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文献数据库包括Google学术、PubMed、Web of Science和Scopus等。
其中最知名的是Google学术和Microsoft Academic。
1. Educational Researcher(ER)Educational Researcher是美国教育学会(AERA)出版的官方期刊,是世界上最古老的教育研究期刊之一。
在Educational Researcher上,读者可以找到一些最前沿的教育研究成果,如最新的教育政策分析、最新的教育技术应用等。
4. Technology, Pedagogy and Education教育学的外刊为我们提供了一个了解国外教育学研究最新动态的重要渠道,可以帮助我们更好地了解国际教育学研究的发展趋势,拓展我们的学术视野。
写论文资料搜索必备!放弃GOOGLE,放弃BAIDU的垃圾信息吧写ESSAY跟RESEACH PAPER一定用到的17个网站~必收藏文章~!1、/虽然还是Beta版,但个人已觉得现在已经是很好很强大了,Google学术搜索滤掉了普通搜索结果中大量的垃圾信息,排列出文章的不同版本以及被其它文章的引用次数。
2、Scirus 是目前互联网上最全面、综合性最强的科技文献搜索引擎之一,由Elsevier科学出版社开发,用于搜索期刊和专利,效果很不错!Scirus覆盖的学科范围包括:农业与生物学,天文学,生物科学,化学与化工,计算机科学,地球与行星科学,经济、金融与管理科学,工程、能源与技术,环境科学,语言学,法学,生命科学,材料科学,数学,医学,神经系统科学,药理学,物理学,心理学,社会与行为科学,社会学等。
它整合了德国比勒费尔德大学图书馆的图书馆目录和大约160 个开放资源(超过200 万个文档)的数据。
是推出的,Web result部分是基于Google 的,所以保证和Google在同一水平,另外增加了Amazon的在书本内搜索的功能和个性化功能:主要是可以记录你的搜索历史。
英国报刊杂志优秀网址大全dian),1821年创刊于曼彻斯特,后迁伦敦,1959年改称《卫报》./3、《金融时报》(The Financial Times) :1888年于伦敦创刊,是英国金融资本的晴雨表. /home/rw4、《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph) :1855年于伦敦创刊,该报以“时效性”而著称。
5、《观察家报》(The Observer) :1791年创刊。
6、《每日快报》(The Daily Express) :1900年由比弗布鲁克爵士( Lord Be averbrook) 在伦敦创刊。
/7、《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail):1896年创刊,是一种知识性很强的通俗日报。
/8、《镜报》(The Mirror) :1903年创刊,1985年以前名为《每日镜报》(Dail y Mirror) 。
/五、英国主要期刊简介1、《经济学家》(The Economist) :1843年创刊,与《金融时报》同属“皮尔逊父子公司”所有。
2、《旁观者》(The Spectator) :创刊于1828年,是英国全国性周刊中历史最久的杂志。
3、《新政治家》(The New Statesman) :创刊于1934年,主要发表有关政治、社会问题、书刊、电影、戏剧等方面的评论。
4、《妇女界》(The Woman’s Own) :1932年创刊,是图文并茂的妇女月刊,女性朋友必看。
5、《妇女之国》(Woman’s Realm) :创刊于1958年,适合新成家的青年妇女。
/6、《泰晤士报文学增刊》(The Times Literary Supplement, The TLS) :每周出一期,是英国最有影响的文学周刊之一。
六、英国其他周刊及科普刊物1、周刊(Weeklies) :1)、《现在》(Now) :2)、《侦探》(Private Eye):(适合喜欢破案类小说的中学生)3)、《笨拙》(Punch):(非常不错的漫画类杂志)4)、《听众》(The Listener) /5)、《新社会》(New Society) 6)、《闲暇》(Time Out) /london/(是伦敦一本很好的休闲杂志,它的网站也很棒!)2、科普(Scientific periodicals)1)、《发现》(Discovery) /2)、《自然》(Nature) /中国地区自然杂志网址:/ch/gta/index.php简单介绍:《自然》系列期刊是由每周出版的多学科《自然》杂志和8种每月出版的期刊组成。
•剑桥大学机构知识库/由Cambridge University Library和University Computing Service维护,提供剑桥大学相关的期刊、学术论文、学位论文等电子资源。
jfg•CERN Document Serverhttp://cdsweb.cern.ch/主要覆盖物理学(particle physics)及相关学科,提供360,000多篇全文文献,包括预印文献、期刊论文、图书、图片、学位论文等等。
kl•ArXiv/ArXiv是属于Cornell University的非盈利教育机构,面向物理学、数学、非线性科学、计算机科学和定量生物学等学科提供16种免费电子期刊的访问。
•NASA Technical Reports Server/?method=browse主要是关于航空航天领域研究的科技报告和会议论文。
•National Service Center for Environmental Publications/ncepihom/National Service Center for Environmental Publications提供的是美国环境保护总署(EPA)出版物。
1. Project Gutenberg: 古腾堡工程,由志愿者参与,致力于文本著作的电子化、归档以及发布。
2. The Online Books Page: /宾夕法尼亚大学图书馆收藏的25,000本免费图书
3. : 超多的国外期刊杂志,全部可以免费订阅
4. PSU's Electronic Classics Site: /faculty/jmanis/jimspdf.htm 文学经典书籍
5. PlanetPDF /free_pdf_ebooks.asp?CurrentPage=1文学经典书籍
6. University of California, eScholarship Edition: /escholarship/ 2000多本免费学术书籍
7. University of Adelaide Library’s collection of Web books: .au/文学,哲学,科学,历史书籍收集
8. AvaxHome.ru: http://www.avaxhome.ru一些新书,不过版权是个问题
9. The National Academies Press: 3000本免费书籍
10.You! Everyone has his own favorite ebook website. Maybe It’s already on the list. Maybe not. It doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that you love eBook.。
