Prediction and optimization of process parameter of friction stir welded AA5083- H111 aluminum
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starccm对流换热系数STAR-CCM+ is a powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software that is widely used for simulating heat transfer and fluid flow in various engineering applications. One of the key parameters in these simulations is the convective heat transfer coefficient, which plays a crucial role in determining the rate of heat transfer between asolid surface and a fluid. However, accurately predicting the convective heat transfer coefficient can be a challenging task due to the complex nature of fluid flowand heat transfer phenomena. In this response, I will discuss the challenges associated with predictingconvective heat transfer coefficients in STAR-CCM+ simulations and explore potential strategies to improve the accuracy of these predictions.One of the main challenges in predicting convectiveheat transfer coefficients in STAR-CCM+ simulations is the accurate modeling of turbulent flow. Turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic and irregular motion of fluidparticles, which significantly influences the heat transfer characteristics of the flow. In many engineering applications, such as automotive aerodynamics or industrial heat exchangers, the flow is often turbulent, making it essential to accurately capture the turbulent effects on heat transfer. STAR-CCM+ offers various turbulence models, such as the k-epsilon and SST (Shear Stress Transport) models, to simulate turbulent flow and predict convective heat transfer coefficients. However, selecting the most appropriate turbulence model for a specific application and ensuring its accurate implementation can be a non-trivial task.Another challenge in predicting convective heattransfer coefficients is the accurate representation of the solid-fluid interface. In many heat transfer applications, such as cooling of electronic components or heat exchanger design, the heat transfer occurs at the interface between a solid surface and a fluid. The accurate prediction of convective heat transfer coefficients requires a precise representation of the thermal boundary layer at the solid-fluid interface, as well as the effects of surfaceroughness, wall curvature, and other geometric complexities. STAR-CCM+ provides advanced meshing capabilities and boundary condition settings to capture the solid-fluid interface with high fidelity, but achieving an accurate representation of the interface still requires careful attention to mesh quality and boundary condition specifications.Furthermore, the accuracy of convective heat transfer coefficient predictions in STAR-CCM+ simulations can be influenced by the choice of numerical discretization schemes and solution algorithms. The numericaldiscretization schemes, such as finite volume or finite element methods, and solution algorithms, such as pressure-velocity coupling and turbulence modeling, can have a significant impact on the accuracy and convergence of heat transfer simulations. Selecting appropriate discretization schemes and solution algorithms, as well as optimizingtheir settings for a specific problem, is crucial for obtaining reliable predictions of convective heat transfer coefficients.In addition to the technical challenges, theavailability and quality of experimental data forvalidating convective heat transfer coefficient predictions in STAR-CCM+ simulations can also pose difficulties. While there are well-established correlations and empirical relationships for convective heat transfer in simple geometries and flow conditions, many engineering applications involve complex geometries and flow regimesfor which experimental data may be limited or non-existent. Validating the accuracy of convective heat transfer coefficient predictions in such cases can be challenging, and may require additional efforts such as conducting targeted experiments or comparing with similar validated simulations.Despite these challenges, there are several strategies that can be employed to improve the accuracy of convective heat transfer coefficient predictions in STAR-CCM+ simulations. First, conducting sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of turbulence models, mesh resolution, and boundary conditions on the predicted heat transfer coefficients can help identify the most influential factorsand guide the selection of appropriate modeling approaches. Additionally, leveraging the capabilities of STAR-CCM+ for uncertainty quantification and optimization can enable the exploration of a wide range of input parameters and model settings to identify the most accurate and robust predictions of convective heat transfer coefficients.Moreover, utilizing advanced post-processing and visualization tools in STAR-CCM+ can facilitate the interpretation and analysis of simulation results, allowing for a deeper understanding of the underlying flow and heat transfer physics. Visualizing the flow field, temperature distribution, and heat transfer coefficients in 2D and 3D representations can provide valuable insights into the behavior of convective heat transfer and help identify areas for improvement in the simulation setup or modeling assumptions. Furthermore, leveraging the capabilities of STAR-CCM+ for coupled simulations, such as fluid-structure interaction or conjugate heat transfer, can enable a more comprehensive and realistic representation of heat transfer phenomena, leading to more accurate predictions of convective heat transfer coefficients.In conclusion, predicting convective heat transfer coefficients in STAR-CCM+ simulations presents several challenges related to turbulent flow modeling, solid-fluid interface representation, numerical discretization and solution algorithms, as well as the availability of experimental validation data. However, by carefully addressing these challenges and leveraging the advanced capabilities of STAR-CCM+ for sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, advanced visualization, and coupled simulations, it is possible to improve the accuracy of convective heat transfer coefficient predictions and obtain reliable insights into the heat transfer behavior in complex engineering applications.。
dft计算在燃料电池中的应用英文回答:DFT (Density Functional Theory) is a powerful computational method used in various fields of science and engineering, including the study of fuel cells. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of a fuel, such as hydrogen, into electrical energy. Understanding the behavior of fuel cell materials at the atomic level is crucial for improving their efficiency and performance.One of the key applications of DFT in fuel cell research is the prediction and optimization of catalyst materials. Catalysts play a critical role in fuel cell reactions by facilitating the electrochemical reactionsthat occur at the electrodes. DFT calculations can be used to investigate the electronic structure and reactivity of different catalyst materials, providing insights into their catalytic activity and selectivity. By analyzing the energyprofiles of the reaction pathways, researchers can identify the most promising catalysts for specific fuel cell reactions.Another important application of DFT in fuel cell research is the study of fuel cell membranes. Membranes are essential components of fuel cells as they separate thefuel and oxidant streams while allowing the transport ofions necessary for the electrochemical reactions. DFT calculations can be used to understand the transport properties of different membrane materials, such as proton conductivity and oxygen permeability. This information can guide the development of new membrane materials with improved performance and durability.Furthermore, DFT can also be used to investigate the interactions between fuel cell materials and impurities or contaminants. For example, DFT calculations can be employed to study the adsorption of carbon monoxide (CO) on the catalyst surface, a common impurity in fuel cell feedstocks. By understanding the adsorption behavior of CO, researchers can design catalyst materials that are more resistant topoisoning and improve the overall stability and longevity of the fuel cell system.In summary, DFT calculations have a wide range of applications in fuel cell research, including catalyst design, membrane optimization, and understanding material interactions. By providing atomic-level insights into the properties and behavior of fuel cell materials, DFT can contribute to the development of more efficient and durable fuel cell systems.中文回答:DFT(密度泛函理论)是一种在科学和工程的各个领域中广泛应用的强大计算方法,包括燃料电池的研究。
1. The first step in the design of the electric drive system is to determine the performance indicators and requirements of the system.2.确定系统用途和工作环境,例如车辆、机械设备或工业生产线。
2. Determine the purpose and working environment of the system, such as vehicles, mechanical equipment, or industrial production lines.3.对于不同的应用领域,需要选择不同类型的电机和控制器。
3. Different types of motors and controllers need to be selected for different applications.4.根据功率需求和效率要求选择合适的电机类型,比如直流电机、异步电机或同步电机。
