他们会听见的 they can hear.
我真蠢 i was so stupid!
他把我们都给骗了 oh, he had all of us fooled.
怎么回事 我们怎么会在这? what's going on? why are we here?
这肯定和墓地还有Emily的魔法书有关 it mt have something to do with the tomb and emily's spell book.
我告诉她别动 也按你教的蛊惑她了 i told her not toove! i did that eye thing you taught me.
你忘了马鞭草的教训了 她对吸血鬼有免疫 笨蛋 you forgot the lesson about vervain. she takes a vampire venom, duh!
<i>吸血鬼日记 前情提要</i> previously on "the vampire diaries..."
一个多世纪以来 我都秘密地生活 直到现在 for over a century, i have lived in secret-- until now.
我知道风险很大 但我必须认识她 i know the risk, but i have to know her.
Anna anna.
Elena! elena!
换做我可不会这样 i wouldn't.
别想逃跑 don't try to escape.
老实待着 don't even move.
听懂了没有? do you uerstand?
听懂了 i understand.
你当这是儿戏! seriously?!
可你这些行径把你所有的好都抹杀了 but your choices have erased anything good about you.
不过我也知道你有足够的理由恨我 but see, i also know that you have just as much reason to hate me.
10桶啤酒 ten kegs?
你知道喝完10桶啤酒 我们会烂醉成什么样吗? you know how much damage we could do with ten kegs?
Duke都安排好了 duke's got it all hooked up.
Duke就是个大傻冒 duke's a douche.
魔法书? spell book?
Damon说用它可以打开墓地 damon said that it could be used to open the tomb.
我怎么完全没听说过 why didn't i know about any of this?
我一直设法不让你卷进来 希望不会走到这步 i was trying to keep you out of it, hoping it would never come to this.
我可绝不会成为那样的姑娘 i am so not going to be one of those girls
一旦有了男朋友 就从朋友圈里消失了 who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend.
Duke是哪位? who is duke?
一个几年前就毕业了的家伙 some guy that graduated a couple years ago.
肯定把Salvatore兄弟俩迷得团团转吧 you must have the salvatore boys reeling.
你是谁? who are you?
我是Anna i'm anna.
也许你弟弟有提过我 your brother may have mentioned me.
我是说 我们俩在约会 i mean, we're, like, practically dating.
<font color=#FF6EC7>-=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译:樱桃小超人 Anakin 吉米史密斯 MiaT 夏日排水体 骸浪形随 校对:艾瑞瑞 720P调校:720P调校:给大家拜年的小乌 时间轴:Vicky8800</font> <font color=#38B0DE>-==-Sync: YTET-Vicky8800</font>
需要它来要解除诅咒 我会帮你的 that's what you need to reverse the spell. i'll help you.
你就舍不下我 是吧? you just couldn't live without me, huh?
你的眼睛! your eye!
- 她去哪里? - 谁去哪里了? - where'd she go? - where'd who go?
让一切好办多了 you made it too easy.
她想和你聊两句 she needs to talk to you.
Elena Gilbert elena gilbert.
你果然和Katherine长得一模一样 you really are katherine's doppelganger.
不行 nope.
你走吧 you can go.
我认真的 really.
知道吗 关于你 我的记忆里都是恨 you know, all i can remember is hating you.
也许会有不讨厌你的时候 there might have been a time when that was different,
我看未必 yeah, i didn't think so.
你自己烦不烦啊 you ever get bored of it?
- 烦什么? - 你自己啊 - of what? - yourself?
尽管笑我吧 keep laughing, buddy.
嘿 Jeremy hey, jeremy.
在教堂下面有一座坟墓 there's a tomb underneath the church.
一道符咒把Katherine封藏其中 保护着她 a spell sealed katherine in that tomb, protecting her.
告诉我怎么打开坟墓? tell me how to get in the tomb.
我不会帮你们的 i'm not going to help you.
所以我们才找来了她 that's why she's here.
让你乖乖听话 motivation for you to behave
知道吗 你不该表现得这么情急 you know, you shouldn't be so desperate.
那也是有10桶酒的傻帽 yeah, a douche with ten kegs.
也即是 我的新好友 aka, my new best friend.
你有什么问题吗 Gilbert? what's the problem, gilbert?
我好得很 Lockwood don't have one, lockwood.
Damon 这一整晚我查遍了每条小巷 damon, all night long, every single street in town, i've been searching.
她要是没分解掉你的血怎么办? what if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?
- 魔法书 - 在哪里? - the grimoire. - where is it?
看日记 Jonathan Gilbert的日记 check the journal. jonathan gilbert's.