1 People(人物)/people/index.html娱乐2 TV Guide(电视指南)娱乐3 Time(时代)新闻4 Sports Illustrated(体育画报)体育5 Better Homes & Gardens(美好家园)家居6 Reader’s Digest(读者文摘)/splash.jhtml综合7 Parade(旅行)/auth/sso旅游8 Newsweek(新闻周刊)/news/NW-front_Front.asp新闻9 Business Week(商业周刊)商业10 Good Housekeeping(好主妇)家庭11 Fortune(财富)/商业12 Cosmopolitan(全球主义者)/娱乐13 Woman’s Day(妇女日)/xp6/WomansDay/home.xml九?14 Forbes(福布斯)/商业15 Family Circle(家庭圈)/home/homepage.jsp家庭16 USA Weekend(美国周末)休闲17 In(时髦)/in时尚18 Entertainment Weekly(娱乐周刊)/ew/娱乐19 Martha Stewart Living(玛萨斯图尔特生活)生活20 U.S. News & World Report(美国新闻与世界报道)新闻21 Ladies’ Home Journal(妇女家庭杂志)家庭22 National Geographic(国家地理杂志)地理23 Southern Living(南方生活)/生活24 Vogue(时尚)/vogue/index.html时尚25 PC Magazine(个人电脑)/IT26 Money(金钱)/理财27 Maxim(马克西姆)/index.html娱乐28 O, The Oprah Magazine /omagazine妇女29 Glamour(魅力)/时尚30 National Enquirer, The(国家寻问者)/新闻31 New York Times Magazine(纽约时报杂志)/新闻32 Golf Digest(高尔夫文摘)/体育33 Rolling Stone(滚石)/音乐34 Playboy(花花公子)/男性35 Vanity Fair(名利场)娱乐36 Seventeen(十七岁)/青年37 Parents(父母)/教育38 Star Magazine(明星杂志)/娱乐39 ESPN The Magazine(ESPN杂志)/magazine/体育40 Prevention(预防)/健康41 Redbook(红书)/redbook/妇女42 Rosie /生活43 Golf Magazine(高尔夫杂志)/golfonline/体育44 Travel & Leisure(旅游和休闲)/休闲45 Elle /时尚46 New Yorker, The(纽约客)/文艺47 W /w/时尚48 Woman’s World(妇女世界)/womansworld.html妇女49 Parenting(养育)/parenting/家庭50 Car & Driver(人车志)/xp/Caranddriver/home.xml机车51 Endless Vacation(无尽假日)/休闲52 Bride’s Magazine(新娘杂志)婚礼53 InformationWeek(信息周刊)/IT54 Country Living(乡村生活)/countryliving/生活55 Us Weekly(美国周刊)/新闻56 Marie Claire(玛丽克莱尔)/时尚57 Sunset(日落)/科学58 Soap Opera Digest(肥皂剧文摘)娱乐59 AARP Modern Maturity(现代文明)/公益60 GQ /时尚61 Architectural Digest(建筑学文摘)/mags/archdigest/建筑62 Harper’s Bazaar(哈泼氏)/时尚63 Travel Agent(旅游代理)/旅游64 Smithsonian(史密森尼)/博物65 PC World(PC世界)/IT66 Modern Bride(现代新娘)/婚礼67 Men’s Health(男性健康)/健康68 Bon Appetit(好)/b_ba/b00_home/ba.html烹饪69 Motor Trend(机车潮流)/机车70 Economist, The(经济学人)/政经71 Self(自我)/妇女72 Shape(体形)/健康73 Teen People /teenpeople/青年74 YM 时尚75 Consumer Reports(消费者报告)/main/home.jsp生活76 Cooking Light(烹饪之光)/烹饪77 Travel Weekly(旅行周刊)/tw_home/home.asp旅游78 House Beautiful(美丽住宅)/housebeautiful/家居79 Ebony(乌木)/ XXXXX80 Popular Photography(大众摄影)/index.asp摄影81 Country Home(乡村家庭)/ch/index.html家庭82 Barron’s /商业83 eWeek 消费84 Conde Nast Traveler /cntraveler/旅游85 Town & Country(城镇和乡村)/townandcountry/生活86 InfoWorld(信息世界)/IT87 EE Times /电子88 Food & Wine(食物和酒)/食品89 New York(纽约)/城市90 Essence(本质)/黑人91 Road & Track(公路与轨迹)/机车92 Health(健康)/健康93 Inc(公司)/home/商业94 Allure(吸引)/时尚95 Vibe /new/home/pointer.html娱乐96 Gourmet(美食家)/烹饪97 Taste of Home(家的滋味)/烹饪98 Muscle & Fitness(肌肉和健身)/健康99 Popular Mechanics(大众机械)/机械100 Home(家)/家居101 fitness(健身)/home/index.jsp健康102 Field & Stream(田园和小溪)/休闲103 American Baby(美国宝贝)/ab/CDA/homepage/家庭104 FamilyFun(家庭乐趣)/家庭105 Sporting News, The(体育新闻)/体育106 Esquire(先生)/男性107 Penthouse(小棚屋)/ XXXXX108Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine(吉朴林的个人金融杂志)/理财109 Globe(环球)/globe/环境110 SmartMoney(精明理财)/理财111 Stuff(素材)/男性112 CRN /IT113 Men’s Journal(男人)/男性114 House & Garden(家园)/mags/hg/家居115 Fast Company(快速公司)/homepage/商业116 Computer Shopper(计算机购物者)/消费117 Jet(黑玉)/黑人118 First For Women /妇女119 Traditional Home(传统家庭)/家庭120 Automobile Magazine(汽车杂志)/机车121 Red Herring(红鲱鱼)/商业122 Highlights for Children(儿童文粹)/儿童123 Wired(连线)/IT124 Outside(户外)/index.html休闲125 This Old House(这个老屋子)/toh/家居126 NetworkWorld(网络世界)/IT127 Entrepreneur(企业家)/商业128 Popular Science(大众科学)/popsci/科普129 Elle Decor http://www.elledecor.co.th/设计130 Quick Cooking (速煮)/烹饪131 Family Handyman(家庭佣人)/家居132 Science(科学)/科学133 Bridal Guide(新娘指南)/婚礼134 Child(孩子)/index.jsp家庭135 Cable Guide(有线电视指南)/娱乐136 Midwest Living(中西部生活)/生活137 Metropolitan Home(大城市生活)/生活138 Chronicle of Higher Education, The(高等教育编年史)/教育139 Mutual Funds Magazine(互动基金杂志)/mfmag/商业140 Travelhost(旅游主人)/旅游141 Sound & Vision(声与影)/index.asp电影142 CIO(首席信息官)/IT143 Hot Rod /机车144 Computerworld(计算机世界)/IT145 Source, The(来源)/黑人146 Departures(启程)/商业147 Spin(旋转)/音乐148 Travel Holiday(旅行假日)/旅游149 Black Enterprise(黑人企业)/商业150 BabyTalk(宝贝说话)/parenting/...s/babytalk.html家庭151 New England Journal of Medicine(新英格兰医学期刊)/医学152 EBN Electronic Buyer’s News(EBN电子买主新闻)/电子153 Jane(简)/军事154 Working Mother(妇女运动者)/妇女155 Men’s Fitness(男性健身)/mens.html健康156 Victoria(维多利亚)/victoria/生活157 CosmoGirl(都市女孩)/时尚158 Nation’s Restaura nt News(国家餐馆新闻)/行业159 Harvard Business Review(哈佛商业评论)商业160 