4. Choose the appropriate type of motor, such as DC motor, asynchronous motor, or synchronous motor, according to the power requirements and efficiency requirements.5.确定驱动系统的控制方式,可以是开环控制、闭环控制或者矢量控制。
5. Determine the control mode of the drive system, which can be open-loop control, closed-loop control, or vector control.6.设计电机的机械部分,包括轴承、结构和散热系统。
1.Reliability Engineering Handbook(Volume1)–Dimitri Kececioglu2.Reliability Engineering Handbook(Volume2)–Dimitri Kececioglu3.Reliability&Life Testing Handbook,Volume1–Dimitri Kececioglu4.Reliability&Life Testing Handbook,Volume2–Dimitri Kececioglu5.Robust Engineering Design-By-Reliability with EMphasis on MEchanical Components and Structural Reliability,Vol.1–Dimitri Kececioglu6.Environmental Stress Screening:Its Quantification,Optimization and Management–Dimitri Kececioglu7.The New Weibull Handbook Fifth Edition,Reliability and Statistical Analysis for Predicting Life,Safety,Supportability,Risk,Cost and Warranty Claims8.Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices9.Software Reliability:Measurement,Prediction,Application10.Software Reliability Engineering:More Reliable Software Faster and Cheaper2nd Edition11.Automotive Electronics Reliability(Progress in Technology)12.Applied Reliability–Third edition13.Achieving System Reliability Growth Through Robust Design and Test14.电子元器件应用手册(参考书)15.轨道列车可靠性、可用性、维修性和安全性16.动车组结构可靠性与动力学17.可靠性工程与管理实践–怎样提高产品可靠性18.疲劳强度设计19.统计学–科学与工程应用20.概率统计21.可靠性设计大全22.风力机可靠性工程23.耐热钢持久性能的统计分析及可靠性预测24.故障诊断、预测与系统健康管理(培训课时看过)25.现代机械工程设计–全寿命周期性能与可靠性26.系统可靠性设计与分析27.可靠性与维修性工程概论28.可靠性工程数学29.结构可靠性理论与应用30.电子元器件可靠性设计31.产品可靠性、维修性及保障性手册32.数控机床性能分析及可靠性设计技术33.液压系统可靠性工程34.可靠性数据分析教程(看过)35.漫画玩转统计学36.软件可靠性工程37.高可靠性航空产品试验技术38.系统可靠性评定方法研究39.空间运载器的可靠性保证40.机械系统设计初期的可靠性模糊预计与分配41.MEMS可靠性42.高加速寿命试验与高加速应力筛选(此书翻译质量较差,建议大家不要购买)43.Accelerated Reliability Engineering—HALT and HASS44.Contributions to Hardware and Software Reliability45.Sensor Performance and Reliability46.Reliability Toolkit:Commercial Practices Edition–A Practical Guide for Commercial Products and Military Systems Under Acquisition Reform(已阅读)47.Engineering Design Reliability Handbook48.Reliability Improvement with Design of Experiment,Second Edition49.Design for Reliability(Quality and Reliability Engineering Series)50.Reliability Data Analysis With Excel and Minitab51.Effective FMEAs:Achieving Safe,Reliable,and Economical Products and Processes using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis52.Global Vehicle Reliability:Prediction and Optimization Techniques(已阅读)53.电子封装技术丛书:电子封装技术与可靠性54.大功率电站汽轮机寿命预测与可靠性设计55.汽车可靠性工程基础56.航天器机构及其可靠性57.腐蚀试验方法及监测技术(已阅读)58.机械可靠性:理论·方法·应用59.大容量电站锅炉可靠性与寿命的设计及评定60.普通高等教育十五国家级规划教材:汽车可靠性技术61.Accelerated Reliability and Durability Testing Technology62.Design and Analysis of Accelerated Tests for Mission Critical Reliabilitypressors:How to Achieve High Reliability&Availability64.Product Warranty Handbook65.Electronic Derating for Optimum Performance66.Automotive Electronics Reliability,Volume267.Vibration Spectrum Analysis68.可靠性工程(第2版)69.现代机械设计手册·单行本:疲劳强度与可靠性设计70.电子组装工艺可靠性71.机械可靠性工程(已阅读)72.Warranty Cost Analysis73.Reliability of Electronic Components:A Practical Guide to Electronic Systems Manufacturing74.Long-Term Non-Operating Reliability of Electronic Productsponent Reliability for Electronic Systems76.THE RELIABILITY HANDBOOK VOLUME1(NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION)77.At&t Reliability Manual78.Reliability of Large Systems79.Understanding Measurement:Reliability(Understanding Statistics)80.15Most Common Obstacles to World-Class Reliability:A Roadmap for Managers81.Reliability Theory With Applications to Preventive Maintenance82.Early Prediction models for software reliability83.Reliability Assurance for Medical Devices,Equipment and Software84.Reliability Assessment:A Guide to Aligning Expectations,Practices,and Performance85.Introduction to the Physics of Materials86.振动信号的现代分析技术与应用87.振动冲击及噪声测试技术(第二版)88.Vibration Spectrum Analysis89.Random Vibration in Perspective90.Reliability-Based Design91.冲击与振动手册(第5版)92.Ensuring Software Reliability93.Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management2/E94.Reliability:Modeling,Prediction,and Optimization95.云计算实战:可靠性与可用性设计96.可靠性物理与工程:失效时间模型97.功率半导体器件:原理、特性和可靠性98.A Minimal-Mathematics Introduction to the Fundamentals of Random Vibration& Shock Testing:Measurement,Analysis and Calibration as Applied to Halt99.Reliability and Degradation of Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs100.Reliability and Fault Tree Analysis:Theoretical and Applied Aspects of System Reliability and Safety Assessment101.Fault Tree Analysis Primer Chinese Edition102.Reliability:For Technology,Engineering,and Management103.Methods for Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life Data104.Reliability Engineering for Electronic Design105.Reliability physics(Volume6)106.Reliability Modelling:A Statistical Approach107.Introduction to Machinery Reliability Assessment108.Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research109.Resistor Theory and Technology110.The Inductor Handbook:A Comprehensive Guide For Correct Component Selection In All Circuit Applications.Know What To Use When And Where.111.The Capacitor Handbook:A Comprehensive Guide For Correct Component Selection In All Circuit Applications.Know What To Use When And Where.112.THe Diode Handbook113.The Transistor Handbook114.The Resistor Handbook115.电容器手册116.Electronic Packaging:Design,Materials,Process,and Reliability117.Probability,Statistics,and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists,Second Edition 118.Reliability:For Technology,Engineering,and Management119.Reliability Engineering and Risk Assessment120.Reliability of RoHS-Compliant2D and3D IC Interconnects121.Reliability-Based Design in Civil Engineering122.Integrated Circuit Quality and Reliability,Second Edition123.Hydrosystems Engineering Reliability Assessment and Risk Analysis124.Digital Switching Systems:System Reliability and Analysis125.Reliability in Procurement and Use:From Specification to Replacement。
2021年4月电工技术学报Vol.36 No. 8 第36卷第8期TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Apr. 2021DOI: 10.19595/ki.1000-6753.tces.200083T型三电平并网逆变器有限集模型预测控制快速寻优方法辛业春王延旭李国庆王朝斌王尉(东北电力大学现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室吉林 132012)摘要三电平变流器控制系统采用有限集模型预测控制(FCS-MPC),滚动优化需要遍历所有开关状态,针对其导致处理器运算量增加、处理时间长的问题,提出一种T型三电平并网逆变器优化计算量的FCS-MPC方法。
关键词:有限集模型预测控制T型三电平中点电位平衡快速寻优中图分类号:TM464Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control Method withFast Optimization Based on T-Type Three-Level Grid-Connected Inverter Xin Yechun Wang Yanxu Li Guoqing Wang Chaobin Wang Wei (Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology Ministry of Education Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China)Abstract Rolling optimization of Finite Control Set model predictive control (Finite Control Set-MPC, FCS-MPC) needs to traverse all the switch states in the three-level converter control system, which will cause the problems of increased processor calculation and long processing time. For this reason, this paper proposes a FCS-MPC method with optimized calculation amount of T-type three-level grid-connected inverter. By constructing a single objective cost function based on voltage prediction, the design of weighting factor is avoided and the steps of single optimization are reduced.For improving the efficiency of optimization, the redundant small vector is selected according to the DC bus potential distribution to balance the neutral-point potential and reduce the number of predictions per control cycle to 3 times. The finite control set is divided according to the minimum weighted error square of the included vectors in the prediction process, and the vector angle is used to compensate the system delay, thereby improving the prediction accuracy and the grid-connected current quality. A power hardware-in-the-loop simulation system based on RT-Lab and a physical device are established to verify the proposed control strategy. The results show that the proposed theoretical analysis is correct and the control strategy is effective.国家自然科学基金资助项目(U2066208)。
科学研究创线性规划法预估单质炸药爆热研究李翊(海军装备部驻西安地区军事代表局陕西西安710025)摘 要:为了进行单质炸药爆热参数的预估,本文采用9参数的自由能计算方法,并通过线性规划法进行自由能最小时组分的优化,获得了单质炸药爆轰过程产物组成,计算了多种单质炸药爆热,并与试验测试结果进行了对比分析。
关键词:单质炸药爆热线性规划最小自由能中图分类号:V43文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2022)09(a)-0013-04 Study on the Prediction of Detonation Heat of Simple Explosiveby Linear Programming MethodLI Yi( Naval Equipment Department, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710025 China ) Abstract: In order to predict the heat of explosion of simple explosive, this paper adopts the free energy calculation method of 9 parameters, and optimizes the minimum component of free energy by linear programming method.The composition of detonation products of single explosives was obtained, and the heat of various single explosives was calculated and compared with the test results. The results show that the optimization process of product compo-sition by linear programming method is simple. Compared with the experimental results, the error between the pre-dicted results and the measured explosive heat is less than 5%, which can be used as a simple method to predict the explosive heat.Key Words: Simple explosive; Detonation heat; Linear programming; Minimum free energy爆热是反映单质炸药能量性能,也是单质炸药在混合炸药应用性能计算的关键参数。
