Distributed Formation of Overlapping Multi-hop Clusters in Wireless Sensor Networks
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四川盆地下寒武统沧浪铺组白云岩分布新认识及其油气地质意义王文之 范毅 赖强 周刚 聂晶 邓思思中国石油西南油气田公司勘探开发研究院摘 要 四川盆地在川中、蜀南地区下寒武统沧浪铺组均钻遇过白云岩,但盆地内其他地区尚未见钻遇白云岩的公开报道。
关键词 四川盆地 早寒武世 台内裂陷 生烃中心 沧浪铺组 白云岩 岩溶 储层DOI: 10.12055/gaskk.issn.1673-3177.2018.01.001A new understanding of dolomite distribution in the Lower Cambrian CanglangpuFormation of Sichuan Basin: Implication for petroleum geologyWang Wenzhi, Fan Yi, Lai Qiang, Zhou Gang, Nie Jing and Deng Sisi(Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sich-uan 610041, China)Abstract: Previous drilling shows there are dolomites developed in the Lower Cambrian Canglangpu Formation, central and southern Sichuan Basin, whereas no public report on dolomites drilled in other areas. At the beginning of 2018, when drilling the Canglangpu Formation in Wutan 1 well, a risk exploration one deployed by PetroChina in Dazhou-Kaijiang area, many thick and massive dolo-mites were found, belonging to the first discovery in eastern Sichuan Basin. So, in this study, based on some field survey, and drilling and seismic data, we carried out a systematic analysis on the Canglangpu Formation, and its dolomite distribution and controlling factors. Results show that (1) the Deyang-Anyue intracratonic rift insufficiently filled during the Canglangpuian affected importantly both stratigraphy and lithology; (2) dolomites were dominantly distributed at the paleouplift or its higher slope whereas less developed within the rift; (3) there was an overlapping area of both the Canglangpu grain dolomites and the Caledonian ancient corroded surfaces developed in Moxi-Jiulongshan areas of central to western Sichuan Basin, and these dolomites were dissolved along beds available for forming Canglangpu dolomite reservoirs; and (4) adjoining the underlying Qiongzhusi Formation of source rock, the overlying is bet-ter caprock, all to constitute a better source-reservoir-caprock assemblage as a new natural-gas exploration domain of marine carbon-ate rocks in Sichuan Basin.Keywords: Sichuan Basin; Early Cambrian; Intracratonic rift; Hydrocarbon-generating center; Canglangpu Formation; Dolomite; Dis-solution; Reservoir基金项目:中国石油天然气股份有限公司重大科技专项“西南油气田天然气上产300亿立方米关键技术与应用”(编号:2016E-0602)。
Physica A 374(2007)483–490Identification of overlapping community structure in complexnetworks using fuzzy c -means clusteringShihua Zhang a,Ã,Rui-Sheng Wang b ,Xiang-Sun Zhang aa Academy of Mathematics &Systems Science,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100080,Chinab School of Information,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,ChinaReceived 28June 2006Available online 7August 2006AbstractIdentification of (overlapping)communities/clusters in a complex network is a general problem in data mining of network data sets.In this paper,we devise a novel algorithm to identify overlapping communities in complex networks by the combination of a new modularity function based on generalizing NG’s Q function,an approximation mapping of network nodes into Euclidean space and fuzzy c -means clustering.Experimental results indicate that the new algorithm is efficient at detecting both good clusterings and the appropriate number of clusters.r 2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Overlapping community structure;Modular function;Spectral mapping;Fuzzy c -means clustering;Complex network1.IntroductionLarge complex networks representing relationships among set of entities have been one of the focuses of interest of scientists in many fields in the recent years.Various complex network examples include social network,worldwide web network,telecommunication network and biological network.One of the key problems in the field is ‘How to describe/explain its community structure’.Generally,a community in a network is a subgraph whose nodes are densely connected within itself but sparsely connected with the rest of the network.Many studies have verified the community/modularity structure of various complex networks such as protein-protein interaction network,worldwide web network and co-author network.Clearly,the ability to detect community structure in a network has important practical applications and can help us understand the network system.Although the notion of community structure is straightforward,construction of an efficient algorithm for identification of the community structure in a complex network is highly nontrivial.A number of algorithms for detecting the communities have been developed in various fields (for a recent review see Ref.[1]and a recent comparison paper see Ref.[2]).There are two main difficulties in detecting community structure.The first is that we don’t know how many communities there are in a given network.The usual drawback in many /locate/physa0378-4371/$-see front matter r 2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.physa.2006.07.023ÃCorresponding author.E-mail addresses:zsh@ (S.Zhang),wrs@ (R.-S.Wang),zxs@ (X.-S.Zhang).algorithms is that they cannot give a valid criterion for measuring the community structure.Secondly,it is a common case that some nodes in a network can belong to more than one community.This means the overlapping community structure in complex networks.Overlapping nodes may play a special role in a complex network system.Most known algorithms such as divisive algorithm [3–5]cannot detect them.Only a few community-detecting methods [6,7]can uncover the overlapping community structure.Taking into account the first difficulty,Newman and Girvan [8]has developed a new approach.They introduced a modularity function Q for measuring community structure.In order to write the context properly,we refer to a similar formulation in Ref.[5].In detail,given an undirected graph/network G ðV ;E ;W Þconsisting of the node set V ,the edge set E and a symmetric weight matrix W ¼½w ij n Ân ,where w ij X 0and n is the size of the network,the modularity function Q is defined asQ ðP k Þ¼X k c ¼1L ðV c ;V c ÞL ðV ;V ÞÀL ðV c ;V ÞL ðV ;V Þ 2"#,(1)where P k is a partition of the nodes into k groups and L ðV 0;V 00Þ¼P i 2V 0;j 2V 00w ði ;j Þ.The Q function measuresthe quality of a given community structure organization of a network and can be used to automatically select the optimal number of communities k according to the maximum Q value [8,5].The measure has been used for developing new detection algorithms such as Refs.[5,9,4].White and Smyth [5]showed that optimizing the Q function can be reformulated as a spectral relaxation problem and proposed two spectral clustering algorithms that seek to maximize Q .In this study,we develop an algorithm for detecting overlapping community structure.The algorithm combines the idea of modularity function Q [8],spectral relaxation [5]and fuzzy c -means clustering method[10]which is inspired by the general concept of fuzzy geometric clustering.The fuzzy clustering methods don’t employ hard assignment,while only assign a membership degree u ij to every node v i with respect to the cluster C j .2.MethodSimulation across a wide variety of simulated and real world networks showed that large Q values are correlated with better network clusterings [8].Then maximizing the Q function can obtain final ‘optimal’community structure.It is noted that in many complex networks,some nodes may belong to more than one community.The divisive algorithms based on maximizing the Q function fail to detect such case.Fig.1shows an example of a simple network which visually suggests three clusters and classifying node 5(or node 9)intoFig.1.An example of network showing Q and e Qvalues for different number k of clusters using the same spectral mapping but different cluster methods,i.e.k -means and fuzzy c -means,respectively.For the latter,it shows every node’s soft assignment and membership of final clusters with l ¼0:15.S.Zhang et al./Physica A 374(2007)483–490484two clusters at the same time may be more appropriate intuitively.So we introduce the concept of fuzzy membership degree to the network clustering problem in the following subsection.2.1.A new modular functionIf there are k communities in total,we define a corresponding n Âk ‘soft assignment’matrix U k ¼½u 1;...;u k with 0p u ic p 1for each c ¼1;...;k and P kc ¼1u ic ¼1for each i ¼1;...;n .With this we define the membership of each community as ¯V c ¼f i j u ic 4l ;i 2V g ,where l is a threshold that can convert a soft assignment into final clustering.We define a new modularity function e Q as e Q ðU k Þ¼X k c ¼1A ð¯V c ;¯V c ÞA ðV ;V ÞÀA ð¯V c ;V ÞA ðV ;V Þ 2"#,(2)where U k is a fuzzy partition of the vertices into k groups and A ð¯V c ;¯V c Þ¼P i 2¯V c ;j 2¯V c ððu ic þu jc Þ=2Þw ði ;j Þ,A ð¯V c ;V Þ¼A ð¯V c ;¯V c ÞþP i 2¯V c ;j 2V n ¯V c ððu ic þð1Àu jc ÞÞ=2Þw ði ;j Þand A ðV ;V Þ¼P i 2V ;j 2V w ði ;j Þ.This of coursecan be thought as a generalization of the Newman’s Q function.Our objective is to compute a soft assignment matrix by maximizing the new Q function with appropriate k .How could we do?2.2.Spectral mappingWhite and Smyth [5]showed that the problem of maximizing the modularity function Q can be reformulated as an eigenvector problem and devised two spectral clustering algorithms.Their algorithms are similar in spirit to a class of spectral clustering methods which map data points into Euclidean space by eigendecomposing a related matrix and then grouping them by general clustering methods such as k -means and hierarchical clustering [5,9].Given a network and its adjacent matrix A ¼ða ij Þn Ân and a diagonal matrix D ¼ðd ii Þ,d ii ¼P k a ik ,two matrices D À1=2AD À1=2and D À1A are often used.A recent modification [11]uses the top K eigenvectors of the generalized eigensystem Ax ¼tDx instead of the K eigenvectors of the two matrices mentioned above to form a matrix whose rows correspond to original data points.The authors show that after normalizing the rows using Euclidean norm,their eigenvectors are mathematically identical and emphasize that this is a numerically more stable method.Although their result is designed to cluster real-valued points[11,12],it is also appropriate for network clustering.So in this study,we compute the top k À1eigenvectors of the eigensystem to form a ðk À1Þ-dimensional embedding of the graph into Euclidean space and use ‘soft-assignment’geometric clustering on this embedding to generate a clustering U k (k is the expected number of clusters).2.3.Fuzzy c-meansHere,in order to realize our ‘soft assignment’,we introduce fuzzy c -means (FCM)clustering method [10,13]to cluster these points and maximize the e Qfunction.Fuzzy c -means is a method of clustering which allows one piece of data to belong to two or more clusters.This method (developed by Dunn in 1973[10]and improved by Bezdek in 1981[13])is frequently used in pattern recognition.It is based on minimization of the following objective functionJ m ¼Xn i ¼1X k j ¼1u m ij k x i Àc j k 2,(3)over variables u ij and c with P j u ij ¼1.m 2½1;1Þis a weight exponent controlling the degree of fuzzification.u ij is the membership degree of x i in the cluster j .x i is the i th d -dimensional measured data point.c j is the d -dimensional center of the cluster j ,and k Ãk is any norm expressing the similarity between any measured data and the center.Fuzzy partitioning is carried out through an iterative optimization of the objective function shown above,with the update of membership degree u ij and the cluster centers c j .This procedure converges to a local minimum or a saddle point of J m .S.Zhang et al./Physica A 374(2007)483–4904852.4.The flow of the algorithmGiven an upper bound K of the number of clusters and the adjacent matrix A ¼ða ij Þn Ân of a network.The detailed algorithm is stated straightforward for a given l as follows:Spectral mapping:(i)Compute the diagonal matrix D ¼ðd ii Þ,where d ii ¼P k a ik .(ii)Form the eigenvector matrix E K ¼½e 1;e 2;...;e K by computing the top K eigenvectors of thegeneralized eigensystem Ax ¼tDx .Fuzzy c -means:for each value of k ,2p k p K :(i)Form the matrix E k ¼½e 2;e 3;...;e k from the matrix E K .(ii)Normalize the rows of E k to unit length using Euclidean distance norm.(iii)Cluster the row vectors of E k using fuzzy c -means or any other fuzzy clustering method to obtain a softassignment matrix U k .Maximizing the modular function:Pick the k and the corresponding fuzzy partition U k that maximizes e QðU k Þ.In the algorithm above,we initialize FCM such that the starting centroids are chosen to be as orthogonal as possible which is suggested for k -means clustering method in Ref.[12].The initialization does not change the time complexity,and also can improve the quality of the clusterings,thus at the same time reduces the need for restarting the random initialization process.The framework of our algorithm is similar to several spectral clustering methods in previous studies[5,9,12,11].We also map data points (work nodes in our study)into Euclidean space by computing the top K eigenvectors of a generalized eigen system and then cluster the embedding using a fuzzy clustering method just as others using geometric clustering algorithm or general hierarchical clustering algorithm.Here,we emphasize two key points different from those earlier studies:We introduce a generalized modular function e Q employing fuzzy concept,which is devised for evaluating the goodness of overlapping community structure. In combination with the novel e Qfunction,we introduce fuzzy clustering method into network clustering instead of general hard clustering methods.This means that our algorithm can uncover overlapping clusters,whereas general framework:‘‘Objective function such as Q function and Normalized cut function+Spectral mapping+general geometric clustering/hierarchical clustering’’cannot achieve this.3.Experimental resultsWe have implemented the proposed algorithm by Matlab.And the fuzzy clustering toolbox [14]is used for our analysis.In order to make an intuitive comparison,we also compute the hard clustering based on the original Q -function,spectral mapping (same as we used)and k -means clustering.We illustrate the fuzzy concept and the difference of our method with traditional divisive algorithms by a simple example shown in Fig.1.Just as mentioned above,the network visually suggests three clusters.But classifying node 5(or node 9)simultaneously into two clusters may be more reasonable.We can see from Fig.1that our method did uncover the overlapping communities for this simple network,while the traditional method can only make one node belong to a single cluster.We also present the analysis of two real networks,i.e.the Zachary’s karate club network and the American college football team network for better understanding the differences between our method and traditional methods.S.Zhang et al./Physica A 374(2007)483–490486S.Zhang et al./Physica A374(2007)483–490487 3.1.Zachary’s karate clubThe famous karate club network analyzed by Zachary[15]is widely used as a test example for methods of detecting communities in complex networks[1,8,16,3,4,17,9,18,19].The network consists of34members of a karate club as nodes and78edges representing friendship between members of the club which was observed over a period of two years.Due to a disagreement between the club’s administrator and the club’s instructor, the club split into two smaller ones.The question we concern is that if we can uncover the potential behavior of the network,detect the two communities or multiple groups,and particularly identify which community a node belongs to.The network is presented in Fig.2,where the squares and the circles label the members of the two groups.The results of k-means and our analysis are illustrated in Fig.3.The k-means combined with Q function divides the network into three parts(see in Fig.3A),but we can see that some nodes in one cluster are also connected densely with another cluster such as node9and31in cluster 1densely connecting with cluster2,and node1in cluster2with cluster3.Fig.3B shows the results of our method,from which we can see that node1,9,10,31belong to two clusters at the same time.These nodes in the network link evenly with two clusters.Another thing is that the two methods both uncover three communities but not two.There is a small community included in the instructor’s faction,since the set of nodes5,6,7,11,17only connects with node1in the instructor’s faction.Note that our method also classifies node1into the small community,while k-means does not.work of American college football teamsThe second network we have investigated is the college football network which represents the game schedule of the2000season of Division I of the US college football league.The nodes in the network represent the115 teams,while the links represent613games played in the course of the year.The teams are divided into conferences of8–12teams each and generally games are more frequent between members of the same conference than between teams of different conferences.The natural community structure in the network makes it a commonly used workbench for community-detecting algorithm testing[3,5,7].Fig.4shows how the modularity Q and e Q vary with k with respect to k-means and our method,respectively. The peak for k-means is at k¼12,Q¼0:5398,while for our algorithm at k¼10,e Q¼0:4673with l¼0:10. Both methods identify ten communities which contain ten conferences almost exactly.Only teams labeled as Sunbelt are not recognized as belonging to a same community for both methods.This group is classified as well in the results of Refs.[3,19].This happens because the Sunbelt teams played nearly as many games against Western Athletic teams as they played in their own conference,and they also played quite a number of gamesagainst Mid-American team.Our method identified11nodes(teams)which belong to at least twoFig.2.Zachary’s karate club network.Square nodes and circle nodes represent the instructor’s faction and the administrator’s faction, respectively.Thisfigure is from Newman and Girvan[8].communities (see Fig.5,11red nodes).These nodes generally connect evenly with more than one community,so we cannot classify them into one specific community correctly.These nodes represent ‘fuzzy’points which cannot be classified correctly by employing current link information.Maybe such points play a ‘bridge’role in two or more communities in complex network of other types.4.Conclusion and discussionIn this paper,we present a new method to identify the community structure in complex networks with a fuzzy concept.The method combines a generalized modularity function,spectral mapping,and fuzzy clustering technique.The nodes of the network are projected into d -dimensional Euclidean space which is obtained by computing the top d nontrivial eigenvectors of the generalized eigensystem Ax ¼tDx .Then the fuzzy c -means clustering method is introduced into the d -dimensional space based on general Euclidean distance to cluster the data points.By maximizing the generalized modular function e QðU d Þfor varying d ,we obtain the appropriate number of clusters.The final soft assignment matrix determines the final clusters’membership with a designated threshold l .Fig.3.The results of both k -means and our method applied to karate club network.A:The different colors represent three different communities obtained by k -means and the right table shows values of NG’Q versus different k .B:Four red nodes represent the overlap of two adjacent communities obtained by our method and the right table shows values of new Q versus different k with l ¼0:25.3.t y 0510152000. N G ' Q 0510152000. c-means K N e w Q Fig.4.Q and e Qvalues versus k with respect to k -means and fuzzy c -means clustering methods for the network of American college football team.S.Zhang et al./Physica A 374(2007)483–490488Although spectral mapping has been comprehensively used before to detect communities in complex networks (even in clustering the real-valued points),we believe that our method represents a step forward in this field.A fuzzy method is introduced naturally with the generalized modular function and fuzzy c -means clustering technique.As our tests have suggested,it is very natural that some nodes should belong to more than one community.These nodes may play a special role in a complex network system.For example,in a biological network such as protein interaction network,one node (protein or gene)belonging to two functional modules may act as a bridge between them which transfers biological information or acts as multiple functional units [6].One thing should be noted is that when this method is applied to large complex networks,computational complexity is a key problem.Fortunately,some fast techniques for solving eigensystem have been developed[20]and several methods of FCM acceleration can also be found in the literature [21].For instance,if we adopt the implicitly restarted Lanczos method (IRLM)[20]to compute the K À1eigenvectors and the efficient implementation of the FCM algorithm in Ref.[21],we can have the worse-case complexity of O ðmKh þnK 2h þK 3h Þand O ðnK 2Þ,respectively,where m is the number of edges in the network and h is the number of iteration required until convergence.For large sparse networks where m $n ,and K 5n ,the algorithms will scale roughly linearly as a function of the number of nodes n .Nonetheless,the eigenvector computation is still the most computationally expensive step of the method.We expect that this new method will be employed with promising results in the detection of communities in complex networks.AcknowledgmentsThis work is partly supported by Important Research Direction Project of CAS ‘‘Some Important Problem in Bioinformatics’’,National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.10471141.The authors thank Professor M.E.J.Newman for providing the data of karate club network and the college football team network.Fig.5.Fuzzy communities of American college football team network (k ¼10and e Q¼0:4673)with given l ¼0:10(best viewed in color).S.Zhang et al./Physica A 374(2007)483–490489References[1]M.E.J.Newman,Detecting community structure in networks,Eur.Phys.J.B 38(2004)321–330.[2]L.Danon,J.Duch,A.Diaz-Guilera,A.Arenas,Comparing community structure identification,J.Stat.Mech.P09008(2005).[3]M.Girvan,M.E.J.Newman,Community structure in social and biological networks,A 99(12)(2002)7821–7826.[4]J.Duch,A.Arenas,Community detection in complex networks using extremal optimization,Phys.Rev.E 72(2005)027104.[5]S.White,P.Smyth,A spectral clustering approach to finding 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2010年9月断块油气田Numerical simulation study and practice on buried-hill reservoir development with overlapped horizontal wellZhou Wanshan(Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Liaohe Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Panjin 124010,China)Abstract:Block XG7of Xinglongtai Oilfield is a buried hill oil reservoir discovered in recent years.This reservoir has the characteristics of special geological condition,old formation,complex internal structures,diverse lithology,huge pay layer and strong heterogeneity.Unique geological conditions bring enormous challenges to reservoir development.Faced with a number of negative factors and aimed at low development degree of vertical wells,researchers present development from separate zones with overlapped horizontal well and optimize the key parameters of overlapping way of horizontal wells,vertical spacing,horizontal segment length and water injection through innovative,preliminary practice and numerical simulation studies.Practice proves that it is feasible to use overlapped horizontal wells and achieves a good development effect.The successful development of XG buried-hill reservoir provides a reference for similar reservoir development.Key words:numerical simulation,overlapping,horizontal well,buried hill reservoir.XG7块开发目的层为兴隆台太古界潜山,是具有双重介质特征的裂缝性储层[1-3],区域构造裂缝以中高角度裂缝为主,油藏埋深2335~3960m ,油层从潜山顶部到底部均有发育。
计算机组成原理英文缩写Computer Organization and Design (COD) is a fundamental concept in computer science that deals with the architecture, organization, and implementation of computer systems. It focuses on how the hardware and software components work together to perform various tasks and execute programs efficiently. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of computer organization and design, as well as some related reference materials.1. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)The ISA defines the set of instructions and data formats that a computer can execute. It specifies the layout of the registers, memory organization, and the instruction formats. A popular reference for ISA is "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson.2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)The CPU is the heart of a computer system that performs all the arithmetic, logical, control, and input/output operations. It consists of various components, including the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), control unit, and registers. For comprehensive information about CPU design, the book "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy is a widely recognized reference.3. Memory HierarchyMemory hierarchy refers to the different levels of memory in a computer system, from the fastest and smallest cache memory to the slowest and largest main memory. The design and organization of the memory hierarchy significantly impact the performance of acomputer system. "Modern Operating Systems" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Herbert Bos is a valuable reference for understanding memory management.4. Input/Output (I/O) DevicesI/O devices allow computers to communicate with the external world. These devices include keyboards, mice, monitors, printers, and network interfaces. The book "Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction" by Jerome H. Saltzer, M. Frans Kaashoek, and David P. Reed provides detailed information about the design and implementation of I/O systems.5. MicroarchitectureMicroarchitecture refers to the implementation details of a specific processor, including the organization of the pipeline, cache hierarchy, and branch prediction mechanisms. "Computer Architecture: Concepts and Evolution" by Gerrit A. Blaauw and Frederick P. Brooks Jr. is a comprehensive reference for microarchitecture.6. Parallel ProcessingParallel processing involves running multiple instructions or tasks simultaneously to improve overall system performance. "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson provides in-depth information about parallel processing techniques, including multi-core processors and parallel programming models.7. PipeliningPipelining is a technique used to increase instruction throughput bydividing the execution of instructions into a series of overlapping stages. This technique enables concurrent execution of multiple instructions. "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy extensively covers pipelining concepts and its impact on computer performance.8. Distributed SystemsDistributed systems involve multiple interconnected computers that work together to achieve a common goal. Designing efficient and reliable distributed systems requires knowledge of computer organization principles. "Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design" by George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, and Gordon Blair is a popular reference for understanding distributed systems.In conclusion, computer organization and design are crucial areas in computer science that involve various aspects, including instruction set architecture, CPU design, memory hierarchy, I/O devices, microarchitecture, parallel processing, pipelining, and distributed systems. The aforementioned references provide comprehensive information on these subjects and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in learning more about computer organization and design.。
