Man and animals
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Unit Six Man and AnimalsTIME ARRANGEMENT1. The first period: (45 minutes)1)Preparation (simple oral activities)2)In-class readingA. global reading (organization analysis, T or F, finding phrases)B. detailed reading (understanding sentences & word study)2. The second period: In-class reading (45 minutes)A. detailed reading (understanding sentences & word study)B. post reading (briefly check the exercises)3. The third period: (45 minutes)A. After-class reading (understanding the text & key words and sentences)B. Further development (word power)4. The fourth period: (45 minutes)A. Translation skills (examples taken from up-to-date newspapers or periodicals)B. Writing practice (making plans)C. Assignments (preparation for dictation and preview the next unit)The first period (45 minutes)Step One: Preparation Exercises (20min)Objectives:to arouse Ss’ interest in the theme of the unit.Sample Activity Options:( T may choose one or two from the following)1) Page 241: Word AssociationPossible answers:Those students can name:ant, bat, bear, bee bird, bull, butterfly, camel, cat, chicken, cobra, cow, crab, crocodile, deer, dog, dolphin, donkey, dragonfly, duck, giraffe, goose, hare(野兔), horse, kangaroo, koala, leopard, lion, lizard, locust, monkey, mosquito, mouse, mule, ox, panda, parrot, peacock, penguin, pig, pony, puppy, rabbit, rat, sea lion, shark, sheep, shrimp, snake, spider, squirrel, swallow, swan, tiger, tortoise, turkey, turtle, whale, worm, zebra, etc.Those students may not be able to name:antelope 羚羊, buffalo水牛,cockroach蟑螂, cuttlefish 乌贼, dinosaur 恐龙,hippo河马, mandarin duck 鸳鸯, ostrich鸵鸟,rhino 犀牛, scorpion 蝎子, skunk 臭鼬, snail 蜗牛, weasel黄鼠狼, etc.2) Page 241: Test Your Animal Knowledge3) Get to know some animal idioms (See Animal Idioms.doc.)4) Ss are supposed to retell the story “Noah’s Ark” and express their own ideas about the story.The story of Noah includes a family, all the animals of the earth, a huge boat, a flood and why we have rainbows.It all starts with Noah. After Noah was 500 years old he had 3 sons and things started getting very interes ting for him.One day as God was thinking about the people on earth, His heart became very sad. He could see that all the people had become very bad, so bad that they stopped thinking of anything good.God was so sad and hurt that he wanted to get rid of every person and all the creatures that He had made. He wanted all the evil to stop.Noah was the only one that did things right. He was a good guy and he walked with God.So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all the people because the earth is full of fighting. I am goingto destroy them and the earth."God then gave Noah instructions on how to make an ark. He told him what kind of wood and how big to make it. He also told him to put a door in the side of the ark and to make it with three floors.God told Noah that He would save Noah, his wife, and his three sons and their wives and two of all living creatures male and female (or the boy and girl of each) plus two of every kind of bird and every creature that moves along the ground. They would be safe in the ark because God was going to flood the whole earth and everything else would die.Then food for each of them for as long as they were on the boat. Yikes! That's a lot of animals and a lot of food. I think it would've been a very full, noisy, stinky place to be, but they would all be safe.It's hard to describe how big the ark actually was but if you think of some of the biggest animals you know (elephant, moose, buffalo, giraffe, rhino, gorilla) and make sure you have 2 of each o f those plus all the other little animals that couldn't be stepped on...they needed a lot of room!Some people think it took over 100 years to build the ark and the Bible says that Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came.When the ark was done God gave Noah 7 days warning before the flood to get all the animals and food on board, and told him that He would send rain for 40 days and 40 nights.When everyone was in the ark God shut the door.Then the rain started. It seemed like the rain came from the clouds and that there was also water coming up from the ground. So everything probably was covered pretty quickly.The floods kept coming for 40 whole days! The ark floated on the water and all the high mountains were completely covered with water.Every living thing died on the earth that wasn't in the ark.So the rain came for 40 days and nights but when it stopped Noah and the animals couldn't just leave the ark. There was too much water and no land for them to walk on, everything was covered.The waters flooded the earth for one hundred and fifty days, which is about five months.God remembered Noah and all that was in the ark so he sent a wind to help dry the earth. Finally in the seventh month after the floods had stopped the ark rested on the top of a mountain.A little while after that (40 days) Noah opened a window he had made for the ark and probably let in some fresh air! Ha! Even more importantly he let a raven out. It would fly back and forth to the ark until the water had dried.Then he sent out a dove but the dove couldn't find any place to go. He waiting a week and then sent the dove out again. This time the dove came back with an olive leaf which meant the waters had gone down. He waited one more week and let the dove out again and this time it didn't return.Noah, his family and the animals were in the boat for just over a year or 370 days! That's a long time to be on a boat with all those animals!When the earth had dried up enough God told Noah that everyone could get out of the boat. That probably was a very happy day! Maybe a little uncertain as well. There would be no one but them on earth and they would have to start all over building a house, collecting food...there wasn't a big grocery store waiting for them when they got off the ark.Then Noah built an altar to thank God for keeping them safe. When God saw what Noah had done he told Noah that he would never again curse the ground even if people became very bad.Then he made his official promise with Noah and with all the animals. God would never bring a flood to kill all living creatures and destroy the whole earth again.Then he gave them a sign for everyone to see this promise. He put a rainbow in the sky and that's to remind us of the promise God made to Noah, the animals and us today!So, whenever you see a rainbow say a little prayer and thank God that he loves us and that He keeps His promises.Question:If you were Noah, would you take all kinds of the animals with you? If not, which animal would you not want to take with you? Why not?Step Two: Global reading of Aggression in Humans and Animals (15min)Objectives:to prepare Ss for the understanding of the text.Discussing the questions in the section of Pre-Reading.1) Are you frightened of dogs? If so, why?Possible answer:Yes, extremely frightened. I’m terrified of them because I feel they can easily become fierce and nasty. They attack and bite people. They also carry diseases.2) When are animals aggressive?Possible answers:When they are frightened;When they are attacked or hurt;When they want to protect their young;When they are put in a corner or a small space.3) When do people become aggressive?Possible answers:When they are put in certain situations;When they are extremely angry;When they are in war or in self-defense;When they lack space and freedom.4) What aggressive acts do you associate with human beings?Possible answer:Fighting, beating, slapping, invasion, war, etc.Find the topic sentence for each paragraph.Par. 1 Man must be the most aggressive and cruel of all living creatures.This is the introduction. To make his point clear, the author illustrates the aggressiveness in animals.Par. 2 If, however, an animal finds itself in abnormal conditions, it may show abnormal aggressiveness.In this paragraph, we are given 2 examples. Who can tell us what the examples are?The first example is a tiger that came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man. Why? Because it had been injured. It could not hunt its usual prey. The second example is a caged lion. Why does it show aggressiveness?The reason is that it is bored and frustrated for lack of company (because it is lonely). What if it were able to wander freely? It would be continually active, ranging over long distances, hunting in family groups. “ranging over long distances” means “move around over long distances”.Par. 3 Living conditions in crowded are similar to those of animals in a zoo and make the inhabitants unusually aggressive.In this paragraph, the author compares humans’ conditions and behaviors in the pre-historic time and nowadays.Par. 4 Aggression in itself is not necessarily a bad thing.It is a basic human instinct that must be satisfied. By what means will man satisfy this instinct? There are two kinds: constructive and destructive means.Par.5 Conclusion: Only if hostility and aggression can be expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition, will the human race be able to survive.Step Three: Detailed reading of Aggression in Humans and Animals (10min)Objectives:To enhance Ss’ command of English language by way of detailed analysis of language points.1)Ss read the text and try to find out useful expressions.2)Special grammar points:Subjunctive mood: L5, L12, L15, L24, L28, L57Inversion: L7, L62The second period (45 minutes)Step One: Detailed reading (35min)Objectives:further comprehension of and language points in the text.•In this part, Ss discuss the meaning of the text and learn about language points under the guidance of T key words & sentences please see Appendix.Step Two: Post reading (10 min)Objectives:to reinforce the language skills Ss have learned in class.