成型仿真操作流程的归纳Molding simulation is an essential process in manufacturing to predict the flow and behavior of molten material during the molding process. 成型仿真是制造过程中的一个必要步骤,用于预测在成型过程中熔融材料的流动和行为。
The operation flow of molding simulation can be summarized into several steps. 成型仿真操作流程可以概括为几个步骤。
Firstly, the materials and parameters need to be input into the simulation software. 首先,需要将材料和参数输入到仿真软件中。
Next, the model of the product and the mold is created in the software based on the design. 接下来,根据设计,在软件中创建产品和模具的模型。
Once the model is set up, the simulation is run to analyze the flow, cooling, and any potential defects in the final product. 一旦模型设置完成,就运行仿真来分析流动、冷却和最终产品中可能存在的任何缺陷。
After the simulation, the results are analyzed to make any necessary adjustments to the design or process. 仿真之后,需要分析结果,并对设计或工艺进行必要的调整。
Finally, the optimized design and process are implemented for actual production. 最后,优化后的设计和工艺被用于实际生产。
Process managementProcess management is a standardized tectonic end-to-end outstanding business process as the center, with continuous improve organizational business performance for the purpose of systematic method. It should be a operational positioning description, refers to the process analysis, process definition and redefined, resource allocation, timing, and process quality and efficiency evaluation, and process optimization. Because the process management is designed to customer needs, thus the process of change with the external and internal environment and needs to be optimized.Enterprise process management is mainly to the enterprise internal reform, change enterprise function management organization overlap, intermediate level, flow, so as to make each closed-loop not from beginning to end procedure can be by a functional organization management, do agencies don't overlap, business do not repeat, achieve shorten the process cycle, save operation capital functions. Process management of three different levels of process management is to optimize the business process related with vendors, such as prediction, replenishment, plan, signing, inventory control, information communication, etc. Supplier's performance largely restricted by the flow of the purchaser. For example, how to determine the prediction process minimum inventory, supreme inventory, in what frequency update, transfer to the supplier, directly affecting the capacity planning and supplier timely delivery ability. Be like again replenishment, different kinds of products, in what frequency replenishment, replenishment points is how much, purchasing lead time is how much, not only affect the company's inventory management, also affect supplier production planning.Process decided to performance. Management can be through mobilization, emphasize achieve temporary effect, but don't change process and the rules, this effect behind is temporary. Process management and improvement of the key is sure objectives and strategies, documented flow process, implementation process, responsible and regular evaluation to determine. On this basis, the development of a series of indicators, ensure process according to established way running, and speak with on-time delivery rate in front of quality qualified rate, etc, porcelain. So, from flow to performance, again by performance feedback to flow, form a closed management circle. It is worth noting, process improvement more gradual rather thanrevolutionary, because each company always have the current flow, is unlikely to start all over again, through continuous fine-tuning to optimize.The core of process managementProcess management that is the core of process, process is the foundation of any enterprise operation, the enterprise all business are needed to drive, like flow the blood flow of the human body the information related data according to certain conditions from one person (department) transported to other personnel (department) to get the corresponding results back to the related people (or department). An enterprise from different departments, different customers, different people and different suppliers are based on process for collaborative operation, flow in circulation process may take the corresponding data: document/product/financial data/project/task/personnel/clients information flow, if circulation stagnation will lead to this enterprise operation impeded.Strategy: strategic decision process management, processes the realization of the need to support strategy, strategic measures to carry out the corresponding process to go up. Not only should find out the process to achieve their strategic measures of its, and also the organic integration and management. Strategy maps or value chain or must ultimately and process system docking.Process: process management itself from top to integrate began, forming end-to-end hierarchy process system customization. Definition and design of process management life cycle method and standard, design end-to-end process performance index (PPI). Establish the central flow library is to realize flow as an important feature of the central idea.Staff: process management is a professional strong work. To realize the organization to flow as the center of thinking, make the process management facilitator training and internal process management talents training and development. Process the construction of community and learn the knowledge exchange mechanism construction process management is important embodiment. The related flowsheet management authentication will better push in leaders, managers and ordinary employees with flow as the center of the universal thinking way, and to bring organization transformation.Tools: IT and non IT management tool to process the application of ordinary andrealize the ideological plays an important role. Establish a enterprise-level process management platform, and the strategic target of flow and enterprise combining with IT systems, and effectively, can effectively achieve organizational associated the flow of thinking.Process management principlesWhat are the principles of the process management? Process exists for customers, process management's true purpose is to provide our customers better or faster service. We often speak process starts customers, end is also a customer. But in actual work, the barriers we obviously because department ignore customers, don't even know what the customer who is. For customer service, starting from the principle of the process management are as follows:·Set up the concept of customer as center·The customer who is clearly process, process what is the purpose·In contingency and exceptional cases, from the Angle of customers the principle of explicit judgment things·The result, the attention formulated based on process output performance indicators·Make process everyone with a common goal, to client and results reach consensus.Projects aim·Controlled by elaborating management improve degree·Through the process optimization to improve work efficiency·Through the system or norms that engage tacit knowledge·Through improving resources rationally routing management level·Fast realization management replicationBasic characteristicsEnterprise process according to the function can be classified into business process and management processes two large categories.·Tusiness process refers to value for customer directly produce the process;·The management process is to point to control risk and reduce the cost, improve the service quality, improve work efficiency, improve the market reaction speed, finally to improve customer satisfaction and enterprise market competition ability and achieve the profit maximization and improve management efficiency procedures.All procedures are in the business enterprise shall be in enterprise target as a fundamental basis, especially the management process:Foreign, face customer and improve business process efficiencyInternally, the enterprises to improve management process goal, the efficiency, balance enterprise various resources (production line balancing), control the balance of the overall efficiency, the realization enterprise overall performance.Methods tools1 starting point tool: learning for starThe company from different sources know need improve areas: customers, suppliers, employees, consultants and benchmarking aimed, is the best practice process.·The customer is the enterprise need to understand the important sources of information. The most important customer is often the best of improvement in field, and of course it necessary to include very creative customers and world-class operation level of customers. Sometimes, those special captious client's ideas may be exactly what a new design method should consider goal.