gst pull-down protocol
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gst pull down原理Gst Pull Down原理Gst Pull Down是一种视频处理技术,用于将24帧/秒的电影转换为30帧/秒的视频。
本文将详细介绍Gst Pull Down的原理。
一、什么是Gst Pull Down?Gst Pull Down是一种视频处理技术,用于将24帧/秒的电影转换为30帧/秒的视频。
二、为什么需要Gst Pull Down?在播放24帧/秒的电影时,由于每个画面之间存在较长时间间隔,因此画面会出现抖动或不流畅等问题。
三、Gst Pull Down原理1. 3:2 Pulldown在进行Gst Pull Down时,通常采用3:2 Pulldown方法。
这种方法利用了电影制作中使用的24fps(frames per second)与NTSC (National Television System Committee)制定的30fps之间的差异。
2. 操作步骤具体来说,Gst Pull Down的操作步骤如下:(1)将24fps的电影分成两个半画面(Odd Field和Even Field);(2)将Odd Field插入到第一帧和第二帧之间,形成一个新的NTSC 画面;(3)将Even Field插入到第三帧和第四帧之间,形成另一个新的NTSC画面;(4)重复以上步骤,直到所有24fps电影画面都被转换为30fps视频。
3. 效果通过Gst Pull Down处理后,原本24fps的电影就可以以30fps的速度播放,并且画面更加平滑流畅。
分子生物学常用实验方法原理介绍一、GST pull-down实验基本原理:将靶蛋白-GST融合蛋白亲和固化在谷胱甘肽亲和树脂上,作为与目的蛋白亲和的支撑物,充当一种“诱饵蛋白”,目的蛋白溶液过柱,可从中捕获与之相互作用的“捕获蛋白”(目的蛋白),洗脱结合物后通过SDS-PAGE电泳分析,从而证实两种蛋白间的相互作用或筛选相应的目的蛋白,“诱饵蛋白”和“捕获蛋白”均可通过细胞裂解物、纯化的蛋白、表达系统以及体外转录翻译系统等方法获得。
注:GST即谷胱甘肽巯基转移酶(glutathione S-transferase)二、足印法(Footprinting)足印法(Footprinting)是一种用来测定DNA-蛋白质专一性结合的方法,用于检测目的DNA序列与特定蛋白质的结合,也可展示蛋白质因子同特定DNA片段之间的结合。
其原理为:DNA和蛋白质结合后,DNA与蛋白的结合区域不能被DNase(脱氧核糖核酸酶)分解,在对目的DNA 序列进行检测时便出现了一段无DNA序列的空白区(即蛋白质结合区),从而了解与蛋白质结合部位的核苷酸数目及其核苷酸序列。
三、染色质免疫共沉淀技术(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation,ChIP)染色质免疫共沉淀技术(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation,ChIP)是研究体内蛋白质与DNA相互作用的有力工具,利用该技术不仅可以检测体内反式因子与DNA的动态作用,还可以用来研究组蛋白的各种共价修饰以及转录因子与基因表达的关系。
染色质免疫沉淀技术的原理是:在生理状态下把细胞内的DNA与蛋白质交联在一起,通过超声或酶处理将染色质切为小片段后,利用抗原抗体的特异性识别反应,将与目的蛋白相结合的DNA 片段沉淀下来。
四、基因芯片(又称 DNA 芯片、生物芯片)技术基因芯片指将大量探针分子固定于支持物上后与标记的样品分子进行杂交,通过检测每个探针分子的杂交信号强度进而获取样品分子的数量和序列信息。
细胞pulldown实验的详细步骤及详细说明利用重组技术将探针蛋白与GST(Glutathione S transferase)融合,融合蛋白通过GST与固相化在载体上的GTH(Glutathione)亲和结合。
细胞蛋白裂解液,洗脱液:PBS及PBS+1%Triton-100PBS (1L)NaCl: 8gKCl:0.2gNa2HPO4: 1.44gKH2PO4:0.24g加入800ml蒸馏水,用HCl调节溶液的pH值至7.4,最后加蒸馏水定容至1L 即可,高温高压灭菌,4℃保存备用。
PMSF(苯甲基磺酰氟)MW:174.19 工作浓度0.1-1mM,这里使用1mM,储存浓度100mM,将0.174g PMSF溶于10ml无水乙醇混匀即可。
(以下流程仅供研究已知原核蛋白A和真核过表达蛋白B相互作用)1、原核融合蛋白A的获得(1)将编码蛋白A与GST的重组质粒化转BL21(DE3)菌株(2)挑取单个克隆到含有5mlLB(+100ug/mlAmp)的10ml试管里,37℃培养过夜(3)将培养菌液转移到含有500ml LB(+100ug/mlAmp)的1L锥形瓶中,37℃,225rpm培养至OD600≈1.0-1.5左右,加入适当浓度的IPTG,在适当温度下培养适当时间(诱导条件需要根据不同的蛋白做调整),6000g,10分钟,4℃离心收集细菌,去尽上清,将菌体至于-20℃放置O/N(4)室温冻融菌体,马上置于冰上,每500ml培养液加入10-20ml细菌裂解液(PBS+1%Triton-100+PMSF),吹打混匀(5)冰上超声破碎,开2秒,停9秒,总40-60分钟。
实验原理:利用重组技术将探针蛋白与GST (Glutathione S transferase)融合,融合蛋白通过GST与固相化在载体上的GTH( Glutathione )亲和结合。
因此,当与融合蛋白有相互作用的蛋白通过层析柱时或与此固相复合物混合时就可被吸附而分离试齐U: NaCl,KCl,Na2HPO4,KH2PO4,Trit on-100 , IPTG(Merck 分装),PMSF( Amersco),Cocktaier ( Merck 539134 ), Immobilized Glutathione ( PIERCE 15160 )实验操作程序:材料及试剂探针蛋白与GST融合的原核蛋白,裂解的细胞蛋白,或者组织蛋白提取物细胞蛋白裂解液,洗脱液:PBS 及PBS+1%Triton-100PBS (1L)NaCl : 8gKCl : 0.2gNa2HPO4: 1.44gKH2PO4 : 0.24g加入800ml蒸馏水,用HCI调节溶液的pH值至7.4,最后加蒸馏水定容至1L即可,高温高压灭菌! 4 C保存备用!PMSF(苯甲基磺酰氟)MW:174.19工作浓度0.1-1mM,这里使用1mM,储存浓度100mM , 将0.174g PMSF溶于10ml无水乙醇混匀即可!保持于-20 C或者4C(以下流程仅供研究已知原核蛋白A和真核过表达蛋白B相互作用)1:原核融合蛋白A的获得1.1 :将编码蛋白A与GST的重组质粒化转BL21(DE3)菌株1.2:挑取单个克隆到含有5mlLB(+100ug/mlAmp)的10ml试管里,37C培养过夜1.3:将培养菌液转移到含有500ml LB(+100ug/mlAmp)的1L锥形瓶中,37C, 225rpm培养至OD60B 1.0-1.5左右,加入适当浓度的IPTG,在适当温度下培养适当时间(诱导条件需要根据不同的蛋白做调整).6000g, 10分钟,4C离心收集细菌,去尽上清,将菌体至于-20 C 放置O/N1.4 :室温冻融菌体,马上置于冰上,每500ml培养液加入10-20ml细菌裂解液 (PBS+1%Triton-100+PMSF ),吹打混匀1.5:冰上超声破碎,开2秒,停9秒,总40-60分钟。
