Major Depressive Disorder
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以下是一些常见的心理异常及其诊断标准:1. 抑郁症(Major Depressive Disorder,MDD):持续的低落情绪或兴趣丧失。
2. 焦虑症(Generalized Anxiety Disorder,GAD):持续的、过度的担忧和焦虑。
3. 双相情感障碍(Bipolar Disorder):有躁狂或轻躁狂发作和抑郁发作。
4. 精神分裂症(Schizophrenia):有幻觉、妄想或其他思维紊乱。
5. 强迫症(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,OCD):有强迫观念或强迫行为。
6. 创伤后应激障碍(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,PTSD):在经历了创伤性事件后出现重复的、侵入性的回忆、恶梦或闪回。
7. 边缘性人格障碍(Borderline Personality Disorder,BPD):有不稳定的情绪、自我形象和人际关系。
8. 注意力缺陷多动障碍(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD):在多个环境中持续存在注意力不集中、冲动和过度活跃的行为。
Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(3), 4448-4453 Published Online March 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.133638MECT 治疗重度抑郁症相关研究进展张晓燕,黄永清*内蒙古医科大学精神卫生学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特收稿日期:2023年2月21日;录用日期:2023年3月16日;发布日期:2023年3月24日摘要 重度抑郁症(Major Depressive Disorder, MDD)是世界上最常见、高致残性的精神疾病之一,目前临床上的治疗手段包括药物治疗、心理治疗、物理治疗等。
随着精神医学治疗手段的不断发展,无抽搐电休克治疗(Modified Electric Convulsive Therapy, MECT)在精神障碍的治疗中占有越来越重要的位置。
MECT 治疗重度抑郁症在临床上得到广泛认可,本文就MECT 治疗重度抑郁症相关研究进展进行讨论。
关键词抑郁症,重度抑郁症,MECT ,进展Progress in MECT Treatment for Major DepressionXiaoyan Zhang, Yongqing Huang *College of Mental Health, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot Inner Mongolia Received: Feb. 21st , 2023; accepted: Mar. 16th , 2023; published: Mar. 24th , 2023AbstractMajor depressive disorder, (Major Depressive Disorder, MDD) is one of the most common and highly disabling mental diseases in the world. At present, the clinical treatment methods include drug therapy, psychological therapy, physical therapy, etc. With the continuous development of psychia-tric treatment methods, modified electric convulsive therapy (Modified Electric Convulsive Thera-py, MECT) plays an increasingly important role in the treatment of mental disorders. MECT for MDD is widely recognized clinically, and this paper discusses the progress of research related to MECT for MDD.*通讯作者。
抑郁症英文介绍Depression----The Mental Illnesswhat is depressionDepression is a mental health disorder , a psychiatric condition,characterized by sadness ,loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth ,disturbed sleep or appetite ,feelings of tiredness , and poor concentration.Specifically,it is a mood disorder characterized by persistently low mood in which there is a feeling of sadness and lost of interest.Depression is different from the fluctuations in mood that we all experience as a part of a normal and healthy life. Temporary emotional responses to the challenges of everyday life do not constitute depression.According to the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC),8% of people over the age of 12 years has depression in any two-week period.The World Health Organization (WTO)puts depression at the top of the list -it is the most common illness worldwide and the leading cease of disability.The organization estimates that 350 million people around the world are affected by depression.Major Depressive disorderMajor depressive disorder(MDD), also known simply as depression, is a mental disorder characterized by at least two weeks of low mood that is present across most situations. It is often accompanied by low self-esteem, loss of interest in normally enjoyable activities, low energy, and pain without a clear cause.People may also occasionally have false beliefs or see or hear things that others cannot.Some people have periods of depression separated by years in which they are normal while others nearly always have symptoms present. Major depressive disorder can negatively affects a person's family, work or school life, sleeping or eating habits, and general health. Between 2-7% of adults with major depression die by suicide, and up to 60% of people who die by suicide had depression or another mood disorder.The cause is believed to be a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Risk factors include a family history of the condition, major lifechanges, certain medications, chronic health problems, and substance abuse.About 40% of the risk appears to be related to genetics .The diagnosis of major depressive disorder is based on the person's reported experiences and a mental status examination. There is no laboratory test for major depression. Testing, however, may be done to rule out physical conditions that can cause similar symptoms.Major depression should be differentiated from sadness which is a normal part of life and is less severe.The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening for depression among those over the age 12, while a prior Cochrane review found insufficient evidence for screening.Typically, people are treated with counselling and antidepressant medication.Medication appears to be effective, but the effect may only be significant in the most severely depressed. It is unclear whether medications affect the risk of suicide. Types of counselling used include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy. If other measures are not effective electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be tried. Hospitalization may be necessary in cases with a risk of harm to self and may occasionally occur against a person's wishes.Major depressive disorder affected approximately 253million (3.6%) of people in 2013. The percentage of people who are affected at one point in their life varies from 7% in Japan to 21% in France. Lifetime rates are higher in the developed world (15%) compared to the developing world (11%).It causes the second most years lived with disability after low back pain. The most common time of onset is in a person in their 20s and 30s. Females are affected about twice as often as males. The American Psychiatric Association added "major depressive disorder" to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) in 1980. It was a split of the previous depressive neurosis in the DSM-II which also encompassed the conditions now known as dysthymia and adjustment disorder with depressed mood. Those currently or previously affected may be stigmatized.What are the signs and symptoms of depression? depression may be triggered by stressful life events, other illnesses, certain drugs ormedications, or inherited traits. although causes of depression are not entirely understood, we know it is linked to an imbalance in brain chemistry. once the imbalance is corrected, symptoms of depression generally improvePeople with depressive illnesses do not all experience the same symptoms. The severity, frequency and duration of symptoms will vary depending on the individual and his or her particular illness.Symptoms include:Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelingsFeelings of hopelessness and/or pessimismFeelings of guilt, worthlessness and/or