那本魔法书...是Emily的 对吧? the grimoire. it was emily's, right?
那么至少你还能再见她 well, then at least you know you'll see her again.
求你了 please.
你都知道些什么? what do you know?
你和Anna待一起过 你肯定知道她的住处 告诉我在哪能找到她 you were with anna. you st know where she's living. just tell me where i can find her.
Elena呢? 我给她和Boonie 发了一整天关于Duke派对的信息 where is elena? i have been texting heand bonnie all day about duke's party.
她和Stefan走了 uh, she went somewhere with stefan.
你们是谁 想要干嘛? who are you? what do you want?
这不重要 doesn't matter.
Bonnie? bonnie?
噢 天呐 oh, my god!
<font color=#93DB70>-=伊甸园美剧=- 荣誉出品 本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font> <font color=#38B0DE>-==-Proudly Presents</font>
我想让Elena死 i hope elena dies.
Bonnie bonnie.
Elena? elena?
你醒了 oh, you're ok!
- 我的头... - 过来 - my head... - come here.
噢 天呐 Ben是个... oh, my god! ben is a--
一切皆因我而起 this all began with me.
因为我 你才失去了Katherine katherine got taken away from you because of me.
对不起 and i'm sorry.
接受你的道歉 apology accepted.
请你 so please,
Elena 她和Katherine长得一模一样 elena, she's a dead ringer for katherine.
我们对Katherine的爱不是真的 Damon our love for katherine wasn't real, damon.
对我来说 这都是真实的 我要把她带回来 it was real for me.i'm going to bring her back.
只要告诉我你知道的就行 just tell me what you know.
这关系到Elena Damon 如果你知道什么 请告诉我 it's elena, damon. if you的 i mean this sincerely.
<font color=#CFB53B>吸血鬼日记 第一季 第14集</font> <font color=#38B0DE>The Vampire Diaries Season 1 Episode 14</font>
Anna带走了Elena anna took elena.
知道 我收到你那几百条语音信息了 yeah, i got that from your 600 voicemails.
走到哪步 come to what?
他们需要一个女巫 they need a witch...
来破解诅咒解救出吸血鬼 to break the spell anlet the vampires out.
- 休想 - 我知道... - no way. - i know--
你们是在浪费时间 you're wasting your time.
我真蠢 i was so stupid!
他把我们都给骗了 oh, he had all of us fooled.
怎么回事 我们怎么会在这? what's going on? why are we here?
这肯定和墓地还有Emily的魔法书有关 it mt have something to do with the tomb and emily's spell book.
我告诉她别动 也按你教的蛊惑她了 i told her not toove! i did that eye thing you taught me.
你忘了马鞭草的教训了 她对吸血鬼有免疫 笨蛋 you forgot the lesson about vervain. she takes a vampire venom, duh!
<i>吸血鬼日记 前情提要</i> previously on "the vampire diaries..."
一个多世纪以来 我都秘密地生活 直到现在 for over a century, i have lived in secret-- until now.
我知道风险很大 但我必须认识她 i know the risk, but i have to know her.
Anna anna.
Elena! elena!
换做我可不会这样 i wouldn't.
别想逃跑 don't try to escape.
老实待着 don't even move.
听懂了没有? do you uerstand?
听懂了 i understand.
你当这是儿戏! seriously?!
可你这些行径把你所有的好都抹杀了 but your choices have erased anything good about you.
不过我也知道你有足够的理由恨我 but see, i also know that you have just as much reason to hate me.
10桶啤酒 ten kegs?
你知道喝完10桶啤酒 我们会烂醉成什么样吗? you know how much damage we could do with ten kegs?
Duke都安排好了 duke's got it all hooked up.
Duke就是个大傻冒 duke's a douche.
魔法书? spell book?
Damon说用它可以打开墓地 damon said that it could be used to open the tomb.
我怎么完全没听说过 why didn't i know about any of this?
我一直设法不让你卷进来 希望不会走到这步 i was trying to keep you out of it, hoping it would never come to this.
我可绝不会成为那样的姑娘 i am so not going to be one of those girls
一旦有了男朋友 就从朋友圈里消失了 who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend.
Duke是哪位? who is duke?
一个几年前就毕业了的家伙 some guy that graduated a couple years ago.
肯定把Salvatore兄弟俩迷得团团转吧 you must have the salvatore boys reeling.
你是谁? who are you?
我是Anna i'm anna.
也许你弟弟有提过我 your brother may have mentioned me.
我是说 我们俩在约会 i mean, we're, like, practically dating.
