汤姆逊 摄像机基站 控制面板 OCP 400 中文操作手册
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于志:LINK高清摄像机微波系统的组成及实施方案2010-1-13 11:23:00 DVBCN数字电视中文网人气(7 ) 作者:来源: 科讯网广播电视制作正向高清发展,一些重大的活动、文艺晚会体育赛事都使用了高清制作。
但是最难做到的是实现无线微波摄像机和有线摄像机共同使用时色彩的匹配和技术参数的实时调整,中央电视台转播部在6+2 ( 6个有线讯道+2个无线讯道)高清EFP系统设计时提出了有线讯道无线延伸的概念。
他们所采用的调制方式是Link公司研发的LMS-T技术,提供10/20MHz的射频带宽,因此它比一般厂家所提供的DVB-T 6/BMHz方案,信源编码的有效码率可以提高一倍。
可以看出当使用LMS-T的16QAM ( FEC=2/3和GI=I/8)时,有效比特率可以达到18.43Mbps:当使用DVB-T的16QAM ( FEC=I /2和GI=1/32)时该系统只能提供大约12Mbps 的带宽。
★本系统主机工作于常温(-10+3℃ - 55+2℃)、清洁的环境,并且保持良好的通风状态。
硬件配置要求服务端CPU:赛扬 2G 以上(推荐双核1.8G以上)内存:256M以上(推荐DDR512M)显卡:32M 支持Overlay (推荐64M)网卡:10-100M显示分辨率:1024*768(32位色)客户端CPU:P4 1.7G以上内存:DDR 256M显卡:64M网卡:10-100M显示分辨率:1024*768(32位色)功能特点(H.264硬压缩)操作系统Windows XP/VISTA,压缩方式H.264。
显示分辨率1024 x 768,录像分辨率352 x 288(PAL制式), 352 x 240(NTSC制式)或320 x 240,640 x 480(D1)。
CT400分布光度计转台控制器用户手册CT400 GONIOPHOTOMETERS CONTROLLERUSER’S MANUALVer1.02杭州远方光电信息有限公司EVERFINE PHOTO-E-INFO CO.,LTD.地址:杭州市滨江区滨康路669号1号楼(310053)ADD:Bldg.1,#669Binkang Rd.,Binjiang Hi-Tech Zone,Hangzhou,China(310053)Tel:86-571-86698333Fax:86-571-86696433E-mail:Sales@销售专箱Service@服务专箱http://前言感谢您使用远方:分布光度计转台控制器本说明书讲述该设备的功能及操作。
目录目录 (3)第一章概述 (4)第二章主要功能及主要技术指标 (5)一、原理框图及主要功能 (5)二、转台控制器的主要技术指标: (5)第三章操作 (7)一、CT400分布光度计转台控制器的相关操作 (7)二、GRC-1遥控器的使用说明 (15)第四章注意事项 (17)第一章概述CT400分布光度计转台控制器是本公司分布光度计专用的显示、控制仪器。
目录一、产品说明 (2)二、软件安装 (3)三、使用说明 (4)1、应用程序的使用介绍 (4)2、录制/直播 (5)2.1、手动录制/直播 (5)2.2、定时采集/直播 (6)3、关于直播的配置 (9)3.1 WMV直播的配置 (10)3.1.1、利用本机做成服务器的,WMV直播 (10)3.1.2、利用本机做服务器,配合Media Service进行拉传递(组播) (12)3.1.3、把WMV流推到,Windows Media Service服务器上做的直播 (15)一、产品说明UVC400是一款USB接口视频采集设备,把输入的模拟视音频信号捕捉成清晰细腻的动态或者静态画面。
技术参数:●支持USB2.0,无需打开机箱,支持热插拔,支持笔记本电脑●自行调整画面大小、最高分辨率可达720×576,24位真彩色●支持USB Audio采集、立体声输入●图像亮度、对比度、饱和度、色度可自定义●可捕捉高品质动态及静态画面,采集画面顺畅不间断●输入接口有AV及S端子,可在台式机或手提电脑上观看录像、VCD、DVD、摄像机等设备输出的视频影像●软件支持WMV,MPEG-4,H.264等高压缩比文件压缩和实时流直播,方便进行个人,企业流媒体影像制作●无缝支持第三方通用软件进行MPEG1/2等多种实时压缩格式,方便制作VCD/SVCD/DVD●兼容WINDOW2000/XP/2003等操作系统,兼容Direct8.1、9.0●提示支持32位及64位操作系统标准WDM驱动系统需求:●Intel Pentium4 2.0 GHz 或 Celeron 2.4 GHz CPU 以上●Windows 2000/XP/2003●128M RAM(推荐256MB)●支持Directshow加速显卡●建议1GB 以上的硬盘空间,供软件存放影片档案●一个空闲的USB2.0端口●微软 DirectX 9.0 (Windows 2000 建议安装)●微软Media Player 7.1 (Windows 2000 建议安装二、软件安装Windows下的驱动的安装:1、UVC接到USB接口后系统提示找到多媒体控制器新硬件,弹出对话框如下:2、接着弹出找到新硬件向导,单击“取消”,退出具InstallDriver.exe,并运行。
SENSAPHONE 400 中文用户手册SToneU Tech目 录1. 重要安全规程 (4)2. 介绍 (5)2.1. 指示灯 (5)3. 快速入门 (7)3.1. 键盘 (7)3.2. 准备工作 (7)4. 通信设置 (9)4.1. 语音消息 (9)4.1.1. ID录音 (9)4.1.2. 查询录音 (10)4.1.3. 输入端口录音 (10)4.1.4. 查询录音 (10)4.1.5. 删除录音 (11)4.2. 单元ID (11)4.2.1. 设置单元ID (11)4.2.2. 查询单元ID (12)4.3. 外拨电话号码 (12)4.3.1. 设置外拨电话号码 (12)4.3.2. 查询外拨电话号码 (13)4.3.3. 删除电话号码 (13)4.4. 语音或脉冲拨号 (14)4.5. 特殊拨号 (14)4.5.1. 使用暂停(PAUSE) (14)4.6. 响铃次数 (15)4.6.1. 设置响铃次数 (15)4.6.2. 查询响铃次数 (16)4.7. 收听时间 (16)4.7.1. 设置收听时间 (16)4.7.2. 查询收听时间 (17)4.8. 呼叫延迟 (17)4.8.1. 设置呼叫延迟 (17)4.8.2. 查询呼叫延迟 (18)4.9. 本地静音 (18)4.10. 语音重复 (18)4.10.1. 设置语音重复 (19)4.10.2. 查询语音重复 (19)4.11. 间隔时间(Inter Call) (19)4.11.1. 设置间隔时间 (19)4.11.2. 查询间隔时间 (20)4.12. 呼叫的最大值 (Max Call) (20)4.12.1. 设置最大呼叫 (21)4.12.2. 查询最大呼叫 (21)4.13. 时间 (21)4.13.1. 设置时间 (22)4.13.2. 查询时间 (22)4.14. 安全码 (22)4.14.1. 锁定键盘 (22)4.14.2. 解锁键盘 (23)5. 警报设置 (24)5.1. 输入设置 (24)5.1.1. 设置输入 (24)5.1.2. 检验输入配置 (25)5.2. 启动/禁止输入 (25)5.2.1. 变更输入的启动/禁止状态 (25)5.2.2. 查询输入的启动/禁止状态 (25)5.3. 输入辨识时间 (26)5.3.1. 设置输入辨识时间 (26)5.3.2. 查询输入辨识时间 (27)5.4. 设置高的和低的温度限度 (27)5.4.1. 设置指定输入的温度限度 (27)5.4.2. 启动/禁止温度高限/低限的响应 (28)5.4.3. 查询高的和低的温度限度 (28)5.5. 温度单位 (29)5.6. 温度校正 (29)5.6.1. 设置温度校正 (29)5.6.2. 查询温度校正 (30)5.7. 获得目前温度 (30)5.8. 启动/禁止 AC (31)5.8.1. 启动/禁止 AC警报 (31)停电辨识时间 (31)5.9. AC5.9.1. 