Mobile Text Entry
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python中entry⽤法讲解⼩编之前向⼤家讲解了很多关于字符串的知识,⼤家也都知道字符串在python中的作⽤很⼤,那你知道在python中⽤于接收字符串等输⼊,让⽤户可与之交互以输⼊或操作字符串数据的对象是什么吗?是 python tkinter中的Entry 控件,下⾯我们来⼀看看吧。
1、Entry:⽤于接受⽤户Entry⼩窗⼝部件单⾏⽂本字符串2、使⽤ Entry 控件的语法w = Entry(master, option, ...)注意:master 参数为其⽗控件, 就是⽤来放置这个 Entry 的控件. 像其他控件⼀样, 我们可以在创建 Entry 控件之后再为其指定属性. 因此创建⽅法中的options选项可以为空。
3、应⽤⽰例:建⽴标签和⽂本框,输⼊姓名和地址import tkinterroot = ()label1 = bel(root, text="姓名:")label2 = bel(root, text="住址:")label1.grid(row=0)label2.grid(row=1)entry1 = tkinter.Entry(root)entry2 = tkinter.Entry(root)entry1.grid(row=0, column=1)entry2.grid(row=1, column=1)root.mainloop()输出注意:设置grid(row=0),在没有设置column=x的情况下,系统⾃动设置column=0以上就是Entry 控件的⽤法,Entry 控件允许⽤户输⼊或显⽰⼀⾏⽂字,如果你想要输⼊多⾏⽂本, 就需要使⽤Text 控件。
⼤家要注意哦~⽤法实例扩展:entry1 = tk.Entry (root)canvas1.create_window(400, 100, window=entry1)entry2 = tk.Entry (root)canvas1.create_window(400, 130, window=entry2)entry3 = tk.Entry (root)canvas1.create_window(400, 160, window=entry3)到此这篇关于python中entry⽤法讲解的⽂章就介绍到这了,更多相关python entry怎么⽤内容请搜索以前的⽂章或继续浏览下⾯的相关⽂章希望⼤家以后多多⽀持!。
AirM2M AirM2M无线模块AT命令手册Version: 3.96适用模块型号:GPRS模块、GPRS+GPS模块Release Date:2020-01-07目录AirM2M无线模块AT命令手册 (1)1AT命令概述 (9)1.1文档目的 (9)1.2惯例和术语缩写 (9)1.3AT命令语法 (10)2常用AT命令 (12)2.1查询制造商名称:AT+CGMI (12)2.2查询模块型号:AT+CGMM (12)2.3查询模块版本信息:AT+CGMR (13)2.4查询IMEI号:AT+CGSN (13)2.5查询SIM卡ICCID号码:AT+CCID/ICCID (14)2.6查询IMSI:AT+CIMI (14)2.7查询产品信息:ATI (15)2.8查询模块FIRMWARE版本:AT+VER (15)2.9查询各种信息:AT+EGMR (16)2.10重复上一条命令:A/ (17)2.11私有AT指令:AT+AMAT (17)2.12写SN号命令:AT+WISN (18)2.13开机初始化信息 (18)3呼叫控制命令 (20)3.1选择呼叫地址类型:AT+CSTA (20)3.2发起呼叫:ATD (20)3.3重拨上次呼叫的号码:ATDL (21)3.4从数据模式或PPP在线模式切换至命令模式:+++ (22)3.5从命令模式切换至数据模式:ATO (23)3.6接听来电:ATA (24)3.7挂断通话:AT+CHUP (24)3.8列出所有当前的呼叫:AT+CLCC (24)3.9拒绝接听呼叫:AT+GSMBUSY (26)4配置命令 (27)4.1选择TE字符集:AT+CSCS (27)4.2模块功能模式:AT+CFUN (28)4.3保存用户当前的配置:AT&W (28)4.4恢复当前参数为用户的自定义配置:ATZ (30)4.5显示当前配置:AT&V (31)4.6恢复所有参数为出厂配置:AT&F (31)4.7设置命令回显模式:ATE (32)4.8设置结果码抑制模式:ATQ (32)4.9设置TA响应内容的格式:ATV (33)4.10设置CONNECT结果码格式和监测呼叫进程:ATX (34)...................................................................................................4.12设置指令行终止符:ATS3 (35)4.13设置指令行换行字符:ATS4 (36)4.14设置命令行编辑字符:ATS5 (36)4.15设置盲拨之前的停顿时间:ATS6 (37)4.16等待拨号连接完成的时间:ATS7 (37)4.17设置CDC功能模式:AT&C (38)4.18设置DTR功能模式:AT&D (38)4.19实时时钟:AT+CCLK (39)4.20设备错误:AT+CMEE (40)4.21错误码描述:+CME ERROR:<err> (40)4.22扩展错误报告:AT+CEER (43)5网络服务相关命令 (45)5.1查询信号质量:AT+CSQ (45)5.2网络注册信息:AT+CREG (46)5.3查询运营商:AT+COPS (47)5.4自动时区更新:AT+CTZU (49)5.5时区自动上报:AT+CTZR (50)5.6获取当地时间:AT+CLTS (50)5.7工程模式1:AT+CENG (52)5.8网络参数查询:AT%NTPM (56)5.9获取基站定位(LBS)位置和日期时间:AT+AMGSMLOC (57)5.10伪基站识别:AT+JDC (58)6NTP相关命令 (59)6.1设置GPRS承载场景ID:AT+CNTPCID (59)6.2同步网络时间:AT+CNTP (59)7安全控制命令 (62)7.1输入PIN码:AT+CPIN (62)7.2设备锁定:AT+CLCK (63)7.3修改密码:AT+CPWD (64)8设备/串口控制命令 (66)8.1手机活动状态:AT+CPAS (66)8.2关机:AT+CPOWD (67)8.3查询电池充电状态和电量:AT+CBC (67)8.4网络灯闪烁的时间间隔:AT+SLEDS (67)8.5PWM命令:AT+SPWM (68)8.6设置休眠唤醒1:AT+CSCLK (69)8.7设置休眠唤醒2:AT+WAKETIM (71)8.8开启和关闭SIM卡在位硬件检测:AT+CSDT (72)8.9SIM卡在位软件检测参数设置:AT+AMSDTC (72)8.10设置TE-TA波特率:AT+IPR (73)8.11设置TE-TA帧格式:AT+ICF (74)8.12TE-TA本地流量控制:AT+IFC (75)...................................................................................................................... 9电话本命令. (78)9.1选择电话本存储类型:AT+CPBS (78)9.2查找电话本记录:AT+CPBF (79)9.3读取电话本记录:AT+CPBR (80)9.4写电话本记录:AT+CPBW (81)9.5本机号码:AT+CNUM (83)10SIM卡操作命令 (85)10.1SIM卡限制访问:AT+CRSM (85)10.2通用SIM访问:AT+CSIM (89)11短消息命令 (91)11.1PDU短信编码格式介绍 (91)11.2选择短消息服务:AT+CSMS (93)11.3短消息优先存储区选择:AT+CPMS (94)11.4保存SMS设置:AT+CSAS (95)11.5恢复SMS设置:AT+CRES (95)11.6短消息中心地址:AT+CSCA (96)11.7短消息格式:AT+CMGF (96)11.8设置短信TEXT模式参数:AT+CSMP (97)11.9控制TEXT模式下短信头信息显示:AT+CSDH (99)11.10新消息指示:AT+CNMI (100)11.11新短消息确认:AT+CNMA (104)11.12发送短信:AT+CMGS (104)11.13把消息写入存储器:AT+CMGW (107)11.14从存储器发送短信:AT+CMSS (109)11.15短信链路控制命令:AT+CMMS (110)11.16读短信:AT+CMGR (110)11.17列举短消息:AT+CMGL (113)11.18删除短消息:AT+CMGD (115)11.19小区广播短消息类型选择:AT+CSCB (116)11.20短信业务失败结果码:CMS ERROR:<err> (117)12附加业务命令 (118)12.1呼叫转移:AT+CCFC (118)12.2呼叫等待:AT+CCWA (120)12.3呼叫保持和多方通话:AT+CHLD (121)12.4设置主叫号码显示:AT+CLIP (122)12.5主叫号码显示限制:AT+CLIR (123)12.6被叫号码显示:AT+COLP (125)12.7非结构化附加业务:AT+CUSD (126)12.8优先运营商列表:AT+CPOL (127)12.9查询所有运营商名:AT+COPN (128)12.10选择承载业务类型:AT+CBST (129)12.11补充业务通知:AT+CSSN (130)..................................................................................................13.1命令类型通知(URC):+STC (132)13.2获取命令数据:AT+STGC (132)13.3STK命令回复:AT+STCR (135)13.4STK Profile Download:AT+STPD (138)13.5STK Event Command:AT+STEV (138)13.6STK主菜单选择命令:AT+STMS (139)13.7STK Response Timer:AT+STRT (139)13.8STK Play Tone命令:AT+STTONE (140)13.9使用方法举例 (140)14音频相关命令 (144)14.1静音控制:AT+CMUT (144)14.2接收器音量控制:AT+CLVL (144)14.3麦克风增益调节:AT+CMIC (145)14.4是否配备免提:AT+CHF (145)14.5音频通道切换1:AT+CHFA (146)14.6音频通道切换2:AT+XDRV (147)14.7产生DTMF音:AT+VTS (147)14.8DTMF TONE周期:AT+VTD (148)14.9来电音开关:AT+CALM (148)14.10来电音量级别:AT+CRSL (149)14.11播放本地DTMF音:AT+CLDTMF (150)14.12DTMF解码开关:AT+DDET (151)14.13TTS(Text To Speech)功能:AT+CTTS (152)14.14设置TTS播放模式:AT+CTTSPARAM (153)14.15录音功能:AT+CREC (154)14.16音频回环测试:AT+AUDLB (156)15文件操作相关命令 (158)15.1创建文件:AT+FSCREATE (158)15.2写文件:AT+FSWRITE (158)15.3读文件内容:AT+FSREAD (159)15.4删除文件:AT+FSDEL (159)15.5列出所有已创建文件/目录的名字:AT+FSLS (159)15.6重新命名文件:AT+FSRENAME (160)15.7创建目录:AT+FSMKDIR (160)15.8删除目录:AT+FSRMDIR (161)15.9查询文件系统剩余空间:AT+FSMEM (161)15.10使用方法举例 (161)16GPRS相关命令 (163)16.1GPRS移动台类别:AT+CGCLASS (163)16.2GPRS网络注册状态:AT+CGREG (163)16.3GPRS附着分离:AT+CGATT (165)16.4GPRS上下文定义:AT+CGDCONT (166).................................................................................................16.6PDP上下文激活:AT+CGACT (168)16.7进入数据模式:AT+CGDATA (169)16.8可接受的最小服务质量简报:AT+CGQMIN (170)16.9请求的服务质量简报:AT+CGQREQ (171)16.10控制非请求GPRS事件上报:AT+CGEREP (172)16.11为MO SMS选择优先业务模式:AT+CGSMS (173)17IP应用相关命令 (174)17.1IP应用设置:AT+SAPBR (174)18TCPSSL相关命令 (176)18.1初始化TCPSSL服务:AT+SSLINIT (176)18.2创建TCPSSL客户端:AT+SSLCREATE (176)18.3创建和配置证书:AT+SSLCERT (177)18.4连接TCPSSL服务器:AT+SSLCONNECT (178)18.5发送数据到TCPSSL服务器:AT+SSLSEND (179)18.6接收到TCPSSL服务器的数据:+SSL RECEIVE (180)18.7断开连接并且销毁TCPSSL客户端:AT+SSLDESTROY (180)18.8终止TCPSSL服务:AT+SSLTERM (181)18.9URC上报 (182)18.10TCPSSL错误码:ERROR:<err code> (182)18.11使用方法举例 (183)19HTTP相关命令 (191)19.1初始化HTTP服务:AT+HTTPINIT (191)19.2终止HTTP任务:AT+HTTPTERM (191)19.3设置HTTP参数值:AT+HTTPPARA (191)19.4写数据:AT+HTTPDATA (193)19.5HTTP方式激活:AT+HTTPACTION (194)19.6查询HTTP服务响应:AT+HTTPREAD (195)19.7查询HTTP服务返回的头信息:AT+HTTPHEAD (196)19.8保存HTTP应用上下文:AT+HTTPSCONT (197)19.9HTTP错误码:ERROR:<err code> (197)19.10使用方法举例 (198)20FTP相关命令 (201)20.1设置FTP控制端口:AT+FTPPORT (201)20.2设置FTP主动或被动模式:AT+FTPMODE (201)20.3设置FTP数据传输类型:AT+FTPTYPE (201)20.4设置FTP输入类型:AT+FTPPUTOPT (202)20.5设置FTP承载标识:AT+FTPCID (202)20.6设置FTP下载续传:AT+FTPREST (203)20.7设置FTP服务器地址:AT+FTPSERV (203)20.8设置FTP用户名称:AT+FTPUN (204)20.9设置FTP密码:AT+FTPPW (204)20.10设置FTP下载文件名称:AT+FTPGETNAME (204)............................................................................20.12设置FTP上传文件名称:AT+FTPPUTNAME (205)20.13设置FTP上传文件路径:AT+FTPPUTPATH (206)20.14获取远程服务器上文件大小:AT+FTPSIZE (206)20.15下载文件:AT+FTPGET (207)20.16上传文件:AT+FTPPUT (208)20.17保存FTP应用上下文:AT+FTPSCONT (208)20.18退出当前FTP会话:AT+FTPQUIT (209)20.19使用方法举例 (209)21MQTT相关命令 (212)21.1设置MQTT相关参数:AT+MCONFIG (212)21.2建立TCP连接:AT+MIPSTART (212)21.3客户端向服务器请求会话连接:AT+MCONNECT (214)21.4发布消息:AT+MPUB (214)21.5订阅主题:AT+MSUB (215)21.6取消订阅主题:AT+MUNSUB (216)21.7打印收到的所有的订阅消息:AT+MQTTMSGGET (216)21.8设置订阅消息的打印模式:AT+MQTTMSGSET (217)21.9MQTT消息编码格式切换:AT+MQTTMODE (218)21.10关闭MQTT连接:AT+MDISCONNECT (218)21.11关闭TCP连接:AT+MIPCLOSE (219)21.12查询MQTT连接状态:AT+MQTTSTATU (219)21.13使用方法举例 (219)22GPS相关命令 (222)22.1打开GPS:AT+CGNSPWR (222)22.2定义NMEA语句类型:AT+CGNSSEQ (222)22.3读取GNSS信息:AT+CGNSINF (223)22.4打开GNSS URC上报:AT+CGNSURC (224)22.5设置辅助定位:AT+CGNSAID (225)22.6给GNSS发送控制命令:AT+CGNSCMD (225)22.7将读取到的UART2(GNSS)数据发送到UART1:AT+CGNSTST (226)22.8读取GNSS版本:AT+CGNSVER (226)22.9使用方法举例 (227)23嵌入式TCPIP命令 (228)23.1启动多IP连接:AT+CIPMUX (228)23.2启动任务并设置接入点APN、用户名、密码:AT+CSTT (228)23.3激活移动场景(或发起GPRS或CSD无线连接):AT+CIICR (229)23.4查询本地IP地址:AT+CIFSR (229)23.5建立TCP连接或注册UDP端口号:AT+CIPSTART (229)23.6选择TCPIP应用模式:AT+CIPMODE (231)23.7选择非透传数据发送模式:AT+CIPQSEND (232)23.8配置透明传输模式:AT+CIPCCFG (232)23.9发送数据:AT+CIPSEND (233)......................................................................... 23.11设置发送数据时是否显示‘>’和SEND OK:AT+CIPSPRT. (235)23.12查询当前连接状态:AT+CIPSTATUS (236)23.13查询已连接数据传输状态:AT+CIPACK (237)23.14设置为CSD或GPRS连接模式:AT+CIPCSGP (238)23.15配置TCP协议的参数:AT+TCPUSERPARAM (238)23.16保存TCP协议的参数:AT+TCPUSERPARAMSCONT (239)23.17配置域名服务器DNS:AT+CDNSCFG (240)23.18域名解析:AT+CDNSGIP (240)23.19设置单链接接收数据时是否显示发送方的IP地址和端口号:AT+CIPSRIP (241)23.20设置单链接接收数据是否显示IP头:AT+CIPHEAD (242)23.21设置单链接接收数据是否在IP头显示传输协议:AT+CIPSHOWTP (242)23.22多链接时接收数据:+RECEIVE (243)23.23保存TCPIP应用上下文:AT+CIPSCONT (243)23.24手动获得网络数据:AT+CIPRXGET (244)23.25关闭TCP或UDP连接:AT+CIPCLOSE (247)23.26关闭移动场景:AT+CIPSHUT (247)23.27将模块配置为服务器:AT+SERVER (248)23.28TCP/UDP错误码 (248)23.29状态机 (249)23.30模块上电初始化以及TCPIP流程 (251)23.31使用方法举例 (253)1AT命令概述1.1文档目的本手册详细介绍了AirM2M GPRS(+GPS)模块做支持的AT命令集。
