天津市东丽区徐庄子中学八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercis
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Unit 2 How often do you exercise
Words and expressions: mayb e, least, junk food, coffee, health, help with, How often do y ou go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month. How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever wa tches TV.
Do you go shopping? No, I never g o shopping.
How often do they stay up late?
Does Sue eat a healthy breakfast?
He plays at l eas t twice a week.
She says it’s good for my health.
How many hours do you sleep every night?
Step1 Revision
1.Revi se the content l ear nt in las t period and have a dictation.
2.Revise the Adverbs o f Frequency.
3.Step2 New words:
1. Learn the new words: maybe, least, junk food, coffee, health
2.Explain the use of them.
Step3 Grammar Focus
Let the students read the senten ces in the box and make sure t hey understand them. Pay attention to the use of the following sentences:
How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies may be once a month. Ho w often does he watch TV? He hardly ev er watches TV.
Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping.
Step4 3a
1.Let the students fill in the blanks in the box ,paying attention to the use
of “stay up late, at leas t, twice a week”
2.Check the a nswers.
Step5 3b Make up questions like 3a, and then ask and answer with his/ her partner. Step6 3c Practice
1.Let the students ask their group questions about how to improve their English,
fill in the chart.
2.Tell the class their resu lts.
Step 7 Section B 1a 1b
Practice the convers ation with Adve rbs of Frequency on eating habi ts.
Step 8 Listening 1c 1d
Read the listening material first and then listen twice for eac h part. Check the answers.
Step 9 Test