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上海市长宁区2024届高三二模数学试卷(满分150分,时间120分钟)一、填空题(本大题共有12题,第1~6题每题4分,第7~12题每题5分,满分54分)1.已知集合 1,2A , 1,3,B a ,若A B ,则a .2.不等式213x 的解集为.3.在41x的展开式中2的系数为.4.在5.若3a6.直线27.8.的取值9.10.的横11.出租车没有载客行驶的里程出租车空驶率出租车行驶的总里程.依据上述数据,小明建立了求解三辆车空驶率的模型,,,u f t s k a ,并求得甲、乙、丙的空驶率分别为23.26%、21.68%、%x ,则x.(精确到0.01)12.已知平面向量a 、b 、c满足:a b 2c ,若0c a c b ,则a b 的最小值为.二、选择题(本大题共有4题,第13、14题每题4分,第15、16题每题5分,满分18分)13.设z C ,则“z z ”是“z R ”的().A 充分不必要条件;.B 必要不充分条件;.C 充要条件;.D 既不充分也不必要条件.14.已知直线a 、b 和平面 ,则下列判断中正确的是().A 若//a ,//b ,则//a b ;.B 若//a b ,//b ,则//a ;.C 若//a ,b ,则a b ;.D 若a b ,//b ,则a .15.某运动员8次射击比赛的成绩为:9.6,9.7,9.5,9.9,9.4,9.8,9.3,10.0.已知这组数据的第x百分位为m ,若从这组数据中任取一个数,这个数比m 大的概率为0.25,则x 的取值不可能是().A 65;.B 70;.C 75;.D 80.16.设数列 n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若存在非零常数c ,使得对任意正整数n ,都有n a c ,则称数列n a p ..A .C 三、17.(1)(2) y g x 的值域.第18题图18.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分)如图,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D 中,2AB AD ,11AA .(1)求二面角1D AC D 的大小;(2)若点P 在直线11A C 上,求证:直线//BP 平面1D AC .19.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分)盒子中装有大小和质地相同的6个红球和3个白球.(1)从盒子中随机抽取出1个球,观察其颜色后放回,并同时放入与其颜色相同的球3个,然后再从盒子随机取出1个球,求第二次取出的球是红球的概率;(2)从盒子中不放回地依次随机取出2个球,设2个球中红球的个数为X ,求X 的分布、期望和方差.已知椭圆22:163x y ,O 为坐标原点.(1)求 的离心率e ;(2)设点 1,0N ,点M 在 上,求MN 的最大值和最小值;(3)点 2,1T ,点P 在直线3x y 上,过点P 且与OT 平行的直线l 与 交于A 、B 两点.试探究:是否存在常数 ,使得2PA PB PT 恒成立?若存在,求出该常数的值;若不存在,请说明理由.设函数 y f x 的定义域为D ,若存在实数k ,使得对于任意x D ,都有 f x k ,则称函数 y f x 有上界,实数k 的最小值为函数 y f x 的上确界.记集合 0,n n f x M f x y x在区间上是严格增函数.(1)求函数21y x(26x )的上确界:(2)若 3212ln f x x hx x x M ,求h 的最大值;(3)设函数 y f x 的定义域为 0, .若 2f x M ,且 y f x 有上界,求证: 0f x ,且存在函数 y f x ,它的上确界为0.上海市长宁区2024届高三二模数学试卷-简答D 1B 12023学年第二学期高三数学教学质量调研试卷参考答案和评分标准一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,第1~6题每题4分,第7~12题每题5分)1.2; 2. 1,2 ;3.4;4.23; 5.1; 6.47.无关;8. 1,02,2;9.3 ;10.13;11.20.68;12.2二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分18分,第13、14题每题4分,第15、16题每题5分)13.C ;14.C ;15.D ;16.B三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分78分)17.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分).解:(1)sin 26f x x.每空2分,解析式2分(2) 22sin sin sin sin sin cos 2g x x x x x x x1111cos 2sin 222242x x x,……..4分因为0,2x ,所以32,444x ,进而sin 242x,…….6分所以函数y g x的值域为12………8分18.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分).解:(1)设BD 与AC 相交与E ,连接1D E 因为ABCD 为正方形,所以BD AC ,又因为1DD 平面ABCD ,所以DE AC ,…….2分所以1D ED 即为二面角1D AC D 的平面角,……..4分由已知DE 1tan D EDD1B1二面角1D AC D的大小为arctan2.……..6分(2)连接1BA、1BC因为11//BA CD,所以1//BA平面1D AC,…….2分因为11//BC AD,所以1//BC平面1D AC,……..4分所以平面11//BA C平面1D AC,………6分因为直线BP 平面11BA C,所以直线//BP平面1D AC.………8分方法二:以AB、AD、1AA为x y z、、轴,建立空间直角坐标系.则0,0,0A,2,0,0B,2,2,0C,10,2,1D,………2分因为点P在直线11A C上,所以可设,,1P a a,……..4分设平面1D AC的法向量为,,n x y z,由0n AC,1n AD,得220x y,20y z,所以可取1,1,2n,……..6分因为2,,1BP a a,所以0n BP,进而n BP,又因为BP不在平面1D AC上,所以直线//BP平面1D AC.…….8分19.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分).解:(1)第一次取出红球的概率为23,取出白球的概率为13,…….2分第一次取出红球,第二次取出红球的概率为231342第一次取出白球,第二次取出红球的概率为111326……..4分所以第二次取出的球是红球的概率为112263………6分(2)2329C112CP X ,116329C C112CP X ,2629C5212CP X ,所以X的分布为01211512212,……….4分1154012122123E X……..6分2151342126E X ,所以 22131676918D XE X E X,…….8分20.(本题满分18分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分).解:(1)设 的半长轴长为a ,半焦距为c ,则a,c ,………2分所以2c e a.……..4分(2)设 ,M x y ,MN……2分因为x ……3分所以当2x时,MN ,……..4分当x 时,MN 取得最大值为1 .…….6分(3)设 ,3P a a , 11,A x y , 22,B x y ,则直线13:322l y x a,………2分2222PT a ,………3分11111,3,22a PA x a y a x a x,22221,3,22a PB x a y a x a x………4分将直线l 方程代入椭圆方程得 2222240x a x a 所以 1222x x a , 21224x x a ,……..5分21212125544PA PB x a x a x x a x x a 25224a ,……..6分得254PA PB PT ,所以存在54,使得2PA PB PT 恒成立.……..8分21.(本题满分18分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分).x得 10f x ,0k ,……3分取21x x ,且2x,由21x x ,得212221f x f x x x①由2x,得 12222122f x f x k x x x ②①式与②式矛盾,所以假设不成立,即对于任意 0,x ,均有 0f x .……6分令 10f x x x,则 231f x y x x因为当0x 时,430y x,所以2f x y 在 0, 上严格增, 2y f x M。
(杜甫《望岳》)2. ,赢得生前身后名。
”(二)阅读下面的作品,完成第5—9 题(22分)【甲】咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。
2024届长宁区二模2024.04.07一、填空题(1-6每小题4分,7-12每小题5分,共54分)1.已知集合{}{}1,2,1,,3A B a ==,且A B ⊆,则=a ______.【答案】2【解析】【分析】根据集合自己的概念即可求解.【详解】∵{}{}1,2,1,,3A B a ==,且A B ⊆,∴集合A 里面的元素均可在集合B 里面找到,∴a =2.故答案为:22.不等式|21|3x -<的解集为________.【答案】{|12}x x -<<【解析】【分析】根据绝对值定义化简求解,即得结果.【详解】∵|21|3x -<3213x ⇔-<-<12x ⇔-<<,∴不等式|21|3x -<的解集为{|12}x x -<<.故答案为:{|12}x x -<<.【点睛】本题考查解含绝对值不等式,考查基本分析求解能力,属基础题.3.在41x x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的展开式中2x 的系数为_______.【答案】4【解析】【分析】利用二项式定理的通项公式即可求解.【详解】由二项式定理可知,41x x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的展开式的通项为4421441C C rr r r r r T x x x --+⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭,令422r -=,解得1r =,所以12224C 4T x x ==,所以二项式41x x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的展开式中含2x 项的系数为4.故答案为:4.4.在ABC ∆中,内角A,B,C 所对的边分别为a,b,c,若222a b bc c =++,则A =_____________.【答案】120︒【解析】【分析】根据已知可化为余弦定理的形式,从而求出A 的余弦,进而求出A.【详解】由题意可知,2221cos 222b c a bc A bc bc +--===-,所以120A =︒.【点睛】本题主要考查了利用余弦定理公式求三角形的角,属于中档题.5.已知236a b ==,则11a b +=________.【答案】1【解析】【分析】首先利用指数和对数互化得到2log 6a =,3log 6b =,再利用换底公式即可得到答案.【详解】由236a b ==可知2log 6a =,3log 6b =,所以66611log 2log 3log 61a b+=+==.故答案为:16.直线230x y --=与直线350x y --=的夹角大小为_______.【答案】π4##45︒【解析】【分析】先由斜率的定义求出两直线的倾斜角,然后再利用两角差的正切展开式计算出夹角的正切值,最后求出结果.【详解】设直线230x y --=与直线350x y --=的倾斜角分别为,αβ,则1tan 2,tan 3αβ==,且[),0,παβ∈,所以αβ>,因为()12tan tan 3tan 121tan tan 13αβαβαβ---===++,所以π4αβ-=,即两条直线的夹角为π4,故答案为:π4.7.收集数据,利用22⨯列联表,分析学习成绩好与上课注意力集中是否有关时,提出的零假设为:学习成绩好与上课注意力集中_______(填:有关或无关)【答案】无关【解析】【分析】根据题意,由零假设的定义,即可得到结果.【详解】零假设等价于两个变量相互独立,所以此题中的零假设为:学习成绩好与上课注意力集中无关.故答案为:无关8.已知函数()y f x =是定义域为R 的奇函数,当0x >时,()2log f x x =,若()1f a >,则实数a 的取值范围为_______.【答案】{1|02a a -<<或}2a >【解析】【分析】由已知结合奇函数的定义可求出0x <及0x =时的函数解析式,然后结合对数函数性质即可求解不等式.【详解】因为函数()y f x =是定义域为R 的奇函数,所以()00f =,当0x >时,()2log f x x =,当0x <时,0x ->,所以()()()2log f x x f x -=-=-,所以()()2log f x x =--,若()1f a >,当0a >时,可得2log 1a >,解得2a >,当a<0时,可得()2log 1a -->,解得102a -<<,当0a =时,可得01>,显然不成立,故a 的取值范围为{1|02a a -<<或}2a >.故答案为:{1|02a a -<<或}2a >.9.用铁皮制作一个有底无盖的圆柱形容器,若该容器的容积为π立方米,则至少需要_______平方米铁皮【答案】3π【解析】【分析】由柱体的体积公式可得21r h ⋅=,再求出圆柱形容器的表面积,由基本不等式求解即可.【详解】设圆柱形容器的底面半径为r ,高为h ,所以圆柱形容器的体积为2ππV r h =⋅=,所以21r h ⋅=,所以圆柱形容器的表面积为:()22π2ππ3π3πS r rh r rh rh =+=++≥⋅,当且仅当2r rh =,又21r h ⋅=,即1r h ==时等号成立,故至少需要3π平方米铁皮.故答案为:3π.10.已知抛物线2Γ:4y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,点M 在Γ上,,30MN l NFM ⊥∠=︒,则点M 的横坐标为_______.【答案】13【解析】【分析】过点F 作FH NM ⊥于点H ,由抛物线定义以及三角函数可用含M 的横坐标M x 的式子表示,NM HM ,注意到()112MN MH NH +==--=,由此即可列方程求解.【详解】如图所示:过点F 作FH NM ⊥于点H ,显然抛物线2Γ:4y x =的焦点为()1,0F ,准线为:l =1x -,由抛物线定义有MF MN =,结合30NFM ∠=︒得180230120NMF ∠=︒-⨯︒=︒,而()11,cos 6012M M MF MN x MH MF x ==+=︒=+,所以()()111111223M M M MN MH x x x +=+++=--=⇔=.故答案为:13.11.甲、乙、丙三辆出租车2023年运营的相关数据如下表:甲乙丙接单量t (单)783182258338油费s (元)107150110264110376平均每单里程k (公里)151515平均每公里油费a (元)出租车空驶率=出租车没有载客行驶的里程出租车行驶的总里程;依据以述数据,小明建立了求解三辆车的空驶率的模型(),,,u f s t k a =,并求得甲、乙、丙的空驶率分别为23.26%21.68%%x 、、,则x =_______(精确到0.01)【答案】20.68【解析】【分析】根据题意得到出租车空驶率的模型,检验甲、乙两辆出租车的空驶率,满足题意,从而利用该模型求得丙的空驶率,从而得解.【详解】依题意,因为出租车行驶的总里程为s a,出租车有载客时行驶的里程为tk ,所以出租车空驶率1s tk tka a u s s a -==-,对于甲,7831150.710.232623.26%107150⨯⨯-≈=,满足题意;对于乙,8225150.710.216821.68%110264⨯⨯-≈=,满足题意;所以上述模型满足要求,则丙的空驶率为8338150.7%10.206820.68%110376x ⨯⨯=-≈=,即20.68x =.故答案为:20.68.12.已知平面向量,,a b c 满足:2a b c === ,若()()0c a c b -⋅-= ,则a b - 的最小值为_______.【答案】2【解析】【分析】先利用()2214a b a b a b ⋅=+-- 和()()2240a b a b ++-= 证明228a b --≤ ,再解不等式得到22824a b --≤ ,从而有2a b -≥ ,再验证()3,1a = ,()3,1b =- ,()2,0c =时2a b -= ,即得到a b - 的最小值是2.