helplessnessIrritability, restlessnessLoss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sexFatigue and decreased energyDifficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisionsInsomnia, early–morning wakefulness, or excessive sleepingOvereating, or appetite lossThoughts of suicide, suicide attemptsPersistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatmentAll of these symptoms can interfere with your quality of life. Even if you don’t have major depression , if you have experience a few of these symptoms for at least two weeks you may have less severe form of depression that still requires treatment.the symptoms of slight and major depressionDepression is a medical condition in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical symptoms.Slight depression could be a portion of major depression, so the criteria for this disease are important to consider and examine for people with the problem. If the depression is only minor, it will not have all of the components of major depression and therefore would be treated differently from themore serious version of the disease.The most common diagnostic criteria are encapsulated in the mnemonic device SIGECAPS. They are in the order of the letters, Sleep problems, lack of Interest, Guilty feelings, lack of Energy, problems with Concentration, Appetite and weight disturbances, Psychomotor retardation, and Suicidal thoughts or actions. If a person has five or six items in this criteria it is very likely that they have major depression and they should be treated for it. If they only have one or two of them they might have a less serious version of the disease, but it still may require treatment. The only difference is that it could be more minor. By asking about these different symptoms, people perform a basic diagnosis test to evaluate themselves or their patients.The symptoms of serious to slight depression may be very debilitating to a patient and identification of the problem is the first step to a full recovery. The condition of depressive disorders is prevalent through all walks of life and it is expected that the majority of persons will experience symptoms of depression at least once in the course of their life. However, since most people experience these symptoms at some point, extended research has been done to determine the best way to treat these specific conditions and many solutions are available to sufferers.To the tissues, which raises the carbon dioxide level, causing general Depression.Associated conditionsMajor depression frequently co-occurs with other psychiatric problems. The 1990–92 National Comorbidity Survey (US) reports that half of those with major depression also have lifetime anxiety and its associated disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety symptoms can have a major impact on the course of a depressive illness, with delayed recovery, increased risk of relapse, greater disability and increased suicide attempts.American neuroendocrinologist Robert Sapolsky similarly argues that the relationship between stress, anxiety, and depression could be measured and demonstrated biologically.There are increased rates of alcohol and drug abuse and particularly dependence,https:///wiki/Major_depressive_disorder - cite_note-34and around a third of individuals diagnosed with ADHD developcomorbid depression. Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression often co-occur.Depression may also coexist with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), complicating the diagnosis and treatment of both.Depression and pain often co-occur. One or more pain symptoms are present in 65% of depressed patients, and anywhere from 5 to 85% of patients with pain will be suffering from depression, depending on the setting; there is a lower prevalence in general practice, and higher in specialty clinics. The diagnosis of depression is often delayed or missed, and the outcome worsens. The outcome can also worsen if the depression is noticed but completely misunderstood.Depression is also associated with a 1.5- to 2-fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease, independent of other known risk factors, and is itself linked directly or indirectly to risk factors such as smoking and obesity. People with major depression are less likely to follow medical recommendations for treating and preventing cardiovascular disorders, which further increases their risk of medical complications.https:///wiki/Major_depressive_disorder - cite_note-38 In addition, cardiologists may not recognize underlying depression that complicates a cardiovascular problem under their care.ManagementThe three most common treatments for depression are psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice (over medication) for people under 18. The UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2004 guidelines indicate that antidepressants should not be used for the initial treatment of mild depression, because the risk-benefit ratio is poor. The guidelines recommend that antidepressants treatment in combination with psychosocial interventions should be considered for:People with a history of moderate or severe depressionThose with mild depression that has been present for a long periodAs a second line treatment for mild depression that persists after other interventions As a first line treatment for moderate or severe depressionLifestylePhysical exercise is recommended for management of mild depression, and has a moderate effect on symptoms. Exercise has also been found to be effective for (unipolar) major depression. It is equivalent to the use of medications or psychological therapies in most people. In the older people it does appear to decrease depression.Exercise may be recommended to people who are willing, motivated, and physically healthy enough to participate in an exercise program as treatment.There is a small amount of evidence that skipping a night's sleep may improve depressive symptoms, with the effects usually showing up within a day. This effect is usually temporary. Besides sleepiness, this method can cause a side effect of mania or hypomania.In observational studies smoking cessation has benefits in depression as large as or larger than those of medicationsRangeMajor depressive disorder affects approximately 253 million people in 2013 (3.6% of the global population).The percentage of people who are affected at one point in their life varies from 7% in Japan to 21% in France.In most countries the number of people who have depression during their lives falls within an 8–18% range. In North America, the probability of having a major depressive episode within a year-long period is 3–5% for males and 8–10% for females.Major depression to be about twice as common in women as in men, although it is unclear why this is so, and whether factors unaccounted for are contributing to this. The relative increase in occurrence is related to pubertal development rather than chronological age, reaches adult ratios between the ages of 15 and 18, and appears associated with psychosocial more than hormonal factors. Depression is a major cause of disability worldwide.People are most likely to develop their first depressive episode between the ages of 30 and 40, and there is a second, smaller peak of incidence between ages 50 and 60.Therisk of major depression is increased with neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, or multiple sclerosis, and during the first year after childbirth.It is also more common after cardiovascular illnesses, and is related more to a poor outcome than to a better one.Studies conflict on the prevalence of depression in the elderly, but most data suggest there is a reduction in this age group. Depressive disorders are more common to observe in urban than in rural population and the prevalence is in groups with stronger socioeconomic factors i.e. homelessness.。
