LC480 Software1.5中文说明书(简易版)
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文件类型技术文件机密等级内部公开文件编号W-SBYQ-***工艺代号/Roche LightCycler 480Ⅱ实时荧光定量PCR系统操作与维护规程参考资料文件编号说明文件发放部门(必填)保密文件,知识产权属迈瑞公司所有。
第1 页共19 页(3.0)保密文件,知识产权属迈瑞公司所有。
第 1 页 共 19 页修订记录版本 ECN/CR/PCN/TC N修 改 内 容 概 述修订人 生效日期(注:此模板3.0版开始加入“生效时间”列,故之前修订记录中此项信息为空)Roche LightCycler 480Ⅱ实时荧光定量PCR系统操作维护规程1目的使Roche LightCycler 480Ⅱ实时荧光定量PCR系统能够正确和正常的使用,保证系统的正常运行的准确性和精密度,以获得准确可靠的检验结果。
2适用范围使用Roche LightCycler 480Ⅱ实时荧光定量PCR系统进行相应的临床项目检测,并经过系统维护保养工作培训(至少已经阅读过系统操作手册和保养手册)的试剂研发工程师和厂家维修工程师。
2 核酸扩增标准程序2.1开机后,仪器正面的两个状态指示灯呈现橙色闪动,提示仪器正在进行初始化。
输入登录名admin和密码Rcheo1,进入主界面,选择“New Expriment”开始新实验,在“Run Protocol”菜单下依次填入本次实验的荧光种类、反应体积,扩增反应的步骤及温度、时间、荧光采集时间等循环参数,确认无误后可点击“Start Run”,开始扩增反应。
2.6样品孔命名:点击“Sample Editor”可按照提示的三步法对样品进行编辑,第一步选择“Abs Quant”绝对定量,第二步选择要命名的孔,第三步给选定的孔命名并选择样品类型。
3 结果分析标准程序:结果曲线的分析,应按以下步骤进行:全部曲线——阴性对照——阳性对照——阳性室内质控品——阳性标准品——逐个分析(标出阳性标本和可疑标本)——调整参数,获得较好的标准曲线,显示定量结果——登记,发报告。
Contents第1章简介 (3)安全注意事项 (3)第2章概说 (4)第3章功能特点 (5)第4章技术参数 (6)第5章测试准备 (7)设备安装 (7)快速设置 (8)第6章参数设置 (9)屏幕显示、按键 (9)测试参数设置 (9)校准功能 (18)测试停止 (18)示例 (20)第7章软件安装 (21)第8章保固承诺 (29)设备保养、维修指南 (30)标准配置 (31)建议要求警告:电池极柱、端口和有关的附件含有铅和铅的化合物,这些物品可能会引起健康方面的问题。
. 请在处置过后洗手!本操作手册介绍了台湾(INNET)公司备用电源通用蓄电池测试分析仪DCLT®的主要功能和使用方法,它将帮助您正确地设定测试仪、选择测试参数、进行充放电测试,以及管理测试数据;操作手册也说明了产品维护保养、品质担保以及服务等方面的信息。
安全注意事项重要事项: 在使用本测试仪以前,请先阅读以下说明:警告:为了避免在测试电池过程中发生电击事故,请按照贵公司的安全规程进行操作,并遵守以下几点原则:•戴防护眼镜或面罩•戴橡胶防护手套•穿防护围裙或工作服•只做您受过培训的维护工作•如果没有得到获准,在测试时不要将电池组与系统断开•避免让自己处于回路中•避免接触框架及靠近金属物品,这些可能在你接触电池时接地用于通信机房或其他不间断电系统的固定式蓄电池组,其最主要的功能是当市电中断或整流设备出现故障时,能提供直流电流继续维持各种电信设备的正常运行。
平时蓄电池组接在整流设备上进行浮充(Floating Charge),保持在满充状态下,以备不时之需。
蓄电池组自被安装妥当,完成初充电(Initial Charge)及放电试验再充电后,即被加入直流供电系统使用。
然而铅酸蓄电池经过一段时间使用以后,常易因活性有效物质的脱落,变坏,正极栅格腐蚀以及硫化(Sulfuration)等原因, 其容量逐渐减低。
LightCycler480 Software 1.5软件操作(中文版)第一部分基本界面及图标概述:一、Overview界面Exit:关闭LC480软件Log off:从目前使用的数据库中退出并可登陆其他的数据库Overview:点击该图标进入“Overview”界面Navigator:点击该图标进入“Navigator”界面,可进行数据的导入导出等操作,详见。
Save:点击该图标进行保存Export:导出当前打开的文件Close:关闭当前打开的文件Print:打印当前打开的窗口Tools:打开“Tools”界面,可进行密码修改,建立和编辑用户,系统设置,查看数据库状态、仪器状态、滤光片组合等操作Help:查看软件版本,操作说明书等二、New Experiment 界面Run Module:编辑、运行或查看PCR程序及查看PCR实时数据Subset Editor:点击该模块后可进行子集的编辑Sample Editor:点击后进行样品信息的编辑Analysis Module: 点击进行结果分析或查看已保存的分析结果Report Module:选择需要的内容以报告的形式给出结果Summary Module : 查看实验的总体概况,包括实验名称,所用的程序,检测模式,滤光片组合等。
概况的内容由系统自动生成三、Navigator 界面Import:导入一个文件Export:导出一个文件Batch Import:导入一批数据Batch Export:导出一批数据New:新建一个实验或文件夹New Folder:新建一个文件夹Open:打开一个文件Rename:重命名Delete:删除选中的目标Copy:拷贝选中的目标Note:所有上述图标在深蓝色时为激活状态,灰色时为灭活状态也就是不可用状态。
LightCycler480 Software 1.5软件操作(中文版)第一部分基本界面及图标概述:一、Overview界面Exit:关闭LC480软件Log off:从目前使用的数据库中退出并可登陆其他的数据库Overview:点击该图标进入“Overview”界面Navigator:点击该图标进入“Navigator”界面,可进行数据的导入导出等操作,详见。
Save:点击该图标进行保存Export:导出当前打开的文件Close:关闭当前打开的文件Print:打印当前打开的窗口Tools:打开“Tools”界面,可进行密码修改,建立和编辑用户,系统设置,查看数据库状态、仪器状态、滤光片组合等操作Help:查看软件版本,操作说明书等二、New Experiment 界面Run Module:编辑、运行或查看PCR程序及查看PCR实时数据Subset Editor:点击该模块后可进行子集的编辑Sample Editor:点击后进行样品信息的编辑Analysis Module: 点击进行结果分析或查看已保存的分析结果Report Module:选择需要的内容以报告的形式给出结果Summary Module : 查看实验的总体概况,包括实验名称,所用的程序,检测模式,滤光片组合等。
概况的内容由系统自动生成三、Navigator 界面Import:导入一个文件Export:导出一个文件Batch Import:导入一批数据Batch Export:导出一批数据New:新建一个实验或文件夹New Folder:新建一个文件夹Open:打开一个文件Rename:重命名Delete:删除选中的目标Copy:拷贝选中的目标Note:所有上述图标在深蓝色时为激活状态,灰色时为灭活状态也就是不可用状态。
LightCycler® 480 系统快速操作指南一.配制好反应体系,封好膜。
三.编辑子集:点击subset editor,点击左下角的,按ctrl键的同时鼠标选择本次实验的孔,最后点击应用。
注意,一次实验可以同时运行相同扩增参数的多个实验(如H1N1、HIV与HCV),那么可以分别设置多个子集设置样品:先在subset中选择本次实验的子集,点击左上角的,样品输入样品名,再选择标准品类型和浓度或者阳性对照/阴性对照四.数据分析:实验运行完成后进入,选择Abs Quant/Fit Ppoint,在窗口中的Subset(第二行)中选择本次实验的子集,点击软件界面中上方的,在Noise Band中调节noiseband高度,使之处于对数增长期并高于所有噪音信号,如右图。
再点击进入,点击软件界面中间偏右的自动设置阈值或手工调节阈值(鼠标左键按住拖动或在输入阈值大小),再点击软件界面左下角的,软件左下方出现每个样品的Ct值或浓度值等以及平均值标准误等信息,该部分可以鼠标拖动滑块或鼠标拖曳、鼠标点击软件右上角的为本次分析命名,如输入H1N1或其它名称五.报告输出打印:点击软件右侧的保存当前实验的分析结果,再点击软件左侧的,点击软件中部左侧的Detailed 选择需要输出的分析结果,如H1N1,分析中建议选择results或standard curve,点击软件界面左下方的,生成PDF报告,如装了打印机,直接点击软件中间上方的,或者点击,选择pdf文件保存位置后点击save保存。
资料范本本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载英克系统操作手册第一版地点:__________________时间:__________________说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容英克系统操作手册目录TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708452" 目录PAGEREF _Toc452708452 \h 2HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708453" 系统介绍 PAGEREF_Toc452708453 \h 2HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708454" 请货 PAGEREF _Toc452708454 \h 5HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708455" 请货单管理介绍 PAGEREF_Toc452708455 \h 5HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708456" 创建一个请货单 PAGEREF_Toc452708456 \h 6HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708457" 配送退货 PAGEREF_Toc452708457 \h 11HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708458" 配送退货单管理 PAGEREF_Toc452708458 \h 11HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708459" 货架管理 PAGEREF_Toc452708459 \h 15HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708460" 查询系统维护了多少货架 PAGEREF _Toc452708460 \h 15HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708461" 新增货架 PAGEREF_Toc452708461 \h 16HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452708462" 初始化库存 PAGEREF_Toc452708462 \h 18目录系统介绍登录进入系统之后,你看到的界面就是下面这个样子(见下图1)。
Liant Software Corporation™WOW ExtensionsUser's GuideFirst EditionCopyright 1994-2005 by Liant Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Liant Software Corporation.The software described in this document is furnished under license and may be copied (with inclusion of the copyright notice) only in accordance with the terms of such license.The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice. Liant Software Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious.Liant Software Corporation8911 N. Capital of Texas HighwayAustin, TX 78759U.S.A.343-1010Phone (512)(800)762-6265343-9487Fax (512)Website /RM, RM/COBOL, RM/COBOL-85, Relativity, Enterprise CodeBench, RM/InfoExpress, RM/Panels, VanGui Interface Builder, CodeWatch, CodeBridge, Cobol-WOW, WOW Extensions, InstantSQL, Xcentrisity, XML Extensions, Liant, and the Liant logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Liant Software Corporation. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.All other products, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark holders, and are used only for explanation purposes.Documentation Release History for the WOW Extensions User's Guide:Applies To DateEdition Number Document PartNumberJanuary 2005 1 401238 WOW Extensionsversion 9 and laterContentsContentsPreface (1)What's New (1)WOW Documentation (4)How This Manual is Organized (4)Symbols and Conventions (5)Registration (6)Technical Support (7)Support Guidelines (7)Test Cases (7)Summary of Enhancements (8)Version 4 (8)Version 3.10 (9)Version 3 (10)Chapter 1: Installing WOW Extensions (11)System Requirements (11)Required Hardware (11)Required Software (12)System Installation (12)Migrating to WOW Extensions Version 9 (13)ActiveX Control Event Arguments (13)Processing ActiveX Control Event Arguments (14)Locating Required Tools (14)Configuring WOW Extensions (15)Customizing the WOW Designer Initialization File (15)[INTERNATIONALIZATION] Section (16)Customizing the WOW Runtime Initialization File (17)[WOWRT] Section (17)Obsolete Features (18)Chapter 2: Tutorial (19)Using the File Maintenance Program (19)Using Projects (20)Create a New Project (20)Designing Forms (22)Create the FIRSTAPP Form (22)Setting Form Properties (22)Style Property (23)Border and MaxButton Properties (24)Title Property (24)Moving and Sizing a Form (25)WOW Extensions User's Guide vFirst EditionContentsvi WOW Extensions User's GuideFirst EditionAdd Controls to the FIRSTAPP Form (25)Creating a Menu (25)Creating a List Box (28)Creating the Command Buttons (28)Arrange Controls on the FIRSTAPP Form (30)Selecting (30)Resizing (30)Moving (31)Aligning and Spacing (31)Specifying Tab Order (32)Specifying Z-Order (32)Save the FIRSTAPP Form (33)Create the CUSTINFO Form (34)Setting Form Properties (35)Add Controls to the CUSTINFO Form (35)Save the CUSTINFO Form (36)Writing Code (37)Step 1 — Exiting Methods (38)Writing Code for Menu Controls (38)Compiling and Running Program (38)Controlling the RM/COBOL Runtime Window (39)Step 2 — Loading the List Box (39)Using the WOWADDITEM Function (39)Creating Logic to Load the List Box (40)Project Code Sections (41)Procedure Division Logic (41)Working-Storage Section Logic (43)Saving, Generating, Compiling, and Running (43)Step 3 — Adding the Second Window (43)Adding Logic to the Add Command Button (44)Declaring ADD-MODE (44)Declaring POPUP-RTN (44)Removing the CUSTINFO Window (45)Saving, Compiling, and Running (45)Step 4 — Adding Customers (45)Using the WOWGETPROP Function (46)Adding Logic to the OK Command Button (46)Saving, Building, and Running (47)Step 5 — Changing Customers (47)Working with List Box Selections (47)Adding Logic to the Change Command Button (48)Adding Code to the Procedure Division (48)Modifying the POPUP-RTN Procedure (49)Modifying the OK Command Button Procedure (49)Adding the Delete List Box Entry Procedure (50)Saving, Building, and Running (50)Step 6 — Deleting Customers (51)WOWMESSAGEBOX Function (51)Adding Logic to the Delete Command Button (52)Saving, Building, and Running (52)ContentsChapter 3: Introducing WOW Extensions (53)WOW Extensions Components (53)WOW Designer (53)WOW Runtime System (54)WOW Thin Client (54)WOW Extensions Development Process Overview (55)Windows Graphical Operating Environment (56)Forms and Controls (56)Forms (56)Controls (57)Properties (61)Setting a Property Value at Runtime (61)Getting a Property Value at Runtime (62)Benefits of Using WOWSETPROP and WOWGETPROP (62)Sample Program — Setting Properties (63)Events (63)Adding Logic to an Event (64)Handles (65)IDs (65)Functions and Messages (66)What are Functions? (66)What are Messages? (67)Using Functions and Messages (67)Sample Program — Using Functions and Messages (68)Chapter 4: Developing with WOW Extensions (69)WOW Projects (69)Event-Driven Applications (70)Example 1 (70)Example 2 (71)Addressing Issues in Data Entry Programs (72)Handling Data (72)Example 1: Loading a Form with COBOL Data (73)Example 2: Retrieving Information from a Form and StoringIt in COBOL Data Items (73)Handling Different Types of Data (75)Example 1: Basic Numeric Data for an Edit Box Control (76)Example 2: Formatted Numeric Data for an Edit Box Control (76)Example 3: Handling Numeric Data with Scroll Bar Controls (77)Example 4: Handling Numeric Data with Check Box Controls (77)Managing User Interaction (78)Example 1: Handling an Invalid Value (79)Example 2: Dictating Entry Order for Controls (79)Example 3: Preventing Data Entry on a Control (80)Example 4: Switching to Another Windows Application (81)Example 5: Disabling and Enabling a Validated Control (83)Using Function Keys for Special Options (83)Implementing Function Keys in WOW Extensions (84)Sample Program (85)Working with Menus (85)Using Menus (86)Checking and Unchecking Menu Items (86)Enabling and Disabling Menu Items (87)Popping Up Menus (87)WOW Extensions User's Guide viiFirst EditionContentsviii WOW Extensions User's GuideFirst EditionChapter 5: Debugging (89)Debugging with COBOL DISPLAY Statements (89)Executing the SHOWME Program (90)How the SHOWME Program Works (90)Debugging with the RM/COBOL Interactive Debugger (90)Executing the BREAK Program (91)How the BREAK Program Works (92)Debugging with CodeWatch (93)Appendix A: Understanding Properties and Events forIntrinsic Controls and Forms (95)Manipulating Properties at Runtime (95)Defining Events for Controls, Forms, and Projects (95)Intrinsic Controls (96)Animation Control (98)AnimationFile Property (99)AutoPlay Property (99)Border Property (99)Center Property (99)Play Property (99)Transparent Property (100)Start Event (100)Stop Event (100)Bitmap Control (100)Bitmap Property (101)BitmapMode Property (102)Border Property (102)Xoffset Property (102)Yoffset Property (102)Check Box Control (103)Alignment Property (104)AutoCheck Property (104)ThreeState Property (104)Value Property (105)Combo Box Control (105)AutoHScroll Property (106)Count Property (106)CurSel Property (107)DisableNoScroll Property (107)OEMConvert Property (107)SelText Property (107)Sort Property (107)Style Property (108)DropDown Event (108)EditChange Event (108)NoSpace Event (109)SelChange Event (Combo Box Control) (109)Command Button Control (109)Bitmap Property (Command Button Control) (110)Cancel Property (110)Default Property (111)Contents Date Time Picker Control (111)Format Property (112)LongDateFormat Property (113)MCFontBold Property (113)MCFontItalic Property (114)MCFontName Property (114)MCFontSize Property (114)MCFontStrikethru Property (114)MCFontUnderline Property (114)RightAlign Property (115)ShortDateCenturyFormat Property (115)ShowNone Property (115)TimeFormat Property (115)UpDown Property (116)Change Event (116)Edit Box Control (116)Alignment Property (117)AutoHScroll Property (118)AutoVScroll Property (118)Border Property (118)Case Property (118)MaxChars Property (119)MultiLine Property (119)NoHideSel Property (119)Numeric Property (119)NumericDecDigits Property (119)NumericIntDigits Property (120)NumericSign Property (120)OEMConvert Property (120)Password Property (120)PasswordChar Property (121)ReadOnly Property (121)ScrollBars Property (121)TabStops Property (Edit Box Control) (121)Text Property (122)WantReturn Property (122)Change Event (122)HScroll Event (122)MaxText Event (122)NoSpace Event (123)VScroll Event (123)Ellipse Shape (123)Group Box Control (124)Line Shape (125)List Box Control (125)Border Property (126)ColumnWidth Property (126)Count Property (127)CurSel Property (127)DisableNoScroll Property (127)ExtendedSel Property (127)MultipleSel Property (127)NoIntegralHeight Property (128)NoRedraw Property (128)SelText Property (128)Sort Property (128)WOW Extensions User's Guide ixFirst EditionContentsx WOW Extensions User's GuideFirst Edition Standard Property.............................................................................................129 TabStops Property (List Box Control).............................................................129 UseTabStops Property......................................................................................129 WantKeyboard Property...................................................................................129 SelChange Event (List Box Control)................................................................129 Using Functions and Messages with List Boxes..............................................130 Using a List Box . (130)Loading the List Box.................................................................................130 Operating the List Box..............................................................................130 Determining the Selection.........................................................................130 Finding an Item.........................................................................................131 Selecting an Item.......................................................................................131 Retrieving the Selection............................................................................131 Removing One or All Items from the List Box.........................................132 Month Calendar Control (132)FirstDayOfWeek Property................................................................................133 MaxSelCount Property.....................................................................................133 MonthDelta Property........................................................................................133 MultiSelect Property........................................................................................134 NoToday Property............................................................................................134 NoTodayCircle Property..................................................................................134 WeekNumbers Property...................................................................................134 Change Event...................................................................................................135 Option Button Control (135)Alignment Property..........................................................................................136 AutoPress Property...........................................................................................136 Value Property.................................................................................................136 Grouping Option Buttons.................................................................................136 Progress Bar Control.. (137)Increment Property...........................................................................................138 Maximum Property..........................................................................................138 Minimum Property...........................................................................................138 Value Property.................................................................................................138 Rectangle Shape......................................................................................................138 Rounded Rectangle Shape (139)RoundnessX Property.......................................................................................139 RoundnessY Property.......................................................................................140 Scroll Bar Controls.. (140)LineChange Property.......................................................................................141 Maximum Property..........................................................................................141 Minimum Property...........................................................................................141 PageChange Property.......................................................................................141 Value Property.................................................................................................141 EndScroll Event...............................................................................................141 LineLeft Event (Horizontal).............................................................................142 LineRight Event (Horizontal)...........................................................................142 LineDn Event (Vertical)...................................................................................142 LineUp Event (Vertical)...................................................................................142 PageLeft Event (Horizontal)............................................................................142 PageRight Event (Horizontal)..........................................................................142 PageDn Event (Vertical)..................................................................................142 PageUp Event (Vertical)..................................................................................142 ThumbPos Event..............................................................................................142 ThumbTrk Event..............................................................................................142 Using Scroll Bars (143)Contents Static Text Control (143)Alignment Property (144)Effect Property (144)NoPrefix Property (145)WordWrap Property (145)Special Considerations for Static Text Controls (145)Status Bar Control (146)CurSection Property (146)SectionNoBorders Property (147)SectionPopOut Property (147)Sections Property (147)SectionStatus Property (147)SectionWidth Property (147)SimpleNoBorders Property (148)SimplePopOut Property (148)SimpleStatus Property (148)Tab Control (148)Buttons Property (149)CurTab Property (150)FixedWidth Property (150)ForceLabelLeft Property (150)GetFocus Property (150)MultiLine Property (Tab Control) (151)RightJustify Property (151)Tabs Property (151)TabText Property (151)KeyDown Event (151)SelChange Event (Tab Control) (151)SelChanging Event (152)Timer Control (152)Interval Property (152)Timer Event (152)Toolbar Control (153)AlignTop Property (154)BitmapHeight Property (154)BitmapWidth Property (154)BtnBitmap Property (154)BtnEnabled Property (154)BtnHidden Property (155)BtnState Property (155)BtnStyle Property (155)BtnText Property (156)BtnWrap Property (156)ButtonHeight Property (156)Buttons Property (156)ButtonWidth Property (156)CurButton Property (156)Larger Property (157)Rows Property (157)Wrapable Property (157)Button-n Event (157)Trackbar Control (157)AutoTicks Property (158)BothTicks Property (158)EnableSelRange Property (159)LeftTicks Property (159)WOW Extensions User's Guide xiFirst EditionContentsxii WOW Extensions User's GuideFirst EditionLineChange Property (Trackbar Control) (159)Maximum Property (159)Minimum Property (160)NoThumb Property (160)NoTicks Property (160)PageChange Property (Trackbar Control) (160)SelEnd Property (160)SelStart Property (160)TickFreq Property (160)TopTicks Property (161)Value Property (161)Vertical Property (161)Bottom Event (161)EndTrack Event (161)LineDown Event (161)LineUp Event (161)PageDown Event (161)PageUp Event (162)ThumbPos Event (162)ThumbTrk Event (162)Top Event (162)Updown Control (162)Accelerators Property (163)AccelIncrement Property (163)AccelSeconds Property (163)AlignLeft Property (163)AlignRight Property (164)ArrowKeys Property (164)Base Property (164)Buddy Property (164)BuddyInteger Property (165)CurAccel Property (165)Horizontal Property (165)Maximum Property (165)Minimum Property (165)NoThousands Property (166)Value Property (166)Wrapable Property (166)EndScroll Event (166)ThumbPos Event (166)Common Intrinsic Control Properties (167)3D Property (167)Accelerator Property (168)BackBrushHatch Property (169)BackBrushStyle Property (169)BackColor Property (169)Caption Property (169)ClientEdge Property (170)CurData Property (170)Data Property (170)DataCount Property (170)DataLoad Property (170)DataSelect Property (171)Enabled Property (171)Fill Property (171)FontBold Property (171)Contents FontItalic Property (172)FontName Property (172)FontSize Property (172)FontStrikethru Property (172)FontUnderline Property (172)ForeColor Property (173)Group Property (173)Height Property (173)Left Property (173)LeftScrollBar Property (173)Locked Property (174)MCColor Property (174)MCColorIndex Property (174)ModalFrame Property (175)Name Property (175)PenSize Property (175)PenStyle Property (175)RightAlignedText Property (176)RightToLeftReading Property (176)ScrollBar Property (176)StaticEdge Property (176)TabIndex Property (177)TabStop Property (177)Tag Property (177)ToolTipEnabled Property (177)ToolTipText Property (177)Top Property (178)Transparent Property (178)Visible Property (178)Width Property (178)Z-Order Property (179)Common Intrinsic Control Events (179)Click Event (179)DblClick Event (179)GotFocus Event (179)KeyDown Event (179)KeyPress Event (180)KeyUp Event (180)LostFocus Event (180)Form Properties and Events (180)3D Property (Form) (181)AllowEventFilter Property (Form) (181)BackColor Property (Form) (182)Bitmap Property (Form) (182)BitmapMode Property (Form) (182)Border Property (Form) (183)Caption Property (Form) (183)ClipControls Property (Form) (183)Cursor Property (Form) (184)DialogMotion Property (Form) (184)Enabled Property (Form) (185)Height Property (Form) (185)Icon Property (Form) (185)IconIndex Property (Form) (185)Left Property (Form) (185)MaxButton Property (Form) (185)WOW Extensions User's Guide xiiiFirst EditionContentsxiv WOW Extensions User's GuideFirst EditionMinButton Property (Form) (186)Modal Property (Form) (186)Parent Property (Form) (186)ScrollBars Property (Form) (187)ShowState Property (Form) (187)Style Property (Form) (187)SysKeyMode Property (Form) (188)SystemMenu Property (Form) (188)Title Property (Form) (188)ToolWindow Property (Form) (189)Top Property (Form) (189)Visible Property (Form) (189)Width Property (Form) (189)Activate Event (Form) (189)Close Event (Form) (189)Create Event (Form) (189)Enable Event (Form) (190)GetFocus Event (Form) (190)KeyDown Event (Form) (190)KeyPress Event (Form) (190)KeyUp Event (Form) (190)LButtonDown Event (Form) (190)LButtonUp Event (Form) (190)LoseFocus Event (Form) (190)MButtonDown Event (Form) (190)MButtonUp Event (Form) (191)Paint Event (Form) (191)RButtonDown Event (Form) (191)RButtonUp Event (Form) (191)Show Event (Form) (191)Size Event (Form) (191)Appendix B: Working with ActiveX Controls (193)ActiveX Controls and WOW Extensions (193)History of ActiveX Controls (193)Adding and Removing ActiveX Controls to the WOW Designer (194)Troubleshooting Tips (195)Using ActiveX Controls on a Form (195)ActiveX Control Properties (196)Common ActiveX Control Properties (196)About Property (ActiveX Control) (196)Accelerator Property (ActiveX Control) (196)Custom (ActiveX Control) (197)Height Property (ActiveX Control) (197)Left Property (ActiveX Control) (197)Locked Property (ActiveX Control) (198)Name Property (ActiveX Control) (198)TabIndex Property (ActiveX Control) (198)TabStop Property (ActiveX Control) (199)Tag Property (ActiveX Control) (199)Top Property (ActiveX Control) (199)Visible Property (ActiveX Control) (199)Width Property (ActiveX Control) (199)Z-Order Property (ActiveX Control) (200)ActiveX Indexed Properties (200)Contents ActiveX Control Events (201)ActiveX Control Methods (203)Limitations (204)Distribution Issues (204)Appendix C: Understanding the Application Architecture (205)Initial Creation of a WOW Program (205)Project File (.wpj) (206)Form File (.wow) (206)Working Storage Copy File (.wws) (206)Procedure Division Copy File (.wpr) (206)COBOL Skeleton Program File (.cbl) (206)COBOL Executable Program File (.cob) (206)Ongoing Maintenance of a WOW Program (207)How a WOW Program Works (208)WINDOWS.CPY (208)FORMNAME.WWS (209)FORMNAME.CBL (211)FORMNAME.WPR (212)How a WOW Program Works with Windows (213)Using WOW Programs with Non-WOW COBOL Programs (214)Calling To and From WOW Programs (214)Visual Considerations of WOW and Non-WOW Programs (214)Appendix D: Using WOW Extensions with RM/Panels (215)Enhancing Existing RM/Panels Panel Libraries (215)Character-Based GUI Portability and Cross Development (216)Communicating with RM/Panels (216)Modifying an Existing RM/Panels Panel Library (217)Open the panel library (218)Change controls (219)Add controls (220)Delete controls (220)Save a panel (220)Test a panel (221)Run an application with an enhanced panel (221)Setting Properties for RM/Panels Data Fields (221)Check Box Field/Control (223)Combo Box Field/Control (223)InputField Property (Combo Box Field/Control) (224)Command Button Field/Control (224)PushedAttr Property (Command Button Field/Control) (225)SizeType Property (Command Button Field/Control) (225)SizeValue Property (Command Button Field/Control) (226)Date Edit Box Field/Control (226)StorageFormat Property (Date Edit Box Field/Control) (226)Edit Box Field/Control (227)Class Property (Edit Box Field/Control) (228)Justify Property (Edit Box Field/Control) (228)Prompt Property (Edit Box Field/Control) (228)WOW Extensions User's Guide xvFirst EditionContentsxvi WOW Extensions User's GuideFirst EditionGroup Box Field/Control (229)Enabled Property (Group Box Field/Control) (229)Group Property (Group Box Field/Control) (229)Locked Property (Group Box Field/Control) (230)TabStop Property (Group Box Field/Control) (230)List Box Field/Control (230)Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control (231)ColsToDisplay Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (231)ColsToStore Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (232)LinesToDisplay Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (232)LinesToStore Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (232)Required Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (232)Stream Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (233)Wrap Property (Multi-Line Edit Box Field/Control) (233)Numeric Edit Box Field/Control (234)AssumeDecimal Property (Numeric Edit Box Field/Control) (234)CalculatorEntry Property (Numeric Edit Box Field/Control) (235)Signed Property (Numeric Edit Box Field/Control) (235)Option Button Field/Control (236)DataItemName Property (Option Button Field/Control) (236)DataSigned Property (Option Button Field/Control) (236)DataSize Property (Option Button Field/Control) (237)DataValue Property (Option Button Field/Control) (237)NumericData Property (Option Button Field/Control) (237)Scroll Bar Field/Control (238)MaximumValue Property (Scroll Bar Field/Control) (238)MinimumValue Property (Scroll Bar Field/Control) (238)PageSize Property (Scroll Bar Field/Control) (239)Size Property (Scroll Bar Field/Control) (239)StepSize Property (Scroll Bar Field/Control) (239)ThumbAttr Property (Scroll Bar Field/Control) (239)Static Text Field/Control (240)Alignment Property (Static Text Field/Control) (240)Effect Property (Static Text Field/Control) (240)NoPrefix Property (Static Text Field/Control) (241)WordWrap Property (Static Text Field/Control) (241)Time Edit Box Field/Control (242)24HourFormat Property (Time Edit Box Field/Control) (242)StorageFormat Property (Time Edit Box Field/Control) (243)Common Data Field Properties (243)3D Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (244)Accelerator Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (244)AlwaysDisabled Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (244)AutoExit Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (244)BackColor Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (245)Beep Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (245)BlankWhenZero Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (245)Border Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (245)BorderAttr Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (246)Caption Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (246)Case Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (246)ChoiceHelp Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (246)ChoicesToDisplay Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (247)ChoicesToStore Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (247)ChoiceValue Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (247)ChoiceWidth Property (RM/Panels Field/Control) (248)。
480 SERIESDINKY LINK™ INFRARED RECEIVERSThese small IR receivers have been designed for mounting in very small spaces. They may be mounted under shelf edges, cabinet ledges, in wall speakers, etc. - anywhere an inconspicuous appearance is desired. The high sensitivity of these receivers allows placement behind speakers grilles and still receive IR commands up to 20 feet away. If longer range is necessary, a 3/8-inch hole must be drilled in the grille to allow unobstructed entry of the IR signal. The model versions covered by these instructions are as follows:480B-00Standard version, with black case. Has a 7 foot, three-conductor ribbon cable with stripped and tinned ends.480W-00Same as the 480B-00 except with white case.480B-30Quick connect version of the 480B-00. 7-foot cable with 3.5 mm stereo mini plug for direct plug-in to Xantech Connecting Blocks, such as the CB12, CB20, 789-44, 791-44, etc.480W-30Same as 480B-30 except with white case.Each version in the 480 series has the same features and specifications as follows:FEATURES•Very small package, only 7/16" x 5/16" x 2-1/8".•Works in normal 3-wire mode or 2-wire phantom power mode.•Phantom mode requires 792-10 power module.•System testing red talk-back LED.•Includes 3-Terminal Block for easy extension of 7 foot ribbon cable.•20 units may be powered by one 781RG power supply.•SUN480 Sunscreen filters available separately. Order these to help with sunlight and stray IR problems. They fit easily over the photodiode opening.SPECIFICATIONS•Infrared carrier frequency bandwidth: 30 - 100 kHz.•Reception range: up to 30 feet, depending on local conditions.•Nominal reception angle: 55 degrees off axis.•Cable requirements: see "INSTALLATION" on following page (unshielded OK).•Maximum transmission length: One mile using 18 gauge wire.•Maximum current output: 100 mA.•Drives IR emitters through Xantech Connecting Blocks, Controllers, etc.•Dimensions: 7/16" x 5/16" x 2-1/8".