·Suppliers also can provide similar help enterprise, and the help are not confined to the lower end of the process. Excellent supplier's interest to the whole of the supply system will extensions.·Enterprise employees to deeply understand the process, is also an important source of process improvements ideas.·Consultant can give useful "the outside observer" view, plays the role of promoting BPR project.·Benchmarking study. Enterprise through benchmarking aimed to seek knowledge and studying example inspired.2 and process selection tool: 80/20 principlesProcess selection is sure process comb, optimization and reengineering objectives. Process selection follow the "jewish law" (80/20 principle). Focus first on the "key process", the number of them may only 20% of the total quantity of the whole organization, but the performance of the decisive role play an 80%. Therefore not in "process management" way each platform do stay, in "process management" along the way, choose the place to park in concern.3 and process selection tool: performance - importance matrixProcesses or process results in matrix position represents its important degree and the stand or fall of organization to which they run, importance degree and operation level performance degree from low to high, respectively, combining compare customer feedback data and enterprise internal data will often get unexpected results. If two aspects are according to 1 minute ~ 5 points evaluation, can will be divided into four types, including project an important degree is high, low degree is the most performance need improvement areas.4 and process selection tool: flow sequenceCan choose process sorting method selected key processes.·Put each other procedures to three index assessment: influence (Impact), scale (do), range (Scope); Among them, "impact" refers to the process reengineering of enterprise future operating goals after the may contribute, "scale" refers to the enterprise resources recycling drains, "scope" refers to the amount that will affect the cost of recycling, hr and risk.·"Influence" can be used to assess the benefits; ten rating "Scale" with full-time human man-hour (FTE) and cost estimate of the funds to measure; "Scope" can use time, cost, risk, personnel complexity to evaluate, usable three to five level to evaluate can.·Listed in two dimensions by reengineering form, decided to conduct a team discuss reforming process priority.·Cost and risk, time and other assessment does not need to use accurate data, justbecause of the various factors on the cancelation of the consensus can.5 flow optimization or recycling target selection tool: benchmarking aiming methodBenchmarking aimed at the establishment reform can be used to determine the goals and vision, the benchmark reengineering etc. In many industries have some successful enterprise, the enterprise is the practice of the other firms for industry, therefore, also can follow these enterprise of some specific index as other enterprise benchmarking.6 process description toolsDescribe organizational entities (position) the activities and each entity between various interactive relationship between. Can resort to various process description software to realize, such as Aris, Visio, Smartdraw etc.7 flow problem analysis tools: fishbone diagram analysisWith fishbone diagram, from six aspects and to find the cause of the event flow problems. These six aspects 5M1E: Management is, Man, Machine of Material, and to,.Finally discovers the main reason (process bottlenecks), taking it as a problem characteristics, and repeat the steps until the reason is very clear, form the foundation solutions.8 flow problems 5W3H analysis tool: thinking9 and process optimization tools: ECRS skillsECRS skills refers to Elimination (cancelled), together (merger), theorem (Rearrangement) and Simplification (simplified) four skills, it is to point to in the current work method based on "cancel - merge - rearrange - simplified" four technique to form of existing organizations, work flow and working procedures and methods of continuous improvement.For any work Elimination cancelled, first to ask: why do? Can quit?·Wwithout additional value cancel all the organization, work process, operation or action;·Reduce the more irregular work, such as make work, tools, forming a habitual fixed if mechanical action;·If cannot cancel the merge together, is considering whether to work with other organizations, procedures, operating, action and realizing tools, use resources merger.·Theorem to work cooperatively: according to need to arrange the order of science.·Simplification simplified: refers to the organization structure, working process, operation and movements of the simplified.10 the sigma testing processMany people heard six sigma quality methodology, then immediately to the calculation of their own process to determine their sigma, how far from six sigma. On their first reaction has two: first, whether you need often test your flow capacity? Second, your own performance satisfactory? If both the answer to the question is affirmative, calculate the process sigma may be very interesting but not necessary.。
人体骨肌系统的整体生物力学建模与仿真分析研究中国力学虚拟人系统集成方法与实现一、本文概述Overview of this article随着生物医学工程、计算机仿真技术及力学研究的不断深入,人体骨肌系统的生物力学建模与仿真分析在医疗、康复、体育训练及人体工程学等领域的应用越来越广泛。
With the continuous deepening of biomedical engineering, computer simulation technology, and mechanical research, the biomechanical modeling and simulation analysis of the human skeletal muscle system are increasingly widely used in fields such as medicine, rehabilitation, sports training, and ergonomics. Among them, the Chinese Mechanical Virtual HumanSystem, as an innovative platform that integrates multi-source data, high-precision human models and simulation technology, provides a powerful tool for in-depth research and understanding of the biomechanical characteristics of the human skeletal muscle system. This article aims to explore the integration method and implementation of Chinese mechanical virtual human system, and provide theoretical support and technical guidance for research and practice in related fields through the overall biomechanical modeling and simulation analysis of the human skeletal muscle system.本文首先介绍了人体骨肌系统生物力学建模的基本原理和方法,包括骨骼结构、肌肉力学特性及关节运动学等方面的建模技术。
Chemical Reaction Engineering Chemical reaction engineering is a fascinating field that involves the study and application of chemical reactions in various processes. It plays a crucialrole in the design and optimization of chemical processes, including the production of fuels, pharmaceuticals, and materials. The understanding of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport phenomena is essential for a successful career in chemical reaction engineering. In this response, I will explore the significance of chemical reaction engineering, its applications, challenges, and the future prospects of the field. One of the key aspects of chemical reaction engineering is the study of chemical kinetics, which involves the rate at which chemical reactions occur and the factors that influence them. Understanding the kinetics of a reaction is essential for designing reactors and optimizing reaction conditions to achieve the desired conversion and selectivity. Moreover, the knowledge of thermodynamics is crucial for predicting the feasibility of a reaction and determining the equilibrium composition of the system. The interplay between kinetics and thermodynamics is fundamental in the design of chemical processes, as it influences the choice of reaction pathways and operating conditions. The application of chemical reaction engineering is widespread across various industries, including petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and environmental engineering. For instance, in the petrochemical industry, chemical reaction engineering is essential for the production of fuels, polymers, and other chemical products. The design of catalytic converters for automotive exhaust systems is another example of the application of chemical reaction engineering in environmental engineering. Furthermore, in the pharmaceutical industry, the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and the design of drug delivery systems rely on the principles of chemical reaction engineering. Despite its significance, chemical reaction engineering presents several challenges, particularly in the context of developing sustainable and environmentally friendly processes. One of the major challenges is the need to minimize energy consumption and waste generation in chemical processes. This requires the development of novel catalysts, reactor designs, and process intensification techniques to improve the efficiency of chemical reactions. Additionally, the design of processes withminimal environmental impact necessitates the consideration of factors such as solvent selection, waste treatment, and the use of renewable feedstocks. Looking ahead, the future of chemical reaction engineering holds promising opportunities for advancements in the field. The growing interest in sustainable and green chemistry is driving the development of innovative technologies for chemical processes. This includes the design of renewable energy-based processes, the utilization of biocatalysts, and the integration of process systems for resource efficiency. Moreover, the emergence of new computational tools and modeling techniques is enabling the prediction and optimization of complex chemical reactions, leading to the development of more efficient and selective processes. In conclusion, chemical reaction engineering plays a pivotal role in the design and optimization of chemical processes across various industries. The understanding of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport phenomena is essential for addressing the challenges and opportunities in the field. As the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly processes continues to grow, the future of chemical reaction engineering holds exciting prospects for the development of innovative technologies and solutions.。