电机(马达)electric motor,微电机micro motor小电机small motor分马力电机fractional horsepower motor空调暧通电机HVAC motor (heating, ventilating air-conditioning motor)直流电机Direct current motor, DC motor串励直流电机series wound DC motor并励直流电机shunt wound DC motor复励直流电机compound wound DC motor直流无刷电机Brushless direct current motor, BLDC motor串激电机universal motor交流电机Alternating current motor, AC motor齿轮电机Geared motor, Gear motor同步电机synchronous motor异步电机asynchronous motor, induction motor罩极电机shaded pole motor步进电机step motor, stepper motor, stepping motor混合式hybrid磁阻式variable reluctance永磁式permanent magnet步距角精度step angle accuracy转轴shaft轴向负载axial load轴向窜动axial endplay 径向跳动radial runout负载on load过载overload额定负载rated load空载no-load电流current电压voltage防护等级protection class, degree of protection, isolation class绝缘等级insulation class力距torque起动力距starting torque最大(崩溃)转距break down torque堵转locked rotor保持力距holding torque共振resonance电线(电缆)cable测试程序test procedure性能测试performance test耐压测试dielectric test (high pot test)功能测试functionality test, function test实地测试field test寿命测试life test老化试验ageing test连续运转continuous duty, continuous running间歇运转intermittent duty, intermittent running温升试验temperature rise test环境温度ambient temperature峰值peak value供应商supplier, vendor, seller客户customer, client, buyer样品(样机)prototype, sample试生产pilot production, try-out production小批生产pre-series production 批量生产series production打筋spline滚花knurl攻丝tap键槽keyway定位销stop pin螺钉screw螺纹thread螺栓bolt螺母nut联结器(接插件)connector端子:terminal标签, 铭牌label nameplate外形尺寸outside dimension outline精度accuracy公差tolerance不符合要求non-conformity, out of specification前端盖front flange, front end cover, front end bell, front end shield后端盖rear flange, rear end cover, rear end bell rear end shield凸台pilot齿轮,带轮pinion, gear wheel, gear滚珠轴承ball bearing含油轴承sleeve bearing, bronze bearing, self lubricating bearing转子rotor定子stator铁芯core电枢armature磁钢magnet整流子(换向器)commutator碳刷carbon brush, brush刷握brush holder机壳housing/shell轴承室bearing housing出轴shaft extension扁丝flat工装、夹具jigs, fixtures, tooling规gauge引出线lead wire, leads线路板PCB (printed circuit board)驱动器driver, drive冲片lamination 槽slot齿teeth轭yoke硅钢片silicon steel 漆包线copper wire/enamel insulated copper wire胶带tape压铸die casting注塑mould injection波纹垫圈wave washer车加工machining 精车:turning霍尔传感器hall sensor开关switch装配assemble, assembly生产制造make, manufacture, produce动平衡balance. balancing热处理heat treatment表面淬火case hardening穿透淬火through hardening退火annealing正火temper表面涂覆surface coating喷砂sandblast涂胶gluing滴漆varnish电泳powder coating E-coating力矩速度曲线speed torque curve磁通flux工艺流程图process flow chart绝缘骨架plastic bobbin止口rabbet粗糙度roughness同心度concentricity偏心度eccentricity垂直度perpendicularity平行度parallelismabscissa axis 横坐标ac motor 交流电动机active component 有功分量active in respect to 相对呈阻性actual value,effective value 有效值acyclic machine 单极电阻adjustable-speed range 调速范围admittance 导纳air gap 气隙air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布air-gap flux 气隙磁通air-gap line 气隙磁化线air-gap reluctance 气隙磁阻algebraic 代数的algorithmic 算法的alternating current motor交流电动机ampere-turns 安匝(数)Amplitude Modulation (AM) 调幅angle stability功角稳定arc,electric arc 电弧armature circuit 电枢电路armature conductor 电枢导体armature coil 电枢线圈armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波armature reaction 电枢反应armature reaction reactance 电枢反应电抗armature iron 电枢铁心asynchronous motor异步电机asymmetry 不对称automatic V oltage regulator(A VR)自动电压调整器auxiliary motor 辅助电动机axially and circumferentially 轴向和环向axial magnetic attraction 轴向磁拉力bandwidth 带宽base 基极basic frequency component基频分量bast pressure 风压belt factor 分布系数 bilateral circuit 双向电路bimotored 双马达的biphase 双相的breakaway force起步阻力 breakdown torque 极限转矩 bronze 青铜brush 电刷brush voltage drop 电刷压降brush spacing电刷间距capacitance电容carrier 载波cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系can 屏蔽套cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子centrifugal force 离心力characteristic frequency 固有频率chopper circuit 斩波电路circuit branch 支路circuit components 电路元件 circuit diagram 电路图circuit parameters 电路参数circumferential orientation motor 切向永磁电机critical whirling speed 临界转速claw-poles 爪极电机closed loop 闭环closed slot 闭口槽coaxial 共轴的,同轴的cogging torque 齿槽转矩coil winding 线圈绕组coincide in phase with 与….同相collector 集电极commutating pole,inter pole 换向极commutator segment 换向片commutator-brush combination 换向器-电刷总线compensating winding 补偿绕组compensating coil 补偿线圈complex impedance 复数阻抗compound generator 复励发电机compounded 复励conductance 电导conductor 导体converter 变流器copper loss 铜耗correction coefficient 校正系数corridor 通路counter-clock wise 逆时针coupling capacitor 耦合电容current attenuation 电流衰减current density 电流密度current gain 电流增益current phasor 电流相量current strength 电流强度current vector 电流矢量damping cage 阻尼笼dc generator 直流发电机dc motor 直流电动机de machine 直流电机differentiation 微分digital signal processor (DSP) 数字信号处理器direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数direct-axis transient reactance 直轴瞬态电抗direct-axis component of voltage电压直轴分量direct axis 直轴direct-current 直流direct torque control (DTC) 直接转矩控制displacement current 位移电流distributed winding 分布绕组distribution factor 分布因数distorition of voltage waveshape 电压波形畸变domain 磁畴duty,load 负荷dynamic response 动态响应dynamic-state operation 动态运行3D equivalent magnetic circuit network method 三维等效磁路网络法3D-EMCN e.m.f = electromotive fore 电动势eddy current 涡流effective values 有效值effects of saturation 饱和效应electric energy 电能electrical device 电气设备electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromagnetic power电磁功率 elecironagnetic clamping电磁阻尼electric potential 电位electrical field 电场electromotive force 电动势electromagnetic force 电磁力electromagnetic wave 电磁波electrode 电极电焊条electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩end ring 端环end turn 端部绕组end cover端盖 end ring 端环end leakage reactance端部漏抗equivalent T – circuit T型等值电路excitation system 励磁系统exciting voltage 励磁电压external armature circuit 电枢外电路external characteristic 外特性fan 风扇feedback component 反馈元件feedback loop 反馈回路feedback signal 反馈信号feedback system 反馈系统feedforward signal 前馈信号feedforward system 前馈系统ferromagnetic 铁磁材料field coils 励磁线圈 field current 励磁电流field effect transistor (FET) 场效应管field oriented control (FOC) 磁场定向控制field winding 磁场绕组,励磁绕组flat cable 扁电缆flux linkage 磁链flux line 磁通量flux path 磁通路径flux pulsation 磁通脉冲fluc density 磁通密度flux distribution 磁通分布forward transfer function 正向传递函数fractional pitch短节距frequency 频率frequency conversion 变频frequency changer set变频机组fringing effect边缘效应full load 满载full-load torque 满载转矩full-pitch winding整距绕组fundamental wave基波fundamental component基波分量gain 增益generator voltage发电机电压grade等级harmonic 谐波horsepower (HP) 马力horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁hysteresis loss 磁滞损耗ideal source 理想电源imbricated winding,lap winding叠绕组impedance 阻抗impedance drop 阻抗压降impulse voltage peak value冲击电压峰值inductance电感induction generator 感应发电机induction machine 感应电机induction motor 感应电动机inductive component 感性(无功)分量inherent regulation of generator发电机固有电压调整率instant torgue瞬态转矩instantaneous electric power瞬时电功率instantaneous mechanical power瞬时机械功率insulation 绝缘insulation resistance绝缘电阻intensity of electrial field 电场强度interturn breakdown voltage匝间击穿电压interturn insulating 匝间绝缘interturn voltage resistant test 匝间耐压试验Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM)内置式Surface InsetPermanent Magnet (SIPM)表面式internal resistance 内阻inverter 逆变器iron core铁心iron-loss铁损lamination叠片laminated core 叠片铁心lamination insalation 冲片绝缘lag 滞后leading current超前电流leading power factor 超前功率因数leakage current 漏电流leakage flux 漏磁通leakage reactance 漏磁电抗leakage 泄漏left-hand rule 左手定则lift motor电梯用电动机light emitting diode 发光二极管lightning shielding 避雷line current 线电流line voltage 线电压linear zone 线性区linear-motion machine直线电机linear induction motor直线感应电机line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的load characteristic 负载特性load power factor负载功率因数load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩locked-rotor current堵转电流long pith winding长距绕组long -pith coil长距线圈magnetic amplifier 磁放大器magnetic circuit 磁路magnetic coupling磁耦合magnetic field 磁场magnetic flux磁通magnetic hysteresis(creeping) 磁滞magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic induction磁感应magnetic loading 磁负荷magnetic particle 磁粉离合器magnetic pole磁极magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic torque 电磁转矩magnetic yoke 磁轭magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetomotive force (m.m.f) 磁动势main pole 主极mesh 网孔mid-frequency band 中频带modulator 调制器modulus 模motoring 电动机驱动motor slip 电动机转差率m.m.f wave 磁势谐波mutual flux 交互(主)磁通mutual-inductor 互感negative phase-sequence 负序no-load 空载nominal pull-in torque 标称牵入转矩non-sinusoidal 非正弦number of poles 极数number of field turns 磁极绕组匝数number of slots 槽数odd-order harmonic 奇次谐波operating point工作点operating characteristic curve 运行特性曲线optical fiber 光纤oscillation 振荡oscilloscope 示波器outside diameter of core 铁心外径overhang leakage permeance 端部漏磁导overload 超负荷overlapping 重叠parallel 并联parallel connexion magnetized winding 并励绕组parallel connexion road number 并联支路数parallel wind number 并绕根数pancake coil 扁平绕组P.D. = potential drop 电压降peak to peak 峰峰值per unit value 标么值percentage 百分数peripheral air-gapleakage磁极漏磁performance characteristic 工作特性permanent magnet永磁体permanent magnet synchronous motor 永磁同步电机permeability 导磁率periodically symmetrical 周期性对称per-unit value 标么值phase displacement 相位差phase-to-phase(line-to-line)voltage相(线)电压phase insulation 相间绝缘phase sequence 相序Phase Modulation (PM) 相位调制phase reversal 反相pilot exciter 副励磁机plugging 反向制动polarity 极性pole-changing motor 变极电动机pole core磁极铁心pole coil 磁极线圈 pole pitch极距pole shoe极靴pole end plate 磁极端板polyphase rectifier 多相整流器polyphase rectifier 多相整流器Polyphase 多相(的)potential transformer 电压互感器power amplifier 功率放大器power frequency 工频propulsion motor 推进电机pure inductance 纯电感pure capacitance 纯电容pure resistance 纯电阻punching冲片pump泵push-through winding 插入绕组quadrature-axis component of voltage电压交轴分量quadrature-axis transient time constant交轴瞬态时间常数quadrature-axis component 交轴分量quadrature-axis transient reactance 交轴瞬态电抗quadrature-axis synchronous reactance交轴同步电抗r.m.s values = root mean square values 均方根值radius 半径radial magnetic attraction force 径向磁拉力radial air gap 径向气隙random-wound 散绕reactance 电抗reactive component 无功分量reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性reactive power 无功功率rectifier 整流器reluctance 磁阻reference V oltage 基准电压reluctance 磁阻residual magnetism 剩磁resistance电阻resistivity 电阻率reactance电抗retarding torque 制动转矩rheostat 变阻器rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场rotor 转子rotor (stator) winding 转子(定子绕组)rotor core 转子铁芯rotor resistance 转子电阻rotor yoke 转子磁轭rotor lamination 转子叠片rotor inter-bar 转子漏阻抗rough adjustment 粗调salient poles 凸极saturation 饱和saturation curve 饱和曲线saturation effect 饱和效应saturation factor 饱和系数self excited 自励self-inductor 自感semi-enclosed mortor 半封闭电动机separately excited 他励的series 串联series excited 串励series-paralled circuit 串并联电路shaft 轴shaft-less 无轴承的short-circuiting ring 短路环short-pitching 短距shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流shunt 并励,分路器shunt excited generator并励发电机shunt field 并励磁场sillicon steel plate 硅钢片simplex wave winding 单波绕组simplexlap winding 单叠绕组single and two-layer winding 单双层绕组single-phasing 单相运行single squirrel cage winding 单鼠笼绕组single-double layer winding 单双层混合绕组sinusoidal – density wave 正弦磁密度sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数skewed slot 斜槽skin effect 集肤效应skin-friction 表面摩擦系数slip 转差率solid state 固体slot 槽slot permeance 槽磁导slot cross section 槽截面slot pitch 槽距slot opening 槽口slot opening 槽口宽slot width 槽宽slot leakage conductance 槽漏磁导slot leakage inductance槽漏抗slot filling factor 槽满率slot winding 槽绕组slot depth 槽深slotwedge , slot seal 槽楔slot harmonic槽谐波slot model槽形slot leakage flux 槽漏磁speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线squirrel cage 鼠笼squirrel cage induction motor 笼形感应电机stabilizer 稳定器stainless steel sleeve 不锈钢轴套stator 定子stator slot 定子槽stator yoke 定子轭stator winding 定子绕组stepping motor 步进电机,步进马达stepper motor 步进电机step-servo-motor 步进伺服电机storage battery 蓄电池surface resistance 表面电阻superconducting generators (SCGs) 超导发电机symmetrical component 对称分量synchronous generator 同步发电机synchronous reactance 同步电抗synchronous reluctance motor (SRM) 同步磁阻电机synchronous speed 同步转速terminal voltage 端电压temperature rise 温升tooth flux density 齿磁通密度total flux linkage 总磁链tooth pitch 齿距tooth root 齿根tooth saturation 齿部饱和tooth shape 齿形tooth tip leakage permeance 齿端漏磁导tooth top 齿顶transformer 变压器transfer function 传递函数transient response 瞬态响应transverse flux motors (TFM) 横向磁通电机induction machine 感应式电机horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁magnetic field 磁场eddy current 涡流right-hand rule 右手定则 left-hand rule 左手定则slip 转差率induction motor 感应电动机rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场 winding 绕组 stator 定子 rotor 转induction machine 感应式电机horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁 magnetic field 磁场 eddy current 涡流 right-hand rule 右手定则left-hand rule 左手定则 slip 转差率 induction motor 感应电动机 rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场winding 绕组 stator 定子 rotor 转子 induced current 感生电流 time-phase 时间相位exciting voltage 励磁电压 solt 槽 lamination 叠片 laminated core 叠片铁芯 short-circuiting ring 短路环squirrel cage 鼠笼 rotor core 转子铁芯 cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子 bronze 青铜 horsepower 马力random-wound 散绕 insulation 绝缘 ac motor 交流环电动机 end ring 端环 alloy 合金 coil winding 线圈绕组form-wound 模绕 performance characteristic 工作特性 frequency 频率 revolutions per minute 转/分motoring 电动机驱动 generating 发电 per-unit value 标么值 breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力 overhauling 检修 wind-driven generator 风动发电机revolutions per second 转/秒 number of poles 极数 speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线plugging 反向制动 synchronous speed 同步转速 percentage 百分数 locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩full-load torque 满载转矩 prime mover 原动机 inrush current 涌流 magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的 staor winding 定子绕组leakage reactance 漏磁电抗no-load 空载 full load 满载 Polyphase 多相(的) iron-loss 铁损 complex impedance 复数阻抗rotor resistance 转子电阻 leakage flux 漏磁通 locked-rotor 锁定转子 chopper circuit 斩波电路separately excited 他励的 compounded 复励 dc motor 直流电动机 de machine 直流电机speed regulation 速度调节 shunt 并励 series 串励 armature circuit 电枢电路 optical fiber 光纤interoffice 局间的 waveguide 波导波导管 bandwidth 带宽 light emitting diode 发光二极管silica 硅石二氧化硅 regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大 coaxial 共轴的,同轴的 high-performance 高性能的carrier 载波 mature 成熟的 Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带 coupling capacitor 结合电容propagate 传导传播 modulator 调制器 demodulator 解调器 line trap 限波器shunt 分路器 Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅 Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) 移频键控tuner 调谐器 attenuate 衰减 incident 入射的 two-way configuration 二线制generator voltage 发电机电压 dc generator 直流发电机 polyphase rectifier 多相整流器boost 增压 time constant 时间常数 forward transfer function 正向传递函数error signal 误差信号 regulator 调节器 stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器 time delay 延时direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数 transient response 瞬态响应solid state 固体 buck 补偿 operational calculus 算符演算 gain 增益 pole 极点feedback signal 反馈信号 dynamic response 动态响应 voltage control system 电压控制系统mismatch 失配 error detector 误差检测器 excitation system 励磁系统 field current 励磁电流transistor 晶体管 high-gain 高增益 boost-buck 升压去磁 feedback system 反馈系统reactive power 无功功率 feedback loop 反馈回路 automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器reference Voltage 基准电压 magnetic amplifier 磁放大器 amplidyne 微场扩流发电机self-exciting 自励的 limiter 限幅器 manual control 手动控制 block diagram 方框图 linear zone 线性区potential transformer 电压互感器 stabilization network 稳定网络 stabilizer 稳定器 air-gap flux 气隙磁通saturation effect 饱和效应 saturation curve 饱和曲线 flux linkage 磁链 per unit value 标么值shunt field 并励磁场 magnetic circuit 磁路 load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线 air-gap line 气隙磁化线polyphase rectifier 多相整流器 circuit components 电路元件 circuit parameters 电路参数electrical device 电气设备 electric energy 电能 primary cell 原生电池 energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体 heating appliance 电热器 direct-current 直流 time invariant 时不变的self-inductor 自感 mutual-inductor 互感 the dielectric 电介质 storage battery 蓄电池e.m.f = electromotive fore 电动势 unidirectional current 单方向性电流circuit diagram 电路图 load characteristic 负载特性 terminal voltage 端电压external characteristic 外特性 conductance 电导 volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡 ideal source 理想电源 internal resistance 内阻active (passive) circuit elements 有(无)源电路元件 leakage current 漏电流circuit branch 支路 P.D. = potential drop 电压降 potential distribution 电位分布r.m.s values = root mean square values 均方根值 effective values 有效值steady direct current 恒稳直流电 sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数 complex number 复数Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系 modulus 模 real part 实部 imaginary part 虚部displacement current 位移电流 trigonometric transformations 瞬时值 epoch angle 初相角phase displacement 相位差 signal amplifier 小信号放大器 mid-frequency band 中频带bipolar junction transistor (BJT) 双极性晶体管 field effect transistor (FET) 场效应管electrode 电极电焊条 polarity 极性 gain 增益 isolation 隔离分离绝缘隔振emitter 发射管放射器发射极 collector 集电极 base 基极 self-bias resistor 自偏置电阻triangular symbol 三角符号 phase reversal 反相 infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益feedback component 反馈元件 differentiation 微分integration 积分下限 impedance 阻抗fidelity 保真度 summing circuit 总和线路反馈系统中的比较环节 Oscillation 振荡inverse 倒数 admittance 导纳 transformer 变压器 turns ratio 变比匝比 ampere-turns 安匝(数)mutual flux 交互(主)磁通 vector equation 向(相)量方程 power frequency 工频capacitance effect 电容效应 induction machine 感应电机 shunt excited 并励 series excited 串励separately excited 他励 self excited 自励 field winding 磁场绕组励磁绕组speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性 dynamic-state operation 动态运行 salient poles 凸极excited by 励磁 field coils 励磁线圈 air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布direct axis 直轴 armature coil 电枢线圈 rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器commutator-brush combination 换向器-电刷总线 mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波 Geometrical position 几何位置 magnetic torque 电磁转矩spatial waveform 空间波形 sinusoidal density wave 正弦磁密度 external armature circuit 电枢外电路instantaneous electric power 瞬时电功率 instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率effects of saturation 饱和效应 reluctance 磁阻 power amplifier 功率放大器 compound generator 复励发电机rheostat 变阻器 self excitation process 自励过程 commutation condition 换向状况cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机 operating condition 运行状态equivalent T circuit T型等值电路 rotor (stator) winding 转子(定子绕组) winding loss 绕组(铜)损耗prime motor 原动机 active component 有功分量 reactive component 无功分量electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩 retarding torque 制动转矩 inductive component 感性(无功)分量abscissa axis 横坐标 induction generator 感应发电机 synchronous generator 同步发电机automatic station 无人值守电站 hydropower station 水电站 process of self excitation 自励过程auxiliary motor 辅助电动机 technical specifications 技术条件 voltage across the terminals 端电压steady state condition 瞬态暂态 reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性active in respect to 相对….呈阻性synchronous condenser 同步进相(调相)机 coincide in phase with 与….同相synchronous reactance 同步电抗 algebraic 代数的 algorithmic 算法的 biphase 双相的bilateral circuit 双向电路 bimotored 双马达的 corridor 通路 shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流leakage 泄漏 lightning shielding 避雷 harmonic 谐波的。
幕墙常用英语类型名词玻璃幕墙-------glass curtain wall双层幕墙Double Skin Wall热反射镀膜幕墙heat reflecting coated curtain全玻璃幕墙full glass curtain wall明框玻璃幕墙exposed framing glass curtain wall 斜玻璃幕墙inclined glass curtain wall半隐框玻璃幕墙semi-exposed framing glass cutain wall半隐框玻璃幕墙horizontally expressed or vertically expressed curtain wall隐框玻璃幕墙hidden framing glass curtain wall 采光顶Skylight雨棚Canopy铝铝合金Aluminium alloy铝板Alum.panel铝角码Alum bracket4厚复合铝板4mm THK. COMPOSITE MADE OF AL. AND PLASTIC(ALU.Clad Laminated Panel、aluminium composite panel)5厚单铝板5mm THK. ALUMINUM PLATE玻璃单层钢化玻璃:Single glass.temperd钢化玻璃:Tempered glass半钢化玻璃:Heat strengthened glass浮法玻璃:Annealed glass (Float glass)中空玻璃:Insulating Glass Unit (IGU)夹胶玻璃:Laminated glass钢化玻璃:Tempered glass半钢化玻璃:Heat strengthened glass (toughened glass是指强化玻璃,在国内一般不说,对应的是半钢化玻璃)抗水玻璃water-resistant glass耐水玻璃water-proof galss钠水玻璃water soda ash glass 螺栓机制螺栓MACHINE BOLT镀锌螺栓GALVANIZED BOLT膨胀螺栓EXPANSION BOLT锚拴ANCHOR BOLT不锈钢螺栓Stainless steel bolt焊接焊缝统称weld焊缝Butt welding焊缝welding line角焊缝fillet weld对接焊缝butt weld胶条密封胶结构胶Structural Glazing Sealant、Structural Sealant、Structural silicone耐侯胶Weather proofing sealant性能参数可见光透光率Visible Light Transmittance可见光反射率Visible Light ReflectanceU-值U-value遮阳系数Shading coefficient相对热增益Relative Heat Gain地震荷载Earthquake load 、seismic loading结构肋玻璃Fin glass (stiffen fin glass)横梁Transom立柱Mullion玻璃框架glass frame凹槽roove槽口abbet其他花岗石Granite钢Mild steel不锈钢stainless steel均质处理,引爆处理Heat Soak Test镀锌Zinc-plated (形容词)镀锌galvanizing(动词、名词)内部安装nternal installation外部安装external installation泛水Flashing滴水Weep配件不锈钢紧固件Fastener-Stainess Steel预埋件Embedment 、embeds or inserts 角钢steel angle钢支架steel bracket 泡沫填充棒FOAM ROD防火棉FIRE STOP (防火隔墙)刚性绝缘体RIGID INSULATION 弹性止动片istance pieces支承块etting blocks定位块ocation blocks压条eador installation bead衬垫edding射钉Drive pin密封垫gasketbundled tube system║束筒体系cantilevered end║悬臂端cantilevered║悬臂的close interval║(柱)间距紧凑critical point║(受力)临界点,相变点distributing box║配电柜framed tube║框筒结构grid structure║网架结构heat exchanger║空气循环HVAC=Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning║暖通空调infrastructure║基础设施overlapping║搭接,重叠,(柱式的)组合piled-up mass of adobe=sun-dried mud干打垒precast║预制的precise measurements║精确的计算prefabrication║配件预制recirculate air║再循环空气research model║结构模型resistance against weathering|耐候性sag/cave in║塌陷,凹陷shear wall frame interaction║框剪结构shear wall║剪力墙shell system║壳体结构skeleton-and-skin system║骨架结构space frame║空间网架span║跨度steel frame║钢架structural members║结构构件structural stability ║结构稳定性switchbox║配电箱tape inward║收分tensile strength║拉力timber construction =wood frame║木结构transformer substation║变电站truss║桁架underground network of pipes║地下管网weight strength║重力wood beam║木梁yield║屈服幕墙常用英语词汇表4mm POSITE MADE OF AL.AND PLASTIC4厚复合铝板5mm THK.ALUMINUM PLATE 5厚单铝板AAccessories 附件According to 根据Acid a.酸,酸性的Across ad.prep.横过,交叉Allowable 允许Alloy 合金Alum bracket 铝角码Alum.panel 铝板Aluminium alloy 铝合金Aluminum 铝,铝材Analysis n.分析Analyze (analyse) v.分析Analyze (analyse) v.分析ANCHOR BOLT 锚拴Anchor 锚固Anchor 锚固Angle steel 角钢Annealed glass 浮法玻璃Anodizing n.阳化Anti-corrosive zinc paint 防锈白漆Appendix 附录Approval 承认,审批Architect n.建筑师Architecture n.建筑Artificial a.人造的,虚假的Assume v.假设Assumption n.假设Average =AVG. 平均Axial a.轴向的Axis n.轴向的BBacker rod 加强棒,泡沫棒Base level 基本平面,海平面Be equivalent to 等于Bear 负荷Bend v.n.弯曲,屈服Bituminous paint 沥青油Bituminous a.含沥青的Board n.板Bolt n.螺栓Bond v.接合,搭接Bonding n.搭接,接合Booklet n.小册子Bottom n.底部Bracket n.支托Buckle vi.使弯曲,使屈服Built-up a.有组织的,密集的butt weld 对接焊缝Butt welding 焊缝CC/C =center to centerCanopy n.天蓬,雨蓬,雨棚Cantilever beam 悬臂梁Capacity n.能力,容量Caption n.说明,标题Cast-in 埋入Catalogue n.目录,总目Cement n.水泥Certificate Vt.n.证明,证明书Channel n.槽,频道,通道Check v.检查,查阅Circular hollow section n.圆通Cladding n.围护Clear glass 透明玻璃Client n.客户,委托人Code n.代码,法规Coefficient n.系数Column n.柱Combined a.组合Comparison n.比较Complete v.完成Composite a.n.混合物,混合Compression n.压,压迫compressive a.受压的Concrete n.混凝土Condition n.条件Consider v.认为Constant n.常数Contact surface n.接触面Contact n.a.接触Content n.内容Continuous beam 连续梁Contractor n.承包商Copper n.铜Cracked a.开裂的Criteria n.标准,要点Critical a.危险的,临界的Curtain wall 幕墙Curved a.弯曲的DData n.数据Dead load 恒荷载Deduction n.折减,扣除Definition n.定义,精确度Deflection n.挠度Deform v.变形Deformation n.变形Density n.容重,密度Depth n.深度Derivation n.引出,导出Description n.描述Design n.设计Detail n.详图Detection n.探知,发现Development n.发展Diagonal 对角线Die n.冲模Difference n.不同,差异Dimension n.尺寸Direct a.ad.直接的,v.指挥Distance n.距离Distributed a.均匀的,分布的Double glazing 双层(中空)玻璃Downward a.向下的Downwind a.顺风面Drive pin 射钉Dynamic a.活动的,动态的EEarthquake load 地震荷载Earthquake n.地震Eccentric a.偏心的Eccentrically Adv.偏心地Effect v.影响Effective a.有效的Elastic a.弹性的Elevation n.海拨,立面Engineering n.工程Equal angle a.等边角钢Equivalent a.等于Examined 审定Example n.例子,样本Exposed frame a.明框Exterior a.外部的Extrusion n.挤压FFabricate v.加工Fabrication n.加工Facial glass (facade glass) 面玻璃Facial(fa?ade) a.脸部的,表面的Fastener-StainessSteel 不锈钢紧固件Fatigue n.v.疲劳Feature 装饰物,特征Figured glass 压花玻璃fillet weld 角焊缝Fillet n.带子,带形的Fin glass (stiffen fin glass) 肋玻璃Fin n.鳍,鳍状物Finish n.完成,装饰Finished floor level =F.F.LFire prevention 防火FIRE STOP 防火棉Fix v.固定Fixing lug n.摩耳Flange n.凸缘,翼缘Flashing n.防水板,遮雨板Float glass 浮法玻璃FOAM ROD 泡沫填充棒Folded 折叠的,拦杆Force n.力,力量;v.强迫Foreword n.序言Formula n.方程Free stand type 坐(落)地式Function n.函数GG.M.S. =galvanized mild steelGalvanization n.镀锌Galvanize v.镀锌GALVANIZED BOLT 镀锌螺栓galvanizing 镀锌glass curtain wall 玻璃幕墙Glass n.玻璃Glazing n.玻璃窗,玻璃装饰Global a.通用的,全球的,球形的Granite cladding 花岗岩围护,干挂石Granite 花岗石Gravity n.重量Grille n.格子Grout n.水泥浆Grouting (填塞的)水泥砂浆Gust n.阵风Gutter n.天沟,排水沟Gyration n.回转,旋转HHanger system 吊挂系统Hardware n.五金Heat Soak Test 引爆处理Heat strengthenedglass 半钢化玻璃Height n.高度Hidden frame 隐框Horizontal a.水平的Hot-dipped zinc galvan 热浸锌IImmediate a.当地的Imposed a.应用的,利用的Include v.包括Increase V.增加Individual a.个别的Inertia moment 惯性矩Inertia n.惯性Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) 中空玻璃Interior a.内部的Investigate n.调查,研究Issue n.v.发行,发布JJoint n.连接Joist n.托梁,桁LLaminated glass 夹层玻璃Lateral a.侧面的,旁边的Length n.长度Linear a.线性的Lips n.薄片,唇Load n.v.荷载,加载Local a.局部的,地方性的Long a.长的Louver n.百叶,百页Lug n.耳朵MM.S.. =mild steelMACHINE BOLT 机制螺栓Manufacturer n.制造高,厂商Material n.材料Maximize v.最大化Maximum n.最大值Member n.杆件Metal n.金属Micron n.微米Mild steel 钢Minimize v.最小化Minimum n.最小值Modulus n.模量Moment n.瞬间,矩Movement capacity 变形能力Mullion n.竖框,竖料Mullion 立柱NNatural a.n.自然的,Negative a.n.否定,负数Neutral a.中性的Normal a.普通的,法向的Nos. =numbersNut n.坚果,螺丝帽PPanel n.板,仪表板Parallel a.n.v.平行Part n.部分,局部Partial a.部分的Peak 峰值Penetration butt 对接埋入焊Penetration n.浸透,浸入Period a.句号,周期Permissible a.允许的Permit v.允许Pile n.桩Pin n.a.大头钉,栓Plan n.计划,平面图,设计图Plastic a..塑性的,可塑的Plate n.盘子,金属板Podium n.矮墙,女儿墙Poisson’s Ratio泊桑比Polished glass 磨光玻璃practise n.实行Pre-cast 预埋,预置PRefer v.提交,查阅Preliminary a.初步的Pressure n.v.压力,压强Principal a.主要的Property n.财产,性质,属性Protect v.保护Purpose n.目的,企图,论题Purposed v.计划,打算PVF2 Coating 氟碳喷涂QQuantity n.量,数量,总数RRailing n.扶手,拦杆Ratio n.比,比率Reaction n.反应,反作用Rebar =reinforce barRectangle hollow section矩形管Reduce v.减少,缩小Refer v.提交,查阅Reference n.v.参考,引用Reflective glass 反射玻璃Reinforcement n.加强件,加固物Relative Heat Gain 相对热增益Resistance v.抵抗Restrain n.约束Result n.结果Revision n.修订,校订RHS =rectangle hollowsectionRIGID INSULATION刚性绝缘体Rigidity n.刚性Rod n.小枝,竿Roof n.屋顶SScope n.范围,广度Screw n.v.螺钉,螺旋浆,拧紧Sealant n.密封胶Self-weight 自重Serial n.序列,系列Setting block 垫块Shading coefficient 遮阳系数Shape n.v.形状,定形Shear n.v.修剪,剪切SHS=square hollowsectionSquare hollow section方形管Silicone n.硅树酯Similar n.a.相似的,相同Simply supported beam 简支梁Single glass.temperd 单层钢化玻璃Site-ground 室外地面Skylight 采光顶Sleeve n.袖子,套筒Slope n.v.倾斜SpacingSpan n.跨度Specification n.规格,详述Spider fixing (玻璃)固定爪Splice Vt.n.接合,连接,结婚Square hollow section 方形管Stability n.稳定性stainless steel 不锈钢Stainless steel bolt 不锈钢螺栓Standard n.标准Steel bracket 钢角码Stiffen v.使变硬Strength n.强度Stress n.压力,应力Structural silicone 结构胶Structural a.结构的Structure floor level =S.F.LStructure n.结构Strut n.支柱StudSub-contractor n.分包商Submission n.递呈,提交,服从Suction n.吸力SufferSuper-structure 主体结构Supplier n.供应商Supply n.v.提供,补充,替代Support on four sides 四边支撑Support on two sides 两边支撑Support n.v.支撑,支持Surface n.表面Symmetry a.对称的TTechnical a..技术的,工业的Tee n.T字形,T形物Temperature n.温度Tempered glass 钢化玻璃Tempered a.调节的,钢化的Temporary a.临时的Tensile a.拉力的,张力的Tension n.v.张力,拉力Terrain n.地带,地域,范围The arm of force 力臂Thickness n.厚度Thread n.纤维Tile 砖,磁片Tinted 染色的Title n.名称,标题Tolerance n.宽容,公差Top n.顶部,上总的Torsion n.扭转,扭矩Total 总的,总数Transom n.横梁,横档Trapezoid n.梯形,不等边四边形Triangle n.三角形Type 类型,型号,打字UUB =universal beam UDL=uniformly distributed load Unequal angle n.不等边角钢Uniformly Adv.统一的,一律的Universal beam 通用梁Universal column 通用柱Unsymmetrical 不对称Upward a.向上的Upwind 迎风面U-value U-值VVariable n.变量Vary v.变化,改变Velocity n.速度,速度Vertical a.垂直的Vicinity n.附近,临近Visible Light Reflectance 可见光反射率Visible Light Transmittance 可见光透光率WWasher n.垫片,垫圈Waterproof 防水Weather proofing sealant 耐侯胶Weather sealant 耐候胶Web n.网,腹板Weep 滴水Weep hole 泄水孔Weight n.重量Weld n.焊缝,焊接处welding line 焊缝Whorl n.螺纹Wide a.宽的Width n.宽度Wind load 风荷载Wind pressure 风压Wind n.风Withstand v.抵抗YYield n.v.屈服ZZinc n.鋅Zinc-plated 镀锌Zone n.区域。