•Power requirements: 12 volts DC @ 10 mA.INSTALLATIONModel 480-00 Series . These units are intended to be wired to the input terminals of Xantech Connecting Blocks or other devices, using the supplied 3-terminal block in the remote room location. A 3-conductor cable (24 gauge up to 200', 22 gauge up to 600', 20 gauge up to 2000', 18 gauge up to 5000'), is run to the main room. Connections are then made to a Xantech connecting block, power supply and emitters as shown in the following illustration of a typical basic system:While it is possible to make wired connec-tions without the connecting block, it is not recommended. The connecting block re-duces installation time, helps to eliminate errors, allows easy troubleshooting and per-mits easy system upgrades later, if needed.Input connections must be made as illus-trated. To extend the Emitter wires to a moredistant location, you may splice in 2-conductor wire, in the wire gauges mentioned before, as needed.Model 480-30 Series . These units, equipped with a 7-foot cable and 3.5 mm stereo type mini plug, are plugged directly into the "IR RCVR" or "AUX" jack on Xantech Connecting Blocks, such as the CB12, CB20,789-44, 791-44, etc. The 480-30 should be used in installations where the connecting block is within reach of the 7-foot cable -- such as when installing the 480-30 on a cabinet where the controlled equipment isbehind closed doors.A typical system, with a 480-30, 781RG Power Supply and 282M Emitters plugged into a 791-44Amplified Connecting Block, is shown in the diagram to the left.Mounting: The 480-00 and 480-30 series can be mounted to any flat surface, using the 3/8" x 1-3/4" two-sided adhesive tape supplied. Two screws are included for mounting the 3-terminal block provided with the 480-00 series. Affix the Mini-Emitters, such as the 282, 283, 284 and 286series, to the IR sensor windows of the controlled equipment in accord with the instructions that come with them.480-30 Cable Connections480-30's may also be used where the 7-foot lead is not long enough. In this case, you would simply cut off the mini plug, strip the leads and connect them to a 3-terminal block in the same way as you would for the 480-00. To do this, you will need the lead identification as given in the following table and diagram:Mini Plug removedPlug Ribbon Cable Circuit Item Ring Tip SleeveOuter Lead White Stripe Center LeadGround Signal + 12 V12-20-00Rev. EPHANTOM POWER CONNECTIONSSome existing installations may have only 2 wires (such as coax) going to a remote room. The 480, when used with a 792-10 Power Module, may be connected for 2-wire phantom power operation as follows:Additional 480's may be wired in parallel at the 3-terminal block, up to a maximum of three. More than this may cause unreliable results.CAUTION: With any of these systems, be sure the 781 power supply is plugged into an un-switched AC outlet. This maintains the 480 system in "standby" operation so that power-on commands can be sent to the controlled equipment.。
•ON/OFF MENU SWITCH•BA TTERY DOOR •1/4 - 20 INSERTIN BASE OF EACH UNIT •POUCH •FLOOR TARGET• STANDARD FLOOR BASE•UNIVERSAL ADAPTER OPTIONAL• PLS SLD LASER DETECTOROPTIONALPlease review the PLS-SLD Laser Detector operating manual for use with PLS 480 for exterior application.O PERA TING M ANUALFEA TURES PLS 480P A C I F I C L A S E RS Y S T E M SThe Professional StandardMENU SWITCHUNIVERSALBASE-TRIPOD ADAPTERGREEN LIGHT:ONRED LIGHT:EXCEEDS TILT AMBER LIGHT:BA TTERY LOW SOLID LIGHT:INTERIOR BLINKING LIGHT:EXTERIORON/OFF / SQUARE LINES AND DOWN POINT ON/OFF / LEVEL LINESFIRST PRESS:SELF LEVELING MODE SECOND PRESS:OVER RIDE SELFLEVELING MODETHIRD PRESS:OFFPULSE:OUTDOOR MODE TO USE WITH SLDDETECTOR - SQUARE AND LEVELThe universal tripod adapter is included with the PLS 480 SYSTEM.Theadapter has two components.1) Floor and Batter Board Base and 2) T ripod -Fine T une Base.The two components can be used separately or together depending on the job site application.When using your PLS480 on the floor or concrete slab, attach the PLS480 to the combined adapter (top and bottom components together) by inserting its 1/4 - 20 bolt into the 1/4 - 20 insert on bottom of the PLS480.The reversible front foot can be turned around by loosening the screw-bolt and rotating to allow a straight edge against bottom track.The fine tune adjustment knob allows the PLS480 (or other PLS laser) vertical lines to move incremen-tally right or left.The top component also swivels right and left for maximum utility of the laser.When using your PLS480 onbatter board attach the PLS480 to the combined adapter (top and bottom components) and place the PLS480 and adapter on to the batter board.Secure the PLS480 to the batter board with the threaded clamp on back of the adapter.The down beam of the PLS480 should project closely in front of the batter e the adapter adjustable knobs to turn the square beams of the PLS480 (or other PLS laser) right or left to meet the target or SLD Detector.UNIVERSALBASE-TRIPOD ADAPTERUNIVERSALBASE-TRIPOD ADAPTERShown with optional universal base tripod adapter• FINE TUNING KNOBTWIST OFF/ON BASE• REVERSIBLE FOOTWhen using your PLS480 on a tripod secure the top component of the adapter to the tripod stud.Secure the PLS480 to the adapter and posi-tion the down point of the laser to point through the tripod handle or cantilever the tool so the down point can be seen between the tripod legs.Y ou can now adjust the laser for square layout using the down point as your spring point and capturing thesquare laser lines with your SLD Detector.SAFETY LABELINGCHECK SQUARECHECKING THE PLS480 ON THE JOB SITE USING PYTHAGORAS 3-4-5 TRIANGLE:Set up over the center of PEG (A) using the plumb down laser dot.Using one of the 90 degree beams put PEG (B)in the ground at an exact distance of 15M/45 FT from PEG (A).Using the other 90 degree beam, put PEG (C) in the ground at an exact distance of 20m/60 FT from PEG (A).Now measure with a tape diagonally from PEG (B) to PEG (C).The distance should be 25M/75FT .PEG A15M/45FT20M/60FT25M/75FTPEG BPEG C390o45CAUTION:USE OF CONTROLS, ADJUST-MENTS OR PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIA TION EXPOSURE.PLS480 complies with US FDA standards, 21 CFR, Subchapter J.These labels are attached toevery PLS laser.These are not to be removed or defaced.PLS • 2550 KERNER BLVD., SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901800 601 4500AVOID EXPOSURE LASER RADIA TION EMITTED FROM THIS APERTUREPLS90E COMPLIES WITH FDA PERFORMANCE STDS.21 CFR, SUBCHAPTER JSERIAL NUMBER:MFG’D:CAUTION: LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN. DO NOTSTARE INTO BEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. PATENT PENDINGREG. US PATENT OFFICEPLS 2656 BRIDGEWAY, SAUSALITO, CA 94965C A U T I O NLASER RADIA TIONDO NOT STARE INTO BEAM OR VIEW DIRECTL Y WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTSMAX OUTPUT POWER <1mWWAVELENGTH 635-670nm CLASS II LASER PRODUCTWARNING LABELBACKFRONTAPERTURE LABELID# CERTIFICATION LABELCHECK LEVELCHECK PLUMBSPECIFICA TIONSW ARRANTYLight source:Semiconductor laser diode 635-670 nm, visibleWorking range:+/- 200 feet (outdoor w/detector)Accuracy:Square and Level +/-1/8”@ 60 Feet(3mm@18 meters)Plumb Down +/-1/8”@ 20 Feet(3mm@ 6 meters)Leveling:Automatic Leveling range:+/- 6oPower supply:3AA batteries alkaline Operating time:+25 hours continuous use Operating temp:0o F to 122o F (-18o C to 50o C)Storage temp:-40 F to 158o F (-40o C to 70o C)Indicator:Green light:ONRed light:EXCEEDS TILT/Amber light:BA TTERY LOW Flashing:pulse beam- exteriorEnvironment:Water resistant;not submersible Dimensions: 5.6X4.6X2.9 inches Weight:1.25 lbs.