电气传动2022年第52卷第10期ELECTRIC DRIVE 2022Vol.52No.10摘要:提出基于混沌粒子群算法-高斯过程回归(CPSO-GPR )的铅酸蓄电池健康状态估计方法。
两种算法相协同,形成了CPSO-GPR 算法。
关键词:混沌粒子群算法;铅酸蓄电池;SOH 估计;储能中图分类号:TM46文献标识码:ADOI :10.19457/j.1001-2095.dqcd22520SOH Estimation of Gaussian Process Regression Based on Chaotic Particle Swarm OptimizationDING Yi 1,LIU Shengzhong 1,WANG Xudong 2,HUO Xianxu 1,HU Zhigang 3,JIANG Fan 4(1.Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company ,Tianjin 300384,China ;2.State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Pompany ,Tianjin 300010,China ;3.Chengdong Power Supply Branch of State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company ,Tianjin 300250,China ;4.Jizhou PowerSupply Branch of State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company ,Tianjin 301900,China )Abstract:The estimation method of state of health (SOH )of lead-acid battery based on chaotic particle swarm optimization -Gaussian process regression (CPSO -GPR )was proposed.Firstly ,the voltage and current curves of lead-acid battery during charging process were investigated ,and the characteristics of constant current charging were analyzed and compared.The Gaussian process regression (GPR )model of constant current charging time and battery capacity attenuation was established.Aiming at the problem that the traditional intelligent algorithm is easy to fall into the local optimal solutions ,the chaotic process was introduced into the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm to enhance the breadth and depth of its optimization ,and forms the chaotic particle swarm optimization (CPSO )algorithm to optimize the super parameters in the regression model ,so as to obtain higher quality of the super parameter solution and improve the prediction accuracy of the regression model.The CPSO -GPR algorithm was formed by the cooperation of the two algorithms.The experimental results show that CPSO -GPR algorithm can achieve accurate estimation and online monitoring of SOH of lead-acid batteries ,and the estimation accuracy of new data points is less than 3%.Key words:chaotic particle swarm optimization (CPSO )algorithm ;lead-acid battery ;state of health (SOH )estimation ;energy storage基金项目:国网天津市电力公司科技项目(KJ19-1-14)作者简介:丁一(1990—),男,硕士,高级工程师,Email :混沌粒子群算法-高斯过程回归的SOH 估计丁一1,刘盛终1,王旭东2,霍现旭1,胡志刚3,姜帆4(1.国网天津市电力公司电力科学研究院,天津300384;2.国网天津市电力公司,天津300010;3.国网天津市电力公司城东供电分公司,天津300250;4.国网天津市电力公司蓟州供电分公司,天津301900)铅酸蓄电池被广泛应用在电动汽车、光伏电站、分布式电源和航空航天等领域中,其维护简单,使用寿命长,功率高,稳定性和可靠性较强。
A Novel Divide-and-Conquer Model for CPI Prediction UsingARIMA, Gray Model and BPNNAbstract:This paper proposes a novel divide-and-conquer model for CPI prediction with the existing compilation method of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in China. Historical national CPI time series is preliminary divided into eight sub-indexes including food, articles for smoking and drinking, clothing, household facilities, articles and maintenance services, health care and personal articles, transportation and communication, recreation, education and culture articles and services, and residence. Three models including back propagation neural network (BPNN) model, grey forecasting model (GM (1, 1)) and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model are established to predict each sub-index, respectively. Then the best predicting result among the three models’for each sub-index is identified. To further improve the performance, special modification in predicting method is done to sub-CPIs whose forecasting results are not satisfying enough. After improvement and error adjustment, we get the advanced predicting results of the sub-CPIs. Eventually, the best predicting results of each sub-index are integrated to form the forecasting results of the national CPI. Empirical analysis demonstrates that the accuracy and stability of the introduced method in this paper is better than many commonly adopted forecasting methods, which indicates the proposed method is an effective and alternative one for national CPI prediction in China.1.IntroductionThe Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a widely used measurement of cost of living. It not only affects the government monetary, fiscal, consumption, prices, wages, social security, but also closely relates to the residents’daily life. As an indicator of inflation in China economy, the change of CPI undergoes intense scrutiny. For instance, The People's Bank of China raised the deposit reserve ratio in January, 2008 before the CPI of 2007 was announced, for it is estimated that the CPI in 2008 will increase significantly if no action is taken. Therefore, precisely forecasting the change of CPI is significant to many aspects of economics, some examples include fiscal policy, financial markets and productivity. Also, building a stable and accurate model to forecast the CPI will have great significance for the public, policymakers and research scholars.Previous studies have already proposed many methods and models to predict economic time series or indexes such as CPI. Some previous studies make use of factors that influence the value of the index and forecast it by investigating the relationship between the data of those factors and the index. These forecasts are realized by models such as Vector autoregressive (VAR)model1 and genetic algorithms-support vector machine (GA-SVM) 2.However, these factor-based methods, although effective to some extent, simply rely on the correlation between the value of the index and limited number of exogenous variables (factors) and basically ignore the inherent rules of the variation of the time series. As a time series itself contains significant amount of information3, often more than a limited number of factors can do, time series-based models are often more effective in the field of prediction than factor-based models.Various time series models have been proposed to find the inherent rules of the variation in the series. Many researchers have applied different time series models to forecasting the CPI and other time series data. For example, the ARIMA model once served as a practical method in predicting the CPI4. It was also applied to predict submicron particle concentrations frommeteorological factors at a busy roadside in Hangzhou, China5. What’s more, the ARIMA model was adopted to analyse the trend of pre-monsoon rainfall data forwestern India6. Besides the ARIMA model, other models such as the neural network, gray model are also widely used in the field of prediction. Hwang used the neural-network to forecast time series corresponding to ARMA (p, q) structures and found that the BPNNs generally perform well and consistently when a particular noise level is considered during the network training7. Aiken also used a neural network to predict the level of CPI and reached a high degree of accuracy8. Apart from the neural network models, a seasonal discrete grey forecasting model for fashion retailing was proposed and was found practical for fashion retail sales forecasting with short historical data and better than other state-of-art forecastingtechniques9. Similarly, a discrete Grey Correlation Model was also used in CPI prediction10. Also, Ma et al. used gray model optimized by particle swarm optimization algorithm to forecast iron ore import and consumption of China11. Furthermore, to deal with the nonlinear condition, a modified Radial Basis Function (RBF) was proposed by researchers.In this paper, we propose a new method called “divide-and-conquer model”for the prediction of the CPI.We divide the total CPI into eight categories according to the CPI construction and then forecast the eight sub- CPIs using the GM (1, 1) model, the ARIMA model and the BPNN. To further improve the performance, we again make prediction of the sub-CPIs whoseforecasting results are not satisfying enough by adopting new forecasting methods. After improvement and error adjustment, we get the advanced predicting results of the sub-CPIs. Finally we get the total CPI prediction by integrating the best forecasting results of each sub-CPI.The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we give a brief introduction