心境情感障碍英语怎么说在英语中,"心境情感障碍"可以表达为 "mood disorders" 或"affective disorders"。
Mood disorders are a group of mental health conditions that affect the way a person feels, thinks, and behaves. They can cause a wide range of mood changes, from feeling sad or hopeless to feeling overly happy or energized. Here are some common types of mood disorders:1. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Also known as clinical depression, it is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities.2. Bipolar Disorder: Previously known as manic-depressive illness, this disorder involves episodes of depression and mania, which is an abnormally elevated mood.3. Dysthymia: A mild but long-lasting form of depression that can last for years.4. Cyclothymic Disorder: A milder form of bipolar disorder with alternating periods of depression and hypomania.5. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A type of depression that occurs at the same time each year, typically in the fall and winter months.6. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): A severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that can cause significant mood swings and depression.7. Postpartum Depression: A type of depression that many women experience after giving birth.These disorders are often treated with a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. It's important for individuals experiencing mood disorders to seek professional help to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.。
郁症(Major Depressive Disorder)是一种普遍存在的精神疾病,需要利用药物和心理治疗来缓解症状。
抑郁症的中医与西医诊疗抑郁症(major depressive disorder,MDD)是由各种原因引起的以心情低落为主要症状的一种疾病。
(2)他评量表:汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton Depression Scale,HAMD量表,17项和24项)评分,最经典抑郁症状他评量表。
常用抗抑郁药:(1)选择性五羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor,SSRI):一线抗抑郁药,适用于各种类型和不同严重程度的抑郁障碍。
1. 临床抑郁症(Major Depressive Disorder,MDD)临床抑郁症是最常见的抑郁症类型,其特征是长期的抑郁情绪和对日常活动的丧失兴趣。
2. 双相情感障碍(Bipolar Disorder)双相情感障碍是一种特殊类型的抑郁症,患者在情绪上经历了两种极端的状态:抑郁期和躁狂期。
3. 混合性情感障碍(Mixed Features)混合性情感障碍是一种介于抑郁症和双相情感障碍之间的类型。
4. 季节性情感障碍(Seasonal Affective Disorder,SAD)季节性情感障碍是一种与季节变化相关的抑郁症。
5. 持续性情感障碍(Dysthymia)持续性情感障碍是一种持续时间较长的慢性抑郁症。
6. 难治性抑郁症(Treatment-Resistant Depression,TRD)难治性抑郁症是一种对常规治疗方法不起作用的抑郁症。
抑郁症的英语单词Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities. In this article, we will explore the English vocabulary related to depression and discuss its impact on individuals.1. Depression: The word itself refers to a mood disorder characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness, emptiness, and a lack of interest in activities. It affects a person's thoughts, emotions, and behavior.2. Symptoms: Depression is often accompanied by various symptoms, including persistent sadness, feelings of worthlessness, loss of energy, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide.3. Therapy: Treatment for depression often involves therapy, which can be in the form of individual counseling, group therapy, or cognitive-behavioral therapy. These therapies aim to help individuals understand their thoughts and emotions and develop coping mechanisms.4. Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage depression. Antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are commonly used to regulate brain chemicals and alleviate symptoms.5. Support system: Having a strong support system is crucial for individuals with depression. This can include family, friends, support groups, or mental health professionals who provide emotional support and encouragement.6. Triggers: Certain events or situations can trigger or worsen depressive episodes. These triggers can vary from person to person and may include stress, trauma, loss, or major life changes.7. Coping mechanisms: Developing healthy coping mechanisms is essential for managing depression. These can include exercise, relaxation techniques, engaging in hobbies, seeking social support, and practicing self-care.8. Stigma: Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding mental health, including depression. This stigma can prevent individuals from seeking help and support, leading to further isolation and worsening of symptoms.9. Self-care: Taking care of oneself is crucial for managing depression. This includes practicing good sleep hygiene, eating a balanced diet, engaging in activities that bring joy, and seeking professional help when needed.10. Recovery: With proper treatment and support, individuals with depression can recover and lead fulfilling lives. Recovery is a personal journey and may involve ups and downs, but it is possible to regain a sense of well-being.In conclusion, depression is a complex mental health condition that affects many individuals worldwide. Understanding the vocabulary related to depression can help raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote support and understanding for those experiencing it. By recognizing the symptoms, seeking therapy and medication when necessary, and developing healthy coping mechanisms, individuals can manage depression and work towards recovery. It is important to remember that depression is a treatable condition, and no one should suffer in silence.。
可以写进作文里的抑郁症的句子英文回答:Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities.One of the symptoms of depression is a constant feeling of sadness. For example, I often find myself feeling down and unable to find joy in things that used to bring me happiness. This feeling of sadness can be overwhelming and can make it difficult to function in daily life.Another symptom of depression is a loss of interest or pleasure in activities. I used to love going out with friends and participating in hobbies, but now I find myself not wanting to do anything. Even activities that used to bring me joy now feel like a chore.Depression can also cause physical symptoms such as changes in appetite and sleep patterns. Some people may experience a loss of appetite and have trouble sleeping, while others may overeat and struggle with insomnia. These physical symptoms can further contribute to the overall feeling of exhaustion and lack of motivation.One of the most challenging aspects of depression is the feeling of hopelessness. It can feel like there is no way out of the darkness and that things will never get better. This feeling of hopelessness can be incredibly isolating and can make it difficult to reach out for help.中文回答:抑郁症,也被称为重度抑郁症或临床抑郁症,是一种影响全球数百万人的心理健康问题。