FHM(男人帮)/男性161 Sports Illustrated For Kids(儿童体育画报)/儿童162 Boating(航船)/体育163 Discover(探索)/科普164 Real Simple(反朴归真)/realsimple/生活165 Guideposts(路标)/宗教166 Cycle World(环形世界)/xp6/CycleWorld/main.xml机车167 EDN /ednmag/电子168 Tennis Magazine(网球杂志)体育169 Advertising Age(广告时代)/行业170 Hemispheres(半球)/home.htm收藏171 Fortune Small Business(财富小商业)/smallbusiness/商业172 Meetings & Conventions(会议)/行业173 Worth(价值)/magazine/index.cfm理财174 Outdoor Life(户外生活)/outdoor/休闲175 Official U.S. Playstation Magazine(美国官方PS杂志)/opm/index.jsp游戏176 Automotive News(汽车新闻)/机车177 Scientific American(科学美国人)/科普178 Nickelodeon 娱乐179 More(更多)时尚180 Ski(滑雪)/skinet/体育181 Lucky(幸运)/时尚182 Interior Design(室内装饰设计)行业183 Sky (Delta Air Lines)(天空三角航线)/航线184 Power & Motoryacht(能源和摩托艇)/mbody.htm休闲185 GamePro(专业游戏)/游戏186 JAMA(睡衣裤)/健康187 Furniture Today(今日家具)/index.shtml家居188 My Generation(我们这一代)/音乐189 Successful Meetings(成功会议)/successmtgs/index.jsp 行业190 Premiere(首映)电影191 Birds & Blooms(鸟语花香)/家居192 Aviation Week & Space Technology(航空技术周刊)/休闲193 Electronic Design(电子设计)/ednmag/电子194 T & L Golf(T & L高尔夫)/休闲195 Wine Spectator(酒的旁观者)/休闲196 National Geographic Traveler(国家地理旅行者)/traveler/旅游197 AutoWeek(汽车周刊)/机车198 Wood(木工)/工艺199 Chemical & Engineering News(化工新闻)/cen/行业200 Electronic Gaming Monthly(电子游戏月刊)/egm/index.jsp 游戏201 Disney Adventures(迪斯尼冒险)/disneyadventures/孩子202 National Examiner(国家主考者)/教育203 Soap Opera Weekly(肥皂剧周刊)/娱乐204 Golf World(高尔夫世界)/体育205 Runner’s World(跑步者世界)/体育206 Country Weekly(乡村周刊)/音乐207 American Way(美国道路)/旅游208 Upside(上面)/IT209 Design News (设计新闻)/行业210 Details(详细资料)/mags/details/时尚211 American Profile(美国外形)/健康212 ENR /Default.asp建筑213 Machine Design(机械设计)/行业214 PC Gamer(PC游戏玩家)/游戏215 Biography(传记)/文学216 Atlantic Monthly(大西洋月刊)/文艺217 Successful Farming(成功农业)/sfonline/行业218 Texas Monthly(德克莎斯月刊)/地区219 Skiing(滑雪运动)/skiing/体育220 Southern Accents(南方口音)/accents/家庭221 American Rifleman(美国步枪射手)/site/index.asp 枪械222 Bassmaster /休闲223 SN-Supermarket News(超级市场新闻)行业224 ABA Journal(美国银行家协会期刊)/journal/redesign/home.html行业225 Nature(自然)/科学226 Architectural Record(建筑学档案)/行业227 Adweek(广告周刊)/adweek/index.jsp行业228 Petersen’s 4-Wheel & Off Road /机车229 Business 2.0(商业2.0)/商业230 Flying(飞行)/休闲231 Billboard(公告牌)/billboard/index.jsp音乐232 Coastal Living(海岸生活)/coastal/生活233 Country Woman(乡村女人)/家庭234 Boys’sLife(男孩生活)/孩子235 Transworld Skateboarding(环球滑板)/skate/体育236 NFL Insider(美国足球联盟知情者)/insider/体育237 People en Espanol(人物西班牙语版)/pespanol/index.html/娱乐238 Journal of Accountancy(会计学期刊)/pubs/jofa/joahome.htm 财务239 Windows 2000 Magazine(视窗2000杂志)/IT240 Veranda(阳台)/家居241 Video Business(视频商业)/商业242 Backpacker(背包)/休闲243 Cigar Aficionado(雪茄迷)/休闲244 Telephony(技术)/IT245 Flex(弯曲)/健康246 Variety (weekly)(品种周刊)/商业247 Cruising World (巡航世界)/休闲248 American Hunter(美国猎人)/休闲249 Crain’s Chicago Business(克瑞恩芝加哥商业)/商业250 Broadcastin &Cable(宽带与有线电视)/行业251 Petersen’s Photographic /摄影252 Golf for Women(女性高尔夫)/gfw/体育253 US Airways Attache Magazine254 Progressive Farmer(改进农场主)/farmer/农业255 Easyriders /Home/Home.asp机车256 Crain’s New York Business(克瑞恩纽约商业)/商业257 Yachting(游艇)/yachting/休闲258 Chicago(芝加哥)/城市259 Computer Gaming World(计算机游戏世界)/cgw/index.jsp 游戏260 Video Store(视频商店)/商业261 Country(乡村)/生活262 Fine Homebuilding(好家建造者)/finehomebuilding/index.asp 家居263 Yankee(美国佬)/travel/index.php旅游264 Publisher’s Weekly(出版者周刊)/行业265 Restaurants & Institutions(餐馆与协会)/行业266 American Medical News(美国医学新闻)/public/journals/amnews/行业267 North American Hunter(北美猎人)/magazine.asp休闲268 Federal Computer Week(联邦计算机周刊)/IT269 Guns & Ammo(枪与军火)/dynamic.asp枪械270 Transworld Snowboarding(环球滑雪板)/体育271 New Equipment Digest(新设备文摘)/行业272 Weekly World News(世界新闻周刊)/新闻273 Chemical Week(化学周刊)/行业274 Four Wheeler(四轮车)/机车275 Gear(齿轮)/家居276 Pensions & Investments(养老金和投资)/理财277 Macworld(Mac世界)/IT278 Builder(建筑者)/IT279 RB Restaurant Business(餐馆业)/rb/index.shtml 