•Exercises on pages 255-256 should be finished before class, and checked briefly in class.The third period (45 minutes)Step one: After-class reading (40 minutes)Objectives:to check Ss’ reading and understanding of extra reading material.Option 1: In this part T may make full use of the Ex. On page 263-264 and page 272-273 to check how well Ss understand the passages.Option 2: Ss may be required to work in groups to present the questions they have come across while previewing the passages before class. The rest of the class is encouraged to offer solutions to the problems. T may offer help when necessary.Option 3: T uses handouts of the important words, phrases and sentences outlined in the teaching plan to assist Ss to identify important language points in the passages.Option 4: T checks in class how well Ss understand the texts by asking comprehension questions related to the passages which are handed out in advance. Focus on key words and sentences particularly.Sample questions for Passage One: Should the Navy Draft Dolphins1)Why does the Navy prefer recruiting dolphins into the military?2)What do animal rights groups say about the Navy’s plan?3)What is PAWS?4)Who is Lt. Wood?5)What does “the job” refer to in Para. 11?6)How to define echo-location?7)What does the author mean by “The swimming sonar comes cheap” (Line 1, Para.14)?8)Are dolphins trustworthy all the time according to Fox?Possible answers:1)It is because first dolphins are highly intelligent, easy to train and effective in protecting against surprise attacks byenemy submarines. Secondly, it is a real bargain to recruit dolphins compared with taking other possible measures.2)They think it is immoral and violates federal laws that protect animals from being mistreated.3)PAWS is the abbreviation of the Progressive Animal Welfare Society.4)He is the Navy spokesman.5)To be trained to guard against surprise attacks by enemy submarines.6)The system used by dolphins that determines things’positions by first making a series of clicking and whistlingsounds, then by listening to the echoes made when the sounds reflect from an object.7)To train dolphins needs less money than to develop an echo-location system that has similar functions.8)No. He says people only have control over them when they are hungry. Dolphins may be a little too playful and takesurprise breaks from their duties.Sample questions for Passage Two: Animals on the Job1)Who is Allie? What is her major responsibility?2)What determine which animal is suited to do a certain job?3)How to define “conditioning”?4)What are olfactory receptors?5)What do opposable thumbs enable monkeys as well as humans to do?6)How do people get an animal employee to do its job?7)When should monkeys be taken in “Helping Hands” training programs?8)What does “this phase” refer to?9)How long does it take to get a capuchin monkey ready to assist the disabled?Possible answers:1)She is a capuchin monkey who helps her disabled friend perform everyday tasks.2)Their traits, characteristics and the training they have received.3)Training animals to act in a particular way in response to a stimulus, or signal.4)Smell nerves.5)Pick up objects.6)Career-training.7)When they are four to six weeks old.8)The period of time when the monkeys are trained to perform specific tasks to assi st a particular person.9)Five years in the first phase, and another one year in the second, so six years in total.Key words & sentences please see Appendix.Step two: Further development (5 minutes)Objectives:to enrich Ss’ word power.Do the Ex. on page 273-275.The fourth period (45 minutes)Step one: Translation skills——从句的翻译(主语从句&宾语从句) (20 minutes)Objectives:To learn some basic translation skills to enhance Ss’ practical capability of communicating in English.•1) In this part, T may hand out some translation practice based on the skills mentioned in Part Four (page 277-280) in the textbook before class and invite some of the Ss to present the translation of their own at the beginning of the class.•2) T chooses the items that most Ss often find difficult to accomplish to illustrate with more examples from the textbook.•3) More follow-up translation practice is done in class.Sample translation practice (before class)1.It’s little surprise that Twitter has been so avidly adopted by the chattering class.2.What was once the sole domain of adventuresome government agencies and officials soon became standardpolicy.3.He doesn’t know how many job seekers have found work as a result, since connections are made so informally,but “we know it’s in the hundreds,” he says, judging from how many stories he hears.4.He was also at a loss to explain precisely what drove him to visit the expo.Possible translation (before class)1.推特被饶舌阶层热烈采纳或许并不奇怪。
Unit 6 Man and AnimalsIn-class reading参考译文人和动物的好斗性1 人类肯定是所有动物中最好斗和最残忍的。
2 然而,如果动物发现自己处于异常环境下,它会表现出不同寻常的攻击性。
3 一些动物学家和心理学家把现代人比作关在笼子里的狮子。
4 然而,好斗本身并不一定是坏事。
Module 7Unit 1He can’t see.【知识目标】1)能听懂、读、会说句型He can’t see .She can’t hear.2)正确运用She/He/They can’t ……3)“三会”单词:programme useful blind deaf hear firemen sausage2、情感目标:1)通过学习用英语简单向他人描述自己所喜欢的动物能做和不能做的事2)使学生认识到保护动物,保护自然的重要性。
【教学重难点】1)三会单词:programme useful blind deaf hear firemen sausage2)句子: He can’t see. She can’t hear. They can’t find people.【课前准备】1.单词卡片/时间展示图;2.教学光盘或其他录音机设备;3.教学课件。
【教学过程】Step 1:WarmupActivity1. Stand up and sayT: Hello , boys and girls. I’m Ms Sun.S: Hello, Ms Sun.T: Today Group 1 and Group 2 are going to have a match. Let me see which group will be the winner this class. Please come on , OK?SS: OK.T: First, let’s play a game—stand up and say as quickly as you can, OK?(PPT:sing, swim , run fast, jump high, play football, play basketball, ride a bike, eat food)Activity 2.Free talkT: Good job. Boys and girls, I can run fast. Tell me what you can do.S1: I can…T: OK.S2: I can play football and play basketball.T: Great, you can do many things....(适时评价,给小组加分)Step 2:PresentationActivity1.Listen and thinkT: We can do many things. I think animals can also do many things. Today let’s learn Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see. Amy ,Sam and Lingling are watching a TV programme (PPT)about dogs. Can dogs help people? Let’s have a look.Step 3:ActivityActivity 2 learn to sayT: Listen and think“Can dogs help people?”T: Can dogs help people?S: Yes, they can.T: You are right. let’s look at the 3 pictures.Look at the picture1, This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him. (板书) We know words “find, kind”,Can you spell “blind”?S: B-l-i-n-d.T: Yes. you are right. let’s read the word.(语音渗透学习单词blind)T: OK, follow me “This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him.”(拍手按韵句节律学习语言)T: Look at the picture2, This girl is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her. (板书) We know words “head, bread”,Can you spell “deaf”?S: d-e-a-f.T: Yes. you are right. let’s read the word.(语音渗透学习单词deaf)T: We know words “ear, dear”,Can you spell “hear”?S: h-e-a-rT: Yes. you are right. let’s read the word.(语音渗透学习单词hear)T: OK, follow me “This girl is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her.”(拍手按韵句节律学习语言)T: Look at the picture3. These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them. (板书)(教授firemen,a fireman)T:OK, follow me “These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them.”(拍手按韵句节律学习语言)(PPT)This man is bl____. He can’t see. This dog helps him.findkindThis girl is d__f. She can’t h___. Th is dog helps her.head earbread dearThese firemen can’t find people. These dogs help拍手用韵句的节奏让学习练说这些句子)T: Look. They can help the blind people, they can help the deaf people ,they can help the firemen. So dogs are very useful.(适时学习useful)Activity 3 ChantT: Let’s say a chant with music, OK?S: OK.This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him.This girl is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her.These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them.(学生跟说一遍,AB两组比赛加分,集体说一遍。
protect wild animals, do not fight birds, do not catch snakes, do not catchfrogs.2、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责。
the protection of birds, wild animal protection,everyone'sresponsibility.3、动物是人类的第二,请大家来保护它们。
animals are second of the human race. please protect them.4、保护动物,就是保护我们自己。
to love animals is to love ourselves.5、关注留鸟,保护环境。
attention to migratory birds, environmental protection.6、不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。
don't eat a frog, rana paul agricultural protection.7、保护鸟类,为环境增姿添彩。
the protection of birds, add luster for the environment.8、不应以救护之名把自然中的动物幼仔抓来饲养,夺人之子。
should not be in the name of the rescue of the nature of the young animalsto catch, the son of man.9、小鸟想回家了,你想回家吗?the bird wants to go home. do you want to go home?10、保护动物就是保护我们的同类。
to protect animals is to protect our species.11、保护鸟类保护野生动物维护生态平衡。
2019届中考英语高分复习课时训练十【八下Units1—2】及答案(限时:30分钟)Ⅰ.词汇运用(句意填词)1.—What's the with you?—I have a cold.2.Tom himself badly by accident yesterday.3.We out of water.Let's buy some in the supermarket.4.My parents made an important to send me to the boarding school.5.Jim's father keeps building up his body every day.That's why he is and healthy.Ⅱ.单项选择6.His grandparents live in a small village,but they don't feel.A.lonely;aloneB.alone;aloneC.alone;lonely7.[2017·益阳]The school sports meeting will be because of the heavy rain.A.put upB.put onC.put off8.Now more and more people late,but it is bad for health.A.are used to sleepinged to sleepC.are used to sleep9.The famous film star has much money to help the flood victims recently.A.raisedB.risedC.cost10.[2018·玉林改编]—It's said that the best way to relax is exercise.—I see.But you should keep away dangerous sports.A.with;fromB.for;offC.through;from11.—Must I come at6:30tomorrow morning?—No,you needn't.You come one hour later.A.canB.needC.must12.—Don't hope.Everything will be over soon.—Yes.We should learn to be brave when we are in trouble.A.cheer upB.clean upC.give up13.—Who's the little girl in the photo,Laura?—It's me.This photo when I was takenB.takesC.was taken14.The driver wanted his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not park15.—Your handbag looks nice.Could you please tell me?—In Taobao.A.where did you buy itB.where you bought itC.when you bought itⅢ.阅读选择Not ve ry long ago,a special family system existed(存在)in certain parts of South India.In the system,the actual head of a family unit was the mother's eldest brother,though the motheralso had an important position in the family.In families of this kind,a husband was actually no more than a visitor.He did not live with his wife,but with his own mother,brothers and sisters in another house.He saw his sons and daughters sometimes,but the man who actually fed and cared for them and acted as their father was their uncle—their mother's brother.But this system,in which brothers and sisters take the place of the father,no longer exists in South India except in a few villages.Economic(经济的)changes have had far-reaching effect on family life.Family life began to change when men went out to work in factories and offices instead of working with their mothers,brothers,and sisters on the land.When a man went out to work,he had money of his own and could buy his own land and build his own family,instead of depending on his mother and his brothers.He wanted to be independent.This is an example of the way in which economic relations can have an effect on family relationships.16.The best title of this passage is“”.A.Husband is actually a visitor in familyB.Family system in South IndiaC.Wif e has important position in familyD.Economic relations affect family relationships17.Who had the actual control of a family in South India not long ago?A.The mother.B.The mother's eldest brother.C.The father.D.The father's mother.18.In this system,the husband lived together with.A.his wifeB.his sons and daughtersC.his mother,brothers and sistersD.his wife's brother19.Now in South India there are of this system in which a husba nd has no control of his familiesB.many more familiesC.very few familiesD.not any families20.Now the family system like before.A.doesn't existB.still existsC.still be existingD.doesn't exist except in a few villagesⅣ.阅读判断正误Trees are useful to man in three very important ways.The first important way is that they provide man with wood and other products.Trees provide not only man with food,but also many animals with food.Without trees many animals could not live on the earth.It's not easy for man to live on the earth,either.The second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉).On a hot summer day,people areeager(渴望)to have a rest under the tree after they have a long walk.You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and animals.The third important way is that trees help to prevent drought(旱灾)and floods.However,in many parts of the world,man has not realized the third way.They cut trees down in large numbers.There will be fewer trees in the future.People should protect trees.Or in the end, they find that they have lost the best friends they had.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。