GST pull-down
Pull down(拉下实验)是一种体外亲和纯化蛋白的技术,Pull down技术将已知蛋白(诱饵蛋白)利用亲和试剂标签(如谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶、组氨酸六肽、生物素)进行标记,再特异性识别混合体系中的配体蛋白(靶蛋白),以达到富集、分离、纯化某种配体蛋白质的目的,是在体外研究蛋白与蛋白相互作用的有力工具。
GST pull-down实验,也称GST融合蛋白沉降技术,是利用谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)标记诱饵蛋白进行的Pull down实验。
GST pull-down可用于证实已知的蛋白或肽的相互作用,也可以用来挖掘未知的蛋白或肽的相互作用。
百泰派克生物科技提供高效快速的GST pull-down 蛋白互作分析服务,可用于鉴定两种已知的兴趣蛋白质可能存在的直接相互作用,以及寻找可能与目标蛋白存在相互作用关系的未知蛋白,欢迎免费咨询。
检测目标蛋白通过Western blot等技术对分离和纯化的复合物进行检测,从而确定与诱饵蛋白结合的目标蛋白。
洗脱和检测洗脱与诱饵蛋白结合的目标蛋白,并利用Western blot等技术进行检测和分析。
GST Pull Down原理1. 什么是GST Pull DownGST拉伸消除(Pull Down)是一种视频处理技术,常见于旧电影转换为数字格式时使用。
它的目的是将常见的24帧每秒(FPS)的电影转换为更高的电视标准(例如30 FPS)。
Pull Down可以实现补偿和时序调整,以确保电影在更高的帧率下播放时没有抖动或重复帧。
2. Pull Down标准在了解GST Pull Down的原理之前,我们先来了解一下电影和电视的帧率标准。
2.1 电影帧率电影一般采用每秒24帧的拍摄速度进行录制。
2.2 电视帧率电视的帧率标准因地区不同而略有差异。
常见的帧率标准有30 FPS和60 FPS。
30 FPS被广泛应用于美国和其他一些国家的电视系统,而60 FPS则较常见于游戏和高清电视等应用中。
3. Pull Down原理为了将24 FPS的电影转换为电视标准的30 FPS或60 FPS,Pull Down技术通过在电影的每一帧之间插入额外的帧来实现。
3.1 3:2 Pull Down3:2 Pull Down是最常用的Pull Down技术。
这样,24 FPS的电影就可以按照30 FPS的标准进行播放。
可以按照相同的原理,将电影转换为60 FPS,只需要重复每一帧的处理即可。
3.2 2:2 Pull Down2:2 Pull Down是另一种常见的Pull Down技术,用于将24 FPS的电影转换为60 FPS。
一、实验步骤1. 重组蛋白表达与纯化1)将将编码蛋白A的GST标签重组质粒转化到BL21或者Rosetta DE3感受态细胞中。
2)向高压灭菌的锥形瓶中倒入150 ml LB培养基,按照1:1000加入氨苄青霉素储液(工作浓度为50 μg/ml)。
用高压灭菌过的10 μl枪头挑取平板上的单克隆菌落,37℃条件下以200 rpm转速振荡培养约6 h,使OD600为0.6-0.8。
3)每管加入按照1:200-1:500加入IPTG(工作浓度为0.2-0.5 mmol/L),20-25℃条件下200 rpm继续振荡培养过夜。
4)4℃条件下4,000 rpm离心15 min,收集细菌沉淀。
a)尽量倒净上清,每管加入10 ml PBS缓冲液重悬细菌,置于冰上超声。
5)4℃,12,000 rpm离心30 min,留取上清并分装后(混匀)于-80℃保存,即为纯化的原核融合蛋白A。
2. GST-pull down实验1)将编码B蛋白的重组质粒转染入HEK293细胞中,48 h后提取细胞总蛋白。
2)留取50 µl蛋白加入2×蛋白样品缓冲液,混匀后100℃金属浴加热10 min使蛋白变性,室温12,000 rpm离心15 s,-20℃保存,作为Input。
3)用预冷PBS缓冲液洗涤Glutathione Sepharose 4B珠子,然后然后按照1:1的比例向Glutathione Sepharose 4B珠子中加入PBS缓冲液并混合均匀。
4)取适量纯化的原核融合蛋白A(SDS-PAGE和考马斯亮蓝染色调整各个融合蛋白的蛋白量,如果有验证多个蛋白,比如截短蛋白,保证加到另一个蛋白里的蛋白量一样),加入30-40 µl预处理过的Glutathione Sepharose 4B珠子,4℃颠倒混匀4-6 h。
5)于4℃条件下12,000 rpm离心15 s,弃上清。
GST pull down操作流程一、表达GST融合蛋白1、6mlLB+单克隆+Amp,37℃,250rmp培养过夜2、5ml菌液加入400ml LB+Amp的1L锥形瓶中中,37℃,250rmp,2h,OD600≈0.6-0.83、取1ml菌液保存于Ep管中,sample14、大瓶加入400ul(1:1000)IPTG,4h5、取1ml菌液保存于Ep管中,sample26、诱导后的收菌,6000rpm×8min 4度,去尽上清,置于冰上7、加入20ml,-20度预冷的PBS+1%Triton-100+PMSF(1:100 PMSF)(先加15ml,再加5ml)吹打混匀8、(1)压力破碎仪破碎(2)冰上超声破碎,开2秒,停9秒,总20分钟。