精神抑郁症的临床病例分析及治疗策略精神抑郁症(Major Depressive Disorder,MDD)是一种常见的精神障碍,表现为长期的低落情绪、失去兴趣和愉快感、自卑感和对未来的悲观态度等。
药物治疗方面,常见的选择包括选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors,SSRIs)和三环类抗抑郁药。
在心理疗法方面,认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,CBT)被广泛应用于抑郁症的治疗。
Title: Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Antidepressant in Major Depressive DisorderIntroduction:Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and decreased energy. Current treatments for MDD include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptakeinhibitors (SNRIs), and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). However, some patients may not respond adequately to these treatments or experience adverse effects. This clinical trial aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel antidepressant, known as NovelAntidepressant (NA), in the treatment of MDD.Methods:The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted at three academic medical centers in the United States. Participants were diagnosed with MDD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria. Inclusion criteria were age 18-65 years, a minimum Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) score of 17, and a history of inadequate response to at least one antidepressant treatment. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, active substance abuse, and contraindications to the study medication.A total of 120 participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: Group A (NA 50 mg/day), GroupB (NA 100 mg/day), GroupC (NA 150 mg/day), and GroupD (placebo). Participants were treated for12 weeks, with follow-up assessments at weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. The primary outcome measure was the change in HDRS score from baseline to week 12. Secondary outcome measures included the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS), and the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC).Results:A total of 113 participants completed the study. The mean age of the participants was 38.2 ± 11.7 years, and 57.5% were female. There were no significant differences in demographic or clinical characteristics between the treatment groups at baseline.At week 12, the HDRS score improved significantly in all treatment groups compared to the placebo group (p < 0.001). The mean HDRS score change from baseline to week 12 was as follows: Group A (-14.2 ± 6.1), Group B (-15.8 ± 5.9), Group C (-16.5 ± 5.7), and Group D (-6.2 ±6.5). The between-group differences in HDRS score change were not statistically significant.Similarly, the MADRS and SDS scores also improved significantly in all treatment groups compared to the placebo group (p < 0.001). The mean change in MADRS score from baseline to week 12 was as follows: Group A (-10.5 ± 4.2), Group B (-11.8 ± 3.9), Group C (-12.2 ± 3.7), and Group D (-4.8 ± 4.5). The mean change in SDS score from baseline to week 12 was as follows: Group A (-8.3 ± 3.2), Group B (-9.1 ± 2.8), Group C (-9.8 ± 2.6), and Group D (-3.4 ± 3.1).The PGIC showed a significant improvement in all treatment groups compared to the placebo group (p < 0.001). The percentage ofparticipants with a "much improved" or "very much improved" rating was as follows: Group A (75%), Group B (80%), Group C (85%), and Group D (45%).Regarding safety, the most common adverse events reported were headache, nausea, and dry mouth. These adverse events were generally mild to moderate in severity and did not lead to discontinuation of the study medication in any of the treatment groups.Conclusion:The results of this clinical trial indicate that the novel antidepressant, NA, is effective and safe in the treatment of MDD. NA demonstrated significant improvements in HDRS, MADRS, and SDS scores, as well as PGIC, compared to placebo. The adverse event profile was consistent with the known side effects of SSRIs and SNRIs. Furtherresearch is needed to confirm the long-term efficacy and safety of NA in the treatment of MDD.Keywords: Major depressive disorder, NovelAntidepressant, efficacy, safety, randomized controlled trial, HDRS, MADRS, SDS, PGIC.。
GAD广泛性焦虑障碍generalized anxiety disorderOCD 强迫症obsessive-compulsive disorderBDD 身体变形障碍body dysmorphic disorderTTM 拔毛症trichotillomaniaPTSD 创伤后应激障碍post traumatic stress disorderASD 急性应激障碍acute stress disorderDID 解离性身份障碍dissociative identity disorderADHD 注意缺陷多动障碍attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder MDD重度抑郁障碍major depressive disorderPDD 持续性抑郁障碍persistent depressive disorderDMDD 破坏性心境失调障碍disruptive mood dysregulation disorder PMDD经前期焦虑性障碍premenstrual dysphoric disorderBED暴食障碍binge eating disorderARFID 回避性/限制性摄食障碍PPD 偏执型人格障碍paranoid personality disorderSPD 分裂样人格障碍schizoid personality disorderASPD反社会人格障碍antisocial personality disorderNPD自恋型人格障碍narcissistic personality disorderBPD边缘性人格障碍borderline personality disorderOCPD强迫型人格障碍obsessive-compulsive personality disorder DPD 依赖型人格障碍dependent personality disorderASD孤独症谱系障碍autism spectrum disorderCD品行障碍conduct disorderODD对立违抗障碍oppositional defiant disorderMCI轻度认知损害mild cognitive impairmentCBT 认知-行为治疗cognitive-behavioral therapyIPSRT 人际和社会节奏治疗interpersonal and social rhythm therapy ECT电休克治疗electroconvulsive therapy。
Neuron,Vol.28,335–341,November,2000,Copyright©2000by Cell PressMajor Depressive DisorderReview Maurizio Fava*‡and Kenneth S.Kendler†‡tions in“first-world”countries such as the United States.