Unit 6 Man and AnimalsUseful InformationMan's relationship with animals has always been ambivalent. On the one hand, animals have been worshipped and attributed with all kinds of mysterious and superior powers. On the other hand, they have been hunted, domesticated, exterminated, and even exploited as a source of entertainment. In many countries, man has also created imaginary creatures that play a major role in popular cultures. The Chinese dragon is perhaps one of the most famous examples.Comparisons between animals and man have been made throughout the centuries. In some cultures, the sinister and aggressive aspect of man is regarded as the animal side of human nature. Recent research on human behavior, for example, draws parallels between the aggressiveness of modern man to the abnormal behavior of a caged animal. Some scientists believe that unnatural conditions, such as overcrowding and alienating routine jobs, cause people to perform acts of violence. Other scientists feel that aggression is a natural instinct that could be directed towards positive and creative activities.The idea of an animalistic side of human nature is foreign to the North American Indians who regard animals as equals of man. They are not only equal to man, but they are considered to be the founders and guardians of their tribes. The raven, the eagle, the bear and other animals always appear in stylized forms on their totem poles.Ever since the dawn of civilization, animals have been used to help and to serve man in many ways. Sheep and goats were bred to provide wool, meat, and fat. Large animals like oxen, water buffalo and horses were used to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads. Capable of sensing water from a great distance and going days without water, camels proved to be the ideal animal for the nomadic people of the desert. The dog, known in English-speaking countries as "man's best friend," is one of the most versatile animals. Dogs have been bred to hunt, to guard, to herd sheep and cattle, to find people in the snow or in the rubble of earthquakes, to lead the blind, and to sniff for illegal drugs.For many centuries in the West, it was thought that animals did not feel pain and that there was no such thing as cruelty to animals. It was in England in the eighteenth century that the advocacy of animal rights began. It should be said, however, that respectful treatment of animals had existed in the East for thousands of years as a result of the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism. The first national animal welfare organization was created in England in 1824 under the name of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The SPCA, as it is commonly known, now exists throughout the world.The animal rights movement has grown considerably in recent decades. As a result of protests by animal rights groups, hunting of endangered species has been banned in most countries. Many efforts have been made, for example, to stop the killing of elephants by hunters participating in the ivory trade. Some animal rights groups have focused their attention on the treatment of animals in scientific research and on the use of animals in the testing of beauty products such as perfumes, creams and makeup. Zoos and pet stores are now constantly inspected and criticized by animal rights groups. Many people regard zoos as cruel environments and favor safari parks where animals are free to roam in a more natural setting.The destruction of forests and other natural habitats has resulted in the disappearance of many species of animals throughout the world. Wildlife protection organizations have conducted educational campaigns drawing public attention to the serious decline in the biological diversity of the planet as more and more species disappear because of pollution and industrial development.Part One Preparation1. Word Associationant, antelope(羚羊), bat, bear, beaver, bee, bird, bull, butterfly, camel, cat, chicken, cod, cow, crab, crocodile, cuttlefish (乌贼), deer, dog, dolphin, donkey, dragonfly, duck, eagle, eel, elephant, fish, fly, fox, frog, goat, goose, giraffe, hippo (河马), horse, koala, leopard, lion, lizard, mandarin duck(鸳鸯), monkey, mosquito, mouse, mule, ostrich, owl, ox, panda, parrot, peacock, penguin, pig, pigeon, pony, rabbit, rat, rhino (犀牛), salmon, scorpion (蝎), sea lion, shark, sheep, shrimp, skunk, snail, snake, spider, squirrel, swallow, tiger, tortoise, turkey, turtle, weasel (黄鼠狼), whale, worm, zebra, etc.2. Test Your Animal KnowledgeDirections: Finish the quiz individually, then compare your answers with your neighbors’.Part I: What is it?1) A squirrel 2) An owl 3) A dolphin 4) A tiger 5) A monkey 6) A dog 7) A beaver 8) A lion 9) A penguin 10) An ostrichPart II: Which is the best choice?1) B 2) C 3) D 4) C 5) B6) A 7) D 8) C 9) C 10) C3. Interesting Facts about Animals (More for teachers’ reference)1. A newborn kangaroo is about 1 inch in length.2.Each year, insects eat 1/3 of the Earth's food crop.3. A rat can last longer without water than a camel can.4. A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.5.The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.6. A bird requires more food in proportion to its size than a baby or a cat.7.The animal responsible for the most human deaths world-wide is the mosquito.8.There are more than 100 million dogs and cats in the United States. Americansspend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year.4. The Pet ShowMay: dog, speak, thirdBeth: bird, jump, firstKim: snake, roll over and play dead, secondSince the snake rolls over (clue #3) and the bird does not speak (clue #2), the bird must jump. The pet that jumps took first place (clue #4), and the bird is owned by Beth (clue #5), so Beth owns the first-place pet. Since Beth owns the first-place pet and May owns the third-place pet (clue #1), then Kim must own the second-place pet. Since the snake took second (clue #6), it must belong to Kim. If Beth owns the bird, and Kim owns the snake, then May must own the dog. Since the bird jumps and the snake rolls over, the dog must speak. Since May owns the dog, and May’s pet took third, the dog must be the third-place pet.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesI. Pre-Reading–Yes, extremely frightened. I’m terrified of th em because I feel they can easily become fierce and nasty. They attack and bite people. They also carry diseases.–No, not at all. Actually I love dogs and we keep a dog at home. When I’m at home, the dog will be always around me. We often share food at meal time. For example, I have the meat and she’ll eat the bone. We’re very good friends.When they are threatened;When they are attacked or hurt;When they want to protect their young;When they are cornered.When they are put in certain situations:in war;in self-defense;when they are extremely angry;when they lack space and freedom.4) Fighting, beating, slapping, invasion, war, etc.II. In-Class ReadingWords, Phrases and Grammatical PointsSome zoologists and psychologists compare modern man to a caged lion.―compare…to…‖ 除了有―把……比作……‖的意思外,还有―把……与…比较‖的意思(可用―compare…with…‖ 来替代)。
Unit 6 Men and AnimalsAggression in Humans and AnimalsMan must be the most aggressive and cruel of all living creatures. We may say a violent man is behaving "like a beast", but, in fact, no beast behaves as violently as man. When a territorial animal or bird intrudes on the territory of another creature of the same species, the latter will only perform some hostile gestures to warn off the intruder. Nevertheless, should a fight follow, neither creature will be badly hurt, for the loser will save himself by making a gesture of submission. Normally one animal will only kill another for food, and rarely does an animal kill a member of its own species.If, however, an animal finds itself in abnormal conditions, it may show abnormal aggressiveness. A tiger that once came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man was later found to have an injured paw that had evidently prevented it from hunting its usual prey. If it had not had this disability it would have undoubtedly stayed in the jungle and hunted for food in the customary way. Animals in zoos are kept in cages and often become more aggressive than they would be in the wild. If the caged lion, for example, were free to wander on the grassy plains of Africa, it would be continually active, ranging over long distances, hunting in family groups. In the zoo it is probably better fed and cared for, but it is evidently bored and frustrated for lack of company.Some zoologists and psychologists compare modern man to a caged lion. Living conditions in crowded cities, they say, are similar to those of animals in a zoo and make the inhabitants unusually aggressive. If the human population had not increased so rapidly, people would have had more space and freedom. In prehistoric times a group of about 60 people had many kilometres of empty land to wander and search for food in. If conditions had remained thus, man might have been no more aggressive than his fellow creatures. As it is, it is possible for as many as 30,000 people to be working in a single office-building. It is not surprising if in these conditions people behave aggressively towards each other. In fact, it is almost impossible for them to behave otherwise. Man must have become more aggressive over the years as