python tkinter 文本框命名规则Python Tkinter是一个用于创建图形用户界面(GUI)的Python库。
其中的文本框(Text Box)是一种常用的组件,用于显示和输入文本内容。
在本文中,我们将详细介绍关于Python Tkinter文本框的命名规则。
在Python Tkinter中,文本框可以通过创建一个Entry或Text对象来实现。
它的命名规则通常包括以下几个方面:1. 命名方式:以描述性的名称命名Entry对象,尽量简洁明了,方便后续代码的维护和阅读。
2. 命名前缀:为了便于区分不同的Entry对象,可以在其命名前加入一个表示该Entry对象用途的前缀。
3. 控件类型后缀:为了更清晰地表示该对象是Entry类型的文本框,可以在其命名后添加"_entry"后缀。
4. 命名风格:遵循Python的命名规范,建议使用小写字母和下划线来进行命名。
5. 单复数形式:如果需要创建多个Entry对象以满足不同的需求,可以考虑在命名中使用复数形式以区分。
以下是Entry控件的使用方法:1.导入tkinter库:pythonimport tkinter as tk2.创建Entry控件:pythonentry = tk.Entry(master)其中,master参数指定Entry控件的父控件,通常是一个tkinter窗口或框架。
pythonentry = tk.Entry(master, bg='white', bd=2, cursor='arrow', font=('Arial', 12))4.将Entry控件添加到父控件中:使用grid()或pack()方法将Entry控件添加到父控件中。
pythonentry.grid(row=0, column=0)或者pythonentry.pack()5.获取Entry控件中的文本:可以使用get()方法获取Entry控件中的文本内容。
pythontext = entry.get()6.示例代码:下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示了如何创建和使用Entry控件。
pythonimport tkinter as tkdef show_entry_text():text = entry.get()label.config(text=text)root = ()root.title("Entry控件示例")label = bel(root, text="")label.grid(row=0, column=0)entry = tk.Entry(root, bg='lightblue', bd=2, cursor='arrow', font=('Arial', 12))entry.grid(row=1, column=0)button = tk.Button(root, text="显示文本", command=show_entry_text)button.grid(row=2, column=0)root.mainloop()在上面的示例中,创建了一个带有Entry控件和按钮的窗口。
1 IntroductionThe RPS API (Application Programming Interface) provides a RESTful interface for customers to integrate their applications with the configuration data stored in the RPS Database. This document describes how to install and configure RPS API in a MS Windows development environment.2 Feature OverviewThe main service provides the RESTful Web API to search for panel attributes by control panel GUID. The control panel GUID is a unique ID that identifies a panel.2.1 Panel, Area and Point attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ ONLY access to select Panel, Area and Point attributes.Panel attributes include:•Panel GUID •Supported Languages • Panel LanguageArea attributes include:•Area Number •Area On property •Area Name Text •Exit Delay • Force Arm/Bypass MaxPoint attributes include:•Point Number •Area •Profile • TextPoint Profile attributes include:•Bypassable •Entry Delay •Point Type •Response •Circuit StyleApplication Note RPS-API V2.2 (build .27914)2.2 Panel Connection, 3rd Party Integration/Automation attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ and WRITE access to select Panel Connection, 3rd PartyIntegration/Automation, and Panel User Assignments attributes.Panel Connection attributes include:•RPS Panel Data - View: Network IP details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cellular details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cloud ID details3rd Party Integration/Automation attributes include:•Automation Device•Automation PasscodeUser AssignmentsCreate, reset or delete users or individual User attributes include:•Passcode•Authority Level•User Name•User Group•Card Data•User Number3System requirements3.1Windows systemThe following are the minimum requirements for your environment:•Windows .NET 4.5 framework and higher•Windows 8, Windows 10•Windows Server 2012 R2 and higher• 4 GB RAM3.2RPS (Remote Programming Software)Install RPS API version 2.2.27914 on a machine that has RPS version 6.11 or higher installed. RPS API does not require the RPS client application after installation, but uses the configured connection to the RPS database.RPS minimum version supported for use with RPS API versions 2.2.27914 or higher:•RPS 6.11 or higher to support full API and panel operations, including TCP Panel connections.•RPS 6.04 to RPS 6.10 to support full API features with panel connections limited to and requiring UDP protocol.3.3Supported control panelsRPS-API supports the following control panels:•B9512G, B8512G•B6512, B5512, B4512, B3512•D9412GV4, D7412GV4•D9412GV3,D7412GV33.4Supported connectionsThe RPS-API Scheduler service supports the following RPS connections:•IP•Cellular•Cloud3.5Supported Network ProtocolsWhen opening a panel connection, RPS API version 2.1 (and higher) uses the System Configuration Settings saved in RPS. Using RPS version 6.07 (and higher), operators select one of three options:•UDP Only•TCP with fallback to UDP•TCP OnlyUsing RPS version 6.06 and earlier, RPS API will continue using the default UDP Only setting.Note: Using RPS version 6.10 and lower with RPS API 2.2.27914 and higher will result in failed TCP connections to panel systems and requires configuring either the UDP Only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.3.6Required Security ProtocolRPS API version 2.2 and higher requires HTTPS.4InstallationIf your RPS API version is lower than version 2.2.27914, remove the previous version to enable HTTPS later.Note: Version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications.Perform the following steps to install RPS API:1.Unzip the file.2.Copy the installer files (Bosch.RPS.APISetup.msi and setup.exe) to the same folder on a localcomputer that has RPS 6.04 or higher installed.3.Right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to start the Bosch RPS API Service install wizard.4.Click Next and follow the steps in the wizard to perform the installation.5.When the installation successfully completes, access the https://<hostname>:9000/swagger/ui/index URLin a browser to open the Swagger documentation web page and verify that the RPS-API is running. Notethat <hostname> is the computer name where the API is installed.4.1 HTTPS Configuration ToolThe RPS API 2.2.27914 installation provides an HTTPS configuration tool guide you through the HTTPS set up.1.In the configuration tool, edit these entries as needed:•Host Name - default value = Change this entry when you want to have a specific domain name for RPS API, which relates to the DNS/Router settings. For more information, reference the netsh command inWindows. You can also use this command to manually set up HTTPS for RPS API. Avoid using localhost or127.0.0.1 for the host name as it makes RPS API inaccessible from another machine.•Port Number - default value = 9000. The entry port number for RPS API.•Select certificate from trust center - if you have a certificate for the Web server, use this entry to select an installed certificate from LocalMachine/Personal repository. Select More choices to select a certificatefrom a list. Once selected, the thumbprint is shown in the certificate field.2.Select Generate a self-signed certificate. Make sure that you enter the password for the certificate, as thepassword field cannot be empty.3.Click to process. The configuration tool generates a server certificate for the RPS API set up. Whenfinished, a success message displays. Click OK.If you already set up HTTPS for RPS API or if you want to manually set it up, click to exit theconfiguration tool.Self-signed certificate and untrusted CA warningWhen you install the RPS API version 2.2.27914 or higher and select to generate a self-signed certificate, the installation will install the certificate and set up RPS API using the HTTPS netsh command. On the client side, the self-signed certificate is not issued from a trusted authority, so browsers or your application will receive anuntrusted CA (Certificate Authority) warning.To fix the untrusted CA warning, install the self-signed certificate on the client machine and modify yourapplication to ignore the warning.4.2 Verify HTTPS is enabledWith administrator permission, open a Windows command prompt. Type and execute the commands:sh http show sslcertsh http show urlaclAfter the certificate is installed, you might need the certificate for your clients. Locate the generated certificates (if you selected the generate self-signed certificate option) in this path:%appdata%\Roaming\Bosch RPS APIFor example:c:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API)5Enable HTTPSRPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications. During the installation, the HTTPS configuration tool will guide you through the set up of HTTPS. See section 4.1 HTTPS Configuration Tool for information.To enable HTTPS for RPS API, you must have an SSL certificate, and then install the certificate to the local machine.The following files are available for you to use:•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 (MS PowerShell)•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat (batch file)After you