【详解】由于()()()()()()()2222222211122444a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b ⋅=++⋅-+-⋅=+--=+-- ,且()()()()()()222222222222101040a b a b a b a b a b a b a b ++-=++⋅++-⋅=+=+= ,故有()()0c a c b =-⋅- ()2c a b c a b =-+⋅+⋅ 2c a b c a b ≥-++⋅ 42a b a b =-++⋅ ()()()221424a b a b a b =-+++-- ()()21424024a b a b =-++-- ()2144024a b =-+--21142a b =--- ,所以228a b --≤ ,记228a b x --= ,则有x ≤,从而120x -≤≤或()21612x x ≤+,即120x -≤≤或824x ≤≤.总之有24x ≤,故22824a b --≤ ,即2a b -≥ .存在()3,1a = ,()3,1b =- ,()2,0c = 时条件满足,且此时2a b -= ,所以a b - 的最小值是2.故答案为:2.【点睛】关键点点睛:对于a b - 的最小值问题,我们先证明2a b -≥ ,再给出一个使得2a b -= 的例子,即可说明a b - 的最小值是2,论证不等关系和举例取到等号两个部分都是证明最小值的核心,缺一不可.二、选择题(13-14每小题4分,15-16每小题5分,共18分)13.设C z ∈,则“z z =”是“R z ∈”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【解析】【分析】由充分条件和必要条件的定义结合复数的定义求解即可.【详解】设i z a b =+,则i z a b =-,由z z =可得0b =,所以R z a =∈,充分性成立,当R z ∈时,即z a =,则z a =,满足z z =,故“z z =”是“R z ∈”的充要条件.故选:C .14.已知直线,a b 和平面α,则下列判断中正确的是()A.若//,//a b αα,则//a bB.若//,//a b b α,则//a αC.若//,a b αα⊥,则a b⊥ D.若,//a b b α⊥,则a α⊥【答案】C【解析】【分析】利用空间线线线面的位置关系判断A 错误;举反例判断B 错误;利用线面平行的性质定理和线面垂直性质得到C 正确;由线面平行和线线垂直的性质判断D 错误.【详解】A :若//,//a b αα,则两直线平行或异面或相交,故A 错误;B :若//,//a b b α,当直线a 在平面α内时,则直线a 不平行于平面α,故B 错误;C :若//a α,设过a 的平面与α相交于c ,则//a c ,又因为b α⊥,c α⊂,所以b c ⊥,所以b a ⊥,所以a b ⊥ ,故C 正确;D :若,//a b b α⊥,则a α⊥或//a α或a α⊂,故D 错误;故选:C.15.某运动员8次射击比赛的成绩为:9.6、9.7、9.5、9.9、9.4、9.8、9.3、10.0;已知这组数据的第x 百分位为m ,若从这组数据中任取一个数,这个数比m 大的概率为0.25,则x 的取值不可能是()A.65B.70C.75D.80【答案】D【解析】【分析】先利用古典概型分析m 的取值范围,再利用百分位数的定义逐一分析各选项,从而得解.【详解】将该运动员8次射击比赛的成绩从小到大排列:9.3、9.4、9.5、9.6、9.7、9.8、9.9、10.0,因为从这组数据中任取一个数,这个数比m 大的概率为0.25,一共有8个数,所以比m 大的数有两个,则9.89.9m ≤<,对于A ,因为80.65 5.2⨯=,所以第65百分位为第6个数,即9.8,满足题意;对于B ,因为80.7 5.6⨯=,所以第70百分位为第6个数,即9.8,满足题意;对于C ,因为80.756⨯=,所以第75百分位为第6,7个数的平均数,即9.89.99.852+=,满足题意;对于D ,因为80.8 6.4⨯=,所以第80百分位为第7个数,即9.9,不满足题意.故选:D.16.设数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若存在非零常数c ,使得对任意正整数n ,都有n a c =+,则称数列{}n a 具有性质p :①存在等差数列{}n a 具有性质p ;②不存在等比数列{}n a 具有性质p ;对于以上两个命题,下列判断正确的是()A.①真②真B.①真②假C.①假②真D.①假②假【答案】B【解析】【分析】直接构造21n a n =-和()11n n a -=-,说明存在等差数列{}n a 具有性质p ,且存在等比数列{}n a 具有性质p ,从而得到①真②假.【详解】一方面,对21n a n =-,知{}n a 是等差数列.而()211212n S n n n =⋅+-=,令1c =就有2211n n n a c ==-+=+,所以{}n a 具有性质p ,这表明存在等差数列{}n a 具有性质p ;另一方面,对()11n n a -=-,知{}n a 是等比数列.当n 为奇数时,1n a =;n 为偶数时,1n a =-.故当n 为奇数时,1n S =;n 为偶数时,0n S =.故当n为奇数时,2111n a ==+=+;n为偶数时,0111n a ==-+=+.这表明1n a =+恒成立,再令1c =就有n a c =+,所以{}n a 具有性质p ,这表明存在等比数列{}n a 具有性质p .综上,①正确,②错误,故B 正确.故选:B.【点睛】关键点点睛:构造21n a n =-和()11n n a -=-作为例子,直接判断命题的真假,是判断选项正确性的简单有效的方法.三、解答(共78分)17.某同学用“五点法”画函数()()sin (0)f x x ωϕω=+>在某一个周期内的图象时,列表并填入了部分数据,如下表:x ωϕ+0π2π3π22πx ∆π65π122π311π12()sin x ωϕ+01∆1-0(1)请在答题卷上将上表Δ处的数据补充完整,并直接写出函数()y f x =的解析式;(2)设()()()2ππ1,0,0,22g x f x f x fx x ωϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤===+-∈ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎝⎭⎣⎦⎝⎭,求函数()y g x =的值域;【答案】(1)补充表格见解析,()πsin 26f x x ⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭(2)10,2⎡⎤+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦【解析】【分析】(1)由表得ππ622π3π32ωϕωϕ⎧⋅+=⎪⎪⎨⎪⋅+=⎪⎩,解方程组即可得,ωϕ,进一步可据此完成表格;(2)由题意结合二倍角公式、诱导公式以及辅助角公式先化简()g x 的表达式,进一步通过整体换元法即可求解.【小问1详解】由题意ππ622π3π32ωϕωϕ⎧⋅+=⎪⎪⎨⎪⋅+=⎪⎩,解得π2,6ωϕ==,所以函数()y f x =的解析式为()πsin 26f x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,令π206x +=时,解得π12x =-,当5π12x =时,ππ2π,sin 2066x x ⎛⎫+=+= ⎪⎝⎭,将表中Δ处的数据补充完整如下表:x ωϕ+0π2π3π22πx π12-π65π122π311π12()sin x ωϕ+0101-0【小问2详解】若1,0ωϕ==,则()22πsin sin sin sin sin cos 2g x x x x x x x ⎛⎫=+-=+ ⎪⎝⎭1cos 212π1πsin 2sin 20,222422x x x x ⎛⎫-⎛⎫⎡⎤=+=-+∈⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎝⎭,因为π0,2x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,所以ππ3π2,444x⎡⎤-∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦,进而πsin 2,142x ⎡⎤⎛⎫-∈-⎢⎥ ⎪⎝⎭⎣⎦,所以函数()y g x =的值域为10,2⎡⎤+⎢⎢⎥⎣⎦.18.如图,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,12,1AB AD AA ===;(1)求二面角1D AC D --的大小;(2)若点P 在直线11A C 上,求证:直线//BP 平面1D AC ;【答案】(1)6arccos 3(2)见解析【解析】【分析】(1)以A 为原点,建立空间直角坐标系,分别求得平面1ACD 和平面ACD 的一个法向量()1,1,2n =- 和()0,0,1m =,结合向量的夹角公式,即可求解.(2)设()11101A P A C λλ=≤≤ ,求出()2,2,1P λλ,则()22,2,1BP λλ=- ,再由0BP n ⋅=可证明直线//BP 平面1D AC .【小问1详解】以A 为坐标原点,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,所以()()()()0,0,0,0,2,0,2,0,0,2,2,0A D B C ,()()()()11110,0,1,0,2,1,2,0,1,2,2,1A D B C ,因为()()12,2,0,0,2,1AC AD ==,设平面1ACD 的法向量为(),,n x y z = ,则122020n AC x y n AD y z ⎧⋅=+=⎪⎨⋅=+=⎪⎩,取1y =-,可得1,2x z ==,所以()1,1,2n =-,设平面ACD 的法向量为()0,0,1m =所以6cos ,361m nn m n m ⋅===⨯,所以二面角1D AC D --的大小为6arccos3.【小问2详解】设(),,P x y z ,则设()11101A P A C λλ=≤≤ ,()()111,,1,2,2,0A P x y z A C =-=,所以2,2,1x y z λλ===,所以()2,2,1P λλ,()22,2,1BP λλ=-平面1ACD 的法向量为()1,1,2n =-,22220BP n λλ⋅=--+=,因为BP ⊄平面1D AC ,所以直线//BP 平面1D AC .19.盒子中装有大小和质地相同的6个红球和3个白球;(1)从盒子中随机抽取出1个球,观察其颜色后放回,并同时放入与其颜色相同的球3个,然后再从盒子随机取出1个球,求第二次取出的球是红球的概率;(2)从盒子中不放回地依次随机取出2个球,设2个球中红球的个数为X ,求X 的分布、期望与方差;【答案】(1)23(2)分布见解析,期望()()47,318E X D X ==【解析】【分析】(1)由独立乘法公式、互斥加法公式即可运算求解古典概型概率;(2)X 的所有可能取值为0,1,2,它服从超几何分布,结合超几何分布概率的求法求得相应的概率进而可得X 的分布,结合期望、方差计算公式即可求解.【小问1详解】第一次取出红球的概率为23,取出白球的概率为13,第一次取出红球,第二次取出红球的概率为231342⨯=,第一次取出白球,第二次取出红球的概率为111326⨯=,所有第二次取出的球是红球的概率为112263+=;【小问2详解】X 的所有可能取值为0,1,2,()()()21123636222999C C C C 1150,12C 12C 2C 12P X P X P X =========,所以X 的分布为01211512212⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,它的期望为()1154012122123E X =⨯+⨯+⨯=,它的方差为()22214145470121232312318D X ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯-+⨯-+⨯-= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭.20.已知椭圆22Γ:1,63x y O +=为坐标原点;(1)求Γ的离心率e ;(2)设点()1,0N ,点M 在Γ上,求MN 的最大值和最小值;(3)点()2,1T ,点P 在直线3x y +=上,过点P 且与OT 平行的直线l 与Γ交于,A B 两点;试探究:是否存在常数λ,使得2PA PB PT λ⋅= 恒成立;若存在,求出该常数的值;若不存在,说明理由;【答案】(1)22(2)MN 的最大值为1+(3)54λ=【解析】【分析】(1)利用椭圆方程即可直接求得其离心率;(2)利用椭圆的几何性质,结合两点距离公式与二次函数的性质即可得解;(3)分别利用向量的模与线性运算的坐标表示求得2,,PT PA PB,再联立直线l 与椭圆方程得到1212,x x x x +关于a 的表达式,进而化简PA PB ⋅ 得到PA PB ⋅ 与2PT 的关系,由此得解.【小问1详解】设Γ的半长轴长为a ,半短轴长为b ,半焦距为c ,则a b ==,则c =22c e a ===.【小问2详解】依题意,设(,)M x y,则x ≤≤22163x y +=,故2232x y =-,则MN ==所以由二次函数的性质可知,当2x =时,MN取得最小值为,当x =时,MN1=+【小问3详解】设()()1122(,3),,,,P a a A x y B x y -,又()2,1T,易得12OT k =,则直线l 为()()132y a x a --=-,即13322y x a =+-,而()()22222312(2)PT a a a =-+--=- ,()111111131,3,33,2222a PA x a y a x a x a a x a x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=--+=-+--+=-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ ,()222222131,3,33,2222a PB x a y a x a x a a x a x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=--+=-+--+=-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ ,联立2213322163y x a x y ⎧=+-⎪⎪⎨⎪+=⎪⎩,消去y ,得222(2)3(2)40x a x a +-+--=则()222Δ4(2)43(2)48420a a a a ⎡⎤=--⨯--=--+>⎣⎦,得22a -<<+所以212122(2),3(2)4x x a x x a +=--=--,故()()()()121214PA PB x a x a x a x a ⋅=--+--()()()21212125544x a x a x x a x x a =--=-++()2253(2)4224a a a a =--+-+252(2)4a =-,所以25||||4PA PB PT ⋅= ,故存在54λ=,使得2||||PA PB PT λ⋅= 恒成立.【点睛】方法点睛:利用韦达定理法解决直线与圆锥曲线相交问题的基本步骤如下:(1)设直线方程,设交点坐标为()()1122,,,x y x y ;(2)联立直线与圆锥曲线的方程,得到关于x (或y )的一元二次方程,注意∆的判断;(3)列出韦达定理;(4)将所求问题或题中的关系转化为12x x +、12x x (或12y y +、12y y )的形式;(5)代入韦达定理求解.21.设函数()y f x =的定义域为D ,若存在实数k ,使得对于任意x D ∈,都有()f x k ≤,则称函数()y f x =有上界,实数k 的最小值为函数()y f x =的上确界;记集合n M ={()()nf x f x y x =在区间()0,∞+上是严格增函数};(1)求函数2(26)1y x x =<<-的上确界;(2)若()3212ln f x x hx x x M =-+∈,求h 的最大值;(3)设函数()y f x =一定义域为()0,∞+;若()2f x M ∈,且()y f x =有上界,求证:()0f x <,且存在函数()y f x =,它的上确界为0;【答案】(1)2(2)4(3)证明见解析【解析】【分析】(1)由函数的单调性求出值域再根据题意可得;(2)求出()f x y x=的表达式,求导,再利用()nf x y x=在()0,∞+上严格递增得到导函数大于等于零恒成立,然后利用基本不等式求出最小值即可;(3)假设存在,由单调性可得()()102210f x f x xx>>,再取21x x >,且2x >可得()()212221f x f x x x >,推出①②互相矛盾,然后令()1,0f x x x=->,根据题意求出值域最后确定上确界即可.【小问1详解】因为函数21y x =-在区间()2,6上严格递减,所以函数2(26)1y x x =<<-的值域为2,25⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,所以函数2(26)1y x x =<<-的上确界为2.【小问2详解】()22ln f x y x hx x x==-+,22,0y x h x x'=-+>,因为记集合n M ={()()nf x f x y x =在区间()0,∞+上是严格增函数},所以0y '≥恒成立,因为224x h h h x -+≥=-,当且仅当1x =时取等号,所以4h ≤,所以h 的最大值为4.【小问3详解】证明:因为函数()y f x =有上界,设()f x k ≤,假设存在()00,x ∈+∞,使得()00f x ≥,设10x x >,因为()2y f x M =∈,所以()2f x y x=在()0,∞+上严格递增,进而()()102210f x f x xx>>,得()10,0f x k >>,取21x x >,且2x >,由于21x x >,得到()()212221f x f x xx>,①由2x >,得()()12222122f x f x k x x x >≥,②显然①②两式矛盾,所以假设不成立,即对任意()0,x ∈+∞,均有()0f x <,令()1,0f x x x =->,则()231f x y x x==-,因为当0x >时,430y x'=>,所以()2f x y x=在()0,∞+上严格递增,()2y f x M =∈,因为()1,0f x x x=->的值域为(),0∞-,所以函数()1f x x=-的上确界为零.【点睛】关键点点睛:(1)第二问的关键是导函数大于等于零恒成立,用基本不等式求解;(2)第三问关键是根据不等式的结构能够想到取2x >,再得到()()12222122f x f x k x x x >≥与当21x x >,得到()()212221f x f x x x >矛盾.。
