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2016年,第31卷,第1期中文版上肢技巧质量量表在脑性瘫痪患儿上肢功能评定中的信度和效度*王军1陈静1朱登纳1袁俊英1牛国辉1孙二亮1程萍萍1摘要目的:评估中文版上肢技巧质量量表(quality of upper extremity skills test,QUEST)在痉挛型脑瘫患儿上肢功能评定中的信度和效度。
同时进行Peabody运动发育量表的精细运动部分(peabody developmental motor scale fine motor, PDMS-FM),精细运动能力(fine motor function measure scale,FMFM),分析PDMS-FM原始分、FMFM各区分数与中文版QUEST各分测试项原始分之间的相关性,评估量表的平行效度。
结果:中文版QUEST分测试项得分及总分具有优良的重测信度及评估者间信度(ICC值均>0.890),中文版QUEST 分测试项原始分与PDMS-FM、FMFM各区原始分间具有较好的平行效度(Pearson/Spearson秩相关系数分别为r1=0.563—0.816、r2=0.389—0.830)。
关键词上肢技巧质量评估量表;上肢功能评定;痉挛型;脑性瘫痪;信度;效度中图分类号:R742.3,R493文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-1242(2016)-01-0041-04Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the quality of upper extremity skills test on upper limb function of children with cerebral palsy/WANG Jun,CHEN Jing,ZHU Dengna,et al.//Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,2016,31(1):41—44AbstractObjective:To investigate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the quality of upper extremity skills test(QUEST)applying to measure the upper limb function in children with cerebral palsy.Method:English version QUEST was translated and improved into Chinese version.Seventy-five children with spastic cerebral palsy participated.All children accepted QUEST assessments,and the test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability data were collected.Peabody developmental motor scale fine motor(PDMS-FM)and fine motor function measure scale(FMFM)assessments were taken at the same time.The correlation between the PDMS-FM,FMFM original points and QUEST raw score of each domain were analysed.Result:Four domains scores and total of Chinese version QUEST have excellent test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability(ICC>0.890).The strong association between QUEST and PDMS-FM(Pearson/Spearson r1=0.563—0.816),and the correlation index with FMFM(Pearson/Spearson r2=0.389—0.830)was demonstrated.Conclusion:The study confirmed that the Chinese version QUEST has good reliability and validity.It can be the first assessment tool as the evaluation of upper limb movement in spastic cerebral palsy children.Author's address The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou,450052DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-1242.2016.01.009*基金项目:河南省医学科技攻关计划项目(201203053)1郑州大学第三附属医院小儿脑瘫康复中心,郑州,450052作者简介:王军,女,博士,教授;收稿日期:2015-05-2841Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine,Jan.2016,Vol.31,No.1痉挛型脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)是脑性瘫痪最常见的类型,约占60%—70%,该型儿童患侧肢体运动均受到不同程度的损害,其中上肢功能障碍表现为异常姿势、手腕和手指屈曲畸形及肘部伸展受限,这将进一步影响患儿日常生活能力,而上肢运动能力的丧失较下肢活动障碍对患儿影响更甚[1—4],但至今国内仍无一个专门针对上肢的评估量表。
Adult Chest(成人胸部) Peds Chest(小儿胸部) Ribs(肋骨) Sternum(胸骨)
C-Spine(颈椎) T-Spine(胸椎) L-Spine(腰椎)
Skull(颅骨) Sinus(鼻窦) Facial Bones(面骨) Nasal Bones(鼻骨) Mandible(下颌骨) Orbits(眼眶)Mastoids (乳突)
Abdomen(腹部) Pediatric Abdomen(小儿腹部)
5.Contrast Studies造影检查:
UGI(上消化道造影检查) BaE single contrast(钡剂单造影)BaE Air contrast(气-钡双对比造影)
IVP(静脉肾盂造影) IVP Hypertensive(压力性静脉肾盂造影) 6.Upper Extremity上肢:
Shoulder(肩关节) Clavicle(锁骨) AC joints(肩锁关节)Hurmerus(肱骨) Elbow(肘关节) Forearm(尺挠骨)
Wrist(腕关节) Hand(手) Finger/Thumb(手指/拇指)Scapula(肩胛骨)
7.Lower Extremity下肢:
Pelvis(骨盆) Sacrum(骶骨) SI joints(骶髂关节)Coccyx(尾骨) Hip(髋关节) Femur(股骨)
Knee(膝关节) Tiba-Fibula(胫腓骨) Ankle(踝关节)
Foot(足) Calcaneous(跟骨) Toe(趾)