install the certificate, use the batch file (Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat) to enable HTTPS for RPS API.1.Install the SSL certificate to LocalMachine\root.2.Stop the RPS API service.3.Change the EnableHTTPS configuration to 1 inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bosch\RPSAPI\Setup.4.Copy the thumbprint of the certificate.5.Paste the thumbprint into $certHash=’’<thumbprint>’’ in either the Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.6.If RPS API is not running in port 9000, change the $port setting in either Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.7.Run Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 or Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat with administrator permission.8.Start the RPS API service.Note: If the certificate is not signed, the browser or Postman will block the connection. To verify the function,disable the HTTPS verify function in the browser or client application.6Test Sample CodeThe callback server and client sample code uses Visual Studio 2015 to build the source code.Configure the Callback server:1.Start the callback server.e /rpsapi/v1/subscriptions to set up the callback URL.For Example:{"url": "http://localhost:8083/api/callback", "headers": [{}],"eventType": "ALL"}3.The console receives a notification from RPS API as shown in the following graphic:Configure the Client:1.Open the RPS-API_Client project and modify the _webServiceBaseUrl in Program.cs for your PRS APIsetting on the machine.2.Modify _dirPath to change the location where JSON files are saved.3.Start the client to automatically get all panel information in your RPS DB. Also, combine theUsers/Areas/Points/Point Profile attributes in JSON files and statistics information.7Error logRPS API writes installation and run time information, warnings, and errors to the Windows Event Log (Bosch RPS RestAPI Log). Use the Windows Event Viewer to view this information.8Error status definitionsThe tables in this section contain HTTP and RPS error reference information.8.1HTTP error codesHTTP Status HTTP Methods Error Message(200) OK ALL SUCCESS – the entity body contains a representation ofthe requested resource.(400) BAD REQUEST ALL Client Error – the request cannot be fulfilled due to badsyntax(401) UNAUTHORIZED ALL Client Error – the request requires user authentication.(403) FORBIDDEN ALL Client Error – the user is not allowed to perform therequest.8.2 RPS API error codesError Code Error Message(0) SUCCESS Request successful.(20010) PANEL_NO_LOCK Panel is not locked.(20020) PANEL_PENDING Panel has pending updates.(20030) PANEL_PROCESSING Panel is synchronizing.(40110) UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Authorization has been denied for this request(40310) USER_HAS_NO_PERMISSION User does not have permission to operate, please check thesecurity level(40320) IP_ADDR_BLOCKING P Address is not allowed to access RPS API.(40050) NOT_SUPPORTED_SETTING RPS API Command is not supported by this panel model.(40051) SETTING_INVALID Setting is invalid and cannot be applied.(40052) SETTING_OUT_OF_RANGE Setting is out of range and cannot be applied.(40053) SETTING_CONFLICT Setting conflicts with another configured setting and cannot beapplied.(40054) ACTION_INVALID JSON format is invalid and cannot be parsed or applied.Error Code Error Message(40055) RPSAPI_START_SERVICE_FAILED Starting the RPS API service failed.(40056) RPSAPI_READ_REGISTRY_FAILED Reading the RPS API registry failed.(40057) RPSAPI_WRITE_ACTIVITY_FAILED Writing the RPS API activity log failed.(40058) FILE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find specific file.(40060) RPS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED This version of RPS is not supported, please update. (40062) DB_OPERATE_FAILED Unable to connect to the database, please check theRPS settings.(40070) PANEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Panel does not exist, please check panel GUID or name. (40071) PANEL_OFF_LINE Unable to connect to the panel.(40072) PANEL_READ_ONLY Panel is locked by another operator.(40073) PANEL_NOT_SUPPORT Panel is not supported, please check panel GUID or name. (40074) AREA_NOT_EXISTS Selected area does not exist in this control panel. (40075) POINT_NOT_EXISTS Selected point does not exist in this control panel. (40076) USER_NOT_EXISTS Selected user does not exist in this control panel. (40077) PANEL_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION Detected panel internal exception.(40078) PANEL_DATA_LOCKED Configuration data for panel is locked.(40079) POINTPROFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Selected point profile does not exist on this panel. (40080) DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH Requested data type does not match.(40081) DATA_NOT_FOUND Requested data is not found.(40082) DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS Data already exists.(40083) PANEL_BUSY Panel is updating, in use by another user or application. (40084) PANEL_CONNECT_RETRY Panel may not be able to connect, please retry. (40085) OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS Operator setting was not found in database. (40086) PASSCODE_NOT_MATCH Requested passcode does not match.(40087) SERVICE_STOPPED Service is not running.(40088) SERVICE_BUSY Service is busy.(40099) UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown Error, please check the event log.9 Troubleshooting9.1 RPS API is updating the old RPS DatabaseIf the RPS database is changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will require a reboot to connect to the new RPS database.9.2 Cannot Edit User0 AuthoritiesUser WRITE capabilities are restricted for User0 to ensure system access and authorities for this default user are maintained. For User0, Passcode, User Name, User Group and Language are available for edit.9.3 Deleting users fails when passcode is left blankWhen deleting a user, it is possible to include the user’s passcode for verification. If the passcode is not going to be used, the full “user: { }” block should be omitted and only the user “index” number should be included in the panelUserList array.For example, if deleting user 2, the body of the request should look like:9.4 RPS API is not connecting to panels using TCP as expectedIf Network Protocol details are changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will requirea restart to connect using the new RPS settings.Connections using TCP require control panel firmware 3.07 or higher and B465 communicator firmware 2.01 or higher. For environments that include lower firmware versions, connections will require the RPS NetworkProtocol set to TCP with fallback to UD or UDP only.9.5 RPS API requests to set Automation results in a "Value out of Range" errorSetting Automation requires that the target panel system support the configuration settings that are applied.Automation settings for GV3 panel systems are not available or supported.9.6 Client using HTTP to connect to RPS API 2.2.27914 version cannot reach serverIf the client used HTTP to connect to the RPS API version 2.2.27914, it will be unable to reach the server.RPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher requires HTTPS.9.7 Connections to panels fail with TCP authentication messageUpdate RPS to version 6.11 or higher or select the UDP only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.9.8 Cloud panel not updatingIf a user cannot connect to the Cloud panel, then the Windows service is unable to connect to CBS via HTTPS. The user must have the proper permissions to use HTTPS or a specific account can be configured for the RPS API service. See Figure 1 and 2 on the next page for examples.•If the RPS API cannot update the Cloud panel, make sure that the Bosch RPS RestAPI Service has the proper permissions to use HTTPS.Figure 14.If the default Local System account does not have the correct permissions, you can configure the RPSAPI service to use a specific a ccount.Figure 29.9 Self-signed certificate storageRPS API self-signed certificates are stored in this folder location:C:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API9.10 Remove self-signed certificatesTo remove sslceret and urlacl binding to the RPS API, do 1 of these solutions:•Solution 1 - manually use netsh to configure the sslcert and urlacl.•Solution 2 - with administrator permission, access the Windows command prompt and run the HttsConfiguraiton.exe with the uninstall parameter:9.11 Delete certificates to downgrade RPS and RPS APIDowngrading RPS API/RPS is not typically recommended. If there is a reason to downgrade RPS to a version lower than 6.11 and RPS API version 2.2.27914, use the steps in this section to manually remove the control panel connection certificates.To remove certificates used for panel connection:1.Open Windows search and type Run.2.Type mmc and click OK.3.In the File menu of the Console window, select Add/Remove Snap-in.4.Select Certificates and click Add.5.Select Computer account.6.Click Finish and OK. The application will show the installed certificates.7.In the tree, right-click Certificates (Local computer), select Find Certificates.8.Search for *************.com in the Issued by field. There should be 2 certificates found.9.Right-click the certificates and select Delete to remove them.Note: New certificates will be installed with RPS version 6.11 or higher and RPS API version 2.2.x orhigher.9.12 Updated panel IP address is not being used during the panel connectionIf you change a panel IP address and then immediately connect to the panel, in some cases the API will continue to use the previous IP address of the panel. To correct this, restart the RPS API.Bosch Security Systems B.V. Torenallee 495617 BA EindhovenNetherlands© Bosch Security Systems B.V., 2021。
