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山东理工大学教案注:教师讲稿附后Lesson two Selecting a topic and purposeI am lucky, honored and humbled to stand here, so many students watch how I would perform on this small but terrifying platform. Frankly speaking, I am quite nervous standing here, especially before you, a large group of audience, no one is perfect, it is not shameful at all to admit my nervousness, because everybody will be nervous to some extent when asked to speak before a big audience. Why did I say so, I have proof.One of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright. We may as well face the issue squarely. Many people who converse easily in all kinds of everyday situations become frightened ar the idea of standing up before a group to make a speech. If you are worried about stage fright, you may feel better knowing that you are not alone. A survey conducted in 1973 asked more than 2,500 Americans to list their greatest fears. To the surprises of the reserchers, the largest number fo people----41%----listed speaking before a group among their greatest fears. Amazing as it may seem, many Americans appear to consider public speaking a fate worse than death.This is A survey conducted in AmericaResearchers asked their respondents to list their greatest fears, here is how they responded:Greatest Fears Percent NamingA party with strangers 74Giving a speech 70Asked personal questions in public 65 Meeting a date’s parents 59First day on a new job 59Victim of a practical joke 56 Talking with sb. in authority 53Job interview 46 Formal dinner party 44Blind date 42 From the chart, we can see that speechmaking ranks near the top in provoking anxiety.Therefore, we can say that speaking in public means a great challenge to everybody. Nervousness mainly comes from the fact that we do not know what to say, how to say and less training. There are a lot of things that make a successful speech, such as your topic, your delivery, your language. Among them, the organization of the speech is the first concern of the public speaker. Then comes the second problem, How to organize you speech well. It involves several factors, such as your topic, your purpose and your central idea, and so on. They are what we are going to discuss today. Today we mainly focus on the following matters:Choosing a topicDetermining your purposeThe central ideaLet’s begin with selecting a topic:Selecting a topicThe first step in speech making is choosing a topic. It is a key element of a successful speech.. For speeches outside the classroom this is seldom a problem. Usually the speech topic is determined by the occasion, the audience, and the speaker’s qualifications. When George W. Bush lectures on a college campus, he is invited to speak about foreign policy and current events. The same is true of ordinary citizens. The doctor is asked to inform how to deal with sport injuries, the florist discusses how to grow better houseplants, Mr. Fan Yuejin is asked to talk about school management. And Certainly I will never be expected to tell you something about mathematics.In a public speaking class the situation is different. Most of your speech assignment will not come with a designated topic. You generally have great leeway in selecting subjects for your speeches. This would appear to be an advantage, since it allows you to talk about matters of personal interest. Yet how to choose a proper topic remains a difficulty.What is a suitable speech topicFirst your topic should be Worthwhil e: worthwhile topics must address issues that have significant implications for the audience. The topic must be important enough to merit the time and attention of a group of intelligent and educated persons.Second, it should be Appropriate: the best way to ensure that your topic is appropriate is to select a topic about which you know a lot and would like to learn more. It is a lot easier to please an audience when the topic interests them. The topic should also be appropriate for the occasion. Time limitations will exclude certain topics because they are too complex.Finally, your topic should be Limited in scopeThe major problem for beginning speakers is that they attempt to cover a huge topic in too short a time; the inevitable result is that nothing specific is covered – everything is touched on but only superficially. You have to narrow and limit your topic, and divide the topic into several significant parts.Determining your purposeThe purpose of your speech is your goal; it is what you hope to achieve during your speech. Generally speaking we have two types of purpose: general purpose and specific one.General purposes(the broad goal of a speech)The general purpose is he broad goal of a speech, usually it falls into one of two overlapping categories---to inform or to persuade.When your general purpose is to inform, you act as a teacher or lecturer. Your goal is to convey information ---and do it clearly, accurately and interestingly, your aim is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of your listeners---to give them information they did not have before.When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as an advocate or a partisan. Your goal is to change or structure the attitudes or actions of your audience. The difference between informing and persuading is the difference between explaining and exhorting. Your aim is to win over yourlisteners to your point of view---to get them to believe something or do something as a result of your speech.Now I will ask you what I am here for? My general purpose is to inform or to persuade?Yes, you are absolutely right. I am here to inform, to inform the audience about how to organize the speech well, and how to be a better public speaker.If I am here to tell you that public speaking means a lot of fun, it can enhance your confidence, your linguistic competence, it can help you to find a better job. And I am the best teacher who teaches public speaking (also the only one). In a term, I will make you a great public speaker, public speaking will be a piece of cake if you come to my class.What is my purpose?Yes, my purpose is to persuade. To persuade you to take my course.In speech classes, the general purpose is usually specified as part of the speech assignment. For speeches outside the classroom, however, you have to make sure of your general purpose yourself. Usually this is easy to do. Are you going to explain, report, or demonstrate something? Then your general purpose is to inform. Are you going to sell, advocate, or defend something? Then your general purpose is to persuade. But no matter what the situation, you must be certain of exactly what you hope to achieve by speaking. Knowing your general purpose is the first step. The next step is determining your specific purpose.Specific purposes:( single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.)Once you have chosen a topic and a general purpose, you must narrow your choices to determine the specific purpose . The specific purpose should focus on one aspect of a topic. You should be able to state your specific purpose in a single infinitive phrase.(to inform my audienceabout…; to persuade my audience to…) that indicates precisely what you hope to accomplish with your speech. Perhaps an example will help clarify the process of choosing a specific purpose. For example:If your topic is: EmergenciesYour general purpose is : To informSo far. So good. But what aspect of your topic would you discuss? The different kinds of emergencies? The emergency situations she had faced? Specific techniques such as water rescue, applyng first aid, or preventing a person from going into shock? She had to choose something interesting that she could cover in a six-minute speech. Finally, she settled on explaining the major steps involved in responding to an emergency. She stated her specific purpose this way.You should narrow your topic, focus on one aspect, and express it in a single infinitive phrase. For instance, we can define thespecific purpose as: To inform my audience of the major steps in responding to an emergency This turned out to be an excellent choice, and her speech was among the best in the class. Notice how clear the specific purpose statement is. Notice also how it relates the topic directly to the audience. That is, it states not what the speaker wants to say, but what the speaker wants the audience to know as a result of the speech. This is very important, for it helps keep the audience at the center of you attention as you prepare the speech.Specific purpose: to explain the major steps in responding to an emergencyExplain to whom? To a group of medical students? To an introductory Red Cross class? Those would be two different speeches. The medical students already know the basic fact about responding to an emergency. For them, the speaker might provide a more advanced discussion.Tips for formulating the specific purpose statementFormulating a specific purpose is the most important early step in developing a successful speech. When writing your purpose statement, try to follow the general principles outlined below.The first tip is:1. Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase, not as a fragmentIf your specific purpose is: Calendars. Is it effective or ineffective?Why,because it is a fragment, not an infinitive.If your specific is:To inform my audience about the four major kinds of calendars used inthe world today.It is much more effective.Another example:If your specific purpose is: Stem cell research . Is it effective or ineffective?Why,because it is a fragment, not an infinitiveIf your specific is: To persuade my audience that the federal government should increase funding for stem cell research.Of course, it is more effective.The ineffective statements above are adequate as announcements of the speech topic, but they are not thought out fully enough to indicate the specific purposeOk, Let’s move on to tip 22. Express your purpose as a statement, not as a questionineffective: Is China’s space program necessary?Is it effective or ineffective?Yes it is ineffective.Why,because it is a question, not an statementMore effective:To persuade my audience that China’s space program provides many important benefits to people here on earthIt becomes more effective.The questions might make an adequate title, but they are not effective as the specific purposestatement. They give no indication about what direction the speech willtake or what the speaker hopes to accomplish.The third tip is:3. Avoid figurative language in your purpose statementIneffective:To inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool.More Effective: To inform my audience how yoga can improve their health.Here are two specific purpose statements, please tell which one is effective, which one is ineffective?Ineffective:To persuade my audience that the campus policy on off-campus living reallystinks.More Effective:To persuade my audience that the campus policy on off-campus living should be revised.Although the ineffective statements indicate something of the speaker’s viewpoint, they do not state concisely what he or she hopes to achieve. Metaphors, analogies, and the like are effective devices for reinforcing ideas within a speech,but they are too ambiguous for specific purpose statements.Yes ,very good.. Obviously I made myself understood.4. Limit your purpose statement to one distinct idea, or one main pointHere I give you three statements, and you decide which one is not effective. Ineffective: To inform my audience about the developments of AIDS and the recent testing procedures for HIV infectionMore Effective: To persuade my audience about the developments of AIDSMore Effective: To inform my audience about the recent testing procedures for HIV infection. Why the first sentence is ineffective? Because it has two main points: the developments of AIDS and the recent testing procedures for HIV infectionWhat you need to avoid is not simply the word “and”, but a specific purpose statement that contains two unrelated ideas, either of which could easily be developed into aspeech in its own right.5. Make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or generalIneffective: To inform my audience about the Civil WarMore Effective: To inform my audience about the role of African American soldiers in the Civil WarThe ineffective purpose statement above falls into one of the most common traps---it is too broad and ill-defined. It gives no clues about what aspect of the Civil War the speaker will cover. The more effective purpose statement is sharp and concise. It reveals clearly what the speaker plans to discuss.Here is another example, this time from a persuasive speech:Ineffective: To persuade my audience that something must be done about medical care. More effective: To persuade my audience that the government should adopt a system of national health insurance for all people in China.Tell me which one is more effective?The second one, because, it is more concise. The ineffective purpose statement is vague and indistinct. It gives no indication of the speaker’s stance toward the topic. The “something”that “should be done” could include anything. The more effective purpose statement is crisp and clear. It does not leave us guessing what the speaker hopes to accomplish.When you determine your specific purpose, you should ask yourself the following questions to see whether your purpose is appropriate.Questions to ask about your specific purposeSometimes you will arrive at your specific purpose almost immediately after choosing your topic. At other times you may do quite a bit of research before deciding on a specific purpose. Much will depend on how familiar you are with the topic, as well as on any special demands imposed by the assignment, the audience,or the occasion. But whenever you settle on your specific purpose, ask yourself the following questions about it.1. Does my purpose meet the assignment?2. Can I accomplish my purpose in the time allotted?3. Is the purpose relevant to my audience?4. Is the purpose too trivial for my audience?5. Is the purpose too technical for my audience?All right, next we are going to discuss how to phrase your central idea.Phrasing the central idea (thesis statement, subject sentence, major thought)The specific purpose of a speech is what you hope to accomplish. The central idea is a concise statement of what you expect to say.Sometimes it is called thesis statement, subject sentence, major thought. Whatever the term, the central idea is usually expressed as a simple, declarative sentence that refines and sharpens the specific purpose statement.What is the central idea?It is a one-sentence statement that sums up the major ideas of a speech. It is what you want the audience to absorb from your speech..Imagine you run into a friend on your way to speech class. She says, “ I have to dash to my history lecture, but I hear you’re giving a speech today. Can you tell me the gist of it in one sentence?”