The applicant goes to the local community government to handle the application procedures.2.出示户口簿和身份证明,填写相关申请表格。
Present the household register and identification documents, and fill out the relevant application forms.3.提供符合规定的证明材料,如独生子女证明、父母证明等。
Provide the required proof materials, such as the only child certificate, and parental proof.4.递交申请材料,并等待社区政府审核。
Submit the application materials and wait for the community government to review.5.社区政府审核符合条件后,领取独生子女补贴。
After the community government approves the eligibility, the only child subsidy can be collected.6.领取人需携带身份证明和相关文件到指定地点领取。
The recipient needs to bring identification and relevant documents to the designated location for collection.7.签收领取单据,确认领取独生子女补贴的金额和时间。
Sign for the receipt, confirm the amount and time of receiving the only child subsidy.8.如有疑问或需要进一步咨询,可向社区政府相关部门咨询。
Derepression of a Neuronal Inhibitor due to miRNA Dysregulation in a Schizophrenia-Related MicrodeletionBin Xu,1,3,5Pei-Ken Hsu,3,4,5Kimberly L.Stark,1,3Maria Karayiorgou,1,*and Joseph A.Gogos2,3,*1Department of Psychiatry2Department of NeuroscienceCollege of Physicians and Surgeons,Columbia University,1051Riverside Drive,New York,NY10032,USA3Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics,College of Physicians and Surgeons4Integrated Program in Cellular,Molecular,and Biophysical StudiesColumbia University,630West168th Street,New York,NY10032,USA5These authors contributed equally to this work*Correspondence:mk2758@(M.K.),jag90@(J.A.G.)/10.1016/j.cell.2012.11.052SUMMARY22q11.2microdeletions result in specific cognitive deficits and schizophrenia.Analysis of Df(16)A+/Àmice,which model this microdeletion,revealed abnormalities in the formation of neuronal dendrites and spines,as well as altered brain microRNAs. Here,we show a drastic reduction of miR-185,which resides within the22q11.2locus,to levels more than expected by a hemizygous deletion,and we demon-strate that this reduction alters dendritic and spine development.miR-185represses,through an evolu-tionarily conserved target site,a previously unknown inhibitor of these processes that resides in the Golgi apparatus and shows higher prenatal brain expres-sion.Sustained derepression of this inhibitor after birth represents the most robust transcriptional disturbance in the brains of Df(16)A+/Àmice and results in structural alterations in the hippocampus. Reduction of miR-185also has milder age-and region-specific effects on the expression of some Golgi-related genes.Ourfindings illuminate the contribution of microRNAs in psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunction.INTRODUCTIONThe identification of a widespread role of chromosomal microde-letions and microduplications(copy number variants or CNVs)in determining susceptibility to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia(SCZ),as well as neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and intellectual disability,represents a shift in our understanding of the genetic architecture of these disorders and highlights the pervasive contribution of rare and highly pene-trant structural mutations(Karayiorgou et al.,1995;Morrow, 2010;Rodriguez-Murillo et al.,2012).Along these lines,a strong link has been established between microdeletions in chromo-some22q11.2,cognitive dysfunction and psychiatric disorders, especially SCZ(Karayiorgou et al.,1995,2010;Xu et al.,2008). Understanding how the genes disrupted by this deletion contribute to the ensuing psychiatric and cognitive phenotypes will provide important mechanistic insights and guide analysis of other pathogenic mutations(Arguello and Gogos,2006, 2010,2012;International Schizophrenia Consortium,2008; Karayiorgou et al.,2010).By using chromosomal engineering,we generated a mouse model carrying a hemizygous1.3Mb chromosomal deficiency on mouse chromosome16(Df(16)A),which is syntenic to the 1.5Mb22q11.2microdeletion(Stark et al.,2008).Analysis of Df(16)A+/Àmice showed abnormalities in dendritic morphogen-esis and formation of dendritic spines of hippocampal pyramidal neurons both in culture and in vivo(Mukai et al.,2008;Stark et al., 2008).Such changes may account,at least in part,for the regional decreases in gray matter volumes observed in some 22q11.2deletion carriers(Bearden et al.,2009;Chow et al., 2002)and may ultimately lead to altered information processing. Analysis of the Df(16)A+/Àstrain also provided compelling evidence that the22q11.2microdeletion results in abnormal pro-cessing of brain microRNAs(miRNAs),a class of small noncod-ing RNAs that regulate the stability and translation of mRNAs (Fineberg et al.,2009;Kosik,2006;Schratt,2009;Xu et al., 2010),implicating miRNA dysregulation in the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunction.One gene dis-rupted by the22q11.2microdeletion is DGCR8,a component of the‘‘microprocessor’’complex that is essential for miRNA production(Tomari and Zamore,2005).Dgcr8haploinsufficiency results in the downregulation of a specific subset of mature miRNAs and contributes to alterations found in Df(16)A+/Àmice (Fe´nelon et al.,2011;Stark et al.,2008).miRNA dysregulation likely accounts for a fraction of the transcript misexpression in the brains of Df(16)A+/Àmice(Stark et al.,2008),but direct targets have not been reported.Here,we highlight an important component of this dysregulation and identify a previously un-characterized gene with prenatal expression bias as amajor262Cell152,262–275,January17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.miRNA target mediating the effects of the 22q11.2microdeletion on neuronal maturation and connectivity.RESULTSA Drastic Reduction of miR-185Levels in Df(16)A +/ÀMiceStudies in the Df(16)A +/Àmouse strain have shown that the 22q11.2microdeletion results in abnormal processing of a specific subset of brain miRNAs due to the removal of one copy of the Dgcr8gene causing a decrease in its expression in the adult brain (Stark et al.,2008)as well as in early development (Figure S1A available online).It is noteworthy that,in addition to Dgcr8,the 22q11.2microdeletion and the equivalent mouse deficiency remove one copy of a miRNA gene (miR-185)located within the minimal 1.5Mb 22q11.2critical region (Figure 1A).In situ hybridization assays indicated that miR-185is expressed in several brain regions such as hippocampus (HPC)and cortex (Figure 1B).qRT-PCR analysis showed that expression of miR-185is dramatically reduced by $70%–80%in both HPC(p <10À6)and prefrontal cortex (PFC;p <10À11)of adult Df(16)A +/Àmice as compared to wild-type (WT)littermates (Figures 1C and 1D).This reduction was also observed at earlier develop-mental stages (embryonic day 17[E17]and postnatal day 6[P6])(Figure S1B).miR-185also showed a more modest decrease in Dgcr8+/Àmice ($20%in HPC;p <0.05;Figure 1E),suggesting that the severe reduction of mature miR-185expression in Df(16)A +/Àmice may be due to a combined effect of hemizygos-ity of the miR-185gene and impaired maturation of the pri-mir-185transcript produced from the remaining copy,due to the reduction in Dgcr8levels.Such a large reduction in expression of a resident gene to levels greater than expected by the 50%decrease in gene dosage is unique among genes affected by the 22q11.2microdeletion.A Primary Transcriptional Consequence of 22q11.2Genomic LossPrevious microarray analysis of adult Df(16)A +/Àmice revealed genome-wide alterations of transcriptional programs in the HPC and PFC (Stark et al.,2008).We extendedexpressionFigure 1.Drastic Reduction of mir-185Expression in Df(16)A +/ÀMice(A)Schematic diagram showing the 1.5Mb 22q11.2critical region and the syntenic mouse locus.The 1.5Mb deletion is mediated by low copy repeat sequences LCR-A and LCR-B (illustrated as black boxes).Dgcr8and miR-185(hosted in the intron of the 22orf25gene in human and the D16H22S680E gene in mouse)are highlighted in red.Chr22,chromosome 22;Chr16,chromosome 16.(B)Expression of miR-185mRNA in HPC and cortex as shown by in situ hybridization in coronal brain sections using an antisense miR-185probe.An antisense U6probe and a scramble probe were used as positive and negative controls,respectively.Images were taken at either 43(left)or 103(right)magnification.(C–E)miR-185expression levels in HPC (C)or PFC (D)of Df(16)A +/À(n =7for mutant,n =9for WT)and in HPC (E)of Dgcr8+/À(n =10for mutant and WT),as assayed by qRT-PCR.Expression levels in mutant mice were normalized to their respective WT littermates.Results are expressed as mean ±SEM.*p <0.05,**p <0.01,and ***p <0.001(Student’s t test).See also Figure S1.Cell 152,262–275,January 17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.263Figure2.2310044H10Rik Is Robustly Upregulated in the Brain of Df(16)A+/ÀMice(A)Changes in gene expression in the PFC(upper panel)or HPC(lower panel)of Df(16)A+/Àand WT littermate control mice at E16,P6,and adulthood(n=10each group).Volcano plot of the p values and the corresponding relative expression of each gene are shown.Light blue dots indicate genes within Df(16)A deficiency, light green dots indicate upregulated miRNA-containing transcripts,and red dots indicate probe sets representing Mirta22.(B)Top ten protein-encoding genes that show significant upregulation in the PFC(upper panel)or HPC(lower panel)of Df(16)A+/Àand WT littermate mice at E16, P6,and adulthood.Mirta22is highlighted in red.(legend continued on next page)264Cell152,262–275,January17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.profile analysis of these two brain regions to two earlier develop-mental stages,E17and P6.Only one gene,2310044H10Rik,was consistently significantly upregulated(in at least two of the three developmental stages examined and in at least one of the two brain areas tested).Indeed,2310044H10Rik was among the top upregulated genes in both postnatal stages examined (Figures2A and2B).Notably,no significant difference in 2310044H10Rik expression was found in either frontal cortex or HPC at E17(Figures2A and2B).Importantly,there is no known miRNA within or surrounding this genomic locus,sug-gesting that the upregulation is not due to impaired processing of overlapping pri-miRNA transcripts.In independent experiments,we attempted to distinguish primary versus secondary gene targets of the22q11.2microde-letion by looking for genes whose expression changes in oppo-site direction as a result of genomic losses or gains in this locus. Such genes are likely to represent primary targets and direct transcriptional readouts of the underlying copy number imbal-ances(Chahrour et al.,2008).We compared the PFC and HPC gene expression profiles in mice carrying a deletion or duplica-tion at the22q11.2syntenic mouse locus using as reference compound heterozygous mice balanced for copy number (see Extended Experimental Procedures;Figure S2).We identi-fied a number of inversely altered transcripts in either PFC or HPC(p<0.001;Extended Experimental Procedures;Table S1),in addition to the transcripts from the22q11.2region.As expected,the majority of the identified transcripts are pri-miRNA forms.Only12transcripts were significantly misregu-lated in a reciprocal manner in both PFC and HPC(Table S2). Among them,2310044H10Rik is the only gene with protein-coding potential.Taken together,our expression profiling highlighted the misre-gulation of2310044H10Rik as a major consequence of the 22q11.2genomic imbalances at the transcriptome level.We confirmed the pattern of2310044H10Rik upregulation in both PFC and HPC by TaqMan qRT-PCR(PFC:E17,20%,p=0.24; P6,59%,p<0.01;Adult,76%,p<10À6;HPC:E17,20%,p= 0.16;P6,50%,p<0.05;Adult,38%,p<0.05;Figures2C and 2D).This analysis revealed a profile of temporal regulation with prenatal expression bias where levels of2310044H10Rik rapidly decline during thefirst week after birth and remain constantly low thereafter,as well as a corresponding pattern of misregula-tion in Df(16)A+/Àmice where prenatally elevated expression persists throughout postnatal and adult life.Increased brain expression of2310044H10Rik is recapitulated in Df(16)A+/Àprimary neurons(Figure2E).2310044H10Rik Is a Major Downstream Effectorof miRNA DysregulationNotably,2310044H10Rik mRNA levels were also elevated in Dgcr8+/Àmice(HPC:30%,p<0.05;PFC:24%,p<0.05;Fig-ure S3A),suggesting that upregulation may be due to miRNA dys-regulation.Indeed,two miRNA target site prediction programs, TargetScan(Grimson et al.,2007)and mirDB(Wang,2008),report that the30UTR of2310044H10Rik contains binding sites of miRNAs shown to be affected in Df(16)A+/Àmice by microarray profiling(Stark et al.,2008).Specifically,mirDB predictedfive such miRNAs with binding sites in the30UTR of2310044H10Rik including miR-185and miR-485,whereas TargetScan predicted 13miRNA sites,including sites for miR-185,miR-485,miR-491, and miR-224.Notably,both programs predicted sites for miR-185and miR-485(Figure3A,red rectangles).Because increased brain expression of2310044H10Rik is recapitulated in Df(16)A+/Àprimary neurons(Figure2E),wefirst used primary neurons to determine whether endogenous 2310044H10Rik expression is actually under the control of miR-185.To examine the effect of miR-185overexpression on 2310044H10Rik level,we introduced into primary neuronal cultures a miRNA precursor mimic(‘‘pre-mir-185’’),which is pro-cessed into mature miRNA,or a scramble precursor(‘‘prescram-ble’’)with no homology to the mouse genome,which serves as a control for nonspecific effects of small RNA expression. Twenty-four hours posttransfection,there was a decrease in the levels of2310044H10Rik in pre-mir-185-transfected neurons when compared to prescramble-transfected neurons(p<0.01; Figure3B).In a complementary experiment,introduction of an anti-miR-185LNA oligo or a scramble control oligo resulted in an increase of2310044H10Rik mRNA levels in anti-miR-185-transfected cells when compared to scramble-transfected cells (p<0.05;Figure3C).Taken together,these results confirm that2310044H10Rik expression in primary neurons is under the repressive control of miR-185.Essentially identical results were obtained when2310044H10Rik expression was assayed in N18cells(Figures3D and3E).Therefore,we used this cell line to further characterize the miR-185-mediated inhibition.To test whether the inhibition of miR-185on2310044H10Rik expression is30UTR dependent as predicted by TargetScan and mirDB(see above),2310044H10Rik30UTR-fused luciferase reporter genes were cotransfected with either pre-mir-185mimic or prescramble into N18cells.Although prescramble did not affect the reporter activity,introduction of pre-mir-185mimic led to a dramatic decrease of luciferase activity as compared to the prescramble control(p<0.001for all pre-mir-185concen-trations used;Figure3F).To investigate whether miR-185-medi-ated repression is specific and operates directly via the two binding sites predicted by TargetScan(Figure3A),we engi-neered luciferase reporters carrying mutated versions of 2310044H10Rik30UTR with either individual or both miR-185 binding sites mutated(Mut1:Site1mutant;Mut2:Site2mutant; Mut1&2:Site1and2mutants,see Extended Experimental Procedures).The pre-mir-185mimic significantly reduced the luciferase activity of the WT reporter to$25%relative to a control reporter without30UTR,whereas it reduced the luciferase activ-ities of the Mut1and Mut2reporters to80%(p<0.01)and33%(C and D)Temporal expression of2310044H10Rik(Mirta22)in the PFC(C)and HPC(D)of Df(16)A+/Àand WT littermate mice as monitored by qRT-PCR(n=9–10 for each group).(E)Increased expression of endogenous2310044H10Rik(Mirta22)in DIV9hippocampal neurons isolated from Df(16)A+/Àanimals as assayed by qRT-PCR(n=3 each genotype).Expression levels in mutant neurons were normalized to WT neurons.Results are expressed as mean±SEM.*p<0.05,**p<0.01,and***p<0.001(Student’s t test).See also Figure S2and Tables S1and S2.Cell152,262–275,January17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.265(p <0.05),respectively (Figure 3G).Notably,the pre-mir-185mimic could not repress luciferase activity driven from a mutant reporter where both binding sites are simultaneously disrupted (Figure 3G).Thus,both miR-185cognate binding sites have an impact on the 30UTR-mediated regulation of 2310044H10Rik expression,although the site disrupted in the Mut1reporter (Site 1)seems to be the major target site via which miR-185directly exerts its repressive effect.We further addressed the dependence of 2310044H10Rik 30UTR reporter repression on the levels of miR-485or miR-491,which are also predicted to target binding sites in the 30UTR ofthe 2310044H10Rik gene.Both of these miRNAs are modestly downregulated in the HPC of the Df(16)A +/Àmice due to Dgcr8hemizygosity (Figure S3B).The pre-miRNA mimics of either miRNA modestly but significantly reduced the luciferase activity of the 30UTR-fused reporter compared to the prescramble control (pre-mir-485:27%,p <0.05;pre-mir-491:35%,p <0.05;Figure 3H).A three-factor ANOVA indicated that all three miRNAs (miR-185,miR-485,and miR-491)and their inter-actions have significant impact on the luciferase activity with the exception of the interaction between miR-485and miR-491(Table S3).Figure 3.miR-185Directly Targets and Represses 2310044H10Rik(A)Structure of the 30UTR of 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)showing miRNA binding sites predicted by TargetScan or mirDB.Blocks in mouse 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)30UTR that are highly conserved in rat and human orthologs are shown below the mouse 30UTR.Evolutionary conservation is also assessed by the ‘‘30-way multiz alignment and conservation analysis’’in the USCS browser,with conserved blocks indicated by green peaks.miR-185and miR-485binding sites located within the conserved blocks are shown in red.(B and C)qRT-PCR quantification of endogenous 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)in DIV7hippocampal neurons.Expression levels in anti-miR-185-treated and pre-mir-185-treated neurons were normalized to expression levels under respective controls.(B)Increased expression levels of Mirta22in neurons transfected with anti-miR-185at DIV5(n =5,each treatment).(C)Reduced expression levels of Mirta22in DIV9hippocampal neurons transfected with pre-mir-185mimic at DIV7(n =3,each treatment).(D and E)qRT-PCR quantification of endogenous 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)in N18cells.Expression levels in pre-mir-185-treated and anti-miR-185-treated cells were normalized to expression levels under respective controls.(D)Reduced expression levels of Mirta22in cells transfected with pre-mir-185mimic (n =3,each treatment).(E)Upregulation of Mirta22in cells transfected with an anti-miR-185LNA oligo (n =3,each treatment).(F–H)Repression effects of pre-mir-185,pre-mir-485,and pre-mir-491on Mirta2230UTR were examined by a dual-luciferase reporter assay (see Experimental Procedures ).Values are Renilla luciferase levels relative to firefly luciferase levels and normalized to the relative expression levels under prescramble treatment (F and H)or to the relative expression levels from plasmid with no 30UTR (G)(n =3for each condition).Pre-mir-185significantly decreases the 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)30UTR reporter expression over a concentration range of 10–0.01nM (F).Pre-mir-185-mediated repression on 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)30UTR reporter expression depends on conserved miRNA binding sites (G).Pre-mir-485and pre-mir-491significantly decrease the 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)30UTR reporter expression (H).Results are expressed as mean ±SEM.*p <0.05,**p <0.01,and ***p <0.001(Student’s t test).See also Figure S3and Table S3.266Cell 152,262–275,January 17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.Taken together,thesefindings suggest that the persistent elevation of2310044H10Rik levels observed in Df(16)A+/Àmice is likely the result of the combined hemizygosity at miR-185 and Dgcr8loci.Although more than one miRNA contributes, the major effect is due to the dramatic downregulation of miR-185.Consistent with this notion and the less profound reduction of miR-185in Dgcr8+/Àmice(Figure1E),2310044H10Rik is only modestly upregulated in this strain(Figure S3A).Interestingly, a comparison between the30UTR of human and mouse ortho-logs(Figure3A)reveals that miR-185cognate Site1as well as one miR-485binding site are located within a highly conserved region,suggesting that these sites are critical in regulating the levels of the human ortholog(C19orf63).Consistent with this expectation,introduction of pre-mir-185into human293T cells resulted in a significant decrease of endogenous C19orf63levels (Figure S3C).In addition,similar to the pattern observed in the mouse brain,expression of C19orf63decreases in infant brain as depicted in BrainSpan database(). It is noteworthy that inspection of our gene expression data set as well as qRT-PCR analysis of a sample of eight high-likeli-hood miR-185targets identified by more than one prediction program did not reveal any additional significant changes of transcript levels in the brains of Df(16)A+/Àmice(Figure S3D). Furthermore,unlike2310044H10Rik,none of the other top upre-gulated protein-coding genes(shown in Figure2B)are consis-tently altered in both HPC and frontal cortex of E17,P6,and adult Df(16)A+/Àmice,and only one of them(B3gat1,see below)is predicted to contain miR-185seed sites in its30UTR.Overall, although additional downstream targets of miR-185likely exist (see below),our analysis suggests that2310044H10Rik re-presents the major downstream effector of miR-185and a major hub target of miRNA dysregulation due to the22q11.2 microdeletion.Due to confirmed miRNA-mediated regulation, we renamed the gene Mirta22(miR NA ta rget of the22q11.2 microdeletion).Mirta22Encodes a Neuronal Protein Residingin the Golgi ApparatusMirta22encodes a28kDa protein without any known sequence homology or functional domain(/uniprot/ Q3TAS6).The murine ortholog is located on mouse chromo-some7and contains seven coding exons.The human ortholog (C19orf63)is located on chromosome19q13.33and encodes a protein with92.3%identity to the murine protein(Figure4A). One mouse reference sequence(isoform1)is reported in Gen-Bank,whereas two C19orf63isoforms(isoform1and2)are re-ported in GenBank and in the literature(Junes-Gill et al.,2011). The protein encoded by isoform1is predicted to contain a N-terminal signal peptide,as well as a transmembrane segment (Figure4A,red rectangles),which separates a long N-terminal region from a short C-terminal segment that contains a polygly-cine tail with unknown function.Isoform2differs from isoform1 by an alternatively spliced exon located after exon6.The protein encoded by isoform2is shorter by eight amino acids,contains the N-terminal signal peptide but not the transmembrane segment,and is predicted to be secreted(Figure4A).We raised a polyclonal antibody against a segment of the protein that is conserved in the mouse and human orthologs(amino acids 207–226,Figure4A,green rectangle;see Extended Experi-mental Procedures;Figure S4).We validated the specificity of the antibody using a number of assays(see Extended Experi-mental Procedures;Figures S4A–S4C)and showed that it can also detect the secreted form of the protein in293T cell cultures (Figure S4D).Western blot assays of protein extracts from the brain of Df(16)A+/Àmice and WT littermates showed the expected increase(25%)in Mirta22levels in mutant mice(Fig-ure4B).A similar magnitude increase of the Mirta22immunocy-tochemical signal was observed in Df(16)A+/Àcultured neurons, as compared to WT neurons(Figure4C).Immunostaining of neuronal cultures showed that Mirta22is primarily a neuronal protein(Figure4D,top).At the subcellular level,it is found primarily in the soma,where it colocalizes with the Golgi apparatus marker GM130(Nakamura et al.,1995).As the neurons mature,it is also found in vesicles and tubular-like clusters within the dendritic shafts(Figure4D,middle).Mirta22 immunoreactivity was not detected in cultures stained with pre-immune serum(Figure S4E)and was diminished by64%in Mirta22shRNA-transfected neurons(Figures S4F and S4G, lower panel).Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that Mirta22is widely distributed in the brain,where it is localized in neurons(Figure4D,bottom).miR-185Reduction Results in Coordinated Mild Dysregulation of Golgi-Related GenesAccumulating evidence suggests that miRNAs may target functionally connected genes,often in a developmental stage-specific manner(Tsang et al.,2010;Zhang et al.,2009).Consis-tent with this notion,functional annotation clustering analysis of2,695out of2,708predicted miR-185targets(TargetScan Mouse v.5.2)included in the DAVID Mus musculus gene functional annotation database() identified as the top enriched gene cluster(gene count=159, Enrichment Score=8.56,FDR-corrected p=2310À9)the Gene Ontology(cellular component)term‘‘Golgi apparatus’’(Figure5A).Gene set enrichment analysis(GSEA)on the2,708 predicted miR-185targets ranked based on the gene expression profile of Df(16)A+/Àmice also indicated that the Gene Ontology terms‘‘Golgi apparatus part’’and‘‘Golgi apparatus’’were among the top20gene sets in the adult HPC(Figure5A).A global perspective on the enrichment of this miR-185target gene set among the differentially expressed genes in the Df(16)A+/Àmice showed a significant enrichment in the adult HPC expres-sion profile(p=5310À4)where,as expected,most of the top genes were upregulated(n=34),and only four genes were down-regulated(p<0.005,Figure5B;Table S4).A considerably more modest enrichment was suggested for the E17(p=0.02)and P6 HPC(p=0.016)profiles(Figure S5).Interestingly,there was no significant enrichment within the PFC profiles in any of the three ages tested(E17:p=0.6311;P6:p=0.1326;adult:p=0.244). Expression changes were modest,with only4of159Golgi-related probe sets included among the top100in the adult HPC. Altered miR-185Levels Contribute to Structural Alterations of Df(16)A+/ÀNeuronsDf(16)A+/Àmice show impaired formation of dendrites and spines in the HPC(Mukai et al.,2008)and the PFC(Figures Cell152,262–275,January17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.267S6A–S6C),which are faithfully recapitulated in primary neuronal cultures.Impairment in these processes in Df(16)A +/Àmice could only be partially accounted for by the 50%decrease in the levelsof Dgcr8(Fe´nelon et al.,2011;Stark et al.,2008).Localization of Mirta22within the Golgi apparatus and dendritic shafts suggeststhat diminishment of the miR-185repression on Mirta22levels may also contribute to these deficits.To test this hypothesis,we first asked whether reduction of miR-185levels results in deficits in dendritic and spine develop-ment similar to those observed in Df(16)A +/Àneurons (MukaiFigure 4.Genomic Structure,Neuronal Expression,and Subcellular Localization of 2310044H10Rik(A)Top view shows the structure of mRNA transcripts of 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)and its human ortholog,C19orf63.RefSeq reports a 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)transcript with seven exons (blue rectangles),which is predicted to encode a signal peptide and a transmembrane domain (red rectangles).The peptide epitope used to generate a polyclonal antibody is marked by a green rectangle.For C19orf63,RefSeq reports two alternatively spliced transcripts:one that encodes a predicted transmembrane protein and one with an additional exon that encodes a predicted secreted protein.Bottom view shows protein sequence alignment of predicted transmembrane isoforms encoded by 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)and its human ortholog.Black blocks indicate completely conserved residues,gray blocks indicate similar residues (defined by Boxshade default similarities),and white blocks indicate different residues.(B)Upper view presents representative western blot assays of 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)in PFC lysates prepared from Df(16)A +/Àanimals and WT littermates.a -tubulin is used as loading control.Lower view is quantification of 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)protein level in PFC of Df(16)A +/Àand WT animals (n =9each genotype).Expression levels in mutant mice were normalized to WT littermates.Results are expressed as mean ±SEM.**p <0.01(Student’s t test).(C)Quantification of 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)immunocytochemical signals in Df(16)A +/Àand WT cultured neurons (n =31for Df(16)A +/À;n =34for WT).Expression levels in mutant neurons were normalized to WT neurons.Results are expressed as mean ±SEM.*p <0.05(Student’s t test).(D)Upper panel shows that 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)colocalizes with neuron-specific marker NeuN,but not with glia-specific marker GFAP,in cultured hippocampal neurons at DIV20.Middle panel shows that 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)(green)colocalizes with Golgi-specific marker GM130(red)in the soma.2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)is also found in vesicles and tubular-like clusters in the dendrites,which are highlighted by the dendritic marker MAP2(blue).Lower panel presents distribution of 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)protein in adult mouse brain.Sections were stained with 2310044H10Rik (Mirta22)antibody.Images were taken at 43,103,203,and 403magnifications as indicated.Red boxes in 43,103,and 203images outline the area shown in 103,203,and 403images,respectively.See also Figure S4.268Cell 152,262–275,January 17,2013ª2013Elsevier Inc.。
《智能计算与智能优化方法》课程教学大纲课程名称智能计算与智能优化方法Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Optimization Methods授课教师雷秀娟课程类别专业方向课先修课程人工智能,算法设计与分析适用学科范围计算机科学与技术开课形式讲解,讨论,实践开课学期第1学期学时40 学分 2 一课程目的和基本要求本课程采用近年来的最新研究成果《群智能优化算法及其应用》中文教材讲授,面向的对象为计算机科学与技术的各专业研究生。
二课程主要内容本课程以算法为主线,以应用问题展开讲解,着重阐述遗传算法(Genetic Algorithms, GA)和粒子群优化(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)算法的基本原理、改进策略,解空间设计、编码方式以及求解流程等。
对蚁群优化(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)算法、人工鱼群(Artificial Fish School,AFS)算法、人工蜂群(Artificial Bee Colony,ABC) 算法、细菌觅食优化(Bacteria Foraging Optimization,BFO)算法、蛙跳算法(Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm,SFLA)、布谷鸟搜索算法(Cuckoo Search Algorithm,CSA)及萤火虫群优化(Glowworm Swarm Optimization,GSO)算法等群智能优化方法也作了简要介绍。
abscissa axis 横坐标ac motor 交流电动机active component 有功分量active in respect to 相对….呈阻性actual value,effective value 有效值acyclic machine 单极电阻adjustable-speed range 调速范围admittance 导纳air gap 气隙air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布air-gap flux 气隙磁通air-gap line 气隙磁化线air-gap reluctance 气隙磁阻algebraic 代数的algorithmic 算法的alternating current motor交流电动机ampere-turns 安匝(数)Amplitude Modulation (AM) 调幅angle stability功角稳定arc,electric arc 电弧armature circuit 电枢电路armature conductor 电枢导体armature coil 电枢线圈armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波armature reaction 电枢反应armature reaction reactance 电枢反应电抗armature iron 电枢铁心asynchronous motor异步电机asymmetry 不对称automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器auxiliary motor 辅助电动机axially and circumferentially 轴向和环向axial magnetic attraction 轴向磁拉力bandwidth 带宽base 基极basic frequency component基频分量bast pressure 风压belt factor 分布系数bilateral circuit 双向电路bimotored 双马达的biphase 双相的breakaway force 起步阻力breakdown torque 极限转矩bronze 青铜brush 电刷brush voltage drop 电刷压降brush spacing电刷间距capacitance电容carrier 载波cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系can 屏蔽套cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子centrifugal force 离心力characteristic frequency 固有频率chopper circuit 斩波电路circuit branch 支路circuit components 电路元件circuit diagram 电路图circuit parameters 电路参数circumferential orientation motor 切向永磁电机critical whirling speed 临界转速claw-poles 爪极电机closed loop 闭环closed slot 闭口槽coaxial 共轴的,同轴的cogging torque 齿槽转矩coil winding 线圈绕组coincide in phase with 与….同相collector 集电极commutating pole,inter pole 换向极commutator segment 换向片commutator-brush combination 换向器-电刷总线compensating winding 补偿绕组compensating coil 补偿线圈complex impedance 复数阻抗compound generator 复励发电机compounded 复励conductance 电导conductor 导体converter 变流器copper loss 铜耗correction coefficient 校正系数corridor 通路counter-clock wise 逆时针coupling capacitor 耦合电容current attenuation 电流衰减current density 电流密度current gain 电流增益current phasor 电流相量current strength 电流强度current vector 电流矢量damping cage 阻尼笼dc generator 直流发电机dc motor 直流电动机de machine 直流电机differentiation 微分digital signal processor (DSP) 数字信号处理器direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数direct-axis transient reactance 直轴瞬态电抗direct-axis component of voltage电压直轴分量direct axis 直轴direct-current 直流direct torque control (DTC) 直接转矩控制displacement current 位移电流distributed winding 分布绕组distribution factor 分布因数distorition of voltage waveshape 电压波形畸变domain 磁畴duty,load 负荷dynamic response 动态响应dynamic-state operation 动态运行3D equivalent magnetic circuit network method 三维等效磁路网络法3D-EMCNe.m.f = electromotive fore 电动势eddy current 涡流effective values 有效值effects of saturation 饱和效应electric energy 电能electrical device 电气设备electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromagnetic power电磁功率elecironagnetic clamping电磁阻尼electric potential 电位electrical field 电场electromotive force 电动势electromagnetic force 电磁力electromagnetic wave 电磁波electrode 电极电焊条electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩end ring 端环end turn 端部绕组end cover端盖end ring 端环end leakage reactance端部漏抗equivalent T – circuit T型等值电路excitation system 励磁系统exciting voltage 励磁电压external armature circuit 电枢外电路external characteristic 外特性fan 风扇feedback component 反馈元件feedback loop 反馈回路feedback signal 反馈信号feedback system 反馈系统feedforward signal 前馈信号feedforward system 前馈系统ferromagnetic 铁磁材料field coils 励磁线圈field current 励磁电流field effect transistor (FET) 场效应管field oriented control (FOC) 磁场定向控制field winding 磁场绕组励磁绕组flat cable 扁电缆flux linkage 磁链flux line 磁通量flux path 磁通路径flux pulsation 磁通脉冲fluc density 磁通密度flux distribution 磁通分布forward transfer function 正向传递函数fractional pitch短节距frequency 频率frequency conversion 变频frequency changer set变频机组fringing effect边缘效应full load 满载full-load torque 满载转矩full-pitch winding整距绕组fundamental wave基波fundamental component基波分量gain 增益generator voltage发电机电压grade等级harmonic 谐波horsepower (HP) 马力horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁hysteresis loss 磁滞损耗ideal source 理想电源imbricated winding,lap winding叠绕组impedance 阻抗impedance drop 阻抗压降impulse voltage peak value冲击电压峰值inductance电感induction generator 感应发电机induction machine 感应电机induction motor 感应电动机inductive component 感性(无功)分量inherent regulation of generator发电机固有电压调整率instant torgue瞬态转矩instantaneous electric power瞬时电功率instantaneous mechanical power瞬时机械功率insulation 绝缘insulation resistance绝缘电阻intensity of electrial field 电场强度interturn breakdown voltage匝间击穿电压interturn insulating 匝间绝缘interturn voltage resistant test 匝间耐压试验Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM)内置式Surface InsetPermanent Magnet (SIPM)表面式internal resistance 内阻inverter 逆变器iron core铁心iron-loss铁损lamination叠片laminated core 叠片铁心lamination insalation 冲片绝缘lag 滞后leading current超前电流leading power factor 超前功率因数leakage current 漏电流leakage flux 漏磁通leakage reactance 漏磁电抗leakage 泄漏left-hand rule 左手定则lift motor电梯用电动机light emitting diode 发光二极管lightning shielding 避雷line current 线电流line voltage 线电压linear zone 线性区linear-motion machine直线电机linear induction motor直线感应电机line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的load characteristic 负载特性load power factor负载功率因数load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩locked-rotor current堵转电流long pith winding长距绕组long -pith coil长距线圈magnetic amplifier 磁放大器magnetic circuit 磁路magnetic coupling磁耦合magnetic field 磁场magnetic flux磁通magnetic hysteresis(creeping) 磁滞magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic induction磁感应magnetic loading 磁负荷magnetic particle 磁粉离合器magnetic pole磁极magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic torque 电磁转矩magnetic yoke 磁轭magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetomotive force (m.m.f) 磁动势main pole 主极mesh 网孔mid-frequency band 中频带modulator 调制器modulus 模motoring 电动机驱动motor slip 电动机转差率m.m.f wave 磁势谐波mutual flux 交互(主)磁通mutual-inductor 互感negative phase-sequence 负序no-load 空载nominal pull-in torque 标称牵入转矩non-sinusoidal 非正弦number of poles 极数number of field turns 磁极绕组匝数number of slots 槽数odd-order harmonic 奇次谐波operating point工作点operating characteristic curve 运行特性曲线optical fiber 光纤oscillation 振荡oscilloscope 示波器outside diameter of core 铁心外径overhang leakage permeance 端部漏磁导overload 超负荷overlapping 重叠parallel 并联parallel connexion magnetized winding 并励绕组parallel connexion road number 并联支路数parallel wind number 并绕根数pancake coil 扁平绕组P.D. = potential drop 电压降peak to peak 峰峰值per unit value 标么值percentage 百分数peripheral air-gapleakage磁极漏磁performance characteristic 工作特性permanent magnet永磁体permanent magnet synchronous motor 永磁同步电机permeability 导磁率periodically symmetrical 周期性对称per-unit value 标么值phase displacement 相位差phase-to-phase(line-to-line)voltage相(线)电压phase insulation 相间绝缘phase sequence 相序Phase Modulation (PM) 相位调制phase reversal 反相pilot exciter 副励磁机plugging 反向制动polarity 极性pole-changing motor 变极电动机pole core磁极铁心pole coil 磁极线圈pole pitch极距pole shoe极靴pole end plate 磁极端板polyphase rectifier 多相整流器polyphase rectifier 多相整流器Polyphase 多相(的)potential transformer 电压互感器power amplifier 功率放大器power frequency 工频propulsion motor 推进电机pure inductance 纯电感pure capacitance 纯电容pure resistance 纯电阻punching冲片pump泵push-through winding 插入绕组quadrature-axis component of voltage电压交轴分量quadrature-axis transient time constant交轴瞬态时间常数quadrature-axis component 交轴分量quadrature-axis transient reactance 交轴瞬态电抗quadrature-axis synchronous reactance交轴同步电抗r.m.s values = root mean square values 均方根值radius 半径radial magnetic attraction force 径向磁拉力radial air gap 径向气隙random-wound 散绕reactance 电抗reactive component 无功分量reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性reactive power 无功功率rectifier 整流器reluctance 磁阻reference Voltage 基准电压reluctance 磁阻residual magnetism 剩磁resistance电阻resistivity 电阻率reactance电抗retarding torque 制动转矩rheostat 变阻器rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场rotor 转子rotor (stator) winding 转子(定子绕组)rotor core 转子铁芯rotor resistance 转子电阻rotor yoke 转子磁轭rotor lamination 转子叠片rotor inter-bar 转子漏阻抗rough adjustment 粗调salient poles 凸极saturation 饱和saturation curve 饱和曲线saturation effect 饱和效应saturation factor 饱和系数self excited 自励self-inductor 自感semi-enclosed mortor 半封闭电动机separately excited 他励的series 串联series excited 串励series-paralled circuit 串并联电路shaft 轴shaft-less 无轴承的short-circuiting ring 短路环short-pitching 短距shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流shunt 并励,分路器shunt excited generator并励发电机shunt field 并励磁场sillicon steel plate 硅钢片simplex wave winding 单波绕组simplexlap winding 单叠绕组single and two-layer winding 单双层绕组single-phasing 单相运行single squirrel cage winding 单鼠笼绕组single-double layer winding 单双层混合绕组sinusoidal – density wave 正弦磁密度sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数skewed slot 斜槽skin effect 集肤效应skin-friction 表面摩擦系数slip 转差率solid state 固体slot 槽slot permeance 槽磁导slot cross section 槽截面slot pitch 槽距slot opening 槽口slot opening 槽口宽slot width 槽宽slot leakage conductance 槽漏磁导slot leakage inductance槽漏抗slot filling factor 槽满率slot winding 槽绕组slot depth 槽深slotwedge , slot seal 槽楔slot harmonic槽谐波slot model槽形slot leakage flux 槽漏磁speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线squirrel cage 鼠笼squirrel cage induction motor 笼形感应电机stabilizer 稳定器stainless steel sleeve 不锈钢轴套stator 定子stator slot 定子槽stator yoke 定子轭stator winding 定子绕组stepping motor 步进电机,步进马达stepper motor 步进电机step-servo-motor 步进伺服电机storage battery 蓄电池surface resistance 表面电阻superconducting generators (SCGs) 超导发电机symmetrical component 对称分量synchronous generator 同步发电机synchronous reactance 同步电抗synchronous reluctance motor (SRM) 同步磁阻电机synchronous speed 同步转速terminal voltage 端电压temperature rise 温升tooth flux density 齿磁通密度total flux linkage 总磁链tooth pitch 齿距tooth root 齿根tooth saturation 齿部饱和tooth shape 齿形tooth tip leakage permeance 齿端漏磁导tooth top 齿顶transformer 变压器transfer function 传递函数transient response 瞬态响应transverse flux motors (TFM) 横向磁通电机trigonometric transformations 瞬时值turbine 涡轮turn 匝turns ratio 变比匝比unbalanced magnetic pull 单边磁拉力variable frequency drive (VFD) 变频器variable 变量vector 矢量vector control 矢量控制volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性voltage attenuation 电压衰减voltage transient 电压瞬变值voltage phasor 电压相量voltage transient 电压瞬变值waveguide 波导波导管ware winding coil波绕线圈wave form distortion 波形畸变wave winding波绕组wave form distortion 波形畸变width of tooth top 齿顶密度winding 绕组wind-driven generator 风动发电机wind energy converter (WEC) 风能转换winding loss 绕组(铜)损耗winding overhang 绕组端部wire gauge 线规yoke density 轭磁密。
A dynamic replica management strategy in data grid--- Journal of Network and Computer Applications expired, propose, indicate, profitable, boost, claim, present, congestion, deficiency, moderately, metric, turnaround, assume,specify, display, illustrate, issue,outperform over .... about 37%, outperform ....lead todraw one's attentionaccordinglyhave great influence ontake into accountin terms ofplay major role inin comparison with, in comparison toi.e.=(拉丁)id estReplication is a technique used in data grid to improve fault tolerance and to reduce the bandwidth consumption.Managing this huge amount of data in a centralized way is ineffective due to extensive access latency and load on the central server.Data Grids aggregate a collection of distributed resources placed in different parts of the world to enable users to share data and resources.Data replication is an important technique to manage large data in a distributed manner.There are three key issues in all the data replication algorithms which are replica placement, replica management and replica selection.Meanwhile, even though the memory and storage size of new computers are ever increasing, they are still not keeping up with the request of storing large number of data.each node along its path to the requester.Enhanced Dynamic Hierarchical Replication and Weighted SchedulingStrategy in Data Grid--- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing duration, manually, appropriate, critical, therefore, hybrid, essential, respectively, candidate, typically, advantage, significantly, thereby, adopt, demonstrate, superiority, scenario, empirically, feasibility, duplicate, insufficient, interpret, beneficial, obviously, whilst, idle, considerably, notably, consequently, apparently,in a wise manneraccording tofrom a size point of viewdepend oncarry outis comprised ofalong withas well asto the best of our knowledgeBest replica placement plays an important role for obtaining maximum benefit from replication as well as reducing storage cost and mean job execution time.Data replication is a key optimization technique for reducing access latency and managing large data by storing data in a wise manner.Effective scheduling in the Grid can reduce the amount of data transferred among nodes by submitting a job to a node where most of the requested data files are available.Effective scheduling of jobs is necessary in such a system to use available resources such as computational, storage and network efficiently.Storing replicas close to the users or grid computation nodes improves response time, fault tolerance and decreases bandwidth consumption.The files of Grid environments that can be changed by Grid users might bring an important problem of maintaining data consistency among the various replicas distributed in different machines.So the sum of them along with the proper weight (w1,w2) for each factor yields the combined cost (CCi,j) of executing job i in site j.A classification of file placement and replication methods on grids--- Future Generation Computer Systems encounter, slightly, simplistic, clairvoyance, deploy, stringent, concerning, properly, appropriately, overhead, motivate, substantial, constantly, monitor, highlight, distinguish, omit, salient, entirely, criteria, conduct, preferably, alleviate, error-prone, conversely,for instanceaccount forhave serious impact ona.k.a.= also known asconsist inaim atin the hands offor .... purposesw.r.t.=with regard toconcentrate onfor the sake ofbe out of the scope of ...striping files in blocksProduction approaches are slightly different than works evaluated in simulation or in controlled conditions....File replication is a common solution to improve the reliability and performance of data transfers.Many file management strategies were proposed but none was adopted in large-scale production infrastructures.Clairvoyant models assume that resource characteristics of interest are entirely known to the file placement algorithm.Cooperation between data placement and job scheduling can improve the overall transfer time and have a significant impact on the application makespan as shown in.We conclude that replication policies should rely on a-priori information about file accesses, such as file type or workflow relation.Dynamic replica placement and selection strategies in data grids----Acomprehensive survey--- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing merit, demerit, tedious, namely, whereas, various, literature, facilitate, suitable, comparative, optimum, retrieve, rapid, evacuate, invoke, identical, prohibitive, drawback, periodically,with respect toin particularin generalas the name indicatesfar apartconsist of , consist inData replication techniques are used in data grid to reduce makespan, storage consumption, access latency and network bandwidth.Data replication enhances data availability and thereby increases the system reliability.Managing dynamic architecture of the grid, decision making of replica placement, storage space, cost of replication and selection are some of the issues that impact the performance of the grid.Benefits of data replication strategies include availability, reliability, scalability, adaptability and improved performance.As the name indicates, in dynamic grid, nodes can join and leave the grid anytime.Any replica placement and selection strategy tries to improve one or more of the following parameters: makespan, quality assurance, file missing rate, byte missing rate, communication cost, response time, bandwidth consumption, access latency, load balancing, maintenance cost, job execution time, fault tolerance and strategic replica placement.Identifying Dynamic Replication Strategies for a High-PerformanceData Grid--- Grid Computing 2001 identify, comparative, alternative, preliminary, envision, hierarchical, tier, above-mentioned, interpret, exhibit, defer, methodology, pending, scale, solely, churn outlarge amounts ofpose new problemsdenoted asadapt toconcentrate on doingconduct experimentssend it offin the order of petabytesas of nowDynamic replication can be used to reduce bandwidth consumption and access latency in high performance “data grids” where users require remote access to large files.A data grid connects a collection of geographically distributed computer and storage resources that may be located in different parts of a country or even in different countries, and enables users to share data and other resources.The main aims of using replication are to reduce access latency and bandwidth consumption. Replication can also help in load balancing and can improve reliability by creating multiple copies of the same data.Group-Based Management of Distributed File Caches--- Distributed Computing Systems, 2002 mechanism, exploit, inherent, detrimental, preempt, incur, mask, fetch, likelihood, overlapping, subtle,in spite ofcontend withfar enough in advancetake sth for granted(be) superior toDynamic file grouping is an effective mechanism for exploiting the predictability of file access patterns and improving the caching performance of distributed file systems.With our grouping mechanism we establish relationships by observing file access behavior, without relying on inference from file location or content.We group files to reduce access latency. By fetching groups of files, instead of individual files, we increase cache hit rates when groups contain files that are likely to be accessed together.Further experimentation against the same workloads demonstrated that recency was a better estimator of per-file succession likelihood than frequency counts.Job scheduling and data replication on data grids--- Future Generation Computer Systems throttle, hierarchical, authorized, indicate, dispatch, assign, exhaustive, revenue, aggregate, trade-off, mechanism, kaleidoscopic, approximately, plentiful, inexact, anticipated, mimic, depict, exhaust, demonstrate, superiority, namely, consume,to address this problemdata resides on the nodesa variety ofaim toin contrast tofor the sake ofby means ofplay an important role inhave no distinction betweenin terms ofon the contrarywith respect toand so forthby virtue ofreferring back toA cluster represents an organization unit which is a group of sites that are geographically close.Network bandwidth between sites within a cluster will be larger than across clusters.Scheduling jobs to suitable grid sites is necessary because data movement between different grid sites is time consuming.If a job is scheduled to a site where the required data are present, the job can process data in this site without any transmission delay for getting data from a remote site.RADPA: Reliability-aware Data Placement Algorithm for large-scale network storage systems--- High Performance Computing and Communications, 2009 ever-going, oblivious, exponentially, confront,as a consequencethat is to saysubject to the constraintit doesn't make sense to doMost of the replica data placement algorithms concern about the following two objectives, fairness and adaptability.In large-scale network storage systems, the reliabilities of devices are different relevant to device manufacturers and types.It can fairly distributed data among devices and reorganize near-minimum amount of data to preserve the balanced distribution with the changes of devices.Partitioning Functions for Stateful Data Parallelism in Stream Processing--- The VLDB Journal skewed, desirable, associated, exhibit, superior, accordingly, necessitate, prominent, tractable, exploit, effectively, efficiently, transparent, elastically, amenable, conflicting, concretely, exemplify, depict,a deluge ofin the form of continuous streamslarge volumes ofnecessitate doingas a examplefor instancein this scenarioAccordingly, there is an increasing need to gather and analyze data streams in near real-time to extract insights and detect emerging patterns and outliers.The increased affordability of distributed and parallel computing, thanks to advances in cloud computing and multi-core chip design, has made this problem tractable.However, in the presence of skew in the distribution of the partitioning key, the balance properties cannot be maintained by the consistent hash.MORM: A Multi-objective Optimized Replication Management strategyfor cloud storage cluster--- Journal of Systems Architecture issue, achieve, latency, entail, consumption, article, propose, candidate, conclusively, demonstrate, outperform, nowadays, huge, currently, crucial, significantly, adopt, observe, collectively, previously, holistic, thus, tradeoff, primary, therefore, aforementioned, capture, layout, remainder, formulate, present, enormous, drawback, infrastructure, chunk, nonetheless, moreover, duration, substantially, wherein, overall, collision, shortcoming, affect, further, address, motivate, explicitly, suppose, assume, entire, invariably, compromise, inherently, pursue, handle, denote, utilize, constraint, accordingly, infeasible, violate, respectively, guarantee, satisfaction, indicate, hence, worst-case, synthetic, assess, rarely, throughout, diversity, preference, illustrate, imply, additionally, is