其基本语法如下:```entry = Entry(parent, options)```其中parent参数表示父容器,options参数表示其他选项。
三、常用选项1. textvariable:指定该Entry控件与一个变量绑定,可以通过该变量获取或设置该控件中的文本内容。
2. show:将输入内容以指定字符替换,通常用于密码输入等场景。
3. width:指定该控件的宽度(以字符为单位)。
4. state:指定该控件是否可编辑,默认为NORMAL(可编辑),还有DISABLED(不可编辑)和READONLY(只读)两个选项。
5. validate:指定该控件输入时是否进行验证,默认为NONE(不进行验证),还有FOCUSOUT(失去焦点时验证)、KEY(按键时验证)和ALL(任何时间都进行验证)四个选项。
四、实例演示下面通过一个实例演示如何使用Tkinter中的Entry组件:```import tkinter as tkroot = ()# 创建一个StringVar对象var = tk.StringVar()# 创建一个Label对象,并将其放置在窗口中label = bel(root, text="请输入您的姓名:")label.pack()# 创建一个Entry对象,并将其放置在窗口中entry = tk.Entry(root, textvariable=var, width=20)entry.pack()# 创建一个Button对象,并将其放置在窗口中button = tk.Button(root, text="确定", command=lambda: print("您输入的姓名是:" + var.get()))button.pack()root.mainloop()```该程序创建了一个简单的窗口,其中包含一个Label、一个Entry和一个Button控件。
#Entry用来输入单行文本'''1.第一个Entry程序'''from Tkinter import*root = Tk()Entry(root,text ='input your text here').pack()root.mainloop()#上面的代码目的是创建一个Entry对象,并在Entry上显示'input your text here',运行此代码,并没有看到文本的显示,由此可知与Lable和Button不同,Entry的text属性不可以设置Entry的文本'''2.在Entry中设定初始值,使用textvariable将变量与Entry绑定''' from Tkinter import*root = Tk()e = StringVar()entry = Entry(root,textvariable = e)e.set('input your text here')entry.pack()root.mainloop()#上面的例子中将变量e与Entry绑定,然后将e的值设置为'input your text here',程序运行时的初始值便设置了。
设置state属性为'readonly''''from Tkinter import*root = Tk()e = StringVar()entry = Entry(root,textvariable = e)e.set('input your text here')entry.pack()entry['state']='readonly'root.mainloop()#实际上Entry的属性值可以使用的也为normal/active/disabled,'readonly'与disabled一样'''4.设置为密码输入框#将Entry作为一个密码输入框来使用,即不显示用户输入的内容值,用特定符号代替。
tkinter entry对齐方式以tkinter entry对齐方式为标题在使用Python编写GUI应用程序时,tkinter是一个常用的工具包。
在使用entry 控件时,我们经常需要对齐用户输入的内容,以使界面更美观。
下面是一个示例代码,演示如何将entry控件的对齐方式设置为右对齐:```pythonfrom tkinter import *root = Tk()root.geometry('200x100')entry = Entry(root, justify=RIGHT)entry.pack()root.mainloop()```在上述代码中,我们创建了一个大小为200x100的窗口,并在窗口中添加了一个右对齐的entry控件。
下面是一个示例代码,演示如何将entry控件的对齐方式设置为居中对齐:```pythonfrom tkinter import *root = Tk()root.geometry('200x100')entry = Entry(root, justify=CENTER)entry.pack()root.mainloop()```在上述代码中,我们创建了一个大小为200x100的窗口,并在窗口中添加了一个居中对齐的entry控件。
1. 创建entry控件:使用Tkinter库创建entry控件的语法如下:```entry = Entry(parent, options)```其中,parent是父容器,可以是窗口(root)或者其他容器控件,options是可选的配置选项。
2. 设置entry的属性:可以使用config(方法动态设置entry的属性,也可以在创建entry 时通过options参数直接指定。
常用的entry属性有:- width:设置entry的宽度,单位为字符数。
- show:如果entry用于输入密码,该属性可以指定密码字符的显示方式,使用星号或者其它符号代替。
- textvariable:设置一个Tkinter变量(StringVar、IntVar等)与entry绑定,可以用来获取或者设置entry的值。
3. 显示entry控件:使用grid(、pack(或者place(等布局管理器将entry控件添加到父容器中,并设置其显示位置和大小。
4. 获取entry的值:可以通过get(方法获取entry中用户输入的值。
```value = entry.get```5. 设置entry的值:可以通过set(方法设置entry的值。
```entry.set("Hello, World!")```6. 清空entry的值:可以使用delete(方法清空entry中的文本。
```entry.delete(0, END) # 清空所有文本```7.绑定事件:可以通过bind(方法,为entry控件绑定事件处理函数,以响应用户的输入行为。
下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示了entry的用法:```pythonfrom tkinter import *def submit(:value = entry.getprint("You entered:", value)root = Tklabel = Label(root, text="Enter your name:")label.packentry = Entry(root, width=30)entry.packbutton.packroot.mainloop```这个例子创建一个窗口,提示用户输入姓名,并通过按钮触发submit函数,将输入的值输出到控制台。
步骤:1. 导入需要的库:```pythonimport tkinter as tkfrom tkinter import messagebox```2. 创建主窗口:```pythonroot = ()root.title("计算器")```3. 创建数字按钮和运算符按钮的函数:```pythondef button_click(number):number_text = str(number)if operation_text == "":entry_text = number_textelse:entry_text = entry_text + number_textbutton_0 = tk.Button(root, text="0", command=lambda: button_click(0)) button_1 = tk.Button(root, text="1", command=lambda: button_click(1)) button_2 = tk.Button(root, text="2", command=lambda: button_click(2)) button_3 = tk.Button(root, text="3", command=lambda: button_click(3)) button_4 = tk.Button(root, text="4", command=lambda: button_click(4)) button_5 = tk.Button(root, text="5", command=lambda: button_click(5)) button_6 = tk.Button(root, text="6", command=lambda: button_click(6)) button_7 = tk.Button(root, text="7", command=lambda: button_click(7)) button_8 = tk.Button(root, text="8", command=lambda: button_click(8)) button_9 = tk.Button(root, text="9", command=lambda: button_click(9)) button_add = tk.Button(root, text="+", command=lambda: operation("add"))button_sub = tk.Button(root, text="-", command=lambda: operation("sub"))button_mul = tk.Button(root, text="*", command=lambda: operation("mul"))button_div = tk.Button(root, text="/", command=lambda: operation("div"))```4. 创建计算结果显示的文本框和清空按钮:```pythonentry = tk.Entry(root)entry.pack()result_text = ""entry.bind("<Return>", lambda event: operation_result())clear_button = tk.Button(root, text="Clear", command=lambda: clear()) clear_button.pack()```5. 创建计算结果和清空的函数:```pythondef operation_result():global operation_text, entry_text, result_textif operation_text == "":result_text = entry_text + " = " + str(eval(entry_text)) else:result_text = entry_text + operation_text + str(eval(entry_text + operation_text)) + " = " + str(eval(entry_text + operation_text + operation_text))messagebox.showinfo("结果", result_text)def clear():global operation_text, entry_text, result_text entry.delete(0, tk.END)operation_text = ""entry_text = ""result_text = ""```。
英语作文-游客航空出行的电子登机牌使用指南Electronic Boarding Pass User Guide for Tourist Air Travel。
Introduction:Welcome aboard with Tourist Air! We're delighted to provide you with a seamless and convenient travel experience through our electronic boarding pass system. This user guide is designed to assist you in understanding and utilizing our electronic boarding pass efficiently. Let's delve into the details to ensure your journey with us is smooth from check-in to landing.1. Preparing for Your Electronic Boarding Pass:Before your departure, ensure that you have the necessary documents handy. These include your passport or identification card, visa (if required), and any relevant travel permits. Additionally, make sure your mobile device is fully charged and operational, as you'll need it to access your electronic boarding pass.2. Accessing Your Electronic Boarding Pass:Once you've completed the check-in process, you'll receive your electronic boarding pass via email or mobile app. Simply open the email or launch the app to access your boarding pass. You can also save it to your device for offline access.3. Understanding Your Electronic Boarding Pass:Your electronic boarding pass contains essential information such as your name, flight details, seat assignment, gate number, and boarding time. Double-check these details to ensure accuracy and familiarity with your travel arrangements.4. Security and Identification:When proceeding through security checkpoints and boarding gates, present your electronic boarding pass along with your identification documents to the airline staff. Ensure that the barcode or QR code on your boarding pass is clearly visible for scanning.5. Boarding Process:As boarding commences, listen for announcements or check the digital display screens for your flight's boarding status. Proceed to the designated gate mentioned on your boarding pass and follow the instructions provided by the airline staff. Boarding groups may be indicated on your electronic boarding pass, guiding you to the appropriate time for boarding.6. In-Flight Convenience:Keep your mobile device and electronic boarding pass readily accessible during the flight. You may need to present it to the flight attendants for verification or use it for in-flight purchases or entertainment options.7. Arrival and Disembarkation:Upon arrival at your destination, follow the disembarkation instructions provided by the flight crew. Your electronic boarding pass will remain accessible on your device throughout the journey, ensuring a hassle-free exit from the aircraft and immigration procedures.Conclusion:Tourist Air is committed to providing you with a seamless and efficient travel experience, and our electronic boarding pass system is designed to enhance your journey from start to finish. By following this user guide, you can navigate the process with ease and confidence, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip. Thank you for choosing Tourist Air, and we look forward to serving you again soon!。
