502067570.541473618中小谢智欣01502068561.528204137中小陈明凯01502069582.573413340中小李坤01502070578.573574342中小刘东浩01502071564.515252512中小潘慧0150207257267763446中小高云01502073579.563644747中小刘富超015020745642222201中小周祥宇01502075563.558224443中小高子阳01502076556.510211820中小于文慧01502077576.551644838中小齐媛01502078574.538373532中小张朕01502079571.525313829中小魏文琪0150208057276423942中小孙秀云0150208157976634138中小谢昕芮0150208257362693239中小王继晖01502083570.554253513中小管晨0150208457966313342中小乔飞0150208553321445中小张岳婷0150208657853284638中小张安琪01502087563.544504433中小谢宁0150208856849314315中小郭芙菡0150208957543604434中小杨宇祥0150209055124131924中小陈海涛01502091654982017中小司涵01502092676.566603821中小藏尚斌015020936764223419中小齐瑞雪0150209468167774530中小席广昊0150209567770663226中小邵聪01502096663.575213118中小刘兆宸01503097679.580484650中小蒋存0150309867985673220中小赵祥宇0150309968395674142中小刘晗0150310068074454037中小吴晓庆01503101670.575353327中小谢荣杰01503102661.541251913中小刘毅01503103660.535171722中小臧云霞01503104673.573523935中小杨宗睿0150310566548202215中小唐悦茹01503106666.568262730中小李昊源0150310769189714535中小赵震01503112671.586254538中小鲍福临0150311368080354538中小银端0150311468684504737中小曹守正01503115664.577154320中小杜现锋0150311668682293631中小李汶骏0150311767358353538中小齐旭0150311868790565142中小周浩0150311967048283928中小谢荣欢0150312067674264332中小张力丹0150312196380283715中小赵振兴0150312298189255137中小孙瀚文01503123978.592434140中小马健衷0150312497984554337中小崔秀琪01503125980.578234326中小唐瑞欣0150312697883613533中小鲍晓雨01503127956.588123216中小孙智刚01503128964.574292928中小鲍克峥0150312996781184227中小朱干01503130962.587444927中小朱晓雨01503131968.585454932中小曹富有01503132964.557212722中小臧有政01503133916.553823中小马彦群01503134973.578294524中小唐冬01503135964.57717234中小管彦红0150313697078161723中小谢晓涵01503137942101158中小管国欣0150313897249141322中小陈文正0150313997882224942中小齐坤01503140958.572143714中小孙杰015031419504116157中小谢明芮01503142958.521231425中小徐珊珊0150314397381533730中小孙臣禹01503144945.569272619驿头陈祥雨06501145238.541191722驿头乔颜06501146269.576873528驿头王正0650114723336732917驿头乔娟0650114826852723032驿头陈凡祥06501149271.574293729驿头张文琦0650115027268764736驿头王棋06501151258.564244110驿头张然06501152252.561523227驿头刘心蕊06501153261.540292826驿头刘玉豪06501154261.56030268驿头乔立豪0650115523223221910驿头齐秀鑫06501156257.566562920驿头时大壮0650115725250272724驿头朱金正06501158251.574722712驿头陈静06501159269.566752729驿头马宇航06501160265.551882725驿头刘佰仕0650116127279693622驿头刘统正0650116223457152316驿头乔英杰0650116323671351414驿头齐玉娇06501168358.571732921驿头刘云06501169356.544641626驿头袁小嵛06501170338.58252510驿头王玉镔0650117137178773527驿头乔安冉06501172362.571833932驿头朱衍来0650117336576813725驿头马瑞阳06501174377.575673328驿头乔立雪0650117537549811933驿头席语0650117635952721623驿头齐晓然06501177373.579923928驿头马瑞林06501178360.537642728驿头张欣06501179378.567873135驿头苗芮0650118037772813529驿头乔立舜06501181369.561583510驿头刘义甜065011823542329107驿头赵俊0650118335974763325驿头宋佳乐0650118434735171717驿头陈瑞星0650118536185393724驿头陈慧娟06501186382.584883640兴台孟文慧25501187272.575294243兴台姜茂敏2550118826865334132兴台杨雨欣25501189277.571513737兴台吴谦2550119025951131426兴台祝诺2550119127668663546兴台高如如2550119227255264733兴台咸会晓冉2550119326749483747兴台张富君25501194268.538233234兴台李然25501195250.524211119兴台亓玉城25501196260.551262328兴台高冠甲2550119726038211323兴台靳文胜2550119824340131632兴台李因水2550119924553242420兴台沈悦2550120027158312945兴台张雨2550120127766374043兴台李洪运25501202271.563224342兴台刘泽阳25501203271.554454446兴台咸柯羽25501204262.549403347兴台王鹏皓25501205263.554263839兴台刘泽臣2550120626758203135兴台刘德盛25501207257.53924916兴台刘浩然2550120827946222938兴台刘婷婷2550120938171463646兴台郑敏2550121036833381338兴台刘浩25501211367.572234