an important issuea series ofin terms ofin a distributed mannerin order toby defaultbe referred to astake a holistic view ofconflict witha variety ofis highly in demandgiven the aforementioned issue and trendtake into accountyield close toas followstake into considerationwith respect toa research hot spotcall foraccording todepend upon/onmeet ... requirementfocus onis sensitive tois composed ofconsist offrom the latency minimization perspectivea certain number ofis defined as (follows) / can be expressed as (follows) /can be calculated/computed by / is given by the followingat handcorresponding tohas nothing to do within addition toas depicted in Fig.1et al.The volume of data is measured in terabytes and some time in petabytes in many fields.Data replication allows speeding up data access, reducing access latency and increasing data availability.How many suitable replicas of each data should be created in the cloud to meet a reasonable system requirement is an important issue for further research.Where should these replicas be placed to meet the system task fast execution rate and load balancing requirements is another important issue to be thoroughly investigated.As the system maintenance cost will significantly increase with the number of replicas increasing, keeping too many or fixed replicas are not a good choice.Where should these replicas be placed to meet the system task fast execution rate and load balancing requirements is another important issue to be thoroughly investigated.We build up five objectives for optimization which provides us with the advantage that we can search for solutions that yield close to optimal values for these objectives.The shortcoming of them is that they only consider a restricted set of parameters affecting the replication decision. Further, they only focus on the improvement of the system performance and they do not address the energy efficiency issue in data centers.Data node load variance is the standard deviation of data node load of all data nodes in the cloud storage cluster which can be used to represent the degree of load balancing of the system.The advantage of using simulation is that we can easily vary parameters to understand their individual impact on system performance.Throughout the simulation, we assumed "write-once, read-many" data and did not include the consistency or write and update propagations costs in the study.Distributed replica placement algorithms for correlated data--- The Journal of Supercomputing yield, potential, congestion, prolonged, malicious, overhead, conventional, present, propose, numerous, tackle, pervasive, valid, utilize,develop a .... algorithmsuffer fromin a distributed mannerbe denoted as Mconverge toso on and so forthWith the advances in Internet technologies, applications are all moving toward serving widely distributed users.Replication techniques have been commonly used to minimize the communication latency by bringing the data close to the clients and improve data availability.Thus, data needs to be carefully placed to avoid unnecessary overhead.These correlations have significant impact on data access patterns.For structured data, data correlated due to the structural relations may be frequently accessed together.Assume that data objects can be clustered into different classes due to user accesses, and whenever a client issues an access request, it will only access data in a single class.One challenge for using centralized replica placement algorithms in a widely distributed system is that a server site has to know the (logical) network topology and the resident set of all structured data sets to make replication decisions.We assume that the data objects accessed by most of the transactions follow certain patterns, which will be stable for some time periods.Locality-aware allocation of multi-dimensional correlated files on thecloud platform--- Distributed and Parallel Databases enormous, retrieve, prevailing, commonly, correlated, booming, massive, exploit, crucial, fundamental, heuristic, deterministic, duplication, compromised, brute-force, sacrifice, sophisticated, investigate, abundant, notation, as a matter of factin various wayswith .... taken into considerationplay a vital role init turns out thatin terms ofvice versaa.k.a.= also known asThe effective management of enormous data volumes on the Cloud platform has attracted devoting research efforts.Currently, most prevailing Cloud file systems allocate data following the principles of fault tolerance and availability, while inter-file correlations, i.e. files correlated with each other, are often neglected.There is a trade-off between data locality and the scale of job parallelism.Although distributing data randomly is expected to achieve the best parallelism, however, such a method may lead to degraded user experiences for introducing extra costs on large volume of remote accesses, especially for many applications that are featured with data locality, e.g., context-aware search, subspace oriented aggregation queries, and etc.However, there must be several application-dependent hot subspaces, under which files are frequently being processed.The problem is how to find a compromised partition solution to well serve the file correlations of different feature subspaces as much as possible.If too many files are grouped together, the imbalance cost would raise and degrade the scale of job parallelism;if files are partitioned into too many small groups, data copying traffic across storage nodes would increase.Instead, our solution is to start from a sub-optimal solution and employ some heuristics to derive a near optimal partition with as less cost as possible.By allocating correlated files together, significant I/O savings can be achieved on reducing the huge cost of random data access over the entire distributed storage network.Big Data Analytics framework for Peer-to-Peer Botnet detection usingRandom Forests--- Information Sciences magnitude, accommodate, upsurge, issue, hence, propose, devise, thereby, has struggled toit was revealed thatis expanding exponentiallytake advantage ofin the pastin the realm ofover the last few yearsthere has also been research onin a scalable manneras per the current knowledge of the authorson the contraryin naturereport their work onNetwork traffic monitoring and analysis-related research has struggled to scale for massive amounts of data in real time.In this paper the authors build up on the progress of open source tools like Hadoop, Hive and Mahout to provide a scalable implementation of quasi-real-time intrusion detection system.As per the current knowledge of the authors, the area of network security analytics severely lacks prior research in addressing the issue of Big Data.Improving pattern recognition accuracy of partial discharges by newdata preprocessing methods--- Electric Power Systems Research stochastic, oscillation, literature, utilize, conventional, derive, distinctive, discriminative, artificial, significantly, considerably, furthermore, likewise, Additionally, reasonable, symbolize, eventually, scenario, consequently, appropriate, momentous, conduct, depict, waveshape, deficiency, nonetheless, derived, respectively, suffer from, notably,be taken into considerationby means ofto our best knowledgein accordance withwith respect toas mentionedwith regard tobe equal withlead tofor instancein additionin comparison toThus, analyzing the huge amount of data is not feasible unless data pre-processing is manipulated.As mentioned, PD is completely a random and nonlinear phenomenon. Since ANNs are the best classifiers to model such nonlinear systems, PD patterns can be recognized suitably by ANNs.In other words, when classifier is trained after initial sophistications based on the PRPD patterns extracted from some objects including artificial defects, it can be efficiently used in practical fields to identify the exactly same PD sources by new test data without any iterative process.In pulse shape characterization, some signal processing methods such as Wavelet or Fourier transforms are usually used to extract some features from PD waveshape. These methods are affected by noise and so it is necessary to incorporate some de-noising methods into the pattern recognition process.PD identification is usually performed using PRPD recognition which is not influenced by changing the experimental set up.Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition of Cast Resin CurrentTransformers Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network--- Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology propose, novel, vital, demonstrate, conduct, significant,This paper proposes a novel pattern recognition approach based on the radial basis function (RBF) neural network for identifying insulation defects of high-voltage electrical apparatus arising from partial discharge (PD).PD measurement and pattern recognition are important tools for improving the reliability of the high-voltage insulation system.。
2024 年第 44 卷航 空 材 料 学 报2024,Vol. 44第 1 期第 104 – 111 页JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICAL MATERIALS No.1 pp.104 – 111引用格式:高祥熙,杨平华,张帅. GH4169合金激光选区熔化成形工艺与缺陷特征的相关性[J]. 航空材料学报,2024,44(1):104-111.GAO Xiangxi,YANG Pinghua,ZHANG Shuai. Correlation of forming process and defect characteristics of selective laser melted GH4169 alloy[J]. Journal of Aeronautical Materials,2024,44(1):104-111.GH4169合金激光选区熔化成形工艺与缺陷特征的相关性高祥熙1,2,3*, 杨平华1,2,3, 张 帅1(1.中国航发北京航空材料研究院,北京 100095;2.航空材料检测与评价北京市重点实验室,北京 100095;3.中国航空发动机集团材料检测与评价重点实验室,北京 100095)摘要:通过改变激光选区熔化成形工艺,即激光功率和扫描速度,制备多个GH4169试样。
结果表明:当能量输入密度为59.1 J/mm3的优化工艺时成形试样中互相搭接的熔道形貌齐整、随机分布的规则气孔尺寸小于30 μm、致密度高达99.9998%。
在较窄的工艺窗口下(220~300 W、700~1300 mm/s),试样致密度对扫描速度更为敏感,高扫描速度易形成分布在熔道搭接区内极不规则的未熔合。
偏离优化工艺时,缺陷数量增多,部分缺陷尺寸大于30 μm,其中高激光功率形成的气孔形状或高扫描速度形成的未熔合形状都与各自的尺寸密切相关,即尺寸越大,形状越不规则,产生的不利影响要远大于规则气孔。
思茅咖啡灭字脊虎天牛发生与危害调查舒梅;成文章;李忠恒;强继业;蒋智林【摘要】The occurrence and damage of Xylotrechus quadripes Chevr were investigated in different times and micro environments in Simao River South Island Coffee test demonstration farm. The results showed that X. quadripes mainly damaged five years old coffee trees. Simao regionˊs X. quadripes occurred one generation per year, the larval stage has 296-322 days. The adult could be found in four seasons because of different development progress and overlapping generations. In different micro environments, X. quadripes are mainly distributed in the mixed forests and the sunny slope near the coffee trees. The adult enjoy sunshine on the coffee trees at noon. The natural enemy Prislauacus nigripea kieff was found to destroy the larvae of X. quadripes, which can control the population of X. quadripes.%在思茅南岛河咖啡试验示范场,调查研究不同时间和不同微生境咖啡灭字脊虎天牛(Xylotrechus quadripes Chevr)的发生危害。
Ortho GenerationEssentialsDense MatchingAerial TriangulationRadiometryHighly advanced photogrammetric workflow system for UltraCam images.UltraMap/Essentials | The UltraMap/Essentials module is responsible for converting theraw images taken by the UltraCam into standard file formats that can be used by further processing steps in UltraMap and/or third party software systems. The UltraMap/Essentials module is divided into two processing steps:UltraMap/RawDataCenter | The UltraMap/RawDataCenter step is responsiblefor processing the UltraCam imagery from level-0 to level-2. By exploiting the distributed UltraMap Framework, processing tasks can be handled in parallel.UltraMap/Radiometry | The UltraMap/Radiometry step is responsible fordefining the final color of the level-2 data. It also provides model-based radiometric correction to compensate for or remove hotspots, atmospheric effects and haze, exploiting Dragonfly technology for image interaction and visualization of large image blocks.UltraMap/AT | The Aerial Triangulation (AT) module provides an interactiveworkflow while calculating image correspondences in order to generate a precise exterior orientation for an entire image block by means of a least-squares bundle adjustment.UltraMap/DenseMatcher | The UltraMap/DenseMatcher module createshigh-density point clouds, DSMs and DTMs from level-2 images by extrapolating preciseexterior orientation data to generate per-pixel height values. The 3D point cloud and the DSM data can be exported in standard file formats for further 3rd party processing.UltraMap/OrthoPipeline | The UltraMap/OrthoPipeline module generatesthe final ortho mosaic from all available inputs such as level-2 imagery, AT results,radiometric settings, and the DSM/DTM. Two different ortho images can be generated: DSMOrthos and DTMOrthos.ATDenseMatcherOrthoPipelineEssentialsEssentialsUltraMap/EssentialsDownload, management andpostprocessing of the raw image data.• Application of camera calibration• Usage of flight metadata•Radiometric adjustments•UltraMap/RawDataCenter images from level-0 to level-2, including:• Geometrical corrections • Monolithic stitching • Radiometric corrections• Generation of the UltraMap project fileGeometrical correctionsUltraCam images are captured during aerial acquisition and stored in the raw format. Each shot position contains a number of sub-images. Each sub image corresponds to one single CCD sensor array and needs to be processed and converted by means of image stitching. The software identifies tie points in the overlapping regions and uses these for composing the virtual image frame. The quality of this correlation process is at a 1/20 of a pixel magnitude. Furthermore the Laboratory Calibration plays a significant role in this process and allows estimation of tie point positions to avoid mismatch and larger search areas. Metadata information, such as temperature readings, is included in order to describe the conditions of the camera at the moment of image capture. The result of this process is the so-called level-2 image. It contains the high-resolution panchromatic image at the 16-bit per pixel data range and the 4-band multispectral image at 16-bit per band data format. It is worth noting that radiometric corrections are also applied to level-2 images based on the laboratory calibration (cf. radiometric corrections). As level-2 images are stored at 16-bit per band the radiometric domain is a linear domain without any logarithmic modification. Thus, one may call the level-2 image the “Digital transparency”.Monolithic stitchingThe monolithic stitching generates one full frame PAN image out of the nine PAN sub-images taken by the camera. It combines information from the PAN sub-images as well as information from the full frame color cones to collect tie points for the stitching. This leads to strong tie points between the sub-images even under critical conditions, such as images containing water bodies or images with unstructured terrain, such as sand desert. As a result, the full PAN frame has a very robust and high accuracy literally as if it were collected by one large CCD through one lens. However the use of multiple smaller CCDs has significant benefits such as much higher image dynamic compared to single large CCDs. So, the monolithic stitching of UltraMap enables combining the benefits of image quality of smaller CCDs with the accuracy of large CCDs by avoiding the disadvantages of the latter.Stitching betweenpanchromatic imageareas allow collection of alarge number of points atdistinguished areas (left) andfull frame distribution basedon the color channel (right).Stitching results are welldocumented by UltraMap.Thus one may study detailsof the level-2 processingand the stitching (left) orenjoy the comprehensiveoverview with color-codedimage frames (right).Vignetting Mask (left) and a shutter control diagram (right) are shown as results from the radiometric laboratorycalibration procedure.Structure of the post process level-2 data. Project file,full resolution images and quick videos are available.file is generated fully automatically during the first step of the The file contains all important data and metadata of the aerial project such as image file names, directory structure, parameters and initial exterior orientation data, as well as File (e.g. UCEf80.dfp) can be recognized directly within the selected project folder listing.UltraMap/RadiometryThe Radiometry step of the UltraMap/Essentials module isresponsible for defining the final color of the level-2 input data and to generate level-3 output data. The step is fully automated and provides a rich feature set to adjust the color appearance of single images as well as the appearance of a whole block. However, deep manual interaction is possible to fine-tune the results to specific needs.Examples of the feature set are:• • conditions and different flying time are corrected automatically • Smooth visualization and interaction of small and large blocks by the Dragonfly technology • Easy and intuitive user interface based on modern GUI technology and instant feedback • Full support of 16-bit workflow guarantees lossless computation of images• Various output formats for level-3 such as TIFF, 16bit TIFF, JPEG, single band, 3 band or 4 bandThe UltraMap/Essentials module is supported by the Dragonfly technology for the visualization and by the framework for distributed processing. This enables UltraMap to scale depending on throughput needs and IT infrastructure. Features such as distributed parallel processing (multi-core processing) with automated load balancing optimize throughput in heterogeneous networks without requiring any user interaction. The framework enables parallel processing on single computers as well as on small, medium and large multi-core systems.ATUltraMap/ATGeneration of high quality image exteriororientations based on camera data, groundcontrol and airborne GPS/IMU.UltraMap/ATUltraMap/AT is the aerial triangulation module of UltraMap,optimized for UltraCam to deliver utmost quality. It provides an interactive workflow while calculating image correspondences to generate a precise exterior orientation for an entire image block. UltraMap/AT also focuses on a high degree of intelligent automatization. Wherever interaction is required, UltraMap/AT is designed to keep this interaction at a minimum, make it efficient and provides significant guidance for the interaction, such as the manual guided tie point improvement in the rare case that the automated tie point collection did not provide the best possible results.Features of UltraMap/AT are:• Uses in-flight GPS information for initial orientation • Single and multi-projection for ground control points • Initialization of project-based color balancing •Robust and automated tie point collection:• Auto-completion for manual point measurement• High accuracy due to a combination of feature-based and least-squares image matching • Sophisticated image-based tie point thinning for optimal coverage • Guided manual point measurement (control points and tie points)•Integrated photogrammetric bundle adjustment• Support for GPS/IMU data as a constraint for the bundle adjustment • Graphical overlays for AT results• Blunder detection, data snooping • Full support for all UltraCam cameras • Full support of 16-bit workflow• Supports scalable processing environments•Smooth visualization and interaction of small and large blocks by the Dragonfly technologyTie point distribution in the AT block, color coded visualization.Visualization of ground control points, graphical output of measurement precision.DenseMatcherUltraMap/DenseMatcher Automated generation of height fields.UltraMap/DenseMatcherThe UltraMap/DenseMatcher automatically generates point clouds from a set of overlapping UltraCam images. This is done by “pixel based matching” between all image pairs available for a given location on the ground. The precise exterior orientation is extrapolated and generates a height value (z-value) for a given pixel (for a given x, y, location). The redundancy of the image data set leads to multiple observations of z-values for a given location which will then be fused into one precise 3D measurement using sophisticated fusion algorithms. The remarkably high point density of the point cloud is typically of several hundred points per square meter.The achievable height accuracy of the point cloud is usually better than the GSD of the underlying images, thus a 10cm imagery leads to <10cm height accuracy of the resulting point cloud. This detailed and precise point cloud is used to generate a digital surface model (DSM). Thanks to the high point density, this DSM has remarkably sharp edges and a very high level of detail.The next step after the DSM generation is the processing of a DTM. The DTM is processed out of the DSM using a hierarchical algorithm developed by Microsoft.Outputs of the UltraMap/DenseMatcher are:• considerably dense point clouds • Digital surface model (DSM)All outputs are available in standard formats for easy ingest into third party software systems. The digital terrain model (DTM) is currently only being used internally in the UltraMap/OrthoPipeline for DTMOrtho image processing.OrthoPipelineUltraMap/OrthoPipeline Microsoft UltraMap introducesa fully automated processing pipeline for DSMOrtho and DTMOrtho generation.proxy geometry such as the DSM or the DTM. Depending on the type of the geometry used for the rectification, the result will be either a after the ortho rectification process, the next step is the seamline computation between the rectified images. Seams Ortho compositing: Once the initial ortho process is done, the software offers automated functionality to blend image content together in order to create a visually appealing result. All image bands (RGB andNear Infrared) are processed simultaneously in a consistent way.RGB-DSMOrthoCIR-DSMOrthoRGB-DTMOrthoCIR-DTMOrthoThe DSMOrtho image is an ortho image which has beenDue to the consistent workflow, the generated by which could result in artifacts. Another reason for the high quality isKey features are:• Use of mid-to-high-end standard Windows PCs is possible, allowing the use of existing infrastructure.• Distributed processing in heterogeneous networks with automated load balancing ensure optimal usage of resources.• User controlled priorization allows to use dedicated machines at dedicated time slots (e.g. using a workstation for UltraMap processing during night time).• Licensing scheme allows a wide spectrum of throughput needs.UltraMap can literally be executed on a laptop as well as on a processing system consisting of tens, or dozens or even hundreds of CPU cores and, as an option, additional GPU cores.• Licensing scheme supports parallel setup of small field processing hubs (e.g. for immediate on-site quality checks after a flight) as well as setup of small, medium and large processing centers.• GPU nodes deliver high-speed ups as the dense matching is ideal for a SIMD architecture such as graphics cards. Usage of CPU versus GPU can be configured to balance throughput.• New role definitions in the UltraMap system provide high performance - an entire machine can be used to work on one task at a time (resource intensive machine). These machines can either be configured as CPU only or as GPU-enabled nodes.An UltraMap processing system usually consists of one or several front-end machines that are used to interact with the data and are not designed for processing. In addition, one or multiple processing machines are connected to the front end machine(s) and the data server(s). The processing machines handle data processing and may consist of multiple CPU and/or GPU nodes. The servers host the input, intermediate and final data. A very important part of the processing environment is the network required to transfer the data efficiently between front end, processing machines and servers. All of the network traffic and workload distribution is handled by the coordinator machine.Work PlacesCentralCoordinator Workers|*********************。