tkinter entry 中文符号Tkinter 是Python 中的一个内置库,用于创建图形用户界面(GUI)程序。
Entry 是Tkinter 中的一个控件,常用于输入和显示文本。
在Tkinter 中,Entry 控件默认情况下只能输入和显示英文字符。
如果您想在其中输入和显示中文符号,需要进行以下设置:1. 编码设置:为了让Entry 控件能够正确显示中文,首先需要确保您的程序采用了正确的编码。
在Python 文件的开头添加以下编码声明:```python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-```2. 字体设置:为了更好地显示中文,可以设置Entry 控件的字体。
例如,您可以使用以下代码设置字体:```pythonimport tkinter as tkdef on_submit(event):entry_text = entry.get()print(entry_text)root = ()root.title("Tkinter Entry 中文符号示例")entry = tk.Entry(root, font=("微软雅黑", 12))entry.pack()entry.bind("<Return>", on_submit)root.mainloop()```3. 输入法设置:为了让Entry 控件能够输入中文,您需要设置系统默认的输入法。
以下是在Windows 系统中设置拼音输入法的示例:```pythonimport tkinter as tkdef on_submit(event):entry_text = entry.get()print(entry_text)root = ()root.title("Tkinter Entry 中文符号示例")entry = tk.Entry(root, font=("微软雅黑", 12))entry.pack()entry.bind("<Return>", on_submit)# 以下代码仅适用于Windows 系统import win32com.clientwin32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell").SendKeys("{F11}")root.mainloop()```注意:以上代码中的拼音输入法设置仅适用于Windows 系统。
完成安装后,您就可以开始使用osrm-text-instructions 了。
在Python中,textvariable函数的基本语法如下:```from tkinter import *root = Tk()var = StringVar()entry = Entry(root, textvariable=var)entry.pack()root.mainloop()```在这段代码中,我们首先导入了tkinter模块,然后创建了一个Tk对象。
这时就可以使用textvariable 函数将用户输入的文本赋值给一个变量,然后在程序的其他地方使用这个变量进行相关的处理。
三、textvariable函数的注意事项在使用textvariable函数时,有一些需要注意的地方:1. 变量的类型需要和文本框中的内容相匹配,比如如果文本框中的内容是整数类型,那么需要使用IntVar来创建变量。
python tkinter 文本框命名规则-回复问题:“python tkinter 文本框命名规则”1. 什么是python tkinter?Python tkinter是一种用于创建图形用户界面(GUI)的Python库。
2. 为什么要使用python tkinter?Python tkinter具有以下几个优点:- 简单易用:Python tkinter库提供了简单易学的API,使得创建GUI 界面变得轻松。
- 跨平台性:Python tkinter可以在不同的操作系统上运行,包括Windows、macOS和Linux等。
- 强大的功能:Python tkinter提供了丰富的GUI组件,可以用于构建复杂的应用程序界面。
- 可扩展性:Python tkinter允许用户使用自定义的组件和功能来增强GUI应用程序的功能。
3. 如何创建文本框?在Python tkinter中,可以使用`Entry`组件来创建文本框。
下面是一个简单的例子,展示如何创建一个文本框并显示在窗口中:pythonimport tkinter as tkwindow = ()text_entry = tk.Entry(window)text_entry.pack()window.mainloop()在这个例子中,我们首先导入了`tkinter`模块并创建了一个窗口对象`window`。
4. 如何为文本框命名?在Python tkinter中,可以为文本框指定一个变量名作为其命名。
功能:输⼊⼀个密码,如果密码正确则显⽰confirm,不正确则显⽰sorry__author__ = 'freedom'from Tkinter import *class App(Frame):def __init__(self,master):frame = Frame(master)frame.grid()self.ent = Entry(frame,show = "*")self.ent.grid(row = 0,column = 0,sticky = W)self.button = Button(frame)self.button["text"] = "submit"self.button["command"] = self.submself.button.grid(row = 0,column = 1,sticky = W)self.txt = Text(frame,width = 35,height = 5,wrap = WORD)self.txt.grid(row = 3,column = 0,columnspan = 2,sticky = W)def subm(self):context = self.ent.get()if context == "hello":message = "confirm"else:message = "sorry"self.txt.delete(0.0,END)self.txt.insert(0.0,message)root = Tk()root.title("Password")app = App(root)root.mainloop()补充知识:tkinter禁⽤(只读)下拉列表Combobox的实现tkinter将下拉列表框Combobox控件的状态设置为只读,也就是不可编辑状态:# 定义下拉列表值bo3List = [1, 2, 3,]# 定义下拉列表控件,self.Frame1为Combobox的⽗级, state表⽰Combobox的状态,readonly为只读,disabled为禁⽤bo3 = Combobox(self.Frame1, values=bo3List, font=("宋体",9), state="readonly")# 放置控件, rely=0.627, relwidth=0.053, relheight=0.089)# 设置Combobox的默认值为Combo3List集合的第⼀个元素bo3.set(bo3List[0])tkinter中⼤部分控件都拥有state属性,上⾯代码段中的state属性也可以在Combobox的Configure()函数中进⾏配置。
ID BOX 多功能证件阅读器-模块 支持护照类的证件读取如:护照、港澳通行证、台胞证、回乡证。
如果此类证件带 RFID 电子芯片功能,则可以通过 RFID 感应识别电子芯片内的信息。
如此类证件不带 RFID 电子芯片功能,则只能通过识别机读码数据。
ID BOX 多功能证件阅读器-模块,支持 ISO14443Part 1-4,TypeA/B,支持 T=CL 和Mifare 系列芯片,如:Ulralight ,1K ,4K ,Plus,DESFire EV1 Smart MX 等芯片卡识别。
ID BOX 多功能证件阅读器-模块 是一款功能丰富、设计新颖的证件信息采集设备,涉及 光学、机械、电子电路、图像处理、模式识别、OCR 识别、人工智能、射频识别(RFID)等多项领域; 它采用OCR 技术,能够快速、准确读出符合国际民航组织标准 ICAO DOC 9303 设计的本式或卡式电 子芯片信息,如机读电子护照、电子港奥居民来往内地通行证、电子大陆居民前往台湾通行证等多种旅行证件。
Mobile Text EntrySupervisor:Andy Cockburn November8,2002AbstractThere has been a substantial growth in interest in mobile text entry over recent years,among both re-searchers and users.Increasingly mobile devices are being used to perform text-intensive applications, such as text messaging,creating a demand for more efficient and easier to use text entry methods.Unlike for desktop computing,no single,standard mobile text entry method has emerged.The diversity of mobile devices makes it unlikely that this will ever occur.Thus,mobile text entry remains a very open area of research,providing a favourable environment for the development of innovative text entry methods.A necessary part of the development of a new mobile text entry method is a comparison of its performance with existing methods.Despite being complex and time consuming,empirical evaluations remain the best way to make these comparisons.A review of current best practice for the empirical evaluation of mobile text entry methods is presented, alongside a classification of existing mobile text entry methods.The results of an empirical evaluation of a new mobile phone text entry method called Fastap are reported.The performance of the new method,along with that of the T9and multi-press with timeout mobile text entry methods,was measured for the entry of four different types of text and with three different levels of user experience.The Fastap method was found to provide the best immediate usability among the three methods and its performance continued to improve as users gained more experience with it.Fastap also performed strongly in the subjective ratings. The results of the evaluation are very positive for the ongoing development of the Fastap interface.Keywords:Mobile Devices,Text Entry,FastapContents1Introduction2 2Background Work32.1Empirical Evaluation of Mobile Text Entry Methods (3)2.1.1Evaluation Procedure (3)2.1.2Dependent Measures (4)2.2Alternatives to Empirical Evaluations (6)2.2.1Contextual Enquiries (6)2.2.2Predictive Models (6)2.3Classification of Mobile Text Entry Methods (7)2.3.1Key-Based Methods (8)2.3.2Stylus-Based Methods (12)3Fastap Evaluation213.1Fastap (21)3.2Method (22)3.2.1Design (22)3.2.2Participants (22)3.2.3Apparatus (23)3.2.4Procedure (24)3.3Results (25)3.3.1Initial Reaction (25)3.3.2Novice Performance (27)3.3.3Expert Performance (30)3.4Discussion (32)4Future Work344.1Word Completion (34)4.2Contextual Enquiries (34)5Conclusions35Chapter1IntroductionThe growth in the global use of Short Message Service(SMS)text messages has shown no signs of abating. The GSM Association reports that,worldwide,approximately24billion SMS text messages were sent in May,2002.The forecast total number of SMS text messages for the whole of2002is360billion,a44% increase on the250billion SMS text messages sent in2001.Yet,text messaging hasflourished in spite of, rather than because of,the support provided for it in most mobile phones(James&Reischel2001).The affordances provided by other mobile devices,such as Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs),are just as poor.Text messaging is only one of the many factors that is driving demand for fast,efficient and easy to use mobile text entry methods.The extension of text-intensive applications,such as web browsing and word processing,to mobile devices has highlighted the inadequacies of the current mobile text entry methods. Increasingly,mobile devices are becoming consumer products rather than technical tools.This new class of users expect the mobile devices to provide the same level of usability and efficiency as other consumer devices.Text entry research for desktop computers has been focused on niche or futuristic applications because of the unchallenged dominance of the Qwerty keyboard for general purpose text entry.No such standard, general purpose text entry method exists for mobile devices.The development of such of a method is un-likely given the wide range of mobile devices in use,with each type of device placing its own requirements and restrictions on potential text entry methods.In response to the demand for better mobile text entry methods,numerous different methods have been developed.Each method must make two fundamental