<font color=#FF6EC7>-=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译:樱桃小超人 Anakin 吉米史密斯 MiaT 夏日排水体 骸浪形随 校对:艾瑞瑞 720P调校:720P调校:给大家拜年的小乌 时间轴:Vicky8800</font> <font color=#38B0DE>-==-Sync: YTET-Vicky8800</font>
需要它来要解除诅咒 我会帮你的 that's what you need to reverse the spell. i'll help you.
你就舍不下我 是吧? you just couldn't live without me, huh?
你的眼睛! your eye!
- 她去哪里? - 谁去哪里了? - where'd she go? - where'd who go?
让一切好办多了 you made it too easy.
她想和你聊两句 she needs to talk to you.
Elena Gilbert elena gilbert.
你果然和Katherine长得一模一样 you really are katherine's doppelganger.
不行 nope.
你走吧 you can go.
我认真的 really.
知道吗 关于你 我的记忆里都是恨 you know, all i can remember is hating you.
也许会有不讨厌你的时候 there might have been a time when that was different,
我看未必 yeah, i didn't think so.
你自己烦不烦啊 you ever get bored of it?
- 烦什么? - 你自己啊 - of what? - yourself?
尽管笑我吧 keep laughing, buddy.
嘿 Jeremy hey, jeremy.
在教堂下面有一座坟墓 there's a tomb underneath the church.
一道符咒把Katherine封藏其中 保护着她 a spell sealed katherine in that tomb, protecting her.
告诉我怎么打开坟墓? tell me how to get in the tomb.
我不会帮你们的 i'm not going to help you.
所以我们才找来了她 that's why she's here.
让你乖乖听话 motivation for you to behave
知道吗 你不该表现得这么情急 you know, you shouldn't be so desperate.
那也是有10桶酒的傻帽 yeah, a douche with ten kegs.
也即是 我的新好友 aka, my new best friend.
你有什么问题吗 Gilbert? what's the problem, gilbert?
我好得很 Lockwood don't have one, lockwood.
Damon 这一整晚我查遍了每条小巷 damon, all night long, every single street in town, i've been searching.
她要是没分解掉你的血怎么办? what if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?
- 魔法书 - 在哪里? - the grimoire. - where is it?
看日记 Jonathan Gilbert的日记 check the journal. jonathan gilbert's.
那本魔法书...是Emily的 对吧? the grimoire. it was emily's, right?
那么至少你还能再见她 well, then at least you know you'll see her again.
求你了 please.
你都知道些什么? what do you know?
你和Anna待一起过 你肯定知道她的住处 告诉我在哪能找到她 you were with anna. you st know where she's living. just tell me where i can find her.
Elena呢? 我给她和Boonie 发了一整天关于Duke派对的信息 where is elena? i have been texting heand bonnie all day about duke's party.
她和Stefan走了 uh, she went somewhere with stefan.
你们是谁 想要干嘛? who are you? what do you want?
这不重要 doesn't matter.
Bonnie? bonnie?
噢 天呐 oh, my god!
<font color=#93DB70>-=伊甸园美剧=- 荣誉出品 本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font> <font color=#38B0DE>-==-Proudly Presents</font>
我想让Elena死 i hope elena dies.
Bonnie bonnie.
Elena? elena?
你醒了 oh, you're ok!
- 我的头... - 过来 - my head... - come here.
噢 天呐 Ben是个... oh, my god! ben is a--
一切皆因我而起 this all began with me.
因为我 你才失去了Katherine katherine got taken away from you because of me.
对不起 and i'm sorry.
接受你的道歉 apology accepted.
请你 so please,
Elena 她和Katherine长得一模一样 elena, she's a dead ringer for katherine.
我们对Katherine的爱不是真的 Damon our love for katherine wasn't real, damon.
对我来说 这都是真实的 我要把她带回来 it was real for me.i'm going to bring her back.
只要告诉我你知道的就行 just tell me what you know.
这关系到Elena Damon 如果你知道什么 请告诉我 it's elena, damon. if you的 i mean this sincerely.
<font color=#CFB53B>吸血鬼日记 第一季 第14集</font> <font color=#38B0DE>The Vampire Diaries Season 1 Episode 14</font>
Anna带走了Elena anna took elena.
知道 我收到你那几百条语音信息了 yeah, i got that from your 600 voicemails.
走到哪步 come to what?
他们需要一个女巫 they need a witch...
来破解诅咒解救出吸血鬼 to break the spell anlet the vampires out.
- 休想 - 我知道... - no way. - i know--
你们是在浪费时间 you're wasting your time.