“ Sure,” you reply. “ America’s prison system suffers from three mafor problems---- overcrowding of inmates, lack of effective rehabilitation programs, and high expense to taxpayers.”Your answer is the central idea of your speech. It is more precise than your topic (America’s prison system) or your specific purpose statement ( To inform my audience of the three major problems facing America’s prison sustem”) By stating exactly what the three major problems are, the central idea sums up your speech in a single sentence.Notice that in persuasive speeches, the central idea puts forth a point of view, an opinion. The central idea is an arguable, debatable proposition. It is a non-neutral statement. You have to take your stance, whether you are for or against the preposition. Standing in the middle is not acceptableIn informative speeches, the central idea appears relatively neutral and objective.Let’s take a few examples we saw earlier in this chapter and develop them from the topic, general purpose, and specific purpose to the central idea.We start with the speech about responding to an emergency situation.Topic: EmergenciesGeneral purpose: To informSpecific purpose: To inform my audience of the major steps in responding to an emergency. Central idea: The major steps in responding to an emergency are surveying the scene, contacting an emergency medical service, and starting CPR if needed.(cardiopulmonary resuscitation)Look carefully at this example, it shows how the speaker starts with a broad subject(emergencies) that becomes narrower and narrower as the speaker moves from the general purpose to the specific purpose to the central idea. Notice also how much more the central idea suggests about the content of the speech. From it we can expect the speaker to develop the main points in the speech---eachcorresponding to one of the major steps in responding to an emergency.Another example:Topic: Alternative-fuel vehiclesGeneral purpose: To persuadeSpecific purpose: To persuade my audience that the government should speed up efforts to develop alternative-fuel vehicles.Central idea: Developing alternative-fuel vehicles will help reduce China’s dependence on foreign oil and will help reduce air pollution.From this central idea we can deduce that the speaker will develop two main points in the speech:(1) alternative-fuel vehicles have the potential to reduce China’s need forimported oil, and (2) alternative-fuel vehicles will reduce the air pollutioncaused by automobile exhaust.The central idea statement serves three useful purposes. First, it helps you generate your main ideas . Second, it suggests suitable organizational patterns and strategies. Third, it focuses the audience’s attention on your central idea.Here I will give you some guidelines for the central idea.Guidelines for the central idea1.be expressed in a full sentence2.should not be in the form of a question.3.should avoid figurative language4.should not be vague or overly generalHere, for example, are two poorly written central ideas. See if you can identify the problem with each and figure out how each might be phrased more effectively.Ineffective: Problems of fad dietsIneffective: Zibo is an awesome place for a vacation.(A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results. These diets don't offer long-term success, and they are usually not very healthy. Some of them can actually be dangerous to your health.)The first one is too general, it does not reveal enough about the content of the speech to serve as the central idea. It should be rewritten as a full sentence that identifies the problems of fad diets to be discussed in the speech:More effective: Although fad diets produce quick weight loss, they can lead to serious problems by creating deficiencies in vitamins and minerals and by breaking down muscle tissue as well as fat.The second one is flawed by its use of figurative language. To say that Zibo is an ‘awesome’ place for a vocation does not convey the speaker’s central idea clearly and concisely. It does not indicate what characteristics of Zibo the speaker intends to discuss. Moreover, “awesome”could mean quite different meanings to different people. A better central idea would be:More effective: Zibo has many attractions for vocations, including a warm climate, excellent food, and many historical sites.SummaryThe first step in speech making i s choosing a topic. For classroom speeches, it is often best to choose a subject you know well or in which you have personal experience.After you choose a topic, you need to settle on the general purpose of your speech. Usually, the general purpose will be to inform or to persuade. When it is to inform, you act as a teacher, your goal is to communicate information clearly, accurately, and interestingly. When your general purpose is to persuade, you act as an advocate, your goal is to win listeners over to your point of view.Once you know your topic and general purpose, you must focus in on a specific purpose that you can express as a single infinitive phrase. The phrase should indicate precisely what your speech plans to achieve.The central idea refines and sharpens your specific purpose. It is a concise statement of what you will say in your speech, and it usually crystallizes in your thinking after you have done your research and have decided on the main points of your speech.. The central idea usually conveys the main points to be developed in the body of your speech.。
英语演讲课程教案英语演讲课程教案「篇一」教材分析本模块通过Simon一家为Daming 准备过生日这一情景,讲述正在发生的动作及如何向他人寻求帮助并根据客观情况说明自己能否向他人提供帮助。
谈论的话题是“大明”的生日,通过大明的生日对话来学习“我正在做什么?”“他正在做什么?”使学生掌握现在进行时, 去解释世间万物正在进行的动作变化,以及该如何向别人请求帮助。
教学目标(1)能力目标:能运用“Who can help me?”向他人求助;能口头运用I’m making Daming’s birthday card.说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。
(2)知识目标:a.能听、说、认、读本课词组be careful,fly away,look at。
熟练掌握重点单词careful,card,balloon,fly away以及-ing结尾的单词。
b. 掌握句子:Who can help me? I can. Sorry, I can’t. I am making Daming’s birthday card。
c.听懂会说句型:主语+谓语+-ing.I canI can`t并能在具体语境中灵活运用。
教学重点和难点(1)难点:掌握以—ing结尾的单词,能运用“Who can help me?”向他人求助;能口头运用I’m making Daming’s birthday card.说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。
高中优秀教案英语教案一:用英语自我介绍教学目标:1. 学会用英语进行简单的自我介绍。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力和自信心。
教案二:英语写作技巧讲解教学目标:1. 了解英语写作的基本技巧。
2. 提高学生的英语写作能力。
步骤二:讲解写作技巧教师向学生介绍英语写作的基本技巧,包括:- 清晰的思路结构- 合理的段落安排- 丰富的词汇和句式运用- 注意语法和拼写错误的纠正步骤三:示范写作教师示范一篇英语作文,同时解释运用了哪些写作技巧。
教案三:英语口语演讲比赛教学目标:1. 提高学生的口语表达能力和自信心。
2. 培养学生的演讲技巧和演讲能力。
英语演讲课程教案一、课程简介二、教学目标1. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
2. 培养学生的演讲技巧和自信心。
3. 帮助学生掌握演讲的基本结构和技巧。
4. 提高学生的公众演讲能力。
三、教学内容1. 演讲的基本概念和重要性。
2. 演讲的准备和计划。
3. 演讲的开头和结尾。
4. 演讲中的语言表达和肢体语言。
5. 演讲的练习和反馈。
四、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解演讲的基本概念、技巧和注意事项。
2. 实践法:学生进行演讲练习,教师进行指导和反馈。
3. 小组讨论法:学生分组讨论演讲相关话题,分享经验和意见。
4. 观摩法:观看优秀演讲视频,学习借鉴先进的演讲技巧。
五、教学评价1. 平时练习:对学生平时的演讲练习进行评价,关注口语表达能力、演讲技巧和自信心等方面。
2. 课堂表现:评价学生在课堂上的参与程度、合作能力和进步情况。
3. 演讲比赛:组织学生参加演讲比赛,评价演讲内容、语言表达和现场表现等方面。
4. 学生互评:鼓励学生互相评价,共同提高演讲能力。
六、教学准备1. 教材:选用适合英语演讲的课程教材,如《英语演讲艺术》等。
2. 辅助材料:提供相关的演讲范文、优秀演讲视频等资源。
3. 投影仪、音响等教学设备:用于展示PPT和播放视频材料。
4. 讲台和座位:布置合适的演讲场地。
七、教学安排1. 课时:本课程共安排16课时,每课时45分钟。
2. 课程进度:按照教学内容进行有序教学,确保每个话题都有足够的练习时间。
3. 课堂活动:结合教学内容,安排不同的课堂活动,如演讲练习、讨论等。
八、教学反思2. 关注学生的学习反馈,及时调整教学内容和难度,满足学生的学习需求。
3. 关注学生的个体差异,给予不同的学生个性化的指导和支持。
九、教学拓展1. 组织学生参加校内外英语演讲比赛,提高学生的实战能力。
2. 邀请专业英语演讲教练进行讲座或辅导,拓宽学生的视野。
3. 引导学生参加英语角等活动,增加学生的英语实践机会。
3. 对学生提出建议和期望,鼓励他们在未来的学习和生活中运用所学,不断提高自己的英语演讲能力。
英语演讲选修课教案Informative Speech I第一章:课程简介1.1 课程目标让学生掌握informative speech 的基本概念和技巧提高学生的英语口语表达能力和演讲能力1.2 课程内容informative speech 的定义和特点informative speech 的结构和要求如何选择合适的题目和收集资料1.3 课程安排共计16 课时,每课时45 分钟每课时包括演讲技巧讲解、实践演练和反馈环节第二章:Informative Speech 的定义和特点2.1 什么是Informative Speech解释Informative Speech 的定义和作用强调Informative Speech 的目的:传递信息和知识2.2 Informative Speech 的特点结构清晰,逻辑性强使用恰当的例子和证据支持观点语言简明扼要,易于理解2.3 为什么学习Informative Speech提高学生的口语表达能力和演讲能力培养学生的研究和批判性思维能力增强学生的自信心和公众演讲技巧第三章:Informative Speech 的结构和要求3.1 结构概述引言:吸引听众的注意力,提出主题阐述主题,提供相关信息和支持论据结尾:总结全文,强调重点,提出建议或号召3.2 引言部分开头句:吸引听众的注意力,与主题相关背景信息:介绍话题的背景和重要性主题句:明确提出要传递的信息或知识3.3 部分段落结构:每段只包含一个主要观点论据支持:使用事实、数据、例子等支持观点过渡句:连接各个段落,保持演讲的连贯性3.4 结尾部分总结全文:回顾主要观点和论据强调重点:突出重要信息和观点提出建议或号召:引导听众采取行动或思考问题第四章:如何选择合适的题目和收集资料4.1 选择题目的原则个人兴趣和热情:选择自己感兴趣的话题知识储备:选择自己熟悉或有所了解的话题听众需求:考虑听众的兴趣和需求4.2 收集资料的方法图书馆研究:查阅相关书籍、杂志和期刊网络搜索:利用互联网资源进行资料收集采访专家:请教专业人士的意见和见解4.3 资料整理和筛选整理收集到的资料,分类别和关键词评估资料的可信度和可靠性筛选出与演讲主题相关的重要资料第五章:演讲技巧讲解与实践5.1 演讲技巧讲解声音与语调:保持声音的清晰和语调的抑扬顿挫肢体语言:运用合适的肢体动作表达观点和情感时间控制:掌握演讲的时间,避免超时或拖延5.2 实践演练分组练习:学生分组进行演讲练习,互相观摩和反馈角色扮演:模拟演讲场景,进行角色扮演和演讲练习录音反馈:学生录制自己的演讲,回放听取并进行自我评价5.3 反馈环节学生互相评价:给予同学演讲的反馈和建议教师评价:教师对学生的演讲进行评价和指导改进和提升:根据反馈意见进行改进,提升演讲技巧第六章:演讲的开头和结尾技巧6.1 开头技巧钩子:用一个有趣的故事、引用或问题吸引听众的注意力相关性:解释演讲与听众的关联,激发听众的兴趣定义:简洁明了地定义演讲主题,为后续内容做铺垫6.2 结尾技巧总结:回顾演讲的主要观点,强化听众的记忆呼吁行动:鼓励听众采取具体行动或思考问题留下悬念:提出一个引发思考的问题,为后续讨论提供话题第七章:使用视觉辅助材料7.1 视觉辅助材料的作用增强演讲的吸引力:通过图片、图表等视觉元素吸引听众的注意力辅助说明:用视觉材料展示数据、流程或概念,使内容更清晰易懂提高记忆:视觉元素有助于听众更好地记忆和理解演讲内容7.2 选择合适的视觉辅助材料图片:选用与演讲主题相关的图片,简洁明了地表达观点图表:用图表展示数据和趋势,使信息更直观易懂幻灯片:制作简洁清晰的幻灯片,辅助说明演讲内容7.3 使用视觉辅助材料的注意事项视觉元素与演讲内容紧密结合,避免无关或过多的装饰确保视觉辅助材料清晰可见,避免文字过小或颜色过于刺眼适时展示视觉辅助材料,与演讲内容同步,避免中断演讲流程第八章:处理紧张和失误8.1 认识紧张和失误紧张:面对听众时的自然情绪反应,影响演讲的表现失误:演讲过程中出现的口误、忘词等情况8.2 应对紧张的策略深呼吸:通过深呼吸放松身体和心情积极心态:调整心态,相信自己的准备和能力模拟练习:提前进行模拟练习,增加对演讲场景的熟悉度8.3 应对失误的策略镇定处理:保持镇定,不要慌张,继续演讲巧妙转移:用幽默或灵活的语言转移听众注意力补救措施:如果忘词,可以简要回顾上文内容,或借助视觉辅助材料提示第九章:演讲的语音语调与表达9.1 语音语调的重要性语音:清晰准确地发音,增强语言的感染力语调:适当的抑扬顿挫,使演讲更具表现力9.2 练习发音和语调模仿训练:模仿优秀演讲者的发音和语调,提高自己的表达能力录音反馈:录下自己的演讲,回放听评,改进发音和语调注重语流:保持语言的连贯性,避免生硬或过度的停顿9.3 增强表达力使用修辞手法:运用比喻、排比等修辞手法,丰富语言表达适当运用感叹词和语气词:增强语言的情感色彩关注听众反应:根据听众的反应调整语气和表达方式第十章:演讲的评估与自我提升10.1 评估标准内容:是否完整、准确地传达了信息结构:演讲是否条理清晰、逻辑严密表达:语音语调、肢体语言是否恰当,富有感染力互动:与听众的眼神交流、提问等互动是否自然顺畅10.2 自我提升策略反思总结:每次演讲后,进行自我反思和总结,找出不足之处持续练习:定期进行演讲练习,不断提高自己的表达能力学习借鉴:观看优秀演讲者的演讲视频,学习他们的经验和技巧10.3 寻求反馈和建议向同学、老师或其他听众寻求反馈,了解自己的演讲表现根据反馈意见进行改进,提升自己的演讲能力重点和难点解析1. Informative Speech 的结构和要求:理解并掌握informative speech 的基本结构,包括引言、和结尾,以及每个部分的功能和写作要求。
注:教案附后Lesson 9 Informative speech ISupporting your ideasHeather Kolpin decided to give her first classroom speech on the benefits of good nutrition. A dedicated fitness enthusiast, she had recently switched to a high-protein diet. Part of her speech ran like this:“For years we’ve been told that meat, eggs, and cheese are bad for us and that we should eat more carbohydrates like cereal, grains, pasta, and rice. But too many carbohydrates can unbalance the body and make you tired and overweight. Do you want more energy? Do you want to concentrate better and get higher grades? Do you want to enjoy real meals and still lose those unsightly pounds? If so, you should eat more protein. I’ve been on a high-protein diet for six months, and I’ve never felt better or done better in my classes!”After the speech, Heather’s classmates were interested but skeptical. As one remarked,“I knowhigh-protein diets are popular right now, but Heather is no expert on nutrition. Besides, there are lots of diets around, and they all claim to work wonders. Personally, I’d be more convinced if Heather gave some scientific evidence to back up her opinion.”Good speeches are not composed of hot air and generalizations. They need strong supporting materials to bolster the speaker’s point of view. In Heather’s case, although there is plenty of evidence on the need to balance protein and carbohydrate consumption, many nutritionists have warned about the dangers of overloading on protein. So Heather’s listeners were right to be skeptical. Heather made a mistake of generalizing from her own experience with nothing concrete to support her ideas.The problem with generalizations is that they do not answer the three questions listeners always mentally ask of a speaker: “What do you mean?”, “Why should I believe you?”