Part I Writing (30 points)Section A (15 points)Write a short passage of about 100 words on the following topic. You are allowed to make up a story, invent names and dates, but you must base your story on the following key words and phrases.Key words and phrases: summer vacation, plan, visit, grandparents, travel, city, countryside, interesting, learnSummer vacation is just around the corner, and I have already made up my mind about how to spend it. This year, I plan to visit my grandparentsin the countryside for the first time. I have heard so much about their charming village and the beautiful scenery around it. I am excited to travel to the city first, where I will meet my grandparents and learn about their lives in the countryside. I hope to experience the fresh air, the green fields, and the tranquil rivers. It will be an interesting adventure for me, and I believe it will teach me a lot about life and nature.Section B (15 points)Write a letter to your friend, expressing your concerns about the environmental issues in your city. You should suggest some ways to improve the situation. Remember to include the following points in your letter:1. The current situation of environmental pollution in your city.2. The negative impacts of pollution on people's health and the environment.3. Your suggestions for improving the situation.Dear [Friend's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share some concerns I have about the environmental issues in our city. Lately, I have noticed that the air quality has been getting worse, and the streets are filledwith garbage and pollution. It's quite worrying, and I believe it's important for us to take action to improve the situation.The current situation of environmental pollution in our city is quite severe. The air is often filled with smog, and the water bodies are polluted with industrial waste. This pollution has a significantnegative impact on our health and the environment. Many people suffer from respiratory problems, and the natural beauty of our city is being destroyed.To improve the situation, I have a few suggestions:1. Increase the use of public transportation and encourage carpooling to reduce air pollution.2. Implement stricter regulations on industrial waste disposal and promote the use of renewable energy.3. Organize community clean-up events to keep our streets and parks clean.4. Raise awareness about environmental issues through educational programs and campaigns.I hope we can work together to make a positive change. It's up to us to take care of our environment for future generations.Best regards,[Your Name]Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section A (20 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The Importance of ExerciseRegular exercise is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. It has numerous benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mental health, and enhancing overall quality of life.Physical activity helps to maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and improving metabolism. It also strengthens the heart and lungs, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Regular exercise can also lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and improve cholesterol levels.In addition to physical benefits, exercise has a positive impact on mental health. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Exercise also improves sleep quality and boosts self-esteem.To reap the benefits of exercise, it's important to incorporate it into your daily routine. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, each week. Additionally, include strength training exercises two or three times a week.1. What are the physical benefits of regular exercise?2. How does exercise impact mental health?3. How many minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity should youaim for each week?Section B (20 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The Benefits of ReadingReading is a valuable skill that can have a significant impact on one's life. It not only provides entertainment and knowledge but also enhances cognitive abilities and improves communication skills.One of the primary benefits of reading is the acquisition of knowledge. Books and articles provide information on a wide range of topics, from science and history to literature and self-help. By reading, individuals can expand their knowledge base and stay informed about current events.Reading also enhances cognitive abilities. It improves concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills. Regular readers tend to have betterverbal and written communication skills, as they are exposed to a variety of writing styles and vocabulary.Furthermore, reading can help reduce stress and improve mental health. It provides an escape from reality and allows individuals to explore different worlds and perspectives. Reading can also promote empathy and understanding, as readers become more aware of the experiences and emotions of others.1. What are some of the benefits of reading?2. How does reading improve cognitive abilities?3. What mental health benefits can be derived from reading?Part III Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section A (10 points)Listen to the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.W: Hi, John! How was your trip to Beijing last week?M: It was amazing! I saw so many famous landmarks, like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The food was also fantastic.W: I'm glad to hear that. Did you visit any museums?M: Yes, I visited the National Museum of China. It was fascinating to see the historical artifacts and learn about China's rich culture.W: That sounds interesting. Do you have any recommendations for someone planning to visit Beijing?M: Definitely. I would suggest visiting the Forbidden City in the morning, as it gets crowded later in the day. And don't forget to try Peking duck for lunch!1. Where did the man visit last week?2. What did the man see in the National Museum of China?3. What did the man recommend for someone visiting Beijing?Section B (10 points)Listen to the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The following is a speech by a famous scientist about the importance of scientific research.Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Today, I want to talk about the importance of scientific research. Science has always been a driving force behind human progress. It has revolutionized our lives, from the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet.Scientific research is essential for solving the world's most pressing problems. It helps us understand the natural world, develop new technologies, and improve our quality of life. Without scientific research, we would not have vaccines, antibiotics, or renewable energy sources.Investing in scientific research is crucial for economic growth and job creation. It fosters innovation and drives technological advancements. Moreover, it enhances our understanding of the universe and our place in it.In conclusion, scientific research is a powerful tool for improving our lives and addressing global challenges. Let us continue to support and invest in this vital field.1. What is the main topic of the speech?2. Why is scientific research important for economic growth?3. What are some examples of technological advancements made possible by scientific research?Part IV Translation (20 points)Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.1. 我非常喜欢旅行,因为它让我有机会探索不同的文化和风景。