行业280 CFO(首席运营官)/IT281 American Family Physician(美国家庭医生)/afp.xml健康282 Los Angeles Times Magazine(洛杉矶时报杂志)/新闻283 Saveur 烹饪284 Multichannel News(多频道新闻)/行业285 Purchasing(购买)/消费286 Laser Focus World(激光焦点世界)/home.cfm行业287 HANDY(手工)/handy_mag.asp家居288 Medical Economics(医药经济)/行业289 Reminisce(回忆)/休闲290 Pillsbury Classic Cookbooks /烹饪291 Skin Diver(滑水)/休闲292 Nursing 2002 /护理293 Hemmings Motor News /机车294 American Legion Magazine(美国军团杂志)/公益295 Farm Journal(农业期刊)/农业296 Southwest Airlines Spirit(西南航线精灵)/航行297 Dr. Dobb’s Journal /IT298 Chicago Tribune Magazine(芝加哥论坛杂志)/features/magazine/新闻299 Islands(岛屿)/休闲300 Institutional Investor(金融机构投资者)金融。
APP资讯订阅的界面↓不过,这里部分文章的英文阅读有点难,适合英语有一定基础的童鞋~2The Economist风格:《经济学人》杂志,权威有手机APP哦,不仅仅iPad版。
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二、电视台和广播电台www.dwelle.de这是“Deutsche Welle”的网址。
movie.de预告德国下周所有电视台的主要电视节目以及影院新片介绍www.wdr.de这是Westdeutscher Rundfunk的网址提供视听新闻和其它节目五、大学等教育机构www.hochschulkompass.hrk.de以德语和英语提供关于各大学课程设置、入学条件、以及申请期限等方面的信息。
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外刊精读与英语学习的英美媒体网址为大家精心筛选了以下百余个英/美/澳/加等媒体,经常阅读和收听它们,相信您的英语水平会得到质的飞跃!一、商业/财经/金融/证券/管理类:1. 商业周刊(Business Week):2. 经济学家(Economist):3. CNN Money:4. 华尔街日报(WallStreet Journal):5. 金融时报(Financial Times):6. 路透社(Reuters):7. 彭博社(Bloomberg):8. 哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review):9. 财富周刊(Fortune):9. 福布斯(Forbes):10. Barron's Online:11. MarketWatch:12. Kiplinger:13. :14. Entrepreneur:15. BizReport:16. The Deal:17. DowJones:18. S&P:19. NYSE:20. NASDAQ:21. LSE:二、综合新闻类:1. New York Times:2. Washington Post:3. USAToday:4. Los Angeles Times:5. San Francisco Chronicle:6. Chicago Tribune:7. Houston Chronicle:8. Guardian:9. The Times:10. The Telegraph:11. Sydney Morning Herald:.au12. The Age:.au13. The Australian:.au14. The Toronto Star:15. The Globe and Mail:16. Canadian National Post:17. International Herald Tribune:18. Christan Science Monitor:19. Time:20. US News & World Report:21. NewsWeek:22. The New Republican:23. The Spectator:24. AP:25. BBC:26. CNN:27. VOA:28. NPR:29. NBC:30. ABC:31. CBC:http://www.cbc.ca32. PBS:33. CBS:34. Yahoo:35. MSN:36. AOL:37. Sky:38. FoxNews:39. Australia News:.au40. Digg:41. Topix:42. Xinhua:43. CRI:44. ChinaDaily:45. Jane's Defence Weekly:46. Huffington Post:三、科技类:1. Scientific American:2. Popular Science:3. Popular Mechanics:4. National Geographic:5. Science:6. Nature:7. IEEE Spectrum:8. PC Magazine:9. Information Week:10. PC World:11. Info Word:12. CNET:13. Tom's Hardware:14. CIO:四、文化/艺术/体育/休闲/娱乐类1. Reader's Digest:2. Sports Illustrated:3. ESPN:4. NBA:5. FIFA:6. UEFA:7. SoccerNet:8. GameSpot:9. IGN:10. Disney:11. IMDB:12. YouTube:13. Rolling Stone:14. Billboard:15. DeviantArt:16. WebShots:17. Flickr:18. Popular Photography:19. The Sun Online:20. People:21. Biography:22. Entertainment Weekly:23. The Hollywood Reporter:24. The NewYorker:25. VillageVoice:26. Studio english:五、生活(健康、时尚、旅游、爱车、购物、饮食、亲子、居家、社交)类:1. MedlinePlus:/medlineplus2. MedicineNet:3. Prevention:4. Vanity Fair:5. Vogue:/vogue6. Elle:7. Harper's Bazaar:8. Cosmopolitan:9. Glamour:10. Self:11. Parade:12. Travel & Leisure:13. Car & Driver:14. Motor Trend:15. Automobile:16. Consumer Reports:17. Bon Appetit:18. Gourmet:19. Food & Wine:20. Parents:21. Seventeen:22. Better Homes and Gardens:23. Good HouseKeeping:24. Sunset:25. Facebook:26. MySpace:27. Twitter:28.Studio english:六、工具/参考/期刊/文献类:1. Google:2. Baidu:3. Alexa:4. Wikipedia:5. Answers:6. :7. AcronymFinder:8. Oxford English Dictionary:9. Britannia Encyclopedia:10. Merriam-Webster:11. Babylon:12. Science Direct:13. JSTOR:14. EBSCO:15. SpringerLink:16. Thomson Gale:17. Ovid:18. ProQuest:19. Lexis-Nexis:20. WestLaw:21. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:22. The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia:/cathen23. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:24. Corpus of Contemporary American English: 25. Duxiu :26. Macmillan English Dictionary:空中英语整理收集。