*Department of Psychiatry Consensus,however,has not been reached about the Massachusetts General Hospital—ACC812single best estimate of population risk,as other studies 15Parkman Street have reported rates both substantially lower and some-Boston,Massachusetts02114what higher than those reported in the National Comor-†Department of Psychiatry bidity Survey.As is true in other areas of epidemiologic Virginia Commonwealth University research,response patterns to interviews are sensitive P.O.Box980126to the specific wording of items,techniques used to Richmond,Virginia23298motivate“effortful responding”and the organization ofthe assessment instrument.The field of psychiatric epidemiology has identified asubstantial list of putative risk factors for MDD.As in Depression describes both a transient mood state ex-any nonexperimental subject,one difficulty has been perienced by virtually all individuals at some time into discriminate association from causation.Four risk their life as well as a clinical or biobehavioral syndrome,factors stand out in the consistency of their association usually called Major Depressive Disorder(MDD).MDDwith MDD and the level of evidence suggesting that at is a medical condition that includes abnormalities ofleast some of the association is indeed causal:gender, affect and mood,neurovegetative functions(such asstressful life events,adverse childhood experiences, appetite and sleep disturbances),cognition(such asinappropriate guilt and feelings of worthlessness),and and certain personality traits.Across many studies,vary-psychomotor activity(such as agitation or retardation).It ing widely in time and place,women have been shown is one of the oldest,well-recognized medical disorders,to be at consistently greater risk for MDD than men.In having been clearly described in medical texts dating most studies,the ratio of prevalence rates in women to back to ancient Greece.When MDD occurs with an men has been in the range of1.5to2.5.In the National individual who has also had a history of episodes of Comorbidity Study,the lifetime prevalence of MDD in mania,this is called Bipolar Disorder(previously termed the US population was estimated to be21.3%in women Manic-Depressive Illness).In this review,we will be fo-and12.7%in men(Blazer et al.,1994).A wide range cusing on MDD when it occurs without a history of ma-of environmental adversities such as job loss,marital nia,where it is often called Unipolar Depressive Dis-difficulties,major health problems,and loss of close order.personal relationships are associated with a substantial Current diagnostic criteria for MDD(see for example increase in risk for the onset of MDD(Kessler,1997).A the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-IV manual)range of difficulties in childhood including physical and represent a clinical and historical consensus about the sexual abuse,poor parent-child relationships,and pa-most important symptoms and signs of depressive ill-rental discord and divorce almost certainly increase the ness.However,affected individuals display quite a wide risk for MDD later in life.Certain kinds of personality variation in clinical symptoms and signs.Furthermore,traits appear to predispose to MDD,with the best evi-the current diagnostic conventions are,to some degree,dence available for the trait termed“Neuroticism.”Neu-arbitrary.Debate continues as to whether MDD is best roticism,first proposed by the British psychologist conceptualized as a disease or as the extreme of a Eysenck,is a stable personality trait that reflects the continuum of increasingly disturbed affective regulation.predisposition to develop emotional upset under stress. This review outlines our current understanding of this A range of other risk factors has been proposed forcommon and frequently disabling disorder and exploresMDD,although in general the evidence for the existence the challenges we face in determining the genetic andof a causal association is weaker.These would include neurobiological basis.low social class,urban residence,separated or divorcedmarital status,low levels of social support,and being Epidemiologyin a more recently born age group.A recent WHO report Large-scale epidemiological studies have given us,for(Murray and Lopez,1996)ranked depression as the the first time,a detailed view about the current andfourth medical condition with the greatest disease bur-lifetime prevalence of MDD.In what is probably the bestden worldwide,measured in Disability-Adjusted Life of these studies in the United States(called the NationalYears,which express years of life lost to premature Comorbidity Survey),the lifetime prevalence of MDD,death and years lived with a disability of specified sever-as defined by the American Psychiatric Association’sity and duration.The same report predicted that depres-DSM-III-R criteria,was estimated at17%.This samesion would be the second condition with the greatest survey found that nearly5%of the population reporteddisease burden worldwide by2020(Murray and Lopez, meeting criteria for MDD in the last30days(Blazer et1996).al.,1994).As has long been suspected,MDD is probablythe most common of psychiatric disorders and,indeed,Course of Illnessamong the most common of major biomedical condi-MDD is not a disorder exclusively limited to adult andelderly populations.A substantial proportion of patients ‡To whom correspondence should be addressed(e-mail:mfava@[M.F.],kendler@[K.S.K.]).experience their first episodes of MDD during childhoodNeuron336and adolescence.In such occurrences of early-onset perhaps an early age at onset(Kendler et al.,1999).Third,how do genes and environment combine to MDD,these individuals typically continue to suffer frominfluence risk for MDD?Limited evidence suggests that episodes of MDD during adulthood as well.For mostgenetic factors partially influence overall risk of illness people,MDD is a life-long episodic disorder with multi-but also influence the sensitivity of individuals to the ple recurrences(averaging one episode in every5-yeardepressogenic effects of environmental adversity(Kendler period),with approximately20%–25%of major de-et al.,1995).pressive disorder patients experiencing a chronic,unre-The techniques of genetic epidemiology infer the mag-mitting course(Mueller and Leon,1996).The chronicnitude of genetic effects from the patterns of resem-and recurrent course of MDD is a major clinical issue,blance in relatives based on the simple but powerful often requiring long-term prophylactic treatment.laws of Mendel.With increasing knowledge about thehuman genome,it has become feasible to identify the Geneticschromosomal location of individual susceptibility genes Most recent family studies have reported an approxi-for complex traits like MDD and even potentially isolate mately3-fold increased risk for MDD in the first-degreethe genes themselves.While these techniques(linkage relatives(parents,siblings,offspring)of individuals withand association analysis)have proved to be relatively MDD versus the general population,although there issuccessful for simple Mendelian disorders and for a some variation,due most likely to differences in diag-couple of complex disorders(e.g.,Alzheimer’s disease), nostic and sampling(proband)criteria(Sullivan et al.,few unequivocal findings have emerged for the major 2000).From family studies alone,however,it is not pos-psychiatric disorders.Difficulty in replication may stem sible to determine how much of the resemblance forfor a variety of causes,some inherent to the disorders risk to MDD in relatives results from genetic factorsunder study and others resulting from the research versus family environment.MDD has been the subjectmethods plex disorders,of which MDD of only three adoption studies,but well over a