038兴台刘梦喆25501212350.566264331兴台班聪2550121336136352041兴台房玉婷2550121436643292942兴台房斌25501215359.556142230兴台蒋臻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李增龙07501384249.564762030回龙能继增07501385242.570582531东流张鑫雨085013866列58.576551123东流王倩085013876列83.594714338东流魏飞085013926列7879513539东流甄乔085013936列74.587843136东流王景豪085013948列6475583427东流魏景梅085013958列5757542525东流魏景悦085013968列69.575562823东流牛耀085013978列6268603123东流王丁卉085013988列56.555451012东流甄宜原085013998列56.58465241东流魏景旺085014008列64.590742711东流赵文085014018列60.574451322东流杨翔凯085014028列63.585671120北仲武圣翔165014031列68.545431325北仲刘云静165014041列651546533北仲李欣蔓165014051列63.534342237北仲刘亚芝165014061列7351681740北仲刘珂165014071列84.554772142北仲刘文博165014083列77.521542637北仲刘孟祥165014093列68.563533137北仲刘莉165014103列80.567802545北仲刘鑫宝165014113列72.556582737北仲刘素素165014123列79.560841726北仲刘婷婷165014135列74.536522129北仲刘敏165014145列83.531673329北仲刘国燕165014155列461733017北仲刘艳丽165014165列63.545472140北仲刘晓岚165014175列81.534751946北仲刘仕举165014187列58.52334727北仲刘旺165014197列64.528482743北仲亓胜165014207列74.564402740北仲刘彬165014217列5022201312北仲刘璐165014227列81.561911739北仲咸皓165014237列55.547232014北仲刘金雨165014247列77.53373940北仲刘晴晴165014257列47.51028519255 125.5 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288 331 223.5 131.5 209.5 184.5 211 277.5 214.5 331 212.5 192 146.5 208.5 338.5 276 219.5 205 257.5 189.5 106.5 179.5 337 337.5 295.5 347 263.5 296.5 216 98 263 276 173 307 361.5 223.5 297 294.5 218 324 253.5101 62.5 160.5 127.5 74.5 89.5 180 92 155 200.5 29.5 59.5 126.5 105.5 120.5 86 66.5 41.5 204 265 292 177.5 292 231.5 291 275 143.5 319.5 214.5 257 261 151.5 214 202.5 852.5 264 318.5 271.5 203.5 223 236.5 252 251 351 225.5 231 295 265210 248.5 220 311.5 289.5 198 264.5 170.5 123.5 151 189.5 138 191.5 268.5 178 280 320 318 314.5 327 304.5 309.5 360 232.5 329 279.5 307.5 310 286.5 317 198 305.5 347.5 277 326.5 299 282 288 278.5 318 263 175 337 324 241.5 228.5 223.5 329.5251.5 244 178.5 230.5 266.5 214.5 246.5 194.5 164 190.5 249 278.5 215.5 252.5 297.5 250.5 266.5 212.5 243.5 113 216.5 255.5 149.5 210.5 245.5 117 289.5 159.5 232.5 109.5。
2024年沪教版三年级上册语文阅读理解专项习题班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________阅读理解1. 阅读短文,完成练习。
2.本文的主人公是,她救助的病人是()A.老人们蒋江萍B.蒋江萍偏远落后山村患白内障的老人们C.医生蒋江萍D.蒋江萍偏远落后山村行动不便的老人们3.蒋江萍得知自己救助的病人重见光明,她的心情是()A.高兴的 B.惊讶的 C.失望的 D.痛苦的4.人们是如何赞美主人公的?用“_____”画出相关语句。
写鸡毛掸子的作文Oh, the humble chicken feather duster, a simple yet effective tool for tidying up our living spaces. 鸡毛掸子,一个简单而有效的清理工具,可以让我们居住的空间整洁有序。
From a practical standpoint, the gentle nature of the chicken feathers makes them perfect for dusting delicate items like picture frames, knick-knacks, and fragile decor. 从实用角度来看,鸡毛的柔软性使得它们非常适合清洁像相框、小摆设和易碎装饰品这样的精细物品。
In addition, the long handle of the duster allows us to reach high and low, making it easy to clean those hard-to-reach spots like ceiling fans and under furniture. 此外,掸子的长柄可以让我们轻松到达高处和低处,方便我们清理像吊扇和家具底下这样难以达到的地方。
The versatility of the chicken feather duster also extends to its ability to be used on multiple surfaces, from wood and glass to upholstery and metal. 鸡毛掸子的多功能性也体现在它可以用于多种表面,从木头和玻璃到室内装饰和金属。
Not only is the chicken feather duster practical, but it also offers a sense of nostalgia and tradition, harkening back to a time when keeping a clean home was a labor of love. 鸡毛掸子不仅实用,而且它还带有一种怀旧和传统的感觉,让人想起过去保持家庭清洁是一种对家的爱的劳动的时光。
其独特处不胜列举,总括起来有三点: 一是他全部的东西都挂着,二是从不买纸,三是每日吃一块肉。