设置停电辨识时间 (31)5.9.2. 查询停电辨识时间 (32)5.10. 噪音警报监听 (32)5.10.1. 设置噪音警报灵敏度 (32)5.10.2. 查询噪音警报的灵敏度 (33)5.10.3. 设置噪音警报辨识时间 (33)5.11. 启动/禁止噪音报警 (34)5.11.1. 变更启动/禁止噪音警报 (34)5.12. 离场延迟 (34)6. 确认、状态报告与远程访问 (35)6.1. 警报确认 (35)6.1.1. 现场确认 (35)6.1.2. 电话确认(音频) (35)6.1.3. 回拨确认 (35)6.2. 状态报告 (36)6.2.1. 例子: 状态报告,没有警报 (36)6.2.2. 例子: 状态报告,已存在警报 (36)6.2.3. 例子: 状态报告,禁止的输入 (37)6.2.4. 电池状态 (37)7. 操作 (38)7.1. 警报的检测、外拨和确认 (38)7.2. 外拨电话例子 (38)8. 连接输出 (39)8.1. 自动模式 (39)8.2. 设备输出模式 (39)8.3. 查询输出模式 (40)8.4. 本地切换输出 (40)9. 巡查SENSAPHONE系统 (41)1.重要安全规程SENSAPHONE 400单元能够提供安全、可靠的性能。
May 2014 (Simplified Chinese) © 2014 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.96000 SeriesRF Reference Source操作员手册有限担保及责任范围Fluke 公司保证其每一个Fluke的产品在正常使用及维护情形下,其用料和做工都是毫无瑕疵的。
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中央电视台索契冬奥会IBC技术系统方案综述侯佳【摘要】The overall program of the front reporting technology system of CCTV Sochi Winter Olympics was generally overviewed, including the total control system, CCTV-5 studio visual (audio) system, the network information systems, the online packaging systems, phone systems and the like.%概括介绍了中央电视台索契冬奥会前方报道技术系统整体方案,包括总控系统、CCTV-5演播室视(音)频系统、网络制播系统、在线包装系统、通话系统等。
【期刊名称】《演艺科技》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】5页(P56-60)【关键词】冬季奥林匹克运动会;体育赛事转播;演播室;视(音)频系统;网络制播系统;在线包装【作者】侯佳【作者单位】中央电视台技术制作中心,北京 100020【正文语种】中文第二十二届冬季奥林匹克运动会于2014年2月7日至23日在俄罗斯索契举行,中央电视台(CCTV)派出了强大的前方报道团队进行赛事的转播工作。
中央电视台前方报道中心面积约为870 m2,位于国际广播电视中心(IBC)二层。
高清网络摄像机快速操作指南2013-1C适用产品外观图类别型号高清枪型网络摄像机红外(中距离)防水高清网络摄像机红外(远距离)防水高清网络摄像机普通半球高清网络摄像机(红外)防爆半球高清网络摄像机- 2 -前言概述本文档主要描述了安全须知、开箱检查、设备结构、WEB客户端、设备参数等内容。
对球罩的不正确清洗(如:用抹布直接擦拭等),可能会导致带红外功能摄像机红外效- 2 -果不良。
m-pro-400内容及操作简介:(简体中文)主界面:"Main menu(主菜单)Main menu(主菜单)中包含显示、编程以及测试的所有功能:Process monitoring(过程监控)以表格、图形或统计数字的形式显示所有结果以及停机控件的所有消息Process programming(过程编程)编辑过程与拧紧参数System programming(系统编程)编辑工作站和处理器相关参数,并显示工作站相关的固定值Statistics programming(统计编程)编辑用于统计评估的参数Administration(管理)服务功能、数据备份与用户管理System tests(系统测试)测试功能Language(语言)使用 Language(语言)菜单可以切换到任意已组态的语言。
热键:Rundown data table(停机数据表)工件停机数据的表格形式表示Torque graph(扭矩图)图形表示与评估Statistics(统计)统计评估与表示"过程监控器:Spindle monitor(轴监控器)轴停机数据的表格形式表示Archive(归档)先前工件停机数据的表格形式表示Torque graph(扭矩图)图形表示与评估Statistics(统计)统计评估与视图Rundown status(停机状态)Rundown status(停机状态)菜单包含停机控件的消息:Task messages(任务消息)显示任务消息System warnings(系统警告)显示系统警告测量数据表:"Options(选项)“Go back”(返回)将关闭停机数据表,并跳转到您进入前所在的屏幕。
选项 Process monitoring(过程监控)可将最后结果返回同名菜单。
Rundown data(停机数据)在此处可找到某些便于在表格内跳转的功能。
Operating ManualSupplementforModel ST-4000XCM Santa Barbara Instrument Group147A Castilian DriveSanta Barbara, CA 93117 USA Phone (805) 571-7244 Fax (805) 571-1147 Web:E-mail:*************Table of ContentsQuick Setup Guide (3)Limited Edition ST-4000XCM (4)Software (4)CCD Chamber Window (4)Dark Frames (4)Filter Wheel (4)AO-8 and Remote Guide Head (4)Individual Filters (4)Camera Lens (5)Image Rotation (5)Easy Processing of Single-Shot Color Images with CCDOPS (6)Color Balance (7)Brightness and Contrast (7)Enhancements (8)Easy Processing of Separate R,G and B Images with CCDOPS (8)Special CCDOPS Functions for Single Shot Color Cameras (10)Filter Routines Specific to Single Shot Color Images (10)Track & Accumulate Single Shot Color Cameras (10)ST-4000XCM Typical Specifications (11)Application Note: Dark Frames and Column Defects (12)Quick Setup GuideNote: You must install the software and drivers BEFOREconnecting the camera to your computer1. Install CCDOPS and Driver Checker on your computer2. Connect to the Internet and Run Driver Checker3. Connect power cable to the camera and 110 - 220VAC (Green LED = On)4. Connect the USB cable between your camera and computer5. In the CCDOPS Camera Menu go to Camera-> Setup -> TemperatureRegulation -> Active and set the temperature - there will be a pause while thesoftware establishes a COMM link to the camera6. Refer to the CCDOPS manual and this Supplement for taking and processingSingle-Shot Color images.Limited Edition ST-4000XCMThe ST-4000XCM camera is essentially the same as the ST-2000XCM camera with the exception of the size of the imaging CCD and a few items explained in this supplement below. However, insofar as instructions for use, please follow the instructions for the ST-2000XCM in the Camera Operating Manual and CCDOPS Software Manual.SoftwareCCDOPS version 5.47 or later supports the ST-4000XCM camera. This version is supplied on the CDROM packed with the camera. You can also download the latest version of the drivers from our web site -> Software Downloads -> 32 bit Windows. If you are using CCDSoftV5, Maxim or other software that normally supports SBIG cameras, please confirm with the vendor that your version supports the new ST-4000XCM camera with our latest universal drivers. CCD Chamber WindowPlease note that this camera has a larger CCD chamber window than the ST-2000XCM to allow for the larger CCD and tracking CCD. This window is custom made for the ST-4000XCM camera with optical glass that is AR coated and UV/IR blocked to optimum color balance. No external blocking filter is required when taking single shot color images with the ST-4000XCM. Dark FramesThe shutter on all ST cameras is intended to make taking dark frames at night at the scope automatic. However the shutters can pass some light in a bright ambient environment. Therefore, if you take dark frames with the camera off the telescope in room light or in daylight you should cover the nosepiece with the supplied rubber capFilter WheelNormally this size CCD is found in the STL camera body with 2" filters. However, because it is a special edition of the ST series, our standard 1.25" filter wheels are too small for this camera and we do not recommend 1.25" filters for this sized CCD. In general, however, there is no need to add a filter wheel to a single-shot color camera.AO-8 and Remote Guide HeadThe AO-8 Adaptive Optics and Remote Guide Head accessories are compatible with the ST-4000XCM camera.Individual FiltersI the event that you wish to use an individual filter, such as an H-alpha filter, you should use one that is in a cell with 48mm threads that will screw into the internal threads in the camera's supplied 2" nosepiece.Camera LensTo use a 35mm camera lens with the ST-4000XCM camera, an optional CLA-7 camera lens adapter is available from SBIG for Nikon and Canon FD lenses. Please note the Canon adapter is for manual focus FD lenses only.Image RotationThe KAI-4020CM CCD is unique among the Kodak CCDs in that pixel 1,1 is in a different corner relative to the rows of pins than other CCDs we use in ST cameras. This means that (normally) the image is rotated 90 degrees relative to the tracking CCD compared to other SBIG cameras. To avoid confusion, with the release of the ST-4000XCM camera, CCDOPS has been revised to automatically rotate raw images from the ST-4000XCM so that they are oriented the same way as all other SBIG cameras. This feature is software specific, however, and you should be aware that not all software packages may treat the image the same way as CCDOPS. Maxim is known to have a feature that will rotate the image. Please check