dozenis a good example,are likely to involve a relatively large twin studies.The results of the adoption studies havenumber of individual genes,none of which may them-been surprisingly equivocal,with one study each show-selves have a major impact on risk.Furthermore,these ing no evidence,weak evidence,and strong evidencegenes may interact either with each other and/or with for the effect of genetic factors on risk to MDD(Sullivanenvironmental risk factors to produce illness.Certain et al.,2000).The results of twin studies of MDD have,genetic risk factors may only express themselves at by contrast,been both more robust and more consis-particular developmental phases(e.g.,puberty).Of the tent.We recently reviewed the results of the five twinmany conceptual and statistical problems facing this studies of MDD that met rigorous methodological crite-field of complex disease genetics,one of the most criti-ria(Sullivan et al.,2000).Of these five studies,threecal has been that of multiple testing.With many markers, were based on community samples,one on a hospitalmultiple possible phenotypes and a bewildering array sample,and one on both.Applying model-fitting jointlyof available statistical methods,applied to small and to all five of these studies,results did not differ signifi-often under-powered samples,it can be predicted from cantly across studies and indicated that twin resem-statistical principles that a high proportion of observed blance for the liability to MDD could probably be entirelypositive results obtained at traditional levels of statisti-explained by genetic factors,although a possible smallcal significance will be false positives.influence for shared environmental factors could not beTraditional approaches to gene detection may not ruled out.The estimate of the heritability of liability to succeed with disorders like rger samples and MDD in these studies was33%,an estimate in the range a range of new statistical techniques—some of which of that found for many common and important biomedi-will have to address critically the problem of distinguish-cal traits such as blood pressure and serum false versus true“positive”findings—will need to be Of the many other questions addressed in family,twin,applied.No association or linkage findings on MDD and adoption studies of MDD,three are of particular have,to date,been sufficiently replicated to be consid-interest.First,what is the relationship between unipolar ered established.MDD and bipolar affective illness?The two disordershave some familial relationship,as rates of MDD are Toward an Understanding of the Anatomical elevated in relatives of bipolar patients.However,they and Physiological Basis of Depressionare not the same condition.In monozygotic twins con-Whereas transient mood changes are experienced by all cordant for affective disorder,many more twins have humans and intense depression can follow a traumatic the same form of illness(i.e.,unipolar versus bipolar)experience or the loss of a loved one,depression can than would be expected by chance.The most popular also be a symptom of many medical conditions,includ-theory,supported by most but not all studies,suggests ing stroke,Cushing’s disease,hypothyroidism,multiple that the two disorders share an underlying disease liabil-sclerosis,Huntington’s disease,and Parkinson’s dis-ity,with bipolar disorder as the more severe or deviant ease.Likewise,depression can also be precipitated by form of illness(Tsuang and Faraone,1990).pharmacological agents such as reserpine,which de-Second,can we distinguish on the basis of clinical pletes dopamine at synapses.Further support for bio-history those individuals whose depressive illness is logical bases of major depressive disorder(MDD)stems largely“genetic”versus“environmental”?The answer from some of the key symptoms of the disorder itself, appears to be“at least partly.”Affected individuals at which include dysregulations of circadian rhythms,cog-high familial risk for MDD tend to have recurrent epi-nitive processing,and both appetitive and psychomotor sodes,high levels of episode-related impairment,andfunctioning.Review337Figure1.Response-Specific EffectsSchematic model illustrating relationships among regions mediating treatment response.Regions with known anatomical and functional connections that also show significant changes in regional brain glucose metabolism are shown.These were measured using positron emission tomography in hospitalized unipolar depressed patients following6weeks of fluoxetine treatment.Blue regions signify areas with a net metabolic decrease with treatment;red areas are those with a net increase.Yellow signifies an area that is hypermetabolic pretreatment and unchanged by treatment.Primary sites of action of fluoxetine are distinguished by a black border.Solid black arrows identify known reciprocal cortico-limbic,limbic-paralimbic,and cingulate-cingulate connections.Dotted small black arrows indicate known cortical-striatal-thalamic pathways.The model proposes that illness remission occurs when there is inhibition of paralimbic and subcortical regions and activation of previously hypofunctioning dorsal areas,an effect facilitated by fluoxetine action in dorsal raphe,hippocampus,and posterior cingulate. Normal or abnormal functioning of rostral cingulate(Cg24)with its bidirectional connections to both anterior cingulate(Cg24)and subgenual cingulate(Cg25)is postulated to facilitate interactions between dorsal cortical and more ventral paralimbic systems and strategically influence pharmacologically mediated changes in serotonergic neurotransmission across the network.The pattern of metabolic change seen in respond-ers is not merely the correction of pretreatment abnormalities.Response to treatment,and remission or recovery,are characterized by normalization of cortical hypometabolism,but persistent subgenual cingulate(Cg25)and hippocampal hypometabolism and rostral cingulate (Cg24a)hypermetabolism(Cg24a),compared to normal subjects.Abbreviations:Red,dFr9/46:dorsolateral prefrontal;par40-pIns:inferior parietal-posterior insula;dCg24:dorsal anterior cingulate;pCg23/31:posterior cingulate.Blue,Cg25:subgenual cingulate;Hth:hypothalamus; aIns:anterior insula;ph-mT:parahippocampus-medial temporal;st-gp:caudate-putamen-globus pallidus;thal:thalamus;Hc:hippocampus. Yellow,rCg24a:rostral anterior cingulate;numbers are Brodmann designations.Figure and caption are closely adapted from Mayberg et al., 2000and Mayberg et al.,1998,with the authors’permission.Although the anatomical and physiological basis of tensities in regions associated with the frontal cortexand basal ganglia,and decreased bilateral frontal vol-depression is still the subject of extensive investigation,major depression(unipolar or bipolar)most likely in-umes as well as caudate and putamen volumes.Func-volves the limbic structures(in