论著Research Papers肿瘤患者PICC相关上肢无症状静脉血栓的临床调查研究罗蕾王国蓉郭琴苏畅李吟枫[摘要]目的:分析肿瘤患者PICC相关上肢无症状静脉血栓形成的临床特点,为血栓早期预防提供理论依据。
美东地区肿瘤协作组评分(OR=9.185, 95%CI4.770〜28.262,PV0.001)、静脉血液流速(OR=0・577,95%CI0.506〜0.858,P=0.002)与无症状血栓发生相关。
[关键词]肿瘤患者;PICC;导管相关性静脉血栓;无症状静脉血栓[中图分类号]R47[DOI]10.3969/j.issn.l672-1756.2021.01.007A clinical investigation ofPICC-related upper extremity asymptomatic venous thrombosis in cancer patients/LUO Lei,WANG Guorong,GUO Qin,SU Chang,LI Yinfeng//Department of Internal Medicine,Sichuan Cancer Hospital&Institute, School of Medicine,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu,610041,China III Chinese Nursing Management-2021,21(1):25-30[Abstract]Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics of PICC-related upper extremity asymptomatic venous thrombosis in cancer patients,and to provide theoretical basis for the early prevention of venous thrombosis.Methods:A total of127cancer patients with PICC catheterization from April2017to October2018were selected.Doppler ultrasound was used to examine the puncture point,2cm above the puncture point,10cm above the elbow fossa and armpit of the upper extremity on the side of the catheter.The examinations were before catheterization and on days2nd,7th,14th,21st,28th, 35th,and42nd after catheterization.Results:The incidence of asymptomatic venous thrombosis was48.82%and the median time of t hrombosis was3day.A total of81thrombosis were detected in62patients,of which deep vein thrombosis accounted for23.46%and superficial vein thrombosis accounted for76.54%.The rates of thrombus classification(I,II,III)were51.85%,37.04%,11.11%respectively.Logistic regression analysis showed that ECOG(OR=9.185,95%CI4.770-28.262,P<0.001),venous flow velocity(OR=0.577,95%CI0.506-0.85&P=0.002)were associated with the development of asymptomatic thrombosis.ROC curve analysis of the risk value of venous flow velocity was4.78cm/s(AUC is0.739,95%CI0.649-0.830).Ckmchision:The incidence of PICC-related asymptomatic thrombosis in cancer patients is high.It mostly occurs2-10cm above the puncture site.It is suggested that pre-catheterization screening and intervention measures should be conducted in high-risk population with low activity and venous flow rate<4.78cm/s to prevent the occurrence of a symptomatic venous thrombosis.[Keywords]cancer patients;PICC;catheter-related venous thrombosis;asymptomatic venous thrombosis基金项目:四川省卫生健康委科研项目(130225)作者单位:四川省肿瘤医院•研究所肿瘤内科,电子科技大学医学院,610041成都市(罗蕾,郭琴,苏畅);护理研究室(王国蓉儿护理部(李吟枫)作者简介:罗蕾,硕士,副主任护师,总护士长通信作者:王国蓉,博士,主任护师,硕士生导师,护理研究室主任,E-mail:553999838@国的启示.中华现代护理杂志,2018,24(30):3714.[17]Brandao MP,Martins L,Philp I,et al.Reliability and validity of the EASYCare-2010Standard to assess elderly people inPortuguese Primary Health Care.AtenPrimaria,2017,49(10):576-585.[18]Udo C,Svenningsson I,Bjorkelund C,et al.An interview study of the care managerfunction:opening the door to continuity ofcare for patients with depression in primarycare.Nursing Open,2019,6(1):112-116.[收稿日期:2020-02-11][修回日期:2020-07-30](编辑:孙蓊英文编辑:林可可)论著Research Papers美国输液护士协会(Infusion Nurses Society,INS)在2016年版的临床实践指南m中指出,PICC是经过外周静脉穿刺置入的中心静脉导管,尖端位于上腔静脉与右心房的交接处。
上肢静脉血栓诊疗指南一、概述上肢静脉血栓(Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis, UEDVT)是指血液在四肢静脉中形成血栓,常见于上肢。
体格检查1. 观察患肢的色泽、温度、湿度,检查患肢的肿胀程度。
2. 触诊患肢的浅静脉,观察其怒张、触痛、硬度等情况。
3. 评估患肢的活动度和功能。
辅助检查1. 超声检查:彩色多普勒超声检查是诊断上肢静脉血栓的首选方法,可显示静脉内血栓的部位、范围、性质等。
2. 放射性核素静脉显像:可显示静脉内的血栓。
3. 磁共振静脉成像(MRV):显示静脉及其内血栓的情况。