tradeoffs:between potential efficiency and training time and device size and character-set size(Gopher&Raij1988).The best way to measure how well a given method manages these tradeoff is through empirical evaluations.Of most interest is the comparison between new mobile text entry methods and current best practice.Designing an empirical evaluation that generates valid and repeatable results is not a trivial task.Chapter2presents a review of previous work in mobile text entry,in particular the empirical evalua-tion of mobile text entry methods.A classification of a wide range of mobile text entry methods is also presented.Chapter3describes a comparative evaluation of a new mobile phone text entry method called Fastap with the two most widely used mobile phone text entry methods,T9and multi-press.Chapter4 discusses potential avenues for further work.Thefinal chapter presents the conclusions of the report.Chapter2Background WorkDesigning new text entry methods for mobile devices is expensive and labour-intensive(Silfverberg et al. 2000).The assessment and comparison of a new text entry method with current methods is a necessary part of the design process.The best way to do this is through an empricial evaluation.Unfortunately, such evaluations are time-consuming and complicated.Careful planning and execution is required when undertaking such an evaluation,as an abundance of confounding factors exist that could negatively effect its repeatability and validity.To control confounding factors,empirical evaluations place participants in constrained,artificial envi-ronments.This allows the behaviour or behaviours of interest to be isolated and thus accurately measured. To ensure the validity of an evaluation,however,it has to be designed to be as representative of actual user behaviour as possible(MacKenzie&Soukoreff2002).MacKenzie&Soukoreff suggest this need not result in a trade-off between accuracy and relevancy.Instead,evaluations should be designed to maximise both relevancy and accuracy.2.1Empirical Evaluation of Mobile Text Entry Methods2.1.1Evaluation ProcedureA basic difference between evaluations and actual usage is in the tasks participants are asked to perform. In real life,mobile text entry tasks are text creation tasks,with the user generating the text at the time of entry.Empirical evaluations,however,have tended to use text copy tasks(Butts2001,MacKenzie &Zhang1999,MacKenzie&Zhang2001,Dunlop&Crossan2000,MacKenzie,Kober,Smith,Jones &Skepner2001,James&Reischel2001).With text copy tasks,participants enter a pre-prepared text. MacKenzie&Soukoreff cite several important reasons(control over content,ease of error identification and not introducing confounding behaviours)for why text copy tasks have been favoured over text creation tasks,despite text creation tasks being more representative of real user behaviour.Hybrid approaches,such as having participants memorise short,easy to remember phrases before each task or interleaving input and output,capture the advantages of both text copy and text creation tasks(MacKenzie&Soukoreff2002).Usability,as measured by both qualitative and quantitative techniques,is highly dependent on a user’s level of experience with an interface.For the purposes of empirical evaluations the two stages of user ex-pertise of most interest,novice and expert performance,can be the most difficult to measure(MacKenzie& Soukoreff2002).The immediate usability of an interface for novice users is important because their initial reaction will determine their willingness to invest the time and effort required to master it(Shneiderman 1998).To truly measure immediate usability,the participants’exposure to the interface must be carefully managed(MacKenzie&Zhang2001)and perhaps their previous experience scrutinised.Measuring expert performance presents logistical problems,as it requires that numerous experimental sessions be conducted over a relatively long period of time.These longitudinal studies are necessary to establish a learning curve for a particular interface and to gauge its optimal performance.Past evaluations have focused on the collection of quantitative measures,in particular the measurement(2.1)T cwhere C n is the number of characters entered and T c is the time,in seconds,taken to enter those characters.One pitfall with measuring task completion time is the points at which timing is started and stopped(Butts2001).If the timing starts on entry of thefirst character,which is often the case with automated evaluation software,the mental and physical preparation time for entering thefirst character is not included in thefinal task completion time.In this case,the character count should be reduced by one when calculating CPS(Butts2001).Timing should be terminated upon entry of the last character in the source text.Typically,text entry speeds for typing on desktop computers is measured in words per minute(WPM). This metric has also become the standard for reporting mobile text entry speeds and can be derived from characters per second(2.1)by:60CPS×(2.3)C nwhere K n is the number of keypresses made and C n is the number of characters entered.This measure is appropriate for interfaces that have an error-free KSPC of close to1.0,such as a QWERTY keyboard (MacKenzie2002).Error correction requires additional keypresses over and above those required for error-free text entry and this overhead is reflected in the calculated KSPC value.This measure is less appropriate for interfaces where the average KSPC is significantly higher than1.0.For example,the average KSPC for the multi-press with next method(see Section2.3.1)has been calculated as2.0342(MacKenzie2002).An alternative approach isfind the ratio of actual keypresses made to the minimum keypresses required.This can be calculated using the formula:K n2.2Alternatives to Empirical Evaluations6×100%(2.5)max(|A|,|B|)where A is the source text,B is the transcribed text and|A|and|B|are the length,in characters of the source and transcribed text,respectively.2.2Alternatives to Empirical Evaluations2.2.1Contextual EnquiriesContextual enquiries orfield studies,such as the one conducted by(Grinter&Eldridge2001),are necessary to understand the tasks that users want and need to perform with an interface,the context in which the interface is used and what skills users bring to their use of an interface.For example,Grinter&Eldridge found their participants made heavy use of abbreviations(146uniques ones were logged)to speed up text entry.The abbreviations used combined letters,numbers and punctuation.This suggests any evaluation should test the efficiency of entering these abbreviations and not just traditional rmation such as this,gleaned from contextual studies,is invaluable not only for the development of new mobile text entry methods but also for designing evaluations that will produce relevant results.2.2.2Predictive ModelsAn alternative to empirical evaluations is to develop models that predict the performance of text entry meth-ods(Butts2001,Silfverberg et al.2000,Dunlop&Crossan2000).The models aim to allow designers and researchers to easily evaluate alternative text input methods without having to invest significant resources in implementations and empirical studies.An example of a problem that predictive models can overcome is associated with comparitive evaluations of new text entry methods with well-established,widely used alternatives(Moyle2001).In these situations it is difficult tofind users who are complete novices with the existing text entry methods.To overcome this requires that users of the new text entry method receive enough training to make them expert users as well,which could require a significant amount of time.The two main approaches to developing predictive models have been keystroke-level modelling(KLM) (Card et al.1980)and movement time prediction(MacKenzie&Soukoreff2002).The models are primarily used to predict expert,error-free performance,which allows simplifying assumptions to be made.For example,in their predictive models for expert text entry rates with different text entry interfaces,Silfverberg et al.did not incorporate the time required to visually scan the keyboard tofind each character,reasoning that expert users would be entirely familiar with the keypad layout.A model for predicting non-expert text entry would have to include this component.If a model will be used to predict text entry speeds it must incorporate a language model(MacKenzie &Soukoreff2002).These models are created by analysing a representative corpus to establish the relative frequency of character combinations(individually