circuits involving the cin-tional neuroimaging studies with SPECT and PET have gulate-hippocampus-mamillary bodies-anterior thala-evidenced a decrease in global metabolism,with spe-mus-cingulate),reward circuits(Nucleus Accumbens,cific decreases in the frontal regions—most consistently Sublenticular Extended Amygdala,Amygdala,Ventral the dorsolateral and medial–prefrontal cortex,basal Tegmentum,Cingulate,Insula,Thalamus,Parahippo-ganglia,and cingulate cortex(Dougherty and Mayberg, campal Gyrus,and Prefrontal cortex),hypothalamus,2000).Blood flow and metabolism in MDD patients,how-ever,appears to be increased in portions of orbital fron-and anterior temporal cortex(see Figure1[Mayberg,1997]).Patients with strokes that affect right frontal re-tal cortex and amygdala(Drevets,1999).In addition to gions may present with moods of indifference/apathythe neuroimaging-based evidence for the role of the or euphoria,whereas patients with stroke damage in basal ganglia–thalamocortical circuitry in the patho-the corresponding left frontal regions may have anxietyphysiology of MDD,more recent functional neuroimag-or studies of antidepressant treatment response have Although mood states such as depression had beensuggested that the anterior cingulate cortex may also traditionally regarded to be governed solely by the limbic play a significant role(Buchsbaum et al.,1997). system of the brain,there is now significant evidence forThere is also significant evidence,at least in the more the involvement in depression of numerous nonlimbic severe forms of MDD,for an enhanced activity of the central nervous system structures as well.As Soareshypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical(HPA)system in and Mann(1997)elucidate in their review of the litera-MDD.This enhanced activity has been associated witha greater frequency of episodic release of cortisol, ture,the best replicated structural neuroimaging find-ings in MDD have included focal white matter hyperin-marked reductions in bone mineral density comparedNeuron338to matched controls,and increased adrenal gland vol-Other neurotransmitter systems have also been inves-umes.Evidence has also emerged that corticosteroid tigated.Postmortem studies have shown a selective receptor function is impaired in many patients with major increase in the high-affinity conformation of the brain depression and in many healthy individuals at increased␣-2A-adrenoceptors as well as decreased binding to genetic risk for an depressive disorder(Holsboer,1999).norepinephrine transporters in the locus coeruleus of Furthermore,clinical and preclinical data suggest that depressed patients(Klimek et al.,1997).The latter find-unrestrained secretion of corticoctropin-releasing hor-ing was interpreted as suggesting a compensatory mone(CRH)in the CNS produces several signs and downregulation of this transporter protein in response symptoms of depression through continuous activation to an insufficient availability of norepinephrine at the of CRH(1)receptors(Zobel et al.,2000).This has led to synaptic level(Klimek et al.,1997).The enhanced growth the development of drugs that selectively antagonize hormone release in response to pyridostigmine chal-CRH(1)receptors and to the testing of such compounds lenge in MDD has also been interpreted as suggesting in the treatment of MDD(Zobel et al.,2000).Xie and a dysregulation in the acetylcholine neurotransmitter McCobb(1998)provide insights into how adrenocorti-system,providing further support to animal studies link-cotropic hormones produced in the pituitary control the ing depression with this system(Tizabi et al.,2000), excitable properties of epinephrine-secreting cells of while the role of dopamine neurotransmission in depres-the adrenal gland(by regulating alternative splicing of sion has been studied less extensively.In vivo receptor the Ca2ϩ-activated Kϩchannel,Slo messenger RNA);a labeling studies have shown increased dopamine D2 similar mechanism may regulate cortisol synthesis and/binding in the right striatum of MDD patients,although or secretion.Hypercortisolemia may also be responsible a recent study has found higher striatal dopamine trans-for causing damage to the hippocampus,as suggested porter density in major a recent study showing smaller left hippocampal vol-Since the beneficial effects of antidepressant drugs umes in depression(Bremner et al.,2000).In general,or ECT are observed after several weeks,investigators however,the amounts of corticosteroid levels in MDD have proposed that these treatments require changes are probably not as high as the levels observed in in transcription factors and gene expression(Duman et stressed primates that suffer hippocampal damage(Sa-al.,1997).One hypothesis is that the antidepressant polsky et al.1990).Stress also results in the release of drugs elevate levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor substance P from the amygdala,and there is preliminary through cAMP and CREB-mediated effects of transcrip-evidence in humans of antidepressant activity of sub-tion of BDNF message(Duman,Heninger,and Nestler, stance P antagonists.1997).Ultimately,however,the antidepressants may al-Monoamines have been the primary focus of the ear-ter synaptic function and circuit activity as has been lier etiological theories of MDD.Although the mono-postulated to occur in addiction(Berke and Hyman, amine depletion hypothesis now seems to be an over-2000).simplified view of the pathophysiology of MDD,oneshould acknowledge the historical significance of theTreatmenthypothesis,in that it has helped to develop several newSeveral treatment approaches to MDD are currently antidepressant drugs,each possessing the capability ofavailable.These approaches include psychotherapy, affecting the monoamine system in a relatively selectiveantidepressant medications,electroconvulsive treat-manner.In particular,the putative role of serotonin inment(ECT),and other somatic therapies.Table1sum-MDD has been extensively studied,partly because ofmarizes the advantages and disadvantages of these the broad therapeutic effects in depression of drugstreatments.Although very effective,the use of ECT is such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.mostly limited to patients with MDD who are either highly Some,but not all,studies have shown reduced endo-resistant to treatment,or psychotic,and the efficacy of crine responses to indirect or direct serotonin agonists,other somatic therapies has not been established yet. and a recent PET study has shown that the blunting inIn the realm of psychotherapy,two types of time-limited one of these challenges may reflect blunted metabolicpsychotherapy have been shown consistently to be ef-changes in the orbital–frontal,adjacent ventral–medial,fective in treating MDD,interpersonal psychotherapy and and cingulate cortex(Siever et