the world population has increased.However, aggression in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. Some psychologists believe that aggression is a basic human instinct that must be satisfied. If constructive means are not available to satisfy this instinct, man will turn to destructive means. The impulse to assert himself has enabled him to survive in a dangerous world, but, ironically, he is now likely to destroy his own species unless alternative, non-violent ways of expressing aggression can be found. In fact, it is growing more and more difficult forpeople to assert themselves as individuals, as towns, nations and organizations become steadily bigger, with authority increasingly centralized and remote. A man who may once have been a self-employed craftsman, master of his own trade, might now have a boring job in a factory. A small firm that once worked as a team to produce high-quality goods is likely to be absorbed into a vast organization where their work is mechanical and there is no possibility for personal expression. Unable in these conditions to channel their aggression into creative work, people will probably express it through resentment and anger. At the international level an accumulation of hostile emotions finally finds expression in large-scale impersonal warfare. A man who would hesitate to hit another person in front of his eyes may kill thousands of people by dropping a bomb from a plane; to him they are too remote to be human beings, but are merely figures on a chart of his routine job.Nevertheless, it might be possible at least to improve the situation. The encouragement of competition in all possible fields should tend to diminish the likelihood of war rather than increase it. In his book Human Aggression, Anthony Storr suggested that the United Nations should organize international competitions in sports and also for the best designed house or hospital, or the safest car. Even the enormous amount of money and energy devoted to the space race is, he says, to be welcomed, for this kind of competition can be regarded as similar to the ritual conflicts of animals. Only if hostility and aggression can be expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition, will the human race be able to survive.人和动物的好斗性人肯定是所有动物中最好斗和最残忍的。
2.现代大学英语听力Unit2Book1答案Unit 2 Men, Animals and PetsObjectives:●Understand what animals are being described.●Get to know more about animals.●Get to know more about how man and animals co-exist.●Catch main ideas and supporting details.●Have practice in liaison and contraction.Task 1Script1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail. They are very big and very strong. They are intelligent, too. They have a trunk and some of them have tusks. They sometimes live for 70 years.2) They live in Africa and Asia. They are brown. They have arms and legs, but they don't have a tail. Their arms are very long and they have big ears. They are good climbers. They are very intelligent, too.3) They live in Africa. They are very tall. They have four legs,a tail and a very long neck. They eat leaves and twigs. They can run very fast. They are brown and white.4) They live in very cold countries. They have wings, but they can't fly. They are good swimmers. They eat fish. They are blue and white or black and white.5) They live in Australia. They are red or gray. They have short front legs, long back legs and a very long tail. The back legs and the tail are very strong. They can run very fast. The females carry their young in a pouch.6) They live in Africa. They have four legs and a tail. They havea beautiful coat with black and white or brown and white stripes. They eat grass and plants.7) They live in very cold countries. They have four legs. They are very big and very strong. They have a white coat. They can swim. They eat seals and fish.(Length: 2 min. 23 sec.)KeyA. Write down the name of the animal beings described in each case.1) elephants2) chimpanzees3) giraffes4) penguins5) kangaroos6) zebras7) polar bearsB. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape,1) They live in Africa and India. They have four legs and a tail.2) Their arms are very long and they have big ears.Task 2ScriptThe fastest animal on land is the cheetah. It can run at a speed of about 100 kilometres an hour. The fastest bird in the world can fly at 170 km/h, and the fastest fish can swim at more than 100 km/h.Human beings are not very fast. The fastest man in the world can only run at about 40 km/h. Many animals can run faster than this. But most animals run on four legs. Four legs are better than two, aren't they? Why do we only have two legs?Scientists say that we are more intelligent than other animals because we stand on two legs, so we can use our hands for other things. We can pick things up with them. We can use tools. Human beings have used tools for millions of years. That is why our brains have developed. That is why we have become the most intelligent animals in the world.In the past few years, we have made all kinds of machines. We have made cars, ships, aeroplanes and spacecraft. In these machines we can travel faster than any animal--by land, by sea, or by air. We can even go to the moon. No other animal has ever done that!(Length: 1 min. 30 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What is the fastest animal on land?Key: The cheetah.2) What is the speed of the fastest birds?Key: 170 km/h.3) What is the speed of the fastest fish?Kay: More than 100km/h.4) Why can many animals ran faster than human beings?Key: Because most animals run on four legs.5) Why can human beings travel faster than any animals?Key: Because we have machines.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) The fastest man in the world can run at 100 km/h. [ F ]2) Most animals run on two legs. [ F ]3) We have become the most intelligent animals in the world because we have used tools for millions of years. [ T ]Task 3ScriptA: You know, we're studying dinosaurs in science class. It's really interesting.B: Oh, yeah? Hey, have you learned why the dinosaurs disappeared?A: Well, no one knows for sure.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that's one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, there's even a theory that they could have been destroyedby aliens from outer space.A: That sounds crazy to me!(Length: 48 see.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What are the possible reasons why the dinosaurs disappeared?Key: Climate, lack of food and aliens from outer space might be responsible for their extinction.2) Does the man believe in the theory of alien invasion?Key: No.B. Fill in the missing words with what your hear on the tape.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, that's one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, there's even a theory that theycould have been destroyed by aliens from outer space.Task 4ScriptFor the shortest life, the first prize must go to the mayfly, which typically lives only a matter of a few hours after it emerges from its shell. Few mayflies live to see the sun rise again. These creatures devote their whole lives to a single desperate mission: finding a mate and producing young. They don't even have functional mouths and stomachs. They simply have no time to eat. In fact they have no time for anything else.The record-holder for the longest life may be the Arctic clam, one of which lived quietly underwater for 220 years. However it did not have any birth certificate to prove this. One could only judge by its growth rings.If you insist on better documentation, the oldest animal ever was probably a tortoise that died in 1918. It had been captured already full-grown in 1766, nine years before the American Revolution began, and it died 152 years later as World War I came to a close.(Length: 1 rain. 20 sec.)KeyAnswer the following questions.I) What animal has the shortest life? For how long?Kay: The mayfly. A few hours.2) What do mayflies do in their lifetime?Kay: They just do two things: finding a mate and producing young.3) How do we know that one of the Arctic clams lived for 220 years?Key: We could judge by its growth rings.4) How long was the tortoise that died in 1918 kept in captivity?Key: It was kept for 152 years.Task 5ScriptEvery year about 17 million animals are used in laboratory experiments. But in many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use animals in this way?People who are for using animals in research argue that the use of animals in medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research has enabled researchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart disease and depression. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases like smallpox and polio without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals.Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals. Which is more important: the life of a rat or that of a three-year-old child?Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals. Last year, over 12 million animals had to be killed in animal shelters because no one wanted them as pets.However those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be used to justify experimenting on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable to move.Much of the research that is carried out is unnecessary anyway.Animals have the same rights as humans do to be able tomove freely and not to have pain or fear forced on them. Researchers must find other ways of doing their research, using cell culture and computer modeling. There should be no animals in research laboratories at all.