(2分)A.等级制度 B.地理环境 C.农业生产D.人口状况第三板块:“玉美神州”3.右图所示的玉梁金宝钿带虽主体以华夏民族所珍视的白玉为质,但其金筐宝钿的装饰技法,所用宝石的产地,甚至带具上忍冬样式的尾部,无不散发着浓郁的异域风情。
2023年上海长宁区初三语文二模试卷(含答案)第一部分:选择题1. 以下哪个选项最能概括本文的主旨?a. A选项b. B选项c. C选项d. D选项正确答案:b2. 诗句“山高月小“中的“月小”意味着:a. 月亮的面积较小b. 月亮的亮度较小c. 月亮离地球较远d. 月亮在天空中的位置较高正确答案:a3. 古代诗人杜甫最擅长的诗歌体裁是:a. 绝句b. 词c. 律诗d. 七言绝句正确答案:c第二部分:阅读理解阅读下面的文章,然后选择正确的答案。
(文章内容略)1. 根据文章内容,以下哪个选项是正确的?a. A选项b. B选项c. C选项d. D选项正确答案:b2. 根据文章,作者最能被描述为:a. 严谨而保守b. 幽默而风趣c. 潇洒而自由d. 温和而和善正确答案:d第三部分:作文题请根据你的个人经验和观点,写一篇不少于500字的作文,主题为“保护环境的重要性”。
答案解析:1. 本文主要传达的是对环境的保护和重视的观点,强调了环境对人类的重要性以及我们每个人应该承担的责任。
2. 题目中的“月小”表示月亮在视觉上较小,而不是实际上的大小。
3. 杜甫最擅长的诗歌体裁是律诗,而不是其他选项中的绝句、词或七言绝句。
4. 阅读理解题的答案应根据文章中给出的信息进行推断和判断。
5. 作文题需要考生根据个人经验和观点进行写作,主题是环境保护的重要性。
(《钱塘湖春行》)2. ,心忧炭贱愿天寒。
(《爱莲说》)5. ,不可久居,乃记之而去。
不计滑轮和绳的重力及摩擦,则力F 的大小为牛;若将连接物体A的绳剪断,物体A在下落过程中受到空气阻力的大小为1牛,方向竖直向上,则物体A受到合力的大小为牛。
上海市长宁区2024届初三二模数学试卷(考试时间100分钟,满分150分)一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)1.下列是最简二次根式的是().A.B .C .D 2.关于一元二次方程230x x 根的情况,正确的是().A .C 3..A y 4.、5000.A 5.,下列说法错误的是().A AB .C AC 6..A .B .C 一条对角线平分一组对角,另一条对角线平分一个内角的四边形是菱形;.D 二、7.计算:8.截至2023年底,全国高铁营业里程约为45000公里,这个数45000用科学记数法表示为.9.函数 22f x x的定义域为.10.3 的解是.11.已知方程221213x x x x ,如果设21xy x ,那么原方程转化为关于y 的整式方程为.12.如果二次函数2y x m 的图像向右平移3个单位后经过原点,那么m 的值为.13.在1、2、3中任取两个不重复的数字组成一个两位数,那么这个两位数是素数的概率是.第14题图第15题图第16题图14.为了解某校六年级300名学生来校的方式,随机调查了该校六年级50名学生同一天来校的方式,并绘制了如图所示的饼状图,那么估计该校六年级300名学生中这一天步行来学校的共有名.15.如图,在ABC 中,点D 在边AB 上,且2BD AD ,点E 是AC 的中点,联结DE ,设向量BA a,BC16.,且45EAF ,BE17.在D 、点E 18.10 ,16BC ,的取值范围是.19.计算: 10383 .第21题图20.(本题满分10分)解方程组:223560x y x xy y,①②.21.(本题满分10分,第(1)小题5分,第(2)小题5分)如图,⊙O 经过平行四边形ABCD 的顶点B 、C 、D ,点O 在边AD 上,3AO ,5OD .(1)求平行四边形ABCD 的面积;(2)求D 的正弦值.第23题图22.(本题满分10分,第(1)小题3分,第(2)小题3分,第(3)小题4分)春节期间甲乙两家商店各自推出优惠活动.设顾客在甲乙两家商店购买商品的原价都为x 元,请根据条件回答下列问题:(1)如果顾客在甲商店购买商品选择优惠活动后实际付款y 元,求y 关于x 的函数解析式(不必写出函数定义域);(2)购买原价在500元以下的商品时,如果分别选择甲商店的优惠活动和乙商店的优惠活动后,实际付款金额相等,求x 的值;(3)顾客购买原价在900元以下的商品时,如果选择乙商店的优惠活动比选择甲商店的优惠活更合算,23.D 重合),点F 在边CD (1)(2)第24题图在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知抛物线22y ax x c 与x 轴分别交于点A 、B (点A 在点B 左侧),与y 轴交于点 0,6C ,其对称轴为直线2x .(1)求该抛物线的表达式;(2)点F 是上述抛物线上位于第一象限的一个动点,直线AF 分别与y 轴、线段BC 交于点D 、E .①当CF DF 时,求CD 的长;②联结AC ,如果ACF 的面积是CDE 面积的3倍,求点F 的坐标.第25题图1备用图备用图已知在ABC 中,CA CB ,6AB ,3cos 5CAB,点O 为边AB 上一点,以点O 为圆心,OA 为半径作⊙O ,交边AC 于点D (点D 不与点A 、C 重合).(1)当4AD 时,判断点B 与⊙O 的位置关系,并说明理由;(2)过点C 作CE OD ,交OD 延长线于点E .以点E 为圆心,EC 为半径作⊙E ,延长CE ,交⊙E 于点'C .①如图1,如果⊙O 与⊙E 的公共弦恰好经过线段EO 的中点,求CD 的长;②联结'AC 、OC ,如果'AC 与BOC 的一条边平行,求⊙E 的半径长.上海市长宁区2024届初三二模数学试卷-简答2023学年第二学期初三数学参考答案和评分建议2024.4一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分)1.C ;2.B ;3.D ;4.A ;5.C ;6.D .二.填空题:(本大题共12题,满分48分)7.14;8.44.510⨯;9.2x ≠;10.10x =;11;12.9-;13.12;14.90;15.1126b a - ;16;17.2;18.165r =或4r <<.三、解答题(本大题共7题,满分78分)19.解:2321=+-+原式(8分62=-+1分=41分20.解:由②得:()()230x y x y --=2分∴原方程组化为:3,20x y x y -=⎧⎨-=⎩或3,30.x y x y -=⎧⎨-=⎩2分解得:116,3;x y =⎧⎨=⎩229,23.2x y ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩4分∴原方程组解为1163x y =⎧⎨=⎩229232x y ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩.2分21.解:(1)作OH BC ⊥,垂足为点H ,联结OC .∵平行四边形ABCD 中,3,5AO OD ==∴8BC AD ==1分∵在⊙O 中,OH 过圆心O ,OH BC ⊥∴4BH CH ==1分∵Rt OCH ∆中,90OHC ︒∠=∴222OH CH OC +=1分∵5OC OD ==∴3OH =1分∴平行四边形面积为8324BC OH ⋅=⨯=.1分(2)作CG AD ⊥,垂足为点G .∵平行四边形ABCD 中,//AD BC ,∴180GCH OGC ∠+∠=︒∵CG AD ⊥∴90OGC ∠=︒∴90GCH ∠=︒∵90OHC ∠=︒∴四边形OGCH 为矩形1分∴3OH CG ==4OG CH ==∴541DG =-=2分∵Rt DCG ∆中,90CGD ︒∠=∴CD =1分∴sin CG D CD ∠===1分22.解:(1)0.8y x=3分(2)0.8=80x x -2分400x =(符合题意)1分答:x 的值为400.(3)由题可知:当300600x ≤<时,800.8x x -<,400x <,300400x ∴≤<;2分当600900x ≤<时,1600.8x x -<,800x <,600800x ∴≤<;2分300400x ∴≤<或600800x ≤<答:x 的取值范围为300400x ≤<或600800x ≤<.23.证明:(1)BD AD ⊥ ,90ADB ︒∴∠=.BC AD ∥,90ADB DBC ︒∴∠=∠=.1分90ABD A ︒∴∠+∠=,90C CDB ︒∠+∠=.C ABD ∠=∠ ,.A CDB ∴∠=∠1分ABD EBF ∠=∠ ,即ABE EBD EBD DBF ∠+∠=∠+∠.ABE DBF ∴∠=∠1分.AB BEABE DBF BD BF∴∆∆∴=∽,2分(2)AB BE BD BF =,AB BDBE BF∴=.又ABD EBF ∠=∠ ,.ABD EBF ∴∆∆∽1分A BEF ∴∠=∠.1分GE GB = ,BEF EBD ∴∠=∠.A EBD ∴∠=∠.1分ABE DBF ∆∆ ∽,.A BDF ∴∠=∠EBD BDF ∴∠=∠,BE DC ∴∥.1分GB GEBD EF ∴=GE GB= BD EF∴=1分BE DC ∥BF 与DE 不平行,BEDF ∴四边形为梯形.1分BD EF= BEDF ∴四边形为等腰梯形1分24.解:(1)对称轴为直线222x a =-=12a ∴=-2分(0,6)C 抛物线经过点6c ∴=1分21262y x x ∴=-++抛物线表达式为:1分(2)①分别作FH y ⊥轴,垂足为点H ;作FG x ⊥轴,垂足为点G .21262y x x =-++由,可得(2,0)A -,(6,0)B .1分CF DF = FH y ⊥轴CFH DFH∴∠=∠//FH x 轴DFH FAG ∴∠=∠CFH FAG ∴∠=∠.1分设21,262F m m m ⎛⎫-++ ⎪⎝⎭tan tan CFH FAG∠=∠ CH FG FH AG∴=2211226222m m m m m m --++∴=+5m ∴=(符合要求)1分221222452CD CH m m m m ⎛⎫∴==-=-= ⎪⎝⎭1分②分别作FM x ⊥轴,垂足为点M ;作EN x ⊥轴,垂足为点N .(6,0),(0,6),6B C BC y x ∴=-+ 直线的表达式为:设21,262F m m m ⎛⎫-++ ⎪⎝⎭(),6E n n -//EN FMEN AN FM AM∴=EN FMAN AM∴=()2126612=6222m m n m n m -++-∴=--++①1分3ACF DCE S S ∆∆= 3AF DE ∴=////OD EN FM3AM ON∴=23m n ∴+=②1分由①②,解得42m n =⎧⎨=⎩或423m n =-⎧⎪⎨=-⎪⎩(舍),(4,6)F ∴.2分25.解:(1)过点O 作OH AC ⊥,垂足为点H .∵OH 过圆心,OH AD ⊥,∴122AH DH AD ===.1分∵OH AC ⊥,∴90AHO ︒∠=.∴3cos 5AH Rt AOH A AO ==在中,,∴103AO =.1分∵6AB =,∴83OB =.1分∴OB AO <.∴点B 在O 内.1分(2)过点C 作CM AB ⊥,垂足为点M .∵AC BC =,CM AB ⊥,∴13.2AM AB ==∵3cos 5AM Rt ACM CAM AC ∠==在中,,∴5AC =.1分∵OA OD =,∴CAB ODA ∠=∠.又∵ODA CDE ∠=∠,∴CAB CDE ∠=∠.3cos 5CAB ∠=.∴在Rt CDE △中,90CED ︒∠=,3cos 5DE CDE DC ∠==.设35DE k CD k ==,,则∴4.CE k ==∴55AD k =-1分H4①两圆的交点记为P 、Q ,联结PE 、PO∵⊙O 、⊙E 相交,PQ 是公共弦,∴OE 垂直平分PQ ,即OE PQ ⊥.∵PQ 经过OE 中点,∴PQ 垂直平分OE ,∴PE PO =,即CE AO =.1分∴11(55)22AH AD k ==-.在Rt AHO △中,90AHO ︒∠=,∴3cos 5AH HAO AO ∠==.∴5(55)6AO k =-.∴54(55)6k k =-,∴2549k =.∴125549CD k ==.1分②由于点A 在直线AB 上,所以'AC 不可能与OB 平行.(i)'AC BC ∥.过点'C 作'C N AD ⊥,垂足为点N .∵AC CB =,∴CAB B ∠=∠.∵180CAB B ACB ︒∠+∠+∠=,∴1802.ACB CAB ︒∠=-∠∵'AC BC ∥,∴'1802C AD ACB CAB ︒∠=∠=-∠.∵','DE CC CE C E ⊥=,∴'DC DC =.∴'CDE C DE ∠=∠.∵180''C DA C DE CDE ︒∠+∠+∠=,∴'1802C DA CDE ︒∠=-∠.∵CAB CDE ∠=∠,∴''C AD C DA ∠=∠.∵'C N AD ⊥,∴11(55)22ND AD k ==-,∴15(55)2CN k k =+-.在Rt 'C NC △中,'90C NC ︒∠=,cos '4'5CN C CN CC ∠==.∴15(55)4285k k k +-=.∴3925=k .∴391004==k CE .3分(ii)'AC OC ∥.延长OE 交'AC 延长线于点F .∵'AC OC ∥,∴1'OE CE EF C E ==.∴EF OE =.∵5(55)6OD OA k ==-,3DE k =,∴53(55)6OE k k =+-.∴53(55)6EF k k =+-.∴56(55)6DF k k =+-.∵'AC OC ∥,∴OD CD DF AD =,∴5(55)565556(55)6k k k k k -=-+-,21475250k k -+=,55()14k =或舍去.∴1047CE k ==.3分综上所述:71039100或=CE.。