几个免费英文文献的网站推荐几个免费英文文献的网站2007-06-14 9:48Update: 2011-06-26①:学术英文资料NCBI美国国家生物技术中心简介:生物、医学、药学等友情提示1:PMC搜索入口在Search下拉列表中找到,可以找到全文的免费文献友情提示2:其它入口也有部分文献可查看全文,如PubMed,右上角会有“Full-Text Article”HighWire Press简介:综合类;斯坦福大学下属的出版机构;友情提示:部分免费,标识有“This article is FREE”; Science简介:科学杂志官方网站友情提示:免费注册后,可以下载1997年以前的全文;注册有点繁琐,但是内容都可以随意填写,不过,一定要记住自己先前大致的填写内容,否则通不过最后的一个验证;Nature简介:自然杂志官方网站,有一些Full Text的在线发表的论文;ScienceDirect简介:综合期刊、论文;友情提示:仅带绿框的文章可全文浏览;沃顿知识在线简介:商业,金融经济类为主;分中、英文两个版本;Marxists 简介:文史类;有中文版;友情提示:一切与马克思主义挨边的资料人、事件、国家,都可以在这儿找;比如可以找到列宁、毛泽东、鲁迅等的生平和着作,还有法国大革命、古巴导弹危机……;literature简介:综合类;类似于一个文献搜索的搜索引擎;友情提示:“Free Full Text”一栏值得关注,提供了一些全文免费文献的搜索入口;②:普通英文资料Wikipedia维基百科简介:英文大百科全书;查单个词条十分方便;友情提示1:适合于查找资料性的东西,比如,电冰箱的诞生史、微软的概况、红楼梦的简评和人物分析等Many books简介:免费的英文小说下载,都是无版权争议的,即20世纪之前的经典,提供多种格式;友情提示:在Search框里输入内容后,直接回车即可,没设置搜索按钮;Archive简介:资源丰富,被称为网络的“黑洞”;友情提示:要找某个网站的历史网页,可以到这儿来碰碰运气;Encyclopedia简介:英文大百科全书,类似于Wikipedia;Answers简介:搜索引擎Answers做的百科;About简介:类似一个门户网站,可以找找分类文章;其它未整理:。
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NETFLIXFor many, Netflix is the original streaming service. It has been joined by petitors such as Hulu and Disney Plus, but Netflix remains the first choice for people wanting instant access to a library of television shows and movies. Despite its popularity, there are still plenty of potential viewers that might be wondering, what’s Netflix like?Netflix can be accessed through a smart device or puter you just need an internet connection. The interface is made up of attractive thumbnails, like miniature movie posters, and users can scroll to the right to see more titles, or down to see different categories. Some of the categories match traditional genres, such as ‘Futuristic SciFi’, but they also collect titles together in groups like ‘Bingeworthy TV Shows’ and‘Oscarwinning International Movies’. The amount of content is overwhelming, and more is added every week. Some users report feeling paralyzed by choice.(A Netflix user scrolling through the interface)Membership es at various prices, the highest of which allows viewing on multiple screens simultaneously and with higher quality video (Ultra HD). Users can create a profile and save the content they want to watch to their “My List”. The streaming is generally smooth, but if you have slow internet, you can download before watching.American content dominates Netflix, but there is plenty of international content too, along with subtitles for local languages and usually English. Netflix is available in most countries now, so if you would like to try it, all you need to do is visit their site to join up.USEFUL LANGUAGE•Potential (adj) possible•Interface (n) the layout of the screen•Thumbnail (n) a small picture•Scroll (v) to move through information on a screen to see different parts of it •Genre (n) a type or style of book, music, or film•Bingeworthy (adj) a TV show that is worth watching many episodes of consecutively•Overwhelming (adj) too large or powerful to think about or deal with•Paralyzed (adj) unable to move•Simultaneously (adv) at the same time•Dominate (v) to be the most mon part of somethingDISCUSSIONDiscuss the following questions with your partner(s).1.What is the last television show or movie that you watched? How was it?2.What’s your favorite genre of movie? Why do you like it?3.Do you use Netflix? How is it? If not, are you interested in trying it?4.How is your internet? Is it reliable? Is it fast?5.How do you feel about using subtitles to understand a show? Is it annoying tohave to read? Are the subtitles distracting?6.Is watching shows in English a good way to improve your English?7.Do you binge watch television series? What’s good and bad about bingewatching?8.Is having too many options ever a problem for you? Have you felt paralyzedby choice?9.Do you care about video quality? Can you watch an old television fortably?10.Watching a screen for too long isn’t good for our eyes. What should we doinstead?。