4. 静脉造影:在必要时进行,可显示静脉病变的详细情况。
四、预防上肢静脉血栓的预防措施包括:1. 避免长时间久坐、久站,定期活动四肢,促进血液循环。
AC2215/95Compact 2-Way Loudspeaker with 1 x 15" LFKey Features:᭤90°x 50°Coverage.᭤PT™ Progressive Transition™Waveguide for excellent pattern control with low distortion.᭤Bi-Amp/Passive Switchable.᭤Optional U-Bracket for easy installation (see AE Series Bracket Guide).Applications:᭤Small performing arts facilities ᭤Houses of worship᭤Theatrical sound design ᭤Auditoriums ᭤Sports facilities᭤Themed entertainment venues᭤Delay/fill locations of larger systems AC2215/95 is a compact 2-way full-range loudspeaker system comprised of one 380 mm (15 in) low frequency driver and one 38 mm (1.5 in) exit/25mm (1 in) voice-coil compression driver. The PT Progressive Transition waveguide provides 90°by 50°cover-age. High-slope passive crossovers min-imize band overlap and well-controlled off-axis response enhances arrayability. The cabinet is fitted with M10threaded suspension points. Optional U-bracket is available for easy installation.AC2215/95 is part of JBL’s AE Application Engineered Series, aversatile family of loudspeakers for a wide variety of fixed installation applications.Specifications:System:Frequency Range 1(-10 dB):42 Hz – 19 kHz Frequency Response 1(±3 dB):50 Hz – 17 kHz Coverage Pattern:90°x 50°Directivity Factor (Q):8.9Directivity Index (DI):9.5 dBCrossover Modes:Bi-amp/Passive switchablePassive Crossover Slopes 2:4th order (24 dB/oct) Linkwitz-Riley HP & LP, 2.2 kHz Transducer Power Rating (AES)3:LF: 275 W (1100 W peak), 2 hrs250 W (1000 W peak), 100 hrs HF:30 W (120 W peak), 2 hrsLong-Term System Power Rating (IEC)4:Passive mode: 250 W (1000 W peak), 100 hrsMaximum SPL 5:Bi-amp mode:LF: 121 dB-SPL cont avg (127 dB peak)HF: 127 dB-SPL cont avg (133 dB peak)Passive mode:121 dB-SPL cont avg (127 dB peak)System Sensitivity 6(1W @ 1m):Passive mode: 97 dB SPLTransducers:Low Frequency Driver: 1 x JBL M115-8A 380 mm (15 in) driver with 63 mm (2.5 in) voice coil Nominal Impedance:8 ohmsSensitivity 6(1W @ 1m, within operational band):97 dB SPLHigh Frequency Driver:JBL 2412H compression driver, 25 mm (1 in) voice coil Nominal Impedance:8 ohms Sensitivity (1W @ 1m):112 dB SPLWaveguide:PT-F95HF-1Physical:Enclosure:Trapezoidal with 15 degree side angles, 16 mm exterior grade11-ply Finnish birch plywoodSuspension Attachment:15 points (4 top, 4 bottom, 2 each side, 3 rear), M10 threadedhardwareFinish:Black DuraFlex™ finish. White available upon request.Grille:Powder coated 14 gauge perforated steel, with acoustically trans-parent black foam backing.Input Connector:NL4 Neutrik Speakon ®and CE-compliant covered barrier stripterminals. Barrier terminals accept up to 5.2 sq mm (10 AWG)wire or max width 9 mm (.375 in) spade lugs. Speakon in paral-lel with barrier strip for loop-through.Environmental Specifications:Mil-Std 810; IP-x3 per IEC529.Dimensions (H x W x D): 637 x 422 x 504 mm(25.1 x 16.6 x 19.9 in)Net Weight:23.6 kg (52 lb)Optional Accessories: M10 x 35 mm forged shoulder eyebolts with washersU-Bracket MTU-2Bi-amp mode, with recommended active tuning.Resultant engineered acoustical response of crossover network and components. AES standard, one decade pink noise with 6 dB crest factor within device's operational band, free air. Standard AES 2 hr rating plus long-term 100 hr rating are specified for low-frequency transducers.IEC standard, full bandwidth pink noise with 6 dB crest factor, 100 hours.Calculated based on power rating and sensitivity, exclusive of power compression.Anechoic sensitivity in free field, no additional sensitivity gain from boundary loading.JBL continually engages in research related to product improvement. Changes introduced into existing products without noticeare an expression of that philosophy.