至裂解液清澈9、14000rpm,20分钟,4℃离心,分离上清,取50ul sample310、取GST-Beads(400ul)到柱子管中,用预冷的PBS洗去其中的Triton-x-100,加上清(?),4度,旋转孵育1h如果是小量纯化,就是50ul的GST-beads放EP管,加细菌裂解液1ml11、收集50ul的样品sample4,可与sample3作对照,检测beads的结合效率12、用-20度预冷1%的Triton-x-100 in PBS洗3次,PBS洗3次1000转 2min,弃上清,留beads等体积的液体(小量PBS是1ml洗,多次)13、用大枪头剪去少许(beads:PBS=1:1),吸出10ul跑样,检测纯化情况14、sample1,2,3,4加sample buffer,100度 10min,12000rmp 30sSDS-PAGE 每样10ul15、4度保存GST-pro-beads(如果不做pull-down,可以洗脱)sample1:诱导前sample2:诱导后sample3:上清sample4:纯化后上清二、裂解细胞1、收集细胞(胰酶处理好,防止细胞破碎)1000rmp,5min,RT2、PBS 洗,离心1000rmp,5min3、加400ul IP lysis buffer(0.1%Triton)1:100加cocktail冰上孵育 30minIP Lysis buffer 500ml:HEPES 5.95gNacl 4.38gEGTA 0.38gPH=7.44、针头过5次5、冰上,旋转孵育,15min6、14000rpm,20min,4度,留上清,去沉淀三、表达纯化HIS-tagged protein1、500ml LB 高温灭菌2、接种单克隆到5ml LB,加抗生素,37度,250转,过夜3、把菌液转移到500mlLB,加抗生素中,37度,250转,OD~0.7(看到云雾)4、加入IPTG 250-500ul,诱导4小时(温度摸索)5、6000转,4度,15min,弃上清,用10ml lysis buffer 溶解沉淀6、加入50ul PMSF,超声破碎,(300w,工作5,间歇10,全程10min)7、12000转,4度,20min8、柱中加入1ml ni-beads,上清转移至柱中,4度,旋转孵育1小时,(每种蛋白需要自行摸索相应的最佳条件,为防止蛋白降解,以下均在冰上)小量就是50ul的NI-beads放EP管,加细菌裂解液1ml9、用Wash buffer 1 10ml每次,洗2次(小量是1ml洗)用Wash buffer 2 5ml每次,洗2次(小量是1ml洗)收集洗脱液电泳检测每种wash buffer 的最佳用量(防止将蛋白洗脱)10、用Elution buffer洗脱蛋白2-4次,每次0.5ml,取1ul洗脱液在NC膜上,丽春红染色,颜色越深,蛋白量越大,取蛋白量最大的做Pull downLysis buffer50mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl10mMImidazoleWash buffer 150mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl20mM ImidazoleWash buffer 250mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl40mM ImidazoleElution buffer50mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl300mM ImidazoleElution buffer 40ml50mM NaH2PO4 0.312g300mM Nacl 0.701g300mM Imidazole 0.8171g三、pull down实验1、his-pro加入到已纯化的GST-Pro的EP管中,用PBS补足液体到600ul左右,以便蛋白之间能充分结合!2、4℃旋转结合,4h3、PBS+0.1%Triton-100洗3次,PBS洗3次,1000转 2min,1:1留。
GST pull down的原理以及具体操作流程实验目的:体外检测蛋白质与蛋白质之间相互作用。
实验原理:利用重组技术将探针蛋白与GST(Glutathione S transferase)融合,融合蛋白通过GST与固相化在载体上的GTH(Glutathione)亲和结合。
因此,当与融合蛋白有相互作用的蛋白通过层析柱时或与此固相复合物混合时就可被吸附而分离.试剂:NaCl,KCl,Na2HPO4,KH2PO4,Triton-100,IPTG(Merck分装),PMSF(Amersco),Cocktaier(Merck 539134),Immobilized Glutathione(PIERCE 15160)实验操作程序:材料及试剂探针蛋白与GST融合的原核蛋白,裂解的细胞蛋白,或者组织蛋白提取物细胞蛋白裂解液,洗脱液:PBS及PBS+1%Triton-100PBS (1L)NaCl: 8gKCl: 0.2gNa2HPO4: 1.44gKH2PO4: 0.24g加入800ml蒸馏水,用HCl调节溶液的pH值至7.4,最后加蒸馏水定容至1L即可,高温高压灭菌!4℃保存备用!PMSF(苯甲基磺酰氟) MW:174.19 工作浓度0.1-1mM,这里使用1mM,储存浓度100mM,将0.174g PMSF溶于10ml无水乙醇混匀即可!保持于-20℃或者4℃(以下流程仅供研究已知原核蛋白A和真核过表达蛋白B相互作用)1:原核融合蛋白A的获得1.1:将编码蛋白A与GST的重组质粒化转BL21(DE3)菌株1.2:挑取单个克隆到含有5mlLB(+100ug/mlAmp)的10ml试管里,37℃培养过夜1.3:将培养菌液转移到含有500ml LB(+100ug/mlAmp)的1L锥形瓶中,37℃,225rpm培养至OD600≈1.0-1.5左右,加入适当浓度的IPTG,在适当温度下培养适当时间(诱导条件需要根据不同的蛋白做调整).6000g,10分钟,4℃离心收集细菌,去尽上清,将菌体至于-20℃放置O/N1.4:室温冻融菌体,马上置于冰上,每500ml培养液加入10-20ml细菌裂解液(PBS+1%Triton-100+PMSF),吹打混匀1.5:冰上超声破碎,开2秒,停9秒,总40-60分钟。
INTRODUCTIONGlutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins have had a wide range of applications(应用)since their introduction as tools for synthesis of recombinant proteins in bacteria. One of these applications is their use as probes for the identification of protein-protein interactions. The pull-down method described in this protocol is fundamentally similar to immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitation(免疫沉淀) is based on the ability of an antibody to bind to its antigen(抗原) in solution, and the subsequent purification of the immunocomplex by collection on protein A- or G-coupled(耦合的) beads(磁珠). Similarly, the GST pull-down is an affinity(亲和) capture(捕获) of one or more proteins (either defined or unknown) in solution by its interaction with the GST fusion probe protein and subsequent isolation of the complex by collection of the interacting proteins through the binding of GST to glutathione-coupled beads.Previous SectionNext SectionRELATED INFORMATIONAn introduction to the use of GST fusion proteins for studying protein-protein interactions can be found in Identification of Protein-Protein Interactions with Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST) Fusion Proteins.This protocol is designed to use a 35S-labeled cell lysate(细胞裂解液) as the source for interacting proteins. For 35S-labeling procedures, see Orlinick and Chao (1996) and Spector et al. (1998). Additionally, if the interacting protein of interest is known to be confined to a specific cellular compartment (特定的细胞区域)(e.g., the nucleus), a fraction of the cell lysate corresponding to that compartment (e.g., a nuclear extract [to prepare, see Dignam et al. 1982]) can be used in place of a total cell lysate.Previous SectionNext SectionMATERIALSThis procedure may require equipment or reagents(试剂) for Western analysis, Coomassie blue staining, and/or silver staining (see Step 13).ReagentsCell lysate (unlabeled or labeled with 35S, depending on experimental goal)This experiment compares GST versus GST fusion protein, so it is necessary to prepare enough lysate to provide equal amounts of lysate in each reaction. Theamount of lysate needed to detect an interaction is highly variable. Start with lysate equivalent to 1 × 106 to 1 × 107 tissue culture cells.GST fusion protein (see Preparation of GST Fusion Proteins)GST proteinGST pull-down lysis buffer, ice coldReagents for SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins (see Step 12)2X SDS gel-loading bufferTris-Cl (50 mM, pH 8.0) containing 20 mM reduced glutathione (optional; for Step 11 only)EquipmentEquipment for SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins (see Step 12) Gel dryer (optional; see Step 13)Glutathione-Sepharose beads (store at 4°C; do not freeze)Beads are often supplied by commercial vendors in solutions containing alcohols. It is important to wash the beads thoroughly in GST pull-down lysis buffer and to generate a 50/50 slurry of beads in GST pull-down lysis buffer prior to use. Microcentrifuge, precooled to 4°CMicrocentrifuge tubes, 0.5 mL (optional; for Steps only) and 1.5 mL Needle, small bore, sterile (optional; for Steps only)Rotator for end-over-end mixingWater bath, boiling (optional; see Step 10)X-ray film (optional; see Step 13)Previous SectionNext SectionMETHOD1. Incubate the cell lysate with 50 μL of glutathione-Sepharose beads (50/50slurry in lysis buffer) and 25 μg of GST (NOT the GST fusion probe protein) for 2 h at 4°C with end-over-end mixing. Allow enough volume in the tube topermit liberal mixing; 500 μl to 1 mL is a good starting point.This step is designed to preclear from the lysate proteins that interactnonspecifically with the GST moiety or with the beads alone. If the interaction will be detected primarily with antibodies directed to a candidate interactingprotein, it is not absolutely necessary to preclear the lysates with GST orglutathione-Sepharose beads. However, when35S-labeled cell lysates are usedto identify novel protein-protein interactions, these steps can help to reduce background.When detecting the interacting protein with antibodies to that protein, it is important to include “GST+ beads” and “beads alone” controls.2. Centrifuge at 13,000 rpm for 10 sec at 4°C in a microcentrifuge.3. Transfer the supernatant (precleared cell lysate) to a fresh tube.4. Set up two tubes containing equal amounts of the precleared cell lysate.i. Add 50 μl of glutathione-Sepharose beads (50/50 slurry in lysisbuffer) to each tube.ii. Then add GST protein to one tube and the GST fusion probe to the other (~5-10 μg each).The amount of protein added should be equimolar in the two reactions(i.e., the final molar concentration of GST should be the same as that ofthe GST probe protein).5. Incubate the tubes for 2 h at 4°C with end-over-end mixing.6. Centrifuge the samples at 13,000 rpm for 10 sec at 4°C in a microcentrifuge.7. Transfer the supernatants to fresh microcentrifuge tubes and reserve them for SDS-PAGE (see Troubleshooting).8. Wash the beads four times with 1 mL of ice-cold lysis buffer. Discard the washes.9. At this point, proteins bound to the probe protein must be dissociated for analysis. Use either the boiling method (the more popular choice; see Step 10) or one of the elution methods described in Step 11.The disadvantage of elution (Step 11) is that if multiple elutions are necessary, the final sample volume may be large. In these cases, it may be impossible to load more than a small percentage of the sample on an SDS-polyacrylamide gel for analysis. This is the reason most researchers choose instead to boil complexes off the beads in SDS sample buffer (Step 10).10. If the samples are to be boiled off the beads, do as follows:i. Add an equal volume of 2X SDS gel-loading buffer to the beads.It is important to include a “glutathione-Sepharose beads only” control.Proteins bound nonspecifically to the beads can appear as bound to thefusion protein, even in comparison to GST alone.ii. Boil for 5 min in a