(including batteries)This product is warranted by PLS·Pacific LaserSystems to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a peri-od of three years (USA only) from the date of purchase.During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase,the product will be repaired or replaced (with the same or similar model at our option), without charge for either parts or labor, through PLS.The purchaser shall bear all shipping, packing and insurance costs.Upon completion of the repair or replacement, the unit will be returned to the customer, freight prepaid.The warranty will not apply to this product if it has been misused, abused or altered.Without limiting the foregoing, battery leakage, dents or gouges to the plastic housing, broken optic windows,damage to the switch/LED membrane are presumed to result from misuse or abuse.T ampering with or removal of the caution or certification labels voids this warranty.Neither this warranty nor any other warranty, express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability,shall extend beyond the warranty period.No responsibil-ity is assumed for any incidental or consequential dam-ages.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.PLS Pacific Laser Systems2550 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 949011 800 601 4500 TO CHECK LEVEL:Choose two interior walls approximately 15’-0”apart (see Fig.1).Y ou can use 2 x 4s for targets.T urn on the PLS480 to Level setting #1 (level).With the PLS480 six inches away from and facing target #1, carefully mark the center of the bel this mark A1.Swivel the laser 180 degrees and mark the center of the line on target #bel this mark B1.Move the PLS480 six inches away from and facing target #2.Carefully mark the center of the bel this mark B2.Swivel the laser 180degrees and mark the center of the line on target #bel this mark A2.Y ou now have two centers of elevation at each target.Carefully measure the distance between centers of each set of marks.If there is a differ-ence, subtract one measurement from the other.This calibration method magnifies any error by a factor of two.Therefore divide any difference by two to find the true error.Y our PLS480 should have an error of no greater than 1/8in.within 60ft.Target #1Target #2A1+ A2B1+ B2-15’Place the PLS480 on the standard floor base and position the PLS480 so that the down point is visible on the floor.Mark the down point position and without moving the laser also mark the intersecting point at which the two vertical lines meet on the ceiling.Turn the laser 180 degrees and place the down point on the original mark on the floor.The intersecting point on the ceiling should match the original ceiling mark.If there is a difference between the original ceiling mark and second mark,the error of the plumb beam is half that difference.We recommend that you check your PLS480periodically in order to assure its accuracy.。
LightCycler® 480 中文操作说明罗氏医学仪器公司 / 应用科学部门February 2008目录一. 启动机器与软件 3二. 软件设定 --- 开启新实验 5三. 样品编辑9四. 结果分析12五. 报告18六. 数据转移至其它计算机(数据输出与输19 入)七. 使用者管理19一.启动机器与软件•启动机器1.机器主开关位于机器右后方。
待警示灯 (右) 由闪烁橘色灯转变成稳定橘色灯,警示灯 (左) 由橘色转变成绿色 (约三分半钟),表示机器已经启动完成。
3.按压机器正面上唯一的按钮,放入已经封膜完成之 96 或 384 孔盘。
•启动软件1.开启计算机,并以正确的使用者名称与密码登入 Windows。
User name: OPERATORPassword: LC4802.开启 LightCycler 480 软件,并输入正确的使用者与密码。
二.软件设定-- 开启新实验•设定新实验1.软件开启后,会进入主画面。
点选“New Experiment”。
•设定实验❖若要套用设定好的实验步骤 (Template),请跳至 6.。
1.在实验设定画面上方,先选择适当的 Detection Forma t。
选项包含:另外可再点选“Customize” 勾选所需的滤片组合。
2.输入反应体积: 96 well plate 范围为 10-100 ul,而 384 well plate 范围为 5-20 ul。
3.设定实验步骤 (Program)•设定 program,包含有 Pre-incubation, Amplification (PCR), Melting curve (optional) 与 Cooling。
•设定循环数目 (Cycle) 与分析模式。
功能特点LC480软件1.5中文版本拥有以下主要功能特点:数据处理- 数据导入:支持从LC480仪器或其他PCR仪器导入实验数据。
- 数据分析:可对数据进行统计分析,包括周期数(Cq)、标准曲线以及PCR效率。
- PCRD-PCR反应设计:提供简便快捷的PCR反应设计工具,帮助用户优化PCR反应条件。
结果解释- 结果可视化:以图表形式展示PCR扩增曲线、熔解曲线和标准曲线,帮助用户直观地解释实验结果。
- 结果导出:支持将结果导出为图像文件或数据文件,方便用户进行进一步的数据处理和分析。
数据管理- 项目管理:支持创建、编辑和删除项目,方便用户对实验数据进行组织和管理。
- 数据备份与恢复:提供数据备份和恢复功能,保障数据的安全性和可靠性。
多样性分析- 样本分组:支持针对实验样本进行分组分析,方便比较和对照分析。
- 丰度分析:提供注释和分类功能,帮助用户对实验样本的物种丰度进行分析。
导入和导出- 模板导入:支持导入模板文件,减少手动输入的工作量。
480M Series Loudspeaker Management SystemUser ManualXilica Audio DesignImportant Safety Instructions1. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONSAll the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated. 2. KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONSThe safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.3. HEED ALL WARNINGSAll warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.4. FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONSAll operating and use of instructions should be followed.5. DO NOT USE THIS APPARATUS NEAR WATERDo not use the product near water. For example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like.6. CLEAN ONLY WITH DRY CLOTHUnplug the unit from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.7. DO NOT BLOCK ANY VENTILATION OPENINGSSlots and openings in the cabinet back or bottom are provided for ventilation, to ensure reliable operation of the limit and to protect it from overheating. These openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat source. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacture's instructions have been adhered to.8. DO NOT INSTALL NEAR ANY HEAT SOURCESThis Product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, stoves, orother products (including amplifiers) that produces heat.9. DO NOT DEFEAT THE SAFETY PURPOSE OF THE POLARIZED OR GROUNDING-TYPE PLUGA Polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug hastwo blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prongs are providedfor your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician forreplacement of the obsolete outlet.10. PROTECT THE POWER CORD FROM BEING WALKED ON OR PINCHED PARTICULARLY AT PLUGS, CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLES, AND THE POINT WHERE THEY EXIT FROM THE APPARATUS.11. ONLY USE ATTACHMENTS/ACCESSORIES SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER.12. USE ONLY WITH CART, STAND, TRIPOD, BRACKET, OR TABLE SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER, OR SOLD WITH THE APPARATUS. WHEN A CART IS USED, USE CAUTION WHEN MOVING THE CART/APPARATUS TO AVOID INJURY FROM TIP-OVER. Do not place this unit on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The unit mayfall, causing serious injury to someone, and serious damage to the appliance. A unit andcart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and unevensurfaces may cause the product and cart combination to overturn.13. UNPLUG THIS APPARATUS DURING LIGHTNING STORMS OR WHEN UNUSED FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME.For added protection for this unit during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattendedand unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect theantenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to the unit due to lightning and powerline surges.14. REFER ALL SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. SERVICING IS REQUIRED WHEN THE APPARATUS HAS BEEN DAMAGED IN ANYWAY, SUCH AS WHEN THE POWER SUPPLY CORD OR PLUG IS DAMAGED, LIQUID HAS BEEN SPILLED OR OBJECTS HAVE FALLEN INTO THE APPARATUS, THE APPARATUS HAS BEEN EBSOSED TO RAIN OR MOISTURE, DOES NOT OPERATE NORMALLY, OR HAS BEEN FROPPED.15. WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EBSOSE THIS APPARATUS TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.16. APPARATUS SHALL NOT BE EBSOSED TO DRIPPING OR SPLASHING AND NO OBJECTS FILLED WITH LIQUIDS, SUCH AS VASES, SHALL BE PLACED ON THE APPARATUS.Table of ContentsTable of Contents (4)1.0 Introduction (5)2.0 Features (6)3.0 Front Panel Functions (7)4.0 Rear Panel Functions (9)5.0 Powering Up the Device (10)6.0 Operating the Device (11)7.0 Quick Reference (19)8.0 PC Control Software (20)9.0 Specifications (21)10.0 Warranty (24)1.0 IntroductionThe 480M is a complete 4 input - 8 output digital loudspeaker management system designed for the touring or fixed sound installation markets. The absolute latest in available technology is utilized with 32-bit (40-bit extended) floating point processors and high performance 24-bit Analog Converters. The high-bit DSP prevents noise and distortion induced by truncation errors of the commonly used 24-bit fixed-point devices. A complete set of parameters include I/O levels, delay, polarity, 6 bands of parametric EQ per channel, multiple crossover selections and full function limiters. Precise frequency control is achieved with its 1 Hz resolution. Inputs