100个英美主要报刊杂志网站大全篇(There are 100 major newspapers and magazines in the UK and America)100 British and American newspapers and magazinesEditor's note: here are the English and Chinese names, translation comparisons and their brief introduction of major newspapers and magazines in Britain and the United states. This web site has sorted out most of the websites of newspapers and magazines. If you are free, can often go to these sites, one can understand the latest news from abroad, on the other hand, it is helpful to improve your IELTS reading ability will, after testing the following site can be opened!The first part is the introduction of famous American newspapers and magazinesFirst, American newspapersIncluding the morning paper, the afternoon newspaper, the evening paper and the weekly newspaper, and more than 8000 weekly and semi weekly newspapers, street tabloids are not counted. 1, the most influential newspapers are: 1), TheLosAngeles Times 2), "the Losangeles times" The New YorkTimes "3 WashingtonPost"), "New York Times Washington Post" 4 The WallStreetJournal), "the Wall Street journal" 5 The New York Daily News), "New York Daily News"6 Chicago DailyTribune "), Chicago forum /7, USA Today) newspaper" USA Today "), 8 NewYorkPost 2," New York post"influential newspapers are: 1), The Christian ScienceMonitor," Christian Science Monitor "),2 International HeraldTribune"International Herald Tribune "3 WashingtonNews"), Washington news "4 Washington DailyNews"), the Washington Daily News), "5 BaltimoreSun3" Baltimore sun ", a popular newspaper: 1)," Journal Herald, American 2) Herald Journal "Express" American Express "),3 Journal of Commerce4)," business daily "Tribune" Tribune"5 AmericanNews"),/usnews/home.htm6, News) U.S. News "Weekly" news weekly "), .au7 The World Report" World Report "The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Losangeles times are 3 of the most influential newspapers in the United States today. The monopoly of American newspaper group, the company has: Gannett group (GannettNewspapers), Copley (Copley Newspapers), Department of James? M? Cox (James M. CoxNewspapers), the Department of Hearst (Hearst Newspapers), Knight line - Reed newspapers (Knight-RidderNewspapers), Jones Company (Dow-Jones Corp.)?, New York Time Co (New York TimesCorp.), Thomsen (Thomson Newspapers), daily times - Times-Mirror Company (Times-Mirror Corp.), Scripps - Howard newspapers (ps-HowardNewspapers) etc.. Among them, Gannett group is one of the largest newspaper group, which owns 90 daily and more than 30 weekly and semi weekly newspapers, 7 television stations and 16 radio stations. Two, the United States magazine, the United States has more than ten thousand kinds of magazines,more than 60 copies of circulation in more than one million. Influential journals are as follows: 1, Reader "sDigest" reader's Digest ": 2, TIME, Life 3:" Time "" life "and" 4 People "5 Cosmopolitanwomen," the world's women "," 6 American Home 7 American Child, "American family" American children "www.americanbaby.COM8, AmericanLiterature "American Literature" was not found in/faculty/campbell/enl310/sites.htm (http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/9 ScientificAmerican, many American masterpiece) "American science" 10, Playboy "playboy" (which is a lot of content unsuitable for children, only for adults), 11 Beautify Home andGarden "and" garden beautification family 12, Homes Circle 13, "family circle" GoodManager "good housekeeping", "14 Magus" 15, AmericanTelevisionMagazine, Maigeshi "TV Guide" three, a major U.S. newspaper 1, "New York Times" (The NewYorkTimes) was founded in 1851, is a family of Sucibeige (Sulzberger) all. 2, the "Washington Post" (The WashingtonPost) was founded in Washington in 1877, is the Graham family (Graham) all. 3, "times" (The Los AngelesTimes) was founded in 1881, belongs to the Chandler family (Chandler) all. 4, the Wall Street Journal (The Wall StreetJournal) was founded in 1889. 