“So what?”The skillful use of supporting materials often makes the difference between a poor speech and a good one. Using supporting materials is not a matter of tossing facts and figures into your speech. You must decide which ideas need to be supported given your audience, topic, and specific purposes. You must do research to find materials that will bring your ideas across clearly and creatively. And you must evaluate your supporting materials to make sure they really do back up your ideas.As you put your speeches together, you will need to make sure your supporting materials are accurate, relevant, and reliable. You will find yourself asking such questions as, “Are my examples representative?”,“Am I quoting reputable, qualified sources?”There are three kinds of supporting materials we use most often, they are: examples , testimony and statisticsI.ExamplesExamples:a specific case used to illustrate or to represent a group of people, ideas, conditions, experiences or the like.In the course of a speech you may use brief examples—specific instances referred to in passing —and sometimes you may want to give several brief examples in a row to create a stronger impression. Extended examples—often called illustrations, narratives, or anecdotes—are longer and more detailed.Examples are useful when you wish to make an abstract concept or idea concrete. For example, it is difficult for the audience to see exactly what you mean by such abstract concepts as persecution, denial of freedom, friendship, and love unless you provide specific examples of what you mean.Here is one example a student used in a speech about lead poison.‘When Denise Waddle and her family moved to a nice, middle-class section of Jersey City, New Jersey, they had dreams of healthy living, block parties, even a big backyard so their kid could make mud pies. In less than one year in their new home, their two-year-old son had been poisoned, and their newborn showed high levels of poisoning in his bloodstream. Unknowingly, the Waddle’s had been poisoned by their own backyard, for high levels of lead contaminated their water and their lives.”Examples may be real and factual on one hand or hypothetical and imagined on the other. The hypothetical and imagined ones are called hypothetical examples.Hypothetical example: an example that describes an imagery or fictitious situationHere is one student used a hypothetical example to illustrate the need for college students to protect themselves against crime:Y ou’re tired; you’re hungry. You’ve just spent a long day at College Library and you cannot wait to get back to your room. Glancing outside, you remember how quickly it becomes dark. You don’t think much of it, though, as you bundle up and head out into the gusty wind. Not until you spy the shadows on the sidewalk or hear the leaves rustling beside you do you wish you weren’t alone. You walk quickly, trying to stop your imagination from thinking of murderers and rapists. Only when you are safely inside your room do you relax and try to stop your heart from pounding out of your chest.Can you remember a time when you felt this way? I would be surprised if you never have. The FBI reported last year that there were three murders, approximately 430 aggravated assaults, 1400 burglaries, and 80 rapes here in Madison alone. And while these statistics are quite alarming, they don’t compare to the numbers of larger metropolitan areas.This hypothetical example is particularly effective. The speaker creates a realistic scenario, relates it directly to her listeners, and gets them involved in the speech. In addition, she uses figures from the FBI to show that the scenario could really happen to any of her classmates. Whenever you use a hypothetical example, it is a good idea to follow it with statistics or testimony to show that the example is not far-fetched.Tips for using examples1. Use examples to clarify your ideasExamples are an excellent way to clarify unfamiliar or complex ideas. This is why so many teachers use examples in the classroom. Examples put abstract ideas into concrete terms that listeners can easily understand.This principle works exceptionally well in speeches. Suppose you are talking about suspension bridges, you could give a technical descriptionThe suspension bridge has a roadway suspended by vertical cables attached to two or more main cables. The main cables are hung on two towers and have their ends anchored in concrete or bedrock.If your listeners were made up of people familiar with structural systems, they might be able to visualize what a suspension bridge looks like. But for listeners lacking this background, you might want to add a simple example:Two well-known suspension bridges are the Golden Bridge in San Francisco and the Brooklyn Bridge in New York.Because almost everyone has at least seen a picture of the Golden Bridge in San Francisco and the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, using them as examples clarifies your meaning quickly and effectively.2. Use examples to reinforce your ideasIn a speech entitled “Boxing: The most dangerous sport”, the speaker argued that professional boxing should be banned. To reinforce his point, he cited the example of Muhammad Ali, who suffers a severe case of Parkinson’s disease brought on by his years in the ring. The example is very effective. It put the medical facts about boxing and brain damage in vivid, human terms that everyone could understand.When you use examples, make sure it is representative. The example of Muhammad Ali is quite representative.3. Use examples to personalize your ideasPeople are interested in people. AS social psychologist Eliot Aronson said, “Most people aremore deeply influenced by one clear, vivid, personal example than by an abundance of statistical data. ”Whenever you talk, you can include examples that will add human interest to your speech. SEE WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WOULD YOU BE MORE LIKELY TO RESPOND TO?There are many hungry families in our community who could benefit from food donations.Or:Let me tell you about Arturo. Arturo is four years old. He has big brown eyes and a mop of black hair and an empty belly. In all his four years on this earth, Arturo has never once enjoyed three square meals in a single day.You can also use personal examples: personal examples are an excellent way to clarify ideas and to build audience interest. To be most effective, they should be delivered sincerely and with strong eye contact.II.TestimonyTestimony ---quotations or paraphrases used to support a point..People tend to respect the opinions of people who have special knowledge or experience on the topic. By quoting or paraphrasing such people, you can give your ideas greater strength and impact. The two major kinds of testimony are expert testimony and peer testimony.Expert testimony:Testimony from people who are recognized experts in their fields. It is a good way to lend credibility to your speeches by citing the viewpoints of people who are experts. It shows that you are not just mouthing your own opinions, but your position is supported by people who are knowledgeable about the topic.Expert testimony is more important when a topic is controversial or when the audience is skeptical about a speakers’point of view.As Einstein has put it; as Li Siguang said…Peer Testimony---Testimony from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic.Testimony not from famous people, but from ordinary citizens who have firsthand experience on the topic. This kind of testimony is especially valuable because it gives a more personal viewpoint on issues than can be gained from expert testimony. It conveys the feelings, the knowledge, the insight of people who speak with the voice of genuine experience.For example, if you were speaking about the barriers faced by people with physical disabilities, you would surely include testimony from doctors and other medical authorities. But in this case, the expert testimony would be limited because it cannot communicate what it really means to have a physical disability. To communicate that, you need statements from people who have physical disabilities---such as the following:Itzhak Perman, the world-renowned violinist whose legs are paralyzed, once said: “When you are in a wheelchair, people don’t talk to you. Perhaps they think it is contagious, or perhaps they think crippled legs mean a crippled mind. But whatever the reason, they treat you like a thing.”Paul Longmore, who lost the use of his legs as a child, notes that most people are uncomfortable in the presence of someone who is handicapped, “It’s only when they really go out of their way to get to know us,”he says, “that they realize we are just as bright, witty, and companionable as they are.”There is no way expert testimony can express theses ideas with same authenticity and emotional impact.Tips for Using testimony1.quote or paraphrase accurately: make sure you do not misquote someone; make sure you donot violate the meaning of statements you paraphrase; make sure you do not quote out of context(quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing the statement from the words and phrases surrounding it. ).e testimony from qualified sources. That is, use testimony from recognized experts orordinary citizens with special experience on the speech topic.e testimony from unbiased sources. Be sure to use testimony from credible, competent,objective authorities.4.Identify the people you quote or paraphrase. The usual way to identify your source is to namethe person and sketch her or his qualifications before presenting the testimony. For instance: John Silber, Chancellor of Boston University and Chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Education, remarks: “It is quite clear that remarkable competence in a language can be achieved in three years--- if theses years are the ages three, four, and five. There is no question that for the average child to become bilingual, the earlier the better. ”After this statement, there is no doubt about Silber’s qualifications or why the audience should respect his judgment on the subject of education.III.StatisticsWe live in an age of statistics. Day in and day out we are bombarded with numbers. When used properly, statistics is an effective way to clarify and support ideas.Like brief examples, statistics are often cited in passing to clarify or strengthen a speaker’s point. The following examples show how three students used statistics in their speeches:To show the dangers posed by running red lights: “According to the U.S. Department ofTransportation, 200,000 people are injured and more than 800 are killed every year in the U.S. due to motorists who run red lights.”To illustrate the growing popularity of organic foods: “Consumers Union reports that sales of organic crops now exceed $9 billion a year and are increasing at the rate of 20 percent annually.”To document the problem of identity theft: “As stated by Newsweek magazine, identity theft has become the leading source of consumer fraud in the U.S., with an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 victims each year.”When using statistics, ask yourself the following two question:Are the statistics representative?Are the statistics from a reliable source?Tips for using statisticsUse statistics to quantity your ideasThe main value of statistics is to give your ideas numerical precision. This can be especially important when you are trying to document the existence of a problem. Examples can bring the problem alive and dramatize it in personal terms. But your listeners may still wonder how many people the problem actually affects. In such a situation, you should turn to statistics. Research has shown that the impact of examples is greatly enhanced when they are combined with statistics that show the examples to be typical.Suppose you are talking about the need for tougher driver’s license requirements for elderly drivers. Part of your speech deals with the growing number of auto accidents caused by drivers aged 70 and older. You give an example, you personalize it, you provide many details, as follows:Marie Wyman’s 87th birthday celebration at the Lobster Trap and Steakhouse in Winslow, Maine, ended with a bang. As Wyman backed out of her parking spot, she lost control of her Buick and plowed right through the restaurant’s crowded dining room. T ables and chairs scattered as terrified diners scrambled for cover. Twenty-seven people were injured, and police say it was a miracle that no one was killed.Then the speaker used figures to quantity the problem:According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, almost 5,000 drivers age 70 or older were killed last year, a 33 percent increase over the past 10 years. In few than 20 years, there will be more than 30 million drivers over age 70 in the United States, and highway safety experts warn that the number of people killed in crashes involving elderly motorists is likely to exceed the drunk-driving death toll.Use statistics sparinglyNothing puts an audience to sleep faster than a speech scattered with numbers from beginning to end. Insert statistics only when they are needed, and then make sure that they are easy to grasp. Identify the source of your statisticsAs we have seen, figures are easy to manipulate. This is why careful listeners keep an ear out for the sources of a speaker’s statistics. Tell your listeners where your statistics is from, and it is reliable.Explain your statisticsStatistics don’t speak for themselves, they need to be interpreted and related to your listeners.A speech made by US Secretary of State Collins Powell on the international AIDS crisisMany speakers have noted the dreadful toll that AIDS is taking….But let me try to make it more relevant.This hall holds about 2,000 people. By the time the three hours of this session elapse, 2,000people around the world---just about the same number who are here---will be newly infected with HIV/AIDS. That’s one for every person in this room. In some countries the infection rate is so high that one in three of us---the delegate to your right, the delegate to your