of the three models mentioned above. And then the proposed model will be demonstrated in the section 3. In section 4 we provide the forecasting results of our model and in section 5 we make special improvement by adjusting the forecasting methods of sub-CPIs whose predicting results are not satisfying enough. And in section 6 we give elaborate discussion and evaluation of the proposed model. Finally, the conclusion is summarized in section 7.2.Introduction to GM(1,1), ARIMA & BPNNIntroduction to GM(1,1)The grey system theory is first presented by Deng in 1980s. In the grey forecasting model, the time series can be predicted accurately even with a small sample by directly estimating the interrelation of data. The GM(1,1) model is one type of the grey forecasting which is widely adopted. It is a differential equation model of which the order is 1 and the number of variable is 1, too. The differential equation is:Introduction to ARIMAAutoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model was first put forward by Box and Jenkins in 1970. The model has been very successful by taking full advantage of time series data in the past and present. ARIMA model is usually described as ARIMA (p, d, q), p refers to the order of the autoregressive variable, while d and q refer to integrated, and moving average parts of the model respectively. When one of the three parameters is zero, the model is changed to model “AR”, “MR”or “ARMR”. When none of the three parameters is zero, the model is given by:where L is the lag number,?t is the error term.Introduction to BPNNArtificial Neural Network (ANN) is a mathematical and computational model which imitates the operation of neural networks of human brain. ANN consists of several layers of neurons. Neurons of contiguous layers are connected with each other. The values of connections between neurons are called “weight”. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is one of the most widely employed neural network among various types of ANN. BPNN was put forward by Rumelhart and McClelland in 1985. It is a common supervised learning network well suited for prediction. BPNN consists of three parts including one input layer, several hidden layers and one output layer, as is demonstrated in Fig 1. The learning process of BPNN is modifying the weights of connections between neurons based on the deviation between the actual output and the target output until the overall error is in the acceptable range.Fig. 1. Back-propagation Neural Network3.The Proposed MethodThe framework of the dividing-integration modelThe process of forecasting national CPI using the dividing-integration model is demonstrated in Fig 2.Fig. 2.The framework of the dividing-integration modelAs can be seen from Fig. 2, the process of the proposed method can be divided into the following steps: Step1: Data collection. The monthly CPI data including total CPI and eight sub-CPIs are collected from the official website of China’s State Statistics Bureau (/doc/d62de4b46d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc9d31514.html /).Step2: Dividing the total CPI into eight sub-CPIs. In this step, the respective weight coefficient of eight sub- CPIs in forming the total CPI is decided by consulting authoritative source .(/doc/d62de4b46d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc9d31514.html /). The eight sub-CPIs are as follows: 1. Food CPI; 2. Articles for Smoking and Drinking CPI; 3. Clothing CPI; 4. Household Facilities, Articles and Maintenance Services CPI; 5. Health Care and Personal Articles CPI; 6. Transportation and Communication CPI;7. Recreation, Education and Culture Articles and Services CPI; 8. Residence CPI. The weight coefficient of each sub-CPI is shown in Table 8.Table 1. 8 sub-CPIs weight coefficient in the total indexNote: The index number stands for the corresponding type of sub-CPI mentioned before. Other indexes appearing in this paper in such form have the same meaning as this one.So the decomposition formula is presented as follows:where TI is the total index; Ii (i 1,2, ,8) are eight sub-CPIs. To verify the formula, we substitute historical numeric CPI and sub-CPI values obtained in Step1 into the formula and find the formula is accurate.Step3: The construction of the GM (1, 1) model, the ARIMA (p, d, q) model and the BPNN model. The three models are established to predict the eight sub-CPIs respectively.Step4: Forecasting the eight sub-CPIs using the three models mentioned in Step3 and choosing the best forecasting result for each sub-CPI based on the errors of the data obtained from the three models.Step5: Making special improvement by adjusting the forecasting methods of sub-CPIs whose predicting results are not satisfying enough and get advanced predicting results of total CPI. Step6: Integrating the best forecasting results of 8 sub-CPIs to form the prediction of total CPI with the decomposition formula in Step2.In this way, the whole process of the prediction by the dividing-integration model is accomplished.3.2. The construction of the GM(1,1) modelThe process of GM (1, 1) model is represented in the following steps:Step1: The original sequence:Step2: Estimate the parameters a and u using the ordinary least square (OLS). Step3: Solve equation as follows.Step4: Test the model using the variance ratio and small error possibility.The construction of the ARIMA modelFirstly, ADF unit root test is used to test the stationarity of the time series. If the initial time series is not stationary, a differencing transformation of the data is necessary to make it stationary. Then the values of p and q are determined by observing the autocorrelation graph, partial correlation graph and the R-squared value.After the model is built, additional judge should be done to guarantee that the residual error is white noise through hypothesis testing. Finally the model is used to forecast the future trend ofthe variable.The construction of the BPNN modelThe first thing is to decide the basic structure of BP neural network. After experiments, we consider 3 input nodes and 1 output nodes to be the best for the BPNN model. This means we use the CPI data of time , ,toforecast the CPI of time .The hidden layer level and the number of hidden neurons should also be defined. Since the single-hidden- layer BPNN are very good at non-liner mapping, the model is adopted in this paper. Based on the Kolmogorov theorem and testing results, we define 5 to be the best number of hidden neurons. Thus the 3-5-1 BPNN structure is determined.As for transferring function and training algorithm, we select ‘tansig’as the transferring function for middle layer, ‘logsig’for input layer and ‘traingd’as training algorithm. The selection is based on the actual performance of these functions, as there are no existing standards to decide which ones are definitely better than others.Eventually, we decide the training times to be 35000 and the goal or the acceptable error to be 0.01.4.Empirical AnalysisCPI data from Jan. 2012 to Mar. 2013 are used to build the three models and the data from Apr. 2013 to Sept. 2013 are used to test the accuracy and stability of these models. What’s more, the MAPE is adopted to evaluate the performance of models. The MAPE is calculated by the equation:Data sourceAn appropriate empirical analysis based on the above discussion can be performed using suitably disaggregated data. We collect the monthly data of sub-CPIs from the website of National Bureau of Statistics of China(/doc/d62de4b46d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc9d31514.html /).Particularly, sub-CPI data from Jan. 2012 to Mar. 2013 are used to build the three models and the data from Apr. 2013 to Sept. 2013 are used to test the accuracy and stability of these models.Experimental resultsWe use MATLAB to build the GM (1,1) model and the BPNN model, and Eviews 6.0 to build the ARIMA model. The relative predicting errors of sub-CPIs are shown in Table 2.Table 2.Error of Sub-CPIs of the 3 ModelsFrom the table above, we find that the performance of different models varies a lot, because the characteristic of the sub-CPIs are different. Some sub-CPIs like the Food CPI changes drastically with time while some do not have much fluctuation, like the Clothing CPI. We use different models to predict the sub- CPIs and combine them by equation 7.Where Y refers to the predicted rate of the total CPI, is the weight of the sub-CPI which has already been shown in Table1and is the predicted value of the sub-CPI which has the minimum error among the three models mentioned above. The model chosen will be demonstrated in Table 3:Table 3.The model used to forecastAfter calculating, the error of the total CPI forecasting by the dividing-integration model is 0.0034.5.Model Improvement & Error AdjustmentAs we can see from Table 3, the prediction errors of sub-CPIs are mostly below 0.004 except for two sub- CPIs: Food CPI whose error reaches 0.0059 and Transportation & Communication CPI 0.0047.In order to further improve our forecasting results, we modify the prediction errors of the