2023学年第二学期高三物理教学质量调研试卷考生注意:1.试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟.2.本考试分设试卷和答题纸.试卷由五大题组成.3.作答必须涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分.4.本试卷中的选择题,除标注“多选”的试题外,只有一个正确选项.5.标注“计算”的试题,解题过程中须给出必要的图示、文字说明、公式、演算等.一、交通工具(20分)我国的高铁、动车四通八达,小轿车也已进入千家万户,这些交通工具大大方便了人们的出行.1.某同学在水平向右行驶的高铁车厢内,放置了一个用量角器自制的加速度测量仪,在一段时间内,测量仪上系有小球的细线与竖直方向成θ角,如图所示.则高铁在此时间内向右做______运动,其加速度大小为()A.gsinθB.gcosθC.gtanθD.gcotθ2.汽车质检时,将汽车的主动轮压在两个粗细相同的有固定转动轴的滚筒上,使车轮转动时汽车仍在原地不动,如图所示.车内轮A的半径为R A,车外轮B的半径为R B,滚筒C的半径为R C,车轮与滚筒间不打滑,当车轮以恒定速度运行时,A、B轮边缘的线速度大小之比为______,B、C轮边缘的向心加速度大小之比为______.3.汽车在水平路面向前运动,后轮胎外测的边缘上有一个黑色小石子,如图所示.当汽车运动速度为v时,小石子刚好运动到达最高点且离开轮胎.已知汽车轮胎半径为R,重力加速度为g,则小石子在最高点离开轮胎时的速度为______;小石子经过______时间落到路面.4.某汽车安全气囊的触发装置如图所示,金属球被强磁铁吸引固定.当汽车受到猛烈撞击,且加速度大于400m/s2时,金属球会脱离强磁铁,并沿导轨运动而接通电路使安全气囊打开.若金属球的质量为50g,则强磁铁对金属球的最大引力为______N,当汽车紧急加速时,金属球对强磁铁的压力将_____(选填“变小”“变大”或“不变”).5.在高铁的每节车厢都安装大量不同功能的传感器.如图所示为霍尔元件做成的磁传感器,该霍尔元件自由移动电荷为负电荷,若电流由a流向b时,M、N两极电势差U MN>0,则图中的磁场方向向_____(选填“上”或“下”).电势差U MN越大,测得的磁感应强度越_____(选填“大”或“小”)二、航天科技(20分)我国的航天科技飞速发展,在运载火箭、人造卫星、载人航天、天体探测以及失重条件下的各种实验等方面都取得了辉煌的成就.1.总质量为M(含燃料)的小型试验火箭,在极短的时间内将质量为m的气体以相对地面v0的速度竖直向下喷出后,火箭在重力作用下开始做匀变速直线运动.已知重力加速度大小为g,则气体喷出后,火箭获得的速度为_____,火箭上升的最大高度为_____.2.(多选)关于空间站的运行速度,正确的是()A.空间站离地越高,运行速度越小B.空间站离地越高,运行速度越大C.空间站的运行速度小于地球第一宇宙速度D.空间站的运行速度介于地球第一宇宙速度和第二宇宙速度之间3.天宫搭载的红外线热成像仪,是通过收集待成像物体辐射的红外线能量而成像的.红外线与可见光相比,红外线()A.频率更高B.更容易发生衍射现象C.真空中传播速度更快D.在同一装置中双缝干涉条纹更窄4.航天科技的应用离不开相对论.按照狭义相对论观点,空间站内的钟会因为高速运动而变_______;根据广义相对论观点,钟的快慢与引力场的强弱有关,在空间站的钟要比在地面走得______.5.如图所示,在机械臂作用下,微型卫星与空间站一起绕地球做匀速圆周运动,且微型卫星、空间站、地球位于同一直线.则连接微型卫星与空间站的机械臂对微型卫星的作用力()A.大小为零B.大小不为零,方向指向空间站C.大小不为零,方向背离空间站三、天宫课堂(16分)我国航天员在空间站进行过多次太空授课,精彩纷呈的授课内容大大激发了我们对科学知识和太空探索的兴趣和动力.1.航天员将天宫课堂内容传输到地面,使用了()A.机械波B.引力波C.物质波D.电磁波2.航天员将空气注入水球中,形成一个正中央含有同心空气球的特殊水球.已知水的折射率为n=4/3,气球半径r=3cm,水球半径R=8cm.若将一束单色光以入射角i射入水球,折射后光线恰好与空气球相切,如图所示,则入射角i=_____°,光线通过水球后,偏离原入射光线的角度是_____°.(已知sin22°= 3/8)3.(多选)航天员在空间站用小水球进行了一场类似于乒乓球的比赛,使用普通球拍击球时,水球被粘在球拍上,在球拍上包上毛巾后再击球,水球不仅没有被吸收,反而弹开了,下列说法正确的有()A.水滴呈球形是由于水的表面张力B.水球被粘在球拍上是因为球拍表面对水是浸润的C.毛巾表面布满了疏水的微线毛,对水是不浸润的D.水球弹开的原因是“毛巾球拍”对水球的力大于水球对“毛巾球拍”的力4.航天员在方格背景前做了以下实验:将质量为m的小球以速度v撞向质量为6m的静止大球,经过时间Δt两球发生正碰碰撞(忽略两球碰撞时间),实验过程中,相机拍下了三个时刻球的位置,如图所示.则碰撞后大球的速度为________v,如果在2Δt时刻还拍摄到了大球的位置,则通过该实验可以验证_______守恒定律.四、交变电流(18分)交变电流在工农业生产和日常生活中有着广泛的应用.大型电站发电机组产生的交变电流通过输电线向城市和农村源源不断地输送着强大的电能.1.交流电的有效值是根据电流的_______效应来规定的,体现了物理学中常用的_______的思想方法.2.如图(甲)所示,矩形线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直磁场的轴线逆时针匀速转动,线圈通过滑环电刷外接一只电阻为100Ω的灯泡.(1)线圈在如图(甲)所示的位置,俯视看线圈,线圈中的电流方向为________时针.(2)灯泡上的电压随时间变化图像如图(乙)所示,则灯泡消耗的电功率为_______w.(3)根据如图(乙)所示的图像,可知:A.灯泡每秒内电流方向改变50次B.t=0.01s时穿过线圈的磁通量为零C.t=0.01s时穿过线圈的磁通量的变化率为零3.远距离输电时通常采用高压输电.在输送功率一定的情况下,当输电电压由110kV改为440kV时,输电线路上损耗的功率变为原来的()A.4 B.8 C.16 D.1/4 E.1/8 F.1/164.家用燃气灶点火装置的电路如图(甲)所示,转换器将直流电压转换为如图(乙)所示的正弦交流电,并接到理想变压器的原线圈上.当两点火针间电压大于5000V时就会产生电火花进而点燃燃气.(1)要点燃燃气,变压器副线圈与原线圈的匝数之比k需满足条件:__________.(2)当k=200时,点火针每次放电的时间为_______s(结果保留两位有效数字).五、电子偏转(26分)电子在电场和磁场中都能发生偏转,通过对这两种偏转情况的研究,有助于我们更好地了解电子在电场和磁场中的运动规律.1.质量为m电量为e的电子,以水平速度v从左侧垂直进入宽度为d的局部匀强电场,如图所示,电场强度大小为E、方向竖直向上.(1)电子在电场中所做的运动是()A.匀加速直线运动B.匀加速曲线运动C.变加速曲线运动(2)电子在电场中运动时间为________.(3)电子在电场中向______偏移,离开电场时偏移的距离是______.2.如果将上题中宽度为d的局部匀强电场换成匀强磁场,如图所示,磁感应强度大小为B、方向水平向里.(1)电子在磁场中所做的运动是()A.匀加速直线运动B.匀加速曲线运动C.变加速曲线运动(2)要使电子能从右侧离开磁场,B与m、e、v、d应满足关系:__________.(3)(计算)电子从右侧离开磁场时,在竖直方向偏移了多少距离?参考答案 一、交通工具 (20分) 1.匀加速,C2.R A : R B ,R C : R B3.2v ,2√(R/g )4.20N ,变大5.下,大二、航天科技 (20分)1.mv 0M−m ,m 2v 022g(M−m)22.AC3.B4.慢,快5.B三、天宫课堂 (16分)1.D2.30°,16°3.ABC4.0.25,动量四、交流电 (18分)1.热,等效替代2.(1)逆 (2)2 (3)C3.F4.k >100,6.7×10-3五、电子偏转 (26分)1.(1)B (2)d/v (3)下, 222e mvEd 2.(1)C (2)B < mv/(ed )(3)电子进入磁场后做匀速圆周运动,如图所示.设圆弧半径为R .根据洛仑磁力提供向心力得:Rv m vB 2e = 解得 Bmv R e = ……(1) 根据几何关系:R 2=(R-y )2+d 2 ……(2) 由(1)(2)解得偏移量y 为: 22e e y d B mv B mv -⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=。
上海长宁区2023-2024学年第二学期质量调研试卷高三英语(考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分)I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.His boss. B.His assistant.C.His customer.D.His friend.2.A.On Tuesday. B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.D.On Wednesday.3.A.It takes him too much time. B.The distance is quite long.C.He always has traffic jams.D.It’s ok,not too bad.4.A.He enjoyed the TV special about Huahua. B.He did not like watching the TV special.C.He missed watching the TV special.D.He’d like to see the TV special again.5.A.The man should work harder. B.The man should reject the offer.C.The man can apply for the job again.D.The man may have another chance.6.A.The woman would rather stay at home. B.The woman would like to travel alone.C.The woman has been to Southeast Asia.D.The woman would like to visit Thailand.7.A.He feels confident about getting a promotion.B.He doesn’t think he is ready for the promotion.C.He is disappointed about not being promoted.D.He is well-prepared for the promotion.8.A.She doesn’t like watching tennis games.B.She will watch a tennis game next time.C.She canceled this tennis game.D.She totally forgot this tennis game.9.A.Check her apartment to see if it needs redecorating.B.Give her advice on how to choose a design company.C.Tell her how much the redecoration might cost.D.Create a redecoration design for her free of charge.10.A.The fireworks show was really impressive.B.The man was not interested in the fireworks show.C.The show was canceled because of a labor strike.D.The woman will watch the fireworks show next month.Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation.The passages and the conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions11through13are based on the following passage.11.A.They cause air pollution. B.They are hard to get rid of.C.They appear in different forms.D.They damage the instruments.12.A.NASA engineers check students’product in person.B.HUNCH School teachers guide these project designs.C.Astronauts teach HUNCH School students in space.D.HUNCH School students solved the problem for astronauts.13.A.To enhance teacher-student relationships.B.To improve students’communication skills.C.To allow students to experience zero gravity.D.To link space technology with school education.Questions14through16are based on the following passage.14.A.The return of a lost wallet indicates one’s honesty.B.We seem to know our own minds quite well.C.Neighbors and family members monitor each other.D.Many people buy latte out of true love of coffee.15.A.People deny acting from inner personalities.B.We can be influenced by outside pressures.C.Our behavior is the result of our true desires.D.Our characters shape our social relationships.16.A.Personalities and attitudes. B.Preferences and habits.C.Behaviors and personalities.D.Attitudes and preferences.Questions17through20are based on the following conversation.17.A.Classmates. B.Cousins.C.Parent and child.D.Professor and student.18.A.She can cook her favorite food. B.She wants to keep her room clean and tidy.C.She can finally have some privacy.D.She doesn’t get along well with her sister.19.A.He cannot fully understand recipes. B.He has trouble in socializing with others.C.He’s likely to get into financial trouble.D.He is not good at doing household chores.20.A.Prepare food on her own. B.Work out a weekly budget.C.Go to parties and clubs less often.D.Have a part-time job.Ⅱ.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Bob’s problems began during his formative years.His parents got divorced when he was young,and neither of his parents wanted to raise him or his brother and sister,so he21(bring)up by a foster family chosen by a social worker in the community.Unfortunately,his foster father was a strict authoritarian and often beat him.Bob rebelled against this strict upbringing,and by the time he was eight years old,he22(run)wild,stealing from shops and playing truant. When he reached adolescence,sometime around his thirteenth birthday,he had already appeared in court several times,charged23juvenile crimes.The judge blamed his foster parents,24(explain)that children needed responsible parents and guardians who would look after them properly.The foster father didn’t agree with the judge and objected to this,pointing out that Bob’s two brothers and sister were well-adjusted children who behaved at home and worked well at school.This has raised some interesting questions about the modern family system.25it is true that parents should not be too lenient with children by letting them do26they want,27too over-protective by sheltering them from the realities of life,it is also true that they should not be too strict.It has also highlighted the disadvantages of the modern nuclear family28the child has only its mother and father to rely on or the single-parent family,in which the mother or father has to struggle particularly hard29(support)their dependents.In fact,many people believe that we30return to traditional family values and the extended family: extensive research has shown that children from these families are generally better behaved and have a better chance of success in later life.Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.engageB.assessbinationD.intentionsE.refreshF.understandingG.relaxedH.consciouslyI.returnJ.threatensK.regretfully“Dealing with money is a basic life skill”Why financial transactions are about relationships and why thequality of the relationship is more important than the transaction itself.British psychologist,William Bloom,has long argued that society would benefit if money flowed more freely-if,for example,people regularly give part of their salaries or profits to charity.When you say,“Money should flow more freely,”what do you mean?“There are two metaphors that I like to use for money.One is the energy of the environment and human nature.Money represents a(n)31of these energies;it’s a materialized form of energy.The other metaphor iswater.If you look at water,it can be still and polluted or,once the dams are opened,it has the ability to32 itself.Healthy energy flows in the way rich people should allow their money to flow.If they are good,they will know how to give.”Money still isn’t flowing freely.A lot of it is dammed up in banks and in the hands of a small percentage of extremely wealthy individuals.“We have to build a society in which we are not threatened by each other.The gap between the rich and the poor 33social connection and harmony.The Baby Boomers(婴儿潮一代)are too comfortable for too long.Now they have to ask themselves what their politics are,because life is political.This is the time for all of us to34 politically.”How can we deal with money in a healthier way?“When it comes to money,there is a lot of naiveté.Children need to be taught in school that dealing with money is a basic life skill.They need to be able to read a bank statement in a(n)35way.When a transaction takes place,this means36pausing to say,‘This exchange affects me in this and this way.’We are often in too much of a hurry to realize that.We also forget that transactions are first and foremost about relationships.The quality of that relationship is more important than the transaction itself.That’s why Bedouins(游牧民族贝都因人) always share a cup of tea when they do business together.They understand the need to37their relationship with others.”Another form of flow is giving.Can that be a kind of spiritual practice?“Humans are paradoxical beings.It is possible to have pure38and to get satisfaction as a by-product from your actions.There is the classic idea that giving away money brings a sense of safety and satisfaction.And it does.Being alive in this universe comes from the39that you’re part of a flow in the universe.People think highly of altruism(舍己为人),giving away money to someone who cannot see you.Donating money to charity is not just about the material effect but it also allows you to pay attention to what causes you’re supporting.It’s healthy to give without thinking of the material40.Money is neutral,like language.It’s all about the way in which it is used.”Ⅲ.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A cure for the future in the past?For over fifty years,the people of Britain have relied on the welfare state to make sure they have adequate health services.But now the National Health Service is ernment41and underfunding are forcing hospitals to close,and waiting lists for treatment are getting longer.Under such circumstances,it is no surprise that more people are turning to private(but expensive)healthcare.For some,however,there are42.They are turning their back on modern pills,tablets and resorting to other conventional medicine.It seems paradoxical,but in an age of microchips and high technology,traditional medicine,the old-fashioned cures that our grandparents relied on,is making a43.Consider these case studies:Maude is76years old and has been suffering from arthritis for almost ten years.“The pain in my joints was almost44,and my doctor referred me to a surgeon at the London Hospital.I was told that I needed45,but would need to wait for at least two years before I could have the operation.In46,I started having massage sessions.To my surprise,these were very therapeutic,and while they didn’t cure the disorder,they did 47it to some extent”.Ron is46.His high-powered city job was48for a series of stress-related illnesses,and the drugs he took didn’t work well on the nervous strain.“I read about49which involve the whole person rather than the individual symptoms,but I had always doubted about such kind of medicine for all diseases.However,my friend 50a dietician who told me that part of my problem was diet-related.Basically,the food I was eating was 51to my disorder.She gave me a list of foods that would provide the right vitamins and minerals to keep me in good health.At the same time,she advocated a more52lifestyle-running,swimming,that kind of thing. I’m a bit of a couch potato,and this kind of lifestyle I had lived was53the problem.Now I feel great!”So is there still a place in our lives for modern medicine?While it is true that some infections and viruses may be54by turning to traditional medicine,more serious illnesses such as cancer need more extreme measures. We do need our health service at these times,and we shouldn’t stop55in its future.But we mustn’t forget that for some common illnesses,the cure may lie in the past.41.A.support B.restrictions C.cutbacks D.concern42.A.programs B.alternatives C.measures D.scaleseback B.living C.change D.mess44.A.unique B.uncertain C.universal D.unbearable45.A.permission B.surgery C.supervision D.strength46.A.condition B.desperation C.general D.particular47.A.protect B.recover C.relieve D.treat48.A.eager B.grateful C.famous D.responsible49.A.treatments B.sources C.spirits ments50.A.supervised B.declared C.recommended D.tempted51.A.contributing B.adapting C.subjecting D.objecting52.A.moderate B.active C.negative D.suitable53.A.identifying B.investigating C.estimating D.worsening54.A.prevented B.empowered C.indicated D.restored55.A.undertaking B.invading· C.investing D.evolvingSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The members of the group saw each other regularly,because they all had serious health problems.Twelve-year-old Marc was autistic(自闭症).But here,in the group circle,they could talk about what they felt.Here they could listen to the others and provide each other with some of the human attention they often so terribly missed.But that evening,they didn’t know how to talk about what had just happened:Paul had died.The group would never again enjoy his animated laughter.Everyone stared straight ahead.Only sadness and a sense ofimpotence rose to the surface.No matter what she tried,Jackie,the nurse facilitating the group,couldn’t get a conversation going.Then Jackie described how people in some cultures,when they were sad and wanted to share their feelings but