left, or you, yourself---would be HIV positive.Explaining what statistics mean is particularly important when you deal with large numbers, since they are hard to visualize. Here is an example to explain the $6.5 trillion U.S. national debt.How much money is a trillion dollars? Think of it this way. If you had $1million and spent it at the rate of $1,000 a day, you would run out of money in less than three years. If you had $1 billion and spent it at the rate of $1,000 a day, you would not run out of money for almost 3,000 years. And if you had $ 1 trillion and spent it at the rate of $1,000 a day, you wouldn’t run out of money for nearly 3 million years!Round off complicated statisticsSometimes you do not have to give the exact number; they are too complicated to be really understood by listeners. Unless there is an important reason to give exact numbers, you should round off most statistics.For instance, Mount Kilimanjaro is 19,341, you should say , it is 19,300.The moon is 238,855 miles from earth, you should say: it is 239,000 miles from earth.Use visual aids to clarify statistical trendsVisual aids can save you a lot of time, as well as make your numbers easier to understand.Sample speech with commentaryThe following speech illustrates how to wok supporting materials into a presentation. as you readstudy how the speaker uses a variety of examples, statistics, and quotations to make her ideas clear, credible, and convincing.Suffer the childrenMatthew Garvey was just 13 years old when he was hired by Quality Car Wash in Laurel, Maryland, to towel-dry cars as they came off the line. Not long after he began working, Matthew lost his right leg when it got caught in an industrial machine used to suck the moisture out of the towels. After investigating, the U.S. Department of Labor fined the car wash for illegally hiring a minor and for operating a machine with a broken safety lid.The speaker begin with an extended example to gain attention and interest The example is specific and detailed .We are told Matthew Garvey’s name and age, where he lived, the kind of work he did ,and how he was injured. These are the kinds of details that bring examples to life and help get listeners involved in a speech.This in just one of the more tragic examples of what Jeffrey Newman of the National Child Labor Committee calls the “crisis”of child-labor law abuses in the United States. In researching this speech, I discovered that employers from New York to California are breaking the law by hiring children from age 7 to 17 who often put in long, hard hours in dangerous conditions Today I would like to show you the extent of the problem and how it jeopardizes the education and safety of millions of young people.The speaker moves into testimony suggesting that the opening story is representative of a major problem in the U.S. When you use an extended example, it is usually a good idea to precede or follow the example with statistics or testimony showing that the example is not unusual or exceptional.To understand the problem of child-labor law violations we need to begin by looking at the provisions of the law. As explained on the U.S. Department of Labor website, the Fair Labor Standards Act sets a minimum working age of 14.It limits 14-year-old and 15-year-old to three hours of work on school days, prohibits them from working after 7 at night, and allows them a total of 18 work hours per week during the school year. The law also restricts employment of children under 18 in dangerous jobs such as construction, meat-cutting, and mining.In her first main point the speaker explores the problem of child-labor law violations in the United States. She begins by summarizing the provisions of the law. Notice how she identifies the website where she acquired the information.Passed in 1938 and amended several times since, the Fair Labor Standards Act was designed to prevent the exploitation of child labor that took place during the 19th century. Yet today violations of the law are shockingly widespread. According to the Associated Press, 148,000 minors in the U.S. are employed illegally in nonagricultural jobs during an average week, working too many hours or in hazardous conditions. In addition, the National Child Labor Committee reports that more than 110,000 children work illegally on U.S. farms.Statistics in this and the next paragraph back up the speaker’s point that violations of child-labor laws are widespread in the U.S. Rather than giving the exact number of violations, she round them off, making them easier to grasp and recall.Some of the most serious violations occur in garment industry factor is known as sweatshops that hire immigrant children at rates well below minimum wage. The Associated Press estimates that as many as 2,600 minors are employed illegally in New York City sweatshops. Thomas Cubiak, head of the city’s garment district task force, says “most of the children in these factories are below 18, some as young as 8.”Like Faviola Flores, a 15-year-old Mexican girl in a Manhattan sweatshop, they toil long days in unsafe conditions for as little as $3.50 an hour. “I don’t like working here,”Flores says, ”but I have no choice.”The speaker uses a combination of statistics and testimony to support her point about child-labor abuses in the garment industry. The statement form Thomas Gubiak is an example of expert testimony; the closing quotation from Faviola Flores in an instance of peer testimony.Although the exploitation of child labor has been a problem in the garment trade since the 1800s, it can be found in almost every industry that employs minors. In January 2000, Wagner’s Meats of New Orleans was fined nearly $150,000 for illegally employing 27 minors in dangerous jobs and for exceeding federal hour limits. In February 2001, Thornton Roofing was fined $34,000 for child-labor violations in connection with the death of a teenage worker in Montgomery, Alabama. In March 2002, the Six Flags amusement parks paid $85,000 in penalties for violating federal child-labor laws.A series of brief examples supports the speaker’s claim about the pervasiveness of child-labor law violations. Because the examples deal with companies throughout the U.S. and in different lines of business, they provide strong evidence to reinforce the speaker’s point that violations of the law are widespread.Like other business caught breaking child-labor laws, Wanger’s and Six Flags tried to downplay the seriousness of their offenses. But the growing epidemic of child-labor law violations threatens both the education and the physical safety of young workers.The speaker begins her second main point—that violations of child-labor laws have serious consequences for the education and physical safety of young workers.The educational consequences are most damaging to illegal underage employees who work instead of attending school. As Hugh McDaid of New York City’s garment task force says, illegal underage workers “sacrifice their education and literally commit themselves to a life of working in a sweatshop. They have on future.”But even for children who do attend school, too many hours at work can harm their education. In their book When Teenager Work, psychology professors Ellen Greenberger and Laurence Steinberg note that intensive levels of work among youth tend to produce higher truancy and lower grades. According to Greenberger and Steinberg, one study after another has found that working more than a very few hours a week has a negative impact on teenagers’academic performance.The quotation from Huge McDaid is a good instance of expert testimony. This quotation, like others in the speech , is short and forceful. There is no reason to use a direct quotation unless it makes the point more clearly and forcefully than you can in your own words.Here the speaker paraphrases rather than quoting verbatim. Notice that she gives the name of the book she is paraphrasing from and identifies its authors. Speakers have an ethical obligation to indicate the sources of paraphrases, as well as of quotations.Not only do child workers harm their education, but they often endanger their physical safety as well . Recall the story I told in my introduction about Matthew Garvey, the 13-year-old who lost his leg while working at a car wash. Even more tragic is the case of Michael Hurcone, a 17-year-old Pennsylvania high-school student. While employed at a supermarket, he was working with a bailer —a machine that crushes and bins cardboard boxes and is supposed to be off-limits to minors. Noticing that some material was stuck in the bailer, Michael tried to free up the jam when he got caught in the machine. It crushed his body for 30 minutes before he suffocated.The examples in this paragraph show specific cases in which teenagers were injured or killed by the violation of child-labor laws. The extended example about Michael Hurcone is especially effective. Filled with specific details that make it interesting and credible, it puts the speaker’s point in human terms with which the audience can identify.Nor are these isolated examples. USA Today reported on July 12, 2002, that 230,000 teenagers are injured at work each year. According to former U.S. Labor Secretary Alexis Herman, nearly 70 minors are killed on the job annually—most in accidents involving infractions of child-labor laws.In this paragraph he speaker presents testimony and statistic to prove that the examples in the previous paragraph are not atypical. As in other parts of the speech, she is quite specific in identifying the sources of her evidence.In the light of all this evidence, there can be no doubt that the violation of child-labor laws is widespread problem with serious consequences. The issue is well summarized by former U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio, who stated after congressional hearings on the subject, “I shudder to think that children the same age as my own grandchildren are being robbed of an education, their limbs, and indeed, their lives through illegal child labor.”The speaker begins her conclusion by summarizing the two main points she had made in the body of the speech. She then ends with a dramatic quotation,. As we shall see in previous chapter,, this is an effective way to pull a speech together and to reinforce its central idea.SummaryGood speeches are not composed of hot air and unfounded assertions. They need strong supporting materials to bolster the speaker’s point of view. In fact, the skillful use of supporting materials often makes the difference between a good speech and a poor one. The three basic types of supporting materials are examples, statistics, and testimony.In the course of a speech you may use brief examples—specific instances referred to in passing —and sometimes you may want to give several brief examples in a row to create a stronger impression. Extended examples—often called illustrations, narratives, or anecdotes—are longerand more detailed. Hypothetical examples describe imaginary situations and can be quite effective for relating ideas to the audience. All three kinds of examples help clarify ideas, reinforce ideas, or personalize ideas. To be most effective, though, they should be vivid and richly textured.Testimony is especially helpful for student speakers because students are seldom recognized as experts on their topics. Citing the views of people who are experts is a good way to make your ideas more credible. When you include testimony in a speech, you can either quote or paraphrase his or her words. As with statistics, there are guidelines for using testimony. Bu sure to quote or paraphrase accurately and to cite qualified, unbiased sources. If the source is not generally known to your audience, be certain to establish his or her credentials.Statistics can be extremely helpful in conveying your message as long as you can use them sparingly and explain them so that they are meaningful to your audience. Above you should understand your statistics and use them fairly. Numbers can easily be manipulated and distorted. Make sure your figures are representative and reliable.。
Speech Analysis: I Have a Dream – Martin Luther King Jr.Speech Video: Martin Luther King Jr. delivers “I Have a Dream”I encourage you to:1.Watch the video;2.Read the analysis in this speech critique;3.Study the speech text in the completetranscript; and4.Share your thoughts on this presentation.Speech Critique –I Have a Dream –Martin Luther King Jr.Much of the greatness of this speech is tied to its historical context, a topic which goes beyond the scope of this article. Analyze thespeech20mins主要内容教学思路时间分配Our privacy on the internet should be more protectedA good thesis for a speech could be: privacy on the Internet should be more protected by a ban on identity theft and safeguard genetic information, because everybody has the fundamental rights to have absolute control over his or her personal information.Does it introduce the contestable point and the claim you want to make?Is it not too board? Can you discuss the issue and claim in the given time limit?Does it announce what the audience should do, think or feel? Does it reveal the main speech topic?Is it simple, clear, and most and for all, direct?Is the speech thesis easy to remember and understand for them?Does it gain interest?Does it say way it is important?Does it contain a benefit?Exercise How to presentyourspeechthesis40mins20课题(章节名称)Unit5 constructing basic structure of a speech。
Let's Talk教案二:掌握英语日常会话技巧Let's Talk是一套专门针对英语日常会话的教材,它主要帮助学生学会英语口语的基本技巧和日常用语,让学生充满自信地用英语进行日常交流。
本文就让我们来详细地了解一下Let's Talk教案二:掌握英语日常会话技巧。