5. The Christian Science Monitor (The Christian ScienceMonitor) was first published in 1909 and published by the Christian Science press. 6, the Chicago Tribune (The ChicagoTribune) was first published in 1947 and published in Chicago. 7, "USA Today"(GannettNewspapers) published by Gannett group in 1982. Four, American main journals: 1, "Time" (TIME 2), "Newsweek" (NEWS WEEK 3), "U.S. News and World Report" (U.S.NEWS &WORLDREPORT 4), "reader's Digest" (READER S DIGEST) 5, "business week" (Business Week 6), "fortune" (Fortune) , five U.S. 1, in support of the government party newspaper: "Gazette of the State Council" (Department ofStateBulletin) "(The New YorkTimes) New York Times" "Washington star" (WashingtonStar) "U.S. News and World Report" (U.S. News &WorldReport) 2, a Republican newspaper: "the New York Herald Tribune" (New YorkHerald) "Chicago Forum "(Chicago Tribune )" the Losangeles times "(LosAngeles Times )" San Francisco Jishibao "(San FranciscoChronicle 3), to support the Democratic Party newspaper:" Baltimore sun "(BaltimoreSun )" Chicago Sun Times "(ChicagoSun-Times) " Louis Post newspaper "(St. LouisPost) 4, neutral press:" Christian Science Monitor "(The Christian ScienceMonitor)" New York post "(New York Post)" New York Daily News "(NewYork Daily News) the" Wall Street journal "(Wall StreetJournal), 5 magazine: 1)," Newsweek "(Newsweek), 2 (" Time ") Time) www.ti 3), "Outlook Weekly" (Look ) six, 1 American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company (National Broadcasting Company referred to as NBC) was founded in 1926, Cbs Broadcasting Inc (ColumbiaBroadcastingSystem: 2,Referred to as CBS) was founded in 1927, American Broadcasting Company (AmericanBroadcastingCompany: 3, ABC) 4, voice of America (Voice ofAmerica, referred to as VOA) was founded in 1942, The Associated Press (5 AssociatedPress, referred to as AP) was founded in 1848: 6, UPI (United Press-InternationalNewsService, referred to as UPI) was founded in 1907: The second part is the introduction of British newspapers and magazinesA British National Senior newspaper: 1, "the times" Times:2, "Daily Telegraph" TheDaily Telegraph:3, "TheGuardian:/4 TheFinancialTimes:/home/rw5," Financial Times "," Sunday Telegraph "SundayDispatch:6," the observer "TheObserver:7," Sunday times "TheSundayTimes:/ two, the UK national popular newspapers are: 1. The" Daily Express "TheDailyExpress:/2TheDailyMail:/3," Daily Mail "," Daily Mirror "," Sunday express "TheSundayExpress5 DailyMirror:/4 , "world news" The News of theWorld: (a very characteristic of the English news website) three, a local newspaper published it mainly by local news and advertising, with strong local characteristics. Including the morning news, evening news, weekly, issue 3. 1, the "Glasgow Herald" (GlasgowHerald /2), "banner paper" (TheEveningStandard /3), the "evening news" (TheEveningNews): four, the main newspaper 1, "Thames news" (Times):1785 by John Walter? In a London publication, known as "the first newspaper in the world" (theFirstNewspaper in theWorld).2, "the guardian" (TheGuardian), formerly known as the "Manchester Guardian" (TheMan-ChesterGuardian), founded in 1821 in Manchester, then moved to London in 1959, renamed the "Guardian"./3, "Financial Times" (TheFinancialTimes):1888 in London, is a British financial capital barometer of./home/rw4, "the Daily Telegraph" (The DailyTelegraph) founded in London in:1855, and was noted for its "timeliness".5, the observer (TheObserver), was founded in:1791. 