and outputs can be routed in multiple configurations to meet any requirement. The 480M can be controlled or configured in real time onthe front panel or with the intuitive PC GUI accessed via the RS-232 interface. Software upgrade for CPU and DSP via PC keeps the device current with newly developed algorithms and functions once available. Multiple setup storage and system security complete this professional package.Shipped contents:- 480M Unit- User Manual- Xlink-Software- Power Cord2.0 Features> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 4 Inputs and 8 Outputs with flexible routing32-bit (40-bit extended) floating point DSP96kHz Sampling Rate SelectableHigh Performance 24-bit A/D Converters1 Hz Frequency Resolution6 Parametric Equalizers for each Input and Output Multiple Crossover types with Full Function Limiters Precise Level, Polarity and DelayCPU and DSP upgrade via PCIndividual Channel Buttons with Linking capability 2-Line x 16 Character Backlit LCD DisplayFull 5-segment LED’s on every Input and Output Storage of up to 30 Preset SetupsMultiple Levels of Security LocksRS-232 Interface for PC Control and Configuration Future options available3.0 Front Panel Functions1. Mute keys - Mute/Unmute input and output channels. When an input channel is muted, a red LED will come on for indication.2. Peak Level LED - Indicates the current peak level of the Signal:Signal, -12dB, -6dB, -3dB, Over/Limit. The Input Over LED references to the device's maximum headroom. The Output Limit LED references to the threshold of the limiter.3. LCD - Shows all the necessary information to control the unit.4. Menu Control keys - There are 6 menu keys: <<Menu (Menu Down), Menu>> (Menu Up), <<Cursor (Cursor Down), Cursor>> (Cursor Up), Enter/Sys/Speed and Exit . The functions of each key is explained below:<<Menu: Previous menu screenMenu>>: Next menu screen<<Cursor: Previous cursor in the menu screenCursor>>: Next cursor in the menu ScreenEnter/Sys: Enter is used only in the System Menu to proceedwith selected actionsSys enters the System Menu from the main menu Speed modifies delay and frequency (1 Hz resolution mode) data values by 100X.Exit: Exit to the Main Menu5. Rotary Thumb Wheel - Changes parameter data values. The wheel has travel velocity sensing which ease large incremental data modifications. For modifying delay and frequency (1 Hz resolution), pressing the Speed key simultaneously will increment/decrement the data value by 100X.4.0 Rear Panel Functions1.Main Power - Connects via a standard IEC socket. A compatible power cord is supplied with the unit. The voltage input is either 115VAC or230VAC and is clearly specified on the unit. Voltage requirement has to be stated upon ordering.2. Main Fuse - T200mA-250V. Slow blow type.3. Power switch - Controls power On/Off.4. RS232 - a standard female DB9 socket. A straight through cable is required for PC connection.5. XLR input and outputs - Separate 3-pin XLR connectors are provided for each audio input and output. The device's output stage employs the balanced impedance topology. All I/O connectors have pin 1 as ground (shield), pin 2 as + and pin 3 as -.5.0 Powering Up the Device•After powering up the unit, the following initialization screen is displayed on the LCD:NEUTRINO480 Ⅶ9.05•The initialization process takes several seconds and during that period the unit boots and displays the device model and firmware version. •After the initialization process is finished the 480M displays its main screen:NEUTRINOP01*•The screen shows the current program number and program name assigned to the unit. The program assigned is always the last program the user recalled or stored before powering down the unit.•Now the 480M is ready to operate.6.0 Operating the DeviceTips: Channel Linking - If the user presses one of the Input or Output Menu keys, holds it down and press any other Menu key(s) in the same group (Input or Output group), then the channels are linked together. The green menu LEDs for the linked channels are lit. Any modification of the data for the selected channel will be applied to the linked channels as well. To cancel the linking, just press any other Menu key or the Sys key after releasing the held key.6.1Input menusEach of 480M input channels has a separate Menu key. There are 3 menus for each input channel.Signal - Signal parametersLEVEL - Gain, -40.00dB to +15.00dB in 0.25dB steps.POL - Polarity, can be normal (+) or inverted (-).DELAY - Delay in 21us steps. Can be displayed in ms, ft or m. Thetime unit of the delay can be changed in the System menu. The maximum delay permitted is 21,600 steps (450ms).EQ - EQ parametersEQ# - Selects one of the 6 available Equalizers.LEVEL - EQ level gain. Ranges from -30.00dB to +15.00dB in0.25dB steps.FREQ - EQ center frequency. Ranges from 20 to 20,000Hz in either 1Hz steps or 1/36 octave steps. The frequency steps can be selected in the System Menu.BW - EQ Bandwidth. Ranges from 0.02 to 2.50 octaves in steps of 0.01 octave steps for PEQ. The Q value is automatically shown beneath the octave value. For Lo-Slf or Hi-Shf, it is either 6 or12dB/Oct.Type - Type of EQ. The types can be parametric (PEQ), Lo-shelf (Lo-shf) and Hi-shelf (Hi-shf).Name - Channel name. It is 6 characters in length.6.2 Output MenusEach output channel of the 480M has a separate menu key. There are 6 menus for each output channel.Signal - Signal parameters Refer to the Input Menus for detailsEQ - EQ paramtersRefer to the Input Menus for detailsX’Over - Crossover parametersFTRL - Filter Type of low frequency crossover point (high pass). Types can be Buttwrth (Butterworth), Link-Ri (Linkritz Riley) or Bessel.FRQL - Filter cut-off Frequency of low frequency crossover point (high pass). Ranges from 20 to 20,000Hz in either 1Hz steps or 1/36 octave steps. The frequency steps can be selected in theSystem Menu .SLPL - Filter Slope of low frequency crossover point (high pass). Ranges from 6 to 48dB/octave in 6dB/octave steps. If the selected Filter Type is Linkritz Riley, the available slopes are 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 dB/octave.FTRH - Filter Type of high frequency crossover point (low pass).FRQH - Filter cut-off Frequency of high frequency crossover point (low pass).SLPH - Filter Slope of high frequency crossover point (low pass).Limit - Output LimterTHRESH - Limit Threshold. Ranges from -20 to +20dBu in 0.5dB steps.ATTACK - Attack time. Ranges from 0.3 to 1ms in 0.1ms steps,and ranges from 1 to 100ms in 1ms steps.RELEASE - Release time. Can be set at 2X, 4X, 8X, 16X or 32Xthe attack time.Source - Input Source1,2,3– Input channel source for the current output channel. Can be set to enable the input source (On) or disable it (Off). If more than one input source are enabled, they will be added together asthe source for the current output channel.Ch-Name - Channel Name6.3System MenusThe System Menus allow the user to control and change parameters that are related to the system behavior and general operation. It can be accessed by pressing the Sys key in the main menu (when no Input/Output or System Menu is activated). All System Menus require the Enter key to be pressed for the selected action.Recall - Program RecallThe 480M has a built in non-volatile memory that can store up to 30 different program setups. A program can be recalled using this menu. PROG - Program Number to be recalled..Program Name of the program. This is read only, the userhas no access to them.Store - Program storeThe 480M has a built in non-volatile memory that can store up to 30 different program setups. A program can be stored using this menu. The old program with the same program number will be replaced. Once the program is stored in the flash memory, it can be recalled at a later time, even after power down.PROG - Program Number for the current data to be stored.NAME - Program Name, allows a maximum length of 12characters.Copy - Copy channelsCopy Channels from the source to the target. When the Source and Targets are both Inputs or Outputs, all audio parameters will be copied. When one of