᭤AC2215/95 Compact 2-Way Loudspeaker with 1 x 15" LFHorizontal 1/3 Octave PolarsSS AC2215/95CRP 10M 7/02᭤AC2215/95 Compact 2-Way Loudspeaker with 1 x 15" LFVertical 1/3 Octave PolarsJBL Professional8500 Balboa Boulevard, P.O. Box 2200Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A.©Copyright 2002 JBL ProfessionalAHarman International Company。
方法对在门诊及住院的60例血液透析患者已经确诊未出现不安腿综合症患者,应用美国生产的数字震动感觉阈值检查仪Sensiometer A检测周围神经的震动阈值,自身上肢作为对照,数据以x±s表示,组间比较采用t 检验。
【关键词】血液透析不安腿综合征数字震动感觉阈值【中图分类号】R692.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085(2013)32-0088-02【Abstract】object Investigate the the digital vibration perception threshold checks chronic renal insufficiency in hemodialysis patients with peripheral neuropathy screening clinical value. Method Vibration perception thresholds the tester Sensiometer A detection of peripheral nerve vibration threshold does not appear in patients with restless legs syndrome has been diagnosed in the outpatient and inpatient 60 hemodialysis patients, the application of the figures produced by the United States, Own upper limb as control, data x ± s, said the groups were compared using the t-test. Result Show All patients were peripheral neuropathy, symmetric, lower extremity involvement than the upper limb significantly. Conclusion Digital vibration perception threshold check can be diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency in hemodialysis patients with peripheral neuropathy, clinically as an early screening of hemodialysis patients with restless legs comprehensive independent non-invasive basis.【key words】Hemodialysis Restless Leg Syndrome Digital vibration perception threshold周围神经病变是尿毒症及糖尿病常见的并发症之一,周围神经病变是由感觉丧失,肌肉无力与萎缩,腱反射的减退以及血管运动症状,单独地或以任何组合方式形成的综合征。
比较两组患者肱二头肌,三角肌前、中束,肱三头肌表面肌电均方根(Root Mean Square, RMS)值,干预前、干预1个月和干预3个月后国际合作共济失调量表(International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale, ICARS)、上田氏协调试验及改良Barthel指数得分变化,统计两组患者干预过程中Fugl-Meyer上肢运动功能评分(Fugl-Meyer As⁃sessment of Upper Extremity, FMA-UE)变化情况。
Coarctation of the AortaJo Ann Nieves, MSN, ARNP, CPN, PNP-BCNurse Practitioner, Adult Congenital Heart ProgramMiami Children’s HospitalMiami, FloridaDiana Arias, MSN, ARNP, FNP-C, CPNClinical Specialist, Cardiac Intensive Care UnitMiami Childre n’s HospitalMiami, FloridaI. EmbryologyA. Affects 5% to 8% of all newborns with congenital heart diseaseB. Occurs during the 6th to 8th week of gestation1. Cause of Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA) is unknown. Two theories (Beekman, 2008):a. Ductus Tissue Theory - Postnatal constriction of aberrant ductal tissueb. Hemodynamic Theory - Intrauterine alterations of blood flow through theaortic archII. Abnormal developmentA.Deformity of the aortic isthmus (where the ductus arteriosus joins the descending aorta) –characterized by narrowing of the proximal aorta or distal to the left subclavian artery. (Moon, 2011).1. Localized stenosis - a shelf-like infolding of the posterior aortic wall into the aorticlumen opposite, proximal and/or distal to the ductus arteriosus (Kaemmerer, 2011)2.Long hypoplastic segment- a tubular hypoplasia involving the aortic arch or the aortadistal to the origin of the left subclavian artery and the ductal area (Kaemmerer, 2011)Coarctation at aortic isthmus Illustrations reprinted from PedHeart Resource. .