water bath.Samples are now ready for SDS-PAGE (Step 12).11. If the samples are to be eluted from the beads, perform one of thefollowing options:i. Add 50 μl of 20 mM reduced glutathione in 50 mM Tris-Cl (pH 8.0).ii. Flick the tube to mix the contents, and incubate the samples at roomtemperature for 5 min.iii. Centrifuge the samples at 13,000 rpm for 10 sec at roomtemperature in a microcentrifuge.iv. Transfer the supernatant containing the eluted protein to a newmicrocentrifuge tube.v. If elution is incomplete, repeat Steps Add 50 μl of 20 mM reduced glutathione in 50 mM Tris-Cl (pH8.0).vii. Flick the tube to mix the contents, and incubate the samples atroom temperature for 5 min.viii. Transfer the mixture to a fresh 0.5-mL tube. Carefully, using asterile, small-bore needle, poke a hole in the bottom of the 0.5-mL tube.Place it inside a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube.ix. Centrifuge the tubes together at 1000g in a microcentrifuge for 2min at room temperature.The eluted proteins will be deposited in the 1.5-mL tube.12. Analyze as much of the sample as possible by SDS-PAGE (seeSDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins).13. Detect the proteins. The method of detection will depend on theexperimental goal:i. If the goal is to detect the 35S-labeled proteins associated with thefusion protein after SDS-PAGE, dry the gel on a gel dryer and expose itto X-ray film.ii. If the goal is to detect specific partners after SDS-PAGE, transferthe proteins to a membrane and subject them to Western analysis.iii. If the goal is to determine the size and abundance of proteinsassociated with the fusion protein from a nonradioactive lysate,subsequent to SDS-PAGE, stain the gel with Coomassie blue or silverstain.Previous SectionNext SectionTROUBLESHOOTINGProblem: Conditions for pull-down are not optimal[Step 13]Solution: Analyze aliquots of equal percentage volumes (e.g., 1%) from each of the following fractions generated during the protocol:Total cell lysate (Step 1)Beads prior to elution (Step 9)Eluate (Steps 10 or 11)Beads post-elution (Steps 10 or 11)Supernatant saved at Step 7“Beads + GST” eluate (if applicable; Steps 10 or 11)“Beads alone” eluate (if applicable; Steps 10 or 11)After these samples are collected at the indicated steps, add an appropriate volume of SDS-PAGE sample buffer. Snap-freeze the samples in a dry-ice ethanol bath for analysis by SDS-PAGE (during Step 12), and perform autoradiography, Western analysis, or Coomassie staining as appropriate (Step 13).Results from this gel will show:The prevalence of the novel interactor in the total cell lysate (aliquot fromStep 1).How much of the interactor is bound to the GST fusion protein (aliquot from Step 9).How much GST fusion protein + associated proteins were eluted from thebeads (aliquot of eluate from Steps 10 or 11).What fraction of the