with your other software vendors to see if they have a similar feature. You can still use any software that supports the ST-4000XCM, but just be aware that they may provide a different orientation of the image.Because the image is rotated to present the tracking CCD at the top center of the image as it is with other SBIG self-guiding cameras, you will notice in dark frames that the image appears to be read out from right to left instead of top to bottom. This can be seen in a slight gradient from side to side in dark frames. This is normal and disappears when the dark frame is subtracted from the light frame in normal processing. Also, any hot pixels that would otherwise leave a vertical line in a dark frame will instead appear horizontal. Again, these are normal occurrences.Lines in Dark FramesFinally, while not specific to the ST-4000XCM camera, it is worth mentioning in this Supplement, especially for first time users of CCD cameras, that it is normal to see lines and bright points in dark frames. Lines are usually caused by hot pixels that cause a streak in the dark frame during the readout process. These lines are not column defects and they do not indicate anything wrong with your camera. These disappear when a dark frame is subtracted from a light frame.Please see the Application Note Dated May 25, 2005 at the end of this Supplement for more information.Easy Processing of Single-Shot Color Images with CCDOPSSingle-Shot Color (SSC) cameras like the STL-11000CM, STL-4020CM, ST-2000XCM, and ST-4000XCM produce raw images that CCDOps displays as monochrome until they are color processed. The Color Process command in the Single Shot Color menu of the Utility menu convents these raw images into color as shown in the dialog below. Once you have captured the image, from the Utility drop-down menu in CCDOPS select:Single Shot Color --> Color Processand you are ready to go. Processing of Single-Shot Color Camera images is easy. Start by clicking the Defaults button and selecting RGB or DDP for the Method (DDP works great on galaxies with bright cores).The images below are actual screen captures of the single step process. The first image is the B&W raw frame displayed from an ST-2000 camera. The second frame (color) was created by clicking the "process" button in the dialog box with the settings in their default positions using DDP as the method:Step 1: Capture the image and save the raw data:Step 2: Click the "PROCESS" button to create the color image:If you don't like the color balance of the result, simply modify the color balance pointers and click the "process" button again. For more in-depth color image processing, you can extract the RGB color channels and perform more traditional tri-color image processing techniques (see Processing Separate RGB Images, below).Color BalanceAny color image, even those from monochrome camera with external filter wheels or from consumer digital cameras, may require minor corrections to achieve the best color balance. This is done in CCDOPS buy simply sliding the Color Balance Sliders at the top of the dialog box. To make the image more Red (or less Cyan) move the top slider towards Red then hit the Process button again. If there's a star or an area of the image you know is White you can White Balance on it by positioning the Crosshair over that area then right-click the mouse and select Set White Balance. It is a very simple process.Brightness and ContrastUse the Brightness and Contrast sliders to adjust the image and then hit the Process