例如:Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。
How are you? 你好吗?I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。
在Let's Talk教案中,学生将学习如何用英语表达天气和季节的话题。
例如:What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?It's sunny today. 今天很晴朗。
What season is it now? 现在是什么季节?It's fall now. 现在是秋天。
例如:What do you usually do on weekends? 你周末通常做什么?I usually watch TV or hang out with friends. 我通常看电视或和朋友出去玩。
山东理工大学教案注:教案附后Lesson 10 Informative Speech IIInformative speech: a speech designed to convey knowledge and understanding.When your general purpose is to inform, you act as a teacher or lecturer. Your goal is to convey information ---and do it clearly, accurately and interestingly, your aim is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of your listeners---to give them information they did not have before.The informative speeches occur in a wide range of everyday situations.Types of informative speeches5.Speeches about objects6.Speeches about processes7.Speeches about events8.Speeches about concepts1.Speeches about objectsObject: anything that is visible, tangible, and stable in form.Objects may have having parts or to be alive, they may include places, structures, animals, or even people.You will not have time to cover everything about an object, just focus on one aspectWhen you organize the speech you may choose one of the three organizational methods: chronological; spatial and topical.If your specific purpose is to explain the history or evolution of your subject, you can put your speech in chronological order (A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern). For instance:Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the major achievements of Frederick Douglass Central idea: Although born in slavery, Frederick Douglass became one of the greatest figures in American history.Main points: I. Douglass spent the first 20 years of his life as a slave in Maryland.II. After escaping to the North, Douglass became a leader in the abolitionist movement to end slaveryIII. During the Civil War, Douglass helped establish black regiments in the Union Army. IV. After the war, Douglass was a tireless champion of equal rights for his race.If your specific purpose is to describe the main features of your subject, you may organize your speech in spatial order (A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a directional pattern).Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the major land regions in SpainCentral idea: There are five major land regions in Spain.Main points: I. The Northern part…II. The western…III. The central…IV. The eastern…V. The Southern part…Some of the speeches about objects fall into topical order (A method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics). Here is an example: Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the major alternative-fuel cars now being developed.Central idea: The major alternative-fuel cars now being developed are powered by electricity, natural gas, methanol, or hydrogen.Main points: I. one kind of alternative-fuel car is powered by electricity.II. A second kind of alternative-fuel car is powered by natural gas.III. A third kind of alternative-fuel car is powered by methanol.IV. A fourth kind of alternative-fuel car is powered by hydrogen.Other methods of speech organization:Causal order: A method of speech organization in which the main points show a cause-effect relationship.Problem-solution order: A method of speech organization in which the first main point deals with the existence of a problem and the second main point presents a solution to the problem.2.Speeches about processProcess: A systematic series of actions that leads to a specific result or product.Speeches of process explain how something is made, how something is done, or how something works.When informing about a process, we will usually arrange our speech in chronological order, explaining the process step by step from beginning to end. For example:Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the major steps in the classic Japanese tea ceremony. Central idea: There are five major steps in the classic Japanese tea ceremony.Main points: I. First, the guests approach the teahouse, taking times on the way to purify their hands.II. Second, the guests enter the tea house, admire the hanging scroll and the vase witha flower arrangement, and seat themselves.III. Third, the tea master prepares a bowl of tea for each guest, following the prescribed ritual.IV. Fourth, each guest in turn takes exactly three and a half sips of tea.V. Fifth, the guests admire the tea implements, admire the interior of the teahouse, and depart.Sometimes, you will focus on the major principles or techniques involved in performing the process. Then you will organize your speech in topical order. Each main point will deal witha separate principle or technique. For example:Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the common methods used by stage magicians to perform their tricks.Central idea: Stage magicians use two common methods to perform their tricks---mechanical devices and sleight of hand.Main points: I. Many magic tricks rely on mechanical devices that may require little skill by the magician.II. Other magic tricks depend on the magician’s skill in fooling people by sleight-of-hand manipulation.3. Speeches about eventsEvent: Anything that happens or is regarded as happening.There are many ways to discuss event. If your specific purpose is to recount the history of an event, you will organize your speech in chronological order, relating the incidents one after another in the order they occurred. For example:Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the history of the disability rights movement.Central idea: The disability rights movement has made major strides during the past 40 years. Main points: I. The disability rights movement began in Berkeley, California, during the mid-1960s.. II. The movement has achieved its first major victory in 1973 with passage of the federal Rehabilitation Act.III. The movement reached another milestone in 1990 when Congress approved the Americans with Disabilities Act.IV. Today the movement is spreading to countries beyond the .If you want to explain the causes and effects, you may organize the speech in causal order. Let’s say your specific purpose is “To inform my audience why so many lives were lost whenthe ‘unsinkable ’ ocean liner Titanic sank. ” Working from cause to effect, youroutline might look like this:Specific purpose: To inform my audience why so many lives were lost when the ‘unsinkable ’ ocean liner Titanic sankCentral idea: Inability to remove the passengers and crew from the doomed Titanic caused the death of more than two-thirds of those on board.Main points: I. There were two major causes for the great loss of life when the ship went down.A.The Titanic carried insufficient lifeboats for the number of people on board.B.On the ship California, which was nearby, the radio operator had shut down the radio andgone to sleep.II. The effects of these two situations were disastrous.A.When all usable lifeboats had been filled, more than 1,500 people remained on board theTitanic.B.The California, unaware of the distress signal, steamed on which the Titanic went tothe bottom.There are other ways to deal with an event besides telling what happened and why it happened. You can approach an event from almost any angle or combination of angles---features, origins, implications, benefits, future developments, and so forth. In such cases, you will put your speech together in topical order.4. Speech about conceptsConcept: A belief, theory, idea, notion, principle, or the like.Speeches about concepts are usually organized in topical order. One common approach is to list the main features or aspects of your concept. For example:Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the basic principles of Afro centrism.Central idea: The basic principles of Afro centrism have a theoretical and a practical dimension. Main points: I. The theoretical dimension of Afro centrism looks at historical and social events from an African rather than a European perspective.II. The practical dimension of Afro centrism calls for reforming the school curriculum to fit the needs and cultural experiences of African-American children.A more complex approach is to define the concept you are dealing with, identify its major elements, and illustrate it with specific examples. Foe instance:Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the basic principles of Islam.Central idea: The beliefs of Islam can be traced to the prophet Muhammad, are written in the Koran, and have produced a number of sects.Main points: I. Islam was founded by the prophet Muhammad in the early 600s.II. The teaching of Islam are written in the Koran, the holy book of Islam.III. Today Islam is divided into a number of sects, the largest of which are the Sunnisand the Shiites.As you can see from the examples, speeches about concepts are often more complex than other kinds of informative speeches. Concepts are abstract and can be very hard to explain.When explaining concepts, pay close attention to avoiding teaching technical language,you should define terms clearly, and use examples and comparisons to illustrate the concepts and make them understandable to your listeners.Guidelines for informative speakingAll the previous chapters we have discussed relate to the principles of informative speaking. Choosing a topic, and specific purpose, analyzing the audience, using language, delivering the speech---all of these must be done effectively if you want your speech a success. Here we emphasize five points that will help you avoid the mistakes that plague many informative speakers.1. Don’t overestimate what the audience knows.It is easy to overestimate the audience’s stock of information. In most informative speeches, your listeners will be only vaguely knowledgeable about the details of your topic. Otherwise there would not be much need for an informative speech! Therefore, you must lead your listeners step by step, without any shortcuts. You cannot assume they will know what you mean. Rather, you must be sure to explain everything so thoroughly that they cannot help but understand. As you work on the speech, always consider whether it will be clear to someone who is hearing about the topic for the first time.2.Relate the subject directly to the audienceInformative speakers have one big hurdle to overcome. They must recognize that what is fascinating to them may not be fascinating to everybody. Once you have chosen a topic that could possibly be interesting to your listeners, you should take special steps to relate it to them.You should tie it in with their interests and concerns.Start in the introduction, instead of saying:I want to talk with you about stress.You could say,Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you have to give a speech? Can you feel your blood pressure rising when you have an argument with your roommate, spouse, or partner? Are you worried sick about finishing the paper you have been putting off all week? Is so, you have experienced the symptoms of stress.Get your audience involved right at the beginning. And whenever you can ,put your audience into the body of the speech. Find ways to talk about your topic in terms of your listeners. Bring your material home to them. Get it as close to them as possible.3.Don’t be too technicalWhat does it mean to say that an informative speech is too technical? It may mean the subject matter is too specialized for the audience. The important thing foe a speaker to know is what can be explained to an ordinary audience and what cannot.If you are talking to a group of specialists, you can use technical words and be understood.But you must do all you can to avoid technical words when informing a general audience.4.Avoid abstractionsOne way to avoid abstractions is through description (a statement that depicts a person, event, idea, or the like with clarity and vividness). Description can be used depict external events, but also can be used to communicate internal feelings.Here is how one student tried to convey to his audience the sensations he experienced when he first began sky diving:As we wait for the plane to climb to the jump altitude of 12,000 feet, my mind races witha frenzied jumble of thoughts: “Okay, this is the moment you have been waiting for. It is goingto be great. Am I really going to jump out of an plane from 12,000 feet? What if something goes wrong? Can I still back out? Come on now, don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”Even if we have not been sky diving, we have the same kind of emotions on the similar occasions.So what happened next?Now it is time to jump. My palms are sweating and my heart is pounding so hard I think it may burst. “Get ready,” yells the instructor. As I jump into the blue, I wonder, “What amI doing here?”Yes---and then what?The blast of air resistance blows me backward like a leaf at the mercy of an autumn wind.In about 10 seconds my body levels out and accelerates to a speed of 120 miles an hour. The air supports my body like an invisible flying carpet. There is no sound except for the wind rushing around my face. The earth appears soft and green, rivers look like strips of silver, and in every direction the scenery forms a panoramic landscape. Any fears or doubts I had are gone in the exhibition of free flight. Every nerve in my body is alive with sensation; yet I am overcome by a peaceful feeling and the sense that I am