© Scientific Software Solutions, 2010. All rights reserved.B. Simple CoA - coarctation in the absence of other lesionsC. Complex CoA1. Include intracardiac and/or extracardiac lesions (Kaemmerer, 2011):a.Bicuspid Aortic valve – occurs in nearly 85%, the valve may be stenotic orthe annulus hypoplasticb.Ventricular septal defectc.Transposition of the great arteriesd.Noncardiac anomaly- aneurysm of circle of Willis in 3% to 5%D. Genetic component1. Turner XO syndrome- 35% of patients affectedIII. PhysiologyA.Left ventricular hypertension- narrowing of the aorta causes increased resistance to leftventricular outflow therefore elevating systolic pressure1. Upper extremity hypertension2. Lower extremity BP lower than the upper body BP3. “Gradient” is the difference between higher upper body & decreased lower body BP4. Fully oxygenated arterial blood – unless other lesions are presenta.Closure of foramen ovale & ductus arteriosus after birth causes entire cardiacoutput to flow through the stenotic aortic segment (Beekman, 2008)IV. Clinical Features:A. Cardinal features (Kaemmerer, 2011)1.Upper body hypertension; weak, delayed femoral pulses; a decrease in blood pressurebetween upper and lower extremities; palpable collateral arteries over the medialaspect of the scapulae, the lateral chest wall, and between the ribs2. Thrill- suprasternal notch or neck vessels3. Heave- no displaced heart soundB. Infant1. In severe CoA of the newborn, survival depends on patency of the ductus arteroisusa.When ductus arteriosus closes (approximately 8 to 10 days of life) the patientdevelops shock & heart failure. Metabolic disturbances, hypothermia,hypoglycemia can occur as well.b.Resulting in lower body & renal hypoperfusion, renal failure and/ornecrotizing enterocolitis (Beekman, 2008)C. Child or adolescent1. Upper extremity hypertensiona. Widened pulse pressure as patient gets olderb. Variability of Right and Left Arm pressures, dependent on location of CoA inrelation to the left & right subclavian artery2. Murmursa.Grade 2/6 to 3/6 systolic ejection murmur at the upper left sternal border, atthe base & left interscapular space (Beekman, 2008)D. Adults1.Patients typically diagnosed & treated earlier in life, but may rarely present withupper extremity hypertension as an adult with a native CoA (Daniels, 2008)V. Medical/surgical interventionsA. Diagnosis: most often via clinical exam, echocardiogram, and chest x-ray, MRI or CT1.Diagnostic cardiac catheterization (Beekman, 2008)a.With complex anatomy and hemodynamics, of associated lesionsb. With additional clinical questionsB. Treatment & Timing: Individualized to lesion, associated conditions1.Infant:a.If severe: signs occur in first hours of life(1) Immediate intervention required(2)Medical – initial stabilization, inotropic support(3)Prostaglandin E1 IVMaintain open ductus arteriosusAllows for flow from RV to enter MPA, cross the ductus,enter the aorta, and perfuse the descending aorta, renal andmesenteric arteriesb. Surgical CoA repair(1) Individualized to anatomy of CoA(2)Plan to include treatment of any additional