button to see the results.EnhancementsImages of galaxies tend to have a lot of dynamic range and you may find it difficult to reveal the faint details in the arms without causing the core to saturate. Try selecting the DDP instead of RGB in the "Method" drop down box. Hit the Process button. DDP compresses the dynamic range of the image. This may not look natural on all images but don't be afraid to try it. An example is shown below.RGB Processed DDP ProcessedAnother selection available is sRGB. This stands for subtracted RGB color processing. The color filter mask on the CCD isn't perfect. Some blue light leaks through the red filter, and some red light leaks into blue, and so on. We have measured this leakage at SBIG using RGB filters, and have determined a first order correction that subtracts out the leakage. For example, based on the signal in the red channel, some percentage of the red signal is subtracted from the blue data. The result is purer, cleaner colors, but a bit more likely to boost the noise on a weakly exposed image. sRGB with Gamma mode does the same with some log scaling to compress the dynamic range. We are currently in the process of adding this unique correction process to the EXTRACT COLOR CHANNELS command in CCDOPS.The initial color processing doesn't have to be difficult or complicated. Once you have saved the original B&W image you can experiment over and over with different settings until you achieve the results you like. Of course, if you want more control over the image you may wish to process the R,G and B frames separately and combine them just as you would if the three frames were taken separately though RG and B filters as they are with monochrome cameras. See below for more about extracting, processing and combining RGB frames.Easy Processing of Separate R,G and B Images with CCDOPS Monochrome cameras with filter wheels are used to make color images by shooting separate red, green and blue frames through color filters. Separate Red, Green and Blue frames may also be extracted from a Single Shot Color Camera image for more control during the processing stages. To do this using CCDOPS select:Utility --> Single Shot Color --> Extract Color Channel(s)...Once extracted, the R,G and B frames from a Single Shot Color Camera are treated the same as RGB frames shot with a monochrome camera and color filter wheel. Processing separate RGB images to create a color image involves the following steps: 1. Co-aligning the images 2. Normalizing the Sky Background 3. Setting the White Balance. CCDOps makes this relatively easy. Here's a step-by-step procedure for quick and easy RGB Processing:1. Co-align the images - Open the Red, Green and Blue images and then open the Crosshairs.Visually identify a common star or feature in the images to serve as an alignment reference. Starting with the Red image, position the Crosshair on the reference position, using the peak pixel brightness on a star for example, then right-click the mouse. Select the Set RGB Red Position item to mark the reference position. Do the same in the Green and Blue images, selecting the Set RGB Green Position and Set RGB Blue Position respectively. This tells CCDOps how it will co-align the images2. Normalize the Sky Background - Normalizing the Sky Background means making sure it comes out a neutral gray in the final image, not having a subtle color tint. Bring the Red image to the foreground and then position the Crosshair on an area of the image that represents the Sky Background, free of any