at one with the sky.As we listen to the speaker, we are almost up there with him, sharing his thoughts, feeling his heart pound, joining his exhilaration as he floats through the sky. The vivid description lends reality to the speech and draws us further in.Another way to escape abstraction is with comparisons (A statement of the similarities among two or more people, events, ideas, etc.) t hat put your subject in concrete familiar terms.What would happen if a comet or large asteroid struck the earth? You would say this:If a comet or large asteroid struck the earth, the impact would be devastating.It is vague and abstract; It does not communicate your meaning clearly and concretely. Now suppose you add this:To give you an idea how devastating the impact would be, it would be like all the nuclear bombs in the world going off at one spot.Now you have made the abstract specific.5.Personalize your ideasPersonalize: to present one’s ideas in human terms that relate in some fashion to the experience of the audience.Listeners want to be entertained as they are being enlightened. People are interested in people. They react to stories, not statistics. Whenever possible, you should try to personalize your ideas and dramatize them in human termsLets say you are talking about anorexia nervosa, the eating disorder that affects millions of young women in the United States. You should not toss figures and facts into your speech, they are too dry, you should weave in some examples of people who have suffered from anorexia to get the audience involved. One student began by telling about her best friend, Julie:I was Julie’s best friend. I watched her grow from a little girl who was doted on by her parents into a tomboy who carried frogs in her pockets. I watched her become a young woman, fussing with her hair and trying on every outfit in her closet before her first date. I always wanted to be just like her.But then something went terribly wrong. Julie’s shiny hair became dull and brittle. Her eyes lost their sparkle, and she didn’t smile that brilliant smile any more. I watched now, as she stepped onto the scale seven times a day, wore baggy clothes to cover her shriveled frame, and kept muttering about losing those last two stubborn pounds. Julie had become anorexic.By putting a human face on a familiar topic, the speaker took anorexia out of the realm of statisticsand medical jargon and brought it home in personal terms.Sample speech with commentaryThe following classroom speech provides an excellent example of how to apply the guidelines for informative speaking discussed in this chapter. As you study the speech, notice how the speaker takes what could be a highly technical topic and explores it in clear, nontechnical language. Pay attention as well to how crisply the speech is organized, how the speaker use well-known supporting materials to develop her ideas, and how she relates those ideas to her audience at various points throughout the speech.CryonicsJayne Richter1. The time is now. Imagine your mother or father has suffered a heart attack. Deprived of its vital blood supply, a part of their heart is dying. Or imagine your grandmother or grandfather lying nearly motionless in their nursing home bed. Advanced age, complicated by pneumonia, is about to end their lives. Or imagine a close friend has just entered the hospital with a massive systemwide infection. AIDS has left their body ravaged by multiple diseases.Beginning with a series of brief hypothetical examples is a fine way to capture attention and interest. In this case, the scenarios work particularly well because they relate the topic directly to the audience.2. For most people, these circumstances would herald the end of life. Today’s medicine can no longer help them. But all of you may be able to meet again in the far future. Does this should like science fiction? Perhaps. But it may one day be possible. How? Through the process of cryonics. The speaker poses two questions that arouse curiosity and get the audience further involved in the speech. Then she reveals her topic.3. Cryonics is the process of freezing human beings after death in hope that medical science will be able to revive them in the future. Intrigued by the prospect of being cryonically frozen, I’ve spent some time researching the subject of cryonics. After reading dozens of newspaper and magazine articles, I would like to give you a brief overview of the history, methods, and future of cryonics. Let’s start with the development of cryonics.The speaker defines cryonics, establishes her credibility, and previews the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech. An explicit preview statement at the end of the introduction is especially important in speaking to inform.4. Although the idea of freezing people is relatively new, the notion of preserving them is old. In the 1770s, for example, Ben Franklin wrote he wanted to be “immersed in a cask (木桶) of Madeira wine, ’til that time when he could be recalled to life.”It was not to be, but Franklin’s dream lived on to be revived in our time as cryonics.Now the speaker moves into her first main point. The information in this paragraph provides historical perspective on the impulse for immortality that underlines the appeal of cryonics.5. Cryonics has been a staple (话题) of science fiction novels, the plot device in movies such as Austin Powers and Sleepers, and the subject of countless newspapers and magazine articles. Until 1964, however, cryonics remained firmly in the realm of fiction. It was at this time that physics professor Robert Ettinger argued in his book The Prospect of immortality that cryonics was indeed possible. Three years later, on January 12, 1967, 73-year-old James H Bedford became the first human being to be cryonically frozen.The speaker sketches the development of cryonics in ourr own time. The details in this paragraphadd variety, color, and interest. Imagine, for example, how much less effective the paragraph would have been if the speaker had merely said, ” The first case of a person being cryonically frozen occurred in the 1970s.”The specific names and dates add depth and texture to the speaker’s explanation.6. Ever since Bedford was frozen, cryonics has steadily increased in popularity. Currently there are four cryonic institutions in the United States-two in California and one each in Michigan and Arizona. So far 80 people have been cryonically frozen from around the world, and another estimated 800 people have signed up to be frozen when they die. Their aim is to remain frozen in a state of suspended animation (活气,生气)---perhaps for centuries---in the hope that medical science will be able to revive them in the future at a time when cures(治愈) exist for all of today’s diseases and when restoration to full function and health is possible.This paragraph completes the speaker’s first main point. Because cryonics is so often associated with science fiction, the speaker’s classmates were especially intrigued to learn that there are four cryonics institutions in the U S and that 80 people have already been cryonically frozen.7. So you’re probably wondering how will they do it? How does cryonics work?The speak uses questions as signposts to let the audience know she is moving into her second main point.8. Currently, when a person who has signed up to be cryonically suspended dies, a specific procedure, which was outlined in the book Cryonics:Reaching for Tomorrow,must be carried out. First, before death, an individual must decide whether to have his or her entire body frozen or just the head. If the whole body is to be frozen, it must be preserved upon death. Immediately after death---ideally within a matter of minutes---the patient is connected to a heart-lung machine and chemicals such as glucose (葡萄糖)and heparin (肝素,一种抗凝血药)are circulated(循环) with the oxygenated (充氧的) blood to help minimize the freezing damage. At the same time, the patient’s internal temperature is reduced as quickly as possible using cold packs.The explanation in this and the next paragraph provides an excellent model of how to explain technical information in everyday, nontechnical language. Because the speaker is not an expert on cryonics, she is careful to identify the source of her information.9. If only the head will be frozen, a slightly different procedure must be carried out. The head must be surgically detached from the rest of the body and preserved in a separate container from the rest of the body and preserved in a separate container. You may be wondering” Why would I preserve only my head?” The answer is, with some diseases the body is in a very poor condition. If this is the case and you choose to preserve your head only, you do so with the belief that medical science will be able to create a healthy new body for you in the future.Notice how the speaker relates the topic directly to her audience by speaking in terms of “you”and by posing the question that listeners are likely asking mentally.10. Once the head or body is ready for freezing, a liquid called a cryoprotectant, which works as an antifreeze(抗冻剂) of sorts to help prevent cell(细胞) damage, is circulated through the body or head. Over a 20-day period, the patient is prepared for long-term storage by cooling the body or head to a temperature of negative 320 degrees Fahrenheit. When this temperature is reached, the patient is stored in a steel cylinder(圆筒) of liquid nitrogen(氮). According to an article in Omni magazine,” At this temperature, biological function ceases and the patient will remain unchanged for hundreds of years.”The speaker completes her discussion of how cryonics works. Notices how she clarifies the meaning of “cryopeotectant ”by comparing it to an automotive antifreeze. This is a small point, but it illustrates the speaker’s efforts throughout the speech to communicate technical terms and concepts in ways her audience can readily understand.11. Now that we have explored the development of cryonics and how the freezing process works, you may wonder about questions such as how much it costs and whether the people that are frozen can be rethawed(重新解冻).A transition cues the audience that the speaker is moving to her next main point.12. According to an article in Fortune magazine, the cost of cryonic suspension ranges from $60,000to$125, can be creatively paid for by making the cryonics institution the beneficiary (受益人) of your life insurance policy. These costs may be rather steep, but as one cryonics member states, “Facing my own mortality turned out to be much harder than coming up with the cash to pay for life insurance premiums(酬金).”Knowing that cost is a common question people have about cryonics, he speaker makes sure to include it in her speech. The quotation at the end of this paragraph adds a bit of wry humor.13. But cost is not the only issue. Even if you can afford the cost of being cryonically frozen, scientists have not yet worked out all the details involved in freezing and rethawing. As explained by New Scientist magazine, the problem is that the process itself inflicts(遭受) a certain amount of cellular damage by dehydrating(使脱水) cells and puncturing(刺穿) their delicate membranes (膜). So far, there are only a few types of human tissue that can be successfully frozen and rethawed, including sperm, embryos(胚胎), and bone marrow(骨髓), which contain relatively few cells. It is not yet possible to freeze and rethaw complicated organs such as the heart or liver---not to mention a complete body or brainA signpost at the beginning of this paragraph gets the speaker into her next subpoint, which deals with the problems involved in rethawing people once they have been cryonically frozen. As in the rest of the speech ,the speaker identifies the source of her information and presents that information clearly and forthrightly.14. What scientists need is a procedure that will allow them to reduce the damage inflicted by the freezing process. And in fact scientists are currently working on this procedure. Research is being done in the hope of finding better cryoprotectants –--or antifreezes---which will reduce the cell damage caused by freezing .According to the book Cryonics: Reaching for Tomorrow; scientists are also developing microscopic machines that are capable of repairing cells at the molecular(分子的) level. These machines might one day make it possible to repair the cell damage caused by freezing process and thus bring frozen patients back to full life. Until that time ,the people that are already frozen will have to remain in their current state of suspended animation in the hope that science will one day work out solutions to the problems involved with freezing and rethawing.The speaker explains the efforts of scientists to find a way to reduce the damage caused by the freezing process so as to be able to bring frozen patients back to life. This brings her discussion of cryonics fully up to date and completes the body of the speech.15. In closing, we have seen that cryonics is much more than a plot in a science fiction novel. It has developed from a wholly unrealistic fantasy to the point that 80 people have already been frozen and hundreds more have made the choice to be cryonically frozen when they die. If scientists can ever figure out how to rethaw people successfully, we can be sure that cryonics will become much more popular.The phrase “in closing”signals that the speaker is moving into her conclusion. She then provides an excellent summary of the main points developed in the body16. So think again of your father or mother suffering a heart attract, your grandmother or grandfather dying of pneumonia or your close friend stricken with AIDS. If they close to be buried or cremated in traditional fashion their physical minds and bodies would be destroyed. That isabsolutely certain. By contrast, being cryonically frozen offers some small chance that they may be revived in the future. Even if that chance is small it is more than no chance at all. The final paragraph relates the topic to the audience once again and unifies the entire speech by referring to the three hypothetical scenarios mentioned in the introduction. The closing sentence ends the speech on a strong note.。