two aforementioned sub-CPIs by adopting other forecasting methods or models to predict them. The specific methods are as follows.Error adjustment of food CPIIn previous prediction, we predict the Food CPI using the BPNN model directly. However, the BPNN model is not sensitive enough to investigate the variation in the values of the data. For instance, although the Food CPI varies a lot from month to month, the forecasting values of it are nearly all around 103.5, which fails to make meaningful prediction.We ascribe this problem to the feature of the training data. As we can see from the original sub-CPI data on the website of National Bureau of Statistics of China, nearly all values of sub-CPIs are around 100. As for Food CPI, although it does have more absolute variations than others, its changes are still very small relative to the large magnitude of the data (100). Thus it will be more difficult for the BPNN model to detect the rules of variations in training data and the forecastingresults are marred.Therefore, we use the first-order difference series of Food CPI instead of the original series to magnify the relative variation of the series forecasted by the BPNN. The training data and testing data are the same as that in previous prediction. The parameters and functions of BPNN are automatically decided by the software, SPSS.We make 100 tests and find the average forecasting error of Food CPI by this method is 0.0028. The part of the forecasting errors in our tests is shown as follows in Table 4:Table 4.The forecasting errors in BPNN testError adjustment of transportation &communication CPIWe use the Moving Average (MA) model to make new prediction of the Transportation and Communication CPI because the curve of the series is quite smooth with only a few fluctuations. We have the following equation(s):where X1, X2…Xn is the time series of the Transportation and Communication CPI, is the value of moving average at time t, is a free parameter which should be decided through experiment.To get the optimal model, we range the value of from 0 to 1. Finally we find that when the value of a is 0.95, the forecasting error is the smallest, which is 0.0039.The predicting outcomes are shown as follows in Table5:Table 5.The Predicting Outcomes of MA modelAdvanced results after adjustment to the modelsAfter making some adjustment to our previous model, we obtain the advanced results as follows in Table 6: Table 6.The model used to forecast and the Relative ErrorAfter calculating, the error of the total CPI forecasting by the dividing-integration model is 0.2359.6.Further DiscussionTo validate the dividing-integration model proposed in this paper, we compare the results of our model with the forecasting results of models that do not adopt the dividing-integration method. For instance, we use the ARIMA model, the GM (1, 1) model, the SARIMA model, the BRF neural network (BRFNN) model, the Verhulst model and the Vector Autoregression (VAR) model respectively to forecast the total CPI directly without the process of decomposition and integration. The forecasting results are shown as follows in Table7.From Table 7, we come to the conclusion that the introduction of dividing-integration method enhances the accuracy of prediction to a great extent. The results of model comparison indicate that the proposed method is not only novel but also valid and effective.The strengths of the proposed forecasting model are obvious. Every sub-CPI time series have different fluctuation characteristics. Some are relatively volatile and have sharp fluctuations such as the Food CPI while others are relatively gentle and quiet such as the Clothing CPI. As a result, by dividing the total CPI into several sub-CPIs, we are able to make use of the characteristics of each sub-CPI series and choose the best forecasting model among several models for every sub-CPI’s prediction. Moreover, the overall prediction error is provided in the following formula:where TE refers to the overall prediction error of the total CPI, is the weight of the sub-CPI shown in table 1 and is the forecasting error of corresponding sub-CPI.In conclusion, the dividing-integration model aims at minimizing the overall prediction errors by minimizing the forecasting errors of sub-CPIs.7.Conclusions and future workThis paper creatively transforms the forecasting of national CPI into the forecasting of 8 sub-CPIs. In the prediction of 8 sub-CPIs, we adopt three widely used models: the GM (1, 1) model, the ARIMA model and the BPNN model. Thus we can obtain the best forecasting results for each sub-CPI. Furthermore, we make special improvement by adjusting the forecasting methods of sub-CPIs whose predicting results are not satisfying enough and get the advanced predicting results of them. Finally, the advanced predicting results of the 8 sub- CPIs are integrated to formthe forecasting results of the total CPI.Furthermore, the proposed method also has several weaknesses and needs improving. Firstly, The proposed model only uses the information of the CPI time series itself. If the model can make use of other information such as the information provided by factors which make great impact on the fluctuation of sub-CPIs, we have every reason to believe that the accuracy and stability of the model can be enhanced. For instance, the price of pork is a major factor in shaping the Food CPI. If this factor is taken into consideration in the prediction of Food CPI, the forecasting results will probably be improved to a great extent. Second, since these models forecast the future by looking at the past, they are not able to sense the sudden or recent change of the environment. So if the model can take web news or quick public reactions with account, it will react much faster to sudden incidence and affairs. Finally, the performance of sub-CPIs prediction can be higher. In this paper we use GM (1, 1), ARIMA and BPNN to forecast sub-CPIs. Some new method for prediction can be used. For instance, besides BPNN, there are other neural networks like genetic algorithm neural network (GANN) and wavelet neural network (WNN), which might have better performance in prediction of sub-CPIs. Other methods such as the VAR model and the SARIMA model should also be taken into consideration so as to enhance the accuracy of prediction.References1.Wang W, Wang T, and Shi Y. Factor analysis on consumer price index rising in China from 2005 to 2008. Management and service science 2009; p. 1-4.2.Qin F, Ma T, and Wang J. 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动力电池的循环寿命预测与优化方法Dynamic Battery Life Prediction and Optimization Methods for Power BatteriesIntroductionElectric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness. The core component of EVs is the power battery, which determines the vehicle's performance and range. To ensure the reliability and longevity of power batteries, it is crucial to accurately predict and optimize their cycle life. This article will explore the methods used for predicting and optimizing the cycle life of power batteries.1. Battery Cycle Life Prediction1.1 Physical ModelsPhysical models utilize mathematical equations to describe the electrochemical behavior of power batteries. These models take into account factors such as temperature, charge/discharge rates, and battery chemistry. By simulating the battery's internal processes, physical models can provide accurate predictions of its cycle life. However, these models require sophisticated computational frameworks and detailed knowledge of battery parameters, making them time-consuming and complex.1.2 Statistical ModelsStatistical models, on the other hand, rely on historical data to estimate the cycle life of power batteries. By analyzing the performance of a largenumber of batteries under various conditions, statistical models can identify patterns and correlations between different factors and battery life. These models are relatively simpler and less computationally intensive, making them more accessible for practical applications. However, they may lack accuracy when faced with novel battery types or unique operating conditions.2. Battery Cycle Life Optimization2.1 Charging and Discharging StrategiesOptimizing the charging and discharging strategies can significantly extend the cycle life of power batteries. By carefully controlling the depth of discharge, charge rate, and charging termination voltage, it is possible to reduce the stress on the battery, thereby enhancing its longevity. Various charging algorithms, such as constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) and pulse charging, have been developed to optimize battery performance. Furthermore, advanced control strategies, such as model predictive control (MPC), can dynamically adjust the charging and discharging process based on real-time battery conditions.2.2 Thermal ManagementTemperature has a direct impact on the cycle life of power batteries. High temperatures accelerate degradation processes and reduce battery performance, while low temperatures increase internal resistance and limit energy output. Effective thermal management systems, including active cooling or heating, can maintain batteries within an optimal temperature range. By controlling the battery's thermal environment, the cycle life and overall performance of the battery can be significantly improved.2.3 State of Charge (SOC) EstimationAccurate estimation of the battery's state of charge (SOC) is crucial for optimizing its cycle life. SOC estimation algorithms utilize various methods, such as Kalman filters and neural networks, to predict the battery's SOC based on voltage, current, and temperature measurements. By continuously monitoring the battery's SOC, it is possible to avoid operating the battery in extreme voltage ranges that could shorten its cycle life.ConclusionThe prediction and optimization of cycle life play a vital role in ensuring the reliability and performance of power batteries in electric vehicles. Physical and statistical models provide valuable insights into battery behavior, while optimization strategies such as charging/discharging techniques, thermal management, and SOC estimation can enhance battery longevity. As EV technology continues to advance, further research and development in battery life prediction and optimization methods will be crucial for maximizing the efficiency and durability of power batteries.。