(Length: 1 min. 50 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following question.What is the main idea of the passage?Key: People have different opinions on using animals for research.B. Complete the following outline of the passage.1) The case for using animals in research:a) Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals.b) Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals.c) Medical research is also a good way of using unwanted animals.2) The case against using animals in research:a) Animals suffer a lot during the experiments.b) Much of the research is unnecessary.c) Animals have the same right as humans do.3) Some alternative ways for scientists to do their research:a) Using cell culture.b) Using computer modeling.Task 6ScriptVisitors to the National Zoo in Washington D.C. can see three new young tigers. The rare babies met the public for the first time late last month. Chip O'Neal tells us about them.The mother tiger sat nearby on the grass as her babies rolled,chased and bit each other playfully. Then Korenchy also jumped into the games. Her cubs were born at the zoo four months ago. They are called Mike, Eric and Chrisy. The new young tigers at the National Zoo each weigh about 13 kilograms. Their fur is dark orange with black stripes. They eat horse meat and drink milk from Korenchy.Korenchy and her babies are Sumatran tigers. Sumatran tigers came from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. They are now in danger of disappearing from the earth. Fewer than 500 of these tigers remain in the world. That includes about 60 living in zoos in North America.Korenchy came to the National Zoo from the Jakarta Zoo in Indonesia. The gift was part of the Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Program. Korenchy has given birth to live cubs three times. The father of her new cubs is Rokan, a Sumatran tiger who arrived two years ago from another zoo.Korenchy and Rokan had their babies the natural way instead of the scientific method often used to produce young animals in zoos.A wire fence separates Rokan from his babies. Zoo workers who care for Rokan say he reaches through the fence to wash the cubs with his tongue. They say this means he recognizes Mike, Eric and Chrisy as his cubs. However, zoo officials are hoping that Rokan will produce more cubs with another female Sumatran tiger at the zoo, so they do not want him to become too interested in this family.The National Zoo hopes to keep the Sumatran tiger cubs for at least 18 months before sending them to other zoos. That is about the age when most tiger cubs in the wild leave their mothers. The National Zoo has placed cameras in the Sumatrantigers' living area, so people with computers can see them. To do this, use your computer to find the National Zoo's Website at /doc/a71724613.html,/natzoo.(Length: 3 min. 40 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) Was the mother tiger born in the National Zoo as well?Key: No.2) Why is the father tiger separated from his cubs?Key: Because zoo officials want him to produce cubs with another female tiger, so they don't want him to become too interested in this family.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) The young tigers are four months old.2) Each of them weighs about 13 kilograms.3) They eat horse meat and drink their mother's milk.4) People with computers can see the daily life of these tigers by visiting theNational Zoo'sWebsite at www. /doc/a71724613.html,/natzoo.C. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) How many Sumatran tigers remain in the world? ( c)a) About 60. b) More than 500. c) Less than 500.2) Korenchy has given birth to _______. ( c )a) three cubs b) four cubs c) five or more cubs3) After 18 months, these cubs will be sent_______ (b)a) to the wild b) to other zoos c) to the Jakarta Zoo Cats in AmericaTask 7ScriptAn old expression says, "Man's best friend is his dog." Today, however, it seems that cats have replaced dogs as the most popular pets in American homes.Americans have more than 62 million pet dogs. But even more cats--more than 64 million--live in American homes.These pet cats may have long hair or short hair. They are different colors and sizes. Some are costly animals that take part in competitions. Many more are common American mixtures of several kinds of cats.Most house cats live a good life. They are not expected to work for their food. Instead, they rule their homes like furry kings and queens. They wait for their owners to serve them.Americans are increasingly serious about their cats. These concerns have made the care of cats into big business.Each year, cat owners buy tons of food especially prepared for cats. They buy toys and other equipment. They buy jewelry and clothes for themselves with images of cats on them. Some owners even bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.Humans have loved and respected cats for centuries. Scientists have evidence that cats and people lived together as long as 8,000 years ago. The small house cat was once a highly honored animal. In ancient Egypt for example, people who killed a cat could be punished by death.Early in American history cats were not treated as gods, however. They probably arrived in the United States with settlers and traders from Europe. These cats worked. They killed rats and mice.Sometimes, Americans mistreated their cats. During the early days of the nation, religious extremists believed that some catswere working for the devil. Black cats were especially suspected of being evil.Later, American families who had enough food began taking cats into their homes. People cared for the cats because the animals gave them pleasure. The cats thanked people for feeding them by making a purring sound. This pleasant noise usually means a cat is happy.Animal experts offer several reasons why cats have become so popular as house pets. They say cats need less care than dogs. And cats do not seem to suffer as much as dogs from being alone if the owners are away.Still, millions of other people do not like cats at all. They say dogs are better and more loving pets. They say cats do not have much feeling. They believe cats stay with people only to be fed. Cat owners defend their pets against such criticism. They say cats are just much more independent than dogs.A student of animal medicine explains the situation this way: dogs follow you around they want you to talk to them and play with them a lot of the time. Cats like more space and more privacy--this does not mean they do not love their owners.(Length: 4 min. 27 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) Which have become more popular in America, dogs or cats? How do you knowthat?Key: Cats have become more popular, because there are more pet cats in American homes.2) How long have humans had cats in their homes?Key: About 8,000 years.3) Where did American house cats come from?Key: They probably arrived in the United States from Europe.4) Cats have been treated well in the United States all along, haven't they?Key: No.B. Fill in the missing words in the summary.1) The care of cats has become a big business, because cat owners:a) buy tons of food especially prepared for cats.b) buy toys and other equipment.c) buy things with images of cats on them.d) bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.2) People who prefer cats say cats:a) give their owners pleasure.b) need less care.c) suffer less from being alone.d) are more independent.C. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) Most house cats lived a good life. [ F ]2) Early American cats were treated like gods. [ F ]3) Black cats were once suspected working for the devil. [ T ]4) Cats are treated like fairy kings and queens. [ F ]5) Cats want you to talk to them a lot. [ F ]Task 8ScriptLittle Steve has a pet rabbit, Bunny. He plays with it every day after school. One day his mother sees that her little boy is holding Bunny by the ears. From time to time he gives the poor rabbit an angry shake and says, "How much is two plus two?" "Steve," sayshis mother, "why do you treat your poor little Bunny that way?""Well," explains Steve angrily, "our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly, but this dummy can't even add."(Length: 40 sec.)Task 9ScriptMost mammals live on land, but not all of them. Millions of years ago, some mammals went back to the sea and lived there. The legs of these animals disappeared, and after a long time they looked like fish. These animals became whales and dolphins.Whales and dolphins are still like other mammals in many ways. They are warm-blooded and they breathe air. They also have big brains. That is why they are more intelligent than fish. Whales have the biggest brains in the world. Their brain is bigger than the brain of a human being.(Length: 50 sec.)。
高考英语阅读专项练习及答案高考英语阅读专项练习1:Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that man and animals possess if they are used. If fire didnt hurt when it burned, children would play with it until their hands were burned away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear didnt, a child could burn itself again and again because fear would not warn it to keep away from the fire that had burnt it before. A really fearless soldier—and some do exist—is not a good soldier because he is soon killed; and a dead soldier is of no use to his army. Fear and pain are therefore two guards without which man and animals might soon die out.In our first sentence we suggested that fear ought to be properly used. If, for example, you never go out of your house because of the danger of being knocked down and killed in the street by a car, you are letting fear rule you too much. The important thing is not to let fear rule you, but instead, to use fear as your servant and guide. Fear will warn you of dangers; then you have to decide what action to take.In many cases, you can take quick and successful action to avoid the danger. For example, you see a car coming straight towards you; fear warns you, you jump out of the way, and all is well.In some cases, however, you decide that there is nothing that you can do to avoid the danger. For example, you cannot prevent an airplanecrashing into your house, and you may not want to go and live in a desert where there are no airplanes. In this case, fear has given you its warning, you have examined it and decided on your course of action, so fear of the particular danger is no longer of any use to you, and you have to try to overcome it.60. Children would play with fire until their hands are burnt away if _________.A. they were not well educated at schoolB. they had never played with fire beforeC. they had no sense of painD. they were fearful of pain61. People sometimes succeed in timely avoiding danger because_________.A. they have gained experienceB. they are warned of the danger and take quick actionC. they jump out of the way in timeD. they are calm in face of danger62. What is implied but not stated in the passage?A. Too much fear is harmfulB. Fear is always something helpfulC . Fear is something that can be avoidedD. Fear ought to be used as our guide in our life63. The best title for this passage should be __________.A. No Pains, No GainsB. Pain and ActionsC. The Value of Fear D . The Reason Why People Fear阅读专项练习答案:60—63 CBAC高考英语阅读专项练习2:With all the wars, fighting and sadness in the world today, its not only necessary, but also essential to have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives.Putting a smile on someones face when you know they are feeling down in the dumps ( 处于沮丧中), as the saying goes, makes me feel good and warms my heart.How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co-worker neighbor, close friend, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your comer store? I am always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I dont know the person Im joking around with.My Grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine.This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is common courtesy (礼貌) to speak to others that are around you.I know of a few people that dont have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say.Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face.They dont get the joke that makes others laugh.I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space.How can people not get a really funny joke?Laughing is essential to keep your stress levels undercontrol.Without humor we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy.There is too much sadness in this present world.It drives people crazy.We allneed to find a way to bypass the sadness and bring a little light into our lives.So, I believe our best medicine is to get together and tell some jokes and have some fun laughing together.51.According to the author, humor is useful in the aspect makes people more can pick up people s can help get rid of the cruelty in the can help people get on well with others52.The author answers the question in the second paragraph with ___________.A.facts and descriptionsB.evidence and argumentC.examples and conclusionD.stories and persuasion53.The phrase “busting a gut" in the third paragraph can be replaced by __________.A.explaining carefullyB.speaking loudC.keeping silentughing hard54.In writing the passage, the author mainly intends to about his own understanding of humorB.encourage people to be humorous in daily lifeC.introduce a practical way to get through daily lifeD.convince people of the power of being optimistic about life55.What is the author s attitude towards the present world?A.Positive.B.Critical.C.Satisfied.D.Indifferent.阅读专项练习答案:51—55BCDBB。
In-class Listening Materials(1-4)Unit 1 Man and AnimalsPart I In-class ListeningI. Understanding Basic SkillsListening TaskDirections: Listen to the following short conversations and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.1. W: How long do you intend to stay, Mr. Williams?M: I’m not sure. It all depends. Probably I’ll leave as soon as I find another hotel. Q: Where does the man probably stay now?2. W: Tom’s mother told me that Tom was in hospital.M: He left the hospital yesterday and he’ll go to class tomorrow.Q: Where is Tom probably now?3. W: How do you like your new job, Jim?M: Fine. This week I have been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts.Q: What does the man do for a living?4. W: Your glasses are fine, if you don’t like the frames, perhaps we could change them. M: Actually I was thinking of trying some contact lenses, if you think that I would be able to wear them.Q: To whom is the woman speaking?5. W: Do you believe Jack’s story about being late because his alarm clock had stopped? M: I think he made it up.Q: What does the man mean?6. W: Tom, you really must take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam,you’ll have to go out and work.M: I don’t see that it makes much difference. If I have a job, I have to do boring work every day; but if I’m at school, I must listen to boring teachers every day. Q: Which does Tom prefer, work or studying at school?7. W: You still have a social science requirement to fulfill, Jim. You can take history,psychology, anthropology, or sociology. Which do you think you’d like?M: Well, I’ve always been fascinated by the conscious and unconscious reasons people have for acting as they do, and I’d like to learn more about how memory works.Q: Which course will the man probably take?8. W: What time does the library close?M: On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, it closes at five p.m下午. On Tuesday and Thursday, it’s open till nine. It stays open until six on Saturday, but on Sunday it’s closed all day.Q: Which evenings is the library open?9. W: The election will be very close, according to the polls.M: Remember what happened in 1948? At first we all thought that Dewey would win, but, when all the votes were counted, it was Truman instead.Q: What is being discussed?10. W: I never thought I’d see your name on a book cover.M: To tell you the truth, neither did I. I didn’t even get good grades in English.Q: What is the man’s probable profession?II. Understanding a ConversationListening TaskDirections: Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences.Tim: Today someone said I was a pig. I got angry at first, but then I was told that he was talking about my Chinese Zodiac symbol. I was a pig because I was born in the year of the pig.Zhao Lin: Ha ha, we do have this tradition. I am one year younger than you, so I am a mouse. In China, every year is represented by an animal. There are a total of twelve animals so the zodiac follows a twelve-year cycle.Tim: Those animals are …Zhao Lin: They are the mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.Tim: Interesting, but why these 12 animals instead of others?Zhao Lin: According to the legend, during a Chinese new year celebration, Buddha invited all the animals to his kingdom, but unfortunately, for reasons only known to the animals, a total of 12 turned up. The mouse came first, followed by the ox, the tiger, the rabbit and so on and finally the pig. Out of gratitude, Buddha decided to name the year after each of the animals in their order of arrival, and people born of that year would inherit the traits of that particular animal. Some Chinese consider this superstitious, but many truly believe that the signs reveal the hidden secrets of a person’s character. Some people are very careful about the zodiac when choosing their spouse.Tim: Really? If their zodiacs don’t match, will they break up?Zhao Lin: In fact, people all know that a zodiac match cannot be the deciding factor.But there are still many sayings like, sheep and rabbits are ideal partners for pigs, but monkeys and snakes are bad for pigs.III. Understanding PassagesListening Task 1Directions:Listen to the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.Jo Shoesmith from Maryland, says the hardest part of her divorce was figuring out what to do with Misha, Nike, Shay, Violet, Momma Kitty and Cotton—the three dogs and three cats she and her ex-husband had cared for during their married years.“The lead-up导致物to the break-up was very rough, especially for Nike, who became so nervous, she would tremble发抖and pace踱步,”Shoesmith told The Christian Science Monitor基督教科学箴言报.“We did not want to put them through any more unnecessary stress.”At the time of the couple’s separation, Shoesmith got sole custody子女单亲监护协议of the cats, with her ex前夫, Martin Stephens from West Virginia, paying “cat support”. The former couple has joint custody共同监护of the dogs. This means that Shoesmith and Stephens travel back and forth between their two homes every other week just to spend time with their pets.The couple separated in 1997, when pet custody监护抚养权was unusual. Today, however, many top law schools, including Harvard, Georgetown and Yale, offer animal law courses on pet custody. The Animal Legal Defense Fund has handled several divorce cases with pet owners, and two law firms in California have partners who specialize in专门研究pet custody.“Certainly there is a giggle factor,” says lawyer David Wolfson, “but this area of the law needed to change to reflect that people do form special bonds with their pets.”Questions:1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?2. How often does the former couple travel between their homes to spend time with their pets?3. Which of the following is true about pet custody nowadays?4. What can we learn from the passage?Listening Task 2Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the exact words or sentences you hear.Lawmakers in Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province enacted a law on Saturday that is intended to improve protection of the Qinling Mountains, a habitat of endangered giant pandas.The law is aimed at preserving biodiversity,preventing soil erosion水土流失and promoting harmony between man and nature in the mountain range.It requires all future development projects in the Qinling Mountains to be assessed for their possible impact on the ecology and bans real estate projects and polluting industries in nature reserves, where the ecology is more vulnerable. The law also ban s mining采矿and resource exploration in nature reserves and forest parks. According to the law, local governments must ensure immediate demolition of existing projects that are potentially harmful to the ecology.The Qinling range is home to approximately 300 Qinling pandas, a sub-species of giant pandas on the verge of extinction, and many other rare animals稀有动物under state protection, such as golden monkey s, the red ibis and antelopes.Unit 2 GeographyPart I In-class ListeningI. Understanding Basic SkillsListening TaskDirections: In this section, you will hear some information about geography. Listen carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. The atmosphere of the Earth is quite thin compared to the radius半径. A very fragile脆弱的layer of gases protects us from the vacuum真空,空间of space. We must be very careful in the way we treat the atmosphere.2. The focus of the earthquake is directly below the epicenter震中. The epicenter is the point directly above the focus on the surface. The focus焦点中心is the true origin of the earthquake.3. Much of our energy is received from the Sun. You will feel the days warm and the nights cool because you are either facing or not facing the Sun. Other energy comes from within the planet. We have a molten iron core融化的铁芯that creates a magnetic field磁场to protect the Earth. There is also molten rock熔岩just below the surface that releases energy into our atmosphere and heats the oceans.4. Climate and weather are very different ideas. Weather describes the current水流conditions. Your weather might be rainy, cloudy, or hot. Climate describes the region’s environment over long periods. While snow is not something you would expect in the climate, variations in weather happen all of the time.5. The biosphere is all about life. Physical geographers地理学者use the term biosphere to describe our living world. This is where all of the trees, bugs臭虫, and animals live in. It also reaches deep into the ground at a dark cave洞穴or to the bottom of the ocean at hydrothermal vents深海热泉.II. Understanding a ConversationListening TaskDirections: Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.W: Dr. Smith, I’ve got a question here. Well, we talks about erosion侵蚀and the deposit 沉淀of sediment on the deep sea floor, but I’m confused. For that to happen, there would have to be some kind of force down there moving the mud 泥土or sand or whatever, right? But I thought there weren’t any waves orcurrents 水流that deep in the ocean.M: Tha t’s not