英语演讲选修课教案Informative Speech I第一章:课程介绍1.1 课程目标让学生掌握informative speech 的基本概念和技巧提高学生的英语口语表达能力和公共演讲能力培养学生的自信心和领导力1.2 课程内容介绍informative speech 的定义和特点介绍informative speech 的结构和组织方式介绍如何选择和研究informative speech 的主题介绍如何进行资料搜集和资料整理1.3 教学方法讲授与实践相结合小组讨论和同伴评价角色扮演和模拟演讲第二章:Informative Speech 的定义和特点2.1 informative speech 的定义解释informative speech 的概念和意义强调informative speech 的目的和作用2.2 informative speech 的特点介绍informative speech 的主要特点,如信息性、逻辑性和条理性等分析informative speech 与其他类型的演讲(如persuasive speech 和impromptu speech)的区别2.3 案例分析第三章:Informative Speech 的结构和组织方式3.1 结构概述介绍informative speech 的基本结构,包括引言、主体和结尾等部分强调每个部分的功能和重要性3.2 组织方式介绍informative speech 的常见组织方式,如时间顺序、空间顺序和分类等分析不同组织方式的优缺点和适用场景3.3 案例分析第四章:选择和研究informative speech 的主题4.1 主题选择的重要性强调选择合适主题的重要性,如兴趣、熟悉度和信息性等提供一些选题的技巧和建议4.2 研究主题的方法介绍如何进行主题研究和资料搜集,如利用图书馆、网络资源和采访等强调资料整理和筛选的重要性4.3 案例分析第五章:进行资料搜集和资料整理5.1 资料搜集的方法介绍如何利用图书馆、网络资源和采访等进行资料搜集强调资料的可靠性和准确性5.2 资料整理的技巧介绍如何整理和筛选搜集到的资料,如制作笔记、制定提纲等强调资料整理的重要性5.3 案例分析强调引言部分的重要性和影响力介绍如何组织主体内容,包括选择合适的细节和例证来支持主题强调主体部分的逻辑性和连贯性强调结尾部分的重要性第七章:演示技巧与视觉辅助7.1 演示技巧的运用介绍如何在演讲中运用肢体语言、面部表情和声音变化等演示技巧强调演示技巧对于增强演讲效果的重要性7.2 视觉辅助工具的使用介绍如何使用幻灯片、图表和其他视觉辅助工具来辅助演讲强调视觉辅助工具的吸引力和信息传递能力第八章:演讲练习与反馈8.1 个人演讲练习安排学生进行个人演讲练习,鼓励他们运用所学的技巧和知识提供反馈和指导,帮助学生改进演讲表现8.2 同伴评价和小组讨论组织学生进行同伴评价和小组讨论,让他们互相交流和分享经验强调同伴评价的重要性和相互学习的机会第九章:演讲展示与评价9.1 演讲展示的准备强调演讲展示的重要性和准备工作的必要性9.2 演讲展示的评价制定评价标准和评分准则,对学生的演讲展示进行评价强调评价的公正性和客观性,以及对学生的鼓励和指导10.1 课程内容的回顾强调课程的重要性和对个人发展的贡献10.2 提升演讲技巧的途径介绍一些提升演讲技巧的额外资源和活动,如参加演讲俱乐部、观看演讲视频等鼓励学生持续学习和实践,以不断提升自己的演讲能力10.3 课程反馈和展望征求学生对课程的反馈和建议,以改进教学效果展望未来,鼓励学生继续努力,将所学的演讲技巧应用到实际生活和职业发展中重点和难点解析重点关注如何组织主体内容,选择合适的细节和例证来支持主题,以及如何保持主体部分的逻辑性和连贯性。
Introduction to the Course – Public SpeakingGood ladies, morning and gentlemen. What’s wrong? Did you realize I just made a mistake in my greeting? You may wonder why I would make such a silly mistake. You tell me why. Well, I was kind of nervous. Now you may wonder how come a teacher of my age would feel nervous facing the students. To tell you the truth, all the public speakers, including most eloquent ones like Barak Obama, Ronald Reagan, would feel nervous on the stage. And more often than not, nervousness may well make speakers commit silly blunders. This is caused by what we call stage fright/fear.As a veteran teacher of English I find Chinese students usually feel reluctant to make a public speech whether in Chinese or in English. The main reason for this is Stage Fright, because they are not or less trained in delivering a public speech. You may have the impression that foreigners especially Americans are good at talking, particularly in public. This is because Public Speaking is a compulsory course in most of the American universities. As a matter of fact, kids are encouraged to make presentations in class even in their primary schools. So to help you overcome this barrier, we opened this course four years ago and this is the fifth round.For the next 30 minutes, I’d like to specify 4 things related to the course. They are five purposes of opening this course; the way the class will be conducted and the teaching schedule; the requirements for you to meet; and the composition of the final score.Let’s start with the five purposes,the first of which is to help you acquire the basic skills in preparing and delivering a speech effectively. There are nine things to keep in mind in this regard.1. How to choose a topic. If it is a classroom presentation and youraudiences are your fellow students, you need to select an appropriate topic to attract them. But in future you don’t have to choose a topic as, most likely, you will be asked to talk about a particular subject, unless you want to enter for a speech contest.2. How to write an outline of a speech. Actually in most cases you aresupposed to write two outlines, one is called preparation outline, which is more detailed and is done for the writing of your speech; the other is called speaking outline, which is brief and used for the delivery of your speech.3. How to organize a speech. In organizing a speech you need to knowwhat to say in the introduction, how to balance the main points in the body and what to say in the conclusion.4. How to make your vocal language more effective. You have to watchfive aspects: pronunciation, vocal variety, rhythm, fluency, and volume.5. How to use verbal language effectively. In this aspect, you will learn tomake good choice of words, and use appropriate grammar and rhetorical devices.6. How to use non-verbal language effectively. This includes suchelements as eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture.Among these, eye contact is the most important.7. How to use visual aids in an effective way. For visual aids, you aresupposed to use ppt. only, and occasionally a short video clip whichshould last no longer than 1 minute.8. How to practice and rehearse for a speech. Enough practice andrehearsal will ensure you a successful speech.9. How to prepare answers to possible questions from the audience. Afterthe speech, the speaker should be ready to take questions from theaudience. The speaker should prepare answers to possible questionsbefore delivering the speech.The second purpose is to help you find and then overcome your problems in making a public speech. As some of you might already have known, our course is practice-oriented, which means you are supposed to make a lot of presentations after learning the theory and watching samples. However, for most of the time you will be audience only. As audience, you will find the problems of the speakers as it’s human nature to find faults with others.I want you to be particular or picky while listening and get ready to make comments. By analyzing the speeches of others, you will consciously avoid similar mistakes in your own performance and consequently perfect your own speeches.Now let’s come to the third purpose, which is to help you overcome stage fear. Stage fear ranks very high on the list of all fears according to some statistics. I remember reading an article saying the stage fear ranks the second among all the human fears. As I said in the introduction, everyone has stage fright, no matter how experienced he/she is. In other words, it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous when standing on a platform facing a relatively large audience. To overcome stage fear, there are at least five effective ways, namely, acquiring speaking experience, making full preparation, thinking positively, using the power of visualization and not expecting perfection. Although this course only allows you two opportunities for practice in class, you will have to practice dozens of times outside the classroom before each presentation. Whether you can do a good speech in class largely depends on how well you practice before the class. Full preparation includes the preparation of the outline, the speech draft, the practice and rehearsal with the help of speaking outline. When you are actually standing on the platform, tell yourself “I can do it, I will make it,” instead of saying either to yourself or to the class, “I am too nervous. I will not be able to make it”You should visualize yourself as a successful speaker, with the audience applauding and cheering. Lastly, never expect to be perfect. Nothing is perfect, no one is perfect. In other words, tolerate your shortcomings and occasional errors. Remember your actual performances usually will not surpass your practice in rehearsal.Purpose number four is to help you prepare for your future academic and professional life. Some day you will come across the situations where you are required to make a public speech whether you stay in school or work in other social institutions. For now, classroom presentations are what you face while you are in college. And seminars and symposiums are occasions for yourfuture academic studies where you are very likely to be asked to make a presentation, while oral thesis defenses are what you will have to go through before your graduation. In your future professional life, you are likely to be asked to write and present business or work reports or promote products to clients. And it is not unlikely that a few of you will turn to politics in the future, in which case skills of public speaking would appear exceedingly important. Besides, in the globalization environment, with the cross-cultural intercommunication growing rapidly, there will be occasions where you will attend ceremonies of various kinds and make a speech.Here comes the last purpose, which is to help you build confidence and advance your personal image. Through practicing and training, you may improve your way of communicating your ideas orally to a group of people, which will naturally help boost your confidence. And the ability to beautifully deliver a speech in public will undoubtedly upgrade your self-image and will make you more popular anywhere you go.Ok, those are the five main purposes of opening this course. Some of you may wonder why I didn’t i nclude “to help students practice their spoken English”. Well, spoken English is another course, as having a conversation is different from making public speeches. As a matter of fact, a relatively better command of oral English is required of those who want to take this course. In a way, it’s more a speech course than a language course. Now let’s move on to how this course will be conducted and the teaching schedule.First, this course will integrate theory into practice, with focus on practice. To be more exact, the first four classes will be devoted to theory. The theory will be based on the lecture notes which you’ll find in our class email box. (I’ll show it to you later.) The lecture notes are based on the book The Art of Public Speaking by Stephan Lucas. And we’ll illustrate the theory with examples, either verbal or visual. After the first few weeks of theory learning, volunteers will be assigned a speech, upon which I’ll make some comments in order to consolidate what you have just learned. The 2 sample speeches will take two classes.Second, the remaining 10 classes will be used for classroom presentation. Each student is required to give two speeches, one is informative, the other persuasive. Four students will make speeches each week. Both teachers and students are to comment on their performances. Each speech is a 10-minute talk, followed by 10 minutes for Q & A and 2 minutes for grading.As you can see, more time will be spent on practice rather than on theory. That is why we call it practice-oriented. To make our practice more effective, you are supposed to meet some requirements.To make our class more effective and efficient, you are to fulfill the following 14 requirements.1.Don’t skip classes and don’t be late. Or you’ll be punished. In the latter part of the speech you’ll know how.2. Be attentive in class. In this class, you’ll play many roles other than a listener.You are also a questioner, commentator and a judge as well.3. Prepare and compose the speech well and well in advance. The platform isto the speakers what the stage to the actors and actresses. A minute on thestage means days of hard work off the stage.4. Every speech should be written yourself. You are not allowed to copy thewhole thing from the internet. If you do quote something, you need to mention it in bibliography, which is supposed to be displayed at the end of a speech.5. Practice and rehearse fully until you can make the speech with confidence.Remember a lot of practice will always give a boost to your confidence.6.Don’t bring the speech draft or the preparation outline to the stage. You canmake a speech with your speaking outline only.7. Limit your speech to ten minutes. Or the assessment of your presentationwill be affected.8. Don’t us e too many slides in your ppt. 12 will suffice for a 10-minute talk.9.Don’t play any video clip that lasts longer than 1 minute.10. Hand in the preparation outline a week before your speech. Be sure it isthe printed work instead of the handwritten one. Meanwhile, your speech draft and speaking outline are supposed to be submitted on line a week before the performance. A record will be kept about the time of submission.And late submission is not allowed.11. Try to look at the audience and make eye contact as often as possible. Thiswill contribute a lot to the scoring.12. Print your evaluation charts and bring them to class from the fifth week on.You are the judge, remember? You need something to keep the record of each speech.13. Discuss others’ speeches with group mates and grade them carefully andfairly. Your class will be broken down into groups of 4 and the group leader is responsible for the calculation of the average score of each speaker. 