6, the Daily Express (The DailyExpress), was launched in London in:1900 by Sir Be F Brooke (Lord Beaverbrook). /7, the The DailyMail, started publication in:1896, and it is a very popular daily newspaper. /8, the TheMirror, was first published in:1903 and was called the daily mirror (DailyMirror) before 1985. / five, the major British Journal 1, and the Economist (TheEconomist) were first published in:1843, all of which belong to the Pearson & Sons Corporation, as well as the financial times. 2 (TheSpectator): founded in 1828, it is the longest magazine in the British National weekly. Www.spectator.co.Uk3, "new statesman" (TheNewStatesman): founded in 1934, mainly published on political and social issues, books, movies, drama and other comments. 4, "sOwn"(TheWoman):1932 started publication, is a picture of women's monthly, female friends must see. 5, Woman (sRealm): founded in 1958, it is suitable for young women who are newly married. /6, TheTimesLiterary times Supplement (TheTLS): one week off is one of the most influential literary weekly in britain. six, the British weekly and other popular science publications, 1 weekly (Weeklies):1), "now" (Now):2), "detective"(PrivateEye): (for detection of novel love high school) 3), "clumsy" (Punch): (great comic magazine), 4) "audience" (The Listener)/5), the "new society" (NewSociety) 6), "leisure" (Time Out)/london/ (London is a very good leisure magazine website, it is great!) 2, science popularization (Scientificperiodicals) 1), discovery (Discovery)/2, and nature (Nature) /China Regional Nature magazine web site:/ch/gta/index.phpBrief introduction: the journal Nature is composed of a weekly publication of the journal Nature and 8 monthly publications. "Science" magazine published research work has the most high impact, other areas of scientists in a subject will be interested in the name; the 8 academic journals are reported according to the domain name, they are published in the field of the highest quality, influential papers, names of the 8 journals are: "Nature Biotechnology", "nature" and "Nature Genetics, cell biology, immunology," "natural" natural"material", "natural medicine", "natural methodology", "nature structural and molecular biology". All of these journals are international. They are published and printed in the United States, Britain and japan. 3), "science communication" (ScienceNews) 4), "geographic" (The GeographicalMagazine)5), "New Scientist" (NewScientist) 6), "science world" (ScientificWorld) 7), "the future of music" (FutureMusic) 8), "the development of the subject" (ScienceProgress) Also attached are the names of major English newspapers in the world"The times": The Times "Daily Telegraph" The Daily Telegraph "Financial Times": TheFinancialTimes "The Guardians:" the sun ": The" Sun "The NewYorkTimes" New York Times: Washington Post: "The Washington Post" Losangeles times ": LosAngelesTimes" International Herald Tribune "International Herald Tribune" the Wall Street Journal: "The WallStreetJournal" USA Today ": USAToday" times ": Time" fortune ": Fortune" news weekly ": NewsWeek" business weekly ": BusinessWeek" Hongkong daily ": Singtao Daily of LAN HongKong" Chinese daily ": China Daily。
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1. The New Yorker - 这是一本长篇文章和故事的杂志,它以其精美的写作风格和深入报道而闻名。
2. The Atlantic - 这是一本知识性和文化性的杂志,它致力于探讨当代社会和文化问题,并提供深度分析和评论。
3. The Economist - 这是一本全球性的新闻杂志,它提供了对政治、商业和金融事件的
4. Time - 这是一本以新闻报道和分析为主的杂志,涵盖了各个领域的时事和事件。
5. National Geographic - 这是一本关注环境、科学、历史和文化的杂志,它以其深入的