人工智能发展现状和趋势英语作文The Current State and Future Trends of Artificial Intelligence.Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception in the mid-20th century. It has progressed from being a mere concept to a technology that is now integral to our daily lives, shaping various industries and sectors. The rapid advancements in computing power, data availability, and algorithms have fueled the growth of AI, making it possible to create machines that can learn, reason, and make decisions independently.Current State of Artificial Intelligence.Currently, AI is being used in various fields, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. In healthcare, AI algorithms are being trained to diagnose diseases, predict patient outcomes, and assist in surgical procedures. In finance, AI is being used for frauddetection, credit scoring, and investment decisions. In transportation, AI-powered autonomous vehicles are being tested on roads, while in entertainment, AI is being used to create music, art, and movies.AI is also being used to improve the efficiency and productivity of businesses. Automation of repetitive tasks, prediction of customer behavior, and optimization of supply chains are some of the ways AI is revolutionizing the business world. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots are providing customer support, handling inquiries, and resolving issues efficiently.Challenges Facing Artificial Intelligence.Despite its widespread adoption and usage, AI faces several challenges. One of the major challenges is the lack of interpretability. Most AI models are complex anddifficult to understand, making it challenging to explain their decisions to non-experts. This lack of transparency can lead to mistrust and skepticism among users.Another challenge is the ethical implications of AI. As AI systems become more autonomous, there are concerns about their potential to make unfair decisions or perpetuate biases. There is a need for robust ethical frameworks and regulations to ensure AI systems are developed and used responsibly.Future Trends of Artificial Intelligence.The future of AI looks bright, with exciting new trends and developments emerging. Here are some of the key trends that are likely to shape the AI landscape in the coming years:1. Enhanced Interpretability.One of the key areas of focus for AI research is enhancing the interpretability of AI models. Scientists are working on developing new algorithms and techniques that can make AI models more transparent, enabling users to understand how they make decisions. This could lead to increased trust in AI systems and wider adoption acrossvarious industries.2. Autonomous AI Systems.Autonomous AI systems that can operate independently without human intervention are becoming a reality. These systems are being developed to handle complex tasks, suchas driving, flying, and managing supply chains. However,the development of such systems raises concerns about their safety and reliability, necessitating rigorous testing and validation before deployment.3. Hyper-personalization.With the increasing availability of data, AI systemsare becoming increasingly capable of understanding and predicting individual preferences and behaviors. This trend, known as hyper-personalization, is likely to reshapevarious industries, such as retail, media, and healthcare. By leveraging AI, businesses can offer personalized experiences to their customers, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.4. AI-powered Environments.The concept of AI-powered environments, where AI systems are integrated into our physical surroundings, is becoming a reality. This trend is likely to be driven by the development of AI-enabled sensors, actuators, and other devices that can communicate with each other and make intelligent decisions. For instance, smart homes that can automatically adjust lighting, temperature, and security settings based on occupant preferences and behaviors are becoming increasingly common.5. Collaborative AI.Collaborative AI refers to the integration of AI systems with humans to enhance their capabilities and efficiency. This trend is likely to be driven by the development of AI systems that can understand and interpret human language, gestures, and emotions. By leveraging AI, humans can work more efficiently and productively, achieving better outcomes in various fields, such ashealthcare, education, and research.In conclusion, the future of AI looks bright, with exciting new trends and developments emerging. As AI systems become more autonomous, intelligent, and integrated into our daily lives, they are likely to shape various industries and sectors, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, and quality of life. However, it is crucial to address the challenges facing AI, such asinterpretability and ethics, to ensure its responsible and sustainable development.。
工业智能化英语English:Industrial intelligence refers to the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, and internet of things into traditional industrial processes to improve efficiency, productivity, and decision making. This transformation allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, the prediction of equipment failures, the optimization of supply chain and production processes, and the customization of products and services to meet specific customer needs. Industrial intelligence not only streamlines operations and reduces costs but also enables businesses to respond quickly to market changes, adapt to new trends, and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving global marketplace.中文翻译:工业智能化是指将人工智能、机器学习、大数据分析和物联网等先进技术融入传统工业过程中,以提高效率、生产力和决策能力。
基于改进 SEIR模型的构建和仿真研究摘要:SIR模型的构建和仿真的研究是研究疾病溯源、预测疫情和制定疾病研究措施的重要参考依据。
关键词:改进SEIR模型;社交控制因子;疫情防控措施Construction and simulation research based on improved SEIR modelGAN Gesheng,JIANG Yuan(School of Information Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,China)Abstract: SIR model construction and simulation research is an important reference for disease tracing, epidemic prediction anddisease research measures. Based on COVID-19 data, an improved SEIR model was proposed based on social control factors and otherinfluencing factors. The influence factors of the classical SIR model are too small to fully adapt to the prediction and preventionand control in some cases, and the influence factors such as trackingof latent and infected patients' hospitalization and social control factors are added. In the traditional algorithm (ODE), perform optimization (Euler). The improved SEIR model has certainapplication value for the prediction and prevention and control measures of infectious diseases.Keywords: improved SEIR model; social control factor; epidemic control measures0 引言本文在传统SEIR传染病动力学的模型的基础上,建立了一个基于社交控制因子等多影响因素的改进型的SEIR模型[1]。
四、研究方法1. 调研文献,深入了解污水处理、数学模型和优化算法等相关知识;2. 建立污水处理厂的ASM2d数学模型,并通过MATLAB软件进行模拟和优化;3.根据实际数据,对模型进行验证和评估;4.对实验结果进行分析,并提出解决方案和建议。
七、参考文献1. Moreno-Andrade, I. (2019). Optimization of activated sludge wastewater treatment plants using the ASM2d model. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 13, 434-452.2. Guo, Y., & Gao, H. (2017). Application of ASM2d model to optimize the operation of a sequencing batch reactor for municipal wastewater treatment. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 24(20), 16259-16267.3. Lestari, A. R., & Prajitno, P. (2018). Application of ASM2d in optimization and prediction of activated sludge process in Sewage Treatment Plant. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1028(1), 012058.4. Rosenwinkel, K. H., & Benedetti, L. (2019). ASM2d model for the optimization of an extended aeration activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Water Science & Technology, 79(2), 268-277.。