Annealed glass 退火玻璃[ə’ni:l] Anodizing 阳极氧化[‘ænədaiz]Axial 轴向的[‘æksiəl]backer rod 泡沫棒 [rɔd]critical 危险的,临界的deduction 折减,扣除 [di’dʌkʃən] deflect 挠度 [di‘flekt]deformation 变形 [,di:fɔ:‘meiʃən] developed area 展开面积gasket 垫圈glazing玻璃窗、上釉、上光high-span 大跨度louver 天窗[‘lu:və]MR(moisture resistant)防潮[‘mɔistʃə] metal spacer 金属隔片overall thickness 总厚度polystyrene聚苯乙烯[,pɔli’staiəri:n] rain-screen 雨幕fabricate 加工sash windows上下推拉窗sliding windows 左右趟拉式窗venting 通风4-way lock 四点锁as-built drawing 竣工图screwed connection 螺纹连接[skru:d]slag cotton矿棉site-welding 现场焊接CURTAIN WALL SOUTH ELEVATION [,eli‘veiʃən] 玻璃幕墙南立面图CURTAIN WALL DEVELOPMENT 玻璃幕墙展示图CURTAIN WALL SECTION 玻璃幕墙剖面图CURTAIN WALL PARTIAL ELEVATION玻璃幕墙部份立面图 [‘p ɑ:ʃəl]CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL PLAN玻璃幕墙标准层平面图CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL PRE-CAST LAYOUT PLAN玻璃幕墙标准层预埋件平面图CURTAIN WALL DETAIL玻璃幕墙节点图50mm thickness thermal insulation 50mm 厚隔热棉[‘θə:məl] 1mm thickness EPDM separator 1mm厚绝缘胶片(EPDM三元乙丙橡胶)[‘sepəreitə]female mullion 母料/阴竖料[‘mʌliən]male mullion 公料alum.female /male mullion 铝合金阴阳竖料transom横料[‘trænsəm]head transom 头料sill transom 尾料[sil]bead压条[bi:d]adaptor 扣件 [ə‘dæptə]gutter sleeve 过桥external corner外转角[eks’tə:nl]internal corner 内转角D.S.T. = double side tape双面胶带double skin facade [fə‘sɑ:d] 双层幕墙zinc chromate [‘krəumeit]烙酸锌PVF氟碳烤漆powder coat 粉沫喷涂granite 花岗石[‘ɡrænit]aluminum alloy [‘ælɔi]铝合金 Mild steel 钢butt welding 焊缝[bʌt]alum. panel 铝板Stainless steel bolt 不锈钢螺栓[bəult]transom 横柱 Mullion 立柱embedment 预埋件[im‘bed]structural silicone 结构胶[’silikəun]weather proofing sealant 耐侯胶 [pru:f] [‘si:lənt]steel bracket 钢角码Alum bracket 铝角码single tempered glass 单层钢化玻璃[‘tempəd]zinc-plated 镀锌 [‘pleitid]半钢化玻璃:heat strengthened glass [‘streŋθən]浮法玻璃float glass中空玻璃:insulating Glass夹胶玻璃:laminated glass [‘læmineitid]机制螺栓 machine bolt镀锌螺栓 galvanized bolt [‘ɡælvənaiz]膨胀螺栓expansion bolt [iks’pænʃən]锚拴anchor bolt [‘æŋkə]泡沫填充棒foam rod刚性绝缘体 rigid insulation [‘ridʒid]镀锌 galvanizing [‘ɡælvənaiz]焊缝 welding line 防火棉 fire stop4mm THK. COMPOSITE MADE OF AL. AND PLASTIC 4厚复合铝板5mm THK. ALUMINUM PLATE 5厚单铝板角焊缝是fillet weld [‘filit]对接焊缝是butt weldtoughened glass [‘tʌfn]是指强化玻璃,在国内一般不说,对应的是半钢化玻璃可见光透光率 visible Light Transmittance [træns’mitəns]可见光反射率visible Light Reflectance [ri’flektəns]U-值 U-value遮阳系数 shading coefficient [kəui’fiʃənt]相对热增益 relative Heat Gain引爆处理 hat Soak Test [səuk]双层幕墙 double Skin Wall滴水 weep 泛水 Flashing 采光顶 Skylight 雨棚 Canopy fire rating clip防火棉插facial glass面玻璃figured Glass压花玻璃die 冲模 [dai]fin glass肋玻璃distributed 均匀的分布的 [dis’tribju:tid]double glazing 双层(中空)玻璃downwind 顺风面upwind 迎风面drive pin 射钉free stand type 坐落式earthquake load 地震荷载granite cladding 干挂石 [ˈɡrænit]Exposed frame 明框Hidden frame 隐框Immediate 立即的 [i‘mi:diət]inertial moment 惯性矩 [i‘nə:ʃəl] penetration butt 对接埋入焊 [peni‘treiʃən] joist 托梁 [dʒɔist]lateral 侧面的,旁边的podium 裙房 [‘pəudiəm]polished glass 抛光玻璃pre-cast 预埋railing 扶手栏杆rectangle hollow section 矩形管strut 支柱reflective glass 反射玻璃suction 吸力 [‘sʌkʃən]super-structure 主体结构restrain 约束 [ris‘trein]supplier 供应商symmetry 对称的 [‘simitri]unsymmetrical 不对称的[‘ʌnsi‘metrikəl]self-weight 自重setting block 垫块terrain 地带,范围[‘terein]the arm of force 力臂simply supported beam 简支梁site-ground 室外地面tinted 染色的 [tint]slope 倾斜 [sləup]spider fixing 固定爪triangle 三角形 [‘traiæŋɡl]universal column 通用柱variable 变量weep hole 泄水孔blade 百页片[bleid]desiccant 干燥剂 [‘desikənt]location blocks 定位块bedding 衬垫 [‘bediŋ]groove 凹槽 [ɡru:v]hidden framing glass curtain wall 隐框幕墙water-resistance glass 抗水玻璃water-proof glass 防水玻璃full glass curtain wall 全玻璃幕墙exposed framing glass curtain wall 明框幕墙semi-exposed framing glass curtain wall 半隐框玻璃幕墙[‘semi] [iks‘pəuzd]inclined glass curtain wall 斜玻璃幕墙semi-exposed framing glass curtain wall半隐框玻璃幕墙sag/cave in 凹陷 [sæɡ]skeleton and skin system 骨架结构 [‘skelitn] switchbox 配电箱underground network of pipes 地下管网shell system 壳体结构close interval 间距紧凑critical point (受力)临界点heat exchanger 空气循环prefabrication 配件预制 [,pri:’fæbrikeit] overlapping 搭接[‘əuvə‘læpiŋ]heat reflecting coated curtain wall 热反射镀膜幕墙typical floor 标准层 typical specification 标准尺寸aluminum composite panel 复合铝板balcony railing阳台栏杆 [‘bælkəni]push-and-pull doorAAMA - American Architectural Manufacturers Association 美国建筑物制造协会ASTM - American Society For Testing And Materials 美国材料试验协会Blade 百页片 built-in内建Conceptual designs 概念设计 Canopy天蓬 Desiccant干燥剂 Deformation 变形developed area 展开面积 fenestration 开窗法 gasket 垫圈glazing玻璃窗、上釉、上光 High-span 大跨度 Hierarchica分等级的Louver 天窗 Monumental 非常规的 MR(moisture resistant)防潮metal spacer 金属隔片 overall thickness 总厚度 polystyrene聚苯乙烯rain-screen 雨幕 sunshade天棚,遮阳 sash windows上下推拉窗the National Fenestration Rating Council美国门窗保温评估协会NFRCunitized组合的 urethane聚氨酯 venting 通风 4-way lock 四点锁shopdrawing 施工图as-built drawing 竣工图 shopdrawing 施工图 as-built drawing 竣工图screwed connection 螺纹连接 slag cotton矿棉 site-welding 现场焊接CURTAIN WALL SOUTH ELEVATION 玻璃幕墙南立面图CURTAIN WALL WEST ELEVATION 玻璃幕墙西立面图CURTAIN WALL NORTH ELEVATION 玻璃幕墙北立面图CURTAIN WALL DEVELOPMENT 玻璃幕墙展示图CURTAIN WALL SECTION 玻璃幕墙剖面图CURTAIN WALL PARTIAL ELEVATION玻璃幕墙部份立面图CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL PLAN玻璃幕墙标准层平面图CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL PRE-CAST LAYOUT PLAN玻璃幕墙标准层预埋件平面图CURTAIN WALL DETAIL玻璃幕墙节点图FIRE RATING CLIP防火棉插50mm THICK THERMAL INSULATION 50mm 厚隔热棉1mm THICK EPDM SEPARATOR1mm厚绝缘胶片TOWER 塔楼 PODIUM 裙房 FEMALE MULLION 母料 MALE MULLION 公料TRANSOM 横料 HEAD TRANSOM 头料 SILL TRANSOM 尾料BEAD 压条 ADAPTOR 扣件 GUTTER SLEEVE 过桥EXTERNAL CORNER 外转角 INTERNAL CORNER 内转角D.S.T. = DOUBLE SIDE TAPE 双面胶带DOUBLE SKIN FACADE 双层幕墙 ZINC CHROMATE 烙酸锌PVF2 氟碳烤漆 POWDER COAT 粉沫喷涂玻璃幕墙-------glass curtain wallGranite 花岗石Aluminium alloy 铝合金Mild steel 钢Butt welding 焊缝Alum.panel 铝板Stainless steel bolt 不锈钢螺栓Transom 横梁Mullion 立柱Embedment 预埋件Structural silicone 结构胶Weather proofing sealant 耐侯胶Steel bracket 钢角码Alum bracket 铝角码Single glass.temperd 单层钢化玻璃Zinc-plated 镀锌钢化玻璃:Tempered glass半钢化玻璃:Heat strengthened glass 浮法玻璃:Annealed glass中空玻璃:Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) 夹胶玻璃:Laminated glass钢化玻璃:Tempered glass 半钢化玻璃:Heat strengthened glass 浮法玻璃:Annealed glass 中空玻璃:Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) 夹胶玻璃:Laminated glass 机制螺栓 MACHINE BOLT镀锌螺栓 GALVANIZED BOLT 膨胀螺栓 EXPANSION BOLT锚拴 ANCHOR BOLT泡沫填充棒 FOAM ROD刚性绝缘体 RIGID INSULATION镀锌 galvanizing不锈钢 stainless steel焊缝 welding line防火棉 FIRE STOP4厚复合铝板4mm THK. COMPOSITE MADE OF AL. AND PLASTIC5厚单铝板5mm THK. ALUMINUM PLATE焊缝统称weld,但角焊缝是fillet weld,对接焊缝是butt weldtoughened glass是指强化玻璃,在国内一般不说,对应的是半钢化玻璃JGJ102-96中,明明写结构胶译为Structural Glazing Sealant。
B1.Unlike the mercantilists, Adam Smith maintained that:a. Trade benefits one nation only at the expense of another nationb. Government control of trade leads to maximum economic welfarec. All nations can gain from free international traded. The world's output of goods must remain constant over time2.According to the principle of comparative advantage, specialization and trade increase a nation's total output since:a. Resources are directed to their highest productivityb. The output of the nation's trading partner declinesc. The nation can produce outside of its production possibilities curved. The problem of unemployment is eliminated3.If a production possibilities curve is bowed out (i.e., concave) in appearance, production occurs under conditions of:a. Constant opportunity costsb. Increasing opportunity costsc. Decreasing opportunity costsd. Zero opportunity costs4.If Hong Kong and Taiwan had identical labor costs but were subject to increasing costs of production:a. Trade would depend on differences in demand conditionsb. Trade would depend on economies of large-scale productionc. Trade would depend on the use of different currenciesd. There would be no basis for gainful trade5.If Canada experiences increasing opportunity costs, its supply schedule of steel will be:a. Downward-slopingb. Upward-slopingc. Horizontald. Vertical6.Which of the following suggests that a nation will export the commodity in the production of which a great deal of itsrelatively abundant and cheap factor is used?a. The Linder theoryb. The product life cycle theoryc. The MacDougall theoryd. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory7.Assume that Country A, in the absence of trade, finds itself relatively abundant in labor and relatively scarce in land.The factor endowment theory reasons that with free trade, the internal distribution of national income in CountryA will change in favor of:a. Laborb. Landc. Both labor and landd. Neither labor nor land8.The Leontief paradox:a. Was applied to the product life cycle theoryb. Suggested that the U.S. exports labor-intensive goodsc. Found that national income differences underlie world trade patternsd. Implied that diseconomies of scale occur at low output levels9.Linder's theory of overlapping demand provides an explanation of:a. Product life cycle theoryb. Factor endowment modelc. Economies of large-scale productiond. Intraindustry trade10.In explaining international trade, the product life cycle theory focuses ona. Tastes and preferencesb. The role of technological innovationc. Per-capita income levels of nationsd. Both b and c.11.The imposition of tariffs on imports results in deadweight welfare losses for the home economy. These losses consistof the:a. Protective effect plus consumption effectb. Redistribution effect plus revenue effectc. Revenue effect plus protective effectd. Consumption effect plus redistribution effect12.When a government allows raw materials and other intermediate products to enter a country duty free, its tariff policygenerally results in a:a. Effective tariff rate less than the nominal tariff rateb. Nominal tariff rate less than the effective tariff ratec. Rise in both nominal and effective tariff ratesd. Fall in both nominal and effective tariff rates13.When the production of a commodity does not utilize imported inputs, the effective tariff rate on the commodity:a. Exceeds the nominal tariff rate on the commodityb. Equals the nominal tariff rate on the commodityc. Is less than the nominal tariff rate on the commodityd. None of the aboveFigure 4.1 illustrates the demand and supply schedules for pocket calculators in Mexico, a "small" nation that isunable to affect the world price.Figure 4.1.Import Tariff Levied by a "Small" Country14.Consider Figure 4.1. With free trade, Mexico's producer surplus and consumer surplus respectively equal:a. $5, $605b. $25, $380c. $45, $250d. $85, $19515.Consider Figure 4.1. With a per-unit tariff of $3, the quantity of imports decreases to:a. 20 calculatorsb. 40 calculatorsc. 50 calculatorsd. 70 calculators16.Which of the following refers to a market-sharing pact negotiated by trading partners to moderate the intensity ofinternational competition?a. Orderly marketing agreementb. Local content requirementsc. Import quotad. Trigger price mechanism17.Which trade restriction stipulates the percentage of a product's total value that must be produced domestically in orderfor that product to be sold domestically?a. Import quotab. Orderly marketing agreementc. Local content requirementd. Government procurement policy18.If a tariff and an import quota lead to equivalent increases in the domestic price of steel, then:a. The quota results in efficiency reductions but the tariff does notb. The tariff results in efficiency reductions but the quota does notc. They have different impacts on how much is produced and consumedd. They have different impacts on how income is distributedFigure 5.1 illustrates the steel market for Mexico, assumed to be a "small" country that is unable to affect theworld price. Suppose the world price of steel is given and constant at $200 per ton. Now suppose the Mexicansteel industry is able to obtain trade protection.Figure5.1.AlternativeNontariffTradeBarriersLeviedbya"Small"Country19.Referring to Figure 5.1, suppose the Mexican government imposes an import quota equal to 2 tons of steel.If foreign exporters behave as monopoly sellers, and Mexican importers behave as competitive buyers, the overallwelfare loss of the quota to Mexico equals:a. $200b. $400c. $600d. $80020.Referring to Figure 5.1, suppose the Mexican government imposes an import quota equal to 2 tons of steel.If the Mexican government auctions import licenses to the highest foreign bidder, the overall welfare loss of thequota to Mexico equals:a. $200b. $400c. $600d. $80021.The World Trade Organization was established by the ____ of multilateral trade negotiations:a. Kennedy Roundb. Tokyo Roundc. Uruguay Roundd. Clinton Round22.A trade policy designed to alleviate some domestic economic problem by exporting it to foreign countries is known asa (an):a. International dumping policyb. Trade adjustment assistance policyc. Most-favored-nation policyd. Beggar-thy-neighbor policy23.Which of the following is not a major factor that encourages developing nations to form international commodityagreements?a. Inelastic commodity supply schedulesb. Inelastic commodity demand schedulesc. Export markets that tend to be unstabled. Secular increases in their terms of trade24.A primary goal of international commodity agreements has been the:a. Maximization of members' revenues via export taxesb. Nationalization of corporations operating in member nationsc. Adoption of tariff protection against industrialized nation sellersd. Moderation of commodity price fluctuations when markets are unstable25.Which of the following represents the stage where economic integration is most complete?a. Economic unionb. Customs unionc. Monetary uniond. Common market26.Customs union theory reasons that the formation of a customs union will decrease members' real welfare when the:a. Trade diversion effect exceeds the trade creation effectb. Trade production effect exceeds the trade consumption effectc. Trade consumption effect exceeds the trade production effectd. Trade creation effect exceeds the trade diversion effect27.Assume that the formation of a customs union turns out to include the lowest-cost world producer of the product inquestion. Which effect could not occur for the participating countries?a. Trade creation-production effectb. Trade creation-consumption effectc. Trade diversiond. Scale economies and competition28.Which type of multinational diversification occurs when the parent firm establishes foreign subsidiaries to produceintermediate goods going into the production of finished goods?a. Forward vertical integrationb. Backward vertical integrationc. Forward horizontal integrationd. Backward horizontal integration29.Which of the following best refers to the outright construction or purchase abroad of productive facilities, such asmanufacturing plants, by domestic residents?a. Direct investmentb. Portfolio investmentc. Short-term capital investmentd. Long-term capital investment30.Multinational enterprises may provide benefits to their source (home) countries because they may:a. Secure raw materials for the source countryb. Shift source country technology overseas via licensingc. Export products which reflect source-country comparative disadvantaged. Result in lower wages for source-country workers1.The trade theories of Adam Smith and David Ricardo viewed the determination of competitiveness from the demandside of the market.2.According to the principle of absolute advantage, international trade is beneficial to the world if one nation has anabsolute cost advantage in the production of one good while the other nation has an absolute cost advantage in theother good.3.The Heckscher-Ohlin theory asserts that relative differences in labor productivity underlie comparative advantage.4.The factor-endowment theory highlights the relative abundance of a nation's resources as the key factor underlyingcomparative advantage.5.The nominal tariff rate signifies the total increase in domestic productive activities compared to what would occurunder free-trade conditions.6.When material inputs enter a country at a very low duty while the final imported product is protected by a high duty, theresult tends to be a high rate of protection for domestic producers of the final product.7.Although the Tokyo Round of international trade negotiations reduced the Buy-American restrictions of the U.S.government, many state governments have maintained restrictive Buy-American policies.8.A subsidy granted to import-competing producers is intended to lead to increased domestic production and decreasedimports for the home country.9.The high point of U.S. protectionism occurred with the passage of the Kennedy Act in the 1960s.10.With the passage of the Smoot-Hawley Act in 1930, U.S. average tariffs were raised to over 50 percent on protectedimports.11.Most developing-nation exports go to industrial nations while most developing-nation imports originate in industrialnations.12.The majority of developing-nation exports are primary products such as agricultural goods and raw materials; of themanufactured goods exported by developing nations, most are labor-intensive goods.13.Under the variable levy system of the European Union, EU farmers are protected against import competition by tariffsthat vary inversely with the world price.14.Trade creation tends to more than offset trade diversion for a home country forming a customs union with partnercountries when: (1) the tariff rate in the home country is high prior to the formation of the customs union; (2) thereare a large number of countries forming the customs union.15.International trade in goods and services and flows of productive factors are substitutes for each other.Is it possible for a low nominal tariff rate to understate the effective rate of protection? What is tariff escalation?[KEYS]P A R T I1 – 5 C A B A B6 - 10 D A B D B11- 15 A B B A B16- 20 A C D D B21- 25 C D D D C26- 30 A C B A APART II1 – 5 F T F T F6 - 10 T T T F T11- 15 T T T T TP AR T II IIs it possible for a low nominal tariff rate to understate the effective rate of protection? What istariff escalation?Yes. In some countries, the effective rate of protection is more than twice the nominal rate. The effectiverate of protection takes into account the effects of tariffs levied on raw materials and intermediate goods. Tariff structures of industrialized nations have generally been characterized by rates that give greater protection to intermediate and finished products than to primary commodities. This is referred to as tariff escalation.A1.Unlike Adam Smith, David Ricardo's trading principle emphasizes the:a. Demand side of the marketb. Supply side of the marketc. Role of comparative costsd. Role of absolute costs2.In a two-product, two-country world, international trade can lead to increases in:a. Consumer welfare only if output of both products is increasedb. Output of both products and consumer welfare in both countriesc. Total production of both products, but not consumer welfare in both countriesd. Consumer welfare in both countries, but not total production of both products3.The trading-triangle concept is used to indicate a nation's:a. Exports, marginal rate of transformation, terms of tradeb. Imports, terms of trade, marginal rate of transformationc. Marginal rate of transformation, imports, exportsd. Terms of trade, exports, imports4.International trade is based on the notion that:a. Different currencies are an obstacle to international tradeb. Goods are more mobile internationally than are resourcesc. Resources are more mobile internationally than are goodsd. A country's exports should always exceed its imports5.In a two-country, two-product world, the statement "Japan enjoys a comparative advantage over France in steel relativeto bicycles" is equivalent to:a. France having a comparative advantage over Japan in bicycles relative to steelb. France having a comparative disadvantage against Japan in bicycles and steelc. Japan having a comparative advantage over France in steel and bicyclesd. Japan having a comparative disadvantage against Japan in bicycles and steel6.Which of the following is a long-run theory, emphasizing changes in the trading position of a nation over a number ofyears?a. Theory of factor endowmentsb. Comparative advantage theoryc. Theory of the product cycled. Overlapping demand theory7.Hong Kong is relatively abundant in labor, while Canada is relatively abundant in capital. In both countries theproduction of shirts is relatively more labor intensive than the production of computers. According to the factorendowment theory, Hong Kong will have a(n):a. Absolute advantage in the production of shirts and computersb. Absolute advantage in the production of computersc. Comparative advantage in the production of shirtsd. Comparative advantage in the production of computers8.The Heckscher-Ohlin theory explains comparative advantage as the result of differences in countries':a. Economies of large-scale productionb. Relative abundance of various resourcesc. Relative costs of labord. Research and development9.The factor endowment theory states that comparative advantage is explaineda. Exclusively by differences in relative supply conditionsb. Exclusively by differences in relative national demand conditionsc. Both supply and demand conditionsd. None of the above10.In explaining international trade, the product life cycle theory focuses ona. Tastes and preferencesb. The role of technological innovationc. Per-capita income levels of nationsd. Both b and c.11.A lower tariff on imported aluminum would most likely benefit:a. Foreign producers at the expense of domestic consumersb. Domestic manufacturers of aluminumc. Domestic consumers of aluminumd. Workers in the domestic aluminum industry12.Which of the following policies permits a specified quantity of goods to be imported at one tariff rate and applies ahigher tariff rate to imports above this quantity?a. Tariff quotab. Import tariffc. Specific tariffd. Ad valorem tariff13.Should the home country be "large" relative to the world, its imposition of a tariff on imports would lead to an increasein domestic welfare if the terms-of-trade effect exceeds the sum of the:a. Revenue effect plus redistribution effectb. Protective effect plus revenue effectc. Consumption effect plus redistribution effectd. Protective effect plus consumption effectFigure 4.1 illustrates the demand and supply schedules for pocket calculators in Mexico, a "small" nation that isunable to affect the world price.Figure 4.1.Import Tariff Levied by a "Small" Country14.According to Figure 4.1, the deadweight cost of the tariff totals:a. $60b. $70c. $80d. $9015.Consider Figure 4.1. The tariff would be prohibitive (i.e., eliminate imports) if it equaled:a. $2b. $3c. $4d. $516.Suppose the government grants a subsidy to domestic producers of an import-competing good. The subsidy tends toresult in deadweight losses for the domestic economy in the form of the:a. Consumption effectb. Redistribution effectc. Revenue effectd. Protective effect17.The imposition of a domestic content requirement by the United States would cause consumer surplus for Americansto:a. Riseb. Fallc. Remainunchangedd. None of the above18.If a tariff and an import quota lead to equivalent increases in the domestic price of steel, then:a. The quota results in efficiency reductions but the tariff does notb. The tariff results in efficiency reductions but the quota does notc. They have identical impacts on how much is produced and consumedd. They have identical impacts on how income is distributedFigure 5.1 illustrates the steel market for Mexico, assumed to be a "small" country that is unable to affect theworld price. Suppose the world price of steel is given and constant at $200 per ton. Now suppose the Mexicansteel industry is able to obtain trade protection.Figure 5.1. Alternative Nontariff Trade Barriers Levied by a "Small" Country19.Consider Figure 5.1. Suppose the Mexican government provides a subsidy of $200 per ton to its steel producers, asindicated by the supply schedule SM (with subsidy).The total cost of the subsidy to the Mexican government equals:a. $200b. $400c. $600d. $80020.Consider Figure 5.1. Suppose the Mexican government provides a subsidy of $200 per ton to its steel producers, asindicated by the supply schedule SM (with subsidy).As a result of the subsidy Mexican steel producers gain ____ of producer surplus.a. $200b. $400c. $600d. $80021.The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 has generally been associated with:a. Falling tariffsb. Increases in the volume of tradec. Intensifying the worldwide depressiond. Efforts to liberalize nontariff trade barriers22.The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and its successor, the World Trade Organization, have resulted in:a. Termination of export subsidies applied to manufactured goodsb. Termination of import tariffs applied to manufactured goodsc. Encouragement of beggar-thy-neighbor policiesd. Reductions in trade barriers via multilateral negotiations23.Concerning the price elasticities of supply and demand for commodities, empirical estimates suggest that mostcommodities have:a. Inelastic supply schedules and inelastic demand schedulesb. Inelastic supply schedules and elastic demand schedulesc. Elastic supply schedules and inelastic demand schedulesd. Elastic supply schedules and elastic demand schedules24.To help developing countries expand their industrial base, some industrial countries have reduced tariffs on designatedmanufactured imports from developing countries below the levels applied to imports from industrial countries.This scheme is referred to as:a. Generalized system of preferencesb. Export-led growthc. International commodity agreementd. Reciprocal trade agreement25.Which economic integration scheme is solely intended to abolish trade restrictions among member countries, whilesetting up common tariffs against nonmembers?a. Economic unionb. Common marketc. Free trade aread. Customs union26.Which trade instrument has the European Union used to insulate its producers and consumers of agricultural goodsfrom the impact of changing demand and supply conditions in the rest of the world?a. Domestic content regulationsb. Variable import leviesc. Voluntary export quotasd. Orderly marketing agreements27.A static welfare effect resulting from the formation of the European Union would be:a. Economies of scaleb. Trade diversionc. Investment incentivesd. Increased competition28.Suppose that a steel manufacturer headquartered in Japan sets up a subsidiary in Canada to produce steel. This practiceis referred to as:a. Conglomerate integrationb. Forward vertical integrationc. Backward vertical integrationd. Horizontal integration29.Suppose General Motors charges its Mexican subsidiary $1 million for auto assembly equipment that could bepurchased on the open market for $800,000. This practice is best referred to as:a. International dumpingb. Cost-plus pricingc. Transfer pricingd. Technological transfer30.Firms undertake multinational operations in order to:a. Hire low-wage workersb. Manufacture in nations they have difficulty exporting toc. Obtain necessary factor inputsd. All of the above1.It is possible for a nation not to have an absolute advantage in anything; but it is not possible for one nation to have acomparative advantage in everything and the other nation to have a comparative advantage in nothing.2. Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage was of limited relevance to the real world since it assumed that labor wasonly one of several factors of production.3.The theory of overlapping demands applies best to trade in manufactured goods.4.Decreasing cost conditions lead to complete specialization in the production of the commodity of comparativeadvantage.5.For a "small" country, a tariff raises the domestic price of an imported product by the full amount of the duty.6.Although an import tariff provides the domestic government additional tax revenue, it benefits domestic consumers atthe expense of domestic producers.7.A subsidy granted to import-competing producers results in a welfare loss to the economy by an amount equal to theprotective effect plus the consumption effect.8.According to the cost-based definition of dumping, dumping begins to occur when a firm sells a product at a price thatis less than average variable cost.9.U.S. tariffs on imports from countries issued normal-trade-relations (most-favored-nation) status are often three or fourtimes as high as those on comparable imports from nations not receiving that status.10.According to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and its successor, the World Trade Organization, onlybilateral trade negotiations can take place between a country and its trading partners.11.For developing countries, a key factor underlying the instability of primary-product prices and export receipts is thehigh price elasticity of demand for products such as tin and copper.12.Empirical research indicates that the demand and supply schedules for most primary products are relatively inelastic tochanges in price.13.When a group of countries establish a free-trade area, they achieve the highest stage of economic integration.14.A free-trade area is an association of trading countries whose members agree to remove all trade restrictions amongthemselves, while each member country imposes identical trade restrictions against nonmember countries.15.Foreign direct investment would occur if Mobile Inc. of the United States acquired sufficient common stock in aPartⅢ What are the intent and impact of domestic content requirements?P A R T I1 – 5 C B D B A6 - 10 C C B A B11- 15 C A D D D16- 20 D B C D C21- 25 C D A A D26- 30 B B D C DP A R T I I1 – 5 F F T T T6 - 10 F F F T F11- 15 F T F F TP AR T II IWhat are the intent and impact of domestic content requirements? Domestic content requirements try to limit the practice of job outsourcing and also encourage the development of domestic industry. They stipulate the minimum percentage of a product's value that must be produced in the home country for that product to be sold there. Domestic content protection tends to impose welfare losses on the domestic economy in the form of higher production costs and higher-priced goods.。