could not find the words to express their sorrow,would sit in a circle and make rhythmic music together.Then everyone picked up one of the djembe drums in the room.Jackie began softly beating hers and the others joined in. Boom-boom-ta,boom-boom-ta.Slowly,they let the rhythm carry them away.Marc had trouble keeping time with the others and gave Jackie a frightened look.She smiled her encouragement,and he focused as well as he could. Jackie began to play slowly,and the others followed.At her sign,a few began to drum out of time with the beat.Suddenly,the rhythm of the music changed.Everyone was playing his or her own melody:no one was leading the park.Everyone was carried by the music.Gradually,the sadness found its way out.Karin,in a wheelchair,was the first to think of how much Paul had enjoyed making music with the rest of the group.Then the others told their own stories.Their faces were wet with tears-as were the instruments-but still the rhythm carried them.They felt as one,with each other and with Paul.These were tears of sorrow and mourning,but also of solidarity and connection.Henri began to smile,and the rest soon joined him.The rhythm quickened.Their combined music held power and energy.Marc felt relieved.A broad smile lit up his face,and the others were happy to see him this way.Then the situation had changed completely.Sorrow had made way for hope.People have been making rhythmic music in groups,using drums.It is a tradition,wherein healing takes place through the spirit and the emotions,through contact with the body and its subtle powers of self-healing.In a recent study,physician Barry Bittman showed that making rhythmic music in a group affects our physical condition. Immune cells in particular are stimulated to greater activity.56.The members of the group meet regularly to___________________________.A.find a solution to their health problemsB.tell interesting storiesC.share their feelings and emotionsD.play music instruments57.Why did they stare straight ahead this time?A.Marc couldn’t talk about what he felt.B.Paul’s death made them feel sorrowful.C.Jackie couldn’t facilitate other members.D.Henri found it hard to express his sadness.58.How did Jackie encourage Marc?A.She gave him an encouraging smile.B.She talked about her own experiences.C.She taught him how to play djembe drums.D.She paused and let the rhythm carry on.59.What would be the best title of this passage?A.Getting together makes people feel sorrowful.B.It’s a tradition to make rhythmic music.C.Why immune cells are stimulated to greater activity.D.How music captures the rhythm of the soul.(B)Overseas LearningSomerset Yew Wah Classroom,UKSomerset Yew Wah Classroom program is a unique English language and life education program in the Yew Wah secondary curriculum catered for Grade6,Grade8and Grade10students.Established in2006,the Somerset English learning and cultural center provides a distinctive opportunity for students to experience an authentic English environment.The Centre is located in a traditional English village in Somerset Sibley’s Barn and the Knowle Hall campus,a newly renovated Victorian-era country house built on15acres of land in beautiful open parkland,is situated close to our Sibley Barn’s Centre and was established in2016.The Somerset program provides an excellent cross-cultural experience which enhances self-confidence,independence,teamwork and leadership skills of students.The Somerset program continues upon students’return to China.World ClassroomWorld Classroom is a concept of learning beyond the school building walls.It is an extension of the experimental,project-based learning at the core of the Yew Wah educational model.The World Classroom program is just one of the unique experiences which allow students to sample major cultures of the world, including European,African,Middle Eastern,Pacific and Anglo-American.Experiencing ChinaThe program provides secondary students with the opportunities to gain insights into Chinese history and culture by visiting various regions of China.This residential program broadens students’understanding of their own country.Through first-hand cross-cultural experiences,the programs increase students’understanding of various cultures,promote critical thinking,and help students develop an appreciation of different viewpoints.The programs ultimately help prepare our students for an evolving modern world by nurturing their cross-cultural knowledge and skills,international-mindedness and attitudes on their becoming true global citizens with a commitment to serve the community and society.Trips and ExcursionsTrips and excursions allow students to enhance societal visions,enrich life experiences and strengthen communication and problem-solving skills.Students participate in Hong Kong Hike,one of the most traditional annual outdoor activities where students rely heavily on teamwork and personal willpower to reach the destinations when facing survival challenges.“After the hike,he grew into almost a different person.He became more mature and now capable of taking care of himself,and more responsible,”said a parent of her son.These qualities are exactly what Hong Kong Hike wants to achieve.60.Why do students participate in Somerset Yew Wah classroom in UK?A.To do research on British cultures and appreciate beautiful views.B.To enhance self-confidence,independence,teamwork and leadership skills.C.To have a special campus tour to Sibley’s Barn and the Knowle Hall.D.To show their appreciation of British history and their own cultures.61.Experiencing China program mainly aims to help students to___________________.A.be capable of taking care of himself and their parentspare learning in China with learning overseasC.broaden their understanding of their own countryD.interpret globalization and promote Chinese culture62.What does the mother of a student think of Hong Kong Hike?A.It empowers students to have teamwork,willpower and responsibility.B.It helps students to share a better understanding of the world around them.C.It works out a way to resolve the conflicts between parents and the students.D.It enhances students’international-mindedness and shapes attitudes to others.(C)THE GLOBAL WASTE TRADE IS ESSENTIALLY BROKENCut into hillside in northern Malaysia stands a large,open-air warehouse.This is a recycling factory,which opened last November.On a very hot afternoon in January,Shahid Ali was working his very first week on the job. He stood knee-deep in soggy,white bits of plastic.Around him,more bits floated of the conveyor belt and fell to the ground like snowflakes.Hour after hour,Ali sorts through the plastic jumble moving down the belt,picking out pieces that look off-color or soiled-rejects(废品)in the recycling process.Though it looks like backbreaking work,Ali says it is a great improvement over his previous job,folding bed-sheets in a nearby textile factory,for much lower pay.Now, if he eats simply,he can save money from his wages of just over$l an hour and send$250a month to his parents and six brothers and sisters in Peshawar,Pakistan,2,700miles away,“As soon as I heard about this work,I asked for a job,”says Ali,24,a bearded man with glasses and an easy smile.Still,he’s working12hours a day,seven days a week.