al.,1999).Postmortemcognitive therapy.Pharmacotherapy has shown to be an studies have shown both an increase in the density ofeffective treatment for MDD,with21drugs having been serotonin5-HT-2receptor binding sites,and a de-approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the creased number of serotonin5-HT transporter bindingtreatment of depression based on double-blind,pla-sites in brain tissue of depressed patients and suicidecebo-controlled studies.The study of the efficacy of victims(Owens and Nemeroff,1994),as well as an in-these agents already marketed for depression and of crease in the serotonin5-HT-1A autoreceptors in thenewer agents under investigation has been complicated midbrain dorsal raphe of suicide victims with major de-by the relatively high response rates to placebo in con-pression(Stockmeier et al.,1998).This postmortem evi-trolled trials,the inadequate duration of treatment in dence for decreased serotonergic activity in MDD issome studies(Quitkin et al.,1986),and the frequent use further supported by the results of recent imaging stud-of measures of outcome with relatively lesser sensitivity ies which have evidenced widespread reductions in se-to detect differences between active and inactive treat-rotonin5-HT-1A autoreceptor binding with positronments(Faries et al.,2000).More recently,a number of emission tomography(Sargent et al.,2000)and a reduc-compounds with putative antidepressant activity and tion in the density of brain serotonin transporter bindingpharmacological effects distinct from those of the tradi-sites among depressed patients with single photonemission computed tomography(Malison et al.,1998).tional antidepressants,such as substance P antagonismReview339Table1.Treatments for Major Depressive DisorderTreatments Advantages DisadvantagesPsychotherapeutic interventions(i.e.,Provides useful conceptual framework,Providers of these specific forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy,interpersonal diminishes stigma,high patient psychotherapy,which have proven efficacy psychotherapy,behavioral therapy) MDD,are somewhat limited;morecommonly practiced forms of psychotherapy(i.e.,psychodynamic,supportive)typicallyshow marginal efficacy and little empiricaldata demonstrating improved symptoms. Traditional pharmacological approaches:Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Proven antidepressant efficacy;their Although the short-term tolerability is very (SSRIs):primary pharmacological action is the good,long-term treatment can be citalopram,fluoxetine,fluvoxamine,blockade of uptake of serotonin(5-HT),with associated with bothersome side-effects paroxetine,and sertraline varying degree of specificity;first-line such as sexual dysfunction,weight gain,treatment for the great majority of insomnia,somnolence,and apathy.practitioners;good patient acceptancemostly due to favorable side-effect profile.Atypical antidepressants:Proven antidepressant efficacy;their Although sexual dysfunction and,in the bupropion,mirtazapine,nefazodone,pharmacological actions vary greatly,case of nefazodone and bupropion,weight and trazodone with bupropion affecting primarily gain seem less common during long-termnorepinephrine(NE)and dopamine(DA)treatment with these agents than with SSRIs,neurotransmission,mirtazapine affecting the risk for sedation in the case of trazodone5-HT and NE neurotransmission,and and mirtazapine,and the need for b.i.d.nefazodone and trazodone being serotonin dosing in the case of nefazodone and5-HT2receptor antagonists associated with bupropion may have somewhat limited themild reuptake inhibition of5-HT and e of these agents as first line treatment. Serotonin norepinephrine reuptake Proven antidepressant efficacy;primary As with the SSRIs,although the short-term inhibitors(SNRIs):pharmacological action is the blockade of tolerability is good,long-term treatment can Venlafaxine5-HT uptake at lower doses,and a blockade be associated with bothersome side-effectsof both5-HT and NE uptake at higher such as sexual dysfunction,weight gain,doses.insomnia,and somnolence.Selective norepinephrine reuptake Proven antidepressant efficacy;primary Not yet approved by the FDA and therefore inhibitors(SNRIs):pharmacological action is the blockade available in the U.S.;mild anticholinergic Reboxetine of NE uptake.side-effects and tachycardia.Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants:Proven antidepressant efficacy;they used No longer first-line treatment;limited patient amitriptyline,amoxapine,clomipramine,to be the gold standard of pharmacological acceptance mostly due to high rates of desipramine,doxepin,imipramine,treatment anticholinergic side effects,sedation, nortriptyline,protriptyline orthostatic hypotension,and weight gain;and trimipramine they also affect cardiac conduction andare lethal in overdose.Monoamine oxidase inhibitors:Proven antidepressant efficacy;particularly Very limited patient acceptance mostly due isocarboxazid,phenelzine,and efficacious in the atypical form of MDD to requirement of tyramine-free diet(to tranylcypromine(i.e.,mood reactivity accompanied by minimize the risk of hypertensive crises)andhyperphagia,hypersomnia,extreme fatigue,the possibility of severe,life-threateningand/or hypersensitivity to rejection.drug–drug interactions;they are also lethalin overdose.Newer pharmacological agents:Neutraceuticals:Promising open data and double-blind No proven efficacy yet;treatment not covered hypericum,SAMe studies with relatively small number by insurance.of subjects.Substance P antagonists Promising double-blind studies.Under development.CRF antagonists Promising open data in a small number Under development.of subjects.Serotonin5-HT1A partial agonists:Promising double-blind studies.Currently in phase III of development.GepironeElectroconvulsive therapy Extremely effective even in treatment-Very low patient acceptability;significantresistant cases and in depression with effects on memory and cognitive function;psychotic features.procedures can be aversive to patients. Other somatic therapies:Neurosurgical procedures:Promising data from a small number of Invasive medical procedure with the potential(e.g.,cingulotomy)subjects with refractory depression.for high-risk side effects.Best proceduresremain to be established.Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS)Noninvasive procedure;promising data from Limited open data in a small numbera small number of subjects with refractory of subjects;best stimulation parametersdepression.for TMS remain to be established.Vagus nerve stimulation(VNS)Promising treatment for refractory depression Invasive procedure requiring surgery;based on open study data;no evidence hoarseness during device activation;batteryof cognitive impairment.needs replacement every7–10years.See Fava and Rosenbaum(1995)and Jarrett and Rush(1994)for details.。