stars or faint nebulosity. Right-click the mouse and select the Set RGB Black Level. This tells CCDOps how to normalize the sky background.3. Set the White Balance - Again,bring the Red image to the foregroundand then position the Crosshair over astar or area of the image that you feelrepresents the White Balance. If you getit wrong it's easy to adjust so don'tworry about it. Once the Crosshair ispositioned, right-click and select the SetRGB White Level. This tells CCDOpstwo things: how to set the color balanceand how to set the contrast of the RGBimage such that the star you identifiedcomes out white (neutral color) and justsaturates in the RGB image. Now thatthe hard work is done you can close theRed, Green and Blue images and theninvoke the RGB Combine command inthe Utility menu. You'll be shown thedialog at right. If the Advanced Settingsection is not visible, click the greentriangle to reveal it. To finish the color processing do the following:4. Identify the images - Click the Set Name button to the right of the Red and navigate through your folders on your hard drive to find the Red image. Double-click the Red Image or select it and hit Open. If you used CCDOps to acquire the images they will be named XXXX.r, XXXX.g and XXXX.b and at this point CCDOps will fill in the names of the Green and Blue images for you. If not then click the Set Name button to the right of the Green and Blue and identify those images.5. Initial RGB image - Click the “Do It” button to see the results of merging the Red, Green and Blue images into a single RGB image.6. Tweak the parameters – [a] Co-alignment - Modify the Horizontal and Vertical adjustments edit fields to the right of each image to tweak the co-alignment. The easiest way to do this is to look at the outer fringes of stars my zooming in on the RGB image. If the stars have a Red tint to the right then you would reduce the Red Horizontal item by 1. After each adjustment hit the “Do It” button to see the results. [b] Color Balance – Raise or lower the Factors column to adjust the Color Balance. For example, to make the image redder, raise the Red factor. Hit the Do It button to see the results. [c] Brightness and Contrast - Raise or lower Grey Level item to adjust the Brightness and raise or lower the Contrast Boost item to adjust the image contrast. Hit the Do It button to see the results.6. Exporting to Other Image Processing Programs - If you have a favorite image processing program like PhotoShop that you would rather use to process and combine the RGB frames into a color image, then simply save the extracted R,G, and B images in a format of your choice such as TIFF or FITS and use any other image processing program to manipulate and combine the images. It is recommended, however, that you keep your original 16 bit data file in SBIG or FITS format in the event that some step along the way results in an irreversible change to your image file(s) that is not to your liking. You can always extract the raw RGB channels again from the original.Special CCDOPS Functions for Single Shot Color CamerasFilter Routines Specific to Single Shot Color ImagesThe raw images (monochrome, prior to conversion to color) from Single Shot Color cameras like the ST-2000XCM require special handling when it comes to filtering the images so that you don't co-mingle the color data in the filtering process. CCDOps has enhanced filtering routines in the Smooth, Sharpen, Column/Row Repair, Kill Warm Pixels and Remove Cool Pixels commands from the Filter sub-menu