interactors remained bound (beads remaining from Steps10 or 11).How much of the interacting protein was depleted from the total cell lysate(aliquot from supernatant at Step 7).Problem: Low signal[Step 13]Solution: If an interaction yields a low signal even though the interactor is abundant in the total cell lysate, this may indicate that the binding conditions are not optimal. A change in salt and detergent concentrations, in addition to increasing the time allowed for association, may improve the binding. A poor signal can also be caused by inefficient elution; i.e., the complex being retained on the glutathione-Sepharosebeads. This can be determined by SDS-PAGE comparison of the eluate versus the “beads post-elution” fraction (Steps 10 or 11). If this proves to be the problem, it may be remedied by pooling multiple elutions or increasing the time for elution. Releasing the interactors by boiling in sample buffer (Step 10), if appropriate, would be applicable in this case.Problem: Nonspecific background[Step 13]Solution: Preclearing a lysate with GST, or beads alone, can help to minimize nonspecific interactions (see Step 1). Titrating the amount of lysate added and increasing the stringency of the binding and wash conditions can also reduce background.Previous SectionNext SectionDISCUSSIONWhen analyzing an interaction by Western blot (e.g., analyzing a predicted interaction for which there are available antibodies), it is important to reprobe the membrane with anti-GST antibodies after probing for the candidate interactor. This will determine whether all samples were incubated with the same amount of GST fusion protein, and it will help to determine whether the fusion protein is undergoing degradation while incubated with the cell lysate. If the interactors are radio- or biotin-labeled, one should also confirm equal amounts of GST fusion and GST proteins by Western blot or Coomassie blue staining.。
GST pull down操作流程一、表达GST融合蛋白1、6mlLB+单克隆+Amp,37℃,250rmp培养过夜2、5ml菌液加入400ml LB+Amp的1L锥形瓶中中,37℃,250rmp,2h,OD600≈0.6-0.83、取1ml菌液保存于Ep管中,sample14、大瓶加入400ul(1:1000)IPTG,4h5、取1ml菌液保存于Ep管中,sample26、诱导后的收菌,6000rpm×8min 4度,去尽上清,置于冰上7、加入20ml,-20度预冷的PBS+1%Triton-100+PMSF(1:100 PMSF)(先加15ml,再加5ml)吹打混匀8、(1)压力破碎仪破碎(2)冰上超声破碎,开2秒,停9秒,总20分钟。
至裂解液清澈9、14000rpm,20分钟,4℃离心,分离上清,取50ul sample310、取GST-Beads(400ul)到柱子管中,用预冷的PBS洗去其中的Triton-x-100,加上清(?),4度,旋转孵育1h如果是小量纯化,就是50ul的GST-beads放EP管,加细菌裂解液1ml11、收集50ul的样品sample4,可与sample3作对照,检测beads的结合效率12、用-20度预冷1%的Triton-x-100 in PBS洗3次,PBS洗3次1000转 2min,弃上清,留beads等体积的液体(小量PBS是1ml洗,多次)13、用大枪头剪去少许(beads:PBS=1:1),吸出10ul跑样,检测纯化情况14、sample1,2,3,4加sample buffer,100度 10min,12000rmp 30sSDS-PAGE 每样10ul15、4度保存GST-pro-beads(如果不做pull-down,可以洗脱)sample1:诱导前sample2:诱导后sample3:上清sample4:纯化后上清二、裂解细胞1、收集细胞(胰酶处理好,防止细胞破碎)1000rmp,5min,RT2、PBS 洗,离心1000rmp,5min3、加400ul IP lysis buffer(0.1%Triton)1:100加cocktail冰上孵育 30minIP Lysis buffer 