and in pairs or triples),words or phrases in a language of interest.Care must be taken to ensure that the corpus upon which the analysis is performed is represen-tative of the user language and reflects both input modalities and the editing process used(MacKenzie& Soukoreff2002).Keystroke-level models break down users’interactions with an interface into a set of low level tasks, each task with an estimated completion time.Tasks at this level of decomposition do not require decision-making or deep-thought.For example,Dunlop&Crossan proposed a keystroke level model composed of the time taken to press a key,move the hand to the keyboard and mentally prepare to press a bining these keystroke-level time estimates with the average KSPC and word lengths in characters(derived from1/3/lexicus/html/itap.html/ 45/6//products/jot/’)are displayed initially,in an alphabetical layout from top to bottom,with each character enclosed in a rectangle.Characters are entered by moving the pointer through the required character’s rectangle.The display zooms in as the pointer approaches a letter,expanding its surrounding rectangle.Figure2.8shows the state of the interface after the entry of a‘t’.Within the expanded rectangle possible extensions of the string prefix entered so far are displayed,again in alphabetical order.The heights of the rectangles surrounding each possible extension correspond to their probability in the current context for the given language.For example,in Figure2.8,the the box around the‘h’is taller than that around the ‘y’,because the string‘th’is much more probable than the string‘ty’in English.Dasher is a letter anticipator,but the developers are investigating adding word completion through use of a dictionary.Dasher can not be operated in an eyes-free manner.The language model used by Dasher has to be efficient as it must generate numerous probabilities each time the screen is updated.The text entered is fed back into the language model to adjust future probabilities based on the user’s vocabularies.To make even characters with very small probabilities relatively easy to enter,all probabilities were boosted by afixed amount and then renormalised.Ward et al.(2000)reported text entry speeds of up34wpm from an initial study.The interface is still under development.POBox is a word completing text input method for pen-based devices(Masui1998).Every non-space character entered by the user generates a search string,which is used to search for matching words in a built-in,static dictionary.The search algorithm searches for matches based on spelling,pronunciation or shape(for pictographic languages like Japanese).The search generates a dynamic menu of up to ten candidate words.If the correct word appears in the menu,it can be selected.Otherwise,entry can continue until a match appears or the word has been entered.The words in the completion menu are ordered by word frequency and context(phrase or character). For example,if thefirst character entered after the word“user”is‘i’,then the word“interface”will be at the top of the menu of predicted words.The probability assigned to words in the dictionary increases if the word is selected.Approximate string searching is used to generate candidates even if no exact matches are found.The predictive technology could be coupled any other primary input method,though in the original version it was used with a soft keyboard(see Section2.3.2).Chapter3Fastap EvaluationDespite their drawbacks,empirical evaluations remain the most effective way to assess the performance of new text entry methods,both in isolation and in comparison to existing methods.This is especially true for mobile phone text entry methods,as attempts to use predictive models to evaluate their performance have proved unsuccessful(James&Reischel2001,Butts2001).A comparative,empirical evaluation was conducted to measure the performance of a new mobile phone text entry method called Fastap.The goal of the evaluation was to measure the performance of the Fastap, T9and multi-press with timeout mobile phone text entry methods when entering four different types of text and with three different levels of user training.The development of the Fastap interface is ongoing,so the evaluation was formative rather than summative,and thefindings will be used to further refine the design of the interface.3.1FastapFastap is a new mobile phone text entry method developed by Digit Wireless Corporation1.While the design of the interface draws upon many aspects of current best practice in thefield of mobile text entry,it differs from almost all current mobile phone text entry methods by totally discarding the standard telephone keypad(see Section2.3.1).In place of the standard twelve-key telephone keypad,the Fastap interface introduces the two-layer keypad shown in Figure3.1.The top layer contains twenty-seven small buttons which are mapped to the twenty-six letters in the Roman alphabet and the space character,whose importance in the entry of English text is recognised by its assignment to a button twice as large as the letter buttons.The layout of the letter buttons is alphabetical,starting from the top-left corner of the keypad.The bottom layer of the keypad contains eighteen large keys.Numbers,punctuation symbols and functions are mapped to these keys.The top four rows of the lower layer are arranged in the same layout as the standard telephone keypad,with the bottom three layers being devoted to function and punctuation keys.Totalled across both layers the keypad has forty-five keys,which is almost four times as many as the standard twelve-key telephone keypad.Most importantly,input is unambiguous as almost every character is assigned to a single key.The exception to this is the punctuation keys,which each have two punctuation characters mapped to them.The second punctuation character on each of the keys can be accessed by pressing the key twice in quick succession.A shift button,which operates like a caps-lock button on a standard keyboard,allows the entry of uppercase letters.In total,the keypad can enter sixty-nine characters unambiguously.The two-layered keypad makes the bottom layers of keys much harder to access directly without acci-dentally hitting the surrounding keys from the top layer.To overcome this problem the keypad implements simple chording.To enter a character mapped to a lower layer key,the user simultaneously presses the four surrounding top layer keys instead of hitting the lower layer key directly.For example,to enter a2,the user simultaneously presses the‘b’,‘c’,‘f’and‘g’buttons.The small size of the letter keys makes it possibleBeginner Advanced Total2210 Multi-Press320210 2/3/Sentencei bought a cellphoneInitial Reactioni will be home later.Non-Dictionarywe can talk2moro.NumericTable3.2:Examples of the test sentences used in the evaluation.To verify that the tests sentences were representative of common English,the letter frequencies in phrase set were analysed4.A high correlation(r=0.9548)was found between the phrase set and common English.3.2.4ProcedureThe overall evaluation was split into two evaluation sessions.A time between the two evaluation sessions was used as a training period.Thefirst evaluation session measured the initial reaction of the participants to the different text entry methods,after which participants were given some training and performed two practice tasks.Once the practice tasks were completed,the participants performance,as novice users,was evaluated.The second evaluation session measured expert performance.Each session from thefirst part of the evaluation took about thirty minutes.The sessions were conducted over a two-week period.Before any tasks were performed the video recording of the session was setup. Video camera was used to record the screen of the interface during each task,so the text being entered could be logged.The video recording was also used as the primary timer.Backup timing was performed with a stopwatch.After the video camera was setup,participants were asked to complete a questionnaire related to their experience with text entry on mobile phones and with different mobile phone text entry methods.While subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three interfaces prior to the evaluation,this information was important for post-evaluation analysis as participant experience was a potential confounding factor.Before every task,participants were instructed to try and complete the task as quickly as was comfort-able for them but without making too many errors.Participants were also asked to correct any errors they made during the task.The