cardiac defects2.Child, Adolescenta.Repair at 2 to 3 years of ageb.Upon diagnosisC. Surgery -4 Common types of repair- regardless of technique, usually performed via a left thoracotomy incision1. End-to-end anastomosis– 1954 by Crawford and Nylin (See illustration below)a. Surgical treatment of choice in most centersb. Excision of CoA area, circumferential anastomosis is completed withinterrupted sutures anteriorly (Beekman)Ductal SegmentEnd-to-End Anastomosis with removal of Ductal SegmentIllustrations reprinted from PedHeart Resource. .© Scientific Software Solutions, 2010. All rights reserved.2. Left subclavian flap – 1966 by Waldhausen and Nahrwold (Beekman, 2008)a. Ligate left subclavian artery, open the proximal subclavian artery andbeyond the CoAb. Fold subclavian artery flap down over the CoA section and sutureinto placeSubclavian arteryFlapCoarctation Repair with Left Subclavian FlapIllustrations reprinted from PedHeart Resource. .© Scientific Software Solutions, 2010. All rights reserved.3. Prosthetic patch aortoplasty- 1961 by Vosschulte (Beekman, 2008)a. Longitudinal incision is made across the CoAb. Area enlarged with a Dacron or Gore-tex patch4. Bypass graft – a tube is sewn in between ascending and descending thoracic aortaD. Outcomes1. Mortality rates vary on patient age and associated lesions (Kaemmerer, 2011)a. Simple CoA- Less than 1% mortalityb. Age 2 to 5- best age to electively operate due to low surgical riskc. Death rates strongly related to complexity of lesionsd. After age 30 or 40- intraoperative mortality rate increases due to degenerativechanges to the aortic wall.2. Morbiditya. Post op –potential paradoxical hypertension, spinal cord ischemia & paralysis,recurrent laryngeal or phrenic nerve injury, chylothorax, bleeding, infectionE. Significant long term issues: See Section VII BVI. Cardiac Catheterization: Interventional (Beekman, 2008)A. Balloon angioplasty began 1982,1. Initially accepted for treatment of re-coarctaton2. Not completely accepted for treating primary CoA3. Balloon Angioplasty – enlarges CoA lumen, produces linear intimal andmedial tears at the CoA siteBalloon Angioplasty with Implantation of StentIllustrations reprinted from PedHeart Resource. .© Scientific Software Solutions, 2010. All rights reserved.4. Risk: Aneurysm from extension to adventitiaB. Stent implantation following CoA angioplasty (See illustration above)1. Endovascular buttress, supports dilated aortic segment2. Restenosis uncommon3. Redilatation may be needed as child growsC. Outcomes:1. Mortality- rare beyond newborn perioda. Higher rate has been reported for angioplasty for recurrent post op CoA versusnative CoA2. Acute complications (Beekman, 2008)a. Femoral artery injury and thrombosis- common in infants younger than 12monthsb. Femoral artery hemorrhagec. Cerebrovascular accident3.Long-term problemsa.Coronary artery stenosisb.Dilation of neo-aortic rootc.Aortic valve regurgitationVII. Long TermA. Excellent prognosis for normal growth, development when lesion successfullyrepaired in childhood (Beekman, 2008)B. Potential complications and risks1. May occur after all forms of repairs (Kaemmerer, 2011)2. Residual CoA – presence of gradient in aorta after repair3. Recurrent CoA– development of restenosis, gradient in aorta after an initiallysuccessful repaira. 