500ml:HEPES 5.95gNacl 4.38gEGTA 0.38gPH=7.44、针头过5次5、冰上,旋转孵育,15min6、14000rpm,20min,4度,留上清,去沉淀三、表达纯化HIS-tagged protein1、500ml LB 高温灭菌2、接种单克隆到5ml LB,加抗生素,37度,250转,过夜3、把菌液转移到500mlLB,加抗生素中,37度,250转,OD~0.7(看到云雾)4、加入IPTG 250-500ul,诱导4小时(温度摸索)5、6000转,4度,15min,弃上清,用10ml lysis buffer 溶解沉淀6、加入50ul PMSF,超声破碎,(300w,工作5,间歇10,全程10min)7、12000转,4度,20min8、柱中加入1ml ni-beads,上清转移至柱中,4度,旋转孵育1小时,(每种蛋白需要自行摸索相应的最佳条件,为防止蛋白降解,以下均在冰上)小量就是50ul的NI-beads放EP管,加细菌裂解液1ml9、用Wash buffer 1 10ml每次,洗2次(小量是1ml洗)用Wash buffer 2 5ml每次,洗2次(小量是1ml洗)收集洗脱液电泳检测每种wash buffer 的最佳用量(防止将蛋白洗脱)10、用Elution buffer洗脱蛋白2-4次,每次0.5ml,取1ul洗脱液在NC膜上,丽春红染色,颜色越深,蛋白量越大,取蛋白量最大的做Pull downLysis buffer50mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl10mMImidazoleWash buffer 150mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl20mM ImidazoleWash buffer 250mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl40mM ImidazoleElution buffer50mM NaH2PO4,PH8.0300mM Nacl300mM ImidazoleElution buffer 40ml50mM NaH2PO4 0.312g300mM Nacl 0.701g300mM Imidazole 0.8171g三、pull down实验1、his-pro加入到已纯化的GST-Pro的EP管中,用PBS补足液体到600ul左右,以便蛋白之间能充分结合!2、4℃旋转结合,4h3、PBS+0.1%Triton-100洗3次,PBS洗3次,1000转 2min,1:1留。
12.GST蛋白的表达和纯化12.1 GST蛋白的表达(1) 将表达GST融合蛋白的质粒转入BL21大肠杆菌菌株中。
(2) 挑单克隆于3ml LA(LB+Amp)培养基中,37℃摇菌过夜,获得种子液。
(3) 将种子液稀释于50ml2XYTA(YTG+Amp)培养基中,使起始OD600为0.1。
(4) 28℃,220rpm摇菌培养2小时。
(5) 加入50μl 100mM IPTG,16~27℃摇菌培养1~8小时。
(6) 收菌,将菌液倒入大离心管,2管/50ml菌液,4℃ 5krpmx5min离心,弃上清。
(7) 加入10ml PBS/管,重悬细胞,5krpm离心5min,弃上清。
(8) 加入2ml PBS/管,重悬细胞。
(9) 超声破壁破壁前,在细胞悬液中加20μl 10mg/ml PMSF,80μl蛋白酶抑制剂(100x)。
破壁参数:Frequency:100~200w 60s, pause 20s run 40s,5cycles破至菌体由浑浊变为澄清。
加100μl 20% TritonX-100,冰上放置30min。
(10) 将裂解液分入1.5ml离心管中,4℃离心12krpm×10min,取上清。
(11) 吸取少量上清,加入蛋白电泳上样缓冲液,在沸水中煮3min。
12.2 准备50%GST Sepharose 4Bslurry(1) 将原75%Glutathione Sepharose 4B的slurry弹至混匀。
(2) 取677μl原液/管,3krpm离心5min,弃上清。
(3) 加500μl PBS,颠倒混匀,3krpm离心5min,弃上清。
(4) 加500μl PBS,颠倒混匀,配成50%Glutathione Sepharose 4B备用。
12.3 GST融合蛋白的纯化(1) 在新鲜制备的细胞裂解液上清中加入20μl 50%Glutathione Sepharose 4B,4℃,摇床上摇,反应30min~60min。
...1 制备GST蛋白
A. 将GST、GST-p53菌种按1:50比例加入5ml LB(AMP+)培养基中,
37o C,220rpm过夜培养。
B. 将过夜培养的菌液按照1:100比例接入10ml LB(AMP+)培养基
中,37 o C,220rpm培养至OD600=0.4-0.6.
C. 达到OD后,按照1:2000的比例加入IPTG(1M),37 o C,220rpm诱导
D. 4 o C,2000rpm离心5min,弃上清。
E. 用1ml RIPA buffer(50mM Tris(pH 7.4),150mM NaCl,1% NP-
40,0.5% sodium deoxycholate,0.1% SDS,0.1mM PMSF)重悬菌液,冰上放置20min。
F. 冰上超声E中重悬的菌液,小功率8S间隔8s,超声至菌液透明。
G. 4 o C ,12000rpm离心10min,上清转移至新的EP管中。
...2 预处理谷胱甘肽-琼脂糖树脂
将谷胱甘肽-琼脂糖树脂混合均匀后,取适量谷胱甘肽-琼脂糖树脂匀浆至EP管中,加1ml RIPA buffer(或者PBS),颠倒混匀后,4 o C,100rpm离心5min,弃上清,置冰上待用。
...3 结合GST蛋白
A. 将2.2.5.1中的上清转移至2.2.5.2处理好的谷胱甘肽-琼脂糖树脂中,4 o C旋转
B. 4 o C,1000rpm离心5min弃上清。
C. 向沉淀中加入800μl RIPA buffer,颠倒混匀(可旋转混匀5min)后,
o C,1000rpm离心5min弃上清,重复4次。
...4 细胞裂解液的制备
...5 检测蛋白与蛋白的相互作用
A. 将2.2.5.4中制备的细胞裂解液加入到2.2.5.3中结合有GST-p53蛋白
4 o C旋转孵育2h或者过夜。
B. 4 o C,1000rpm离心1min,弃上清,用1ml细胞裂解液清洗谷胱甘
C. 加入适量的蛋白上样缓冲液,混匀后,95 o C煮样5-10min。
...6 Western blot检测。