interfaces were set to text entry mode before each task.The default input mode was set to lowercase text for all three interfaces.The basic format of each task was identical for all three parts of the evaluation.The test sentence to be entered was placed face down in front of the participants.The participants were then asked to position the interface within the recording area of the video camera.When they were ready,they were give a countdown of3–2–1–GO.At the end of the countdown the test sentence was turned over and the participants began entering it.Timing started at the end of the countdown and was terminated when the last character of the test sentence was entered.Thefirst two tasks in the evaluation session were designed to measure the immediate usability of the three text entry interfaces.The test sentences used for these tasks are shown in Figure3.2.They were designed to be as simple as possible to enter and included only dictionary words,containing lowercase letters,and numbers.The only training given to participants prior to attempting the tasks was how to correct errors on the interface they were evaluating.A time limit of two minutes was placed on these tasks and the participants were told that if the limit was reached they would be asked to stop.The order of the two initial reaction tasks was not rotated.This was to prevent learning effects from influencing the results for the entry of the short text sentence,which was of most interest.Thus,this task was performedfirst by all participants.The results for the entry of the numeric sentence were considered of lesser importance.Interface Task12Figure3.2:Summary of mean entry rates and standard deviations for the Initial Reaction evaluation(in wpm).Error RatesThe Fastap interface had the lowest mean keystrokes per character value(1.086σ0.112)for thefirst initial reaction task,followed by multi-press(1.51σ0.783)and T9(2.34σ0.466).The Fastap interface also had the lowest mean keystrokes per character value(1.12σ0.259)for the second initial reaction task,followed by and T9(2.82σ2.569)and multi-press(7.20σ4.835).The KSPC values for Fastap interface are very close to its estimated average value of one KSPC,which indicates participants made very few errors.Chapter4Future Work4.1Word CompletionMuch of the current work in mobile text entry is focused on the development of text entry methods that allow,on average,any character to be entered with only a single keystroke,tap of a stylus or gesture.To reduce the the average number of keystrokes below one keystroke per character would require the provision of word completion functionality.Word completion methods can reduce the average number of keystrokes required to enter a character below one,by not requiring that every character be entered.The actual reduction in keystrokes depends on the how many keystrokes must be entered before the correct word completion is provided and how many keystrokes are required to select the word from a list of candidates(MacKenzie2002).The reduction in keystrokes would not automatically lead to a proportional increase in performance.The word completion systems substitute physical demand for mental demand and a poorly designed system would result in no increase or even a decrease in performance.Another disadvantage of word completion systems is that require constant visual attention to evaluate candidate completions.Word completion would be most useful as an aid to another primary input method.Ideally an unam-biguous input method,such as Fastap,would be used as this would make generating the word completions easier as each input character would contain more information.As the results of the Fastap evaluation show(see Section3.1),usersfind unambiguous systems easier and less demanding to use.Adding word completion to such a system would increase the cognitive load on users,but from a much lower base.The best practice for word completion systems if by no means settled.Important considerations,such as how many candidate words should be presented to the user and in how the primary input method and word completion system be combined,are still open questions.Word completions systems are likely to become one of the most important areas of research within thefield of mobile text entry.4.2Contextual EnquiriesThe contextual enquiry conducted by Grinter&Eldridge(2001)produced many usefulfindings but very few similar studies have been performed.Universities and other tertiary institutions provide a good en-vironment for conductingfield studies of mobile text entry.As students and researchers usually work at the same campus it would easier to manage the study than if participants were drawn from outside the academic world.Many empirical studies have used university students as participants so the results of a field study using the participants drawn from the same population could be compared with thefindings of empirical studies to highlight any problems in the experimental methods used.Field studies would also be a good way to conduct longitudinal studies.Participants could be given the use of a new text entry in return for logging their usage and attending periodic evaluations.It is hoped that more contextual enquiries will be conducted in the future.Chapter5ConclusionsThis report has presented the results of an empirical evaluation that compared the two most commonly used mobile phone text entry methods,T9and multi-press with timeout,with a new method called Fastap. The evaluation also analysed the effect that three different levels of user experience(initial reaction,novice and expert)and four different types of text(traditional,non-dictionary,abbreviated,numeric)had on the performance of the three interfaces.Thefirst stage of the evaluation tested the immediate usability of the three interfaces,with users being given no training before completing the two initial reaction tasks.The mean entry speeds of the three in-terfaces were significantly different for both tasks.T9performed best for the entry of a short traditional sentence,while Fastap was fastest for the entry of a short numerical sentence and provided the best im-mediate usability.T9displayed the most variable performance,with many of the participants using the interface being unable to complete the two tasks.Multi-press has the lowest average entry rate for both tasks.tasks.The second stage of the evaluation measured novice performance.Participants were given a brief practice session before beginning this stage of the evaluation.The mean entry speeds were significantly different across the three interfaces and the four sentence categories.The interaction between sentence type and interface was also significant.The Fastap interface was fastest for entering sentences from the abbre-viated,numeric and non-dictionary categories.T9was fastest for entering sentences from the traditional category.Multi-press was slowest for all four sentence categories.The third stage of the evaluation was designed to measure expert performance and was preceded by a six day training period,during which participants entered tests sentences from each of the four sentence categories,using the same interface they had evaluated during thefirst two stages of the evaluation.The training period was intended to quickly make the participants into expert users.The mean entry speeds were significantly different across the three interfaces and the four sentence categories.The interaction between sentence type and interface was also significant.The T9interface was fastest for entering sentences from the traditional,numeric and non-dictionary categories.Fastap was fastest for entering sentences from the abbreviated category.Multi-press was again slowest for all four sentence categories.Subjective responses collected during the different stages of the evaluation showed a strong preference for the Fastap interface.The subjective response to the T9interface improved as participants gained more experience with it.The multi-press interface was rated poorly by the participants who used it.The results of the evaluation have shown that Fastap is an intuitive,efficient and accurate method for entering text on a mobile phone that is well-liked by its users.Thesefindings are extremely positive for the ongoing development of the Fastap interface.AcknowledgmentsI would like to thank my family and friends for all their help and support,not just this year,but whenever I needed it.Much love to the20024th years for making this year a memorable experience.I would also like to thank my supervisor,Andy Cockburn,for his support,guidance and most of all his contagious。