exactly correct. It’s true that deep down on the ocean floor we won’t have the same kinds of currents we find in shallow er更浅的parts. But we do find what we call turbidity currents浊流. This wasn’t in the book but the term came up in class. Do you remember what it means?W: Umh, turbidity currents? Oh, yeah! Isn’t that when sediment沉淀物like sand or mud gets stirred up激起,搅拌and mixes with water? And then this mixture flows through the water around it, right?M: Good!W: Uh, but I thought that only happened in rivers.M: Well. Yes. This does occur in rivers, but we see turbidity currents deep in the ocean as well.W: But how do they get started there?M: Earthquakes mostly. When an earthquake occurs under water, it throws up抛起tremendous巨大的amounts of mud or sand that becomes suspended悬浮in a layer of water near the bottom of the ocean. This layer is so much dense r and heavier than other ocean water that it flows right down the slopes斜坡of the ocean floor and gains more and more speed as it moves along. Then it’s just like the winds blowing across the desert沙漠picking up扬起from one place and moving it along and finally dropping it somewhere else.Questions:1. What is the main topic of the conversation?2. What does the professor ask the student to explain?3. According to the professor, how do earthquakes cause turbidity currents?4. Why does the professor mention desert winds?III. Understanding PassagesListening Task 1Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Advice on how much fertilizer to use will soon be just a phone call away for rice farmers in the Philippines. The Philippine Department of Agriculture and the International Rice Research Institute plan to launch a free service next month. Farmers will call a number and a recorded voice will ask them simple questions. For example, farmers will be asked about the size of their field and how many bags of rice it produced last year. About ten minutes later the farmer will get a text message文字信息. The message will advise what kind of fertilizer to use and how much. The grower will also get suggestions about when to plant and harvest收割the rice.Roland Buresh at the International Rice Research Institute says the service couldhelp farmers in the Philippines increase their yields产量and their profits收益. Danielle Nierenberg at the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental research group, says the system could also help reduce pollution.The technology could also be copied for crops in other places. Danielle Nierenberg has been traveling across sub-Saharan Africa. She says the cost of a cell phone there is low enough that most farmers have their own or borrow someone else’s.In Zambia, for example, farmers without bank accounts can use their phones to buy seeds and fertilizers. They can also get information on how much their crop is selling for in city markets. They can decide whether they want to travel all the way from their village to the city, because sometimes farmers get there and prices are too low.Listening Task 2Directions:Listen to the passage and fill the blanks with the information you’v e heard.The Japanese archipelago is located in an area where several continental and oceanic plates meet. This is the cause of frequent earthquakes and the presence of many volcanoes and hot springs across Japan.Many parts of the country have experienced devastating earthquakes in the past. The Great Kanto Earthquake, the worst in Japanese history, hit the Kanto plain around Tokyo in 1923 and resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people. In January 1995 a strong earthquake hit the city of Kobe and surroundings. Known as the Southern Hyogo Earthquake or Great Hanshin Earthquake, it killed 6,000 and injured 415,000 people. 100,000 homes were completely destroyed and 185,000 were severely damaged.As to the earthquake measurement, the Japanese “shindo” scale for measuri ng earthquakes is more commonly used in Japan than the Richter scale to describe earthquakes. Shindo refers to the intensity of an earthquake at a given location.Every household should keep a survival kit with a flashlight, a radio, a first aid kit and enough food and water to last for a few days. Avoid placing heavy objects in places where they could easily fall during an earthquake and cause injury or block exits. Have a fire extinguisher. Familiarize yourself with the designated evacuation area in your neighborhood.Unit 3 OceanPart I In-class ListeningI. Understanding Basic SkillsListening Task 1Directions: Listen to the following sentences and try to grasp the meaning of each sentence with falling tone or rising tone.1. I beg your pardon.I beg your pardon.2. This is mine.This is mine.3. Are you coming?Are you coming?4. What is your name?5. What an exquisite piece of art.6. I can’t wait that long.7. Don’t go back now.8. I won’t continue the story.9. Thank you for your coming to see me off.10.Are you pleased?Listening Task 2Directions: Listen to the following short conversations and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.1. W: Where do you want to eat?M: Is there anything wrong with the coffee shop?Q: What does the man mean?2. M: I’m sorry I’m late, but I just couldn’t help it I got here as soon as I could.W: Well,it’s not soon enough, is it?Q: What does the woman mean?3. M: Mom, I can’t finish math homework, it’s too difficult to do.W: You know what to do, if there is a problem.Q: What does the woman mean?4. W: Look. I’m sorry, I didn’t turn up for the match yesterday, Bob. B ut I couldn’t,I’m afraid.M: Well, it is a bit late to be sorry now, isn’t it?Q: What does the man mean?5. M: Let’s see if the basket ball game has started yet?W: Started?It must be clear who is going to win.Q: What does the woman mean?6. W: I hear Jane has been pretty successful in her job.M: Pretty successful? That is understatement of the year.Q: What does the man imply about Jane?7. W: Mr. Smith’s briefing seems to go on forever. I was barely able to stay awake. M: How could you sleep through that! It is very important.Q: What does the man imply?8. M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look atthem?W: A few! It looks like you bought out the store.Q: What does the woman mean?9. W: Do you enjoy majoring in mathematics?M: Enjoy? If I could choose again, I would study biology.Q: What conclusion can be drawn from the man’s reply?10.W: Would you like a cup of coffee to help you wake up?M: A cup of coffee? I need three or four.Q: What does the man mean?II. Understanding a ConversationListening TaskDirections: Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.A student is interviewing a weatherman Li Hua.M: Hello, Li Hua. I’m interested in hurricanes飓风whose matchless无比的无敌的power and the loss they cause are often reported in TV news. I wonder how a hurricane form.W: OK! In the second half of each year, many powerful storms are born in the tropical热带的Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea加勒比海. About half of them generate strong circle盘旋的winds of 75 miles per hour or more. At first, these great storms travel aimlessly漫无目的over the sea, hit the coast海岸and form circling disturbance干扰骚乱hundreds even thousands of miles out to the sea. M: Is such a circle disturbance called hurricane?W: No. When the conditions are just right, moist air湿空气flows in at the bottom of such a disturbance, the moisture in the warm air produces rain and with the moisture, the heat is converted into energy in form of strong wind. As the heat increases, the young hurricane begins to swirl旋转in a counter-clockwise逆时针motion.M: How long does a hurricane exist?W: Its average life is only nine days. But it is difficult to imagine how great energy it produces in a single day.M: How great?W: The energy released by a hurricane’s rainfall in a single day would satisfy the entire electrical needs of the United States for six months.M: Wow! How much rain does a hurricane bring?W: A typical hurricane brings 6-12 inches downpours倾盆大雨, resulting in sudden flood. The water level rises at 15 feet above the normal as it moves toward shore.M: And there, it causes millions of dollars of damage and brings death to large number of people.W: Yeah.M: Thank you very much!W: You’re welcome!Questions:1. When do hurricanes often occur?2. When is a tropic storm considered to be a hurricane?3. In what motion do hurricanes usually begin to swirl as the heat increases?4. On an average how long does a hurricane exist?5. What a rainfall does a hurricane bring?III. Understanding PassagesListening Task 1Directions:Listen to the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean, but it is still very large. It is more than 4,000 miles wide where Columbus crossed it. Even its narrowest is about 2,000 miles wide.Two things make the Atlantic rather unusual. For so large an ocean it has very few islands. Also it is the world’s saltiest ocean.There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much water there is. But suppose no more rain fell into it and no more water were brought to it by rivers, it would take the ocean about 4,000 years to dry up.One of the largest mountain ranges山脉of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic. This mountain range runs north and south down the middle of the ocean. The tops of a few mountains reach up露出来above the sea and make islands.Ocean currents海洋洋流are sometimes called “rivers in the sea”. One of these “rivers”in the Atlantic is called “the Gulf Stream”. It is a current of warm water. Another is “Labrador Current拉布拉多寒流”. It is a current of cold water. The cold water comes from the Arctic Ocean current北冰洋洋流.Today the Atlantic is a great highway交通干线. However it is not always a smooth and safe one. Storms暴风雨sweep across it and pile up积累great waves. Icebergs float down from the north across of the path of ships.Questions:1. How wide is the Atlantic Ocean where Columbus crossed?2. Which of the following makes the Atlantic Ocean unusual?3. Which of the following is sometimes called “River in the sea”?4. Where does one of the largest mountain ranges of the world rise from?5. What does the “High Way” mean in this passage?Listening Task 2Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.The Arctic Ocean is located in the Northern Hemisphere, and almost in the Arctic North polar region. It’s the smallest and shallowest of the world’s five major oceans.The Arctic Ocean is almost completely surrounded by Eurasia, North America, Greenland, and by several islands. It occupies a roughly circular basin and covers an area of 14 million sq. km, almost the size of Russia. The coast line is over 45 thousand km.The Arctic Ocean’s salinity varies seasonally as the ice cover melts and freezes. Its salinity is the lowest on average of the five major oceans, due to the low evaporation, heavy freshwater inflow from rivers and streams, and limited connection and outflow to surrounding oceanic water with higher salinity.The Arctic Ocean holds 25% or more of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas resources. Fish, seals, whales hares, polar bears, sea gulls can be found in abundance in the area. However, it has a fragile ecosystem which is slow to change and slow to recover from disruption or damage.Unit 4 Environmental ProtectionPart I In-class ListeningI. Understanding Basic SkillsListening TaskDirections: Listen to the following short conversations and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.1. M: Do sit down, please. Would you like something to drink?W: Yes, please. That’ll be nice.