介绍山西概况的英语导游词篇一Yangqu county is located in the middle of Shanxi Province, between Xinding basin and Taiyuan Basin, 23 kilometers away from Biancheng Taiyuan in the south, Xinzhou City in the north, Yu county and Shouyang County in the East, jingle county and Gujiao City in the West. The county governs 4 towns, 11 townships, 245 village committees and 424 natural villages, with a total area of 2060 square kilometers and a total population of 140000. Yangqu county was built in the Western Han Dynasty, because the river (Hutuo River) a thousand li song, song when its Yang and named.In 982 ad, Yangqu was no longer the place of Shanxi Province and Taiyuan government, so it was called the first city of Shanxi in history. There are plenty of resources. It has 500000 mu of cultivated land, 108 mu of Mu Po, and 10000 mu of demonstration grassland in Yangqu County, one of the six major artificial grasslands in China. The forest area is 1.595 million mu, the groundwater resources are abundant, the water quality is excellent, and the comprehensive development prospect of land, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry is broad. Underground reserves of dolomite, limestone, hematite, granite, gypsum, bauxite, quartzite, quartz sand, potash feldspar, coal and other minerals, large reserves, very rich mining value.Rich in specialty. Yangqu county has a warm continental climate with four distinct seasons and large temperature difference between day and night. Its main agricultural products are corn, millet, sunflower beans, yam eggs and oil. In recent years, the county has vigorously implemented two high and one excellent agriculture, with dry farming and grain output exceeding 100 million Jin in successive years. Millet is famous for its high quality and large quantity, with an annual output of more than 15 million jin. In addition, it is also rich in apple, pear, pepper, walnut, Kernel Apricot and other dry and fresh fruits and pollution-free vegetables, with an annual output of more than 60 million jin. The second sterilization milk has filled the blank of Shanxi Province and sold well in the provincial market. Wild plant resources such as Prunus armeniaca, Prunus davidiana, Scutellaria baicalensis, Bupleurum chinense, Rhizoma rehmanniae, Zizyphus jujuba, mushroom, Auricularia auricula, wild vegetables are rich, which have high nutritional and medicinal value. The infrastructure is perfect, and the water, electricity, gas and heating facilities are complete.The transportation is developed and the system is complete. The 108 National birthday, Dayun highway, Yuantai highway and beitongbo railway run through the north and south. The Yuyang highway runs through the industrial east and west of the county. The towns and villages are connected with oil roads and the villages are connected with highways. For five consecutive years, it has won the title of advanced county of compulsory road construction of the province and the city. Power facilities are complete, North China Power Grid runs through the county, with a 110000V substation, work power facilities are complete. The communication system is advanced, and 7000 program-controlled telephones, mobile phones and faxes have been opened, which can be directly connected at home and abroad.Education, culture, tourism, medical treatment, radio and television and other public undertakings have developed rapidly. The provincial NITUN spark technology intensive zone, Huangzhai comprehensive industrial zone, Gaocun building materials Industrial Zone, donghuangshui and lingjingdian agricultural products processing zone have taken shape. Metal smelting and processing, building materials, agricultural and sideline products, coal and coke have developed rapidly and become the four leading industries. The market share of Sanneng metallurgical coke, enameled wire, magnesium metal, cement, copper, aluminum and other products has continuously increased. With the implementation of a number of key industrial projects, it has effectively driven the development of Xiangyang industry and injected new vitality into the steady development of Yangqu county economy. In recent years, with the joint efforts of successive county Party committees, county governments and the people of the whole county, the county's economic and social undertakings have shown a sustained, rapid and healthy momentum.介绍山西概况的英语导游词篇二Xiaoyi city is located in the west of the central part of the province and the south end of Luliang area, covering an area of 943 square kilometers. It now governs 6 towns and 12 townships, with a population of 363200. The municipal government is located in Chengguan town. Xiaoyi was established in the spring and Autumn Period in the Jin Dynasty as guayan County, in the Western Han Dynasty as Zishi County, and in the Three Kingdoms as Zhongyang County. In the first year of Yongjia in the Western Jin Dynasty, it was incorporated into Xicheng County, in the Northern Wei Dynasty as Yong'an County, and in the Sui Dynasty as Xihe county. In the first year of Zhengguan in the Tang Dynasty, it was named Xiaoyi county. In 1991, a county-level city was set up.Xiaoyi city is not only the political, economic, cultural and military center of the city, but also the material distribution center and important transportation hub of Western Shanxi and Northern Shaanxi. The city is high in the West and low in the East. The East is a part of Taiyuan Basin. It is a main grain and cotton producing area with flat terrain, fertile soil, sufficient water and convenient transportation. In the middle of the loess hilly area, the terrain is broken, terraces are all over, with an average altitude of about 1000 meters. The western mountainous area is a branch of Luliang Mountain. The main peaks are Longpan mountain and Fenghuang mountain, with an altitude of 1163 meters and 1365 meters respectively. The main rivers in the territory are Wenyu River, Ciyao River, Xiabao River, dui River, etc.The city has a continental climate, with an average annual temperature of 10.1 degrees, an average temperature of - 5.6 degrees in January, an average temperature of 23.7 degrees in July, an average annual rainfall of 470 mm, a frost free period of 170 days from early October to mid April of the next year. Xiaoyi City has 528800 mu of arable land. The main food crops are wheat, sorghum, corn, millet, soybean and potato. In addition, buckwheat, naked oats, millet and other miscellaneous grains are also planted in a large area. Economic crops are mainly walnut, persimmon, cotton, oil and so on.Xiaoyi city is rich in mineral resources, mainly including coal, aluminum, gypsum, iron and so on. Among them, coal reserves are the largest, with proven coal reserves of 7.1 billion tons. It is the main coal mining base of Fenxi Mining Bureau. Secondly, bauxite is the source base of Shanxi Aluminum Plant. The main industries include coal, ironmaking, chemical fertilizer, cement,agricultural machinery, plastics, ceramics, textile, wine making, fur, glass, printing, food processing, etc. Xiaoyi City has convenient transportation. JieXi and Xiaoliu branch railways run through the whole territory, which is the main gateway of Xiaoyi city's external transportation.Xiaoyi to Wucheng, Fenyang to Jiexiu and other trunk roads pass through the city. In addition, there are many county-level and township roads connecting all towns in the city. Located in the center of the ancient city of Zhongyang County, Zhongyang building is a provincial-level cultural relic protection unit, which enjoys a high reputation since ancient times. It got its name because Xiaoyi was under the jurisdiction of Zhongyang County at that time. Xiaoyi production of lamb wine, white color, like the color of lamb hair, hence the name. Xiaoyi is one of the main producing areas of Fenzhou walnut. It is characterized by beautiful fruit shape, large fruit, thin skin and thick meat. The kernel yield is as high as 52% and the oil content is as high as 70%. It is a large export material of the city and is sold at home and abroad. Xiaoyi City Dongxu, Gaoyang, dui Town, Baibiguan and other towns are rich in persimmons, which sell well both inside and outside the province.介绍山西概况的英语导游词篇三Wutai County is located in the northeast of Shanxi Province, bounded by Taihang ridge in the East and Hebei Province. Covering an area of 2865 square kilometers, it governs 6 towns and 24 townships with a population of 302500. The county government is located in Chengguan town. Wutai County is named after Wutai Mountain. In the Western Han Dynasty, Wu County was established; in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Lvyi county was established; in the early Sui Dynasty, it was renamed Wutai County; in Jin Dynasty, it was upgraded to Taizhou; in the second year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty, it was restored to Wutai County. In the territory of overlapping mountains, complex terrain, high in the northeast and low in the southwest. Wutai Mountain is located in the east of the county. It is composed of East, West, middle, South, North and five platforms. The lowest one is 2485 meters above sea level, and the highest one is 3085 meters above sea level. It is known as the roof of North China. The central part is hilly area.Pingchuan county is very few, mainly distributed in doucun, Rucun two small basins and gounan, Dongye area. The main rivers are Hutuo River and Qingshui River. Wutai County is located in the north, with high terrain and cold climate. It is known as Xiaoxing'an Mountains in North China. The average annual temperature is 5 ℃, 11 ℃ in January and 21 ℃ in July. The annual rainfall is 500 mm and the frost free period is 90-150 days. The county has a total of 510300 mu of arable land, with corn, potatoes and millet as the main crops, sorghum, naked oats and broad beans also planted. There are more than 500000 mu of forest and more than 10 million scattered trees. There are more than 20 kinds of mineral resources in Wutai County, such as coal, iron, copper, sulfur, limestone, dolomite and marble. Industries include coal, chemical fertilizer, machinery, chemical industry, building materials, mining, ceramics, marble, arts and crafts, etc. The main products sold abroad are pyrite, marble, aluminum bed, plastic products, casting machine, etc. Traffic is more convenient, Xinzhou to changchengling, Xinzhou to Fanshi, Yuxian to Fanshi and other trunk roads through the county, as well as to Fanshi Xiliu branch roads and a variety of county-level roads. In addition, there is a highway to the East, which can lead to Fuping, Hebei and other places.Wutai Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. The five peaksstand like a platform. Temples of different sizes are built in the top ravines, top cliffs and Taihuai. There are more than 100 temples. Among them, Nanchan temple, the oldest existing wooden building in China, was rebuilt in the early years of Jianzhong in Tang Dynasty; Foguang temple, which integrates various architectural styles of the Northern Wei, Northern Qi, Tang, song, Jin, Ming and Qing Dynasties, was built in Yongping period of Eastern Han Dynasty, and is also known as lingjiu Temple (Xiantong Temple) in China as well as Baima temple in Luoyang; In addition, there are the famous pagoda of Tayuan temple, the white marble archway of Longquan Temple and the king Buddha of Burma in Bishan temple, which add color to the scenery of the Buddhist kingdom. Mount Wutai occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese Buddhism, and is also famous in Japan and Southeast Asian countries. It has become a link of friendly exchanges between China and foreign countries and a tourist attraction with many guests. The main specialties of Wutai County are Taishen, taimushroom, marble, Prajna mineral water, Wutaishan inkstone, Shujin powder, etc.介绍山西概况的英语导游词篇四Taigu County, located in the central part of Shanxi Province, is located in the Jinzhong Basin. It was founded in the Western Han Dynasty. It has a long history and developed culture and commerce. It is one of the birthplaces of Shanxi merchants with a long history. It is the birthplace of Bai Juyi, a poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and the birthplace of Kong Xiangxi, a modern celebrity. The well-known imperial medicine Guilingji and dingkundan were produced in Taigu. At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Taigu became the financial and commercial center of Shanxi because of the concentration of capital. It was known as dry wharf and little Beijing. Taigu County has a total area of 1033.6 square kilometers and a total population of 270000, including 450000 mu of arable land and 210000 agricultural population.Taigu County has a warm temperate continental climate, with an average annual temperature of 9.8 degrees Celsius, a frost free period of 175 days, a rainfall of 462.9 mm, and a exploitable amount of groundwater resources of 9600 cubic meters. The basic conditions of agriculture are good. Sanjin is famous for its abundant production of grain, cotton, oil, fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs and milk. It is a commodity grain base county in Shanxi Province, an agricultural high-tech industrial normal area, and a lean meat pig base in China. Taigu has more than 2000 industrial enterprises of various types. At present, it has formed leading industries such as casting processing, fine chemical industry, agricultural machinery, building materials, agricultural and sideline products processing, pharmacy, textile, transportation, etc. The tertiary industry, urban and rural infrastructure and various social undertakings are booming, and the living standards of urban and rural people are steadily improving. Taigu County is rich in agricultural and sideline products resources, with 45 mu of grain field, which is suitable for the growth of various crops in the north, and is one of the eight most suitable regions for planting high-quality wine grapes in China. In recent years, in addition to stabilizing the area of grain fields dominated by wheat and corn, we have vigorously developed special economic crops such as vegetables, fruits, pigments and wine grapes.It has an annual output of 60 million kg of wheat and 50 million kg of corn, 90000 mu of vegetables, 140 million kg of jujube and walnut, 120 million kg of fruit, 300 million kg of chrysanthemum and pepper, 3000 mu of French grapes and 3000 mu of grapes; In the aspect of animal husbandry, 206 large-scale breeding areas have been formed, with 380000 pigs per year, 3million chickens per year and 37 million kg of eggs per year. Communication is very convenient. The capacity of SPC exchanges in the city is 10000, and that in the countryside is 5000. The number of telephone calls per capita ranked the top in the province. The wireless pager and mobile phone are unblocked, and the national work roaming is realized. Science and technology, culture, medical and health are developed. At the beginning of this century, Kong Xiangxi founded Mingxian school in Taigu. At present, there are one university and three special schools in Taigu County, including Shanxi Agricultural University and Taigu normal school, Jinzhong health school and Shanxi traffic technical school. There are also research units and military enterprises in Taigu County, such as Shanxi Fruit Tree Research Institute, Shanxi biopharmaceutical factory, 753 factories of the Ministry of ordnance industry, 513 research institutes of the Ministry of aerospace industry Industry, for our county to add a strong science and technology and cultural atmosphere. In terms of medical and health care, Shanxi psychiatric hospital, Jinzhong second hospital, people's Hospital, traditional Chinese medicine hospital, staff hospital and other strong physiotherapy system are established in the county.The county's industry has initially formed five pillar industries, namely, malleable iron, agricultural machinery, chemical industry, building materials and food. Among them, the annual output of Ma steel pipe accounts for 1/3 of the whole country, and the famous products of China's high-quality flying elephant brand agricultural vehicle, far brand turtle turtle age and Ding Kundan, sugar aldehyde, resin, maleic anhydride, sulfuric acid, cement, shovel, medicinal neck and bottle, dairy products, electric power fittings, plasterboard and other famous products. It enjoys high reputation in domestic and international markets. With a good agricultural foundation, large-scale planting, breeding, forestry and fruit industry have developed rapidly, becoming a well-known hometown of melons, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and milk, and a base of agricultural and sideline products. At the same time, business is booming and the market is increasingly prosperous.。
enrichplot 让你们对clusterProfiler系列包无法自拔先来一段搞笑的街头卖膏药的视频,大家可以娱乐一下再继续往下看,因为我接下来就是要卖Y叔版「膏药」!大家喜欢clusterProfiler,除了功能强大、支持广泛之外,我想还有一点必须是可视化,毕竟大家都是视觉动物,颜值即正义。
The enrichplot package implements several methods for enrichment result visualization to help interpretation. It supports both hypergeometric test and gene set enrichment analysis. Both of them are widely used to characterize pathway/function relationships to elucidate molecular mechanisms fromhigh-throughput genomic data.The enrichplot package supports visualizing enrichment results obtained fromDOSE (Yu et al. 2015), clusterProfiler (Yu et al. 2012), ReactomePA (Yu and He 2016) and meshes.Induced GO DAG graphGene Ontology (GO) is organized as a directed acyclicgraph. An insighful way of looking at the results of the analysis is to investigate how the significant GO terms are distributed over the GO graph. The goplot function shows subgraph induced by most significant GO terms.library(clusterProfiler) data(geneList, package='DOSE')de abs(geneList) > 2]ego 'org.Hs.eg.db', ont='BP', readable=TRUE)library(enrichplot)goplot(ego)Bar plotBar plot is the most widely used method to visualize enriched terms. It depicts the enrichment scores (e.g. p values) and gene count or ratio as bar height and color.barplot(ego, showCategory=20)Dot plotDot plot is similar to bar plot with the capability to encode another score as dot size. Both barplot and dotplot supports facetting to visualize sub-ontologies simultaneously.dotplot(ego, showCategory=30)go 'org.Hs.eg.db', ont='all')dotplot(go, split='ONTOLOGY') + facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~., scale='free')Gene-Concept NetworkBoth the barplot and dotplot only displayed most significant enriched terms, while users may wantto know which genes are involved in these significant terms. The cnetplot depicts the linkages of genes and biological concepts (e.g. GO terms or KEGG pathways) as a network.## remove redundent GO termsego2cnetplot(ego2, foldChange=geneList)cnetplot(ego2, foldChange=geneList, circular = TRUE, colorEdge = TRUE)UpSet PlotThe upsetplot is an alternative to cnetplot for visualizing the complex association between genes and gene sets. It emphasizes the gene overlapping among different gene sets.upsetplot(ego)Heatmap-like functional classificationThe heatplot is similar to cnetplot, while displaying the relationships as a heatmap. The gene-concept network may become too complicated if user want to show a large number significant terms. The heatplot can simplify the result and more easy to identify expression patterns.heatplot(ego2)heatplot(ego2, foldChange=geneList)Enrichment MapEnrichment map organizes enriched terms into a network with edges connecting overlapping gene sets. In this way, mutually overlapping gene sets are tend to cluster together,making it easy to identify functional module.emapplot(ego2) ridgeline plot for expression distribution of GSEA resultThe ridgeplot will visualize expression distributions of core enriched genes for GSEA enriched categories. It helps users to interpret up/down-regulated pathways.kk - gseKEGG(geneList,nPerm=10000)ridgeplot(kk)running score and preranked list of GSEA resultRunning score and preranked list are traditional methods for visualizing GSEA result. The enrichplot package supports both of them to visualize the distribution of the gene set and the enrichmentscore.gseaplot(kk, geneSetID = 1, by = 'runningScore', title =kk$Description[1])gseaplot(kk, geneSetID = 1, by = 'preranked', title =kk$Description[1])gseaplot(kk, geneSetID = 1, title = kk$Description[1]) ReferencesYu, Guangchuang, and Qing-Yu He. 2016. “ReactomePA: An R/Bioconduc tor Package for Reactome Pathway Analysis and Visualization.” Molecular BioSystems 12 (2): 477–79. doi:10.1039/C5MB00663E.Yu, Guangchuang,Li-Gen Wang, Yanyan Han, and Qing-Yu He. 2012. “clusterProfiler: an R Package for Comparing BiologicalThemes Among G ene Clusters.” OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 16 (5): 284–87.doi:10.1089/omi.2011.0118.Yu, Guangchuang, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, and Qing-Yu He. 2015. “DOSE: AnR/Bioconductor Package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment Analysis.” Bi oinformatics 31 (4): 608–9.doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu684. 给赞给Y叔点个赞小程序。
Vol. 43 No. 2Apr.2$21第43卷第2期2021年4月探测与控制学报JournalofDetection & Control基于掩护面积的弹炮结合防空武器系统优化配置杨志宏,王凤山,郭子曜(陆军工程大学野战工程学院,江苏南京210007)扌商要:针对弹炮结合防空武器系统如何配置才能发挥最佳末端防护能力问题,首次提出基于掩护面积的优化配置&以弹炮结合防空武器系统在作战部署中常用的圆形配置为研究对象,建立以掩护空间在地面的投影面积为特征参量的数学模型;根据配置模型表现出的掩护区域重叠范围的相异性特征,运用蒙特卡洛方法,构 造融合累积型、分布型特征于一体的导弹和高炮系统掩护面积计算推理规则机,给出模拟算法和计算步骤;结合仿真实验,仿真计算了圆形均匀配置、圆形非均匀配置、圆形主从配置的掩护面积,直观评估了各类型配置下的掩护效能和优缺点,为弹炮结合防空武器系统作战运用与配置选择提供决策支持。
关键词:弹炮结合防空武器系统;掩护面积;蒙特卡洛方法;优化配置;圆形配置中图分类号:E917文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-1194(2021)02-0086-08Operational Configuration of Integrated Missile-gun Air DefenseSystem Based on Cover AreaYANG Zhihong , WANG Fengshan, GUO Ziyao(Field Engineering College , Army Engineering University of PLA , Nanjing 210007,China)Abstract : Aim to configure and play the best terminal protection of integrated missile-gun air defense weapon system, the optimal configuration based on cover area was proposed for the first time, the circular configurationmodel commonly used in combat was taken as the research object , and a mathematical model to the projected ar ea of cover space on the ground was established as the characteristic parameter. According to the dissimilarity characteristicsoftheoverlappingcoverareashownintheconfigurationmodels $Monte-Carlomethodwasapplied intotheconsistentaccumulatedanddistributedpa t erninferencerulemechanismforcoverareacalculationofin-tegratedmissile-gunairdefenseweaponsystem wasconstructed $andthesimulationalgorithmandcalculation steps were given. Combined with simulation experiment , the cover area of circular uniform configuration , circu- larnon-uniformconfiguration circularmaster-slaveconfigurationwereseparatelycalculatedandanalyzed and evaluatedtheprotectione f iciencyandrelativemeritsindi f erentconfiguration providingdecisionreferencefor the operational configuration of the integrated missile-gun combined air defense weapon system.Key words : integrated missile-gun air defense weapon system ; cover area ; Monte-Carlo method ; optimal con figuration ; circular configuration0引言弹炮结合防空武器系统综合了自行高炮机动灵活和便携式导弹打击精准之优势,是机场、港口、指 挥所等战场关键目标对空防护的重要力量,其优化配置问题是以作战效能为评估导向和指挥决策的重点问题文献[3]运用解析几何方法,建立了以最佳距离和掩护扇区为指标的防空武器阵地配置模 型,但掩护区域理想化、简单化。
JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY毕业论文题目兴业银行碳金融业务问题研究英文题目Study on the problem of IndustrialBank carbon finance business院系商学院专业金融学姓名班级学号学籍编号指导教师二零一三年六月毕业论文《选题报告》院(系):商学院摘要随着社会的进步,全球的气候问题变得越来越严重,因而随之出现的碳交易就得到了很多人的关注,和碳交易有关的碳金融也就自然而然的变成了国际金融市场中的一部分。
【关键词】兴业银行碳金融问题对策AbstractAlong with the progress of the society, the global climate problems are becoming more and more serious, thus the resulting carbon trading is got the attention of many people, and carbon trading carbon finance is naturally becomes a part of the international financial market. Due to the low carbon economy development potential is very big opportunity, also has a big challenge, so commercial Banks need to develop effective low carbon financial strategy, then implement, only in this way can in the development of low carbon economy to realize its own development.In our country, Industrial Bank is than in terms of carbon finance business.A representative bank, the bank on the carbon finance business vigorously advocate the implementation of green credit, and launched, energy conservation and emission reduction projects related to loans. Bank through of some of the companies and international cooperation, focus on the more money will be distributed to implement this in the form of a loan enterprise energy conservation and emissions reduction project, and because of that, more energy conservation and emission reduction projects across the country have got great support. At the same time the bank clearly put forward to actively fulfill the social responsibility, promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, society, we insist on sustainable financial ideas, committed to the development of better Industrial Bank's carbon finance business.Industrial Bank for example are presented in this paper, through the introduction of carbon finance business and its development status both at home and abroad point out that our country commercial bank development of carbon finance, and thus lead to the present situation of the carbon finance business, Industrial Bank said in its problems existing in the development of carbon finance business, and then corresponding countermeasures for these problems, and Industrial Bank to give some advice of future development.【Key words】Industrial Bank ;Carbon finance ;The problem ;Countermeasures目录1 引言 (1)1.1 论文研究背景 (1)1.2 论文研究意义 (1)2 碳金融概述 (2)2.1 碳金融的含义和内容 (2)2.2 碳金融的研究状况 (3)2.3 我国商业银行碳金融的发展 (4)3 兴业银行碳金融业务存在的问题 (7)3.1 兴业银行碳金融现状 (7)3.2 兴业银行碳金融业务存在的问题 (9)4 兴业银行碳金融业务发展对策 (12)4.1 提高员工和客户对碳金融业务的认识 (12)4.2 增加碳金融相关的人才、技术产品和服务 (13)4.3 提高对风险的控制水平 (14)4.4 增加发展中国家在碳市场中的利益 (15)4.5 努力避免地方保护主义的排斥 (16)5 结论与展望 (17)5.1 结论 (17)5.2 展望 (18)参考文献 (19)致谢 (21)1 引言1.1 论文研究背景伴随着社会的进步,现代的工业文明却在逐步的破坏着自然生态的和谐发展。