the Source or the Target is an input while the other is an output, only the Level, Polarity, Delay and EQ are copied.SOURCE - Channel to be copied from.TARGET - Channel to be copied to.General - General system parametersFREQ MODE - Selects the frequency control mode for EQ and crossover filters. Can be 36 steps/octave or All Frequencies (1 Hz resolution).DELAY UNIT - ms, ft or m.DEVICE# - Assigns the device ID from 1 to 16. This ID is useful when a network of more than 1 unit is present.Security - Security LocksThe 480M enables the user to secure the unit and prevent undesired changes in the setup. In order to lock/unlock the unit the user must enter the correct password.PASSWORD – The password of the 480M is 4 characters in length. The user can change it via the PC application software. Thefactory default of a new unit does not require a password.7.0 Quick Reference8.0 PC Control SoftwareThe 480M is shipped with a special PC Graphic User Interface (GUI) application - XLink. XLink gives the user an option to control the 480M unit from a remote PC via the RS232 serial communication link. The GUI application makes it much easier to control and monitor the device, allowing the user to get the whole picture on one screen. Programs can be recalled and stored from/to PC’s hard drive, thus expanding the storage to become virtually limitless.9.0 SpecificationsInputs and OutputsInput Impedance: >10k OhmsOutput Impedance: 50 OhmsMaximum Level: +20dBuType: Electronically balancedAudio PerformanceFrequency Response: +/- 0.1dB (20 to 20kHz) Dynamic Range: 115dB typ (unweighted) CMMR: > 60dB (50 to 10kHz) Crosstalk: < -100dBDistortion: 0.002% (1kHz @+4dBu)Digital Audio PerformanceProcessor: 32-bit (40-bit extended) Sampling Rate: 48kHzAnalog Converters: High Performance 24-bit Propagation Delay: 3msFront Panel ControlsDisplay: 2 x 16 Character Backlit LCD Level Meters: 5 segment LEDButtons: 9 Mute Controls9 Gain/Menu Controls6 Menu ControlsDial Encoder: Embedded Thumb WheelConnectorsAudio: 3-pin XLRRS-232: Female DB-9Power: Standard IEC SocketGeneralPower: 115 / 230 VAC (50 / 60Hz) Dimensions: 19”x2.45”x8” (483x88x203 mm) Weight: 9.47lbs / 4.295kgAudio Control ParametersGain: -40 to +15dB in 0.25dB steps Polarity: +/-Delay: Up to 50ms per I/OEqualizers (6 per I/O)Type: Parametric, Hi-shelf, Lo-shelf Gain: -30 to +15dB in 0.25dB steps Bandwidth: 0.02 to 2.50 octaves (Q=0.5 to 72)Crossover Filters (2 per Output)Filter Types: Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz Riley Slopes: 6 to 48dB/octLimitersThreshold: -20 to +20dBuAttack: 0.3 to 100msRelease: 2 to 32X the attack timeSystem ParametersNo. of Programs: 30Program Names: 12 character lengthDelay Units: ms, ft, mFrequency Modes: 36 steps/oct, 1Hz resolution Security Lock: Lock/UnlockCopy channels: All parametersChannel Names: 6 character lengthNote: Specifications subject to change without notice10.0 WarrantyThe 480M is warranted covering materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year, as determined by the date of retail purchase (according to the sales receipt from an authorized dealer) or the date of manufacture if the sales receipt is not available (according to the serial number). This warranty applies to the product; therefore, the remainder of the warranty period will be automatically transferred to any subsequent owner. This warranty applies only to failure of a PSE product caused by defects in materials and workmanship during the stated warranty period. It does not apply to a unit that has been subjected to abuse, accident, modification, improper handling/installation, or repairs made without factory authorization or by anyone other than authorized PSE Field Service Stations. This warranty is void if the serial number has been defaced, altered or removed. Products covered by this warranty will be repaired or replaced at the option of PSE, without charge for materials or labor, provided all the terms of this warranty have been met.For factory service, please call or email for a Return Authorization (R/A) number before shipping. If the product is shipped, the following information must be included in the package:1. Owner’s complete name, daytime phone numb er, return street address and return authorization number.2. The serial number of the product being returned and a copy of the retail sales receipt, if possible.3. A complete description of the problem(s) experienced, including a brief description of how the equipment is being used and other equipments involved.。
LightCycler480 Software 1.5软件操作(中文版)第一部分基本界面及图标概述:一、Overview界面Exit:关闭LC480软件Log off:从目前使用的数据库中退出并可登陆其他的数据库Overview:点击该图标进入“Overview”界面Navigator:点击该图标进入“Navigator”界面,可进行数据的导入导出等操作,详见。
Save:点击该图标进行保存Export:导出当前打开的文件Close:关闭当前打开的文件Print:打印当前打开的窗口Tools:打开“Tools”界面,可进行密码修改,建立和编辑用户,系统设置,查看数据库状态、仪器状态、滤光片组合等操作Help:查看软件版本,操作说明书等二、New Experiment 界面Run Module:编辑、运行或查看PCR程序及查看PCR实时数据Subset Editor:点击该模块后可进行子集的编辑Sample Editor:点击后进行样品信息的编辑Analysis Module: 点击进行结果分析或查看已保存的分析结果Report Module:选择需要的内容以报告的形式给出结果Summary Module : 查看实验的总体概况,包括实验名称,所用的程序,检测模式,滤光片组合等。
概况的内容由系统自动生成三、Navigator 界面Import:导入一个文件Export:导出一个文件Batch Import:导入一批数据Batch Export:导出一批数据New:新建一个实验或文件夹New Folder:新建一个文件夹Open:打开一个文件Rename:重命名Delete:删除选中的目标Copy:拷贝选中的目标Note:所有上述图标在深蓝色时为激活状态,灰色时为灭活状态也就是不可用状态。
如果没有,点击桌面“Exor4 for XDMS_R”快捷方式文件。
然后右键点击图标,左键点击“Show”一栏,如最后一句话显示“Exor 4 server is running”表示数据库加载成功。
如果显示“Exor4 failed to start”则表示数据库没有加载上,关闭该窗口,右键点击图标,选“Shutdown”一栏,退出数据库,重新点击桌面“Exor4 for XDMS_T”文件,加载数据库。
然后点击桌面“LightCycler480 Software”快捷方式文件,运行该软件。
如: 标准用户(Standard User)、专业用户(Expert User)、管理者(Local Administrator)。
一般实验室建议建立专业用户(Expert User)用户名,然后以该用户名登录软件进行实验操作。
建立新用户操作:打开LightCycler480 操作软件,点击右侧按钮打开“Tools”工具栏,选择“User Access/Users and Groups”选项。
在右边窗口中点击“New User”键,在右边“Enter the user’s full name”一栏中填写用户的全名,在“”Enter the name the user wants to log in as”一栏填写用户登录名,在“Enter the user’s password”一栏中输入密码(密码须含有6个以上字母,1个以上数字,其中有至少一个字母大写),在“Confirm the password”一栏中重新输入一次密码,加以确认,在“Select the user’s role”一栏中选择用户级别,然后点击右下方“Close”按钮加以确认。
在“Tools”工具栏中的“System Settings”界面中可以设置各用户级的权限,以及密码的时效。
四.建立实验程序打开LightCycler480 操作软件,成功登录后点击按钮,进入New Experiment/Run Protocol程序设置界面。
在“Detection Format”一栏中选择所使用的荧光检测技术,可选择各类探针和染料,如常见的SYBR Green I染料、Mono Color Hydrolysis Probe单色TaqMan水解探针、Multi Color Hydrolysis Probe多色TaqMan水解探针。
在“Programs”界面中设置实验程序:在“Program Name”下方命名程序,“Cycles”一栏内填写该程序的循环数,在“Analysis Mode”一栏选择该程序的分析模式。
定量分析选择“Quantification”,溶解曲线分析选择“Melting Curves”,颜色补偿实验选择“Color Compensation”。
而后在“Temperature Targets”界面内设置所指定程序的内容,在“Target(℃)”处填写目标温度,“Acquisition Mode”处选择信号采集方式,“Hold”一栏填写该温度所持续的时间,“Ramp Rate(℃/s)”处填写升降温速率(注:如目标温度为50℃以下时,为了减少硬件的损耗,必须将降温速率调至1.5℃/s以下)。
如一个程序有多个步骤,则在Temperature Targets界面的左侧处点击,增加步骤;也可点击上下箭头调整各步骤的先后顺序。
具体操作如下:点击按钮右侧的下拉箭头,选中“Save As Template”选项,系统默认将实验程序模板文件保存在所登录的用户名下“Templates”目录中,用户可将其存放在其下的子目录“Run Templates”下,填写该程序模板文件的名称,点击“√”按钮即完成保存。
调用模板程序时可点击“Apply Template”按钮,从目录树中选定所要调用的模板,点击“√”按钮确认。
五.样本设置1、样本亚组编辑:LightCycler480软件拥有一个独特的样本编辑管理功能——亚组编辑(Subset Editor),即将反应板上所有的样本根据用户需要分成亚组,对亚组进行独立地分析定量。
具体操作如下:在“New Experiment”界面中,点击左侧按钮,进入Subset设置界面,点击按钮新建亚组,并给其命名。
2.样本属性编辑点击New Experiment界面左侧按钮设置样本信息。
在“Workflow”一栏在选择实验方案:Abs Quant:绝对定量或定性分析;Rel Quant:相对定量;Scanning:基因扫描;Color Comp:颜色补偿;Tm:熔解温度检测;Melt Geno:熔解曲线法基因分型;Endpt Geno:终点法基因分型。
在Select Samples/Subset选项中选定待编辑的样本亚组:在界面右方编辑各样本的名称属性等:Pos:样本在96孔板或384孔板上的座标位置;Repl Of:重复样本设置;Sample Name:样本名称;Quantification Sample Type:定量样本类型;Concentration:浓度;Target Name:检测类型。
各样本的名称可参考以上“Sample Name”中的命名习惯(STD表示标准品、NC表示阴性对照、Positive表示阳性对照、Sample表示待检测的未知样本),也可以自行编辑。
在“Quantification Sample Type”一栏内需要对各样本的类型进行明确地编辑(标准品选Standard类型、阴性对照选Negative Control类型、阳性对照选Positive Control类型、未知样本选Unknown类型),此外标准品系已知浓度的阳性样本,其设定为Standard类型后还需在Concentration一栏中对各标准品分别设定其相应的浓度,以及在Abs Quant/Units填写框中填写相应的浓度单位,如copies、pg等。
在Target Name一栏中可以填写该检测实验所要检测的指标,如乙肝病毒、禽流感病毒、沙门氏菌等。
如在实验中需要设置重复样本的,可在Repl Of一栏中填写该样本其所重复的样本的座标号(注意,只能填写座标号,不能填写样本名)。
如进行的是多色荧光PCR检测实验,则在Select Filter Combinations一栏中选定各检测通道,分别进行样本编辑。
设置相应较简单,可参考以下设置六.运行实验实验程序和样本均设置完毕后,即可运行实验,具体操作:进入“New Experiment”界面,点击左侧按钮,如反应板已经放入仪器,仪器主机正面右侧的LED灯会由桔黄色变为绿色,软件界面右下边的这时点击“Start Run”按钮,软件界面跳出一对话框提示用户给该实验文件命名,以保存实验结果。