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?2. M: A terrible day again, I wonder when this will end.W: Well, the weatherman predicts it won’t last long. Better weather is on the way. Q: What will the weather be like in the near future?3. W: I wonder if I could use your phone.M: Oh, I’m sorry. You see, it’s out of order again.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?4. M: Your power of concentration is amazing. Didn’t you hear me come in?W: Are you talking to me?Q: What can be inferred from this conversation about the woman?5. W: I’ve got time to buy a magazine, haven’t I?M: The train is about to leave.Q: What does the man mean?6. M: Aren’t we supposed to have a literature test this afternoon?W: It’s postponed because the teacher has to attend a conference.Q: What can we learn from this conversation?7. W: I am afraid this research work is really beyond me.M: Oh, why not come to Dr. Scott?Q: What does the man mean?8. W: I wonder if a problem like this can be solved by Linda.M: Well, if she can’t solve it, no one can.Q: What can be concluded from the conversation?9. M: The play should have begun ten minutes ago. What’s holding things up?W: The main actor is caught in a traffic jam.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?10. M: Do you like Professor Zhang’s class?W: I never miss her class, you know.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?II. Understanding a ConversationListening TaskDirections: Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences. (Emma and Michael are talking about tropical rain forests.)W: Hi, Michael, how did you enjoy your trip to Brazil?M: Oh, very well. We’ve been to different parts of the country.W: What do you like most about Brazil?M: Its forests. Brazil has one of the largest tropical rain forests in the world. There are many different kinds of trees there. It’s wonderful.W: I can imagine. It’s said that the area is the heaven for plants. Is that true?M: Yes. It has an average rainfall of about 400 inches a year, and the average temperature is about 28℃. It’s just the right condition for trees to grow.W: But a recent report says that tropical rain forests will disappear soon. Is it true?Why is it happening?M: It’s true. It is because of the destruction of forests. Men are over cutting down trees for money.W: It’s really stupid to do so. They don’t know such destruction may even change the climate.M: That’s what we are worried about. Trees are closely related to climate. Climate changes may also lead to decrease in trees. The result will be terrible.III. Understanding PassagesListening Task 1Directions:Listen to the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.There are many stories about global warming. You cannot pick up a newspaper or watch TV without hearing about it. There are different opinions on it. A small number of people think that global warming is not real. They say that the earth’s climate has been changing for as long as anyone can remember. Why worry about the changes that are happening today?Most people, on the other hand, take the problem very seriously indeed. Scientists have shown that for the past twenty years the temperature of the earth has been increasing by 0.1℃every year. As the earth gets hotter, ice caps in the North Pole and the South Pole will slowly melt. The level of the oceans will rise. A recent report says the sea will rise by 70 meters in the next five generations.But there will be many more changes. Certain areas of the earth will become wetter, while others will become drier. Areas which today are green and fertile will turn into deserts. Summers will become warmer. Tropical diseases such as malaria will be common in areas where today that are unknown.Why is this happening? For many people the answer is simple—greenhouse gases are allowing more of the infrared heat from sun to reach us on earth. They believe the solution is also simple and lies with each one of us—stop producing greenhouse gases. In other words, stop using your car!Questions:1. What changes will be brought about by global warming?2. Which of the following is true?3. What should we do to stop global warming?4. Which of the following is the most probable title for the passage?Listening Task 2Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear.On July the 4th, 2010, Chinese actress Li Bingbing, was designated in Shanghai as the first national Goodwill Ambassador in China for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).As Goodwill Ambassador, Li Bingbing will help UNEP in its mission to generate awareness and understanding of environmental causes, as well as inspire positive action.The new Goodwill Ambassador will help focus attention on some of the biggest threats facing the planet, climate change and environment.“I am honored to have this opportunity to work with UNEP on the environment. I am an environmentalist in my personal life and I try to share this passion with my fans and the wider public,” she said.Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director said: “Li Bingbing is our first G oodwill Ambassador in China and UNEP is delighted to welcome her on board. UNEP commends her personal commitment to a greener lifestyle and her passion to influence the public.”Test OneI. Understanding Basic SkillsDirections: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the exact words, phrases or sentences you hear.All big cities are quite similar. Living in a modern Asian city is not very different from living in an American city. The same cannot be said about living on farms, however.In many parts of the world, farmers and their families live in villages or towns. In the United States, however, each farm family lives on its own fields, often beyond the sight of any neighbors. Instead of traveling from a village to the fields every morning, American farmers stay on their land throughout the week. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church. The children ride on buses to large schools which serve all of the farm families living in the area. In some areas, there are small schools serving a few farm families, and the children walk to school.Of course life keeps changing for everyone, including farmers. Today there are cars, good roads, radios and television sets. And of course there are modern machines for farming. All of these have changed farm life.For many years, however, farming in America was often a lonely way of living. Farmers had to deal with their own problems, instead of getting help from others. They learned to try new methods, and to trust their own ideas instead of following older ways.II. Understanding ConversationsDirections: Listen to the following ten short conversations and choose the best answers to the questions you hear.1. M: The lock on my front door is broken.W: Why don’t you have Mr. Smith fix it? He’s very good.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?。
动物和人的英语小故事读后感怎么写作文One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me.I'm very happy.From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They're marvellous.Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn't find them.I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn't know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, butwhen I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever.有一天,我母亲给我买了两个小兔子。
我最喜欢的动物第一篇:As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.That's why we allfeed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow with it,which belongs to me three years ago,called"Betty".In other words,we should treat them as ourreal friends.Do you agree with me?我们都知道,动物是我们的朋友.我喜欢所有的动物.但我最喜欢狗.狗不仅是很可爱,这就是为什么我们都喂狗在家里.我经常和它分享快乐,我三年前称它为“贝蒂”.换句话说,我们应该善待我们的真正的朋友.你同意我吗?第二篇:My favourite animal is little dog.Because it's very lovely.And dogs are friendly to people,they are people's good friends.When you are daughter,they can save you.They can hear the people can't hear's veryuseful,aren't they?The dogs is very loyal to people .Are you agree with me?我最喜欢的动物是小狗.因为它很可爱.和狗是友好的人,他们是人们的好朋友.当你的女儿,他们可以拯救你.他们可以听到人们无法听到的事情.这是非常有用的,不是吗?狗很忠诚的人.你同意我吗?第三篇:Most kids like animals.Girls like cats,and boys like dogs.However,my favorite animal is the horse.The horses are strong,not like the tame cats or puppy dogs.They look wild and hard to get close.Yet,they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you.Horses remember the way home.They are also faithful to their masters.They even understand what you are trying to tell them.I've heard many stories about how a horse saved his master's life.That's also the reason why I love horses.They never betray you.大多数孩子喜欢动物.女孩喜欢猫,和男孩喜欢狗.然而,我最喜欢的动物是马.马是强大的,不像猫或狗温顺的小狗.他们看起来野生和难以接近.然而,他们会很胆小,友好在他们了解你.马记得回家的路.他们也对他们的主人忠心耿耿.他们甚至理解您想要告诉他们.我听说过很多故事一匹马救了他的主人的生活.这也是为什么我爱马.他们从不背叛你.第四篇:My favourite animal is fish.Because they are very interesting.There are many kinds of fish.They are liveing in water very free.They are verycolorful,some fish are red,some fish are white,and some fish are gold。
八年级上学期英语单元检测试题(五)Unit 5 Shall we go to the zoo?听力部分(共三大题,30分)一、听句子,选择恰当的应答语。
(10分)( )1.A.That’s all right. B.Oh, thank you. I’d love to.C.Don’t worry. I’d do it.( )2.A.At half past six. B.The panda is.C.Good idea!( )3.A.It looks like a duck. B.The elephant is.C.I can see some animals over there.( )4.A.Yes, I can. B.Yes, they are.C.No, let’s go a little earlier.( )5.A.They’re playing games. B.They are running and jumping all the time.C.They’re eating nuts.二、听对话及对话后的问题,选择正确答语。
(10分)( )6.A.To the park. B.To the station.C.To the hospital.( )7.A.On foot. B.By bus.C.By bike.( )8.A.He is in the office. B.He is in hospital.C.He is at school.( )9.A.It’s two past ten. B.It’s one fifty.C.It’s ten after two.( )10.A.At the school gate. B.Outside the school gate.C.Inside the school gate.三、听短文,根据其内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。
(10分)( )11.Everyone is having a good time.( )12.The monkeys are eating nuts.( )13.One of the monkeys has a baby.( )14.This is a park.( )15.Tigers are the biggest of all.笔试部分(八大题,90分)一、根据句意及首字母提示填空。