14.Don’t ask me to revise your score. In order to follow the principle of fair play,don’t ask me to change your score for any reason.There might be some other requirements along the way. I’ll let you know when they come up. Now let’s look at the last main point which you might be more concerned about --- grading.The total score is composed of 3 parts: the first speech, 40% of the total score; the second, 45% (of each speech, your grading will account for 30%, while mine, 70%); class performance, 15%, including attendance and participation, with attendance accounting for 7 points, and participation 8 points. If you are absent from one class for no reason at all, one point will be deducted and if you are late for one class, half a point will be deducted. And you can’t come into the classroom until the end of one speech, that is, when you hear the applause. By participation we mean you have to be actively involved in Q&A and comment session. Your performance will be recorded based on the quality of your questions and comments.In terms of grading the speech, you need to know how to evaluate the performance of your fellow students. Now let’s look at the evaluation chart.Evaluation ChartClass___________ Group ___________ Date ________________Name of speaker____________ Name of evaluator ____________You are required to grade the first 6 of the 7 items. Please note that each item has different percentage of the total score. Following are the descriptions of each item to be evaluated that you should pay attention to when grading. 1. Vocal Effect includes pronunciation, vocal variety, fluency, clarity, volume,pacing (rhythm), among which vocal variety and pacing are the most important and so take a larger share of the grade.2. Verbal Language includes grammar, accuracy, appropriateness, andvividness.3. Structure refers to the organization of a speech and effectiveness of eachpart, namely opening, body and ending.4. Body Language contains eye contact, gesture, facial expression, andposture.5. Visual Aid mainly includes ppt. or video clips. Each ppt. should have alimited number of slides, preferably 12 slides for a 10-minute speech.6. Overall Effect refers to the general impression a speech leaves on theaudience. When grading this part, you should consider whether the speech is informative enough --- containing new, interesting, helpful information, or whether a persuasive speech is convincing enough --- including whether the speaker speaks with passion; whether the speaker uses rhetorical devices in the speech; whether you, as audience, are moved, inspired or persuaded and so on. This part also includes Q&A, where attention should be paid to whether the speaker understands the questions and repeats it to the audience and whether he/she answers the question satisfactorily and ina good manner.7. Outline is left for the teacher, that is, I will grade item 7 after you hand inyour preparation outline.Well, with the grading done, the introduction to this course is about to wind up. But before that, let’s go over the whole thing briefly so that you won’t forget them immediately and then you can make an informed decision as to whether you will buy this course, since it’s still the shopping week.To sum up, my opening speech today consists of four main points. First, there are 5 purposes of opening this course. Second, this course incorporates theory with practice, with focus on practice. Third, to ensure the effectiveness of this course, you are supposed to meet 14 requirements. Last, how the final score is composed.The ultimate goal of this course is to enable you to make satisfactory public speeches with sufficient preparation and practice. Bear this in mind, without a good preparation or enough practice, you will go nowhere. It would be like building a house without a blueprint or labor.Many of the students who chose this course before claimed to have benefitted a lot and some of them told me it helped them greatly in their actual performance when they were required to make a presentation, though in Chinese, not in English, for the skills involved are basically the same. Anyway, let’s keep our fingers crossed that one day you will grow into eloquent speakers in whatever field you are.Thank you for your patience. Now I’m ready to take questions from you if any.。
IntroductionWhat is public speaking?•Public speaking, as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public –of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people.A Brief Introduction to public speakingI. How to Prepare a Speech•Stating Your Objectives:◇inform◇train◇persuade◇sell•Analyzing Your AudienceWhat to learn about the audience?Their opinions and levels of prior knowledge of your subject ; their likely bias, both personal and professionalhow do you learn it?Ask the person who has invited you to speak. Find out what the occasion is and if there is a program theme.•Choosing a Speech Topic and the Speech ThemeSix Criteria1. The topic should be interesting to you.2. It should be interesting to your audience or at least be capable of being madeinteresting to them.3. It should be appropriate to the situation.4. It should be appropriate to the time available.5. It should be manageable.6. It should be worthwhi le. Don't waste your audience’s time.•Gathering and Selecting Appropriate Materialsconvincing materialsseven major types of materials: descriptions and explanations, statistics, examples, testimony, comparison and contrast, repetition and restatement, and visuals. guidelines •Outlining Your Speechguidelines:1. Write and label your specific purpose at the top of your outline.2. Indicate main ideas, points, sub-points, and supporting materials properly.3. Use at least two subdivisions, if any, for each point.Using subdivisions helps you give attention to all the points you want to say.4. Label the introduction, main body and conclusion.II. How to Write a Great Speech•Organizing the Body of the SpeechA.The IntroductionA. It should introduce the topic. providing background information, definitions explanations, etc.B. Generally it should contain the thesis statement.C. It should be interesting enough to make the listener want to continue listening. Anecdotes, shockingstatistics, quotes, and rhetorical questionsD. It should indicate how your topic will be developed.E. tell your listeners WHY they should listen to you; such as how they will benefit.F. include the method of organization that you will follow. This helps the listener prepare for what youare going to say and help them organize the information.An effective introduction•Creates a favorable first impression with the audience•Boosts a spe aker’s self-confidenceGaining attention•relate the topic to the audience•State the importance of the topic•Startle the audience•Arouse the curiosity of the audience•Question the audience•Begin with quotation•Tell a story•Using visual aids•…Reveal the topic•Clearly states the speech topic•Establish the credibility and goodwill of the speakerPreview the body•Tells audience what to listen for in the rest•Provide a smooth lead-in•Present special informationB.Main Bodya. Each main point discusses one aspect of the thesis.b. The main points should be linked with clear transitions so as to give the bodycoherence and unity.C. ConclusionA conclusion can restate the thesis.A conclusion can restate the main points.A conclusion can call for some sort of action (particularly in a persuasive piece)A conclusion can highlight areas for further research.A conclusion can suggest results or consequences.A conclusion can remind the audience of the importance of the information presented.The speaker can thank the audience for their attention.A conclusion should NEVER bring up a new topic.A speaker should NEVER apologize for their information. The last thing you want to happen is for theaudience to question your credibility.2 functions of conclusion•Signal the end of the speech•Reinforce the audience’s understanding of the speech•Using Speech LanguageA. Using Language AccuratelyB. Use Language ClearlyC. Use language VividlyIII. How to Deliver a Great Speech•Physical Delivery1. postureA public speaker should look comfortable, confident and prepared to speak. In posture, thetwo extremes to avoid are rigidity and sloppiness.2. facial expressionsYour facial expression must match what you are saying.3. movementa. Never turn your back on the audience while you are speaking.b. If you move about on the stage, make your movements purposeful.c. Be aware of all potential obstacles on the stage.4. gestures5. Eye contactLet your gaze move over each member of the audiencedon’t choose one person and look fixedly at him or her.avoid the temptation to look over the heads of your audience or to hold your notes in front of your face.6. AppearanceThe way you dress and present yourselfDress appropriately to the audience•Vocal DeliveryVocal delivery refers to the use of your voice to convey your message.1. rateRate is the speednot too slowly or too quickly. Varying your rate can be critical.2. pausetemporary stopspause before and after a major point. You can use pauses to illustrate that you are changing from one point to another. You can use pauses for emphasis3. volumeVolume refers to how loud one speaksSpeak too soft Speak too loudchanging the volume at certain points emphasize important ideas.Raising your voice lowering your voice4. pitchPitch refers to the high or low quality of your voice.Volume is measured in terms of loudness.The pitch of your voice in public speaking refers to the “excitement” or “enthusiasm” level in your voice.pitch can be raised and lowered for emphasis.vary your pitch.5. Pronunciation6. articulation : not slur, speak clearlyIV. How to Analyze and Evaluate Speech•three “M”s: matter, manner and method.Speaking to PersuadeI. Persuasion: a Psychological process• A. Persuasion is the most complex and the most challenging.•(controversial topics, involving values and beliefs; listeners’ own ideas)• B. Listeners: mental give-and-take•(listeners: assessment on speakers)II. The Target Audience•The part of the whole audience a speaker most wants to reach with his message. Agree and disagree audience•Adapt the speech to the values and concerns of the TA•Do not exclude other listenersIII. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence•Monroe's motivated sequence is a technique for organizing persuasive speeches that inspire people to take action.•Alan H. Monroe (Purdue University) 1930s•what creates makes a motivational speech actually motivating.• a 5-step method for organizing motivational speeches.1.AttentionGet the attention of your audience using a detailed story, shocking example, dramatic statistic, quotations, etc.E.g. Hey! Listen to me, I have a PROBLEM!2.NeedShow that the problem about which you are speaking exists, that it is significant, and that it won't go away by itself. Use statistics, examples, etc. Convince your audience that there isa need for action to be taken.E.g. Let me EXPLAIN the problem.3.Satisfy.You present your plan and show how it will work. Be sure to offer enough details about the plan.E.g. But, I have a SOLUTION!4.VisualizationTell the audience what will happen if the solution is implemented or does not take place.Be visual and detailed.E.g. If we IMPLEMENT my solution, this is what will happen.5.Action.Tell the audience what action they can take personally to solve the problem. Say exactly what you want the audience to do and how to do it.E.g. You can help me in this specific way. Are YOU willing to help me?Advantage of MMS•It emphasizes what the audience can do. Monroe's motivated sequence emphasizes the action the audience can take.•Sample Speech:The Ultimate GiftIV. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact• A. seek to persuade audience to accept the speaker’s view of the facts on a particular issue.E.g. Will the economy be better or worse next year?• B. different from an informative speechIS: give information as impartially as possible ≠ argue for a point of viewPS: persuade the audience to accept the speaker’s view about the information e.g. In a trial lawyer jury guilt / innocent defendantV. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value• A. Judgments based on a person’s beliefs about what’s right or wrong• B. 2 steps:1. define the standards for value judgments2. judge the subject of the speech against the standards.VI. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy• A. deal with specific courses of action: involve questions of fact and value; go beyond that • B. 2 types:1. gain passive agreement that a policy is desirable, necessary & practical2. motivate the audience to take immediate action• C. 3 basic issues – need, plan & practicality1. need: (no) need for a change2. a specific plan: solve the need3. practicality: Plan: workable, solve the need without creating new problems VII. Methods of PersuasionA.Building credibility– 1. Credibility affected by: competence & charactercompetence: speaker’s intelligence, expertise & knowledge of the subjectcharacter: speaker’s sincerity, trustworthiness– 2. 3 types of credibility: initial credibility; derived credibility; terminal ~– 3. 3 strategies to ↑credibility:a. explaining their competenceb. establishing common ground with the audiencec. delivering speeches fluently, expressively and with convictioning Evidence– 1. examples, statistics, testimony– 2. 4 tips to use evidence effectively: use specific evidence; novel ~; use ~ from credible sources; make clear the point of the ~C.Reasoning–Reasoning: the process of drawing a conclusion based on evidence–use reasoning from specific instances–use reasoning from principle–use analogical reasoning, ×casual reasoningD.Emotions Appeals– 1. Emotions Appeals (motivational appeals): make listeners feel sad, happy, angry, fearful, etc.– 2. 3 ways: with emotionally charged language; with vivid examples; speak with sincerity and conviction。