“If I take a day off,I lose a day’s wages,”he says.In the warehouse,hundreds of bags are stacked more than60feet high-each stuffed with plastic wrappers and bags thrown away weeks earlier by their original users in California.The fact that the waste has traveled to this distant corner of the planet in the first place shows how badly the global recycling economy has failed to keep pace with humanity’s plastics addiction.This is an ecosystem that is deeply dysfunctional,if not on the point of collapse:About90%of the millions of tons of plastic the world produces every year will eventually end up not recycled,but burned,buried,or dumped.Plastic recycling enjoys ever-wider support among consumers:Putting yogurt containers and juice bottles in a blue bin is an eco-friendly act of faith in millions of households.But faith goes only so far.The tidal wave of plastic items that enters the recycling stream each year is increasingly likely to fall right back out again,casualties of a broken market.Many products that consumers believe(and industries claim)are“recyclable"are in reality not, because of hard economics.With oil and gas prices near20-year lows,so-called virgin plastic,a product of petroleum feed-stocks,is now far cheaper and easier to obtain than recycled material.That unforeseen shift has yanked the financial rug out from under what was until recently a practical recycling industry.“The global waste trade is essentially broken,”says the head of the global plastics campaign at Greenpeace.“We are sitting on vast amounts of plastic with nowhere to send it and nothing to do with it.”63.What is the author’s attitude towards Shahid Ali?A.Critical.B.Merciless.C.Indifferent.D.Sympathetic.64.What most probably causes the problem of global waste recycling?A.The prices of oil and gas have been increasing.B.Tons of wastes travel so far before being recycled.C.Recyclable products are not really recycled.ernments don’t support the recycling industry.65.What does the italicized word“dysfunctional”mean in the passage?A.Out of stock.B.Far from pleased.C.Full of energy.D.Out of order.66.What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?A.To illustrate how plastic waste has been recycled in the world.B.To warn people that the global waste trade is essentially broken.C.To analyze the relationship between consumers and factories.D.To solve the conflict between the recycling industry and governments.Section CDirections:Read the passage carefully.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.Criminals should pay the price of finding housing or a job and getting qualifications for benefits.B.Surely,the American ideal of second chances shouldn’t be reserved only for the rich and powerful.C.But too often collateral(附随的)consequences bear no relation to public safety.D.Where the penalties are not a must,they should be imposed only if the facts of a case support it.E.American’s vast criminal justice system provides criminals with necessary support for living.ws can restrict or ban voting,access to public housing,and professional and business licensing.Martha Stewart was charged,tried and convicted of a crime in2014.As she neared the end of her prison sentence,a well-known columnist wrote that she was“paying her dues,”and that“there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew.”67Unfortunately,many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans,who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society.At least65million people in the United States have a criminal record.This can result in severe penalties(惩罚) that continue long after punishment is completed.Many of these penalties are imposed regardless of the seriousness of the offense or the person’s individual circumstances.68They can affect a person’s ability to get a job and qualification for benefits.In all,more than45,000laws and rules serve to exclude vast numbers of people from fully participating in American life.Some laws make senses.No one advocates letting someone convicted of pedophilia(恋童癖)work in a school.69Should a woman who possessed a small amount of drugs years ago be permanently unable to be licensed as a nurse?These laws are also counterproductive(适得其反),since they make it harder for people with criminal records to find housing or a job,two key factors that reduce backsliding.A recent report makes several recommendations, including the abolition of most post-conviction penalties,except for those specifically needed to protect public safety.70The point isn’t to excuse or forget the crime.Rather,it is to recognize that in America’s vast criminal justice system,and second chances are crucial.It is in no one's interest to keep a large segment of the population on the margins of society.IV.Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no morethan60wo e your own words as far as possible.71.The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education isn’t an either/or proposition,although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM (science,technology,engineering,maths)-related fields can make it seem that way.The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of technical training,but also claims that the study of the humanities(人文学科)and social sciences must remain central components of America’s educational system at all levels.Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society,become innovative leaders,and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates’job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs.Under these circumstances,it’s natural to look for what may appear to be the most“practical”way out of the problem“Major in a subject designed to get you a job”seems the obvious answer to some,though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as“soft”often,in fact,lead to employment and success in the long run.Indeed,according to surveys,employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly-based education that has taught them to write well,think critically,research creatively,and communicate easily.Moreover,students should be prepared not just for their first job,but for their4th and5th jobs,as there’s little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers.The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible.The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight-picked up from science, arts,and technology-to solve the problems of the future,and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves,will be helpful to them and the United States.V.TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.72.比赛结束时,观众席上掌声雷动。
2024届上海市长宁区高三下学期二模英语试卷(4)一、听力选择题1. What is Olivia doing?A.She's reading job ads.B.She's editing a paper.C.She's watching the news.2. How does the man probably feel on hearing the news?A.Angry.B.Surprised.C.Nervous.3. Where is probably the man?A.In a library.B.In a study.C.In a bookstore.4.A.They can’t see the stars clearly.B.They are not in the city tonight.C.They are looking at the stars from the city.D.They are talking about movie stars.5.A.It is fine as it is.B.Major revision is needed.C.Only a few changes should be made.D.It won’t be approved by the supervisor.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How many kinds of pepper does the man make?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.2. What does the woman probably think of making pepper of different tastes?A.It’s easy.B.It’s amazing.C.It’s time-consuming.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At a market.B.In the man’s kitchen.C.In a restaurant.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
4.用2B 铅笔作答选择题、编号选填题,用黑色字迹钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答其他题。
15.第③段末句应该使用的关联词语是(2分)A.因为……所以 B.不但……而且 C.即使……也 D.只要……就16.本文的中心论点是。