of the Utility menu. As shown in the dialog below, these commands allow you to check a Single Shot Color Image checkbox that applies those enhancements to Single Shot Color images.Track & Accumulate Single Shot Color CamerasYou didn’t used to be able to do this and many people don’t realize that now you can use SBIG patented Track and Accumulate with Single Shot Color (SSC) cameras. CCDOps has been updated to recognize SSC cameras and Track and Accumulate will then make sure it co-aligns images correctly, taking into account the Bayer Color filter Matrix applied to these cameras.ST-4000XCMTypical SpecificationsCCD Kodak KAI-4020CMPixel Array 2048 x 2048 pixelsCCD Size 15.2 x 15.2 mm (active area) Total Pixels 4.2 million (active)Pixel Size 7.4 x 7.4 microns squareFull Well Capacity ~35,000 e- unbinned ~70,000 e- binnedDark Current < 0.1e-/pixel/sec at 0 deg. C.Antiblooming StandardShutter Electromechanical + ElectronicExposure 0.001 to 3600 seconds Correlated Double Sampling YesA/D Converter 16 bitsA/D Gain 0.6e-/ADU unbinned 0.9e-/ADU binnedRead Noise 7.9e- rmsColor Binning Modes 1 x 1 Monochrome Binning Modes 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3 Pixel Digitization Rate up to 425kpsFull Frame Download ~ 10 secondsCooling -standard Single Stage Thermoelectric, Water Assist: -40C fromambient with water, -30C w/airTemperature Regulation ±0.1°CPower 5VDC at 1.5 amps,+/-12VDC at 0.5 amps, power supply includedComputer Interface USB 1.1Computer Compatibility Windows 98/2000/Me/XP Mac OS-XGuiding Self-Guiding with built-in TC- 237 or Optional Remote Guide Head (external TC-237 CCD)Optical Head 5 inches diameter x 3 inches 12.5 cm diameter x 7.5 deepCPU All electronics integrated into Optical Head, No CPUMounting T-Thread,2" nosepieces includedWeight Approx. 2 pounds/0.9kg Backfocus 0.92 inches / 2.3 cmApplication NoteDark Frames and Column DefectsMay 25, 2005Over the past few years Kodak has improved the classification specification for mostof its CCDs to eliminate column defects in Class 2 or better cosmetic grades. The two exceptions to cameras currently offered by SBIG are the Class 2 STL-1001E and Class2 STL-11000CM (This applies to the color CCD only - the monochrome CCD is available only in Class 1). In these two specific cases a Class 2 CCD may have acertain number of column defects, while the Class 1 versions do not. In all other casesfor SBIG cameras, Class 2 CCDs have a zero column defect specification.Since most of our cameras use Class 2 or Class 1 CCDs with no column defects, the issues we often have to address are whether a line that is visible in a dark frame is actually a column defect or something else, and what effect is has on an image. To illustrate, a typical looking raw dark frame is shown in Figure 1. Several bright lines can be seen.Figure 1While the lines seen in Figure 1 look like bright columns they are actually just artifacts of the read out process and not CCD defects. There are defects present in the form of hot pixels at the top of each of these lines, but hot pixels are normal occurrences in both Class 2 and Class 1 CCDs. The readout process shifts each one of these hot pixels down the CCD, line by line as it is read out and the resulting raw dark frame looks like it contains bad columns. But the effect is completely repeatable and is removed when the dark frame is subtracted from the light frame as the sequence in Figure 2 demonstrates:Figure 2The leftmost frame in Figure 2 is a cropped portion of the raw dark frame from Figure 1 