Distributed Formation of Overlapping Multi-hop Clusters in Wireless Sensor NetworksAdel YoussefDept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland College Park, (adel@)Mohamed YounisDept. of Computer Science & Elec. Eng.,University of Maryland, Baltimore County,(younis@)Moustafa Youssef§, Ashok AgrawalaDept. of Computer Science,University of Maryland College Park,(moustafa, agrawala@)Abstract – Clustering is a standard approach for achieving efficient and scalable performance in wireless sensor networks. Most of the published clustering algorithms strive to generate the minimum number of disjoint clusters. However, we argue that guaranteeing some degree of overlap among clusters can facilitate many applications, like inter-cluster routing, topology discovery and node localization, recovery from cluster head failure, etc. We formulate the overlapping multi-hop clustering problem as an extension to the k-dominating set problem. Then we propose MOCA; a randomized distributed multi-hop clustering algorithm for organizing the sensors into overlapping clusters. We validate MOCA in a simulated environment and analyze the effect of different parameters, e.g. node density and network connectivity, on its performance. The simulation results demonstrate that MOCA is scalable, introduces low overhead and produces approximately equal-sized clusters.I.I NTRODUCTIONWireless sensor networks (WSNs) have numerous applications in a variety of disciplines, both military and civilian [1][2]. The ability to remotely measure ambient conditions and track dynamic targets/events can be invaluable; especially in harsh environments where human intervention is risky or infeasible.In such applications nodes are usually dropped in an area and are expected to self-organize in an ad-hoc manner. Sensors are usually battery-operated and have a limited transmission range and onboard processing and storage capacity. Such constraints have motivated lots of research on effective management strategies of WSNs so that the network can stay functional for the longest duration.A typical WSN architecture involves numerous sensors that report their measurements to data collection centers; often referred to as sink nodes. In many application setups large number of nodes is employed in order to boost coverage, increase the fidelity of collected data and mitigate potential sensor failure due to energy depletion or damage. Therefore, scalability is an important design attribute for WSNs. Grouping sensors into clusters has been widely pursued as a mean for achieving efficient and scalable performance in WSNs [3][4][5][6]. Each cluster would have a designated head that collects data from local nodes and forwards the aggregated report to the sink; either directly over long distance or through an inter-cluster-head multi-hop path. Clustering facilitates the distribution of control over the network and, hence, enables locality of communication [7]. In addition, clustering nodes into groups saves energy and reduces network contention because nodes send the data over shorter distances to their respective cluster heads [8].Many clustering protocols have been investigated as either standalone protocols [8][9] or as a side effect of other protocol operations, e.g., in the context of routing protocols [5] and topology management protocols [10]. The majority of those protocols construct clusters where every node in the network is no more than 1 hop away from a cluster head. We call these single hop (1-hop) clusters. When the cluster heads are picked from the deployed large sensor nodes population, single hop clustering may generate a large number of cluster heads and eventually may lead to the same problem as if there is no clustering.In addition, most of the clustering algorithms in the literature have a primary goal of producing approximately equal-sized non-overlapping clusters. Forming equal-sized clusters is a desirable property because it enables an even distribution of control (e.g., data processing, aggregation, storage load) over cluster heads; no cluster head is overburdened or under-utilized. However, having clusters with some degree of overlap is desirable and beneficial in numerous applications (e.g. node localization [11], routing [12], TDMA-based MAC [13]). The boundary nodes that belong to two or more clusters can serve as gateways for inter-cluster heads communication when the cluster heads do not have long range communication capabilities. Moreover, overlapped clusters can boost the network robustness against cluster head failure or compromise by facilitating and expediting the recovery of nodes which can join others alternate clusters.In this paper, we propose a randomized, distributed Multi-hop Overlapping Clustering Algorithm (MOCA) for organizing the sensors into overlapping clusters. The goal of the clustering process is to ensure that each node is either a cluster head or within k hops from at least one cluster head, where k (cluster radius) is a given parameter. A cluster head is a sensor node that is assigned a leadership role. We formulate the overlapping k-hop clustering problem as an extension to the k-dominating set problem [14]. The nodes randomly elect themselves as cluster heads with some probability p. The cluster head probability (p) is used to control the number of clusters in the network. Through simulation, we show that MOCA is scalable for large networks. In addition, MOCA incurs low overhead in terms of exchanged messages. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to discuss the problem of overlapping multi-hop clustering.§Also affiliated with Alexandria University, Egypt.This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews related work in the literature. In Section 3, we discuss the MOCA algorithm in details. Validation results are presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.II.R ELATED W ORKIn the last few years, many algorithms have been proposed for clustering in wireless ad-hoc networks. Clustering algorithms can be classified as either deterministic or randomized. Deterministic algorithms, e.g. [3][15][16], use weights associated with nodes to elect cluster heads. These weights can be calculated based on the number of neighbors (node degree) [3], node Id [15], and mobility rate [16]. Each node broadcasts the calculated weight. Then a node is elected as a cluster head if it has the highest weight among its neighboring nodes. In randomized clustering algorithms, the nodes elect themselves as cluster heads with some probability p and broadcast their decisions to neighbor nodes [4][5][6][9]. The remaining nodes join the cluster head that requires minimum communication energy. The probability p is an important parameter in a randomized algorithm. It can be a function of node residual energy [5] or hybrid of residual energy and a secondary parameter [4]. In [6], the authors analytically obtained the optimal value for p that minimizes the energy spent in communication. In MOCA, the probability p is tuned to control the number of clusters.Recently, a number of clustering algorithms have been designed for sensor networks [4,5,6,7,8,17]. Most of those algorithms aim at generating the minimum number of disjoint clusters that maximize the network lifetime. Both HEED [4] and LEACH [5] form single-hop non-overlapping clusters with the objective of prolonging network lifetime. In [6], the authors proposed a LEACH-like randomized multi-hop clustering algorithm for organizing the sensors in a hierarchy of clusters with an objective of minimizing the energy spent in communicating the information to the processing center. In [7], the authors present a clustering algorithm (FLOC) that produces non-overlapping and approximately equal-sized clusters. FLOC partitions a multi-hop wireless network into clusters of bounded physical radius [R, mR] where m is a constant greater than or equal to 2. That is, each cluster has a header node such that all nodes within distance R of the header belong to the cluster but no node beyond distance mR from the header belongs to the cluster. In [8][17], the clustering algorithm assumes gateway (master) nodes are already known and the objective is to perform load balancing between different clusters by changing cluster radius. None of the above algorithms construct overlapping clusters.III.P ROBLEM F ORMULATIONIn this section, we formulate the overlapping multi-hop clustering problem as an extension to the k-dominating set problem. First, we describe the system model.A.System ModelWe consider a wireless sensor network where all nodes are alike and each node has a unique Id. The nodes are location-unaware, i.e. not equipped with GPS. There are neither base stations nor infrastructure support to coordinate the activities of subsets of nodes. Therefore, all the nodes have to collectively make decisions. We assume that the nodes are stationary, which is typical for sensor networks. All sensors transmit at the same power level and hence have the same transmission range (T r). We also assume that nodes have timers, but we do not require time synchronization across the nodes. Timers are used for timing out when a node is waiting on a condition.All communication is over a single shared wireless channel.A wireless link can be established between a pair of nodes only if they are within the radio range of each other. The MOCA algorithm only considers bidirectional links. It is assumed that the MAC layer will mask unidirectional links and pass bidirectional links to MOCA. Two nodes that have a wireless link are, henceforth, said to be 1-hop away from each other or immediate neighbors. Nodes can identify neighbors using beacons.B.The Overlapped K-hop Clustering ProblemAn ad-hoc network can be modeled as a graph G = (V, E), where two nodes are connected by an edge if they can communicate with each other. Since all nodes are located in the plane and have the same T r, G is unit disk graph. We define N k[u] as the set of nodes that are reachable to a node u in at most k hops including u itself. A k-Dominating Set (KDS) S is a subset of V such that every node in (V – S) is reachable to at least one node in S within or less than k hops. Finding a KDS is an NP-Hard problem [14]. Given an ad-hoc network that is modeled as a unit disk graph, the overlapped k-hop clustering problem can be formulated as finding the set of nodes S that satisfy the following two conditions:1.Coverage Condition. S is a KDS; means that each nodeis either a cluster head or within k hops from a clusterhead.2.Overlapping Condition. For each node u∈S∃ at leastone node v∈S such that N k[u] ∩ N k[v] ≥ 1. In otherwords, for each cluster, there exists at least one othercluster that overlaps with it with overlapping degree ≥1.The problem of overlapping clusters is totally new. There is no formulation of the problem in the literature and no known algorithm that satisfies these two conditions. The proposed MOCA (Multi-hop Overlapping Clustering Algorithm) is a distributed simple randomized algorithm that meets the above two conditions with high probability. MOCA pursues heuristics with the objective of decreasing processing and message complexity in order to meet the requirements of wireless sensor networks. We will show that by tuning some of the algorithm parameters (k, p, T r), we can generate overlapping clusters with some average overlapping degree with high probability. The cluster head probability (p) will be tuned to control the coverage condition and the cluster radius (k) and node transmission range (T r) will be used to control the overlapping degree between adjacent clusters.IV. D ETAILED MOCA A LGORITHMIn this section, we describe the detailed clustering process.First we clarify the notation and define some data structures to be maintained at each node.A. Notation and Data StructureWe use the following notation in describing MOCA:• NID : A unique node Id assigned prior to deployment.• Status : A node status can be either a cluster head (CH) or a non-CH (NCH). Initially all nodes are set to NCH. • Adjacent Clusters Table (AC_table ): A table maintained by CH nodes to store information about adjacent clusters. The table consists of tuples of the form (CHID , BN ), where CHID is the CH node Id, and BN is a list of boundary node Ids. • Cluster Heads Table (CH_table ): A table maintained by each node to store information about the clusters known to this node. If the table contains more than one entry, this means that the node is a boundary node . The table consists of tuples of the form (CHID , HC , prev ), where CHID is the CH node Id, HC is the number of hops leading to this cluster head, and prev is the node ID of a 1-hop neighbor node that can lead to the CH node of this cluster using minimum number of hops. In essence, CH_table acts as a routing table where the CHID field uniquely identifies shortest path to a CH node.B. Cluster Head Selection The essential operation in any clustering protocol is to select a set of cluster heads among the nodes in the network, and group the remaining nodes around these heads. MOCA does this in a distributed fashion, where nodes make autonomous decisions without any centralized control. The algorithm initially assumes that each sensor in the network becomes a cluster head (CH) with probability p . The probability p is determined a priori based on the network size. Each cluster head then advertises itself as a cluster head to the sensors within its radio range. This advertisement is forwarded to all sensors that are no more than k hops away from the CH. The advertisement (CH_AD) message’s header include SID , CHID , and HC ; where SID is the sender node ID, CHID is cluster head ID, and HC is the number of hops leading to the CH node. The SID field is used to update the CH_table.prev field such that each node knows the path to the cluster head. The HC field is used to limit the flooding of the CH_AD message to k hops.advertisements joins the cluster even if it already belongs to another cluster. Since the advertisement forwarding is limited to k hops, if a sensor does not receive a CH advertisement within time duration, it can infer that it is not within k hops of any cluster head and hence become a CH. In MOCA, the maximum time that a node should wait for CH advertisement messages is set to t(k) + δ, where t(k) is the time needed for a message to travel k hops and δ is the maximum time needed for any node to finish bootstrapping and start the clustering process.C. Clusters MembershipEach node maintains a table, CH_table , that stores information about the clusters it knows. Upon receiving a newCH_AD message, a node will add an entry in its CH_table . In case a similar message was received, the node will check the hop count, i.e. the HC field in the recent message, and will then update HC and prev fields in the corresponding entry in theCH_table if the recent message came over a shorter path. Often a message traveling the shortest path in terms of the number of hops would arrive first. However, delay may be suffered at theMAC or link layer. If CH_table contains more than one entry,this means that the node is a boundary node . For every entry in its CH_table , a node sends a join request(JREQ ) message to the CH in order become a member of the corresponding cluster. To limit the flooding, the message is unicasted using the field CH_table.prev . The JREQ message has the form [JREQ , RID , SID , CHID , nc , (CHID )0..nc ] where RID is the receiver node Id (i.e. CH_table.prev), SID is the Id ofthe node that will join the cluster, CHID is the Id of the CH node responsible for this cluster, nc is the number of clusters that this node can hear from them (|CH_table |), and (CHID )0..nc are 0 or more clusters that this node can hear from. Each cluster head maintains a list of all cluster members, a list of adjacent clusters, and a list of boundary nodes to reachthose clusters along with the maximum hop count to reach the adjacent cluster. There can be multiple boundary nodes between overlapping clusters. Moreover, a node can be a boundary node for more than two overlapping clusters. The CH node also will enforce a time-out for JREQ which is set in MOCA to c * t(k) + δ ; where c is a constant that depends on the MAC protocol,node density and the value p . A finite state machine for the MOCA protocol is given in Fig. 1. Analytical formulation for the convergence rate and complexity of MOCA can be found in [18].V.S IMULATION E XPERIMENTSWe have implemented the MOCA clustering algorithm using MATALB 6.1 release 12.1 and validated it using simulation. In this section, we discuss the experiment setup and results.A.Parameters, Objective and MetricsThere are four parameters used in our simulation:•Network size(n): the number of sensor nodes in the network. Since all the simulation experiments assume asquare area of side length l, changing the network sizewill implicitly change the node density in the network(µ = n/l2).•Cluster radius(k): the maximum path length, i.e. hop count, between any node in a cluster i and the clusterhead CH i.•Average node degree (ND): The degree of a node u is the number of nodes that are neighbors to u. Nodedegree is a function of the node transmission range (T r).Assuming that n sensor nodes are uniformlydistributed over a square field of side l, the probabilityP(ND) of a node u having degree ND obeys binomialdistribution with the probability Pr of being within thetransmission range T r of a node u equals π(T r / l)2 [19].For very large n, the binominal distribution convergesto a Poisson distribution with λ = n × Pr. Hence, therelation between ND and T r is given by:ND = n π (T r / l)2 = µπ T r2•The cluster head probability(p): Since each node decides randomly to be a cluster head with probabilityp, raising the value of p will increase the number ofclusters.To evaluate the performance of the MOCA clustering algorithm, we use the following performance metrics: •Percentage of Covered Nodes (CN): this metric tests if the generated clusters satisfy the coverage condition asdefined in subsection 3.2. CN is defined as thepercentage of nodes that are either cluster heads orwithin k-hops from a cluster head after the first wave ofCH advertisement is propagated though the network(i.e. after t(k) time units where t(k) is the time neededfor a message to be forwarded for k hops).•Average Overlapping Degree(AOD): This metric checks whether the generated clusters satisfy theoverlapping condition in as subsection 3.2. AOD isdefined as the average overlapping degree between anytwo overlapping clusters in the network. Assume that u,v are arbitrary cluster heads. Then the overlappingdegree between the two corresponding clusters is|Nk[u] ∩ Nk[v]|. We would like to note that theoverlapping degree is defined only for overlappingclusters.•Average Cluster Size(Nc): the average number of nodes per cluster is the average |Nk[u]| for an arbitrarycluster head u. We use this metric to show that MOCAgenerates nearly equal-sized clusters, which is adesirable property to balance the load of controloverhead between cluster head nodes.•Communication Overhead: This metric assesses the total energy spent in communication. Without loss ofgenerality, it is assumed that the cost of transmitting 1unit (byte) of data is 1 unit of energy. This is a validassumption since we assume that all the nodes have afixed transmission range.Our main goals behind the simulation experiments are: (1) to show that with the careful selection of input parameters (p, k, ND), the proposed clustering algorithm meets the conditions listed in subsection 3.2 with high probability; (2) to show that although we have overlapped clusters, MOCA still produces approximately equal-sized clusters; (3) to show that MOCA is scalable in terms of communication overhead. Since each of the above protocol parameters has a different effect on one of the performance metrics, we wanted to give a sensor network engineer a set of parameters to tune in order to achieve different design goals (e.g. minimize power consumption by varying the node transmission range, increase overlapping degree, reduce cluster size, increase inter-cluster connectivity, reduce number of clusters, etc.).B.Experiment Setup and ResultsAll experiments were performed over 150 different topologies representing different network sizes (n) ranging from 50 to 800 sensor nodes. The nodes were randomly placed according to a uniform distribution on a square area. For each topology, the transmission range of each node (T r) was varied in order to achieve different average node degree (ND) ranging from 7 to 21. In a wireless ad-hoc network with a uniform distribution of nodes, it has been shown that the average node degree should be at least 6 in order to guarantee global network connectivity [20]. Hence, we chose the minimum average node degree to be 7. We also assumed that all the CH nodes will finish bootstrapping and start transmitting CH_AD messages within 2 time units (i.e. we set δ to 2). In all experiments, the cluster radius (k) ranges from 1 to 5. The cluster head probability (p) was varied from 0.05 to 0.5. For each topology, since cluster heads are chosen randomly, we repeat the experiment 30 times, each time with a different random set of cluster head. We observed that with 95% confidence level, the simulation results stay within 2-6% of the sample mean. The error curves can be found in [18].We start by studying the effect of cluster head probability (p) on the percentage of covered nodes (CN). From Fig. 2, we can see that raising p increases the coverage almost exponentially with a boost in coverage for larger k. It is also clear that for each k, there is a minimum value for p that guarantees 100% coverage with high probability. We have observed similar effect when the node degree was changed [18]. Fig. 3 confirms the effectiveness of MOCA showing that almost no cluster will be isolated (orphaned) without being overlapped by some other clusters.Figure 2. Effect of cluster radius (k) on percentage of covered nodesFigure 3. Number of clusters that do not overlap with others Fig. 4 shows an interesting anomaly for the average overlapping degree between clusters. Although one may think that increasing p (i.e. increasing number of cluster heads) should increase the average overlapping degree (AOD), the results showed that p has no effect on AOD regardless of the values of other parameters (ND, k) and network size (n). The explanation is that higher values of p increases the number of clusters, and also the overlapping area between them, while at the same time increases the number of pair wise intersections between clusters. These two factors change with the same rate and hence the AOD stays constant. Such observation is furthervalidated analytically in [18].Figure 4. The cluster head probability (p) has no effect on the averageoverlapping degree (AOD)Figure 5. Effect of k on the average overlapping degree (AOD)As shown in Fig. 5, increasing the cluster radius (k) will increase the AOD almost quadratically. The AOD also appears to be proportional to ND (we have analytically shown it to a linear relation [18]). It is worth noting that for many applications, an AOD below 10 would suffice. For example in localization, an AOD of 3 is enough and in routing protocols having 10 gateway nodes between clusters is more than enough. It is clear that we can guarantee an AOD of more than 10 with high probability using small ND (i.e. low transmission range) and small cluster radius (k = 2).Figure 6. Average number of nodes per cluster (Nc) as k increasesFigure 7. The standard deviation of the average cluster size (Nc)Although the MOCA protocol generates overlapping cluster, the simulation results indicated that those clusters are nearly equal-sized that grows linearly with k (Fig. 6). Equal-sized clusters is a desirable property because it enables an even distribution of control (e.g., data processing, aggregation, storage load) over cluster heads; no cluster head is overburdened or underutilized. The standard deviation of average number of nodes per cluster is shown in Fig. 6. The figure shows very low standard deviation regardless of the values of ND and k. Moreover, the results show that the average cluster size can be controlled by tuning the average node degree (ND) or the cluster radius k.Figure 8. The impact of network size (n) on the communication overheadincurred per nodeFinally, we will show that MOCA is scalable in terms of communication overhead. We tested the MOCA protocol for different network size ranging from 50 to 800 nodes. Fig. 8 shows the overall communication overhead per node as network size increases. We can clearly see that the number of bytes transmitted by a node slowly increase as the network size increases from 100 to 400. Then it remains almost constant afterwards.VI.C ONCLUSIONMany applications of sensor networks involve large number of nodes. Grouping nodes into clusters and applying hierarchical management strategies are commonly pursued to achieve scalability. Most of the published clustering algorithms strive to form non-overlapping clusters that meet some additional objectives such as load balancing, minimizing communication energy, etc. In this paper, we have presented MOCA; a scalable randomized multi-hop clustering protocol for ad-hoc sensor networks. Unlike contemporary schemes, MOCA organizes the sensors into overlapping clusters. Having overlapping clusters is beneficial in node localization, ensuring inter-cluster connectivity, etc. Moreover, overlapped clusters can boost the network robustness against cluster head failure or compromise by facilitating and expediting the recovery of nodes which can join others alternate clusters.We have formulated the overlapping multi-hop clustering problem as extension to the k-dominating set problem and proposed a distributed heuristics in which nodes randomly nominates themselves as cluster head based on a preset probability. We validated MOCA in a simulated environment. The simulation results have shown that MOCA is scalable in terms of communication overhead and achieves high node coverage. The experiments have demonstrated that MOCA’s parameters, such as cluster radius, average node degree, and cluster head probability can be easily tuned to achieve the design goals with high probability.R EFERENCES[1]I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci, “Wireless sensor networks: a survey”, Computer Networks, Vol. 38, pp. 393-422, 2002. [2]C-Y. Chong and S.P. Kumar, “Sensor networks: Evolution, opportunities, and challenges,” Proceedings of the IEEE, 91(8), pp. 1247- 1256, 2003.[3]S. Basagni, “Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Ad-hoc Networks,” in the Proc. of the International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN), Fremantle, Australia, June 1999.[4]O. Younis and S. 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