8% to 54% (Daniels, 2008)b. Recoarctation- aortic isthmus and/or aortic archd.May cause systemic hypertension, heart failure, left ventricular wall mass,coronary artery disease4. Systemic arterial hypertensiona. At rest or during exercise (Kaemmerer, 2011)b. Related to re-coarctation, structural changes in the wall of vessels, reducedbaroreceptor sensitivity, changes in renin-angiotensin system, elevatedplasma levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine, or coexistence of essential hypertensionc. Higher risk of residual hypertension & early atherosclerotic disease if repairsoccur late in childhood and adolescence (Maron, 1973)d. Systolic hypertension may occur during dynamic exercise (Beekman, 2008)5. Coronary artery disease6. Progression valve disease, bicuspid aortic valve or mitral valve (Daniels, 2008a)a. Bicuspid aortic valve can progress to stenosis (59-81%) or regurgitation (13-22%) (Sabet, 1999)7. Aortic aneurysm at the site of CoA, ascending or descending aortaa. Highest after prosthetic patch aortoplastyb. Risk rupture (Kaemmerer, 2011) – dangerous, life threatening8. Other vascular problems: Aortic dissection, intracranial hemorrhage (may berelated to berry aneurysms in circle of Willis) (Beekman, 2008)9. Long term concerns may be greatly affected by associated cardiac lesions10. Left shoulder elevation- seen in adults due to left lateral thoracotomy11. Left arm – decreased pulse/ BP if surgery used left subclavian artery patch12. Sudden death (Daniels, 2008)13. Bacterial endocarditisa. Antibiotic prophylaxis prior to dental procedures no longer required byAmerican Heart Association, 2007b. Should seek additional information regarding status of other lesionsVIII. Adults with CoA repair: Routine cardiology careA. Annual visits: Complex congenital heart disease classification (Kaemmerer, 2011)1. Clinical evaluationa. Documentation of type of CoA repair is importantb. Monitor blood pressuresc. Assessment NOTE: Using four extremities BP needed(1)Monitor for upper body hypertension, weak femoral pulses, gradientbetween upper and lower body BP(2)If left subclavian artery u sed as part of repair, BP’s will be LOWERin the left arm (avoid use of arterial line here)(3)If aberrant subclavian artery present – must consider use of left armto obtain a BP which is proximal to CoA repaird. Electrocardiograme. Transthoracic echof. Cardiac magnetic resonance (MRI) or CT(1)Surveillance aorta for potential aneurysms, status of aortic repair,valvesg. Exercise test: Surveillance for exercise induced hypertensionh. Monitor new or different type headache(1) May be sign of possible cerebral aneurysmi. Monitor cholesterol; avoid obesity & smoking(1) Minimize additional risk for coronary artery disease)j. Education(1)Assess knowledge, review condition, life long care needs(Resources: American Heart Association (),Adult Congenital Heart Association ()(2)Pregnancy information website:/B. Care during pregnancy (Refer to problem section on pregnancy in adults with CHD1. Recommendationsa. Consultation: Adult congenital heart cardiologist before pregnancyb. Multidisciplinary observation by experienced cardiologist during pregnancy, labor, delivery and for period of time post-partumc. Highest risks(1)Unrepaired CoA, arterial hypertension, residual CoA, aneurysm(Kaemmerer, 2011)References:Beekman RH. Coarctation of the Aorta. In Allen HD, Clark EB, Gutgesell HP, Driscoll D.J. Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children’ and Adolescents, 6th Ed, Philadelphia, 2001, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (p. 987-1005).Bromberg BI, Beekman RH, Rocchini AP, et al. Aortic aneurysm after patch aortoplasty repair of coarctation: A prospective analysis of prevalence, screening tests and risks. J Am Coll Cardiol 14:734-741, 1989.Daniesl CJ. The Adolesent and adult with congenial heart disease. In Allen HD, Clark EB, Gutgesell HP, Driscoll D.J. Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children’ and Adolescents, 6th Ed, Philadelphia, 2008, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (p. 1370-1397).Daniesl CJ. (a) Adult congenial heart disease: Lesion specific pathways. In Allen HD, Clark EB, Gutgesell HP, Driscoll D.J. Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children’ and Adolescents, 6th Ed, Philadelphia, 2008a, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (p. 1427-1430).Illustrations reprinted from PedHeart Resource. . © ScientificSoftware Solutions, 2010. All rights reserved.Kaemmerer H. Aortic coarctation and interrupted aortic arch. In Gatzoulis MA, Webb GD, Daubeney PEF. Diagnosis and Management of Adult congenital Heart Disease, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia , 2011, Elsevier (p. 261-270).Maron BJ, Humphries JO, Rowe RD, et al. Prognosis of surgically corrected coarctation of the aorta: A 20 year post-operative appraisal. Circulation 47:119-126, 1973.Sabet HY, Edwards WD, Tazelaar HD, Daly RC. Congenitally bicuspid aortic valves: A surgical pathology study of 542 cases (1991 through 1996) and a literature review of 2715 additional cases. Mayo Clinic Proc 74:14-26, 1999.8/2011Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe inyourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。
提高普外二科患者上肢深静脉血栓预防措施的落实率PDC记录表背景近年来,普外二科患者上肢深静脉血栓(Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis,UEDVT)的发病率有逐年上升的趋势。
UEDVT 不仅会给患者带来较大的疼痛和不适,还可能导致肺栓塞等严重并发症。
目标本记录表的目标是提高普外二科患者上肢深静脉血栓预防措施的落实率(Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Upper Extremity,PDC)。
记录内容1. 患者基本信息:- 患者姓名:- 年龄:- 性别:- 入院日期:- 出院日期:2. 风险评估:- 是否进行了UEDVT风险评估(是/否):- 风险评估工具(若执行):3. 预防措施落实情况:- 医嘱是否明确规定了UEDVT预防措施(是/否):- 使用抗凝药物预防的方案(若使用):- 是否进行了机械性预防(如弹力袜、肢体活动等):- 预防措施的持续时间(天):- 其他预防措施(若有):4. 问题记录:- 如果存在预防措施未落实或不足的情况,请描述具体问题:5. 改进措施:- 针对问题记录的改进方案:6. 审核记录:- 记录表的填写人:- 填写时间:- 审核人:- 审核时间:使用说明1. 填写本记录表时,请务必填写患者的真实信息。
2. 风险评估工具可根据具体科室的标准选择相应的评估工具。
3. 如果存在多个患者,可以以表格形式依次填写每个患者的信息。
4. 填写问题记录时,请详细描述问题的具体情况,例如未执行的原因、未执行的具体预防措施等。
5. 填写改进措施时,可根据问题记录提出相应的改进方案,例如加强宣教、完善医嘱规定等。
6. 填写审核记录时,请填写记录表的填写人、填写时间、审核人和审核时间。
平山病的诊治进展郭剑;陈逊文;曹正霖【摘要】平山病为临床非常少见的一种良性自限性疾病,是一种与曲颈运动有关的颈髓病变.典型表现为:局限性上肢远端、手指及腕无力,伴远端肌肉萎缩、寒冷麻痹和手指伸展时束颤,肌电图表现为神经源性损害.在临床上与运动神经元病肌萎缩侧索硬化及脊髓进行性肌萎缩表现相似而预后截然不同,主要是男性青少年发病.【期刊名称】《海南医学》【年(卷),期】2010(021)014【总页数】3页(P129-131)【关键词】平山病;良性自限性疾病;屈性颈髓病;诊治【作者】郭剑;陈逊文;曹正霖【作者单位】广州中医药大学附属佛山市中医院骨一科,广东佛山,528000;广州中医药大学附属佛山市中医院骨一科,广东佛山,528000;广州中医药大学附属佛山市中医院骨一科,广东佛山,528000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R685平山病(Hirayama disease,HD)最早是由日本学者平山慧造(Keizo Hirayama)等[1]在 1959年首先报道的一种良性自限性运动神经元疾病,主要特征为单侧前臂尺侧肌萎缩,故又称青少年上肢远端肌肉萎缩(Juvenile muscular atrophy of thedistal upper extremity)。
目前,全球报道不超过 1 500例,其中,相当大一部分在日本、亚洲其他国家及欧美等国家[2],散在发病,罕见家族史[3]。
患者病后 1-5年病情开始稳定,但极少数患者肌肉萎缩仍缓慢进展。
随着世界医疗技术的不断提高,尤其影像学及辅助检查的广泛应用,我国对此病的报道随之增多,此病临床上与运动神经元病相似,但预后不同,故提高对此病的诊断和治疗是非常必要的,现就此病的诊治等介绍如下:1 临床表现典型的临床表现为一侧上肢远端肌肉萎缩、无力。