showing the bright line originating from a hot pixel. Note that there is also a dotted line above the hot pixel. The center frame in Figure 2 is a raw light frame showing the same artifact. The final frame on the right is the light minus the dark frame.There are various reference works and software available to help owners test and evaluate the performance of their CCD camera. Often, a new owner will put the camera through some paces on the bench before using it at night at the scope. These are good practices, but it is also important for new users to know that it is normal for raw dark frames to contain a variety of bright points and lines. With the development of much larger CCDs such as the 11 Megapixel KAI-11000M, the odds of seeing these kinds of things have increased. After all, with 11,000,000 pixels, one can expect a few odd ones. So long as these things disappear when subtracted from a light frame, leaving only the allowed number of warm or cool pixels per the Kodak specification, then the CCD is operating normally and the camera need not be returned for inspection or repair.A very simple test any user can do to determine if there is a problem or not is to take a single light frame of several hundred counts or more and subtract a single dark frame taken at the same time and of the same duration and temperature and examine the result. Most of the time any bright lines otherwise seen in the dark frame will disappear after the reduction.。
EM400电力智能监控仪表操作手册目录1概述 (1)1.1EM400的功能 (1)1.2EM400的特点 (1)2安装接线与配置 (2)2.1尺寸与安装 (3)2.2接线与配置 (4)3操作指导 (10)3.1屏幕显示及按键操作 (10)3.2数据读取 (10)3.3参数设置 (16)3.4本地操作 (21)4通讯 (24)4.1MODBUS协议概述 (24)4.2通讯协议地址表及说明 (24)5运输与贮藏 (32)6附录 (33)A.参数出厂默认值 (33)B.订货说明 (35)EM400电力智能监控仪表操作手册11 概述1.1 EM400的功能EM400系列电力智能监控仪表是用于中低压系统(6~35kV 和0.4kV )的智能化装置,它集数据采集和控制功能于一身,具有基本单回路交流电量的测量与计算、电度量累计、SOE 记录功能,同时具有4路开关量输入监测、2路继电器输出、1路4~20mA 直流变送输出功能。
EM400提供通讯接口与计算机监控系统连接,支持RS485接口MODBUS 通讯协议。
图1.1.1 EM400装置外形图1.2 EM400的特点1.2.1 EM400具有强大的数据采集和处理功能z 支持三相三线制和三相四线制可选功能,具有三相电压、三相电流、总有功功率、总无功功率、各相的有功及无功功率、功率因数、各相的功率因数、系统频率、总有功电度、总无功电度、各相的有功电度和无功电度的测量与计算功能。
z 具有2路继电器控制输出,节点容量5A/30VDC (5A/250V AC )。
z 具有1路4~20mA 直流变送输出功能,可任意关联电压、电流、功率。
z 具有4路开关量输入功能; z 最多可记录16个SOE 事件。
z 可当地查看一条回路及开关的各种电参量、运行状态等;可查看或设定运行参数,进行合、分闸等操作。
高清低照度宽动态摄像机利用说明书技术参数:1/3 Sony Super HAD CCD●彩色:550TV Lines, 黑白:600 TV Lines●内置新一代3D滤光片●最大258倍感光,最低照度●利用像素控制数字宽动态●32倍变焦●最多可设置8个隐私区参数:芯片: 1/3 Sony Super HAD CCD像素: NTSC:811(H)*508(V) PAL: 795(H)*595(V)有效像素:NTSC:768(H)*494(V) PAL: 752(H)*582(V)扫描制式: 2:1隔行扫描同步方式: 内同步OSD 菜单: 可选动态: 52dB(*258X) 背光补偿: BLC/HSBLC/Off Selectable清楚度: 570TV Lines(彩色) 600TV Lines(黑白) 信噪比: 52dB(AGC off,Weight on)最低照度: (Sens-up *258) 白平衡: A TW/AWB/Indoor/Outdoor/Manual/AWC电子快门: 1/60sec-120,000sec 感光: Auto/Fixed/Off(可选范围*2-*258)自动增益: 高/中/低/可选 3 DNR: Off/On(1-50水平调节)D-WDR: 室内/室外/关闭移动侦测: On/Off(4个区域,报警输出)隐私保护: On/Off(8个区域)镜像功能: Off/Mirror/V-Rev/Rotate 冻结画面: On/Off锐度: 0-30(品级调节)D&N选择: Color/Auto/Ext/BW数码变焦: 开启(*32)/关闭噪点: 256点(最低128点ODD 128点)电源: 12V 电流: 120mA工作温度/湿度:-10~+50 摄氏度湿度最大95% 贮存温度/湿度:-20~+50 摄氏度湿度最大95%OSD菜单操作与设置1.按键说明:针孔宽动态摄像机为一个五向按键,按键顺序是中间按下为进入菜单或确认,往上拨动一次菜单指示三角符号向上移一项,往下拨动一次菜单指示三角符号向下移一项,往左右拨动改变参数或选择子菜单;菜单中带此符号选项表示些菜单中还有子菜单。
12345C4吸顶式互联网摄像机CEILING-MOUNTED INTERNET CAMERA快速操作指南服务热线:400-878-7878打开产品包装后,请确认挂壁式互联网摄像机(以下简称“设备”)是否完好,对照下图确认配件是否齐全。
电源接口网络接口红外灯板底座镜头内罩前盖组件垂直调节支架水平调节支架外六角螺丝刀 X 1快速操作指南 X 1合格证 X 1产品保修卡 X 1电源线 X 1C4 X 1白色膨胀螺丝 X 3紧固胶圈 X 1后防水胶圈 X 14*25螺钉 X 3合格证安装贴纸 X 1后盖 X 1保护套 X 1使用“萤石云视频”客户端扫描二维码快速添加设备UD.6L0109B0042A01描述说明电源接口网络接口DC 12V±10%10M/100M自适应以太网口连接线示意图:部件解析图:说明:设备连接完成后,请等待1分钟后在“萤石云”上进行更多操作。